#avis coda
posting this here because I love how I described my WIPs to my friend earlier:
A Match Made in Hell: a boy who can turn into a snake tries to find his way to Hell
the Avis Coda: a girl who is a spy finds out her sister is dead and tries to burn the city down in response while also trying to resurrect/find her sister.
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the-world-of-ignavus · 4 months
Language of the Regency: Modern Tema
Phonetics and Phonotactics
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Onset: m n k p ny ŕ ch sh h s  th d g w p l rr b t
H Clusters: hw hŕ hl
P Clusters: pr
Nucleus: m n ny rr ŕ y k h v f l b w ch th sk
Coda: n t l ŕ ch
Vowels: a i e o u
A Clusters: aa ao ae au
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Word Order
Primary - SOV | Subject Object Verb
Ma in-rridi haku lit. I the bird hunted I hunted the bird
Secondary - SVO | Subject Verb Object
Ma haku in-rridi I hunted the bird
Predominantly Head Initial Language
Nouns - Adjectives | Narru naŕa (white river (lit. river white))
Noun - Numbers | Lokal yun (two rocks (lit. rock two))
Noun - Genitives | Mao fisal fiwa (mother’s whiskers (lit. whisker of mother))
Noun - Relative Clauses | 
Article - Noun | In rridi (the bird)
Demonstratives - Noun | Avi narru (this river)
Adjective - Adverb | rraheŕi wiwa (pretty stupid)
Yes/No Particles | Post-Sentence
Ma kimakaal, yami I am coming, yes
Question Words | Post-Sentence
Ha otokaal, nyak? Where are you going?
Proper Noun - Common Noun | 
Modifier Order | opinion-number-material-size-color-purpose/use
Modifier Example
In sulil rreeŕi teŕ datayame piyuŕe lit. the bowls pretty three wooden small The three pretty small wooden bowls
Compounds | Adjective-Noun
Awataya (forest (lit. place (of)-tree))
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Noun Class System
Modern Tema retained the group-of-four nouns that initially formed their melting class system, with agreement emerging in both adjectives and articles. As Tema began to be formally recorded and studied by its speakers, with active lessons towards foreigners, they assigned proper names for the four classes.
Solar Nouns (-ŕu) The first noun class originally came from all things good and safe. Made of edible prey, safe and comforting things, familiar friends, close kin and things associated with day-time and toms, its other names are Sun Nouns, Red Nouns and Day Nouns. Regarding family members, swapping them into the Solar class is an indication of closeness or familiarity. 
Pat ihŕaŕu (fresh prey) > Fresh, prey that is safe to eat
Hŕan sayaŕu (big deer) > a large, non-aggressive deer
Ka basu piyuŕu (my small den) > my small den that I love
Iŕa aŕa sanyaŕu (the bright sun)
Lunar Nouns (-sa) This second noun class is associated with the moon, contrasting the first class and is made of challenging or frightening things, ethereal feats of nature, intimidation, the night and mollies. It expresses a formal relationship with others and is often used to convey respect and deference to others when spoken.
Hŕan sayasa (big deer) > a large, aggressive deer, perhaps a stag
Ka mao chiŕasa (my kind mother)
Neaŕa sahwasa (a quiet night)
Aaku niskalusa (a careful hunter)
Lightless Nouns (-ye) The third class born from things of great suspicion, danger or prone to causing death or some form of sickness. It absorbed several locations from the previous location classifier that have long since been deemed ‘cursed’ or full of negative energy.
Amuk ayisiwaŕeye (a terrible weasel)
Shuniprri vachiye (a vile kinslayer)
Nyiŕ Choyikal Kaprru (The Skull Lands)
Ayoŕeye (poison (lit. lightless herb))
Mortal Nouns (-ŕe) Named as such to mark an obvious difference from the other three classes, the mortal nouns made of things constructed by mortal paws - being mostly condensed down as ‘tools.’
Chofi piyuŕe (a small pouch/satchel)
Nunei naaŕeŕe (a long tether/leash)
Nabo samaŕe (a hot pan)
Keyinaya malaŕe (an empty waterskin)
In addition to these basic methods of sorting words, Tema allows a little modification to appear on the noun itself to create a simple, concise identifier.
Hŕanuŕu (good/fresh deer (meat)) or ‘a safe or non-aggressive deer.’
Hŕanasa (scary deer)
Hŕaneye (bad/rotting deer (meat)) or ‘a dangerous deer that has killed.’
Listing prey animals while adding a class modifier is usually indicative of the animal being spoken of as prey, with the implication of ‘meat’ being announced while using a separate adjective indicates a living creature.
Hŕanuŕu sayaŕu (large deer meat) vs. Hŕan sayuŕu (a large deer)
Grammatical Number
By now, Tema has officially adopted the paucal number into their paradigm, leaving the singular unmarked.
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There's not much to say, so here are a couple of examples:
In aŕasil teŕ piyuŕu | The three small fires
In narruch piyusa | A few small rivers
Tense and Aspect
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The discontinuous, -mano expresses that an action or event is no longer true. For example;
Ma in asish matamano | I caught the fish (but I no longer have it)
In this case, the affix -mano implies that though the speaker had once had possession of the fish, this is no longer true. Perhaps the speaker dropped the fish while bringing it in, or they gifted it to someone after catching it. Whatever the reason, the speaker no longer has possession of the fish. 
-sahwa (still, unchanging) is still in full effect here. As a reminder, this -sahwa forms the continuative aspect clarifying that an event is still ongoing at the current moment and at least in Tema, had likely been happening for a very long time.
No haku (They are hunt/are hunting)
No hakusahwa (They are still hunting)
In the first sentence, the hunters are merely hunting deer - the implication being that they’ve either left recently or the hunting is happening in a normal span of time. The second sentence implies that the hunters have been out for a long time, long enough to be worth noting or to be a cause of concern.
And of course, combining it with the habitual aspect (hakulisahwa) is still used to express disbelief or incredulity. With the loss of the noun classifiers, the difference between pejorative disbelief (exasperation, annoyance) and positive disbelief (amazement, awe) has become conveyed near exclusively through context and tone alone. 
No hŕan hakulisahwa (they are still hunting deer)
Can be meant in either a concerned way (they are still hunting deer (but they should be back by now)), in a way that expresses annoyance and frustration (they are still hunting deer (but we don’t need/want them to)) or in surprise and amazement (they are still hunting deer (even though there’s ample discouragement to)).
 Often, the rest of the sentence is enough to convey which meaning is being brought up here:
No hŕan hakulisahwa e in niva koyun aamicheŕu They are still hunting deer and the snow is getting heavier
Here, the speaker is mostly concerned with the safety of the hunters. The deer itself is unimportant, but the fact that they’re still hunting in in-opportune conditions.
Wi oto e no hŕan hakulisahwa We are leaving and they are still hunting deer
In this example, the speaker is irritated by the hunters as their hunting is happening at a bad time. Likely, the group cannot leave the area before the hunters return, and their long hunting trip is holding everyone else back.
Omi ayeŕanit ihŕayiat ilk ŕi Menya e no hakulisahwa hŕan That stag broke Menya’s leg, and he’s still hunting deer
And in this example, the speaker is impressed or incredulous by the hunter - Menya. A stag has previously introduced a higher degree of danger, enough so that the speaker would be inclined to believe that Menya would stop hunting deer for a while, but he did not.
Mood and Modality
The basic independent forms of the basic pronouns have become entrenched in place although, a pair of new words have been attached to the second and third-person singular as a way of expressing formality:
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These words came from the association of the royal and noble families as divine guardians of the mortal people, coming from the sheyan (spirit). This change has also been reflected in the dependent markers:
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And of course, our example word in the form of yi (to see):
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With this in mind, the independent forms are often interpreted as more formal or ‘proper’ speech, clarifying all of the individual parts. It’s sometimes considered ‘childish’ as it’s the way cubs and non-native speakers are first taught to speak the language before moving into the dependent versions.The dependent forms are then thus, viewed as casual or informal conversation.
Ma yanya haku iko ha I enjoy hunting with you (formal) Vs.  Yanyama haku iko ha I enjoy hunting with you (informal)
Following along, the formal second and third personal singular forms are extremely form and imply that someone to talking to or about someone of great status, usually the royal or noble family. Interestingly, using the independent formal version is used of the crown heir and the king and queen, while the dependent formal version is used on everyone else in the royal family:
Ma yanya haku iko hayan I enjoy hunting with you (formal/heiress or rulers) Vs. Yayama haku iko hayan (I enjoy hunting with you (informal/nobles, non-inheriting heirs)
Another distinction is the use of both dependent and independent markings when trying to emphasize something:
Ma yanyama haku I enjoy hunting
This sentence for example would read as ‘I really enjoy hunting’ or even ‘I, personally, enjoy hunting’
Articles and Demonstratives
There is no indefinite article in middle mogglish - all unmodified nouns are considered to be indefinite by default:
Maŕo (cat, a cat)
Owninuŕ (rat/mouse, a rat/a mouse)
Chovu (fox, a fox)
The definite article has now been settled into multiple forms that change based on noun class:
Iŕa maŕo (the (safe/familiar/) cat)
Hiŕ maŕo  (the (intimidating/unfamiliar) cat)
Nyiŕ maŕo (the (scary/dangerous) cat)
Saŕu sarril (the den)
The demonstratives remain similarly unchanged.
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Proximal things refer to nouns close to both the speaker and the listener while distal are things far away from the speaker but often close to the listener.
Avi iŕu narru (this river (near us)) Vs. Ime iŕu narru (that river (near you))
In this example, both of the demonstratives used also fall under the ‘visible’ column - which means the speaker can see the river. This does not however, mean the listener can see the river - the visible and non-visible distinction applies to the speaker alone and sometimes is used as a short-hand when a lost or difficult to find thing has been located:
Avi narru! ((I found/I can see) this/a river (near us))
On the other side of things, non-visible things are - as one might guess - things that the speaker can’t see. It’s also of course, used to remark upon something that the speaker isn’t aware of the location of something.
Rri iŕu narru (this river (that I can’t see/can’t find)) OR  Omi iŕu narru (that river (that I can’t see/can’t find))
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crystallizedkingdoms · 6 months
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TWO DAYS until Johann Appreciation Week starts! AND the FINAL countdown post! That’s right, we’ve made it to the showcase of all the seventh fics of the years before. Thank you so much to all who counted down with me! See you soon ;) 1 2 3 4 5 6
2021 - Prompt: Legacy (M/M, Teen, 1.9K)
Johann bargains with the Raven Queen. Surely, a legacy is worth more than this ending.
2022 - Prompt: Francis Forever/Two Slow Dancers by Mitski (M/M, Teen, 2.4K)
A continuation of the 5th fic of 2021. After Johann’s giftgiving is thwarted, he has a hard time keeping it together.
2023 - Prompt: Coda (M/M, Teen, 2.7K)
After Magnus’s death, Avi just wants him and Johann to sleep in each other’s arms. But fate and work tug its strings on Johann’s soul.
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thirumenahalli · 4 months
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indecentpause · 3 years
hi! so i'm syl and i'm mostly vibing this year because i have a-levels HAHA. one of my WIPs is called the Avis Coda. It's a collection of short stories all set in the same cyberpunk/urban fantasy setting known as the City. The Avis Coda centers the story of Heron Avis, the mysterious vice head of a department within government intelligence agency and 'Anya', the pickpocket turned lab assistant turned reluctant head scientist of a laboratory in the city. Beneath all the mysteries going on in the City that she has to investigate as part of her job, Heron wants to find out the truth about how her twin sister died (and wants to get her back). 'Anya', on the other hand, has to figure out how to react to be a Proper Official ScientistTM rather than a pickpocket who just messed with biochemistry, alchemy and chemistry in general on the side after being given the official position through some trickery by her old boss, Dr Jay Avis. This is all happening alongside Heron Avis requesting her aid in solving the various strange crimes and other events all happening in the City.
one of my favourite things about this is that everyone in the Avis Coda has crafted their identity deliberately. No one uses their true name, and no one is quite what they seem to be.
That sounds really intriguing! I love the potential for the dynamics between Heron and Anya, lots of things could happen and it opens like, a whole world for these characters it sounds like!
Also the idea of everyone deliberately crafting their identity is fascinating! I love that :D
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archerincombat · 2 years
some things are meant to be secret (and not to be heard)
“Are you serious right now?” Ravi accuses. “I—come on, man. You two are divorced. Or at least exes. Probably divorced though—with Christopher and all. Anyway, you two are getting remarried? Congrats! That’s so awesome.”
Buck blinks. “Are you trying to hypnotize us?”
“Is it working?”
or, ravi fic (coda edition)
11k | read on ao3
Regrettably, Ravi’s first thought isn’t of Buck (bestie?) or Eddie (widowed???) but how he’s even going to begin to explain it to Marcus, who Ravi thinks runs a fan blog for the 118.
He isn’t certain on the latter, even though the other day Marcus asked Ravi for Bobby’s chili recipe and then never actually made the chili, he keeps his phone brightness irresponsibly low and closes his laptop less than inconspicuously whenever someone enters the room, trying to start small talk that Ravi and Avi see right through—since they’ve been friends with him for ages.
Sebastian doesn’t get it, but he’s nice enough to nod his head and allow Avi and Ravi to stash the whiteboard of theories underneath his bed. You know, the one he only sleeps in when Ravi’s on shift? Yeah. Ravi tries not to be the perfect imitation of the :D emoticon whenever he thinks about it. Which has proven to be extremely difficult, since he’s always thinking about it.
“Are you serious right now?” Buck asks, hair distinctly mussed and hand distinctly resting on Eddie’s thigh, and it’s, listen, Ravi’s not going to judge his superiors, especially when they’ve clearly worked so hard (no that isn’t an innuendo. Ravi’s proud of them, okay?) to get to this very moment: making out in the bunk room, but he has to wonder, just a little bit, if Buck and Eddie are extremely good at playing the long con.
“Are you serious right now?” Ravi accuses. “I—come on, man. You two are divorced. Or at least exes. Probably divorced though—with Christopher and all. Anyway, you two are getting remarried? Congrats! That’s so awesome.”
Buck blinks. “Are you trying to hypnotize us?”
“Is it working?”
Eddie nods. “You know what?” he says to Buck. “I kinda see where he’s coming from.”
Ravi turns to him. Eddie’s never…they still don’t really speak much, even after he came up to Ravi in the locker room and asked all those questions that Ravi’s pretty sure was some kind of allegory but he was never too great at English in the first place so maybe that’s putting too much weight on it and it’s really just a metaphor or a simile or something that’s less determining than an allegory. You know 1984 with its allegories. Anyway, Ravi isn’t saying that he’s the reason they got back together, but there are wheels in his head, and boy are they turning.
Then Buck frowns at him. The wheels unturn.
“Just don’t, like, tell anyone about it, okay?” he asks, with an uncertain glance at Eddie. “No offense, but I’d rather that they didn’t hear it through the 118 grapevine.”
“Well have you tried not making out in the bunk room?”
Buck pinches the bridge of his nose. Eddie gives Ravi a small, apologetics smile and then Buck a huge, unabashed grin like, God, I’m so in love with him. And Ravi thinks this is worse, actually, because the cute handholding and shit is working and now he’ll never be able to milk the fact that he was the reason they got together because Eddie will turn those giant cow eyes at Buck and inevitably Ravi will get roped into babysitting on date night and then he’ll have to introduce Christopher to Avi which, what the fuck, or something else just as harrowing because Ravi works at the 118 and life’s a fucking nightmare or whatever John Mulaney said and—
Maybe this is overcorrecting, but Ravi thinks he wants Buck and Eddie to be divorced again, actually. At least when they’re in front of him.
But he puts his hands up in surrender, because really, the only people Ravi’s interested in telling live with him and stay far enough away from the 118 that it shouldn’t be an issue. “I won’t tell anyone,” he promises, trying not to grin. “I swear.”
“You look like you’re lying.”
“I’m not lying!” He protests. “This is just my face, Buck. And anyway, how do I know you’re not lying? How many couples who were divorced get back together anyway? What are the statistics on that?”
Eddie stands up, finally. Ravi gets the impression—or well, not the impression, because once he and Buck spent an entire week arguing about what the best Pokemon DS game is (there’s only one right answer and it’s Pokemon Platinum) which wasn’t so bad until Buck said his favorite starter was Totodile (“It’s an alligator. It’s not misunderstood, Buck.”). Anyway, he gets the feeling—the premonition, even—that if Eddie wasn’t here, they would be pulling up a government website of divorcement statistics before Buck remembers that they’re not actually divorced.
And Ravi knows that too. But to be fair, Buck did chase after him with a chainsaw. This is like…reparations or something. Yeah, he’s pretty sure that’s right. Buck probably has some British blood in him. It’s only fair.
“We should probably go before Cap calls us for dinner,” Eddie says meaningfully. He runs a hand through his hair, but he’s blushing so obviously that it doesn’t look suave at all, which is a great thing for the citizens of Los Angeles’s ego. Not Ravi’s, of course, but other people.
Buck makes the universal sign for, I’m keeping my eyes on you, and jumps up after Eddie, bumping their shoulders together, which is cute but means that his eyes are very clearly not on Ravi and he—
Ravi pulls out his cell phone and dials Marcus’s number. He picks up on the second ring. “You’re not going to fucking believe this.”
continue on ao3
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awardseason · 3 years
2022 BAFTA Awards — Winners
Best Film “Belfast” “Don’t Look Up” “Dune” “Licorice Pizza” “The Power of the Dog” — WINNER
Outstanding British Film “After Love” “Ali & Ava” “Belfast” — WINNER “Boiling Point” “Cyrano” “Everybody’s Talking About Jamie” “House of Gucci” “Last Night in Soho” “No Time to Die” “Passing”
Director “After Love” – Aleem Khan “Drive My Car” – Ryûsuke Hamaguchi “Happening” – Audrey Diwan “Licorice Pizza” – Paul Thomas Anderson “The Power of the Dog” – Jane Campion — WINNER “Titane” – Julia Ducournau
Leading Actress Lady Gaga – “House of Gucci” Alana Haim – “Licorice Pizza” Emilia Jones – “CODA” Renate Reinsve – “The Worst Person in the World” Joanna Scanlan – “After Love” — WINNER Tessa Thompson – “Passing”
Leading Actor Adeel Akhtar – “Ali & Ava” Mahershala Ali – “Swan Song” Benedict Cumberbatch – “The Power of the Dog” Leonardo DiCaprio – “Don’t Look Up” Stephen Graham – “Boiling Point” Will Smith – “King Richard” — WINNER
Supporting Actress Caitríona Balfe – “Belfast” Jessie Buckley – “The Lost Daughter” Ariana DeBose – “West Side Story” — WINNER Ann Dowd – “Mass” Aunjanue Ellis – “King Richard” Ruth Negga – “Passing”
Supporting Actor Mike Faist – “West Side Story” Ciarán Hinds – “Belfast” Troy Kotsur – “CODA” — WINNER Woody Norman – “C’mon C’mon” Jesse Plemons – “The Power of the Dog” Kodi Smit-McPhee – “The Power of the Dog”
Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer “After Love” – Aleem Khan (Writer/Director) “Boiling Point” – James Cummings (Writer), Hester Ruoff (Producer) [also written by Philip Barantini and Produced by Bart Ruspoli] “The Harder They Fall” – Jeymes Samuel (Writer/director) [also written by Boaz Yakin] — WINNER “Keyboard Fantasies” – Posy Dixon (Writer/Director), Liv Proctor (Producer) “Passing” – Rebecca Hall (Writer/Director)
Film Not in the English Language “Drive My Car” – Ryûsuke Hamaguchi, Teruhisa Yamamoto — WINNER “The Hand of God” – Paolo Sorrentino, Lorenzo Mieli “Parallel Mothers” – Pedro Almodóvar, Agustín Almodóvar “Petite Maman” – Céline Sciamma, Bénédicte Couvreur “The Worst Person in the World” – Joachim Trier, Thomas Robsahm
Documentary “Becoming Cousteau” – Liz Garbus, Dan Cogan “Cow” – Andrea Arnold, Kat Mansoor “Flee” – Jonas Poher Rasmussen. Monica Hellström “The Rescue” – Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin, John Battsek, P. J. Van Sandwijk “Summer of Soul (or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised)” – Ahmir — WINNER “Questlove” Thompson, David Dinerstein, Robert Fyvolent, Joseph Patel
Animated Film “Encanto” – Jared Bush, Byron Howard, Yvett Merino, Clarke Spencer — WINNER “Flee” – Jonas Poher Rasmussen. Monica Hellström “Luca” – Enrico Casarosa, Andrea Warren “The Mitchells Vs the Machines” – Mike Rianda, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller
Original Screenplay “Being the Ricardos” – Aaron Sorkin “Belfast” – Kenneth Branagh “Don’t Look Up” – Adam Mckay “King Richard” – Zach Baylin “Licorice Pizza” – Paul Thomas Anderson — WINNER
Adapted Screenplay “CODA” – Siân Heder — WINNER “Drive My Car” – Ryûsuke Hamaguchi “Dune” – Denis Villeneuve “The Lost Daughter” – Maggie Gyllenhaal “The Power of the Dog” – Jane Campion
Original Score “Being the Ricardos” – Daniel Pemberton “Don’t Look Up” – Nicholas Britell “Dune” – Hans Zimmer — WINNER “The French Dispatch” – Alexandre Desplat “The Power of the Dog” – Jonny Greenwood
Casting “Boiling Point” – Carolyn Mcleod “Dune” – Francine Maisler “The Hand of God” – Massimo Appolloni, Annamaria Sambucco “King Richard” – Rich Delia, Avy Kaufman “West Side Story” – Cindy Tolan — WINNER
Cinematography “Dune” – Greig Fraser — WINNER “Nightmare Alley” – Dan Laustsen “No Time to Die” – Linus Sandgren “The Power of the Dog” – Ari Wegner “The Tragedy of Macbeth” – Bruno Delbonnel
Editing “Belfast” – Úna Ní Dhonghaíle “Dune” – Joe Walker “Licorice Pizza” – Andy Jurgensen “No Time to Die” – Tom Cross, Elliot Graham — WINNER “Summer of Soul (or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised)” – Joshua L. Pearson
Production Design “Cyrano” – Sarah Greenwood, Katie Spencer “Dune” – Patrice Vermette, Zsuzsanna Sipos — WINNER “The French Dispatch” – Adam Stockhausen, Rena Deangelo “Nightmare Alley” – Tamara Deverell, Shane Vieau “West Side Story” – Adam Stockhausen, Rena Deangelo
Costume Design “Cruella” – Jenny Beavan — WINNER “Cyrano” – Massimo Cantini Parrini “Dune” – Robert Morgan, Jacqueline West “The French Dispatch” – Milena Canonero “Nightmare Alley” – Luis Sequeira
Make Up & Hair “Cruella” – Nadia Stacey, Naomi Donne “Cyrano” – Alessandro Bertolazzi, Siân Miller “Dune” – Love Larson, Donald Mowat “The Eyes of Tammy Faye” – Linda Dowds, Stephanie Ingram, Justin Raleigh — WINNER “House of Gucci” – Frederic Aspiras, Jane Carboni, Giuliano Mariana, Sarah Nicole Tanno
Sound “Dune” – Mac Ruth, Mark Mangini, Doug Hemphill, Theo Green, Ron Bartlett — WINNER “Last Night in Soho” – Colin Nicolson, Julian Slater, Tim Cavagin, Dan Morgan “No Time to Die” – James Harrison, Simon Hayes, Paul Massey, Oliver Tarney, Mark Taylor “A Quiet Place Part II” – Erik Aadahl, Michael Barosky, Brandon Proctor, Ethan Van Der Ryn “West Side Story” – Brian Chumney, Tod Maitland, Andy Nelson, Gary Rydstrom
Special Visual Effects “Dune” – Brian Connor, Paul Lambert, Tristan Myles, Gerd Nefzer — WINNER “Free Guy” – Swen Gillberg, Brian Grill, Nikos Kalaitzidis, Daniel Sudick “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” – Aharon Bourland, Sheena Duggal, Pier Lefebvre, Alessandro Ongaro “The Matrix Resurrections” – Tom Debenham, Hew J Evans, Dan Glass, J. D. Schwaim “No Time to Die” – Mark Bokowski, Chris Corbould, Joel Green, Charlie Noble
British Short Animation “Affairs of the Art” – Joanna Quinn, Les Mills “Do Not Feed the Pigeons” – Jordi Morera — WINNER “Night of the Living Dread” – Ida Melum, Danielle Goff, Laura Jayne Tunbridge, Hannah Kelso
British Short Film “The Black Cop” – Cherish Oteka — WINNER “Femme” – Sam H. Freeman, Ng Choon Ping, Sam Ritzenberg, Hayley Williams “The Palace” – Jo Prichard “Stuffed” – Theo Rhys, Joss Holden-rea “Three Meetings of the Extraordinary Committee” – Michael Woodward, Max Barron, Daniel Wheldon
EE Rising Star Award (Voted for by the Public) Ariana Debose Harris Dickinson Lashana Lynch — WINNER Millicent Simmonds Kodi Smit-McPhee
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needletongues · 3 years
Kordonor (kind of mine)
Vargon (not mine)
Krona (not mine)
Witchcraft lore
Kiki (placeholder)
Bouba (placeholder)
Sauce (placeholder)
General Wishbone family info
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maurine07 · 3 years
So today is fanfic writers’ appreciation day (thank you to @openheartfanfics for reminding us of that) and I just wanted to log in for a bit to show some writers my love because y’all are the backbone of our society. Without you, we would’ve all been miserable. So I’m just going to tag some of the writers that come to mind and while I would love to tag each and every single one of you but I’ll probably forget someone so I’m really sorry for that. You are all super talented and I’m in awe of each one of you beautiful people.
@terrm9 Terr, darling, I could write an entire book about how amazing your writing is and how much I love it. You’re an incredible writer and person. The writing style is so beautiful and unique and simply ethereal and I’m so in love with it. Every single time I read a fic of yours, no matter how many times I did, I always marvel at how one can possess so much talent. There is not one trope that you cannot write. How you write the characters, their emotions, you always know the characters and how they think, they would act so well, it’s insane, how you describe everything, the surroundings, what the person is doing, everything is always so perfect. Your mimi series The Couple & The Others is one of my favorites and it's comforting to me, it makes me feel at home. Cieli di Toscana is also a favorite of mine. I love everything about that fic so much. I also love your ch. 11 rewrite with the prompts "There are people who love you" and "Give me a hug, please". I adore the hurt/comfort in those two. The angst is just ugh- it's so good, way too good and it destroys me. As well as A thousand moons, a thousand waves, goodness that fic is just pure and utter perfection, I have no words to describe it. And How much mystery, this love of mine...wow. Seriously wow, I still haven't recovered from how amazing it was. It's so beautiful, they say they're so soft and tender with each other, it's perfect, so perfect. And of course, your you give it to me anyway series is one of the best things I've ever read and I have reread it so many times to the point where I'm not even sure it's healthy. I love it, I love it, I love it, more than words can say. And your OCs, Chiara, Lina, the Ray family, you always know how to make them feel so real. You are truly so magnificent and I just love you and everything you do<3333
@jamespotterthefirst Bree! God, where do I even start? Everything you do is out of this world. Other than the fact that you're extremely kind and funny, you're so wonderfully talented and I love you. The dynamics between Lilac and Ethan are everything, EVERYTHING I TELL YOU. I love how you include the gang as much as you do and how you write them. And while I absolutely love every single fic you write, For A Long Time Now and Most Beautiful will always have a special place in my heart. And I don't think I have to tell you how much I love Lilac. I adore that woman with my entire heart. She's amazing and I would do anything she asks me to. Thank you for creating her and just got being such an incredible part of this fandom❤
@writer-ish Kat, your writing is so stunning. Like, everything about it is so amazing. The way you write Brooke and Ethan, their banter, Brooke's sass, your smut, just everything is pure perfection. I love everything you write but makai is just something else. I especially love B&E in it for some reason, just them being so in love and soft with each other. And you know how much I love Brooke. I would choose her over Ethan any day. She's just incredible and Ethan should worship her like the goddess she is, period😌
@the-pale-goddess Hilde, my angst and smut Queen, there are no words, absolutely none, to describe how much I love your writing. Ma'am, is there anything you can't do? (Other than not break our heart further, of course. One of these days you're gonna need to pay for my therapy. I cannot count the amount of times I was like: I'm feeling pretty happy today. Let me go to Hilde's masterlist and break my own heart. I actually do that so many times, it's pretty concerning.) I'm so in awe of everything you do, your angst? Unmatched. Your smut? So freaking hot. Your fluff? Makes my heart melt. Running to the Edge of the World and (as much as I shouldn't be admitting this in public but) Cabin Fever are just amazing, AMAZING. Puncture Wound is also one of my favorites of yours, the angst, the longing. God, it's so perfect. Conquest is superior to anything, everything and everyone. And of course, Contaminated. That fic breaks my heart yet I read so often that I almost know it by heart. I love LOVE Ethan and Tiffany's relationship even if I am a bit jealous of Ethan. They're the OTP, period. And um... Can I please have Miss Addams' hand in marriage? Like, you can call me Pietro mf Maximoff because I will take a bullet for her. I may also have some unresolved trauma and mommy issues but I promise, I will not make her wait two years just to commit or run to the Amazon and sleep with a coworker. She's my Virgo Queen and I'm so in love with her. The point is, your writing is perfect and I love it so much❤❤❤
@monsoonblooms12 Manamee, you beautiful soul, we don't deserve you and your mind blowing talent. Everything you write is just beautiful and my mind cannot process how you do it. Your fics, your edits, your moodboards, there is nothing you're not good at. And you're such a wonderful person and it makes me want to cry sometimes. I love you, darling❤❤
@blossomanarchy I read your meet my MC posts (and I will get to reblogging those later. I have them in my drafts. I just don't really have any energy at the moment.) and I love Amelia so much. She's already one of absolute favorite MCs. I truly look forward to your fic (if you ever decide to post it, I will be eagerly waiting for it and I have no doubt it will be magnificent) And your moodboards are absolutely stunning. I could stare at them for hours, hell, even the rest of my life. They're so freaking pretty!!💗💗
@takemyopenheart Avy, you're so freaking talented and I love your writing super much. Luz is amazing and I love her more than words can say. I adore her relationship with Ethan so much. Your fluff is god-tier and your smut is just *chef's kiss* as well as your angst. Yours were some of the first fics I read for OH and I still love them just as much as the first time I read them if not more.💕💕
@mvalentine Mal, goodness, you are a godsend to this fandom. I cannot, for the life of me, find the words to properly describe how freaking amazing your writing is. Lana is a Queen and I'm in love with everything about her. Like, I need her to reject me so I can move on already. I love the way you write L&E. They're such an amazing couple and they have my whole heart (also, ngl, I miss them like crazy). Hold On To Me makes me sob every time I read it and it was heaven a moment ago is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read in my life, the sheer beauty of it, it's poetry. You're incredible, my dear and your writing is so beautiful.<333
@genevievemd Sara, from the minute I read your first fic, I knew you were an incredible writer and I was so right. I love everything about your writing, everything. G&E are couple goals and I love them so much. Your angst kills me every single time. Like, you seriously need to stop hurting me so much, I can't take it anymore. But seriously, you're extremely talented and I love you❤❤
@stygianflood Hiya, I just spent a good five minutes trying to come up with any words to describe how freaking beautiful and otherworldly your writing is and I couldn't find any because it's truly undescribable, in the best way possible. Like the Shoreline and the Sea and Bridge over Troubled Water always bring me an immense amount of comfort. They feel like a warm hug even though they hurt. I've binged your masterlist so many times and I still can't process how you're so talented.❤❤❤
@anntoldst0ries Ann, my love, I don't know how to put into words how much I adore you and your writing. It's freaking poetry. It's so smooth. Like I could be reading one of your fics and I come across a line that is just so utterly beautiful and I'm just like: how?? How can one be so talented and come up with such beautiful lines? Lost in Translation is one of those fics that I cannot process because it's so incredible, it's so unbelievable how you manage to capture Ethan's character and thoughts and emotions so well. Coda is just perfection, girl, your smut is so good. And as much as I love all your fics, Shinrin-Yoku will always be my favorite. I love how you write about Noelle's metal health. It makes her feel so real and I really do appreciate that fic so much. You're incredible and your writing is just so magical and I will forever be so in awe of you.💗💗💗
@gryffindordaughterofathena Dri, god, I have no clue how you do it but you always manage to leave speechless and awestruck by your writing. It's so poetic and beautiful and I love everything about it. The way you write the characters and their emotional will always make me so damn emotional. You're just so brilliant and I love all your work so much.❤❤
@starrystarrytrouble All hail Queen Ruby, our savior from the nightmare that was OH3 canon. I know you're not here these days but I just wanted you to know that I appreciate you and all the work you've put into this fandom so much. You're so so incredibly talented. E&E are god-tier and I love them so much, more than I can put into words. Secret is one of my favorites mainly because I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers but also because I love E&E in that fic so much. Also, Anonymous! That fic is everything, I love it so much. And Eve is just amazing. I love everything you create and I miss you💕💕💕
@writinghereandthere Ana, I know we haven’t interacted before and that I haven’t reblogged any of your fics before but I seriously love your writing so so much. I’ve read and reread your masterlist more times than I could count and every single time, I was left more in awe of you than the last. Your writing style is just so beautiful and so magnetic. Like, if anyone interrupts me while I’m reading one of your fics, they can say bye bye to the world. Your do you fear death? series is just something else. It’s so out of this world. Fourteen Hours is amazing, it was the first fic I read of yours and it made me fall in love with your writing, the first I read it, I immediately loved it so much. I love how you write Mariana and Ethan so much, they’re everything. And I'm so in love with Mariana. God, she's so perfect! And Two Days breaks my heart every time I read it but it’s one of my comfort fics. More Than A Drawer is also a favorite of mine. I love the domesticity of it so much. And Golden! God, that fic! How the hell did you write that?? It’s so fucking brilliant and I don’t have the right words to describe it. Also!! Finer Things is one of the best things I have ever read. I am an absolute whore for Harper Emery and that masterpiece just increased that. It’s so magnificent! You’re just so freaking incredible and I will always wonder how you’re so so talented❤️❤️
I'm pretty sure I forgot some amazingly talented people and I'm so sorry for that, truly. Your fics have always been a source of comfort to me. During some of the worst times in my life, I would always find happiness and comfort in your beautiful creations. Hope all of you are having a great day and I hope you know how truly appreciated you are💕💕💕💕
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brian-in-finance · 3 years
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Casting Society of America 2022 Artios Awards nominations: ‘Belfast,’ ‘CODA,’ ‘Power of the Dog’
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Apple+ TV; Rob Youngson/Focus Features; Kristy Griffin/Netflix
The casting branch of the academy is only eight years old and doesn’t have an Oscar category of its own. However, the Casting Society of America has been handing out the Artios Awards for 37 years (“Artios” is from the ancient Greek meaning “perfectly fitted.”).
Nominees for feature films were announced on February 1 (the last day of Oscar nominations voting). Many of the leading Academy Awards contenders reaped bids across the various categories according to production cost. Winners will be revealed a virtual ceremony on March 17, which is the first day of final Oscar voting.
Last year’s big budget winners were the comedy “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm” and the drama “The Trial of the Chicago 7 ” while “The Forty-Year-Old Version” and “One Night in Miami” took the equivalent prizes in the independent division. “Minari” won the low budget and “The Surrogate” the micro budget prizes while “Soul” claimed the animation award
Big Budget – Comedy
Mary Vernieu, Lucy Bevan, Bret Howe (Associate), Emily Brockmann (Associate), Olivia Grant (Associate)
“Don’t Look Up”
Francine Maisler, Kathy Driscoll-Mohler (Additional Casting), Carolyn Pickman (Location Casting), Matt Bouldry (Location Casting), Kyle Crand (Location Casting), Molly Rose (Associate)
“The French Dispatchh”
Douglas Aibel, Matthew Glasner (Associate)
“In the Heights”
Bernard Telsey, Tiffany Little Canfield, Kristian Charbonier (Associate)
“Shang-Chi and the Legend of the 10 Rings”
Sarah Halley Finn, Amanda Mitchell (Location Casting), PoPing AuYeung (Location Casting), Molly Doyle (Associate)
Big Budget – Drama
“The House of Gucci”
Kate Rhodes-James
“King Richard”
Rich Delia, Avy Kaufman, Adam Richards (Associate), Scotty Anderson (Associate)
“The Power of the Dog”
Nikki Barrett, Carmen Cuba, Nina Gold, Martin Ware (Associate)
“tick, tick … BOOM!”
Debra Zane, Bernard Telsey, Kristian Charbonier AuYeung (Chinese Casting Consultant), Dylan Jury (Associate)
“West Side Story”
Cindy Tolan, Nicholas Petrovich (Associate)
Studio or Independent – Comedy
“Best Sellers”
Pam Dixon, Andrea Kenyon, Randi Wells
“The Tender Bar”
Rachel Tenner, Bess Fifer (Location Casting), Carolyn Pickman (Location Casting), Rick Messina (Associate)
“This Game’s Called Murder”
Meg Morman, Sunday Boling
Kim Taylor-Coleman
Studio or Independent – Drama
Lucy Bevan, Emily Brockmann, Carla Stronge (Location Casting)
Deborah Aquila, Tricia Wood, Lisa Zagoria, Angela Peri (Location Casting), Lisa Lobel (Location Casting), Melissa Morris (Associate)
“The Lost Daughter”
Kahleen Crawford
Laura Rosenthal, Kimberly Ostroy
“The Hand of God”
Annamaria Sambucco
Low Budget – Comedy or Drama
“Blue Bayou”
Marisol Roncali, Chelsea Ellis Bloch, Matthew Morgan (Location Casting)
“The Humans”
Ellen Chenoweth, Susanne Scheel (Associate)
“The Novice”
Matthew Lessell, Nicole Hilliard-Forde
“Together Together”
Richard Hicks, Leslie Wasserman
Orly Sitowitz, Stacey Pianko
“We Broke Up”
Amanda Lenker Doyle, Chrissy Fiorilli-Ellington
Micro Budget – Comedy or Drama
Meg Morman, Sunday Boling
“The Outside Story”
Stephanie Holbrook
“Shiva Baby”
Kate Geller
“The Subject”
Destiny Lilly
“Swan Song”
Eve Battaglia, Lina Todd, Angela Boehm (Location Casting)
Jamie Sparer Roberts, Grace C. Kim (Associate)
Kevin Reher, Natalie Lyon, Kate Hansen-Birnbaum (Associate)
“The Mitchells vs. the Machines:
Tamara Hunter
“Raya and the Last Dragon”
Jamie Sparer Roberts, Grace C. Kim (Associate)
Tamara Hunter
Remember… the Casting Society of America has been handing out the Artios Awards for 37 years (“Artios” is from the ancient Greek meaning “perfectly fitted.”). — Gold Derby
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cwritesfiction · 3 years
In The Avis Coda, there have been at least 4 scrapped nonsensical subplots featuring all the characters at least once. All these subplots have begun and ended life on a notes app page on my phone which, was a problem because i usually just copy the relevant part onto a whatsapp message of a person who's number is no longer in service and use THAT to transfer it to my computer.
All right there's a lot to unpack here.
1. Scrapped Nonsensical Subplots should be my username because I have a really, really, really bad tendency to do that exact thing. For this WIP I actively tried to NOT create nonsensical subplots...but the reason it took me 4 drafts to get something coherent enough to send to critique partners...is because I created nonsensical subplots.
tl;dr: i feel you
2. The whatsapp transfer process..................I don't think I can unpack that it's just. Wow. Like, I don't need to tell you that's a chaotic drafting process because you know this. I am afraid.
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onceuponanaromantic · 8 months
One of the reasons writing Katrina from the Avis Coda is so interesting to me is that like she could so easily have become like Isabelle Chan from a Match Made in Hell.
like ok maybe it’s projection right but she could so easily have become like Isabelle in being ruthless and utterly unconcerned about people’s lives as long as her research got her the results she wanted. And it’s such a fine moment in her character arc where she has to decide which path to take.
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corallorosso · 4 years
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Oumuamua, troppe stranezze di Andrea Aparo von Flüe, Fisico, docente universitario a Roma Vi ricordate di Oumuamua, il “messaggero che viene da lontano che arriva per primo”? Il 6 settembre 2017 a.C. (ante Covid), i responsabili del telescopio Pan-Starrs-1 (Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System) alle Hawaii lo avvistano che sta entrando nel nostro sistema solare proveniente da Vega, stella distante 25 anni luce. Viaggia alla velocità di circa 32 km al secondo. Nell’avvicinarsi al Sole la sua velocità aumenta, grazie all’accelerazione causata dall’attrazione esercitata dalla forza di gravità della nostra stella. Il 9 settembre 2017 la sua traiettoria lo porta nel punto più vicino al Sole. Nei giorni successivi, i tanti che lo stanno osservando si aspettano di misurare una diminuzione della sua velocità, visto che si sta allontanando dal Sole e la sua forza di gravità, agendo ora in verso opposto, deve causarne la decelerazione. Banale meccanica celeste in accordo con la legge di gravitazione universale. Invece no. Quando il 7 ottobre passa accanto alla Terra, continua ad accelerare. Di poco, circa 0,000005 m/s², ma Oumuamua accelera. Non rallenta. Strano, molto strano, ma non è l’unica stranezza. In primo luogo è il primo oggetto interstellare a essere osservato nel suo transito nel nostro sistema solare. Poi la sua forma. Le osservazioni rilevano un oggetto dalla forma apparente di un sigaro, lungo 500 metri e del diametro di circa 40. Non si è riusciti a scattare una fotografia ad alta definizione, però di certo è 10 volte più lungo che tondo. Mai visto prima nulla di simile. Infine è esageratamente brillante, almeno 10 volte più riflettente di qualunque asteroide o cometa conosciuta, come se la sua superficie fosse una lastra di metallo lucido. Misure e dati non confutabili. Vero, le comete dopo essere passate vicino al Sole accelerano, ma si sa il perché e lo si vede. Quando si avvicinano al Sole la loro superficie si riscalda rilasciando gas, prima congelati, che spingono la cometa come fossero i gas di scarico di un motore a razzo. I gas così eiettati sono visibili sotto forma di coda della cometa. Oumuamua non è una cometa, almeno non di quelle “convenzionali”: la coda non ce l’ha anche se è stata utilizzata tutta la strumentazione disponibile per trovarla. Niente, non si misura nulla: né gas, né polveri di sorta. Certo, esiste la possibilità che sia una cometa di tipo sconosciuto, ma la probabilità di un evento del genere è stata calcolata in una su un quadrilione, una su un miliardo di miliardi. Piccola assai. Forse troppo. Cos’è allora Oumuamua? Per saperlo occorre leggere...Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), autore Abraham “Avi” Loeb, direttore del dipartimento di astronomia dell’università di Harvard. La sua tesi è che si ha a che fare con un oggetto non naturale, un artefatto. Oumuamua è un rottame, un relitto. Un pezzo di vela solare di tecnologia aliena. Quello che da lontano sembra un sigaro è un disco di un materiale altamente riflettente dello spessore inferiore al millimetro. La pressione del vento solare sulla sua superficie spiega l’accelerazione. Spiega la dinamica osservata, non più strana. Sappiamo cosa sono le vele solari, le usiamo anche noi. (...) Loeb è di parere...: Oumuamua è la prima prova provata dell’esistenza di civiltà aliene, tecnologicamente avanzate. Se ha ragione, forse è giunto il tempo di iniziare a ragionare su come redigere possibili trattati spaziali, alle leggi della astro-economia e alle problematiche cosmo-politiche. Se Loeb ha ragione abbiamo stabilito il primo contatto con una civiltà aliena. A dire il vero lo abbiamo stabilito con la sua spazzatura, ma si deve pur cominciare, no? D’altronde, ricorda Loeb, per capire civiltà passate, archeologi e paleo-archeologi frugano nell’antica spazzatura… Di certo, ha scatenato un putiferio.
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day 7 of @johann-appreciation-week! the final day has come already huh. this one went by so quickly. i cant wait for the next one :3. just as a warning though, this fic discusses magnus' canon wonderland death under the impression hes actually dead, and alludes to johanns canon death. sad ending :(
you can also read this on ao3 <3
There is an end to every song. Even when you wish with all your might that the end won’t come, it will come and take all the music with it. 
There is nothing anyone can do to stop it. Try as you might to stall the ending, to beg for that song to stay playing, forever and ever and ever, the end will catch up. An ending will always come.
Johann thinks about the end when Avi curls up in his bed, sobbing into himself. The two of them are in Avi’s dorm, desperately clutching each other’s hands like they are the only thing keeping each other down. Nothing really feels right when the Bureau loses an employee, of course, but to lose Magnus…  
“They said ‘moving on is what he would have wanted.’ I hate that they’re right. I hate that they’re right because it is so hard to do that right now,” Avi says. His breath has that strong scent of alcohol that Johann hates, but he’s still mostly sober— if only because Johann had to rip the flask away from him. “Out of all of them, I didn’t expect Magnus to be the one to… to be the one…”
Johann wordlessly listens to Avi, a terrible pain of his own clawing at his heart. Nothing has felt quite right these past few days leading up to this year’s Midsummer, and what a way for this feeling to pay off. The death of Magnus Burnsides, of all people, and the downright fucking terrifying scene of the wilting surface that Johann had witnessed a few hours earlier. 
“There’s so much happening, Avi…” Johann whispers. His voice cracks a little. A weak and small sound. Avi doesn’t reply. He just sighs and holds Johann a little tighter. 
A million different thoughts swarm Johann’s head as he sits on the edge of Avi’s bed in silence: Why Magnus out of everyone? Is he really gone? Why is the fucking apocalypse happening down there and only Garfield seems to be the only one doing anything about it? Should I take Avi and leave? Is that more dangerous? What’s going to happen to the Bureau? Oh gods, do we even have time to do Magnus’s Rites of Parting before we figure out the last relic? I have to start writing his composition—
“Hey, you okay, Johann?” Avi asks. He is sniffling and shuddering, but he still looks up at Johann all worried. “You’re holding onto my hand so tightly. Your nails kind of hurt.”
Johann loosens his grips on Avi’s hand he didn’t even know he had tightened. “Sorry, I’m really sorry. I’m just— just overwhelmed. And I’m so scared, Avi. I don’t think I’ve ever been this scared. Nothing feels right,” Johann says through building tears. “Don’t you feel it? Don’t you feel that everything feels wrong? ”
Avi takes a deep breath and sighs with his whole body. He props himself up onto his back, resting on the headboard of his bed. “Yeah, I know. There’s only so much we can take. And his death is… fuck, man, it’s a lot,” he says. Then, he tugs on Johann’s arm, beckoning him closer. “But… gods, Johann, no matter how wrong everything feels, we still have each other, don’t we?”
That’s not the only thing though! It’s not just his death. Everything feels wrong. Everything feels bad and we need to get out of here, Johann wants to yell, but he doesn’t say it. Even when it nags at him, that’s not what he says. Why would he? That’s not what Avi needs to hear. That’s not what anyone needs to hear at this moment. 
“Yeah,” Johann tries to weakly smile, “yeah, we still have each other.” 
Avi attempts to smile back. Johann knows deep in his heart, without having to think, that Avi’s smile looks better and more sincere than the one he’s currently giving. It’s unfair that even in this day of total hell, Avi is still the better comforter between the two of them. “Come closer,” Avi pleads. His voice drips with anguish and longing as he tugs Johann’s arm again. “Lay down with me, please?” 
Johann looks down on the tear-stained sheets of Avi’s bed. How many times have they laid in this bed, talking about each other’s day, planning their next date? Was it right to lay in it when everything seems to be going so wrong? Shouldn’t they be doing something, anything about their situation? 
Johann tries his hardest to ignore that side of him. He smiles more genuinely at Avi this time, then crawls closer to Avi’s side. In an instant Avi is clinging to Johann’s body, and Johann holds him just as tight. They are cuddling into each other, needing one another, both seeking shelter when they feel unsteady in the world around them. One much more than the other.
“We should stay here,” Avi says. “Let’s just stay here? In my room, together. Fuck whatever is happening out there, fuck the Relics, fuck everything. No need to do our jobs, not now. Let’s just… let’s just pretend that nothing is awful.” 
Johann rubs his face into Avi’s chest. He needs to be as close to him as possible to block everything out. “How can we do that?” Johann asks. “How can we just hide from it all? It’s all lingering above us. It’s all coming down. It’s going to crash on me.”
“Very cryptic way of saying it,” Avi laughs awkwardly. “We can do… anything here. In the safety of this room. 
You left your harp here last time, you could play something. I also have some snacks somewhere. We can eat. I have books we can read, too. We can talk about life, talk about anything and everything about our life after the Bureau. That sounds nice, doesn’t it?” His speech gets faster and faster in his rambling, like he’s urgently searching for anything to occupy his mind other than the terrible things around him.
It freaks Johann out a little, so he silently holds Avi tighter, as if to say, I’m here, Avi, I’m here with you. 
That seems to calm Avi down a little. “Or we could… we can just rest. You can sleep in my arms. And everything will be alright,” he says. It sounds more like he’s trying to comfort himself more than he’s trying to comfort Johann. Not that Johann can be mad at that. Avi has always been the one that needs to talk in stressful situations like these. Johann isn’t going to deny him that. 
“Sleeping in your arms does sound nice…” Johann hums and nuzzles into Avi. He feels calm in this embrace, and for a second, Johann does believe that they can lie here forever. That if they fall asleep in each other’s arms, they will wake up and the world will be right again. The mourning of Magnus will wreck the Bureau, of course, but Johann and Avi will make it through together. 
Avi kisses Johann’s lips in a surprise moment of relaxation. Johann is a little shocked at first, but he kisses Avi back. The kiss is sweet, but long. Long enough that Johann raises his hand up to thread through his long, loose hair and keep it there. A comforting gesture for both of them. Johann melts into the kiss even more. He wishes it can last forever. 
But there are things to do. Things to fulfill. They eat up at the corner of Johann’s thoughts, even after he pulls away from the kiss. Even after he tries to hide away in the crook of Avi’s neck and just let himself relax. His thoughts wander farther and farther from Avi, and back to work…
Oh gods, Johann’s work. He had so many pieces down at the Voidfish’s chambers that were laying there, unfinished. One of them was the Voidfish’s first meal it’s had in a while! He couldn’t just delay its feeding again.
“Avi, I…” Johann wriggles away from Avi slightly to sit up. “I haven’t fed the Voidfish. I have to go down there really quickly, I’m sorry.”
Avi stares at Johann with a look of disbelief. His eyes are still red and puffy from the crying, which sends a pained pang in Johann’s heart. “Johann, what? The Voidfish can live without a meal for a day,” he says, and damn it, those eyes he gives Johann are downright painful.
“No, I— I’ve been skipping its meals lately. I haven’t fed it in maybe weeks I think. I need to check on it. It’ll be quick, babe, please.”
Johann’s words seem to be settling into Avi, which he notices by the tension growing in his body. “You’re not serious are you? You’re just teasing me. Come on, you’re not really going to leave me here, are you?” Avi asks.
“I’m not leaving you, don’t say it like that! It will be really quick, I promise. I just need to go there. I’ll be in and out,” Johann tries to reassure.
“You always do this, Johann,” Avi seethes. “I know grief isn’t easy on you. I know you usually bury yourself in your work after someone passes here, but please, not this time. I’m begging you. Please stay with me.”
Johann looks away from Avi. He has to avoid those eyes or he won’t be able to go anywhere. “I’m sorry, I know I do this. Maybe that’s what it is. Maybe that’s where this shitty feeling is coming from, but god, let me go just this one time. Let me go and feed the Voidfish, and I’ll come back as soon as I can. I already have a full composition for it, it won’t need anything more than a few finishing touches, I’ll be quick— ”
“You being quick doesn’t change the fact that I am asking you to stay and you are leaving me for work! We should be supporting each other and all you can think about is your work?” Avi yells. 
Johann freezes. Avi is yelling at him. When was the last time they yelled at each other?
Johann’s pulling himself away from Avi when he seems to realize. “Ah, um, Johann, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said it like that. I’m just really stressed right now, and I…” Avi trails off, trying to catch Johann’s eyes. “I just really need you right now.”
Johann still refuses to look into Avi’s eyes. He’s staring down at the floor that is much cleaner and more inviting than his own mess down in the Voidfish’s quarters. “I need you too, Avi,” Johann says. “I hope you’re not reading this as me trying to avoid you or that I don’t need you to.” 
Avi bites his tongue. “Then why are you going down?” he asks. His words sound strained and distressed.
“I need to feed the Voidfish. I need to… to be with my work. For one last time. We’re almost done with the mission, right?” Johann says. He finally turns back to face Avi, and there are tears streaming down his face. “We won’t be here anymore. I won’t feed the Voidfish anymore. And that’s— that’s equal parts so liberating and also terrifying.
“Once everything terrible out there in the world ends, and the Relics are gone, we’ll have our life together. The one we always talk about: where we move back down to Neverwinter, I play full-time and you look for another job, we meet each other’s parents and we love each other for years to come. There will be other nights I will be able to sleep in your arms.”
Johann takes Avi’s hand into his. He rubs his thumb over the tattoos on Avi’s fingers, wishing that this alone could prove to Avi just how much he really, truly loves him. “Does that make sense?” he asks.
Avi is starting to cry again, too. It was painful to watch Avi cry over Magnus, but knowing that Avi’s now crying over him is somehow even more painful. “I think I do,” he sighs. “I still would rather you didn’t do this. I really wish we could stay here together. I don’t want you to leave, but I guess I can’t stop you, huh?”
Looking into Avi’s eyes, Johann sees it. It is a fraction of the feeling that Johann is feeling, and he’s not sure if Avi can actually pinpoint it, but Johann recognizes that look in his eyes without a doubt: Avi feels everything is wrong, in whatever small way, too. Johann lifts Avi’s hand up to his lips and plants a small, teary kiss right on his ring finger. “I’ll be okay, Avi. I promise. You’ll barely even notice I’m gone, I swear I’ll be quick,” he says, his lips still pressed against Avi’s knuckles. 
“Don’t say that. I always notice when you’re gone. I always will.”
Johann feels a little guilty for feeling really good about that. He feels really guilty for leaving Avi at all. He hates the idea of being alone when the world is going to shit all around them. Yet that alluring and captivating call that his work echoes out to him, the idea of being surrounded with his life’s work before he inevitably has to start packing up…
It pains Johann to admit that he finds it more enticing than sleeping in Avi’s arms.
Johann kisses Avi’s hand once more, then he leans down to kiss Avi on the lips. Avi eagerly kisses back, leaning up into Johann’s lips and trying to keep them as close as possible. They stay there for what feels like hours to Johann and only a fraction of a second to Avi. In reality, the kiss is neither too long nor too short. One thing that is certain about the kiss is just how full of love it is. Their hands tighten and caress each other’s fingers as a further show of support and love. It is here that they are safe. Here their sweet song plays uninterrupted.
But there is an end to every song. That idea hits Johann again and fills him with melancholy.
Avi is the one to end the kiss, surprisingly. He pulls away from Johann’s sweet lips with a sigh, “I… I won’t hold you back any longer this time, but you have to promise that we can discuss this habit when everything is better. Can you promise me that, Johann?” He is asking that with exhaustion so pitiful that makes Johann’s guilt eat up at him even more.
“Yes, Avi, I promise,” Johann says. With pain in his heart, Johann releases Avi’s hand and starts to leave the room.
“Wait,” Avi frantically says as Johann opens the door.
Johann turns around. His heart is pounding loud in his chest. “Yes?
“I love you, Johann.”
Johann thinks these might be the words that will snap him out of his daze. Some part of him hopes and prays that it is. He wants Avi’s love. He’s always wanted Avi’s love. Johan loves Avi, and Avi loves him so much. He should stay here, and let it last forever, right?
“I love you, too, Avi,” Johann chokes out. Then he steps out of Avi’s dorm room and closes the door behind him, following a thread of fate that had been wrapped around his fingers long before this Day of Story and Song.
When Johann goes down the elevator to the Voidfish’s chambers, we know what will happen. A song will end so that it can inspire all of reality to fight. To win. 
There is an ending to every song, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Though that heartfelt invitation tried to stall it, an ending still came. Avi will spend the rest of his life thinking he could have stopped that ending, but the truth is, there was nothing he could do. Johann would’ve gone down there no matter what. An unalterable string of fate better left untouched. 
Despite it all, it was still important. That invitation was still important. That invitation still made Johann think. It still made Johann feel loved. That will always be enough.
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where t rhymes samsara and tomorrow
the daze and i - begin again - imma notice a pattern - secret squirrel rightfully suspicious - a mini mind mess to begin the morning - set alarm early - rara avis sleeping sound so - unpoet sez go back sleep - encouraging my af lazy -  anyway its endless as long as we samsara - the laundry an ocean will be here tomorrow- a crow call - early pre 7 am - i caw back and fetch some walnuts - an  exaggerated head bow moi - corvid swoop with a bit of flair  - a kitty yes indeedy - a good one - always - gonna see some favorite people - without trepidation for the 1st time  - over a year since - thats gotta be worth a hallelujah - anyway coda not needed - tho unpoet jest sez fuck - off topic but and we onna mostly good foot - a comment cuz she watch some newz scare onna tv - interruptus morning - im back now - where were we - messaging furiously - wait - t dont furiously nothing these days lol - frantically maybe - the morning gets messy - life on terms and fukken men - its poetry dammit
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thenewnio · 4 years
A new story idea taking place in the modern-day world of Shadow of the Colossus, Ico and The Last Guardian.
For as long as anyone can remember, Ceratinus Cranium (Latin for “horned head”), a harmless birth condition that gives some people actual horns, has been shrouded in mystery. No one knows how CC, as it’s called for short, first came to be, but its earliest records originate from the country of Animae, a place steeped in mythology and superstition.
College student Eric Belson travels to Animae to make a film regarding CC. There, he meets Nico, a girl with CC who becomes his guide. Their search for the cause of the condition leads them to a nature preserve once known as the Forbidden Lands, where gigantic creatures called Colossi once roamed. Just as they arrive, a bizarre phenomenon occurs: Sixteen strangers, each one possessing similar beastly physical features, all emerge from sixteen structures said to be the bodies of the slain Colossi, claiming to be the resurrected giants themselves. It soon becomes apparent that a dangerous entity, born from the collected essences of a slain queen, a dark god and a deceased child-devouring demon, has come into the world, naming itself “Nox”. This prompts Eric, Nico and the now semi-human Colossi to search for the one being who can slay Nox and save the world: Solis, the seventeenth Colossus.
List of Colossi, their genders, their names as humans and their bios
My idea is that the Colossi used to be human, but forgot that fact (even their real names!), with the exception of Malus, their leader. Here, they resurrect in the present day as semi-mortal beings, resembling their human selves with black horns, and glowing eyes with black sclerae (much like how Wander looked at the end of SOTC).
Valus - Minotaurus Colossus 
Gender: Male
Real Name: Theseus
He tries his best. Really. He’s not a smart guy, though. He is, however, willing to fight for what he believes in.
Quadratus - Taurus Major
Gender: Male
Real Name: Asterius
He just loves children. (But not in a dirty kind of way.) He’s also willing to defend those he cares about.
Gaius - Terrestris Veritas
Gender: Female
Real Name: Miles
A show-off. Kinda selfish, but she has a heart of gold. She used to serve as a knight.
Phaedra - Equus Prime
Gender: Female
Real Name: Auriga
As a human, she was an undertaker. As a Colossus, she watched over tombs. She is dead serious (Pun unintentional!) when it comes to her former duty.
Avion - Avis Praeda
Gender: Female
Real Name: Pluma
A wise one. She used to be a priestess before her town flooded. As a Colossus, she watched over what remained of her former home.
Barba - Belua Maximus
Gender: Male
Real Name: Callidus
Also a smart one. He always plans his attacks beforehand, though they sometimes go astray due to his clumsiness.
Hydrus - Draco Marinus
Gender: Female
Real Name: Lympha
The youngest of three sisters. She is a curious girl. Although that curiosity sometimes leads to trouble, that doesn’t stop her. She does learn from her mistakes, though.
Kuromori - Perietinae Umbra
Gender: Female
Real Name: Coda
Short-tempered and free-spirited. Is very easy to annoy. Do NOT annoy her unless you're masochistic.
Basaran - Nimbus Recanto
Gender: Male
Real Name: Tempesto
Introverted. He’s still willing to welcome company, though, if he’s bored.
Dirge - Tigris Harenae
Gender: Female
Real Name: Dune
The middle child of three sisters. Is a lonely soul, and is eager to make friends. She is also protective of her other two sisters. Doesn’t like getting soaked.
Celosia - Ignis Excubitor
Gender: Female
Real Name: Vita
One half of a duo with her twin brother. She tries to be as tough as her brother, but she suffers from a traumatic memory involving fire. She also used to be a priestess.
Pelagia - Permagnus Pistrix
Gender: Male
Real Name: Vision
Born blind, but makes up for it with his other senses. He used to serve as an oracle as a human.
Phalanx - Aeris Velivolus
Gender: Female
Real Name: Aeria
The eldest of three sisters. She is a kind pacifist, but she is also a bit of a coward, despite being the oldest sister. She also serves as a motherly figure.
Cenobia - Clades Candor
Gender: Male
Real Name: Custos
The other half of a duo with his twin sister. He’s stubborn and prideful, but he genuinely cares for his sister. He used to be a soldier.
Argus - Presidium Vigilio
Gender: Male
Real Name: Vigil
Wary to the point of mild paranoia. He’s the kind of person to think before he acts.
Malus - Grandis Supernus
Gender: Male
Real Name: Malus Titanus
The leader of his group, and the only one to retain his memories of being human. Once a mortal sorcerer, he and fifteen others preformed the ritual that sealed Dormin away, at the cost of absorbing their essence, which mutated the group into the beings that came to be called Colossi.
Solis - Animus Vagus
Gender: Male
Real Name: Wander
You already know this guy’s story. Basically, he’s reincarnated as a Colossus. In my story, he might be the only hope of slaying Nox. His one wish is to be reunited with Mono somehow.
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