#aurthor curry
elegantwizardtree · 2 years
The problem I have with James Gunn scrapping the DCEU and starting anew, afresh is this: You’ve already got so many Batman and Superman movies. We don’t need more, this is why people are getting tired of these movies, you keep making them and making them and getting new actors to play these characters. I love these characters and I love the movies, but you cannot and I mean CANNOT keep doing this. It’s basically how everyone feels about the Joker now. He’s overused, seen way too much. I mean Batman HAS other interesting and unique characters, use them!
A movie I would absolutely love to see, I swear to god is a proper Batman movie, but Court of Owls centered. Pull a fucking Gotham Knights DC/Warner Bros, don’t leave that shit for video games. FUCK, bring back Scarecrow into the live actionverse, I absolutely LOVED Cillian Murphy’s role as Jonathan Crain. Would anyone be able to top his performance? No, not in my eyes, but it’s still something I would love to see. The same goes for Superman, I swear to fuck, STOP using Lex Luther, yes I get he’s one of the main villains, but our boy in blue as others as well. USE DARKSIDE MORE, Zack Snyder had something going there with bringing him in, fuck man.
Anyways, fuck you James Gunn/Warner Bros. you had every fan excited for this comeback. YOU had Henry Cavill (a man known to love, and I mean absolutely love playing Superman/Clark Kent) excited to reprise his role after he’d been trying for years to get back into it. You gave so many people hope and you fucking squashed it. At this point I’m almost done with these movies. I’m about to stick to comic books only because at least I know what to expect from them.
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misskravitz · 7 years
Aquaman gets pissed and smashes expensive equipment
Bruce: don't do that
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raven-whisperer · 7 years
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lunastar92 · 5 years
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Jason meeting Joaquin!
Joker meeting Aquaman!
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mlawhorn · 7 years
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I'd say Aurthor Currie likes his new plants. I was worried that it was too big. #beta #fish #colorado #pets #betafish #happy #aquaman
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