#ava being absolutely obsessed with her would be on point
brenshor · 1 year
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Listen it doesn't NOT work
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hey!! I'm obsessed w your writing about butch bea -- it's been super life-giving and I feel so seen when I read it :) lol it's gotten to the point where I am BEGGING my gf to watch warrior nun for the sake of being able to read the butch bea universe... anyways. it's incredible. show-stopping. legendary.
I did have a question, though -- what kind of music do you think bea listens to? to me (read: I'm projecting lol) she'd love "take the sadness out of saturday night" by bleachers, "in defense of my own happiness" by joy oladokun, and boygenius (both the first ep & all three of their solo work). and of course ava loves to sing "solid" by muna to bea.
anyways, again, I LOVE this universe & am very grateful that you've spent so much time & energy fleshing it out :) have a great day!
well i have none of these songs as ones bea would listen to but that’s cool! do whatever u want!! i have no agenda w music ppl fuck w so do ur thing lol
maybe bc i’m in LA, but i think she’s p vibey. lots of frank ocean, moses sumney, blood orange. especially blond & negro swan as like fundamental albums for her. bea is also fun!! i think she loves like alicia keys & tlc, really good classic r&b, & subsequently like solange. also i obviously love arooj aftab but i do stand by like. the supreme holiness in her music so i think bea would rly love it. it’s like profoundly undeniable. in that vein, sufjan stevens & leonard cohen as well. i think bea would also rly love like… karen o, silversun pickups, paramore kinda vibes too when she’s Feeling It. & god help anyone who ever plays a love supreme for her
mm for me ava is a pop girly!! which is my favorite!! i literally mean this w like i think pop is the most supreme genre of all time ever, so like… carly rae! charli xcx! caroline polacheck! she is here to feel! she is here to have fun! she is here to be sexy! she is here to be sad! she is here to be in love! the intelligence & excess of pop & its like silly yet obsessive nature,,, how could ava not fall in love. how could anyone not fall in love. pop forever. + the entirety of the insecure soundtrack (which bea probably has half of on vinyl) — best show of all time re:music. (somewhere in there there’s them watching insecure as an ode to LA but i digress lol). i do think ava also probably loves anything justin vernon does (hymn alternatives, the poet of our generation — a word about gnosis, it ain’t gonna buy the groceries), & also she loves contemporary classical.
both of them are absolutely feral abt florence + the machine, all of her discography but i think her latest album maybe more than anything
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I hope it’s okay to send this to you, figured you might be interested in hearing about an OC.
So it takes place in the Stranger Things universe. I am obsessed with this show and just absolutely love everyone but when I first met Eddie’s character I was hooked on him. I basically went manic and made a sort of self insert character just to be close to him (god help me) 😂
Her name is Ava Harrington, Steve’s younger sister by a year. Just like Steve she’s grown up to do anything and everything to please their absent parents in the hopes of pleasing people that’ll never truly be pleased. She’s a cheerleader, A student who gets the occasional B, went to gymnastics camp, etc.
Sure people see her as the perfect sister to the perfect Steve the Hair and expect her to be as popular and cool as him. Everyone but Eddie. She had seen him around, interacted occasionally, but really got to know him around her freshman year when he catches her crying and having an anxiety attack under the bleachers (pressure if tough y’all)
They eventually become friends because they understand each other and connect despite living such different lives. She doesn’t have to pretend around him, and he feels he can slowly let his guard down around her. They finally found a genuine person they can call friend
Eventually they end up secretly dating and it comes to light at some point in season 4. But I haven’t shared this with anyone and wanted to finally share Ava Harrington with someone that would appreciate her/appreciate a ST OC. There’s a lot more to her story and their relationship, how she fits in, etc but wanted to share the idea with you. I started it right after watching episode 2 and wrote as I watched haha
-AvaAnon (I’ll try to come up with a better anon name)
This is all amazing! And hey, absolutely no hate for a self insert OC. Why do you think I have so many? 😂
Do other people know about her friendship with Eddie? How does Eddie feel about being kept a secret? What kind of things do they do together? Tell me more!
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honeysofte-archieve · 3 years
only one.
Fandom: The Wayhaven Chronicles
Rating: T
Pairing: Female Detective/Ava du Mortain
Word Count: 1,776
Genre: love confessions hell yes!
i’m here a year later offering you a continuation to my first ever wayhaven fic: say your piece (or let her free) (18+, nsfw). excuse any clumsiness, this year has been THE WORST ever when it comes to writing. i hope you enjoy!!
Vesper knows, of course, that Ava would eventually ask again.
It is pretty much a certainty only biding its time and she is mostly fine with the thought of it coming up again. If their roles were reversed, she would similarly want to know the full details of the point of the matter— knowing her own nature she would be downright obsessive at getting true answers not shrouded by the delirious (although lovely) aftermath of sex.
But Vesper still hasn’t decided what she will actually answer when her time is up and her time runs out surprisingly soon as it’s not even a full day before Ava has seemingly gathered enough courage to ask.
“Detective,” Ava starts, but coughs and corrects herself immediately after Vesper shoots a pointed, even sharp, look over her shoulder. “I mean… Vesper Louise.”
It’s very attractive, hearing her own full name from the lips of the woman she loves and for a long, while both of them only smile at each other, a gentle blossom of a relationship cradled carefully between them, safe and sound, at least for now. Vesper is not optimistic enough to think that something like this, happiness above everything else, could last forever.
[ read at ao3 ♥ ]
“Better,” Vesper answers. Then she frowns and adjusts the temperature of the stove before flipping over the crêpe cooking, or burning, on the frying pan. “Though the Louise is a bit much, don’t you think?”
“It is a beautiful name,” Ava comments somewhere behind her. “You should not be ashamed of it.”
Vesper is glad Ava can only see her back or she would certainly notice the pleased flush on her cheeks. She clicks on the range hood and watches how steam begins to diffuse around the stove, clearing the air in a quick movement. The smell of already cooked crêpes is mouthwatering.
“I’m not ashamed,” Vesper answers with a shrug. She drinks a sip of her half-draught red wine sitting on the counter next to her. “I just think it’s a mouthful to use in everyday conversation.” She pauses. “But it sounds nice… when you say it like that.”
There’s a pinch of genuine curiosity in Ava's voice. “Like what?”
As if you loved me, Vesper thinks but is not brave enough to voice it yet. “Never mind,” she says instead and almost jumps out of her skin when there’s suddenly a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist.
“I would like to ask you something,” Ava says quietly and drops one very cautious kiss on Vesper’s shoulder like she’s not sure whether it’s welcome or not. Vesper revels in it, feeling as if the kiss left an invisible burn mark through her shirt onto her skin.
“Hold that thought,” Vesper answers, a little too hoarsely, before quickly flipping the last one of crêpes on a nearby plate, snapping the stove off and reaching her small body across the counter to be able to rinse her hands in the sink.
Then she deftly hops on the counter and pulls Ava close by folding her arms around Ava’s neck. Now that Vesper is finally allowed to be physically affectionate with her, she won’t stop. She never will. “Okay, all done,” she says cheerfully. “What’s going on inside your head, baby?”
How curious it is that having the permission to use a simple pet name for someone can feel so ground-breaking. She also finds it a little funny calling a 900-year-old powerful vampire baby but so far Ava hasn't protested the nickname beyond a small frown of confusion.
Ava hesitates, her expression a deep frown. Vesper smooths out the wrinkles on her forehead with the tip of her thumb, smiling fondly at Ava who still slightly hovers over her, even like this.
“The station's rumour about you and the… the reporter man. Your former partner, I suppose,” Ava begins, her face scrunching openly with distaste, and Vesper can feel how her own expression falls in the moment of silence that cloaks them under. “Was it true?” Ava asks quietly, watching Vesper carefully under her pale eyelashes and making the other woman feel immediately like the world’s shittiest person alive.
Vesper sighs. She doesn’t want to be dishonest, but she also wouldn’t like them to linger on the topic of Bobby again. “Would it even matter if it was?” she asks, sighs very deeply again afterwards just for the sake of reprimanding her past self.
Vesper Louise Graves, you’re a fucking idiot, will be engraved onto her tombstone, no doubt. Feels exactly on-brand for her.
“I suppose not,” Ava answers after a long stillness of consideration, but she doesn’t seem to be completely sure about her answer. “Regardless, I simply find myself... curious, nonetheless.”
Vesper cups Ava’s rigid jaw onto her palm and presses a simple kiss on her forehead.
“It’s true,” she admits and is prepared for the shudder that travels through Ava’s whole body in the wake of the confession. Her breath quivers with hidden pain she’s gotten too good at hiding, her eyes pressed closed and throat gulping for breath.
“It didn’t mean anything, Ava, not like you do,” Vesper adds carefully, keeping her voice calm and kind. She rubs the corner of Ava’s unhappy mouth with her thumb, though it does nothing to hinder Ava’s crestfallen expression and Vesper feels painfully aware that her choice of words sounds like someone trying to console their partner after an act of infidelity.
Part of Vesper feels like that is what it was. That she betrayed a trust or some unsigned vow of devotion and oh, does she loathe herself for it more than anything. Rational thinking doesn’t help with bone-deep guilt.
"It was a mistake," she continues soothingly, trying to ignore the rapid banging of her heart, open for the world to see. "One made out of sleep deprivation and--"
Vesper quiets and thinks. Ava looks at her keenly and she's not sure what she should continue with for she doesn't want to make Ava feel even worse by admitting the overhead conversation with Nate that influenced the bad choice more than any other reason Vesper could come up with.
"I'm sorry," she murmurs instead, voice regretful and sad. She kisses Ava's temple, lets her lips linger on the sensitive skin longer than necessary. "I'm an idiot," she says quietly into her ear and Ava shivers at the sensation before pulling slowly away.
"You are not an idiot," Ava says, unimpressed. "You're a very intelligent woman as I'm sure you are aware of yourself."
Oh, perfect-- a clear way out. Vesper grabs it like a lifeline.
"I mean... I sure do love science," Vesper answers with a grin and it's not even remotely a lie. "It's kind of my speciality. Like, did you know that orcas are actually just big dolphins, but sort of whales at the same time? Pretty cool, right?"
"Vesper Louise," Ava sighs. She doesn't appear frustrated, but her voice just has a tiny flavour of kind impatience, like she knows how difficult this is for both of them. "You are deflecting."
"No kidding."
There's a long, pointed silence before Ava's brow arches, a tiny, almost mocking gesture. Vesper almost flips her the finger but she's beyond acting like a child. At least, she usually is.
"I just…" Vesper buries her face in the crook of Ava's neck, a place of warmth and comfort, almost. It helps if she doesn't need to meet her eyes. She swallows. Overthinks.
These words end up being true: "You scare the shit out of me."
Ava stills. "Scare you?"
Why does she feel like crying right now? "You scare me because…" Take a deep breath, Vesper Louise, and just say it.
"Because I love you so much I can barely stand it," Vesper finally says, the words that haunt her every waking moment she spends with Ava. It feels good and absolutely horrifying to finally say them aloud.
"I just… I don't know how to describe it any better. I feel like I'm dying, all the time, just thinking about it. About my feelings for you."
Ava is mute while she speaks and Vesper appreciates right now more than ever. Usually, the vampire's silence is frustrating, just another wall between them, but now it feels more like a comfort, a blessing in disguise.
And Vesper is crying now, failing not to, her eyes wet and lips trembling.
"I don't know what else to say," she murmurs. Ava's hand lingers on the back of Vesper's neck which reassures her that Ava is not going to escape, not this time.
"I was scared and hurt so I kissed him and it meant absolutely nothing to me. I don't have room in my heart for anyone else but you. That's all there is to it. I'm sorry."
Ava is still and quiet but remains relaxed in their embrace, her hand moving soothingly across the other one's back. After a while, she presses the smallest of kisses against the curve of Vesper's quivering jaw.
"Thank you," Ava whispers breathlessly and Vesper isn't quite sure what the words even mean. She's about to open her mouth to ask why when Ava tucks a few messy hair strands behind Vesper's ears and lifts her down-turned chin up with a fingertip.
"Please, do not cry, do not be scared," she whispers tenderly and with devotion. "I am the idiot one."
There's choked laughter and a sneeze against a shirt collar. "No shit," Vesper snorts, her eyes shining with happiness. She has never been in love like this, has never felt so protected and safe as she does every moment with Ava.
"You're my idiot, though."
The words are still questioning and hesitant but Ava smiles, smiles like a thousand suns for how bright it is.
"That I am," she says, her green eyes filled with warmth and gentleness, and dare one say it, love. "As you are mine. Always."
This is when Vesper grabs Ava's ears onto her hands and pulls her closer to kiss her with all that she is, with lips and tongue and teeth, because she can't not to. She's allowed to love and be loved, and be imperfect with faults and downsides, and still be someone of value.
Someone of importance to Ava du Mortain.
"Fuck Bobby Marks," Ava mutters darkly onto Vesper's lips when they part for breath, making Vesper's eyes widen in surprise at the crass language before she burst into giggles against Ava's mouth and kisses the frown between Ava's eyebrows away again.
That's right, she thinks.
Fuck Bobby Marks.
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urban-hart · 2 years
it is 3:30 AM, and I am up crafting a completely unnecessary Teacher!Cas AU from the ground up, which will likely end up going absolutely nowhere in the end, but I am lying in bed typing in a creative fever so I may as well take it because it honestly hits all the right notes for me.
And I shall elaborate some elements of the new AU for you specially :) because I may be a bit delirious from being up so early:
- Caspar will still come from a rather poor background. In literally every iteration of his character, his family was living pretty much on their own or at least near a teeny, really spread out town. Not much by way of physical comforts, but enough for them to be quite content. I won't go too deeply into his family's fates just yet, I don't have the mental capacity this early in the morning, but a lot of the same lasting effects they have on him will remain.
- He adopts Eindride, but as a single dad instead of with Agnes. It's just comfier to use fewer characters sometimes. In defense of me, though, I shall elaborate sub-points as to why I think maybe I shall perchance stand firm in this decision:
a. In a modern context, Caspar wouldn't feel as compelled to marry someone just for Eindride to have the traditional mom-dad unit. Social expectations are different nowadays compared to those of a small, most likely Christian 1700s village.
b. I like her character, but the fact of the matter is that her dynamic with Caspar is a pattern he very consistently falls into:
Someone mostly prickly and maybe even cutting toward him shows him a little bit of kindness, he starts to get to know them and see them, and they him, despite their best efforts to hide their emotional turmoil and remain closed off, and he essentially decides "I'm staying <3", which breaks them open at one point or another, and they then become very close friends.
I kid you not, this happens so often. It’s a formula.
c. Lyall fills her role just as well, if not better because his dynamic with Caspar is quite possibly my most favorite of all. And the fact that their relationship lacks any romantic elements is also comfier for me, so, woo. (Platonic co-parenting, anyone?)
- Anyhow, picking up the family financial background thread from way back there: In a modern context, Caspar very likely dropped out of school himself to find paying work as soon as he possibly could to help support the fam. (Fate of whole family is not yet determined. Maybe Calder is still alive, but they aren't talking anymore.)
- Cas would totally work himself into the ground, finishing whatever education he'll need to in order for teaching qualification, just to continue working himself into the ground to help a gaggle of kids succeed in their own school careers and very likely their personal lives as well in addition to being a single dad with a kid who has trust issues.
- Am debating whether he'd teach elementary-grade levels or high school grade levels. Both present some interesting possibilities, but I imagine the education requirements of him would change because of that. Will research not-obsessively because this is just an AU and I am a normal person. :)
- Lyall in this AU will definitely still be a doctor coming from long line of doctors (on his mom's side). He's still a physician.
- With a compacted timeline, Lyall will be still married to Bryda and have two kids with her, and being in the thick of losing his connection with his family over his job--
- I should probably address the matter of where they are. Possibly still Curio, so the small-town rural-doctor bit for Lyall is still intact. Noice.
- Shan will be around too, then. Still regarded as the quirky, closed-off new kid in town, moved abruptly by her mom Ava out of a city.
- Now I need to decide if Caspar has been getting an education online or something?? Can you imagine though? Him, using a computer??? (I laugh, but he would make it work.)
- Really should perhaps research what it takes to became a grade-school teacher.
- I like the addition of little Eindride in this modern AU. He adds something nice here.
- Eindride would provide a reason for Caspar and Lyall to meet since Lyall is the only doctor in town essentially and Cas is, well, the dad and would need discussing/consulting with when it comes to his kid's wellbeing.
i may be running out of steam and should catch some more z's because I have been planning madly now for a full hour. It is now 4:30 AM. Will get back to this, but actually I wouldn't count on it, but I will try because I like this detour quite a bit at the moment.
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Coming up on Bondi Rescue - A Max Ayshford Story
A/N: I've been a tiny bit obsessed with Bondi Rescue recently. Max Ayshford caught my eye, I had to ...
Let me know if you'd be interested in a 2nd chapter. Also available on wattpad.
English ain't my main language, I'm trying to get better at it. Tenses are the worst even in my own language.
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"Kyle, your mom said no more flat rocks, so don't get me started." The 15 years old teenager sighed, throwing his bag on the sand. His body was covered with old scars from the rocks at Bondi Beach.
He used to go there with his friends, and his sister used to follow so their mother asked you to "babysit" them. Maybe she thought they would listen to a young adult, and it worked, most of the time.
You followed them to the shore, making sure they were between the red and yellow flags and watched them from there, water hitting your ankles you smiled as the two of them start splashing each other.
Ava, the soon eighteen years old woman giving an absolute hell to her brother.
"Shoot!" Something touched your calve scaring you, thinking immediatly it was a bluebottle, until you heard a sweet babble. A little toddler with a white skeevy on clang onto your leg. Crouching down to her level, she immediatly climbed into your arms.
"Oh, oh ...hey sweetheart, what's wrong?"
She babbled again, not really alarmed or anything, playing with the little pompoms on your now wet dress.
Looking around you ask if she was with someone, none reclaimed the tiny girl so you stood up.
"Kyle, Ava," you waved at them but they weren't looking at you so you whistled, a loud whistle, they recognized immediatly. Seeing you with a kid in your arms, they frowned.
"A new babysit?" Ava strained her hair, walking out the water.
"I think she's lost, you go back to the towels, I'll go to the lifeguards' tower."
You saw Kyle grinned, already planning a trip to the flat rocks.
"You do not move from your towel or god save your ass!" the kid in your arms chuckled at your menacing voice. Kyle dragged his feet to his towel, defeat written all over his face.
"I'm being serious little one, you can't laugh" you talked to the baby while you make your way to the tower.
"No picking on the girls on the beach remember the rule, Max?"
"I know, I know ..."
"Why's so interesting about her, mate?"
He didn't answer his nagging colleagues' questions as he kept looking at the beach. Since an hour or so, he had been watching you, say like that it sounds creepy, alternating his attention between the sea, the swimmers, and you. Something he couldn't explain had pull his attention to you.
Few minutes later Yatesy chuckled beside him.
"Seems like your girl of interest is coming this way."
"Go open the door!" Jake teased him, Max refuses, his leg jumping with the sudden stress as he watch you come up the stairs.
Jake laughed at Max's reaction as he jogged down the stairs.
A smiley guy opened the door, greeting you.
"Hi, this little one is lost. She came to me on the shore. I couldn't find anyone knowing her."
"Oh alright." Jake leaned in, "Hey sweetie, you come with me?" He tried to get the little girl from your arms but she whined and tightened her tiny embrace around you neck.
"I don't mind staying until you find her parents." You chuckled at the kid's shyness, Jake lead you up the stairs, where two lifeguards were watching the beach.
"Yatesy, Max, get the ladies a chair."
Both of them turned around, greeting you, Yatesy more briefly as he turned back his attention to the beach, the one named Max on the other hand, stood up up his chair a bit clumsily sending this latter back against the desk. He looked around then slide another chair between Yatesy and him.
The man was tall and pretty handsome. You were not expecting that when coming up here.
"The little girl is lost, hm..." Jake looked at you for your name, "Y/N," you intervened. "Y/N," he glanced at Max "Brought her up."
"She came to me and doesn't want to let go since." You poke the kid's chubby chick.
Yatesy radio called the other lifeguards, saying that a little girl had been found and was at the tower if someone was looking for her.
"So, Y/N, you're here on holidays." Jake questioned, mostly for Max, as you took a seat between the two lifeguards.
"Nah I live here, it's been a while since I came to Bondi tho. I'm babysitting my neighbor's troublemakers teens."
Max looked at your features as you talked to Jake and Yatesy. You glanced at him as he was silent, the eye contact and the way he shyly looked at you made you slightly blushed.
Another lifeguard with a big smile barged in, his eyes landed on you and the little girl.
"Here comes the kid's favorite, hey Harries"
But the little girl seeing the big man coming all to jovial to her started sobbing.
"Oi, oi a child who doesn't like Harries."
"What's her name?" Harries asked from afar.
Max leaned in the little girl, holding out a red whistle to her as a toy, to try and calm her down. She didn't take it but stared at him.
"What's your name sweetheart?" He said as you brushed her curls away from her face.
She was about three so you assumed she knew her name at least.
Seeing she was hesitant, you pointed at yourself when she looked at you "Y/N," you articulate then pointed to Max, who was inevitably really close, he followed your "plan". "Max," he said pointing at himself, then pointed at her, waiting for her to say her name.
Still a bit wary looking at the smiley dark hair lifeguard, you nodded as she glanced at you.
"Hazel" she shyly mumbled burying her face in your chest, looking back at Max.
This latter smiled brightly sending a jolt into the pit of your stomach. Damn. His clear eyes on you, you melt a bit at his sweet demeanor.
"Looks like Max won the girl's heart!"
Yatesy cooed followed by the boys, he was talking about Hazel but mate, he might have won yours too.
Glancing at the handsome lifeguard, you selfishly hope it will take time to find Hazel's parents.
Little did you know, the green eyed lifeguard hoped the same.
next part 
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dresupi · 3 years
Kings & Queens - Sansberyn
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for vampireacademy96 2,158 words Rated T Kings & Queens - Ava Max
Sansa was over it. She was supposed to be meeting her betrothed tonight, and she already wished she’d found a way to sneak off. There wasn’t a way to do so now, however. She was going to have to meet Oberyn Martell whether she wanted to or not.
Well, of course she wanted to meet him. She’d always sort of wanted to meet him, ever since she was an adolescent and Oberyn Martell was the tabloid-coined “Bad Boy of the Royals”. He’d garnered quite a reputation. Even earned himself a nickname. The Red Viper.
Even though she wasn’t entirely sure what it was for.
She twirled her hair around her finger. That was what made this all the more ridiculous. He was at least fifteen years her senior and never married. Under what sun was this man going to be interested in her?
Besides, having a crush on someone and being nudged into an arranged marriage with them were two entirely different things.
The royal marriage law was antiquated anyway, even if Sansa thought her mother was secretly happy it still existed. Sansa was liable not to get married at all if she wasn’t required to by law, so it was the queen’s only hope at marrying off her oldest daughter. Arya wasn’t looking to get married either, but at least she was so far down the line of succession it didn’t matter.
Robb was the first in line. He’d gotten married and was expecting his first child, so why was she required to do this, anyway? With the way Marg and Robb looked at each other, they’d probably have like a billion kids and Sansa would never have to worry about marrying well to produce an heir.
But Mum was definitely worried about it so here she was, arranging a meeting between Prince Oberyn Martell and her daughter. He was a Prince of Dorne, no less. He’d no sooner be interested in her than she’d be interested in the animals her brother hunted. Not that she was an animal, but it was a metaphor, obviously.
If her mother and father could have scoured the world for someone with less in common than Sansa Stark than a Dornish prince, Sansa wasn’t sure she wanted to meet that person.
As it stood, the prince had travelled from a long way to meet her. And likely wasn’t any more inclined to the match than she was. So they could meet, see there were no sparks, and move on.
It was one night. One dinner.
She could do this.
Inhaling deeply, she rose from her chair in front of her vanity. She’d dressed for dinner, seeing as Mum and Dad had called for a full-service feast just to introduce her to this man. Well, her mother had. Dad had warned that it made them look desperate when they weren’t even announcing an engagement, but Mum had replied, “We are desperate, dear.” And Sansa had rolled her eyes.
She was wearing a gown with silver and grey stitched into a brocade. The brocade pattern featured a pack of direwolves running through the forest. She actually really liked this dress, so she supposed she could look at this as an occasion to wear it. The dress did deserve a banquet in its honour, so it was easier to look at it that way.
Margaery met her at her door so they could enter the dining room together. Robb wasn’t here tonight, he was out on a hunt and likely wouldn’t be back until early morning, so Margaery and Sansa had agreed to walk to dinner together. Even though they wouldn’t be seated together or enter together, seeing as it was a formal banquet.
“That gown,” Margaery said softly, reaching out to brush her fingers over the brocade pattern on the skirt.
“I know,” Sansa said with a grin.
“I am going to have so many dresses made once I have this child,” Margaery said, laughing as she ran her hand over her swelling abdomen. “So. Oberyn Martell...” Sansa laughed as her sister-in-law switched gears suddenly. “Did you google him at all?”
“I didn’t have to. I already know everything there is to know about him. He’s quite fond of the nightlife, and he’s not entirely difficult to look at.”
She was playing down her early-adolescent crush on the man. That wasn’t knowledge she wanted to get out.
“Not entirely---“ Margaery dropped off at the end. “Sansa. He’s a gorgeous man.”
Sansa rolled her eyes. “Aren’t they all?”
“No, I mean it. You have seen him, right?”
“Yes, I’ve seen him. He’s handsome,” Sansa replied. “I’m just absolutely certain we won’t have anything in common.”
“Oh, and Robb and I do?” her sister-in-law scoffed.
“Well... you two are the exception to the arranged marriage horror,” Sansa replied. “You two clicked immediately and you love each other now.”
“Now, yes. And let me tell you, the fact that your brother is easy on the eyes helped things sway in his favour considerably.”
Sansa laughed as they reached the hallway outside of the dining room.
Margaery had to enter before her, given that her title was higher than Sansa’s, but Sansa liked that she got some time to collect herself.
“I’m only saying. Give him another look. And another chance,” Marg’s parting wisdom, was as ever, apropos.
Her unspoken, immature crush on the Dornish Prince notwithstanding, it was such a surprise that her mother even considered him as a possible suitor. He seemed the type she’d scorn with a wrinkle of her nose before moving on to more worthy suitors for her oldest daughter. But perhaps Margaery was right. All that was years ago, and he was older. Perhaps he’d matured.
Sansa was a grown woman now as well. Halfway through her twenties and with six years of university under her belt. She wasn’t a blushing princess any longer.
Well, she was still a princess, but blushing, she was not.
Until she walked into the dining room and laid eyes on him.
Oh, the years had been very kind to Oberyn Martell. Or perhaps, he’d always looked like this and the most she’d ever seen of him was from the Paparazzi photographs that emblazoned the covers of the trashy tabloids she had brought to her each week.
He hadn’t graced the covers recently either.
At any rate, Marg was astute in her statement that he was a gorgeous man.
Gods, he was so gorgeous.
And Sansa could scarcely find her voice when it was finally her turn to meet him. “Your Royal Highness,” she said, with a nod. She didn’t have to curtsey to him, their titles were technically the same.
He smirked and mirrored her. “Your Royal Highness.”
They were seated together, of course. But they were also seated near her mother and father, and the former monopolized the conversation to try and push them into some sort of repartee, and the whole thing fell flat.
Sansa, annoyed with her mother’s constant machinations, rose to take a stroll on the balcony between the dinner dishes being cleared and dessert being served. Oberyn stood as well, and while she assumed it to be merely decorum, he asked permission to join her on her walk.
Catelyn nearly fell out of her chair with the force of her self-induced launch towards the pair to follow them onto the balcony, and subsequent return at the behest of Ned. “Do stay and speak with me, darling. I need your guidance on a matter of utmost importance.”
He winked discreetly at Sansa, who turned back to Oberyn to accept his invitation for company.
As they walked along the stone balcony, the light from the adjacent rooms flooded the stone in arches when they passed the windows.
“So, you said before that you finished your degree?” Oberyn asked, in relation to the last thing they’d attempted to discuss in the dining room, only to be interrupted by Cat, who wanted to divert attention away from Sansa’s degrees as much as possible.
“I did,” Sansa replied. “I’ve a master’s now in Art History.”
“Truly?” Oberyn mused. “Never had the patience for university myself. That’s quite an achievement.”
Sansa smiled. “At first glance. You still haven’t asked what my emphasis was in.”
“Art?” he guessed, laughing.
She laughed too.
“Or history?” he ventured again, clearly joking and giving her the opening to supply the correct answer.
“Textiles,” she replied with a laugh. “I study old cloth. And notably, fashion from hundreds of years ago.”
“Now, why wouldn’t you lead with that? It’s much more interesting than merely holding a degree in Art History.”
“My mother was solidly against my choice of emphasis. She wanted me to become more well-rounded by university, not sharpened to a point. Not ‘obsessed’ with old dresses, as she so eloquently phrases it. What about you? I know you said you didn’t go to university, but you must have done something these past few years.”
“What makes you say that?” he asked. “Because I wasn’t in the papers so much?” His voice belied his curiosity.
“I never said that,” Sansa replied.
“Didn’t have to...” he stopped walking and her heart sank.
She’d offended him. She had to fix it.
“I don’t judge you for anything you did or didn’t do,” she said quickly. “If I’d been half as bold, I’d have done the same.”
“I never implied that I thought you were passing judgement, but that is indeed good to know,” he mused, walking once more.
She fell into step beside him. “Your Highness, I simply wished to---“
“I like you. A lot. Despite how my brother talked you up and forced me to come on this trip... As much as I don’t want to bend to his wishes, I like you, Sansa.”
“I like you as well.”
“Good. Because I have a proposition for you.”
“You do?”
“Indeed. I think it would be mutually beneficial for both of us.”
“What is that?”
“We bend to their wishes. And then, to each other.”
“What, I...”
“Have you taken lovers before?” he asked, his eyes fiery and dark.
“Yes,” she replied. “As have you.”
He smiled. “As have I. I propose... we should get married. Keep the lot of them off our backs, and you will be able to continue sharpening your points, so long as you don’t object to sharpening them while travelling with me.”
She liked the idea. If anyone had asked her before now, honestly, she wouldn’t have. But the thought of travelling the world with Oberyn Martell was one she’d like to explore. She had but one reservation.
“You’re suggesting a loveless marriage?”
“I’m suggesting a loveless wedding,” he countered. “Love doesn’t come until the fires of passion have smouldered. And considering we have yet to even light a match, how could we possibly marry for love?”
“It’s awfully pragmatic of you. What if we never fall in love?”
“Then, we separate. Go our own way, take our own lovers, but under the umbrella of safety that a royal marriage provides. We’ll never be bothered again by our families.”
“I think you underestimate the meddling powers of my mother.”
“Oh, I’ll be whisking my bride away to Dorne immediately following our ridiculously long honeymoon.”
Sansa had to admit, she liked the sound of that.  Dorne was warm and sunny where the North was cold and dark. She’d be able to sunbathe. To watch her children grow and play in the sunlight.
“Children?” she asked.
“As many as you want.”
“If I didn’t want any?”
“Then none.”
“If I wanted eighteen?”
“Then we’d better get started.” He smiled, reaching for her hand, but stopping shy of touching it.
She closed the distance and laced their fingers. As they began to walk once more, she asked. “When should we tell them?”
“Why not tonight?”
She laughed. “We can’t tonight.”
“We can’t?”
“We don’t know enough about each other. Why, we’ve never even kissed.”
She wasn’t asking to be kissed, but she wouldn’t complain at all that she subsequently was kissed.
Oberyn tugged her close with the hand that was clasped in his, tucking his other hand around her lower back and lowering his lips to hers. It was sudden and slow at the same time.
She brought her hand to his jaw, cupping it and rubbing her thumb over his facial hair.
When he ended the kiss, she staggered slightly, but he just tightened his hold on her and grinned. “How’s that?”
“Right, let’s go tell them now,” she said, turning and tugging him along with her.
He laughed and pulled her back once more. “In a minute...”
She smiled and wrapped both arms around his neck. “I suppose we can wait for a minute...”
“Or five...”
“Or twenty,” she breathed.
“Kiss me,” he murmured.
It was actually more like thirty-five, and they almost missed dessert.
She was so glad she hadn’t found a reason to sneak off.
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liliplayschoices · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons for your ILITW MC?
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My giiiiiiiirl 😍
I have a ton of headcanons for her ^^ most of them also include Andy though I gotta be honest so he might pop up a lot here 😂 also this is absolutely ramble-y because I just dumped all my thoughts here so... sorry about that lmao (also im on mobile so I can't use a read more, sorry xD)
Okay so I know in the events of the book, we don't see her interacting with other people at school but I think these weeks aren't representative of what her life looks like normally. I see her as an introvert, she won't enjoy big parties often or anything but she still has a really amiable nature so people tend to be friends with her easily.
I think Devon is a pretty artistic girl. She loves to read fantasy and sci fi, she loves to cosplay, maybe she's a theater kid, too. I think she draws too, but I don't know what kind of art she prefers (as in, digital, street art, painting,.... I don't know haha)
When the story starts she's had a crush on Andy for a little while now. Nothing major, mind you, but yeah, teenage crush, blushing when she sees him, that kinda stuff, you know ^^ so when they start hanging out again it comes naturally between them pretty fast.
When Andy is in the hospital after the events of the book (and after that when he's stuck at home until he gets better), she comes to hang out with him a lot. More often than not, Tom is there too, so the two of them become pretty close, they realize they have a lot in common so they hang out at school too and become close friends (yes I am ignoring the ILB canon that Tom doesn't know her well. I don't care.)
Anyway so the three of them play a toooon of video games during that time which leads to a tradition of game night for the three of them and it gets pretty intense, cause Andy gets super competitive 😂 ( @the-unconquered-queen and I talked about game night a few times and now I can't let go of this HC ^^)
And of course there are also a lot of times when Tom isn't there, so they basically have little date nights together, watching movies and shows. Devon brings junk food to him when he's in the hospital (the nurses know but they let it happen lmao) and she curls up on his bed and they watch movies on her laptop (cause the hospital tv never has anything interesting) and it's soooo cute cause they didnt really... get official at that point you know, but then they just start dating and falling in love and all 😍
Anywayyyyy back to Devon. So I think she never truly heals from what happened. She always felt like Jane's death was her fault, and even if rationally she knows that what Noah did isn't her fault, she can't help but feel guilty over it. So that's why she starts going into the woods again.
I think she never really held Noah responsible for what happened, because of her own guilt. Like, objectively she knows what he did was wrong but she also feels like it's her fault if Jane is dead so that's why she forgives him for his actions pretty quickly
She starts doing a lot of research into how she could help him, and the Power in general. She doesn't go to college after high school, but she starts working at the local library pretty soon and gets a little obsessed. After a while, she does starts college (to study graphic design), but she doesn't seem to be able to move on from Noah and wanting to free him. She doesn't focus much on studies because she can't get rid of her guilt and obsession to make things right.
She ultimately tells the rest of the group and it does not go well. Especially with Andy. They've been dating for years at this point but this is the biggest fight they ever have. I think Andy is the kind of guy who holds a grudge so he would still be pissed at Noah, and there's the added layer of him feeling like Devon didnt trust him and put herself in danger needlessly and he's scared that he might have lost her without knowing it. They do work it out after a while because ultimately they love each other enough to work through it but yeah, that happens and it's a pretty big fight.
I feel like most of the rest of the group are mad but they come around to helping her at some point. Ava is immediately jumping at the chance to help Devon with all the supernatural research and stuff.
Dan has another approach. He can see that what Devon does is pretty unhealthy because of how she's clinging to the past, so he tries to help her work through her guilt and her trauma. It does help, and she becomes less obsessed after a while (she's still hell-bent on freeing Noah's spirit but she also starts moving on in other aspects of her life, paying attention in class, thinking about the future,...)
Oh total change of subject lmao but you know how Andy is in college on a basketball scholarship? Yeah so I think Andy would be a total frat bro 😂 like, he'd go to frat parties and do keg stands and stupid harmless dares and stuff. You know the type of guy. So Devon goes to frat parties because she knows he loves it despite it not reslly being her scene ^^ but she stills ends up having fun and does make friends with Andy's friends too
Also she gets into the habit of stealing and wearing his basketball jacket ( I got @kingkangs on board with this one and i will get the whole fandom to accept Devon wearing Andy's basketball jacket) and he says he minds, but... you know... He really doesn't ;)
To be honest, I feel like Devon would never truly be able to move on while Noah was still trapped, she would still feel obligated to help him. So I imagine that after a long time, they do manage to free his spirit (I don't know how okay I'm not writing IL3 😂 let's just say they do!)
So after that, she starts truly thinking of the future. She starts looking for a long-term job, Andy and her move in together after college.
They still have game nights with Tom on the regular (Harper, my ILB MC, joins them cause her and Tom are dating ^^) and Andy is still super competitive cause that hasn't changed 😂
Devon still loves cosplay so she convinces Andy to go to conventions with her and he's like "....fine I'll do it" begrudgingly but once he's there he's having a blast 😂
Anyway I think that's pretty much it for now! I rambled a lot, sorry... But you did ask! That was super fun so thank youu for your ask!!!
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sierrablxckwell · 4 years
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 –– – Sierra Blackwell. A complexity of paint and subdue emotions. From 18 yonder, the girl had mastered the art of hiding everything below the surface. That she could express her rage and sorrow under the guise of pink and crimson. One had to be close enough to see beneath the layers. To peel back the curtain to see the lonely little girl who lost part of her soul, all those years ago. Her home became the manifestation of her mind, paint strewn walls and a disarray of hopelessness. One that lacks any ability to use words–– she’s always been a soul to express herself through her actions. So whilst she may never tell you, the girl has a lengthy list of her uniqueness internalised in her mind.  Come take a look.
Animals; It wasn't your first love, or your last. but it's a permanent one. something about preserving and aiding life was important to you, helping them to flourish and finding out what was good for them. even just spending time visiting sanctuaries and the study of endangered animals became a heavily important part of your life. to the point where you've debating becoming a foster parent for animals whilst they try to help them find homes. an animal voice is something of laughable but yet you like sitting on the floor with Ripley, giggles echo her lip accompanying a cartoon voice, a toothy grin and love in her heart. 
Painting; it’s not secret or lie that you has a love for expression— for the reaction when someone is told they’re beautiful. finding joy in sketching everyone, in bringing them to life in 50 shades of sunsets and ocean hues. yes, we know you will absolutely ask to draw everyone ; or do it out of memory.
Tapping; have you noticed how she taps? drilling fingers on a bar top of her wooden floor. It’s a peculiar habit–– one that satisfied your inability to stay still. your mother used to bark at you for the persistent noise, and it’s a habit you can’t stop.
Blankets; there was something about being cozy in a blanket after a long days work that was so utterly satisfying. you wouldn't dare tell anyone that you have a closet full in case of the worst situations, a blackout, loss of power. on top of that you did truly believe that a fluffy blanket and hot beverage could solve any problem of the soul, along with a classic movie, such as 'The Breakfast Club,' there was nothing better on a Sunday evening. 
Clothes; two wardrobes. of course, one decorated in various mediums of your work and the other far more polished. oversized jumpers, shirts and various types of jeans, never one for the finer things in life. you could date back most of her clothes to thrift shops and second hand. never one to turn down an item off a friend or using her artistic abilities to turn something drab into something that mimics current high fashion.
Notebooks; pens and paper, you had to write everything down. whether it was grocery lists, notes from work, notes on tv shows that you'd watched and reviewed to yourself. It was almost something that you did subconsciously or a force of habit. It was satisfying to look back through pretty, labeled notepads and seeing reams of colourful, extensive notes to explain everything in life. 
Yoga; a morning ritual no doubt, the next-door neighbours can heard the familiar hum the the tv as you try to find your inner peace. though admittedly we know why you started it, a particular event involving a nameless man and a painful position or two. but we’ll brush over that.
Children; a life long desire of yours. always dreaming of one day painting the spare room in your house, every shade of the rainbows. a toy box filled to the rafters and insisting that Nadia would teach you to cook only the most delicious snacks. a dream that ceased as life caught you on your heels. Albeit, you still relentlessly attempt to bake cookies and snacks. stopping by your best friends house to deliver goods that came out less and less burnt on each attempt.
Languages; a need to learn something new didn’t stop in her artistic abilities. Perhaps it came from the fact you had never left Catalina, but those passing by can heard the familiar murmurs of you chortling haphazard Hungarian phrases or rapping out of tune to yozsefvaros by the  Animal cannibals.
Playlists; there’s one for every occasion. through her happiest blinks. the angry painting and wishing to spur on tears. rain drops on repeat. the soothing melody putting you to sleep; the notion that the rain will come and wash away all the pain— the lingering nightmares. 
Movies; another obsession of the brunettes. one that she blames entirely on Ava, their movie date nights turned into a fascination of binge watching classics and the latests updates. sat on the couch with Ripley at your side and a only the best assortment of snacks became a second favourite pastimes on your nights off. or roping your best friend into spending more time with you, when the latest horror came out.
Football; a sport you never thought you would love. In fact one that was completely and utterly spurred on by ben all those years prior. You were a cheerleader, a good one at that. But it was an activity that soon shifted to screaming at the top of your lungs whilst your boyfriend played. Now, you spent your time is spent getting overly excited, cheering as you watch the game on tv. 
Home; you homes a state in some people’s opinion. An aculmination of love and  colour. But Rory inspired a different side of you. One of complimenting colours and inspiring decor. You room resonates a different energy to the rest of the house, one you’re slowly trying to implement to the rest of the house. 
Their room; all these years later and you haven’t been inside since. Perhaps the stained memory of loss in what happened was so engrained. You tried once, but all you could see was that image. So you closed it, locked the door and hid the key. A hurdle in your life you have yet to overcome. But you will. One day. Until then, you’ll pace back and forth outside the room. Toying with the idea of walking inside.
Chewing; you have an insatiable need to chew on your lips. specifically the corner of your lesser lip. whether it be in thought, anxiousness or concentration. It grounds your sporadic fingers and quells the mind. 
FEAT; @avahalliwell, @roryhirsch, @nadiajcseph, @benjaminconrad
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thecursedhellblazer · 4 years
(( I had told myself not to write anything about this, but I kinda have a lot of feelings on the matter and I’ve seen several posts around, so I thought I could share my opinion too. This are just some random thoughts, so forgive me if they are all a bit all over the place. ))
(( Under the cut because the post got a bit long. ))
(( I’ve recently caught up with Legends, after having missed the two latest episodes, and I’m absolutely torn over the kind of twist some of the sub plots are taking. Behrad’s death was kinda expected, but I was still hoping that they would have kept him around for a bit longer. Of course, there is still the chance that he gets back, considering that we don’t really know how the whole Loom of Fate ordeal will end, but tbh I wished we had had more bonding between him and Zari before he was taken out of the picture. I understand that his death, together with meeting her older self, is important to Zari’s character development, but I still feel like it was a bit rushed. ))
(( One thing I really liked, even if maybe is a cliched, was Charlie choosing the Legends as her family and breaking away from the conditioning that her sisters have tried to force on her, even after all that time. And the fact that it was during the episode with the Spn setting...The whole “family doesn’t end with blood” trope was quite fitting. I love that she has found her place with them, after millennia spent on the run from a her “biological” family, which was obviously abusive. ))
(( Another nice surprise was Astra choosing to team up with Ava & Co, choosing to trust John, other than giving into Lachesis’s siren call. I’m really excited to see how they will deal with her character. In the comics, John eventually manages to free her from Hell, but we aren’t given much closure, especially not after how deeply John’s whole storyline is affected by the Newcastle clusterfuck. It seems that the show is trying to take another route to deal with it and I’m really curious and hopeful for what concerns it. Also, I do like the idea of her having a more active role in changing her destine. Quite literally. And Ava sharing her backstory with her, trying to convince her to be her own person? That was really good. Also because it shows the growth of Ava’s character too. ))
(( Now, the thing that has been bothering me the most. The turn in Constantine and Zari 2.0′s relationship. Personally, I don’t like it. I wasn’t a fan of Nate & Zari either, but pushing her towards just makes me straight out uncomfortable. I found myself looking away in the scenes where they were getting romantically physical and I’m not sure what I’m going to do if they will make them an official couple. I really don’t see the chemistry between them. Don’t get me wrong, they are funny, they have a good dynamic, the way their characters clashes because of the differences is interesting. They do have chemistry but as friends. I don’t really see how a romance could work out, and let’s not forget the whole Nate factor. I’m going a bit more in depth with this, even if no one really cares about my meta xD But since I’m at it, I don’t see why not. ))
(( Zari 1.0 and John had some very nice moments. Their relationship was different, also because they had more common ground. They had both known tragedy, they had both made bad choices and paid for them. Zari 1.0 could relate better to John, because, while she was a good person too, she knew what it meant having to do the wrong thing for the right reasons, and that something that John does a lot. I didn’t ship them, but I really loved their dynamics and I will always treasure that scene when she gives him the picture of his mother she had taken. There was a connection there and it was a really good friendship, not so different from the one John has with Charlie. ))
(( Now, Zari 2.0 is a completely different person. She has a completely different backstory and, as such, a different personality. I didn’t like her at first, but she has grown a lot recently and matured too during her time with the Legends and she has got back being a great character, relatable too. However, she still lacks all the common ground that Zari 1.0 had with John. This isn’t a bad thing, don’t get me wrong. The fact that they come from completely different worlds is one of the elements that makes their dynamic interesting, but it also underlines the fact that Zari has no idea of who John is and of how his world truly works and she probably will never understand it. She kinda reminds me of Kit (one of John’s lovers in the comics, perhaps his most important relationship together with Zatanna) under some point of view, even if the two characters have some very profound differences. Kit and John were very close, he was head over heels for her, but it didn’t work out because, while she knew him, she couldn’t grasp or accept his world. The magic, the darkness, the bad things he does because it’s what he is. And so it ended very, very badly between them. Honestly? That’s the only kind of dynamic I can picture in a romance between John and Zari. And it’s already a stretch, because Kit’s character had some traits that made her compatible with John, traits that Zari doesn’t have. Not to mention that Kit had a lot of history with John before they got together romantically, and that was what made them work, for a while. Zari doesn’t. So, it might be a way to make it sort of work (still forced for how I see it), unless they break his character...and I would HATE that. He is my favourite from LoT and I’ve waited a long time to see him brought back after his show was cancelled, so...please, don’t ruin it for me. ))
(( Also, their “romantic” connection really felt shoved in out of the blue. They have never really interacted much before and sure, being forced to team up can bring two people close, the timing is awful. Let’s not forget that Zari had just decided to blame John for Behrad’s death. She was supposed to have a grudge against him. Moreover, she is grieving the brother she was finally starting to properly connect with and she is struggling with a quest to rebuild her identity after she has found out about her other self. She is looking for her place in the world and a person who is dealing with that realistically doesn’t go and fall for someone just because they have shared an adventure. It feels forced and rushed. Maybe in another context I could have tolerated it or given it the benefit of the doubt, but not in this moment of the storyline. It’s out of plance to say the least. I had expected them to work out their differences in that episode, but instead all they do is bickering (which is fun) and then they fight together (which was great, tbh, because it shows them both that they can be a good team). However, there’s not a real moment when they properly talk about what has happened, about their conflict . We just see them being shoved together and forced to touch and then there’s that almost kiss moment and it’s just...bad timing. It feels awkward and yeah, forced too. ))
(( Also, let’s not forget that in the previous episode, Zari sleep-walked in Nate’s bedroom and half of the crew, including John, found them in the middle of a somewhat compromising position in the middle of the corridor. John joked and teased them as everyone else and wasn’t upset in the least. On the contrary, he was basically rooting for them. And this was perhaps the day, or a few days at most, before the whole romantic innuendos got thrown in the mix. Yet another reason why I feel this was forced and rushed and brought up out of nowhere. ))
(( As for John, his current focus is on getting the Loom back together and keeping his promise to Astra. We have seen him being reckless and single-minded about it, to the point that he almost got himself, Charlie and Sara killed. And did get Behrad killed, because he didn’t think his shit through. It doesn’t make sense to me that he suddenly finds the time to notice that he might or might not have feelings for Zari. It’s almost out of character. And it clashes with how he has been behaving so far. You don’t stop obsessing about the one thing that would allow you to FINALLY make amends for the greatest regret of your entire life just because you realise that one of your teammates is actually a nice company, all considered. Plus, he too has already too much on his plate in general to have the space for a romance. And, personal preference, John is good on his own. He needs friends that can help him picking up the pieces, not a relationship that will eventually just bring him more harm and complications. God, I miss Chas. ))
(( Someone could argue that they shared a moment during the Romeo vs Juliette episode, but I disagree with that too. That episode was all about Nate and Ray. The dialogue between Romeo and Juliette was not about John and Zari, it was all about Nate and Ray. They are the star-crossed couple of friends (lovers in the play), not John and Zari. That kiss was a symbol of Ray and Nate reconnecting with each other before taking different paths and it had nothing to do with John and Zari. At least, that’s the feeling I had from how the whole episode was built and I think that I’m not completely misled in that regard. ))
(( Last thing, I don’t want the whole thing between Zari and John to be a source of drama. Because that’s what we’ll get, because Nate is still very much in love with Zari, both Zaris. He has started to chase after Zari 2.0 thinking that she was his Zari, but he came to like her for what she is too. And maybe, yes, perhaps he needs to move on from her as some people have pointed out. It could be one way to go around it, but that wouldn’t spare us the classic love triangle crap we get at some point in every damn show and I’m starting to be a bit bored with it. And it wouldn’t really change my view on John and Zari’s relationship. ))
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modestmuses-a · 4 years
on here, my current favorite ship is probably ekko x ava with @bystcrdust​, if only because i don’t have a lot of other ships!  although, they are very cute.
for general otps, i also like snufkin x moomin, cindy slam x timmy of a thousand masks, and brit crust x sheldon lee.  (that last one was born of me joking around and then accidentally getting invested.)  but none of those ships have actually happened on this blog!
just about anything, barring smut and pregnancy.  i’m not very picky otherwise!
honestly, i would love to write more one-sided stuff for angst reasons...  but i need more actual two-sided ships as well.
it depends on the age of the muse, honestly.  for teenager muses, i tend not to go for age gaps more than 1-2 years.  like with ekko being 16 and brit being 17, i kinda have them closed off to muses who don’t fall in the 15-17 age range.
but then with 18yo muses like snufkin and ivy, i’m willing to go a little older (not younger, for obvious reasons), like into the early 20s or so.
then there’s the joxter, who regularly crushes on people 20 years older than him, but he himself is 41, so.  basically, and i think this is true in real life as well, the older somebody is, the larger the age gaps that become acceptable are.
ha!  extremely, unfortunately!  i have a very difficult time just jumping into ships without feeling out the chemistry between both the muses and the muns.  i find it way easier to ship with people i can actually talk to and plot with.
that, and my muses are very picky with who they end up with, too.  so many of my muses are difficult to get close to and really get to know without massive development.  like cyborg noodle being a massive ball of paranoia and brit needing to learn to value other people and not be so stuck up.  cindy slam is also very difficult to get in a healthy ship due to her anger issues and destructive tendencies (both towards herself and others).
i really do want more ships on this blog for someone other than ekko for once, but the muses...  they just don’t cooperate.  i want to ship all the aforementioned characters with someone, but i feel like i won’t be able to find anyone patient enough for it...  everybody wants their ships and they want them NOW.
i don’t really write anything that could be considered nsfw, so i’m not really sure!  i’m just going to piggy back off of the answer of the person i stole this from and say that anything beyond heavy making out, like if the characters start feeling each other up and taking their clothes off and stuff, probably counts.
ekko x cora x christophe is an ot3 i have going with pagan ( @delinquentborn​ / @martyrnot​ ), which is fun because it’s the first ot3 i’ve ever had on this blog.  we haven’t done that much with them yet, but i like them nonetheless.
i also like the potential dynamic of snufkin x jack frost (rotg) and i’m looking at all these jacks like ship w me you cowards...
but really, there are very few people i’m not willing to ship my muses with.  if there is chemistry there, i am usually willing to give it a shot.
like i said, it’s easier for me to ship with plotting, so i would like to talk about it a little bit first, generally.  however, i’m not opposed to ships happening organically through threads, either.  it’s just going to take a long long time to get some of my muses to the point where an organic ship happens, haha!  if you want to ship, it’s better to ask me so that i can start trying to nudge them in that direction, since 80% of the time, they will adamantly oppose going there on their own.
ship more-or-less.  i’m aromantic myself, so romantic stories aren’t something that i absolutely need.  i do feel a little bit left out of the fun at times, but the rpc’s over-reliance on romantic plots grates on me sometimes.  sometimes, a bitch just wants to see something original.
so, no, i definitely wouldn’t consider myself ship obsessed, and if somebody approaches me only with the intention of shipping, it is extremely off-putting.
yeah!  i don’t want to close myself off to what other people have to offer and miss out on all those sweet dynamics, so i keep myself open.  at least, as open as i can be, given the way my muses are. :/ 
well, in the case of league of legends, i don’t actually like any ships that i can think of.  all of the popular ships bore the absolute shit out of me, even the canon ones!  not a fan of rakan/xayah, honestly.
for my other fandoms, though, i already mentioned snufkin x moomin, cindy x timmy, and brit x sheldon.
i’m also partial to joxter x fillyjonk, and between them and brit x sheldon, you can really tell i’m a slut for opposites attract ships, haha!
for ava’s demon, i was always most partial to ava x odin, although i like ava x maggie quite a bit, too.
and then of course, lain x arisu.  i’ve made like... many amvs with those two.  i watched a trippy cyberpunk anime with themes of identity and mental illness, and the only thing i took away from it was lesbians. ;)
well, first, if there’s a ship you think would work, just ask me about it!  then, if it’s a muse that’s tricky with trusting people, find a way past their barriers. :^)
TAGGED BY: i took it
TAGGING: @supraxstcllas @magicxecustos @sanmen and anyone else who wants to!
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mskathywriteswords · 4 years
Cupcakes at Midnight - Chapter 2
No warnings this chapter.
I look at myself in the mirror, wondering where all the years have gone. It feels like last week I was a blushing bride, and yesterday I was picking up the pieces from a failed marriage. But it's been over a decade.
My phone is in the kitchen, I left it there purposely so that I wouldn't obsess over looking at it every five seconds.
Instead, I go through my regular nighttime routine, taking my time with each step. The normalcy of it comforts me. I can pretend that I'm not freaking out on the inside. I scoop the cat litter and refill his water as he meows, begging like he's never been fed before.
I walk back and look at the cupcakes. The cinnamon crunch is gone, of course, but the other three still intrigue me. I've never even heard of some of the flavor combinations Ava's made for me. But I want to try them.
The thought of putting them in my mouth makes me blush, which is ridiculous because surely I'm a grownup who can think dirty things without a childish reaction. I close my eyes and slide my tongue across the silky frosting. The tang of raspberry rises up and makes my mouth water even more. I'm about to dive in to the cake part of the cupcake when I notice my phone lighting up and buzzing.
Ivy must be late night texting me, maybe she's fighting with Matt again. I swear, I don't know if those two will make it to their actual wedding.
But there is a tinge of hope that it's not Ivy.
After debating forcing myself to wait longer to check, I pick the phone up and click the button on the side so I can preview the message.
It's from her.
What if she texted back to ask me to stop texting?
That would be dumb, since she's the one that gave me her number, right?
What if she says it was all a mistake and that note was meant for Ivy? That would make sense; Ivy is gorgeous and statuesque, and ... not me.
But she didn't give Ivy the box of cupcakes, did she?
I drive myself crazy with what-ifs, so I just open the text.
I'm so happy to hear from you. What are you up to tonight? Hope it's not too late to text
I start to tap out a reply, then delete it. Maybe I should wait until tomorrow to reply? Then I realize her message was blue, meaning she'd see the three dots if she happened to be looking at her phone.
And either way, even if it was only going to be a friendship, did I really want to wait and play games? Wasn't I done with all of that?
Another exciting Friday night, wrapped up in a blanket on the couch watching Netflix, very much enjoying these cupcakes. Thank you again. And no, not too late to text - I use the quiet functions once I go to sleep, so you're good to text me anytime
I smile, hoping I'm coming across as genuinely as I feel. When I see the three dots pop up on her side of the screen, my smile grows.
What's on your current to-binge list? Glad you're enjoying the cupcakes. Thank you for inspiring them
Thank god she's a text-in-complete-words person.
Before I walk back to the couch, I pour myself another cup of tea and eye the last two cupcakes. How many cupcakes was too many in one night? I shrug and grab the orange-swirled one.
Well, right now I'm in the middle of Derry Girls. Still have to catch up on Handmaid's on Hulu, but that won't be until after I get through a few (probably boring) documentaries.
Instead of clicking the phone off, I set it on the arm of the couch, face up, so I can see if she replies again. Maybe my TV choices would make her realize how utterly snooze-y my life is.
OMG, which epi of HT are you on? Haven't seen DG, good?
We exchange texts for a few hours, discussing different movies and tv series, finding common likes and dislikes. By the time I yawn for the first time, finally acknowledging how tired I am, I realize it's past 3 am.
Holy shit, I have to get to bed soon. Will you be around tomorrow?
Jane from five years ago would have thought it was being very forward of me to ask, but right-now Jane is enjoying the conversation and ready for more from life.
I will. Any chance we could continue this conversation in person?
I tap out my reply before I even have time to think it through or be too self-conscious.
Awesome. Let's play it by ear, but I'll see you tomorrow, J
The temptation to leave it there gets over-ruled by my giddy, smooshy feelings.
Goodnight. Sweet dreams
That's the last reply in the series, and I set my phone on the nightstand, long ago having moved to bed to charge my phone. I roll to my side and think about what tomorrow will bring. Cat curls up at my feet and makes his displeasure that we're all still awake very well known. My eyes can barely stay open, but my brain is a freight train of excitement.
The next morning, I debate what "too early" to text would be. I don't want to seem overly eager, but I don't want to intentionally withhold a message just to play some weird unwritten rule game.
I get my laundry done, sweep the kitchen, and putter as much as I can, until finally around mid-day, my phone chirps. Cat looks up at me, ever-annoyed that his nap has been interrupted.
Beer, pizza, and extraordinarily dark dystopian future tv watching?
I shake my head and laugh.
What could make for a better Saturday night?
I can think of a few things. For now, it sounds pretty good, right? Wanna meet at your place? Is that too weird / too soon?
Was that a date? Meeting at my place to watch tv?
Sure, not too soon at all. What time?
We make plans for a few hours later, and I'm still unsure if it's a date, but I decide it doesn't matter. I want more fun in my life, so even if we just hang out and get to know each other better, wasn't that the point?
When the doorbell rings, I practically jump out of the chair. I open the door, and Ava looks like she's just come from some punk band concert that would be way too cool for me to even consider. I laugh to myself.
"Hey, come in."
Her hands are full, but she makes her way past me, finding the kitchen immediately.
"I wasn't sure what pizza toppings you like? I don't know how we didn't discuss that. But I went with half cheese, half pepperoni, just to be safe. Sound okay?"
She smiles and a part of me wants to melt at how genuine it is.
"Yeah, sounds great. I'll just grab plates. Do you need a fork and knife?"
The look on her face is absolutely fucking priceless.
"A fork and knife? For what?"
"Oh man, Ivy is so funny, she had me convinced for a while that everyone eats pizza with a fork and knife. Thank god it's just her. I was starting to question everything about my twenties."
"No way. Pizza is a single hand, no utensil kind of food. That's part of what makes it so perfect. I wasn't sure what kind of beer you drink, so I just got something generic."
We open our cans and take them, the pizza, and a roll of paper towels to the coffee table. Between bites, we talk about the season of the show and how we each think it's going; we make predictions on where it might end up. Then finally, when the pizza is gone and we're left with just awkward silence, we put the show on.
I can see Ava looking around my apartment as we watch, maybe trying to learn things about my life? Her eyes are on a particular frame over my fireplace.
"That's my niece, Hailey," I say, smiling.
We're sitting across the couch from each other; not too far, but not too close. Cat was always between us, annoyingly adorable as ever.
"Do you have any siblings?"
She smiles. "Nope. Only child."
"Does that get lonely? I bet it was glorious growing up. No one to fight with for the TV remote, or what kind of pizza to have."
Ava shrugs and smiles, then turns her attention back to the TV. Her body had been angled toward mine, but she shifts, and then scoots closer. Horrible things happen on the show in front of us, but right in the room? She laces her fingers through mine and my whole body warms.
Is this what it's supposed to feel like?
A few hours, laughs, and cupcakes later, the sun has set and we're several episodes into another series. I'm surprised when Ava gets up, yawning. Her arms go over her head as she stretches, and I swear I almost die when I see a sliver of her skin between her shirt and pants.
"I open the bakery in a few hours. I'm sorry, I'm terrible company right now. I probably haven't said ten words in the last hour."
"No need to apologize," I say, standing and touching her arm. "You've been great company. I feel bad I've been keeping you. You were up so late last night, too. All my fault." I laugh, trying to downplay my disappointment that the night is ending.
"Mutual blame," she says, smiling and tugging my arm. It could be a friendly gesture, the hug, but I can't help but hope it's the beginning of something more than a friendship.
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btsqualityy · 5 years
Baby Series Q & A #7
Jungkook x Reader
Author’s Note: Well, this is the last part of the Baby Series Q & As and also the conclusion of my celebration of reaching 2,000 followers! Thank you all for the constant love and support! I hope you’ll all stay tuned in the future because I have a lot more planned! 
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You and Jungkook are in his Golden Closet studio, him sat on the chair and you on the couch. Ava is sat on your lap, chewing on her fingers.
How long have you two been together?
“Almost four years,” you said, bouncing Ava on your knee. “We dated for a year and a half, and we’ve been married for two and half.”
Pregnancy sex?
“Are you kidding? She barely wanted me to look at her while she was pregnant,” Jungkook chuckled.
“Ok, it was the hormones, not me,” you whined, making Jungkook roll his eyes lightly.
“Let’s just say, me and my hand became very well acquainted during her pregnancy.”
What was your weirdest pregnancy craving?
“Cornstarch,” you confessed. 
“God, she used to piss me off with that one,” Jungkook groaned. “She always wanted to eat it and I’d have to tell her that it wasn’t good for Ava, which would of course lead to an argument between us.”
“The doctor said it was fine in small amounts,” you retorted.
“Exactly. Small amounts, Y/N. You literally wanted to eat a full can of it everyday.”
“You know what, I’m not responsible for the decisions that pregnant Y/N wanted to make,” you shrugged, making Jungkook laugh.
Describe Ava, personality and looks wise.
“Honestly, she’s a pretty good mixture of the both of us,” Jungkook smiled.
“She does have his big eyes, his bunny nose, and his smile though,” you added.
“As for her personality, she’s the sweetest thing ever,” Jungkook gushed. “That’s why I call her Angel. She’s so caring and she loves giving kisses and hugs.”
JK, do you ever just let Ava win fights? Such as when she doesn’t want to get dressed and insists on running around naked?
“Listen, I love Ava. She’s my Angel and the sweetest person in the world but sometimes, she can be the most stubborn person and it pisses me off,” Jungkook exhales harshly, doing his signature head tilt. 
“I always think it’s hilarious how frustrated her stubbornness makes him, especially since she gets it from him,” you giggle. 
“I can’t be that bad though. Can I?” He wonders, looking at you. You just shook your head and set your hand on his thigh, patting it gently. 
“Welcome to my world Kook.”
Have JK and Ava ever teamed up aganist you Y/N?
“When don’t they?” You roll your eyes. You both hear a loud sound and look down at your lap, seeing Ava holding her hands out towards Jungkook. Jungkook places his hands on either side of her body and lifts her up, kissing her cheek a few times before setting her in his lap. 
“She’s a daddy’s girl lowkey, so Jungkook takes advantage of that,” you grinned as you looked over at the both of them.
Has Ava been to the BigHit building? If so, how do you keep her occupied? 
“She has and she loves coming,” Jungkook grinned. “She’s always so amazed seeing us perform and even when we’re just practicing. She does get a little restless sometimes so one of our stylist noonas will usually keep her occupied for me if that happens.”
Do you guys post lots of photos of Ava, or do you prefer to maintain some privacy when it comes to her?
“We’ll post a picture whenever we think it’s really cute,” Jungkook shrugged. “We don’t really put much thought into it.”
“Yeah and privacy hasn’t really been an issue for us anyways,” you added.
How do you deal with tantrums?
“Honestly, I usually don’t,” Jungkook mutters. “I hate having to be firm with her so I leave it to Y/N a lot of the time.”
“And I’m a lot better at dealing with them too. He gets too frustrated and then I end up having to deal with two stubborn, spoiled brats.”
“I am not a spoiled brat,” Jungkook whines, making you raise an eyebrow at him.
“Should I call Jin and have him confirm or deny that?” You ask. You both just stare at each other for a minute before Jungkook turns his head and tilts it.
What was it like to going back to work after the baby was born?
“It was pretty easy,” Jungkook said and you nodded in agreement. “Ava adjusted amazingly well to daycare.”
“Yeah and I think we were both ready to go back to work too,” you added.
How do you manage when he’s on tour?
“The day to day with her isn’t that difficult until it comes to putting her down to sleep at night,” you grimace. “She’s so used to having him sing her to sleep and while it’s the cutest thing ever, she refuses to sleep without that.”
“Yeah, that was my bad,” Jungkook muttered apologetically. “Next time I leave for tour though, I plan on making her a recording to play for Ava so that she’s able put her down to sleep easier.”
What’s something that you love most about being a parent? Or something that you wish you knew before becoming a parent?
“I always knew that I’d love Ava, but I wish people had told us just how much we’d fall in love with her,” you smiled. “It’s safe to say that Kook and I are literally obsessed with her.”
“Definitely,” Jungkook agreed. “She’s literally the light of our lives and there’s nothing that Y/N and I wouldn’t do for her.”
“And the best part is, she loves us right back the same way,” you grinned.
Who do you guys go to for parenting advice?
“I go to Hobi hyung a lot because Berkeley and Ava are kind of similar personality wise, in the fact that they both can be determined or stubborn depending on the way you look at it,” Jungkook confessed. “He gives me good advice on how to handle certain situations with her.”
How do you feel about Y/N after watching her give birth? How has it changed your bond/connection?
“I’ve always thought that she was an amazing woman but after watching her go through her pregnancy and labor,” Jungkook paused to let a rush of of air out of his mouth. “She’s fucking Superwoman in my eyes now.”
Have you ever had a moment when you’ve looked at Y/N and Ava and been amazed? Or just felt so in love?
“The way that Y/N looks at Ava always sticks out to me,” Jungkook confessed.”The day we found out she was pregnant, the day we found out Ava was a girl, the day she was born, the day she first started crawling, Y/N has always looked at her with the most adoring gaze ever. You can just tell how much she loves Ava by how she looks at her.”
“Of course I do,” you smiled as you leaned down and kissed the top of Ava’s head. “She’s my favorite person besides you,” you say, making Jungkook grin.
“Seeing Y/N look at her like that just warms my heart and makes me feel so lucky to have such an amazing mother to my child,” Jungkook finished.
Do you want more kids?
“Yeah,” you both answer at the same time. 
“We’d like to wait until Ava is a little older though,” Jungkook added.
Hopes for the future?
“I’d definitely like to teach Ava how to be a strong woman, the same way that I was taught,” you answered. “That’s something that is extremely important to not only me, but Kook as well.”
“Absolutely,” Jungkook smiled. “Me, I’d like us to continue to grow together as individuals and as a family. I want me and the members to continue to be successful, I’d like Y/N to accomplish all of the goals that she’s set, I’d like Ava to keep growing and keep learning more and remain healthy. Another kid at some point would be good too but that’s it really,” he shrugged. As long as that happens, I’ll be happy.”
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tremolux · 5 years
Last Words
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"This isn't just about me. It's about Taylor too. She's alive. We need your help."
With these final words, Nolan was shoved to his bloody death on the spikes below. 
While there are many suspects and potential motives, one possibility to consider is that these very words -- with the revelation that Taylor is alive -- is what actually sealed his fate.
And in entertaining this idea, the one who naturally stands out from the crowd as the likely killer is mama Hotchkiss herself.
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From the first moment Claire was introduced, we got a taste of the obsessive level of control she exerts over Nolan, and likewise did over Taylor.
Claire was immediately suspicious of Ava's presence at the house, and made a point of telling Nolan that he's "on the right track with Caitlin," thus steering him away from the relationship he wants, and towards the one she wants for him. Which is (not coincidentally) the one that will maintain the best public image for the family, and you can bet the political ties to a senator and potential president are a huge factor here.
When Nolan mentioned he'd rather not join the rowing crew this year, citing a need for more personal time, Claire once again redirected him towards her own wishes, using a complimentary tone to coerce him. "You can handle it, Nolan. You always do." 
As if that bit of meddling were not enough, she took things to a whole other level in calling for Beacon Guard surveillance on Nolan. 
But Nolan was smart; he knew how to humor her, and how to give her what she wanted without actually giving in. He also had methods of working around Beacon Guard. 
So we can see the game they’ve been playing right along. 
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Just prior to his death, Nolan went to meet Taylor at her cabin. But someone in a white car followed him there.
It’s very likely that Claire was in this car, because once Nolan went "off the grid," the Beacon Guard surveillance was useless. So if she wanted to stay in the loop, she had to do it the old fashioned way: by following him.
Nolan brought a bag of groceries into the cabin, so if Claire was watching, this was probably the point where she started to get really suspicious about what he was up to and who he was meeting with.
Inside the cabin, Nolan claimed to know someone who could help them. Taylor was hesitant at first, but eventually agreed to bring this mystery person into the fold.
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Now we can be pretty sure Nolan's mystery person was Alison.
After leaving the cabin, Nolan headed to Thorne Hall, and sent a text to Alison, asking to meet on the roof. 
This text was either a Hail Mary, or a critical error in judgment, because all of the phone and data traffic on campus gets routed through Beacon Guard. So even if Nolan had sent the text from a "safe zone," Alison's house is not safe, and the message would have to pass Beacon Guard’s filters before reaching her phone.
Knowing the level of surveillance on Nolan, and Claire’s personal interest in his affairs, it’s reasonable that she could have intercepted or blocked his text message to Alison. 
At some point the fear of losing control had to be smacking Claire in the face, so she pulled the plug, causing the temporary "blackout" of Beacon Guard which delayed the text from reaching Alison’s phone until the next day.
The blackout also afforded Claire a window of opportunity to confront Nolan herself and demand answers, without being seen on camera. 
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Along the way to Thorne Hall, Claire overheard Nolan's friends plotting and laughing about killing him. 
Nolan was expecting Alison, so when someone showed up on the roof, he just started talking. Even though it was dark and he probably couldn’t see who it really was, he thought he was talking to Alison.
Claire just listened and played along. But once Nolan dropped the truth bomb, that Taylor had faked her death, maybe the shock and absolute betrayal from both of her children was just too much to handle. 
For someone who exercises such an obsessive need for control, to realize she’d been played the fool, would make this a very plausible snapping point for Claire. 
Maybe she snapped and pushed him. Maybe it was not her actual intent to kill him, but he fell backwards and went over the edge, and it was a done deal. 
Fortunately for Claire, her tracks are already well covered. 
With everyone at BHU a suspect, she could pin this murder on pretty much anyone, and have some fun doing it.  
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riverdalerecs · 5 years
Showin Love Sunday - Forbidden Fruit by Lilhemmo
First and foremost we want to apologize for this being so late. Brit and I had a lot going on in the past week or so. We really like working on these recs together so we do not do it unless we can both work on it. That being said please submit more recs this was the only one we had in our inbox and we love doing these, so please keep sending them through. 
Now onto the rec. This week’s (Last weeks 😂😬) #showinlovesunday goes to @lilhemmo  for her fic Forbidden Fruit. It is an incredibly well made AU that I could not even begin to explain. her character work in this is absolutely incredible and you'll really need to go read because it's so amazing.
To add I never thought I (Lynzie) would like it because even though I love mythology I did not think I would like reading it in the context of Sweet Pea (Riverdale) however I was proven very wrong because I was hooked instantly. So please if you have the time go read it. 
I (Brit) have loved this fic from the start and am so very excited to see it continue and where it will lead. @lilhemmo describes and writes flawlessly and just pulls you in to the story without trying. 
So what did we do? This week we wanted to try something different, something we had both never really tried to do. We have both written song fics but never actually made a playlist for a fic, so that is what we did. We picked songs that we thought represented both Sweet Pea (Hades) as well as Persephone (Lilith) in each chapter of the fic. Also, some chapters have more songs, that is purely because Brit and I are song obsessed and could not decide.
  Here is the link to the playlist on Spotify if anyone wants it to be made on youtube just let us know. 
Spotify Link
Chap 1 
Pendulum - A Skylight Drive 
Pain - Three Days Grace 
Chap 2 
People are strange - the doors
The nobodies - Marilyn Manson 
Outsiders - Ramones 
beauty in the dark - Azure Ray
To hell and back - Marren Morris
Chap 3 
Burning bright - Shinedown 
The great escape - boys like girls 
All signs point to Lauderdale - a day to remember
Backbreaker - hit the lights 
Chap 4 songs 
Clarity - Zedd 
I won’t let go - Rascal Flatts 
Stand by you - Rachel platten 
Chap 5 songs 
Heart attack - Demi Lovato ( outfit defense sup not falling in love) 
Walking away - Jason Aldean
IDFC - Black Bear 
Pushing me away - Linkin park 
Chap 6 songs 
Bubbly - Colbie Caillat 
A thousand years - Christina Perrie
I think I’m in love - Kat Dahlia 
After you - Meg Myers 
Queen - Loren Gray
Chap 7
you won’t feel a thing - The script 
fuck you - lily Allen 
Fight song - Rachel platten 
You don’t own me  - Grace ft G-Eazy 
These are some extras
No friend- Paramore
What can I say - Tayla Parx
I am human - escape the fate 
I’ll stand by you - the pretenders 
Sweet but a psycho - Ava max 
Nightmare - Halsey 
Fuckin perfect - pink 
Complicated - Rihanna 
Just a kiss - lady antebellum 
She’s got this thing about her - Chris young
Never gonna be alone - Nickleback
O.K fine - clover the girl 
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ofviolentdeath · 4 years
Muse Stats::Malachi
Name: Malachi “Mal” “Kai” Delaney-Holden Face:
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What: Witch, keres, wereleopard hybrid Duties: Not getting arrested Age: looks late teens to early 20′s Sexuality: Bi Talents:  shifting, heightened senses, lower silver allergy for being half shifter, magic, accelerated healing, very durable, borderline immortal. 
Kai is, by absolutely no means, soft. Like his mother, he was getting into trouble at a very young age due to violence. Unfortunately, he packed a better punch at four than most people did at thirteen. For that reason alone, he was kept out of public schools until he was in his teens. 
This was...not better.
He had caught onto what was considered trendy pretty fast, took him all of a week to find a spot to fit in. However, it was all an act. He didn’t give a single shit about any of those people except for one. He had grown obsessed with one of the pretty, popular girls. 
And ho boy did he inherit Bells’ worst traits. 
It had been easy enough to get the girl to go out with him, but she had found him way too intense. Of course, she didn’t know the half of it. When she ultimately rejected him, Kai killed her. Brutally. 
She was the first in a string of dead exes. 
Bells and Hawk have tried to curb that, even tried having Ben step in, but it’s been no use. When they asked Ava, she merely shrugged and pointed out that Ren would pretty much like that as well. And then there was Chance and Jeff and even Teddy. Val and Willow were just as bad. Sometimes, that just happened with their bloodline. Which did not help. 
Still, he does care about his family as much as he’s capable of. Would absolutely murder for them, but he’s not going to change who he is any time soon.
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