fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
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toasterfroggy · 1 year
pardon my language but there better be a MOTHERFUCKING SEASON 3 OR I WILL NEVER BE SEEN OR HEARD FROM AGAIN
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just-want-fluff · 1 year
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lord give me strength and a season 2 trailer
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randomshitwithwinter · 11 months
aziraphale and crowley wrinkles appreciation post (plus staged)
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anakinh · 1 year
something i really like about good omens is the fact that crowley is shown to be both very powerful and very whipped
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hrrystylesbookclub · 1 year
aziraphale is such a little shepherdress, i can picture him out in the country being all little bo peep
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lensinski · 1 year
I love it that Neil wrote an entire season of go as a mediation on the concept of good and evil and specifically how azirapale perceived them and how intensly he struggles with this binary just for people to go 'aziraphale is an idiot' at the end. This whole season was literally centered around moral ambiguity. The grave digging, the Job scene, even both of them brainwashing their neighbours at the ball to get Maggie and Nina together. It's all about how much and where they cross lines and how it makes Aziraphale feel.
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paperclipninja · 6 months
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mimisempai · 7 months
Sweet temptation
Though Jim is long gone, Aziraphale is still dealing with the consequences of his disastrous book-sorting style and, much to Crowley's chagrin, decides it's time to tidy things up.
50 Types of Kisses - Writing Prompts
Kiss #4: An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.
On Ao3
Rating G -  775 words
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"Crowley, sorry to bother you, but where do I put this book?"
Crowley looked at the book Muriel was showing him before shaking his head and replying, "Honestly, I don't know, ask the bookseller on the other side of the shelf. He's the specialist."
Muriel nodded and walked around the shelf to join Aziraphale on the other side.
Crowley sighed as he picked up a new pile of books, then grumbled, "The way the books are arranged in this store used to be chaotic, and it took me a few hundred years to get used to it, but then that idiot Jim comes along and we can't think of anything else to keep him busy except sorting books. You'd think he'd do it the logical way, but no, he had to find a way of sorting that no one had ever thought of before. And so, while Monsieur basks in the glow of his love on Alpha Centauri, we are here tidying up, if you can call it that, what he's messed up."
The demon placed the last book from the pile he had just retrieved on the shelf as he continued, "When we could be walking in the park or doing something else that would allow us to enjoy this sunny day instead of being cooped up because Mister the bookseller who doesn't sell books has decided that today is clean-up day."
Crowley continued to openly express his dissatisfaction as he put away pile after pile of books.
Turning to fetch the next pile of books, he saw that it was the last one on his side and sighed, "Finally done."
He bent down to grab the pile of books that was a little higher than the others and, once balanced on his arms, stood up and turned around. He stopped suddenly as he found himself face to face with Aziraphale, whom he hadn't heard coming up behind him. The surprise caused him to startle slightly, threatening the precarious balance of the books on his arms.
Aziraphale exclaimed, "Watch out!"
But it was too late, Crowley was stumbling forward.
Fortunately, the angel had the reflex to place his hands on the demon's shoulders to keep him from falling. Though they didn't collide, it didn't stop their lips from brushing briefly before Crowley regained his balance.
The demon chuckled slightly before saying, "Well, that was close. Angel..."
He didn't have time to finish before Aziraphale, who still had his hands on the demon's shoulders, pulled him to him before capturing his lips for a kiss that was far more than a brush and far from accidental.
The demon, immobilized by Aziraphale's hands on his shoulders and the books in his arms, moaned into the kiss in frustration.
Aziraphale, noticing the moan, broke the kiss and asked worriedly, "Crowley! What's the matter? Did you hurt yourself?"
Crowley shook his head before answering, "No, no, not at all, quite the opposite, but..."
He paused to put the books down, straightened up, and after wrapping his arms around the angel's neck, he said cheekily, "There, that's better, please, my angel, carry on with what you were doing."
Aziraphale laughed slightly before doing exactly what the demon asked. He brought his face close to Crowley's and resumed the interrupted kiss.
When they parted after a few moments, Aziraphale stroked the demon's cheek with his finger and said softly, "Thank you."
Crowley frowned and asked, "For what?"
Aziraphale gestured to the bookshop around them and replied softly, "You didn't have to help me with any of this, and yet you did."
Crowley's gaze turned mischievous as he replied, "I know a way you can pay me back."
Azirapale, not fooled, asked him innocently, "Oh, you do? How?"
The demon picked up the pile of books in his arms and replied, "Let's finish tidying up and I'll tell you."
Aziraphale replied, obviously pleased, "Very well, I'll put myself in your hands."
Then he moved his face to Crowley's and added, "One last one for the road?"
Not waiting for an answer, he was about to press his lips to the demon's, but with a quick little movement, Crowley pushed himself aside and moved to the shelf, saying, "Tttt, work first."
Aziraphale laughed softly and began to move to the other side of the shelf. As he passed behind Crowley, he couldn't help but brush the demon's neck with a light kiss, and before the demon could react, the angel said playfully, "I'm sorry, but I've never been able to resist temptation. Or rather, the temptation that you are."
Then he continued on his way to the amused laughter of the demon.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable kisses series : here
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here
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dervampireprince · 9 months
ASMR | Good Omens - Aziraphale x Listener SFW Aziraphale Takes Care Of You While You're Sick
[M4A] [Established platonic relationship, can be viewed as implied crushes on each other] [Post season 1, pre season 2] [Sick comfort - tired to leave it vague enough it could be a short term, long term or chronic illness] [Implied Azirapale x Crowley x listener platonic relationship]
Yes I used he/she/they pronouns for Crowley, fight me. Based on a Patreon request. Tiffany Boyer asked for "Crowley or aziraphale takes care of u when your sick".
Old public spicy audios on sound gasm (link in pinned post). 2 Exclusive spicy audios on Patreon every month. I also stream on Twitch every week @ dervampireprince . [minors + ageless blogs dni. this blog is for 18+ only.] [do not repost/reupload/edit any of my content]
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26aspen-edits · 1 year
ok so theory (mentions the spoiler, so please skip if you havent seen it)
so somebody pointed out that "the ball" will possibly not be a time period thing but a party that aziraphale will throw/host for the street (picture of him holding that clipboard next to crowley) and basically while everything is going on azirapale does this as a distraction, in the opening we see record banners and a juke box and also in the "surrender the angle" shot we can see maggie wearing heels, somebody said that since its a music party, people dress up as musicians/music artists and gabriel's big blue outfit is suppose to reference elton john and considering how some of us have said that the aziracrow EVERY will be a just in case, i think once everything is better, they actually confess on the roof top
this is a mess but i just wanted to get some of this out there just in case, also were so close to ten days yall wtf
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toasterfroggy · 1 year
LOVE the fact that i was watching the ineffable husbands kiss while on the treadmill and some lady got on the one next to me right when they kissed
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gallifreyshawkeye · 2 months
Chapter 8 of Reclaimed. I actually wrote an almost 11K chapter in a week, y'all! Boom! 😄
Aziraphale accidentally discovers inconsistencies with the A(a)rchangel rosters and that there are potentially multiple archangels that have simply vanished. He also gets a message from Furfur who wants to meet, and the message is brought by an unknown angel who reminds Aziraphale so much of a certain red-haired angel that it can't be coincidence. Meanwhile, Crowley is pushed beyond his limits to the absolute brink by Satan and remembers a secret experiment he had worked on shortly after the Fall and that he had kept hidden in case he ever needed it. He hadn't for so long he had completely forgotten about it. Until now. And it might save his life.
“Supreme Archangel! Sir!” 
Aziraphale turned around to see a breathless angel dressed in… khaki trousers with a black belt, a button-up sea-foam green shirt with rolled up shirt sleeves, a black tie, and dark grey shoes?! waving his hand to get Aziraphale’s attention while finishing jogging up to him from the opposite end of the long corridor. The angel leaned over as he reached Azirapale and rested his hands on his knees, catching his breath before standing back up and arching his shoulders back while taking a deep breath and finally settling into a normal posture.
“Whoo I should probably run more,” the angel said, “Hate running though. Frightfully boring. And so awful . I do not understand the humans and angels who do it on purpose. I mean, the idea sounds nice, especially the endurance running stuff. You know what I’m talking about? It’s where humans go for, like, 50, 100, 200 miles on purpose through, like, deserts and wilderness? Now that would be an accomplishment and super cool. But the training for that?! No. Couldn’t do it. Not in a million years. I bet demons don’t run on purpose. Ever. Or maybe they do because it’s awful. No, wait! I bet it’s, like, something they’d wager for the loser in a bet like, ‘I bet you 50 laps around the Infernal Pit that….’ uh, I’m not sure what demons would bet on. Maybe that one of them didn’t know that Beethoven actually did write a 10th symphony? He did, you know. Did you know that? But you get the idea. That’s how terrible running is.” The angel grimaced and took another deep breath like he needed to fill the very bottom of his lungs. “Whooo, that’s better!”
Aziraphale was staring in utter, boggled astonishment. Never in his existence had he met another angel like this one. Well, aside from Crowley-ish. When the demon was devoid of carrying the fate of the universe, this was not remarkably dissimilar to how Crowley could get on those rare occasions when he felt safe and uninhibited and got going on a subject he was passionate about whether it was passionately negative or positive. Who was this angel?! 
“Can I help you?” Aziraphale asked at last when the unknown angel in front of him didn’t say anything further and simply stood there, rocking back and forth from the balls of his feet to his heels while absent mindedly swinging his arms and… humming? something under his breath.
“What? OH! Right! Yes!” The angel’s eyes jumped back from wandering around the large corridor to focused on Aziraphale’s vicinity like he’d completely forgotten that he’d been the one to grab Aziraphale’s attention in the first place.
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gnomemnemonic · 3 months
"God is in the details." Azirapale folded his hands primly in front of him and smiled brightly at Crowley for a moment before bending once more over the book that lay open on the desk in front of him.
Crowley scoffed and waved his wineglass with the practiced carelessness that allowed the wine to slosh to the very rim of the glass without a drop being spilled. He looked back over his shoulder as he sauntered across the floor of the bookshop. His eyes landed on the crown of white blond curls, piled over a busy brain that was fixed on finding a way out of their predicament. And more importantly, a brain that was not fixed on him. Crowley's lip curled and he threw back, childishly, "The devil is in the details."
Aziraphale's head lifted a little and his blue eyes flicked impatiently up at Crowley's now retreating back. "Yes, well," he said tartly, "perhaps they're in it together."
Aziraphale heard the falter and then stilling of Crowley's restless pacing. In the silence left, he could hear only the blood rushing in his own ears. The echoing of his own blasphemous words. Aziraphale fixed his eyes on the margin of the page, blank and empty as he wished his mind to be in that moment.
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two-bit-too-high · 1 year
So you know how there was the plan for 60's/70's Crowley and azirapale
AZIPHALE could have been a SOC
Fem of course
I came up with this laying in bed at 6 in the morning
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arkodian · 2 years
follow up to my last to clarify that ask i am asking this genuinely... not trying to be a dick . i know very little about good omens and am curious if queer people engage with it because its queer coded or because the characters are explicitly queer (or some unknown 3rd thing)
"are the (painfully) queer angel and david tennat actually husbands? ive never watched good omens"
That was the first ask for anyone confused.
It is never explicitly mentioned that they're husbands. However, their friendship/relationship/whatever you want to call it has been going on for 6000 years, so the general feeling is that they're behaving like an old married couple. Hence the "husbands" part.
They are definitely queer-coded and Neil Gaiman (one of the book's authors and the director of the show) has given free rein to interpret them any way you like, including as any gender you want - gay, asexual, non-binary... whatever you can find in the text and find relatable. He has never given them an explicit sexuality, though, and angels can canonically choose as which gender (if any) to present themselves. They have been shipped since the book came out (and Azirapale was called queer by other characters even then) in 1990. It's definitely one of the reasons the queer community has latched on to them so much because there was precious little representation.
Even if you don't want to ship them, I still recommend the series and novel because I love the plot, the other characters and the humour. For clarification, though - I do ship Azirapale and Crowley too. ^^
As always, take this with a grain of salt because I'm not speaking for everyone and am only a fan. Hope it helped you, though! 😊
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