#b1a4:92 line
changkyuh-archive · 6 years
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8/10 days of b1a4 pairings → badeul  
Q. With whom do you feel pampered (From whom you like to depend)?
Baro: Although I ‘m not the type of person who depends on someone if I do would be on Sandeul. When I’m bored or tired I play pranks on him . I couldn’t do that nor to the hyungs nor to Gongchan because he’s the maknae, so I just have my friend Sandeul.
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springday-aus · 5 years
Bowling!AU - Multi-Group (97 and 92 Liners): [Drabble] 
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Bowling!AU with 92 line and 97 line [multi-group + multi-members]
“STRIKE! THAT’S RIGHT BITCHES!” Seokjin spreads his arms wide, as he turns over towards the other team. “BOW DOWN TO THE KINGS OF BOWLING.” 
“Boo!” Yugyeom shouts. “97 LINE FOR LIFE!” 
Jaehyun closes his eyes in embarrassment and leans to his right, where Jungkook is. “Why… Why do I go to these things?” 
“What are you talking about?” Bambam asks him, as he grabs his bowling ball. “This is fun.” 
Eunwoo smiles from his spot across them three, as he sees the other team celebrating. “I don’t know about fun, but…” He looks back at Jaehyun. “This is entertaining though. You can’t deny that.” He gestures his head towards the other team. 
Jungkook, Jaehyun, and Bambam turn to see Jae and Jin doing their victory dances already. Next to Eunwoo, Mingyu grimances. “Hasn’t anyone told them dabbing isn’t in anymore?” 
Yugyeom pouts. “Bambam, he’s making fun of us.” 
Bambam turns around to them. “Hey, ignore them,” he says. “We are a team. What team?” 
“WILDCATS!” Seokmin shouts. 
“No, Seok,” Yugyeom says. “We’ve been over this.” 
Seokmin sits down with an expression that’s the equivalent to a kicked puppy. Eunwoo pats his back to comfort him. 
“Okay.” Bambam holds up his bowling ball once more. “What team?” 
“What team?!” 
“Wish me luck!” With that, he turns around and tosses his bowling ball blindly into their lane. It rolls through the center smoothly as he tossed it. But, as the ball rolls closer to the pins, it begins to curve. 
Just as the ball nears the pins, it knocks down three pins from the right side. Bambam wordlessly falls to his knees as the tv flashes the number three on the screen for all to see. The 97 boys collectively let out a long sigh, but the 92 boys cheered the minute the three pins were down. 
“We got this in the bag!” Jaehwan yells with a little jump. 
Jae joins him. “We just need, at least, like, five pins down and we’ll catch up.” 
Matthew’s voice booms over their cheers. “92! WE ARE!” 
The 97 team snickers at Jungkook’s shout. 
“We’re not that old, you brats!” Sandeul shouts. 
Matthew clears his throat and tries again. “92! WE ARE!” 
“Seokjin,” Jaehwan says quietly. “Not again.” 
“You’re right.” Seokjin looks around. “I’m the only ten here.” 
Chanyeol raises his eyebrows, but doesn’t say anything and takes a sip of his beer. 
“I give up,” Matthew says. He sits himself next to Shownu. “I can’t do this.” 
“Then don’t do it.” 
“Okay,” Chanyeol says. He stands up and stretches his neck, along with his arms. “Let me show you how it’s done.” 
“Dude,” Jae says. “That fancy equipment hasn’t done anything.” 
“He did spend like $400 on that customized bowling ball,” Shownu says. “Maybe just let him have this one.” 
Just as Shownu finishes speaking, Chanyeol rolls his fancy customized ball into their lane… and into the gutter. 
The 97 team cheers. “We have a shot!”
“So, who’s next?” Jungkook asks.
They all look around for a bit.
“Who was supposed to keep track this time?” Jaehyun asks.
“Was anyone really keeping track?” Seokmin asks.
No one answers.
Yugyeom slaps the back of Eunwoo, who’s been a bit too quiet in his spot.
“Looks like it’s your turn, buddy.”
He shrugs. “I guess.” He walks over and grabs his bowling ball.
“You can do it!” Mingyu yells.
“Team 97!” Bambam shouts.
Meanwhile, Chanyeol turns to the other 92 team members. “Y’all didn’t treat me like that when it was my turn.”
Sandeul gives Chanyeol a couple of pats on the shoulder. “There, there. You’ll do better next time.”
Matthew turns to them, taking a sip of his drink before asking with a teasing tone. “Will he though?”
Eunwoo takes his position and tries to calculate his aim. After a moment passes, he rolls the ball, which curves from the left towards the center. It’s steady and remains in the center.
“Oh,” Jaehwan says. “We’re fucked.”
Just as he predicted, Eunwoo’s ball knocks down eight of the ten pins.
Eunwoo turns to his team, takes a bow, and turns to the 92 liners to do the same. He walks over to his previous spot next to Mingyu, who offers him a high-five.
“Okay,” Seokmin says. “We can try to get a spare and I volunteer Jaehyun because he has the best aim.”
“I second that.”
“Not a word, Yugyeom,” Jaehyun says. He gets up nevertheless. “But, I get it. I will do it.”
The 92 team sees Jaehyun get up and they collectively groan, except for Shownu, who says: “We’re definitely losing this round.”
Seokjin sighs. “We still have rock-paper-scissors. We all ain’t going down together.”
“You, sir,” Jae says, with a pointed finger. “Are not a team player.” 
“You wanna pay for this bill plus karaoke, Jae?” Chanyeol asks.
Jae shuts his mouth and turns away. “I will shut up now. But you are all going down.”
For the 97 team, Jaehyun’s already grabbed his ball, trying to figure out how to knock down the remaining two pins. Eventually, he figures knocking out, at least, one is better than none. He rolls his ball down the lane, with not that many hopes. At least, he won’t have to pay. Just as he predicted, one fell, but, as it falls, it knocks down the other—completing the spare.
Just as those pins knock down, almost all of the 97 boys rip off their rented bowling shoes and it’s a race against time to put on their original shoes—except for Jaehyun, who just watches them fumble.
Meanwhile, the 92 team just watches the mess happen in front of their eyes—realizing they just lost. They watch as all of the younger ones rush out the doors, leaving them to pay.
“Thanks, bro!”
“See you at the karaoke bar!”
“Have fun fighting!”
“Clean up well!”
Once the 97 team left for karaoke early, the 92 boys all turned to each other.
“So,” Seokjin says. “Last to the door has to clean and pay?”
Before anyone can actually decide, nearly all the 92 boys run to their cars, leaving behind Sandeul and Jae—the least athletic boys of the group. They both turn to each other, knowing the other isn’t going to run. 
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unrealcnu · 7 years
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bisexualhobi · 2 years
i don't understand how Seokjin (and partly Yoongi) has been able to escape enlistment for so long? If you look at Jaehwan (vixx) and Sandeul (b1a4), Seokjin's idol friends, they're already enlisted and/or finished?? EXO's 92-line too?
bc the government passed an extension for men until they were 30 years old international age as long as they had a cultural merit medal
basically they made a law just for seokjin
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mmm-smukk18 · 7 years
[FANCAM] 170427 MAMAMOO x B1A4 Moment @ The 63rd Gyeonggido Sports Festival || cr. 모닝들로리
-MMM x B1A4 Friend Lines- 92 Line: Sandeul x Baro x Moonbyul Jinyoung’s 91 Line Group: Jinyoung & Solar (+others)
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kentagion · 8 years
Friends that do stupid things together, stays together. 
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wment-groups · 8 years
Sandeul and Jin ‘cheering’ for Ken (vid credit)
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dibidibidismol · 6 years
For the Anon who wanted me to answer all the questions: I hope you're happy.
— 1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
A Baby named orlo 
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Depends on the situation 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My bestest friend and I have a shopping date soon!
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Probably not. I dunno.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Yeah, probably.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
People who use she/her pronouns.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Probably not.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Byun Baekhyun.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
A group of close friends.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Expect by Girls Day
Eternity by VIXX
Tried to Walk by B1A4
Sorry by The Rose
Closer by Oh My Girl
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
So long as they don't tangle it.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
I believe in chance.
15. What good thing happened this summer?
I got a scholarship to a programme I applied for! Met some new friends!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Hell yeah. A sweet baby gave me a smooch. Baby kisses are the best.
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
I think it's a possibility.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
They moved far far away.
19. Do you like bubble baths?
Not really.
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Yeah, I babysit for them sometimes.
21. What are your bad habits?
I'm a sucker for my dog. I give him too many treats.
22. Where would you like to travel?
I'm not much of a traveler but I hear Portland Oregon is nice this time of year.
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Afternoon Tumblr, Spotify and Tea time.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My nose.
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Do my daily language learning sessions and wash my face.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My dog and/or friends.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Hahahahahahaha No.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
I'm Demi, and don't know any celebrities.
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
I've done a lot of basketball and a bit of track and field.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
I don't watch much T.V anyways.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Story of my life.
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
When in doubt talk about the weather.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
She/her pronouns, actually reciprocates my affections, ace/demi friendly, not allergic to dogs, fluent in English, mildly intelligent, has a compatible sense of humor, not abusive.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Target, H-mart, Costco,
40. What do you want to do after high school?
College and Law school 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Not everyone, but most people.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m tired, thinking, or listening to music.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Unless they're giving off bad vibes.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Outer space. I have a fear of the deep ocean.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Devotion to my dog.
46. What are you paranoid about?
Germs, skin cancer, the deep ocean, my friends not loving themselves enough, everyone I know secretly disliking me, etc.
47. Have you ever been high?
On caffeine.
48. Have you ever been drunk?
On life.
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Yes. But I'm telling y'all anyways. (My dog was giving me sad eyes so I gave him a treat. And then another. And another. And another. So he ended up having like half the bag.)
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Oh yeah. I've been jealous of many of my friends. They're all so attractive and funny and smart and I'm just kinda there.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
I wish I was more intelligent.
53. Favourite makeup brand?
I don't wear enough makeup to be able to differentiate between the brands.
54. Favourite store?
I like Eastern Asian grocery stores and Target.
55. Favourite blog?
My absolute favorite recently deleted, but my current favourites are @homosexo-l @ot-nine and @queerfictionwriter
56. Favourite colour?
Black, Crimson, and shades of purple.
57. Favourite food? 
Right now I'm a big fan of carrots.
58. Last thing you ate?
An egg and roasted mushroom on a hamburger bun.
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Fruit and protein smoothie with whole grain toast.
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
I’ve won a couple basketball related things, a handful of academic awards, speech tournaments, and a few other things I'm forgetting.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
When I was really young (7 or 8) I was suspended for taking the cookie sprinkles from the class cabinet and distributing them amongst our classmates.
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love? 
Yeah. It sucks.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
We both leaned in. *smooch*
65. Are you hungry right now?
I'm hungry for Love and Affection.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Nah. I love my real friends a lot.
67. Facebook or Twitter?
I don't have either.
68. Twitter or Tumblr.
69. Are you watching tv right now?
I don't really watch TV.
70. Name of your bestfriend? 
71. Craving something? What?
Craving love and affection. Also garlic eggplant.
72. What colour are your towels?
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Four big ones plus eightish throw pillows plus five pillow pets.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
They have their own corner of my room.
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
60? I have a ton of tiny ones.
75. Favourite animal?
My dog.
76. What colour is your underwear?
Black and Pink.
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
I don't really watch TV but I like Ask us Anything/Knowing Bros and I liked Weekly Idol pre-current MC line up. I also like the Great British Baking show.
82. Favourite movie?
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean girls? I haven't seen pt2.
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean girls? I haven't seen 21 jump street.
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
I don't really remember the characters, but I think I liked the teacher.
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
My dog.
88. Last person you talked to today?
See above. :)
89. Name a person you hate?
Donald J. Trump
90. Name a person you love?
Amber Liu!
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Donald J. Trump
92. In a fight with someone?
My mother.
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
The Lorax 
96. Favourite actress?
I dunno. I don't watch a lot of TV.
97. Favourite actor?
See above.
98. Do you tan a lot?
I would if I didn't stay inside so much or if I were to lay off the sunscreen. 
99. Have any pets?
I have a dog. He’s the bestest. I could go on about him for hours...
100. How are you feeling?
I'm a little tired but my dog is here next to me  so I'm good.
101. Do you type fast?
I'm alright on an actual keyboard, but touch screens slow me down a lot.
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
I regret having picked the wrong Duolingo chest and only getting one Lingot instead of five.
103. Can you spell well?
My initial guess tends to be correct, but I tend to doubt my spelling capabilities and confuse myself over wether or not I was correct.
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
I miss the group of people who I went to school with for seven plus years. We were used to each other and it's hard to replicate that camaraderie. 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
Hahahahahahaha No.
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
I took riding lessons when i was younger.
108. What should you be doing?
Baking a pie. I want pie.
109. Is something irritating you right now?
America’s President.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
See #23
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My friend/ theripast @squish-io
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
I'm Vegetarian.
118. Do you like Chinese food?
Half of my family is Chinese so I only like the good stuff.
119. Favourite book?
The Monsters of Templeton by Lauren Groff 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
122. Is cheating ever okay?
Once I cheated at Pandemic. The rules of the game were too complicated and I was playing against an expert.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Probably, I don't have any though.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe in attraction at first sight but not love.
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
Nah, I'm answering these, it's pretty fun.
127. What makes you happy?
My dog! Kpop crack! Tumblr(sometimes)!
128. Would you change your name?
129. What your zodiac sign?
It starts with a “P”
130. Do you like subway?
Not particularly.
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
First of all, that would never happen. Either way as my best friend they would know that I'm gay and so if their pronouns are not she/her it wouldn't be an issue. If their pronouns were she/her then... I dunno. Depends on what would make them happy.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
See #10
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Shawty imma party till the sundown (so I can make it back in time for curfew) 134. Can you count to one million?
Yes. For efficiency I'd count by 500,000s.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
 “I'm straight”
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
I can't sleep with the doors open.
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
The former. 
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
147. Mars or Snickers?
I don't eat either.
148. What’s your favourite quote?
 “Love is like a fart. If you have to force it it's probably shit.”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
No. 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“Well,” Miss Morgan said, her voice losing conviction, “what do you mean, talking about people dressed like me? Blue hats, and so on?”
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ienveeus · 6 years
Do you have any snippets or ideas of Jin in part 3? Im dying to see his plot or romantic relationships
Ahhh he’s still a bit of a mystery and I love questions like this so :D
Seokjin has two mums in glitch and they’re honestly the best of all the parents (on par with Taehyung’s but. They’re alive so. Oops.) 
He’s bisexual like Namjoon and Hoseok, and will likely be seen flirting with Namjoon a bit because he’s Interested™ and this does not help the whole Hoseok not liking him thing.
I am giving him an actual love interest though which people might not be happy with but I want it and it’ll continue to annoy Hoseok which is just. The goal tbh. 
2seok will have bonding time in part three and you’ll see Seokjin being a fucking badass spy who somehow manages to study at the same time and get good marks because he is That Bitch. 
The only line I have of his so far is him getting Namseok out of a dumbass situation and just saying ‘You’re welcome.’ and walking out like the regal fucker he is.
He has more class than all the others put together and he knows it.
Buys Taehyung a puppy to help him deal with the shit he had to deal with in part two. Keep in mind they have never met before, this happens on their second encounter because Seokjin is worried about him. 
Has the coolest friend group which consists of numerous 92 line bc I wanted it so. This is actually in part two but more info we got Amber from f(x) Matthew and J.Seph from KARD (J.Seph is Taehyung who has Ceratois Attralus.) Hyuna from Triple H + Wonder Girls + 4Minute, Sunmi who was also in Wonder Girls but is now a soloist, Sandeul from B1A4 and ofc Ken from VIXX bc you gotta. 
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hyungtop · 7 years
Could you do an intro post for vixx like you did for sf9?
so for those of y’all who read my sf9 intro post, i’m sorry bc this is prob gonna be a lot longer I”M SORRY how can you guys ask me to do this for my faves
vixx (synonymous with “concept kings”) stands for “visual, voice, value in excelsis,” which is meant to say that vixx has the best vocals/visuals and all that but after 5 years many people think that the “v” in vixx also stands for violence oops. before debut, they were in a survival show called mydol with a few other trainees. under jellyfish entertainment, vixx debuted may 24, 2012 with the song superhero. since then, vixx have been known as concept-dols because of the way they incorporate themes into their teasers, outfits, mv and go way beyond in terms of expressing these particular concepts.
one thing you have to know about vixx is that they’re relatively popular but somewhat overlooked because they create music and concepts that they are interested in, which don’t necessarily overlap with what the majority of the kpop consumer body wants to see or hear. but they don’t care. they are happy making music and are grateful for all of their fans, no matter how small or big their fanbase is.
(another thing: vixx is literally 80% legs)
vixx’s fanbase name is starlight! starlights are known to be very respectful of the group’s space and privacy and for that reason the members are pretty “close” to us, their fans.
n (cha hakyeon)
born june 30, 1990
main dancer, lead vocalist, leader
is actually perfect: sings, dances, choreographs, acts, cooks and is responsible, caring, hard-working, treats everyone with respect
neck chops
known for his sexy gaze and charisma onstage
has a very stressful job watching over five hooligans
beautifully tanned skin that he takes very good care of
proudly watches over vixx as they cheat on variety segments during games
kinda insecure abt showing his forehead which sucks bc it is glorious
a makeup genius, as shown on lipstick prince s2
lead in “in the heights” musical
has acted in web dramas and dramas like sassy go go, what’s with money, tunnel, perfect wife
makes candles in his free time and i believe the profits from what he sells go to charity
has choreographed bits of vixx’s choreography over the years and most recently choreographed “take it out” by myteen
do yourself a favor and watch some n fancams after you finish reading this post
leo (jung taekwoon)
born nov. 10, 1990
main vocalist, composer
mr hot body, resident shoulder gangster and athlete
used to be painfully shy on camera but recently he’s opened up a lot. before he used to give cold stares but now he’s screaming and smiling and laughing
huge soft spot for cute things, mostly babies and animals
powerful vocals
but has a soft, sweet speaking voice
hyuk’s ramen shuttle
yaoi hands
iconic long hair during hyde era
ripped jeans
nicknamed “hamzzi” (hamster) by ravi and it kind of stuck…
but it’s a fitting nickname, leo’s always stuffing his cheeks with food bc food > camera
really really likes coffee
also called the head fairy because he bows his head and shows the top of it when he’s embarrassed
has acted in musicals like full house, monte cristo, mata hari
he used to be vixx’s dad but now he’s more like vixx’s grandpa
wishes for the good old days when hyuk and the rest of vixx used to take him seriously
ken (lee jaehwan)
born april 6, 1992
main vocalist
aegyo king/wink fairy
starlights are his babies
bffs with bts jin and b1a4′s sandeul (@ celebrity bromance where is my 92 grandpa squad episode) and also exid’s hani!!!
hair porn
wiggly butt
an expensive hoe…he has so many shoes and overly expensive casual clothes
proud of his big nose
loves attention from the members
angry gamer
beautiful, goosebump-inducing falsetto
has a dirty mouth and has gotten in trouble for it…but it’s okay(if you watch vixx mtv diary there’s one episode where he starts cussing in english to lose a game)
rising musical actor, starred in chess, cinderella, and hamlet
also acted in the drama boardinghouse 24
loves to draw! he’s had a few “art lesson” vlives and draws the characters for their vixx tv videos
eats everything in sight
but he’s been working really hard and is going around shirtless now (famously dubbed as “having a tits party”)
ravi (kim wonshik)
born feb. 15, 1993
main rapper, lead dancer, vocalist
loves dogs and is a doggy daddy, he has a french bulldog named butt aka ongdongie (don’t go googling “ravi butt” now)
in the top 10 idols with royalties, boi is raking in the $$$$
resident fashionista, looks good in any style and any clothing (and any hair)
currently has 5 tattoos
deeeeeeeeeeeeep voice
seems very manly but is actually the softest and cries the most
knows how to work DEm HIPS
very touchy, especially loves doting on ken
expressive eyebrows
loves his younger sister and wanted to become a bodyguard for her when he grew up
hates bugs holy crap it’s not even a joke he is terrified of them
shy with girls
he’s going to lose his hair at this rate he’s been every single shade of the rainbow and more
professional photobomber/meme
has cute cheekbones that come out when he smiles
is a little bit of a shit to n but we know ravi loves him
debuted as a solo artist in january 2017 with bomb
judging since born sept. 29, 1993
vocalist/rapper, visual
savage motherfucker but also smiley cutesy bean who laughs at everything
ravi’s soulmate
signature dimples and toothy smile
very deep but sweet and clear voice
cringe fists when he’s embarrassed
underrates himself and it’s really sad bc he’s way more than just a face if he made it this far
arms and jawline sculpted by the gods
teased for his short legs and baby hands
notable achievement: ranked #7 globally in overwatch for playing hanzo (sorry i don’t know gaming terms)
kind of emotionally constipated. he said he would “follow n anywhere” but mostly just acts like his life’s goal is to be as far away from him as possible
can be kind of mature but automatically turns into a huge dumb when put together with hyuk
well-known for his role as wang chiang in moorim school
recently starred in the drama “wednesdays at 3:30pm” check it out on viki it’s super cute!
hyuk (han sanghyuk)
born july 5, 1995
lead dancer, vocalist, maknae
from daejeon, making him the only member not from seoul
the boss of vixx
a die-hard belieber
used to be terrified of leo but grew 5 inches and muscles and now leo is his punching bag
but honestly everyone is his punching bag…except hongbin
hyuk is hongbin’s prodigy so there’s some obligatory respect there
aspiring songwriter and rapper
potato nose
fiercely competitive
hates aegyo
also a huge gamer nerd with hongbin
once abandoned by 5vixx at a gas station when he was only 16 or 17 and many speculate that this was the beginning of the end of sweet maknae hyuk
the worst cook in vixx, he can’t even fry an egg
always covering his smile
english cover king
very very wild dancer
up and coming actor! he starred in the 2016 film “chasing” as an overly aggressive delinquent with a dirty mouth and has a webdrama coming out in october with apink’s chorong!
list of comebacks and respective concepts:
superhero; may 2012
rock ur body: august 2012
on and on; vampires; april 2013
hyde/gr8u: jekyll/hyde; may/july 2013
voodoo doll: blood and gore warning; november 2013
eternity: time travelers; may 2014
error: androids; november 2014
love equation: probably the most “mainstream” song they’ve done; march 2015
chained up: love slaves; november 2015
dynamite: zelos (jealousy); april 2016
fantasy: hades (death); august 2016
the closer: kratos (destruction); october 2016
shangri la: paradise; may 2017
scentist: perfumers/scent; april 2018
some other non-title tracks that are treasures:
light up the darkness* // spider // love me do* // desperate* // black out
*choreographed by cha leader
vixx lr subunit:
vixx lr consists of leo and ravi. they had a subunit debut in august of 2015 with beautiful liar and more recently came back with whisper in late august 2017. both leo and ravi are heavily involved with song production, with both of them writing lyrics and composing for tracks on these albums.
beautiful liar
words to say
beautiful night
important videos:
plan v diary
only u
this iconic hyde performance I’M SORRY
stress come on!
blossom tears
one fine day (subbed episodes here)
bingo talk
white day // bloopers
ask in a box 1 2
king of masked singer n leo ken
asia where vixx loves
star 360 1 2
ken on duet song festival
i want to fall in love
don’t go today
moon of seoul
hyuk’s covers
call you mine
love yourself
hug (original)
ships: most of the ship names are pretty easy to figure out. the most popular ones are probably wontaek (leo/ravi), neo, keo, raken/kenvi, rabin, luck (leo/hyuk), chabin (n/hongbin).
i hope this helps! let me know if any of the links are funky :)
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changkyuh-archive · 7 years
heyy! about b1a4, I've seen u post a lot of them which is great, cus they've caught my attention lmao so can u pls recommend any videos (more like behinds, variety, stages) please?:0
omg that’s great!! i’m so glad!!!!!! (so i had to start this over again cause my dumb ass clicked a bookmarked page akhfbhas)
one fine day
yang nam show: part 1 / part 2
they have a youtube channel as well!! there aren’t any eng subs but you can find them easily on youtube if you search it up~
some of my favourite baba episodes: x / x / x / x
their first win performance + winning interview
this performance of their song after 10 years (jinyoung produced)
weekly idol (this is only the most recent one!)
boys over flowers parody (watch at your own risk)
3 minute boyfriend skit (cnu’s is my favourite akhfbsakf)
mtv match up with block b (first ep only)
b1a4′s private life (first ep eng subbed)
asmr video (i hate asmr but they were so funny)
dingo tv: x / x / x / x / x / x / x
unhelpful guides / another one
go!b1a4 (first ep only)
go!b1a4 kcon edition
this video of sandeul just hitting baro with a bunch of leeks afbkasf
92 line sprout dance upgrade
i’m for sure missing a lot of videos but here are some just to get started!
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leejaehwan · 7 years
the only thing keeping me going right now is that vixx bts and b1a4 are all on sbs gayo which means i’ll finally get a 92 line reunion for christmas
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ddonggeun · 8 years
Hello! Can you please tell me all of the lines in BTOB?? I only know of Hyung and Maknae line ^ ^
sure thing my child
official ones:
hyung line: eunkwang, minhyuk, changsub, hyunsik (also known as red carpet thanks to this legendary performance)
maknae line: peniel, ilhoon, sungjae
vocal line / btob blue: eunkwang, changsub, hyunsik, sungjae
rap line: minhyuk, peniel, ilhoon
actor line: minhyuk, ilhoon, sungjae
visual line: minhyuk, sungjae
subvisual / producer line: hyunsik, ilhoon
the eye brothers: minhyuk hyunsik (because they have the smallest eyes in btob and are always ALWAYS comparing who got the slight bigger eyes lmao)
the lee brothers: minhyuk changsub 
modern line / variety line: eunkwang changsub (modern academy is the music school they went to and met and become friends and therefore joined the cube audition together)
howon line aka eyesmile line: changsub hyunsik (they both studied at howon university majoring in practical musical)
soulmate line: eunkwang peniel (eunkwang named themselves lol)
fishing line: changsub peniel sungjae (they fish together)
team handsome: eunkwang, hyunsik, ilhoon 
team handsomer: peniel, sungjae, minhyuk 
(changsub was the mc when they sorted this so he’s not included in either)
fashionistas: hyunsik ilhoon sungjae (i completely disagree they are the best dressed among the 7 but thats what the boys voted so /shrug/)
melody favorites:
hand line: changsub peniel sungjae (apparently its because they have the prettiest hands lol)
pet owner line: minhyuk peniel sungjae (hamo, pennie, sami respectively)
tattoo line: changsub hyunsik ilhoon 
angel line: angel leader seo eunkwang, sungjae’s angel peniel, faux angel 1004 michael 
english line: chicago boy peniel, self proclaimed british boy ilhoon, eunkwang and sungjae who both invented english 
idiot lines: eunkwang changsub sungjae (the staffs named them this lol)
strong line: minhyuk hyunsik (for being physically the strongest)
supreme lovers: hyunsik (ex)ilhoon
expensive ugly shoes couple: hyunsik ilhoon
stussy line: hyunsik peniel 
outside of btob
sungjae’s 95line: btob sungjae, boyfriend kwangmin youngmin minwoo, teen top ricky, apink namjoo, vixx hyuk, bts v jimin, minwoo aka cclown tk
91line: infinite hoya, apink chorong, btob changsub, b1a4 jinyoung & mamamoo solar
cube’s 92: hyunsik and hyuna 
cube soccer team: btob eunkwang minhyuk, highlight doojoon kikwang, noh jihoon 
the soulmates: btob minhyuk, vixx N 
ryeo line: super junior ryeowook, vixx N Ken, btob minhyuk eunkwang, exo DO chen, infinite L 
peniel is close with everyone in the kpop english line, jyp artists and trainees between 2010 - 2012 (eg: 2pm tacyeon, got7 mark bambam, exid jungjwa, ladies code, melodyday, kevin woo, eric nam,alliee, christine yu - aka cclown rome, fx amber and more)
the family: after school nana, seo in guk, vixx N & btob sungjae (for looking alike)
the look alikes: btob minhyuk, exo xiumin, mamamoo moonbyul 
etc etc
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orange-sandeul · 8 years
B1A4 Live Space February 4 and 5, 2017 Fanaccount
First of all, I would like to tell the world that B1A4 is freaking awesome as always.
Now let’s get going. Spoilers ahead if you are going for next week’s concert but I think they will add some more in the setlist, who knows...
February 4, 2017 [3ºC]
The line for the merchandise at 9am is not that bad. we bought our stuffs and went out for some early lunch before coming back just to see most of the merch being sold out. The fansites are giving out some goodies and it’s cute to see banas lining up for it. We had to meet up with some friends too and yeah, it was awesome. The hardest part of the day aside from my footwear being a d*ck and decided to torture me the whole day is that we have to take our coats to the locker and line up outside and wait until it’s out turn to go in. So yeah, 1,400 people (for standing area) lining up with white sweaters on in that temperature. Thank you so much.
Here’s the setlist and I’ll just try to recall what I can remember. :D
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The concert is so lit and I am not exaggerating it. I didn’t expect they will sing Melancholy as their first song and damn we are partying right off the bat. Nightmare is one of the songs I really wanted to hear live but the one that caught me off guard was ‘You’ they asked us to sing the girl’s part but we ended up singing the whole song it’s funny.
When the intro of Too much came and CNU popped out, I was like “woooow a b1a4 version!” but then second verse came and no one was showing up after jinyoung. Everybody around me are starting to spazz and was like “duet! 91-line duet!” When Shinyoung’s eyes met, everyone lost it. haha. They were not finished with us and move to each other reaaaally slowly then put their hands and forehead together and gave us that Andre Kim pose and yeah, everyone lost it again. Bachandeul came up next and yeah, sweg sweg sweg.Chan did this TTW level of rapping and sandeul sounds like a duckling quacking fast on his rap. haha They think we see them as cool but nope boys, you are all squishy.
The ment after Sweet girl was so funny. The kids are teasing the old people how the two of them were laughing while practicing the ending pose and urged shinyoung to do it again. It’s blurry what happened next but next thing I know, my old couple otp was hugging and badeul was teasing them that it looked weird even reenacted what happened. Jinyoung was triggered and literally threw himself on CNU and goes round and round. Of course everyone lost it. There are tons of butt tapping, whispers and our clingy bear and puppy all over everyone especially Sandeul. the rapper trio tried to reenact their special performance too. It still looked adorable and Sandeul was just babbling things. They said Baro’s place as a rapper will be on jeopardy. Gongchan might take his spot.
Suddenly the mask king topic popped out and of course we had sample from Lobstar, Coward Lion and of course Flowering Silky Fowl. Seems like we will see two more people on that show so watch out. :D
now the real party starts. that throwback then 5x Glass of water then followed by endless 몇 번을. Then the last ment. It was emotional right from the bat. Well it’s CNU for you. Gongchan was already tearing up that time and when he’s on. He was trying to keep it in but ended up sobbing. Everyone came to him. He was so sincere with his words the leader next to him started crying too. He is also unable to continue some of his words Chan hugged him then 92-line also came. All of a sudden, a knight in shining armor was like, move away I’ll handle this. And the third hug came that night. It made Jinyoung smile tho so he continued his ment though he is still tearing up. Sandeul wanted to be strong but dude, we know you. Encore was on fire tho. These boys show no mercy and didn’t even gave us time to breathe. They also recorded the audio all of the banas singing ‘Together’ and laughed at us when we didn’t hit a note.
I was a literal  wallflower this day. I was on the front row but really really on the farthest left so I can see some cute moments. I think this was a repeat of Road Trip manila back in 2014 for me. I got a handful of moments with CNU and at one time, he went down to the stage and we had an eye contact. I gave him a thumbs up and he did this nod saying “I got this, no worries” look.
February 5, 2017 [5ºC]
The lining up is a little more faster than yesterday. I got in quite early and I made a beeline to my yesterday’s spot but a better view this time. I got to cling into the railings so yay!!! Sandeul was the one in front of me this time when the curtain went up so wow.. heaven. My gorgeous little boy. I got an eye contact with jinyoung in melancholy and he looked surprised (dude, is it your first time seeing a snowman in your concert?). Baro joked about yesterday’s event on You and told us we should only sing the girl’s part. 
Today’s Too Much stage has the same impact as yesterday. Jinyoung cracked up when he heard people going aaaaaaaawwwwwww when he and CNU was looking at each other. (damn, the loving you loving you loving you part tho. I die 1000x) They made a heart this time. why are they so cute?
In today’s ment, Cnu asked chandeul to sing the original version of Too much which they did (though sandeul had a moment of partial memory loss on the lyrics). Since A4 already sang it, one more. Everyone was chanting CHA BARO! and he was shy at first but asked the band to lower the key for him. AND HE NAILED IT HARD. IT’S PERFECT.
Gongchan was quite emotional again. He revealed that his younger brother is at the audience. And went saying he wanted someone his brother will be proud of. They gave hearts to one another all the way to the second floor. Can’t see him clearly but he definitely grew up by a lot (He’s quite handsome too even from afar. has this ‘rock band member who loves video games’ vibe from him). He's far from the little boy who went to Chan’s birthday party in 2011. 
When they went back to sing ‘together’, for some strange happenings, CNU will look at my direction at a certain lyric (that I have to search later.) He did it 3x times. But Nah, it might be just his singing mannerism. I’m just delusional hahaha
The trouble maker duo are having so much fun throwing water on all of us and to each other. I was blessed by holy water. Just maybe a little too much tho. They were making sure everyone is drenched. haha they also bicker like a lot during day 2. Mostly Sandeul throwing baro with whatever he was holding.
Today Gongchan was the one who went down in our area and boy, he was just 4-5 girls away from me and I didn’t even had time to react, I was squished in the crowd trying to hold the railing for my dear life. It was quite an experience. He was so handsome (I am always amazed.)
I think I missed more but It’s getting too long so I’ll conclude it here. The last two days are freaaaaaaaking AWESOME! I didn’t regret flying this weekend just to see them then jump back to work the next day. It will be more awesome if all of us will be able to attend a b1a4 concert together. So if there’s a B1A4 concert in your area, do go if you can. It’s simply Fantastic!
edit: I almost got a selfie with the one and only woobeu but he suddenly got a phone call so bummer....
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wment-groups · 8 years
[2017 ISAC UPDATE] Sandeul and Jin are cheering for Ken in his 60m sprint.
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changkyuh-archive · 6 years
who do u think have the strongest bonds between b1a4 members?
honestly they are all close with each other imo but in terms of being more close of course 91 line and 92 line!!! but outside of them definitely shindeul, chandeul and 2woo~
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