#author yells into the void
kindlythevoid · 1 month
all these ppl are out here asking for more Wade breaking the fourth wall in fanfics
I’M TALKING BREAKS IN THE FIC WITH A (W/N: I hijacked the author’s note. THEY might be the author, but this story is about ME.) OR IN THE BEFORE/AFTER OF THE FIC WITH A
Wade: You really thought you escaped these interactions back in 2010s fanfic.net?? Really!?!? Author: -_-
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I have a great percabeth apocalypse AU written out but I'm not a story writer so it's point form and I just have to imagine it when I go to sleep at night i guess
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branches-in-a-flood · 4 months
Aight. Did the work. Spent time in the sun. Spent time in the water. Still wanted to kill myself - took some drugs about that. Did the yoga. Going to go read my comfort BDSM story until I pass out.
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angelshadowsinger · 1 year
y’all remember how in the Wattpad days you could comment on any part of the fic you wanted??
like if one line was particularly slay, the people would spEAK U P and you just felt such a sense of delusional unity.
i rly need that to be a thing on here 😔
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authorofemotion · 8 months
I was rereading a fic on AO3 and went to the comment section and like HALF the comments were just people saying “update pls” and “are you coming back??” and words cannot describe the rage I felt
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local-magpie · 10 months
yall i picked up some fae court romance books at target on a whim this week and started reading the first one, The Trial of the Sun Queen (by Nisha J Tuli), and i was Not Prepared to get immediately invested in the MFC, Lor. Girl is incredibly relatable, she literally went from "i want nothing to do with this [being kidnapped from a rival kingdom prison to join a contest to be queen that a human has never survived] fuck this fuck you" to "wait i get magic? that does sound pretty good actually hmmm" which is frankly. the most relatable heroine ive read in a while
also she has a guard named gabriel who is fucking massive, has angel wings, and grabbed her by the throat to slam her into a wall once when she was being a brat. i realize he isnt a love interest but can I fuck him? please?
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karry-on · 3 months
I just read the most heartbreaking kataang fic and I dont know what to do with these feelings.
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leadon-illfollow · 6 months
I just read a fanfic and it's killed a part of me I wish I had someone to talk to about it
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nanashinana · 1 year
Okay so I finished the series and I was kinda really mid about the ending, which was nice given the characters and Mash, but I just felt kinda... empty? Like not in the way where you’re like “this was an amazing manga and now I don’t know what to do with my Sundays anymore” but more like “... that’s it?”
There was just a lot to the world that was left not talked about, like things that just appear and they just accept it. Dot’s Ira Kreuz and Abyss’ Evil Eye are the first thing that came to mind. Also the fact that there are so many double liners in the series when they’re supposed to be rare? But that could be explained by the fact this is an academy for magic. 
Anyways so I’m rewriting the story-
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kideternity · 1 year
Nobody is allowed to have thoughts or opinions about Kraven or even like the topic of darker spider man stories except for me because all of you fuckers only know him/about it from like Kraven's last hunt and sucking JM DeMatteis' xenophobic dick and I've had it. How about you guys read literally any other spider man or Kraven comic before talking about how amazing it is when the entire concept relies so heavily on the idea that JM DeMatteis is an entitled piece of shit who genuinely believed he understood every single nuance of Russian identity and trauma because he read some fucking classic Russian literature (I am not making this up. You can read this on his blog from a post from years ago.) before proceeding to write Kraven in the absolute worst stereotyped way possible down to him thinking that SPIDER MAN is somehow responsible for not only his very upsetting family dysfunction but also for DESTROYING THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE??????? I could not be making this shit up. Like I know comic fans don’t give a shit about xenophobia ever even though it’s basically engrained into most American comics but come the fuck on man
Like block me i don’t care if seeing this upsets you but I'm tired of xenophobia in comics literally never being discussed / outright ignored usually in favour of making up shit about how well the white Americans are written LOL it feels like shit i'm gonna be honest!
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ohohoohhoho i am planning things 4 my book. i have no idea how to self publish yet but i'll worry abt that when i finish this baby >:3 would now also b a good time 2 let u guys know that i have a kofi now?? i'm probs gonna post abt my book on there more, no subscription or payments or anything necessary 2 see anything btw it's just gonna b There
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penbetweenthelines · 2 years
Writing things in blurbs so that I am able to get to my fun scenes and then go back and fill in the blanks has been such a freaking game changer.
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colonel--sarge · 1 year
i just finished writing a poem for the first time in years! it feels so good to have actually written something!
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angelshadowsinger · 7 months
Hi, Angel!💗 I was wondering if you could please share where you learned how to create your masterlist, and profile layout, and how did you upload your dividers without it looking weird? I’m newish to Tumblr and I’m getting a little frustrated because I’m having trouble figuring it out.💗
hii sweetest! yes, of course I can give you some pointers. first of all, welcome to tumblr authorhood!! may you receive many comments and find infinite motivation~
for me, I suppose I’m “self-taught”? but isn’t everyone on this app? lol. actually, I’ve been sharing fic on tumblr for… idk, 8 years on and off ?? omg that’s wild. but yeah, I’ve definitely learned some stuff along the way., here are my key takeaways:
(general) promote interaction:
there’s a couple things I do to try to improve the number of notes I receive on my posts, but there’s also a few things I try my best to do in order to improve my readers’ experience. first, I use tags on every post I publish. I have a tag for asks, for my fics, for my fic recs, etc. This makes it easier for a potential follower to go through with following you even if they don’t like 100% of your content, bc they can always blacklist the tag and they won’t have to see any of those posts. second, use links so that your readers can easily look through your stuff. a masterlist is KEY here as it’s the gateway for all your fics, but also, general navigation, or even linking your masterlist at the end of your fics can be beneficial too. I find it’s also really important to have links in your bio. this makes it way more approachable for any followers and it’s honestly nice to have for your own purposes as well. the only thing about that is, you have to make the links for your bio on the computer version of tumblr when you’re editing your blog. it cannot be mobile, something about it just won’t work. i can go into further detail on how to get those bio links but tbh i just looked it up on google 5yrs ago and it’s stayed the same since then lol~
obviously my blog doesnt have a “theme” theme when you visit it on computer, but i mean theme as in, all your navigation/general/fic posts are cohesive and they look like they belong on the same blog. you can achieve this by using the same fonts, text symbols (or emojis…. i guess. personally, side eye…), or dividers.
so beyond the 3 fonts tumblr has in its posting formatting, i personally like to use copy paste fonts. they still work with embedding links and stuff as well. i like to use a font generator, where you type in whatever you’d like and it converts it for you. then you can just copy & paste.
text symbols:
these are a good for borders and dividers, or just generally spicing up your bio/navigation. i usually google “text symbols copy paste”, and browse through the results.
when you’d like to use a photo divider on your blog, make sure it is a very skinny PNG file. PNG means it has a transparent background, so it will be more cohesive for your readers on regular white posts and also dark mode posts. I actually designed my own PNG divider (Azriel’s siphon of course hehe) on my iPad on ProCreate, but I know there’s a lot of blogs that make them and share them, which you can use so long as you give proper credits. that’s another thing that’s important— always make sure to credit others if you’re using work that isn’t yours!
most importantly, I recommend always TESTING these methods!! make sure to double check that all your links work, that the symbol you choose doesn’t become an emoji when you paste, that the font is all set. there’s a lot of trial and error involved in making your blog just right :) hope this helps & good luck anon!!
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authorofemotion · 2 years
I now have living proof that God cares more about my sleep schedule than I do cause last night one of the sisters came and turned off our room’s light at 9:00 pm because she thought no one was in here and none of us got up to turn it back on we all just went to sleep
and tonight we’re doing perpetual adoration and my room’s hour is 11:00 pm which is the first shift. so I’m going to be getting the maximum amount of interrupted sleep possible
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kiloskywalker · 2 years
Hello!  Everything is Fine!
Hi I’m Kilo (not my real name)!  Welcome to Fly Away!  Here’s a little about me: 1. M, Gay 🏳️‍🌈, pronouns are He/Him 2. I’m 27, live in Washington, DC, and I currently work as a pilot for a major US airline.  I love airplanes and answering questions about my dream job so feel free to ask! 3. I’m OBSESSED with 9-1-1 Lone Star and Tarlos, that’s probably 99% of the things you’ll see on here. 4. I’ve been a lurker for a really long time, and just haven’t interacted with the wider fandom yet but I’ve decided that I need friends to gush about this show with so here we are. 5. I enjoy reading fics on AO3 you can find me there under: kilo_skywalker, I probably have around 1500 fics bookmarked, (I know I have a problem). 6. I am working up the courage to start posting my own fics, I’m working on a few, feel free to ask about them!  I’m always looking for editors! 7. My ask box is open so come on down!
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