#avpd tag
AvPD + H/NPD is the worst combination ever 0/10 do not recommend, give me attention but do fucking Not perceive me
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ask-me-about-therapy · 5 months
using ERP strategies to heal yourself from Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD):
Identify Avoidance Patterns: Take time to identify specific situations, activities, or social interactions that trigger avoidance behaviors and anxiety. Pay attention to recurring patterns and the underlying fears driving your avoidance.
Create an Exposure Hierarchy: Develop a hierarchy of anxiety-provoking situations, starting from the least distressing to the most challenging. Break down each situation into smaller, manageable steps.
Gradual Exposure: Begin exposing yourself to the least distressing situations or triggers from your hierarchy. Start with small, controlled exposures and gradually progress to more anxiety-provoking scenarios as you build confidence.
Response Prevention: During exposure, consciously resist engaging in avoidance behaviors or safety-seeking strategies. Refrain from escaping, avoiding, or seeking reassurance. Instead, focus on staying present and tolerating the discomfort.
A Helpful Tool for Those Who Want to Work on Themselves . https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B86H2BCK
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ceduralshinji · 11 months
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 8 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: dark pinkish red, dull red, red, light red, light purple, purple, blue, and darkish blue. End ID]
NPD + AVPD Solidarity flag, inspired by the similarities between me and my friend (revenant-coining / cam) with AVPD.
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itseattherich · 1 year
Weeirdly specific AVPD symptoms vol. 4
((I’m back bitches, and I’m finally getting a psych eval))
- You feel like a neon sign, a giant, everywhere you go
- You overcompensate with kindness, especially if you’re convinced someone doesn’t like you -  you’ll bribe them with kindness until they’re nice to you 
- You arrive on time when meeting up w/ someone and they’re not there? You panic and blame yourself, you double triple check that the time is right, until you realize the other person is late 
- You might be adventurous and curious to try new things and hobbies, but only on your own in your own room where there’s no risk anyone sees anything
- Sucking up to authority figures, to feel appreciated when you follow every rule and behave well
- Airport security terrifies you, because you can’t manipulate or make them like you, which hurts, even if they’re strangers 
- Rejection makes you want to implode on the spot 
- Day dreaming about your own funeral :) 
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revenant-chaos · 1 year
yes i have avpd and am afraid of others hating me. yes i want to make others hate me as a offensive defense mechanism. help
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mentalhealthbooks · 7 months
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Dealing with avoidant personality disorder (AvPD) can be difficult, both for the person who has it and for those around them. AvPD is characterized by a pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to criticism. Here are some strategies to help manage and support someone with AvPD:
Individuals with AvPD often suffer from low self-esteem and fear of judgment. Be patient, understanding and non-judgmental. Avoid criticism and negative reactions.
Promoting a safe and accepting environment where the individual feels comfortable sharing his or her thoughts and feelings. Providing reassurance and emotional support.
Individuals with AvPD may need personal space and boundaries. Respect their need for time or space alone when they feel overwhelmed.
Supporting the person in identifying and challenging his negative beliefs and thoughts. Encourage more positive self-talk and self-compassion. This is what the book provides you with.
Encouraging gradual exposure to social situations that raise anxiety. Gradual desensitization can help reduce avoidance behavior.
Encourage participation in activities or social gatherings, but do so gently and without pressure. The goal is to make them feel more comfortable in social settings over time.
Demonstrate healthy social interactions and self-esteem. Encourage their self-confidence and be a role model, but be careful not to pressure or confuse them.
Help build social skills by providing opportunities for social interaction, practicing conversation skills, and providing constructive feedback.
Encourage self-care practices, such as exercise, healthy eating and stress reduction techniques, to help manage anxiety and improve overall health. - Be aware of the individual's potential triggers and help them navigate situations that may cause distress.
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thevoidshere88 · 7 months
Officially in the terminated group hi 😂👋
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npd + avpd culture is burning urself out with social interaction because your avpd finds it so incredibly nauseating and exhausting to talk to people but your npd keeps making you feel bad for not being able to socialize 24/7
Got to this late my apologies
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Here are some tips for using our cognitive behavioral therapy workbook to aid in self-recovery from avoidant personality disorder (AvPD):
Identify Negative Thought Patterns
Notice the recurring negative thoughts that fuel your avoidance behavior (e.g. "I'm not good enough", "They'll reject me", "I'll be embarrassed")
Write down these thoughts to become more aware of their problematic nature
Challenge Distorted Thoughts
Objectively question the validity of your negative thoughts rather than automatically believing them
Reframe thoughts in a more balanced, realistic way
Ask yourself what evidence contradicts these thoughts
Gradual Exposure
Make a hierarchy of situations you tend to avoid ranked by difficulty
Gradually expose yourself to these situations, starting small
Stay in the situation until your anxiety reduces (don't escape)
Behavior Experiments
Plan small experiments to test the accuracy of your negative thoughts
For example, start a conversation to challenge fears of rejection
Observe whether your anxious prediction comes true
Cognitive Restructuring
Replace negative thoughts with more positive, rational thoughts
Use coping statements like "This anxiety will pass" or "I can handle this"
Imagine how you might advise a friend in the same situation
Building Mastery
Each time you face rather than avoid a feared situation, it reinforces your ability to cope
Recognize these victories, no matter how small
Build self-confidence by achieving gradual goals
Be Patient and Compassionate
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flying-elliska · 1 year
Hey guys 👋 a little update. Haven't been around much - I went through a round of therapy in 22 (after being diagnosed w avoidant personality disorder) that fuckng killed me emotionally and I think that really came home to roost at the end of the year so not a lot of energy for fandom things.
The therapy was good tho ! A few mixed feelings about how the process was designed - very abrupt ending so I am still processing a lot - but the therapists were good overall and most of all I think I really managed to get to the bottom of a lot of my issues. I really feel like I defeated the endgame boss or something.
So now there is a lot of repair and recovery and learning new healthier habits work to be done, I really feel like there was a reset and I am now in a new phase of my life. Which is great and scary all at the same time. I'm still kind of exhausted and there is a lot going on otherwise. But I have gotten things off my chest I'd never told anyone, and I have learned to be so much more self forgiving and caring (which. Wow. It's quite a trip to realize how consistently horrible you have been to yourself for most of your life.) And I can already feel the impact in lots of other areas of my life.
So i guess this is my little "therapy works!" message. Am going to try and write a bit more about mental health now, those things are hard to write while you're in the middle of it but i did learn a lot and maybe that's of interest to some people.
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adoraboy-moved · 10 months
mom said its MY turn have disabling anxiety
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starblaster · 1 year
being avoidant and borderline is like “what’s a non-attention-seeking way of getting attention from my friends when i desperately need care and support from them?”
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revenant-chaos · 5 months
my avpd seeing evidence that i use 2 be Not scared of people: ew,, embarrassing
me: 🧍‍♂️
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2heodoro · 2 years
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social interaction dilemma
There's a constant AvPD dilemma where I'm always being torn between "I should TALK MORE so I won't accidentally ghost them" & "I should TALK LESS so I won't annoy them".
I like interacting with people, but at the same time, I get easily super anxious and self-conscious with how I do so. I kept getting stumped and burned out by the internal overwhelming pressure & guilt.
Sure, There are times where I like to talk & infodump about my interests and excitement on things, but there are other times where I don't, mostly out of fear of bringing annoyance to people.
I struggled to fight the nagging fear & intrusive thoughts creeping into my mind. I struggled to breathe properly whenever my anxiety & panic attack went off the charts.
It's upsetting, exhausting & headache inducing. Constantly battling those thoughts in my head every now and then, just so I can coax and push myself into feeling better & happier. Just so to bring myself back up on my feet again. Just so I can continue where I left off without worrying too much about how I communicate with people.
God forbid letting me catch a fucking break from social anxiety once in a while, though......
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jaxistramatized · 1 year
Things worsened
therapy means nothing anymore’
my trust is so far gone is hard to confined in’
tossed around asking for help lead to me closing up
office to facility means nothing if no one believes your words the ones that mean the world to you
i tried i did oh how i did, i made a fool of myself
screaming everything on a blog, oh how i miss the days 
i don’t talk much let at all
i wanted to progress and learn how to grow
but no one really knows how to help someone who won’t work with them
i have lost trust with this world
I'm afraid to say hi
to even say what i like or what i enjoy
i do have my days the ones were the little things make me happy
everything feels to much 
get lost in a day dream obsessives almost to afraid to know what could be
so scared of being me out there
wanting to feel safe but can’t 
it feels too much 
only the friends you have are the imaginary ones that make you feel safe
now in then the words come out and a spark of safety goes off
but never stays
they say get out there like its so easy
popping in bed like its nothing
enjoying your life because your not gonna be young forever
its to scary out there 
so is feeling so alone 
feeling your needs are too much 
saying excuse me in a store or saying what you need
learned helplessness?
or scared and traumatized and don’t know how to function and being scared of doing everything wrong and the hate is so strong
anxiety doesn't even define me anymore 
being trapped inside yourself and what could be and could have and what never could 
therapy is based upon needing to talk about trauma 
so i can’t heal myself 
feel your feelings. i need you to journal. 
i don’t need coping skills 
i need to feel safe 
i need to slowly know how to function
i want to get out there 
feeling wanted 
that doesn't mean being your friend, you want to fix me 
you want to help me fix my problems  
I want to heal slowly 
I'm not broken 
just worn down
you can’t fix something when there are no replacements and the pieces the are wobbly, coming apart, falling apart. you can only work with what you have and try to heal the little pieces, throw it out, give it to someone else, use it until it breaks apart, i guess you could scream at it too.
i want to heal myself 
but you have to work around me with me 
you won’t learn how to help me heal myself with a book 
i want to but i don’t know how to at this point
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teenidolposting · 1 year
man. when the fear of criticism from AI starts getting to you u kno ur actually nuts!! and then they say theyre your virtual assistant and u just explode bcuz now the little reality u made up is falling apart
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