alarrytale · 1 year
You've lost respect for harry when he was covering himself from paps pretending he didn't know they gon be there? I lost it after the emrata thing. Bc up until this point all of his stunts and fake girlfriends had some sort of purpose. Holivia happened bc there is no way he could do a gay movie without being linked to a woman. But making out for no real reason unless attention? Just because he had a break on his tour and don't u dare he wasn't in the papers being talked about during this time. The thigh tattoo which is also just for the attention? Current stunt that's happening because there are some pieces of expensive designer fabric to sell and make everyone richer? I lost respect for him when I saw him getting way too comfortable with ignoring the principles I believed he had. Has the fame, power and money really got to his head that much? Does he really want to become a household name by playing pretend? Louis has this little break on tour, they haven't seen each other in months and Harry is still going out stunting instead doing everything to make up for the time apart. Pathetic if you ask me. Has he become such a yes man to his army of leechers that does everything he's told? Has he stopped caring about everything as long as his album and tour sells? I have been a fan since 2014 and this Harry is a stranger to me and I don't support him in anything he does anymore. People obviously change but I'm not ready to attend the funeral for the person he used to be. Either way I wouldn't call myself a fan of his anymore. Fame, money and status are such shallow goals to have in life. Having the right people around you who love you unconditionally and would never use you for their sake is the most valuable thing. I can only hope Harry would realise this one day before he starts to rot with his money around people who only see him as a product that they can mold into anything they desire. (Sorry it was long, I had to get this off my chest )
Hi, anon!
It's okay, get it off your chest. What i meant is that i'm losing respect for him, it's getting chipped off bit by bit, not that there is no respect left. I agree i lost a lot with the emrata stunt. I still think there are some extenuating circumstances here, due to things out of his control, but i do agree there are things he doesn’t have to do that can't be explained away. Like him pretend hiding himself from paps he and his team called.
I think we are all just basing our judgement on him on what we see here and now. Things might make more sense at a later date or if we get more information. I, like you, can't reconcile the person i see now, with the one i used to know.
I deal well with the stunts, i don't deal well with the fake friendships or the capitalist turn this has all taken. The greed he's starting to show is such a turn off. The crackdown on fake merch, the blood prices on tickets, pleas*ng, the low quality brand deal promo for a quick buck. I would buy all this if i knew it went into his 'sue sony' fund. But it looks like it goes into the pockets of jeff and sony, with harry getting a cut. Cool it with the blatant greed thanks. At least be transparent about it. Say that your're a citrus fruit bike ambassador or a german lion brand ambassador.
I wish that his, jeff's and sony's priorities were different. He is more than a product that can be sold to the highest bidder (or not that high even...) it leaves us with such a bad taste in our mouths. I hope H knows all this and that's why he looks like a sourpuss while doing it...
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louisisalarrie · 6 months
hello! i’m the anon about the brits 2022 speech
this was the video:
many people were saying that it seemed like he wasn’t joking and i’ve noticed that his vibe around jeff has really changed since 2014-2019
thanks for the video anon!
he developed a bit of a straight faced and sarcastic sense of humour (cough Louis cough) over the years, and I think he’s seen through the Azoffs bullshit as he’s gotten older. while they definitely groomed him while in 1d to come with them, I think he’s really learnt what the Azoffs are all about.
to me, the way he says it and his body language and face, i think it is a bit snarky and he is being a bit of a dick, under a facade of a joke. and like… managers do so much for artists, so the artist can live their dream. but while they’re a team, they also have very different lifestyles.
with technology now, managers don’t need to be at every show, don’t need to constantly be running around (particularly with Jeff because he has such a massive crew and team around him), and they don’t need to be touring alllllll the time. im sure Jeff accompanies Harry to a lot of things, we do see him very often, but it’s just totally different
While being on the road is exhausting (trust me, I’ve done it), performing on top of that would be even more tiresome and Harry does deserve a round of applause for the energy he pulled out every night at all those shows, while Jeff did get to sit on his laptop in a catered room with everyone waiting on him hand and foot. He is good at what he does though, but also has the upper hand of coming from a legacy of managers/music moguls. So he hasn’t worked his way to the top, and I think Harry sees through him now.
He didn’t have to work hard for where he got, he was given opportunities because of his daddy, and so he’s protected. If he fucks up, other people will fix it. He’s not dealt with being at the bottom. And yeah, Harry does definitely seem a bit antsy here. I’d say it was probably a real dig covered by a joke.
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caralara · 2 years
I don't think a lot of people here actually understand how big and powerful the azoffs are. And the sort of shit and coverups and intimidation tactics they've been involved with. I'm not even being hyperbolic or dramatic. If they're on your side then great but otherwise it ain't pretty.
Oh anon - a while a go I went down a research rabbit hole, I think it was for my Xarry post? And I didn’t even dig too deep, just shallow searches bc it got so complex and it wasn’t my main topic at the time, but I’m telling you, I got legitimately scared. I texted @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk right after because I started feeling so hopeless about Harry, you know, because it just started to look like he’s never gonna be able to get out from the azoffs grasp with a career intact. After reading up on them and how incredibly widespread and big their enterprise is it just made it look like for Harry to ever leave he’s gonna have no choice but end his career. I was as hopeless as ive Never been before. It’s super fucking scary, and if you look at the sums of money we’re talking about, and compare it to other industries, it’s absolutely no surprise anymore there’s so much unethical shit going on. I already feel super uncomfortable talking about it now bc it’s really… scary. Like genuinely scary.
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goongiveusnothing · 2 years
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As if we didn't already know these award shows were scams, we have Harry's management team letting us all know that despite the results for these awards not being known for months, we already somehow know Harry will win some of them.
Harry's fans: his management team are sabotaging him!!!!1 they're ruining his life!!!!1 they don't know anything!!!!11
In reality, they're already pre gaming the Grammys/Brits and are trying to desperately salvage months worth of bad PR by trying to shift the narrative to being about how he's destined for all the biggest awards, as though those compensate for his terrible acting and his PR disasters.
Also confirms his EGOT desires. He desperately wants awards.
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dreamings-free · 3 months
It's not just the Black Keys. Why are so many big tours selling poorly? Stereogum | June 11, 2024 | by Zach Schonfeld
long (and US focused) but still quite interesting article on the current state of concert touring, why tours are getting cancelled or downsized, and what's up with ticket pricing. (my selected excerpts/highlights under the cut)
[excerpt, all highlights mine]
[Eric Renner Brown, a senior editor at Billboard] adds, “I do think [The Black Keys] are an artist that can fill those rooms still. I think the demand is there in terms of people who want to see Black Keys. But perhaps at that price point, the demand was not there.”
Ostensibly, agents and promoters should have access to data that can give them a better sense of demand. But they often place outsized importance on raw streaming numbers.
“The data is very confusing,” says the anonymous booking agent. “There’s a lot of passive listeners for data. You can have millions upon millions of streams, but that doesn’t mean it’s gonna turn into tickets. The opposite is, there are some artists who don’t have many streams at all and they can sell like 2,000, 3,000 tickets.”
It’s worth noting that the Black Keys have released four albums since returning from hiatus in 2019, and toured arenas as recently as 2022. This may be a case of oversaturating the market.
The band’s 2019 and 2022 arena runs weren’t exactly sold out. In between, the band left their longtime manager in 2021, signing with Irving Azoff and Steve Moir at Full Stop Management. Some sources speculate that Azoff, a former CEO of Ticketmaster, may have encouraged ambitious touring plans. On Thursday, Billboard reported that the group has now parted ways with Azoff and Moir. (The management company did not respond to a request for comment.)
“Essentially, you have some very big managers that are out of touch with the granular finesse and nuance of ticketing,” says another anonymous booking agent. “And they have these large expectations and they tell their agents what they want. And the agents are probably texting each other on the side, going, ‘This man is out of his fucking mind.’ But they do it anyway because, in the case of Black Keys, they’re not gonna challenge Irving Azoff.”
One contributing factor to instability in the touring industry is the rising cost of… well, everything. It’s part of why ticket prices are so high; it’s also part of the reason some acts are backing out of touring commitments.
Bands at all levels have been sounding the alarm about this for years. In 2022, for instance, Animal Collective canceled European tour dates and explained, “We simply could not make a budget for this tour that did not lose money even if everything went as well as it could.”
Industry insiders say that’s not uncommon. “Everything is ridiculously expensive,” says a tour manager who works with major acts and asked not to be named. “There’s not enough gear for everyone to share, so the vendors are having to pay high amounts for equipment. A single bus for a six-week tour can cost $100,000. Multiple that by multiple buses, and then trucks, and then crews are at a minimum, so they’re getting top rate right now because there’s not enough crews.”
COVID, of course, exacerbated this crunch. “What happened after the pandemic is, everyone was ready to tour at once,” the tour manager says. “There’s not enough gear to cover all of that. A lot of bands have had to cancel tours because they don’t have gear or they couldn’t afford the gear,” the tour manager continued. “I was on a tour with somebody last year where we had to book a private jet because there were no buses available. For the first week of the tour, we had to charter planes.”
Acts are thus incentivized to book bigger venues to recoup the costs of touring. The catch-22 is that bigger venues necessitate more elaborate stage production, which makes for a more expensive tour.
“There’s the expectation to have that production,” says the tour manager. “If people went back to having just two trusses of lights and a P.A. and no frills, it was just about the music, they can afford to tour. But everyone wants to see those flashing lights. Everyone wants to see that video.”
“So much of the economics of these big tours is completely invisible to fans and consumers,” says Kevin Erickson, director of Future of Music Coalition, a nonprofit advocacy group. “You can sell out a tour and come back in the red if there was a cost overrun or a miscalculation.”
For mid-level acts with sizable followings, these frustrations are compounded by a lack of suitable mid-sized venues.
“For a band that maybe has assessed its demand in the market to be in the 8K range or something for capacity, where are they going to go if that sort of venue doesn’t exist?” says Brown. “And if, say, the local theater that seats 3K or 4K can’t accommodate two or three nights, it can only put them for one night on the tour routing. That’s a real concern.”
At the end of the day, it all comes back to price. The average ticket price for one of the top 100 tours rose from $91.86 to $122.84 between 2019 and 2023. Concerts are too damn expensive, and there’s a growing sense of consumer frustration with shows that cost as much as airline tickets.
-> read the full article here on Stereogum.com
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thestylesindependent · 11 months
Yeah, I knew Bono. And if you told me to pick any three people that you want your company to represent in the whole management business everywhere, I’d say three of the top three for me would be Harry Styles, the Eagles and U2. So I’ve died and gone to heaven with this. I’m really proud of what Jeffrey and his team have accomplished with Harry. Watching that has been incredible. And Jeffrey and I are doing U2 together, so it’s really been fun.
Irving Azoff via Hits Daily Double
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mr-styles · 2 years
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🫂 - Grammys, Los Angeles - 02.05.2023
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twopoppies · 5 months
This...is craaaazy. 35 weeks behind schedule and they still tried to open 😳
What a fucking disaster.
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People working behind the scenes at the troubled Co-op Live arena in Manchester have spoken of what they say were "chaotic" events leading up to the bungled opening of the venue.
Workers involved with the project spoke on condition of anonymity as they did not have permission to speak out. They told the BBC:
Parts of the £365m venue were in a state of disarray less than 24 hours before the arena was supposed to open earlier this week
Staff were left in tears after they were forced to call off American rapper A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie's gig at the last minute due to safety fears
Naming rights partner Co-op Group has flagged a "critical" risk of reputational damage to the wider Co-op brand
Construction staff at the venue warned others back in February that works were as much as 35 weeks behind schedule
Co-op Live was heralded as a "world-class arena" that "Manchester deserves" by Tim Leiweke, the American businessman leading the project, in an interview with the BBC last month.
But "the perfect building" Mr Leiweke promised soon suffered fundamental setbacks, with a series of high-profile acts - including Take That and Olivia Rodrigo - having their shows cancelled or postponed at the last minute to the bewilderment and frustration of performers, ticket-holders and staff.
Mr Leiweke has since apologised, and a Co-op Live spokesperson told the BBC events had been paused "to ensure the safety and security of fans and artists visiting the venue".
One staff member, hired as a "premium host" in the venue's VIP rooms, told the BBC she was in the building on Tuesday evening - fewer than 24 hours before the venue's debut performance by A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie was due to begin.
She said: "I think we were very sceptical: that was my first time in the arena and it did not look ready at all... They're doing everything with crossed fingers: it's a bit chaotic."
'Wires hanging down'
The VIP rooms were still "full of cardboard boxes", the woman said.
"They weren't done - there's loads of final bits [unfinished]. It was filled with workmen who were all still so busy doing random checks here and there, average safety checks... there were loads of wires hanging down."
She said some stairways also seemed incomplete. "There were wires everywhere and exposed lighting on the floor. It looked very messy. There were gaps in the stairs... it looked like a work in progress."
The woman, who has been employed on a casual contract, said staff members are still paid part of their wage if their shift is cancelled at short notice. Staff who are on site when a shift is cancelled are paid in full, a spokesperson for the venue said.
Meanwhile, another member of staff, this time working in an operations role at the venue, said: "The root cause of all the problems is coming from the building, not the operations. From an outside perspective, people presume it's being run badly."
"In reality we have a building that isn't ready, and we're being told it is ready - then things happen out of the blue that cause cancellations", they said.
The staff member said most public-facing areas of the building are complete - although the offices on the top floor and some premium areas of the building remain "unfinished".
As of Thursday evening, the dining area in the exclusive Amp Club has "no fixtures, no fittings, no tables there - it's just a shell," they said.
"People don't know that OVG [the Oak View Group] own the venue - they just see the Co-op brand," a staff member at the Co-op Group said.
On a site visit in February, the Co-op Group employee said they were told by construction workers the project was running 35 weeks behind schedule, in part due to delays with crane equipment.
"The Co-op's really disappointed with OVG's constant delays," the employee said.
Full article here
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foxes-that-run · 6 months
Hello! since I found out not long ago that Taylor has known Jeff Azoff for a long time because he dated one of her friends she was hanging out with at the time I can't stop thinking about it. Do you know something more about that? Do you think Taylor introduced Jeff to Harry?
Possible, but I think the Azoff’s sought him out.
Harry said he met Jeff Azoff in Toronto in 2012 (2:30 of this video) the band was there for promo 28 February, concerts 29 and 31 May, I think the later, because the first one seemed a bit chaotic.
Harry probably came to the Azoff’s attention from the insane buzz about the band and Harry. Irving Azoff’s front line management (FLM) had a partnership with Syco from 2011 and was working with X-factor but they weren’t representing 1D, Modest was.
A few months after meeting Harry, in October 2012 Jeff left his family’s FLM to work with Creative Artists Agency (CAA) where he stayed with Harry as his client until 1D’s hiatus and Harry was no longer connected to Modest. In 2016 he left with Harry signed to FLM.
So I think the Azoff’s likely saw potential in Harry and Jeff left to cultivate the relationship without competing with FSM’s partnership with Syco.
If Taylor provided an introduction, maybe, she knew them both. Irving Azoff represents John Mayer who she dated in 2009, and she presented an award to Irving in 2008. But she wasn’t signed with the Azoff’s and I don’t think they’d really need it, they are well connected. I’ve heard a friend of hers dated Jeff but I can’t find a link for it now. The Azoff’s did side with her in the masters dispute though. She and Jeff were friendly at both Grammys and Jeff was also in the lobby photos with Harry and Taylor in 2015.
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filmesbrazil · 21 hours
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alarrytale · 1 year
Hands down to the anon who hit the nail with H’s semi-manufactured success because I feel the same about it.
Look, I love him deeply, I find him one of the most attractive man on earth while I never had any need to project my sexual fantasies into him (and trust me, I have done it with literally every male crush while Harry/Louis are the only exceptions). I really really wish he can show us more from his personality, be more open to us and in what he is interested. I also think he’s a little weirdo sometimes and maybe a shy introvert when he’s not feeling 100% comfortable - as much as he can be arrogant with his confident, he’s awkward sometimes and I adore him for that.
But while as much as I love him I just don’t like those charts of his popularity and his achievements, awards or how much money he made with LOT etc etc etc. Because what does it actually mean? Does it make him a better person? Does it make him a God? Does it make him immortal? No, no, no, no. It’s unpopular opinion but icons/legends has been made in the past (80’s - 00’s) because those were the times when there were something to discover and something new to create but now everything is just recycling and update of something that has been already created.
To be honest, Harry is known for his “old soul” inspirations, he’s mix of Bowie//Mercury//Elton John and his image is the same as it was with Ricky Martin or George Michael. As much as I love him I doubt people will rememeber him as much as they remember those names I wrote above in like 10-20 years. And no numbers and how much money he made won’t be remembered in the future. Look, people barely remember Backstreet Boys and Nsync now - iconic boybands without who there won’t be any 1D - while first one is active simply because of nostalgia and second one just announced a reunion and I’m curious how it will go.
Also IMO one of the reasons why he is so extremely popular is that there basically isn’t any active singe who is making music without following any trends (read that his songs go against actual trends in music) and who is willing to tour the world while fitting the het fantasies. There was Justin Bieber but is he active? No. Shawn Mendes? He isn’t active as well and who knows if his career will be the same as it was pre-pandemic. Ed Sheeran never had an image of sex god for obvious reasons. Singers like Robbie Williams or Justin Timberlake are way too old for teens. So who else is there to compete with Harry? Rest of boys from 1D as media likes to make this artificial rivality between them claiming Harry is the best one? The most popular artists right now are all females starting with our popular TS or Beyonce, Doja Cat, Billie Eilish. And they won’t take away Harry’s popularity made by het harries.
And the last note - look how popular Harry was during Grammy’s. He won the most important award while people were yelling at him during his speech because they felt Beyone should win it. And then there was that hate after on every social media. And he clearly was very uncomfortable that night because he might thought he simply doesn’t really belong there but his management made him this popular and so he had to be there and face bigger singers and their fans.
Hi, anon!
Yes, kudos to that anon for hitting the nail on the head as you say!
I wish we got to see more of his personality as well. But he needs that blank canvas for everyone to project onto and get popular. At the same time, showing so little of yourself won't get you icon status. So it's tricky. He is doing exceptionally well because of lack of competition. There will be a day where competition will come, and that's why I think they are striking while the iron is hot. I'm still not sure if they are going for longevity here. Doesn’t seem like it right now.
And yeah, the grammy's. Not good. The grammy's are all politics and the azoffs are powerful people. Harry was awkward and unprepared for that speech. He put his foot in his mouth. I cringed. The heckling from the ones yelling for Beyoncé and the social media backlash was a bad combination. I think it put some people off him. I can see their point of view. Harry needs to wise up, and the azoffs needs to stop buying him his fame and start trusting his talent. Awards, achievements, numbers and records mean nothing in the grand scheme of things if it isn't well earned.
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zot3-flopped · 22 days
That was a great anon about the ways in which Larries ignore Harry’s words. Can I join in? Because they also ignore facts they could know if they actually had any intellectual curiosity about Harry, instead of just learning about him through Larry master posts and fanfics. (There are probably so many of these!)
- Mitch signed to Erskine Records and Larries were genuinely surprised that Harry had his own record company: they were told he was entirely under the control of Sony/Columbia, not someone who licenses his work to them in a complex (and unknowable) record deal.
- They have heard Harry talk about Jeff Azoff as his best friend, they’ve seen the affection between them, but they believe that Jeff is Harry’s puppet master, everything being orchestrated by Irving Azoff. One quick google will tell you Irv finds Harry to be a charming curiosity, not one of his music business slaves.
- They are obsessed with all of Harry’s business dealings being somehow in the service of the Azoffs, when it is easily verifiable that he is the one who has the controlling share of his companies.
- They discovered that various members of Harry’s team are gay, and to my knowledge haven’t allowed that fact to register fully. As far as they are concerned, Harry is not allowed to be out. The fact that two of his managers are out gay men, partnered up and everything, seems to be quite challenging for them to take in.
- They decided he was being exploited by HSLOT - 169 dates over 2 years was ruining him - but he owns the touring company and presumably, as a grown man with years of experience on the road, he would have mentioned it early on if he thought he couldn’t handle what his company had put together for him. Absurd to think of the boss being told he had to work himself to the bone or else!
These Larries love their oppression fantasies and will never grant Harry autonomy, when it's very clear that he has it in all areas of his career.
Larries are also convinced that HS4 was scheduled for May and Columbia forced Harry to postpone it because they didn't want him competing against Beyonce in the 2025 Grammys. Beyonce is a Columbia artist! Her release date was not a surprise to Harry and his team! And if Harry was so troubled by Beyonce he wouldn't have released HsH in May 2022.
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caralara · 2 years
Unpopular opinion but I've never been as concerned as a lot of people seem to be about Harry's relationship with Rob Stringer/Sony precisely because of your point about the Azoffs. The Azoffs are huge, and if Harry truly does want some leverage to get himself out from under them, he'd need allies with deep pockets, and I don't think solidifying his record label support is a bad place to start. I don't think Sony or Rob Stringer are "good guys" by any stretch of the imagination, but I do think they're more straightforwardly standard corporation-level bad, vs the Azoffs who veer into much shadier territory. Idk if that's what's happening, but I do think if I were in Harry's shoes and wanting to get some distance from the Azoffs, playing them against Sony would be a good place to start.
hi anon, that’s an interesting take! Very much a “lesser evil” kind of thing. But then again, how deep in deals are the azoffs with Sony/rob stringer? I haven’t looked into that relationship enough to do any kind of judgement, but yeah
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awesomefringey · 1 year
Just seen Xander's fiancée give Glenne a dirty look in a video and I've decided I like her the most out of all his friends xhxgxah
God, this entire crew makes me nauseous.
I’d be so pissed if I paid a fortune for a ticket, waited hoooours to finally get to see Harry and then there’s drunk Jeff Azoff and his minions breathing down my neck, yelling around and starting mosh pits because that whole crew can’t be bothered even watching Harry’s show for the nth time.
They’re all so aggravating in their need to be the main character, thirsty to make Harry’s words about themselves, when they’re all just on Harry’s payroll one way or another. They must be getting a kick out of the fact that people started filming them instead of Harry.
That video is hilarious though. Everyone thinking this is about them! Tommy Bruce checking if he looks extra moved by the words for the camera. Glenne raising her arm making sure everyone knows this is for her. 🤣
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cantquitu · 11 months
Last week, in reply to the usual Larrie goading on Twitter, Louis Tomlinson indirectly referred to Larry as "ridiculous childish theories and conspiracies". Revenge from Larries has been swift. They're angry. They're insulted. They're broken-hearted! They're mocking and vengeful. They're undeterred in their Larrying.
In short, they're all the things they always are whenever Louis addresses their stupid bullshit.
Other fans of Louis - fans who are definitely not conspiracy theorists and certainly not Larries, oh no! - have uncovered an even darker tale of anger and revenge.
It isn't just Larries who have responded furiously to Louis' denial of Larry.
Harry Styles HQ has unleashed a vicious, vengeful attack on Louis!
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That's right. According to seasurfacefullofclouds1, "when Louis does anything to shatter the 'Larry' illusion, Sony (HSHQ, Irving and Jeff, Rob Stringer etc) get very angry".
And how do they deal with that anger? By posting a "disgusting" video of Louis on Sony's TikTok "that is so obviously targeted harassment against Louis they make it obvious that they are the power that causes industry to blacklist Louis".
Now, I am not a skilled specialist in the nefarious ways of HSHQ, so when I saw this disgusting video of Sony's, I confess it wasn't immediately clear to me why it was so disgusting.
According to Louis' fans, HSHQ's tactics are sly and insidious. So sly as to be almost imperceptible to anyone other than the highly-trained eye of a watchful Louis Tomlinson fan. One might ask, if HSHQ's revenge can only be perceived by these LT sleuths, how can it be effective?
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The video in question is an 11-second compilation of clips of Louis from various One Direction music videos, soundtracked by the chorus of 1D's second single, Gotta Be You. It's one of a series of videos Sony posted of each of the 1D members, all set to the Gotta Be You chorus and captioned "It's gotta be Niall", "It's gotta be Harry" etc.
Hmm... the disgusting nature of this video was subtle in the extreme. I needed to refer to an expert.
Gracefullou said, "Sony posted a TikTok about Louis (as a 1D member) and used as a sound the part of that song that he said on aotv he was promised to sing only to find out when it was released they used that man's voice instead".
Aha! The clue here is in the use of "that man" - codename for Harry Styles. And of course - Gotta Be You!
In Louis' documentary, he shared the difficult memory of rehearsing and recording a verse in Gotta Be You, only to discover that his singing was not used in the final recording, and the verse was instead sung by Harry. Now, the disgusting Sony video does not actually use the part of the song Louis was referring to, but no matter! And the fact that the same chorus was also used to soundtrack the videos of the other four members of 1D is immaterial...ignore that part, it's Sony burying the lead! THIS WAS A TARGETED AND DELIBERATE ATTACK!!!!
Look, it's obvious. Harry, the Azoffs, Rob Stringer...they're all "still bitter he survived and is thriving rn".
You may think, but Harry is currently on a break, loved-up with his girlfriend. Why would he care that Louis has denied Larry again?
You may ask, "Haven't Irving and Jeff Azoff just launched The Sphere with a series of mind-blowing U2 concerts? Wouldn't they be too busy to monitor Louis Tomlinson's Twitter?"
But, hold on - how would Rob Stringer, CEO of Sony Music Entertainment, have the time to prioritise the blacklisting of Louis Tomlinson in such a carefully-planned, time-consuming fashion?
HSHQ will not tolerate Louis Tomlinson denying Larry, and they will continue their crusade against him in response. End of. I hope this has been educational.
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HarryStyles: Grammys, February 2023.
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