#axis headcannons
hetaliaminidoodles · 3 months
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Random headcannons for FFXV in general, because I would love to know more about it, and there is not enough info for my gremlin brain.
- I kinda see clan Lazarus like those who deal with foreign policy. Also lot of Lazaruses married non-galadhian, they just loves other cultures. (They are still loyal to Galadh)
- Galadh is in my opinion similiar to the Greek islands. Mainly few big ones and then lot of small ones. There is a definitively volcano. 
- Galadh is also known for its natural hot springs. Glaives definitively were chilling there.
- Galadh officially worships Astrals, Ramuh and Leviathan are the main protectors. There is also a very strong bond with the ancestors.
- Clans have totem animals. (Ulrics have coeurl, Arras have sabertusk, Ostiums have kujata, ...)  
- A beautiful legend is attached to it´s origin. Once upon a time, during a great disaster, there were a few animals that went to help humans to survive it. But in the process they have died themselves. Their human friends wheeped to Astrals about this woe. They heard their plea and united the man with the animal.
- Regis remembers all names and faces of his employes 
- Clarus hair fell out during stress from both of his idiots. The idiots in question are Regis and Cor
- Cor and Titus are actually good friends who are little shits together  (Glaives and guards are dreading those days when two of them are together)
- There is annual boot camp where glaives and guards measure their forces 
- Luche either doesn´t sleep at all or is having short power naps during day. He´s got nightmares about Galadh and his fallen comrades.
- Nyx hair and beard grows super fast, he needs to shave it at least every three days. He tries to shave it when deployed, but Nyx just gave up after that.
- Tredd´s got younger brother who is still in Galadh. Their relationship is sadly very complicated. But Tredd always sends him a birthday card nonethless.
- Axis is great at bargaining prices at the market, also always picks the juiciest vegetables/fruits. (I believe this is some kind of superpower)
- Sonitus has sharp teeth (they looks like shark ones), he can open cans with it or beers. 
- Pelna plays exceptionaly guitar and ukulele. Sometimes brings it to Yamachang for a spin.
- Libertus is suprisingly good singer when he gets little bit of alcohol into his system. Everyone always shut up and listens when Lib starts to sing. (Usually galadh tunes)
- Crowe loves to go on night ride with her motorcycle. Has favourite spot where she can see whole Insomnia. Usually sends gang a random photos she took on the way.
- Titus favourite place to relax is at top of Citadel at night. The night sky is breathtaking. He usually brings some alcohol to drink his sorrows and regrets away.
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Can you do a yandere France with a shy male reader who likes making languages, and speaks their own languages when they feel uncomfortable talking in any other languages? Thank you
Alright, I’ll start with some quick information about Yandere! France
He wants his darling to come to him and be drawn in like a butterfly to a cosmos flower. He liked the love between him and his victim lover to be pure, committed, and romantic. However, in order to obtain this idyllic love, he does a lot of undercover and background work. (*cough* Stalking, sewing the seeds of doubt between you and your family and friends, and having a parasocial relationship with you through his side account that he uses to follow and interact with you. This is how he begins to piece your personality together.) 
Overall, he’s still a pretty sweet and chill yandere compared to the others who aren't as flexible and calm. Just play into his delusion and you’ll have all your fundamental freedoms to have a job, go to university, travel, etc. But he will require that you have breakfast and dinner with him every day.  
Francis was thumbing through some of the notes that Mr. Piere had stolen from you. He’d been itching to find out what your gibberish had translated to. Ever since you’d been assigned to him as one of his head admins, you’d become more jumpy around him and often only ever spoke French before switching to an unintelligible language.
‘I wonder if it’s the pressure that's come with the promotion that has caused them to be all stressed out like this.’ 
He does his 50th read-through and notices that your sentence structure follows….that of his….one of the romance languages. He spent a few more hours trying to decode what you’ve written with little luck. His eyes enjoyed tracing over your neat, small, & composed penmanship. It embodied your vibe perfectly: observant & something to be admired. The subtly of each neat mark that graced the page brimmed over with life that was hidden between the floaty language that had the passion of French and the mystery of an ancient language that’s almost entirely forgotten by the modern age. He ran his hand over the page, closed his eyes, and inhaled deeply. It was as if he was trying to summon understanding into his mind so that he could help you through whatever you were dealing with. He wanted to hold you close and combat your situation for you. 
Francis recognized that his heart fluttered for you whenever you were around. However, he had to mask his true feelings while at work for professionalism. He was never fond of causing trouble for you. Since, after all you were still just a mortal. You had enough issues like death charging at you like a raging bull since it was always so short and…..
He shook his head vigorously like a dog who’d just bathed. He only wanted to think about being able to cuddle you, kiss you on the forehead, and possibly slide his hand into the tent in your pants. How cute would it be when the bush of bright red roses spread across your face? 
‘Y/N would be adorable! Plus, I want to impress them with the best food ever!’ After another few minutes, he looked at the clock, at it read 3:33 am. 
‘Yep, that must be a sign. I will figure out Y/N’s mystery language and we can become closer than some silly… work colleagues. How boring, lame, no je ne sais quoi…Y/N was meant to be my lover like they’re destined to be!’ 
France falls back on his cloudy duvet, daydreaming about what can be real in reality. Once the long, drawn-out meeting for the day finally concluded, he approached you. 
“Bonjour Y/N how are you? It’s been a while since we last spoke!” Francis’ rose & redwood cologne engulfed your nostrils and entire nervous system. The eruption of butterflies flowing from your heart sent shockwaves to all of your heart strings causing you to fall all over yourself and stumble and make your way to the door. 
‘Why now? I still haven’t fully worked out what I want to say to him in French.’ Were one of the many thoughts that was buzzing around in your mind. 
‘Oh god! What if you’re about to get demoted or, even worse, fired!?!?’ 
‘Francis could never like a dopey guy like you!?!’ 
‘I’m fucked!!’ 
France put a reassuring arm around your shoulders to steady you and try to bring you out of your mind. The onset of whole-hearted heat caused all of your involuntary shaking to cease. However much it relaxes you physiologically, it still doesn’t prevent your overactive mind from overthinking…. You honestly just wanted to be at home where you could tell your multilingual diary all about it. 
“Y/N? Y/N?” Francis questions, with worry beginning to crawl into his tone. It jolts you back into reality… where you struggled to conjure up words to speak to the Frenchman. 
“Oh yeah, I’m alright. I just have some boring data entry I have to do for the day before I transcribe all of my meeting notes for the database.” 
<In Danish>
“Y/N, Can you help me out? I got bored and started doodling. Can you give me the last 30 minutes of the meeting notes I could not catch? I know you’re one of the only ones who can translate to Danish here.” The flamboyant Dane shouts from the other side of the room as he attempts to catch up with you. “Or any other language, for that matter!” 
“Oh yeah, of course! Just give me until Friday!” 
“Wait Y/N does this mean you can probably speak Finnish?!” He squealed at having another person to speak to in his native tongue. This outburst prompted others to want to bombard you with other questions in their native tongues. 
You tensed up at the random crowd of nations, all wanting to say something in their language as if you were a new AI chatbot on a beta test run. The many people in your face made you begin to shake and sweat. Francis gripped your shoulder a little tighter and pulled you a little closer to him. He listened somewhat patiently while he began to tap his foot while you did your best to respond in Danish, Finnish, Italian, Russian etc. 
Your shaking returned and subsided like a tide being hit by the moon as you maneuvered through each language, making minor mistakes that amused and awed native speakers. They simply loved hearing you speak their language. 
As the inquiries and requests demanded more and more of you, France began to move his hand from your shoulder to your waist, bringing you in closer to the sea of inquiry.  His feet shuffled backward as your body unconsciously listened. Escape was harrowing since four new nations prevented a smooth exit from the water. As the crowd thickened, your heart picked up the pace; your forehead dripped with water droplets. Francis's grip on your side intensified. Although it was meant to comfort you, it felt like an alligator was mentally gnawing at you. Your fears and anxieties boiled to the forefront of your consciousness—vulnerabilities setting in. Before long, you were speaking in a language comprising words and diction from French and the other two romance languages (Spanish and Italian) and a Slavic sentence structure with other elements only you were privy to. All who’d surrounded you didn’t cease their chatter. While you suddenly spoke in (language name here). 
France had a pompous grin on his face. 
‘HonHonHon. I understood at least two of the words they said! I’m the best! And so is my sweet and smart Y/N!’ Your hand suddenly gripped tightly to his forearm that was around your waist. His light death grip was becoming less comforting and more painful in your anxiety-stricken panic, with swarms of mosquitoes hindering your thought process. The room of many voices pinpricked your ears, making your head swim with confusion while your mouth continued to overflow with (language). Amid the multilingual haze, you began to repeat ‘les secours’ (relief, rescue) at random points in your speech, subconsciously hoping that France would pick up the message. 
France swears that he could feel his heart fly out of his chest and into the heavens. You needed a romance-induced saving and he was more than happy to provide that. 
The meeting room exploded with a flurry of red roses and sparkles. The room went silent as half of all the people there knew: ‘Oh lord. France is on his nonsense again.’  
Like the true magical girl gentleman that he is, he transformed into a fairytale-esque prince outfit. He swept you off your feet and carried you out bridal style. 
“Y/N, let’s go get dinner at (restaurant you’ve been dying to try for a while but hadn’t had the chance to).  I know you’ll love it!” 
A blush spread across your face like a few drops of blood-red wine in a glass of water. The barest nod of a yes prompted France to smile warmly at you as he grabbed onto a vine and jumped out a window. 
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Hear me out.....pretty...pretty Please, some general fluff headcannons for 141 and Konig?! I'm desperate for some fluff. Stuff like how soft they r how they r at home, kisses that sort of thing? Id die of happiness if u did!!!!!?????
141 + König General Fluff Headcannons
Warnings: fluff🩷, mild NSFW references
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Simon Ghost Riley-
It takes him a while to open up to you, but once he does? He's yours forever.
He is more of a listener than a talker, and he is damn good at listening
You always have to be within his line of sight. He always wants to make sure you're safe.
Definitely gets up before you in the mornings and loves to wake you up with coffee
Not big on PDA, but he doesn't mind holding your hand out in public.
Doesn't say I love you often, but when he does, it turns your whole world on an axis
Says no to a getting a dog at first, but when you finally get him to say yes? The dog is that man's best friend.
He's not a very good cook when you first get together, but he teaches himself in secret one year to surprise you on your birthday by making you your favorite meal. (Your heart nearly melted at the proud smile on his face when he told you he made it)
This man is loyal as hell. You will NEVER catch him looking anyway at anyone the way he looks at you. No person's beauty in his mind will ever compare to yours
Loves going for long car rides with you. Weekend trips, day trips, whatever works for him. Will ALWAYS have his hand resting on your thigh
He developed a ritual with you, where he will wear one of his hoodies for a few days straight so it smells like him when he goes on deployments
Secretly loves when you wear his dog tags. It's a kink of his he won't voice out loud
Loves to spoon you in bed. Very rarely will he not be holding you, or touching you in some way when he sleeps
Takes him a while, but he'll start to look forward to holidays with your family. They welcome him with open arms, and for the first time in a long time, Simon feels like he has a true family who loves him
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John Price-
Loves to hear about your day. First thing he asks you when you come home after work is how was your day? And this man GENUINELY listens
Loves to spoil you. Man gives inadvertent sugar daddy vibes. You even hint at something you like or want? He will get it for you
Huge on spontaneous dinner dates. Loves to come home randomly and tell you he's taking you for a night out
Literally has the hardest time saying no to you. For ANYTHING.
He tries to act all tough, but this man is so whipped for you
Loves when you rest your feet in his lap on the couch, as he loves to massage them for you after a long day
Fight me, but this man loves to take baths with you. He loves to relax in the hot water, with you against his chest. He can literally fall asleep like this
Always insists on paying when you go out to eat. Never, ever let's you foot the bill (if you pout enough, he may let you, but will feel bad about it afterward)
Will watch any TV show you want. He says he hates romantic dramas, but he's just as invested as you are
Kisses with him are always longing, and always want you leaving more
Man is a Valentines Day legend. Flowers, chocolates, jewelry, fancy dinners THE WORKS
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Johnny Soap MacTavish-
An amazingly fun boyfriend to have.
Johnny always wants to do something fun, go somewhere fun
He's surprisingly amazing at giving massages
Doesn't mind PDA, he'll randomly kiss you in public, hug you, and hold you close. He doesn't care who sees.
Loves to try new things. Whether it's food, movies, or something to spice up the bedroom, the man will never say no to trying something at least once
Not a morning person, and he will have an iron tight grip on you in an attempt to force you to stay in bed longer with him every morning (he always ends up succeeding)
His ideal date with you is a pub. Something with good food, good beer, and even better company.
Loves to "mislead" you about when he's coming home from a mission, because he absolutely adores the look on your face when he surprises you earlier than expected
Adores double dates. Loves to hang out with couple friends.
When you're walking on a sidewalk, he'll always push you on the inside so you're away from the cars
Definitely is that boyfriend that will send you a dozen tik tok reels a day
Please go to an amusement park with him. He'd be so happy winning the various carnival games for you, getting you any stuffed animal of your choosing
You two cannot do surprises for one another. You get too excited and end up telling each other gifts or surprises the minute you plan them
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Kyle Gaz Garrick-
This man loves to surprise you with flowers. Had a bad day? Flowers. Wants you to feel a little extra loved? Flowers. Thought you looked cute one day? Flowers.
Loves to go to furniture stores with you. Even if you don't actually need it, the two of you can spend hours looking around at various stores
Enjoys cooking for you. He's one to try new recipes, and loves seeing your reactions to them.
Firmly believe this man loves to dress up as a couple and that Halloween is his absolute favorite holiday.
Adorably loves to have a "chore" day once a week with you, where you both do house chores together for a few hours, while each of you gets to pick what song plays in the background
So supportive of any hobby you might have. Like to paint? He'll continuously buy you paint brushes. Love video games? He'll buy you any new one that comes out he'd think you'd enjoy.
Whenever you guys go out, he always orders something you like for his meal, in case you don't like yours
If you have longer hair, he loves to play with it and help you style it
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Best movie buddy ever. He LOVES going to the movies with you, and will get you all the popcorn and snacks you desire
Will hold your bags for you while you shop, and will fight you if you try to carry your own
Possibly the sweetest boyfriend out of all of them
You will catch him staring at you ALL the time. Any second he gets, he will be looking at you
Loves date night ins. Cooking together or getting takeout and cuddling on the couch together while watching a movie? This man'll be in heaven
Loves to offer you his arm in public. Plays into his size kink when your small hand wraps around his bicep whenever you walk anywhere.
Man will WORSHIP you in bed. Wants nothing more than to make you happy in every aspect of your life.
Is more of a cat person than a dog person, so you two end up getting quite a few kitties around the house
Always kisses you like you're delicate. Loves to place gentle, loving kisses to your lips when you least except it, and his cheeks always flush a deep pink when he does
Will always shower with you. When he's home from missions you very, very rarely shower alone. Loves to help you shampoo your hair
Adores ADORRESSS when you wear his clothes. Triggers the man's size kink like no other when his shirts are like dresses on you
Amazing at aftercare. Always wants to make sure you're satisfied. Will warm a towel for you, get your water-whatever you need.
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morrysonando · 9 months
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(undertale yellow spoilers kinda but not really)  The squeakquel! More low effort doodles in the name of ghist and shiggles! The first doodle is essentially a "what if the ketsukanes celebrated Halloween and what they would dress up as if they did". Chujin is dressed as Ben 10 because this "chujin is obsessed with Ben 10"  headcannon has taken a severe toll on my sanity. Kanako is dressed up as Wubzzy because for whatever reason I headcannon that she loves the shit out of wowowubzzy and forces Chujin and Ceroba to watch it with her in the mornings, don't ask me why, idk either lol!...and ceroba is dressed as reimu from touhou because obvious reference is obvious:) next doodle after is my take on a joke a lot of people have been making cuz I like JJk and UTY so why not lol>:D. The axis drawing is based on this image ive seen going around and I just had to draw it when I saw it. The one after is based on those hilarious bald edits that people started with flowey and I'm now bringing along bald chujin cuz I like chujin and drawing the martlet was fun. the next drawing is too small for me to see so I have no idea what I drew;). and the last one is just a little scenario I came up with of the funky bots trying to play MKDD with guardener cuz why not lol.
play undertale yellow or YOULL be the next one going bald- https://gamejolt.com/games/UndertaleYellow/136925
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request written for @stygianoir for “love at first sight fluff” starring Szayelaporro, Mayuri, Aizen and Adult Uryu. I added the prompt “kiss me” because I’ve been wanting to use it for a while 😂 had to do it as headcannon(esq) otherwise it would’ve been 30k and taken me three/six weeks. Aizen is also written slightly different, I couldn’t match his personality with the pure emotion of love 🙃 First time writing for three of these, they’re not my usual, so I struggled, hope I didn’t disappoint 💜
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*When Szayelaporro first laid eyes on you, you were bound tightly, bag covering your face
Aizen had entered his lab, dragging you along behind him, ignoring the muffled protests coming from you.
* "Aizen sama? To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence in my laboratory this morning?"
*"a gift"  you were thrown forward, hitting the ground loudly"to do with as you please "
*Intrigued and almost giddy with the prospect of a new body to experiment on, Szayelaporro lifted you easily in his arms, dropping you unceremoniously to the large metal operating table situated in the middle of his lab.
*Pulling the bag from your head "let's see what we have under here" his whole world stopped spinning on his axis when his eyes caught your own. A defiant gleam in your eyes overshadowed the unknown fear as you stared him down
* You were magnificent. A truly breathtaking specimen. Every curve of your face, the rose colour tint of your lips as they bit down over the fabric gagging you to silence. Perfection personified.
* His heart froze, tightly pinching in his chest as the scenery around you blurred into washed out white.
* Fate. He had heard the absurd phenomena used by humans. An unknown series of decisions dictating the direction your life lead. And until that moment, the scientist had brushed it away as unfounded nonsense.
*Until he laid eyes on you. You were made for him, he was sure. No test or experiment could offer physical proof of what he felt in that moment.
*You were his and he was yours. He fell in love in that moment.
*He brought you to live in his palace, warning all the underlings that if any harm came to you, they would be subjected to the most horrific experimentations, they would spend the rest of their days pleading for death
*He came to your room often, showering you with gifts, inventions he had made for you. A synthetic flower he created in a glass jar sat next to your bed. It had arrived the day after you confessed you missed flowers, something unable to grow in the dark barren wasteland of hueco Mundo.
*You talked, late into the nights. Listening intently to his excitement regarding new experiments, sparing you the gory details. Offering your own intelligent insight
*He touched you often. Pushing your hair behind your ear. Hand settling at the small of your back when he accompanied you in strolls. Yet you seemed oblivious to his advances, never returning your own
*"Am I not sufficiently fulfilling your needs?" He asked you suddenly one evening, as you sat together reading
*You closed your book, regarding him with a confused look "Szayelaporro?"
*"why do you not reciprocate my love for you?" He crawled closer to you on the couch, lifting your hand in his own.
*"your love?" Your mind started swimming. He loved you? How have you not noticed? Your eyes scan your room, no longer feeling like a prison.. it hadn't felt that way for weeks..
* The flower he gifted you next to your bed, covered in brightly colours blankets and pillows to bring a pop of colour to the drab space.The piles of books he brought for your entertainment. The sweet human treats you didn't even give thought to how he came in possession of...
*"I have loved you since the first moment I laid my eyes on you. You have burrowed your way into my every waking thought. Every decision I make, I make with you in mind. I yearn to see your smile, that mischievous grin. I..."
*"Szayelaporro,"  you interrupted him breathlessly "kiss me"
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*The 12th gave you the creeps. You hurried down the corridor, following the twists and turns. Trying to ignore the suspicious screaming coming from behind closed doors, the strong aroma of chemicals. Your Captain had asked you to deliver the most recent numbers regarding Hollow attacks, and you were desperate to get in and out as fast as you could
*The door to the main lab opened with a whoosh. The darkened space made it difficult to see as you walked in "excuse me, Captain Kurotsuchi. I have the report from ... ooof" 
*You had walked into something solid, papers falling from your hand to scatter on the floor as you reached out to stable yourself
*Mayuri froze as you gripped onto his captains coat. The instinct to cut off your arm, modify it to chase you around and beat you across the head quickly evaporated as Your warm delicate fingers, seeped your warmth quickly through to his skin. His body rose in temperature, heart burning with desire as he saw your startled face.
*Too soon you let go. Apologies falling from your pretty lips as you knelt on the floor, gathering the reports he couldn't care less about in that moment.
* Embarrassed you gather the repot, laying it neatly on the desk. With a final apology you all but ran from the room
*"Nemu... who is that girl?" Mayuri asked, staring at the space you last were as if by sheer willpower he could materialise you back there
*"YN... from division 3"
*"YN."  He tasted the way your name sounded on his lips "write to the third Captain, I want YN to deliver the reports from now on" 
*"yes, Mayuri sama"
.*You plagued his thoughts for the rest of the week. Your face swimming in his vision in the most opportune times. More than one experiment had ended in an explosion due to his lack of concentration.
*He was obsessed. Head jerking around every time the door opened, heart sinking when it wasn't.
*He gave himself a physical. Jotting down his symptoms. Lack of appetite.. insomnia.. heart palpitations.. sweaty palms.. Hallucinations . He drew blood and analysed it himself. There was no tangible proof of an ailment. No scientific explanation of his behaviour 
*His heart throbbed as he read the results, everything healthy. He didn't dare speak what he already knew. It was absurd. Love. In that one moment he laid his eyes on you he had fallen in love. Pathetic, useless feeling. Held no weight in the world of science.. and yet.. 
*He couldn't wait any longer. Summoning a hellbutterfly, he summoned you to his office. He paced the floor, drying his sweaty palms on his clothes. He caught his reflection in a large metal container and stilled...
*while running tests on himself he had removed the white and black makeup he usually wore. He looked so.. human. The thought sent a shiver of disgust through him 
*you knocked on the office door, heart hammering a Mile a minute. You couldn't understand why you would be summoned personally to see the 12th captain,, unless he was mad about you bumping into him 
*the door whooshed open, and you tentatively stepped inside. "Captain Kurotsuchi?" You call into the thankfully well lit room 
*A handsome man with blue hair spun to face you at your call. You appreciated his defined jaw, subtle rugged hood looks. "Excuse me, do you know where .." you stop... he was wearing the 12th captains coat   "Captain Kurotsuchi?"
*he nodded, mouth suddenly drying of all moisture. He closed the distance to stand before you. "I have called you here because.."
*"I'm sorry" you interrupted "Im sorry I bumped into you."
*"no, that's  not why I..."  but you cut him off again
*"did I rip the report? I could write it up again for you" 
*"no. Listen. Since the day you came to my office I.." 
*"did I break something?" You worriedly asked, you didn't remember hearing anything break.. but it did and you had to replace it, you didn't much fancy asking your captain for a part of the budget
*"WOMAN! Will you stop interrupting me!" He shouted, throwing his arms up in the air and pacing the office, grumbling to himself "absurd. Love.. maybe I can cure it? Create a drug to stop the processors in my brain." 
*love? Did you hear that right? What has live got to do with your reports? Had someone fallen in love with a hollow?
*"Captain?"  You Interrupt his thinking out loud "I'm afraid I don't understand"
*He walked to his desk to pick up a peice of paper, all but thrusting it under your nose. You took it in your hands reading quickly, blood results.. clear.. symptoms including heart palpitations... loss of appetite? "Are you sick?"
*"you are as enragingly obtuse as you are beautiful "  he muttered under his breath, taking the paper from your hand and throwing it to the floor "these symptoms have been plaguing me since the moment you bumped into me. I can't stop thinking about you. I can't eat, my work is suffering because all I can think about is you. Why? How? How have you entered my thoughts? Why are you all I can think about?"
*You stare, mouth agape at his confessions. You? He was in love with you? The thought didn't scare you as much as it probably should have. 
*"you should test your theory" you whisper
*"how?! I've taken blood, run tests..."
*"kiss me"
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Aizen had everything planned. Every aspect of his plan had a plan and a back up plan. Nothing happened that he didn’t foresee. That he didn’t sculpt and manipulate to mould to his desires
that was, until he laid eyes on you
You were the great unknown, the one thing he could never foresee, not for himself, not now.
You were perfect, flawless. The crowning jewel on his accent to the top of the world. You were made to be by his side, share with him the new world he envisioned, the new world order he would create and reside over.
He had to have you, the moment he laid eyes on you, you were his. There was no one who could match your beauty, your grace. None were fit to call you their own, no one but him
The time had come to leave soul society, create his kingdom, his loyal army in hueco mundo, with the help of the  Hōgyoku
You were tightly held by Tosen, his loyal subordinate during the great accent.
The moment you arrived to your new kingdom, you were freed, crumbling to a heep on the floor
He knelt in the dirt before you, large hand caressing your soft cheek, directing your tear filled eyes to his cool gaze
“because I love you, YN. From that very first moment I saw you, I knew, you belonged to me Your place is here, at my side. You will be queen, my dear”
”I will never join you Aizen…”
”my dear YN, you’ll have no choice”
Adult Uryu
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You screamed, suspended in thin air, a tight, invisible grip around your middle. The rancid hot breath of a monster you were unable to see, the vicious sound of teeth snapping together closing in on your face…
You heard the snap of a bow, the whoosh of an arrow slicing through the air. An ear splitting scream and suddenly you were falling
strong arms caught you, pulling you to a hardened chest. The pale, chiselled face of your saviour the last fleeting image before you blacked out
Uryu held you close as he made his decent, could feel the moment you went limp in your arms
he laid you down on the ground and pushed your hair away from your face. All the air got sucked from his lungs the moment he saw you for the first time. You were beautiful. Soft features, unblemished skin. Truly a vision of the purest beauty he had seen.
His heart beat rapidly in his chest, hand quivering over your face, tracing the bruise left by the hollow on your cheek
He knew in that moment, he needed to hear your voice, know your name
that you would be the one he would spend the rest of his life with. He had to see your face everyday for the rest of his life
He stayed with you until you woke. Explained about hollows and Quincey’s.
You thanked him for saving you, threw yourself at him in a hug that set his body alight. He wrapped his arms around you, vowing to never let you go
every day he would visit you. Get to know you little by little, fall deeper in love with every tiny detail you shared about yourself
And he exposed his heart to you, every fear, every dream.
The usual knock came at the usual time. Uryu had come to see you again. The biggest smile on your face as you opened the door, letting him into your home
”so, is it usual for Quincey’s to visit everyone they save?” You had asked him teasingly
“no” he answered seriously, wetting his lip nervously “I just can’t seem to stay away from you”
You couldn’t make sense of his confession, didn’t understand the burning passion behind his eyes
“was it something the hollow did?” You ask worried, what if that monster did something to you?
”no, it’s you.” Your breath caught in your throat
“me? But I haven’t done anything ”
”it’s not what you’ve done. It’s who you are. The way your smile takes my breath away. The way your laugh fills my chest so fully I’m afraid it’ll burst. How for the first time, I fear death, because I finally have something I’m too afraid to loose. I can’t imagine my life without you by my side YN.. I’m in love with you ”
Your heart swells with emotion… finally having a word to describe the feelings you had; Love
“I love you too”
Quicker than you thought possible, he had you in his arms, holding you just as tight as that first time he held you
“Uryu..kiss me”
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thatanimeramenchick · 8 months
Requests Are Open!
Writing Rules here!
- Amnesia
- Axis Powers Hetalia (Regular and 2p)
- Brother’s Conflict
- Code Geass
- Death Note
- Diabolik Lovers
- Fruits Basket
- Helluvaboss/Hazbin Hotel
- Kakegurui
- The Legend of Zelda
- Snow White with the Red Hair
Updated Masterlist
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Hazbin Hotel
Adam Headcannons
Alastor Headcannons
Alastor and Eternal Separation
Alastor and Lucifer Rivals with Human Reader
Alastor and Vox with Powerful Reader
Lucifer Headcannons
Lucifer and Hellhound Reader
Vox Headcannons
Lucifer x Human Sacrifice Reader
Part 1 - Part 2
Vox x Secretary Reader Series
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Nordics Headcannons
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waffleswayne · 4 months
im thinking about this headcannon that i saw saying himym should have ended with ROBIN dying and not tracy bc it justifies ted starting the story with meeting her, and it justifies spending so much time on the period of their lives were the friend group ruled. it’s a heartbreaking idea, that ted sits his kids down to tell them about the girl who was the axis of his world for a while, who is one of his nest friends, who they call their aunt, as a way to cope. a way to remember her and share the time in their lives that they mattered most to each other. its the same idea as friends having to end when chandler and monica had a baby, the story about a friend group is over because they have families now, their lives are about more than just friends. the idea that as barney and robin start a family for themselves, ted meets tracy. that he tells his kids he’s going to tell them the story of how he met their mother, but really starts so far back to attribute the fact that he never would’ve met tracy if it weren’t for robin’s important presence in their lives. maybe im just going crazy hoping for any other idea than the real finale like every other fan, but i love this sm.
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floweyheadcanons · 2 months
Headcannon Time!!! So, Flowey is a jealous boy. He at first hated Martlet, Starlo, and Ceroba for taking Clover from him. He was able to tolerate them for a few hours at most after Clover's death, and about 5 years of just listening to them talk or talking to them for a few minutes. He learned how to play the harmonica for Clover to hear. Clover died 2 days before their birthday...Clover knew they weren't gonna be alive for their 10th birthday...Flowey doesn't do well with the day Clover died or their birthday. He saw how Clover was so calm with dying that he knew something was off, he never asked though and never will. He wants to live in bliss that Clover wasn't dying from the beginning or that Clover chose to die at the first place, because they came down here to save the human souls... Flowey secretly looks up to Sans. Flowey feels the need to give Clover a gift every single birthday for Clover, because they couldn't celebrate it together. Clover told him that he could care less about their birthday...he hates that Clover told him and he wants that thought to leave him alone. He had the most fun in years with Clover that day, it allowed him to feel emotions for the first time in many years...he never felt it again until he saw Clover. He was happy :)
And now the Gusty Gaggle. They were supposed to be named "The Gutsy Gaggle," but they all failed a spelling gutsy, so just went with Gusty. They have some members who join in sometimes, but it's mostly just Flowey, Clover, and Kanako. Clover is the leader, Flowey the brains, Kanako the one to get them out of trouble, when not causing it. They all have matching pins. They reside in the Ghosty South, even though Flowey can stay in Frisk's town, he just won't. They may or may not have thought of starting a band. They will take down Alphys when they see her, Flowey being the one doing most damage.
Now, some questions. Do you think that at the end of UTY, when it said "Someone called for help, you answered the call" that it was during the Asriel fight or Omega Flowey fight? I say that it first happened in Omega fight, but Frisk, under their breath asked for help to SAVE Azzy, so Clover came and saved him. Allowing Frisk to win. With is Flowey's favorite amalgamate? What's his favorite type of music? Will he kill Mettaton of Clover asked him to join them too? Has Clover allowed Flowey to play the harmonica? Does Flowey look up to anyone? What's Flowey favorite plant? Has he ever cared for other fallen humans? Has he and Dalv ever drew together? Does Papyrus know he's Asriel? Will he get therapy? What's his relationship with Axis? Does he pretend to be Dasiy? (Axis's wife, girlfriend, fiancé?) Will he care for Kanako after the barrier is open?
(HERE IS SOME MORE COOKIES FOR YOU FLOWEY!!!! ALSO SOME ICE CREAM AS WELL!!!! YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD!!!!! I GET YOU SOMETHING TO DRINK NEXT ASK!!! WHAT YOH LIKE?!?!? Also, I'm thinking of making a Gusty Gaggle ask blog and would like to use your photo as the pfp or background image, if that's fine with you. I GET MORE SWEETS FOR YOU SOON MY FLOWER FRIEND!!!! ENJOY!!!!)
oh my god the asks are slipping through my fingers... curse you artfight and general procrastination...
YEEAHHHH GET HER GUYS!!!! The Gutsy vs Gusty Gaggle is also a lil funny to me because for a bit I thought you misspelled Gutsy and almost called them the Gutsy Gaggle. Only kept it the Gusty Gaggle cause it also works oddly enough.
1. Do you think that at the end of UTY, when it said "Someone called for help, you answered the call" that it was during the Asriel fight or Omega Flowey fight?
I always assumed the 'You answered the call' was for the Omega Flowey fight. On the topic of who saved Asriel I always thought it was Chara because that made the most sense to me, since it would explain how they had those memories locked and loaded.
2. What is Flowey's favorite amalgamate?
Been a while since I played pacifist route but I think it'd probably be Endogeny since it is a giant dog. He'd probably play fetch with it to keep his throwing skills from declining just in case he needs to throw something really far one day. He also generally finds it entertaining to watch the dog run around.
3. What's his favorite type of music?
Undoubtedly breakcore, he'd go wild if you turned on breakcore.
4. Will he kill Mettaton if Clover asked him to join them too?
I don't think he'd kill Mettaton if he tried to join the Gusty Gaggle, merely decline because he isn't cowboy enough. But... If Mettaton were to hurt anyone in the group, Flowey would react more violently.
5. Has Clover allowed Flowey to play the harmonica?
Clover does allow Flowey to play the harmonica, it's just that sadly he's very bad at it. This can actually be repurposed into an attack funnily enough! He plays the harmonica in the most grating tone he can until you fess up to the murder.
6. Does Flowey look up to anyone?
Don't tell anyone but it's secretly Sans.
7. What's Flowey's favorite plant?
His favorite plant is an echo flower because they're just like him, they're just like him fr!!!!!
8. Has he ever cared for other fallen humans?
Excluding Chara, nope.
9. Have he and Dalv ever drawn together?
I think Flowey secretly draws things and tries to sneak them into Dalv's storybooks. He's trying to see how long he can do this before Dalv notices he did NOT draw those.
10. Does Papyrus know he's Asriel?
Most likely not, as Papyrus isn't close enough to Flowey for him to really want to tell him such an important thing. Maybe he hints every now and again that he wasn't always a flower, but he doesn't tell him that he was Asriel.
11. Will he get therapy?
Flowey is most definitely getting therapy, though I think it would take a while for him to actually trust said therapist and I think he'd have to switch around a bit.
12. Does he pretend to be Daisy?
For the funny, I think he does. He finds it hilarious that Axis fell in love with a pile of junk and even named it.
13. Will he care for Kanako after the barrier is open?
He says 'welcome to the secretly revived children club!!!' when Kanako gets up and agrees to hide her from her mother because he really, really, really hates Ceroba.
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multifairyus · 1 year
ATSV Natal Chart Headcannons
I’m curious as to what other astrology gays think out ASTV fav’s placements are? There’s a lot of placements and characters I’ll throw out whatever:
• Miles canonically being a Leo is so true 🥺. I’m getting Pisces and Virgo vibes in his big six. That axis going on interacting with a Leo sun…inside of Miles there are two wolves, escapism and perfection—both result in self worth and tummy issues 😅
• Pav has a strong Moon placement, and definitely in an angular house—I’d say 1st or 4th. Perfect synastry with Gayatri ofc 💖 Venusian fosho, Mix of Taurus and Libra.
• Hobie has an Aquarius stellium because I have that and I love him and it makes sense. Scorpio rising s because I think having Sagittarius 2nd house makes sense with how he expresses his values and thoughts of material gains, Venusian…which makes his 8th house Gemini, Mercury ruled…oh my bbygirl really goes though it huh 🥺 (Then again Aquarius rising put Miles’ sun in Hobie’s 7th like hello?? Sunflower indeed omg??)
• That Capricorn Mars is working overtime in Miguel’s chart I just know it. Scary and hot and can’t be told ANYTHING. Idk I watched him throw a garbage can at Miles for the 6th time today and am still pretty peeved about his whole attitude but I will say that the Cap Mars is probably well aspected but in a sensitive house, or in a well placed house but afflicted idk
• Gwen is specifically a May Gemini. I really don’t have an explanation. Tough because i also feel like she has a Scorpio in the big six, but Mercury and Venus can’t be it…maybe the moon? Oh my god it’s Aries, I’m picking up on Martian vibes from her, but Aries, not Scorpio.
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bthump · 7 months
For the Godhand, what are your headcannons on their goals? Their end game?
Sorry it took a while to answer, this week has been a whole thing and I didn't have the brain power to answer asks.
My current pet theory is that the Godhand rotates out every thousand of years, and the incarnation of the fifth (Griffith) signals that the end is nigh, and might even be the cause. In this theory, Skull Knight was the previous incarnate fifth, Void eventually ascended as the first of a new generation of Godhand, and the previous four ended up killed off or destroyed or whatever somehow.
To my credit I came up with this theory a long time before we saw the four previous godhand members in chapter 362.
It's also possible Void is the fifth and incarnated down for a while doing something unknown, then returned back to the astral realm, but I like to think it was Skull Knight, based on all the comparisons between Gaiseric and Griffith, and the thousand year timeline.
Anyway, so Void was aware of the previous four and evaded whatever ended their existences to start the new club, and now that Griffith's incarnated he knows his time is up, and he maybe wants to dodge fate snuffing him out, disrupt the cycle? I like to think him and Griffith will be enemies, and we'll have a Guts and Griffith have to team up against Void thing going on lol. Also sacrifices escaping maybe has something to do with it, based on this moment:
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Anyway, regardless of how much of this theory holds up, in essence I think Void knows more than the rest of the Godhand, and has a plan that will make him the main antagonist.
Interviewer: The "Black Swordsman" arc has just begun. The axis will be, obviously, the story in which Guts' feud with the God Hand, who Griffith/Femto belongs to, being brought to a close. Let's think about the development leading to the finale. First of all, what is the goal of the God Hand now that it's composed of 5 members? It is naturally expected that if Guts can't find it out, he won't even be able to confront them. Before that, is the God Hand complete with the addition of Femto?
Miura: Hmm, for now the God Hand is supposed to be complete with Femto. I'm sorry but now is not a good time, as expected, to reveal their goal... Instead, I'll give you one hint. The keyword is "Void". You can imagine many things based on it.
from here
So lol that's what I imagine.
Thanks for the ask!
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hetaliaminidoodles · 3 months
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Micronation doodles
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Random headcannons because I am feeling unwell, and those actually made me smile :)
- Luche often forgets to eat for a whole day. Always is feeling dizzy afterwards. Lib usually gets him some food while scolding him in galadhian.
- Crowe owns cactuses. Her whole flat is covered with them. (Yes, she named them all)
- Pelna is the one who has ton of snacks on him. (Yes, he shares with everyone, especially Luche)
- Nyx is avid reader ( mostly reads non-fictional, but never says no to good fantasy)
- Tredd is gym rat along with Sonitus, who usually posts it on Instagram.
- Axis drinks his coffee black with tons of sugar. That man is a tired dad of three children and one troublemaker Furia, let him be.
- Sonitus has a cat named Rocket. (It´s orange cat that has ADHD)
- Nyx is cuddlier when he´s tired from work. (Better get beforehand to restroom because Nyx will not let you go)
- Libertus is the type who will wear shorts through all the seasons. And socks in sandals XD
- Axis knows sign language because one of his children is deaf.
- Titus has a little doggie. Glaives are scared shitless of him when he brings him to HQ.
- Tredd loves hot chocolate with chilli ( will deny it, cuz real men don´t drink chocolate)
- Titus drinks expensive bourbon whiskey like a water. He adds it to absolutely everything (coffee mostly)
- Luche usually goes to nature for walk to refresh his mind. People get scared and start looking for him, because he´s out for too long.
- Axis had farm on Galadh with chocobos. Has win few prizes from chocobo races.
- Sonitus is great swimmer and teached younger kids at home how to swim.
- Crowe is the type who immediately sense that something is wrong, it doesn´t matter it´s three am, Crowe is here.
- When is Pelna nervous he bites his bottom lip. Sometimes he bites so hard it´s bloody.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
I feel dumb asking for this but i will anyways—hcs of francis with a black darling? Sfw or nsfw Some people’s scenarios can be so alienating when things like ‘pale’ is mentioned is all!! So seeing some nods to us fans of color is especially nice. So i excuse me while i follow and heart. 😅
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Anon- you feel how you feel and you’re not dumb for it. Feelings are complicated. Also I FELT YOUR ASK IN MY SOUL. So I hope you like this.
France with a Black Darling Headcannons
The country of Romance knows how to make his lovely petit darling, with skin reminiscent of the mysteries of the night, feel special.
He loves to wander the city streets of Paris late at night with you just so that he can hold your hand and pretend nothing else in his life matters. All that mattered to him was that your feet didn’t tire from walking on the aged cobblestone. If you were, he’s swept you into his toned, slender arms and would carry you back to his apartment. It’s no trouble at all. If you look into his eyes, you’ll see hearts and stars, as gentle cheek and forehead kisses are plentiful. Even under the cover of the nighttime sun, your ebony skin is dusted over with bright pink—the beginnings of sweet love.
He has bought you your favorite color slippers whenever you’re over at his apartment in Paris or his larger homes in the countryside. So you have 12 different types of slippers in each place he stays.
He wants to take you on vacation so that he can think of all the best places he can do cute photoshoots with you. He has to show off his black opal. But if there is some ignorant jerk that tries to touch your short kinky curly hair, Francis won’t take kindly to that and said person will get slapped and have a tongue lashing.
Francis loves to see your lovely tawny skin in various bright colors like ruby reds, Fuschia pink, and bright bee yellow. The color contrasts mesmerize his shiny blues. It’s like you’re a modern rococo princess painting that came to life.
Loves bringing you charcuterie boards and wine on the weekend so you two can spend time together.
Whenever you’re put with him, he never wears his gloves. He does this so he can hold your hand skin to skin. Francis enjoys feeling the warmth emitting from your soft tan hand—also lots of hand kisses.
When he sees that someone or something has upset you, he will ensure your day can end on a sweet note. He will throw himself into making Mille Feuille just for you. It’s a difficult dessert, but he wants you to be able to see and witness his culinary prowess. He will also consider other treats or even savory foods you like and bring them to you in a mouthwatering spread. Francis is simply trying to get more chances to see your sepia skin release a warm glow when your senses ignite from the luscious spread.
‘She’s so cute when her lush dark skin shines that way.’ He thinks to himself as he tries to stop himself from ravishing you right then and there.
🌶️🥵 Ight time for the spicy 🌶️ 🥵
Whenever the two of you make love, Francis probably planned out 40% of it, and the rest he is improvising. The planned stuff: roses, tulips, orchids, and peonies that will litter his home until you figure out where the trail leads to. Typically it’s the bedroom, but he occasionally changes things to keep you on your feet. Sometimes he likes to make sweet love to you on the dining room table and make your onyx skin the main entree for his five-course meal. On other days it’s lazier sex on the couch, where he leaves hickeys all over your upper thighs, trailing to your entrance. You can practically feel his devious smirk right before he starts to make his tongue work his magic on your neither region, making you forget where you are for a moment.
He loves to dress you in extravagant lingerie. He has a unique number that he likes you to wear that is nothing but bright diamonds that cover your nipples and sparse other places over your body-essentially ornaments that don’t serve any value except for entertainment.
Another way he likes to get the ball rolling on lovemaking would be to have a nicely scented hot oil or warmed-up lotion to bathe your luxurious raven skin in. Being able to caress and massage it tenderly is a turn-on for him and makes him hard. It reeves him up, and he has to stick to the foreplay. He doesn’t want you unsatisfied, so he refrains from plunging himself into you.
Even though missionary is super basic, he makes it feel like magic. His blues will have your (eye color) entangled with his as he strokes your thick curls and sings you praises in French.
“Tu es si gentil Y/N.” (You’re so sweet.)
“Tu es la beauté du ciel de minuit.” (You’re the beauty of the midnight sky.)
It sounds like some of his national cathedrals have come to life from within him, and you swear you can hear angelic voices ringing in your ears. Although it’s head to tell with the earthquake that is happening between your legs, France passionately drives himself into you repeatedly—never ceasing to sing you his love song in French.
Even after he’s finished, he won’t pull out. He likes to be as close to you as possible in every sense of the word. He will kiss your sweaty forehead once more as he asks how you are doing. After all, it’s time for aftercare. From there, taking the lead will be up to you since the Frenchman is knee-deep in his ebony fantasy.
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fireandspiceland · 2 years
What are your nyo allies/axis chest size headcannons. Both cup and band size?
I’ll take it as a compliment that you think I know how the hell bra sizes work. I can’t really offer you distinct numbers except for a good guess about cup sizes but I can talk about boobs for sure 👀
Nyo Italy: A-B cup. Not flat but like moderately sized. Quite a good handful. Wears bras that are a little too small cause she likes how they make her tits look like they’re about to spill out of it.
Nyo Germany: Either A or DD cup. I’m conflicted about her being either big chested but it’s mostly muscle or her having bigger breasts.. both is good tbh. Anyway, sports bra and the occasional nice, lacy one that comes as a set with a matching little string.
Nyo Japan: A cup. Probably very basic but I can’t see her as anything else than flat chested. But she likes wearing lacy bralettes under her clothes because she doesn’t need a bra for support, she wears these to feel pretty.
Nyo America: D cup. My tumblr wife’s first reaction to me asking for thought about the nyos cup sizes was “nyo america has implants btw hope that helps” and uhm yeah it does, thanks for that headcanon Mara.
Nyo England: B cup and a little mad about it because she wants bigger boobs. At least she acts like that but secretly she wouldn’t change them. Always wears matching underwear because she only owns like 10 pairs of the same simple black set.
Nyo China: A cup. Usually wears comfortable tops (not quite sports bras but more like those than wired bras) with cute or funny patterns like cats or pandas or other cute stuff uwu
Nyo France: C cup. Moderate cup size, it’s her body type. Her entire body just seems very proportional and her boobs are no exception to that rule of nature. Exclusively wears bras with matching panties. You know, to be prepared for anything.
Nyo Russia: somewhere around E-H cups (for me this depends on her height actually) and really shy about it. She’s become really good at hiding them with layered clothes and the right bra.
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hetalia-fannn · 2 years
The Allies + Canada and The Axis + Prussia and Romano go visit Disneyland together headcannons?
Visiting Disneyland Headcanons
The Allies + Canada:
America and Russia pretty much race with each other to who will get in the entrance first
America is the loudest and most excited one to see all the places
Canada and France especially meet with princesses who have French origins
Meanwhile, England gets lost in the whole park
China goes to Mulan's since she is his fav disney princess
Canada and America try every foods & drinks possible and they end up throwing up later
Russia gets scared of one of the mascots
France wants him and England to recreate the kissing scene in the princess and the frog and England literally curses him after this
They take selfies together and at last they leave with all of them being extremely tired
The Axis + Prussia and Romano:
Japan with his camera, taking pictures of everything he sees
Prussia steals one of the costumes and pretends to be one of the mascots, funny enough they don't see it's basically him
Germany thinks Prussia is lost so he tries to find him
Italy bros on their way to get all of the cotton candy
Romano has a radar that whenever Germany is too close to Italy he immediately pulls him off
Japan goes to big hero six; it's his fav disney movie
Romano fights with one of the mascots
Even the Allies hear his cursing
Later on they discover the one Romano fought with was Prussia and Romano chases him to exit at the end of the day
This was all I could come up with, hope you'll like it!^^'
edit: just fixed typos--
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