#and the answer is that Jay wouldn’t have stopped at destroying the city she would have burned down the whole world to get her sister back
posting this here because I love how I described my WIPs to my friend earlier:
A Match Made in Hell: a boy who can turn into a snake tries to find his way to Hell
the Avis Coda: a girl who is a spy finds out her sister is dead and tries to burn the city down in response while also trying to resurrect/find her sister.
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Truth / Lies
Bio!Dad Bruce
Bio!Dad Masterlist ~~~ Ao3 ~~~ First ~~~ Previous ~~~~~~~~~~
Marinette slipped out of the apartment early the next morning. She ran through the city, the early morning air stung her skin, waking her up more with each step.
Last night was a whirlwind and she didn't let herself think about it. But now she was.
Three months, almost four.
She has only known she was a Wayne for four months.
If this had happened sooner. She shuddered at the thought, yet it still flitted across her mind. She would have married her brother had this happened sooner.
Would she have recognized Damian from the 10 seconds she spent looking at his photo that day. No, she wouldn't and that thought terrified her. If it happened before then, she wouldn't even know she had a brother.
Would Bruce have recognized her, maybe, but then again that was assuming he knew what she looked like. And knowing what and how this happened, they wouldn’t have even met until after the fact.
She didn't even realize she had made her regular circuit until she was back in front of their apartment building. She opened the door and made her way up.
Hopefully Tim was gone, and they wouldn't need to explain last night.
She opened the door and there was not only Tim, but also Dick, Jason, and Bruce. At the table was a statuesque Damian.
"How much did they get out of you?" She tentatively asked.
"They threatened to call Manhunter." Was his answer.
Okay they know nothing, but oh no, oh no, oh no. She sat next to Damian turning into statue number two.
"Mini, the two of you disappeared last night what happened." Dad tried to stay calm, but his patience must have been tested by Sol already.
"Two truths, one lie." She side eyed Damian.
"We were in Nanda Parbat." Damian started.
"We avoided one mind numbing wedding." Marinette continued.
"The order has a larger moral back-bone than the league."
"You two aren't seriously playing this game to stall, are you?!" Tim seemed close to a mental breakdown. Then again, he hasn't slept in a week, so them disappearing may be the straw that broke him.
"Nanda Parbat and the league are tied so 1 and 3 are true." Jason figured.
"I would agree if this wasn't the second time, they said they avoided a wedding." Tim sighed.
"But it doesn't add into any of the others." Dick added.
"This morning their excuse was they were avoiding a wedding." Tim supplied.
"The truths are 1 and 2." Dad spoke definitely.
"Care to fill in the rest of the class B." Jason scoffed.
"Mini looks down for a fraction of a second when she lies, and she didn't when she said 2. Leaving 1 or 3 as the lie. Damian doesn't have a tick but using what he said 1 is true." He explained.
"There is no way for them to make that round trip in such a short time." Dick thought aloud. "Unless the order is filled with magic users. Meaning it is possible. And kidnapping kids could count as a lower moral backbone."
"Okay, so you're right, but kidnapping isn't the reason the League has a larger moral compass." Marinette assured.
"Do we want to know why the League of fucking Assassins has a larger moral backbone than an order of supposedly good magicians?" Jay was the one to speak the question on everyone's mind.
"Well if not saying or attempting to stop marrying two underage people is any indication." Damian scoffed.
"I honestly think it was their idea in the first place." Marinette mused aloud.
"Please for the love of god tell me you two weren't the ones getting married." Tim finally put it together.
"We avoided one hell of a headache inducing wedding. What do you think." She confirmed exasperated.
In a second (4) Errors could be seen on the faces of their family.
"Mini how long will it take to get to the league with Kaalki?" Dad was the first to recover, but his voice was eerily level, scarier than his even tone as Batman.
"Instantaneously, but someone who knows it better should be the one opening the portal." She responded quickly.
"Give the glasses to your brother. Damian open a portal."
Neither of them put up a fight, doing exactly as they were told. Not 20 seconds later all six of them were back in the middle of the League of Assassins following a clearly pissed off Bruce Wayne.
Thank kwamii that everyone else seem to know exactly where they were going in this compound because she sure didn’t. She walked right next to Damian the entire time and they were both watching their fathers back.
Twist and turns one after another and they finally came to what she can only describe as a throne room. When she saw the piece of shit that is Damian's maternal grandfather once again.
"Ra's." Was all her father stated. It is no exaggeration when she says that the color drained from that man’s face. She apparently wasn’t the only one contemplating exactly what had gone down last night. And the inevitable reaction of her family. What she failed to notice however, but her father didn’t was next to him was the same monk, still there. "Name." He ordered.
"Su-Han." He still spoke with dignity, but fear crept into his voice and stance.
"What the fuck did you try to do to my kids." Bruce growled in that instant she stopped breathing.
"Holy shit did Bruce just..." Jason stage whispered to Dick. However, she still couldn’t breathe and just watched the exchange. If she didn’t know her father’s rule to not kill, she would think he would be about to kill both Ra's and Su-Han, but she did know that rule. She’s pretty sure her father my break it though.
Bruce immediately was in a state of shock.
As Batman he had contingencies and plans in place for everything and anything. But this, this never was a probable scenario ever.
Once his shock faded, he saw red, he was absolutely livid. Children, his children, were almost married, for what. A feud that neither knew even existed.
"Mini how long will it take to get to the league with Kaalki?" His voice was dead even, attempting and failing to keep his anger in check. Thank God Hawkmoth was no more.
"Instantaneously, but someone who knows it better should be the one opening the portal." She responded quickly.
"Give the glasses to your brother. Damian open a portal."
Mini handed Damian the glasses, who immediately opened a portal. He walked through with his kids in tow, but he did not stray from his warpath. He found Ra's and another man, who wore the symbol on Mari's box.
"Ra's." Was all he said, knowing he had the man's attention the moment he entered. He showed no attempt to be bored. or uninterested. In fact, if it didn't seem impossible, Bruce would go so far as to say he was scared. He then looked over at the second man. "Name." He spoke again.
"Su-Han." He still spoke with dignity, but fear crept into his voice and stance.
"What the fuck did you try to do to my kids." Bruce demanded.
"It is not like you to visit." Ra's seemed to dance around his question.
"Why my kids?!" His voice rose and patience dwindled. So much so he didn't notice his two youngest slipped out of the room. While the older three seemed to be eating cookies and pastries, watching the show.
"Them being related was an unforeseen factor." Su-Han answered. "For there to be peace the two organizations needed to be unified."
"And both of you rubbed your cumulative two brain cells together and thought marrying two kids together is a valid response."
It was Ra's turn to speak. "Both of your children happen to be the next in line to command both respective organizations. Marriage was simply a contract between the two individual organizations to maintain peace. Although that failed to occur."
"Why did marriage come before I don't know, a god damn Peace treaty." He stopped to breathe.
"Given our history." Su-Han tried to make a point, but he didn't let him.
"You want history, I hear they have been around since the time of the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Babylonian Empires."
Both men stood there seemingly trying to formulate any response that could work. “Marriage was the most reliable method to promote unity between the two.”
"Bullshit, you both wanted something quick and easy." An explosion was heard in the compound, sending Ra's into a fighting stance. "You both wanted to make it their responsibility to keep the peace. And when it would fail you would use it as an excuse to return to fighting one another."
A full minute of pure silence when no one so much as moved drawled on. Until the doors opened, and in walked his children, as a fox and a horse with two Kwamii in front of them.
"Are you two the ones responsible for the explosion?"
They looked at one another, then back at him. Damian was the one who answered. "Yes."
"What did you four do?" He asked, although he only did so more out of obligation than curiosity.
"We may have destroyed all the Pools of Miracles." Tikki flew forward and answered.
"You destroyed the Lazarus Pits / Pools!" Was shouted by Ra's and Su-Han.
"Yes, so it's magic cannot be further twisted." Mari stood firm.
"And for the monks to stop using it to extend their lives." Damian added.
"Can I spite them now?" A cat Kwamii he never met before asked him.
"I should be more disappointed, but I'm not." He sighed. "Go on ahead."
"Pigtails your family is the best." The cat cheered. "Now for you two."
The best way to explain what he did was that he phased through each of their hearts and floated on back. The entire time he were a grin that rivaled the cheshire cat.
"Plagg, what did you do?" Tikki tentatively asked.
"What's the fun in telling you now. Plagg cackled. With that they all left, back to Paris. Never mess with his kids, because one they can God damn take care of themselves and two, he may not kill but he will supervise if even one of them is hurt.
~~~~~~~~~~ Taglist: @mochinek0 @justafanwarrior @abrx2002 @ranger-gothamite @fantasiame @moonystars14 @mochegato @bigbeautifulandfullofsugar @maribat-is-lifeblood @iglowinggemma28 @miraculous-ninja @talutah0 @vixen-uchiha @danielslilangel @witchsblackfox @pawsitivelymiraculous @lizziejay @marinettepotterandplagg @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @dast218 @sassakitty @miyla-lokidottir @lilkymilky @tazanna-blythe @tired-butterfly @lozzybowe @smolplantmum @queencommonsense @loopingtangent @chez-pezeater @paintedhope7 @technicallyburninggarden @meme991001 @wannajointhecrabcult @melicmusicmagic @trippingovermyfeet @greatcatblaze @fidget-eep @miraculouslydumb @iamablinkmarvelarmy @laurcad123 @hauntedwintersweets @fc-studios @fusser90 @madking-warqueen @buginetye @little-lady-bird @thebooki3h @iamabrownfox @galla02006 @syrencall @gimpedmercy
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
let me down gently
Prompts: Anger and Fight
Word Count: 6,465
Characters: Lloyd and Kai
Timeline: During episodes 96 (Into the Breach) and 97 (The Fall)
Trigger Warnings: Strained Parental Relationships, Suffocation, Major Character Death (kind of, u all know Cole didn't really die in this episode)
Summary: The thing about spending nearly every waking moment of the last several years of your life with a group of friends is that you really get to know them, inside and out, so much so that sometimes you know what they’re thinking before they do.
And, sometimes that means it’s easy to overlook what they’re actually trying to say.
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(wooo! got my first bingo! what happens now lol)
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Read on Ao3
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The thing about spending nearly every waking moment of the last several years of your life with a group of friends is that you really get to know them, inside and out, so much so that sometimes you know what they’re thinking before they do.
Kai had learned that it was all about being observant. The littlest things could hint him off at what was going on in their minds.
For example, whenever Nya was frustrated with a piece of machinery she was repairing, Kai could tell by the sound of her hammer against the metal. It was more of a dull, clunking sound than the lighter, ringing tone that could usually be heard. Or when Zane was faced with a problem that he was struggling to solve, he would always walk with a slightly stiffer posture. How Jay’s leg would bounce slightly when he was impatient, or how Cole bit his lip when he was focused.
And now, as the ninja stood around Garmadon on the deck of the Bounty, Kai could tell from the look in Lloyd’s bright green eyes that his youngest brother was planning something- something that Kai wasn’t going to like.
“I’m done with your foolishness,” Garmadon growled at the ninja. “You do not have a choice. I will say it once more- I am the only one who can enter the Oni Cloud. Give me a weapon, and let me go, or the Darkness will consume us all.”
“It’s not going to happen,” Lloyd snapped back. “You’re not going anywhere- not without me.”
Kai balked at him. What?!
Lloyd began to walk up to Garmadon, until he was glaring him right in the face. “I’m your son, remember. I’m Oni, too.”
No. The blood was roaring in Kai’s ears, now. Lloyd had come up with plenty of dumb, impulsive plans in his life, but this was on another level entirely. If Lloyd thought Kai was letting him go into the Darkness alone with Garmadon, he was sorely mistaken.
“You are part Oni.” The man reached out, shoving Lloyd, and the green ninja stumbled backwards. Nya quickly caught him by the arm, steadying him, and the others lunged towards Garmadon. Kai barely managed to stop himself from punching the man in the face, dropping into a defensive stance instead when Lloyd pulled away from Nya, evidently unharmed.
“That means you might survive,” Garmadon told Lloyd, ignoring the others glaring at him.
“Well, I guess we’ll find out.”
Oh, you’ll find out all right, Kai fumed as he glared at the green ninja. You’ll find out that this is not happening, as soon as I knock some sense into you.
“Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, have you lost your tiny mind?” Kai grabbed Lloyd’s arm, yanking him into an empty room below deck on the Bounty.
Lloyd stared at him. “Did you just call my mind tiny?”
“Yes, I did, and you deserve it, because you’re being the absolute worst idiot I have seen right now. And I’m friends with Jay, so that’s saying something.”
“Excuse me for trying to help,” Lloyd spat back. “I didn’t see anyone else coming up with a plan.”
“So the only thing you could come up with was chucking your own life into danger? Typical Lloyd move.”
His friend's eyes widened. “You’re one to talk! Do you really need me to go over every risky decision you’ve made? We’ll be here all day!”
“Half of those ‘risky decisions’ have just been trying to get you out of situations that your risky decisions got you into!”
Lloyd’s eyes darkened, and he turned away, beginning to rummage through the cabinets for a suitable weapon. “No one asked you to do that.”
Kai couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He marched forward, put a hand on Lloyd’s shoulder, and forced him around. “You expected me to just leave you. To die?”
“No!” The green ninja answered hastily, although he wouldn’t meet Kai’s eyes. “… I just could’ve taken care of it myself, that’s all.”
Kai snorted. “Right.”
Lloyd shoved his hand away. “I’m serious! I’m not a kid anymore, I don’t need you babysitting me.”
Kai felt like his heart had been impaled as he watched Lloyd turn away from him, back towards the shelves. He felt stinging in his eyes, and quickly pushed the hurt down, letting it give way to anger instead. How dare Lloyd speak to him that way. Kai had spent years caring for him, looking out for him. He had been the one to save him from the Fire Temple, from Morro, had been the one to carry him to Mystaké’s shop when he had foolishly run off to fight Garmadon alone and nearly died-
Sure, Kai had… he had failed him, sometimes. He knew he wasn’t always good enough to protect him, as hard as he tried. But in his defence, Lloyd wasn’t exactly making it easy for him! It was almost as if the boy wanted to die! He was getting an odd sense of déjà vu, and he didn’t like it one bit.
“Have you forgotten what happened the last time you left us to fight the villain by yourself? I’m still having nightmares about that night, Lloyd! You nearly died.”
“That was different.”
“Different how?”
“I know what I’m doing,” he insisted. “And I won’t be alone. My dad will be with me.”
Kai’s eyes narrowed. “Oh great, now I’m so reassured.”
Lloyd shot him a look so venomous that Kai nearly faltered. What was that about?
“Look, Lloyd, I’m just trying to watch out for you! Can’t you see that the Cloud is dangerous? Cole was only in it for a second, and we nearly lost him. I don’t want to lose you, too.”
Lloyd sighed. “I know. But someone’s gotta do it, and my father said that my Oni blood will protect me.”
“He also said your human blood would make you weaker. He never guaranteed you would survive, and, frankly, even if he did, I wouldn’t trust him.”
Lloyd’s gaze went hard again. “Of course you wouldn’t. You’ve never trusted him. For as long as I’ve known you, you’ve had a vendetta against him, and that’s no different now.”
“Lloyd, don’t be ridiculous, you know that’s not true. He was our sensei at one point, remember? I accepted him then! It’s only the Devourer venom I don’t trust. He said it himself- he couldn’t be trusted with the venom flowing through his veins.”
“Yeah, well the venom’s gone now, isn’t it? And I don’t see you acting any different than those first days.”
“Lloyd, he’s different now, and you know it. He’s not Sensei Garmadon anymore.”
“So that automatically means we can’t trust him?”
“No! But I can list a hundred other reasons why we can’t!” Kai began counting off on his fingers, “He tried to kill you, he tried to kill us, he tried to kill Wu, he destroyed the Bounty, he destroyed the city, he imprisoned our friends, he created a giant stone Colossus to try and destroy us, he’s Oni-”
“I’m Oni, too,” Lloyd snapped. “Does that mean you don’t trust me?”
“Lloyd, stop being stupid-”
“Oh, so now I’m stupid!”
“I didn’t mean that.”
“So what did you mean?”
Kai sighed, rubbing his temples. “You’re only part Oni. Things are different.”
“But what if I wasn’t? What if I was full Oni? You wouldn’t trust me then?”
“I never said that.” “You literally just did.”
Kai glowered at him. “Look, it doesn’t matter- Lloyd, you’re my friend. I’ve known you for years, I know you’re trustworthy because you’ve never done anything to prove me otherwise.”
“If you trust me so much, then why aren’t you acting like it now?”
“I do trust you! I still do, and I always will. But I also know your judgement tends to get clouded when it comes to people you care about. And, I’m sorry Lloyd, but your father does not deserve to be on that list. Not anymore. Ever since he’s come back, he’s done nothing but prove to me that he doesn’t care about you. At all.”
Lloyd froze, a shadow falling over his face. Kai reached for his hand, but he jerked back, gritting his teeth.
“Oh, come on, Lloyd, I know you’re trusting, but this is ridiculous! Have you forgotten what he’s done to you?”
“You don’t get to talk,” Lloyd choked, his voice suddenly sounding wet. “You don’t know what it’s like. What I’ve been through.”
Kai stopped, blinking at him. “What?”
“You don’t know! You never had to watch your dad be an evil warlord for your whole life, never had people telling you that your entire destiny was to defeat him!”
Kai felt his anger dissipate. “Lloyd-”
But the green ninja wasn’t done. “You never had to fight the one person who came back for you when everyone else turned their backs on you, only to get him back as someone completely different than the person you remembered! You never had to suffer through those long weeks, those long months, struggling to reconnect with him after the rift that had been torn between the two of you. You never had to deal with only having your father back for a couple years before losing him again, just when you had finally been getting to know him again! You never had to suffer through that loss, thinking about him every day for the next few years, just starting to get over him when suddenly you found out he was coming back again! You never had to fight so hard to keep him from coming back, even though a small part of you really wanted to see him again. You don’t know what it was like to get a chance to reunite with him, only to have him nearly kill you, and then be forced to recruit him to help you. You don’t know what it’s like to have half of your brain remembering him as this horrible, sadistic monster that absolutely cannot be trusted, but the other half remembering him as a good man, as your true father, and feeling like there’s still some of that in there, and maybe you can have that back!”
By this point, Lloyd was crying, hard, and Kai felt like his heart was going to shatter. “Lloyd. I’m sorry bud. I’m so sorry. But you’re going to have to trust us. Your team. We’ve always been here for you, even when your dad wasn’t.”
“You still don’t get it!” Lloyd was borderline yelling by this point. “I can’t! I can’t forget everything he’s done- both the good and the bad! You can’t possibly understand how angry I am at him but how much I love him! He left me! He hurt me! But he is the only person who loved me from the very beginning- even you thought I was some washed-up street rat when we first met!”
The pressure building in Kai’s chest suddenly snapped, and he found himself yelling right back at Lloyd. “I don’t know what it’s like? Have you forgotten what my father did? I lived the majority of my life thinking that he had abandoned me! For a five-year-old kid, that was the scariest thing of my life- I didn’t know what to do, and everything was resting on me. It took me years to get over that, to get over them and to move on, and then- then I figured out they were alive and now everyone was saying that they were good and that this wasn’t their fault- that everything was okay now. But it wasn’t okay- they had left me, burdened me, and as much as I knew they hadn’t done it on purpose, I couldn’t forget all those years of pain. Even Nya thought I was being crazy, tried to stop me from lashing out at them. She didn’t understand. She was the younger sibling, she wasn’t burdened with my responsibility. If anyone could understand me, I would’ve thought it would be you.”
“It’s not the same!” Lloyd’s voice was shrill. “You still have years ahead of you- years to talk and reconnect. You think I didn’t go through the same thing with my father after he was cleansed from the venom? I thought we would have all the time in the world! But now we’re back at square one again, but worse- square zero- and this time he won’t even listen to me! He doesn’t remember me, he doesn’t remember himself, he doesn’t remember anything except hatred.”
“Then why are you so eager to listen to him again?”
“I can’t let him go again! Not like last time!”
“This isn’t like last time, Lloyd! Why won’t you listen to us? Since when did you start trusting Garmadon’s judgement over mine?” “The moment you stopped listening to me and tried to make everything about yourself!”
Kai stared at him in disbelief. Lloyd was seriously calling him selfish right now? He had just poured out all his insecurities about his parents, ones that he didn’t want to share but did anyway to try to help Lloyd see he wasn’t alone- and the brat had the nerve to call him selfish?
“I can’t believe you! I’ve done nothing- nothing- but try to help you and care for you since you joined our team. And you have the audacity to pin this on me. You know what? Go! Go with your father into that dumb Cloud! Since you obviously care about him so much more than you do me!”
“I will,” Lloyd shot back, already storming out of the room.
“Don’t come crying to me when you suffocate in there! At least you’ll be with your dear old pops!”
Lloyd turned around when he reached the doorway, their shouting match quieting as he responded in a low voice.
“Trust me, I’m not going to be crying to anyone.”
There was a loud bang as Lloyd slammed the door shut, and Kai was alone.
Zane walked quietly down the hallway of the ship, stopping in front of Nya as she slowly backed out of a room, pulling the door shut softly behind her.
“Any luck?”
She shook her head. “He won’t even talk to me, not to mention tell me what happened.”
“Kai isn’t budging either. He asked me how close we were to the city, and what Garmadon was up to, but refused to even mention Lloyd.”
“I’ve never seen Lloyd like this, Zane, he was… he was upset. Angry. I think they fell out, but… I don’t know why, or how…”
“It has to be about the Cloud. Kai was pretty upset when Lloyd announced his plan.”
“I’m upset too!” she snapped. “It’s a horrible plan! He’s going to get himself killed! But you know how Lloyd gets when he sets his mind on something. And Kai can get… snappy when he’s worried about someone important to him. I’m worried things have been taken too far this time, though.”
Nya buried her face in her hands, and Zane put a hand on her shoulder. “Nya, it’s going to be alright. It’s not like they haven’t fought before. They’ll make up quickly, like they always do.”
“Yeah, but it’s never been this bad before! Lloyd was really upset, Zane! He always talks to me, comes to me, when he’s having a hard time, especially if it’s with Kai, but…” her voice dropped to a whisper. “This time is different.”
“Have you forgotten everything they’ve been through?” Zane reminded her. “Their friendship has survived the green ninja prophecy, Chen’s staff, a possession, many near-death experiences, and realm-hopping. I think they can handle one argument.”
Nya didn’t look so reassured, so Zane looped his arm around her. “They’re going to be fine. They always are.”
Nya wiped a sleeve across her eyes, sniffing. “I know. I just worry about them.”
“It’s great, how much you look out for them, but there are some things that Kai and Lloyd must resolve on their own.”
Nya nodded, slowly stepping back from the door of the room where Lloyd was.
A faint beeping sounded from above them, and Zane quickly checked his internal GPS. “Now, we should head back above deck. It won’t be long before we reach Ninjago City, and the outskirts of the Oni Cloud.”
“The time is nearly upon us,” Nya whispered. “Soon, the fate of Ninjago will rest in our hands.” Her nose wrinkled. “Again.”
Kai stared over the deck of the Bounty, his jaw slack as he surveyed the landscape below. The entirety of Ninjago City was covered in a thick, black smog, only the tips of some of the taller skyscrapers emerging from it.
A sickly black tentacle reached up below them, curling up towards the fins on the rear of the Bounty, lapping gently against the wood. Nya put on a burst of speed, and the Bounty pulled from its grasp, leaving the tentacle to lurk hungrily, before it slowly receded back down into the Cloud.
A shiver slipped down his spine, and he gritted his teeth. He couldn’t believe the others had agreed to send Lloyd down there.
“This will allow us to see what’s happening inside the Cloud.”
Kai turned to see Zane slipping what looked to be a GoPro over Lloyd’s head. “We can watch the camera feed from the monitor screens of the Bounty.”
Lloyd was shifting from foot to foot, looking nervous. As he should be. How long will it take for him to finally realize how dangerous this is?
Lloyd wasn’t the only one looking frightened. From where she stood up by the steering wheel, Nya was watching Lloyd apprehensively, nibbling on her lip. Jay stood at Lloyd’s side, double and triple checking to make sure the armor pieces fastened to his gi were strong and secured. Cole was leaning back against the mast, arms crossed over his chest as he surveyed them all with dark eyes.
“What’s our plan for extraction?” Cole asked gruffly. “If we’re doing this, we need a clear plan before you leave. There’ll be no room for mistakes down there.”
“We’ll wait here with the Bounty while he’s down there,” Zane explained. “When he’s made it back, we’ll drop the anchor so he can climb the chain.”
“I installed a tracking device in the camera,” Nya added, “so if something goes wrong, we can come pick you up elsewhere.”
“Hopefully nothing will go wrong,” Lloyd muttered.
Nya shook her head. “I’ll say.”
“Did you guys check the parachute? Does it feel alright, do you want me to-”
“Jay.” Lloyd said firmly. “It’s fine. I’m fine.”
Jay sighed, running a hand through his curly locks. “I’m just not sure about this, Lloyd.”
“Guys. I have to do this. I’m gonna get in, grab the Realm Crystal, get out. No problem.”
“No problem?” Kai growled. “Yeah, except for the freezing black tentacles, deathly fog, and swarms of Oni you’re forgetting about. Oh, and wait, your father.”
“Kai, can we not get into this now,” Lloyd grimaced.
“If we don’t get into it now, when will we get into it?” Kai pulled back from the railing, walking over to him. “Once you go, there’s no turning back.”
His eyes flashed. “I’m aware of the consequences. I’m doing it.”
Kai groaned. “You’re not even listening to me!”
“And you’re not listening to me. Do you have another plan?”
“I’m sure we could come up with something better than this.”
“Yeah? Well, you haven’t!” he snapped, loudly.
Kai said nothing, glaring at him.
“The people of Ninjago City are in danger. Many of them are already lost, and I only hope that we can save them. Someone has to help, sooner rather than later. And right now, me and my father are the only ones who can.”
“Well, maybe not you,” Jay squeaked, looking nervous to impede on their argument.
“Jay’s right, you’re taking a huge risk.”
“I’m a ninja!” Lloyd threw up his arms. “Risk is part of the job description.”
There was silence at that.
Really, what could they say? To deny it would be to put down every risk they had ever taken, every consequence they had ever faced.
But so many of them had ended in disaster- Zane’s death, Chen’s staff, Morro’s possession, Wu getting lost in time, and of course, Lloyd’s initial face-off with his resurrected father- and Kai was wondering when they would finally draw the line.
Sooner or later, their luck was going to run out. Sooner or later, they would get themselves into a mess they couldn’t get out of.
The ship slowed to a halt in front of Borg Tower. The tallest building in the city, it stretched far above the Cloud, but as Lloyd peered down, he saw that the bottom of it just seemed to disappear, getting swallowed by the blackness.
“This is the closest I can get,” Nya announced, descending the ladder as she hopped down to the deck with them. “You’re going to have to take it from here.”
Garmadon said nothing, stepping up to the edge of the rail to peer over the edge.
Pixal beckoned to him, and Lloyd walked over, standing patiently as she fiddled with his GoPro.
“Zane?” she called back to the nindroid, to where he had climbed back up towards the monitor. She waved at Lloyd’s camera, and Zane gave her a thumbs up.
“It’s working. For now. The reception might break up a little when he actually goes into the Darkness, but hopefully it will last us a while, at least.”
“And the GPS?”
“Signal is on point.”
“Voice feed? Can you hear me through the comms?”
“Loud and clear.”
“Good.” Pixal stepped back from him, nodding. She hesitated for a moment, her green eyes flashing. “Lloyd… just be careful, okay? Your life isn’t worth the Realm Crystal. We can always come up with another plan.”
Lloyd swallowed. Suddenly, this whole thing was beginning to feel a lot more real.
Apparently, he wasn’t the only one thinking this, because Kai walked over to him. Lloyd flinched, expecting him to yell again, but his voice was soft.
“Lloyd. If you… if you really trust your dad so much, you should let him go. Alone.”
Lloyd bit back a sigh. “I don’t trust him.”
Kai blinked. “You literally just told me earlier that you-”
“No, I said it was complicated.” Lloyd breathed out slowly, running his fingers through his hair before his voice came out too sharp. “I trust him enough to not get me killed, but not enough to bring the Realm Crystal back on his own.”
“Look, Lloyd, you don’t have to do this.”
Lloyd glared at him. “Yeah, I do. I’m going, end of discussion.”
“Please don’t go. Look, I’m sorry about what I said earlier, okay? I’ll make it up to you. Please don’t base this decision off of that.”
Kai’s eyes were looking suspiciously shiny now, and Lloyd bit his lip. He was still mad at Kai, but Lloyd hated fighting with him. Maybe he should-
No. Lloyd shut down that train of thought fiercely. He couldn’t do this again. He couldn’t let his emotions get the better of him.
Sure, this was Kai he was talking about- not Harumi, or his father. He knew Kai would never try to take advantage of him, but- he was also biased. Lloyd wanted to listen to his own judgement, for once. The best decisions were always made with a clear head, anyways.
He forced his voice to be hard as he spoke. “I made this decision plenty of time before that conversation.”
Ignoring the look on Kai’s face, he turned and walked towards the edge of the deck, pulling his sword out of the rack. It was about time he finished this.
Kai hurried over to her looking half in tears.
“So I’m guessing that’s a ‘no’ on talking him out of it?”
Kai gripped her shoulders, tight. “He won’t listen to me Nya, I think he’s still angry with me. I can’t change his mind. Nothing I say will change his mind. You need to talk to him, please. Maybe he’ll listen to you.” “I wouldn’t get your hopes up, Kai. He may not be upset with me, but you know how stubborn he gets when he sets his mind on something.”
“Can you at least try?”
Nya looked at him, and after a moment, let out a sigh. “Fine.”
Her footsteps were quiet as she walked over to the green ninja, who was sheathing his sword. He didn’t look at her, but he knew she was there, that Nya was certain of.
“I have no idea what he said to you, earlier… but he’s just worried about you, y’know.”
Lloyd snorted. “Sure has a funny way of showing it.”
“I’m serious, Lloyd. This is dangerous. Perhaps one of the biggest risks we’ve taken yet. What you said earlier was true- taking risks is part of the job- but that doesn’t mean we can’t be careful. Can’t worry.”
Lloyd sighed. “I know- and I’m not expecting you not to. But sometimes, certain things have to be done, and… you just have to endure the worry for the sake of others.” He eyed her. “Kind of like you’re doing now.”
Nya side-eyed him, and he smiled slightly. “I can tell. You’ve been pacing.”
She breathed out slowly. “You’re right. But that’s not an easy thing to do. Especially for those who love you and care about you very much.”
Lloyd looked down. “Just get it over with.”
“He sent you over here to talk me out of it, didn’t he?”
“Technically, yes… but he’s not my team leader. I don’t have to listen to anything he says.”
Lloyd looked up, his brilliant green eyes meeting her much tamer, softer brown ones.
“Why aren’t you going to try to change my mind?”
“Because I know what a stubborn brat you are,” she teased, cuffing him over the head. He shook her off, scowling as he straightened his hair.
“Seriously, though. I wouldn’t be sending you in if I wasn’t certain you were strong enough to handle yourself.”
Relief flooded his expression. “So you get it! Why doesn’t Kai? Why doesn’t he just trust me?”
“He trusts you,” she said firmly, and Lloyd blinked at her, surprised. “He trusts you more than you will ever know.”
“Then why is he so upset about me doing this?”
“Just because you know someone is capable doesn’t mean that you’re not going to worry or fear the worst when they have to do something dangerous. Kai’s a big brother. It’s his job to be overprotective! He’s just trying to look out for you.”
“I’m not a kid anymore. Sometimes I need to look after myself.”
“Kai’s afraid of losing you, Lloyd. He knows you’re strong. He knows you’re capable. He trusts you completely. But bad things can happen to even the best people. He doesn’t want a world without you in it. None of us do.”
Lloyd was silent at that, toeing at the ground with his foot. “I’ll be careful,” he said after a long while.
“You better be.” She reached forward, squeezing his hand. “Just know that he comes from a place of love, okay?”
“Are we going to just stand here all day?” Garmadon snapped, stalking over to him. “Or should I just go without you?”
“No,” Lloyd insisted, wiping at his face with his sleeve. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”
Garmadon shot a pointed glance at his sword. Lloyd sighed.
“Cole, give him a sword.”
The black ninja grabbed a katana, eyeing the Dark Lord with thinly veiled suspicion. “Are you sure about that?”
Lloyd nodded.
Cole tossed the sword at Garmadon’s feet, and he picked it up, surveying it slowly. The ninja and Pixal watched him apprehensively.
Suddenly, Garmadon was lunging at Cole, and before Nya could react, Kai was screaming at him to look out as he charged Garmadon, the sharp screech of metal sounding as his sword clashed with Garmadon’s. The man pushed past them, running towards Lloyd and Nya, and Lloyd quickly charged up his powers, hands glowing as he held up his fists protectively.
Garmadon darted to the side, wisely avoiding his son’s powers, and Nya blocked him with her spear, pinning him down as she caught him off guard.
Zane’s arrow flew past, and Garmadon rolled out of the way, causing her to lose her grip on him as he shot to his feet again, sending her flying with a sharply delivered kick to the gut.
Nya staggered to her feet, panting, just as Pixal was flung past her. Hurrying over, she helped her friend to her feet, and the two fell into battle stances behind the rest of the crew, who were now watching Garmadon through slitted eyes.
“Try that again!” Cole dared. “Now that I’m ready!”
Garmadon glared at them, raising a fist. Suddenly, it burst into purple flames, and the ninja recoiled, gasping.
His powers are back? How? “That’s better,” Garmadon rasped, grinning. Then, with a running leap, he launched himself off the side of the ship.
There was silence for a moment, before Cole burst out, “Okay, what the heck was that?”
“Conflict fuels him!” Lloyd said, walking forward.
“He was powering up!” Zane agreed.
“He did that just to get his powers back?” Jay cried.
Cole grimaced, marching up to Lloyd. “I. Do. Not. Trust. Him!”
Nya felt her stomach flip. She was starting to regret giving Lloyd that pep talk, now. Sure, she believed in his ability to take care of himself, but… Garmadon had his powers back, now? Lloyd’s powers were nothing to be scoffed at, but… they paled in comparison to Garmadon's. Those powers were what had nearly gotten him killed the last time. What would happen if Garmadon needed to “power up” again? Would he turn on Lloyd? And this time, he wouldn’t have his team to help him.
Seeing the look in her youngest brother’s eyes, Nya suddenly felt the urge to hold him back, and she grabbed his shoulder tightly. “Lloyd. Are you sure you want to go through with this?”
Lloyd hesitated, gazing at his teammates, who looked back at him with fearful gazes. He bit his lip.
Please say no, please say no, please say-
Nya blinked. Well, that was easier than expected-
“But I don’t really have a choice,” he added, and before Nya could react, he was ripping away from her, running across the deck of the Bounty-
And jumping off the side of the ship.
“Lloyd!” Nya screamed, and Kai was suddenly pushing his way past her, running to the edge of the ship to peer over the side.
Lloyd was plummeting, down, down, down, until the green of his gi vanished and the Darkness swallowed him up. Kai swore, curling his fingers into the handrail.
The others had joined him, Nya leaning over so desperately that Cole had to pull her back. Unease crackled in the air as they blinked at each other.
“The camera feed!” Zane cried suddenly. “Come on!”
The nindroid hurried towards the monitors, the rest of them not far behind. Kai held his breath as Zane’s fingers flew across the keyboard, until a hazy purple image appeared. Dark, lurking outlines blurred past, as if in motion, until they suddenly slowed, Lloyd’s feet swinging into view.
“He opened his parachute,” Zane breathed.
Jay squinted at the screen, leaning forward. “I can’t see anything… except for that weird, purplish smoke.”
“Wait,” Cole pointed at the shadows, which came into better view as the fog began to thin slightly. “There’s some sort of building there.” He recoiled as something dark slithered across it. “What is that?”
“They look like…” Nya narrowed her eyes. “Tentacles, or something.”
“Eugh! Those are the things that tried to grab me, earlier!” Cole cried.
Kai bit down on his lip, only just stopping himself before he could draw blood. “Be careful, Lloyd.”
After a moment, the ground drifted into view, and Lloyd stumbled to a halt as his feet reached it, releasing his parachute.
As he looked around, the camera turned with his head, and Kai felt himself shudder at the creepy, desolate landscape that had once been their city. It was cruel, how much something could change in only a day.
Lloyd coughed, clearing his throat, and Kai’s attention was drawn back to him, frowning.
“Lloyd? Are you okay?”
There was no response, except for another, heaving cough, and Kai felt his heart drop, turning to Zane. “Can’t he hear us?”
Zane’s eyes flashed, hitting a few things on the control panel. “He should be able to, unless the reception has been blocked already, which frankly, I doubt-”
Lloyd’s hands flew to his mouth as he wheezed, a horrible, strangled sound. He gasped for air, and suddenly he was falling to his knees, the camera flickering.
Kai felt like he was having a heart attack.
“He’s suffocating!” he cried, reaching out and grabbing Nya’s arm, shaking her. “He can’t breathe, I told you this was a horrible idea, we have to get him out of there!”
Nya’s voice trembled. “Hurry, drop the anchor, he needs to get out now!”
“He can’t even stand, how is he going to climb the chain?”
“If he can't, I'll go down and get him.”
“You can’t do that, Kai, you’ll be dead within seconds!”
“What other choice do we-”
“Guys!” Zane cried, breaking over the clamor. “He’s okay now. His breathing has stabilized.”
Kai turned to the screen, seeing that Lloyd had pushed himself to his feet and was walking over to Garmadon. His breathing had stopped the horrible rasping, but it was still too heavy.
Nya slumped against him, rubbing her hands over her face. “This kid’s going to be the end of me.”
“Why is he going away from us?” Kai snapped. “Tell him to get back on the ship!”
Zane blinked at him. “The whole point of the mission is to get the Realm Crystal, is it not?”
“Not at the cost of his life!” “Of course not.” Zane reached forward, squeezing his arm gently. “But he is fine now. Trust me, I will be the first to inform you if his breathing becomes irregular again.”
Kai pulled his hands over his face, screaming into them. “Wake me up when this horrible nightmare is over!”
“There’s more to life than surviving!”
Lloyd’s scream made even Garmadon flinch back as the green ninja raced off, vanishing below deck. Kai watched him anxiously, and he felt Nya slip her arm out of his grasp.
“I’m okay, Kai. Go.”
Giving her hand one last squeeze, he ran after Lloyd, shooting Garmadon a fierce glare as he passed.
When he finally found Lloyd, he was in their bedroom, curled up on his bed, crying softly.
Kai sat down next to him, the mattress sagging slightly lower beneath his weight. After a moment of silence, he reached out a hand and began to rub Lloyd’s back gently.
“You were right,” he gasped suddenly. “I should never have left. The plan didn’t even work. It’s my fault, I should’ve been there, I could’ve- I could’ve-”
“Lloyd, you couldn’t have done anything,” Kai insisted, giving up with subtlety and pulling Lloyd against his side. “No one could’ve.”
Lloyd didn’t seem to hear him. “Why did I trust my father, you were right, I never should’ve done that, I was being stupid as always, I thought we could- I thought maybe things would go back, but- no, you tried to warn me, and I was horrible to you-”
“Lloyd, Lloyd stop, breathe,” Kai begged, grabbing his hands and desperately trying to pull them off of his head, where he was digging in his nails. “Stop, please, I don’t care about any of that, I forgave you ages ago.”
Lloyd took a shuddery breath, loosening his hands enough for Kai to move them, and letting his head rest in Kai’s lap. “Ages ago? We just had the argument earlier today.”
“Yeah, well, I’m quick at forgiving.”
Lloyd huffed softly. “No, you’re not.”
“For you I am. That’s what family’s for, right?”
Kai immediately regretted his choice of words as Lloyd flinched. “I mean, true family. The one you chose, not the one you’re related to by blood.”
“Yeah. I guess so.”
Kai let his breath out slowly, leaning back on the hand that wasn’t wrapped around Lloyd, and paused as it hit against something hard.
Looking back, he saw it was a photo frame. Sucking in his breath, he picked it up.
The glass was cracked, but the picture behind it was perfectly clear. In it, Sensei Garmadon was standing in front of the Monastery, an arm slung around Lloyd. Although their former sensei was standing stiff, as usual, a rare smile was playing on his lips. And Lloyd- Lloyd’s grin was all teeth, his eyes practically sparkling as he gazed at his father. He looked so happy it made Kai’s heart hurt.
“Did you…”
Lloyd looked up as Kai trailed off, pulling himself into more of a sitting position, and his gaze found the photo. His eyes darkened, but he took it from Kai’s hands, anyway. He stared at it for a moment, his face unreadable as he traced his fingers along the cracks, then, suddenly, he was throwing the frame across the room, where it shattered against the floor loudly. A sob caught in his throat, and he wiped at his eyes.
Kai wrapped his arms around him in a hug, noticing as Lloyd flinched, hard, when he squeezed his arm. He made a mental note to make him go to the medbay later, but for now, he didn’t push it.
“Hm?” “I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier.”
“Bud, there’s nothing to be sorry about. We both made mistakes. But it’s over now. It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay.”
“No,” Kai breathed out, running a hand through his hair as tears stung in his eyes. “You’re right. It’s not.”
Lloyd whimpered, curling closer. “He’s gone, Kai. How can anything ever be okay again?”
“I don’t know, bud. Maybe it won’t be. But you know what? We keep going. Wherever life takes us, we keep on going, and we don’t give up.”
“It’s hard to keep going.”
“Then we just hold on. As tight as we can.”
Lloyd sobbed into the side of his gi, and Kai buried his face in Lloyd’s hair as tears slipped down his cheeks. Never again, was he going to take this for granted. He had already made that mistake with Cole.
And for that, Kai made sure to grip on a little tighter.
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the hues of an empty sky
Missing memories, or having two of them for one moment - not quite the same, but if there's one thing Jay's leant over the last few weeks, it's that literally nothing makes sense anymore.
Or, some Skybound aftermath, Zane actually expressing emotions about his memory switch being turned off for all those years, and what was supposed to be a 'they tell everyone about the erased timeline' fic, but it turned into a 'two characters who barely interact on screen talk at like one am in the morning, and don't actually tell the other what exactly they're alluding to the whole time' fic that I wrote at like one am- 
Also yeah, I realized too late that they split up to look for Wu after s7, we’re just gonna pretend that they waited a few days or something, idk anymore tbh, lol.
(I also didn't have time to edit - so please tell me where the typos are? 😂💛)
Word count: 4539
Prompt: crying, from @ninjago-bingo 's warm board.
Trigger warnings: the main character has a panic attack, and squeezes their fingernails into their hands once or twice but I think that's it.
*facepalms* also, guys, i’m so stupid - i literally just realized that this freaking CHANGES TENSE HALFWAY OHMYGOSH I-  i don’t think it’s super noticeable, but ugh, apologies to anyone who actually thought my writing was good lol-
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It's cold.
Bitterly, freezing cold.
The biting chill of the air is a bit strange for this time of year, but, heck, that's nowhere near the craziest thing that's ever happened to him - not by a long shot.
He sighs, squinting at the stars dotted liberally against the black canvas of the sky.
Cole had once joked that one of them might be the remains of their golden weapons, after they'd hurled the burning mass into the sky - in another alternate timeline; one that only existed in the memories of a certain few.
Gosh - that seemed like such a long time ago.
Wouldn't it be nice to go back to that time, when he'd still thought that their powers were the coolest thing ever - instead of despising them for all the responsibility and sacrifice that came with them? When one of his biggest worries was whether the girl he had a crush on liked him back - not wondering if his friends would survive the night?
"I did not expect to find you awake at this hour, Jay."
Reflexivity, he jumps back, his mind twisting his friend's gentle voice into the- the djin's triumphant, accented one.
You're supposed to be a ninja. What good are you if your friends can still sneak up on you?
"Geez, warn a guy before you sneak up on him! I almost fell off the Bounty!"
"My apologies. I was... surprised to find you awake at this hour," Zane answers. "What are you doing?" "Couldn't sleep. It's too cold," he confesses, not entirely a lie. Ninjago wasn't 'that' far from the Sea of Sand, but he'd grown up in a much warmer area - unfortunately resulting in his practically nonexistent tolerance to the cold. That never failed to stop Kai from teasing him about it, though. He doesn't mention the pressing weight on his chest, almost tangible - or how it constantly makes him feel. Like he's being dragged through the darkness of an empty sky, spikes of fear making everything so freaking terrifying- "You?"
"I have been analyzing my memories of Pixal, in the hope that it may lead me to her whereabouts. However, all my efforts have proved... unsuccessful," Zane answers wearily, shifting his gaze to the sky.
Oh- oh. They'd all be so caught up in the chaos of the last few weeks - hey, it's not like any of them had asked the universe to permanently be out to get them! - that they'd forgotten Pixal was still offline.
"Hey, I'm sure that she's still there somewhere," he says, earnestly. "After all - she wouldn't be your girlfriend if she didn't pull a vanishing act every now and again, eh?"
The question is punctuated with a laugh, but he doesn't say that he's a little worried about her too. They hadn't talked much, but-
I can't see one of my best friends find out that his girlfriend is dead, a quiet voice at the back of his mind points out. Well - been there, done that, wouldn't recommend, he thinks bitterly. Emotional breakdowns and frequent nightmares apply. Anxiety attacks are half off, too!
It's quiet for a few minutes, neither of them seeing a need to break the silence. The wind blows softly through the sails above them; gray wisps of cloud revealing a pale sliver of moonlight that paints the sky in its glow.
It should be a peaceful night: beautiful, calm, no one trying to kill them or destroy their city - for a change.
His hands won't stop shaking.
It should be a peaceful night, but, as usual, the world is too freaking unfair for that-
He hasn't even slept for a full night in weeks! Well, not since- since-
Don't think about it! That's only going to make it worse, duh-
"Are you alright, Jay?"
"Yeah- I- I'm good, thanks," he says quickly, ignoring the way his breathing keeps speeding up. FSM, not this-
Not for the first time, the world suddenly becomes too loud - too much. Every little thing, from trying to breathe properly or even walk- feels insurmountable, because, gosh, oh gosh, it's going to come crashing down if he even moves-
The memory starts off the same as it always does.
Rubble strewn over the temple grounds, his friends literally reduced to nothing more than statues. A shot that hit the mark perfectly, but perfectly shattered his world in the process.
A poison-splattered dress, a terrifying realization.
Her well-aimed joke, but one that never fails to sting every time. Gosh, why hadn't they just allowed her to join their team in the first place? Maybe they could've prevented this- this- whole situation, if they hadn't been so freaking egotistical-
And, again, he's overwhelmed by the sheer sense of helplessness, all his power and training and skills completely useless to one of the people he cared most about. FSM, if only I hadn't used my first w-request so carelessly! If only I'd been able to escape- or, or if only I'd been able to assemble the team faster! If only-
Despite being in what must've been unimaginable pain, she offers a strained smile - a sweet gesture that, ironically, feels like she's poisoning him, because- because FSM, this is all so wrong, it wasn't supposed to end like this-
He watches with horror as her eyes dull and she stills in his arms.
She's gone, FSM, she's gone and it's all my fault-
"Jay?" a voice asks, concern evident in their tone. Distantly, he registers that he's having a breakdown in front of one of his best friends - one of the things he'd been trying really hard to avoid.
Dang it.
"I-" he tries to say, but, great, he's breathing too fast to even get the stupid words out.
"Breathe in for four seconds," Zane says, softly.
Four seconds? Time has no meaning right now, narrowed down to, like - falling down a chasm, terrified of what's at the bottom, except the fear's all around, this- this... foreboding thing of his mind that keeps yelling that he needs to run, or fight, but he can't, can't-
Right. Four seconds.
You're okay, you're fine, no one's trying to hurt you or your friends. She's not dead.
But what if- what if they're being dragged out of this ship right now? What if it was all a dream, and she's dead anyway, because all of us were too stupid to come up with another plan, and none of us could even do anything when she-
After a little while, when he could breathe a little easier, and the fear didn't feel like it was slamming into him from every possible direction, he slowly opened his eyes. Shakily, he wiped a tear from his face - as if that would wipe away all the weeks that had, theoretically, never even freaking happened.
The sky comes back into focus - pinpricks of light against pitch black. 
How was he going to come up with some sorta explanation without... well, explaining everything?
My nerves are frayed, and I have to lie to a walking lie detector - what could possibly go wrong?
"Are you alright?" Zane asks, his brows creased in concern.
"Heh heh, yeah. Probably just too many video games," he replies quickly, laughter a bit strained.
"You were muttering to yourself," his friend replies quietly. Ugh, trust the way-too-observant-nindroid to call him out on the remains of his facade. "If you do not mind me asking, what was 'all your fault'? I am sure that it was probably a misunderstanding."
You're the one who misunderstands everything, he thinks wearily, ignoring the part of him that yearns to tell someone else about... well, everything that's happened because of that stupid teapot. He's not one to keep secrets by nature, and it's been taking a bigger toll of him than he'd thought it would. Is this how Nya felt when she was still the Samurai? "It's- it's nothing, probably just nonsense."
"Are you sure? You seem... quite worried about something."
Dang it, were his hands still shaking? He presses his fingernails into his palms, squeezing his eyes shut for a second.
He's talking to one of his best friends, FSM. Weren't friends able to tell each other anything?
"Do you think it's easier to forget? Better?"
He didn't even realize he'd asked a question until Zane's eyes widened in surprise.
A forest coated in snow, ice crystals dangling from the tree branches above their heads. Plenty of screaming - way too much, he reflects, couldn't they have been a bit nicer? It must've been pretty jarring to learn that you weren't human, or that your father had erased years of your life from your mind - in that weird underground treehouse. Those crazy tree monsters - and the realization that they all had much more power than they'd thought.
"N- nevermind," he stutters, fleetingly thinking of kicking the deck. "That's way too personal, you don't have to answer it-"
"I do not mind," Zane says, a bit sadly.
Heck, his friend was way too nice.
They gaze up at the stars for a few minutes, not really seeing them - one drowning under the weight of too many secrets, the other, too many memories.
It's quiet - too quiet.
Ugh, he thinks, sighing, that sounds like something a low-budget horror movie would start with, cringey sound effects to match.
But the silence is a painful reminder of the days he'd spent tossing and turning in a cramped cell - nothing but his worries and the bruises on his leg from that stupid ball and chain keeping him awake.
He's been trying hard - maybe too hard - to avoid being alone, avoid being in a situation where they've gotta be quiet ever since then, because, dang it, his memories always seem to fill the silence, and they're always far more terrifying than they should be-
It's easier, in a way, to be mocked for his stupid jokes than it is to relive a single moment from those nightmarish few weeks.
Almost reflexively, he grasps for something to fill the quiet.
"Heh, this is a bit awkward. It's okay if you wanna leave-"
"I do not mind," Zane echoes, walking a bit closer. "It is not as if I need to sleep. But... I do not quite know what to think of your question."
There comes the answer - or a semblance of one at least, and it's the last thing he'd been expecting.
"You don't know?" he blurts out before he can even think of trying to filter the thought. Way to treat your friend who's been nothing but kind to you, Jay. "But you're- you're a nindroid! You know everything-"
"Pixal," his friend mutters softly, sighing, and the hurt, the fear, laced through the word makes something in his heart practically twist. He knows all too well what it feels like to be in that situation - even if, technically, it had never happened.
Then- "I wish that were true. But I suppose that my emotions make certain situations much more complicated than... than they need to be. Thus I cannot give my perspective on this - or, at least, without sounding quite conflicted."
"You know that you're allowed to be conflicted, right? Even the coolest Nindroids don't know everything."
"...Yes, I suppose so."
Jay frowns at the almost subconscious hesitation, eyebrows creasing in concern.
"Seriously," he starts earnestly. They're both leaning on one of the railings just above the deck now. "Just 'cause you're a nindroid doesn't mean that you've gotta chase some kind of perfection that doesn't even exist."
He doesn't miss how Zane's eyes widen in shock, their bright blue hue glowing a little brighter - and heck, if that doesn't hurt even more than the earlier realization.
"Besides - it's not like none of us haven't made mistakes before. Hate to go all Wu on ya, but they help us learn or some stupid thing like that. Even if the mistake is trying not to make 'em, you know?"
"Thank you," Zane replies, a tired smile on his face. "Even the most advanced tech is susceptible to error, I suppose."
They've all made lots of mistakes, heaven forbid if one of them is still agonizing over messing up over the crazy situations the universe constantly put them in. It's not like they were told they'd have to face more ancient evil armies than they could count, were they?
Maybe it's time to stop focusing on events that never even happened, and pay more attention to your friends. What's the point of being part of this team if you're always scared or selfish?
"Shut up," he mumbles, rubbing his temples. What's the point of fighting if your own brain is gonna fight you whenever it gets a chance? A few seconds later, he schools his face back into his default anxious grin. "Great, cause I- I- could use your advice on something." "Alright," comes the quiet reply, his friend seemingly lost in thought.
"What if you wanted to tell someone something, but you couldn't?"
His breathing starts to speed up again, but he grips the deck until his fingers are practically bruised, stark white against his tanned skin. Not this time-
"Is this what you were referring to earlier? An event that you blamed yourself for?" Zane asks, eyes flitting between the floor and the sky.
Dang it, way too observant as usual. He masks his surprise with a laugh, but the conversation definitely isn't going as planned and, oh gosh oh gosh, what if-
No, there's no way that any of them would even believe that. Besides - no one can remember stuff that they've forgotten, especially if magic's at play.
"Yeah, kinda," and he's surprised by how steady his voice sounds. It's not easy to even think about that- event, talking about it is a whole different thing. A much more difficult thing, but also - a bit, a little bit, easier. "I-" "Apologies for interrupting," his friend interjects. "I suppose that I have not been entirely honest with you." What?
"A few days ago, I discovered a number of deleted memory files buried deep within my code."
Just like that, his whole world tilts out from underneath him.
It takes every ounce of his strength to keep himself from falling into the abyss again.
Wait, what?
Has he really known for all this time? It's been weeks! Surely he would've said something? It can't be, it never even-
The rational part of his mind points out that he can remember every day of those few weeks. Well, he was the one to make the wish - magical logic is kinda stupid, but maybe that's why he had to remember it or something?
Well then, a small voice interjects, why was Nya cursed to remember everything too?
Of course, even the stupid magical logic doesn't even make sense to the one who caused this whole mess in the first place.
"They were almost entirely corrupted - scrambled in a way that I am not familiar with. However, I did realize that certain files bore dates that have not even occurred yet. I dismissed it as a problem with my code, however..."
Breathe, calm down, it's not like he was able to process them or anything-
We agreed that no one was supposed to know! What if they end up blaming us for keeping it a secret this long, or, or-
"I mean, they could've been-" he starts, but the way in which he's nervously twisting his fingers is a pretty clear indication that he's lying, dang it.
"So when you mentioned that you were unable to tell someone something - did you mean that it was because they had quite literally forgotten about it?"
Great. Fantastic. Of course the literal robot has pieced it together by now-
He squeezes his eyes shut for a minute, hoping that if he ignores the problem, maybe it'll go away.
Okay, fine, maybe he's trying to figure out a way to fix this whole mess. Doesn't mean that he's any closer to coming up with a solution, though.
"Er, yeah," he whispers, shoulders slumped, eyes still firmly shut. Because gosh, he doesn't want to - can't, can't - see the realization dawn that, yeah, he's lied to people he's known for years and years, even though they've all seen way too many times that secrets bring nothing but trouble-
"Well, then - I would say that you don't have to tell them," Zane replies, surprisingly... earnestly? That, or he's either too freaked out to understand the tone properly. Could be either.
He opens his eyes, hesitantly.
And it comes as a bit of a shock to find nothing but concern reflected in his friend's.
The almost persistent weight on his chest feels a little lighter now, like the sky isn't as quite so empty.
Well, it still kinda is. But that doesn't hold as much weight as he'd thought it did - not if one of his friends is willing to look past that; past the heaviness of holding up all those memories with nothing his single star, flickering in and out of the darkness, to try and light the unforgiving darkness of the sky.
"Why?" Jay asks, so quietly he can barely hear it himself. "Don't I owe it to them? Do you?"
"No. Definitely not," comes the reply, so full of conviction that he almost stumbles back. Why-
"My father..."
Oh- oh.
"thought it was better to spare me the pain of mourning him than for me to know who I was," Zane confesses, hesitantly. "Not that I disagree, necessarily. I just..."
He trails off, clutching the railing so hard that the wood almost snaps beneath his titanium fingers.
It takes Jay a little while to realize why - why exactly his friend, who has access to a wealth of knowledge and information, is grasping for an answer. Because- because, well, even if someone does something in your best interests - sometimes the choice isn't always up to them. Or maybe it is, but it was... difficult, to say the least, to let go of the fact that his parents had never told him the truth sooner. Not that he blames them, necessarily - it's not like they knew that his father would pass on before he'd even get the chance to meet him - but... it's confusing, and difficult, not to know why you were left at a junkyard as soon as you were born. Maybe if he'd known that sooner, he could've asked the one person who might've had answers - although it's not like hoping for the past to change will actually change it.
They don't even know that you know, a small voice at the back of his mind points out, and suddenly everything makes a lot more sense-
"You wanted a choice," he breathes, eyes widening. A choice - like one that he'd never been given, one that he stills struggles not to hold against two people who've always had his best interests at heart. Even if they did have the right to withhold that one thing, after all they've done for him - the 'what if's' still echo in his mind far more often than he'd like. "There's nothing wrong with that, even if it feels that way. I kinda get where you're coming from, dude, and it's... super confusing, but I'd be pretty mad if my memories were tampered with like that."
So would anyone, he realizes, heart sinking. Oh, great. Not helping-
"I- I suppose so?" Zane answers, but it sounds more like a question than a reply. "However, in the same vein, it would be unwise for you to give away your choice whilst you still have one." "But don't I owe it to everyone? You just said it, it's horrible to alter people's memories and I- I-" "Did we forget... whatever it was for a good reason? "I- I mean, I guess, but..." "Then you do not owe it to us to relive something that we do not even remember." The words should be a relief - and they kinda are. But some part of him really does want to explain the crazy alternate timeline, and everything that happened in it. It's just... really, really freaking difficult.
"What if- what if I wanted to, though?" Jay asks hysterically, running his hands through his hair in a frenzied sort of way. "And I still couldn't? I just, I-"
He cuts himself off with a bout of forced laughter.
Zane takes a moment to reply, the bright blue light in his eyes flickering - a small tell that he was thinking so deeply, his processors were literally sparking up a bit.
"You queried earlier if it was easier, or better, to forget. And while all situations are different, I suppose it is... well, subjective. What do you think?" Zane asks, softly.
Derailing the conversation a bit, but his friend's obviously smart enough to be leading up to something.
Sure, he'll go along with it.
"I mean, there are some things I'd rather forget, you know? I guess we all know what that feels like," Jay replies, the statement with oddly sad air to it. They're still kids, after all, and it gets a bit exhausting pretending that their superhero lives were all fun and games - when they'd just given him enough grey hair to last then lifetimes, and enough nightmares to keep him from ever getting the normal amount of sleep his mum always prattled on about.
Sleep, heh heh. Practically a foreign concept, now.
"And I know that stuff that happens, like shapes us or something - and Master Wu would probably go off on a whole ramble about why we learn from our mistakes or whatever," he laughs nervously, resisting the urge to just fall headfirst onto the deck of the stupid ship instead of continuing the conversation," and how 'our scars only make us stronger', crap like that, but I just-"
"I'm just really... tired of this," he confesses warily, shoulders slumped. "W- I remember so many horrible things, and I-" he breaks off, laughing bitterly. His voice takes on a sort of brittle quality, way too high pitched, "and I can't even talk about them, dude. If that's not the most pathetic thing ever, I dunno what is."
"It does not-"
"Don't say it," Jay mutters, rubbing his temples. "I know, I know, my feelings aren't pathetic, they're always valid, whatever, spare me the lecture-"
"That is not what I was going to say," Zane replies gently. "It just seems that you have answered your own question."
"Gee, which one?"
"I do not know how much helpful assistance I can provide in this situation, but it is understandable to wish certain events had never occurred. However, seeing as we cannot change the past, it seems unwise to dwell on said events if you can avoid it."
Jay stiffens, clamping a shaky hand over his mouth. Something seems to press down even harder on his chest, a heavy sort of weight that causes his breathing to speed up again. Don't say it don't say it there's no reason to warn them this time-
"If you would like to tell any of us about something, of course you are welcome to. It does not to be the whole story, after all. Just make sure that it is the decision you choose, not one you choose because of what you think how it will affect others," Zane finishes quietly, ducking his head as if he's embarrassed.
The stars are still white-hot, burning away some million miles above them.
"Thanks," he says, and puts his hand softly on Zane's shoulder. "I mean, I know - that all makes sense, I guess. It's just- I-"
"You want to?"
"Yeah," Jay starts, sighing, "I do. It's just- it's not just my choice. And I'm pretty much dying already right now, so, as fantastic as making it all worse sounds, hard pass."
Oops, maybe he shouldn't have said that last bit. They'd agreed not to tell anyone about it - even this conversation was cutting it way too close. It wasn't impossible for them to put everything together - they were a pretty smart group, after all, even without their resident inventor and engineer - and Jay didn't really know what he'd think if they did. Fearful? Relieved? Angry?
"That does... not sound great? Dying certainly does not seem-"
"It's called sarcasm, Zane."
"Oh- yes. My memory now accesses the fact that people often speak in that manner. It does seem a bit counterproductive, though. Why not just say what you mean?"
"Shut it, you have no clue how integral to my life it is," Jay replies with a halfhearted grin.
A few seconds later, he remembers something his friend had mentioned earlier, and the grin disappears.
"You know that you can talk to us if you're not happy, right?" he asks, earnestly. Sure, it's not like he could always do that, considering, well, a stupid djin and even stupider magic, but it's not like he needs to. It's- well- he'll be okay, probably. Maybe. Kinda.
Zane's eyes blink on and off again, blue fading in and out. "I... I suppose that I was not quite aware of that."
Okay, they've screwed up way too many times, but this... this is pretty bad. Dang it, how long does it take for them to throw self-preservation instincts at their friend before he freaking- picks them up or something?
"However, will it not hurt those who have experienced the same unfortunate events?"
Dude, not the best question to ask someone wondering the exact same thing-
"It's been... uh, nice, kind of, talking to you. So- I don't think so, and I'm pretty sure someone would say so if it did. Besides, don't we talk about our adventures all the time? It'd probably be better if we... uh, well- heh heh, nothing."
"If we talked about the less than positive elements of them? Perhaps, but I still-"
Maybe it's the fact Zane has always tried to be there for him, or maybe he's too sleep deprived to care anymore, but this is a way too familiar situation and-
Well, not ignoring the issue would be a start.
"Sorry to interrupt, but we're family, Zane. We care about each other. And, gosh, that means that we care about you too. Memories are stupid and annoying sometimes, but we have to make good ones too, right? To block out the bad ones a bit, I guess? Kinda, at least."
They both look away from the stars now, grappling for something else to say.
In the end, they leave it be with a hug and a fondly exasperated warning about sleeping, if you happen to need it.
After all, they're family. They don't have to be perfect, or tell each other everything - even if it does take them a long time to realize that, and an even longer time remembering it.
The next time Jay startles awake from a nightmare, the sky is still empty - painfully so, like an ache that simmers beneath the surface even when it's not able to be seen.
The hue, though, is a little lighter.
Just a little - the all-encompassing darkness of it is now a navy sort of blue, his star shining a little bit brighter.
It's still not sunrise, not even close - but he'll take it. AN: the ‘sky’ mentioned at the start and end is a stupid metaphor that i somehow ended up liking too much to trash, it’s ‘empty’ because he hasn’t told anyone about the timeline, and Nya’s not included because they never had a chance to tell each other everything significant or even talked about it or processed it on screen. so yeah! if you read this,,, not great thing, can i send you a hug or good vibes or smth? tyy🥺
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warlockfemale · 3 years
Happy Birthday @jovialjuggernaut-draws I am so sorry that this is so late!
Bruce’s colors have always been muted.
He knows because he was told by a doctor after one of many tests. His parents had both smiled widely and told him just what an exciting thing it was. How he had a soulmate out there someplace and waxed poetry about just the sort of things Bruce would notice once he’d found them. He is one of the 30% of the world with someone made just for him that would be found out once his skin touched theirs.
What they hadn’t told him was how only 6% of the world consisted of people with soulmates that had one one another. What would have devastated Bruce once became a relief because he wasn’t destroying another’s life by making them step into the darkness with him. He was happy to date around and allow whoever had been burdened with him to go on with their own life.
And now he was staring in shock into eyes greener than anything Bruce had ever seen before in his life.
“Shit!” Edward Nygma agreed. He stepped back, cleared his throat, and swiveled around. “Girls! I’ve changed my mind!” Bruce’s mind had frozen into a blue screen so all he could do was stare at the green clad (god is this how so many people usually saw the world?) trio stride out. As if Edward had an important dinner date he was almost late to while Bruce’s entire worldview was trying to stop tilting. He was sure the entire gala was staring at him or Edward at that point, wondering just what Gotham’s most popular billionaire had done to put the robbery to an end so fast.
“Bruce? You doing ok?” Hands started patting him all over. “Bruce? You’re looking really pale here.”
* * * *
Bruce wasn’t brooding. He was analyzing the situation from all angles after debriefing it in the batcave to all persons that might get affected. Dick still refused to answer his phone so Bruce asked Wally to tell his son to check the text. Jason apparently thought there was nothing to worry about (and started laughing) and Alfred seemed less concerned about Bruce’s soulmate being a criminal and more worried about how Bruce was reacting.
Bruce wasn’t brooding and to prove it he went to answer the door soon as the bell rang.
“Delivery for a Mr. Wayne!” Nina Damfino grunted as she shoved a heavy green wrapped box into Bruce’s arms. Unlikely to be an explosive since she’d delivered it and Bruce doubted he could get away with chucking the thing away onto the lawn. So he regrettably started unwrapping the thing; hoping that Edward was watching and wincing at the unnecessary mess made of the custom paper. Taking a deep breath (and hoping that Riddler hadn’t somehow bribed Ivy into giving up some pollen) Bruce opened the box.
What. The. Fuck.
Those were Bruce’s statues. The ones depleting Zal and Rudabeh, stolen from the museum they had been on loan to years ago.
Bruce slammed the door shut in Nina’s face.
* * * *
Of course someone had noticed what was going on. Bruce hadn’t been able to stop himself from gawking at just how many different colors the world had now. Or maybe Riddler had bragged to the entire city about it. Either way Bruce was suddenly bombarded with reporters from the society page. One of them had the gall to ask when the wedding was.
“I have a preteen son,” had been Bruce’s statement hoping that could clear things up. “He is my first priority.”
In hindsight that might have been the wrong thing to say.
* * * *
“So I’ve changed the rules a little. My riddles will lead you to criminals and this time they won’t be me!” Jason was practically vibrating in place from mirth as Bruce stared fixedly at the letter laying on the table. Gordon was giving Bruce A Look.
“Word on the street is something happened at the Wayne gala.”
“Riddler donated back some of the art he stole. Wrapped with a bow.” And with a two sheeted riddle that pretty much translated into one giant insult that the museum’s director was still trying to puzzle out. Jason had thought the entire thing was great after the director’s snub at the “newest Wayne charity case”.
“I heard.” The wall really needed to be repainted.
“Batman I need to know if this is going to explode into something I’ll need to worry about.” That had been Dick’s exact words when he’d come into the cave last night.
“I’m looking into it.” Alfred had already started to make pointed remarks about manners and facing life’s problems. “Now ‘You don’t have to look for a night on the lawn’-”
* * * *
“You know Riddler tried to bribe me into sharing information about you today at the library.” Jason tilted his chair back onto the back legs as if he had not just nearly given Bruce a heart attack with his words. “Don’t worry, I held out for a triple scoop sundae before letting him know your favorite color.”
“Jason, he's a dangerous criminal!”
“Eh I grew up with worse.” Bruce breathed in deep trying not to let Jason see just how troubled that fact always made him. Jason usually said things like that off hand, just another fact about the world. The sky was blue, Selina liked to steal things, and Jason’s childhood until now had consisted of trying to survive. “His eyes aren’t mean. And you’re soulmates.”
“I cannot tell you how little that reassures me,” Jason grinned and tipped his chair back into place the little brat. Bruce ruffled the boy’s hair as punishment earning a fake glare and slap at his hands. “But really Jason, you need to stay safe.”
“Uh huh. Think I could take on the Riddler.” Not reassuring. “I also made sure to be in sight of Barbie at all times.” Much more reassuring since Bruce had personally seen Barbra flip two grown men over her head at once. Another grin, bigger this time. More of a smirk that had Bruce raising an eyebrow. “I also told him that you liked flowers.”
“Jay lad please tell me-”
“Sir there seems to have been a delivery for you.” Alfred’s face was carefully blank, a sure sign of just what Bruce was going to find at the door. “If you do not mind.”
“Don’t worry!” Jason called out happily as Bruce stared in disbelief at the sudden garden now growing on his steps. “I made sure Ivy wouldn’t be out for blood!”
* * * *
“Ah detective!” Edward’s green suit might as well been the only spark of color in the diner as Bruce entered it. As pressed and clean as always while the man himself gave a small toast with his coffee cup. “Glad you could make it! And you solved my riddle! Very good!”
“Riddler.” Bruce sat down at the diner bar taking in Edward’s appearance. “What is it now?”
“Is that any way to talk to your new partner?”
“If you think this game-”
“Oh please,” Edward waved his hand like a magician retrieving their rabbit. “You might think Bruce’s secret is safe but I am a genius. He’s helped fund the Justice League.” Edward leaned in, eyes darting around the near empty diner as his voice lowered. “He’s funding you. I have to play on the side of angels for the only one in the universe that can understand me?” He stood up, throwing cash upon the bar and a grim smile on his face. “Now let’s get to chasing down those criminals. Quick crime question. Who was the biggest thief in history?”
Bruce stared at him, then the newspaper resting under Edward’s coffee cup. “Atlas News? Where is this going?” Edward’s face lit up, eyes gleaming as he didn’t even bother trying to hide his utter delight.
“The game, my dear Watson, is afoot!”
“Awwww.” Nightwing cooed into the communicator from his perch as Edward stumbled out the door. It was not adorable, Bruce reminded himself sternly, for a grown man to go scampering out the way that Edward did with such a look of utter pride on his face for having “bested” Batman. They both had a job to do and he was yet convinced that Edward wasn’t just trying to play another game. “Just for the record. Batgirl says you’re an emotionally repressed coward.”
Batman never sighed. In public.
* * * *
“Why hello there Mr. Wayne. Fancy seeing you um… here. At home. Working in your study.” Sometimes it was easy to forget that Riddler’s over extravagant self praise and mocking towards others covered up a socially awkward man. Alfred’s rather pointed eyebrow raise before the butler closed the door let Bruce know just how little the household held his own social skills. Perfect match Jason had cackled madly last night. One never shuts up and the other just grunts.
“I have a secret.” Bruce managed to grind out as he stared at the area above Edward’s ear. He could do this, he’d managed to disarm a bomb with Firefly setting things on fire last month. He has given this speech several times into the mirror and once to Alfred. “It is a rather large one and will affect any… relationship that I may have.” Bruce chanced a look at Edward’s face and was slightly alarmed to see the man’s lip’s twitching. “You deserve to know and if this makes you decide that a-”
“Unless your secret is that you’re Batman I don’t expect-” Edward trailed off as he stared at Bruce’s face. The green clad man’s face went blank as Bruce went through all the contingency plans for when this went bad. “You’re Batman?” Edward burst out laughing, hands flying to the desk to keep himself upright as his body shook hard. Bruce’s hand flew up to sturdy the man just to be swatted away. “I knew it!”
“You couldn’t have known I was-”
“No, no. Not that. Well, somewhat.” Edward’s eyes really were a bright green, brighter than any other color as he bent forward to give a quick peck to Bruce’s lips, one thumb rising up to trace the small scar on the corner. “I always knew you were the only one who got me.”
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Dangerous Feelings
Everyone knew not to approach the Overseer when he was in one of his moods, marked by him walking around the Safe Zone wall and staring off into the distance, into the infested city. His moods were strangely calm - he never yelled, never spoke a cruel word, but he had a way of looking them... In one of the few times it was discussed by the residents of the Zone, Damon had described that look as a predator sizing up his prey and finding it not worth the effort of the hunt. The only people unafraid of the Overseer in his moods was Matthew, who usually muttered that Lawrence used to act like that all the time before the Disaster and how he was used to it...
And Ethan, who trusted and was trusted by Lawrence too much to care about such looks. 
The Survival expert approached Lawrence, who was standing at the top of the ten meter high wall, a thermos of tea in his hand that he periodically sipped from. Winter was coming and the air was biting, in to Ethan in his thick cloak, but Lawrence was dressed in his usual duster. 
Ethan stood beside Lawrence, overlooking the infected city. He didn’t want to do this - he was horrible with feelings, even at 28 - but his conscious wouldn’t let Lawrence suffer alone. “What’s on your mind?”
He could feel Lawrence’s eyes appraise him, though he didn’t turn to look. “...Hmm...” Lawrence sipped his tea. “I think you already know.”
He did. Only two subjects worked Lawrence up so much that he would discard his genial mask. 
Their former group.
And the nameless Her.
“I do,” Ethan admitted, though both subjects made him uncomfortable. “Which one is it?”
“Both, for once.” Ethan hadn’t expected that answer. “I keep imagining would have happened if we had found her back then, during the first few months of the outbreak. She could have lived with us in the school. Maybe she would even be alive now...”
Or she would have died with the rest of them, Ethan finished the sentence in his head. The destruction of their old group was something neither party liked to acknowledge, especially with how they both blamed themselves for the other’s deaths. Or at least, Ethan thought Lawrence blamed himself; it would explain why he was so overprotective - some would say tyrannical - of the residents of the Safe Zone, why he insisted on micromanaging every project. 
Lawrence prefered to let Ethan think that he felt guilt over their group’s destruction. After so many years, he considered the older man/bodyguard a friend, and would hate to strife with him over something so trivial. 
It had started with Judy. Poor, cheerful, stupid Judy, who had managed to find a poster for the Safe Zone on patrol despite his diligence. She had ran to show him and, thinking fast, he lured her into a swarm of zombies, destroying the evidence at the same time. But that had spooked Jay, who got himself killed on patrol, and then Scarlet had to kick up a fuss about his leadership. Well, he wasn’t going to let that slide, and poisoned her precious lip balm. That led to Sue figuring him out, so she had to go too. Then their was six - Ethan, himself, Zion, Hailey, Eugene, and Harry. 
Hailey just had to find a poster for the Safe Zone and showed it off to the rest of the group. He was outvoted on going, even Ethan wanting to leave his protection, despite no one knowing anything about how that Safe Zone was run or if it would last. So, the morning they were to leave, he rigged the school alarm to go off. The hoard of undead tore through his dependents, those leeches, as he escaped to the basement. Ethan surviving was a surprise; an unpleasant one at first since he had gone against him, but useful in the long run.
Together, no longer having to worry about feeding freeloaders, they managed to fix up the school’s fence, build the beginnings of his own Safe Zone while the other one was destroyed in a year (they didn’t know about how zombies are attracted to sound, ha!). And now, he was Overseer. Lawrence regretted nothing. 
Although... he did wonder what she would think about his rise to power. Not that he would ever tell her what he did - she was too kind and delicate for that sort of horror - but she was smart. Brilliant, unlike the other morons his parents forced him to tutor before the outbreak. Surely, she would understand the necessity of sacrifice.
“So, it’s like this, Lawrence-oppa?”
“Exactly! You catch onto math so quickly; I don’t know why you need a tutor in the first place.”
“Because Mr. Smith can’t compare to your teaching methods, oppa. I swear, he makes his lessons confusing on purpose...”
“If my style is what works for you, then I suppose you’ll have to keep coming back. I don’t mind; I enjoy spending time with you.”
Lawrence sighed as the memory washed over him. Her face was burry in his memory, her voice unclear, and he despised that she was slowly fading from his memory. At least he still had her eyes; they were clear to him, a bright blue that sparkled like sapphires even under the harsh fluorescent lights of the library.  
He knew she was probably dead. He hated it, the idea that she was torn apart by some monster or had joined their ranks, terrified and out of his reach as she died. He would have sacrificed his own life to save hers, he knew. But such a fate was not his own. 
His Safe Zone was dedicated to her despite this. If she ever showed up, if she ever returned to him, he would place her on a pedestal to keep her safe. He yearned for it, his heart aching everyday because he knew that she wasn’t within his grasp. 
Lawrence and Ethan stood vigilant over the land, watching in silence for several minutes, and slowly, a group became visible through the dilapidated buildings. Ethan squinted, his eyes better than Lawrence. “Is that... group Gamma?”
Hunters, Lawrence remembered. But... “There’s too many of them.”
Groups out of the Zone were limited to three people, to keep noise at a minimum. Group Gamma had at least twice that many. “They found survivors,” Ethan said, reaching the same conclusion he had. 
Lawrence faked a smile, finishing the last of his tea and shoving his emotional weakness back into the box it came from. “We should go greet them, then.”
And appraise them. If you weren’t doing anything in the shelter, you were removed, simple as that. People who didn’t work, who didn’t put in the effort (like Jay, like Scarlet, like Hailey, his mind whispered) were unwelcome here. 
They left the wall and approached, picking their way through the Zone to reach the gate Group Gamma was aiming for. It didn’t take long for the group to enter. Lawrence easily picked out and dismissed the members of Group Gamma, focusing on the newcomers. There was a red-headed woman who seemed to be leader (a fighter, maybe?), a large man who stayed close to her (he’d do well in the construction zone), a young girl (possibly a child, so he’d have to let her stay regardless, to avoid angering the rest of the zone), and a brown-haired woman. 
It was the brown-haired woman he focused on as they got closer. She didn’t look like much, small as she was, but her hair was cropped close to her head, a mask was over her face to prevent any blood or viscera from entering her mouth, and the pipe in her hands was worn from use. A fighter, clearly, and by the way she stood close to the others, she had been in their group for a long time. But nothing to explain why he focused on her so...
Their approach was finally noticed, and the woman looked Lawrence in the eyes. He stopped in his tracks and the woman froze, her beautiful, sapphire eyes growing wide. 
“Lawrence-oppa?” Her voice was hoarse from disuse, but Lawrence could still hear the happy, hopeful quality that suddenly surged forth inside his memory.
Lawrence smiled as something inside of him finally settled, as if the deepest part inside of him relaxed when the locked eyes and said, Ah, there you are. His eyes softened in a way no one in the Safe Zone had seen before. “Hello, MC.”
So, this came out of a desire to figure out which ending from DFel Dangerous Shelters came from. My idea was... it wasn’t any of them, not even the Secret Ending. Basically, in this universe, MC never came across the DFel boys; instead, she ended up with the group from Havenless (And I haven’t finished that game, so I don’t know how appropriate that is, but don’t tell me!). 
So, thanks for reading. If you want to support my work, buy me a coffee. If you know how to get Lawrence’s ending in Dangerous Shelters, send me a message, I’m desperate and keep getting the Caretaker ending, I need help. 
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lloydskywalkers · 4 years
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it’s ironic that you should ask this now, because one) that’s the firST thing my mind went to during my rewatch so far, and two) i now have a whole bunch of lovely little oneshots like this guess which episode i watched recently
Nya should’ve listened to her gut the moment she started feeling something was wrong.
Kai calls her impulsive (which is rich, coming from him), but Nya’s instincts haven’t been wrong before. They weren’t when the Fire Nation came for them the first time, they weren’t when things went sour in the Earth Kingdom, and they weren’t when she found Lloyd frozen in the ice. While her method of action might not always the best, Nya’s instincts have rarely led her wrong.
She curses herself between gasps for breath for ignoring them this time, sprinting as fast as she can through the darkened forest. It looks so different in the dark than it had when she’d gone out with Harumi earlier. Bright and sunny as it’d been then, Harumi had been nothing more than a unassuming nonbender and a potential friend — perhaps more, for Lloyd, with how his cheeks had flushed every time she’d talked to him.
Now, with the trees silhouetted black and the echoes of Kai’s angered shouts through the forest, Nya can’t believe she ever let her get within five feet of them.
The long months of trekking from nation to nation serves her well, and Nya bursts from the thick trees full-force — only to immediately skid to a stop, the cursed red skirt she’s stuck in swishing around her legs as she sucks in a breath of horror.
Harumi stands in the middle of the clearing they were in earlier, but the scene is drastically different. The serene look Harumi once wore is gone as if it never existed, replaced by a twisted expression of malice. She got one hand raised in the air, sharp nails curved inwards as she holds Kai steady where he’s frozen across the clearing, by what Nya can only guess is the witchcraft the villagers had whispered about. Kai’s face is pale and furious, but he seems unharmed, if unable to move.
It’s Harumi’s other hand, the one that’s locked around Lloyd’s pale hair as she holds him in place, that has Nya rooted to the spot.
“Nya,” Lloyd gasps, his eyes wide and frightened. “Watch out, she’s—”
Harumi’s fingers clench around his hair, and Lloyd’s expressions spasms in pain as he twists unnaturally, his arms folding in on themselves. Hot anger sparks in Nya’s gut, and she snarls at Harumi.
“Let them go,” she says, her voice low.
Harumi tilts her head at her, her eyes gleaming in the moonlight. Her hand shifts around Lloyd’s hair, and he twitches again, shooting Nya a look of terror.
“No,” Harumi says, her voice silky. “I don’t think I will.”
Nya swallows. The look on Harumi’s face is deranged, makeup streaking down her cheeks like twin streams of blood, and Nya can’t believe she ever thought to trust her. She knows they’ve been getting careless lately, but this is the nail in the coffin. Lloyd’s already too trusting as it is, but they’d gotten so lucky with Jay, then Cole and Zane, that Kai and Nya had begun to let their guard down as well.
Right in the middle of the Fire Nation. Nya stomach twists. She, of all people, should know how unbelievably stupid they’ve been.
But there’s nothing for it now. Nya’s almost lost Lloyd to the Fire Nation twice, and she won’t let Harumi be the third.
“That wasn’t a request,” she says, louder this time. “Let them go."
Harumi eyes her, and her hands jerk. Kai’s expression contorts, as if straining against some incredible force, before his hand drifts toward his belt. He gives a sharp warning of “Nya!” before he abruptly sends one of his knives flying toward her head. Nya dodges easily — the throw is sloppy, without any of Kai’s usual accuracy or grace, but the force behind is enough to give her pause.
“I don’t know what kind of witchcraft you’re using, but I doubt it can match three benders at once,” she threatens. She’d tout the fact that Lloyd’s the Avatar, except not only is it something Nya’s supposed to be keeping secret, but it would probably fall flat with how Harumi’s got him easily pinned right now.
Nya hopes it’s just Lloyd being soft-hearted again, but that wouldn’t explain Kai staying so still as well.  
“Oh, it’s not witchcraft,” Harumi answers, rolling her eyes. “It’s a…unique, bending technique.”
Nya pauses, her eyebrows furrowing, but Lloyd’s the one that speaks up. “You said you weren’t a bender.” His voice is painfully small.
“Oh Lloyd,” Harumi laughs, rattling him again. “I lied, you stupid boy. Haven’t you figured it out? I’m just like you, Nya.”
Shiny droplets of water weave between her fingertips as she speaks, and Nya’s eyes widen.
“You’re a waterbender,” she breathes. Harumi nods, her teeth glinting as she smiles. Nya glances from her hands to Kai and Lloyd, watching the way their limbs twist, expressions tight with pain.
“Their blood,” Nya whispers, her mouth dry. “You’re — you’re bloodbending.”
“Oh, you are smart,” Harumi’s grin widens. “Much smarter than them.”
Lloyd grimaces as she shakes him, and Kai jerks against her hold, his eyes hot. “Leave him alone, you twisted—”
Harumi moves her hand and Kai’s entire body wrenches, flinging himself into the nearby tree with an ugly crack. Lloyd gives a panicked cry of concern, and Nya darts forward, fury giving her purpose.
“Don’t touch him!” she roars, her arms sweeping as she blasts her element at Harumi, just as Kai manages to launch an attack of his own in a bright burst of fire.
Neither hit lands. Panic lances through Nya as Harumi deflects her water effortlessly, sending it splashing into Kai’s burst of fire and extinguishing it. Harumi gives a shrieking laugh at their attempts, and Nya feels sweat bead up at the edges of her forehead. She desperately wishes the others were here — Cole or Jay would be able to handle this, even Zane could at least freeze the water effectively. But they’re deeper into the Fire Nation right now, scouting out the inner cities, and the only person to combat Harumi is Nya and her stupid raindrops.
Blinking back tears of frustration, Nya wishes, not for the first time, that she’d been born a firebender like Kai. Water is useless with her anger.
But if she used it like Harumi—
No, Nya scolds herself hotly. She’s no monster. She’s nothing like Harumi, and she’s not about to stoop to her level.
“Harumi,” Lloyd says, his voice pleading. “Harumi please, if you’d just explain why you’re doing this, then maybe—”
He cuts off in a cry as Harumi curls her fingers, and Lloyd’s arm twists unnaturally, bending like the limbs of a marionette. He whimpers as she stretches his right arm too far, dangling him like he’s caught in a deranged spider’s web, and Nya sees red.
“Stop, stop, let him go!” Her voice threatens to crack in anger, and water leeches from the grass around her, pouring between her fingers. “Do you even know who he is?”
“I know exactly who he is,” Harumi hisses, her eyes wild. “The Avatar. The one who was supposed to save my family.”
Lloyd stares up at her with wide eyes. “W…what?”
Harumi’s eyes finally leave Nya, and she glares at Lloyd in fury, her fingers practically tearing his hair out as she shakes him.
“Don’t play dumb, where were you?” she howls, as Lloyd flinches in pain. “Where were you when the Fire Nation destroyed my people? When they murdered my family? You were supposed to save them, where were you?!”
Lloyd goes as silent as he had when they’d brought him to the ruined Air Temple, his eyes glassy in that same kind of horror. Kai writhes against Harumi’s hold, and Nya’s stomach twists. It’s killing her to stay still, but with Lloyd in Harumi’s grasp and Kai still frozen near the tree, she can’t risk it.
“My family died because you weren’t there,” Harumi continues, the shadows catching on her manic expression and turning her visage monstrous in the moonlight. “Now it’s your turn, when I hand you over to the Fire Lord.”
Kai makes a noise of panic, and Nya finally wrenches herself from her stupor. “The Fire Nation killed your family,” she starts, trying to reason with her. “They killed ours too, and Lloyd’s! We’re trying to stop them. Why are you helping them?”
Harumi’s lip curls, her eyes snapping back to Nya. “Because water is weak,” she sneers. “Our tribe was stupid and arrogant to think we deserved the kind of respect fire does. With the power of the Fire Nation behind me, I can turn waterbending into something deadly. Something to be feared. Every last one of us will be bloodbenders, and with the Fire Nation, no one will ever attack us again!”
Kai stares at her, incredulous. “The Fire Nation was the one who attacked you in the first place!” he exclaims. “Are you ser—agh!”
Harumi’s wrist snaps downward, and Kai’s knees buckle, sending him plummeting to the ground with a pained cry. Nya’s heart jumps, her fingernails biting into her palms. She forces herself to calm instead, gritting her teeth. Harumi’s logic is twisted beyond belief. It’s clear there won’t be any reasoning with her.
“You’re not the only one in the world with a tragic past,” Nya snarls, and she can feel the humidity in the air itself vibrating with the intensity of her anger. “I don’t care about your reasoning. This is your last chance. Let them go, and you can walk away from this.”
Harumi’s teeth bare. “I had hopes for you, you know. You could be great. You could be powerful, like me. Instead you chain yourself to these two. How disappointing.”
She raises both hands, releasing Lloyd’s hair from her grasp as her fingers clench together. Kai and Lloyd both shout in pain as they’re dragged forward, and Kai’s suddenly pulling his sword from where its strapped to his back, his fingers shaking as they grasp the hilt.
Nya’s mouth goes bone dry. Harumi smiles. “I’ll make you a deal, waterbender,” she says. “If you can stop them, you can have your brother back. If you, can’t, though…”
Her hand twists again, and Kai’s eyes go wide in terror as he surges forward, forced into a dead sprint toward Lloyd.
“Then maybe I’ll just kill the Avatar myself,” Harumi finishes, her eyes dark.
“Stop, Nya, stop me—!”
Nya’s running before she can think, barreling toward Harumi at full force. Kai is moving across the clearing faster than she can blink, his sword leveled at Lloyd’s unprotected head where he’s stuck frozen in place. Nya moves to attack Harumi with her element, but it’s immediately redirected just as before, splashing back into Nya’s own face.
“Stop it, stop it, Nya stop me now—”
Panic swelling to a crescendo in her head, Nya freezes. Harumi’s going to kill them both. She’s going to kill Nya’s family without a second’s thought, and Nya and her water will have done nothing. The tears of frustration welling up in her eyes begin to hiss, steaming up in her vision. Her hands shake with fury, white-knuckled and trembling, and the thin threads of Nya’s restraint snap.
She stretches her hand out toward Harumi, feels for her element, and reaches.
It’s almost laughably easy. Nya’s hold on her element is already razor-sharp in her anger, and the blood that thrums through Harumi’s veins is loud and pulsing. Nya feels the viscosity of it, the heavy traces of water flowing through it as easily as she does the icy streams of water at home, and for a second it’s terrifying — the sound of Harumi’s heartbeat pulsing through her ears, the watery flow of blood.
Then her rage burns hot, and Nya feels control.
Harumi screams as her arms wrench forward, and Kai and Lloyd drop with startled shouts, like puppets with their strings cut as Harumi looses her hold. Lloyd slumps to the ground below Harumi, and Kai rolls across the grass before coming to a stop, panting harshly as he flings his sword away.
Nya barely glances at them. Her eyes are locked on Harumi’s, savoring the growing terror she sees in them as she tightens her control, filtering through the very veins beneath Harumi’s skin.
“You said I’m weak?” Nya hisses, a dull roaring in her ears. “I’ll show you weak.”
Harumi strains against her hold, trying to make a last-ditch attack, but Nya has her in the palm of her hand now. She makes a choking noise before cutting off, collapsing to the dirt as Nya forces her to her knees.
Where she belongs.
A dizzying kind of elation sweeps through Nya’s veins as she realizes that she can make Harumi do whatever she wants her to. As she realizes the power she’s wielding. She can do this to anyone — anyone who raises a hand against her, or any of her family again — she can control them. The Fire Lord himself, in all his purpose to destroy Lloyd, she can tear him apart piece by piece before he even sets eyes on him.
Nya can turn anyone on earth against themselves. With her waterbending — with her bloodbending — she’ll be so powerful no one will ever challenge her again, no one will ever underestimate her again, no one will ever come close—
“Nya,” Kai whispers.
Her control shatters like glass. Nya drops to her knees, shaking uncontrollably as she gasps raggedly for air. Her vision swims, turning Harumi’s crumpled form on the grass into dozens of blurring figures, and terror shoots through Nya like lightning.
She’s a monster. She’s just like Harumi, she’s worse, she’s a monster. The thoughts that just ran through her mind — that taste of power—
Nya wants to throw up, and dissolves into tears instead.
Familiar warm arms wrap around her, pulling her close. After a moment, there’s a gentle touch as she feels Lloyd join in the embrace as well. His hold isn’t as firm as Kai — he’s trembling as badly as Nya is.
“Harumi?” Nya finally croaks, half-fearing the answer.
Kai makes an angry sound in the back of his throat, like an infuriated dragon.
“She’s alive,” Lloyd murmurs. “Just unconscious.”
Nya finally wipes at her eyes, glancing at him, and her heart sinks. Lloyd’s eyes, normally so bright and cheery, are dull and downcast. There’s heartbreak written all across his face, and Nya wants to throttle Harumi for wiping his smile away like that.
“I’m so sorry, Lloyd,” she whispers.
Lloyd shakes his head, wiping surreptitiously at his own eyes. “I guess you were right. You can’t make peace with everyone,” he says, his voice wavering.
“Harumi is not everyone,” Kai says, firmly. He turns his eyes on Nya, and she shrinks under his gaze. “And she’s not you, either.”
Nya shakes her head. “Kai, you saw what I — Kai, I just—”
“You wiped the floor with her,” Kai cuts across. “That’s all that matters.”
“Look, we’ll — can we figure it out in the morning?” Kai finally shudders, his composure faltering. “We can — we can work it out then, when everything’s not…not so…”
Nya stares at him, watching as he refuses to meet her gaze. His scarred hands are wrapped tightly around both her and Lloyd now, holding them close. She remembers the terror in his eyes as he’d launched the knife at her head, and the drowning horror as he’d charged at Lloyd.
“Alright,” she finally says, quietly. “Tomorrow."
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I think I’m lost [1/3]
Remember the angst oneshot I was working on? It turned out to long so I decided to turn it into a multichapter fic
Also posted on: ff.net, ao3
Summary:  He was thin. Oh, so thin Kai feared that if he went to hold him he might snap him in half. His once so shiny emerald eyes were barely anything like they'd been before. They were so empty and dull, holding no joy or hope behind them like how they used to. Like how they still should.
Lloyd hadn't felt at peace for a long while. Ever since the Sons of Garmadon had made themselves known to be exact.
Trigger Warnings: Eating Disorders, Drug Use, Self-Harm, Referenced Abuse/Suicide/Abandonment
Lloyd hadn't felt at peace for a long while. Ever since the Sons of Garmadon had made themselves known to be exact.
Back then none of them would have expected things to escalate the way that they would later on. They all had just thought that they were just a silly little biker gang that they'd be able to stop in a matter of weeks.
They didn't expect that in the end half of the team would be stranded in another realm being hunted down by dragon hunters and the other half would still be in Ninjago being hunted down by the purely evil resurrected Lord Garmadon and the Sons of Garmadon, all while mourning the “deaths” of their friends and trying to save the almost completely destroyed city.
Ninjago never recovered completely from the destruction Garmadon had brought upon them. Of course most places were rebuilt but there were still huge holes in the streets from where the Colossi stamped it's feet into the concrete – those were things Lloyd could overlook though. What he couldn't overlook were the overfilled hospitals and orphanages. So many people had lost their lives, so many people he couldn't save.
And in a sick way it was almost funny. It was very ironic – Harumi created the exact thing she despised. She wanted to give Ninjago a proper ruler but in reality she just gave it more people who shared her pain.
But maybe that was her plan all along; making everyone feel the way she felt.
Now Lloyd was sitting at the window of his room on the newly rebuilt Destiny's Bounty – thanks to the Mayor and the city – staring at the grey clouds they passed through while listening to the thunderstorms. He had always loved thunderstorms, they seemed so full of rage but yet so calm.
'Much like yourself.'
Lloyd shook his head a little, letting the pen he had been holding in his hand fall to the ground while looking through the drawers of his desk. Finding his lighter, papes and the tiny green substance that had been making his days all the more easier.
For his whole life – which he wasn't quite sure how long it was because he didn't even remember his birthday anymore, was it in September or in October? He really didn't know – he never had healthy coping mechanisms. As a little kid, before the others had picked him off the street, he would just start to eat sweets when the sadness and pain he felt became unbearable, when he thought of his parents or Darkley's for example. Then when he lived with his uncle and his students he made it a habit to just refuse to eat. He felt unworthy of the food they offered. He had made them go through so many hardships and made their lives living hell. He really hadn't understood why they would take him in. But besides the others needed it more they were Ninja after all and needed to get as much energy as possible.
It was back then when the team slowly picked up on his unhealthy habits.
As he grew up because of the tomorrow's tea incident, whenever he would feel down or depressed he'd train as hard and long as he could, telling himself that it would make him stronger and his family proud. He barely noticed that he was actually just draining and destroying his body.
All the time his friends – his family said nothing. Always thinking his behaviour was just a phase and he'd grow out of it. Maybe they should have.
Now after everything that had happened, him losing his uncle, his team splitting up over the whole realm with him taking on all criminals in Ninjago alone, the Sons of Garmadon popping up, Harumi turning out to be the Quiet One and basically pulverizing his heart, his father being resurrected as a purely evil shell of Lord Garmadon, being humiliated on television across the whole country, his friends dying (or at least so he, Nya and the rest of the city thought), being literally hunted by the Sons of Garmadon and his father plus his technically-psychopath-ex-girlfriend and the list could go on and on – he lost it.
He could barely go a day without panic attacks just a few months ago, having mental breakdowns on the weekly making the energy in the city go out in a nasty blackout every time. His friends had noticed of course, it would have been hard not to. And they had tried to talk and reach out to him he the first three times it had happened. Lloyd didn't want to talk though, shutting them out completely and his family just – gave it up. Thinking he wanted to be alone and sort things out on his own. The young Garmadon thought so too. He thought he just wanted to be alone as well. But as he sat all by himself in the guest room he had been sleeping in – because he had refused to stay with his brothers – he had realized that loneliness was actually what pulled him down emotionally and what made him feel even worse on top of everything.
That didn't stop him from keeping on shutting his friends out anyways – old habits died hard.
And Ronin – who had obviously noticed the blackouts too – being Ronin and meaning well but... being Ronin, had offered him something to calm his nerves with, one day he had been over at the Destiny's Bounty, just in case he wanted to. Of course Lloyd didn't decline, he was desperate for anything that could make his pain go away, that could make him stop feeling, so he accepted the offer and shortly after found himself high with Ronin on his bed while spilling his heart out to him.
The thief loved the kid, really did, he had already protected him with his life and he'd do it again any other day. The other members of the Ninja team always knew that and respected him for it.
Yet he knew getting the kid weed to help him forget his sorrows wouldn't be left without consequences for him by them. Not that he cared though.
But if he had known what kind of behaviour Lloyd would spiral into shortly after he surely would have never made that offer in the first place.
And so here the blond was, standing in front of his (now) opened window smoking his second joint that day – just anything to numb his feelings with.
It was kinda funny to him how much of a hypocrite he was. He remembered how he had screamed at Kai to stop smoking cigarettes and how he shouldn't ruin himself like that and would you look at him now. Doing exactly the same, maybe even worse. Kai at least hadn't been high as a kite on the daily and Kai at least hadn't isolated himself like Lloyd did now.
“So much for the great Green Ninja.”, Lloyd hissed mockingly into the nothingness throwing the end of the joint out of the window.
Maybe he should go into the living room and talk to the others, spend some time with them. The last time he saw them was about 2 weeks ago? He had been avoiding them, mainly because he felt like the odd one out whenever they were together.
He couldn't bring himself to enjoy playing video games with Cole or laugh at Jay's silly jokes, he also wasn't quite interested in having talks about Ninjago's history and culture with Zane and he usually loved those conversations. Hell, he didn't even like to cuddle with Kai and Nya while mocking the other in a childish but affectionate manner anymore.
He didn't feel like himself anymore but instead just like an empty shell.
And Lloyd couldn't help but wonder
Was this how his father felt all the time?
The blond made his way to the living room trying to ignore the way his limbs shook like he was about to collapse.
He had been feeling weak lately, probably due to malnutrition. Lloyd had been barely eating the past few days because- well it was a little difficult.
The easy answer would be that he just simply didn't have the strength or motivation to get out of his bed. Plus he had gotten used to the stinging pain in his stomach hunger caused and barely noticed it now. If anything he felt weird when it wasn't there.
The longer answer was way different than the easy one.
When his uncle had disappeared and his friends searched for him all over Ninjago he had been left feeling out of control because there was nothing he could do to change all of it. There was nothing he could have been able to do to bring his Sensei and his friends back.
He hadn't been in control of even his body at this point anymore. He had grown taller all of a sudden, his voice got deeper and he noticed how he had been putting on weight. Everything had been changing and Lloyd didn't like changes.
Back then the only thing Lloyd had power over was – even though it seemed cliché – food.
He could choose whether or not he'd eat, he could choose how to prepare the food and how to put it all together. It was satisfying – cooking food, getting it ready and then being in full control of his own body and mind and refusing to eat despite his stomach basically screaming at him.
It was control that made him feel alive and that reminded him of the fact that Morro was no longer possessing and using him as a pawn against his family and Ninjago. His need of being in control was probably also what had made him hit rock bottom during his father's reign over Ninjago – well that and being disowned and thrown through multiple concrete prison walls probably did the trick.
He had felt so horrible after Harumi's betrayal, his fathers resurrection, his friends' deaths and all of the other horrible incidents – but back then Lloyd hadn't even been able to control his food intake properly anymore because now Nya was there with him and she would make sure he'd eat.
She hadn't seemed suspicious on his eating habits, after all he was a normal weight even if he was on the slightly thinner part of the spectrum. The only reason she had made him eat was to make sure he'd stay strong in case he'd have to face trouble – like the Sons of Garmadon, Harumi or even worse his father – any time soon. If he'd just faint on the battle field that wouldn't have been too great. It had been a hard time for him and her and he was just glad all of that was over now, even if it hadn't been easy.
Now, something that wasn't easy either was keeping on walking towards the living room as he heard sounds coming from it. Talking. Laughter. And Cole's voice screaming at Jay for whatever the reason was. He didn't want to ruin their good mood. Maybe he should just go back to his room and come back later? No. If he didn't do it now he would put it off for another two weeks. He leaned against the wall with his arm, feeling like he was going to lose balance caused by the sudden wave of dizziness that hit him.
“Lloyd?”, he heard someone behind him call out. Turning his head slowly towards the direction the voice came from he saw an old man down the hall where he had just come from. He was wearing a rice hat and had a long white beard. His eyes looked at him with nothing but concern but Lloyd could have sworn there was something in them that looked haunted.
“Are you alright?”, he stepped towards the younger, the sound of his staff making contact with the wood floor sent chills down the Ninja's spine.
He felt a hand on his shoulder. The simple gesture made him feel warm inside like back then when he was just a kid and his father would do simple things like that while telling him he was proud of him.
But it was gone. All gone now.
He shook the thoughts off. He didn't want to start crying like a baby in front of him, especially since his father was a sensitive subject to Wu as well.
His gaze fell from his shoulder to the man's face, the concern in his features just increasing.
“Yeah, I guess so.”, he muttered. “Wanted to go see the others.”
“You've been locking yourself up in your room for a pretty long time.”
Lloyd snorted. “Haven't noticed.”, he quickly moved away from his uncle's touch and went inside the living room, everything suddenly going quiet.
He felt uncomfortable under the stares directed at him, felt like they were burning through his skin. But he didn't want to feel that way because of them. They were his friends, his family and yet here he was feeling so unsafe and helpless in front of them, as if they could see right through him.
“Uhm.”, he started slowly lifting his hand a little and waving awkwardly. “Hey?”
Maybe not his best introduction. He knew he sounded and looked emotionless. And maybe it was because he was, in fact, emotionless.
No. Who was he trying to fool? If anything Lloyd was completely emotional. Just waiting for the bathtub of kept in and hidden feelings and memories to overflow – to spill it all out.
Right now was not the moment though.
“Am I interrupting something?”, he asked as the looks on their faces shifted from surprise into something else, a look the Green Ninja had seen way to often in the past few years probably so often that he could sense it from miles away by now. Pity.
He wanted to throw up.
“Oh, Lloyd.”, everything stopped for a second.
There was something about Kai's voice, how he spoke his name, that irritated him. He sounded like back then when he saved him from the volcano when he was just a little bratty child or just like when he comforted him about his fathers death after the tournament or like when he had just been saved from Morro's possession or when- Oh.
Okay now he actually wanted to throw up.
“What has happened to you?”, his voice was careful, he didn't want to alarm Lloyd in any way. He wanted to make sure his little brother knew that he was safe with them and that he was loved and protected and there really wasn't a need to look at him like a scared and hurt puppy because that was exactly what he was doing right now and it made him go crazy.
They should have interfered sooner, should have called Lloyd out of his room instead of just leaving him, letting him succumb in his own darkness probably, like they had done after a while.
His little brother, his baby brother, whom he had sworn to protect more than anything in this world, needed him now more than ever because Lloyd was currently fighting a war that he wasn't going to win – at least not all alone. Kai had to protect his perfect baby brother from himself before he could do any more damage to his mind and body.
He was pale, so pale he might as well have been dead and he was thin. Oh, so thin Kai feared that if he went to hold him he might snap him in half. His once so shiny emerald eyes were barely anything like they'd been before. They were so empty and dull, holding no joy or hope behind them like how they used to. Like how they still should.
“What do you mean?”, the blond spoke out again, his voice small but yet so angry.
And it really took a bit for it to reach them but then Kai noticed the smell – the smell he was so familiar with from going to parties or walking through Ninjago City Park.
Kai's eyes widened and by the looks on his friends' faces they noticed to.
“What the hell, Lloyd?”, he called out, finally jumping up from his sitting position on the sofa, making his way to the blonde and grabbing his – way too thin and bony – wrists. The now slightly taller boy was too slow and weak to react in time though. Kai felt like screaming, eyeing the youngster's bloodshot eyes. “Are you smoking weed?”, his voice came out way louder than he intended to, but he barely had any time to really realize that because the next second his blood was boiling, because Lloyd fucking snorted and started chuckling.
“Is this a freaking joke to you?”, Lloyd really couldn't help but laugh and as he felt Kai's grab on his wrists loosening slightly, he took his chance to break free. He didn't bother to step back though.
“You are funny.”, the Green Ninja muttered and the grin on his face turned bitter. “I've been starving myself, cutting myself, have had panic attacks on the daily and you're-”, Lloyd felt like a maniac for laughing but oh well, maybe that was a trait he got from his father. “You're focusing on me smoking weed?”, he watched Kai's expression fall, as everyone else's in the room. Normally it would make him feel bad and sorry but right now he didn't feel anything but bitterness. “Priorities. Right?”
“Lloyd, we didn't kno-”
“Oh, of course you didn't.”, he interrupted Cole rudely and basically stabbing him with his glance, eyes turning red. “Because you didn't look. You looked away, away from everything. All of you. And maybe you shouldn't have. Even Wu knew that something was going on before you guys and he is basically a shitty excuse of an uncle.”, he breathed out trying to calm himself. “By the way, Wu, you can come out from your hiding spot, it's quite pitiful watching you hide behind that table.”
The old man rose from his kneeling position on the ground, no one really caring how he got there in the first place. His eyes though, didn't rise with him. Looking at his nephew in this state would just break his heart. Would remind him so much of his broth- Garmadon.
“And you know why you did that? Because I do.”, no one dared to reply, too scared to make Lloyd even more angry and hurt. Seeing their little brother like this broke their hearts and the worst thing about all of this was that he was right. They had looked away and had left him alone when he needed them the most. They had thought that he would be okay on his own, that he'd be able to pick the pieces of his broken mind up all by himself like he had always done. Turns out this time it had just been too much for him alone.
“You all looked away because you don't care. You don't care about me, you care about the Green Ninja. Not Lloyd Garmadon. Because Lloyd Garmadon is still just a silly, bratty child to you who just can't do anything right.”
He hated it. Hated spilling his heart out to his teammates like that, he never wanted to tell them all of this, wanted to keep it a secret he would take to his grave.
Seems like the bathtub overflowed after all.
With tears starting to stream down his cheeks and blurring his vision he found it difficult to look at them. He didn't want them to see him like this.
“And it sucks.”, he choked out, voice cracking. 'God dammit you are such a crybaby.'
“Every single day of my life sucks because I know there is no way to change it. To change the things I've done. People died because of me and there is no way to bring them back! There is no way I can 'redeem' myself, no matter how much good I do or how much evil I defeat! It doesn't bring them back! It doesn't put destroyed families together again and it doesn't give people the life back, that they deserved, that I have taken!”, Lloyd was just screaming at this point, falling to his knees and holding his fists to his chest, crying hysterically. “Ho-how many more children are out there, who-whose parents I-I have taken. Ho-how many pa-parents lost their ch-children be-because of me?! How ma-many more Harumi's a-are out th-there?!”
Her name tasted toxic on his tongue. And he despised himself for bringing her up in the first place because this really didn't have anything to do with her (except it did). She just made him realize of the consequences his actions caused, made him actually realize the weight of it. Technically he had probably killed as many people as his father at this point.
Day by day the blond noticed more and more how similar him and his father actually were. Though he didn't like it. He didn't want to be like him.
“And I can't do it. I can't live with that.”, he felt himself being wrapped in a hug and he didn't even have to look up to know that it was Cole who had rushed to his side, cradling him in his arms while he was still crying hysterically, pretty much unable to breathe at this point.
“Ssh.. Lloyd, listen to me. Focus on my voice. Can you do that?”, his deep voice was soothing, calming in some way, but it wasn't enough. “Breathe with me, okay? Come on, you can do it. 1... 2... 3... Hold. 1... 2... 3... And out. 1... 2... 3... In. 1... 2... 3... Hold. 1... 2... 3... And out. 1... 2... 3... You're doing great buddy.”, the teams leader felt himself relax more and more as the elder kept on reassuring him and holding him tight. Exhaustion soon took over and then compunction.
“I'm sorry.”, he muttered against his chest, grabbing tight onto his black shirt. “I'm so sorry.”, his eyes were shut, still not wanting to look at them and see their faces and the expressions probably full of hatred and hurt after his little pitiful speech.
“There is nothing to be sorry for.”, Lloyd wanted to punch Cole.
Nothing to be sorry for? Lloyd fucked up his own life and now here he was taking it out on his only friends and family while it wasn't their fault. None of his actions were their fault, because he had made them.
Of course there was something to be sorry for.
Cole watched his fellow teammates, still standing helplessly in the room, not knowing what to do and by the look on Jay's face Cole could tell that he really wanted to say something but wasn't too sure if it was either the time or the place to do so.
“Of course there is.”, Lloyd's voice choked out again and it sounded so broken and weak, Cole thought he was holding the little nine year old in his arms after his dad had left, once again. “It isn't your fault. None of this is and I am sorry for taking it out on you. I'm- I just don't know anymore. I-I'm so unsure of everything.”
“Lloyd, it's okay.”, Nya spoke out for the first time. “You were right, we should have done something. We are your siblings for heaven's sake and we left you alone with your pain. That's unacceptable.”, he felt a hand being placed on his knee and dared to open his eyes, staring right into Nya's bloodshot ones. She looked like she'd been crying- Oh. She probably had. “But we are here for you now. We are right by your side and we listen to everything you want to say. We are there for you and we love you for you, not for being the Green Ninja.”, Lloyd nodded slightly, blonde strands of hair falling in front of his eyes.
“Okay.”, he spoke quietly.
“Uh.”, everyone's eyes fell on the Blue Ninja who was playing with his sleeves. “You, uhm... Said some stuff earlier about you... cutting?”, Cole felt Lloyd tense up in his arms and could have sworn he heard the fire ninja curse as well. “Was that... true? I'm just worried you know... because if you are you totally don't have to feel bad about it! I swear! But I think it would be better if you let Zane or Nya check up on you? Just to make sure everything's alright! Well not alright obviously but- You know?”, he began to ramble, not wanting to offend Lloyd. He out of all people knew what it was like to feel so lost that you would hurt yourself just to get judged later on. He didn't want his little brother to feel like that.
“Yeah.”, the young Garmadon spoke, silently pushing himself away from Cole, yet still staying on the floor and not looking up.
“Yeah, to what exactly? Yeah, you're... cutting or yeah, you'll let Zane check you up?”, Jay asked carefully.
The blond looked up at his red-haired friend, his eyes had turned green again by now. “Yeah.”
“Oh my God, Lloyd.”, and he felt himself getting wrapped up in a hug once again just that this time he immediately took a step back.
It wasn't fair to Kai. Not at all. Lloyd was being stupid and selfish and he was being a brat. It wasn't Kai's fault that all these awful things have happened to him over the years, if anything it's Kai's fault that nothing more happened. If the Fire Ninja hadn't been there for him all this time he'd be long dead or would be bearing double the amount of traumatic experiences. He had always been there for him and always stood behind him even in the worst of hardest of times.
So it really wasn't fair of him to flinch back and push Kai away like that.
But he couldn't help it. Because he felt so, so guilty.
“I-I'm sorry- I can't- You can't do that-”
Something in Kai's hazel eyes shifted. Lloyd mentally slapped himself because he did it again, he hurt someone who was so dear to him once again just because he was being selfish.
“Lloyd, no, what do you mea-”
“You died and- and I-”, and what? How was he supposed to tell him that he was a little ungrateful brat and that Kai deserved better? How was he supposed to tell him that he should just leave him alone at this point because whoever was close to him eventually got hurt. Either by the hands of some villain or by Lloyd himself.
“You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.”
“But I have to or else I won't ever be able to looking at you and without feeling guilt!”, Kai just nodded understanding.
“When you died I- I was so sad and devastated and lost and-”, Lloyd sucked in a breath as he looked at Nya for a mere second. “We both were. But- but Nya was so much better at dealing with it than I was. Nya stood strong but- but I gave into grief and I was just so depressed and hopeless.”, Lloyd hated thinking back on it. Hated thinking back on the emotions he had to live through and he was so glad he had his family back, all of them.
But it was true. Nya was much better at dealing with their family's deaths than him because Nya was stronger, because Nya was great, because Nya was so much better than him. She should have led the resistance, maybe she should have even been the team's leader or the Green Ninja. Any of them would have been a way better fit for the role than him but Destiny hated him. Though in all honesty he was also somehow happy that he was the one who turned out to be the Green Ninja in the end because that spared them from lots and lots of pain. Of course that meant that he was the one who had to deal with it but if it was for keeping this burden from his friends he'd do it any day.
Lloyd placed himself on the sofa carefully next to Jay. “And when- when I thought of you-”, his eyes fell on Kai for a second before he buried his face in his hands. “I got so angry like I've never been before and I was thinking about ho-how you could just leave me like- like that and it-”, he felt himself beginning to shake.
This wasn't easy for him, because Lloyd was not just the Master of Energy or “Master Lloyd” but also the Master of 'if-I-don't-admit-to-my-issues-and-feelings-they-aren't-real-and-what's-not-real-can't-hurt-me-or-my-friends' and the fact that he was to admit to hating his own brother at some point was definitely something that could and probably would hurt him and Kai.
“I hated you.”, his words were rushed and for a second Kai thought that Lloyd wasn't being serious but then the emerald eyes looked up at him and it was clear he meant exactly what he had said.
“I hated you so much. I hated you for leaving Nya. I hated you for leaving Ninjago. I hated you for leaving me, when you had promised to always be there and to protect me.”, Lloyd tried his best to ignore the tears streaming down his face and the cracks his voice did as he went on. “I've grown so used to having you- to have a big brother. I didn't know how to live without one- and I still don't.”, he murmured the last part, eyes meeting the floor for what felt like the 600th time today.
Kai said nothing. Stayed completely still and silent, just listening to what his little brother had to say because he knew he just needed to get it all out now, but to Lloyd Kai's silence was one of the most terrifying things ever. Probably up there with the thought of him turning out like his father and being possessed again.
He had to continue anyways.
“And it isn't fair.”, he whispered sounding heartbroken. “And I know that. I'm selfish, I'm dumb, I'm ungrateful and you deserve better. I- I don't understand why you keep on pu-putting up with me.”, the crying had stopped right now and Lloyd was sure that it wasn't because he felt better but rather that there were just no more tears left for him to cry.
But with every word the blond broke out he felt himself getting calmer, the storm in his head slowly calming down. “It wasn't fair of me to hate you for something I technically caused. It wasn't fair of me to hate you for leaving anyways. You did so much for me over all this time. You all, but especially you, practically raised me. You risked your life so many times and have always supported me. And it's not even like you chose to leave. It wasn't your fault but all mine. But I was so selfish and only thinking of myself because-”, because I couldn't bear to loose anyone else and I couldn't bear having any more names on the list of people that died because of me. Lloyd ends up not finishing that sentence.
“I don't hate you. I love you with all my heart but when I look at you I can't help but think about how I did hate you and it makes me feel so- so guilty and awful.”, Lloyd let's out a shaky breath he didn't know he was holding because what he was about to say next was without a doubt the hardest thing for him to say out loud.
“If you, all of you I mean, hate me now that's okay, I get it.”, a sob escaped his lips.
“I really won't judge you if you do-”
“Listen to me-”
“And if you want me to leave now, I will-”
“Please just-”
“If I were you I wouldn't want me to stick around-”
“As well-”
“I hate myself too-”
“Lloyd, don't you dare finish that sentence! Just listen to me!”, Kai rose his voice making the blond flinch and look up at him in shock.
Kai hated to see him like that, so hurt, so broken, so small, so young because in the end that's all he was. Their younger brother who had to grow up way too fast, much like Kai himself had to. Of course Kai also knew that his little brother wasn't a child anymore. He knew he was already seventeen but even that was way too young of an age for carrying the burden of being the Green Ninja and everything else that had happened to him.
“I'm not mad at you. It's completely natural to feel anger and sometimes even hatred when grieving. When I-”, Kai bit his lip for a second. Normally he wouldn't talk about it, wouldn't talk about his childhood and his parents absence. But he had them back now, everything turned out okay. “When I thought that my parents had died I was constantly getting into fights with random children to let out my anger. Because I hated them for leaving me and Nya all alone. So believe me I get it and I am not mad at all.”, he let out a sigh and sat down next to him pulling the blonde's head close to his chest. This time Lloyd didn't push him away. “I love you. You're my little baby brother and there is nothing you could ever do or say to change that or to make me hate you, I care too much about you for that. And don't you dare think about leaving us and don't you dare hate yourself. You are beautiful from the inside and outside. You've done so much good and you are so important to every single one of us, we want to help you and go through this with you together. Please just let us- let us help you.”, he felt Lloyd nod against his chest murmuring a silent 'okay'.
“We are going to get through this all together you just have to let us in.”, Nya smiling softly at the blond who nodded once more and sat up straight again.
“Thank you, guys.”
“It's what friends are for, Lloydie Boygie.”, the half-human scrunched.
“Jay, please-”
“Never say that again.”, Kai finished for him but couldn't hide his amused smile.
“So.”, Zane spoke up for the first time during the whole conversation. Lloyd wasn't mad at him for it, he knew how hard it was for Zane to comfort others due to his sort of blunt nature - it just wasn't his thing. “Should I look over your self-inflicted wounds now?”, Lloyd made a face and swore he could hear the others breathe in sharply. Yes, definitely blunt.
“Uh.”, he murmured while standing up. “Guess so. Med-Bay?”, Zane just nodded and made his way out of the kitchen being followed by the young Master.
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Cold Eyes (Dark Rey x Reader) [Part 10]
Summary: A softer part of Rey comes out as she feels the loneliness you had been putting her on. All the parts.
Words: 1,747
A/N: hi, I've been a bit inactive recently but don't worry I still writing. Hope this can help you to survive this difficult times. Enjoy!
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Quick steps followed behind you as you left the training room and you heard Rey calling you. The lump stuck in your throat for just the smallest memory of the nightmares.
"Y/N, wait!" She said.
"What?" You turned around trying not to break.
"Your dream is wrong" she told you as she got dangerously closer. You met her gaze "I could never hurt you. I wouldn't." she said.
Was she really serious? After all she had done, all the pain she had brought you and your loved ones?. The thought of all the things she had done filled your body with rage as you let out a humorless chuckle.
"I don't think you notice, Rey but you already had" you told her "you've hurt me more than anyone has ever had. Not to mention you tried to kill me more than once."
"Didn't have to be that way, Y/N and you know it" she added "but you forced me to”
I don’t want to hear this anymore” you said done with arguing with her because most of the times it ended in one of you crying away. So you turned on your heels to get back to your room.
“Don’t go” you heard her said as you felt her hand grabbing your wrist .
“Let me ask you something” you said as you glanced at her again, the question had been stuck in your mind for a time now, always wanting to know for sure if there was still something good inside this woman whose soft hand was stopping you from runaway. “Do you even feel any remorse for what you did to all that people? to me?”
She stared at you for a long moment before she looked away, incapable to hold your gaze any longer.
“It was necessary” she murmured “all of it.”
“Taking millions of lifes was necessary? Destroy their home was necessary?” you paused for a moment looking for her eyes “You call that necessary?”
“It was” she said without looking at you. So she did feel something, though you couldn’t tell what but if she wouldn’t she would be looking at you, she was clearly hiding those feelings call it guilt, shame or maybe regret, whatever but she had it and that was a bit reconfortating, knowing she was not a cold hearted killer.
“Y/N, you think you will be able to forgive me someday? I can’t take the loneliness anymore. I want things between us to be like in the past” she raised her voice again not her eyes fixed on you as you saw her features softened.
A thick sigh left your lips.
“I can’t” you told her and she nodded accepting your answer “not now. You’ve done terrible things, Rey to innocent people and there’s no way you can change that.” you thought for a moment, maybe this was a chance to make her see reason. “But you can prevent more people to die, you can stop this chaos, you’re their leader just give the order…”
“No!” she cut you off “No, this can’t stop now that we're so close to win, many planets had surrender already, this galaxy is ours” she changed her grip on your wrist to your hand “Look how far we’ve come, Y/N.” she said smiling.
“Please just let go, Rey” you murmured.
Rey scanned your face, a bit of disappointment in her own, even a bit of pain lying on her eyes that stared at you for a few moments.
“Okay” she said as she finally let go of your hand and doubtful she turned around.
As the days went by you found yourself out of Mustafar, taking a breath of fresh air for the first time in a while walking down the ship, you wished you were there for other reason than this but you couldn’t change it. Soon you heard the blasters hitting through the air, distant screams and you saw the smoke rising over the flames.
This poor planet dared to resist the First Order, this small planet you didn’t even know its name were fighting for its freedom against the stormtroopers running along the streets, people without experience in battle but with a purpose and hope.
“Y/N” Rey’s voice dragged you out of your thoughts. “You are ready” she told you handing you a lightsaber. “Do not fail me, you know what happens if you try to escape so don't do it” she said in a dangerous tone as flashes of red and yellow lighted her eyes.
“Yes, Master” you murmured insecure as you took the weapon in your hands, by the corner of your eyes you saw her doubting before she finally left your side and disappeared through the buildings with her two sabers already turned on.
You rushed down the almost empty street of this planet, dodging some blasters from time to time.
Until you ran into a group of natives that shoot immediately at you. Easily you unarmed them with a gesture from your hand making them ran out of fear, except for a kid, he ran directly to you determined to protect his home but before he even could reach you, you knock him to the ground with a move and pointed your red saber at him. This was wrong, Rey was using you as a weapon, another trooper but more powerful. She was using you to kill for her, she trained you for that and deep down you knew it but you weren't gonna kill a child nor anyone else for her.
The kid looked at you, he was not even fifteen, he looked so scared of you with the saber pointed at him humming softly.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry, I'm not going to kill you" you told him as you turned off the weapon "I'm gonna drop it, okay?" You added as you slowly placed it in the ground. "I'm Y/N" you said "I need you to tell your friends to hide, run as fast as you can, save yourself young boy"
He stared at you still frightened lying on the ground. He spoke then a language you've never heard before, a pleading tone in his voice as he told you something you couldn't understand.
"I don't get it, kid" you told him but he kept saying those words, even yelled. As the steps came closer you knew what he was trying to say. You looked over your shoulder to find dark helmets a few feet away from you. Death troopers.
"Run" you told the kid that finally understood you and got lost in the ruins of the city.
You reached out for your saber igniting it as soon as you held it on your hand standing ready in front of them.
They soon the five of them pointed their blasters at you not intimidated by your light sword. Firing they stayed on their places as you circulated your saber to dodge them changing the direction of some of their shoots and soon one of them was down.
Swinging your saber you jumped above them landing behind them as you quickly buried your weapon in the back of one of the black uniforms.
"That's all you have?" You joked as you kept fighting against them.
Then there was a small rock flying through the air that hit a helmet. You followed that direction it came from and found the kid throwing rocks at them.
"Boy, no!" You screamed but he didn't move, he kept throwing rocks at them and the troopers turned to him, one of them that seemed to be the leader grabbed the poor child by his dusty clothes and pointed at his head
You rushed to the one that was closer to you and punched the weapon off his hands.
"Put that thing down or the kid dies" you heard the modulated voice from the helmet that held the boy. And you obeyed, rising your hands.
"Let him go" you begged "it's an order" you said, maybe being Rey's appreciate would help you out of this or at least to save the boy, like in Mustafar where every single stormtrooper knew who you were.
"We don't follow orders from a traitor" said a female voice behind the helmet before punching you in the face making you dizzy for a moment, then a new knock came slamming into your belly and then another one and another. You could feel the pain all over your body, you tasted the blood in your mouth from the several times the strong trooper hit you.
Suddenly the hum of a saber made you raise your glance catching Rey pulling her sabers across the trooper that held the boy before the black uniform slammed lifeless on the ground. Immediately she took the other one and finally she killed the woman that had knock you.
"Y/N, are you okay?" You heard Rey asking you as you felt her arms wrapping around your aching body. "Y/N" she repeated. Your gaze met her face filled with pure concerned.
"Yeah" you murmured "yeah, I'm fine"
"Somebody is going to pay for this" she hissed.
“They already have, Rey” you added, finally realizing she was holding you close to her secure on her embrace, the first time you’ve been this close to her in a very long time and then you realized she saved your life though you disobeyed her orders. And for a brief moment you allowed yourself to enjoy her closiness
“I’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again, Y/N” she murmured as she tightened her grip around your body “and that’s a promise”
She move away, not letting go completely out of you, she glanced at you with worried eyes, real emotions painting her face. So strong and yet so vulnerable in front of you, before she finally lose her grip on you and got back a bit serious again.
“Get back to the ship, Y/N” she said “I still have work to do, I’ll meet you there” she said turning back as she turned on her sabers again that illuminated her face with a red light.
“Rey” you called making her stop and look over her shoulder, she stared at you. “Thank you” you said and for a moment you saw the shadow of a smile cracking her lips as her features softened, letting you see that kind girl you met in the Resistance a long time ago.
Tagging: @cpt-bolter , @elvencantation , @jay-birf03 , @x-a-gay-disaster-x , @sheogasms , @hstoria , @iamafangirl-fightme, @leilei-draws , @hayley-the-comet
(In case you want to be tagged for specific things, just let me know)
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ttooccaa · 4 years
The impeccable timing of everything - Chapter 5
And so it ends.
Rating: Teen
Ao3 link
December 22, 10:45 MST
Ed was teleporting all over the center and doing all the work that he could, which while not necessarily unusual was quite alarming considering the pace he was going at. He was buzzing with energy and that had the other teens who were currently lounging in the shared space  interested in what exactly was going on with him.
Miriam leaned against the table like she was conspiring and asked “What’s up with Goldie?”
Wendy smirked “Heard that he finally got a day off to hang out with his boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend?” Miriam blinked her black eyes at the group of teens.
Wayne who currently had the two fun sized speedsters staring intently at his hands spoke up “Yeah, you know, the one that goes really fast and constantly makes that one dumb pun.” He continued rubbing a shiny piece of plastic against a crystal created by Kole. The other ginger was also looking at him with interest in her eyes.
“Bart.” One of the twins clarified, a hint of excitement in his voice. The two of them have been picking up English quite steadily, especially with everybody else’s eagerness to teach them.
The Brazilian nodded and then pointed at Wayne blinking quizzically towards Kate, who for her part only rolled her eyes and made a face of utter defeat and annoyance. Miriam just sighed and started twirling a lock of her black hair between her fingers. She had seen the other speedster a couple of times around the Center, though never talked to him. She continued musing over the new found knowledge that he was the peer counselor’s boyfriend, until a sudden gold light caught her attention.
Ed appeared next to the group of teens and grinned “Glad to see you’re all getting along.” Wendy rolled her eyes endearingly. He smiled and continued talking “Just so you know I’ll be leaving soon and since Neut is in Detroit, no official peer counselor will be here, of course you can always text or call –“ he was cut off by Leslie “Yeah, yeah, we won’t get into any trouble, promise, cross my heart and all that.”
Ed rolled his eyes, but smiled nonetheless, a lot had happened over the last few weeks after Intergang was caught… on Earth that is. So many new metas had been rescued and almost all of them had no other place to go to but the Center, so a new one was planned to open up soon in Detroit. That, among many other things had eaten up all the time Ed had, so his promised date with Bart had been pushed back. He was glad he had all the others who had been part of the Center since it’s beginning, Neut had of course done everything he could, but again he was only one man. So both him and Ed were eternally grateful to Wendy, Leslie, Andy, Celia and many others who had stepped up and taken up some of their responsibilities. He smiled gently at the thought and relaxed a bit – ‘Yeah, I can totally trust them to handle every-‘
“Aha! And that is how you make a shiv out of a toothbrush!” Wayne proclaimed, holding up the sharp piece of plastic for the three gingers to inspect.
Ed sighed and raised an eyebrow, a pointed look directed towards Leslie. She just grinned and gave him a thumbs up. “At least pretend you’re going to be fine until Bart and I head out.” He said.
“Bart is coming?” Menos exclaimed happily, the twins had taken a natural liking to Bart, mostly because he was funny and his terrible spanish even more so. Mas was turning the toothbrush shiv around in his hands.
“Si, though only for a bit.” Ed explained while walking over to the twins and taking the diy weapon away.
“Hey! That took a long time to make.” Wayne exclaimed.
Eduardo just threw an unimpressed look his way which Wayne retaliated by rolling his eyes. The Argentinian pocketed the shiv deciding to deal with it later.
Kate piped up “So what do you have planned for today?” She slowly moved away from her seat and went over to Wayne. The teen was still sulking over his make shift weapon being taken away.
Ed blinked at her.
The blonde ruffled Wayne’s hair and started cooing at him as if he were a little child, his annoyance was steadily growing. Just as he was about to smack her she turned back towards Ed “Okay, you’re doing this on purpose. For your date obviously?” She clarified.
The Argentinian rubbed the back of his neck “Geez, does everybody know?”
They all gave him mumbles of agreement, except Wayne who was grumpily glaring at Kate who had thrown her arm around his shoulders “Don’t worry, champ, I’m going to get you the best plastic toothbrush money can buy!” Just as the black haired boy, was about to answer her with something that the kids around should definitely not be hearing, he was cut off by Ed.
“We’re going to hit up the Christmas market, walk around, the usual.” A small smile appeared on his face just from imagining it.
“Well doesn’t that sound just lovely, hope nothing goes wrong, ya know, as it usually does.” Kate smiled brightly at him, while Wayne was grumping something next to her.
‘Yeah, I hope so too.’ The young hero was just about to answer her, but she was too busy poking Wayne in the cheek, as he turned towards her, eyes red and murder clear in them, the distinctive crash of something heavy and metallic hitting the ground echoed. Everybody looked Wayne, who just raised his hands up. Ed audibly sighed and turned toward the noise, looking tired “What do you people have against the tables?! There are made of metal as to not be easier to destroy!” He mumbled and then teleported towards the commotion.
The other teens just shrugged and continued on.
Central City
December 22, 10:00 PST
Bart was at home with Jay, happy for a day off. After Intergang had been stopped, the League and all other heroes had been working hard on following up leads, investigating and saving metas both on Earth and in Space. Though the Green Lantern corps were mostly the ones handling Space, even after all this time some of the League’s members were still not welcome in some parts of the Galaxy.
Kid Flash was eating breakfast while scrolling on his phone, Jay was doing much the same, except he would occasionally move his phone closer or farther away from his face, squinting his eyes. When Bart was done he collected both his and Jay’s empty dishes and went to put them in dishwasher.
Jay put his phone and smiled “So, you and Ed are going out today?”
Bart grinned “Yeah, we finally got a day off! Totally crash”
The original Flash smiled gently “The life of a superhero is a busy one, full of uncertainties and changes that occur faster than you might think.”
Bart rolled his eyes endearingly at his guardian “Is that a gentle way of telling me to take my costume with me?”
The other Flash only smiled knowingly. The teen sighed, but complied non the less and quickly put the suit which had been compressed into a tiny square in the pocket of his red hoodie. “Hope I won’t need that today.”
“You and me both.”
“That sounds quite a lot like foreshadowing.” He looked at the clock “Anyways, I gotta go, see you later!”
“Have fun! Also bring the boy around for dinner sometime!”
“Will do!” Bart replied while putting on his jacket and dashing out of the back door, so fast that nobody would be able to see him. His excitement was growing with every mile.
December 22, 11:15 MST
Ed had just sorted out the situation with the table and was standing in an empty corridor, writing things down on his phone and reworking a schedule, when he heard the whoosh of the wind and felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and a chin rest on top of his shoulder “Hi, babe.” Bart said right next to his ear.
“Hey.” Ed responded, putting his hands on top of Bart’s and leaning his head against the other teen’s. After a moment, the Argentinian turned around, putting his arms around Bart’s neck. The speedster smiled and leaned forwards gently kissing Ed. The kiss quickly deepened and after a bit, they separated and looked into each other’s eyes, the sappiness of the situation too much for both of them to handle, so they smiled and laughed.
Bart took Ed’s hand into his “Ready to go?”
The golden one squeezed his boyfriend’s hand “Just gonna check on the others one last time.”
The speedster became visibly excited “Oh, I haven’t seen everyone in forever, especially Mas and Menos! Hope they haven’t been feeling the mode without me around.” As busy as all the heroes had been Bart’s visits had become few and far in between, but enough for the twins to be utterly enamoured with the speedster.
The couple walked over to the shared space and as soon as Kid Flash was spotted by the twins he was immediately jumped by them, they were talking in super speed, which wouldn’t be a problem for him if it weren’t in Spanish. He literally exhausted all of his spanish vocabulary in those few seconds of conversation. Ed would probably never get used to that level of rushed talking but even he could see his boyfriend was starting to struggle a bit, so he turned towards the twins “Do you want to explain to Bart what Wayne showed you today?” The small gingers stopped their super fast talking, grinned at the idea and grabbed Bart by the hand, pulling him over to the other teens. Ed smiled at Bart stumbling behind them and also started walking after the trio of speedsters.
The twins were enthusiastically waving the crystal which Wayne had used for the shiv, in front of Bart’s face. With every new sentence their speech would get quicker and quicker, while Bart was grinning and looked genuinely interested in what the kids were showing him. The other teens also greeted him. Ed smiled and put his hands on hips looking at the endearing picture.
Miriam looked Bart over, then turned her gaze towards Ed and noticed how absolutely whipped the peer counselor looked, she then decided that they were a good match and smiled to herself. She did think though that it was quite peculiar that there were so many speedsters, actually wasn’t the one in the Outsiders close to their age, he also had brown hair very similar to Bart’s… maybe she shouldn’t dwell too much on it. It seemed that faked ignorance was preferred in this situation.
During all of that Ed was talking with Leslie, Andy and Wendy, making sure they had everything under control and to call if anything, anything, happened. The three girls just laughed and told him to relax, it’s not like they were completely left to their own devices, what will all the staff around. Ed teleported to get his jacket. Afterwards Bart said his goodbyes to the twins by hugging them and waved to the rest of the group. Eduardo did the same, but also ruffled Wayne’s hair. Before the other could protest Ed took Bart’s hand and they teleported away.
December 22, 12:17 MST
The two young superheroes appeared a bit farther away from the Christmas Market, in a small alley. They didn’t want to draw too much attention on themselves, though the chance of Ed not being recognized at all was small. Not having that much of a private life is a price all superheroes without secret identities had to pay. Nonetheless the boys’ excitement overshadowed any kind of stress they might have. Unlike a lot of couples the two of them weren’t particularly nervous about their first date, it’ll be a lot like hanging out except with more handholding and kissing.
They walked over to the entrance of the market, a huge wooden arc with mistletoe and all types of Christmas decoration hanging from it. As soon as the speedster saw the mistletoe he quickly kissed Ed on the mouth, before the other could even realize what was going on. The Argentinian just smiled and blushed slightly, gripping Bart’s hand tighter. The market was outside and made up of a ton of little booths decked out in anything Christmas and Winter related. There were stands with traditional foods from all over the world, Bart definitely wanted to try all of them. There were also ones with Christmas themed carnival games or ones selling handmade decorations. There were also people showing off different crafts.
The two of them just started walking around, looking over the many stalls. Ed felt Bart’s hand slightly buzzing in his, like he was holding himself back from running around at super speed and checking everything out. They first stoped for Bart to get something to eat, he got a grilled potato with a generous amount of butter on top of it. Ed just opted for some hot chocolate.
Afterwards they stopped at a carnival game and Bart burst out laughing while grabbing his phone to snap a picture of an action figure. Ed leaned to look at his phone, then promptly snorted after seeing the ugly bootleg, almost melting off face of what was apparently supposed to be Garfield’s character from “Space Trek 3016”. Though everything about the figurine was wrong, including Beast boy’s skin which was a bright pink. It was then that both boys knew that they needed to have this thing. Ed and Bart looked each other in the eyes determination clear.
The Argentinian grinned and indicated for the bored looking teen working there that they were going to play. He paid her and received some blunt darts with which to pop the colourful balloons. He handed Bart two of his four and they both took aim. Ed managed pop one balloon and so did Bart, but it was enough for the ugly piece of plastic, which was quickly pocketed by the shorter teen. “Gar is going to love this little guy!” Bart announced, patting his jacket’s pocket protectively.
“Well make sure the little guy is safe and comfortable in there, wouldn’t want him to be scratched for BB.” Ed grinned while nudging his boyfriend.
Bart looked offended “Excuse me, are you telling me how to raise my child?”
“Your child? From what I remember I paid for him.” The teleporter crossed his arms over his chest, feigning being offended.
“Oh! Well then, I guess I’ll see you in court!” Bart declared, a sour expression on his face. They started at each both looking annoyed with one other, until they laughed.
They continued walking until Ed saw a trash can in which to throw away the plastic cup from his hot chocolate. After he came back Bart took his hand once again. They walked around the market, the two teens were looking at a particularly delicate sculpture of a deer made from glass, when a few people approached them “Excuse me!” A particularly confident girl said, slightly spooking both of them, making Ed almost drop the deer. He quickly put it back on the shelf and both him and Bart sighed in relief. They turned around, with Bart speaking first “Yes?”
The group that had approached them was made up of two girls and three boys, all of them were silent, until the girl who had spoken earlier said “It really is you!” She pointed at Ed. He blinked at her and awkwardly raised his arm in a wave “Uh, yeah?” Bart couldn’t help but find his awkwardness endearing.
“El Dorado!” One of the guys exclaimed. Ed just continued staring at them and they at him. While he wasn’t bad at talking with strangers or talking in general, something about meeting people who would actually call themselves his fans always made him really uncomfortable, he didn’t feel like he’d done anything particularly deserving of them.
Bart nudged him and he spoke up “Can I help you with anything?”
The girl from earlier grinned “Can we get a pic together?”
Ed looked at Bart who just shrugged “Yeah, of course, no problem.”
Bart offered to take the picture, Ed was in the middle of the group of friends all of them smiling brightly. Afterwards they chatted a bit more, Bart also joined in on the conversation, all of the awkwardness melting away. The Argentinian only asked that they don’t upload the photo right away, he didn’t want to risk making a scene, if people decided to show up just because he was there. The other teens understood and with that they said their goodbyes.
When the group of fans was out of earshot, Ed sighed “Well that went way better than expected.”
“I still can’t believe that you can have full speeches at the Center, but get so tongue tied just because of a few fans.” Bart said.
“Well, I am getting better at it, also sorry that having fans is still such a crazy concept to me.” Ed defended.
The speedster laughed “I don’t see why, you’re pretty dang crash, amigo.”
Ed raised an eyebrow, smiling “Just “amigo”?”
The speedster rolled his eyes at his boyfriend and quickly kissed him “You know what I mean.”
Ed smiled softly, looking into Bart’s green eyes “Hey, want to get some churros?”
“Do I want to get some churros? What sort of a question is this? Of course, I want churros!” Bart exclaimed.
They walked over to a stand and Bart bought churros, afterwards they leaned against the back of a bench and looked up at the grey sky, the sun was high in the sky, but was covered by clouds, so it couldn’t be seen. They ate the sweet treat, just enjoying each other’s company. Ed piped up after bit “Today has honestly been amazing.”
“Has?” Bart teased.
“You know what I mean.”
Just as they were slowly leaning in, closer and closer to each other, letting their combined heath keep them warm both of their cellphones rung, it was the special ring that indicated that it was something that has to do with either the Outsiders, the Team or the League. Both of them quickly answered, though as much as they didn’t want to admit it out loud, they hoped it was something unimportant, like Canary had punched the coffee machine and they needed a new one. Of course, it was never things like that, but one could hope.
Garfield’s voice greeted them from the other side “Calling everybody, an extraterrestrial being that has been suspected of trading meta-humans will be crash landing in the desserts near Taos, I will send the exact coordinates-“ Bart and Ed made eye contact and Bart sighed deeply “God, I hate it when Jay is right.” He put on his superhero suit before anybody was even aware of what was going on, his civilian clothes hidden someplace safe. There were a few people already staring at them, a small group forming around the two heroes. They were too focused on the mission to notice them.
Both of them put on their earpieces used for missions and responded to Beast boy, Ed started talking “Kid Flash and I are closest, we will be heading there right now.”
The young heroes looked at the coordinates “Super speed or teleportation?” Bart asked.
Ed thought for a second, while he didn’t need to see where he was going in order to teleport there, not anymore that is, his powers worked best, when he had either already been there or had somebody he knew be at that place right now, to use as something of an anchor. “Super speed.” He decided.
Bart grinned and before Ed knew it, he was being princess carried towards the soon-to-be crash site.
December 22, 18:53 MST
They arrived within seconds, just in time to see the ship crash loudly into the dessert. “We’re on sight, the target has just crash landed.” Ed informed.
Garfield responded “Me and the other Outsiders will be joining you shortly, restrain him if possible.”
“Got it.”
After a moment Barbara’s voice was heard from the earpiece “The alien is known as Manga Khan, he is a dealer, basically in intergalactic broker that specialises in anything valuable –“
“Including meta-humans?” Bart asked. Him and Ed were moving slowly towards the crashed ship, nothing had happened yet. The only thing coming out of it was smoke, but other than that it looked fine.
“Yes, he was being investigated by the Green Lanterns, after evidence was found that he had dealt meta-humans, he tried to flee, but was chased and eventually forced to land here.” Oracle explained.
Just as she said that rapid fire shot out of a side of the ship, almost aimed at Bart and Ed, though it was haphazardly. Ed teleported away and Bart ran between shots, eventually the metal piece collapsed due to the many holes it had. From the inside a human looking, metallic suit with a golden shine could be seen. The man was holding a huge gun, it looked like the weapons Intergang had used. He was shooting without a rhyme or reason just generally trying to get the two always moving superheroes. The shots were so many and so sporadic that even Bart had a hard time getting close to him. The next moment he was next to Ed, they were both hiding behind a sand dune. “Okay, this is not working out.” Bart was clearly annoyed.
“He will run out of shots right?” Ed suggested, they both poked their heads from behind the dune, only to be met with a bunch of laser shots, they quickly ducked back. “Or not…”
Bart put his hand around his chin, as if in deep thought “If we brake the gun, we will have enough time to capture him.”
“We could use that metal rope or whatever it is.” Ed pointed towards the long, but sturdy looking piece of metal right behind the metal alien. One problem solved, but there was still the other one, they had to somehow brake or get rid of the gun.
El Dorado put his hands down, when he felt it in his pocket, Wayne’s shiv. He got it out and held it up right in Bart’s face. Immediately Kid Flash knew what he was getting at, he grabbed the shiv and once again ran into the line of fire. He started moving so fast that everything around him became slow, but even then weaving around all the lasers was a challenge, but he managed it just to get close enough so that he would get a clear throw at the gun. He threw the shiv and the sharp plastic hit bullseye. They were back in regular speed and the alien technology was shaking and smoke was coming out of it. Manga Khan quickly threw it to the side and it exploded. A second later El Dorado was behind him, weaving the cord around his upper torso and arms. The alien was quickly restrained and he just gave up. The rest of the heroes were informed of what had transpired.
“You know, maybe shivs should start coming with the costume.” Bart mused, both of them standing next to the extraterrestrial, looking at him.
Ed leaned against him “Who knew they could be so useful…”
“I think he was just trying to be a bad influence.” Eduardo grinned.
After he said that all the other Outsiders arrived with Bio-Ship, Green Lantern also came.
Hal Jordan smiled at the two heroes “Good work.”
“No problem.” Bart grinned, glowing with pride, Ed just smiled.
Garfield also congratulated them, honestly to Ed it felt like much ado about nothing, but he wasn’t going to complain. The alien was quickly taken in by Green Lantern where he would be questioned. Also more Green Lanterns arrived to deal with the alien ship and whatever damage it had done.
All of the Outsiders got into Bio-Ship and set a course for their base in Hollywood, though not without Bart quickly getting his civilian clothes back.
December 22, 18:35 PDT
As they arrived all of them sat down on the big sofa in the center of their base. Ed leaned against Bart, who threw his arm around his shoulders.
“Sorry about your date, guys.” Jaime said.
Both of them shrugged “Eh, most of it was perfectly fine, honestly I wasn’t particularly surprised when we got the call about the alien.” Ed said, loosely holding Bart’s hand.
Kid Flash, now in regular clothes, raised his pointer finger “The life of a superhero is a busy one, full of uncertainties and changes that occur faster than you might think, sonny!” He said sternly.
Jaime laughed “When has the OG Flash ever said “sonny”?”
“Excuse me, do you or do I live with him?”
They all chuckled at Bart and Jaime’s usual play arguments.
Suddenly Ed remembered something and teleported away, next to where Bart had thrown his jacket over one of the chairs. He teleported back, Bart was already grinning “Don’t think that even for a second we forgot about our favourite leader!” The Argentinian said, also grinning.
Garfield raised an eyebrow.
“Here, this is just a small token of our appreciation for our fearsome leader.” Ed placed the pink action figure in Beast Boy’s hand. All of the Outsiders went to see what had just happened. Cassie was the first one to react by snorting loudly “Oh my god, this is beautiful.”
“Hey!” Beast boy tried to sound annoyed, but was also smiling due to the sheer ugliness of the toy.
“I don’t know man. I think they’ve got you spot on.” Virgil commented, dangling the small figure from it's arm.
Jaime also joined in “I never would’ve guessed that pink was your colour!”
Garfield quickly snatched the figurine back “Har, har, at least I even have action figures for people to bootleg!”
Ed was back on the same place on the couch, leaning against Bart. They were both laughing at their team’s antics, when Victor who had previously been quiet, spoke up “Well, looks like the two of you had a dandy ol’ time on your date!” The smirk evident in his voice.
“Dandy ol’ time?” Virgil questioned.
Victor just shrugged and broadcasted a picture on the big screen right in front of the sofa, a mixture of awws and laughs was heard from the team, while Ed and Bart just blushed bright red.
The photo was taken just as they were about to head out and deal with the alien, Ed was in Kid Flash’s arms in a princess carry with Bart grinning wide and Ed looking surprised. It was posted from one of those trashy news magazines with the tag line “A new ship rising? Blink and you’ll miss ‘em! #toofast #ElDoradoxKidFlash”
Ed and Bart looked each other in the eyes, both of them with unreadable expressions, but then they just laughed.
All in all a pretty good day in the life of two teenage superheroes.
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starlightaxolotl · 4 years
Stormfront Chapter One
words: 2.9K
warnings: none really, one swear word, implied alcohol being consumed by underage people but not shown.
I finally bring the long awaited first chapter of Stormfront, my Ninjago Next Gen AU fic. 
One: Not Without Risk
Zane walked out of the hide out and down the street, drawing the hood of the plain blue hoodie over his head. He knew he was being followed. If he made it to the prop apartment, he'd be clear. With his connections offline still, he had no signal to upload the information he had gathered on this impromptu meeting, having been lucky to even have been in the building when the meeting was called. For convenience, they allowed him to sit in before he left. They hadn't wanted to hold him up, but insisted he listened.
It had given him confirmation of his biggest theory: Harumi was building a network, one that spanned the entire continent of Ninjago, and one of her contacts had found something she was looking for. Something that would be in the city in the next two weeks.
Zane's hands itched at the thought. If she had already gathered contacts in every corner of the continent, who was to say this wasn't some sort of play—a ruse to throw him off. They could easily know he was infiltrating but choosing not to apprehend him…
But why?
Zane's mind and heart were racing at equal speeds. It was a lot to take in.
They knew where everyone lived. It was pinned out on a map of the city and surrounding suburbs, and they couldn't do anything about it. If they moved, they'd just be found again, and there was no evidence to suggest they wouldn't also reveal they knew what Zane was doing, breaking in and slipping among their ranks sporadically under another new fake name each time.
He crossed the street, glancing over his shoulder. In the alleyway behind him, a figure sat on a motorbike, ready to go at a moment's notice. Their visor was too dark for him to make out any details before he turned his head back to focus on the sidewalk in front of him. Distantly, he heard the engine rev before fading, driving away.
He had been followed. He was likely still being followed if he had to guess. He didn't want to be right this time.
It was taking a chance, but he needed to do it. He internally switched on every communication signal. As soon as he connected to the network, he uploaded the information to the coded file, encrypting it as he did. He called in to Pixal.
It didn't even ring once before she answered. "Are you safe? This call is early. You are not at the safe apartment yet." Zane could hear the worry in her voice, the strain of trying to stay calm. After over twenty years together, it wasn't shocking that he knew her this well.
"I am on my way home now, honey. I think we need to have a family gathering soon. Work is getting busy." His words, even out loud and inconspicuous to any passing ears, were coded.
I am on my way to the safe house. I think I am being followed. We need to gather the others. I have information. It is urgent.
Gigi Walker liked to think that as first alternate for the debate team that meant she was incredibly skilled at last minute arguments and persuasion. She had, after all, talked her way into first alternate from third alternate.
Which, of course, is why she found herself standing between her father and the front door of their apartment, arms crossed. "Come on, I just want to go on patrol once with Uncle Kai-I really don't think I'm asking for all that much! Enver's been on patrol!"
Jay raised an eyebrow at his daughter, grabbing his phone from the charger. "Enver is two years older than you, and not my kid. Kai's house, Kai's rules. My house-which you live in last I checked, by the way-my rules. This isn't up for debate Gigabyte, Your mom and I both said you're not going on patrol until you're older when you and Grant turned ten and started training-which you already started earlier than we wanted, if you remember!" He crossed his arms as well.
Jay walked towards the dresser next to the door, opening a drawer to grab his keys. "And Kai is starting patrol later tonight than normal, and you have school in the morning. Which, if I remember right, you've been almost late every day this week because you've been oversleeping!" He reached out to touch his daughter's shoulder. He had a sad smile on his face. "Stop trying to grow up so fast, trust me on this one. You're gonna miss this once you become a full time ninja-when you're nineteen at the earliest." He pulled his hand away from his stunned daughter, moving past her towards the door.
Gigi's mouth dropped open and she twirled on the spot, grabbing her dad's arm. "Nineteen? Last week your only condition was I had to be an adult!"
A small snicker came from behind. "Don't make him push it to thirty." Down the hallway, holding a laundry basket, was an auburn teen, smiling wryly at his twin sister. "And next to uncle Kai, no one holds a grudge like dad."
"You left your uncle Lloyd out of this, he holds a grudge worse than any of us and you know it. Remember when you accidentally broke his nose, kid?"
Grant groaned, head dipping back dramatically. "He still won't let me live it down or feel good about the fact it was the first time I landed a hit on him in a spar!"
Gigi giggled, and Jay looked back at her. "I've gotta get going-I hope I'm not making a mistake by leaving you and your brother here to do your homework-it's not too late for me to take you to Lloyd's so Aya can watch you two."
With a huff, Grant lifted the laundry basket. "I've got chores to keep me busy, plus Gigi and I still have to study for precalculus tonight. Big test tomorrow, and if I don't keep her on track it's not getting done before you and mom are home."
Jay smiled and nodded, pointing a finger at Gigi. "Doors locked, no friends over, got it?"
"Got it." She sighed, watching as her dad left before turning to look at her brother, skipping down the hall past him. "You've got me covered for the evening then?"
Grant shook his head, and sighed. "This is a terrible idea, Gigi."
"If this was a terrible idea, then they'd have hidden the files harder than that."
Lloyd looked at Zane, who looked just as pristine as usual, though his clothes suggested otherwise. He seemed scuffed up and anxious. "So, we're all here. Rip the bandage off, what did you learn this time?"
Zane looked around the secure room and the familiar faces around him. His team, his family, everyone actively working on this mission. Except for Enver, though he was going to be working on it soon, Zane supposed. "I do not have much, but something is arriving in the next two weeks-something big. Something they've been looking for."
The air in the room was still, stiff. Zane continued on. "She didn't say what it was over the phone, but Lex, the woman who has been training me for guard detail-she vouched for me personally, saying that they'd be stupid to waste my firearm skills on meaningless turf battles-said that this item is integral to their plan, and that things will fall into place once it's in Harumi's hands."
Lloyd made a face at the mention of their greatest enemy.
Harumi had spent the better part of the last two decades underground, but in the last few years signs had come back that she wasn't done trying to destroy Ninjago by starting with them. Her last big move had been...traumatic to their team at best. Lloyd looked away, hand moving to his side. Even through his clothes, he knew the size and shape of the scar that was there.
It had been luck that he lived at all.
"I also have gained confirmation of Harumi's code name being the Spider, not the princess. This means that there is an individual being called the princess that is not Harumi. Logically, I would assume this to be some sort of child of hers, or someone she is appointing as heir of the cause for unknown reasons, just in case."
Gigi pulled her hood down as she walked into the party, grinning under the black lights which picked up the swirls of white makeup she had drawn on her face for the event.
The room was hot, packed wall to wall with people who swarmed around the makeshift stage in the abandoned warehouse. Maybe it wasn't as abandoned as she previously believed though, knowing now that these parties across the warehouse district were tied as recruitment events for the Oni's Curse as they called themselves now, rebranding from the Sons of Garmadon they originally were. It showed a few shifts. The movement no longer hinged on Garmadon as their leader, which...arguably might be worse for Ninjago in some ways. Gigi had only ever heard stories, but it sounded like Harumi could be even worse on her own. It even-
Someone slammed into Gigi's back and she shouted, barely heard over the music in the warehouse. A hand grabbed her wrist, steadying her before she could faceplant into the small gap in the flooring.
"Careful!" A girl yelled, muffled by the music and the mask she wore. Gigi could tell she was smiling behind it though. "Get's a little hectic here, ya know?" She started dancing, still holding onto Gigi's wrist. Gigi started to dance with her. "First time?"
The song started to wind down and Gigi nodded, reaching into her pocket to put her ear protection in. "Yeah, didn't know these were so popular!" She looked around, taking it all in. "Especially on a school night!"
The girl laughed. "That's half the fun-who cares if we have school tomorrow, tonight we live!" She tipped her head back and laughed harder. After a moment she looked back at Gigi. "What's your name, twinkle toes?" She asked with a nod at Gigi's shining shoes. She hadn't expected the black lights to make the glitter so radiant-it was just glitter!
Gigi smiled, holding out her hand. "Gigi!"
The girl took hers, giving a loose shake. "Everyone calls me Ruka around here." The girl-Ruka-looked around, pushing her dark bangs out of her face. "Let's get something to drink before some idiot spikes everything." She looked at Gigi, her dark eyes bright in the party lights. "You down to hang, first timer?"
"Uh..." Gigi faltered. She needed to be alert for the mission-if she found some kind of proof maybe she could get some intel about the initiation process that they didn't already know about. Sticking with someone who knew the place was a good idea. "Sure. I could go for a pop can right now."
Ruka laughed again, grabbing Gigi's hand to pull her through the crowd. "Pop can, you really are a newbie aren't you?"
Gigi shrugged, sticking close to her newfound guide. "Parents aren't usually out at night together, it's kinda new to be able to slip out of the house unnoticed." Gigi could feel the beat of the music in her bones as they passed a set of speakers, rocking her body at its very core. Grant would hate it here.
She so owed him for the cover up.
Before she knew it, Ruka was pushing an unopened can of soda into her hand and pulling her once again around the makeshift dance floor. Gigi thought she heard her say something about a quieter place to hang around at in the party, but she wasn't sure. Even with ear protection in, her ears were ringing, and she was sure she'd feel unsteady from the sounds for hours after leaving the party.
"You were right," Gigi said as she leaned against the railing, popping the can of soda open. "It is quieter back here." She took a sip of the soda as she watched the people dancing below. Ruka leaned against the railing next to her, and Gigi smiled at her. "How did you get involved in coming to these parties?"
"Long story, but basically...my cousins." Ruka pulled off her mask, putting her hand through the elastics to keep it on herself. "They like the party scene, I...can tolerate it with the right people." She winked and as the strobe lighting passed over her face, Gigi could have sworn her eyes were red. Like fire red, but the next second they were back in the dark. "What about you, first timer?"
Gigi chewed on her lip, looking down at the party below. "I heard there's a little more than just a party going on, probably just a rumor."
"What, like drugs?" Ruka sounded irritated. "This isn't the place for that, Gigi. They're pretty strict about drugs."
That caught her attention. Gigi turned again. "What? No, that's not what I mean."
A loud voice cut through across the music. "Hey, hey, Rukaaaa!" Gigi looked left at where it came from. A girl with a high, neon streaked ponytail was sauntering over. Her combat boots made the metal catwalk clang loudly with each stomping step. The teen seemed cut from stone, all angles and neon paint, like a walking piece of graffiti. She eyed Gigi as Gigi did the same. "Who is this poppet?" Her face was intricately painted, streaks of white crossing over her lips in an upwards curve, and bright pink smeared around her eyes.
"Raz, this is Data. Data, Raz. My cousin I was telling you about." Ruka's voice was tight. It confused Gigi why she was calling her Data when she clearly remembered her name was Gigi just moments ago. "We were just talking about why we came out here tonight, told her you were big on the party scene."
Raz threw an arm around Gigi, pulling her close. "Data huh? Alias? Or do your parents really hate you that much?"
Gigi gave an awkward laugh. "Nickname." The two looked nothing alike. Then again, maybe they were cousins the same way she and Lark were cousins, cousins because their parents were so close they were practically family, but with no resemblance. "Pretty awesome party!" Gigi took a sip of her soda. Something about Raz made her uneasy.
Raz grinned wide, eyeing the soda. "Surprised no punch, Data. You and Ruka seem like punch girls-well, I know Ruka is."
"Her parents would notice if she accidentally got spiked punch. Said her brother is covering for her." Gigi looked at Ruka, who was undoing her buns-how had she not noticed they were purple before now? Ruka combed through her hair, pulling it into a ponytail. "And it's her first time here, I'm showing her the ropes. How things run, stuff like that."
Raz nodded, her grin still present. "Well then, I'll leave you to it." She squeezed Gigi's shoulder, and through her jacket Gigi could feel her sharp nails. "Don't let her give you too much hell, Data."
Gigi gave another awkward laugh, nodding before taking a sip of her soda. Raz slunk off, sauntering across the crosswalk towards a group of equally painted individuals. Gigi wrapped both hands around the can, and listened to the music for a minute before speaking. "Your cousin is...a lot."
"Tell me about it."
Grant was practically pacing the floor when he heard a knock at his window. His parents were on the way home and as he pulled open the curtain, sure enough his sister was on the fire escape outside. He unlocked his window, pulling her in. "Go get changed, if they see you-why do you smell like smoke? Were you smoking? Oh man you were smoking-if mom gets a whiff of you we're both going to be grounded so badly-"
"Relax! It's from the train stop. Some ass wouldn't stop smoking and I couldn't get away from them. I'm gonna go shower, cover for me with mom and dad until I'm done?" Gigi shut the window behind herself, and sat down on the ledge to take her boots off. "I made a friend tonight, she's just so...she's amazing, Grant, she really really is."
"Okay, that's great. Does she know anything about the OC?"
Gigi faltered. "I don't think so. I think her cousin does though, so I'm gonna have to go back a few times to get some more intel-and you're right, you would absolutely hate it there. It's so loud and you can feel the music constantly and-"
Grant pulled his now shoeless sister off his floor, shepherding her towards the door. "You. Shower. Now. We can talk about it later!"
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thewriterwithnoplan · 5 years
Dirty and Useless (Part 10)
Summary: Jason Todd had always said there were only two types of cop; Dirty and Useless. So when Y/N comes along with a spunky partner and a laughable code name it’s safe to say they don’t exactly see eye to eye. But if they’ve got anything in common it’s their secrets. Both are hiding behind masks whether they know it or not. Will the Robin get the Nightingale to come out of the shadows? Pairing: Titans!Jason Todd x Reader Word Count: 1449 Warnings: Swearing
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There were many things that Jason Todd would never admit to anyone. The fact that he craved comfort and affirmation was one of those things. The fact that he often found himself in the alley behind his school with new bruises down his side was another one of those things.
Gotham Academy wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Not that he’d expected anything else but coming into the school – which Bruce practically owned – he’d expected a little more respect. From teachers, he’d heard all about how Dick Grayson had been a mathlete and a social butterfly.
While Jason was more into literature and time spent alone, he had at least assumed that people would be polite. He hadn’t come from a wealthy family but people like him – the Wards of billionaires who own half of Gotham – were supposed to be begrudgingly respected at the very least. Right?
Apparently, he was very, very wrong. In his first week, the other students had made it explicitly clear what they thought about him. Street rat was a name he’d thought had been left behind when he joined Batman’s crusade but the snotty rich boys at the Academy seemed to like it. Although the female population seemed to like Pity Case much better.
“Fuck you, Gregory,” Jason spat up at the rich kid gangs ring-leader.
The brunette snob gargled out in a clearly fake British accent, “Stay down, street rat. Wouldn’t want to have to call your fake dad.”
“I bet he’s never even met a Wayne,” Gregory’s current bottle blonde girlfriend added. “Why would they associate with a pity case like him anyway?”
Jason fumbled to his feet and reminded himself for what seemed like the umpteenth time that day, that he was supposed to be just like them. He was supposed to play his role as protégé son, a rich boy who couldn’t throw a punch. According to Bruce and his disappointment speeches, Dick Grayson had caught on much quicker.
“Of course, I’ve met the Wayne’s,” Jason bit out, “I’m the one who tracked down Y/N Wayne and brought her back to Gotham.”
He knew it was a cheap boast, he had been the one to “find” her but if Y/N hadn’t wanted to return to Gotham, she wouldn’t have. Realistically he hadn’t done shit to find the girl, he’d just been in Chicago at the right time. But Nightingale had taught him something important – it was about wielding symbols. And despite all that the girl could argue, Y/N Wayne was as powerful a symbol as any.
“You talk a lot of shit, Todd.” Gregory brushed at an invisible speck of dirt on his blazer before turning, “Prove it or I’ll make you pay for lying to me.”
Jason really really should learn to keep his mouth shut.
It was lunch, four hellish lessons down and he’d finally been given a break. Although sitting under a tree at the front of the academy, trying not to draw too much attention and keeping an eye out for Gregory seemed just as stressful. It was usually at lunch that the boy returned to follow up on whatever threat he’d made to Jason the morning earlier.
“What are you doing hiding out here Street Rat?” Speak of the devil.“Waiting for your fake girlfriend-slash-sister? You know that’s kinda messed up right?”
“Funny, coming from an asshole.” Was all Jason allowed himself to say. He was worried that if he said anything more it would be accompanied by his fist in Gregory’s face.
The bottle-blonde and one of Gregory’s henchmen began giggling, “I bet he’s just dating her to make sure the Wayne’s don’t get rid of him.”
Jason almost expected anger to bubble up, he half thought he might have shoved the blonde on her ass but that rage he’d become so accustomed to wasn’t there. He actually thought this whole thing was hilarious. They thought he was that desperate, that he would make up a story so utterly stupid-
He almost started cackling at the idea. He would have laughed at it, had the revving of a motorcycle engine not interrupted him. Their mismatched group – consisting of Gregory, his flossy and a very unintimidating backup dancer – turned toward the noise in confusion. Even Jason was startled by the bike, which stopped just in front of them.
The rider kicked the stand down, threw their leg over the bike and approached them. Pulling off the black helmet and shaking out H/C hair the rider finally paused in front of the group, raising an eyebrow. Y/N smiled in greeting at Jason, who could only stare dumbly up at her.
“Sup J.T?” Her eyes crinkled mischievously, “Bruce sent me to get you, we need a hand a Wayne Enterprises.”
“Uh-huh yeah,” He took her hand, heaving himself from the floor. “What do you guys need me for?”
“I need someone to go over the specs for the new building in Star City and Bruce needs help planning the next Charity Gala. I’m not interrupting anything am I?”
Y/N’s eyes strayed to Gregory and his entourage before she mouthed a word to Jason. It took the boy wonder a moment to understand her, his lip-reading skills were still a little rusty, not that he’d ever admit it. But after a moment he understood; three.  She wanted him to follow her third condition, play along.
“Nah we were just having a lovely chat,” Jason said dismissively, a smirk working its way to his lips. “Nobody told me about the Gala. Don’t suppose you need a date to it?”
“You wish Jay,” Y/N made a good show of giving him a teasing smile. Then she shoved her helmet back on and handed Jason the second one from her bike.
“W-wait!” Gregory stumbled forward, “You’re Y/N Wayne as in the Lost Daughter of Gotham – What are you doing with someone like him?”
“You mean Jason?” She hopped onto her bike, letting Jason circle his arms around her waist. “He’s the one who brought me back. It’s a pity really, I finally made it away from Gotham, but you know, I grew up in these streets. I guess you can take the girl out of Gotham, but you can’t take Gotham out of the girl.”
“How did you know?” Jason finally asked when they stopped at some unnamed park. It was nice, empty and by no means lively, but it wasn’t yet destroyed by the cities night time visitors. Y/N raised an eyebrow in question, though her focus never left the ice cream she’d bought from the car down the street – both were sure it was an undercover GCPD truck but neither commented. “You showed up out of the blue – you said some things like... like you knew. How did you know those things?”
“You’re an ass and all but you’ve got guts. I admire that,” Y/N gave him a playful smile, “But you lack something that can’t be taught.”
Intrigue colored the boy’s face as he sat forward to better look at her. But in a very Wayne like fashion, Y/N only went back to her ice cream. For a moment he simply waited for her to tell him, but evidently leaving Jason to find the answer to his own question was much more entertaining.
“You didn’t,” He suddenly shouted, scrambling for his bag.
“What you lack is attention to detail,” She gave him a smug look, “A vigilante should be able to sniff a tracking device from a mile away. It was all too easy to slip the bug into your bag this morning.”
He groaned lowly, shoving his bag down as he held up the small device, “You were messing with me, is there even really a gala?”
“Oh, there’s a gala, you aren’t getting out of it that easy. But do you think Bruce would ask for your help on it?”
“Who else would he ask?” He snarked.
Y/N fell silent all at once. It startled Jason quite thoroughly – he’d been expecting some quick-witted rebuttal. He eyed the Wayne heiress carefully, wondering if he’d said something wrong. She wouldn’t outright attack him, would she? Jason wouldn’t rule the possibility out, but it was unlikely.
“Sorry,” She chuckled lightly – though her mind still seemed a million miles away, “You just reminded me of someone.”
“Someone gone,” Y/N shook her head, “It doesn’t matter.”
Perhaps Jason was having a stroke, but she seemed almost tender. In an attempt to stop her from falling back into their routine he said, “Tell me.”
She took a long breath. And told him.
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Call Me A Freak- Chapter 1: Welcome To My Wicked World
Words: 1,946
Warnings: vandalism, gang activity, mentions of death, manipulation
A/N: Hey everyone! This is my rewrite of Descendants! I wanted to see a darker take on the Disney story (one that follows the lines of some of the grim tales they’re based off of). You can find my summary on the wip intro, if you’re interested, but basically be warned that this is a look at the story from the perspective of abused and lonely children who feel powerless against their villain parents.
Intro | Ch 2
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My boots held me steady on the patchy stone walkways.
There was a thick layer of smoke that lay heavy on the streets that morning. Perhaps a nearby gang had gotten angry and burned down another house. Or one of the experimental types had caused an accident. Or maybe I was imagining things and the smoke was as it had always been… lingering.
Shouts rang out down alleyways. Stupid people who had left the house with something valuable on them and lost it a minute later. Or maybe one of the core villain kids had lost their temper and taken it out on a passerby or a shopkeeper.
It didn’t matter to me. I smirked, taking in my hometown.
I was a bit out of my neighborhood, but no one would touch me here anyway. These streets were full of lowlife villains who never made that much of an impact. I could have someone murdered on the spot just for looking at me.
And even if it weren’t for my status, I was very resourceful. Everyone knew it. My mother would have never let me leave the house if I wasn’t. She wouldn’t have let me live if I wasn’t…
I glanced to my right and found exactly what I was looking for.
I pulled off the street, veering towards the empty, carved out area between buildings. There was just enough room there, and it was smooth.
I dropped my bag to my side and pulled out my spray cans. It was time to go to work.
~ ~ ~
I didn’t keep track of time as I worked. I never did. I was well aware that I was supposed to meet up with Evie, Jay, and Carlos, but it was of no consequence to me if I was late, so I didn’t worry about it.
Lucky enough, Jay found me fairly soon after I had finished.
“Nice work!” he shouted at me as he approached. Jay knew to warn me that he was approaching while I worked on my art. I often got lost in my head and my defense instincts went onto autopilot. So, if I sensed someone around that I wasn’t expecting I would happily spray them in the face with my paints.
I didn’t turn to look at him, just began to pack up my belongings. The bottles were covered in different colored splotches from my dyed fingers.
As I stood up and threw my bag over my shoulder, I noticed Jay standing next to me, admiring my work. It was a simple design. I had made a silhouette of my mom in black, then surrounded it with green fire. Inside the silhouette were the words “Long Live Evil”. I had put up many similar signs around, ones I knew Jay had seen before, but he still liked to appreciate each design for its differences.
“Earth to Jay,” I muttered. “I assume you know where Evie and Carlos are?”
He nodded, bringing his focus back to me. “You up for an adventure?”
I crossed my arms. “I guess.”
I followed him out of the alley silently and back onto the main road.
“Carlos is pissed,” he explained.
I went to answer, but got distracted as he grabbed a piece of sheet metal along one of the walls and pushed it aside, revealing another alleyway.
“Alright,” I responded. “Is Evie also upset?”
“Nah.” Jay stopped suddenly and looked at me. “Evie was flirting with some salesman when I left.”
I rolled my eyes, then mumbled a quick, “Why are we stopped?”
Jay smirked, then patted the ladder attached to the wall beside us. “Because we’re going up.”
I groaned inwardly, watching him climb, before pulling myself up to the rooftops with him.
~ ~ ~
“We’re back!” Jay shouted, then slid down the side of someone’s roof and landed in front of Evie and Carlos.
Jay was a smooth sort of guy. Socially and physically. I had to wonder where he got it from, considering his dad was a slinky snake of a person who sat around in his early life trying to steal power from a senile sultan.
I rolled my eyes, stomping down far less gracefully
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the latest of them all?” Evie jabbed.
I didn’t respond as Jay helped me get down from the edge of the building.
“What do you want me to say? I’m rotten to the core.”
Neither Evie nor Carlos was amused by this response.
I simply pushed past them and into the large warehouse. We had gotten word that some of Wonderland’s best were hanging in there. Jay had convinced us that it was worth raiding because of some of the strange and antique goods they collected. Jay lived for stealing things and the rest of us didn’t mind. The more mischief we caused, the happier our parents were with us.
People didn’t take notice of us as we strolled through, splitting off in different directions.
As I walked through, I started to callously knock things off tables and destroy stands.
“Freak!” someone shouted.
I turned around and winked. No point in getting angry. I had heard some pretty foul words. This meant nothing to me.
I reached into my bag, pulling out a random can and shaking it. As I passed through I started spraying certain vendors and curtains purple.
A couple people ran after me, but froze when they saw the green dragons on my back. I reached the back of the warhouse and noticed Carlos riding by on a wagon filled with hay.
“You ain’t seen nothing yet!” he snarled, before jumping down next to me.
Jay and Evie were quick to follow, leaving commotion in their wake. Jay was carrying a dirty teapot as he shuffled past and opened up the back door for them to escape.
“Welcome to my wicked world,” he chuckled to himself as we all ran out and made our way down the road.
As we went, we created a formation of sorts with me front and center. The three of them flocked me, looking around as we went.
People watched our gang walk by. We had all the confidence in the world. After a moment, we stopped, deciding to talk about what our next plans were.
The people around us lessened by the minute. I wondered if we frightened them off. Four of the most powerful teens in all of the Isle of the Lost, with connections to the most dangerous villains the world had ever seen.
But the hope of such distinction was lost as the rest of the stragglers disappeared and left our gang facing a group of men in the same, ratty, brown outfit they’d worn since I was born.
I clear my throat, trying to signal to her goons that I recognized them, before mumbling, “Hi mom.”
I would never drop my demeanor in front of my friends or my mother. I need their respect, their fear, for my own survival. But this isn’t good. My mother doesn’t step out of her “castle” just to visit her daughter. She had a reason for being there. An important one.
She pushes through the two men who were previously guiding her through the streets and faces me.
Those who had met my mother would never forget her face. She was all angles, as if made of slabs of metal. Her expression was never changing. It seemed as though anything you could say or do would ricochet off of her like it was nothing. I was perhaps the only person in the world who had truly seen her react to something and survived it. And that was only because she wanted me to see her like that. She wanted me to know what true fear felt like, coming from her eyes.
My friends didn’t move as her guards, who previously surrounded her, moved to surround the five of us. 
“Hm. What have the four of you been up to?” Her voice is deep and steady like a long drag from a cigarette. “I hope more than simply walking the streets and stealing from children.”
I didn’t respond. Why give her an answer she doesn’t want to hear?
She doesn’t question my silence and continues. “You know, Mal, when I was your age I was cursing entire kingdoms.”
I do my best not to roll my eyes. As if I hadn’t heard that one a million times.
My mother liked to remind me of her power at all times. The barrier that surrounded the Isle of the Lost prevented any use of magic while inside it. But that only stopped some of her cruelty.
“Oh! There’s news!” she finally said. “You four have been chosen to go to a different school,” she points between all of us, a smirk lit up her face, “in Auradon.”
The three behind me tense up. Carlos looked seconds away from running for his life.
“What?” I exclaimed. “I can’t go to some boarding, full to the brim with prissy, pink princesses.”
My mother looked almost excited, though. Her eyes were lit up and I realized that this is something she wanted. All that arguing would get me was pain at this point.
My friends refused to say anything. A look from my mother would silence them, even if they tried.
“You’re thinking small, pumpkin,” she informed me. “It’s all about world domination.”
She always carried her head as if there was a crown on it. I suppose those thick horns had some weight to them, but whether or not it was necessary, it gave her a sort of regality. It forced her to look down upon those around her and made the snarl of her teeth that much more frightening.
She swung around and left, her goons quick to follow behind and surround her once more. That was their main job. Protect her in the city. Because people like these would happily murder her to take her place. Not that they could if they tried.
I didn’t move from my spot. I was happy to watch her walk away and get some distance from her.
Jay slid up behind me, leaning over my shoulder, before saying, “She’s joking, right?”
I laughed at him, but there wasn’t any humor in my face. “You obviously don’t spend enough time with my mother. She would never joke. And by the look on her face… she’s got ulterior motives.”
“Why would we be invited to Auradon?” Carlos asked, walking around to face us.
I shook my head. “Who knows.”
Evie was basically straining every muscle in her body to contain her excitement. “Think about how many castles there are in Auradon! And princes!”
I scoffed, and almost immediately her face dropped to match my disgust.
“Listen,” Jay added. “I don’t do uniforms. Unless it’s leather, you feel me?” He joked, holding up a hand to Carlos, but he was far too distracted to reciprocate the high five.
“I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon. Mom said they’re rabid pack animals that eat boys who don’t behave…”
I rolled my eyes at Carlos’s naive comment. It was fairly well known that Cruella de Vil, Carlos’s mother lied constantly to Carlos as a way of manipulating him. He was so sheltered that he hung off her every word about what the rest of the world was like.
“We’re not going,” I insisted. “I just… need to find out why she wants us to go so bad and convince her she’s wrong.”
It was Jay’s turn to laugh. “You? Convince your mother, the ‘Mistress of all Evil’? I doubt it.”
I glared at him. “Let’s see.”
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batfamily-trash · 5 years
can I do a request with Jason able to control people by them looking into his eyes, with their own turning green because the pit gave him powers n’ such. It’s kept secret until the other robins find him using it to gain info on Riddlers plan? (Which is to kidnap the reader or bruce. Or both.) It’s a lot to ask but please?
Jason was a very important person in your life. So when Bruce told you he died you were devastated. When you found out he was alive you were ecstatic. But ever since he came back he seemed to be keeping secrets from you. You asked the boys and Bruce but they all told you that he seemed fine, Alfred was with you on this though. He knows the boys better than anything in the world.
Every time you confronted him about it he would just ignore it or reassure you it was nothing. After a while, you decided to drop it. He would tell you when he was ready.
This month was a fairly quiet month, which meant trouble. The Riddler escaped from Arkham and was now planning something, but no one knew what. So to drag him out of his hiding spot Bruce planned a gala. That meant dealing with rich snobs while on the lookout for a madman.
Jason, Cass, and Steph were outside keeping watch while you, Tim, Damian, Duke, and Dick were inside. Jason didn’t like the idea of you being by yourself so you stayed away from the crowd. Not like you had any friends available to join you.
An hour had passed and nothing happened. Everyone was getting on edge.
“Shouldn’t he be here by now?” Tim asked through the earpiece.
“Maybe he didn’t get the memo?” Duke answered. You chuckled as you took a sip of your drink.
“The gala was announced to happen at least three weeks ago. He got the memo,” Bruce said.
“Then where is he?” Stephanie asked.
“Waiting for an opportunity maybe,” you said. “It’s not like he can just waltz in here.”
Not even a minute later the sound of people screaming in fear filled the building. Everyone jumped into action. You, Damian, and Duke helped civilians get out while everyone else went to deal with the main problem.
After getting everyone out and giving your declarations to the cops you all went to the Batcave to investigate the evidence Bruce and the rest collected. Which was only a note, a green note to be more specific.
“So all he was going to do was cause panic?” Jason asked, walking behind you to hug you.
“To cause panic and leave a message,” Tim answered. “Look he left an address.”
“Dillion Avenue? That’s specific.”
Bruce took the note from Tim and put it in one of his pockets. “It’s by Upper East Side. Damian, Dick, Tim suit up.”
“What about the rest of us?” You asked annoyed. There was no way you were going to miss out on punching Riddler.
“You, Duke, and Cass go home and rest, the city will probably need you during the day. Spoiler and Red Hood will serve as backup if we need it.”
“Of course I’m backup,” Jason mumbled as Bruce walked towards the batmobile. You sighed and turned to give him a hug, which he gladly accepted.
“Don’t worry backup buddy we’ll just follow them,” Steph said.
“Do you want to be backup Jason? Knowing them they’ll probably get themselves killed and Tim hasn’t slept in a week.”
Jason looked down at you and gave you a kiss, “Is that okay babe?”
“Yeah, just be safe you idiots,” you said returning the kiss.
Jason and Stephanie left the cave as you, Duke and Cass went upstairs for some of Alfred’s famous cookies.
“Was that a smart idea. y/n?” Duke asked.
“Nope, but it’s better than having them destroying the cave with glitter and paint,” you replied.
“True, besides, what trouble can they get into?” Cass said.
If there was one thing the batboys could easily find it would be trouble. Apparently, the Riddler set up an ambush knowing that Batman would show up. Good thing that Spoiler and Red Hood showed up when they did though. After kicking ass, handcuffing Nygma and letting the cops take him away Batman and the batboys made their way over the Police Department, even though Jason isn’t liked by the cops.
“Nygma why did you attack Bruce Wayne’s charity gala?” Commissioner Gordon asked.
“How about instead you answer a riddle! Riddle me this….”
“Can we go one day without riddles?” Jason interrupted while glaring at him from under the helmet.
“Yes but I need to keep all of you occupied!”
“Why?” Bruce demanded.
“What about him?”
“He’s paying me to keep you distracted.”
“From what?” Jason asked him walking closer towards him.
“He wants to kidnap a certain birdie’s heroic significant other and Wayne’s beloved family friend of course!”
Jason stopped glaring at Nygma and sprinted out of the interrogation room with Damian right behind him.
“Red Hood! Robi… Dammit. Commissioner, Nightwing go check if what Riddler said is true,” Bruce said running after his children. Dick, Tim and commissioner Gordon stood in the room in confusion until Riddler spoke up acting all confused as to what happened.
“I didn’t tell you crap!” He insisted. Red Robin pulled up the camera feed and showed it to him. And of course, there he was confessing.
“…………….My eyes are not that green.”
Red Robin looked at the feed and saw that the Riddlers eye color changed when Jason started talking to him, but when he left they went back to their original eye color.
“Nightwing lets go,” He said walking out of the room.
“Go where?” Gordon asked.
“save s/h/n and talk to Penguin.”
“Wait, s/h/n… is s/h/n y/n?”
“Perhaps, I don’t know, s/h/n is mean, y/n is nice. So no,” Nightwing answered. Nightwing, Red Robin, and the Commissioner all went to Penguins nightclub and things got interesting.
Jason paced the Batcave as Bruce typed away looking for Cobblepots location. “Please tell me you found something?”
“Calm down Jason. We’ll find her. Nightwing and Red Robin are on their way to the Iceberg Lounge.”
“How do you want me to calm down when the love of my life is in the hands of that bastard?!?!”
“Tt. Pacing around the cave isn’t going to help to find them, Todd,” Damian stated. Jason stopped pacing and groaned. If only he’d stay instead with you.
“I managed to save parts of the security feed,” Bruce said pulling the feed up on the computer. Damian and Jason ran next to Bruce and looked at the screen.
You were helping Alfred take care of Ace, Alfred the Cat, and Titus after Duke and Cass went home. A couple minutes later the main door was blown off its hinges by bullets. Multiple of Cobblepots henchmen ran in and began to fight with you and Alfred. Little did they know that Damian had trained all his beloved pets to attack idiotic intruders like them. You put up a good fight before one of them got the jump on you and knocked you out cold. They managed to get away with you before the dogs mauled them to death.
Bruce switched feed to the cameras outside where they basically threw you in a van and drove away.
“Is that all?” Jason asked.
“Everything else was deleted. I’m sorry.”
Jason walked towards his motorcycle and got on. “Where are you going?” Bruce asked him.
“I’m going to catch up with Dick and Tim,” Jason said pulling out of the cave. Damian was gonna go after him but Bruce held him back.
“But father…”
“He has it handled.”
You mentally cursed at every person in the room with you. If your mom were a psychic she would be disappointed. Very disappointed. You pulled at the ropes that held you onto the chair and yelled in frustration.
“When I get out of here I’m going to make you pay!”
“You’re all bark no bite Miss/Mr. Todd. You’re boyfriend on the other hand… Oh, that boy has caused me some major problems,” Cobblepot said walking around you like a wolf stalking a doe. But you were no defenseless doe, you were a badass vigilante with a badass boyfriend who hated Cobblepots ass. So who was in trouble now?
“Your problems with him don’t involve me at all. I don’t interfere with your work. Why kidnap me. Better yet, how did you figure out I was s/h/n?”
“HA! There are people out there who know Jason. A couple thousand dollars was enough to buy the information I needed to figure out his weakness,” he said pointing his umbrella at you, “and you sweetie, are it.”
You glared at the short, fat, sad man in front of you then laughed. “Me? His weakness? Honey, you must’ve eaten some bad fish because I. Am. Not. His. Weakness.”
“That’s not what my sources tell me.”
Whoever his sources were, they were a bunch of snitches.
You rolled your eyes and looked away from him. The fact that the entire batfam fell into his trap surprised you. What surprised you more was that when you looked back at Cobblepot his eyes were a nice emerald color instead of black.
“Uhh, Penguin? You okay?” you asked.
“Why yes, you know what free them,” he replied. His henchmen looked at you then at their boss before untying you. You stood up and rubbed your wrists in an attempt to make the pain go away. A tall broody guy grabbed your shoulder and walked you to one of the backdoors. You walked out of the building a bit scared and confused. But that all went away when Nightwing approached.
“Hey, are you okay?!”
“I guess?”
“What do you mean ‘I guess’? Did he do anything to you?”
“Besides letting me go no.”
Nightwing stood there shocked until Red Hood appeared behind you. You turned around and hugged your boyfriend.
“Hey are you okay?” he asked you.
“Yeah, just tired.”
“Okay lovebirds lets go! Bab’s dad is waiting for us so he can go arrest Penguin but that won’t happen if we stay here all night!”
After the Commissioner arrested Penguin and got your testimony Jason took you home to rest, but not before Tim pulled you to the side and showed you the same video he showed Riddler.
When you got home you decided to ask Jason about it so Tim wouldn’t just bluntly tell everyone that “Jason is a meta!” That would end badly.
“Jay can I ask you something?” you said.
“Is it about what happened with Riddler and Penguin?”
“Jay can I ask you something?” you said.
“Is it about what happened with Riddler and Penguin?”
Jason sighed and took off his helmet. “I… ever since I was revived by the pit I got powers. I can control people. Manipulate them to tell me something or do something.”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!?!”
“I was afraid you would leave me,” he whispered.
You took the helmet from his hands and tossed it onto the living room couch. You gently cupped his face and kissed him. “I could care less if you have powers or not. I love you and nothing is going to be able to change that.”
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crashdevlin · 6 years
Something More- Part Eight
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Author’s Note: *THERE IS NO WIFE-HATE HERE! I <3 Danneel Ackles. (it’s completely understandable how she acts)* This is a sequel to Open. READ THAT FIRST!  Something More Masterlist
Summary: Reader is a no-name actor who has been lucky enough to land a role on her favorite show and a part in an anthology of Marvel Cinematic Shorts. Her star is on the rise, but the man who’s made her his mistress isn’t the only one noticing it.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader, Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Story Warnings: Open Marriage, mistress, breakups, angst, anger, jealousy, things get REALLY bad between Jensen and y/n…
Chapter Warnings:  breakups, domestic violence (Tom is worse than an asshole in this, A REMINDER THAT THIS IS FICTION!!!! I KNOW THAT TOM IS NOT REALLY LIKE THIS AND I WISH HIM NO HARM), 18+ HERE BE SEX, DON’T READ IF YOU’RE A YOUNG’UN!!! fingering, oral (fem rec), unprotected vaginal sex
I kept waiting for my notifications to go crazy with an announcement that Tom and I were through, but it didn't happen. He was so apt to tell the world he had me, but he wouldn't tell them he'd chased me off.
I learned why on Friday. He thought he still had me.
“Hey, y/n, your boyfriend's at the gate.” One of the set assistants approached me while I was watching at the sidelines as Jensen dropped to the floor for the tenth time, the coma spell taking over Dean.
“Tom Hiddleston is at the gate. Where do you want to meet with him?”
I bit my lip, looked at the stage, where Jensen was getting ready for another other take and started to speed walk away, the assistant following me. “Tell them I'll meet him outside makeup.”
When he walked up, I was full of anger and fear. Breaking up with him was scary enough when there was an ocean between us. The way he had snapped at me, the way he had spoken, how he'd tried to manipulate me… it was bound to be worse in person.
Tom had trimmed his beard and done his hair with sweeping curls. He was wearing that grey suit with the shiny lapels. Step one of the manipulation: Look like a dream to make me forget he’s a nightmare waiting to happen.
I tried to ignore how fucking gorgeous he looked, launching myself into the argument, and it had to be an argument, not a discussion or a conversation, because he would win any polite discourse. “Tom, what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be in London.”
He stopped in front of me, tall and intimidating and gorgeous, and he ran his eyes down my body and smiled. “I had to see you. I cancelled my weekend shows, told them I had a family emergency.”
“Getting dumped isn’t an emergency, and I’m not your family.” I spat.
His smile faltered. “A broken heart is an emergency. My girlfriend making a decision she’ll regret for life is an emergency.” He reached forward and grabbed my hand. “I wouldn’t have given up control, y/n, if I’d known you would run back to a married man.”
I tried to pull my hand back, but the fingers of his other hand wrapped around my wrist, tightly, with bruising pressure. I winced. “Tom, you’re hurting me.”
“Is that not a fair turnabout, as you’ve hurt me?” He tightened his grip, yanking me forward slightly. “You need to apologize, Dear, and tell me that you take it back.” I opened my mouth to argue, but nothing came out. “Because your options, Dear, are loneliness, being a married man’s sex doll, or me. If you want a future, a life you and Nova can enjoy and be proud of, you will apologize to me and take… it… back.”
“Hey, y/n/n, you okay?” Jared’s voice pulled my attention to the right, where he was jogging across the lot.
“This is between y/n and me. Don't interfere. It's not your business.” Tom snapped, coldly, dropping my wrist.
“I'm gonna tell you why you're wrong.” Jared came to stand next to me, body angled so that he was ever so slightly in between Tom and me. “You came to my city. You came to my studio to harass my friend who doesn't want to see you. That makes it my fucking business. So, if she wants me to interfere, I'm here for that.”
Tom sneered. “You're not nearly as intimidating as you believe you are.”
“I don't need to be intimidating. I'm the guy that finishes the fight, not the one who starts it. Walk away, jackass, because I would have no problem explaining to the cops and the media why I felt the need to smash your pretty fuckin’ face… all of why I felt the need.” Tom's lip twitched as Jared spoke. “Your fans are kinda fucked up, so they might like you more when it comes out that you're a controlling dickwad, but Disney probably wouldn't be happy about you losing your ‘pristine English gentleman’ facade.”
Tom was barely containing his anger. He doesn't like being talked to like that. But Jared just kept talking, not at all minding the rage in Tom's eyes. “Leave her the fuck alone, stop stalking her at her work, tell the fuckin’ world you aren't together anymore, and go find someone who wants you to treat them like a piece of property.”
“When you realize your mistake…” Tom huffed, angrily, pointing his finger in my face. “... I do hope it’s not too late.”
As he stomped away toward the parking garage, I rubbed my wrist and watched him leave. Jared gently grabbed my hand and rolled my sleeve up, growling when he saw the handprint forming there. “I should call the fucking cops.”
“No.” I shook my head. “No, you’ve already helped so much. I just want it to be over. I gotta go get this covered up. Can you tell Rich I’ll be back in about fifteen minutes?” Jared nodded with a sigh before wrapping me in one of those life-affirming hugs. He kissed the top of my head and I rushed up the stairs into Hair and Makeup.
Trisha gave me a worried look when I asked her to put cover makeup on the rapidly-forming bruises, but I just shrugged it off, telling her it was just an overzealous stunt actor. She didn’t seem to believe me, but I stuck to my line until I was back on set. Jensen stopped mid-sentence and rushed to me. Rich called ‘cut’ and did the same.
“You okay?” Jay asked, quietly.
“Yeah.” I assured him, with a smile and a nod.
“Let me see your wrist.” Richard demanded.
“Guys, it’s okay!” I insisted, stepping back from the men crowding me. “It’s over. He’s gone. I just wanna get back to work and-”
“He hurt you.” Jay’s jaw twitched with barely-contained fury that usually only showed when he was being Dean. “And you’re just gonna let him get away with it?”
“Yes, I am!” I tugged my sleeve down over my hand as far as possible. “I’m not going to start a huge media fiasco over a few fuckin’ bruises. If I accused him… it would ruin me. His fans would drag me worse than they already do. His lawyers would destroy me. I just want it to be over. Let it be over,” I begged.
Jensen let out a shaky breath, still barely keeping in an explosion. “If I ever see him again, I’m gonna break his fuckin’ face.”
“What are you going to do when you have to go back to work for Marvel?” Rich asked.
“If I have to go back, I’ll deal with that, but… Marvel is really good about recasting trouble actors. You think they’d keep me on as Sin if I slapped one of their major stars with a domestic abuse charge?” I scoffed. “I’m not throwing away my dream just so that Tom can get what’s coming to him. It’s over. Tom and I are over. He won’t hurt me, again. Just leave it alone.”
Jay sighed. “People need to see him for who he really is, Baby Girl. Keeping quiet just gives him power.”
“He’s already got power, Jay, and my silence buys me some semblance of peace. Historically, nothing bad happens to a rich man accused of doing horrible shit. Look at Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin, Charlie Sheen, look at Kobe Bryant and Chris Brown. I don’t want to…” I took a deep breath. “It’s over.” I repeated.
“Okay. Fine. It’s over.” Jay nodded.
Except, of course, it wasn’t, because somehow TMZ got their hands on security footage from the studio lot. I was greeted by a hundred notifications, all to do with the obvious argument Tom and I had and the rough way he grabbed me, Jared coming to my rescue.
Damage control was a series of tweets saying Tom and I had a falling out, as sometimes happens, and what that video showed wasn’t as rough or violent as it seemed. I ended it by saying that Tom was a great man, a perfect gentleman who would never dream of raising a hand to a woman and that I hoped he would find happiness in the future.
Of course, that didn’t help much. I mean, it worked on Tom’s fans (who were more than happy that Tom and I were done), but everybody else? No dice. And when Taylor Swift put her two cents in, I knew it was far beyond my ability to control and the only thing I could do was lie and deny her completely true assertion.
‘Sounds like somebody’s afraid to lose her job with @marvelstudios so she’s toeing the party line. Are you afraid of retaliation if you speak out against @twhiddleston?’
“Are we going to have a problem with you and Tom?”
“No. No, sir.” I growled into my phone at the Marvel exec on my line. “I gave my statement.”
“He never hurt you?”
“No. We have no problems. Just a break-up.”
“And, in the future, you would be all right to film with him, do promotion with him?”
“Yes, sir. There was very little animosity in our split.” I lied, staring down at my blue and purple and greenish wrist. The bruises had bloomed up to cover my entire wrist, a painful version of the leather bracelet I used to wear. It made me a bit sick to lie, but if I didn’t lie there was no way in hell I was going to get to stay Sin.
“All right. Tom said the same, but I wanted to make sure. Absolutely nothing you need to tell me?”
“No, sir. Absolutely nothing.”
“Good. Keep it that way and everything’ll be fine.”
I took a deep breath. Marvel covering its ass by covering Tom’s ass. Totally expected. “I understand.”
“We’ll be in touch.”
“Yes, sir. Goodbye.”
I hate people gossiping about me. I hate people discussing my motivations like they have any right to speculate. I was almost excited to answer questions at MinnCon, since I knew I’d be able to put some of those questions to bed.
“I know this might be invasive but we’ve been talking about it since the video leaked. What happened with Jared and Tom?”
“Okay, so, that was a Friday, right, and on Wednesday, I had broken things off with Tom. Tom showed up on Friday morning to convince me that I was making a mistake and that I should take it back.” I swallowed at the memory of Tom demanding I take it back. “I disagreed, tried to get him to leave so I could get back to work. He took my hand in his and when I tried to pull away to leave, he stopped me with a hand on my wrist. Not violently, just holding me in place. Jared didn’t want Tom around because he knew that I broke up with Tom, so he came over to tell Tom to leave in his Texan gentleman way. But it’s not a big deal and Tom didn’t hurt me, okay?”
“Then, why were you rubbing your wrist in the video?”
“Because I was in shock that he’d even grabbed me, at all.” I lied. God, I am such a liar since I started acting. “Like I said, Tom is not the kind of man to raise his hand to a woman and the fact that he grabbed me, even such a small action like that, was shocking to me.”
The next fan asked why I left Tom. “Because…” I bit the inside of my lip and sighed. “Because Tom wanted something I couldn’t provide. I spent my whole marriage as someone’s… someone’s accessory. I lost myself in my ex-husband. I only existed in relation to Nate. It was this… toxic thing, and even though Tom is a vastly different kind of person than Nate is…” *Yeah, Nate never hurt me.* “I noticed some… fundamental similarities in my relationship with Tom and how my relationship with Nate started out. Tom is an all-in kinda guy. He’s the kinda guy that… wants you to be friends with his friends because he already knows they’re awesome. He’s the kind of guy that knows the best way to help you attain your goals and pushes you to do things the way he knows is best. He’s wise and intelligent and he needs a woman who can let herself be lost in him and I couldn’t… not after Nate.”
“What advice would you give Tom’s next girlfriend?” The next questioner asked.
I sighed. “Be prepared to lose yourself. Tom is an overwhelming force and if you’re not one to be completely swept up in him… don’t waste your time.”
“Okay,” started the next fan. “but if you were in an abusive relationship, don’t you think it is your responsibility to the next girl to warn them?”
Okay, so this fan didn’t believe me. That’s fine, a lot of people don’t, whatever. “Um, no. I don’t think it’s my responsibility. I think that’s a lot of pressure to put on someone, to make them feel like they have to report and possibly put themselves in harm’s way just to keep someone else from making the same mistake. I think… I think warning someone isn’t going to stop them, it didn’t stop me with Nathan, who I’m going to assume this question is about, and it didn’t stop his new wife.” I shook my head. “If I were ever in an abusive relationship, I would do what I could to keep myself safe. Other people’s safety is not paramount over my own and my daughter’s. I wouldn’t owe it to anyone to report. Grown folks can make their own decisions.”
The next few questions were about Tara and about coming back to the show. I excitedly spoke about it, talking about how much I’d missed Vancouver and the studio and the guys and Tara. “Now, that’s not to say that being Sinthea is, like, less important than being Tara, but Tara is just… such a great character. Some really great things were shot the week Tom and I split, some emotional awesome things and I can’t wait for you guys to see them, it’s gonna be awesome!”
“What is your favorite thing about playing Tara?”
“Oh, gosh. That’s a hard one.” I contemplated it. “It’s gotta be the guys. Like, how Tara interacts with Sam and Dean. She’s aggressively flirty with Dean and she’s got that lore-focused kinship with Sam and I think that’s a high point of Tara.”
“Have you gotten to hang with Jensen and Jared since you’ve been back in Vancouver?”
“Yeah, all the time. I missed them so much when I was out and about, so it’s kinda great to be able to just hang out in their trailers and have lunch in Craft together.”
After my panel, I got several notifications from Twitter, most saying things like ‘I think @y/l/n_y/n is trying to warn people as subtly as she can about Tom. Knowing she can't speak against him for her own safety and peace of mind, she's saying things like’ and then quotes from my panel. Because our fans are creative and bizarrely Intelligent, they caught my hints. Well, more was coming for them. My karaoke song was ‘Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)’ by Kelly Clarkson.
On Saturday, I answered the same sort of questions in the same cryptic manner and then I hung out in the green room until it was time to get ready for the SNS. I was wearing a black skirt with large white stars and a black tank top, with white strappy sandal heels, an outfit specifically bought for this SNS, this song, when hands covered my eyes. “Guess who?”
I smiled. It was obviously Jay. I could smell his cologne, even if I couldn’t recognize his voice anywhere. “Hmmm. It’s too tall to be Rob… is it Pellegrino?”
He chuckled and dropped his hands, wrapping them around my shoulders. “I love you, you goof.”
“Yeah, I’m the goof.” I turned and looked at him. He was wearing a Bad Idea Tour shirt and a Family Business Beer Co. ball cap. He looked amazing.
“You look great,” he said, eyes dragging down my body like he didn’t know exactly what I looked like under the clothes.
“Thanks. You like it?”
“Oh, yeah.” He nodded. “What are you singing?”
“It’s a surprise. Only Swain and I know.” I smirked. “But if the fans enjoyed the underhanded reference to Tom that was ‘Stronger’, they’re gonna go crazy for tonight.”
“You know, I thought you just wanted it to be over.” Jay teased, smirking at me.
“Yeah.” I nodded. “But I also don’t want him to think I’ve just let him get away with it. Somebody got all pissy when he thought I was just gonna let Tom hurt me and get away with it.”
“I’m glad you listened.”
“I wasn’t ever really planning to lay down about it, dude. Just had to cover my own ass. Repeat the same lie in the same robotic tone, give little veiled references to the relationship, make sure it’s nothing that they can actually point to that I accused him of. Don’t worry. Anyone who’s paying attention knows exactly what really happened.”
He nodded. “After the party, you should come to my hotel with me.” His words were quiet and I got a thrill from them but I shook my head.
“That’d be a bad idea.”
“You don’t trust me?” He smirked.
I shook my head. “Don’t trust myself.”
He chuckled, patting my shoulder. “I got somethin’ to show you, Baby Girl. It’s important and not somethin’ I wanna wait to share.”
My eyebrows came together, confused as to what he could possibly need to share with me. “Okay. Well, I guess… okay.” I nodded and he smiled.
When I got on stage, I was ridiculously excited. “Hey, y/n. You gonna give us some Eagles tonight?” Rob asked into the microphone.
“Nope.” I answered, succinctly.
“Ah, then, Miranda Lambert?”
“Not tonight, Rob. See, I realized that I sing a lot of the same songs. I’m repetitive, Robbie, and who wants that? So, I asked Twitter to send me their favorite upbeat breakup songs and there was one song, Mr. Benedict, one song that was just a gem. A perfect song.” I said, dramatically, channeling my inner Richard Speight Jr. “I have listened to this song, no joke, two hundred and fifty-three times since I discovered it, so I’m pulling out some pop music tonight.”
The audience exploded in whoops and hollers as Richard walked out with a ukulele, which he handed to Borja. Rich slung the strap of Borja’s bass over his head as Mike started to strum the uke. Some fans recognized the song immediately, some caught on when the drums came in. I jumped up and down to the beat, already having fun.
“Maybe I’m just crazy. Maybe I’m a fool. Maybe I don’t know how to love but, Maybe I do. Maybe you know more than me but This much is true, This little heart and brain of mine say We’re through wit’chu. And I wonder, does it blow your mind That I’m leavin’ you far behind? I wonder, does it stop your heart to know You’re not my sunshine, anymore?” I smirked as I turned to Billy and Rob. I could see Jay watching from the curtain. He obviously didn’t know the song, but he was enjoying the show. “Okay, you’re pretty. Your face is a work of art. Your smile could light up New York City after dark. Okay, you’re Coverboy pretty, Stamped with a beauty mark. But it’s such a pity, a boy so pretty With an ugly heart.”
I bounced around the stage during the bridge between verses as the audience cheered. “Maybe you’ll get married And she will kiss your feet While I give all my rides away. I won’t lose no sleep. Maybe on your honeymoon You’ll think of me. But if you don’t, won’t shed a tear. Yeah, I can guarantee. And I wonder, does it blow your mind That I’m leavin’ you far behind? I wonder, does it stop your heart to know You’re not my sunshine, anymore? Okay, you’re pretty. Your face is a work of art. Your smile could light up New York City after dark. Okay, you’re Coverboy pretty, Stamped with a beauty mark. But it’s such a pity, a boy so pretty With an ugly heart.”
When it came to the ritardando of the third chorus, when everything slowed down, I stopped bouncing and put the microphone back in the mic stand. “Okay, you’re pretty. Your face is a work of art. Your smile could probably light up London after dark.” Screams from the audience as I confirmed who I was singing about. I smirked and nodded. “Okay, you’re Coverboy pretty Stamped with a beauty mark. But it’s such a pity, a boy so pretty With an uh-oh, an uh-oh, an ugly heart. An uh-oh, an uh-oh, an ugly heart sooooo.” I grabbed the microphone and pulled it off the stand as I went to bouncing around the stage again.
“Okay, you’re pretty. Your face is a work of art. Your smile could light up New York City after dark. Okay, you’re Coverboy pretty, Stamped with a beauty mark. But it’s such a pity, a boy so pretty With an ugly heart. Okay, you’re pretty. Your face is a work of art. Your smile could light up New York City after dark. Okay, you’re Coverboy pretty, Stamped with a beauty mark. But it’s such a pity, a boy so pretty With an ugly heart.” I was out of breath by the end of the song, but ultimately happy as the fans screamed. “I love you all! Watch out for pretty boys with ugly hearts!” I waved at the audience, tossing the mic to Rich, who almost dropped it.
When I bounced off the stage, Jensen smiled brightly at me. “That’s a great song.”
“I thought so.” I smiled, taking the bottle of water he handed me.
“And it definitely sent a message.”
“Précisément.” I giggled. He smirked and wrapped me in his arms. I melted into him a little. Not too much, because people were around, but enough to feel his muscles under his marathon shirt and miss the way his skin feels. He spun me around and we listened to Swain with me leaning back against his chest, his arms wrapped around me. He squeezed me before pulling away and heading for the stairs to the stage.
I walked to the curtain, watching him greet the audience and our friends on the stage. The drumbeat that started was not one I recognized, not a song Jensen usually sang, something new. “I know your hidin’ places And I know your every move ‘Cause girl, I’ve been lonely, too. And I’ve seen a million faces. Been to a million places. But, girl, there’s no one quite like you.” He turned back to look at me, winking conspicuously before turning back to the audience. “And I’d walk through Hell and high water, Wash away with the tide. I can lose a damn war all by myself If you were on the other side. So, in the mornin’ when the rooster crows Pack your bags and get ready to go. If you’re walkin’ through Hell and high water, Please don’t do it alone. I know you feel let down, And I know you’ve been turned out. I wish I’d been there for you. So when the night time comes around And you feel like an only child, Just know I’ll be there for you. And I’d walk through Hell and high water, Wash away with the tide. I can lose a damn war all by myself If you were on the other side. So, in the mornin’ when the rooster crows Pack your bags and get ready to go. If you’re walkin’ through Hell and high water, Please don’t do it alone.”
As Billy started a guitar solo, Jensen ran backstage to grab a bottle of water. “Black Stone Cherry, a damn fine band.” He drained the bottle, quickly, smiling at me. “You likin’ it?”
“Uh-huh.” I said, a little breathless.
“Good. I’m singin’ it for you.” He kissed the top of my head and ran back out on stage. “And I’d walk through Hell and high water, Wash away with the tide. I can lose a damn war all by myself If you were on the other side. So, in the mornin’ when the rooster crows Pack your bags and get ready to go. If you’re walkin’ through Hell and high water, Please don’t do it alone. If you’re walkin’ through Hell and high water, Please don’t do it alone. Oh no!”
Jay waved to the audience, hugged Rob, blew a kiss to the fans and walked off stage. “I will never get over your fuckin’ voice, Mr. Ackles. Rockstar Jensen Ackles.”
“Fangirl y/n y/l/n.” He countered, making me laugh. “You ready to get outta here?”
I sobered, instantly. There was something so familiar about leaving the Saturday Night Special to have Clif drive us to Jensen’s hotel and my mind took me to that time before I nodded. Nothing would happen, I wouldn’t let it, but I still couldn’t help thinking about it and getting a bit tense as we rode over. I stopped at his hotel room door, not crossing the threshold. He turned to me and raised that damn eyebrow at me. “Do I have to come inside?”
He rolled his eyes. “Get your ass in here, Baby Girl.” He stomped toward the table across the room and I slipped in, closing the door behind me. When I turned back around, he was holding a stack of papers, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth. “I got served.”
I stepped closer, taking the papers in my hands. The all-too-familiar paperwork titled ‘Petition For The Dissolution of Marriage With Minor Children’ made me sad. As much as I wanted Jay, I also wanted them to work it out. I wanted Danneel to come to her senses and keep their family together, but apparently that wasn’t happening. “Oh, Jay.” I said, sadly.
He looked a bit taken aback by my reaction. “I, uh, I thought you’d be happier, kid. She’s filed. We can be together again.”
I nodded, setting the divorce papers on the dresser next to the TV. “I know, Jay, but… this is… I feel so bad for your family, for your kids, especially. They’re so young.”
“I’m not gonna love ‘em any less just because I’m not married to Danneel.”
“But I remember how confused Nova was when Nate left me.” I sighed, shaking my head. “I’m… I’m happy to be able to… but I’m sad for you. I’m sad for Danneel. I’m sad for your kids.”
“Did it break Nova?” He said it quietly, not seeming to expect an answer from me as he stepped in front of me and cupped my face in his hands. “Everything’s gonna be fine, Baby Girl. You and me, we can get through anything. We can get our families through anything. Right?” I nodded. “Then, why don’t we enjoy the good things?”
“Jay…” I looked up into his eyes, getting fuckin’ lost again, but not having to feel bad about that for the first time in months.
“Y/n/n… please.” He whispered, leaning down as I went to my tiptoes wrapping my arms around his neck as he pressed his lips to mine. His hands moved to grab the bottom of my tank top, walking me backward toward the bed as he pulled the shirt off over my head. “Fuck.” He grunted, dropping to his knees in front of me and looking up at my face with adoration as he ran his hands up the inside of my legs and under my skirt.
“Jensen, I…”
“Shh.” He shook his head, letting his right hand stay under my skirt, thumb running down my slit as he pulled his left hand around to pull down my zipper. The skirt crumpled to my feet and I was left in just my bra and panties and those strappy white sandal heels. He leaned forward, placing a kiss to the top of my thigh as he started to unbuckle the straps on my shoes. “Fuckin’ missed you.” He looked up at me as he slipped the heel off, a reverse Cinderella, before doing the same to the other leg complete with the kiss to the top of my thigh.
I smiled down at him as he set the shoes neatly to the side. “Prince Charming… with Rapunzel eyes.” I chuckled.
“I’ve seen those pictures. My eyes aren’t that big.” He smirked as he stood, taking off his hat and tossing it across the room, before reaching back and grabbing the back of his tee, quickly pulling it off and throwing it down. I took a sharp breath and swallowed thickly. “You missed me, too, didn’t ya?”
“God, yes.” I whispered, reaching behind me to unclip my bra as he slipped his feet out of his boots and unzipped his jeans. I dropped my bra to the floor and stepped forward, running my hands across his abs as his jeans puddled at his feet. I squeaked when he pushed me, unexpectedly, backward so that I bounced on the bed. He tucked his fingers in the waistband of my underwear and pulled them down my legs, until they dropped to the floor and he slotted himself with his head between my thighs. “Jay. Please. Fuck.”
“Love it when you beg.” He said, licking at the inside of my thigh, making me whine.
“Please, don’t tease.” I said, breathlessly.
“Okay, Baby Girl.” He ran his left hand up and spread my lips with his first and middle fingers, licking circles around my clit. The middle finger of his right hand sunk into me easily and he started to pump it quickly in and out of me. He waited until I was squirming on the bed before he added a second finger and started to suck my clit and the surrounding skin into his mouth, humming happily as I fell apart on his fingers.
“Holy fuck!” I whined as he climbed up my body. He pulled me into a kiss, licking at the inside of my mouth in a very similar manner to how he’d licked at my pussy. I reached down and wrapped my fingers around his cock and he grunted into my mouth. I ran my hand up and down the length of him a few times, running my thumb over the head and making him buck into my fist.
He pulled away from the kiss, dropping his head to the crook of my neck as he fucked my hand a bit. “Need you.” He grunted.
“I’m right here, Jay.” I whispered. “You got me.”
He reached down, covering my hand with his and lined himself up with my cunt, rubbing the head of his cock from my clit down to my entrance. I moved my hand from his length and grasped his upper arms, fingers of my right hand splayed across his bird tattoo, as he started to swivel his hips, pushing himself into me. “Almost forgot how fuckin’ tight you are.”
“Not tight, Jay. Strong, remember?” I clenched my inner muscles and he let out a strangled cry.
“Fuck, Baby. Gonna kill me with that.”
“Never killed you before.” I teased as he bottomed out, kissing across my shoulder as he let me adjust to his size. “Jay… please move. Please fuckin’ move.”
He pulled back just barely and started to roll his hips, pulling moans from my throat. He moved to kiss me again and I buried my hands in his hair, tangling my legs with his, raising my hips to meet his thrusts, encouraging him to go harder, to let go, to send me into that spiral I’d been desperately needing. When he finally tucked his arms under my shoulders to hold me still as he started to drill into me with abandon, my eyes rolled up and I started to make that noise. That high-pitched whining noise that only Jensen has ever been able to get out of me, the badge of sexual devastation he pinned on like a high honor.
I screamed his name as I came. I couldn’t even think about the fact that there were other people in the hotel. I couldn’t think, at all, until he’d given a few more hard thrusts and grunted into my ear as he came, too, breathing heavily. He looked down into my eyes, both of us panting and sweaty, feeling amazing. “Shit,” he whispered, dropping his forehead to rest against mine. “I forgot the condom.”
I closed my eyes and sighed. “It’s okay. I can… I can get a Plan B in the morning.”
“I’m sorry, Baby Girl. I was just… overeager.” He said, pulling out of me and dropping to the mattress, pulling me into his arms. “Though, I will say, going in you raw is probably one of the best things I’ve ever felt.” He kissed the back of my neck and sighed.
I rolled my head to the side to give him better access. “Well, maybe I can go on birth control or something. I mean, it’s not like we have to use condoms, anymore. Dee’s rules don’t count, anymore.”
“You’re right. Let’s do that,” he said, excitedly.
I chuckled at how happy he was. “Okay. Well, I’ll make an appointment, get a checkup and a prescription for some sort of birth control.”
“Hey. You know I love you, right?” He whispered, pulling the comforter over us.
“Of course I know that. That was the start of all our problems and all our greatest happiness.” I affected a silly voice as I said it. “And I love you, too, Jay.” I finished, seriously, leaning up to press my lips to his and then settling down to fall asleep in his arms.
Open/Something More Tags- @angelessquirrel  @mirandaaustin93 @supernatural-bellawinchester @mannls @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @nanie5 @super-fics @sev3nruby@racewife2004
Everything- @heyitscam99
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lloydskywalkers · 5 years
What if Cole was the green ninja? What if Lloyd inherited the element of destruction from garmadon? How would he feel about that? What if Zane had actually died in season 3? Who’d be the next ice elemental? What if it was Pixal? How would that change the team’s dynamic? WHAT IF ALL OF THE ABOVE??? I’m sorry I just have so many questions and you’re the best at answering them. 😅
Ah thank you, I’m glad to hear you like my answers because this is going to be a longer one 😂Oh boy haha okay let’s see—
1) If Cole was the Green Ninja— I think it would go similarly to Kai and Jay’s, in that it changes the team dynamic and Garmadon gets ten times more vicious against him. However, for Cole personally! He’s now locked into leader for life, so it’d probably change him in that he takes everything a lot more seriously, and there’s less room for the lighter moments, as he probably leaves himself zero room for error? It also means that when Zane dies in season 3 Cole probably destroys himself with guilt over not having stopped it, because he was right there and he wasted so much time just squabbling with Jay, but it also means he doesn’t get to run off an be a lumberjack, because he’s the green ninja now so he doesn’t get to abandon his responsibility, right?
I don’t know. Part of me wants to say that Cole could handle being the Green Ninja better than some of the others, but his character would probably end up a lot different, simply because of the responsibility, and the fact that he wouldn’t get that break after season 3 from being the leader. Cole might crash at some point, that’s where I think it’d go.
2) If Lloyd inherited the element of destruction from Garmadon— so my mind instinctively jumps to the Angst, because that’s just how it works. Watching Lloyd with his green power, he’s pretty restrained and careful with it. Most of the time he’s either using it as a shield or directly blasting enemies, and even then it doesn’t seem like he’s hitting them with the full force of it, because most of the time it looks more like they’ve been hit with a blunt object then vaporized by energy. Even in the later seasons, like when he nabs Harumi with it over the mask, she’s able to walk it off. I like to think that as the green power/energy/whatnot is more linked to balance and life, it’s not as destructive, and that works well with Lloyd’s temperament.
So give him his dad’s powers, which have the potential to be a lot more devastating and leave lasting effects…I don’t see him wanting to use his powers against the rest of the team in training much, for one. I’m sure he’d be fine with them until he saw just how much harm that pure destruction do, then he’d be ridiculously restrained with it, and probably rely on his power a lot less and regular weapons a lot more.
On the other hand! Please imagine kid Lloyd, fresh out of Darkley’s, well-meaning but absolute gremlin, with all the powers of destruction in his hands. Goodbye Ninjago City.
3) If Zane had died/Pixal became the next Ice EM — I’m combining all these last ones together because they’re on a fairly similar wavelength. So to start with, if Zane had died in season 3: the Never Realm would catch a break and the rest of the team would be dead by now. JK hnskghj I definitely think the team would take a hit, because they do kind of fall to pieces after season 3 anyways. I think that with the threat Chen poses they would pull back together, especially if Pixal stepped up as the new Ice EM, because at the end of the day they’re all stupidly self-sacrificing kids to the core who can’t walk away when others are in danger, and Pixal needs someone to train her. There would always be that awful sense of grief, though, because they’re missing a piece of themselves and they’re never fixing that. And of course, then there are those deep down fears that they’re just replacing Zane with Pixal, so maybe a little bitter taste there. Ultimately I think the team would grow up a lot faster, take mistakes a lot harder, and probably end up ridiculously protective of each other because they know what it’s like to lose someone now.
Honesty the idea of Zane permanently dying hurts the soul, because I’m the type of person who needs the team whole and together at the end of the day, so I am very glad it didn’t take this route — but that’s the best I could imagine it going??
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