#I love writing about grief and fury it honestly is one of my favourite things to write
posting this here because I love how I described my WIPs to my friend earlier:
A Match Made in Hell: a boy who can turn into a snake tries to find his way to Hell
the Avis Coda: a girl who is a spy finds out her sister is dead and tries to burn the city down in response while also trying to resurrect/find her sister.
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writing-in-sin · 2 years
I'm honestly very much in love with The Last Wish movie and Death became my instant fave! The writing, the animation, the characters and their arcs! Everything was Muy Bien!
now, as per usual for me, i like to think up crazy little ideas for my favourite things and one of them is Puss as the reincarnated Vida. the idea came while listening to the movie's closing theme 'La Vida Es Una' and a DeathPuss tumblr post of them as Hades and Persephone
I'm still unsure of the details of how it came to be or why Vida became the mortal Puss but I'm thinking of taking inspirations from Egyptian (Atum), Greek (Hades & Persephone) and Japanese (Izanagi & Izanami) mythologies as well a bit from Dante's Divine Comedy (the 9 rings)
anyways, the fic will start with Puss having what he thought was just a panic induced nightmare of Death as he's chased within a dark tunnel not unlike the one we saw in the Caves of Lost Souls in the movie. Only, there's these strange 9 archways Puss would pass through
and when Death was about to snag his cape on the 9th one, the archway lit up in a ring of fire and trapped Death on the other side. surprised but not slowing down, Puss glanced back to see Death with a myriads of emotions of betrayal, terror, sorrow, fury and grief
the utter heartbreak Puss felt as he ran propelled him to consciousness, Death's bloodcurdling howl chasing him all the way to the waking world
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staringatthesky11 · 4 years
Some (not really spoilery or in depth) thoughts on Midnight Sun...
Edward. So pompous and dramatic and emo and angst-ridden and all just so gloriously Edward! He’s utterly ridiculous, and for a mind reader he is mind bogglingly imperceptive. I will never see him the way I think SM wants me to. 
LOVED the Alice and Jasper content. So much more clarity on her visions and what she sees and how they work and how they fail! Same for Jasper’s gift and how he is seen by others - whole new insight into him for me and I’m intrigued. Already wanting to be inspired with plots because I’d love to explore this in my writing at some point. Totally did not expect to love those two in this book the way I did.
Esme...ugh. We all know Edward’s her favourite, but seriously? She seemed to revere him to level that was disturbingly creepy in this book. He is not the second coming.
I did appreciate all the flashbacks and Cullen history bits that came into it - I’ve always been here for that. The family, the vampirism, the complex history...it’s always grabbed me more than the romance. 
Rosalie and Emmett....well.
Look, we all know I was never that likely to LIKE it. I’ve written hundreds of thousands of words of fanfic basically saying that when it comes to Rosalie, Edward has it WRONG - I half didn’t even want to read this book because I just wasn’t sure that I wanted 700+ pages of Edward shitting all over my girl. 
And to be fair, there was some good bits. A couple of conversations. She lets go with some good insults. 
But I am definitely left with the same frustrations as always. Rosalie is demonised for the same things that others are praised for. Her focus is Emmett, and whether he is going to be hurt in the whole situation, and Edward is scathing about her selfishness. Never mind that he’s putting everyone else in danger because BELLA’S safety is the only thing HE cares about. Jasper would sacrifice anything to keep Alice safe and that’s honourable, but Rosalie feels that way for Emmett and she’s vilified for it. Rosalie sees so much value in humanity over vampirism that grief over losing it has coloured her whole unlife and she’s viewed as being bitter and a harpy, but Edward values humanity over vampirism so much that he would deny Bella her wish and let her die an old woman before killing himself and he’s the great romantic hero?
I have always been deeply uncomfortable with the anti-sex bent towards Rosalie and Emmett, and that was definitely there in this book. Rosalie and Emmett’s relationship can be obnoxious (and yes, that part I agree with - no one necessarily wants to be around other people’s public displays of affection!) but it is very clear that Edward sees it as somehow lesser, somewhat icky and dirty and distasteful that sex is a big part of the way they are together. (And yet BELLA being physically attracted to him, physically reacting to him, physically WANTING him...that’s different???) Nothing is said about Carlisle/Esme and Alice/Jasper and what they do or don’t get up together physically - we only get told that Rosalie and Emmett do it a lot and Edward finds that repugnant. 
Tangentially related (it’s about sex, but not the good kind) but Edward’s rage and fury about what almost happened to Bella in Port Angeles also plays into this. Bella’s innocence was nearly besmirched and he’s gone berserk, but does he ever actually think that all those things he saw happening to her, all that horror and brutality and violation....Rosalie LIVED it. IT HAPPENED TO HER. No one showed up in a shiny Volvo to rescue her. And she lives with that trauma every single day of her unlife, and Edward gives her no quarter for how that might affect her. 
The relationship of Rosalie with both Emmett and the rest of their family is something else that has always bothered me, and Midnight Sun did not make me feel any better about it. Midnight Sun’s Emmett is a good brother to Edward, but he is also basically presented as a simpleton. All we see of his relationship with Rosalie is him being the long suffering husband putting up with her hysterics and temper. There was even that very telling switch in something Emmett says to Rosalie, where in the leaked version he called her ‘baby’ and in this new version he calls her ‘gorgeous’. It’s a single word, changing it shouldn’t have any real impact, and yet it does. ‘Baby’ in that context is playful, it’s affectionate, it’s personal, it’s loving...and yet we now get ‘gorgeous’, which once again reduces Rosalie to nothing more than her appearance and their relationship back to the superficial.   
And sorry, but you’re not with someone for seventy years because you think they’re hot and good in bed...there HAS to be more to it than that, but Edward doesn’t seem to think so.
Rosalie also goes against the rest of the family a lot in this one, and we see her being the scapegoat. It is repeatedly shown that her feelings, her opinions, her personal agency, all rank FAR below Edward’s in the family hierarchy and everyone supports that disparity. (And yes okay, when her opinion is that murdering a child is a good way forward she probably *should* be the one to give in! But why is Bella watching the family baseball game more important than Rosalie playing in it? Why, when Edward throws the family all into danger and breaks all the rules is ROSALIE the unreasonable one when she points out the potential for harm?) 
It is made abundantly clear by Edward that no one in the family particularly likes Rosalie, that they all just put up with her temper (mostly for Emmett’s sake? Because of Carlisle’s guilt?)...it really seems like they tolerate her being part of the family at best. And for someone whose characterisation has them breathing admiration like air, would that ever be bearable? To spend the vast majority of your time with a family who would be perfectly content without you? I can’t see it. 
Okay, that was more depth than i meant to go into! But what can I say? I have FEELINGS here! 
Oh, and maybe I’m the only one but quite honestly I am digging that pomegranate cover. It is almost nauseating but just the visual of it so perfectly sums up Twilight vampirism for me...this ghastly thread of unavoidably grotesque horror hidden under the veneer of exquisite beauty and civility!
And also because in the medieval Twilight/ New Moon combo rewrite I did, the only time I’ve ever written Edward and Bella, a fucking POMEGRANATE was the central object of my plot! It was the pomegranate that led to the alternate birthday scene (where Jasper tries to kill her) and Edward leaves her and everything unravels in a different way and and and.... 
And when I wrote that I read all this pomegranate symbolism and was like oh yeah, it’s got to be one of those. I didn’t even write any of the symbolism in, it was one of those things that I thought no one except me would ever even think about and yet here I am, and EDWARD FUCKING CULLEN is rambling on about pomegranates and symbolism and how it relates to his life and I feel like a goddess, lmao. 
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queerofthedagger · 4 years
hello! i noticed you have prompts open, and i love your writing! no pressure ofc but do you think you could write james and sirius rescuing regulus? maybe getting him out of grimmauld, or maybe when they're all older, getting him away from the death eaters?? james and sirius CAN be in a relationship, or they could be just uselessly giving each other heart eyes until reggie does something to facilitate their boyfriendhood?? i don't know, the ball is in your court, now :')
Hey nonnie, thank you so much for the prompt! ❤️ It really took me a while, but on the bright side, it also got quite long (most of it is under the cut.) I hope it’s more or less what you were aiming for - it got angst-y, but there’s a happy ending.
The first part of this was also written for a writing exercise on discord, “Have your character write a letter to their younger self.” All of the fic was heavily inspired by this video, and by the song used in it, which also provided me with the title.
or maybe you were the ocean (when I was just a stone)
Teen and Up || Graphic Depictions of Violence || 5,7k words || AO3
Pairings: Sirius Black/James Potter; Sirius Black & Regulus Black
Tags: Regulus Black Lives; Fix It; Established Relationship; Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: There are only two ways this can end, and James refuses both of them. Refuses to accept that they will die here, like this, joining the hundreds of dead bodies in their eternal grave; refuses to be the one who has to drag Sirius out of here, to tell him that he’s failed in the last second. To watch him shatter underneath the weight of his grief. ---  Kreacher does not like Master Regulus' plan. Kreacher has his orders about them, but they don't include a piece of parchment, meant to join Regulus the following day. Kreacher thinks there's only one person able to help, loath as he is to admit it.
Kreacher's right.
Dear “younger self,”
I would never write this if I wasn’t going to die tomorrow, but there is a strange urge to acknowledge everything in a place outside my own head, and this seems the easiest way. At least it is a dying wish easily fulfilled.
That is a horrible way to start a letter. I suppose it is of no consequence though, seeing that these words will disappear with me.
If I could give you only one piece of advice, it would be this; listen to Sirius. Listen to Sirius and go with him when he leaves – do anything, anything at all to get away from this house that has never been a home to either of you.
I know what you’re thinking; he abandoned you first. He is the one who replaced you. He made everything so much harder on himself with his stubbornness, his constant need to be contrary; by always stepping into the line of mother’s fury.
But he is also right, about so many things.
Most importantly though, he is right about this – no matter what you do, it will never be enough to make them proud. Not getting sorted into Slytherin, not upholding traditions and echoing their beliefs and, most of all, not joining the Dark Lord. Nothing will ever be enough.
You will only burn yourself up by trying; you will do everything that is expected of you and more, and it won’t be enough. You will do unspeakable things that leave you shaking for days on end, will wake you up every night with screams lodged behind your teeth and fear buried in your bones.
Will leave you aged decades within a year, and still mother will only stare at you blankly and ask where Sirius is.
You won’t know either, but you’ll wish you did. You will wish that you could find him, warn him, beg him for help. But not only will you have aged decades, you will have drifted away so far that there’s no way to go back anymore.
Not a point in trying either.
You may think that I’m dramatizing in typical Black manner, but to be honest, it’s still so much worse than it sounds.
Tomorrow, I will die in a cave, and nobody will know. Tomorrow, I will die in a cave, and all I’ll be remembered as is a spineless coward who has been wrong all along.
At least I won’t have to deal with Sirius’ ‘I told you so.’
I’d take a hundred of those if only to see that grin one more time.
There always is a choice, and there always are consequences. Sometimes, they just come for you as an army of Inferi and the Drink of Despair.
-          Regulus
* * *
Regulus doesn't know that Kreacher slips the letter out of his pocket later that night; doesn’t know that his always loyal elf is still searching for his least favourite family member when Regulus leaves for the last time, in the early hours of dawn.
Anything, anything at all to save Master Regulus.
* * *
James hears the crashes and the shouting already on the staircase, Sirius’ voice unmistakable. He breaks into a run, taking the steps two, three at a time, wand drawn and ready to fight whoever has found them.
An old, wrinkled house-elf is not what he expects to find sneering up at Sirius, and it effectively stops him in his tracks. Sirius doesn’t seem to notice him though, glaring down at the creature with so much hatred written over his face that James doesn’t dare let his guard down just yet.
“I’m not going to promise you anything without knowing what you want from me,” Sirius just spits, contempt dripping from his every word. His hands are shaking at his sides though, muscle in his jaw jumping, and James knows that this isn’t a usual threat.
Knows that there’s something personal in this because Sirius’ anger only ever burns bright and hot like this when he’s terrified; when there’s something on the line beyond his own life.
Sirius only ever loses control when it comes to his loved ones, and just like that, James knows whose elf this is; knows with startling certainty spreading through his lungs that this has the potential to break Sirius, and inevitably himself.
Neither of them has noticed him yet, or at least not considered him noteworthy enough to avert their glares from each other, and James takes a second to take in the details.
The living room looks wrecked, books and papers littering the floor and the coffee table lying overturned. Sirius has a cut on his cheek, slowly oozing blood while the elf appears to be unharmed. It’s clenching a crumpled piece of parchment in one gnarled fist though, and underneath the disdain spilling from its eyes, James can make out a deep wariness.
“Sirius,” he says, taking a few steps into the room without lowering his wand. “I don’t think he’d be here if it wasn’t important.”
Because there’s only one reason James can come up with for the elf of the Blacks to appear in their home; only one reason, and he knows that Sirius knows it too, sees it in the thin line of his lips and the tightness of his shoulders.
“It could still be a trick,” Sirius presses out, not taking his eyes off the elf, and there’s a plea ringing in his words, desperation for it to not be what they both fear it is.
“Kreacher would not expose himself to the presence of filthy blood-traitors for – “
“Shut up!” Sirius snaps, eyes flashing, and James quickly wraps his fingers around his wrist. Looks at him and silently says, not now, not yet, it’s not worth it.
“What are the terms?” he asks out loud, glancing at the elf whose face twists as if contemplating if James is even worth answering to.
He seems to decide that it’ll have higher chances than with Sirius, though he turns his nose up when he speaks. “Kreacher has a message that was not intended to reach the – you. Kreacher will deliver it still, if the blood-traitor son promises to help.”
And yeah, that would be a problem, James thinks. Looks at Sirius and sees the conflict there, twitching fingers and working jaw, and thinks to hell with it.
“You were not ordered to not deliver it either, then?” he asks, because he might be reckless, but he’s not stupid; might be willing to risk everything and anything for Sirius every second of the day, but never once Sirius himself.
The elf’s sneer slips by a fraction. “Kreacher received no orders at all about the letter. Kreacher does want to add that time is an issue. He will be needing help soon.”
Sirius still doesn’t look convinced, but James knows what will happen if they refuse; knows that Sirius will run himself in circles, will drive himself mad with not knowing. Knows that it might be the deciding push to finally plunge them off the precipice this war has them balancing on.
Thinks that if it’s as bad as he thinks it is, refusing might end up being worse than whatever potential trap they’re about to walk into.
His grip on Sirius’ wrist tightens, but he doesn’t glance away from the elf when he says, “We accept. Give us the letter, and we’ll help.”
Sirius makes a strangled noise in the back of his throat but he’s also already gripping for the parchment, nearly tearing it in his haste.
James is barely able to take in the words with the way Sirius is shaking beside him, and still, all he can think is that it’s so, so much worse than he could’ve ever anticipated.
“Where,” Sirius finally chokes out, his face pale and haunted, and he’s swaying on his feet, knuckles white around his wand. “Where,” he repeats, voice breaking over the shout.
James does the only thing he can do; takes Sirius’ face between his hands and digs his fingers into his skin. Presses their foreheads together and says, “No, not like this.” Holds on even as Sirius struggles, eyes wild and caught so firmly between anger and desperation that it makes James’ heart ache. “You’ll kill us both like this,” he says, shaking him for good measure. Says, “Breathe,” again and again until Sirius finally starts listening, or at least accepting that it’s the only way James will let him out of this flat anytime soon.
“Better,” he finally allows, but he only lets his hand drop to Sirius’ wrist once more as he turns back to the elf.
There’s disdain again, but also poorly hidden relief, and James could honestly not care less about what a house-elf thinks of them right now.
“When is he planning to go?” Sirius asks, and his voice is still strained, full of fear buried underneath fury, but at least he’s thinking again.
Of course, it all flies out of the window when Kreacher answers, “He left an hour ago. Kreacher can take you to the entrance of the cave but not further.”
James doesn’t protest when Sirius snarls, “Take us,” doesn’t think that Kreacher would be willing to give them more information even if he’d get Sirius to listen for another second.
The words Inferi and Drink of Despair are still echoing through his head, and they’re mixing with the guilt that is already radiating off of Sirius in waves, mixing with it’s my fault, and I should’ve tried harder, and if he dies, it’s because of me, that he knows are running rampage in Sirius’ own head.
As they’re pulled into the Apparation, James silently lists defences against Inferi and poison, hoping that they’re the only things he will have to fight tonight.
The sounds hit him first; desperate, guttural sobs that seem to echo, magnified and thrown around between what turn out to be the smooth, dark walls of a large cave. There are pleas in between, broken off words and swallowed fractures, though through the seconds it takes them to orientate themselves, two words are repeated over and over.
Sirius, please.
The words twist themselves underneath James’ ribs, race down his spine, and still he is glad for them. They freeze Sirius in place just long enough for James to reach out and hold him back from storming straight into the water stretching out between them and the small island Regulus seems to be kneeling on.
A green glow coming from a basin spends just enough eerie light to illuminate Regulus’ trembling figure, curled in on himself and pleading, crying, screaming himself hoarse.
It’s only Kreacher’s voice that prevents James from having to outright fight Sirius to keep him where he is.
“There’s a boat,” he says. “It will only take one of you.”
“Can’t you take us?” James asks before Sirius can, one arm still tightly wrapped around his chest as his own stomach sinks, panic clawing its way slowly up his throat.
Kreacher’s jaw sets and he shakes his head. “The wards would be tripped, and Master Regulus forbade me from doing anything to alert him.”
There’s no way, no way in hell that James will let Sirius go alone, or leave him behind, and he spares a thought to curse whoever set up this nightmare of a setting. He has some suspicions but no time to really bother with them, Sirius already struggling again, glaring and spitting and snarling at James as if he’s seriously contemplating to hex him within the next few seconds.
He needs an answer, a solution, anything, but there’s nothing, and then there’s movement from the small island, the sudden sound of waves drawing their attention.
It shouldn’t be loud enough, shouldn’t drown out Regulus’ cries and Sirius’ curses, but still they both stop moving, eyes forcibly dragged to witness Regulus bowing low over the edge of the lake.
Grey hands are breaking the surface of the water, followed by heads and bodies, so many of them that they appear to be moving as one. The green light reflects on the dead skin, catching on empty eyes and white teeth, and James has to clench his jaw against the bile rising in his throat.
“Take us,” Sirius says, and his voice is cold all of a sudden, tightly controlled fury pressed into two words as he stares at Kreacher.
“Kreacher cannot – “
“Take. Us,” Sirius repeats, drawing himself up. “I command you to take us, or I swear by all that I hold dear, my mother will look like a bloody joke when I’m done with you.”
Kreacher’s still hesitating, visibly struggling with himself in a way that would give James a pause in different circumstances, but they’re losing time they can’t afford.
Regulus’ screams have turned hoarse, barely audible over the other noises filling up the cavern now, and it’s impossible to spot him any longer in between the throng of Inferi.
“You want him to survive as well, don’t you?” James tries, and there’s terror ringing through his words.
Finally, Kreacher nods, and they don’t get another second to prepare themselves for the lurch of Apparation; to question just who they’re alerting by tripping the wards.
Sirius twists out of his grip the second they have solid ground under their feet again, wand slashing through the air in ferocious precision. Still, for every cutting curse that hits its target, three more seem to appear, and the whole bulk of them is already moving back into the murky water.
“Fire,” James snaps, unceremoniously digging his elbow into Sirius’ side when he doesn’t seem to hear him. “Fire, but not directly at them, come on.”
An incantation rolls off Sirius’ tongue that James has only ever read about and his blood runs cold. His own movement slows and stops as he watches white-hot flames burst forward, rushing over the surface of the lake surrounding them, forming indistinct shapes.
“Sirius,” he tries, grabbing his arm. “Sirius,” he shouts, shaking him, but to no avail. There are no Inferi left in the vicinity of the island. No other bodies either but for Kreacher cowering by the basin, and James knows, knows that Sirius has noticed too. That he’ll burn the whole cave down, no matter how little it will serve an actual purpose, and himself with it if James lets him.
The light of the flames is breaking on Sirius’ face, all hard lines and pain etched into every crease as his eyes seem to burn, grey blazing just as bright.
There are only two ways this can end, and James refuses both of them. Refuses to accept that they will die here, like this, joining the hundreds of dead bodies in their eternal grave; refuses to be the one who has to drag Sirius out of here, to tell him that he’s failed in the last second. To watch him shatter underneath the weight of his grief.
It’s not a plan. It’s not even something he expects to work or to not go horribly wrong, but it’s the only thing he can think off beyond forcing Sirius to give up for his sake.
The Summoning Spell shouldn’t work on people, and the seconds after he casts tick by so very slowly. The heat keeps scorching his skin, licking at his hands and his face and supplying a painfully tangible warning of Sirius’ suffering.
Then there’s a ripple in the water close to them, a body hurling out of it and barrelling into James with a force that knocks him off his feet. Sharp stones are digging into his back, his head is thundering with the strength of the impact but he’s laughing, laughing and crying and only just making sure that it’s Regulus lying on top of him, unconscious but with breath brushing against James’ neck.
Somehow, he manages to climb back to his feet, pulling Regulus up as he goes. Manages to stumble through the thick smoke that’s curling through the air, through his lungs, threatening to choke them all before they can burn or drown.
A distant, hysterical corner of his mind that he tries to ignore as best as he can helpfully points out that it at least keeps out whoever created this cavern from hell, and he wants to laugh again.
Finally, he reaches Sirius, standing rigid at the very edge of the water with tears streaming down his face but wand still raised, staring straight into the flames. James wraps his free hand around his neck, pressing his nails into his skin and shaking him until Sirius finally turns his head to look at him.
It takes several seconds until the haze leaves Sirius’ eyes and they widen, realization bleeding into them, swiftly followed by guilt. James wants to feel relief, wants to reassure him that there’s nothing to be guilty about; wants to shove Regulus at him and shout, see, everything will be fine, you idiot. As if I’d ever let you down.
He’s not sure yet that he believes it himself though and does none of those things. Does only tighten his grip on both brothers and shouts for Kreacher, the words scraping against his raw throat, and he nearly slumps in relief when the elf appears next to them with wide, terrified eyes.
“Take us to our flat,” he orders, praying and begging silently that he will listen. The fire is breaking through the barrier Sirius must’ve kept up, heat already singing their clothes, and he thinks he can hear a shriek of rage even over the roaring of the flames.
The sight of Regulus must’ve convinced Kreacher because he doesn’t waste a second to grab the limp hand, and then the world is twisting, lurching, and the last thing James sees is white and red and yellow, and a person materializing out of black smoke in the spot they’re just leaving behind.
Regulus’ weight drags James down as soon as they land, and he pulls Sirius with him. The quiet and cold of their living room is like a punch, adrenaline snatched away with the sudden absence of heat.
For long moments, he’s unable to move, to do anything but breathe. Unable to comprehend that they made it out, all three of them still alive and here, maybe not unharmed but not on the bottom of a lake full of Inferi either.
“Is he - ?” Sirius breaks the silence, and when James turns his head to look at him, his eyes are clenched shut, hands still trembling where they press against the floor, and lips white with the force his teeth are biting into them.
“He’s breathing,” he answers quietly because he has no idea if Regulus is fine, will be fine again, and he can’t lie to Sirius, never could, not even about something like this.
Sirius gives a jerky nod, still not opening his eyes but reaching out a hand to wrap around James’ own so tightly that he can feel his bones shift. “I could’ve killed you. I could’ve killed you and you didn’t stop me.”
It’s not an accusation, not even a reprimand. It’s only horror, and guilt, and James wants to erase the previous hours from all of their minds. Wants to take all three of them far away from a family that pitches brothers against each other, from a war that’s eating away at all of them, and from whatever it is that led Regulus to the cave and his near self-sacrifice in the first place.
Wants to take them far away and forget about the terror that’s still woven tightly around his ribs, pressing into his lungs and choking up his throat with a grip so crushing, he’s not sure if it’ll ever leave again.
“As if I’d let you,” he finally chokes out, squeezing Sirius’ hand in return and pulling them both into a sitting position.
It falls flat and they both know it, but Sirius merely gives another nod and scrambles until he’s kneeling at Regulus’ side, hands shaking as they hover helplessly over his still body.
James wants to take them far away from here, or scream and rage until the memories don’t feel so achingly raw anymore, and does none of it. Instead, he pulls himself together with more effort than it’s ever taken him and knocks his head softly against Sirius’ in wordless reassurance.
Taking a deep breath, he starts pulling away Regulus’ torn robes. “Kreacher, could you get me the potions from the bathroom?” he asks when he finds deep gashes underneath the fabric, littering his arms and chest, bleeding into their faded blue carpet.
The elf disappears, the crack of his Apparition startling Sirius out of his shock. The following minutes pass in silence, both of them working on closing the wounds, dispelling the water from Regulus’ lungs, and checking for invisible injuries.
After Kreacher reappears with the potions, he watches them closely but otherwise stays silent and keeps his distance, hands wrung tight into the hem of the pillowcase he’s wearing.
“That’s it,” James finally says, sitting back on his haunches and rubbing a hand over his face in exhaustion. “Some of it will scar, but he should wake up soon.”
At least he hopes so; neither of them is a Healer even if they’d inevitably picked up the basics since leaving Hogwarts. He doesn’t want to consider what would happen if he doesn’t.
Sirius doesn’t answer, merely sits back to lean against the back of the couch and carefully moving Regulus until his head is resting in Sirius’ lap.
For long moments, James only watches the slow movements of Sirius’ hand carding through Regulus’ hair, the way his eyes keep roaming over his body as if expecting new injuries to appear. Watches how two of his fingers stay pressed against Regulus’ pulse point at his throat, hand twitching every other second.
Eventually though, James forces himself back to his feet, legs trembling underneath him as he makes his way into the kitchen. His throat is parched, his eyes are still burning from the smoke, and he knows that Sirius must be in a similar state; knows that he won’t get up and take care of himself until Regulus opens his eyes because it’s what he’d do if it was James lying there.
It’s what James would do if the roles were reversed, and that’s a scenario he shoves away as best as he can whenever the thought so much as tries to form.
When he steps back into the room with two glasses of water and PepperUp Potion, Sirius is still in the same position, but he’s talking quietly, words barely audible. “Come on, lionheart, you have to wake up. I owe you several I told you so’s, remember?” he’s just saying, voice rough and still so, so heavy with regrets.
James freezes where he’s just sitting down next to them, nearly forgetting to keep up the levitation spell, and watches with fear and relief warring in his chest as Regulus’ eyelids flutter, eyes slowly blinking open to reveal a grey several shades darker than Sirius’.
“You idiot,” is the first thing Sirius chokes out, his grip on Regulus’ shoulder visibly tightening, and in spite of everything, James smiles faintly. “You complete, utter idiot, how could you?”
Regulus’ eyes widen, his body going rigid while his hands curl into fists at his sides. “What – where – “
“You nearly died,” Sirius spits before James can even think about answering, and he winces at the note of anger creeping back into Sirius’ tone. “What were you thinking? If Kreacher hadn’t – “
“Kreacher came to you?” Regulus interrupts, surprisingly alert all of a sudden as he sits up, and James wonders if it’s only adrenaline that’s fuelling him. He twists so he can keep looking at them, pushing himself onto his knees, and his eyes flicker between them as fear and disbelief chase each other over his expression. “I – you – you got me out of the cave?”
Before Sirius can answer, James reaches out to squeeze his knee.
Sirius swallows, eyes closing briefly, but his voice is much calmer when he says, “Yes, though if it wasn’t for James, I doubt – we only arrived when you – when the Inferi attacked you.”
Regulus’ expression doesn’t change, confusion and wariness still shining in his eyes. “But how – I forbade Kreacher from telling anyone and anyway, why? Why would you – “
Care is what he doesn’t say, what he doesn’t have to say if the flinch from Sirius is anything to go by.
James watches out of the corner of his eye as Sirius’ jaw clenches and unclenches, fingers tapping a restless rhythm against his legs, and he eventually draws his shoulders back.
“Because you’re my brother. And I – even though I never regretted leaving Grimmauld’s, I regretted leaving you behind. That we grew apart so badly and I – that you thought you couldn’t come to me with whatever insane thing you were attempting tonight. Because the thought of you dying – I couldn’t – I’d never let that happen,” Sirius finally says, his voice quiet but gaze boring into Regulus’.
Regulus stares with wide eyes, a frown etched between his brows as if he isn’t quite sure that any of this is real. “But you’re – I’m everything you hate,” he finally spits, face twisting into a snarl while his hands tremble at his sides. “I joined the Dark Lord! I did things so horrible, you wouldn’t – “ he chokes off, turning his head away.
James thinks it’s startling how similar the two of them are, after all, despite everything. He’s itching to make this easier for both of them, but all he can do is press his leg against Sirius’ and hope that it’ll be enough to get through this.
“And you realised what a shit-choice that was,” Sirius shoots back, and for the briefest of seconds, his lips twitch into a smile. “I told you so, by the way.”
Regulus’ head whips back around, and James wants to bury his face in his hands.
“The letter,” Regulus whispers, his whole posture slumping. “Of course. I should’ve – “
“If you finish that sentence, I’ll kill you myself,” Sirius growls, then shakes his head and huffs. “I just – are you really so keen to die that you wouldn’t even consider asking me for help?”
There’s desperation bleeding through his words now, and Regulus must’ve heard it too because his head snaps up, his hand twitching as if he wants to reach out.
“It’s not – no,” he presses out, running a hand over his face. “But I – not only didn’t I expect you to believe me, it’s also dangerous. More dangerous than this war already is, and you have a traitor in your precious Order and I couldn’t – he’ll hunt me down anyway.“
“You betrayed Voldemort,” James says before Sirius can, the final pieces clicking into place, and it reminds him of the flash of white skin materialising just as they’d left the cave behind.
Regulus flinches at the name and seems to hesitate. Eventually, he nods, resolve hardening his features. “He’s mad, completely, utterly mental. I just – I couldn’t do it anymore and when Kreacher – when I found out something important, something that could help bring him down, I – “ he pauses, biting his lips. Takes a deep breath and closes his eyes before looking back at Sirius. “I thought I could at least do one good thing. What does it matter if I die in a raid, in a cave, or because he decides to kill me?”
“Because I couldn’t bear to lose you!” Sirius snaps. “Because it was already bad enough to lose you once, and I won’t let Voldemort, or anyone else for that matter, lay a fucking hand on you, alright? And you’ll better get used to that, you complete idiot, because I won’t make the same mistake twice.”
There’s a beat of silence in which the words seem to ring through the room, and then a dry sob wrenches itself out of Regulus’ throat, his hand flying up to press against his mouth.
Sirius instantly moves forward, wrapping his arms around Regulus and burying his head in the crook of his neck, his own shoulders shaking. It takes only a second until Regulus’ arms come up, his hands clenching in the fabric of Sirius’ hoodie as if holding on for dear life.
James watches, something loosening in his chest, and when he looks at Kreacher for the first time since Regulus woke up, there’s barely any disdain left on his old face.
The two of them stay in their embrace for a long time, murmuring to each other so quietly that James can’t make out the words.
As much as he wants to give them their time, to leave them to make up for all those lost years, there’s still a memory at the forefront of his mind that is impossible to ignore. He doesn’t want to think about it, wants to think about nothing but all three of them being alive and well, but if he truly wants to keep it that way, they still have more important things to worry about first.
Clearing his throat and flashing them a strained, apologetic smile, he waits until he has both of their attention. “I’m not sure that we weren’t seen just before we disappeared.”
All the blood drains from Regulus’ face and he flinches back as if he’s been slapped. His hand finds Sirius’ arm, fingers twisting into his sleeve, and James’ heart aches at having to do this at all.
Sirius’ features only harden, jaw setting and lips pressing into a thin line.
James knows what he’s going to say and shakes his head. “We have to leave,” he says, raising his hand to stall Sirius’ protest. “We could go into hiding, but Regulus is right. We have a traitor in the Order, and whatever it is Regulus attempted to do tonight, you and I both know that it was too well-guarded to draw anything but Voldemort’s utmost attention.”
“A Horcrux,” Regulus says quietly, turning his head to send Sirius a look full of meaning that’s lost on James. “Did you take a locket, by any chance?”
“A Horcrux,” Sirius echoes, his voice suddenly hoarse again, and he slowly shakes his head. “We didn’t but I – well I guess it got probably caught up in the Fiendfyre.”
“You – “ Regulus starts, then cuts himself off and shakes his head. “Never mind. James is right though, we can’t stay here. We have to – I need to, I’m – “ he stammers, hands starting to shake and fear filling his eyes.
Sirius’ eyes meet James’, and he finds the same resolve that he’s feeling mirrored back at him, a silent, old promise between the two of them that now includes a third one.
“My parents had a house in the middle of nowhere in Iceland,” he says, a plan starting to take shape in his mind. “We’ve never been there but I know the coordinates to create a Portkey, and that there are a few elves who’ve taken care of it over the years.”
“I should be able to ward it and make it unplottable,” Sirius picks up, already getting to his feet and dragging Regulus with him. “We’ll contact Dumbledore, get a message to him with the information we have and that we’re leaving, nothing more.”
“What about mother?” Regulus asks, the panic receding even though there’s still uncertainty in his eyes. “I know you don’t care but if he saw me, if I disappear…”
Sirius sighs, closing his eyes briefly, but he nods. “Send Kreacher back, order him to not tell anyone but report to her that he hasn’t seen you in days. Voldemort won’t outright kill her if she doesn’t know what’s going on, the support of the family is too important for him.”
There’s a beat of silence as Regulus and Sirius stare at each other, but eventually, Regulus nods, exhaling a sigh. “I hope you’re right.”
Summoning parchment, James hands it to him. “Write down everything you know about – whatever it is you were talking about; I’ll call one of the Potter elves to deliver it later. We’re going to pack a few things, I think Sirius has some clothes that should fit you.”
Regulus nods, fiddling with the quill, and James decides to leave him to it. Just as he and Sirius are about to leave the room, Regulus calls, “Wait!”
Turning back around, James watches him, hoping that there won’t be another argument coming; it’s all a mess already, all of them running on their last reserves of strength, and they can’t afford to lose any more time.
“Thank you,” Regulus says, the words quiet but sincere.
James smiles, but it’s Sirius who answers. “Always.”
As soon as the door to their bedroom closes behind them, Sirius twists, pushing James against the wood and crashing their mouths together.
His own hands come up on instinct, wrapping around Sirius’ waist, and he keeps his eyes closed even as Sirius pulls back to lean their foreheads together.
“We’d all be dead without you,” Sirius chokes out, voice breaking over the words, and his fingers press against James’ jaw so harshly that it’s bordering on painful. “We’d be all dead, and now we have to leave everything behind. Are you – I won’t force you to come with us.”
James huffs a laugh, wet and nearly hysterical. “Merlin, sometimes you’re such an idiot,” he presses out, his own throat closing up. “I’d go anywhere with you, anywhere at all. You should know that by now. And we’ll be safe. At least, we’ll finally be safe.”
The last words linger in his mind, circling as they haphazardly throw clothes and trinkets into bags, packing up only what they’ll need most. Linger as they send off the letter to Dumbledore and create a Portkey out of the mug that Lily gave them as a house-warming gift. As the three of them grab it tightly and are whisked away.
Circle through his mind still, as they set foot into the small cottage at the foot of a mountain, waves crashing in the distance, dark wood cracked with age but warm and cosy and safe.
They’ll be safe.
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darkhorse-javert · 3 years
Something Sunday: Breaking the Seal
I don't know what this is really, just that I wanted to write it (I seem to like torturing myself and my Characters). Sequel to Messenger, (indeed set not long after) prequel to Courier and Postscript. Completely AU to anything apart from those
More Turners together- and that's the only nice thing about this. Tissues likely required.
She saw Martin climb down from the train carriage, then pause looking around at the crowd on the platform for her. She raised her hand in the air, waving it slightly. He spotted her, and strode towards her with quick paces.
"Dilly" Then his arms were around her, holding her. Holding her slightly too tight.
Something was wrong. She embraced him in return for a long moment, then she stepped back, still leaving her hands on his arms and looked at him properly. His eyes were hollow, shadowed, and although he attempted a smile, it was effortful and thin, a token to reunion
"Martin." They were together again, even if only for a short, precious time
He bent his head, kissed her lips lightly, then offered his arm. She slipped hers under it. They walked up the platform to the gate, the tickets were clipped and they were through out to the town.
"How are you, Dilly?"He asked as they walked. His tone matched his face, the affection there was meant but stilted, affected by something else.
She gave a light shrug of her shoulders, answering normally, keeping up the pretense of a normal conversation "I'm well enough, things are as they are." She smiled lightly at him "Lixy's proving to be a good Sargent."
He nodded and made a vague noise. No further comments, no asking after any of the others in her section as he would normally. She paused at a road crossing, glancing at him even as she pointed with her free hand. "There's a cafe up here, we can get some sandwiches for lunch."
To her eyes he seemed to droop somewhat, as though the thought of this was just too much.
She pressed his arm gently, changing plans "Come on, the lodgings aren't far." He strode at her side, placing a facade of pride and authority on his face, then shifting it to a formal politeness, an almost friendliness as he collected the key from the hotel desk. It fooled everyone else, but it couldn't fool her.
He was hurting, more than the normal amount she'd seen over these years.
She stepped forwards, refolding her hand through his arm, leading him subtly, he followed. A few years ago, there might have been a tease to her pressure on his arm, a shared not quite smile between them. But today he needed her support. And I give it willingly.
The room door shut behind them, and she watched as Martin, like a string-cut puppet, sat down heavily on the edge of the bed, his head bowed.
"Martin...?" She walked over and careful sat down next to him, placing a hand on his arm.
What's wrong? Please...tell me...
He turned his face away from her before he spoke "Andrew Foyle's gone." His tone was flat, and yet so cracked and broken, all at once.
"Oh Martin..." Dilly spoke softly. Gone in that tone, meant Dead, or almost certainly so...
He went to take a breath, it rattled in his chest and then he started to sob, quietly utterly broken. She felt helpless, reduced to slipping one arm around his shaking shoulders, holding his hands with her other one. There wasn't anything to say that would help.
You weren't supposed to have favourites among your underlings, but it happened anyway. Individuals who worked their way under your skin for one reason or another. Foyle had been that for Martin over the last three years, an immature man who was an excellent flyer who he'd seen grow, had taught in his own way. He'd come up in Martin's letters often enough, spoken of with both exasperation and affection, and pride.
Now he's gone, and this is the first time you've let your guard down enough to cry properly for him. The last of your 1940 squadron.
Martin leant against her still, wiped his eyes roughly with his hand, and spoke in a low voice, dry and cracking, his eyes staring at nothing. "I went to tell his kin, his widowed father... his wife." Martin's voice squeaked on the last word.
"He'd only been married three months or so, hadn't he?"
Martin nodded, took another rattling breath, carried on "She took it so stolidly, they both did. No tears... no screams."
He looked at her, his eyes shining with tears, a bitter almost-pride there. "It wasn't denial either, you could see she knew..." his voice cracked across the next words his head dropped "As soon... as...she saw my face." He twitches his head in a sharp shake, lifted it slightly, still staring at nothing "And she just stood there Dilly, she just stood there, smartly at attention while I told her her husband was missing and most probably dead!"
His voice had risen in a blank, empty futile fury, then it dulled a little "People like her," He shook his head "They don't deserve being in this war." His eyes were both bleak and full of hollow anger as they met hers.
Dilly knew what he meant. For Foyle Senior, who had been in the last war, to take death calmly was one thing, as it would have been for she herself, who had lived through the onslaught of telegrams as a young woman.
But that had been The War to End All Wars.
For a young woman who had grown up in it's shadow, one half of a pair who were very much in love strong and true, according to Martin's account, to have that strength to stand under that. It did not begger belief, she could think of several young WAAF similar. But it knifed and raked her heart, as it clearly did Martin's that death had no care for such things. Stupid impossible sentiment, you just had to get on, but it helped a little.
Martin had turned over his hand and gripped hers tightly, palm to palm, a silent gesture of both thanks and love. She leant her head against his.
Honestly I think I do make WC Turner a bit too weepy. Thoughts/concrit anyone?
Think I'm dealing with the odd sort of grief for what happened on Friday to be honest.
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mintjamsblog · 5 years
I really love your writing and wanted to know do you read much? And if so what are your favourite books?
Ah thanks for the compliment! I love this sort of question because yes, I read A LOT. I got so excited I even made a (bad) graphic!! Sorry...
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I’ve picked books that have stuck with me (I mean we’re surrounded by content, so I think the mark of a good book is one you can still remember some time after you read it; or one that effects you deeply). Using those criteria, here is a list of 9 favourites (because it fitted into aforementioned graphic).
1. The Heart's Invisible Furies - John Boyne
Set in Ireland (and Europe) from the 1940s up until the present. Cyril is adopted, gay, in love with his best friend...plenty of angst and twists and turns ensue as it follows him through his life.
2. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin - Louis de Bernieres
This might not be a very original choice but I honestly think the man is a genius. His books are so painful to read (although this one less so than most of his others) but really stay with you. And teach you a lot. (Love the elements of magical realism too - I’m a sucker for all things South American) 
3. Birdsong - Sebastian Faulks
I read this years and years ago and yet it has stayed with me (a must read for Peaky fans - it’s about a tunneller in WW1)
4. Call Me By Your Name - Andre Aciman
The most moving book I’ve read in the last three years. If you haven’t read it, please do (and yes, even if you’ve seen the film!) I have downloaded everything else he’s written and can’t wait to read them!
5. A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara
Former fan fiction writer, I could not put this book down. It’s a very tough read (child abuse, domestic abuse, character deaths...you name it it’s in here).
6. Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
A very recent read and I loved it. A love story basically, between Achilles and Patroclus, told from the latter’s perspective.
7. Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
I can’t believe I hated this so much when I had to study it for A level, but I love it now! Give me a dark and haunted hero any day!
8. Atonement - Ian McEwan 
Another favourite author, I loved the theme, it’s all about lies and repercussions and, well, atonement!
9. Grief is the thing with Feathers - Max Porter 
I read this before I found out Cillian was doing the play (honest!) It’s about a father of 2 boys dealing with the loss of his wife. As someone who lost their mum very early in life (and has 2 boys) it was particularly moving and a really interesting take on the journey of grief. (And yes, Cillian was AMAZING in the play). 
I’d actually love to know everyone else’s favourite books, to add to my always-increasing list of things to read. If anyone can be bothered let me know ... and if not no worries!  @tinypinetrees @boundinshallows @whentommymetalfie @weeo @deadendtracks @twobrokenwyngs  (or anyone else who wants to!)
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readermagnifique · 5 years
Anne with an E Season 3 finale!
Good grief I am in LOVE!!!
I want to have a character on this show for the sole purpose of having a bisexual affair with Winnie Rose, no I am not taking constructive criticism at this time.
Josie Pye counting the hours until she can get away from all the whispers and snide comments that she is definitely still getting, and probably mostly from her parents broke my heart she deserves to fly they all do.
Ruby is still a little gem and I love her.
Shirbert Part I: They are so proud of each other, look at those cute grins.
Moody still holds the title of best awkward comments.
You poor dumb dumb babies I love you both.
Miss Stacy is the best you can't change my mind. Potato lightbulbs forever indeed.
"7 days until we spread out wings and soar" Tiny babies, we stan.
"It's your future, not theirs"
"It's not your future, it's ours!"
This next scene was heartbreaking.
The Barry's were getting better and I hate them again now.
Matthew Cuthbert you are a cute potato and your one (1) flaw in life is pushing people away to protect them. We stan.
Mummy Lacroix learning to be softer is what I am here for!
Shirbert Part II: Beautiful! Sublime! This letter was everything we've been wanting to hear since day 1. Also definitely breaking his promise to Winnie to not say ANYTHING about not being engaged for 2 weeks, but we'll let it slide because you're cute as a button, and the pen mention at the end was the cherry on top.
I honestly expected her to completely miss the fact that the letter was even there. Never expected her to rip it, and was even better when she ran around trying to find the pieces, and GOT IT COMPLETELY WRONG! You are the most adorable tiny human, and this had me shaking my head not knowing whether to be frustrated or laughing.
Diana being almost catatonic at the idea of her future broke me. It is not being talked about enough, this was heartbreaking.
"I can't fly"
"My poor Diana, they've clipped your wings" This was beautifully tragical, and so so sad. Dalila Bela was phenomenal in this whole episode - more on that later.
Marilla being the best Mum. She has grown so much and she is the sweetest. This whole episode she was a damn star! I love her! She's done a complete 180° from where she started, from big things like being kinder and more open with those she loves, to small things like making a dress with beautiful, most definitely expensive, blue velvet for her girl.
Elijah redemption arc - I love a redemption arc, and they are the hill I will die on thanking you. And Bash learning to forgive him and allow him into his daughter's life - this was inspired, thank you Moira!!!
Marilla talking the Barrys round to the idea of Diana's desire to control her own life not being a selfish one was beautifully done. Just her being careful and considerate as she has always been at her core.
Miss Stacy and Anne both giving beautiful presents to each other - and MISS STACY WRITING KINDRED SPIRITS ON THE FRAME WAS SPECTACULAR!!! And her conversation about happiness was so sweet and caring, and mentioning depression in her own way did anyone else notice this?
Marilla being so excited about letters of Anne's past, and putting Matthew straight, just like he did earlier in the series.
Matthew crying; I can't cope with it. End of discussion, couldn't deal. He's too sweet.
Elijah is going to be such a good big brother now he's doing his best.
Anne packing away her room; so beautifully filmed, and so bittersweet. She has loved this little room more than anywhere else, and it's lovely.
Jane and Josie are friends again? They're stood together in the line, and no snide comments. They smile to each other while the matron was talking. Was there a deleted scene or something? Can someone write their reconciliation as a one shot? I want to see Jane learn like Prissy exactly what her family is.
Anne is definitely going to learn sign language, I will place good money on those odds. Just you watch her.
Somehow the matron reminds me of the librarian in Monsters University?
Anne putting her necklace on the bed meant for Diana.
The girls being excited and giggling in pure delight with each other, dancing and carefree, away from the small minds of their town. Beautiful and inspirational, and most of it is down to Anne, you cannot change my mind.
Miss Stacy screaming in excitement for Gilbert going to Uni! His yelling with her!
Mummy Lacroix learning from her son to help him forgive his own stepson. Redemption arcs all around in the Lacroix farm.
Siblings united at last. Mary would have been the happiest woman to see this.
Can we all just appreciate that Cole has been at art school carefully studying and perfecting the Gay Artist Walk™ and he is doing so well? The hips. The hands. Look at that beautiful carefully learnt carelessly elegant flounce! That is Growth.
Jo calling Marilla Anne's mother and how happy it makes her.
Anne is the bravest of women, so strong, and all of those closest to her know this.
Cole and Jerry are the best brothers, you cannot prove this wrong.
Anne takes that moment to break apart on one that she trusts with her life, and one who she knows trusts her with his, and then just as quickly pulls herself back together again and carries on. She just needed that moment, and he knew to give it to her.
The cows are Pride and Prejudice and this is fantastic.
Matthew you adorable bean, and I cannot cope with you tearing up twice in one episode.
Anne with her dress, and gloves, and parasol. Mesmerising.
Mrs Thomas is hilarious.
"They were SCOTTISH!"
"He's DEAD! You know that." Cracking up laughing.
I want to know who Katie was? This is the second time she's been brought up. The imaginary friend who lives in glass cabinets. Other than that we know nothing, and I need to know more.
The book.
I want to have a character on this show for the sole purpose of having a bisexual affair with Winnie Rose, no I am not taking constructive criticism at this time.
I fully and completely believe that after they sorted out the fact that neither of them had any idea what the other was bloody talking about, Anne and Winnie are pen pals, and they're going to chat about Paris and Uni and become good mates. I am here for Anne's respect for other women, and you know for a fact that she has never said or thought a bad word about Winnie from day one, because none of it has ever been her fault. And Winnie has been understandably angry, but once she stops hurting over Gilbert (and has a bisexual affair with me that is definitely going to happen I swear) she will be happy to call Anne a friend, because she has always been loyal to her friends and never made a move on her man while he was hers, even when drunk and looking gorgeous after the exams.
The train. How amazing was every scene on this damn train. Diana going to Uni, hearing about Gilbert not going to Paris and not engaged, but also not going to queen's and definitely not sorting things her friend and this is unacceptable??? Her face??? Incredible!!!
Anne running in that dress is a vision.
Diana's face as she sits in the chair opposite Gilbert. And he smiles politely and has to do a double take because the FuRy??? Of this girl??? Phenomenal.
I am always here for whenever Anne has her hair down.
Diana going HARD for Anne. On a public train. Fully laying in to the smartest and dumbest boy in her class.
Diana is a wonder, all she needed was friendship with an unlikely redheaded orphan brat to unlock her imagination, and that redheaded orphan is the girl who has saved her from misery and drudgery and brought colour into her life, and she deserves so much better than the confusion Gilbert has been giving her this whole time and Diana is throwing EVERYTHING at him and I am here for this ride or die friendship!!!
This running montage was perfection, then the silence just as they saw each other. Majestic.
That gentle hand on her cheek, asking permission, then the kiss.
And then Anne Shirley Cuthbert does the most Anne Shirley Cuthbert thing and pinches herself to check it's real.
And Gilbert So-Smart-And-So-Dumb Blythe still had to check that she loves him as much as he loves her and both of these reactions are the most valid thing I have ever witnessed.
And that second kiss; Anne "If I wanted to kiss a boy, couldn't I just, kiss him?" Shirley Cuthbert going for it, I am here for it on every level, I hope it's within the correct timespan for visiting suitors, because you're definitely not in the parlour Anne!
Anne not even getting mad that he's leaving just after he kisses her, she is so understanding what a damn angel.
And Gilbert desperately trying to reassure her before he has to run off again. That hand kiss, I am swooning over their romantical notions, the pair of them!
"Can I still be your roommate?" Look at this baby, with her witty quips and dramatic entrances! I adore that Anne has found a home among people who are just as dramatic as she is.
Mr Barry redeaming himself somewhat - "Take the carriage! Run boy! Accomplish your dreams!" He's learning, it's all we can ask for. Maybe next season I'll begin to like you again.
That hop out of the carriage, the return of the flirty eyebrows, that kiss; Mr Blythe! Straight out of a romance novel! He knows how to put his romantical notions into action.
"I have follow up questions."
Marilla and Matthew running with the book! The book itself! Mummy Shirley had red hair!!! Baby Anne's First Picnic!!! "Their handwriting looks like mine." !!!
"You are a wish come true, I never knew I was making" Marilla tear my heart out why don't you?!?!
Dear Gilbert I look like my mother.
This was a phenomenal, perfect ending to this series, we were not only fed, but giving a ten course meal, thank you Moira!!! Only thing I could have wished for was more Jerry, because he is a tiny baby, and more ka'kwet. Also the brutal and gruesome death of Billy Andrews would have been a nice bonus, but I'm happy to wait until season 4 that is definitely going to happen.
Now just give me a character on this show for the sole purpose of having a bisexual affair with Winnie Rose. Jo and Gertie 2.0! Meeting in a Parisian bookshop! Yes please!!!
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hbostolemysoul · 5 years
Fluff alphabet: Joe Liebgott
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
When you and Lieb first met, the thing you found most attractive about him was when he shut the hell up. Joe has a temper, and a mouth to match. You two mixed about as well as water and flaming oil, both working desperately to consume the other, but ultimately never succeeding.
Yeah. You found it most attractive when he shut up. (his hair was definitely not attractive…or the way his mouth would quirk when he smiled…or how animated he gets when talking about superheroes...)
Yep definitely him shutting up…absolutely nothing else…
Joe on the other hand had no problem admitting you had a pretty face, “Too bad every word that leaves your mouth makes you uglier”
Lieb is an asshole, and he knows it. In fact, he is pretty sure that is just his default setting. Which is how he justifies being an ass to you. (he absolutely isn’t nastier to you when he sees guys from other companies flirting with you…and all he wants to do is fucking deck them). He feels that he is doing the rest of guys a favor. Bros before hoes or something like that (except that you definitely are not a hoe, and he will gladly square up with anyone who says that…other than him).  
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Joe talks a pretty big game about finding a ‘nice Jewish girl with big tits, to make tiny Liebgotts with’. Maybe that was something that helped him to cope during the war but finding out you were pregnant actually broke something in Joe. You two had gotten into a fight about god knows what and ending up sleeping together…and then hooking up almost every time you two got into a fight after that (which was frequent). It was fiery, and passionate, and fueled by your mutual hatred/love for each other.
You found out shortly before you shipped off back home. You told him a few days before you left and he just…up and avoided you. You had searched desperately for him the day you shipped out, with no luck. You ended up writing a brief letter to him, leaving your address and phone number. Giving it to Web you asked him to pass it to Lieb.
You moved back home, 7 months later you gave birth to your daughter. Still no word from Joe.
You had been everything from sad, to scared, to furious. When you found out that he had cut ties with literally everyone from Easy you thought it would make you feel…well better. Instead, you found yourself worrying about him.
Word spread to the guys that you had a kid. Most knew that it was Joe’s. Some of the guys were furious (Guarnere, Babe, Roe of all people) most were sympathetic and supportive (Winters, Toye, Webster, Malarkey, ect.)
Your child may not have had a father for some of her life, but she had an army of uncles who would move mountains for your little girl.
Your daughter was three when you received a letter from one of Joe’s sisters. The letter explained that Joe had refused to talk about the war (fair enough) but one night she found him drunk as a skunk and crying. He told her about you. About the baby. About how he didn’t “know what to fuckin’ do anymore”.
She had left a phone number. That was how you met the Liebgotts. It took some convincing on their part, a bit of encouragement from Winters and Webster, and a sharp fucking shove into the back of Malarkey’s car for you and your daughter to make your way down to San Francisco (Buck had also decided to come along, because “Mal can't be trusted with kids, c’mon”)
You had decided to leave your daughter with Malarkey and Buck when you first went to visit Joe.
Things went about as well as the entirety of Operation Market Garden.
He was not okay, clearly not coping well with the effects of war. You had left shortly after getting there, leaving a picture of your daughter on the table. His mom was in tears as she saw you out.
Going back home was more somber than either Buck or Malarkey would have liked, but they did everything they could to cheer you up. It helped.
About 3 weeks after arriving back home your phone rang, it was Joe.
It was at that moment that he began to make…well an effort. It was a slow process, but your daughter deserved to know her father, and Joe deserved a chance at love and peace.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
While you two were hooking up it was usually rushed, clothing righted shortly after. But in moments where you two had a bit more time, his hands would sometimes linger as he gently rebuttoned your clothes.
Later in life cuddling often consists of the two of you in bed, arms barely touching as a few small humans squeeze their way between the both of you.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Joe likes to drive, its one of the few things that give him peace. Sometimes Joe would drive you all down to the beach, or to a drive-in. Somewhere a bit outside the craziness of the city.
E = Everything (You are my __ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You are so much more than I deserve”
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Joe knew he loved you back in Toccoa. Not that he ever admitted it fully to himself.
During the entire war, he loved you. He loved you when you told him you were pregnant. He loved you enough to push you away so you wouldn’t have to deal with the broken man he was trying so desperately to hide from everyone.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
While you two were sleeping together pre-daughter, he was intense. His touches bordering on painful until after the act, then his touches would gentle, lightly caressing your skin in a way that he could say was accidental if you ever called him out on it.
Once you and Lieb reconnect, it’s a slow process. He has a lot to make up for. Touches of any kind are minimal at first, but over time a hand on your back or fingers running through your hair become gentle parts of everyday life for the two of you.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
No. Joe just does not like hand holding. He doesn’t want to look like a ‘sap’ in front of strangers, let alone people he knows. He will, however, sling an arm along the back of your chair when you go out. He finds comfort in knowing you are there without having to physically put his hands on you.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He thought you were fucking beautiful, and so fucking stupid for being in the god damned paratroopers. Everyone took to you like a moth to a flame. You were kind and tough as hell, and he wanted to hate you so much.
When he didn’t hate you, it made him want to hate you more. It wouldn’t do well to get attached to a fucking broad who would be jumping into a warzone. Pushing you away and being an asshole was Joe’s way of trying to convince himself that he didn’t care about you. (It never worked)
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Oh lordy yes. Training was a bitch, you couldn’t enter the same room as Lieb before he was spouting off some remark to piss you off.
Looking back now you realize his comments came more frequently when you were around other men.
Even now, married with a few kids Joe still gets mouthy when another man looks at you for longer than a second.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You honestly don’t know who kissed the other first. One minute you are screaming in each other’s faces, the next your lips met in an aggressive clash of teeth and tongue.  
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He does. It takes him about a year of being back in both your lives, but he does say it. Your daughter had fallen asleep on his one side, you were smiling down at her sleepily. He gently brushed your bangs back muttering the words almost silently. Looking up into his eyes you smiled tiredly, “Love you too Lieb”. It took a lot for Joe to cry, but that did it. Something about that moment healed both of you a little bit more.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
His favourite memory is pretty mundane in comparison to most. It was the first time he came ‘home’ from work. He had just moved in with you two, entering your home, his home, after work was nerve-wracking. His nerves settled moments after he stepped through the threshold. Your daughter was sprawled on the floor, scribbling relentlessly on a piece of paper, while you sorted through work documents at the table. It was so domestic, and so much more than he ever expected. He was home.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Joe works with you to provide for your small family. You two are never rich, but you make sure your children want for nothing when it comes to the necessities.
Joe struggles a lot with having anything to do with the guys. You got him writing to Winters occasionally, and that was a HUGE step for Joe. The best gift he ever gave you, was calling the guys personally to tell them when you gave birth to your second child. It was hard for him. So terribly difficult. But he knew how much the guys mean to you, so he swallowed the grief and panic that came with anything that reminded him of the war. Seeing Luz, Perconte, and fucking Webster with a shark stuffed animal crash into your hospital room a few days later made the gesture all the more special.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
You remind him of the sky during the sunrise. You are both an infuriatingly bright and absolutely beautiful.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
He uses ‘babe’ a lot, which was kind of funny when Uncle Babe came over for your daughter’s birthday. The confusion on poor Heffron’s face and the fury on Joe’s was priceless.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
(I know its still modern) Hersey bars. He likes to share them with the kids on Friday evenings. They will sit on the back porch, share chocolate and talk about their day. Its pretty cute.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Joe is usually driving his cab, if the rain isn’t too bad he will continue on with his day. If the downpour gets ridiculous he will pull off and park somewhere he can see the ocean, watching as the tiny droplets disappear as they meet the waves.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Before you and Joe reconnected he smoked a ridiculous amount. Something about the burn of each inhale helped to settle his mind.
While he has cut back on smoking, you still sometimes find him hunched outside in the middle of the night smoking. The sweat from his nightmares still gathered on his brow, in these moments you just hold him and wait for him to finish.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
He talks a lot about work, he has some pretty entertaining stories that he will share with you and the kids to get you all to laugh. Your family had brought life back into Joe.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Driving. Every June your family will pack up and head to some camping destination, or off to see one of the guys from Easy. Around D-day Joe gets anxious, so you two decided to make something that marked so much darkness for the two of you, into something positive to share with the kids.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
You best believe that Joe carries around your kid's drawings in his wallet. When Harry and Kitty come to visit it's almost comical to watch as they have a ‘dad off’ on who’s kids are most artistically inclined. You and Kitty often hide in the kitchen and drink.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
You had been having a rough time at work, a few of your co-workers had just quit and the work was piling up while the higher-ups tried to find replacements. You came home late one night, Joe had made dinner for you and put the kids to bed. Kissing the top of your head he ushered you off to have a bath while he cleaned up. Entering your bedroom almost made you cry. On your pillow was a small box and one of your favourite flowers. Walking over you opened the box, tears coming to your eyes, Joe had come to lean against the doorframe. Rubbing the back of his neck he just grinned at you, “So uh- what do ya’ think?”, He asked.
You just nodded as you walked over to him, his arms soon pulling you close to his chest as you cried.
Your wedding was small, just immediate family. Some of the guys were bummed, but they understood as Joe was still struggling with being around them, let alone a bunch of other people.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Found- Trenton
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Yep. Lieb talked about it lots during the war, but actually doing it was another story entirely.
It took him a long time to ask you, he had a lot of healing to do after the war. While things didn’t play out in the most ideal way between you two, you are both happy with where you ended up in the end.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
No. Your gaggle of children is more than enough. After all “we own a house, not a fucking zoo”, as Lieb so lovingly puts it. 
* Okay...so things got a bit angsty. Please forgive me*
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Éomer, Son of Éomund - Day Five
Let’s talk about everyone’s favourite big brother, Éomer. As the nephew of the king, and third Marshal of the Mark, we get to hear about him and see him a lot in the context of battle, so some inferencing must be done about her personal life. Honestly, he doesn’t get as much love as I think he should, so I want to channel all of that into this post.
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Éomer, by Alba Palacio
First of all, we really need to talk about his relationship with Éowyn. They’re siblings, orphaned, and adopted by Théoden, their mother’s brother. While they don’t really get as many interactions as I’m sure many of us would have liked, it’s clear that they’re very close.
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Brother and Sister, by Bohemian Weasel
Let’s talk about that one scene, the scene that we all know about, the scene that really is just the literal best: When Éomer finds his sister on the battlefield, and thinks that she is dead. Honestly, Karl Urban did an incredible job in the portrayal of Éomer for that scene, and his acting skills were truly beyond extraordinary. He lets out this scream, this cry of loss and emotional tremor that sends his message of true grief to the audience. I just...
“And he looked at the slain, recalling their names. Then suddenly he beheld his sister Éowyn as she lay, and he knew her. He stood a moment as a man who is pierced in the midst of a cry by an arrow through the heart; and then his face went deathly white; and a cold fury rose in him, so that all speech failed him for a while. A fey mood took him.
“'Éowyn, Éowyn!' he cried at last: 'Éowyn, how come you here? What madness or devilry is this? Death, death, death! Death take us all!'
“Then without taking counsel or waiting for the approach of the men of the City, he spurred headlong back to the front of the great host, and blew a horn, and cried aloud for the onset. Over the field rang his clear voice calling: 'Death! Ride, ride to ruin and the world's ending!'
“And with that the host began to move. But the Rohirrim sang no more. Death they cried with one voice loud and terrible, and gathering speed like a great tide their battle swept about their fallen king and passed, roaring away southwards.”
I’m actually kind of choking up as a reread this scene. I feel like this is just so important, because then he stays with her for the entire period of her healing, and really only leaves when the host goes to move on Mordor, after he knows that she is safe. The bond between the two of them is so strong, so pure, and so intense, and I applaud Tolkien for writing it, and Karl Urban for portraying it with such intensely emotional accuracy.
Okay, now for a break from that intensity... fanart! I had such a hard time finding fanart for Éomer, and I was kind of upset. Really, if any of you are inspired to draw Éomer after this, please let me see it!
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Éomer Concept, by Magali Villeneuve
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Éomer, by Bohemian Weasel
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Éomer, by soraco
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Éomer of Rohan, by @robyamor
Let’s talk about Éomer in relation to others. He gets along well with Gimli, Legolas, and Aragorn, after the initial “are you sure you’re not Mordor spies we can never be to careful” exchange of distinctly un-pleasant pleasantries. He fights alongside them in battle, and following the conclusion, exchanges words with Gimli regarding Galadriel. I always found this scene highly amusing, as basically what happened:
Gimli: Isn’t she the prettiest?
Éomer: No.
Gimli: Okay, hold on a minute, I need to get my axe so I can murder you.
Éomer: Look, I would have said whatever you wanted to hear, except now I kind of have to say that Queen Arwen is the prettiest.
Gimli: Okay, fair enough.
Anyway, I feel like Gimli and Éomer would be really good friends if they had more interactions, and I think it would have been fun to see him make friends with others, but that may just be personal preference.
Modern AU - personal thoughts time: Éomer and Éowyn started in foster care following the deaths of their parents (Éomund in war, and Théodwyn of a broken heart soon following). Initially, they were going to be sent to live with their uncle Théoden, but he was still in on active duty in the army, with no means of communication with his family. After two years, when Théoden finally got out of the military and found his niece and nephew, housing them and enrolling them in public education. Initially, when being seperated from Éowyn in two different schools for the first time, Éomer was quite the trouble-maker, constantly leaving class or getting in fights with the other kids. However, after Éowyn returned home one afternoon with a split lip, black eye, and three-day suspension, Éomer “cleaned up his act,” realizing that Éowyn was more important to him. Through high school, he was an athlete, never quite popular, based on his behaviour in earlier years, but well-liked enough to have plenty of friends and a good social standing. He went to school for sports medicine and athletic training following graduation, working a part-time job to help Théoden with the cost. He passed all his classes, and was immediately inducted into professional work helping with a sports team. When the war came around, and Théoden was called upon for duty once again, Éomer also enrolled, as a field doctor. He worked under Théoden, alongside Aragorn’s battalion. Théoden was killed in a shootout alongside Aragorn’s battalion and another. On his way to pull Théoden’s body to the side, Éomer stumbled over Éowyn, who had disguised herself and joined the army secretly, regardless of Éomer and Théoden’s protests. They returned home, Éowyn going through rigorous hospital care.  While there, Éomer met Lothiriel, a trauma-care nurse. They got along well, and ended up going on a date after her shift one day. They later married, both continuing their work in the same hospital now, and had one son, Elfwine.
I feel like that one got kind of out of hand, as I got really into it. It’s the sort of thing that I just started writing, and as I got further and further, it sort of started writing itself, so I hope you liked it. I love Éomer, because he’s just such a good person, and a wonderful big brother.
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Éomer, in fine art, by Stephanie Orenjimaru
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booksandtea · 6 years
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Micro Brew | Favourites Micro Brew is hosted by Allie @ Hexen Librarian and its a fun way to promote something you love. On the 1st of each month she’ll give us 2 lots of prompts/questions for the 2 post that month.
Best thing is you can take part when you’re ready! So your answers can go live on the designated days or later on when it suits you best.
To take part all you have to do is tag Allie so she can see your responses, visit Melanie (part of the prompt creation) on twitter, include the header and an explanation, and complete the themed prompt.
February 18: Talk about your favorite underrated or lesser known book. A book you never see anyone talk about or you think has fallen to the wind. One that you just keep recommending and no one ever follows through reading.
Please note: this post contains summaries from Goodreads and affiliate links to purchase the books; you’ll not be charged any extra when purchasing through these.
So the last prompt turned out to also answer this one becase everyone seemed to comment that they weren’t aware of the Wicked Lovely series. I know a few have even set out with the intention to read it too so I am feeling the pressure today to provide some more books y’all can seek out!
I decided rather than just picking out some recent reads I think are underrated that I would also vidit my Goodreads Read Shelf and organise it to show the books with the lowesta,ount of ratings first. I have so many with less than 100 so here is a small handful of them that I rated highly and think y’all need to pick up ASAP.
[related post: How To Organise Your Goodreads Shelves]
Aries 181 | The Migration
me: I wont just list my recent reads also me: heres 2 of my recent reads
But its true okay, and maybe that does have something to do with the fact that neither of these books are released yet but I don’t care! I’m including them so you can be ready to buy them on release date ok?!
Aries 181 currently has 7 ratings and is releasing 26th March this year. No pre-order links available yet but when there are thats when my full review will exist. For now all you need to know is that if you like (queer) women who kick butt with science and are ready for your next Harley/Joker couple to read about then this is the story for you!
The Migration currently has 13 ratings and is releasing 5th March, you can pre-order here. This is perfect for those of you who like your horror a little more science based and definitely for fans of The Girl with all the Gifts! Usually I don’t find Adult books to be speedy reads but I really did devour this one. Again, full review to be posted soon~
Stake Sauce | Silver and Bone | The Dark World | Bubblegum | Fragments
Now time for a few I found thanks to sorting through my Goodreads shleves. I notice a slight theme here, the first three are all vampire books. Read more great vampire books kids!
Stake Sauce has 84 ratings and is a LGBT vampire story that deals amazingly with grief. Big fan!
Silver and Bone has 38 ratings and is a great urban fantasy + mystery read. Follow vampire detective Jennifer Jones as she uncovers who is framing her for murder and why.
The Dark World has 35 ratings and is the perfect dark fantasy / horror for you to pick up if you’re in need for a longer series to whisk you away with vampires, werewolves, dragons, and much more.
Now for a little change of pace. Bubblegum (33 ratings) is a fast paced + action packed dystopian. Follow Tiana who gives 0 fucks and is gonna murder the bad guys to help save her oddly formed family.
Lastly is Fragments (25 ratings) which I haven’t reviewed yet but now Audra’s printing issue has been solved I really should. This is a beautiful collection of sketches by artist Audra Auclair, I really love it and I’m pretty excited to flick back through and see what pages I tabbed as my faves last time.
By Blood | Moon Child
In 2018 Tracy Banghart released Grace & Fury which I know many of you loved but honestly my love for Tracy’s work started back in 2013 with her self published duology By Blood (101 ratings) and Moon Child (66 ratings)! These can be read in any order and are YA Fantasy books.
I had a great time with both of these and found them to be very fun exploration of some fantasy elements! I don’t doubt her writing has improved over the years but these will always remain a soft spot in my heart. Click their bolded titles for my full reviews + purchase links.
As with all of these post I plan to not tag anyone specifically as I’d love for as many of you to take part as possible. These posts are perfect for days when you’re having trouble with inspiration and a great way to find out more about other bloggers .
Whats your favourite Underrated/Lesser Known book?
If you enjoyed this post consider supporting Northern Plunder Ko-fi | Twitter | Book Club | Blogs & Tea | RedBubble
Micro Brew | Favourites (5) Micro Brew | Favourites Micro Brew is hosted by Allie @ Hexen Librarian and its a fun way to promote something you love.
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swissmissficrecs · 6 years
I just saw someone saying they hadn’t been able to find any good Parentlock fics, which left me a bit baffled because there are literally hundreds (see my kidfic tag). Then I thought maybe they meant Parentlock with Rosie, which are a bit rarer but still far from difficult to find. So I’ve put together some good fics that incorporate Rosie and don’t just shuttle her conveniently off the scene.
Post-series 4 Parentlock
Mr. Psychopath by Zingiber (80K, E, Johnlock) "Sherlock Holmes has made one enormous mistake which will destroy the lives of everyone he loves... and everything he holds dear."John's life unravels.  Still reeling from the Magnussen case, he begins to question everything he thought he knew:  his marriage, his child's safety, and his relationship with Sherlock.  And a stranger has come to Baker Street with a case for Sherlock - one that will draw them into a dark conspiracy that threatens to consume them all.  It's fine.  It's all fine.
a vein of frost by Zingiber (58K, E, Johnlock and John/OFC) As winter falls over London, Sherlock finds himself struggling to cope with a five-year-old goddaughter, a bizarre series of holiday-themed murders, and a new woman in John's life.  
Hell Hath No Fury by SilentAuror (53K, E, Johnlock) As John attempts to move forward with his life, newly moved back into Baker Street, Vee Holmes begins to search for some long-missing answers about what happened to her children back at Musgrave Hall. With a kidnapper on the loose and some unanswered questions about the nature of the memory drug TD-12 and its effects, things are far from settled...
The Pieces That Fall to Earth by Itsallfine (49K, M, Johnlock) John and Sherlock have hit rock bottom, but with all their armor stripped away, they can finally speak honestly, seek healing, and find the truths that matter most.
(Never) Turn Your Back to the Sea by DiscordantWords (40K, M, Johnlock) Baker Street is very much the same. Only different. And Sherlock is just trying not to drown.
Nucleus by ampersand_ch (39K, E, Johnlock) Sherlock attends therapy sessions with Ella to work through his family history. In doing so, he stumbles upon another issue that's been buried deep down inside him.
Before I Come Home by TooSelin (36K, M, Johnlock) Sometimes you need to reopen old wounds before they can heal. Sometimes you need to get away before you can come home.
A Case for Domestic Propinquity by SilentAuror (32K, E, Johnlock) As Sherlock and John renovate Baker Street with Rosie underfoot, Sherlock can't help but wondering how he could possibly convince John to just stay indefinitely...
Another Auld Lang Syne by DiscordantWords (30K, M, Johnlock) There had been years of missed chances.
Ten Years by toyhto (28K, M, Johnlock) A friend tells Rosie Watson that her parents aren't together for real, because they don't kiss. But we do, John says.
Without A Word by Salambo06 (26K, E, Johnlock) After being punched in the face, Sherlock has his jaw wired shut. Unable to speak anymore, they have to learn how to communicate with each other in other ways.
Christmas With You by MissDavis (23K, T, Johnlock) Watch Sherlock, John and Rosie over the years as they celebrate the season as only they can.
Permanent Fixture by vitruvianwatson (18K, E, Johnlock) Now, as Rosie sat curled up against Sherlock’s side, John watched and wondered exactly how he had ended up here.  Domesticity had never suited him before, not at any point in his life.  His disastrous marriage had been proof of that.  But somehow, here in the warmth and safety of 221B Baker Street, here with Sherlock Holmes reading medical jargon to his daughter, Sherlock’s bony feet nudging against his leg, John couldn’t imagine anyplace that would make him happier.
The Final Problem (alternative) by 221b_hound (18K, M, Johnlock) Everyone travels their own road through grief; and some wounds of the heart take decades to heal. And some old truths turn out not to be the truth at all. With the Holmes and Watson family gathered at Musgrave Hall, an old tragedy is soon to be revealed as a mystery after all.
The Red Ridge by mamaorion (16K, M, Johnlock) Four years into their relationship post s4, Sherlock reminisces the case in Snowdonia that finally brought he and John together... with help from a perilous murder scene investigation, a terrible nightmare, and a forgotten violin.
The Burning of the Leaves by blueink3 (16K, M, Johnlock and Jolto) After the events of series 4, Major Sholto invites John and Sherlock to lunch one day. It nearly proves to be too much for their tenuous relationship as the past haunts the present, putting the future that Sherlock so desperately wants at risk.
Sehnsucht by unicornpoe (14K, T, Johnlock) Sehnsucht: longing, pining, yearning, craving, intensely missing. An individual’s search for happiness while coping with the reality of unattainable wishes.John is here now, yes, yes he is. He and Rosie are back home in 221B with Sherlock, safe where they belong... but why is there still a hole deep inside Sherlock, wide and gaping and consuming? Does John feel it too? And what will it take to fill it?
Give It Welcome by glenmore (13K, T, Johnlock) Rosie Watson is commissioned to write a story about memories of her favourite gifts.
A Family Trait by intricatearticulation (12K, E, Johnlock) Set post-S4, John is back at home with Rosie in Baker Street. He's working on a lot of things, including building his trust with Sherlock once more. An emergency shift at the clinic jumpstarts the process, forcing John to leave Rosie at home with only Sherlock to watch her. Sherlock does his best and John makes a mistake, but everyone is happy in the end.
To Keep Quiet by Salambo06 (11K, E, Johnlock) Four days. In the end, that’s all it takes for Sherlock to accept the fact that there is a chance John might be feeling just as desperate for more as he is.Still, it doesn’t change the fact that they need to talk. Sherlock counts it down to four conversations in total, at least. He’s certain John is just as aware of this fact as he is, but still, Sherlock finds himself unable to think of any plan of action.
The Crooked Thing by bookjunkiecat (9K, M, Johnlock) A few years down the road, John finds himself back at Baker Street, raising his daughter with his best friend and about as happy as he's been in his life. Having given up dating, he focuses on Rosie, on work, on his partnership with Sherlock. John doesn't expect anything to change, but a question from his daughter about her mother leads him to watch the video from his wedding. And in doing so, John sees something he never realized before. The only question is, what to do with the revelation? Ignore it...or find the courage to act.
instruction manual not included by JenTheSweetie (8K, M, Johnlock)  The next day, they very distinctly did not mention it.  Sherlock was almost entirely certain that all he felt about that was relief. For a genius, Sherlock sure has trouble figuring out his best friend.
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Mockingjay Manor - Ch 1
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Revived from the dead after a wee bit of technical difficulty... Welcome to round two of everlark-your-own-adventure!
We kick this round off in style, courtesy of the hilarious and talented @burkygirl (with an assist from @xerxia31). You have 48 hours to vote on the direction of the next chapter of the story (until noon EDT on Thursday, August 31st). Remember: vote in the comments, not in the tags! And don’t forget to spread the word by reblogging. The more fans playing this game, the more fun it will be!
My skirt is crawling up again. I twitch it back into place and shift uncomfortably in my chair in the lawyer’s office. I’m not sure why I’m here, really. Haymitch Abernathy was my uncle, but mostly he was just an annoying pain in my ass who spent family diners criticizing my decisions from the other side of his highball glass.
So when his lawyer called after his funeral and said my presence was needed at the reading of his will, I was floored. At best, Haymitch only tolerated me. Why in God’s name he’d leave anything to me while that crazy wife of his had her claws firmly clenched on the wallet where he kept his dotcom millions was a complete mystery. I’d immediately decided not to go. The lawyer could call me later.
The reason for my change of mind is sitting right beside me, holding my hand and projecting an aura of confidence while Effie, Haymitch’s wife, covertly sneaks glances in our direction and thinly veils her irritation at our presence.
Peeta convinced me that it was disrespectful to not attend the reading if I’d been asked to be there, but honestly, I think he just wanted a front seat to the drama. The corner of his mouth twitches every time he catches Aunt Effie staring at us. If she was only looking at him, I’d understand. My boyfriend, with his brawny physique and golden hair, looks hot in a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, but he’s devastating in his navy sports jacket, white shirt and orange tie. He shifts in his chair and winks at me. The shit. He’s loving every second of Eff-zilla’s reaction to our attendance.
I don't have time to give him the flinty-eyed stare of death he deserves though, because Haymitch’s lawyer, Plutarch Heavensbee, enters the room. Aunt Effie immediately dissolves into paroxysms of grief, bawling into the shoulder of her “best friend” Seneca Crane. Her blonde updo bobbles as her surgically altered chest heaves. It's ridiculous. The man is in the ground. It makes no sense to pretend she loved him more than she loved his money at this point. Then again, Aunt Effie has always been all about keeping up appearances.
Peeta leans over to me. “How much do you wanna bet Seneca knows Effie’s natural hair colour?” For putting that revolting picture in my mind, I ignore the lawyer's presence and shoot Peeta the death glare on full power. He just snickers.
Plutarch pats Aunt Effie on the shoulder as he passes by and then settles down at his desk before perching a pair of reading glasses on the end of his bulbous nose.
“Ah, yes, let's see. The Last Will and Testament of Haymitch Harold Abernathy. I, Haymitch Harold Abernathy, being of sound mind and body, declare that this is my last will and Testament.” Heavensbee reads through all of the preamble that appoints him as executor and gives him the ability to pay any outstanding debts, defend the estate from lawsuits, blah, blah blah. I tune most of it out, but Aunt Effie is definitely listening, batting her fake eyelashes at the lawyer who continues to drone on. Peeta’s eyes glaze over as well, his thumb idly stroking the back of my hand.
Heavensbee clears his throat bringing all eyes back on him. The red tips of Aunt Effie’s fingernails clutch at her purse.
“To my wife, Euphemia Trinket Abernathy, I bequeath the home we shared on Merchant Street in Capitol City, and all of its contents.” Aunt Effie beams and Seneca wraps his arm around her and gives her a squeeze. Plutarch continues. “All of my remaining assets including stocks, bonds and properties are to be liquidated with the exception of Mockingjay Manor, located at 1212 Seam Street in Panem. I leave fifty percent of the liquidated funds to my wife as this is the amount I would have been required to pay her upon our divorce.”
A squawk of outrage fills the room. Aunt Effie jumps to her feet. “He cannot have been of sound mind when he made this will. I will contest it!”
Plutarch levels a stare at Aunt Effie that has Seneca shushing her and urging her back into her chair. When she’s quiet again, he resumes. “I also leave my wife a copy of the results of an investigation by Boggs and Jackson Private Investigation Services and I remind her that the dining room table is mahogany and deserved better treatment than it received in those photos.”
Aunt Effie’s hands are shaking when she accepts the envelope from Plutarch. When Seneca tries to console her, she slaps him with it. Peeta bites down on his lip while his shoulders shake in mirth and I slap my hand over my mouth, unsuccessfully feigning shock and laughing behind it instead. Aunt Effie doesn’t notice. The woman is so angry, I swear she’s grinding her teeth into sharp points.
Plutarch turns to me. “I bequeath Mockingjay Manor to my favourite niece, Katniss Everdeen, along with five hundred thousand dollars for its repair and restoration. Should she be successful in so doing, the remaining fifty per cent of my estate, less the renovation money, shall pass to her. If she refuses my offer or is unable to complete the restoration in six months, the remainder of my estate shall pass to my wife.”
Peeta is whispering to me excitedly, but I can’t hear him. My heart is in my throat. Half a million dollars. A house. More if I can renovate it in six months. My mouth is full of cotton and my mind is whirling. Aunt Effie swirls towards the door in a cloud of perfume and fury. The woman needs a cape. Or a broomstick.
“You will be hearing from my lawyer, Plutarch,” she threatens.
Plutarch, who is holding the door for her, sighs. “Effie, Haymitch’s estate is worth well over a hundred million dollars. You have been very well provided for, and if Katniss is unsuccessful in her project you will receive it all.” She harrumphs one last time and then she’s gone.
By the time Plutarch reaches my side I’m having a fully flown panic attack. Peeta is rubbing my back and reminding me to breathe. Fifty million dollars? What the hell am I going to do with that much money? Right now, I’d be lucky to have fifty bucks in the bank.
Plutarch hands me an envelope. “Here is the deed to the house and a letter from your uncle. I suggest you read it over, and let me know your decision.”
I don’t open the envelope until I get to Peeta’s car.
“That was crazy. Are you feeling better?” he asks.
My head is still shaking ‘no’ when I rip into Haymitch’s letter:
We’re enough alike that I’m sure you’re still processing my decision to leave you the house. It’s true that you’re my favourite. I wouldn’t have given you so much grief if I didn’t like you. Mockingjay Manor was my first home, purchased with my first wife Maysilee, who died before you were born. After her death, I closed up the house and walked away. I need you to go back there and make things right for me. You’re the only person I know who’s strong enough to see it through. Take the boy. He’ll help you survive it.
Stay alive,
It’s just like Haymitch to write a letter like that. I’m not even surprised that he cooked up this kooky plan, just that he dragged me into it. I hand the letter to Peeta, who reads it in silence.
“What are you going to do?”
I tell him the only thing I know for sure. “We’re going to fix it.”
“I used to be a werewolf, but I’m alright now-ow-ow-ow!” Our friend Finnick leans out the window of the car to howl at the full moon hanging high in the sky.
“Finnick, put your head in the car, are you crazy?”
“Not today,” he laughs, but gets back inside. “How much farther to this palace you inherited?”
Peeta checks the GPS. “Almost there.”
“Thank fuck,” complains Johanna, our other friend, who’s sharing the backseat with Finn. “Remind me again why I’m here?”
“Cause you’re hoping that when I’m a millionaire, I’ll share,” I remind her.
Johanna nods knowingly. “Ah yes, that is exactly why I’m doing this.”
Peeta turns onto Seam Street. “Watch for 1212, will you?”
The houses are older, but well kept, set far back from the road and surrounded by trees and gardens. The numbers jump rapidly. Eight hundred. Nine hundred. High on a hill, I spot a large white mansion with Grecian-style pillars and a manicured lawn that slopes gently toward the road. Rose bushes dot its landscape, their cloying stench wafting through the car’s open windows. Then the road bends sharply to the left, and the streetlamps disappear, leaving only the crappy headlights of Peeta’s ancient Jeep to cut through the gloom. “What the hell?” Finnick stops his song to curse. Peeta slows down to a crawl as the lights glint off a huge iron gate ahead of us in the darkness.
“I think this is it,” Peeta murmurs. Four moss-coated numbers hang precariously from the ornate but unlatched gate. One-two-one-two. He takes a deep breath before pulling through the entrance and down the driveway.
A huge manor house emerges from the shadows ahead of us, easily large enough to hold ten of the houses I was raised in. Unlike the other houses on Seam Street though, it exudes an air of abandonment and neglect. A deep shudder runs down my spine.
“Feels like something out of a Hitchcock movie,” Johanna grouses, but her normally acerbic tone has been tempered by obvious discomfort. I can’t help but agree. This place is definitely creepy.
The Jeep rolls to a stop at the base of a wide stone staircase, overgrown and crumbling in places. “Well,” Peeta says, and even he sounds apprehensive. “Here we are.” But no one moves. For several long moments, we all stare out the front window at the mansion on the hill. Once upon a time it must have been a beautiful home, with its wide porch and gorgeous stonework. But now it’s a wreck, dark and foreboding.
I’m starting to doubt that Haymitch left me this place because I was his favourite, and wondering if instead it was his idea of getting one last laugh at my expense. “I don’t know about this,” I mumble, finally giving voice to my unease. Beside me, Peeta huffs out a half laugh.
“Come on, Kat. We drove all this way. Let’s at least look around.” He sounds even less convinced than I do. Neither Finnick nor Jo are jumping in with encouragement either.
I could turn back now, pocket the restoration money and forget this crazy idea entirely. Five hundred thousand would go a long way with the simple way Peeta and I live. But if I do, then Effie gets the rest of Haymitch’s millions, which she definitely doesn't deserve.
It's a tough choice. Do we check out the house, despite my trepidation? Or do I forfeit a chance at fifty million dollars and get the hell out of this place?
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rodger-that-studios · 4 years
My Top 20 Albums of All Time
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Before The Storm, part 1 of 2
A top 20? (that should be, part one of a top twenty, so a top ten? yeah?)
Wow, how original.
I can practically hear your anguished cries.
Maybe so.
“There certainly haven’t been approximately 417.803 of those published since last Friday”
But sit down and strap in. This one’s a doozy.
Before we start, let me add that you don’t have to love these albums as much as I do, but trust me, arrogant as this sounds, you’re going to want to check them out.
To that you’re obviously crying out “You don’t know me!”
It doesn’t matter. Don’t have to.
These albums changed my life, so without further ado, lets get started. Are you sitting comfortably?
The Final (ish) Countdown (Albums 20-11)
20 – Tapestry – Carole King (1971)
It’s a beauty
Let’s start as we mean to go on.
Presented here is one of the first songs I ever remember ‘freaking out’ to. To clarify, I mean that amazing, goosebumps inducing effect that music can have on you.
The ‘whoa’ moment, if you will.
That song is the immortal Natural Woman from this seminal album. It’s also a family favourite. Maybe we’ll never know if it was written for one James Taylor (who might make an appearance later on) but frankly, who cares. This is a beautiful record.
19 – Curtain Call: The Hits – Eminem (2005)
Eminem is angry about…everything
Blimey. A Rap album as early as this?
Guess I’m full of surprises.
I’m no Eminem ‘fan’, but this one is special. There’s a swagger to this album that never fails to make me feel a thousand feet tall. Slim Shady exploded onto the scene with classic after satirical classic. Lose Yourself is outstanding, as is the insanity and genuine comedy of My Name Is. I think we all know what his name is now. Mic drop.
18 – A/B – Kaleo (2016)
People from Iceland frighten me
This one is by far the youngest album on our list. But if I had to describe the debut for Kaleo, an imposing bunch of vikings (er, Icelanders) led by the incredibly talented Jökull Júlíusson (ridiculous name alert) in a few words, ‘ass kicking masterpiece’ comes to mind.
The band have gone from strength to strength since they dropped this monster in June 2016, thanks in large part to the lead single from A/B, Way Down We Go. It’s hauntingly beautiful and stays with you long after its finished. Another highlight is the albums opening track, No Good, which is a rip roaring way for the band to say hello. It’s absolutely filthy, but oh so fantastic.
17 – The Cult – Pure Cult (The Singles) 1984-1985) – 2000
Drum Fill Drum Fill Drum FILLLLLL
An absolute riot of an album.
It’s frankly ludicrous for a band to release a singles anthology that lasts for 77 bloody minutes, but The Cult are that good.
Prick up your ears for Rain and She Sells Sanctuary, which are definite stand outs. Rain batters against your eardrums with screaming guitars, while Sanctuary shifts the focus onto the drums. The song only contains a handful of lyrics, but one listen to the drum fill before the final chorus will make you understand why. Some songs speak for themselves.
16 – Greatest Hits – Simon And Garfunkel – 1972
This one has stayed with me because I still remember the first listen to this album.
I was sat in my Grandma’s lounge. Family have always played a part in the albums I’ve carried into adulthood. It didn’t take me long to learn why she loves these two. This album will make you cry, make you cheer and everything in-between.
The best albums tell stories, and ones told by this ’72 collection like The Boxer and Bridge Over Troubled Water will live for a very long time.
Gorgeous stuff.
15 – Where The Light Is, John Mayer Live in LA – 2008
Smooooooooth Mr Mayer
The following descriptions accurately describe Mr John Mayer;
Guitar Prodigy
Remarkable Songwriter
Harmonic Whizkid
Arrogant Arsehole
Okay, okay. I’ll explain why.
Mayer’s ego may be bigger than his stacked discography, but sadly it’s for a very good reason. The man is a modern musical artist, and doesn’t he know it.
But this album makes it okay, and here’s why.
Mayer played a one off sold out show in the Nokia Theatre in his home town of LA back in ’08, playing hits straight out of his strange little head to a sea of adoring fans.
It was an elegant affair, with Mayer and his touring band taking centre stage for almost three hours worth of jazz and blues. Indeed the sense of rhythm, melody and especially harmony on hits like Daughters, In Your Atmosphere and Gravity (which Johnny boy performs here with a full gospel choir) is absolutely stunning. A personal highlight is his incredible arrangement of Tom Petty’s Free Fallin’(RIP Tom we love you), which leaves me speechless every single time. Overalll Mayer offers a soaring and beautiful album which is perhaps the most intimate and honest thing he’s ever written.
And remember, all thats coming from the dude that wrote Your Body is a Wonderland. Damn smooth.
14 – Vessel – Twenty One Pilots – 2013
Kick Some Ass lads
Twenty One Pilots needed something big to break onto the international scene. The rock duo had already amassed a huge following in the good old US of A, but Europe was a different beast. And with Vessel they knocked it out of the park.
Hits from this album introduced Tyler Joseph and Josh Dunn to the world. Joseph flip flops between sonorous masterclasses and rapping like a demon while Dunn channels the greats behind the kit. Copeland, Moon, Rich. The gang’s all here, and its as if they’re controlling Dunn’s arms and telling his brain what to do like the plot from a terrible 80s horror movie.
It is indeed a rip rollicking tour de force of an album. Migrane will make you think, Guns for Hands (bloody ridiculous song title) will make you groove, and my personal favourite here, Trees, will make you grit your teeth and maybe even shed a few tears, an entire spectrum of feelings is contained to 12 songs.
How many other bands can do that?
Put simply, check this one out. It’s remarkable.
13 – Celebrity Skin – Hole – 1998
Tears you to pieces
Lets summarise the short lived story of Hole, shall we?
In equal parts the tortured love child of Courtney Love and Courtney Love’s grief over the terrible loss of Kurt Cobain, Hole created a very special album.
Love and Cobain were of course famously writing countless songs together before he died, and many of them would, in one way or another, make up the famous track list offered here. Heartbreak can often create strangely beautiful things, and Celebrity Skin is the epitome of that.
From the first second you can feel Love’s fury at society. Thats why it works, because its as relevant to hate the world today as it was back in ’98. To that end, honestly the album’s title track is, in a word, aggressive. Listening to it really puts you into her head. It’s as if someone took a confetti cannon, filled it with that typical 90s neon-soaked angst and rage and then fired it point blank into your face.
Okay calm down.
Don’t know what came over me there.
But then come back to earth and pair track one with the other clear stand out, Malibu. This song is effortlessly haunting and heartbreakingly beautiful. The listener is oblivious to what the lyrics warn them of running away from, but we somehow know we just need to listen to the warning. Perhaps this song was written for Kurt and he will tragically never know, but we’ll know and this song, indeed this album, will tear you apart and stay with you forever.
12 – What’s The Story Morning Glory – Oasis – 1995
Liam Gallagher looks like he’s wearing handcuffs every time he sings. Don’t believe me? Watch and learn
Oasis have been a part of my life for pretty much as long as I can remember.
We had them on perpetually when I was growing up, and I remember the first time my Dad introduced me to the standout song on this album full of standout songs, Champagne Supernova.
“Check out this tune!”
Plays Supernova in our living room
It’s incredible, yes, but there’s only one question I have when the song fades.
“But Dad, what even is a Champagne Supernova?”
“Shut up Will, it’s ironic.”
One listen was all it took.
While the also classic Heathen Chemistry perhaps hit me more upon first impressions, as I’ve grown up my love for this album has positively skyrocketed. Although I still have a soft spot for Little By Little, one of the first songs I ever learned on guitar.
God these are the useless facts I know you want out of a musical countdown.
What’s The Story is special, though. It’s a special, perfectly Brit-Pop record. For me at least, songs like Some Might Say, She’s Electric and the aforementioned alcoholic death of a star have gotten me through some incredibly tough times. I look fondly back at the album now and remember nights in, up to my neck in GCSE revision with one of those terrible bedside lamps, which made it look like I was doing Algebra in Gollum’s cave. I’d whack on this record and all the stress would go away for a few glorious moments. It was almost fun to work stuff out with Noel Liam and the rest of the lads screaming down my earholes. It somehow made it okay.
Champagne Supernova, though, as you’ve probably guessed, is simply something else. Of course it lasts for seven minutes, but every second is captivating. Its an untouchable song, and an awesome album.
11 – Appetite For Destruction – Guns N Roses – 1987
Fuck Yeah
This one is simply the motherfucking king of debut albums.
Guns N Roses redefined sweet rock and roll with this album, and it was the first thing they ever released. Since it was released back in ’87 the album has rocked up (not sorry about the pun) 28 Million album sales. Numbers like that don’t lie. So here’s my take on one of the greatest rock albums of all time.
Standout one is the opening track, Welcome To The Jungle
This song, despite being track one, is a dark horse, but I don’t know how much that means when your album is made up of majestic stallions. Guns N Roses collectively smash down your defences and musically kick the shit out of you with outstanding guitar and pounding drums. But don’t worry its all executed so beautifully you’ll probably stand yourself up dust yourself off, say thank you and dive straight back in. Trust me you ain’t seen nothing yet.
We continue with Paradise City. Its safe to say that Axl Rose Slash and company do not pull punches. This is one of the greatest guitar performances of all time. GNR present a sprawling 6 minute journey into madness, and you’re gonna want to be along for the ride. Prick up your ears for the closing solo, which is Slash at his most powerful. Slash is a god among men. Won’t take you long to discover why.
The third, and final (but not final) standout is the immortal Sweet Child O Mine
I’m already playing air guitar just thinking about this one and you are too don’t even lie.
If you were to open a Guns N Roses art museum, in which different songs became famous paintings, then Sweet Child O Mine is the ceiling of the Cistene fucking Chapel. it’s that good. Its many things. What do you want? A story about love? Yep, its there. A Stadium Anthem for the ages? Yeah no worries. A Masterpiece? I damn well think so. In fact thats the perfect description for Appetite for Destruction. Its a flawless album, indeed the spirit of sex drugs rock and roll in a CD case.
*takes breath*
Okay. Pause. Hit pause.
Christ on a bike.
I’ve been rambling for EVER.
Listen hard to these ten, and strap in for part 2
0 notes
bookaddict24-7 · 7 years
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May 2017 Book Wrap Up! 
This month I read 10 physical books, which is great because it means that I have opened up space somewhere in my personal library. This was a pretty good month, give or take a few so-so books.
Keep in mind that this is a long text post and this is SPOILER-FREE (though any links I post to reviews I’ve done may not be Spoiler-Free.)
Which books did you read this month?
A Court of Thorns & Roses by Sarah J. Maas
I was lucky enough to meet Maas in Toronto a week or so ago and in order to be prepared for the signing, I read the ACOTAR series (though I didn’t finish ACOWAR for a few days after the event). 
Honestly, ACOTAR was OKAY. I had some issues with the editing, the writing cliches, and the main character, Feyre. She got better as the series progressed, but I found her to be really annoying in this first installment. I want to note that this series is VERY different from her Throne of Glass series, btw. Also, hello sex scenes. 
I gave this book 3/5 Stars. You can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here.
A Court of Mist & Fury by Sarah J. Maas
The second installment in the series is A LOT better than the first book (and not just because of the naughty bits). The writing felt better, Feyre was less frustrating, and the love interest was more intriguing. If you’re reading ACOTAR, or if you’ve already read it and don’t know if you should continue with this series, this second book makes up for the meh-ness of the first book.
I gave this book 5/5 Stars. You can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here.
A Court of Wings & Ruin by Sarah J. Maas
This is the first time I’ve fully finished a series by Maas. So, I’m just gonna quickly pat myself on the back. While this one was a good read, the second book is still my favourite. 
There’s enough closure in this book that you’re left satisfied, but there are still a lot of unanswered questions and events that are kind of glossed over. Not going to lie, despite the comfortable sense of closure, there was a lot of rushing at the end. I wouldn’t have minded a few side stories regarding some of the characters, but again, I must remember that this is only the end of one part of the series. 
I gave this book 4/5 Stars. You can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here.
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
The sound of my friends cheering because I finally read this book is still ringing in my ears. This conclusion to the quartet is written just as beautifully as the rest of Stiefvater’s series. The characters grow even more and everything comes to a heartbreaking circle. Though it took me a while to read this series, I do recommend it. It’s a good kind of dense writing, forcing you to savour the words and the stories behind them.
Make way for the Raven King. 
I gave this book 5/5 Stars. You can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here. 
Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh 
I received an advanced reader copy of this book from Indigo Books & Music Inc. in exchange for an honest review.
While everyone else loved Ahdieh’s first novel, I found it slightly problematic because of one of the potential love interests. He ruined the story for me and so when I learned about this book, I was super wary. But I took a chance and I HAVE ZERO REGRETS. This book was fantastic. 
If you’re going in expecting a recap of the Mulan film by Disney, you won’t be getting that. Instead, you’ll be getting an equally badass story about a girl in Japan who has to dress as a boy in order to survive. This is full of action, adventure, mystery, twists, romance, and badassery. 
I gave this book 5/5 Stars. You can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here.
Once and for All by Sarah Dessen
I received an advanced reader copy of this book from Indigo Books & Music Inc. in exchange for an honest review
Sarah Dessen will always be an auto-buy for me. Most of her books (let’s not talk about the two books that disappointed me the most) have been fantastic reads and she doesn’t disappoint with this one. While it’s not as good as Saint Anything, I still really, really enjoyed Once and for All. 
The protagonist was imperfect and emotionally scarred, so that wasn’t too surprising--it was the love interest that gripped my attention. He was so well-rounded and entertaining that I wouldn’t mind reading a book from his perspective. Him alone made the story fly by. I’d like to say that this was a combination of The Truth About Forever and Keeping the Moon. 
I gave this book 5/5 Stars. You can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here.
I Believe in a Thing Called Love by Maurene Goo 
I received an advanced reader copy of this book from Indigo Books & Music Inc. in exchange for an honest review.
I had a lot of expectations going into Goo’s book and I know, this is always a mistake. While I did enjoy this book for the most part, I had some issues with the protagonist’s very problematic behaviour. 
You can read my review on Goodreads here. 
I gave this book 3/5 Stars. You can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here.
When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon
I received an advanced reader copy of this book from Indigo Books & Music Inc. in exchange for an honest review.
Menon’s book is another book I went into with expectations, except I was really disappointed, especially with all of the amazing reviews going around. 
I wrote my review on Goodreads here and keep in mind that a chunk of it is me ranting. 
I gave this book 2/5 Stars. You can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here.
Lucky in Love by Kasie West
I received an advanced reader copy of this book from Indigo Books & Music Inc. in exchange for an honest review.
I love Kasie West, but this wasn’t her strongest book. Just going to throw that out there. Despite this, however, there were a lot of fun things about her latest novel. It just felt rushed and a lot younger than other books she’s written, so perhaps that’s why I had a harder time understanding the main character and her naïveté. 
I wrote a Pro & Con list on Goodreads, which you can check out here. 
I gave this book 3/5 Stars. You can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here.
Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley
I received an advanced reader copy of this book from Indigo Books & Music Inc. in exchange for an honest review.
I’ve never read a Crowley book before and I’m starting to think I should remedy that. Words in Deep Blue was a beautiful book, made all the more so by the relationships the characters have and the complex hold that the past has on us. Grief, romance, family, and second chances--this book has it all. Plus, it’s set in Australia, which made my wanderlust hungry self crave a future trip. 
Also, can I just mention that this also felt like a love story about books and reading? Because it did, and if you’re a lover of the written word, you might appreciate how Crowley writes about her characters’ love of reading. 
I gave this book 5/5 Stars. You can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here.
What books did you read this month? Let me know if you reblog this post or just by commenting on the post! I hope you all had a good reading month! I think it really helped that the weather was beautiful for the last week of the month :-)
Also, if you’d like, friend me on Goodreads here. 
Happy reading and good luck with your June reading!
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