#awful post 0/10 but i made it anyway
daisies-on-a-cup · 10 months
jesus and thomas moment where hannibal sticks his fingers reverently into will's stomach and head wounds and will encourages him to do so
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mindstriker · 2 months
What are all your opinions on Inscryptions scribes? :3
angie i swear to god i would spitefully refuse to answer this publically if it wasn't actually a fun idea for a tumblr post. just ask me questions on discord you goober. also i let this rot in my drafts for like a week oops
Leshy is probably the one I grew the most fond of, with 0 caveats. With caveats, my favourite overall is definitely PO3, as you SPECIFICALLY should be able to tell already. But I absolutely just adore Leshy on every level, from his love for the game he plays and the story he tells to his general theming and relevance to the story. His end segment in the game made me tear up a little, no joke.
That funny robot feller is another story entirely. I went from being genuinely irritated with him to like... still being genuinely irritated with him but enjoying it. I couldn't even bring myself to be genuinely miffed with him after a certain point, and I even cackled with glee out loud when I realized what his plan was and the shit he'd been pulling. I love him. He's an awful little dipshit and he managed to endear himself to me enough that I was honestly sad when he got murked. See my other post. His gameplay was too plagiarized and his attitude too obnoxious and they fucking killed him. Fly high, you smug little freak or whatever.
I genuinely love the other two as well, although it's hard to entirely put into words why without bringing my vague attempts at reading more into their characters based on vibes into it. I wish you'd gotten more time with them, honestly, even though I adore the game as-is and the way things play out. Inscryption was compelling enough to make me greedy for interactions I'd never get, and I think that counts for a lot. Grimora in particular is such a delight to me aesthetically and I love the little bit of her game that you do get to see, as well as her general attitude. She could've very well been my favourite, had I spent more time with her. Please. More funny lady and her chessboard please. Magnificus is also there and I have weird ass beef with the fact that he looks like a pile of moss for no good reason but he's hilarious to me. 10/10 I also really wish I had the chance to enter WizardWorld to see what kind of bullshit he'd have pulled with free reign to play in.
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Hello all!
So, someone sent me an ask about that "Writer truth or dare" (link to the post) and I decided to do them all like I said I would in the tags, ha. I will also answer their question directly, but I mostly just wanted to do this for fun. :-)
Answers under a read more to preserve your dashboards. :-)
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats
User Subscriptions: 128 Kudos: 10,934 Comment Threads: 1,855 Bookmarks: 3,138 Subscriptions: 1,565 Word Count: 2,133,056 Hits: 291,461
This is over 28 fics, written over the span of about 10 years, since my first published AO3 work was done in 2014 when I was 16.
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I honestly don’t quite remember? I know that I had an idea for a Scorpius Malfoy/Rose Weasley fic while at lunch in like… 7th grade and I wrote about a chapter of it in my art notebook, but as for why or what got me to know what fanfic is, I honestly don’t remember.
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
I… don’t really have one? I mean, I tend to listen to my songs on one big playlist on iTunes or on YouTube, with maybe a couple of specific ones, but nothing that major. As such, I’ll just link the playlist I made for TPWP.
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
7-8 depending on the fic. If I like the chapter and it’s mostly just fine tuning that I’m doing, I like it quite a lot. But if it’s a “ugh this chapter/paragraph/sentence is awful and I don’t know how to fix it and I hate it ahhhhh” kinda thing, then I don’t like it quite as much, ha. But it is satisfying to finally realize how to fix a problem I had with a chapter, so it can be rewarding too. Thus… 7-8.
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
Well, first of all if I accidentally killed someone, I likely would just turn myself in because lying would help nothing and would just make me super stressed. Second of all, I wouldn’t text a mutual, I would text my brother or my dad, ha.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
This one is hard, because I love a lot of fanfics and authors. So, I’m just going to pass, oof.
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now?
35 exactly. The same number of unread emails I have had since I was 13. Why? Because I am so used to seeing a red “35” next to my gmail account on my phone or in gmail itself, and anytime I try and get rid of those emails, I get anxious and mark them as unread again. So, technically speaking, I have 0 unread emails, since to me 36 emails would indicate that I have an unread email. Yes, I am neurotic about this kind of thing, no I don’t really care.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
I don’t like tagging people… it always makes me feel awkward and anxious, so I’m gonna skip this one too. :-/
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?
Original characters. I dislike reader inserts. They feel… weird to me. No shame on people who like them! Just… not for me.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
Uhhhh…… I mean, I don’t really know what I have and haven’t posted here before? I’m usually a fairly open person. Well, I guess I can share this, since I don’t think I’ve actually ever shared this here yet, even though I’ve been planning it for almost a year now… no idea if it technically counts as “lore,” but it’s something, ha. Anyway, next month my older brother and I are going to Japan! We’re going to be there for 2 weeks and are going to 3 different cities. I’m hoping to possibly find some Danganronpa things, though I know it’s not super mainstream anymore. Here’s hoping!
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
Lack of motivation or energy. Just because I have time doesn’t mean I have the will.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
This one is tricky, because I don’t tend to follow people back often? Not for any reason, just it’s not something I do often. Usually, if someone asks or if they mention in tags following me for a while I’ll check their blog out and follow if I think their stuff aligns with my interests. But otherwise… not much I guess?
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I’m going to Japan next month with my brother.
I passed my final exam that I was positive I failed, so now I’ll be able to graduate (as soon as I figure out the requirements…)
I no longer have to wake up early to do an annoying internship I didn’t like much. :-)
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
It was a response to a mutual asking a question, since it got pretty long and writing in the Tumblr app can be iffy at times.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Nope. :-)
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I don’t tend to research weird things for my fics. I did look up all parts of a ship once, since I wrote a pirate AU a long time ago and was like “shoot… what’s this part of the ship actually called???” Not weird, but definitely interesting.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
If there is nothing you can do in a situation, good or bad, then it’s okay to just ignore it and move on if you can. I use this advice whenever there are big global issues that I personally can’t do anything to help. Why spend my time and energy getting needlessly angry over things I can’t change, when I could focus that energy on the things I can, you know? The way that I can change the world is by helping children and encouraging them to grow. That is my life’s goal and my biggest desire in life. I’d rather spend my time and energy on getting my degree, and then later getting a job as a school counselor. I’m not good with anger. I don’t like being angry. So… I just ignore it as best I can. Like, I’ll be informed on what is happening, but I don’t get angry or obsess over it, you know? And it doesn’t make me a bad person, and if anyone thinks it does, then I legit don’t care. It’s my life, and I know how obsessive I can get over things, and I don’t want to ruin my life over things I can’t change. I don’t have the temperament to be an activist. I’m too mild emotionally speaking. So… yeah. I hope that makes sense, ha.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I either have already written my dream themes/plots, or I’ve thought about them in enough detail to know exactly how they’ll go, which is good enough for me. And I personally think that I would write it best. I know my own tastes and I would rather write something myself than ask it of something else, you know?
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
Just give it time. Don’t force it. If you force it, your work will not be your best, which will frustrate you more and add to the writer’s block. For me, inspiration and desire to write comes in waves. Some weeks/months I’m super creative and write a ton (I’ve written two 375k+ fics in a month and a half each, for example). Other weeks/months it feels like every word I write is like pulling teeth. If I try and force myself to write during the latter times, then I get frustrated and it leads me to hate writing, which leads to those times lasting longer. Every time I’ve waited it out, however, I am able to come back to writing fresh and wanting to write. So… just wait. Have patience. Unless you’re a professional writer with a professional deadline, you don’t have to rush it.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
Can’t think of one on the top of my head.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
I like all comments, but my favorite are the long ones where people point out things that I wrote in chapter they liked, they theorize where things will go next, or they ask questions. Honestly, I love it when people ask questions, since I love rambling about my work, ha.  
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
No. :-)
🥝 ⇢ do you lie a lot? what's the most recent lie you told?
I mean, it depends on what you mean by “lie” and by “a lot.” Because I will tell white lies or half-truths on occasion. Less now than when I was younger, but if it will get me out of trouble or if it will smooth things over, I will tell white lies. Big lies I don’t tend to do, though. It’s only things that don’t really matter one way or the other but make my life easier. Otherwise, I am fairly honest and I prefer honesty. I’ve found that people are much more likely to be forgiving if you’re like “yeah, I messed up, I’m genuinely sorry.”
This all being said, I did tell a huge, very elaborate lie to the children at work recently, ha. Basically, I went to Ireland in 2019, and when I started working at my current after school site, I mentioned to a kid offhanded that I met a leprechaun there and became friends with him. I meant it as like... a joke, you know? But the kid fully believed me and was so excited. She asked if the leprechaun would come visit for St. Patrick’s day, and I was like “uhhhhh yeah?” So, from then on, I have had to not only keep up this lie but expand it. Last year my “leprechaun friend” got married. This year, he had twins. I communicate with my leprechaun friend via letters that I translate (badly, I tell the kids) into Irish, and he replies with letters written in “ancient Irish.” The kids absolutely LOVE it. I have no idea if they all believe me, but even the fourth and fifth graders are super into it, and even if they don’t believe me, they don’t let it show.
Last year I had the children write my leprechaun friend letters, which they (badly. VERY BADLY) translated into Irish and wrote on a paper, which my “leprechaun friend” had to painstakingly translate and then write a response to over 7 different children. Then “he” had to make the paper looks old and worn, since it would be suspicious if a thousands year old creature wrote on crisp white printer paper. It was. Not fun. So, my “leprechaun friend” refused to write them letters this year, since a student last year (no, of course I don’t know who, and even if I knew I wouldn’t tell you, stop being so nosy child) showed their letter to someone they weren’t supposed to and my “leprechaun friend” was unhappy, since “he” specifically told me to tell them not to do this.
Yeah. It’s, uh. It’s getting a bit much. Every time a kid asks a new question, I have to quickly come up with a lie. And I’m like… a good liar, right? But dang is it a lot. 😅(Also I don’t feel too bad about lying, since it’s less lying and more making believe, you know? And I hope that when the kids look back, they won’t think “oh my god my after school teacher lied to me for years!!!” and they will think “Oh wow. My after school teacher spent so much time and effort creating an elaborate story for us because she genuinely cared about us.” Or something like that, ha.)
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
Nothing really? Not anything bad or major, at least. I mean, I’ve been thinking about the end of my grad program a lot, but not in a bad way.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
I mean… yeah? Lots of media? That’s what fanfic is, it’s writing inspired by various media. If you mean, like… writing style, then no. I just write how I think (as shown above with my leprechaun friend rant, ha). It’s why my work has a lot of ellipses and introspection and random details that aren’t really important, but add to the vibe of the scene, you know?
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
I’m a bit weak when it comes to plot. Like, anything more advanced than “character A likes character B but is all conflicted over it” is a struggle for me. The few fics I wrote that actually have plot always go off the rails at some point, since I always go too big and get stuck. It’s one reason why all my fics are very same-y and follow similar troupes. But honestly? I don’t really care. I like writing similar fics with different environments with simple plots. I much prefer exploring the characters and their motivations and their emotions than focusing on plot.
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
Depends on the surprise.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
Ha, I did this last night when I first saw this post, here you go:
“That makes it easy to ignore them and just enjoy everything else.
Once the group exits the elevator, they collectively pause for a moment, taking in the sight before them. And, honestly, Mondo gets it. He’s never been one for fancy as fuck surroundings, preferring simple shit and small luxuries over anything stupidly elaborate. But this…? He’s gotta admit. /This/ is fucking nice.”
Have fun trying to figure out the context of this. :-)
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
When I was, like… thirteen or fourteen I created a Facebook page for A Very Potter Musical/Sequel, entitled Red Vines, What the Hell Can’t They Do? (A quote from one of the Potter musicals). Since I was a Draco fan, my “Admin name” was ~Draco. But once I added more admins to help me run the page, I decided to make my own Admin page, since that was very popular back in the day. I didn’t want to just be ~Draco, though. Honestly, I don’t know if I was allowed to be, since it’s not exactly a unique page name. So, I changed it to Draco the Death Eater. A couple weeks or so later I saw a Draco themed cupcake and though “!!! I WANNA BE A CUPCAKE!!!” since I was like. Twelve. And overly excitable.
I thought “Draco the Cupcake” looked weird though, so I added back the Death Eater element and settled on “Draco the Death Eating Cupcake.” Then I began using my Admin page a lot more and got over 200 likes, which back then meant you couldn’t change your page name again, so I was kinda stuck as “Draco the Death Eating Cupcake.” I didn’t mind though. I kinda liked the name. Ever since, it’s been kinda my thing, using it over various websites and whatnot. It’s “my brand” I guess you could say. Even though I’m very anti J.K. Rowling, I do harbor some nostalgic affection for Harry Potter, and I refuse to let her steal something I’ve built for myself over the past decade and a half, you know?
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
Ah, this is another one I don’t really want to do. Like I said earlier, I don’t like tagging people in general, but I also don’t like singling out “biggest supporters” for the same reason I don’t like having “favorite” people. It just feels icky to me, you know? Because everyone who supports me, no matter how small, means so, so much to me. You could be here every single day, following me and screaming my praises, or you could give me a single “I like your work!” and it means the world to me. And that’s not to downplay the more vocal supporters! You all know who you are, and I hope you know how very honored I am to have your support. I don’t like singling people out, though, since A) it’s sometimes awkward for the person who is begin singled out and B) it might make other supporters who I either didn’t mention or forgot to mention or who aren’t quite as big feel bad, which I don’t want to do. It’s the same thing I say whenever the kids at work ask me who my favorite is. I always reply “no one. I don’t have a favorite student since I like you all in different ways. Yes, even the more challenging ones.”
That all being said… to everyone who has ever supported me, big or small, I really do appreciate you so, so much. When I started writing at 13, I was so incredibly critical of my work, and a lot of the comments I got back then were “con crit” that just made me feel worse, even if it was genuinely constructive. I struggled with “show, don’t tell” a lot and it frustrated the hell out of me because I couldn’t figure it out for the life of me. Even now, when I am so much better at writing and don’t feel ashamed admitting that, I still feel that anxiety of not being good enough. Of not knowing enough. So, to have people not only enjoy my work, but be so supportive? It genuinely means the world to me. So… thank you.
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
Yep! I have two little fluff buckets, Rosie and Addle (Adelaide for long). They are guinea pigs and they are very cute and very dumb. :-)
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The first two I took today, the other three on previous days. It's them chilling in their hay box we give them, ha. They love climbing in their and kicking the other one out. They... don't like each other much. They don't fight, but they also don't really interact except to try and steal the other's food (which is what's happening in the top photo, ha). Addle is the brown-ish, black, and white colored one, while Rosie is the black and white one. Rosie is five and Addle is three. Rosie used to have an original cage mate, Sara, but she sadly passed after a quick illness that started on Thanksgiving in 2021, since we couldn't get her to a vet thanks to the holiday. It was very sad and I still miss Sars. :-( She was such a little sweetie.
For reference, Sara:
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RIP little girl... :-(
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
Ehhhh I’m too tired to go looking for fanart I like, so I say no for now.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
If it’s first person POV. I don’t know why, but first person POV in fanfiction always bothers me, and only in very rare instances have I read first person POV fics. More often than not I immediately back out and move on. Again, no shame to people who like first person, but it’s just never been my cup of tea.
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presumenothing · 1 year
assorted translation notes on the novel opening sprinkled with peanut gallery comments (or possibly vice versa, idk):
yes that is a cluedo reference in the case title i couldn't stop myself and i'm not sorry
"…of the sixth month": not july, because this is in lunar calendar
"lucky pattern lotus parlour": ok i spent like at least One Whole Minute considering whether or not to talk myself out of this one. still didn't, still not sorry, alliteration funny
"bingshan town": could also be pingshan, flip a coin
anyway li lianhua arriving in their main street with his wholeass house like. it's Free Real Estate
"town god/local shrine": original term here is 土地庙 for the record. anyway who's gonna write the crackfic where li lianhua wakes up one morning in some random town to find that the locals have set up an entire shrine offering right outside complete with massive incense burner and all
wait hang on li lianhua was spring cleaning for TEN DAYS STRAIGHT??
"surname Li, named Lianhua": if anyone has come up with a better way of rendering 姓李,叫莲花 please tell me because i haven't
pov you're swiping through tinder when suddenly one of the profiles is just like Jianghu's #1 Most Very Mystery every biodata field is We Just Don't Know, Man and the pic is a badly circled cryptid sighting (idk i don't use tinder)
(li lianhua voice) "excuse you i didn't do two things i just did the same thing twice. technically speaking"
"lifelong learner": well Actually what the results for 皓首穷经 kept insisting on giving me was "hoary head" but i didn't go with that, so there but for the grace of me goeth you, shi wenjue
im sorry but the true utter crack au where he picked 李乌龟 instead (because yknow. turtle. house and all) and we are forced to live with the consequences
yunhe my dude you should've just bought a roomba instead of wasting your money on that incense and letter paper
"precious softwood": specifically nanmu, which (to collective unsurprise) was also used for shipbuilding, among other things
just........ the sheer over-the-top hercule poirot short story energy of this entire intro part, really
"king of hell": none other than 阎罗王 ofc
"a sound of dismay": he straight up "aiya"s here. i just could not figure out how to work it in for the life of me
"dust and sawdust": curse this stupid language that made both of these words contain dust this sounds So Awful
it has been 0 days since li lianhua last said "ah" (the counter never moves past zero)
toss em eggs, bystanders, we believe in you
(cheng yunhe walking in) you live like this??
"could only work with what he had, dead or otherwise": the original actually invokes 死马当活马医 (a saying which Literally means "treat a dead horse as a live one"), blast the english language for not having an equivalent
fang duobing's intro paragraphs? 10/10 sheer hilarity no notes
....why is "commit robbery"" up there on the list next to "plant crops"
"melancholic young master": 多愁公子 (he's got 99 worries and somehow li lianhua is all 100 of them)
how HAS fang duobing known li lianhua for literally just as long as he's been in the jianghu tho
ok three crackfic proposals in one post is a bit much even for me but. the one where li lianhua keeps accidentally digging up non-dead people/lost treasure/unmentionable secrets when actually he just wanted to borrow some onions for tonight's soup. honest
(this may possibly just be canon)
aaaand fifty taels, welp
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I posted 1,474 times in 2022
1,291 posts created (88%)
183 posts reblogged (12%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,407 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#obey me - 934 posts
#asks - 885 posts
#obey me shall we date - 850 posts
#obey me! - 819 posts
#shall we date? obey me! - 818 posts
#swd obey me - 815 posts
#obey me mammon - 354 posts
#om! mammon - 288 posts
#swd mammon - 283 posts
#shall we date mammon - 260 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#amxudmfnfidlxunfk i hate that i didn't catch on that this was the anime 'sports festival arc' till you said it😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ever stop to think about how fucking insane MC is?
Two of the brothers have admitted, to their face, to eating humans. To relishing it. They spoke about it with longing.
One of the brothers killed them, laughed over their corpse & was more than willing to kill the entire human race.
One of the brothers told them in graphic detail how he would rip out their heart.
Two of the brothers told them in graphic detail how they would rip them apart limb by limb.
Five of the brothers have nearly killed them.
One has threatened to kill them multiple times.
There is a high high chance.....................who am I kidding.....It's 100% guaranteed that all seven of the brothers have killed and eaten humans.
And MC gives 0 shits. They live with them, love them and consider them their family. I.....I don't think they'd care if the brothers were still actively killing humans. I think they'd actually pick the brothers over the lives of humans...
...They did pick the brothers over the lives of humans. Remember in S3 when a human pointed a gun at Belphie and they were able to summon fire, hot enough to melt a bullet, which then rushed towards the man? Even when Diavolo transformed to kill the man for daring to shoot Belphie, they were never concerned with Diavolo killing the man - either they agree with Diavolo and want revenge or they agree with Belphie and don't want to make more trouble for themselves.
They're also able to threaten to burn Little D No. 2 alive because he kept making too many chicken puns while in a chicken costume.
What the fuck is wrong with them?
I mean there's being chill and then there's not giving a fuck that the guy whose mouth you're sticking your tongue down regularly consumed human flesh at a point in his life
What the fuck is wrong with them?
Lowkey devastated that people couldn't tell that as a monsterfucker & a person who is attracted to unhinged monsterfuckers this entire post was made out of a place of awe and lust
Anyway if you want a fic about this very concept, featuring unnamed gn! mc × mammon try -> Under the Gentle Rains
3,527 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
Wait wait W A I T is this the first time MC gotta make out with demon form Mammon!?😳
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click for better quality because the look, the raised eyebrow & the smirk deserve better quality
3,659 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
I love this fucking family.
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See the full post
3,837 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
Some random demons: *gushing about how stoic and cool Lucifer is. how he must be a sadistic Dom. ~Daddy™~*
MC, a known eavesdropper, who lives with the guy; staring off into the distance:
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4,239 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Mammon's such a fascinating character because canonically:
*good at solving complex mathematical problems in his head in a matter of seconds*
*understands people, their emotions and how they'd react to specific situations and uses that knowledge to manipulate them and get what he wants (whether that's some physical object or a certain reaction from them or just for them to calm down)*
*when there's no other choice at all, he steps up and effectively takes charge*
*a good teacher and seems to have a good balanced mix between being strict, encouraging and helpful*
*whenever Lucifer wants a job done well (no matter what the job is), he relies on Mammon (and has done so since they were angels)*
*scams usually work, he just tends to get caught at the end*
*came up with a code on the spot to tell MC he missed them while also being a comprehensible message on its own, that fit with his 'tsundere' personality*
*constantly found ways to sneak into the human world from the Celestial Realm*
*has fast and spontaneous reactions during high stake situations where you need to move/react fast*
*enjoys playing chess*
*can multitask well*
*actual emotional intelligence*
*one of the first brothers (the second?) to realise there was something wrong with Simeon*
*has a variety of skills that range from making balloon animals to fitting in seamlessly in a corporate environment*
*extremely hardworking when there's a goal he genuinely wants that he's working towards*
*when giving it his all he tends to pick up new skills easily*
*by his younger brothers' own admittance, he can do anything, complete any task and he can do it well as long as he puts effort into it*
But also canonically:
*had no idea what the fuck rent was*
*a shit liar*
*said "what if I accidentally tell MC I'm in love with them" to MC*
*constantly failing all his classes*
*easily falls for traps/curses*
*emotional intelligence fizzles out when it comes to talking about his own problems/admitting anything about himself*
*bet and lost their new house*
*managed to trick himself into believing he'd get a prize if he won a competition that Diavolo explicitly said there was no prize for*
*came up with a plan to win the competition in a matter of seconds, easily and constantly changing it to better fit the situation at hand. a plan that worked extremely well. lost the competition because he couldn't be bothered to check the title of a book*
Mammon's a character who'll break down and teach you PhD level Mathematics without breaking a sweat and then ask you what kind of animal the Pink Panther is in the next sentence.
I love him. I want to study him under a microscope.
See the full post
5,883 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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officerjennie · 1 year
tagged by @the-evil-stick - thank!!
List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
I don't watch shows? So uh
The Witcher
The Last of Us
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Fucken, idk, Spongebob?
I have about 20 anime I could put here but I don't remember more than like. One character from any of the ones I've watched
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Joel. I love that old man so much
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I couldn't fix him and actually I don't want to
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Of the main characters? Yennefer. Mainly because of how some in the fandom treat her character, refusing to see any flaws, calling her perfect, acting like any slight to her character in canon or fanon is toxic. She is inherently flawed like all good characters should be and people acting like that makes me want nothing to do with her.
If it weren't for that, she'd be fine, even if her and Geralt are truly awful for each other.
3. What's your favourite episode of 4?
The campfire episode ig
...I'm taking this opportunity to rant about TLOU cause it's my post and I can THE FIRST EPISODE IS AMAZING OKAY. The character introductions, the reintroduction to Joel, the world building, the slogan of the fireflies matching Joel's journey, Joel searching for Tommy because protecting his people has become his whole purpose, just. Someday I'd like to write an essay.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
The ones where boys kiss boys
5. What's your favourite relationship in 3?
I wasn't really a fan of most of the canon ships honestly, but since it's Relationship and not Ship then Iroh and Zuko. I love that Iroh shows Zuko how he can be a non-toxic man in a world where they were both taught just toxic, power hungry and angry masculinity.
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
what does that even mean. like... the ship I hate? the NOTP?
fucken idk man. I just ship old man Joel with an OC. everyone can fuck everyone for all I care
7. How long have you watched 1?
Early 2021 probably?
8. How did you become interested in 3?
It was on TV. That's about it.
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
The talking sponge?
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
It will come as a surprise to No One that has talked to me in the past month that I'm gonna say The Last of Us, considering I'm on watch through like...9.
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
I think ATLA has more episodes?
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
David Hasselhoff
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
This question list is really thrown off when you haven't watched 5 shows in recent memory
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
If they can crossover uncle grandpa and steven universe, any crossover can "work".
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
Ciri and Eskel, and if anyone comes at me all "EW GROSS THAT'S HER UNCLE" I'm going to smack you with a dildo. They interact like twice in book canon, 0 times in show canon, and game canon makes it perfectly clear that it would be NORMAL AND PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE for fucking GERALT to be in a relationship with her. Get your fanon out of my canon
also it's fiction so anything goes
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
oh huh I guess I could have put game of thrones on the list, that would've made this easier. too invested now. anyway the voice actors for ATLA were great
tagging no one because the kitten is making it hard to type, if you wanna say I tagged you go for it
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krazybomb · 2 years
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I posted 27,271 times in 2022
That's 17,472 more posts than 2021!
10 posts created (0%)
27,261 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,098 of my posts in 2022
#the dream - 102 posts
#tw: body horror - 81 posts
#tw: spider - 79 posts
#important to remember - 69 posts
#huh - 59 posts
#*grabby hands* - 49 posts
#interesting - 31 posts
#only on tumblr - 30 posts
#library of babel - 29 posts
#donation link - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the golden rule to most relationships you want to continue is just maintain a level of flexibility and a level of transparency within reaso
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
bug ask game! 40,48, and stick bugs or leaf bugs??
40. coolest bug created structure Hmmmm. This is a toughie. I think from sheer size and massive amounts of awe I would say termite mounds/ant hills (because of how deep and complicated some ant hills can be). But on the smaller note, I like this "silkhenge" that was discovered in the amazon and the rare example of a "log cabin bagworm" (which apparently lives in Indonesia), as both show intricate tiny structures. 48. what is your favorite bug pokemon?
This is an impossible question to answer but I will try- if I had to REALLY chose, from games only I have played and not based on anything else, Anorith. I basically love all of them though and stuff like Dwebble, Joltik, Volcarona and others are such a close second its absurd. For stick bugs or leafbugs: I adore both but my favourite color is green and I love foliage so I gotta say leafbugs because their camoflauge is great!
1 note - Posted July 3, 2022
Will this crash tumblr? Who knows. Probably not but why not try yaknow?
1 note - Posted April 1, 2022
It's weird having to deal with like. Rejection Senitivity/ Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria over something that most of your concious brain is fine with/ has gotten over but your subconscious apparently isn't completely over it. Because it results in thinking mostly normally and not having a cry response but internall feeling that sort of physical pain you get with some emotions and wondering why you're like this.
I think. I think I know why but that doesn't solve my problems as much as reframe some of them a bit. Also they don't really have easy solutions. I don't think they do anyway.
1 note - Posted February 5, 2022
Oop this is a bit late but hello! I see you may have been wanting to do an april fool!
2 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Frank, I thought you'd enjoy this meme I made of one of your posts.
558 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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zephra85 · 2 years
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I posted 4,970 times in 2022
23 posts created (0%)
4,947 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,943 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#video killed the radio star - 320 posts
#ybg - 281 posts
#tmnt 2018 - 235 posts
#rottmnt movie - 198 posts
#newhologram - 154 posts
#rottmnt spoilers - 138 posts
#pokemon - 137 posts
#helluva boss - 129 posts
#meme - 117 posts
#leonardo - 109 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#if they didn't seem like a creeper (which 9/10 times they weren't) i'd invite them to have a drink with me or sit with my friend group and
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sooo... like, we’ve all seen the subtle foreshadowing that Luz might be possessed by the Collector soon, but as we’ve seen in the latest episodes, it’s King who has an established connection with the Collector, which gave me a horrible thought:
What if KING is the intended target of the Collector’s possession, and it’s going to result in Luz sacrificing herself by either striking a bargain with them OR like, dramatically intervening ala ‘throwing themselves in front of a bullet’ trope to somehow transfer the connection/possession to HER instead of King?? 
Because I don’t think my heart could take that. 
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20 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
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20 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Also I haven’t seen anyone talk about it yet but CAN we talk about how Alya telling Nino about Rena Furtive turned out to be a good thing because if she didn’t, if Carapace didn’t know Rena was watching them from there?
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See the full post
49 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
Quick ROTTMNT Review
Oh god... the tears running down my face are so real. I need to watch the movie a few more times to properly process everything, but here’s what I can get out right now. 
I just knew there would be some fresh Leo/Raph conflict for this movie, but I didn’t know how it would be handled. I was hoping for some nice support/angst combo and they freakin’ DELIVERED. And in a way I totally didn’t expect.
The tone was consistent with the show yet somehow managed to pull off the tears and angst SO WELL. 
My biggest fear from the initial trailers was how Foot Recruit/Cassandra was going to be handled. SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER: It was addressed, and it made me laugh. We’re good.
Okay like... it almost feels redundant to talk about the animation? But I will a bit anyway. It was FIRE. It was BOSS. It was EPIC. It was everything you could possibly hope, want, expect, and more. It stayed Movie Quality the entire time. 
Probably my biggest critique is while yes, Leo and Raph were intended to have a role reversal, something shown in the show was how while Raph was always doing and trying his best as leader, he wasn’t a very good strategist nine times out of ten? And while Leo was more laid back and lazy he WAS in fact a very good strategist when he set his mind to it. This movie seems to reverse that...? Leo was VERY ‘fly by the seat of his pants’ and Raph put in the effort to make actual plans. BUT I suppose this could be attributed to a more literal role reversal. Leo decides ‘now that i’m leader whatever i do is FINE i guess’ and Raph has to overcompensate like he does in Pizza Puffs. It would have been nice to see this addressed properly BUT it didn’t ruin my emersion.
All in all, I loved this movie with my whole heart. Thank-you so much to the cast and crew for giving us this gift. I hope my tears fuel your next endeavors. 
65 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Also anybody else catch this tiny Todd at the beginning of the movie kicking ass and taking names???
271 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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joshuasearing · 20 hours
Thursday 19th September 2024
Yesterday was not great. So work was awful and it all went on and was very stressful and I felt like a slave I wish that was an understatement. So basically all at one time about 4 different things happened. So this customer when I served him at the till wanted everything fresh, however I can not check he’s burgers because firstly I already have enough to do and second of all I’m not in the kitchen my job is at the front. Then when I started making up he’s order I touched he’s fries and it was hot enough in my opinion. But when I gave him the order, he was like can I get fresh fries but not in a nice way rudely. Also at this point I was already pissed of as the managers had been making me run parks constantly whilst they did fuck all. So I launched the fries he gave back in the bin in anger, and I didn’t even mean to do it it just came out of no where as I couldn’t hold it in anymore. Anyways a manager gave him fresh fries. Then he came in again complaining about the burger so I got him he’s new burger, then he was like where are my fries. Although at this point we gave him fresh fries already so he was just trying to get free ones and was being a right dickhead. Then whilst at this point he was shouting at one of are managers trying to say he was going to call head office. Anyways also we had a rude delivery driver speaking to the manager rudely. Also at the same time we also had someone refusing to park up and the police were having to be called, because they were refusing to park up and they threw there drink at the manager as the manager said we need the drink back if you are not going to park up for your food.
Then I was doing someone order which was a locator and once I finished it I walked up the stairs and as I was doing this I missed stepped and dropped there whole order, it ended up with me soaked in sprite I also hurt my knees and my hand whilst dropping all there food and drink and the tray. Then a customer very after I slipped came up the stairs asked if I was ok, and I was shaking and my adrenaline was all over the place. But I was honest and just told her it just added to the bad day already. After this someone I work with said they will help clean it up whilst I get it sorted, I just got a couple wet floor signs for them, then another person I work with got the customers food and drink remade. Whilst this was happening I went upstairs and got myself all tidied and dried off.
As the shift went on it got a little better, but near the end I was put on window one headset and window and I ended up stating overtime for about 15 minutes over as I was covering someone’s break on there and they took there time. After work I went straight home as I also felt very dizzy. Once I got home I didn’t really do much for the rest of the day. I did watch the 2nd half of the Tottenham game vs Coventry. Coventry made 1-0 to them vs us. But then at the end we made some changes and we ended pulling it back and winning 2-1 against Coventry.
Now for this morning I slept in a bit longer then I opposed to. But once I was up I got ready for the day, had some porridge, then went to the gym. Now for today I still feel really ill, like I feel really dizzy with a lack of energy. So this means my session was pretty shit if I am honest. I trained mainly legs then ended off with a 10 minute walk on the treadmill. After the gym I went to Tescos got myself a meal deal, then when I was at home I kept on checking my car, and this women asked if I was locked out of my car and I said no I just check it a lot. Then a few moment later as she was walking down the road I kept on seeing her turning around and staring at me. I honestly believe she thinks I was trying to steal the car or something. But no it’s just my ocd to its best and playing up. But she was judging me so hard.
Since being home I’ve had my meal deal, watched some YouTube, posted a couple tiktoks and also rang the doctors for an appointment a telephone one. As I have been told my levels are low. So I need to get that sorted.
Ok I will speak to you later, bye journal!
0 notes
eurotrip-2023-july · 1 year
Prague (Day 2) - I finally got a good night of sleep. First one all trip (10hrs). Had to buy a fan last night because this hostel doesn’t have air conditioning or a fan in the room. We’ve got a window but there’s 0 airflow and also a giant spider right outside of it that we don’t want to get in. Anyways, I had warm air blowing into my body which was good enough for me.
At about noon, we went to a restaurant/cafe called SmetanaQ. We shared a breakfast and got a couple flat whites next to the river. As we are, we gameplanned the day and I was curious what I did 10 years ago while in league. So, I logged into tumblr and found the days I was here and Baileu and I were dying of laughter from how i haven’t changed at all. The first thing I wrote in the blog was that I hated the hot weather and was miserably hot in the hostel because it didn’t have air conditioning. 10 years later, I have been bitching and complaining about how hot it has been ever since we arrived in Europe. Also, I read that Trevor and I had gone to the Prague Beer Museum 10 years ago, and baileu and I just happened to stumble there last night for a couple of drinks without me even realizing I had been there before.
After brunch, we walked across Charles bridge and over to the Lenin wall before strolling through the streets of the east side of the river. Ended up wandering all the way to the top of the hill where the Eiffel Tower overlook viewpoint and decided to talk to the top of it. Got to see a beautiful view of the city from there. It was super crowded at the top, so we just walked down one flight of stairs and had the entire fire all to ourselves which was nice.
Then we walked down to the Prague castle where my memory was triggered and I recalled that I might have been there before. Pulled Ip tumble again and saw I had indeed taken photos of it 10 years ago. 😂
We got hungry and walked down the hill and back across the bridge to the old town square and posted up at an Italian restaurant where we had gnocchi, Bruschetta and a couple of aperol spritzes.
We then decided to check out the robotics bar where robot arms made drinks for people and then hit up the ice bar as well (again).
After that, we wandered around the city and checked out a couple more areas of Prague before heading to a nice cafe where there was a “secret garden” mosaic house cafe. After that, we want to u fleku which is the oldest pub in all of Prague. We ate a pork knuckle and had a few beers each. It was a super cool concept where there’s a man who Carrie’s around a tray of beers and marks a rally on your receipt for each one he gives you. That’s how they keep track of how many they serve you.
We tried to go to another bar that was a speakeasy type of thing but it was all full. So we ended up walking in the main square again and saw the glockenspiel go off finally. Very underwhelming as it was 10 years ago.
On the walk home, I decided it was a good idea for Bailey to try a shot of absinth. We both got one, which was a horrible idea because it was awful. We each took 2 sips and felt terrible so we left it and went back to the hostel. Bailey ended up getting sick from it and threw up 3-4 times in the hostel shower/sink/toilet.
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0 notes
mareastrorum · 1 year
Irreverent ranting, don’t mind me.
I think I spent too much time on Reddit to bother with most of the curating advice like block buttons. The only time I’ve blocked anyone is for spambots because that helps keeps bots from taking over (I guess?).
Listen, my MO was to go onto Reddit and browse a curated front page of weird subreddits I subscribed to for maybe 10 minutes. 13 years of curating specific subreddits for whatever niche hells interested me. After a bit of that to ease my way back into the internet, I was ready to dive into the unhinged shitfest of /r/all for the rest of the day.
/r/all is like going into Tumblr’s trending page with 0 moderation and staff to prevent the unsavory bits from getting there. All that mattered was upvotes. I saw the most absurd shit. Getting to the top 100 of /r/all was considered an accomplishment, of course, except for the people that rushed to post breaking political news ASAP for an easy ride to the top. But I didn’t stop at top 100. I kept digging with RES endless scrolling because I am a hater. I wanted to be outraged. I wanted to see things that made me think “why would you post that?” and “why did people upvote this?” and weird crap I would have never otherwise encountered in my life. I was there for the two broken arms AMA. I was there when Victoria was kicked out of /r/IAmA. I was there when /r/bestof decided to exclude the default subs and again when they added them back in years later. I was there for the Ellen Pao revolt and sexist horseshit that came with volunteering to be the sacrificial lamb. I was there for the /r/jailbait debate and ban and aftermath, and for each ban wave after that. I was there when Grumpy Cat became a thing. I was there for the WSB GameStop insanity became a DFV cult and watched the subreddit turn into a conspiracy theory sub instead of the loss porn gambling with your life savings sub.
And if I needed time to chill the fuck out, I went to /r/law because at least there some of the takes were reasonably educated and thought out, usually eviscerating the dumbasses that came in with some political agenda. Oh man, 2016-2021 was an ERA of STRIFE, and I loved my time there. The insanity, the drama, the intrigue.
I never really encountered the DNI stuff until coming here. It’s just like, what? Do haters listen to that? Like, I am a silent hater, I’d flag people with RES to track bad faith asshats so I knew not to waste too much time on replies to them, but I didn’t stalk or block people on Reddit. I guess that’s how people do on the blog website? Here, I follow several people I don’t agree with because I don’t think that is an important part of my internet experience. I’m an attorney, I literally read and write things I vehemently disagree with as part of my every day. What would my life be if I didn’t? Fucking boring. Hell no.
When I started a Tumblr blog a few months ago, it was just to follow specific fandom stuff because the subreddit for it was surprisingly sparse. I laughed at the “hellsite” moniker because man, I would award that to Something Awful, not this place. Tumblr has issues, but meh.
So yeah, anyway, to all the redditors: if you’re like me, ignore the bullshit about block buttons, and just don’t be rude to OP if you want to avoid getting mass blocks. Getting blocked means you get to do less from that blog, but of course, you could always make a new one. Reblogs don’t work like a subreddit, they work like posting to someone’s personal sub and the OP gets all the updates of people responding to YOU. That’s kinda shitty, so it’s a nono. Same thing with the tags. Just be aware that OP sees them just as much as a direct reply comment would.
I’m off to douse myself in someone’s drama bullshit again, woohoo.
0 notes
welcum-to-sp · 3 years
Character design in post covid special
I’ve been thinking what I want to write about the special and I realized that what I really want to talk about is character design. Everything has already been said about character personalities, the plot and, honestly, I don’t feel like describing the way I feel about the episode, explaining why I hate it etc. So what am I gonna do? Here’s my top from worst to best character design + my commentary. I’m not going to discuss their personality just the way they look, k?
10. Craig Tucker
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You know that I had to say this. I’ve said this before but I’ll repeat it, I don’t care that he doesn’t look like 2016 tumblr sexyman, okay? I don’t wanna see people in replies saying this, fuck you guys. His design is awful because, honestly, it’s not Craig, I refuse. He looks very blank, comparing to other characters, 0 effort was put in this. Some people say that his design is good because he looks almost exactly like his father, it makes him look realistic. First of all, characters design (especially in cartoons) was never about realism. Character design must give some info to the viewer about character’s personality traits, beliefs and all that. Craig Tucker in his 50’s = his dad idc. No personality. All that’s left from Craig is his blue jacket (at least they could’ve added something yellow-colored). Fine, even if we’re looking for realism here for some reason, I have a question, what about his mother’s traits? Eyebrows, figure, jawline, anything? I don’t wanna go deep into “How I would fix it” thing but it’s very simple here. For example, they could’ve added some wrinkles near his eyes/brows it would already tell the viewer that he frowns a lot, sharper jawline would make him look more serious. Gonna tell you a secret but I’d prefer Tweek going bald instead bc stress(??), then it would create a very simple but still contrast between them. You could easily tell who’s the calm and who is the anxious one. But we’ll talk about Tweek later. All in all, 1/10 (thank god they remembered his hair color what an achievement)
9. Kenny McCormick
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Oh boy. I know that a lot of people like the way he looks but hear me out, please. Firstly, I don’t dislike it, I kinda like it but if we’re making a tier list here, Kenny takes this place. I have a post about Kenny’s personality and why he doesn’t really have it (this special proves it but shush we’re not having this conversation) and this is the problem here. I feel like almost any design would fit him perfectly. Maybe I expected something more interesting. 6/10 (extra points for Kenny being Big Lebovsky bc it’s one of my favorite movies)
8. Eric Cartman
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Mmm listen, I really don’t want to talk about it. Sigh, it fits Cartman’s personality in the special perfectly (ugly, gross, unappealing) but the thing is Cartman’s personality in the special, how do I frame this, is not actual Cartman’s personality. Maybe his design will look better or worse, depends how his story arc develops. Now it’s a 6/10 for me
7. Token Black
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I look at him and I can tell that he’s playing cop/detective role in the story. Is it good? Yes it’s brilliant good job 8/10
6. Scott Malkinson
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Scott had a really good design when he was a kid, and they barely changed it. Maybe I’d give him a bit different haircut, that would be more Scott-like. Anyway, it’s still very good. 8/10
5. Kyle Broflovski
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This. This is exactly how I thought Kyle would look like. We can see that he looks after himself, kinda strict, serious guy. I really like how they kept the color scheme from when he was little, but made it look more mature. Very nice and spot on. 8/10
4. Jimmy Valmer
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Again, he had really nice design since the very beginning all the animators had to do is make him look older. And they not only did that but also added a cool detail: his hairstyle and the costume. Just by looking at him I can already assume that he works either in business or entertainment sphere. Then, knowing Jimmy, I, as a viewer, can tell that it’s more likely to be entertainment. Ta-dah character design just did its job. Love this. 9/10
3. Tweek Tweak
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Huh, honestly, I didn’t think that Tweek would be this high on the list. However, the more I think about it the more sense it makes for me. Tweek kinda looks like his dad but! He! Is! Not! His! Exact! Copy! I need to clarify, that, in my opinion, Tweek has the best character design as a kid it just screams personality. I like how they added extra wrinkles under his eyes and on his cheekbones. Small but neat detail. They handled his hairstyle really good it’s still messy but looks more mature and fits him. I was surprised his shirt was buttoned correctly then I realized that it’s like? Character development in character design? Fantastic. He still looks very messy and nervous but at the same time he’s more collected somehow? Amazing. I said that it would make sense if he’d go bald and yea I still think so but what’s done is done. 9/10
2. Stan Marsh
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Okay, when I saw the promo I really fucking hated it. It’s just😭. However, while I was watching the special, I realized how much this design fits him. He really is what you think he’s gonna be. Pls, he even has this “beer belly” it’s cool. Let’s ignore the fact that he looks like Trey and let’s just say that this is a decent design, ok? 9/10
1. *drums* and the first place goes to…
Clyde Donovan
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Do I really need to explain why? Well, he is the only character who doesn’t wear clothes that are the same color he used to wear as a kid. It’s not a pro but man I didn’t expected Clyde to be the one. Hawaiian shirt, golden watch, beach shorts. AH! We don’t know who Clyde is but we already can make some assumptions just based on the kind of clothes he wears. It’s so cool that he’s actually the 2nd fattest kid in the class even after all these years, honestly, I thought the creators forgot about this joke they made like 20 years ago. Sincerely speaking, Clyde doesn’t have much personality in canon and wow I can’t believe they somehow made his design very character-like. It feels like the one who is responsible for his design rewatched every single moment with Clyde, fucking analysed it and drew this. Brilliant. Perfect. Couldn’t be better 100/10
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grub-dot-website · 2 years
Instead of tmntposting in a huge long thread let’s do different posts lol
Hello nonexistant tumblr following it’s me your local disaster and while I’m still locked from posting on twitter let’s make more insufferably long TMNT posts! Yay! I wanna rank the movies so let’s do it
TMNT (1990): 10/10 no notes love you jim henson
TMNT 2 - Secret Of The Ooze: 3/10 literally what happened? This movie is the epitome of failed potential! It seems like they drafted a story that would have got into the turtles origins while introducing Krang/Utroms, Baxter Stockman, and Bebop/Rocksteady; then the studio looked at it and said WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE WHERES SHREDDER??? bitch he died!!!!! Casey Jones (who has vanished under mysterious circumstances?) crushed that loser in a garbage truck!! Augh it makes me upset and I’d like to rewrite it and make a proper sequel to the best TMNT movie of all time
TMNT 3: 0/10 do I even need to write about this one? Tempted to give it a half point for having Casey but like they could have at least made him... do something in the movie?? Anyway yuck bad vibes
TMNT (2007): 8/10 OOH this is a good one, I’m biased because it’s my childhood but GodDamn this is a good flick. I love that the turtles are played by proper voice actors instead of celebrities, relegating the big names to secondary characters. CHRIS EVANS IS CASEY JONES??? WHAT???? Anyway yeah some great turt dynamics in this one, the Leo/Raph fight scene is raw as hell and the whole movie is just a great package, I’d love to venture back into that TMNT universe someday
Turtles Forever (2009): 5/10, I felt compelled to include this because it exists? That’s the highest praise I can give it. I like that it kinda fixed the TMNT 2003 S7 artstyle but that’s kinda it???? The 80s turtles sound absolutely AWful and the comic turtles just,,,, aren’t right. Credit where credit’s due for keeping everyone on-model regardless of what dimension they’re in.
TMNT (2014) 2/10 Nope! Not gonna even touch it! Yikes! Sorry bayverse fans but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can’t do it
Rise of the TMNT: The Movie (2022): 8/10 So good!!! sO SO good I love it so much! If you thought the show had great animation you���re in for a treat!!!! I felt like the plot was a little all over the place but the emotional beats were incredible!!!! LEO steps up! It’s great! Cassandra got totally shafted though which made me sad, she’s my fave
Anyway Uhhhhh I’ve probably forgotten something but who cares, go watch the 1990 movie it’s the best fucking thing I’ve ever seen
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oooh! how are different poisonings treated? like ingested chemicals, deliberate poison in food, or like that one mushroom on the ground that looked tasty
Okay, I’ve put this one off a little too long (sorry lol).
(Long post ahead)
So I’ve researched a little, and found this:
Ingested Chemicals
- If someone suspects they’ve been poisoned and seek out medical help, the doctor will usually perform a physical exam, then order a blood test, or a toxicology test
Ingested chemicals:
It depends on the kind of chemical. For instance: Household bleach isn’t as basic (meaning “the opposite of acidic”) as industrial-strength bleach, and therefore does less damage — only irritating the gastrointestinal tract instead of burning right through it. But if anyone drinks either of them, Poison Control should be contacted.
Here is some general first aid:
- If the chemical ingested also emits toxic fumes, take the person outside
- If the chemical ingested causes skin irritation, get it off of their skin, and wash their hands, mouth, etc. with water.
- If the person is conscious, give them water to drink, to dilute the chemical. (Though, if the chemical they ingested reacts with water (sodium, cesium, lithium, rubidium, potassium); maybe don’t do this… They might explode.)
- Also, if the chemical is especially acidic or basic; for the love of everything that is holy, do NOT try to neutralize it with the opposite pH. Please don’t. I beg of you. Though, if you have an incompetent caretaker who thinks neutralizing it is the way to go, this could make for an interesting whump opportunity… Just be sure to write it correctly.
How it is treated in the hospital:
Depending on the type and severity of it, ingested chemicals can be treated by giving the person activated charcoal to drink, by pumping their stomach, or possibly by means of medication.
- Activated charcoal works to stop the absorption of chemicals into the body, much in the same way as charcoal filters work: the toxins bond to the charcoal molecules.
- Activated charcoal does not work in the case of corrosives (acids and bases, like lye, bleach, gasoline, etc.); nor does it work with ingested alcohol. It does, however, work with pills. How do I know this?
Because I picked up (but fortunately did not eat) a pill off of the floor as a toddler, thinking it was a Tic-Tac, and carried it to my mom. I was taken to the hospital and made to drink activated charcoal. It tastes awful; and it will give you black diarrhea for a few days after. 0/10; would not pick up a “Tic-Tac” again lol
Also, here’s a couple interesting articles:
Deliberate Poison in Food
There are a lot of poisons and poisonous plants; so I’m not gonna do all of them; because the antidotes vary from poison to poison.
But here are some links:
Belladonna, which some people apparently use as medicine???
Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger…
Ahaha… ancient memes, my beloved.
Foraging! Rule Number One!
If it has gills:
Don’t. Eat. It.
But if it has gills, has red on it, is uncooked, is soggy, or smells bad, and your character did (like an actual idiot) put it in their mouth and start chewing; good news! It’ll probably taste horrible (bitter, sour, spicy/prickly, etc.) and they’ll spit it out before they actually swallow it.
But if they, by some chance, do end up eating it anyway; they’ll probably have stomach pains, nausea, dizziness, etc. Depending on how much and the type of mushroom they ate, they could either just feel awful and survive, or they could die.
Here is an article on it, and how it’s treated
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wigwurq · 3 years
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I have officially stumbled through all of this rollercoaster of a TV show. I have a lot of feelings about it! This show really has everything: competitive teen girls, THE 90S!!!, post plane-crash survivalist nightmares, rabbits, midlife crises, AFFAIRS, lesbians, murders, SOCCER, paganism AND satanism (maybe?), fake book clubs, NJ politics, cults, GLITTER, car crashes, blackmail, journaling, creepy kids, creepy adults, creepy teens, creepy cabins, creepy dreams, creepy visions, creepy planes, actual creeps and also CANNIBALISM (MAYBE!) SPOILERS AHEAD!
THIS SHOW NEVER SHOWS ACTUAL CANNIBALISM - IT IS ONLY EDITED THAT WAY! I was promised waaaay more cannibalism and way less middle-aged ennui but what this show lacks in actually eating human flesh it more than makes up for in very HONGARY wigs. There are only 3 MAIN wigs in the show - that of teenage Natalie, teenage Misty, and grownup Misty. So I will be judging those on an episode by episode basis based on CANNIBAL WIG ratings. Let’s discuss!
Episode 1
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The beginning of this pilot is the closest we get to actual cannibalism on the entire season of this show. Based solely on the first 10 minutes of the pilot, I really thought we were gonna get more cannibalism but ALAS. NOTE: it probably feels like I’m really into cannibalism but my point is: I was EXPECTING more cannibalism. The entire point of this show felt like it was cannibalism? I do not endorse eating people!
ANYWAY! We begin with a mystery girl being murdered in the snow followed by horned/masked girls eating meat (IT IS NEVER EXPLICITLY SHOWN THAT THEY ATE THE GIRL - SHE MIGHT HAVE JUST BEEN A SACRIFICE!) In any case, the identity of the would-be cannibals is cloaked in mystery and also antlers and DIY face masks that you definitely can buy on Etsy.
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Flashing back to New Jersey in the mid-90s, everything is JUST. SO. MID. 90S. But not in that really specific way that Pen15 does the early aughts. More like when a millennial dresses up like a Clueless character for Halloween. In any case, we meet the Yellowjackets - an elite high school girls soccer team who are about to fly to nationals. I wonder what will happen! 
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We also meet the younger version of Juliette Lewis. SIDE NOTE: I love Juliette Lewis but she is like 7-10 years older than all the actresses who are supposed to be her same age which is WILD but like I guess whatever? Anyway back to the younger Natalie - she looks nothing like Lewis and has a blonde dye job. This is real hair and it’s fine for a 90s bleach job! Therefore Natalie is giving us 0/0 cannibal wigs. The true horrors are YET TO COME all around!!
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The real cannibal wigs come in the form of MISTY, the team’s equipment manager (?) and grade-A lurker. We are definitely supposed to hate this chick from the start and excellent job of making her wig as awful as her personality? This dusty, thirsty wig is terrible BEFORE the crash!
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And flashing forward to present day, Misty (now in the form of Christina friggin’ Ricci!) got herself a haircut but this looks like the same mousy, dried wig as in the 90s. HOW AND WHY!!!! I don’t understand why movies and tv shows insist on telling us that women keep the same hair for 30 years (yes I know it’s for consistency in identification purposes...) since most women I know change their hair a little bit more than just a cut over the course of their lifetimes. Still: not a lot has changed in the character of Misty in 25 years...she’s still very much a lurker! It must be said that wearing this wig apparently made people treat Christina Ricci differently so this is a very POWERFUL CANNIBAL WIG. 
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By episode’s end it is discovered that Misty is the one offering fresh meat (of human or animal origins?) at the beginning of the episode. OK?!?! This wig has definitely flattened itself out and SEEN SOME THINGS between crash and cannibalism (again: MAYBE????). THIS IS THE REVENANT BUT WITH LESS HAIR MOISTURE. OH THE HUMANITY.
Episode 2:
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BANG! CRASH! We’re flashing back to the early 90s y’all! Misty gets honestly the best wig of any timeline here. Full of body and strawberry blonde color, this is really the best version of Misty. WHERE CAN I GET THAT SWEATSHIRT TO SAY NOTHING OF THE LIP PHONE?! Also tweens are cruel and shouldn’t be prank calling Misty because YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT BULLYING IS GOING TO TURN MISTY INTO OH GOD.
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BANG. CRASH. Flashing forward to that whole chartered plane to nowhere situation....Misty is suddenly THE. MOST. VALUABLE. YELLOWJACKET. She took Red Cross babysitting class! Twice! She springs into action, bandaging people, chopping off broken legs, and generally being kind of badass? In a scary way. Her wig looks, well, like it survived a plane crash. Which is to say that it only looks slightly worse than when it was back in New Jersey? THIS IS A HUNGRY WIG THAT WILL DEFINITELY EAT HUMANS IF MISTY DOESN’T FIRST. 
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BANG....CRASH. Present day Misty is.....oof. Clearly they shot the pilot and then shot the rest of the episodes much later because this is NOT the same wig that Christina Ricci had in the first episode! It is much blonder and much thirstier. This wig is halfway to a Cruella DeVille and honestly SO IS MISTY. Never prank call anyone because they will definitely smash an airplane black box and maybe try to kill your grandma in a nursing home later!
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BANGCRASH oh no young Natalie got a reshoot wig! This is not the real hair that the actress had in the pilot. THIS IS A CANNIBAL WIG!!!! Totally different texture, fullness, and lack of darker roots. DID THEY THINK WE WOULDN’T NOTICE?!
Episode 3
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WELP. It’s starting to set in that these girls are gonna be in the wilderness for a while but luckily they found a water source!! BEACH PARTY! Sadly, Natalie’s wig has somehow gotten more platinum and dried out. THIS WIG IS HUNGRY AND THIRSTY!
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Anyway, in addition to finding water, the girls (and 3 dudes..) also find a cabin! Don’t worry: it is VERY CREEPY. (Not as creepy as these wigs, though).
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All that can be said about present day Misty’s wig is just above. PLEASE LEAVE, WIG. WE HAVE NOTHING FOR YOU HERE.
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ALSO: Apparently Misty has a bird. OF COURSE MISTY HAS A BIRD.
Episode 4
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So they found a cabin, and the cabin has a gun! ALSO A LOT OF AMMUNITION! So it’s time for all the teens to try to shoot shit to see who is best at hunting and not worry about wasting bullets. EVERYONE SUCKS AT SHOOTING! 
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Even Misty, who is starting to rethink the whole smashing of blackbox thing - everyone is finding her insufferable again though her wig has rebounded to pre-crash heights. Also legit: WHERE CAN I BUY HER ENTIRE CAT SWEATSHIRT COLLECTION?
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Present day Misty is still blonder than the pilot, still definitely insane. I don’t even know what to call this hair color. Off-beige?! This wig is so very distracting I just can’t you guys.
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Also Misty takes an old lady out for cocktails in order to spy on Juliette Lewis and ORDERS A CHOCOLATE MARTINI. EMERGENCY, YOU GUYS. THIS WOMAN IS NOT OK AND NEITHER AM I NOW.
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I realize that I’m leaving out like 70% of storylines on this show for lack of wigs. HOWEVER, in this episode, the character of Tai who is running for NJ state senate or something (who cares!) and THIS WOMAN shows up at some fundraiser!! #1 - THE ONLY THING PEOPLE EVER ASK THE YELLOWJACKET WOMEN ABOUT IS BEING A YELLOWJACKET. THE. ONLY. THING. It’s wild. #2 Is this supposed to be a wig within the context of the show? Let us all hope so because this wig is very obvious, very shiny and NEEDS TO WATCH ITS TONE. 
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Back at gun school, Travis (the one teenage dude) is REALLY trying to prove his manliness. I HATE TRAVIS THERE I SAID IT. Not as much as I hate Natalie’s wig of course, but duh.
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In a flashback (within a flashback!) we see pre-crash (and pre-blonde!) Natalie living in some kind of trailerpark Lifetime movie and it is ROUGH you guys. The wig is somewhat more rough, but still not as rough as the blonde one post-crash.
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THIS WAS MY FACE DURING THIS ENTIRE FLASHBACK SEQUENCE. WOOF! Anyway, I’m glad Natalie’s dad died and yay for her being able to use a gun? BOO ON THIS WIG FOREVER.
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BUT BOO ON THIS BLONDE WIG FOREVER AND EVER AMEN. #90s (Also Natalie shot a deer so they can eat but it’s not cannibalism BOO)
Episode 5 
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Now Christina Ricci’s wig is darker? This wig is seriously gaslighting me, you guys. But Misty is gaslighting everyone else so I guess: FAIR.
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OF COURSE Misty is a Citizen Detective (officially?) and uses her nerdy connections to help Juliette Lewis uncover wtf happened to Travis. This wig looks no better under bar lighting, FYI.
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Back at the crash, Coach Ben has HAD IT with Misty and, you know, how she keeps trying to help him via poisoning him. Still: her wig is lethal and should come with a chemical warning.
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Meanwhile, all the girls’ periods have synced up (UGH WHY IS THIS ALWAYS A STORYLINE WITH GROUPS OF GIRLS) which conveniently leads to us discovering that young Shauna is pregnant. However, I do appreciate that this show tackles survivalist maxi pads which I don’t believe Lost ever even attempted. 
Also: that cabin is still creepy! Creepy enough that Jackie suggests a friggin SEANCE CAN YOU BELIEVE. Misty’s wig sadly doesn’t catch on fire, but Lottie gets possessed! I was here for it!
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The possession is broken by that one token religious girl throwing a bible (not bc it was a bible I don’t think - books are just heavy?) Also: Natalie’s wig when pulled back into a ponytail NEEDS AN EXORCISM.
Episode 6
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This episode was kind of boring! Natalie and Travis (who are definitely gonna have sex - yuck) shot a deer full of maggots! Double yuck also still not cannibalism. BORING!
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However: MISTY’S HAIR IS SO BLONDE NOW WTF. This wigmaster keeps changing wigs on us like we’re not going to notice. UNLESS MISTY SOMEHOW HAD SUN-IN WITH HER ON THIS TRIP WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN VERY #90s AND VERY MISTY.
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Back in present day, Misty is still bonkers and her hair is still...off-beige? She is now holding a reporter hostage which is very Misery and I think Kathy Bates would honestly be proud.
Episode 7
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Ok so I realize that I really have been ignoring Tai but it’s only because I find her to be one of the more boring characters? Also: wigless. HOWEVER, that all changes this episode because THIS BITCH SLEEPWALKS AND EATS DIRT. Sadly, this means her creepy kid isn’t actually having creepy visions of a mystery woman - it’s just his dirt eating mom. BORING!
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Young Tai is getting less boring, too, because she is SICK of cabin life and decides to break free by leading an expedition to...over the mountain maybe? I don’t know but the important part is that SHE GIVES HERSELF A HAIRCUT. WELCOME TO CANNIBAL WIG LEVEL, TAI!
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This wig is not great but as wigs on this show go...it is actually maybe the best one? Probably just because it is very very short. It is fine! Also Tai’s (secret) girlfriend Van likes the new lewk and comes along on the expedition which IS A TERRIBLE IDEA BECAUSE VAN’S FACE IS HALF EATEN OFF BY WOLVES. YES YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY. And whilst Tai sleepwalked into a goddamned tree! WHAT. Anyway, Van’s face is a MESS and they almost burn her body but then SHE COMES BACK TO LIFE AND VAN IS INDESTRUCTIBLE VAN4EVER.
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Misty also goes on the mountain expedition and puts this wig in a half pony! NOOOOOO. This wig just keeps getting worse and sadly is yet to be eaten by wolves. 
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UGH NATALIE AND TRAVIS. These two are insufferable. But nothing is worse than this platinum blonde wig back in a ponytail!!!
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Anyway, this hookup from hell is cut short either because they tried to have sex in an open window or I don’t know whatever - who cares? Natalie’s wig is SO SAD about it but at least Travis tried to use protection (seriously why did coach Ben have so many condoms?!) Safety first, you guys! 
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Back in contemporary times, Christina Ricci has gone full Annie Wilkes and I love it. SHE LOVES IT! Bitch is having so much fun! Her wig remains a mess but nothing new on that front. Also the boring blackmailing subplot that I wasn’t really paying attention to comes to a head and results in a blackmailer covered in GLITTER but not in the fun Mariah Carey way. 
Episode 8
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Trouble in non the opposite of paradise! NATALIE AND TRAVIS KIND OF BROKE UP BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T HAVE SEX?! Ugh whatever DON’T CARE. Travis is literally the only dude on earth and even though he is mopey and boring and sucks at hunting, all the girls suddenly want him and HE SUCKS! SO DOES NATALIE’S WIG! Oh also Jackie really sucks for telling Travis about Natalie sleeping with his sworn enemy and telling everyone that Shauna is pregnant. UGH JACKIE. However: VAN IS ALIVE! VAN4EVER!
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But really: in what world are we supposed to believe this is not a wig? It is such a bad wig that Natalie is starting to look like wigmaster’s enemy Anya Taylor-Joy so WOOF. Anyway, a big part of this episode was devoted to the jesus-y girl LAURA LEE who is such a southern bible-belt character shoehorned into this NJ soccer narrative that I refuse to give her any attention (plus she’s wigless). Anyway, she attended Mary Magdalene Summer camp (I knew religious people liked hookers!) and hit her head in a pool or something and now she knows how to fly a plane and y’all THIS IS WILD. Everyone is just like: ok we will CUT DOWN TREES so you can fly an old propeller plane for us to freedom?! THEY’RE LOGGERS NOW?!?!?!?! Obviously, the plane, Laura Lee, AND HER TEDDY BEAR immediately combust. Sayonara!
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Coach Ben knew the plane was a bad idea but no one is listening to Coach Ben anymore (plus dude actually logged some trees to support the plane idea UGH). HOWEVER this was a big episode because it was revealed that Coach Ben is gay! SHANTAY YOU STAY!! But why are you confiding in the chick with the worst hair?!?!! FOR SHAME!
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Back in 2021, Misty’s wig has gotten dusty as HELL. It’s probably from going down in the basement so much to deal with her kidnap victim but still: this wig is not aging well. Oh also! That rando Shauna is having an affair with is maybe someone bad! DUH!
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Also! Tai and her fabulous coif have a sleepover party at Shauna’s and I DEMAND ANSWERS about this Prince Harry themed “You Can Still Marry Harry” poster which is definitely circa 2011 when Prince William got married AKA A DECADE AGO - WHY WOULD SHAUNA’S TEENAGE DAUGHTER HAVE THIS AND ALSO DOES SHAUNA’S DAUGHTER JUST LIVE AT ALANA’S HOUSE NOW WTF?!
Episode 9 
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THIS EPISODE. You guys. I can’t. The crash survivors have concluded that they are definitely all gonna starve to death with impending winter so LET’S THROW A HOMECOMING DANCE. The idea that girls just wanna have a dance is eyeroll-inducing but not as much as the fact that they call it DOOMSCOMING and also somehow manage to all have formalwear AND make Etsy-level woodland decorations for the affair. TRULY: NO. Not since A Quiet Place served bespoke farmhouse wedding vibes has anything seemed so extra and insane in a post-apocalyptic world. 
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Honestly, if they put 1/10th the amount of effort they clearly put into making these MATCHING FORMAL EYEPATCHES maybe they wouldn’t need an end of the world event? It must have taken 1000x the amount of time to make Lottie’s antler queen headdress alone as it seems to take them to find worms to eat! NO!
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Anyway, Van and Tai’s lesbian smooch ALMOST inspires Coach Ben to out himself to the group at large but not quite! Why he would lead Misty along when he could simply tell her he doesn’t even like her gender is mystifying but so is this entire affair.
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Misty really dolls herself up and her hair basically looks the way it did pre-crash? I would LOVE to know how these girls are maintaining their hair by only having access to a lake AND how Coach Ben is keeping his whites so white but NO TIME FOR THAT - MISTY HAS A TRAPPER KEEPER FULL OF POISON MUSHROOMS! OF COURSE SHE DOES! In an attempt to poison Coach Ben (AGAIN!) she shrooms the entire group via mushroom stew. Only Jackie manages to waste the VERY VIABLE FOOD so that she can go have sex with Travis. 
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NATALIE IS SAD ABOUT IT! Coach Ben comforts her about it and although he clearly has access to hair products, does not offer her ANY when clearly this wig is the most thirsty it has EVER BEEN! C’MON BEN! They also figure out about the shrooms!
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It is very too late to tell the group who have COMPLETELY LOST THEIR MIND ON SHROOMS and proceed to lead a savage revenge party on the sex cabin and try to rape/murder Travis. I don’t like Travis but as the token teen boy, it really sucks to be him right now? Unless this is his thing which it might be - ugh, Travis. Also I keep forgetting he has a little brother who is collateral shroom damage in all this and is told to run away and is DEFINITELY gonna die.
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UNLESS! He is the grown up dude Shauna was having an affair with and for sure just murdered so oh well I guess we’ll never know? JULIETTE LEWIS IS PISSED ABOUT IT! So pissed that she goes back to Misty who is trying out lipstick with her hostage victim which is honestly very Stockholm syndrome on the level of Ruthless People. Misty OF COURSE will help them dispose of this body (whoever he is!) as long as they can all be galpals. 
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Oh and her wig is INCREDIBLY DEFLATED in this episode as is the will to live by this reporter/hostage who definitely will die no matter what. 
Episode 10
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WE MADE IT TO THE LAST EPISODE!! Are you still reading this? Am I still writing this? What is real and what is a shroom hallucination?!?! WHO KNOWS! It’s the day after DOOMSCOMING and everyone had a NIGHT. LOOK AT NATALIE’S WIG!! Even though it saved stupid Travis from death (THIS TIME!) this wig is never gonna be the same. YIKES. Jackie and Shauna for SURE are never gonna be the same since Jackie reveals that she 100% read Shauna’s journal (writing a journal has a 1000% guarantee someone else will read it! Paper trail, people!) After QUOTING BEACHES (I’m not kidding), Shauna banishes Jackie from the suddenly cozy ass creepy cabin which now has Quiet Place farmhouse vibes UGH. 
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Meanwhile: HOW IS VAN’S FACE HEALED SO WELL! HALF OF IT WAS GONE RECENTLY FROM A WOLF ATTACK! As someone who has recently undergone oral surgery and several rounds of antibiotics, I can confirm that Van is a marvel of (lack of) modern medicine. Also now she has an asymmetrical wig? YOU DO YOU VAN! Also: Tai’s wig is still fine. Misty’s wig is awful but so is Misty and no one is letting her near them because she shroomed them all. FAIR!  Not fair? JACKIE DIED OF HYPOTHERMIA ! WHAT?! I mean sure: she had no viable survivalist skills other than bullying, manipulation and journal reading but wouldn’t she have begged to come inside if she was freezing to death?? THIS BITCH DIED OF PRIDE! Shauna falls to her knees and screams which this show seems to think is something people do a lot (Jackie herself did it when the jesus plane exploded!) Anyway: aren’t Natalie and Travis also outside being cold? WHERE IS JAVI?!?!?!
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THESE ARE ALL GONNA HAVE TO BE CLIFFHANGERS TIL SEASON 2 HARRUMPH. MOVING ON: THIS BITCH! I guess I must have missed something with all the shrooming and death but I have no clue who this person is however SHE THREW THE CLASS OF 1996 25th REUNION. She is also the only character in this entire show where people grew up in New Jersey who actually has a New Jersey accent. ONLY IMPORTANT PLOTHOLE. Her hair is so beachy housewife and I’m here for this bitch and how awkward she makes everyone feel.
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(MISTY STILL MAKES EVERYONE FEEL MORE AWKWARD). This wig is still VERY DEFLATED but Misty is living her best life! She helped her frenemies dispose of a body, recouped some rubbermaids, murdered a hostage via poisoned cigarette and WORE THIS TUXEDO JACKET. More on fashion later but so much happened in this episode! Tai won her stupid political whatever by maybe making a satanic dog sacrifice (unless her kid did?), Shauna’s husband actually isn’t a cheater but is a blackmailer, Shauna burned some popcorn, and JULIETTE LEWIS BREAKS A SNACK MACHINE THEN TRIES TO KILL HERSELF ONLY TO BE STOLEN AWAY BY CULT MEMBERS. THERE ARE SO MANY LOOSE ENDS FOR SEASON 2.
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BUT WHO CARES - FASHION!!!! I think we are all that dude in the striped polo when I say: THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE AN ENTRANCE. I want everything that all these bitches are wearing. Also: are we to believe that this reunion is the same day as election day (or day after when results were called?) WHO HAS A MIDWEEK REUNION. I DEMAND ANSWERS! 
(Yes, I’ll watch season 2).
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zippityzap · 3 years
Sonic Tarot Card Project: explanations for character picks
Recently I completed a summer-long project where I created Sonic themed versions of the tarot major acana. I put a lot of research and thought into what characters to assign to which cards, and I wanted to explain my rationale behind each one! (Everything’s under the read more cut because this is a very long post!)
To start off, let me explain why I did this project in the first place. This summer I watched Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure for the first time, and in Part 3, Stardust Crusaders, the majority of the stand abilities are named after the tarot major arcana. Thanks to cultural osmosis I vaguely knew the meanings of a few of the cards and I realised that one of the characters suited his assigned card pretty well. I was curious if this matched anyone else and so once I finished watching that part, I did research on tarot and found that yeah, a lot of them do match! That got me interested in tarot and since I like combining things I’m interested in, I decided to make Sonic versions of the cards.
I do want to note that while Jojo did inspire this project in a lot of ways, I tried not to let my character picks be influenced by Stardust Crusader characters, although there did end up being some picks that did coincidentally happen to match nicely anyway. Also, I’m not gonna lie, ever since picking these card choices I’ve been highly tempted to draw Sonic as Polnareff.
Anyway, on to my explanations for character choices!
0: The Fool (Charmy Bee)
The Fool represents innocence, spontaneity and recklessness. I believe Charmy’s happy and carefree nature, along with the simple fact that he’s essentially just a little kid who likes to have fun makes him a great fit for this card
1: The Magician (Infinite)
The Magician represents creation and strength, but also manipulation and narcissism, a good match for Infinite and the powers of the phantom ruby. (I was also very pleased to notice that the traditional art for the card has an infinity symbol- everything lined up very well!)
The Rider Waite version of the card also depicts a sword, a wand, a cup and a pentacle; the suits of the minor arcana. I have attempted to depict these with various objects from the Sonic series, namely Infinite’s sword from the IDW Forces prequel comic, the sceptre of darkness from '06, a chaos emerald, and a ring respectively.
2: The High Priestess (Princess Elise)
The High Priestess represents secrets, repression, and the unknown, which I believe fits with Elise’s initial desire to control her emotions and her sadness. (Admittedly this is one of the looser character/card connections for this project, but my two other picks for this card I felt were better suited to different cards)
3: The Empress (Vanilla the Rabbit)
The Empress represents nurturing, fertility and childbirth, all traits that I believe make this card a good pick for a kind, caring mother like Vanilla
4: The Emperor (Dr Eggman)
A card fitting for the leader of the Eggman Empire! The Emperor represents authority, power, and tyranny, all traits Dr Robotnik desires, if not possesses in many continuities.
5: The Hierophant (Espio the Chameleon)
The Hierophant represents wisdom and tradition, and in both upright and reversed forms it has large connections to the concept of social conformity. Perhaps I’m drawing more from the various comic versions of Espio, but he comes across to me as someone who is hyper-aware about how he presents himself.
Fun fact: a hierophant is essentially another word for a religious leader, although I’ve never seen it used outside the context of tarot. I assume the religious connection is the reason why in the OST of the Jojo part 3 anime, Kakyoin’s theme is called Noble Pope.
6: The Lovers (Amy Rose)
The Lovers represents love, communication, and passion; and Amy is certainly a character who wears her heart on her sleeve! She’s a good example of a character who I feel fits a number of different cards, however there are no other characters who suited The Lovers quite as much as her.
7: The Chariot (Sonic the Hedgehog)
The Chariot represents journeys, wanderlust as well as the ambition and willpower to achieve your goals, which I believe is the perfect match for Sonic’s adventurous and heroic spirit. This was one of the first cards I decided on and it’s probably the one I’d defend my interpretation of the most.
If you’re wondering why there’s dark and hero chao in the artwork too, it’s because the original card art depicts the titular chariot being pulled by black and white sphinxes, and this is my way of calling back to that.
8: Strength (Maria Robotnik)
This card pick might seem unusual at first if you take the word ‘strength’ at face value, however considering the original card art depicts a maiden peacefully taming a lion, perhaps the Strength card represents inner strength, courage and determination rather than physical strength. These are traits that I believe Maria possesses.
9: The Hermit (Knuckles the Echidna)
The Hermit signifies awareness and independence but when reversed can mean isolation and resignation, traits that parallel well with Knuckles and his duty to be the protector of the Master Emerald
10: The Wheel of Fortune (Big the Cat)
The Wheel of Fortune represents fate, karma and luck! This is admittedly a bit of a cheeky dig at myself since I’m awful at the Big fishing levels in SA1 and mostly got through them through luck. But that’s not to say the card doesn’t apply to Big himself! His frequent cameos do have a bit of a fate/destiny vibe to them and in IDW Big is lucky enough to manage to avoid the metal virus for quite a long time.
11: Justice (Vector the Crocodile)
The meaning of the Justice cards is… pretty much what it says on the tin: fairness and clarity. Of course the Team Chaotix detective agency represents this as a whole, but that trait especially shines through with Vector himself. He may be a little money oriented, but doing what is morally right always takes priority.
12: The Hanged Man (Shadow the Hedgehog)
The thing about Shadow is that he’s a fairly complex character which means there are a number of cards in the Major Arcana that match him well, but I knew early on when tackling this project that I wanted to assign Shadow to The Hanged Man. This card represents change, release and sacrifice, which all align well with the character arc that Shadow goes through during the course of SA2 and beyond.
13: Death (Tikal the Echidna and Chaos)
Despite the morbid name of the card, (and the admittedly macabre scene I’ve depicted) the Death card is not an inherently negative card to draw. Yes, it can mean endings and grief, but it can also mean letting go and new beginnings. The story that Tikal and Chaos go through in SA1, their anguish and how they later find peace, is something that I think pairs well with this particular card.
Fun fact: this is the only card in this project that has two significant characters on it rather than just one. I felt I needed both of them to be on the card in order to fully represent its meaning
14: Temperance (Blaze the Cat)
The Temperance card signifies balance, harmony and patience, which matches Blaze’s very poised and graceful demeanour. Admittedly I had a little bit of trouble deciding on a card for Blaze since the High Priestess and the Hierophant are also good matches for her.
15: The Devil (Rouge the Bat)
The Devil card represents temptation, seduction, and materialism and well… look, Rouge is one of my favourite Sonic characters, I’d be one of the first people to tell you that there’s a lot more to her than what initially appears, she is so much more complex than just sex appeal and a gemstone obsession. However, I felt there was no other character that matched the traits of this specific card better than Rouge, and so my choice was decided by that.
16: The Tower (E-123 Omega)
The Tower card represents a number of things; disruption, disasters, sudden changes etc, however the trait that made me believe that Omega would be the best selection for the card was violence.
17: The Star (Miles ‘Tails’ Prower)
Tails’ character arcs normally centre around him gaining independence and self-confidence and learning to believe in himself. He is also largely characterised by his unyielding faith and trust in Sonic. These traits are the reason why I believe The Star card represents him well, as it symbolises hope and faith.
18: The Moon (Shade the Echidna)
The Moon card symbolises mysteries and the unknown, and when Shade is first introduced in Chronicles, she and the rest of the Nocturnus Clan are certainly presented as mysterious. The Moon can also represent misconception, which fits well with how Shade was initially unaware of the true nature of Ix’s plans.
19: The Sun (Cream the Rabbit)
The Sun, when drawn in an upright position, has a lot of positive meanings! Freedom, fun, happiness, good luck etc. Cream’s cheerful and optimistic disposition makes her a good match for this card
20: Judgement (E-102 Gamma)
The Judgement card symbolises liberation, awakening, redemption and second chances, all of which I believe represent Gamma and his character arc in SA1 well
21: The World (Metal Sonic)
In the upright position, The World card symbolises triumph, completion, strength and happiness while in reversed position can mean failure, anxiety, lack of self-confidence etc. I had both positioning of the card in mind when connecting it to Metal Sonic; he is devoted to the tasks given to him and is self-assured in his belief that he is the true/superior ‘sonic’ yet he repeatedly finds himself at the hands of failure. But he doesn’t let previous failures hold him back, thus starting the cycle anew. (Another connection to the World card as it also symbolises cycles)
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