#avianscribe's writing
avianscribe · 2 years
Need a Gladio fix?
Since I'm having a bit of a lull on the writing front (I have WIPs, but no ergs for writing right now) I'm grouping my current fics into some rec lists based on POV, which I realized I didn't really tag when I originally posted them.
And I'm starting with Gladio!
I have 107 fics, and sadly, only 8 of them are from Gladio's POV. I struggle with him, but he's actually a lot of fun to write, when it's all said and done.
Most of these fics are pretty short, and part of my sets written based on one-word prompts. None of them have ships, and they're all rated G or T. In no particular order:
"Sleepy" -- Long car rides make you tired.
"Winter Spice and Memories" -- Right before Winter Solstice and Shivatide, Cor calls Gladio back from a daemon hunt because Iris is up to something… and it's up to Gladio to figure out how to help. (Written for InkTail as part of the 2019 Holiday Exchange.)
"The Daemons that Await the Dawn" -- Humanity wouldn’t survive to see the Dawn. (Part of my "Bad Ends" series, and tagged accordingly.)
"Feral" -- Gladio experiences Noctis summoning an Astral for the first time. (From the XVtober 2021 prompts.)
"Suit" -- Noctis wears a suit for the first time after his injury. (From the XVtober 2021 prompts.)
"Exhausted" -- The guys get into another fight that takes longer than expected, and pushes Noctis into stasis. (From the XVtober 2022 prompts.)
"The Tip" -- Prompto follows a tip from some fellow hunters that leads him to a fight he can’t win alone. (Written for XVtober 2022, from several prompts. Only one chapter is from Gladio's POV, but I'm counting it!)
"Absolution" -- After Insomnia, Gladio doesn't have time to grieve, because Noctis keeps them on the move. Until he doesn't. (Written for the 2022 Remix event, for GingerEl.)
And, as a little bonus (snort), a fic that is centered around Gladio, but not from his POV...!
"Small" -- After a battle, Gladio has to deal with a status effect, and everyone else has to deal with Gladio…
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seaofolives · 4 months
so so so @kiliofdurinsline tagged me so here we go!
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
anyway who's ready for the most confusing and unhelpful wip titles ever (I also forget what these are as soon as the wip becomes a non-wip)
there's like exactly one (1) hadesgame and exactly one (1) gladnis in there but otherwise everything is g witch. also there's one more that isn't here but I haven't been able to get back to it in like more than a year so we'll keep it off the list for now. and if anyone really is curious about these, just reply to this post or send me a DM (I have asks closed)!
otherwise I'm tagging...
@clockwayswrites @gingerel @avianscribe @tagulansahulyo (do you still write po) @isleofair @safarikalamari (do you still have wips????)
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fallintosanity · 4 months
WIP Ask Game!
Tagged by @avianscribe - ty! :D
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I don't have a WIP folder so much as an entire folder hierarchy for writing projects in various stages of completion, whoops... ^^; And tbh I haven't touched most of these in ages. While I've started dipping my toes back into fic and fandom, writing is still really, really difficult for me (details in this post for anyone curious).
But I am dipping my toes back in!!! so here are the WIPs I found around my writing folders:
Providence Pt 2 [n.b., not a sequel - I had to split the wip file bc gdocs chokes after a certain length. Contains ch. 43 onward]
What Stays and What Fades (Part 2) [ditto; ch. 36 onward]
MB 2
Promare fic I'm definitely not writing
a glenn lives au
Rodrigue & Felix with Cornelia Whump Fic
felix begrudgingly tames a feral boar
Ask away!
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ivorydice · 6 months
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
I was tagged for this by @amiyade and @avianscribe a little while ago, thank you!! <333
Without further ado:
Noctis walks through the Citadel corridors until he reaches the heart, then he slows his pace. | crystalline
He shouldn’t be out here in the city. | neon lights
A flash of red, and the world spins. | redshift
He should have seen it coming a mile away. | Fade
They say those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. | when the stars collide
Ardyn had the same dream he had been having for two millennia. | The Memory of You
“When's your birthday?” | i'm longing to linger till dawn, dear
The house seemed to have every cliche Noctis could think of, and he wasn’t sure if it was something to be impressed by while simply carrying on with their job, or if they should actually follow Prompto’s paranoid rambling advice and turn around to leave. | Flesh Damage
It was ridiculous. | And Dream of Sheep
They’re dealing with a sudden ambush at Wennath Riverhead when everything goes to hell. | Pins and Needles
Some of these are so old, I'm cringing (affectionately) lmao. But I think my first line pattern is I just try to sound as mysterious and interesting as possible haha - definitely in more recent years anyway. I know I've been very conscious of writing advice posts/articles that go on about how the first line is an important hook. So I do try to make it as interesting as possible and try to get the vibes of the fic across immediately lol.
I have no idea who has been tagged for this, but I'm gonna give no pressure tagging to: @wrencatte @kaelinaloveslomaris @omgfloofy @zanarkandfayth @marmolita @every-lemon and anyone else who wants to do it!
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rose-madder-gaze · 6 months
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns!
I was tagged by @mathclasswarfare (here are math's first lines) and @avianscribe (here are avian's first lines). TY 💛
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
I considered cheating and only doing FFXV fics, but woe, niche fandom be upon ye:
Sometimes you kiss a princess, and then you live happily ever after. ("Spanner in the Works," FFXV, Cindy/Luna, rated G)
To Noctis, it has always been a bedtime story: the Ring, the Sword, and the legend that connects them. ("Besmirched," FFXV, Gladio/Noct and Prompto/Ignis, rated T)
Stirrings cease, the silence of a shadow passing; silence like a curtain drawn closed: he's close. ("Hwamei, who speaks at dawn," Thunderbolt Fantasy, Lin Xue Ya & Sha Wu Sheng, rated G)
"Ouch!" Lunafreya rolls over in the grass, a hand to her head. ("Death and Life," FFXV, Gentiana/Luna, rated G)
Lunafreya watched through her glass as the lights came back up. ("Burnt Pink Gin," FFXV, Gentiana/Luna, rated G)
Outside was a blue Insomnian night. ("Seiðr," FFXV, Gentiana/Luna, rated G)
This is the girl called Luna. ("Dream on the Distaff, A'tangle," FFXV, Gentiana/Luna, rated G)
Of all the mornings to wake with a touch of fever – it is, of course, the morning when he wakes thinking of him. ("Try to eat," Thunderbolt Fantasy, Wan Jun Po/Shang Bu Huan, rated G)
Shāng pulls off his headphones when the break room door opens. ("Hit It Off," Thunderbolt Fantasy, pre-slash Mu Tian Ming/Lang Wu Yao/Shang Bu Huan, rated G)
The near future lay on the other side of the mountain. ("Spring's First Thaw," Thunderbolt Fantasy, Lin Xue Ya & Sha Wu Sheng, rated G)
As for patterns… I start a lot of fics in the dark/morning (6/10 of these)? LMAO I'm not totally sure what patterns are here. Starting with narration, rather than dialogue? All but the first two of these are limited-word fics (500-word max), so maybe that somewhat skews the results? Unfortunately, I'm a poet: I don't believe in the independence of the first line. Let me know if you see any patterns.
I'm tagging @seaofolives, @gingerel, @firefallvaruna, @ignoctrabbithole (it let me tag you this time >:D), and @every-lemon if you waaant/haven't done it yet!
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chasingfigments · 5 months
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
I was tagged by @omgfloofy, @mathclasswarfare, and @avianscribe—I think that’s it!
Here we go:
“This late on a Tuesday night, the Wayne Enterprises parking garage should be all but empty.” [For Some Desperate Glory, Batman fic, 1/12 chapters] “Prompto hates the back seat.” [Departure, FFXV, oneshot] “From Ignis’s carefully selected seat on the couch, he has a perfect view of the moment when Noct’s bedroom door finally opens and Gladio slips out into the hallway.” [Aftermath, FFXV, oneshot (remix)] “Insomnia burns down below.” [under starless skies (we are lost), FFXV, 4/4 chapters] “It’s technically not breaking in if Ignis gave Prompto both the spare key and explicit permission to stop by, but it still feels like it might be a tiny bit illegal considering how sleek the apartment building looks from the outside and how not-dressed-up Prompto is right now.” [Permission, FFXV, oneshot (remix)] “It’s easy to spot Noctis in his silvery jacket, dark blue jeans, and black baseball cap, not that Noctis stands out too much in the late morning crowd.” [Confession, FFXV, oneshot] “The furniture store is one of the few places in this section of Insomnia that’s relatively intact.” [Respite, FFXV, oneshot] “Prompto is pretty damn sure his lap isn’t all that comfortable, but he’s tried twice to insist that Ignis would probably feel better if he had a proper pillow and Ignis had insisted he wouldn’t.” [Whisper, FFXV, oneshot] “Ignis knows they have arrived when Gentiana—Shiva—opens her eyes.” [What Fades Away, FFXV, 4/4 chapters] “The first minutes of sunrise cast the canyon in a red light and dark shadows.” [Naught in Return, FFXV, oneshot]
….apparently my pattern is that I need the reader to know the physical location/position we’re starting off with, even if it’s just implied. Which is—interesting? Huh. This is not a thing I would have identified as typical of my writing.
Tagging @ghost-bxrd, @gwynne-fics, @crazyloststar, and anyone else who is interested. :)
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mathclasswarfare · 2 years
Writer's First Lines
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven’t written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
Thanks @salamandersocks for the tag!
Tagging @errantknightess @every-lemon @avianscribe @star54kar @bladesandstars @voxiferous @audreyskdramablog @crazyloststar @canisargentum and @trans-prompto-argentum
Mine are after the jump, in reverse chronological order.
As he levels his weapon at the Niflheim chancellor, Prompto’s heart is pounding. 
(Train in Vain, promptis, rated T, 15,685 words--currently on ch 10/13)
Noctis sleeps, cradled in the cool emptiness of the void, wings and tail curled around himself.
(Wet Dreams May Come, promptis, rated M, 4,655 words)
The lobby of the First Secretary’s Estate is filled with irritating noises. 
(Thorn in his Side, gen, Fleuret-centric, rated G, 1,016 words)
Ignis Scientia will never forget that first time he walked up the Citadel steps.
(Unwanted, Uninvited Kin, gen, Uncle Ardyn-centric, rated G, 1816 words)
“What’s that?”
(Birthday, gen, Prompto-centric, rated G, drabble, cw: dehumanization)
"What time did you say the bus was supposed to be here?"
(The Best Laid Plans of Plebes and Princes, promptis, rated T, 2732 words)
When Ignis sees that the name ‘Crown City Comix’ is still available on moogle mail, he laughs aloud at his good luck.
(Good Boys, gen, rated G, 1000 words--is that a decadrabble?)
The bathroom is an ever-changing DIY masterpiece—a communal project that’s built up in layers of stickers and graffiti in the years since the bar’s old landlord jacked up the rent and they moved downtown. 
(The Writing on the Wall, promptis, rated T, 1190 words)
In the domain of the Hydraean, in the furthest depths of the ocean, far deeper than any anchor or rope could hope to reach, lies the kingdom of the merfolk.
(The Mer Prince, promptis, rated T, 11739 words, cw: major character death)
As soon as Prompto sees the stalls, he knows they’re going to have a problem.
(Filthy, promptis, rated M, 264 words)
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gingerel · 2 years
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
Tagged by: @salamandersocks & @avianscribe
The last line I wrote:
"What should we do then?”
Still struggling to write anything, so I actually wrote this a few days ago. Something, something Aerti, if you’re curious.
Tagging: @seaofolives @clockwayswrites @aroace-cherryblossom @star54kar annnnd @bladesandstars
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ffxvficrec · 3 years
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You can also check out the collection here:
We’ve listed the archive warnings and ratings, but please remember to mind the tags!
Hidden In Scars by avianscribe
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
Soul sickness happens when two soulmates have been separated from each other for too long. But Noctis can’t possibly have soul sickness, because he doesn’t have a soulmate. Does he?
Undercover by GingerEl
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
Noctis never expects to find exactly what he needs to start moving on from Luna's death in a kitschy little coffee shop, but somehow he does. Kind of.
Kingsglaive Recruiting! LF1M Healer by stitchcasual
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
Is it cheating on your fiancé to have a crush on your healer?
Noctis is a lot of things: He’s the prince of Insomnia and heir to the throne (even if the monarchy is mostly symbolic these days). He’s in love with Lady Lunafreya, his fiancé (even if they haven’t seen each other in person in over a decade). He’s a max level Interceptor in Fantasy World, the biggest MMO on Eos (even though Insomnia Today calls it overhyped and not worth the sub money). And he’s maybe, possibly, definitely crushing on the newest member of his guild (even though his wedding is less than a year away and he doesn’t even know this new girl’s real name).
Noctis is screwed.
Daydreaming by cloudsofsand
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
General Rating
The city of Insomnia is one that Lunafreya has only ever seen in her dreams. Her future home, where she will spend the rest of her life with the one she loves immediately feels like a place of peace and safety. Lunafreya writes of her experiences of coming to Lucis before the fall to Noctis through a series of letters in their shared journal. She daydreams about spending the rest of her life with the future king of Lucis.
Path Of Fate by ShadCat
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
Luna really misses spending time with her beloved Noctis.
Every time Umbra brings her their common book, Noctis has stuck new photos of himself and his friends on their road trip in it. Luna is happy for Noctis that he has support on his difficult journey, but when she looks at some of the photos, her heart is filled with the fear that there even might be more than just friendship between Noctis and one of the boys. What if she loses the love of her life?
Luna is ready to fulfill her fate, but first she needs to see Noctis again.
A Sweet Spot by anizen
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
“Should we stop doing this?” Luna asks.
“Wha- no! We’re friends, right? We don’t have to change that.”
Noctis shudders at the sudden coldness of Luna’s hands.
“No, I mean...this.” Luna slips her hands away from his. She retracts, fiddling with her fingers underneath the table.
Our Day in the Sun by sunset_dreamhouse
No Archive Warnings Apply
General Rating
“Surprise! We’re having a picnic!” He blinked at her. “I know our anniversary isn’t until next month,” she explained as she pulled her tote bag and the cooler out of the trunk, “but it would have been impossible to get away from everything on the actual day, so I wanted to do something special ahead of time, just for us.”
I Never Knew You Could Hold Moonlight by allihearisradiogaga
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
Noctis is returning home from college for his father's 60th birthday party, and he's afraid of disappointing him. So in a panic, he says he'll bring his girlfriend back with him, which only leads to one problem: he does not have a girlfriend. His childhood friend Lunafreya agrees to accompany him and pretend to be his girlfriend for the weekend, but as they navigate their time together, both begin to wonder how much they really are pretending.
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breakfastteatime · 4 years
Heads Up Seven Up
Thanks for the tag, @nativestarwrites!  Here we go, seven sentences from two of my current WiPs. I wish I’d done more on these as I wanted to get them ready for Whumptober, but work and life have kicked my arse lately and yeah. Writing kinda fell by the wayside. Anyway! TO THE FICS!
To be awkward, all the odd numbers are from one story, and the even numbers are from another 😆
1) “Who blows up a boat they’re still standing on?” 
2) Jack chambered a round and tucked his backup weapon into his tac vest. 
3) Jack paced back and forth, pebbles sliding underfoot.
4) They had Mac. 
5) “I ain’t moving from this spot, Ri,” he told her.
6) He muted comms so he couldn’t hear the others until he was damn well ready to give them some good news.
7) “He left us behind,” Jack said. 
I tag @angel-bless, @ivorydice, @luthienarnatuile and @avianscribe 👍
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carolyncaves · 4 years
I was tagged by @avianscribe (thanks!) to post 6 sentences of a WIP - and you know what’s easier than writing the ‘wwx goes to gusu’ followup? Rereading my draft and picking out a snippet for a tag game!
Lan Zhan guided him with small touches to sit down on a low stone. Then he bent down and carefully scooped one of the rabbits into his arms, and settled it in Wei Wuxian’s lap.
Wei Wuxian cupped it, warm body and soft fur, with both hands – the reflexive response to a small animal. “Lan Zhan?” he managed. He stroked his hand down its back, rubbed the downy spot behind its ears.
“I find them soothing,” Lan Zhan said, in a small voice.
I don’t know who to specifically tag, but anyone who sees this who has a WIP, I would love to read six sentences of it, please feel free to do this and tag me back!
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avianscribe · 1 year
Regis Fic Recs
For my next installment of fic rec lists from my works (since I don't have anything new to post and won't for a little while longer), I'm turning to our revered Regis Lucis Caelum! I have 11 fics in which Regis makes an appearance, but only 9 of those in which he plays a significant role, and those are what I'm focusing on for this list.
Regis POV
Starting with the two fics in which Regis is the POV character!
"Heartbroken" -- The kings of yore tell Regis about his son's destiny.
"Hidden in Scars" -- Soul sickness happens when two soulmates have been separated from each other for too long. But Noctis can’t possibly have soul sickness, because he doesn’t have a soulmate. Does he? (This one actually has multiple POVs, including Regis.)
Regis-centric Shorts
Most of the rest are either Ignis or Noctis POV. Most of these feature a very young Noctis (and often Ignis) and Noct's childhood relationship with his father.
"Not the Way You Play the Game" -- It's Ignis' first day in the Citadel…. and Noct's governess needed the day off. Cor is assigned to watch them both.
"A Blossom Grown for You" -- Young Ignis notices that Noctis is feeling poorly -- and King Regis's frequent absences only seem to make it worse. (Familial hanahaki!)
"Constants" -- There are three constants in Noct’s short life. First, his mom and dad are always there for him when he needs them. He doesn’t have to question. Second, when they can’t be near (they are Important and Busy), he has his nursemaid. Third, his Uncle Ardyn is really, really strange.
"King" -- It’s time for the King to visit the nursery, and Ignis doesn’t know whether or not he’ll get there.
"Taming the Moon" -- Ignis has come to the Citadel to begin his work for the Crown, and to be introduced to Prince Noctis. What he finds is a surprise. He knows how to be chamberlain to a boy. How can he be chamberlain to a cat?
"Crown" -- Regis visits the nursery.
And of course, finally, Thirst -- in which Regis is a very powerful and very ancient vampire, with all the powers thereof.
"Thirst" -- Noctis is a vampire, and Prompto is a vampire hunter's son… but they can still be friends, right?
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seaofolives · 1 year
Heads Up, Seven Up!
always a thrill when people think I have many friends but the tag came from @clockwayswrites! rules are: post the last seven lines of your* current WIP. (* - I assume this is your bc it's different from my copy-pasta source and the WIP is singular)
and then I have to tag 7 people too so uhhhh @safarikalamari (I'm sooo glad ure always here for me bb), @isleofair, @ofdemonsandangels, @avianscribe, @redoftheturks, @abyssalpeach, @battle-goats
anyway, under the cut bc it involves some g witch finale spoilers:
after posting /counts like 3? 3.5? fics of unrequited guesule, I gave myself the challenge of actually writing a requited love story! there is a plan and I just need to believe in it and execute it lmao. but yeah, so that's the context of this thing and uhhhh I took the instructions literally by counting seven lines on my mobile gdocs bc im just that kind of person. this is not strictly seven lines either but I didn't want to just share an unfinished sentence lmao.
so anyway, the he here is guel obviously:
He spends a great amount of time putting her crutches upright again which always seem to want to fall off the moment he turns his back to them. He looks absolutely stressed out by the effort that he has to sigh in relief when he finally gets it right.
For his sake, Suletta waits for him to disappear before she finally giggles in her hand.
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fallintosanity · 2 years
wip file name ask game
aw heck thank you for the tags @avianscribe and @every-lemon <3 I’m a million years behind on... well, everything right now but here we go! 
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
To quote @ageofzero, “bold of you to assume I have a WIPs folder but I do have WIPs lying around in Places” XD I almost never put a fic into a doc until I know I’m going to post it, so most of my WIPs just live in my head without titles or anything resembling, uh, format or continuity. That said, I do have approximate reference names for the ones that live in my head, so here are those + the handful of “real” WIPs that aren’t Providence or What Stays and What Fades:
1. Felix begrudgingly tames a boar (prince)
2. the Glenn Lives AU I’m definitely not writing
3. FTH fic 5 (MB 2) 
5. The remaining untitled parts of the Control Group series:
(5a) Barret
(5b) Lucrecia (+bonus Cid & Vincent)
(5c) Aerith
6. Promare fic I’m definitely not writing
A few of you have already been tagged already so I won’t add any peer pressure <3 but I will gently nudge this in the direction of @ageofzero, @autumnstwilight, @hitthebooksposts, and @characteroulette, if any of y’all are so inclined!  
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haircutboys · 5 years
Happy fanfic writer appreciation day!
Here are some (Hugo Award winning!) authors who I love a lot, and a link to a favorite FFXV fic of theirs:
*My dearest @ninemoons42 —wielder of gorgeous, evocative language—has so very many wonderful AUs, but she also wrote this mouthwatering, canon-compliant piece that I just love: compass rose (gen, T), https://archiveofourown.org/works/15731562
* @wrathoscribbles —creator of concise emotional masterpieces—wrote maybe the saddest thing I have ever had the pleasure of reading: Should have told you sooner (sort of unrequited promptis, T), https://archiveofourown.org/works/16544444
*MT—the warlock of angst himself (and hands-down the best at capturing the essence of Prompto)—has this fantastic canon-divergent fic featuring a second lovable Verstael clone: A Study in Reflection (A Study in Dejection), (promptis, M, read the tags—it gets a bit dark), https://archiveofourown.org/works/16654138
* @moonwaif —purveyor of thought-provoking stories that deal with real issues—wrote this excellent fic examining Prompto’s struggles with his body image and his friendship with Gladio: I’m Okay (promptis, G), https://archiveofourown.org/works/17487143
* @katekittaly —meticulous researcher and weaver of so many fictional worlds that I love—has finally tied the bow on her fic after 106(!!!) chapters. If you are looking for a good, long fic you should give it a read, especially if you like Doctor Who: Born to Dance in the Dark (Ignis/original female character, E, read the tags this deals with some difficult subjects) https://archiveofourown.org/works/15088619
* @stopmopingstarthoping — who chooses her words carefully and to great effect, across a wide range of AUs and ships—has this little Ravus piece that really does him justice: Useful (gen, G), https://archiveofourown.org/works/16450586
*notavodkashot—masterful deployer of snark (and author of the definitive Nyx x Cor, as you probably know)—wrote this spot on treatment of Chapter 10: the heart of the matter (gen, T), https://archiveofourown.org/works/12053928
*@voxiferous —the mastermind behind several creative and heartfelt AUs—has this delightful fairy-tale style take on a fix-it fic, The Faithful Servant (promptis, G), https://archiveofourown.org/works/16612913
* @avianscribe —whose writing is as excellent as it is hilarious—has this ongoing series that you are probably already reading and if not, you really should: Cracked (gen, T), https://archiveofourown.org/works/17276621
* @audreyskdramablog —adept conjurer of action scenes—has this extremely good pre-canon, pining-filled ongoing series. Here’s the first installment: Emergency Protocol Talk, (gen but the series as a whole is (hopefully not actually) one-sided pining promptis, T), https://archiveofourown.org/works/15811851
* @crazyloststar —not only an excellent writer but an excellent discord mod—has this ongoing emo band AU that is my newest obsession. This is some excruciating, fantastic, (mutual?!?) pining: Bend and Not Break (promptis, M), https://archiveofourown.org/works/17214833
* @puddingcatbae —soft promptis extraordinaire—wrote this very sweet and very sad (read: canon compliant) study on kisses: sipping on your lips, hanging on by a thread (promptis, G), https://archiveofourown.org/works/14966426
* @asidian —all around amazing writer (check out her original fiction it is fantastic)—has my favorite canon-divergent fix-it fic that makes excellent use of time travel. You’ve all probably already read it but here you go anyway: The Way They Were (promptis, M), https://archiveofourown.org/works/9540920
* @pikacheeka—brilliant, fearless, delver into the depths of the human psyche—brings us what is probably the best thing to come out of episode Ardyn: immovable to old idolatries, (versdyn, M): https://archiveofourown.org/works/18225032
There are so many other good writers too—this thread could just go on forever. Thank you all for sharing your talents and your hearts with the rest of us!!! 💞
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fullbloomzine · 5 years
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Contributor Spotlight No.24! 
Avianscribe ( @avianscribbles ) has more passions than she knows what to do with. Her fan writing may be found at archiveofourown.org/users/avianscr… and she creates fine art and coloring pages under the name Puffbird Studio ( @puffbird ).
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