I feel like I’m never going to have friends who won’t get tired of me
I’m so annoying maybe I really am the problem
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I feel like my life has been a cry for help for so long that it’s basically a joke to everyone around me or they think that it’s just my personality or that I’m kidding when I say how bad it gets times
Like yes bitch I actually live like this!? I’m not trying to be quirky or intentionally weird.. I really am shit at life and a little pathetic
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“Date myself” nah I’m gonna be my own best friend (totally not because I don’t know how to make friends)
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Sometimes you gotta call yourself baby girl while passive aggressively belittling yourself
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It’s hard being this pathetic 🥺
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Bpd is like going through the five stages of grief 24/7, but the acceptance part just kind of gets left out
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Me @ myself: I think I’ve hit a new low
My brain
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I’m not religious but I still pray to the fiber, caffeine and nicotine gods everyday and ask them to give me a good shit
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How tf do I use starving myself as a punishment but also as some sort of sick reward at the same time??
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I fit in size xs tops.. but somehow I can’t believe it :(
Does anyone know if urban outfitters sizes are bigger than other brands?
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I never fully fit in
I’m never really good enough
I just want to be perfect so I can finally feel like I belong
To feel like I’m human
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I don’t want to be stuck in this flesh prison anymore
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I want to find friends to send Ed memes to and to just talk about Ed stuff with, but most of the time I’m too shy/ too depressed to reply to people regularly 😔
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Started low restricting and walking 10-16k steps a day (most days)
Once again gained water weight
Disappointed but not surprised I guess
I’m just never good enough.. for anything
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Wanted to lose weight but the only thing I’ve lost is brain cells apparently
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All I wanted was to be good enough for something and now I don’t know if my dreams will ever come true
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