#autism gang autism gang
thecattishdragon · 3 months
felt like making something silly
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Autism gang
Original image under the cut
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lady-lazagna · 9 months
i hope u dont mind me throwing in three little guys for thr oc ask
ashton vita and acec >:3
I mind very much how DARE you >:0 /j
I’ll start with our resident Filipino legend Acec since he’s in the same timeline as my gang. Xe’s a very OuO guy, so I think at first Ash and Kylie would be a bit put off, maybe try but struggle to hold conversations with him. They may eventually they warm up to him when they realise xe is just A Guy and not a changling of some kind. But fellow autism Madina knows there’s no need for flowing conversations when you have funny little pictures to share. They’d hit it off best with their simultaneous lack of seriousness and genuine sincerity. They snoop around team Dungeon collecting The Goss. They sit quietly and watch mcyt videos for hours on end, eyes dead and legs bouncing. Madina would pick him up and swing him around like Mario swinging Gay Bowser. Also they both like beautiful men. Maybe they can double date and re-introduce Tsubasa and Bao to each other, since they definitely do not remember each other at all. God bless amercia o7
Trucker Dave is the person who’s most likely to know Vita and the crew since he's Coach Steel’s husband. Idk if Steel’s still the main coach in the Zero Era but ain’t no way he’s out of there completely, so Dave still passes through from time to time. And if he notices a kid having a rough time, he'll try to offer a bit of Queer Trucker Wisdom. With Vita being the leader of her team and also queer, it's likely Dave could notice her going through some Stuff and give some good ol' advice, maybe let her pet his dog while she vents a bit. They both seem to have very calming and trusting presences so I think they'd get on quite well.
Now, ASHANTI. Ash would LOVE Vita. In her time, she was the only female team leader in the championships, so seeing an up-and-coming female team leader would be absolutely delightful. At that point she's also a beyblading coach, so maybe she could reach out and give some advice? Offer some training or even a mentorship if she can stand being in the US for that long? They're both sort of "older sister" figures, so she could also help Vita navigate the feelings that come with that (also them combined with Aria and Kylie?? Slay).
The Birrung girls would see Ashton Angsto and think "man aren't we glad we had no dudes on our team" or maybe "wow the kids these days have problems. we had problems once." But they don't see him as a threat to anyone as much as just a dickhead who'll hopefully learn about the magic of friendship, as all other minor dickheads in the championships tend to do. So long as he stays in his lane and doesn't join any evil corporations, they won't sick any wild hounds on him (although if Ash is also Vita's mentor... then that might change. Go full Madina mode if you know what I mean (I really don't care that you're a baby, I'll snap your neck like a twig)).
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anxeious · 1 month
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athanmis · 2 months
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dungeon meshi screen caps but hermitcraft🥲
i shit you not the reason this happened was because i saw gem fanart of her as an elf and i just got caught up with dungeon meshi (anime) and i was like holy shit it's marcille!!! and also etho is certified autism monster freak!!!!!! AND i saw chilchuck with "the most big beautiful brown eyes you've ever seen" and thought bdubs
dwarf impulse is too good and bdubs would be half foot buttttttt character wise chilchuck is not bdubs but shut up🙅🙅🙅
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nicktoonsunite · 24 days
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Every time I look at your blog nicktoons unite becomes my category 7 autism event of the week
So real of you
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autistics when the function has a swing set
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tazma-art · 2 months
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turbineface · 1 month
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u guise will NEVER guess who my favorite tfa characters are!!!! its IMPOSSIBLE
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also drops this vile CREATURE then EXPLODES AND DIES
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homeofhousechickens · 2 months
Btw this blog is a safe place for people with low empathy. Having low empathy doesn't mean someone doesn't know how to be kind or a good person, especially towards animals. Different mental illnesses, disorders, and neurodivergences can lead to low empathy and those people aren't bad people because of it.
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birdhand-art · 7 months
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My first submission to Xerox Candy Bar has officially been published!! I'm so excited to share the Monsters & Cryptids edition with everyone on distribution day :]
Thank you so much to everyone at XCB! Y'all are amazing and i'm so interested to see what comes next 👀
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clownsarthouse · 6 months
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For ya'll who like Ultimis crew. EVIL AUTISM GANG!!!
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n4rval · 6 months
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mystery pile
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ellzilla · 10 days
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Everyone say hi to Dewgoji
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ik I'm super late to the godzilla redesign party from a few months ago at this point but oh well. Might make a thing like this for my Emperor Ghidorah I've shown a few times. And Angirus and Mothra and- *dies*
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
i just wanted to say to every disabled person: Someone doubting your condition or telling you you don't have something doesn't change whether or not it's happening. someone's disbelief of gravity doesn't change the effect of its forces. you are the expert, don't worry about what someone else says about your lived experience, especially strangers. you know you best
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ampharosee · 3 months
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Persona 4 lineup I forgot to post!! ^_^
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idrewagiraffe · 8 months
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it's been like... 8 months?? since i last posted something on here.
anyways!! here's your favourite neurodivergent gang enjoying the latest batman comic!!
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