#avatar ash clan
eywaseclipse · 1 month
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We’ve all seen the concept and fanart surrounding Varang. Leader of the ash people. So I took some artistic license and made her younger sister: Vitani.
Surely someone would oppose her at some point. Why not a relative? Her headpiece is made from the red frilled scales of their Komodo dragon-like creatures they ride on their volcanic terrain. What are your theories for the ash clan na’vi? Drop a reply or ask! Let’s get excited again!!! 🔥🪨🌋
Tap for quality bc tumblr..
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proffesionalalpaca · 1 month
Can you draw what Ash Spider would look like in your interpretation? The idea of ​​Spider joining in stuck in my head and your Ash Navis art is amazing!
So sorry this took so long but I finally had time to make a quick sketch for Ash!Spider - sort of a combination of my own ash Na’vi designs and on the canon-inspired stuff I’ve done more recently - anyway I hope you like :)
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mylesimeblr · 4 months
Crazy Spider origin HC
So, we all know Kiri is like probably Eywa's kid, right.
What if she was the reincarnation of Eywa herself, the Goddess of Light and Life. And Spider is the reincarnation of her long lost twin brother, Jergal, the God of Death and Destruction.
Everyone remembers Eywa but they all forgot Jergal
And yet Jergal is equally important and even more powerful that his twin sister
The first to make the connection is Mo'At
Spider, a lonely human child who was able to survive all those years in the Pandorian forest... it doesn't make any sense
And slowly, she puts two and two together and finds old drawing of the God of Death and she understands
But Jergal hasn't been forgotten by them all and is actually still worshipped by the Ash Clan and Arctic Na'vi and they want their God and maker to return
In the meantime, Spider starts developping powers he doesn't understands and he has... visions of a strange man with golden skin, raven wings and black horns
Honestly, God!Spider could have so much potential! Add a bit of Nocorro, Locorro or Aocorro in the mix and you have the perfect deal!
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space-blue · 1 year
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Someone spotted a buff arm in the background... Also wearing a single wire-like string as a bra is a Queen move I respect hard.
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spicymiilk · 1 year
Currently using the Pandora Rising Navi Designs for inspo for my Navi!Spider AU and just wow they’re so. Unbelievably gorgeous
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Hi, I'm curious if you have any theories about Avatar 3 and any thoughts about Ash Navis? What could they be like and will Quaritch really join them?
I wouldn’t say I have hard theories based on a ton of set leaks or anything but I have things in mind that I think could happen that would be interesting to me.
So I’ve heard the Ash clan is made up of Na’vi exiles from various clans. Basically it’s ✨Space Australia ✨. I think it’d be really cool to see them have a blended culture from all those other tribes along with seeing what there land looks like. It’d have to be pretty brutal if you’re sending exiles there. It’s confirmed that it’s a volcanic land so made those volcanoes regularly erupt (and could you imagine the lava maybe changing colors or being like something you’d see through heat glasses. It’d be so cool) I think other tribes are gatherers and don’t really do farming so maybe the ash clan have to grow plants to survive “manipulating” Eywa’s creation. Maybe there’s even deadlier animals then what we’ve seen or variations of animals we have seen that are adapted to the ash lands. All in all I think the ash clan will be brutal with a more feral relationship with the land and Eywa then the other tribes.
Something I’d find interesting for Quaritch would be if he tried to become Toruk Makto. I find it unlikely that there’s only one Toruk. The one we see in the first Avatar would at least have to have a mate so the species doesn’t die out. So Quaritch could become a dark Toruk Makto (could you imagine the fight him and Jake would have!) like a false prophet that some tribes actually get behind. I don’t think the ash clans leader Verang would fall for him though. I think it’s more likely that they use each other. I don’t think they’ll be romantic either.
The title the seed barrier has always had me speculating even though that’s apparently not the title anymore. But I’ve wondered what these seeds could be and what if it’s literally like a seed of Eywa that the humans could take back to earth to heal it? I think that’d be cool. According to the avatar survival guide (which I’m not even sure is canon) Pandoran plants have been taken to earth and there are even cults of eywa on earth. I love this concept so much and would love to see this expanded upon though I don’t think it will be. But all that’s to say there’s all ready Pandoran flora on earth and support for the na’vi, so you could have allies on Earth that would get the seeds planted. I’d love to see more of Earth in general but I’d like to see something done to actually save the planet. I think that’d be the best solution for the humans and the Na’vi. First you’d have to defeat the R.D.A because they are poison for everyone but their investors. There’s no way a human settlement on Pandora run by the R.D.A would ever be sustainable obviously not for Pandora but even for the humans. They’d be slaves to a company, your everything would be dependent on them and it’s not like you could just leave when you can’t breathe the air.
I think we’ll see more of Earth through Jake and Quaritch’s memories and maybe that’ll create sympathy from Eywa that leads to the creation of these earth healing seeds. You’re definitely not giving these to the R.D.A because they would just exploit it. They’d probably have to hijack a ship and send a human they trust (not Spider! I would hate to see him leave Pandora) to get the job done. They’d link up with the Na’vi loyalists on Earth and save the planet. This is more an overall theory though not just a third movie theory.
This isn’t really a theory and I’m sure everyone has heard the set leaks by now but Spider having a near death experience with Kiri healing him and Spider gaining the ability to breathe Pandora’s air afterwards is basically already canon to me.
I would like to see Neteyam resurrected in some way. I don’t think he’d be flesh and blood resurrected though I’d be so happy if he was. I think, if Eywa is an actual god ( and I think she is) and not a more scientifically explainable collective consciousness then maybe with the building threat Eywa decides she needs more spiritual help and turns characters we know into minor gods. I think I’d be cool to see Neteyam as like an earth god with his spirt creating earthquakes that wreak the R.D.A during battle. I would want this for Tsu’tey and maybe even Sylwanin too. I think this is totally not going to happen but I really like the idea.
I do think Grace will be resurrected in her Avatar body. I had the thought a few weeks back of, could they just hook graces avatar body back up to the tree of souls? ‘Cause her soul is with Eywa, maybe her soul just needed more help getting to her avatar body when she was you know- dying. But Kiri basically being Eywa’s avatar is probably strong enough to shepherd her mother’s soul into her na’vi body. I actually think this is pretty likely because I feel like just keeping Graces body around creates a narrative need to do something with it. No body but Grace can drive it so I think it’s only logical for her to be resurrected.
Those are my major theories/thoughts! Thank you for the question. I’d love to hear what everyone else thinks 💙
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pandoraheadcanons · 1 year
Who are the “Ash People?”
We’ve already potentially been given hints about the so-called “Ash People” that have been hinted at for the next film installment. In “The Next Shadow,” a comic centering around Jake’s first couple of weeks post-first movie, we see a conflict develop between Tsu’tey’s family and Jake. Tsu’tey’s mother, Artsut, is unhappy with her late son’s decision to have Jake lead, and attempts to dethrone him via a “first blood” rite. After having her youngest son, Arvok, unknowingly fight Jake with a poisoned blade, Artsut attempts to offer a solution to her child. This is what she says:
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“Clans, out there in the ashes.” Seems like a definite thread that will lead us to our next clan. These people are seemingly ones to not judge outcasts, ones who’ve gone so far as murder/attempted murder like Arvok.
Given that the clan is by a volcano, could they have a more volatile state of living due to the changing and growing nature of volcanoes? I dislike the notion of them being “evil,” so I hope that isn’t the direction this will take. I do understand, though, that having an entirely positive view of a people isn’t always the best either.
Now, their name. This isn’t confirmed by any means, and could be a totally different clan from what Artsut mentions here, but it does seem like the Ash People could be the Mangkwan Clan.
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I just read Avatar: The Next Shadow last night and I came across this frame in the comic, where Arvok is being told by his mother that he could seek refuge with "other clans, out there in the ashes."
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Apparently, There are many "Ash clans" just like there are many ocean clans.
And the Ash clans are special because either they are people who have been outcasted from their former clans for various reasons, or they are clans that don't judge your past, and accept you irrespective of it. Its what you do in the future that matters.
I wonder if they are considered "bad" by other Na'vi because they are just different from others in their not judging past wrongs, and could thus be outcasts.
And outcasts doesn't mean bad either just like sweet Payakan. Oh man i wonder if Payakan was just a glimpse of what can get you outcasted in Pandora.
And this just proves the theory that Quaritch is going to be a part of these clans if not a full clan member.
It feels extremely canon at this point.
But also, What if they become Quaritch's allies , and storm Bridgehead (and maybe other human outposts in Pandora), And Quaritch takes over Bridgehead but not in a "I'm completely on the Na'vi side" but more like "i have my own agenda".
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nilsavatar · 1 year
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Status: PROLOGUE (0/?)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Parings: Neteyam x Fem!UnknownOriginsNa’vi!Reader
Genre/Warnings: ANGST, sorrow, mentions of nearly death, romance, adventure, soulmate love, destined lovers, possible suggestive content NSFW/MDNI later on, no use of Y/N, clans never seen in films yet. All characters are AGED-UP.
Summary: During the battle with the SeaDragon, gunfire struck Neteyam’s heart. A mortal wound that heals itself under the astonished eyes of his brother, as if the Great Mother still did not want him with her. She has other plans for Toruk Makto's eldest son. 
Nevertheless, his body is weak, and he falls into a slumber from which he can no longer wake up. His vital signs are stable, yet Neteyam is slowly slipping away.
He is waiting.
Waiting for the girl who has been appearing in his dreams since he went into a coma.
Sneakpick on the fem protagonist: Mi'niri is a Na’vi of unknown origins and singular appearance: very fair skin in shades of gray with desaturated stripes, auburn hair, and pearly irises with pale magenta highlights. She is raised within the Tawkami Clan by a couple who have never been blessed with a child. Her parents are held in high regard by the entire clan as skilled scholars and chemists. It is suspected that Mi'niri is originally from the Kekunan Clan, although she doesn’t share their somatic features, as she was found as an infant in the border area between the two clans and wore a bracelet on her wrist made of the typical garish colors of the Kekunan. She also had a toy ikran in her cradle, usually used by the clan as an educational tool. Mi'niri is sharp and intelligent, very curious about the ecosystem and an animals lover, but she never fully integrated among the Tawkami despite the peaceful nature of the clan.
Author's note: The idea of writing something related to Avatar TWOW has been floating around for a while now.
Like so many of you, Neteyam's death left a bitter taste in my mouth, so I started fantasizing about an alternative ending where the Prince of the Omatikaya overcomes death.
And, again, like so many of you, the anticipations about the Ash People gave rise to so many ideas that, alas, I can no longer ignore.
The story in question, although it has a plot already outlined, is still in the early stages of writing, to the extent that it doesn’t have a definitive title yet. And for this, I ask for your kind help.
Even if this is my first post in a very long - too long - time I hope you'll like it.
If you want to be tagged in the next posts, just write it in the comments. I’ll gladly add y'all💕
Masterlist - Request a fic
PS: I'm not a native speaker. Therefore, at times, my choice of style and vocabulary may be odd. Nevertheless, chapters will always undergo proofreading before being posted.
Let's cut to the chase and enjoy your reading! 
The thunderous rumble of rain pelting the ground. The violent howl of the wind shaking the trees.  The desperate cry of a woman blended with the growl of a wounded animal.
Then nothing more.
Only the quietude of the eclipse and the reverberation of that roar fading into a wail.
Acala awoke with a start. She rarely dreamed, but never was there a dream that was so full of sorrow that it kept her from getting any rest. It was so vivid, so authentic. So vibrantly real. A choked sob betrayed her, causing an abrupt jerk by her side.
“Are you okay?" firm fingers held her wrists in the faint dimness of the night. She turned, her sight lost in keeping track of the glowing freckles that speckled that much-loved face. She couldn’t meet his eyes, but she could surmise the look on his face. His weary voice left no doubt; full of concerned, yet reassuring.
Minute shudders ran through her body, prepping her lungs to vent air in muted whimpers, before they descended into weeping.
“Hey, hey,” strong arms cocooned her, tenderly stroking her back with one hand, while smoothing her unbraided hair with the other. “Shhh, it’s alright. You are alright. It was just a nightmare.” “No!” she gasped against his chest, “We have to go. We have to go now!” “... Go where?” "With conviction, she affirmed “Into the forest!” as she fiddled with something. “Acala, you’re upset. Go back to sleep, it’s the wee hours,” he asserted, not in the least bit fazed by his mate’s irrational behaviour. She was all too familiar with such happenings after -- “Hurry up,” she insisted with more fervor. 
Now that the woman had lit a torch, he could watch her closely. Slender fingers on the shoulder strap, her expression showed a seriousness and confidence about the terrible thing to come.
“Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” “They will die if we wait until tomorrow.” “Who--?” “Trust me,” she stoned, staring him straight in the eye in that peculiar way only she had, “Please.”
He couldn’t win against those eyes.
As they reached Greenhouse entrance, a voice called Acala. A gaunt figure emerged from the darkness; finely woven beads veiling her abdomen tinkled with each step. “Tsahìk,” she winced, “Oel ngati kameie (I see you),” she greeted, bringing two fingers to her forehead, right in the middle of her eyes. Her torso bent in reverence as those two fingers drew an arc in front of her. The old woman flashed her a smile, her gaze was affectionate and sympathetic, but bothered by the evident wrinkles. “Go, child,” she granted simply, releasing some of the tension that stiffened Acala’s posture.
Approval. The proof that what she was doing was the right thing. That what was occurring was actual and not a fabrication of her mind. For Eywa had also whispered to the one who interpreted the Great Mother’s decree.
“Fulfill your destiny.” “I don’t know in which direction.” “Nawna Sa’nok (Great Mother) will show you the way. Listen to her voice.” Her eyes, of a bright yellow with green around the pupil, met Sílron’zem’s, “Stand by her and be prepared”. “Prepared for what?” the frustration now impossible to control, despite being before the elder. “Providence can appear in enigmatic guises and its gifts may be found in the oddest of places. Yet a blessing must welcomed with an open spirit in spite of the fear.” “Blessing? What blessing might be concealed for us in the heart of the forest, when predators are at their most active?”
In stark contrast to expectation, Sílron’zem was unafraid of the forest. He ventured into the lush greenery of Eywa’eveng (Pandora), eager to absorb her absolute magnificence. He had undertaken such a journey as his calling, to which he had dedicated himself with every fiber of his being, regardless of the risks. But something in him changed upon meeting his mate. A compassionate and talented woman with a vocation for looking after children. However, it never attained her greatest longing. 
The desire for motherhood.
A sense of incompleteness devoured her. What was once an exuberant girl, thrill-seeking and inquisitive, has dwindled into a mere shadow of her former self.  The whole village provided her with aid in confronting the unfathomable sadness that overwhelmed her. A sort of inexplicable melancholy. The nostalgic and poignant suffering of a mother whose child had been torn from her arms. How could you miss something you never had? It was something Sílron’zem couldn’t get, not entirely. He couldn’t grasp the feeling of being denied the purpose of a lifetime, the path you had mapped out for yourself. And surely, he could not estimate the magnitude of the damage caused by an anomaly no one else had undergone before. It’d never happened a couple united by tsaheylu didn’t beget offspring, their own palpable evidence for the continuity of the clan. The Tawkami were shaken to its core when this impossibility had befallen on the very person who most deeply wished for a family of her own.
Amidst the grief, rage was also present.
Why did Eywa mould Acala to be a mother if she had no intention in making her one? Why did Sílron’zem have to stand there still, witnessing the love of his life turn into an empty shell?
Finally, one last thought crept into his heart. If she ached so immensely over the loss of a baby she never had, what would happen if she also lost her mate?
Frightened, the man resorted to a drastic shift in his scientific pursuit. Explorations no longer held the same intrepidness they once did; he stopped staying away from Greenhouse for several days. He wouldn’t expose himself to danger anymore, so he would take better care of Acala.
He was willing to sacrifice everything for her, to make her beam with joy once more, to bring back the sweet smile he was so fond of. And now all his efforts were about to be in vain. Not only did his wife have a sudden urge to plunge into the forest, at night, under the threat of predators, Tsahìk was encouraging her. No matter his high regard for her, she had to give him a valid reason to go along with this madness.
“To become a father.”
Heavy raindrops pelted the leaves that sheltered them. The soft purring of a guarding animal. The distressed gasp of a terrified woman. The rustle of a bow ready to shoot.
The txumre' (slinth) snorted irritably, as if to rebuke them for their tardiness, before leaving.
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joeyleesblog · 1 year
Post 1 | Post 3
Spider with his new little sister Ash.
Little Sister: Brother! Your hair is so beautiful!
Spider: Ah, thank--- What are you doing with that dagger?!
Little Sister: I want your hair. One strand is enough.
Spider: Oh shi--- No!
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anerdquemoraaolado · 10 months
Better Than Expected
Chapter 15
WARNING: Brief mentioning of miscarriage
The movement of the warriors caused by the capture of an unusual prisoner caught the attention of the leader of the Ashe People and, without delay, she went to the place where the prisoner was being kept. The surprise between the two was mutual, however, Varang tried to leave it behind, assuming her chief posture and taking charge of the situation.
The boy was clearly startled by her detached gaze, however, he quickly adopted a rebellious and impulsive posture, willing even to expose his teeth in a snarl. Seeing that the leader was clearly pregnant shouldn't have impressed him that much, as it wasn't the first time he'd seen something like this.
For a brief moment, Varang's memories took her back to the images she had seen of the boy through Miles's mind. Knowing exactly who he was, she decided how to deal with him.
-Let him go, I'll deal with him - she ordered and her soldiers obeyed her.
Even confused and scared, Spider followed her, not letting his guard down.
Along the way, a series of things crossed her mind, whether it would be better to tell Miles that the boy was there, or tell Spider himself that she already knew him, in a way, and that she was his stepmother.
However, Varang didn't have much choice when Miles was already in their hut.
-I hope that… - he was saying when he realized who was accompanying her - it can't be…
-Quaritch! - Spider exclaimed, in a mixture of anger, fear and defensiveness, it quickly crossed his mind that it would be stupid to face him, confront him or try to run away.
-How did you get here? What happened? - Miles approached him, clearly worried.
-Do you care about that? - the boy opted for the defensive attitude, even crossing his arms, completely mad and impatient.
-It's not a good choice to play this game - his father advised, gladly - it's okay, I can give you some time, sit down and calm down.
-Can I do that here? Am I not your prisoner? - he snapped.
-Let's say you're in our custody - Varang decided to intervene, thinking it was a good time for it - I'm Varang, leader of the ash clan.
-With all due respect ma'am, are you protecting me because of him? - Spider replied, his tone much more cautious this time.
-In part yes, but in another part, because I know you, Miles Socorro - Varang addressed him, risking a few steps closer - or should I say, Spider.
-Did he tell you about me? - curiosity ended up instigating the boy.
-Ah yes, but only after we shared our mental visions - she clarified - that's where I first saw you, in your father's memories.
-Why would they share their memories? - Upon hearing that, he made a typical teenage face of disgust.
-You have many questions, boy, but I have many others, as it is in our house, I would like you to answer - Miles imposed, standing in front of Spider in an intimidating way.
-Calm down, my beloved, treat the boy with more patience - Varang touched his shoulder, making him step back a little.
From the affectionate way she called Quaritch, Spider really gave up on all questions.
-What were you doing when you were captured by my warriors? - Varang questioned him again, in a much kinder and smoother tone.
"I was on patrol with the Metakayina, I got lost from the rest of the group, trying to find another route," he muttered, against his will.
-Okay, that's enough answers for me - she was satisfied with his statement - I can find my own ways to find out more, if I need to, and speaking of needing, I believe you need some time, Spider. Feel free to be my guest, not my prisoner.
With a suspicious smile, Varang left them alone and, despite Miles' frustration, he realized right away what she wanted. A frank and necessary conversation between the two. Being honest with himself, Miles knew this was what he needed too. So he took a deep breath and decided to move on.
-How did you get that? -Spider dared to ask, before his father could formulate any sentence.
-What are you referring to? Me surviving without you or marrying the chief of the tribe? - Miles countered, a little less bitter.
-Both - the boy replied.
-Varang - his father said simply - the warriors found me and took me to her, she had a vague idea of what I was, thought I would be a good ally in this conflict between the na'vi, so she secured the alliance with a proposal wedding.
-And you took advantage of the situation - Spider laughed sarcastically.
-I accepted it to save my life, in the beginning, but believe it or not, I fell in love with her, I really love her - declared the oldest, undoing his emotional ties little by little, getting to sit on the floor and stay more than Spider's height.
There was something different and sincere in Miles' statement, which for a single instant, almost moved the boy.
"And so you've been living like a native ever since," he found out - the life you so despised.
-I know, I'm guilty of all this, but I think I've been punished enough - Miles raised his hands in surrender - I died twice, and lost a son.
-I'm here, aren't I? - Spider extended his arms, in a position of clear attack.
-No, I'm not talking about you - he shook his head, feeling a little confused - I mean, I lost you somehow, I wasted the time we had together, I threw it all away for a cause that today I consider lost and meaningless to me, but it wasn't you I remembered when I said that.
-So what are you talking about? - the boy became more attentive, sensitive to what was to come.
-Varang lost a child before, it was my child too, your… sibling who couldn't be born - his father explained - I believe that was enough punishment from Eywa, because I deserved it.
-It means that… the child that Varang is expecting is yours - Spider confirmed.
-That's right, it's your sibliing - Miles nodded.
"I'm so sorry for your loss," he said, understanding the grief.
-Thank you, but I thank you even more for listening - his father replied - you know, I… I told Varang once that if I had another opportunity to be a good father to you I would be, I wouldn't waste it, but I know this one choice is yours. If you want to stay here, you can have a home, you can have a family…although I know you have a family with the Sullys.
-Things weren't always so easy with the Sullys, mostly because of you - the boy commented, showing a little more of his hurt.
-I understand, the me of the past and the me of this body did a lot of harm to many people, but believe me, I have changed and I am willing to fix things with you, really - Miles declared, with regret.
Once again, Spider found himself moved by the former colonel's plight. The only remnant of his former self he could recognize now was the look of tenderness when he called him son, when Spider decided to abandon him. The way Varang had treated him and the whole story, as absurd as it seemed, given the evidence before his eyes, it all seemed to fit together and make some sense in Spider's mind.
-I'll have to think about your case - decided the boy, with a lot to consider.
-It's better than a definitive no, or a middle finger - Miles opined.
The comment elicited a spontaneous laugh from Spider, which seemed like a sign of hope for his father.
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proffesionalalpaca · 1 year
Quaritch is gonna join the Ash people clan; here’s my proof.
Don’t you think it’s just perfect that Recom Miles Quaritch, a product of Project phoenix, would join/ally with the Fire Na’vi of the ash clans.
Literally named after the creature that sets itself on fire, that dies, in order to be reborn from the ashes!
I don’t know about you but that seems a wee bit too intentional.
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basementnoodles · 10 months
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So uh
This is my fanart for @sandiavolo s Ash Spider AU.
Fanon design : I drew this before the second chapter containing Spider s actual description came out. I heavily based his costume design based on Quaritch and Varangs leaked designs
Canon Spider is my interpretation based on the description of the fanfic. His mask base is kinda interpretated off of a lions. Was it meant to ressemble a thanator ? Im not sure
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space-blue · 1 year
I saw your post about the Na'vi who live near volcanoes! (I loved it so much!) What examples do you have of their clothing? And what rites of passage do they have since making a bond with animals isn't a normal occurrence?
Anon, thank you so much!! I have the day off so I spent the afternoon doodling ideas for the Txepiva, half of them not even what you asked for lol
Here's the full sheet, which you can see in full size by opening in a new page.
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Clothes :
Let's say they are mostly pastoralist nomads. They have an animal, an omnivorous creature that lives in small flocks of 20-30 members. They have a scaly/platted back and tail, but also tufts of heat resistant fibers close to a wool, just not nearly as compact. It's designed to keep them cool around the neck and chest.
Txepiva task young children with herding the flocks, making tsaheylu and often riding the flock's leading animal, leading them all by directing the one. They are used for meat, but also for their fibers, which are made into protective veils, as heat reflective as anything Na'vi can produce.
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This made me think about masks (made of bone or worked leather) that would use glass lenses and veils made of that material to get extra close to lava. A Pandoran take on the protective suits we wear on earth.
I have had to honour of getting very close to a lava flow, and my experience is that when you're 20m away from it, it feels as hot and oppressive as when you're 1m away from a raging bonfire. If they need to get close, extra protection would help.
Masks could also have simple slits, though idk how much protection that would offer.
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And since they can weave heat resistant fabric, but not everyone would get close to lava, you could also have more casual but still protective gear, mimicking Tuareg and other desert dwelling headgears and scarves. You could wrap the queue (tswin) inside of it and have it hidden from view. My adult Txepiva who aren't young herders or hunters have little use of their tswin outside of mating.
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They would have access to a lot of precious stones. A lot of jewelry would be crafted there and be part of their main exports to other clans, alongside glass objects. Vials and glass rings would be particularly popular, as well as beads.
They'd import a lot of dyes and dried plant material in exchange. The one thing that is taboo for other clans though is metal.
That doesn't stop the Txepiva from using it for themselves, in earrings, worked plates, kuru clasps, brooches, etc. Copper is particularly easy to obtain around volcanic faults.
The other stone of choice is obsidian. I tried to give her white paint under her eyes instead of the black one I did on my original design.
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But at the end of the day one of the most used materials in the clan is Bone. All warriors and scouts wear chains of vertebrae over their tswin. It's to prevent being easily killed by the queue being grasped and severed at the base.
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The war chief, leader who takes charge of the clan whenever they face conflict or are readying an assault on another clan, tends to wear more flashy gear. This one collected vertebraes with a long neural spine :
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The tswin and its bones are tied to his waist so they don't sway or get in his way. It's mostly ceremonial gear, I don't think he'd bedeck himself like this for war.
Didn't draw any shoes, but the Txepiva are occasional users of the stuff, especially on active volcanic plains.
Rites of Passage :
Not everyone is a warrior, so I assume they'd have different rites for different people.
Those who are warriors might be tasked to prepare their own kit to go on a quest of some sort. A raid to steal an animal, or to go deep into active lava flows to collect precious materials and prove themselves.
Or they might be cast out altogether for a whole year or more, young people forming roving bands from different clans who have to get along and conjoin their skills to survive. That feels a little extreme, though I've explored the idea of the ash people having a yearly meeting where most clans peacefully get together and trade, party, bang, and mate across clans to, you know, clean up that gene pool.
It being the moment roving bands return and have a ceremony accepting them as adults and able to join a mate and a new clan would be great. Another group of youth could be cast out at the end of that meeting, only to return in a year.
That has the advantage that it could include people whose main skill isn't hunting or killing, as they'd be just as valuable for a band's survival.
But otherwise I enjoy the idea of yuong people building a 'dowry' for themselves. It's not about mating at all, but to showcase their skills for the great meeting. Elders of all clans gather and inspect the ivory carvings, dyed weaved scarves, worked stones and jewels, or even the smithed blades and copper beads produced by this youth who claims to be an adult. They might prepare a single enormous project, or present a collection of wares.
If approved, then they would receive presents prepared for them by their friends and family ahead of time in a ceremony welcoming them as adults, and they'd be allowed to go trade all their hard work.
And that gathering place definitely has a fun-time tent for adults but also a massive complex of hot springs. It's a sacred place with a lot of growing soul trees where killing or fighting is completely forbidden.
You have to leave your clan's baggage at the metaphorical door.
They'd also have sport competitions and friendly matches, as well as conflict resolution.
OK going to shut up now because I think I could go on a little too long!!
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kaspavanlortsyal · 9 months
Bridgehead Affairs - Chapter 25
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pandoraheadcanons · 1 year
If they make Quaritch and Varang a couple I WILL lose my mind (in a bad way).
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