#autistic Todoroki shouto
punkeropercyjackson · 9 months
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t4t autistic4autistic goth4pastel Todomomo moodboard,aka canon Todomomo
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A little rant over the why I consider that Todoroki Shouto is autistic
Disclaimer: As always, this is just one of my many theories. Please don’t attack me for this, if you don’t like it, scroll and continue with your life. 
This is the third mha character that I have analysed, and I also think he is the least likely to be autistic (strangely enough because he is also the one more often read as autistic). This is because a lot of his actions can also be read  as trauma responses rather than autistic traits, however, this is your friendly reminder that autistic people can (and are actually statistically more likely) to have PTSD. For Shouto, I think it is both autism and C-PTSD.
This post HAS manga spoilers!
Insistence on sameness, and difficulty dealing with change
Even though this is not explicitly said anywhere (as far as I know), it’s something that you can definitely notice if you look very closely.
Todoroki remodelled his entire dorm in a day for it to be the same as it was in his home for comfort. He even went to the extent of changing the floors. That shows that he has difficulty dealing with transitions (moving from home, to the dorms).
He is also a very stubborn person, shown in his insistence to only use his ice side for so long. And even though we know this is connected to his trauma towards fire, even after he starts overcoming that, he still heavily relies on his ice, and has a tendency (almost a routine) to always using it first. 
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Strong sense of justice
Todoroki has an incredible sense of justice, and not in the ´follow every rule’ way like Iida. Todoroki has never hesitated to break the rules to stand up for what he thinks is right. He literally considered torture in USJ arc, if it meant gaining information that could potentially safe lives. In the Kamino Ward arc, he decided to break the rules and go and save Bakugou because he knew that’s what was right (even if it was illegal). He followed Bakugou and Izuku even though it was dangerous and he technically shouldn’t have, but he still went and fought alongside them. In the ‘World Heroes’ Mission’ movie he didn’t hesitate to help Izuku and tell him how to escape even though he was literally accused of mass murder. I think there are many examples of this in general.
It also shows that he is a very loyal person, which isn’t an autistic trait (I think), just a very cool thing about him.
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Recognizes patterns easier than his peers
I have two specific examples for this. 
Calling himself a hand crusher. He definitely recognized a pattern there. He fought with Midoriya -> He injured his hand. He fought with Iida -> Iida injured his hand. Therefore Hand injuries are caused by him (under this logic).
He was quick to figure out why the villains were at the USJ, and that they definitely had a solid plan. (In a similar way, Tsuyu did the same, who I also headcanon as autistic, but that’s off topic).
Speaking differences/struggles
Todoroki has what can be described as a ‘flat tone’. There are only some very specific scenes where he raises his voice, but in general, his voice tone never really changes. Even when delivering jokes, or sarcastic comments, his tone is always the same. 
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Struggles with social cues and reading other people tones
I believe this is one of his most recognized traits. He has a lot of difficulty understanding sarcasm and exaggeration when it comes from others, even being told by others that he is ‘too clueless’ (Mount Lady, and Min*ta). He takes things very literally, a good example of this being when Mt Lady told him that girls would die for his smile, and he took it very seriously, to the point where not even under Mr. Smileys quirk he didn't actually smile. 
He also struggles ‘reading the room’ and social cues, having in mind the way that he is convinced that he is friends with Bakugou. (He is. Bakugou is just in denial/hj. They definitely care for each other, and they ARE friends. But Todoroki considered him a friend way before Bakugou even considered it).
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Says things directly
Todoroki says things with 0 to no hesitation. He is not afraid at all to call people out. He says things like they are, he doesn't sugar code anything. There are many examples of this, like him fighting with the chief of the police, every possible interaction he has had with Endeavor, him saying that he didn’t even notice Hagakure was with him in the USJ, him telling Midoriya that he is objectively better than him and others. Trauma dumping on Midoriya during the sports festival. This might come out as rude sometimes, but he definitely (mostly) doesn't do it with bad intentions. 
‘Flat’ facial expressions
Same as his voice, his facial expressions don’t really change, and it could be argued that they don't match his emotions. For example when he froze Sero during their fight in the sports festival, and even though he didn’t really looked angry, he apologises and tells him that he was angry. 
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Comfort food and being a ‘picky’ eater (term that I don’t personally like, but I’m using to make a point)
Shouto really likes Soba. Especially cold soba. He is seen eating it in the anime, and it is stated in the character profile of the manga’s second volume. He even offers it to Midoriya when he is sad (that was really cute by the way, I do that too. You’re sad? Let me get some chocolate for you!)
It being cold can be because of two things. 
Sensory issues about food temperature.
Him not liking boiling water because of what happened with his mother.
Either way, it is canon that he loves cold soba.
Genetic factor
I am not here to do an Endeavor analysis, but ASD is considered to have a genetic factor and Endeavor has some autistic traits as well, including fixated interests, saying things directly, difficulty with volume control, and others.
This is also your friendly reminder that autistic people are NOT saints and can commit crimes, mistakes, abuse etc. 
Moving on because I don’t enjoy talking about Endeavor /hj
Low empathy and difficulty reading other people emotions
Just like Bakugou, he struggles identifying and expressing his own emotions, and has difficulty relating to other people's feelings. I think a perfect example of that is his interaction with Iida during the Hero Killer arc. He also stuggled with this a lot after Dabi revealed he was his brother, and he definetly had problems grieving him.
He also doesn't really know how to show empathy, I think that’s why he offered soba to Deku. He didn’t know what else he could do to help and show that he cared. And he is usually looking for solutions rather than offering support. 
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(not related picture, I just thought his face was really funny here).
Admittedly, I couldn’t find many examples of stimming in him. But I noticed that he has a tendency to rub his finger when he is thinking.
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Special interest
Becoming a hero, and in a way, All Might. I don’t have much proof of this rather than a vibe, but he doesn’t have any other interests or hobbies apart from this (apart from reading manga), which leads me to believe it’s his special interest. 
Other details that I want to mention (aka, the headcanon zone)
He is often seen wearing sweaters, which I believe can be a consequence of sensory issues, and he has a very high pain tolerance. He is very observant as well.
I don’t have proof of this, but I headcanon that he is like me, and doesn’t notice that there is something wrong with him unless it’s extreme. I rarely notice that I need to go to the bathroom until I’m about to pee myself. I live constantly dehydrated because I forget to drink water and I don't really get thirsty. And I don’t notice I’m in  pain unless it’s pretty extreme. 
That’s it, thank you for reading! I love Todoroki. When I started the series he very quickly became one of my favourite characters. 
Next up in my list, Shigaraki!
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broccoliboix5peepeeman · 10 months
5 & 6?
5. something you see in fics a lot and love
*Chanting* Autistic Shoto! Autistic Shoto! Autistic Shoto!
6. something you see in art a lot and love
It's gotta be short but beefy Izuku! I feel like a lot of people drawing m|m often "twinkify" the smaller person, so I love it when artists draw him strong/stocky af instead!
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kishiqo · 1 year
y'all have to got to realize that the autism comes from somewhere
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amaranthdahlia · 3 months
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give it up for mhas big three of thirdwheels
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Boys Side A Round 1 Match 9
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Shouto -
"has resting bitch face, but is actually a really sweet boy, he's just not generally very expressive. he has a tendency towards black and white thinking, eg "my father is bad, I don't want to be anything like him, part of my superpower resembles his, therefore, I can't use that part of my power" he also tends to see connections that other people might not, and assigns meaning to coincidences that they don't actually have, eg noticing that both of his new friends badly injured their hands while becoming friends with him and concluding that he's cursed and they got hurt because of him."
Sunny -
"Sunny has been told that his face is not expressive. He doesn't talk a lot and he often gets lost into his imagination. He is a great listener and recalls a lot of information being told he has a great memory (he is able to remember a whole speech about flower symbolism that his friend told him). He is compared to a cat."
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corujalesbica · 1 year
Tododeku autism creature
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mik3stuff · 11 months
Touya behind the glass wall:....how did- how did you overcome the pain
Shoto in the other side of the room:...I didn't
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undergoing-mitosis · 7 months
one of my favourite pairings is a dramatic blonde with anger issues and inferiority complex who likes to think he's hot shit, who is incredibly ambitious and dedicated yet is a complete little shit when he needs to be, and who lets absolutely nothing stand in the easy from his reaching his goals, apart from some kid who has always one upped him in every way and who he has therefore developed an irrational unrequited rivalry towards (said kid actually quite likes him but doesn't know how to express this fact), x a green eyed freckled nerd.
no this post is not about bakudeku. this post is about mello x matt.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
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Jason Todd.Also Megumi Fushiguro.Also Percy Jackson but by P*rcicos and gods fuckers specifically.Also Todoroki Shouto.Also Sasuke Uchiha.Also Ichigo Kurosaki.Also Hobie Brown.Also Marshall Lee Abadeer.Also Prince Zuko.Also Nicholas D. Wolfwood-Y'know you guys get it
(Oh woah,almost 400 notes and like almost 100 at least don't realize i'm insulting you and calling you basic pick mes.Well,thanks for liking and subscribing anyway ig)
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slaytism · 1 year
Kaminari (out of nowhere): I think Midoriya and Todoroki are Autistic
Bakugo: How’d you figure that out?
Kaminari: Have you been in a room with them for more then 5 seconds?
Kirishima: That tracks
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fatiguedcorvid · 2 years
the Dekusquad is the very image autism
it kinda hit me a while back that the dekusquad collectively are the quintessential image of autism.
Midoriya is the the most stereotypical image of a special interest i've ever seen. his incessant documentation and categorizing of quirks and heroes is high key autistic behavior, and the sheer amount of time he can go on talking about a subject without pause is the biggest mood there is.
Iida's reliance on rules and routine, which seems to be very important to him on a personal level, not just being a goody two shoes, is also quite autistic. his constant arm movements are quite stimmy (like that one scene of him brushing his teeth).
Uraraka represents sensory issues. using her quirk is overstimulating for her, and she uses specialised garments on her hero uniform to regulate herself, and if she doesn't she get overstimulated presented as nausia.
Tsuyu's way of standing and the way she holds herself and her arms, are notable. also 'kero' is and excellent vocal stim and i encourage everyone to use it constantly. she's also very blunt and straightforward, like when she inadvertently roasts Bakugou on the bus to the USJ.
Todoroki is social and communication stuff. it doesn't seem to come naturally to him. for example he seems to have a hard time intuiting what bakugou, who never hold back his emotions, is feeling based on his tone of voice an expression. or like when Mt Lady tries to interview him and he takes her words literally because she won't just say what she means. he doesn't really express his emotions on his face the same way the other characters do. like in the ova, everyone said his laughter seemed weird and stilted compared to the others. also soba is his favorite safe food.
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shibaraki · 10 months
I associate some writers with being able characterize some characters perfectly. You are the shouto blog to me. Everything you say about him is cannon.
looking at u with my big glassy eyes right now this is a huge honour!!!!!!
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clownantihero · 8 months
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I think rikidou and shouto should hang out tbh
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
shoto propaganda he is The autistic boy. someone told him that if he smiled more "the ladies would drop dead" and his response was "if i smile at them they'll die???" you cannot convince me he's neurotypical. i know most people don't like bnha because it's "that hyper-toxic ship fandom" but i need him to win
He is So autistic I love him ❤️
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punkpendulum · 7 months
I'm rewatching MHA and anyone who tries to tell me Todoroki isn't autistic is a FOOL
My man saw Izuku crying at lunch (ep 70) and said "you want half of my soba?" That is the most autistic way of comforting people. Every autistic person I know either says would you like x food or offers some sort of hot drink. If it's online it's whatever is the equivalent for your friendship, for me it's always cute animal pictures. He's so sweet and so autistic and I love him
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