#Idk it’s a bit like ‘will you kill someone to save yourself’ and the fact that the answer is very nearly yes
onceuponanaromantic · 8 months
One of the reasons writing Katrina from the Avis Coda is so interesting to me is that like she could so easily have become like Isabelle Chan from a Match Made in Hell.
like ok maybe it’s projection right but she could so easily have become like Isabelle in being ruthless and utterly unconcerned about people’s lives as long as her research got her the results she wanted. And it’s such a fine moment in her character arc where she has to decide which path to take.
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axiina · 10 months
PLSSS soft corio comforting reader after they get he saves her(or them idm) from the arena after she tried to say a proper goodbye to her tribute (kinda like sejanus) but maybe she gets hurt and super traumatized but hes there for her idk
If I Killed Someone for You
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Pairing: Coriolanus Snow x capitol!reader (gender neutral)
Summary: It wasn't supposed to end this way. You just wanted to say goodbye to your tribute, Lamina. Luckily, your boyfriend was there and made sure you didn't get hurt. Just why do you look at him differently now?
Words: 1.5k
Themes: hurt with comfort, a bit of fluff but also angst
Warnings: slight spoilers to movie and book, small changes to canon, Pup isn't Lamina's mentor, character's death, murder, a bit of trauma, blood, comforting, a bit of argument, death, overthinking, reader feels guilty about situation, referring reader as 'you'
Author's note: Lamina deserved better so you are her mentor, fuck this idiot Pup.
It was supposed to be fluff, but it came out a bit sad and traumatic. We got a soft Coriolanus, leaving aside the fact that he killed someone in the process. Enjoy!!
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It was a pure act of desperation.
You just wanted to tell Lamina what you hadn't managed to do before. You had grown close to the young girl, who was horrified by what was happening. The very fact that she was in the arena, alone, without any support was driving you crazy.
She didn't deserve what happened to her. You hoped that maybe Lamina would be able to win and would be able to return home to the family she missed so much.
With each hour of the Hunger Games, her chances seemed to get smaller and smaller. For those few days, you sat like you were on pins and needles staring at the big screen at the Academy. After a while, the helplessness returned and you had to try not to cry in front of the cameras.
Lamina did not deserve it. None of the tributes deserved it. You did everything you could to make Lamina feel as comfortable as possible during the meetings and her stay at the Capitol. In the arena, you tried your best to make sure she wasn't hungry or thirsty. You didn't want her to get hurt. That, however, was not enough. Seeing a boy from her district, Treetch, joining another group made you feel anxious.
"What if they kill her? What if he betrays her…" This thought ran through your head repeatedly like a mantra.
She became weaker and weaker every day.
Your last meeting was too short. You didn't have time to say goodbye to her properly. You wanted her to know that even though you were physically somewhere else, your heart and thoughts were with her, at the arena. You had to say goodbye to her. You wouldn't forgive yourself if Lamina died without hearing a proper goodbye.
That's why you decided to see her one last time. Under cover of darkness, you crept into the arena in disguise and quietly snuck under the beam where Lamina was. Perhaps foolish and reckless, but you didn't think about the consequences. Ever since the girl got to the arena you couldn't find a place. You slept only short naps and didn't even want to meet Coriolanus, who was getting more and more worried about you.
While you were at the arena, every now and then you looked nervously around to the sides to see if anyone was coming. Lamina was surprised when you showed up. It was all surreal and you felt as if you were detached from reality. As soon as you saw Lamina you started crying. You both cried. Now the knowledge of how dangerous the arena was came to you like a powerful punch. She can't die. You don't remember what exactly you told her. You don't know if you said anything that made sense to her at all. The adrenaline made your mind kind of foggy. However, you know that it lifted her spirits. She knew you were with her and supporting her. You don't know exactly how much you were in the arena.
Everything happened so fast when Coriolanus grabbed your arm. Your brain didn't even register the fact that the boy appeared there practically out of nowhere. He looked terrified. He spoke quickly and incoherently. You only understood as he begged you to run away from there, because at any moment someone might come out of the tunnels and kill you. You were frozen with panic when it came to you. They hate the Capitol. They hate you too, and they certainly wouldn't think twice before killing you. Your fear was increased when Lamina's eyes widened in horror and only one word came out of her mouth.
Tributes began to leave the tunnels. As soon as they noticed that there were two mentors in the arena they started running towards you. Because of the adrenaline in your veins, you don't remember much of what happened next. You and Coriolanus ran as fast as you could when Coral, Mizzen, Tanner and Bobbin chased you while holding objects in their hands that could be the cause of your upcoming death.
The next scene that stuck in your mind was when your boyfriend hit one of the tributes on the head with a wooden plank. The boy fell down, and Coriolanus, without thinking much, hit him a second time. Then another and another. You looked at the body of Bobbin lying lifeless and Snow standing over him, unable to get a single word out. Your heart was raging and your head was spinning, feeling fear. You were terrified.
You couldn't tell what was the reason. The fact that you had just nearly died in the arena, or…. no, it couldn't have been that. He was merely trying to defend you. Yes, that was definitely the reason. Coriolanus is not a murderer, he was just…. he was terrified and acted emotionally. Bobbin would have killed him if Coryo hadn't done it first. Then you would have been next in line. Yes, that's what would have happened.
Both of you were injured, but at that moment it didn't even cross your mind to ask him how he was feeling. The Peace Keepers almost carried you out of there. Your parents were as terrified as you were. By the time you were sitting in your room wrapped in a blanket as your mother hugged you crying something finally hit you. You could have died. Your family would have been devastated. Your friends and…Coriolanus. Well, exactly, Coriolanus. He almost died because of your fault. Your stupidity and recklessness. Now he is injured and probably suffering, and you are not there with him. After what happened you didn't even say a stupid thank you to him.
"What were you even thinking! You could have died there! Did you even think about your loved ones? About me? What would have happened to me if you had died there? If I didn't get there in time!" Coriolanus repeated walking in circles around the empty classroom, the next morning. You had your head bent down, and tears were running down your cheeks. How could you do something like that?
Coriolanus sighed and sat down next to you, wrapping his arms around your body, pulling you closer.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't yell like that. You're probably still terrified. I was just…scared. I was scared that I would lose you."
It seemed to you that his voice cracked as the boy pressed his cheek against your head.
"Don't do that again. Don't scare me like that. If you had died I wouldn't have forgiven myself. I wouldn't be able to live normally." He whispered in your ear with a trembling voice.
"I'm here, love. I will always be until you have had enough of me. Although, most likely, even then I won't give you a break." A quiet, slightly trembling chuckle left his lips, at which you also smiled involuntarily.
"Enough of you? Never." you replied in an amused voice gently pulling away, but still remaining in his embrace. "I'm sorry, Coryo…I'm so terribly sorry for you. I just wanted to say goodbye to Lamina. I don't want anything bad to happen to her. I don't want her-"
"Shhh, it's okay." Coriolanus rested his forehead against yours and took your face in his hands gently stroking your cheeks. "It is past. The most important thing is that we came out of it alive. Lamina is also alive and relatively well, excluding the circumstances."
"Thank you, Coryo. Thank you for everything. For saving me that night and that you do not resent me for it." You whispered, trying not to cry. You nuzzled your cheek into his palm and placed a gentle kiss on it.
Coriolanus' face moved closer to yours and he gently brushed your lips with his own as if he was afraid he would frighten you.
"I am angry at you. Earlier even furious, but I love you too much to stay mad at you." Coryo gently rubbed his nose against yours and looked into your eyes.
His beautiful blue eyes. Cold, but at the same time it makes you feel at home. Eyes that yesterday were raging and at one point…full of hatred.
Your smile slowly disappeared as you remembered what happened to Bobbin.
"Do you want to talk about what happened yesterday-" you started uncertainly, but Coriolanus cut you off.
"No." His voice seemed cold and in a moment you were embarrassed and your heart beat faster. You were the reason he had to do it, and now you're reminding him of it. Maybe he thinks you are blaming it on him.
Your thoughts, however, were interrupted by your boyfriend's voice. Softer this time.
"I didn't mean to. I didn't want to do it, but it was stronger than me…Please don't hate me. I love you and I did it for you too."
His eyes were glassy and he seemed panicked. You shook your head in denial and took his hand in yours bringing it close to your lips and kissed his knuckles.
"No, you're a good person, Coryo. Nothing has changed. I continue to love you, and you only proved me during the night that I couldn't find a better one."
Coriolanus wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.
"You know you don't have to…you don't have to be afraid of me. I wouldn't hurt you. Never."
You froze for a brief moment. It was as if he was reading your mind. How could you think that about him? He saved you. If not for him, you would be dead.
It was stronger than that. When he approached you this morning your heart was beating faster and a chill went through your body.
"It's because I love him. Typical reaction" You repeated to yourself in your mind.
Every time you felt his hands stroking your hair while you were hugging, you thought about how tightly he gripped that wooden plank with which he cracked the head of the boy in the arena. How the blood spurted onto his snow white shirt from his school uniform. And those eyes. The eyes that always made you feel butterflies in your stomach, and then they seemed so unfamiliar. You thought about how later after the situation at the arena, he tried to approach you, and you took a step back with your eyes wide open in horror.
Of course, he knew. You don't need to read minds to know that. And he was intelligent. He knew right away.
"I know, I know, Coryo. It's just…" you knew that if you continued your voice would break. Besides, you didn't know what to say. You snuggled into his neck hugging him more tightly at the waist. You don't want to hurt him with such thoughts, but they are so intrusive. You can't get them out of your head despite his reassurances, affectionate words and gentle touch. "I'm sorry, I should be there for you, and I'm making everything worse."
You whispered soaking the collar of his shirt with your tears.
His hand went to your hair gently stroking it.
"Stop, it's not your fault."
You stayed like that in each other's embrace, in silence. Words are not important now. What is important is that you are together and nothing will change that.
He will not hurt you. Yes, he won't hurt you.
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blarshwritezz · 5 months
hi if u dont mind i would love a mafia x male spy reader (gn if you ur not comfy with that) so the mafia boss pretends to be the mission partner for the reader just for fun he almist kileed the reader on multiple occasions but the reader misunderstands and thinks that the mafia boss was just helping him albeit in a weird and rather violent way and although reader has a suspicion that his partner (the mafia boss) isnt who he says he is due to skme odd similarities between him and the target of his mission (that being the Mafia boss) and the fact that his partner could easily waltz in notorious criminals manors and party and one day everything just clicks for the reader and they try to escape but the mafia boss knew thus so he kidnapped em and the live happily ever after (idk how to end this so just do what you deem fit ty!!!)
(oh yeah its fine if ur not comfortable or just don't want to make my request im not paying you so you hqbe no obligations to do so remember to take care of yourself <333 /p)
(and if i could could i become 🦀 anon)
Yes! Welcome, 🦀 anon!
Yandere Mafia Boss x Spy Reader
M yan x gn reader (sorry, I prefer to do gn for non-nsfw asks)
TW - general yandere behavior, drugging, implied kidnapping
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Your mission was simple, at least on paper. Simply gain intel on a notorious mafia boss. But if it was that easy, you wouldn't have been working at it for so long.
It didn't help that your partner for this mission was...unusual. Not a bad guy, really, just strange. Sometimes you almost thought he was trying to kill you. You'd often catch him staring at you. You even felt his gaze when you swore no one was around.
Not to mention, danger was ever prevalent around him. He always managed to save you, though. But his face did often look rather annoyed...you just assumed he was one of those people with a really bad rbf.
But it was also suspicious how he was able to so easily and casually waltz into the homes or parties of very high-profile people. People you'd never be able to get near without months of careful planning. Maybe he just had good connections?
But all these coincidences were getting a bit too...convenient. If you needed to get in somewhere, he got you in the front gate. If you needed something, he miraculously had it only a day or two after at the latest.
And worst of all, you still haven't managed to track down this damn mafia boss! It didn't help that nobody knew what he looked like.
"Maybe he's right under your nose." His deep voice startled you out of your thoughts. His arm was wrapped around your shoulder, holding you close. Despite his cold exterior, he was pretty touchy and clingy. But...sort of sweet. You were glad to have met him, even if this mission was looking like a bust.
"But where? Where haven't we checked?"
"Well, our organization may be high security, but not impossible to infiltrate for a man like that." Was he implying that one of your own coworkers could be your target? Impossible!
But...now it all seemed to come together. Those coincidences...weren't just coincidences. He really has been right under your nose this whole time.
No wonder he could go wherever he wanted and get anything he desired. He had power and influence...more than you thought.
"I-Impossible! Our organization has the highest security possible! I'd know if someone like that could be...beside me..." It was a sad attempt to cover up your newest theory, but also to try and reassure yourself. If this was true, then you weren't as good of a spy as you thought...
You got up, or tried to at least. He kept his grip tight on you.
He knew.
"I can't just let you go now. You know my identity. So I'll just have to keep you as my newest little toy." In seconds his arm lowered to prevent you from moving your arms as he quickly used his other to cover your mouth and nose with a rag.
"Just sleep...Be a good pet and I'll be sure to reward you very well..." Despite your struggling, sleep soon took you. No one ever heard from you again...no one but him, of course.
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I'm sorry, this one feels so rushed and short, I was having a tough time getting inspired 😭
Forgive me, 🦀 anon, for I have failed
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sleepytwilight · 5 months
hii sleepy :D could you write about a sort of like knight summoner from medieval times who thinks the boys are a prince and are bound to them to protect them? idk it came into my brain and i thought it'd be neat :D
Ohh!!! I like this ask!
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When you first summoned him, you really didn't know what happened. You thought he's some kind of magic prince because he suddenly appeared in front of you.
Anyway, Arcturus realize the monster were harassing you and was about to help you until you killed the monster by yourself.
He was surprised and when you bowed to him, he was even more surprised.
You said you'll protect him since he's a prince
He has no idea what's going on and he don't know how you can carry him up like a princess.
Okay but he actually enjoy this kind of treatment.
Okay but you need to stop protecting him every second you feels like he's in danger, he also want to protect you too.
You both ended up protecting each other, how cute.
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Spica thought you were a barbarian for a second until you told him that you're a knight from mid eartheim.
You and Spica didn't get along that well until you know Spica unhealthy sleeping schedule.
Since then you've been by his side, making sure he gets his 8 hours of sleep, eat well, throw away all the coffee-
Spica really don't really like this behavior of yours, it going on like this until one day on a mission, monsters suddenly attack you and him.
Surprisedly you defeat all the monsters because Spica don't have any energy left, he admit it he has been too harsh on you.
He became a bit softer and finally got a good sleeping schedule.
He don't have to know the fact you threatened the students to not make any troubles
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Pollux is the cutest prince ever, just admit it.
When you first saw him, you immediately go into protective mode.
Pollux in his tsundere self said he don't enjoy the fact you're protecting him (he actually likes it a lot.)
He taught you how to use gun since you can't carry the heavy sword around the academy.
Maybe teaching you how to use gun is a bad idea.
He enjoys when you addressed him "Your highness/my prince" he blushing madly fr.
He scared what will you think about him not being the real Pollux but you still want to serve him as his knight.
God how much he cried, he is happy that you didn't change your view on him.
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Why do you want to protect a big strong prince like him? Alpheratz literally asking himself why.
He actually enjoy your company, rather than a knight, you're like a friend who look out for him.
You both have sense of who to protect, both worried about Arcturus and Pollux.
It feels like a one sided friendship, your purpose is to protect your prince. He can't really change your mind can he?
When both of you found out they you two reincarnated lovers, it feels like a new world to Alpheratz.
Now he's protecting you, nothing in the world belong to him but he want to protect his beloved.
If you're a knight then he's a prince, can he ask you to be his beloved once again?
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Sirius feels awkward when you call him "My Lord" or "Master". It feels out of place, he's the one want to address you like that again.
You were Polaris, his mentor. He's just a little sorcerer who want his mentor to be with him again.
Yet you still protect him, you protected him like how Polaris used to protect him. He feels like he's about to break down everytime you asked him if he's okay.
You really love to make things complicated for him.
He realizes that as long you're here, you can't live a free life. He want you to live a life without the need to protect someone, because if you keep protecting everyone... You'll ended sacrificing yourself once again.
He's a prince that meant to betray his knight. It's all to save you don't you know that?
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Well there's two knight, it's either him or you protect. It's like a fight but without fighting.
Vega gave a lot of excuses why he should protect you, his winning chance is 50% because you know better.
You guys protecting each other, like so cute- especially in a mission when you are battling the monsters, you both are unstoppable duo.
You call him "pretty prince" just to tease him. He's a guy with pretty face lol.
When you remember him as your childhood friend, you treat him even more gentler. He'll never get use to you carry him around because you used to carry him when you both were kids.
At last, you both need to separate huh? Vega made an oath before you leave this world, he hopes for you to come back and be his knight.
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a-mel0n · 27 days
This stupid "Your Name" Bucktommy AU won't leave my brain, and while I don't have enough faith in my writing skills to actually write the damn thing (and it would be my first fanfic... ever?? and that's a project that seems a bit too big for me lmao), I DID write down what I'm picturing some of the "rules" Buck and Tommy have for each other while in the other's body. Mostly just for fun. (Because Tommy would be switching in 2006, the iPhone does not exist yet, so all of his notes are written in an actual physical journal. All of Buck's notes would be on the Notes app of his phone)
TOMMY: 1) Evan, stop running into burning buildings when you don’t have to while in my body. If I wake up in a hospital bed for the fifth time this month, I might actually lose it.
its part of the job to save as many ppl as possible. also u don’t even feel the pain when i get injured in ur body.
You’re right, I don’t. Unfortunately, the pain from having a wooden beam fall on you doesn't just magically go away when we swap. Just... be more careful? Please?
fine. i’ll try and keep ur hospital visits to a minimum.
2) Can you stop flirting with people on calls? Or at the very least give them your number and not mine? In the last week alone my contact list has nearly doubled because you keep giving people my number. 
dude its not my fault you’re more popular while i’m you. just think of it as me being ur wingman! how u dont have a girlfriend is beyond me btw. hot chicks love firefighters and ur a good looking dude
Jesus Christ, Evan. For the last time, I’m single by choice.
3) Don’t shower while in my body
already dont
4) Don’t go to the bathroom while in my body 
5) In fact, unless you’re at work, don’t change any of my clothes while in my body. 
6) Do you really need to spend so much of my paychecks on cooking supplies? I have enough pots and pans already. 
whats the point of a pantry if its half empty. be thankful ur getting actual food now via my leftovers instead of the utter tragedy that was the state of ur fridge when we first started swapping places.
7) Don’t make a scene while at work. 
your boss sucks ass and his stupid orders are going to get people killed. im not gonna listen to him if hes making bad calls while lives are on the line
8) Don’t pick up the phone when my dad calls.
got it
BUCK: 1) quit going to eddie’s basketball pickup games. he keeps inviting me while i’m in my own body and its getting harder and harder to come up with excuses as to why i can’t go. it's kinda awkward.
I thought you’d be more grateful, Evan. You’re the coolest guy on the court when I’m you. 
2) are you making movie references when ur me? bc chim keeps asking when i got so “cultured” and the other day maddie asked when i watched the princess bride. 
You haven’t seen the Princess Bride? I’m leaving you a surprise for tomorrow. Check your couch when you wake up. 
did you spend my OWN money on a dvd??? i don’t even own a dvd player. i own every streaming service imaginable.
3) keep the finger guns to a minimum?? idk why you do them so much but both hen and chim have said smth abt it
4) if u get a call from someone called connor or kameron on my phone just let it go to voicemail its personal stuff and i'll deal with it
Evan, you could have told me you agreed to be a sperm donor yourself. Finding out because Connor and Kameron showed up at the fire house was more of a shock than finding out over these memos would have been. 
they did what?????
5) don’t talk to my parents
6) No rule about undressing? 
dude idc. i’m not gonna stop you from taking a piss in my body if u need to. as long as you like. don’t have sex with someone while you’re me? oh wait hang on i DO have a rule about undressing
Wasn’t planning on it, but good to know. 
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rweoutofthewoods · 3 months
Serious question not hating, I have been reading ur jegulus stories since foreverrrr and I have noticed that in the newer stories James is becoming this major loser who’s like about to cry and panic every five seconds and I was wondering if this is just like what James is now in general? because I read this other story (fbi agent smth killer Regulus smth) where Sirius smacks him for dating Regulus in front of people James starts crying LOL is this who James is now? Just someone who gets tussled around? is there a reason why he’s begin written like this? I’m not talking about “ men don’t cry” but more of a “why is he so spineless and pathetic now” idk it feels like James character in general is kinda of an empty vessel a lot of the time, in a lot of fics he’s this go happy go luck guy with god like spinelessness that is amusing to read like in “young blood” where even tho he’s supposed to be “bad” and in juvie he’s still not cool ? Or baddie? he’s just George Costanza like when Regulus goes “failed suicide attempt// you’re a liar” and James just wants to throw up and is having a nervous breakdown, In general it’s like Regulus is this major badass with an attitude and cutting words while James twirls his fingers nervously waiting for him to come home aka prey. Please please tell me your thoughts and don’t take this as hate I’m a big fan of your work
Hmmm I can see your point but I’m going to kindly disagree. Firstly, I’m not sure James and badass have ever been totally synonymous when it comes to his character. Like he is not weak whatsoever, but reg was always the one who was meaner, sharper, out getting himself killed to get the horcrux, so on. And honestly I think my James can be a bit mean and sharper than a lot of characterizations? I find it a bit funny actually because you can never please everyone, I’ve been told I make my James TOO mean.
I don’t believe my James has changed much at all. Look at anti-hero the first jegulus I ever wrote, and think about all the times James was a wreck in that too. His character only changes for plot reasons and to further a story. Also mind you, literature is more complex than just the words on the page. I had to deal with this when I wrote ppp too, that people didn’t fully understand that limited POV is LIMITED!! And a limited POV means that just because the character thinks of themselves a certain way doesn’t mean they’re seeing reality. They only know what it’s like in their own head. Also, my regulus has always been a mess too. That boy hates himself and has his fair share of breakdowns.
3 points:
1. Prey is a WIP with like 30k words or something? In fact we haven’t even seen as much of James yet, and I thought it was clear that Reg is the one out being badass because he’s free to since everyone thinks he’s dead. Voldemort tried to kill James and Harry and I’ve said that James’ Order duties are limited because he has a target on his back.
2. Youngblood James is extremely traumatized? Trauma and having a panic attack does not equal weak or spineless. Him freaking out in a stressful situation does not make him any less capable. PLUS limited POV!! We haven’t gotten to Regulus’ parts yet, and seeing James through Reg’s eyes, he’ll look different than James sees himself.
3. I have a lot of current works that I don’t think fall under the category you’re placing them under. I don’t expect you or anyone to have read them all, but Save Your Soul James is prob more of the badass James you’re looking for. Eoitv James is a bit of a bitch who gives as good as he gets. James was probably TOO mean in wck, and antipathy which I didn’t write that long ago. So let’s not make generalizations.
Anyway I can’t and won’t speak on anyone else’s choices or characterizations, but a character is not an easy thing to fully grasp when you’re writing them. Idk if you write yourself, but mind you a lot of jeggy authors are young or teenagers and deserve all the love and support as they grow and write however they want. Ofc as a more traumatized James characterization becomes more popular sometimes we’ll swing from one extreme to another.
I saw your second ask and I know you mean well and aren’t trying to seem rude, don’t worry. so I send you nothing but love.
However I love all u guys so much but I feel like every month or so I find myself having to back up and explain my writing or choices. And I hope I don’t sound like a conceited bitch, but I do know I’m decent at writing. Like I’m really good at understanding every single choice I make, ESP when it comes to characterizations. That’s always been my strength. I always know exactly what I’m doing and even if not everyone agrees with it, I can and will back up every choice I make in a fic because a lot of thought goes into every word. It is a little frustrating to often feel like I need to explain myself.
(Sorry last note I’m editing in to add: I’m the author and that means I’m in control, which means that for all the countless hours and all nighters I’ve spent writing, it is my right to write however and whatever I want. And it’s totally ok if you disagree with my characterization!! That’s your right too! but I can’t and won’t shape him to every person’s wants and whims. He’s my James and he belongs to me. Sorry I hope this doesn’t come off as harsh, I have no animosity I promise and I’m not trying to be, I know I come off as brash sometimes and I never mean it that way.)
But I know u don’t mean badly, and that’s not directly at you. Much love and happy Friday xx
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imagineitdearies · 7 months
Me looking intensily at Cazador's mind trying to figure out why he wants to sacrifice all of his 'sons' and not Cyrus,and especially Astarion why does he wants to kill astarion.
My shot is that he wants a new beggining as the ascendant,no more forced family,no more ghosts of the past,no more therapy by making some random ppl going through what you did.He is going to leave all of that behind him.
But like Tyrus is a fairly powerful mage,and I think he represents some trauma that he is not ready to leave behind even when he ascends.
But I just think he's being stupid, because as said in the fic itself there are ways to get a soul to consent, go to the lower city and say oh I need to tattoo something on you and I will give you a house, and you just need to come when I call you.
Or like idk even the servants the crazy servants.
But nope,he will kill the seven spawns and told this fairly powerful mage,and one of the seven sacrifices is the boyfriend of said powerful mage, like man...I think that fairly powerful mage who is immortal will find a way to save his boyfriend and if he fails he will pass all of eternity trying to look for a way to avenge said boyfriend,idk.
If you look at Cazador's predecessors they do not last long, they cant pass a bit more then a 100 years. So maybe Cazador,aware of this fact (me manages to last 215 years,yeah if you are an elf do not turn yourself in a vampire if you think you will be immortal, not worth it) decides to kill all of his spawn,but again...HE LETS SOME MAGE THAT WILL HAVE NOTHING TO LOOSE AND THAT WANTS TO AVENGE HIS BOYFRIEND.
And I'm just saying this from the point of view of someone who doesn't know what's going on in anyone's head.
And talking as someone who knows whats going on in some head: IT'S NOT POSSIBLE THAT CAZADOR DIDN'T THINK SOMETHING LIKE "hmmmm maybe this mage that is in a codependent relationship will do something crazy like kill everyone than himself to make sure that his boyfriend lives".
Cazador your mind is my roman empire because how can you be so intelligent (cause again this bitch managed 215 years when the ones that surpassed 100 where outliers) BUT SO STUPID.
Haha it was great to read this little rant anon, I'm glad you're so passionate about this story!!
I think some people online have joked about how Cazador must just be super petty to wait around for Astarion to return/be returned when he could have replaced him with anyone else (like Dufay fears in his journal entry). I personally don't view this is as true, based on my interpretation of the following:
How Astarion describes Cazador having plans within plans, thinking of every contingency and just generally being an excellent schemer. I'm pretty sure if this was an option, he'd have realized.
How much less competent Dufay is just for the sheer fact he switched around bottles and got both himself and his gf killed. Big F in the chat. So yeah, based on that there's a good chance he was just an idiot, and couldn't have taken Astarion's place. But even if he could, that leads me to my third reasoning...
In an Astarion origin run, Cazador says all the souls Astarion brought him are "all linked through those lines I carved on your back. All linked through blood," and if Tav goes to him knowing nothing of the ritual, he explains that each of the 7,000 souls "bear the scar of the one who brought them to me....in their blood I shall be reborn." it isn't a ton to go off, but because I find it more compelling to believe in a big bad guy's competence, my interpretation of why Cazador (or even Dufay) could stand in for Astarion while any random soul couldn't is that there needs to be both a literal and figurative blood link--the blood of at least a thousand of these souls is on Astarion's head, and arguably Dufay has their blood on his hands too, even if he didn't do the luring. No one's ledger is as dirty as Cazador's, of course. And actual blood links them altogether as well, thanks to Cazador's tendency to put his fangs in so many people's necks.
As for Tyrus getting added to this mix in PS, Cazador tells Astarion in bg3 that he was always a means to an end, important only thanks to Cazador's purposes for him. Because Tyrus's purposes can stretch beyond Cazador's Ascension, he is spared--and while Cazador isn't stupid, he is a bit overly confident that there is no other way for a spawn to overcome their master. Plus, he has never loved someone, even in his pre-vampiric days, nearly enough to sacrifice everything for them. Tyrus's unselfish love is a huge blindspot for this otherwise very competent vampire lord!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts anon, I hope you enjoyed my ramblings in return 😊
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scp230kinnie · 2 months
HIII!!I just saw the goth reader head cannons I was wondering if you go to more (or a fic thing up to you😭) with hunter sylvester?‼️ -anon🕷️
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Hunter Sylvester x goth! Reader hcs PART 2!!!!
Once again guys I am not goth though I am alternative, so if I get any information wrong or that should be removed, please comment or dm me and I will correct myself as soon as I can
Also sorry if some of these are the same as the other one I’m not rereading it
He honestly doesn’t care how you dress, but I mean the fact that you’re wearing all black is a major bonus
It honestly depends. Sometimes he'd love it, and other times, it'd give him anxiety. Like, on one hand, it's super cute, and he loves how it looks, but it also makes him *noticeably* nervous, since he's worried that people are staring at "his" person. And yeah, there *is* obviously the chance that they're just wearing it to look cool, but he'd still be a tad paranoid, lol.
He absolutely adores you. He loves seeing you in those long flowy black dresses
I’m pretty sure I wrote this in the last one, but he loves to watch you do your makeup
He does complain about how long you take to get ready though
And if he’s feeling REALLY REALLY NICE (rare) he might (KEYWORD MIGHT) let you do goth makeup on him. Makeup here being used loosely. Trad goth.
Only if you let him do corpse paint on you
Sharing makeup with ur boyfriend LMFAO
The movie is set in Oregon, idk if you’re changing that based on ur head or if ur shifting or something, but that place is full of “normal” people I’d say
So before you started dating, if you were in the same school at least, you were one of the only “alternative” people in school, and he noticed that
This guy doesn’t usually get crushes okay.
He’s married to metal
But he liked your look
You can decide how you guys meet/start dating cause there’s infinite ways
He appreciates your individualism, and that’s a part of why he likes you
He’s definitely called you emo a few times (I’m so sorry)
Teach him somethings about goth culture.
He won’t sit down and let you lecture him, but occasionally if you say some comment about the culture he’ll probably retain that information
He doesn’t really care, but he wants you to be happy, so maybe he’ll do a bit of his own research
He loves concerts, so he will accompany you to goth concerts even if he doesn’t listen to the music
He uses his dads card to buy you clothes and accessories
He will come to thrift stores with you.
He’ll say he thinks it’s stupid
Something about how he wouldn’t wear someone else’s clothes
Just force him to go through t shirts and maybe he’ll find some good band tees (neither metal nor goth but I have found sws and mcr shirts at thrift stores)
Even if he does buy some thrift store band tees, he’ll probably complain about how he could get them new from concerts or online or something
But he’ll buy you whatever you want
Imagine doing that one tiktok trend that’s like “guess whos outfit is whos 😁” and forcing him into some black dress LMFAO
speaking of tiktok, social media, whatever, he doesn’t like posting. He’ll scroll through and look and metal memes or something, but he doesn’t like posting himself and is hesitant to let you post him
But if you do post videos/pictures of him and compliment him and do couples trends, he’ll say it’s embarrassing but he secretly likes it
I imagine him telling someone about you and the other person is like “goth girl *lip bite*” or something thinking you’re like an e girl
First off, he’s a little possessive of you
Second off, (assuming you’ve taught him some stuff about being goth) he yells at them and tells them off and something about how e girls are weird
If you teach him how to take good pictures, he’ll be your personal photographer, especially if he really likes your outfit
If you actually go and ASK him to take pictures of you he’ll complain and tell you to do it yourself but he’ll do it for you anyway because he loves you
If you wear those long boots, (same goes for emos who wear knee high converse) sometimes he’ll untie them, just pull the laces or whatever just to fuck with you
He’ll go to record/cd stores and see one of the bands you like and he’ll buy it for you
He loves you no matter what you look like. I mean maybe not if ur a country person but… for the sake of fiction he loves you
Leave sweet home requests if you’re reading this
Also what piercings do you guys think I should get (I already have septum, navel, industrial, and ears)
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wordsandgears · 7 months
I need to scream into the void about symbolism, specifically about Lincoln cause I’m currently researching for a polywagon wedding portrait thing, and I’m going mad due to how good the symbolism is.
(As a preface I headcanon Lincoln to be Thai, Grant as Welsh (might be important, idk I’m writing this while I research and it’s like late), and Marco as Chinese (obviously))
Let’s start off with colors:
Colors: Lincoln li-Wilson like his father Grant is blue, while Marco is red.
In Thai culture there is a belief that whatever day you’re born on has a corresponding color (both lucky and unlucky; red and blue), celestial body (the Sun, and other planets) and a deity (Surya, the sun god)
If you need a comparison, I’ve seen it compared to astrology.
Which is why you might see stickers on cars that say “this car is red” while in reality it’s white, due to the fact that they’ve bought an unlucky color of car and can’t change it due to the inconvenience of doing, so people stick them on to boost their chance of being auspicious.
Now, where dose Lincoln’s birthday fit into this symbolism (3/3/1912 (which falls on a Sunday); could be a date picked by Marco and Grant due to the symbolism of the number 3 in Chinese culture, which I’ll get into in a bit.)
It leaves us with red as his lucky color, blue as his unlucky, and the sun and sun god as his celestial body and deity. (His birthday falls on a Sunday, hence the red and blue)
Red commonly associated with warmth and fire, while blue is associated with the cold and ice, or water as well in this case.
And as it’s common knowledge red is a color that brings in good luck in Chinese culture so I’m not going too into that, but a quite relavent and interesting thing is that blue symbolizes trust and healing.
It also symbolizes other things such as I believe opportunity and harmony, but the two I want to focus on are healing in trust.
Healing in the way that therapy exercises taken out of context and those premade string of words to resolve conflict and resolve the pain in your and those you love’s hearts are healing.
In the same way that trying to stop (and failing to stop) what was done unto you from befalling your loved ones is ultimately braking them even more so than you is healing.
In the same way that the burden of emotions not yours is healing, carrying on no matter the situation to adhere to their rules and beliefs,
Trust in the way of having omitted terrible things from your life to fuel a twisted form of protection even if it means becoming hypocritical, a sinful priest sermonizing about virtue to his trusting flock no matter how hard he tries to stop.
In the same way that trust is believing the outrageousness of the situation as normal, believing that your son and husband are just fine and aren’t missing for months on end, that trust is letting your son go hunt down the man who murder someone in cold blood in front of him, that trust is being fine not hearing anything from your husband and son for months knowing that they’ll talk when ready. Even if it’s killing you inside to wait.
Trust in the same way that you do as you’re told and never really question it, even if your heart is telling you something needs to change you don’t listen to it, even if you know it’s not healthy or good you keep ignoring it, brushing it off as simple coincidence. Even if in the long run you know it will brake you if you’re proven wrong.
Blue in the way of crashing waves and crushing icebergs and the cold embrace of the deep dark blue sea. Blue in the face as the cold winds whip and nip at your skin as you’re tossed around, as people scream, you scream unable to do anything to save yourself. Blue as the mark that’s stains your skin, saving you from whatever life was laid out for you. Blue as you are your father and your father is you. Blue as one half of the end of the world you’ve know and the world known at large.
Red as the blood that covers your body, that covers the souls of you and your father. Blood that will never wash off, blood that’ll seep into the cracks of your mind and forever change you once was. Mind numbing, just like your father.
Red as the flames of desolation, red as the screams of her children as they burn by your hands. Red as your own screams as you have to give in to do unspeakable things to simply survive
Red as the ones who you hold in such high regard, red as the one who born from the demon, red as just one half of her being that she hides devout, red as the one he tries to be ultimately failing.
Now numbers:
Numbers: 3 & 4
Both numbers in Chinese numerology bring both good and bad luck.
The number three sounds like the words “to live”/“life” and “to split”/“to part ways “ making it both a good and bad luck number.
The number four sounds like the words “death” and “fortune”. Making it very much the same.
Lincoln born on 3/3/1912 (the third day of the third month of the third leap year of the century, a Sunday) given new life in 4/14/1912 (the fourteenth day of the fourth month of the third leap year of the centur, a Sunday)
Life and death, things that have surrounded you since birth. Brought forth into the world screaming and crying being given life against your will, brought forth into the future as those around you scream and cry as their brought down under the deep dark sea forever entrapped by the great commune of death.
Death that has plagued your father and chips away at his soul, death the leaves scaring more deep than the deepest pit in hell, blood the flows from their face and flatters onto your shoes and soaking into your clothes. Death that follows you everywhere so much so that you’re beginning to think it’s your fault that people keep dying, no matter what you do they don’t seem to stop dropping like flies. Soon enough you become resined to your fate, a harbinger of death, pain, and destruction.
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dunno if you were asked this before but what you most favorite dynamic out of all your supermassive ships?
i don’t think, that i answered it on such a scale before tbh. i’ve been asked about my supermassive otps separately tho, so like mmmm….
idk. i can’t say, that i have a specific favorite among all of them. each pair has elements that fascinate me, and while they all have smth that tangles them together, they’re also fundamentally different. i look at chris x ryan, and john x andrew, which at first glance is what i’m calling a caretaker + their silent, younger companion sort of gimmick, but they’re also go deeper than this, and there is very big difference even in how chris & john handle situations or how andrew & ryan react to things. how andrew will always be more pushy, and how ryan essentially can enter yandere mode, where andrew seem to be just kind of prone to violence of less motivated, less personal kind…..or even a big separation in how chris always tries to cling to imagery of a good person, and john is just kind of embraces the fact, that he’s not a decent man. still, chris somehow fucks up more royally bc of it all vs john, who’s just kinda goes with the flow lol. and then, the roles of who defends who in both ships are reversed. in the quarry, ryan canonically goes out of his way to pretend like everything around him doesn’t scream ‘my mentor isn't who i think he is'. it's so plain. so into your face, yet rayn being unresponsive, being abrasive. and then, he also gets hella passive-aggressive, once someone suggests that he's in denial (he is lol). in LH, it’s john, who canonically closes eyes on andrew’s mishaps and stunted disturbance, downright to forgiving him accidently killing angela (in some routes). i talked in more detail about john & chris’s differences and similarities here. but while they do share the same roots of dynamic, i feel like it evolves into its own category along the way. so honestly, even between those two, it’s kinda impossible for me to pick which is the most preferable or interesting. bc they both are! i'm a sucked for complicated pinning & favoritism, that makes person pick side based on their own selfish pref rather than logic. i love how creepily easy it is for ryan & john to endanger others, if it means that they can keep chris & adnrew 'safe and sound'. i love how this is their first, organic reaction. the quarry kinda messed it up toward the end, but y'know lol. it's the narrative point / the main intent, that counts with me. and where LH wasn't very shy about andrew & john being a 'thing' in whatever way, you might see it....like them being stuck together as oddly 'similiar' unlucky folks or as john being there to mislead you, well, they still were very *cross fingers* like that. in the quarry, you have to actually look a bit more closely to see how much of plot is revolved around ryan & chris's relationships. around ryan trying to save someone, who is in fact, was partly to blame for everything. but honestly, this is what i like about the quarry vs until dawn. at least, chris had someone, who did try to see the best in him. vs until dawn, where by unpopular opinion, i always stuck feeling like josh deserved better friends. i can't watch the prologue and not think, that aside from sam, the rest of josh's friends actually suck tbh. including chris, bc dang, he just abandoned him like that. for a girl..........so while josh did messed up thing, i struggle to feel any sort of sympathy for anyone, but sam in that game. naturally, some characters grew on me and chris was even my fav back at the time, but i don't and cannot respect a half-assed commitmet he showed josh. like man, be more like ryan, dude. point a gun at weird looking gal, that suggest that she's about to kill your camp leader. be like john, and literally ignore safety of everyone, but yourself and that one, young dazed student that you like lol. chris from until dawn is too weak for it. even non-existent dr hill was more devoted to josh vs his best bud. i mean, it kinda sucks, when your mental illness is the only thing, that agrees to keep you company, bc your bff wanna gets laid and just forgets about u. it's realistic tbh, don't get me wrong. but it still stings lol.
*clears throat* sorry, tangled lol.
anyways then, we have the other 2 ships, which are kind of opposites of one another. i mean, dulie & dalim do have similar narrative bits, esp since both pairs have power imbalance as its main trait. but where du’met x charlie will always be a predator/prey, with prey barely being able to do anything against its pursuer, in dalim it's never fully established, who 'controls' the situation in the end. bc realistically, salim would kick dar’s ass, if he saw so fit lol. and the funny part of their relationship is that dar is completely unaware lol. he seems to consider salim to be weaker, more naive and less likely to fight against his commands, since he's kind of a kiss-ass lol. it never occurs to dar, that salim can rebel against him. and if/when salim does, dar basically instantly gets angry/absolutely enraged with him, bc how dare he lol. in dulie, du’met kind of expects charlie to struggle and whine, and cower, and try his hardest, so he’s not holding it against him. he even humors him kinda. still, it's where the big diffence is. charlie is du'met 'prey', whatever intentions he has for him are always 'justified' inside his own mind. dar would only hurt salim, if he goes out of line. he won't randomly harm salim, or consider doing it, even if he might have such impulse. like, i do believe, that he does have them. still, where charlie being du'met 'favorite' means, that du'met would exact more pain and fear on him....with dar, it's the opposite. he would try to keep salim from harm's way, at least to some degree and he certanly won't treat him as poorely as he treats those other people, who are unimportant to him. canonically, out of the whole unit, dar only searching for salim. he's not sorry for all those wasted lives, it seem to barely register with him even. more so, he's actually allows salim to stick in the background for the most part, when he shots around like a maniac lol. it must mean smth comming from a war dog like him. also i must say, that dar & du’met, while both clearly sociopathic, still have very, very different stans there, not to mention, that even their sadism is kinda different too. not even in level, but also in how they apply it. they both clearly love hunting down people. they both enjoy the thrill of chase. but dar in a way uses his position, the situation he’s in as an excuse for it. while, du’met is just like that lol. salim & charlie are also opposites. there is SO very little to connect them by. besides, a very surface level things, such as them being the low-key hyperfixation/main companion for antagonists, and then how they both wander around with a lighter. so once again, its kinda impossible to pick between them, bc they represent very different things, and the characters themselves have way less in common up close vs the chris/ryan and john/adnrew. 
taking all 4 ships into account is like examining 4 of your favorite foods. it’s not the matter of which you prefer more, it’s more of what you wanna eat at the moment lol. the silver lining of all my supermassive ships be that they all have a specific brand of fixation/care/pinning/longing for one another. and they usually all have smth, that makes it difficult to approach those relationships/feelings. at least, for one party lol. but it’s kinda impossible to shove them all into some check-box tbh. i mean, it will be very hard to fit let’s say, caring chris, who tries to be good to ryan, even when he scolds him, and dar, who backhands salim, the second he fails to answer him fast enough. or compare andrew, who can push john around and shut him up by mere suggestion of disagrement, and charlie who would most likely fell on his knees and suck du’met off, rather than risk invoking his displeasure. even if simply bc du'met is capable of murdering him lol.
so idk, i can't name the most fav one tbh. i love them all for their own reasons. not to meation, that there is so many ways to explore obsession and other bits, that i love in each ship in its own way. before, i assumed, that i might have a secret fav, but looking at it now, i don't think that i do, haha.
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wahbegan · 2 years
Angela Orosco and the Prophet Cassandra
So, this is something i’ve yet to see any youtube scholar cover. Oh this post is mostly about violent rape and incest by the way so y’know
So Cassandra, in case you’ve ever heard someone reference her like they assumed you knew what they were talking about and you had to awkwardly laugh along, was a Greek priestess of Apollo who was given by him the power to see the future, but the curse that no one would believe her. Reasons for this vary, as they often do in Greek myths, but the main one is that she promised Apollo love but went back on her word.
She was also, less known to pop culture but bafflingly much more well-covered in art and sculpture, because i guess depictions of rape have gotten men off as long as they’ve existed, brutally raped by the Greek uh “hero” Ajax in Athena’s temple, while she holds on to a statue of Athena and begs for her protection.
She is then, even less known than the Ajax bit, taken as a sex slave by King Agamemnon, one of the biggest pieces of shit in Greek myth which is really saying something and impregnated by him, giving birth to twins before he returns home and his wife (who had taken a lover by that point he’d been gone a long time politics blah blah blah) promptly killed him. And Cassandra. She killed both of them, in spite of the fact that she was his victim.
So here we have a Trojan Priestess who nobody ever believed because she refused a God, was violently raped, was made a sex slave by let’s face it ages are sketchy but uh a man old enough to be her father, and then was murdered by her rapist and enslaver’s wife.
In Silent Hill 2, Angela is a character who has been raped repeatedly and her whole life by at least her father, and if we’re considering other bits canon, her brother as well. This is something her mother, even though she’s clearly the victim, inexplicably blames HER for. Her backstory along with how defensive she gets when she thinks James doesn’t believe her about something implies to me that this is something that she’s tried to speak about before, but has never been believed. 
And more importantly, there are at least two very notable times in the game where she just out and spoils the fucking ending of the game she’s in.
First, she accuses James of wanting his wife out of the way and heavily implies that he killed her himself. This is treated like the rambling of an incredibly traumatized young woman lashing out as James because he’s a man but is, of course, true.
Next is her final scene, wherein she accepts her past and her murder of her father (and brother?). She asks James to give her back the knife she left him earlier, to which he refuses because y’know giving suicidal people sharp implements is often considered a faux pas, even in circumstances such as this. She looks darkly amused by this and asks him: “Why? Saving it for yourself?”
This is treated as the broken and despondent final words of a woman who has decided she can only find peace in death but is, of course, true.
Well, okay, it’s only true for one of the possible endings but it’s often considered the canon ending and shut the fuck up i’m trying to make a point.
The point being i have made jokes aplenty on this blog before about how Angela’s lines can act like an Always Sunny title card set-up, but when i first learned of the Prophet Cassandra’s history of sexual victimization and being murdered by a woman who blamed her for it, something seemed to click inside me.
I feel like the choice to have Angela accurately predict the end of the game before it happens was a conscious and deliberate choice on their part it’s Cassandra i think Team Silent was doing Cassandra all right i’m not in the mood to be eloquent i’m in a hurry someone tag the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gaming muse or someone else who does SH analysis on youtube for a living idk
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shslpunkartist99 · 1 year
As someone who is still a bit new-ish here, I would very much like to hear some old facts about the Cast! 😄
Shotgun time (idk what that means but we rolling)
Keith lost his voice momentarily when Pico was going through a mental attack, a steay bullet hitting his neck (I'm not doctor, just pretend it makes sense)
Pico may be the brains for the most part, but his chaotic behavior comes out with Darnell and Nene because they've been through a lot of shit together, and he trusts them wholeheartedly
Morgana spray painted a mural in honor of the school shooting incident. This is how Pico and Morgana got reunited
The only reason Keith trained Sharky to be a support dog is so that he could take him to places that didn't allow pets otherwise. It worked out in the long run, but still
The Goth Punks were spared because Pico couldn't bring himself to kill them. They were later saved by Naomi's brother, Seth, because he tend to care and watch over broken children
Amelia was a lonely child because her parents were overprotective yet very busy. Naomi found her during one of her flights, and took Amelia for a ride, having Amelia fall in love with the Human World
Olivia gets lost a lot. Barry found her one day, starting their love, and then Otis found them both lost, starting their trio
Olivia fell from the sky and landed in Zardy's land. They helped her get back home, and they were able to make a familia bond together
When Keith was discovering himself, he asked Grammy "What do you think it's like to have a penis?" She laughed, but at least he had support
Every year for Rae's bday while Pico was in hiding, he would leave a bouquet of sunflowers by her door. No matter how ready she was to catch him, he always managed to get away
Pico, Nene, and Darnell made a su//icide pact, stating if they were all at their lowest, they would die together. Probably won't do it now since they've all gotten better, but it existed!
Core joined the Main verse cuz Beat-z was traveling thru verses, and when they found him, he was in a small child form. Feeling bad, Beat-Z took them to a safer verse, even though it's not usually the smartest move
Kurai isn't human/alive?; you're only able to see him if you've had very depressive thoughts/have attempted to un-alive yourself at least once. He's also weirdly in good terms with LD because Kurai doesn't bug it too much (also confuses it with his very presence)
Amelia kept her demonic form a secret at first because she was somewhat ashamed of it. After saving Keith and Pico from a car crash with her powers, they both accepted her, so she used them more frequently
Keith is gay blue beeping gremlin.... wait, we know this--
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
Chaos is a Friend of Mine (4)
A/n: hello everyone!! thank you so much for supporting this series, I’ve had so much fun writing it!! tag list: @mi-yo-0 @nyx-aira @musicconversedance @paymeinkash @beautifulbows924 @elius-learns-to-write @some-old-myths @milkiane (if i forgot to tag you, plz message me - also if you want to be removed from the taglist) word count: 2.2k warning(s): gif not mine; sad shit; violence; sekhmet and set are very protective of their avatars; Y/N has trauma ✨yay✨; i'm not that familiar with Jake's character so I apologize if he is OOC; cliff hanger?? idk (this part is rushed but it's mainly an insight of how Khonshu and Y/N's fight have affected the rest of the gods) really just a long filler sorry :( I hope you guys enjoy my OC, (we’re going to ignore the fact i spent hours researching names and their meanings for the best one lol) she was really fun to write and hopefully a few people love her!! (and because i might be a bit too attached to her - i "created" a playlist for her as well as an aesthetic page if anyone wants to see them lol)
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The next few hours were a blur. All you could remember was pain, fire, and someone gently brushing your hair. When you woke up, your mouth was dry and your eyes felt heavier than if you were holding up the sky. You sat up, groaning as intense pain shot through your midsection. You grasped your stomach, leaning your head back, startling yourself when it hit a person. 
“Well, it’s good to see you’re still alive.” A voice sounding like flames spoke, making you turn your head. Sekhmet’s avatar smiled down at you, her dark brown eyes almost glowing red in the light. She quickly wrapped her arms around your shoulders, steadying you as another burst of pain spread through your body. You hiss, closing your eyes and shaking your head. 
“I thought you healed me,” you complained through gritted teeth. The girl merely laughed, almost in disbelief. 
“And you’re welcome for that by the way, your thanks was practically overwhelming,” she maneuvered you so that you were face to face, bringing a wet cloth to your forehead, “Y/N, you had a god stab you in the stomach and near your heart. You had serious internal damage. A little magic and healing isn’t going to take away from the fact your organs were ripped apart.” Her blunt statements, paired with the cool cloth wiping away sweat and dirt, made you gape - no words falling out of your lips. 
“Well it’s nice to see she can stop talking,” the joking voice of Set made your face burst into a wide smile. The girl moved to the side as the chaos god kneeled in front of you, grunting in surprise as you propelled yourself into a hug. A laugh sounded behind you as you practically broke Set’s ribs. Sekhmet placed her hand on her avatar’s shoulder, sharing a look. You lean back from your hug, anger shining in your eyes. 
“I was so close to killing him, I promise I was.” Set nodded, cupping your face in his hands. 
“I know, child. I know.” Set turned towards Sekhmet, seemingly remembering the goddess had an avatar. 
“Y/N, this is Berenike Ezz. She saved you.” Berenike waved, reaching up to scratch behind her ear. Sekhmet cocked her head to the side. 
“I mean, I helped a little.” Berenike raised an eyebrow as she looked at the lioness. 
“Did you give her stitches while dodging her flailing arms?” Sekhmet nodded, sighing. 
“Alright fine, but I did heal the wound after you closed it so who’s the real hero here?” Berenike just laughed, rolling her eyes. She nodded her head towards your stomach, a serious expression overtaking her features. 
“I know how desperate you want Khonshu dead, I understand your pain. But until you’ve healed enough, you cannot chase him. You need more rest.” You huffed, crossing your arms. Set raised an eyebrow. 
“No argument? Berenike, I think you broke her.” You swatted at his shoulder, an involuntary smile on your face.
The next few days were filled with something you hadn’t felt in years. Family. You and Berenike laughed as Set and Sekhmet argued over what time period was the best, what to grab for dinner, and who had the most followers (whether it be in real life or Instagram, it was always a gamble). Berenike helped you walk around, you leaning on her shoulder, sweat on your temples as you listened to her as she told you stories of her home. Nights were filled with campfires, Berenike brushing her fingers through your hair as you told her of how constellations came to be.
One day you were sleeping peacefully under a tree, a makeshift shelter built next to you. You sighed, content as the sun’s rays warmed your skin. Sand swirled around the tree, forming a barrier from the outside world, keeping you safe. You almost forgot about your mission, your anger, when a dream melted away into a pain fueled vision. Images of Khonshu, Jake, and Layla flashed across your mind. A large house came into view, on a rocky coast, waves crashing against the shore, fueling the headache forming in your head. You gasped, sitting forward, coughing wildly as pain shot through your stomach. The sand around you burst out, breaking the barrier. Warm hands cupped your face, concerned eyes boring into yours. 
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Berenike’s comforting voice soothed your headache. You caught your breath, shaking your head, standing up. Berenike grabbed your arm, steadying you. You made eye contact with Set, who materialized after you had cried out. 
“The mark is calling me to hunt. I know where they are, we can end it now, we can be free of suffering.” Your voice shook with the effort of standing, making Berenike and Set share a concerned look. You noticed and scoffed. 
“I don’t need any more rest. I need,” You choked on tears welling in your eyes and throat, “I need to finish this.” A gust of warm air surrounded you and you turned to see Sekhmet looking at you with both pity and pride. She nodded.
“You can go,” her permission made Set and Berenike start to argue but Sekhmet raised a hand, pausing their words, “But not alone. Khonshu, even with the two avatars that accompany him, can’t fight two gods.” Berenike took on an expression you hadn’t seen in her before, one that showed how perfect she was for an avatar of Sekhmet. An expression of hunger, bloodlust, sparked in her eyes. She turned towards you, watching as the fire reignited in your eyes. You smiled, sand starting to swirl around once more. Both you and Berenike’s eyes glowed as your gods reformed with you. As the wind began to pick up around you, Berenike spoke, her voice and Sekhmet’s speaking in harmony. 
“Let’s go kill a god.”
“What did you do, Khonshu?” Layla’s voice was hard as she glared at the god. Khonshu huffed angrily, shaking his head as he looked out the window. After Set had helped Y/N escape, Khonshu had transported them to an abandoned home, large and spacious with an inside balcony. Days had passed, every one filled with Layla’s questions. Today was no different. Jake leaned against the wall, cleaning his gun, occasionally looking up to make sure Layla hadn’t murdered the god. Steven paced in the mirror across from him, in contrast to Marc's defeated demeanor as his reflection sat on the floor. Layla tapped her foot against the floor, arms crossed against her chest, eyes filled with such fire, Jake thought Khonshu would go up in flames. The moon god stayed silent, avoiding Layla’s intense stare. The room was filled with such tension that no one noticed the temperature rise, the slight shaking, and the faint screams in the distance. Layla seemingly got tired of the god’s silence and she stormed over to Khonshu, thrusting her finger in his face. 
“What. Did. You. Do?” Her voice was like stone, unmoving and cold. Khonshu seemed like he was about to respond when quiet laughter started seeping from the corners of the room. Jake pushed himself off the wall, clicking the safety off his gun. Layla glared at Khonshu one last time before turning to watch as symbols filled the walls of the house. Footsteps echoed throughout the home, centering on the second story balcony. The trio turned to face the balcony, watching in mixed emotions as Y/N strided out of the shadows. Her face was ashen, like every step was agony, her normally fiery gaze reduced to a slight spark. Golden rings sparkled on her fingers as she fiddled with them, keeping her eyes on the floor, avoiding Khonshu’s hateful stare. Y/N laughed softly, a stark contrast to the hysterical laughter they had heard before. She finally looked up, mouth curling into a somber nostalgic smirk. 
“It’s alright, Layla el Faouly. I’ll tell you the story,” Y/N leaned on the balcony railing, slight relief pooling in her eyes as she took weight off her body, “The story of a little girl who loved the moon. She loved it so much that on her eighth birthday, her parents bought her a telescope. Nothing fancy, it was old - they had bought it at an antique store. They knew how much she also loved old things. Anyways,” Y/N sighed, her voice slightly shaking. Layla recognized the look on her face, the pain of losing a parent. Terror gripped her bones as she realized where the tale was going. Y/N continued. 
“Every night, when the sky was clear, as her dad made them snacks, her mom would sit with her in the grass, pointing up to the stars. She told the girl of how constellations came to be. But the girl’s favorite story was one about the moon. Of how the moon had a hero, a hero who protects them from the evil in the world.” Y/N looked at Khonshu before quickly looking away. 
“This little girl loved the moon. Practically worshiped it. But that all changed one night, when she was nine. She and her parents were playing hide-and-seek, a game they frequented. The girl was having fun until,” Y/N’s face twisted in pain, emotion seeping into every next word, “Until the moon came down from the sky and murdered her parents.” Y/N leaned back from the railing, embracing the pain that shot through her body. Layla and Jake turned to look at Khonshu. Layla’s expression of disgust was enough to rattle Khonshu. Jake wore an expression of a man who expected no less yet was severely disappointed. Y/N gasped, like she had just remembered something. 
“Oh I left out the best part. Khonshu, defender of the night, ordered his avatar to kill the little girl. What vengeance would come from taking the life of a nine year old?” Y/N shook her head rapidly, laughing, raising her hands in the air. 
“That’s what I want to know, dear Khonshu, before we kill you. Why did you decide my parents had to die? Why did you rip my mother’s heart out as her husband lay dead on the ground? Why?” Y/N had started to yell, the house shaking. The balcony railing dissolved into sand, swirling to the floor, solidifying into stairs. Y/N made her way down the steps, eyes glowing with hell fire. The walls around them started to crumble, dissolving into sand, circling the group. Layla took a step away from Khonshu, summoning her suit. Jake followed, the Moon Knight armor wrapping around him. Khonshu laughed, shrugging. 
“Really child? This is what you want to know? Fine. Your parents were followers of Apophis, the demon which is destined to destroy the world. They came close to raising it, so they had to be stopped.” Y/N shook her head, defiance shining in her eyes as she came to stand a few feet in front of Khonshu. 
“You’re wrong. My parents didn’t want to destroy the world, they wanted to save it.” Khonshu shook his head. 
“It’s nice you can still tell yourself that, child. It’s always a good idea to die with a happy thought still in mind.” Y/N was the one to laugh. Her eyes glinted dangerously. 
“I’m not the one dying today.” Khonshu chuckled to himself, his thoughts incredulous. Y/N was still in pain, her injuries still grave. She thought she could defeat him? Even with the help of Set, he had two avatars on his side, Y/N was no match. Khonshu lunged forward, intent to finish this once and for all. But something large roared, jumping through the sand to tackle the moon god. Y/N smiled widely, true happiness shining through. Khonshu groaned, looking at the snarling beast on top of him. A golden lioness, with blood matted around her jaws, glared down at Khonshu. The lioness swatted at the god, claws scraping Khonshu’s face before moving off the god. Steven fronted, much to Jake’s disappointment, practically bouncing on his feet. 
“Bloody hell, it’s Sekhmet.” Layla nodded, watching in equal awe with Steven as the lioness shifted, her bones cracking and changing as she formed into a human. A young woman glared at the moon god, wrapping an arm around Y/N’s shoulder, letting her lean against her. Sekhmet formed behind her avatar, a smile forming on her face. Khonshu sat up, confusion swirling in his mind. 
“Wha- Why do you side with them? You are supposed to be Ra’s warrior, defeating his enemies. Last I checked, Set was at the top of that list.” Sekhmet merely shrugged, kneeling in front of the moon god. 
“This is war Khonshu, a war you started. Everyone is taking sides. I side with my avatar, who stands with Y/N.” Sekhmet nodded towards her avatar who’s glare intensified. Khonshu stood up, Sekhmet following suit. He cocked his head towards where Layla and Steven stood, somewhat haughty. Sekhmet raised her eyebrows before laughing. Khonshu looked taken back. Y/N and Sekhmet’s avatar shared a confused expression, not understanding what was going on. 
“Oh that’s adorable, you actually think you have two soldiers to fight along with you.” Steven and Layla looked at each other, wary of what Sekhmet meant. The war goddess continued. 
“There is one who doubts you, one who still has to make a decision.” Sekhmet looked behind Khonshu, to where Layla and Steven stood. Marc fronted, he took a defensive position, making Sekhmet shake her head before turning her gaze away from the Moon Knight. 
“So tell me, Layla el Faouly, who will you fight for?”
a/n: fun fact about berenike - she was originally the main character in a novel series i had all planned out but it was scrapped. since i love her character so much, i kept trying to find either other novels of mine to use her in but i decided she would be a really cool avatar of sekhmet. ik this chapter didn't have that much of her personality in it, but not to fear, she will be more prominent in the upcoming chapters. also, quick apology, i'm sorry if my chapters feel repetitive, i promise they'll get better and more unique starting with the next one
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bakuvantea · 3 years
general relationship headcanons of sung jin-woo with his beloved s/o
- warnings: none! just a tad bit of nsfw implications
- audience: I made this gender neutral, i do hope that’s okay!!
- a/n: hello >:) anonnn (may i call u that? lmao-) here’s your request love!! thank you for your kind words <33 stay heathy, stay hydrated, and always rest up okay? hope you have an amazing day ahead too!!
also idk who jacob is-
: pre-awakened jin-woo (before entering the carthenon temple)
> he was always cautious, he didn't want [you] to hear the whispers going around about how you could've chosen someone better, about how you could've loved someone that was not him. thus, he was very shy and timid, always on edge when he feels the piercing stares from his batchmates -most especially when you try to initiate physical contact with him in your school or in public, you'd see him uncomfortable and so you'd immediately stop (because you respect him, ily). behind closed doors though he would always go above and beyond in pleasing you and making you feel loved, although he always doubts himself so you always make sure to give him praises and assure him that he is the one you love (not that jerk jacob from the class next door).
> he always wears spare hair ties or hair pins around his wrists in case you forget or lose yours. in fact when its weekends -and when he's not out infiltrating dungeons and positively offering his life on a silver platter- he always tries to study new hairdos and hairstyles so he can have more variations and choices when he ties or pins your hair for you. he'd always kiss the top of your head after and you'd feel his smile as he nuzzles your hair, smelling your shampoo. since his hair is also long, you'd also return the favor and tie his hair for him. his favorite would have to be the classic apple look with a pointy lock of hair erect in the middle -he really looks like a shih tzu, adorable-
> he.blushes.so.easily !!! he is very weak to praises and your lil kisses that pepper his face. you can see him glow and you even see his smile evidently becoming wider despite him shying away from you, looking downwards to avoid your loving gaze.
> he may be sht but he is also very playful towards you, teasing you and throwing pillows at you when you’re in his room, what a baby.
> often during dates he'd always need to leave early because he really needs to earn money and g to the dungeons. although you try to offer him some of your savings or your help during the dungeon raids, he'd always reject your offer, thinking of how it may burden you or the dungeon raids may possibly hurt you. you don't listen to him though, you give some of your savings to his sister when you cross paths in your school, and you'd always register after him in raids or call up someone you know to have you join in.
"(name) why are you here?!"
"angel face, i can handle myself just fine. it's my choice to help you and whether you like it or not, i've also been called for this raid. come love, we're going in."
> you'd always take his blue hoodie and wear it. he gets so shy when you smell it.
he gets frantic when you take his hoodie and start sniffing it, exclaiming; "stop! i smell weird."
you raise an eyebrow at him, "woo, you smell fine. i like it."
he tries to stutter a remark but was silenced by your smile.
> you always try to visit his mother with him and his sister, jinah. you always talk to their mother out loud and you'd see jinah smile gently at you and jin-woo trying to stop sniffles from escaping his lips by biting them and covering his face with his hoodie.
jinah: u simp
jin-woo: shut it
> he loved cuddles! but he really likes kissing your cheeks. he loves how soft they are and he loves feeling your cheeks move when you smile or laugh at his cute antics.
> he loves you so so dear
: post-awakened jin-woo (after the events of the carthenon temple)
> oh, dear it's the monarch-
> you weren't with him when he raided the "d-rank" dungeon that then turned out to be,, well pretty much a bloodbath, so you were very worried when you heard word of the news. you and jinah basically ran to the hospital and when you caught sight of him you almost fell down from relief and pure shock in seeing the state he's in. well, not long after though suddenly he's all buff and you were really trying to make sense of what's happening.
you: hello there good sir, what in the name of fck are you doing in my boyfriend’s room all sweaty and half-naked😀
jin-woo: (name) it’s me
you: haha yes, sir ‘it’s me’ that’s a pretty weird name but i don't judge, anyways my baby boy is not here uhm haha please get out of my boyfriend’s room
jin-woo: (name) it’s really me!
you: no sir, my woo radiates baby energy, you on the other hand radiates big dilf energy, haha i do not like what i am sensing so please for the life of me leave-
(jinah had to convince you that it is indeed jin-woo, you had her stop you from trying to hold his tiddies)
> you were very happy in seeing how confident he’s become, and you were even more proud with how he still says so humble despite his new accomplishments and title.
> it was obvious that he has become distant with others and have set a boundary between him and other hunters, you accept that part of him though since you know just how much he has gone through. he may act aloof towards others but he’s still very playful and comfortable with you.
> you have also noticed another thing though, he has become a bit possessive or much protective over you and jinah. he’d always have you bring a shadow with you to guard you when he can’t be with you. also, when someone stares at you for far too long, he’d step in and go, “hey there pal” and oh gosh was that enough to get the guy running (pretty damn hot)
> you still visit his mom with him, he doesn’t cry now though.
> when he trains, you’d insist on lying down below him when he does push-ups. you’d kiss him every time he swoops down and you’d hear him laugh which then makes you giggle as you hold his cheeks between your hands
> jinah is sick of the two you, always screaming about how on earth did her brother get an s/o before her, the audacity!
> his shadows adore you, of they’d always try to impress you or get head pats when you tell jin-woo to summon them for you. you live them to bits and always thanks them for a job well done in helping jin-woo with his raids. on the first time you accompanied him for a raid -you had to bribe him with more cuddles- and you were shocked with how his sweet adorable shadows turned a full 180, becoming ruthless towards the enemies. quite a show you’d say. after though, they’re back to flocking over you, even dismissing jin-woo lmao
jin-woo, watching you give each shadows head pats: i hate it here
you: get in line then
> it may be due to his newly acquired talents and his current mental and physical prowess but he has become more perceptive towards you. he can always read you and know just what your mood is and he always tries to make you feel better by giving his whole attention to you.
> of but of course, since dear jin-woo has become quite the looker, you also notice how girls flock over to him. and especially miss hae-in (she’s very sweet yes, but hey that’s your man so like—). the moment you discovered that she left her guild to join jin-woo’s, and then confessed (well basically she did) to your man, well you were upset but really who could blame her? instead of taking your frustrations out on her and your boyfriend, you decided to just talk it out with jin-woo and ask him about how it went. the two of you cleared it out and you got kisses and maybe even more after that ;))
> you and jin-ho are menaces to society when you are together, he hates how endearing and annoying you two can be. i mean, does he really hate it? nope, he absolutely loves seeing you two interact, although his head always throbs when you two start screaming to britney, gaga, and doja.
> a tease, he has become the master of being a tease, you hate it and love it at the same time. he’d trail kisses down your neck to your thighs and leave some marks then he’d suddenly walk away while asking you what take-out you want. rude, that’s what he is. ofc he always finished what he starts tho oop-
> he always randomly bites you now, you don’t know why but it’s really cute when he starts nibbling so you let him be.
> so extra when he tells you that he loves you. he professes it in such weird but adorable ways. one time he had printed out ‘i love you so much’ on a big-ass tarpaulin and had his shadows hold it for him while he’s kneeling down smoldering at you. you hate him so much (you don’t-). or that one time he bought a bouquet basket and had a ring tied to one of the flowers, you had to take the bouquet apart since the damn ring fell to the very bottom.
> sometimes when he gets back to the agency after his dungeon raids you and jin-ho would see him all grumpy and you immediately know that either he wasn’t able to make the enemy his soldier or his coat got ruined.
jin-woo: *sad noises*
jin-ho: that’s okay, you can kill and slaughter the others and take their souls next time
you: jin-ho couldn’t you have worded that better-
over-all, he’s the bestest boyfriend, such a sweet and handsome pretty boy much strong and reliable we love him<333
- a/n: i can add more to this if you’d like!! just hit me up again lmao it’s too long now so-
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americancowgirl19 · 4 years
Nobody to Somebody
Summary: You started in Riley’s newborn army and now you’re moving up to Volterra, Italy.
Warnings: violence, hints of possessiveness, fluff, 
Reader: Female Reader
Pairings: Felix, Demetri, Jane, Alec Volturi x Female Reader
Word Count: 3,114
A/n: Might make more parts to this, idk. Also, I know that Alec and Jane are supposed to be really young but I imagine them as older teenagers. Also, Alec and Jane are not mates. The guard are not mated together they just share you, the reader, as a mate. So, no incest.
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You were a nobody. Honestly, you had nothing to do with the drama of the supernatural world yet you were still pulled into it. You were innocently driving through Seattle to Mount Vermont when you were killed. 
Riley had dragged you out of the motel parking lot and bit you in the neck. The pain is indescribable. You screamed so loud yet nobody came to your aid. When the torment stopped a different pain started. A hunger that could only be satisfied with the blood of humans.
You turned into a completely different person within a span of a couple hours. You were stronger, faster, and deadlier. You were put into a group of others like you. It was a constant battle for survival. Everyone fought for their food. Everyone fought to be higher on the pecking order. Everyone fought you.
You were at the top, just below Riley. You weren’t in charge of anything but you certainly were the strongest. Those with the balls to go up against you found themselves dismembered before they could touch a hair on your head.
You were one of the few that were gifted. You had the ability to control people. You couldn’t control their thoughts. No, you controlled their bodies. You could force anybody to do anything and they couldn’t fight against it. At least you haven’t found someone who could fight against it. 
You could make them rip off their own arms, bite off their own tongue, set themselves on fire and burn to death. You could force two or more of them to fight themselves if you so pleased. Your ability to control made you valuable. Riley did everything in his power to keep you. 
You loved the power you had over everybody. You loved the pampering Riley gave you. You were arrogant but not quite ambitious yet. You were satisfied with the way things were, for the moment. You didn’t think about the future, you didn’t think about expanding your power. You just lived in the moment.
You were also the only one who met Victoria. She had a special plan for you. She whispered promises of grandeur that you couldn’t deny.
No longer were you the family girl that was content with a normal life. No longer were you the girl who was satisfied with being in the background. No longer were you the girl who wouldn’t harm a fly.
No, now you were the girl who killed anybody who got in the way of what you wanted. You were the girl with power and riches. As far as you were concerned, you were on top of the world. You could take anything you wanted and as the months passed, your ambition grew. You were beginning to want more.
However, you felt obligated to help your creators with their Cullen problem. You vowed to help them. Once they were taken care of you would move on to grander things.
When the time to attack the Cullens came, Victoria kept you by her side. You knew she had a vendetta against someone specifically and you were chomping at the bits to tear someone apart.
“They’re not here,” Victoria growls loudly. You growl as well wanting to join the fight but loyally stayed by her side.
“Where could they be?” You ask her. Victoria huffs racing through the woods. You pursed your lips but quickly followed after her. Riley joined up with the two of your as you made your way into the mountains.
Riley steps into view of the Cullen and human first. You observe them from the cover of the trees. The Cullen stood protectively in front of the human. She shared the same scent that had lead the other newborns into the clearing. Had all of this fighting been over this human?
“Riley... Listen to me. Victoria is just using you to distract me. She knows I’ll kill you. In fact, she’ll be glad she didn’t have to deal with you anymore.”
“Don’t listen, Riley,” Victoria pleads standing on a rock to the side of Riley. You slowly make an appearce behind your creator. The Cullen’s eye moves to you as does the humans. “I told you about their mind tricks.” 
“I can read her mind. So, I know what she thinks of you.” He tells Riley.
“He’s lying.” Victoria insists.
“She only created you and this army to avenger her true mate, James.” Your eyes go to Victoria. “That’s the only thing she cares about. Not you.”
“There’s only you. You know that.” Victoria vows him but you can tell that she’s lying. You smirk enjoying the show unraveling before you.
“Think about it. You’re from Forks, you know the area. That’s the only reason she chose you. She doesn’t love you.”
“Riley, don’t let him do this to us. You know I love you.” Victoria promises. You watch Riley curiously. You could sense the doubt in him but then he goes to attack. You flinch and move away when a wolf comes and chomps on Riley. Your eyes scan the area for more wolves not wanting to fall victim to one of them.
“You won’t get a chance like this again!” Your head turns back to the Cullen and Victoria. He continues to taunt her while you turn your focus to the human. You take a few slow steps toward her until her eyes catch yours. Your gaze hardens as you try to control her. Your intrigued when you find her just standing there when she should be choking herself.
You step back into the tree when the human moves with her vampire. You wanted a good fight but you also wanted to observe. Everything made sense now. Victoria wanted revenge for the death of her mate while the vampire tries to protect his. I guess even as a deadly vampire you’re still a romantic. You weren’t quite sure who you wanted to win.
Riley came back into view, you briefly wonder about the wolf. He and Victoria gain the upper hand until the human cuts herself with a rock. Your eyes instantly go black and all you can think about is the blood. Before you know it you’re running for her but her mate grabs you and throws you into the woods.
By the time you return you gain control of yourself. You had been working hard on control when you found out you were stronger and more dangerous with a clear head instead of being controlled by animal instincts.
“Victoria!! Victoria!” Riley screams, breaking your concentration. You felt bad for Riley and took a few steps toward him before you stopped yourself. 
Riley and Victoria knew you wanted to branch out on your own but that didn’t mean they would let you go without a fight. You knew how valuable you were to them. Nobody gives up their strongest player. 
You didn’t want to be the one to kill him, you still felt the slightest connection to him for turning you. However, while the connection makes you not want to kill him it doesn’t necessarily compel you to save him.
You smirk, stepping back from the scene. You would let the wolf take care of your problem. You hoped that the other vampire would take care of Victoria as well. Then, you’d be free and could do whatever you wanted.
You look away from Riley and back toward Victoria. You were pleased to see her losing the fight. Only when you stopped hearing Riley’s screams and saw Victoria’s head on the ground did you turn to leave the scene.
“Wait!” The Cullen calls after you. You turn your head ever so slightly.
“I have nothing against you and your family. I won’t cause any trouble.” You promise him.
“I know,” He nods, stepping closer but keeping his body between you and his mate. You smirk slightly knowing he could stop you from getting to her if you truly wanted too. “I can help you.”
“You help me?” You tilt your head. “Oh? How so?”
“You want power, you want to be at the top. Have you heard of the Volturi?” He asks.
“No.” You answer, your eyes narrowing.
“They’re vampire royalty. They’ll be at the clearing to assess the damage. You can leave with them, join their coven.” He tells you. You stare at him.
“And what do you get out of this?” You wonder.
“Time.” He says, turning his head toward his human mate.
“I’ll stick around, doesn’t mean I’ll go with them.” You say before leaving them on the mountain. You find the clearing and unsurprisingly see all the newborns dead.
“Wait! Don’t hurt her!” A woman with short hair shouts when you walk out of the forest. You eye the wolves and the Cullens cautiously. “The Volturi will be here shortly.” You slowly nod. Eventually The two from the mountain join you. You watch as a stray newborn almost kills a wolf before the drama seems to end.
The Cullen clan stand together. You notice Bree standing behind them. She had been in the army. She was one of the lower vampires, a vampire that didn’t do much. You’re slightly surprised that she survived.
You don’t have much time to dwell on Bree when something catches your attention. Four distinct yet mouthwatering scents. Scents that tempt you more than any amount of fresh blood. You can just feel your eyes darkening even more.
Four figures in cloaks enter the clearing. The two in the middle wear midnight black ones while the outside two sport charcoal grey robes. They lower their hoods and their ruby red eyes fall on you at the same time.
Your instinct is to move to stand by them, your body even shifts toward them but you’re hesitant. You don’t know how to act. You don’t know what to do. Logic tells you that your scent appeals to them as theirs does to you but you hesitate nonetheless.
Seeing the conflict in your eyes, the furthest from you, the shorter of the two in the grey cloaks, holds his hand out in your direction. There’s a sly yet inviting smirk on his face. Your body reacts before your mind. You rush in front of him, your hand instinctively falling into his gloved one. He yanks you into his chest, his arm snaking around your waist.
Both of your heads fall into each others neck. You both breathe in each others scent but he’s the only one brave enough to place a gentle kiss on your marble skin.
“Impressive,” A melodic voice reaches your ears. You pull from his neck to look at her. He refuse to release you forcing you to shuffle around in his arms. 
When you’re settled, his grip tightens forcing you impossibly close. With your back pressed against his chest, you watch the exchange between the Cullens the the cloaked vampires you assume to be the Volturi. Any anxiety that may have been present disappears the longer you’re in his arms.
“I’ve never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact.”
“We were lucky.”
“I doubt that.”
“It appears we missed an entertaining fight.” Your eyes shift from the blond girl to the one beside her. You wanted to be closer to them but you didn’t want to leave his arms. You didn’t understand and the unknown was frustrating you.
“Shh,” He whispers in your ear as he senses your growing distress. “Just a little longer.” He promises bumping his nose against the side of her head.
“It’s not often we’re rendered unnecessary,” She mentions.
“Had you arrived a half an hour ago you would have fulfilled your purpose.” You glared at him as he spoke to her rudely. Before another work could be exchanged you broke his arm without lifting a finger. He tries to hold in his groan but everyone picks up on it. Naturally, everyone looks to the blond on your side of the field but you just stand there with a satisfied smirk.
“You missed one,” The attention turns to Bree.
“We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender.”
“That wasn’t yours to offer,” She tells him. “Why did you come?” She asks but Bree doesn’t answer. Your eyebrows instantly raise when the newborn falls to the ground screaming. You look to the blond beside you and realize why the all mistook the vampires pain to be her doing instead of you. “Who created you?”
“You don’t need to do that, she’ll tell you anything you want to know.”
“I know,”
“I-I don’t know,” Bree whimpers. “Riley wouldn’t tell us. He said that our thoughts weren’t safe.”
“Her name was Victoria, perhaps you knew her.”
“Edward, had the Volturi had knowledge of Viktoria they would have stopped her. Isn’t that right Jane?”
Jane. A name so simple yet so perfect for the beautiful blond. You found yourself desperate to know more about her. To know more about all of them.
“Of course,” Jane assures them.
“Whatever Bree doesn’t know, Y/n will. She was in the thick of it with Victoria and Riley,” Edward tells them. The cloaks look at you but you keep your hard stare on Edward.
“You wouldn’t be suggesting something about our mate, would you?” The man equipping the midnight black cloak questions Edward, his voice edgier than before. As he spoke, the man holding you tightens his grip even more.
Mate. Of course the logical part of you knew but to say it out loud and to accept that it’s real is something else. You wanted to feel relief that they acknowledge that you’re their mate but you can’t help but to feel tense. They’re weren’t reacting to Bree very well and you had done more damage than she ever has. How would they treat you?
“No, of course not.” The leader of the coven promises before sending Edward a look.
“Felix,” Jane says, turning her head slightly toward the tallest. 
“She didn’t know what she was doing!” Jane stops Felix. “We’ll take responsibility for her.”
“Give her a chance”
“The Volturi don’t give second chances,” Jane states causing your body to go tense. The man holding your nuzzles shamelessly into the crook of your neck. You can hear him purring quietly. It helps calm you down but the anxiety in your chest lingers. “Keep that in mind, Caius will be interested to see that she’s still human”
“The date is set.”
“Take care of that Felix. I’d like to take our mate home.” Jane says. Felix glances at her then to you before moving to take care of Bree. You flinch when Bree’s screams abruptly stop.
“It’s alright,” The man holding you whispers. “Come on.” He grabs ahold of your hand and leads you out of the clearing. You follow them, leaving the Cullen’s behind without a second thought. They don’t stop until you reach an airfield where a private jet is waiting for you.
You take a moment to stare at it. You’ve never been on a plane before. You wonder where they’re taking you but you keep your questions to yourself. You figured you could count your lucky stars you didn’t end up like Bree, now isn’t the time to push your luck.
You knew that if you needed too you could destroy all of them but the thought of putting them through any sort of pain is displeasing to you. In fact, you hated the thought of them in pain. You knew you would destroy anybody who harms them. Though, this meant you wouldn’t be able to defend yourself against them should they decide to tear you apart. You’d much rather choose death.
“You’re thinking very hard,” You turn to look at Jane. You hadn’t even realized that the five of you had boarded the plane. “You must have questions for us.”
“Umm... Names would be a nice start,” You say, surprised by how quiet your voice is. The last few months you’ve had to be authoritative and demanding yet now you’re quiet and walking on egg shells.
“Of course,” Jane says giving you a gentle smile, a complete contrast to the girl you had seen in the clearing. She still seems reserved but she’s also more relaxed. “I’m Jane and this is my twin, Alec. That is Demetri and Felix.”
“Y/n,” You introduce yourself.
“You’re still tense,” Demetri notices. He sits beside you and rests his hand on your leg. “What worries you?” You look at him for a moment debating if you should keep your worries to yourself.
“No harm will come to you,” Alec promises. Your eyes turn to him. He notices the subtle relief in your posture. “We would never allow anything to happen to you. You’re safe with us.” Demetri leans over and kisses the side of your head as Felix sits besde you, the twins occupying the seats across from you.
“I thought you didn’t give second chances?” 
“You’re special,” Jane tells you. “You’re our mate. Our masters will be forgiving toward you.”
“How much do you know?” Demetri questions.
“Up until yesterday I thought we burned in the sun,” You tell him. “I don’t know much of anything and I’m sure whatever I do know is most likely wrong.”
“When were you turned?” Felix asks. “We’ve been watching the army for a few months but we never smelt you.”
“Victoria and Riley liked to keep me separate from the others. I’ve only been a vampire maybe 5 months? I was only allowed with the others if they were getting too rowdy and needed to be knocked down a peg or two,” You tell them with your naturally cocky smirk.
“Oh? And what did you do?” Demetri questions.
“I can control people. I can make you do whatever I want,” You tell him.
“So, you could make someone shut up when they talk too much?” Felix smirks sending a look at Demetri.
“Well, yes but I normally just make them bite off their own tongue,” You state. Their eyes return to you and you suddenly get the feeling you spoke out of turn.
“Beautiful and deadly,” Demetri hums rubbing his head against yours as if to scent you. “Perfect,” He growls.
“Completely perfect.” Jane agrees. Your eyes turn to her. “You’ll fit right in, my love.”
“And where are we going?” You ask her.
“Volterra, Italy.” She tells you. “It’s where the Volturi reside and where you will live with us.”
“Sounds fun,” You smirk, holding her gaze feeling completely unintimidated by her despite knowing what she can do.
Volterra, Italy. Sounds like the perfect place to satisfy your ambitions with your mates by your side. 
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a-snow-decahedron · 3 years
go off on ANYONE you wanna!!
Well you asked for this! So now I have to!
I made a list of 15 characters i felt like I could make a really passionate rant about (one of them is a group, actually) and Papyrus was picked. I... have a lot to say and this is gonna be super messy but, I hope you enjoy.
Every major battle in Undertale has its quirks and I think that Papyrus' is my favorite in that regard. You see... all the battles in a neutral run have an element of mystery that allows you to keep going without your actions having much consequences. Not even Alphys, who's been watching you throughout all of it can see that battle, because it happens in the middle of a foggy area. However the tone of the game changes instantly if you kill him. Snowdin town has a different atmosphere. Even people who never knew Papyrus feel something changed. Sans stops rooting for you and judges you deeply for it (and with good reason, we'll get there later!). Undyne is heartbroken, and at the start of her battle she can't even say he's dead. She knows him, the way he acts, how he treats people, and she can't even begin to understand just what YOU did to him. Let alone WHY. Papyrus, who thought of himself as someone lonely, who always did his best, leaves an incredible mark. If Toriel's alive, trying to rule again won't work because your actions have shown monsters once again that humans can't be trusted in any way.
And the thing is, all the hate you receive? It's completely deserved. Because Papyrus doesn't kill you. NEVER. He sends you to the shed. Yeah, it's not suitable for a human child, true. But we gotta take into account that no human has fallen in a very long time and what they know is very little. But he tries to make the experience fun, he makes puzzles that are fun. that have hints on them and that are completely fair. Sure, he's kinda brutal at times (colored tile, electricity maze, the gauntlet of deadly terror (idk if i spelt that right) but he would never do irrepairable damage on purpose.
In fact, he is good at keeping things in control: Papyrus doesn't let you kill him before stopping the battle. If you were a kid in Frisk's position it is understandable that you'd be scared and attack those who hurt you. Perhaps even kill a few enemies. Papyrus is battling you to stop you, mostly, but he doesn't put his soul into it. He knows the limits. So, if he sees risk..., either for yourself (by getting hurt until the last bit of HP), or himself (by attacking himseveral turns), he will spare you. He will offer to lay down his attacks and let you go. If you reject that. Can you say again that you're acting out of self defense? Can you say that you only kill to survive? I don't think so. So say, if you had a special power wouldn't it be your responsibility to do the right thing?" Yes? Then why'd you kill him?
And it doesn't stop at that. The thing with him is that he's the one that makes you feel welcome. Without this guy, Undyne wouldn't be your friend, let alone Alphys. He is a cohesive force and makes sure that not only Frisk is okay, but that they have someone to rely on. Even in the worst possible timeline, where he knows that everyone else is scared of you because of your actions, where he is AWARE of what you've done, he offers to help. He lets you make the choice not to go into battle, to change your path. To save you from a life of conflict and fear. Of course he's scared. But if it works...? Perhaps not only did he save people who would have become your victims but he saves YOU from ruining your life that way. It's not perfect. It doesn't take away the horrible things you did... but it is something. It is a choice YOU can make... so you better choose well.
Besides that? Man, I love the way he speaks aslkdjaskl It's pretty cool to see his odd patterns, which don't feel too odd most of the time, and can be quite illustrative to learn new words if you're not an english speaker heheheh. Also he's the type of person that one can vibe well easily, because he's smart and has a lot of ideas to share and that lifts your spirits!
I actually like the mystery behind his character. I like that it exists, that he kind of breaks rules all the time and it passes as just one of his quirks. But I also love that he's not just a backstory? So often I feel like characters are defined by their angst and past that you have to uncover like a mystery... that I feel like just getting someone that feels like a friend is super nice. There is no need to explain everything about him. He just is, and I think it's pretty great.
Of course don't let me stop you or anyone from theorizing. But it still feels nice to see someone being defined by their present actions rather than who they were in the past or what happened to them.
Ooooook i think that was most of it for now. If you got this far, thanks, if you didn't it's fine too. And if you wanna ask for another thing go ahead because i don't have enough words but i'm eager to share
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