#babe we supposed to sneak around and leave the egg
shatinn · 4 months
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Fallout 4 - Deathclaw
I guess we keeping the egg then. Love you, you trigger happy tin man.
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iwaasfairy · 2 years
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tw slasher!mattsun, final girl!reader, noncon, coercion, size kink, cevix fucking, fear play, blood play, cutting/marking, he uses a knife on reader, degradation, spanking, manhandling, forced cheating, murder mentions, mattsun's giant cock wordcount. 5.6k
a/n. another commission from an anonymous amazing person so make sure to say thank youuu to them!!! this time we got matTSUnnnn and omg this was such a blast to write anD AAHHH i hope you enjoy it and that it fuels your slasher fucker urge a little bit, thank you so so much for commissioning me again and hERe she is!!
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You never really thought much about mortality, before. But the flashing lights reflected on the brick walls, red blue, red blue, red blue, and the wailing of the sirens, paint a haunting picture. One that even someone positive, bright-eyed and preppy like you feels down to the bone. You have the displeasure of standing with wide eyes, hands stiff and shaky from the evening chill, as the armed men move people out of the way and the person from the alley towards the ambulance; and though you’re across the street— you can tell. 
The way onlookers cover their mouths and gasp and try to unsee as the stretcher passes by them doesn’t paint a promising picture. Your spine feels all flimsy the longer you stand, one hand wrapped frozen around your bag of groceries, apartment only a few blocks away. It’s in the way the senior police officer glances around the blocked off street and tells a passer-by to hurry home or to move along, and the yellow tape keeping the alleyway separate as it trembles rapidly and noisily in the wind. You take a deep breath against the sudden chill that travels all the way down your body, and pick your heels up to walk back.
Back down the opposite way and to the blue lit 24h corner store you left mere minutes ago. The melody of the store chime is comforting, and you speed walk all the way down the aisle back to the register. The charming, delicate features of the young man across from you light up when he properly looks up, and he tilts his head much like a curious animal- one brow raising. “Babe? You’re back?”
“I’m waiting out your shift here,” you softly declare, sneaking back behind the counter where you usually dare steal a few kisses, and dragging out a shitty, plastic chair to rest your head to his hip as he blinks down at you in confusion. Eventually though, Haru just nods, his honey brown hair falling a little further over his brows when he leans down to brush his hand over your head.
“Okay. You alright?” You nod, and he doesn’t ask more— and eventually you two fall back into conversation, only stopping every so often to serve the scarce customer. When you two walk back home in the early hours of the morning, the people have gone, but the yellow tape still stings as you pass the quiet street.
The apartment smells of the cheapest of Chinese takeout when you drag yourself back inside late from work. Your boyfriend just barely peeks his head around the corner to come give you a kiss, gentle as he is, and slides back into his spot behind the stove. “Food’s here, and I’m just making some extra eggs for mine, because I gotta leave in half an hour.” The routine ramble is nice, you suppose, finding a smile on your face by the time you make it into the kitchen with him to wrap your arms around his back, and he hums. “Oh, one of your friends swung by, so I let him in a little bit ago- I left him on the couch.”
Haru’s hands are quick to pull you back when you let go, for just a second, as he leans down to press a kiss to your lips, and one to your nose. “Missed you.”
“Missed you too. I’m gonna go see who needs me- real quick,” you smile, “and then we eat together?”
“Mhm, perfect.”
The door out of the small kitchen leads into the main room, and you look around as you swing your bag over one of the chairs- but find the space strangely vacant. Though a small pout comes to your lips, you just walk along, passing by the desk with stacks of books and lecture notes, to pull open the door to your bedroom. Your house simply isn’t big enough to lose anyone even if you wanted to. The bedroom lights are off, as you step inside, toes curling instinctively into the carpet; before finally clearing your voice. “Hello?”
At the very moment you turn, the tiny door to the bathroom swings open and a tall shape clad in all black steps out— and you jerk with a loud gasp, only to start laughing when your hands meet his chest and you glance up properly. Matsukawa’s dark eyebrows are furrowed in surprise as he finishes drying off his hands, before he gives you a ‘what gives’ sort of look. “You scared me,” you chuckle, as you lean in to give him a hug. “It’s been a while, how are you? And why’d you swing by?” The way he manages to move his arm over your head without having to change positions to throw the paper towel into the trash isn’t lost on you.
“Can’t a guy come see his favorite ethics tutor on a tuesday?” The familiar deep rumble of his voice fills the room, and you make room to trail back to the couch.
“Well, considering I dropped out,” your voice is a little softer when you take a seat in the squeaky chair, “I’d say that it’s probably a waste of your time. But I guess I’m pretty glad to see you again.”
Mattsun plops down on the couch facing you with a little sigh, before that same self assured smile you’ve always known him to have returns. “Don’t make me feel too special, teach.”
“I’m younger than you! It’s not my fault you took ethics again and needed my help.” The banter is nice, reminds you about the hours and hours spent in the library that always grew too rowdy for a study session. Mattsun’s a good friend. A better one than you are, maybe. His long legs stretch out to the coffee table, before he nods.
“This is a nice place. Cozy.” The compliment makes you feel all warm inside. Despite everything, despite the struggles you and Haru have to deal with, the money, the debt- it’s nice to hear someone appreciate it. Even if that someone is the most well accomplished out of your late friend group. “And the boyfriend seems pretty fucking smitten too.” His dark eyes find your face when you smile wider, lacing his hands together over his knee. “Nothing to add? Come on, I missed you so~ much. I haven’t even seen you properly for the last 4 months. Talk to me. You normally don’t hesitate to run your mouth.” He chuckles when you put on a faux-pout.
“Fine, fine, hang on!” you beam after a second of thinking, and roll your eyes. “Let me make a pot of coffee. You jerk.”
“You love it.”
You aren’t the most observant of people, but you swear… you’re losing more shit than normal. Some of the stuffies that were proudly displayed on the shelves are gone, and you can’t find some of your panties no matter how hard you look. And while the small closet in the bedroom is more mess than order, now you can’t even find most of your old photo albums, and some keepsakes from highschool and uni. But with your boyfriend catching his sleep when you leave for work, and you returning late- no one has time to go looking for clothing that’s grown legs, let alone do a thorough clean. So you brush it aside, and move on without your favorite pair of lacy baby blue panties.
It’s only when your boyfriend’s watching the news on his laptop one day, that it tickles something in the back of your brain. As you stuff another bite of pasta into your face, your hands still on top of the unfolded laundry.
A feminine voice flies over the topics at breakneck speed, as the honey brunet suddenly turns up the volume a little and stops eating. “Yesterday, another casualty in a devastating string of murders was found. Passerby’s found the body walking by an alley in Miyagi prefecture at around 9pm. The victim has now been identified to be Kawada Eiko, the 25 year old nurse that was reported missing a few days ago. Strangulation or suffocation are the two current debated causes of death, authorities say. She might have been the unfortunate victim of a lover’s spat, as she was found with blue panties constricting her airways. More about this at 6.”
“Turn that down,” you quickly breathe, and Haru turns over his shoulder with concern in his eyes.
“Oh, sorry. ‘S a bit grim for lunch…” He simply gives you an understanding look, before suddenly turning to knock his knees with yours. “How about you pick something to watch? Here.” His hands reach out to pull you a little closer, and cradle you against his chest. It’s sweet. He always is. And though you nuzzle into his touch, the story doesn’t want to leave your brain. There it is again. That faint flicker of mortality staring you in the face.
The stern face of the police officer- burly, heavy mustache and old- is exactly how you imagine it’d be, made very clear by the dead-like tone and eyes as he gives you an up and down. “This your house?”
“R-rented, yes,” you’re in the pajama-est of clothes from when you pulled open the door, “of me and my boyfriend.” The officer gives a tiny nod to the other two men behind him, and pulls out his badge to present it to you. It’s too early for your brain to function properly, but you still swallow at the sudden severity of the situation. “What’s- the issue, officer?” Your voice sounds even mousier when his eyes narrow in on the scene behind him, and your measly apartment feels even more inferior than usual.
“Sasaki Haru’s been arrested and is currently being questioned for multiple accounts of aggravated assault and first-degree murder. And we have to search the property, young lady.”
You stop breathing.
Your head thumps, and you feel a flare of heat bite at your neck, clutching the door handle a little tighter.
Murder, he said. Haru… arrested for murder.
“We’ll have to take you in for questioning as well. Why don’t you walk towards the car and have my colleague escort you—” You focus as hard as you can on the words that are thrown at you, but really, nothing hits. There’s a blanket of static over everything in your vision. You might puke.
“Hey, breathe out. You’re turning blue,” Mattsun’s deep voice washes over you like a wave as you clamp the phone to your chest and try your best to relax a little, a warm, heavy hand softly stroking the area between your shoulders. It’d been a total coincidence that he’d called just as you were done with the hours of terrifying questioning, but as soon as you’d sniffled out that Haru had been arrested, he took time off to come over. Here you are now, hovering between sleep and frightened awareness in the painful, sticky seats of one of the dead waiting halls.
And though you’re glad someone’s here for you, because Haru’s parents haven’t even called yet— you’re also a little too wired up to appreciate the sarcasm and jokey attitude. After another few minutes of nervously fiddling with your phone and staring through the small window at the other doors, Mattsun clears his voice. “So… murder, huh.” His dark eyes are intense as they flutter over your face, eyebrows straightened. “Do you think he did it?”
You find yourself glaring, even though you can’t say why. “No, of course not. He’d never. He’s… he’s so gentle—”
“They’re saying there’s evidence, y’know.” You know that. It makes you want to rip out your hair and sob, because they showed you the proof. The dna, a kitchen knife out of your drawers, traces of the perfume you always, always wear— but you can’t shake the feeling that only if you could talk to Haru, if you could see him, ask… Your intuition tells you he didn’t do it. Couldn’t have. And they’re wrong, they have to be wrong. You would’ve known if you’d been living with a murderer. You would’ve. You just have to wait for an alibi to show it.
“He didn’t do it, Issei,” you softly end up repeating, and Mattsun’s eyes basically roll themselves as he looks away. “I’m telling you, I know him, and he didn’t do it.”
“Maybe- you just don’t know people as well as you think you do, teach,” the brunet places his elbows on his knees, covering his mouth as he leans in as glances over at you. “You’re wonderful, ‘n smart, and kind. But you’re also naïve, baby…” The last word falls deeper, and drags a cold shiver up your spine that only gets more intense when he doesn’t laugh it off, or look away. Luckily though, the door to the waiting room is pushed open that very moment, and a tired looking woman taps her clipboard.
“You can go home for now. Get some rest. And please stay available so that if we need you to return-”
“I’m sorry, ma’am,” you start, and wring your sweaty hands together a few times, “what about Haru?”
Her sharp eyes soften a little when finding your face. “He’ll have to stay until they’re done with the investigation. It might be another couple hours, or days. He can’t see anyone until then.” Your dejection must show, because she sighs. “Head home, child. Try to sleep some. You’ll be okay.” You barely manage to have enough energy to get out of the chair, letting Mattsun take your hand and rub a few comforting circles into it with his thumb. And then you’re walking home as he holds the umbrella high above your heads, and that cold only worsens. You don’t feel okay.
It just doesn’t make any sense.
“How about my place instead of yours?” Issei’s more reserved when he asks, laying an arm over your shoulders to pull you into his side a little. “Doubt you wanna hang out there now that the cops have gone through it all.” It doesn’t matter, really, so you nod- let him walk along the crosswalk and steer you down the familiar streets in silence for a while. It really doesn’t make any sense. Haru’s been at work all evenings that the murders happened, there’s security cameras to prove it. And killing someone in broad daylight, alley or not— it doesn’t line up.
Issei squeezes your hand in his when the silence continues, and you briefly look up at him to give him a little smile that doesn’t feel like it reaches. “Sorry I’m so quiet. I’m just…”
“Lost in thought, I get it.” He hums, before pointing at the long line of buildings. “It’s just along there, we’re almost inside. Then we can talk about it, or you can take a load off, or whatever.” The short chuckle is meant to disperse the tension, you know that, but even the tall brunet seems on edge. You’re still holding his hand, and you find yourself blinking at it in quiet confusion. But the thoughts are louder than logic right now. And if Haru didn’t do it, which you will yourself to believe with all your heart —you have no choice but to— how the hell did stuff out of your house get to the scene of the crime. You never lended anyone that knife, and definitely not the even more private stuff—
Issei leads you through the gates into the courtyard of the apartment, then to the door, into the dim staircase all the while softly humming. And you don’t know why your heart sinks as you climb the stairs with him in tow, because the building smells nice, and the walk to the door is clean and high-class. “Tch, you really are,” his low voice barely reaches, and you raise a brow. “Naïve that is.” The humming goes into a soft laugh when you turn to look at him, and the tall man smiles down at you. But though he’s smiling, the hairs on your neck go to stand on end, shoulders squaring. The vivid, unnatural sort of intensity in his eyes rolls your stomach.
And you go to pull your hand out of his, only for Issei to resist the pull harder. “Shh, calm down. I got you, don’t I? Don’t tell me I scare you.” He does, though. “Come on, princess, we’re friends. And friends are there for friends when they need each other. Now you're poor boyfriend's gone.” Your mouth corners turn down into a half pout, half open in confusion. And you don’t know why, you never felt unsafe with him before— but every fiber in your body is screaming at you to run. You want to. But your body refuses to budge, let alone turn your back on him. Issei’s always been a very tall guy. Tall, but wired with athletic muscles from the years of sports, and strong, and fast— and all of these things never scared you.
But they do now. The shivers that roll down your spine are almost painful as you stare up at him and that happy-go-lucky grin still stays on. The corners of your eyes sting when you try again to pull away, to no avail, and Issei’s long legs pull you towards the door of his fancy apartment anyway.
“Issei, let go.” Your voice breaks, and tears creep up in your eyes and your shaky whimper. “This isn’t funny, let me go.”
“Nah ah, I got something to show you.” His casual sing-song response almost makes you angry. But you can’t be when you’re too busy fighting off a full-body panic and planting your heels into the tiled floor. “I got something to show you,” he repeats, glancing over his shoulder again. “Y’see, because I really like you. You make me feel all- hm- good inside.” His curly hair bounces with each step towards the door, before he repositions his grip to hold around your wrist when your sweaty hand almost manages to slip out. “But then you went and got a boyfriend, and disappeared on me.”
He fiddles with the keys for a second as you use your other hand and try to pry your fingers into his painfully tight hold, and frowns. “And I- stop struggling- I don’t blame you. I mean- it’s not like I can even explain this little earworm I’ve got. About how you and I just fit together. I should know better, right?” He’s rambling so fast, and the door manages to be swung open, and you bite back a sob. You want to scream. You want to scream, call out for help, do something other than get pulled in further and further, but it doesn’t work. Your body refuses. Your head’s blank. “I know I should know better. Yet here we are.”
He pulls with his entire body to get you over the doorstep, and grabs your face between his hands to aim it up to his, squishing your cheeks until your lips are a puckered pout. And his deep voice goes low as he whispers. “You didn’t like my little stunt with the panties?”
It short circuits you. Before you get to think about it, you knee him right in the dick with all your might, and push at his face until he jerks back— turning and sprinting back towards the door. But his reach is longer, and he tackles your feet, sending you straight onto your belly with a loud, unforgiving thump as your head knocks against one of the book cases, and his large hands wrap around your ankles. He pulls you back a few feet across the floor, and though you try to kick at him, he’s quick to get above you and restrain you.
”Help!” you squeak, voice more air than actual sound. “Help me!” Issei grabs you by your neck and kicks the door closed with his long legs, before going to sit on top of your back and squeezing the air out of your lungs.
“Awww, fuck, babe,” he groans for a long breath, before grabbing your head and pushing it down into the cold floor as if in punishment. The loud knock of your skull against the floor is enough to force your thoughts out of you. “That really hurts, fuck.” Then he shifts, one hard knee in the middle of your back. You can barely breathe, and the little bit of air you do get is obstructed by the tears blurring your vision. “Little kitty’s got claws, huh.”
“Issei,” you start to whimper through your hickuppy breaths when his palm slides down your neck and under the edge of your shirt, “please let me go. We’re friends. We’re friends, right? So let me go home, and I won’t tell anyone.I swear, I won’t- wo- please, please, ‘ssei.”
“Tch, don’t go begging on me yet, baby. I’ve hardly even started.” His large hands roam around your skin for a moment, before he rolls you over like you’re a ragdoll, and grabs your face again as he bends down until your noses are touching. Him, overtop of you, his free hand training down the surface of your thigh through your sweatpants.
His dark eyes glitter in the low light, animated and joyful despite the way you’re trying to calm your wheezes. Which doesn’t really help. The harder you try, the less air you manage to use— Mattsun’s heavy palm sliding to your throat to squeeze the tender skin there. “Hey, guess what.” He doesn’t wait for you to answer, before he starts picking anxiously at the stretchy band of your pants, sliding two fingers under it. “you turn me on so much it makes me want to fuck you until you’re raw. But you might’ve guessed that already, right?” There’s a low chuckle, while you’re sniveling under him with wet cheeks and a hot face, before he starts tugging your pants down your thighs.
You cross your arms over your face, and Issei laughs a little harder. “Aww, don’t cry. I know what you’re thinking, all the murdering and stuff, the blood, the choking, cutting open— it’s a lot. But luckily for you… all of that isn’t going to happen to you. Look, here-” he mumbles, pulling your arms away from in front of your eyes to force your smaller hand back in his, linking pinkies, “promise. They weren’t you, so I had to get rid of them sooner rather than later.”
By the time he finishes talking, you’re shivering without your pants, on his cold floor and tears all over your face- and for a moment Issei looks like the guy you knew when he pouts down at you. But then he licks his lips, and the relief is gone. “And you get I can’t let you go after this. So it’ll be easier for both of us if you play along.”
Then he gives you a once over like you’re a slab of meat, and hums, whispering under his breath. “I like when they play along.” It makes you cry harder, but barely any noise manages to come out, staring resolutely at the ceiling as soon as his hand lets your chin go to trail his fingertips along your tits. “So fucking pretty, baby.” The lilt of barely veiled excitement in his voice makes you want to sink into the floor, to just stop breathing altogether. You trusted him implicitly, and- though your skin is covered in goosebumps, it barely sets in that Issei was the one who— 
You remember the disemboweled girl on the stretcher, the yellow tape. And bile rises in your throat, so you have to put a hand over your mouth not to throw up. Oh god, you’re… You’re cold on the floor, your tits being gently squeezed by Mattsun’s large, rough hands through your shirt as you try to make your mind go anywhere else, to no avail. Suddenly he gets up on his knees to slide his arms under you, and you start struggling against him enough to make him glare down at you. “Don’t be a brat. If you want me to-”
“Let me go, Issei! Let go, let go!” You’re squished to his chest, but you manage to smack him across the face and get a little bit of wiggle room, and he lets out a low rumble of displeasure, before dragging you further into the house and tossing you down onto the bed. It’s even darker here, smelling faintly of spices and men’s shampoo- but that isn’t what frightens you. It’s the heavy duty cuffs dangling from the metal bedposts, and the way Mattsun grabs a fistful of your hair to yank your head back into the bed.
“Don’t move. Unless you want me to get mad.” The painful tug makes you whimper, but you find yourself trying to slide out the other side of the bed as he bends to search through one of the bedside tables. Your legs are going a bit numb, toes tingly as you dare brush your feet along the floor and make a run for it. Of course, you have to round the bed, and he doesn’t have much of a hard time grabbing the back of your shirt. With one stern move, he swings you over his shoulder, large hand palm landing so hard onto the soft skin of your ass it makes you gasp and tear up. The touch pulses and aches as he slaps the same spot again, and now you’re crying- this time from the stinging of your skin as he tosses you down and forces your hand into sharp, cold handcuff.
His slight frown and the stern look he gives you make your body freeze up, but then he leans in. “You’re a dumb little baby, hm? You don’t get it?” His eyes are wide, pupils dark and blown all the way out to take up almost his entire iris. His hand appears from behind his back with something that glimmers in the low light, and is sharp as he pushes it to your cheek. “Not gonna play along?” The knife’s cold edge next to your ear makes you entirely wooden, staring up at him with shallow breaths and your lips trembling. As he peeks out his tongue, the knife digs deeper and breaks skin on your cheekbone.
And it hurts, clenching your teeth hard as tears spill over, it really fucking hurts. Burns, instantly making the skin feel taut and pounding and irritated. You gasp again, grabbing at his arm with a pitiful cry. “No, no, stop. Stop, please. I’ll play along,” you plead, voice hoarse as you clamp your hand around his wrist. The hot, searing feeling on your cheek and the way you feel blood run along your face and ear takes away all other rational thought. It hurts. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts. You want it to stop. “Please. Please, ‘Ssei, please.” The knife’s edge tingles as it leaves your wound, but the pain doesn’t go away, and you can’t help but sob. “Mattsun~”
However pathetic you must look, Matsukawa clearly doesn’t care. Because he groans, before leaning in to press his tongue to your wound, and then kissing you. And the coppery taste makes him moan into your mouth, while you try to turn your head away instinctively. His tongue forces open your mouth and melts with yours, sloppily claiming your mouth with a soft hum, heavy, large body coming to cover yours. He’s everywhere, as he grinds his hips into your panty-clad center and licks your mixed spit off his lips when he pulls back, throwing his head back.
You’re feeling a bit lightheaded, one cheek pounding painfully as you stare at him, and your one arm slowly but surely going numb from the uncomfortable position. But as you’re looking at him, he quickly rids himself of his shirt, and scoots you up the bed a little to drape your legs over his thighs. Even in the half-dark room, you can see them. The scars on his shoulders, his chest, ugly lines that healed over sloppily— proof that someone dug some nails of a key so sharp into him. Fought, and lost. It only makes you take a deep breath that makes a pinched, little noise. And Mattsun grins, rubbing his one hand along the skin.
“They were never close enough to you, y’know? Always something missing.” His one hand goes back to your chest, playing with your pebbled nipples through the fabric, before the knife returns and he drags it across your chest this time, pressing hard enough to cut your shirt and also the thin skin of your breast bone. “Oops, sorry.” The thin line of dots of blood that beads up has him bending to run his tongue along the little wound again, before ripping the rest of your shirt apart and sucking your tits into his mouth too. The warm mouth paired with the painful stinging and aching of your body has your stomach flipping and your mind blank.
Your free hand runs along his head to grab his curls in support, and his moans before biting one of your nipples. Then he pulls back to slap your tits around a bit, and running his thumb over the wound. Seeing the red before he slips it into his mouth is enough to have you squeezing your eyes shut, trying to block everything out. And Issei chuckles. “Aw, scaring my little baby, am I?” The sound of his zipper and the shuffling of fabric lasts for a few seconds. Your heartbeat is so fucking loud, and the stinging is loud, and his voice is loud, and everything is so fuzzy. You open your eyes again, only to find that same disturbing look in Issei’s eyes as he rubs his thumb over the slit of his cock, spreading all the precum around.
There’s a lot, you notice, and also that his heavy, flushed cock is big. Really big, too big, making your breathing even more rapid. It’ll hurt. It’ll hurt, it’ll hurt, it’ll hurt— your mind blanks when he starts peeling off your panties and manhandles your legs around however he wants, before the thick head of his cock is lined up to your too-dry pussy. There’s some wetness there, but not enough. You tear up more, because of the hurt, the pain, the fear, your lungs aching and everything else- and shiver when Issei talks again.
His voice is low enough to shake your bones. “You’ll have to fit me, okay? Okay?” His sing-song teasing has you nodding your head, and he puts on a cheshire-like grin again. “Because when they didn’t, I had to cut them open to make room-” he points the knife into your lower stomach then, point stinging as soon as it touches and digs into your soft belly, “-and I don’t want to cut up my favorite girl.” His thumb rubs lazy circles into the top of your slit, brushing your clit, before he spits on it.
Then he lines up, and starts pushing into your tight, clenched pussy without giving you a second to prepare, placing both hands next to your head and pushing himself into you while each inch fills you up more and more. It’s such a painfully tight fit your legs shake as he pushes you all the way full, and keeps pushing. “Aw, aw, aw, Issei- hurts, that hurts-”
“Uhuh,” he just nods, and kisses you again, smiling into the kiss and pulling back to watch you tear up. He moves one leg to push against your chest, and starts grinding his cock even deeper, pushing you open too much, and you cry— only to make him pull back and do it again, groaning. “Ah, fuck, princess. Fuck-ing- godly pussy, agh.” His huge dick pounds against your cervix every time he pulls back and bottoms out, bulging your stomach in a way that hurts even despite the pleasure. But his body slamming against your pussy each time does feel good, as much as you hate to admit it. It sends tingles down your spine that makes you forget about the hurt you’re feeling. “Tell me it feels good, hm?”
He leans into kiss you again, before turning your face to the side to rub his finger along the bloody mess on your cheek and make it hurt again. “Tell Mattsun senpai that his cock’s your favorite. And I’ll make you come so hard you go cross-eyed.” The pounding of the sticky, warm blood and the skin that aches, the way he fills you, makes you feel it all the way in your throat, how loud your heartbeat is in your head and how your lungs fill only with shallow half-breaths, has you crying out long and hard, squeezing your fingers into his bicep.
“Mattsun senpai~ cock-ahg- hick- my favorite.” You’re not sure you recognize the way your voice sounds as you say it, getting your mouth full of his tongue again as you choke on it and the way he forces his cock through your cervix. Hurts, hurts, feels so good it aches. You can’t tell up from down when his fingers return between your bodies, and he jackhammers his fat cock through you.
“I know, baby. I know. S’all for you now. All yours.”
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All Rights Reserved © IWAASFAIRY 2023. Works are exclusive to this Tumblr.
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indiaalphawhiskey · 2 years
In honour of H looking like a babe, a little sneak peek in any of your wips? Please
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Anything, in honor of H looking like the beautiful Barbie babe on glitter toast he was last night. 🥰
Also, I’m so sorry if I’ve posted this already, I truly can’t remember (and apparently tumblr will only show half of my tags!) (I have to work on a proper masterpost!)
🐘 Snippet
“A bald-faced lie straight to my face,” Harry said, shaking his head and clicking his tongue in faux disappointment. His voice was scandalized as he playfully accused, “And on our thirtieth anniversary? How dare you?”
Louis gave him a cheeky shrug, his forkful of eggs poised in front of that unfailingly sexy smirk, “I was testing you.”
“Well,” Harry said, too smug, “I have the memory of an elephant, so…”
Louis narrowed his eyes at Harry, his next hum doubtful and teasing. “Oh yeah, Dumbo?” he challenged, “You remember proposing to me on our third date?”
Harry didn’t even bother to put his fork down, leveling him with an unimpressed look. “Nice try, liar. You don’t think I remember our third date was when I drank my weight in grocery wine?”
Louis snorted at the memory. “I had to carry you home to my flat.”
“Okay, I was nervous, wanker. We both knew we were going to have sex that night.”
“And yet.” Louis quipped around the lip of his coffee cup, though not quite quietly enough. “Also,” he said, brow furrowing in confusion, “we’d already had sex—”
“Yeah, but not on purpose.” Harry’s very clear explanation was followed by Louis’ completely befuddled silence, and he sighed, exasperatedly elaborating, “This was on-purpose Third Date Sex™ with possibly-my-future-husband.”
“Mm-hmm.” Louis nodded slowly – shrewdly. “As opposed to our original, ‘accidental’—” He smirked as he did the air quotes. “—our-friends-locked-us-in-a-flat-to-bang-out-our-sexual-tension hate sex.” His sound of agreement was muffled by his half-chewed fruit. “Right, got it.”
With a blink, his voice deadly serious, Harry said, “Exactly.” Ignoring Louis’ low chuckle, he continued, “Anyway, that night was, ironically, painfully memorable and I definitely, definitely did not propose.”
“Except when you did.”
Harry’s scoff was loud and sure, fully expecting to look across the table and catch Louis in his second shameless lie of the morning. Instead, he was met with the kind of confident smirk that… actually gave him pause.
“I was rubbing your back—well, trying to,” Louis corrected, “because you kept literally, physically, pushing me away. You started to cry when I wouldn’t leave you in the bathroom.”
And that… did, actually, sound like him, he admitted inwardly. But why would he—
“You kept insisting I couldn’t see you like this because,” Louis continued, his voice already twinkling with very poorly concealed mirth, “as you explained, if I did, I’d never marry you like I was supposed to.”
Harry’s eyes widened, realizing just then that he was vehemently shaking his head. “No,” he said desperately horrified. “Uh-uh. No.”
“But, apparently,” Louis said, thoroughly enjoying this, “if I promised I’d still marry you,” he grinned wide, too, too amused, “then I was allowed to stay and keep you from choking on your own vomit.”
“No.” Harry refused. “No. No, because,” he argued, holding up a finger, “I asked you, the next morning, if I’d done anything – anything – stupid. And you—” He pointed aggressively at Louis, who was pressing his lips together, trying (and failing) to hide his smile, “—Promised me, Louis, that I didn’t.”
“I had to,” he argued, as Harry’s jaw dropped.
“Louis!” He screeched in disbelief. “You lied?!”
“H, love,” he tried to coax gently. (Or, as gentle as one could be while trying – so hard – to stifle a laugh.) And, if Harry wasn’t already sitting there, stewing in over three decades of delayed embarrassment, he’d be a bit concerned about the way his heart still flipped a little at that endearment. “You should’ve seen yourself, all hungover, and delicate, and vulnerable that morning.” His eyes were soft – annoyingly so – even twinkling with mirth, and so, all Harry could do was roll his eyes and click his tongue in some semblance of disapproval as Louis defended himself. “I mean, you genuinely looked like you would’ve run from the room if I’d told you.”
“I would’ve,” Harry assured him point blank and without missing a beat. “I’d have completely cut you off,” he said, dead serious. “Moved continents. Flung myself off the edge of the earth.”
“Well then,” Louis said pointedly, a laugh bleeding into his voice, “now you know why I didn’t.” He shrugged, seemingly retrospective. “Also, it was nice to know you were a sure thing,” he added, his irritatingly charming wink earning him a rather aggressive (and much deserved) bread roll to the shoulder. Harry may or may not have stuck his tongue out in victory the moment it hit him with a satisfying smack! ‘Ow,’ Louis mouthed with a silent laugh, eyes sparkling as he continued to tease, “and it just seemed like a needless complication, doing anything that would encourage you to become a flight risk, when, you know,” he sighed, pretending to be put upon. His gaze on Harry turned hot, and he smiled at him in a way that seemed entirely dedicated to making his heart flutter. “I did fully intend to marry you by then anyway, all drunken threats to your personal safety notwithstanding.”
😳 More from the GAPT AU.
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writertitan · 4 years
Midnight Snacks
pairing: eren x reader 
words: 2058
themes: college au, lots of fluff, eren being a little embarrassing with his gas station order 
requested by anon
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Finals week had both you and Eren on high alert and in high panic. Truth be told, you didn’t need to really worry that much; you had prepared yourself for this all semester and had really kept up with your workload. Mostly, you were just stressed about the finals themselves and how, well, final they were. And so close together. A gift and a curse. You’d be done before finals week was even over. 
What really had you in a panic was Eren. The boy, bless his heart, was not apt for cramming. He’d kept up with his work like you had, but you knew him like the back of your hand; he was prone to leaving the harder things until the last minute. 
You glanced at your phone to check the time as Eren flipped back and forth between a page in his biology textbook, grumbling to himself under his breath. It was almost 12:30 in the morning and both of you had been at it all night, cramming and rememorizing things just to be prepared, and Eren especially was deep in concentration. You smiled to yourself as you watched his brows furrow even more than they already were, a feat you thought impossible. Just as you set your phone down to continue your own last-minute preparations, Eren sat up straight with a growl and pushed his textbook off your bed with his knee. 
“I feel like my head’s about to explode,” he complained, flopping over onto your lap. His eyes found yours immediately and he pouted as he reached up to stroke your cheek, then turned his head to glare at your textbook, as if personally offended by it, and pushed it off your bed to join his own. 
“Eren,” you whined, about to push his head off your lap, but he stopped you by reaching both hands up to cup your face. 
“C’mon, let’s just take a small break. We’re probably gonna be at this for a few more hours,” he said, fingers lightly caressing your jaw to entice you into going with his plan. You pondered it, then thought about arguing back with him about needing to study, but then realized he was probably right. All of this endless cramming with no break was just going to end up in you not retaining any of it. 
“Just a small break,” you relented, giving him a warning stare. He sat up, much brighter now, and pulled you off your bed immediately. He stretched his legs out and then reached his arms up to the ceiling for a full body stretch, already in a better mood. 
“Let’s go buy some snacks,” he suggested, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to pull you in. “That’ll help with the brain juice.” 
You hated Eren’s term, brain juice, but you knew he had a point. You had to keep up your energy. 
“Okay, let’s go to the vending machines and pick something out,” you said, moving to put some shoes on. 
“There’s a convenience store just down the street, babe. Please can we go? Your dorm’s vending machines aren’t gonna cut it,” he said, the pout back again. You rolled your eyes playfully but again relented, happy to just get out of your dorm room for a second. 
“Okay, fine. But you’re not supposed to be here, remember? It’s way past visiting hours. We have to be so sneaky,” you said, voice already lowering to a whisper. If you’re RA found out you’d been holing Eren up in your dorm well past 10pm, she was going to lose her mind. 
Eren made a show of zipping his lips and acting stealthy, which made you snort. You grabbed his hand after putting on shoes and jackets, and carefully slipped out to start your trek to the convenience store. 
You had to admit, it was a nice idea. And Eren was right, your vending machines didn’t hold a candle to all the other savory treats you really wanted. 
The night was a little breezy, but the impending summer weather kept the spring chill at bay. Eren had your hand engulfed in his, fingers laced as he swung your hands lightly, other hand messing with his loose bun. The night wrapped around him beautifully, streetlights casting glows that defined the most handsome parts of his face. 
He caught you staring after a minute of him being deep in thought, and you flashed him a mischievous grin which he returned.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he teased, the lame phrase making you giggle. 
“Okay,” you said cheerily, which took him off guard. You pulled your hand from his and giggled again at his confusion, before moving to stand behind him, hands reaching up to grasp his shoulders and give a small tug to make him stop walking. He knew immediately what you were getting at and crouched down enough to let you hop on, catching you easily and gripping your thighs as you wrapped an arm around your shoulders. Your other hand reached into your pocket to pull out your phone and you wasted no time in pulling up the camera app, jutting your arm out so you could capture Eren’s face right next to yours, the two of you flashing cheesy and ridiculous smiles as you snapped the picture. The automatic flash activated due to the low lighting and Eren whined and blinked, squeezing his eyes shut as the flash went off. 
When you looked at the end result, you showed Eren with a pleased laugh. You looked fine, all smiles and bright eyes. Eren, on the other hand, had blinked a little too soon. His eyes were shut, eyebrows raised, a dopey grin on his face that matched yours. 
“Delete that,” he complained, letting go of one thigh to try to reach for your phone. You were too fast, however, and eased it back into your jacket pocket. “Babe, delete it!”
“Nope! That’s my new favorite picture of us.” 
“I’m not buying you any snacks once we get there.” 
A lie, completely. If anything, Eren would play the little devil on your shoulder and egg you on in just a few minutes, into making not-so-smart choices. Why choose between the chocolate and the gummies when you can have both? 
You moved to hop off once you were in front of the store, but Eren’s grip tightened on your thighs. You angled your head to give him a confused glance, which he ignored, but he turned his head to peck your lips. 
“We’ll be quick. You’ll be my hands,” he said, and you rolled your eyes at his words, but hid your big smile into his shoulder. You knew he could feel the way your lips turned up over the thin fabric of his jacket and even thinner shirt. 
“Alright, what do you want?” you asked him, letting him lead you where you knew he’d go first: the Lunchables. 
“Ham and cheese and crackers, please,” he requested, but you already knew that and were grabbing at it with one hand. He kissed your wrist as a thank you and then asked, “Okay, what are we getting you? The usual?” 
“Yes, please,” you hummed, nuzzling into his neck as he made his way over to your preferred snack of choice. And, after grabbing two drinks, your hands absolutely full, you made your way to the counter to pay. The clerk gave you a bored look, not at all interested in the sight in front of him, and rang up your items slowly and announced your total. 
A contest as always, you and Eren both reached for your wallets. He somehow managed to be quicker, mostly because you were trying your best not to lose your balance as you held onto him with one arm and fished around for money with the other, and you grumbled as he paid for both of you. 
You held onto the bag as you exited the convenience store, again trying to hop off, and again being secured in place by Eren’s tight grip. 
“Aren’t you getting tired?” you asked him, genuinely curious, but Eren nearly guffawed at the question. 
“Are you joking? I wouldn’t even consider this a warm-up, babe. Carrying Jean’s blacked-out ass home after a party, though... that’ll make me break a sweat. I don’t know how he’s so fucking heavy.” 
You giggled, vividly remembering one of those times, and you rested your head on Eren’s shoulder after letting a yawn slip out. 
“I wish we didn’t have to go back to studying after this,” you pouted, pressing a pouty kiss into Eren’s shoulder. “I hate finals.” 
“Let’s eat our snacks before we get back to it,” Eren compromised. “My brain still feels heavy with knowledge. I gotta let it soak it all up.” 
“Always saying the weirdest things,” you teased him, squealing at the pinch on your thigh. 
Sneaking up to your dorm room was as easy as sneaking out, and you pulled Eren for a quick kiss as soon as the door locked behind you. You tossed the bag onto your bed and then began fishing your snacks out once your shoes and jacket were off and you were both able to situate more comfortably on your bed. Eren held you in his lap as he leaned back against your wall and browsed through his phone, the two of you watching dumb compliations on YouTube while you snacked. It was nice to turn your brain off just for a while, to rest up and come back to studying rejuvenated. 
His hand would occasionally sneak up your neck and grab at your hair, lightly massaging your scalp as he pressed tender kisses to your temple. You shared your snacks and really took your time with finishing, letting yourselves soak in your study break. 
“Thanks for making me take a break,” you told him, leaning your head back against his chest. “I forget sometimes.” 
“I know you do,” Eren chuckled, squeezing you into a hug and pressing you into his chest even more. He noticed yet another suppressed yawn from you and hummed in acknowledgement, and you knew what he was going to say before he said it. 
“I can’t go to sleep, I have to keep studying,” you said, beating him to it. 
“You’re studying for your final tomorrow and it’s not even until noon. You know a really important habit before taking a big test is to get enough sleep before it.” 
Damn it. You hated when he used logic against you. 
“Fine, but just a nap,” you grumbled, sitting up to grab at your trash and discard it in your bin. You set an alarm and gave Eren a tired smile. “I’m gonna drag you down with me, though. You need to sleep too.” 
Eren scoffed, his voice a little panicked when he spoke again. “No way. Unlike you, I have to cram. I’m nowhere near ready for my final tomorrow.” 
“Yours isn’t until the afternoon,” you pointed out, hitting him back with the logic he’d used on you. “Like you said, a good habit is to get plenty of sleep before a test.” 
Eren sighed, but you could tell he wasn’t going to argue with you. He looked just as tired as you and the two of you arranged yourselves in your cramped bed to doze off, if only for a little bit. 
His hands found your hair and he played with it softly as you both curled up into one another. 
“Love you,” he murmured, drowsy already, and you smiled to yourself, head on his chest with your hand tracing loving circles at his torso. 
“Love you too,” you answered, warming at the soft touch of his hand on your chin. He tilted your head up to steal a quick kiss to your lips, then to your nose. You closed your eyes and let yourself relax, about to really drift off when you felt Eren shift under you. 
Your ears picked up the quiet sounds of Eren taking your phone from your nightstand. You peeked an eye open, careful to stay quiet lest you arouse suspicion, and resisted the urge to let a huge grin overcome you as you watched him go to your camera roll, tap on the ridiculous picture you’d taken earlier, and send it to himself. 
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wienerbarnes · 3 years
A Certain Romance (3/6)
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1,188
Warnings: none!
A/N: this ones a little short but things will get juicy soon😃
Mind if I come over? Im w/ Sam, we’re in the area and he insists that I should have breakfast with my boyfriend
Bucky receives the text from you as he sets out the carton eggs on the counter. Sam went on a run this morning, meeting up with you on your own morning run, coincidentally, he’s sure, and he can only imagine the poking and prodding you’re experiencing.
How do u like ur eggs? Is his response.
As he cracks egg after egg into the pan, he realizes that this is the first time the two of you will be in front of Sam together as a couple.
His appetite dissipates for a minute as he’s taken back to grade school. He feels as though he’s about to present a project he’s not prepared for or about to be given a pop quiz. He feels a similar pit in his stomach; like having to face the elderly nuns of his old Protestant church.
What the hell are you so nervous for? You’re not even dating this girl and it’s just Sam.
He supposes it’s that involuntary urge to impress, the feeling that he has to try harder to keep this secret, that in hindsight, isn’t as big of a deal as it feels like. He’s kept worse secrets in his life, he knows.
He glances around at his small apartment, blankets still muddled together on the floor in front of the television from when he woke up. He lowers the heat on the stove and goes to fold up the blankets and make it look as though he wasn’t sleeping on the floor all night.
It’s sooner than Bucky would’ve hoped that there’s a knock on the door. He opens it to reveal two very sweaty individuals, one in basketball shorts and a sweatshirt and the other in dangerously short workout shorts and a sports bra. Luckily for him, you’re the one in the bra and not Sam.
“Hi, babe.” You coo, still panting a bit, as you reach on your toes to plant a kiss on his cheek.
Sam follows after you as Bucky rests a hand on your sweaty lower back, politely leading you over towards his kitchen counter where he pulls the stool out for you.
He ignores Sam’s question of if he’ll pull out his seat for him as well and moves back over to the stove to finish making everyone's eggs.
You wordlessly get up and move to his fridge, though never having been to his apartment before, you grab the package of bacon and some spinach to help him finish up breakfast. The two of you dance around each other similarly to how you did when he was at your apartment last time about a week and a half ago, working together seamlessly to make breakfast.
Neither of you notice when Sam sneaks away to the bathroom, seemingly uncomfortable and feeling third-wheel-ish at the sight of his coupled up friends. You glance over your shoulder to see the empty room and step a little closer to Bucky.
“You okay?”
“Yeah. Are you?”
“Yeah. Nice place.”
It’s a tad awkward, but he can tell it’s not because of him. You seem to have the same problem as he does; not knowing exactly what is and isn’t allowed between the two of you but having to suddenly put on this performance in front of Sam.
“Sorry, if kissing you like that caught you off guard.” You tell him timidly.
Is she being shy? “You’re fine. I certainly won’t complain about a pretty girl kissing me. On-on the cheek, I mean.” He corrects himself, blush forming on his cheeks.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You giggle and Sam reenters the room, a light sheen on his hands and face from the bathroom sink.
“Don’t be mackin’ on each other just cause I left the room.”
“Why, wanna watch?” You wink at him, and Bucky feels the blush travel down his neck.
“No. Where do y’all sleep here anyway -”
“We sleep at hers, Sam.” Bucky answers pointedly.
You keep quiet, unaware of the silent implications of Sam’s question.
Eggs, bacon, and cooked spinach are devoured quickly by the group, wanting to replenish the energy lost on the run, and for Bucky, needing the energy for whatever the day may bring him, such as surprise visits from his girlfriend.
“I’m gonna stretch outside for the run back.” Sam says before clapping Bucky’s hand in goodbye, obviously his attempt to give them privacy as a couple.
Alone again, you ask, “So… we sleep at mine?”
“I, uh, don’t have a bed. Or, I have a bed in the back room, but I… sleep on the floor. Don’t sleep well on mattresses. Too soft.”
He waits for a reaction. Perhaps confusion, annoyance, pity. But it doesn’t come. No, all that comes from you is a casual shrug of your shoulders and, “Oh. Okay, that makes sense.”
That makes sense. You think it makes sense. Even if it didn’t make sense to you, you wouldn’t make him feel odd about his reasoning; what effect would it have on you if he sleeps on a single blanket on the floor or not? It’s nice.
Alpine emerges from the cocoon of blankets in her small bed and you let out an exaggerated gasp, the kind a child does when entering a pet store for the first time.
“Oh my goodness, and who is this little guy?” You coo out, baby-voice in full effect. Bucky smiles as you crouch down to the floor, reaching a finger out to not scare Alpine as the cat arches her back and gives a biggggg stretchhhhh.
“Girl.” He corrects you.
“Girl. Obviously.” Alpine finishes her groggy stretch and wobbles over to you, rubbing her head around your stretched out finger, urging you to pet her completely.
“That’s Alpine.”
“Hi, Alpine. Wow. Maybe I should date you for real if you have a cat this cute.” You talk again to the cat, Alpine loving every bit of attention.
“Alright. Time to go,” Bucky chuckles, putting a hand on your shoulder to get you to stand up, “Don’t want to leave Sam waiting for your run back.”
“He’s crazy if he thinks I’m running all that back on a full stomach; I’ll walk.” He pushes you towards the door and opens it for you, revealing Sam leaning against the wall of the hallway on his phone.
“Bout time.” He comments.
“Be safe.” Bucky tells you, unsure of whatever else to say to a fresh girlfriend in front of friends.
“Thanks. I’ll see you later.” You smile cheekily at him before reaching on your tip-toes and planting a soft peck on his lips.
Nothing crazy, but Bucky wasn’t expecting it, so the blush is back as he smiles shyly at you, a smirk growing on your own face at seeing the former deadliest assassin blush at a tiny kiss on the lips.
“Let’s go before I get a toothache.” Sam chimes in again, but Bucky doesn’t look away from you until you walk off with his friend, lips still tingling.
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troubatrain · 4 years
sober - m. barzal (pt. six)
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a/n: so after the hell week we all survived in the good ol’ USA my brain finally decided to let me actually write. tbh i wrote this about four times before i forced myself to just finish it and stop tweaking it.
Mat’s kitchen looked like a tornado had run through it. The usually pristine, absolutely untouched kitchen of the young bachelor was getting more use in the twenty minutes Mat had been awake than it ever had. Truthfully, Mat wasn’t a morning person. Mat slept like a rock, and he thought there was nothing besides the fear of his coach that could get him up earlier than noon, but he was wrong. You had him up before eight, hoping if he could beat you to waking up you wouldn’t have a chance to sneak out on him. He did, opening his eyes to catch you snoring softly beside him. He laid there for a moment, his eyes on you because he almost in disbelief you actually stayed. It was a moment of peace, the complete opposite of the mess you’d both gotten yourselves into. For the first time in his life, he wasn’t debating how he was going to get someone to leave, he was figuring out how he was going to get you to stay.
Mat was an absolute whore, and he didn’t care one bit. Why should he? He was young, he was at the top of his game, and his ego got a little bigger everyday. He was just as guilty as you were when it came to his lack of commitment. Mat had never been able to be a good boyfriend, no matter how hard he tried - so he just stopped trying. His schedule wasn’t made for dating, and he never wanted to put the work in. You were different. Something clicked in Mat when he realized how enraged his body felt hearing DeAngelo talk about you the way he did. He was going to let it go, and in hindsight maybe he should have, but he didn’t want to. That protective feeling took over his body because it was too strong for him to shove back down before it got out.
Mat would have told you he loved you after that game, because he does, but he knew he was playing a dangerous game. The reality of what would happen if this was real scared him, but not nearly as much as he knew it had to scare you. You had something to lose, a life that Mat just wouldn’t be apart of. Mat wasn’t in a position to ask you to give that up, especially for someone who you weren’t even dating. Mat knew if he moved too quickly you’d get spooked and run away without giving Mat a second thought. He’d disappear from your memory like everyone before him.
Mat’s thoughts were broken by the sound of your feet padding into his kitchen, your arms wrapping around his waist while you pressed a kiss to his back, “Hi pretty girl.”
This was uncharted territory, the morning after. You’d always been an expert, leaving yourself enough time to sneak out and leave before anyone would notice you were gone. That kept your heart safe, free from the feelings that were present in this very moment. You couldn’t have left last night, slipping out of Mat’s bed and into a cab in the middle of the night, but something stopped you, “Do you actually know what you’re doing?”
“I thought I’d try to make you breakfast,” Mat admits, a smile on his face while he turned off the stove, eggs forgotten to look at you, “I’ll get better at it, I promise, breakfast can be my thing.”
“Your thing?” You muse, letting Mat gently push you onto the island, standing between your legs.
“Yeah, when we fall in love or whatever, I’ll make breakfast,” Mat chuckles, pressing a quick kiss to your lips.
“You’ve lost your damn mind Barz,” You sigh, leaning your head on Mat’s shoulder while you savored the last few moments of peace you were feeling. You were going to have leave his place, off to a four game road trip where Mat was free to fuck whoever he wanted.
Mat’s finger was gently gliding over your face, “If I’m crazy it’s because you made me crazy.”
“You were insane before I met you,” You defend not daring to open your eyes and meet Mat’s gaze, “And now you’re just annoying.”
“I don’t remember being annoying when you were begging me to fuck you last night,” Mat counters back, hands moving to your bare thighs, the warmth from his hands was a stark contrast from the cool counter, “If I’m correct it sounded something like Mat please.”
“Don’t push your luck Mat,” You threaten, his impersonation of you from the night before stopping almost immediately.
“Would I push it if I asked you to stay until my flight later?” Mat asks, eyes full of hope while he tries to hang onto the moment just a little bit longer.
“If you never talk about it again,” You nod, deciding that the damage was already done. You were so far gone a few more hours couldn’t hurt you anymore.
“We can talk about how fucking good you look in orange and blue though,” Mat teases, a grin on his face. You furrow your eyebrows, looking down and realizing just what shirt he had given you the night before. A bright white number thirteen in the corner, with an Islanders logo present on the front.
“Mat if you don’t take this off of me right this second.”
“You never have to ask me twice to take off your shirt babe.”
You leaned your head against the window of the private jet that definitely cost more for one flight than your entire salary, taking a deep breath and a break from the laundry list of emails you were due to answer. You were flying to St. Louis for the All Star Game, your plans of a week long vacation somewhere warm with some of the team and their significant others thrown out the door the second Chris stepped in for Panarin last minute. Not even two minutes later, Charlotte strutted over to your desk to tell you that without a need for someone to translate for Artemi, you were the new kid and that meant you had to suffer through the weekend while everyone else took their vacations. 
“At least pretend to be excited,” Chris mutters next to you, taking a break from his own reading and elbowing you in the side.
“It’s hard to be excited when everyone’s on a beach and we’re flying to Missouri in January,” You snark back, pulling your glasses off your face and rubbing your eyes.
“You either need to start sleeping or stop hanging out with that secret boyfriend of yours,” Chris jokes, but it struck a nerve with you.
Mat wasn’t your boyfriend. Mat. Wasn’t. Your. Boyfriend. He didn’t get to have all of you, because he didn’t deserve it - no man does. Nothing about the very small amount of vulnerability that he got to see after that game meant anything. You left that morning and he went on a four game road trip and the world spun on. You could stop whenever you wanted to, move on with some other dumb boy who didn’t care more about you in clothes than without. But did you want to? That was a debate you’d been having with yourself for days.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” You grumble, gritting through your teeth. Technically, it wasn’t a total lie.
“So you are seeing someone!” Chris points out, as if your deliberate words were going to make it past him. Chris held most of the intelligence on the entire Rangers roster, and there was nothing that he didn’t pick up, “So, What's the deal? He doesn’t want anyone to know about you or you don’t want anyone to know about him.”
“It’s mutual,” You hum, sipping the coffee that had gone cold.
“Are you a sugar baby?” Chris questions, a cautious tone to his voice, “Not that I think there’s anything wrong with it or anything-”
“No I haven’t found a sugar daddy,” You roll your eyes, waiving Chris and sparing him the lecture that there’s nothing wrong with the idea at all, “We’re just in a limbo.”
“For what it’s worth,” Chris says, taking a deep breath before he finished his thought, “You seem happy, you haven’t snapped on Tony in almost a week.”
“Thanks Chris,” You laugh softly, popping a headphone back into your ear so you could finish up some work.
Mat was in absolute disbelief the moment he saw you step into the hotel lobby. You weren’t supposed to be in St. Louis, you were supposed to be on some island in a bikini making him wish he wasn’t good enough to be selected for the All Star game at all. Mat scratched his head for an answer as to why you didn’t mention the change of plans, but then the thing that he spent his entire roadie before he left for St. Louis entered his brain at full speed.
You’re not her boyfriend.
Mat owed you nothing, and you didn’t have to tell him anything you didn’t want to. Mat honestly knew about four things about you and all of them related to your job. He was dying to know everything, even the stuff that didn’t matter that much. Hell, Mat would’ve killed to see the inside of your apartment at this point. He just needed one thing, one thing that he could hold onto that you showed him that no one else got to see. He was sure he’d find it, especially after he finally got you to stay at his place, but now he was starting to think maybe he’d never crack you.
You were going to just avoid Mat like the plague. The hotel was swamped with players, their families, and any staff that had tagged along for the weekend. The city was still buzzing from last season’s Stanley Cup win and there was not a chance Mat wasn’t going to be busy all weekend, because Mat Barzal was an amazing hockey player. You hated to be reminded of it, because if you could have Mat feed you stupid compliments and never remind you of his job you’d be happy forever.
hotel sex is on the table
and you look fucking hot today
You roll your eyes, checking your phone while you were standing in line to check in. You look around the room, trying not to draw any attention to Mat who was giving you a shit eating grin from across the lobby. He looked good, a white button up tucked into suit pants that were doing his ass justice. You look at Chris, who was too engrossed in his own phone to even look back at you.
pretend like i don’t exist right now and we’ll talk
wanna play a game?
that didn’t go well for you last time Barzy
if i beat your buddy kreids tomorrow night you give me one night
you won’t
is that a yes?
You turn around, giving Mat one last death stare to remind him you weren’t kidding on your plea to pretend you didn’t exist. Your job was important to you because you weren’t Mat. You weren’t going to get paid millions of dollars to play and then retire with a pretty penny in your pocket. You worked, and the stress of losing your job would definitely break you. Charlotte instilled fear in you like no other boss you ever had could, and if you got caught messing around with someone who played for another team while you were working she’d probably just fire you on the spot. Not to mention the heartbroken faces of your chosen family. Mat somehow existed in both a different and the same world as you. He understood your work life because it was so close to his, but he had his own work family and you had yours. No matter what, there would always be some sort of weird divide caused by that stupid rivalry. For now, it was just going to have to be something you’d worry about later.
You turned in the mirror of your hotel room, the lacy black lingerie set fit your body like a glove, and you were impressed with Mat’s taste given all he ever wore was sweatpants. You look in the corner of the room, the last piece of his little gift sitting in the box. Mat dropped it off earlier, a note on top telling you that when he inevitably smokes Chris in the faster skater competition he had something in mind. You weren’t surprised by his confidence, but you were surprised by the gift itself. Folded neatly in the box wasn’t just the lingerie, a bright blue and orange jersey was right underneath it, a shiny white number thirteen stitched into the back. You knew you didn’t have to wear it, because Mat wasn’t going to force you to do anything, but you were wet at just the thought of how animalistic Mat would probably get. You tossed on the jersey, throwing an even bigger sweatshirt and sweats over it before you snuck up to Mat’s floor- hoping Chris wouldn’t catch you leaving from the room across the hall.
You pull out the room key Mat gave you, sneaking into the door and locking it shut behind you. You slipped off your sweats, leaving you in nothing but the jersey and your panties.
“Fuck,” Mat dropped his phone from his hand the second you came into his view, “I didn’t think you’d wear it.”
“I wasn’t going to,” You muse, your confidence boosting while you strutted over to Mat. He had that effect on you, the ability to always make you feel like the sexiest woman in the world - even if you didn’t feel like were, “But then you beat McDavid.”
Mat pulled you between his legs while he sat on the edge of the bed, his hands toying with the jersey while he let the fabric slip through his fingers, “You look so fucking good in my jersey baby.”
“I’m proud of you Mat,” You purr into his ear, playing into Mat’s ego just a little bit. You were proud of him, and for the first time you wanted him to know. You pressed a kiss against his jaw, feeling his own breath hitch in his throat, “Can I show you?”
“Keep that jersey on and you can do whatever you want to me,” Mat admits, slipping his hand under the jersey and tapping your ass lightly.
“I’ll keep it on,” You giggle, pushing Mat on his back and getting to work. Your lips kissed down his chest with every button of his dress shirt you got undone, tossing it in the corner to be forgotten about until later. You unhooked his belt, leaving open mouth kisses just above his pants. You slid off his dress pants slowly, taking his boxers with them to let his cock spring free. Mat groaned at the sight, gathering your hair to pull it back for you.
“Wait,” Mat stops you, holding your hair back to stop you from putting your mouth on him. His finger traced your cheek, a look on his face you couldn’t quite read, “I just want to remember this, you look so beautiful right now.”
You could feel the heat rush your cheeks, Mat had called you to dozens of things but never once did the word beautiful ever slip through his lips, “You’re just saying that because I’m about to blow you.”
“No, baby, I mean it- fuck,” Mat groans, this thoughts halted by your mouth on his cock. His hips snapped up, hitting the back of your throat, “You’re so fucking good princess.”
You moan, hollowing your cheeks and gripping Mat’s thighs a little tighter, giving him the show you so desperately wanted. You head bobbed in a perfect rhythm, taking as much of Mat as your body could handle. Mat pushes your head back, taking a look at the line of spit that was still connected to his dick, your eyes were glassy and your throat was sore but Mat would keep you like that forever if he could, “Let me finish.”
“I’m in charge tonight,” Mat reminds you, the tone in his voice sent a chill up your spine. You knew Mat was rough, and a little demanding but he never crossed that line with you, “On your knees.”
“Like this?” You tease, sitting up on your knees to rile him up just a little bit more.
“More like this princess,” Mat stands behind you, gently pushing you down so your ass was in the air. He was quiet, bunching up his jersey so he could get a full view of the lingerie he went out and bought just for you, “Be good or I won’t let you cum pretty girl.”
Mat’s threat with a light smack to your ass, a moan escaping your lips. He slipped the black lace panties to the side, gliding one of his fingers against your folds while he pressed a kiss to your skin, “So wet for me already.”
“Only for you Mat,” The words tumbled out of your mouth, your eyes widening at your own confession.
Mat was thankful he was behind you, because if you saw the way his gaze changed from your words he’d never live it down. You looked so perfect, spread just for him. His jersey. His number. And in his own fantasy: his girl. He snapped himself back into reality, sliding into your pussy that was practically dripping in anticipation.
“Faster, fuck Mat please,” You whimpered out, trying to move yourself to get Mat to pick up the pace. He chuckled darkly, hips snapping back and forth until the only sound in the room was the string of curses leaving your mouth, “I’m close-”
Mat flipped you over before you could finish, his hand grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at him, “Tell me this pussy is mine.”
“Fuck I’m yours Mat,” You breath out, locking your eyes with his while it felt like time froze around you, “I’m yours.”
“Look at me when you cum baby,” Mat urges, his hand still gripping your chin. He picked up his place, making use of his other hand around your clit, “C’mon princess just for me.”
Your pussy fluttered around him, Mat letting out a groan while he tried to hold onto this moment for just a bit longer. He looked down at you, catching your breath from your own high. You hand snuck down to his cock, pumping it slowly, “Cum on me.”
Mat nods, letting you work on his dick with your hands while he nibbled at your neck. He was going to mark you up, make you remember who you belonged to because he so desperately wanted it to be him. He spilled onto your pussy, head pressed into your neck while he came down from his own high. You both laid there for a moment, your hand gently stroking Mat’s back while you both took a moment to think about what just happened. Mat was possessive in a way he’d never been before, and you ate it up without a second thought - that had to mean something right?
“I need to get back to my room,” you whisper, afraid to break the comfortable silence.
“I know,” Mat nods, finally picking his head up, “Keep the jersey, you might need it one day.”
“Your stupidity is honestly astounding,” You joke, brushing his hair out of his face while Mat’s face turned into a pout.
“Can I take you on a date?” Mat breathes out, hoping he wasn’t reading this the wrong way, “No games, no funny business, let me take you out.”
Say no. Say no and never call him again.
“One date,” You agree against your better judgement, pushing Mat away and looking around the room to find your sweats that you snuck into his room in, “Better make it a good one.”
Mat smiles, teeth on full display while he watched you slide your pants back on, “I’m the best at everything Y/N don’t forget that.”
“Goodnight Barz,” You tease, giving him one more look before you left his room.
The elevator ride down was quiet, most of the hotel’s occupants already asleep or still out partying the weekend away. For your sake, you hoped Chris would be fast asleep like the grandpa he was. You rushed down the hallway, Mat’s jersey still hanging loosely off your frame while you looked in your hand for your room key. Your search was stopped by a throat clearing behind you. You jump, turning around to see Chris’s eyes boring into you.
“You’ve got some explaining to do.”
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jamaisjoons · 5 years
intro: her XII ⤑ knj | m
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 you enter namjoon’s life in the most unexpected of ways, but will you be able to stay, especially when he comes with three adorable but chaotic children, even more chaotic best friends and a bitch of an ex-wife? not to mention your own emotional baggage. 〞singe dad au.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: single dad!namjoon x marine vet!reader
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: light angst ⋆ fluff
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 5k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: its basically just full of fluff, like nothing but fluff, reader is kinda stressed, but mostly fluff, minor possessive/jealous namjoon at the end
➵ 𝑎/𝑛: yeetHAW SURPRISE !! I managed to finish it off while on my break at work !! so here you go !!!
⏤ thank you to my love @shadowsremedy​ for beta reading this for me !
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Eyes strained from the hours of paperwork, you sink back into your seat before exhaling deeply, and rubbing your tired eyes, your shoulders deflate wearily. Lately, work has been even more exhausting than usual: the aquarium transferring two nurse sharks to the exhibit. However, as the head veterinarian, it meant that everything falls onto you to make sure it runs smoothly: that the sharks are healthy and well looked after, that they’ll acclimatise to their new tank properly, that they won’t undergo any major stress of any kind; just general things like that. Though, the last one was easier said than done. Moving and handling of any animals would cause them stress.
Taking another deep breath, you roll your shoulders - working out the kinks in them. Once done, you look back at the huge stack of paperwork. Thick manila files are piled one on top of each other - and all of them need to be read and signed. Different though they are, whether they be health records, or the transfer document or even just general admin work make up the stack - they all have one thing in common. Every single one of them mocks you ceaselessly; the foreboding tower reminding you of the amount of work you still have to complete.
Defeated sigh escaping your lips, you decide to get back to work. After all, lamenting your workload isn’t going to deplete it. Though, before you can start looking at the next file, your phone rings from beside you. With a side glance, you sneak a peek at the contact ID, only to perk up when your boyfriend’s name flashes across the screen. Work long forgotten, you automatically move to pick it up; your finger sliding across the screen as you answer the call.
“Joonie! Hey,” you answer enthusiastically. Already, you can feel the tension in your muscles fade - the sounds of Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook yelling while Namjoon hushes them instantly soothing you.
“Hey babe, do you know what time you’ll be done today?” Namjoon’s deep voice echoes across the receiver.
Eyebrows furrowing, you glance at the clock that hangs above the door to your office. Seeing the time, your eyes widen. It’s already half six; you were supposed to be done half an hour go. “Oh shit-” you breathe out, “I didn’t even realise the time. I’ve still got a bunch of work to do though,” you continue, almost despondently. It’s a Friday evening, which means that you have the weekend to look forward to - but, you can’t leave until you’ve completed at least the more important paperwork.
“Ah- okay. Will you be coming over or going home?” Namjoon asks.
You hear Jungkook yelling in the background, cries of ‘No! Come over,’ echoing across your speaker. Biting your lip, you stare at the pile of paperwork. Once again, it mocks you - letting you know you can’t clock out until it’s done - no matter how much you want to go home to Namjoon and the boys.
“I- I’m not sure. I may finish really late and I don’t want to disturb you or anything,” you reply, barely trying to hide the upset in your voice.
Hearing your tired, strained tone, “Come over Angel, we’ll have a quiet night in. It’s also Yoongi-hyung’s birthday tomorrow, so we’re probably going to do something,” Namjoon says. Face crumpling, you nod - a quiet night in with your boyfriend sounds just like the stress relief that you need.
“Babe?” Namjoon calls out.
Realising that he can’t see you, “Oh! Sorry- yes, that sounds great. I’ll come over when I’m done. Do we need anything for Yoongi’s birthday?” you ask, a slight frown on your face. The stress of work had clearly gotten to you - you had no idea that it was already Yoongi’s birthday. It seems like you were just celebrating Hoseok’s birthday yesterday. Not that you’d done much - he’d just wanted a quiet dinner; which of course, was easier said than done, when half the guests were toddlers.
“Hmmm no- although, Taehyung mentioned wanting to bake Yoongi-hyung a cake. But that sounds messy, and I don’t really know how to bake so,” Namjoon replies offhandedly.
Perking up immediately, “we can do that! Please, Joon? Can we bake? Pretty please?” you practically beg. Across the phone, Namjoon pauses, before you hear a soft laugh.
“Someone’s excited. But alright, we can do that. Well, you can. We both know I’m useless in the kitchen,” Namjoon answers. Suppressing a yelp of victory, you pump your fist in the air before stilling. Cheeks searing with the heat of embarrassment, you silently thank whatever guardian angel is watching you. At least your boyfriend hadn’t seen that. “Alright, I have to go. Taehyung wants a snack and he looks like he’s about to cry,” Namjoon continues.
Laughing, “well you better go then. If Tae cries, that’ll only set Chim off too,” you respond knowingly.
“Yeah, exactly. I’ll see you at home then,” Namjoon says. Then, with a sweet goodbye, he hangs up the phone.
Placing your phone back onto your desk, you turn back to the huge stack of paperwork. Invigorated by your conversation with Namjoon, and the thought of going home to your boyfriend and his sons - not to mention the prospect of baking - you suddenly feel a renewed fire in your stomach. Hastily, you grab the next file before you begin reading it. All of a sudden, you have a reason to finish up your work.
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As you’d planned, after you’d completed all the important paperwork, you’d gone home to grab your baking equipment before driving straight to your boyfriend’s home. Seeing the stress on your face late last night, Namjoon had gathered you into his arms before taking you to bed - the boys already being fast asleep by the time you had arrived. You remember Namjoon helping you change, and how attentive he’d been the entire night; however, you don’t remember falling asleep. As a matter of fact, the only thing that you do remember, is that you haven’t had such good sleep in over a week. Somehow, falling asleep in Namjoon’s arms, had melted all the stress of your hectic week and you’d woken up feeling completely refreshed.
Thus, you find yourself in Namjoon’s kitchen the next day. Namjoon sits at the kitchen counter, his laptop and various pieces of paper scattered on the surface as he tries to get some work done. Tried, being the keyword. Really, he’d given up a while back and instead, his eyes are glued to your figure as you flit about his kitchen. You’re still dressed in your pyjamas and, well, so is he. In fact, no one had really felt like getting changed, and so even his sons are still running about in last night’s clothing.
Still, his eyes rake over your figure. With your hair piled into a messy bun on the top of your head: stray flyaways flying about everywhere as you concentrate on baking Yoongi’s cake, and dressed in a pair of loose flannel bottoms and his hoodie: the large grey article of clothing hanging from your frame; you’re the epitome of comfort. Flour stains the material, and he can see little gooey strings of eggs in some spots. You’re nothing but an unkempt mess - but still, you look incredibly endearing.
Soft melodious music echoes through his speakers, your body softly swaying to the beat as you hum along to the tune and involuntarily, Namjoon finds his eyes softening at the utter ease in your figure. The sweet scent of vanilla wafts through the air, causing Namjoon’s mouth to water at the sugary, enticing smell. You’re in the middle of icing the cake - Namjoon’s eyes following your graceful movements as you cover the sponge with the creamy frosting.
Helpless under your enchantment, Namjoon decides to abandon his work: it’s not like he was getting anything done in the first place. Standing up from his seat, he crosses his kitchen and within a few moments, you feel your boyfriend behind you. Namjoon’s strong arms curl around you, his hands loosely resting on your hips. At the feel of his comforting presence, you instinctively relax further, your back moulding against his chest.
His head immediately drops down to your neck, his nose nuzzling the flesh as he presses his feathery kisses to the column of your throat. Feeling his plush lips brush over your supple flesh, “Joonie, stop that,” you giggle.
“No,” Namjoon pouts, pressing another kiss to your skin - this time just under the corner of your jaw.
Playfully batting his face - Namjoon narrowly dodging - “I’m trying to concentrate!” you reprimand, thought from the light laughter in your voice, Namjoon knows you’re not really mad. So, instead, he lets out his own teasing growl before squeezing your hips.
“So was I, but you distracted me. So, now I’m going to distract you,” he replies. You roll your eyes at his logic, but don’t say anything else. Rather, you return back to frosting your cake.
Namjoon steps a little closer to you, his arms snaking around your hips so he can hold you in his arms. You feel his large palms intertwine before resting against your lower abdomen. Softly, his body sways with yours, the two of you moving to the beat of the music. Namjoon knows he’s not the best dancer, yet, with you in his arms, he can’t help, but follow the gentle swaying of your body - the movement coming easily to him. Meanwhile, from beside the two of you, Taehyung’s little form peers over the edge of the counter, his little hands braced on the marble countertop as he pokes his head over the ledge. “What are you doing now?” he asks, his eyes following your movements curiously.
“I’m crumb coating the cake - so that none of the cake crumbs gets on the outside later on,” you reply without skipping a beat.
“Do you like baking, Noona?” Taehyung’s soft voice continues as he turns to you in intrigue. Breaking from your concentration while you run the stainless steel palette knife over the edge edges, you glance at Taehyung.
“Mhm, it’s one of my favourite things,” you reply. Taehyung nods his head, but turns back to the half iced cake. One eyebrow raising, you attempt to suppress a little giggle. “Do you want to help me, Tigger?” you ask. All of a sudden, Taehyung perks up before nodding enthusiastically.
From behind you, Namjoon uncurls his arms from your frame, only to pull one of the barstools closer before picking his son up and depositing him onto the cushion. Once he’s sure his son is safely on the stool, he turns back to you - only to be stopped when Jimin tugs at his trouser leg. Motioning to his father with grabby hands, Jimin looks at his father with wide eyes and a soft pout. Immediately, Namjoon bends over, and stepping to your side, easily lifts Jimin up into his arms.
Turning his eyes, Namjoon lets out a soft chuckle at the sight of his final child. Unbothered, Jungkook sits with his back to one of the cabinets - his eyes glued to the screen of his game and a bowl of snacks situated next to him. Unlike Jimin and Taehyung, it seems Jungkook couldn’t care less about the cake. Though, he supposes, it makes sense: since it was originally Taehyung’s idea - and Jimin always wanted to do whatever Taehyung did - and vice versa.
Namjoon turns back to you - just in time to see Taehyung reach over to grab the bowl of icing. However, in his son’s enthusiastic haste - he almost knocks into the cake. Acting on reflex, honed from years of chasing his troublemaking twins, Namjoon’s hand shoots out and steadies the cake - his fingers gripping the cake board to prevent it from toppling over.
Turning to his middle child, Namjoon looks at him with soft reprimanding eyes, “be careful, Taehyung, we don’t want to ruin ____’s hard work now, do we?” he says.
“Sorry, daddy,” Taehyung says sheepishly.
Seeing the slight pout, and the way his eyes darken, “It’s alright! We got it in time, didn’t we?” you say, winking at Taehyung while petting his hair. At your words, and realising you’re not mad at him, the sadness in Taehyung’s eyes fades away. Once he’s perked up, you angle the handle of the palette knife to Taehyung.
Eagerly, but with more restraint this time, Taehyung grabs the utensil from you. You help him dip it into the bowl of icing - then, wrapping your large hand around his, you both begin layering the frosting over the rest of the cake. With the two of you frosting the sponge, Namjoon and Jimin stand next to you both - Jimin pointing out different places that need more buttercream while Namjoon simply watches. Though, every now and then his eyes dart to the buttery icing, his mouth salivating at the mere sight of it.
Eventually, once the cake has been iced, you drop the palette knife back into the bowl before pushing it to the side. Unnoticed to you, Namjoon’s eyes follow the movement, his eyes lighting up when he notices a soft mound of the buttercream still left over. Briefly, he contemplates whether he can sneak some away from you and his sons - but that will have to come later.
Meanwhile, you cross the kitchen, and grab your bag of store-bought decorations. If you had more time, you’d consider making them yourself - but sadly, that wasn’t the case this time. Upending the bag, you scatter the boxes and packets across the counter. Immediately, Taehyung and Jimin squeal - their small pudgy hands moving to grab the different packets.
“This one!” they both shout simultaneously, holding up different packages of cake decorations. With a laugh, you nod at both of them.
Stepping back slightly, Namjoon watches as Jimin and Taehyung move in closer to you, their knees perched on the barstools as their hands and chests lean onto the counter. Taehyung’s face is a picture of concentration as he hands one of his embellishments while Jimin points out where you should put them before they swap, Jimin handing you one of his decorations and Taehyung pointing out where you should put it.
There’s no real rhyme or reason to the way the boys garnish the cake and shortly, it’s covered in a plethora of random decorations. Soon, both rainbow coloured and chocolate sprinkles clutter the top, various different embellishments, from chocolate buttons to sugar flowers, litter the cake edges sporadically; and the borders are piped in different sized peaks of soft buttercream. Namjoon knows you love to bake: you’d mentioned once in passing that you used to do it as a stress reliever during university, and he also knows that cake decorating is one of your favourite things: your Instagram feed chock-full of random pastry chefs and amateur bakers. Yet, you still listen to his sons - entertaining their chaotic creativity as you adorn the cake with a plethora of confectionary and colours.
Jungkook is the only one still not involved, by some surprise, and with a quick side glance, Namjoon sees his son’s eyes still glued to the screen of his game console, his hand reaching for his snacks every now and then. Realising both you, and all three of his sons, are otherwise preoccupied, Namjoon turns back to the bowl of icing left forgotten on the side of the counter. Instantly, his eyes light up, and with sneaking glances towards you and his sons, he licks his lips before turning back to the bowl.
Slowly, Namjoon steps away from you - moving purposely so as not to arouse your suspicions. For most of it, you barely notice him, too engrossed in your cake - however, his strange actions garner Jungkook’s attention. Putting his game down, Jungkook watches as his father sneaks across the kitchen, only to quietly pull out a spoon and dip it into icing. Slowly, Jungkook waddles to his father, eyes trained on the way Namjoon licks up the sugary cream from the spoon.
“Daddy, can I have some?” Jungkook asks as he tugs his father’s leg - trying to draw Namjoon’s attention.
“Okay, but don’t tell Noona,” Namjoon quietly whispers. Easily, he picks up his son, only to place him onto one of the seats before pushing the bowl towards him. Jungkook quickly nods - but doesn’t say anything else, instead, poking his little fingers into the frosting.
So engrossed in your cake, you barely notice Jimin sneak away - leaving you and Taehyung to your devices as he joins his father and younger brother. However, after a little while longer, Taehyung disappears as well. Nonetheless, you chalk it down to getting bored and continue to finish up the last of the cake. Once it’s done, you let out a little victory cheer before looking up. However, the first thing you notice, is that Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook’s fingers are all in the bowl, their lips stained with the white buttercream frosting.
“What are you doing? You know that’s basically all sugar - it’s not good for you. What would Namjoon say-” you automatically begin reprimanding. However, when you spot your boyfriend next to them, looking equally guilty - plush lips wrapped around a metal spoon - you let out a little sigh and shake your head. “You know what, he won’t say anything because I have a feeling he’s the reason you’re eating plain buttercream in the first place,” you continue, looking at him pointedly.
Immediately, the three boys nod.
“Daddy said not to tell you! It’s all his fault!” Jungkook says, pointing to his father.
“Yeah! Daddy said we could,” Taehyung chimes in. Swiftly, you pull your bottom lip between your teeth and bite down on it in order to suppress your giggle.
“I saw Daddy and Jungkook eating it, so I wanted to as well,” Jimin butts in.
“Jimin! Taehyung! Jungkook!” Namjoon gasps, looking at his sons in utter betrayal. The sight of his shocked eyes causes you to splutter, and then, immediately you’re laughing.
“Oh my god, they totally ratted you out,” you snicker. Across the counter, Namjoon pouts, his sons giggling to themselves too.
“I can’t believe this. My own sons sold me out to my own girlfriend,” Namjoon teasingly laments. With another snicker, you cross the kitchen and towards him. Standing in front of him, you wind your hands around his waist and leaning on your tiptoes, you kiss the tip of his nose.
“It’s what you deserve, letting them eat plain sugar like that,” you answer, your eyes twinkling with mischief. Naturally, Namjoon’s arms wrap around you as he draws you closer to him.
Dipping his head down, he brushes his lips against yours, causing you to gasp. Reflexively, you poke your tongue out to lick your lips and a breathy moan falling from your mouth when you taste the sweetened vanilla on your lips. “It’s not funny, my love. I’m really hurt, you know. Will you kiss it better?” Namjoon asks, a roguish smile curling onto his lips. His warm breath fans across your face, your eyes fluttering as the saccharine aroma of both Namjoon and the buttercream wafts through your nose.
Breath hitching in your throat, your hands trail up his chest to curl around his neck, pulling him closer to you. “It’s a figurative hurt, where am I supposed to kiss?” you reply cheekily, your own eyes twinkling with mischief as you look up at him through the thick of your lashes.
Once again, Namjoon hums. It’s deeper this time, however - a little more sensuous. “I think I know,” he replies. Then, without giving you any time to think about it, his lips descend onto yours.
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Cake box in one hand, and Jungkook holding your other, you walk into the lobby of JinHit’s building - Namjoon ushering in his twins behind you. As soon as you get in, you notice Seokjin and Hoseok standing, speaking to each other.
“Hyung!” Taehyung calls out, tugging on his father’s hand as he tries to run towards them. Immediately, Seokjin and Hoseok turn around, greeting the five of you with a wave.
“Oh wow, did you buy a cake?” Seokjin asks, peering at the white cake box in curiosity.
Immediately, “Noona baked it! Hyungie and I helped!” Jimin says proudly, a bright smile on his face.
Hoseok quirks his eyebrows, “did you now? And where was Jungkookie in all of this?” he questions, turning to the youngest.
“Playing games,” Jungkook simply shrugs, not thinking anything of it. His deadpan answer causes Hoseok and Seokjin to laugh before they nod.
“Alright, and I assume you just watched?” Seokjin chuckles while clapping Namjoon on the back.
Before he can reply, “watched? More like distracted me and then ate the rest of the icing,” you snort - once again looking at him pointedly. Namjoon’s mouth curls, his ears burning bright red as he pouts.
“Oh yeah, that makes sense,” Hoseok replies, nodding sagely, “did he try eating sugar out of the spoon again?” he continues. Both you and Seokjin snicker, Namjoon letting out a sigh of exasperation.
“Can we just go? We’re here to celebrate Yoongi’s birthday, not make fun of me,” Namjoon pouts, a slight whiny tone to his voice. Seeing the sheepishness in his eyes, you adjust the cake box in your hold before shuffling closer and kissing his jaw in comfort. Head angling down to you, Namjoon smiles softly in thanks before returning your kiss - his lips brushing against your temple.
“Gross,” Hoseok gripes playfully, causing both you and Namjoon to stick your tongues out at him.
“Alright, alright. Let’s go, Yoongi’s probably wondering where we are,” Seokjin says - playing peacemaker in Yoongi’s stead. Then, he gestures the lot of you to follow him.
Contrary to Seokjin’s words, however, Yoongi was in no way waiting for you. Walking into the meeting room upstairs, you come to an empty room - Seokjin letting out a sigh of frustration. “God damn it! I told him to meet us here. Did he forget?” Seokjin grouses, his eyebrows furrowing in exasperation.
“Knowing hyung, he’s still in his studio,” Hoseok points out. His words, however, only causes Seokjin to let out a sigh of frustration.
“Let’s just go to his studio,” he replies before ushering you out of the room. Once again, he navigates the lot of you through the various corridors of the building - before you come upon a large wooden door. A gold plaque hangs on it, the words ‘Genius Lab’ embossed in black on the metal plate.
Aggressively, Seokjin begins knocking - practically banging his fist against the door. “Yah! Min Yoongi! Did I not tell you to be in the meeting room?” he yells. Instantly, the door swings wide open, Yoongi standing in the doorway.
Quirking an eyebrow, “I was waiting - but you’re like ten minutes late - so I decided to do some work,” Yoongi replies, his face passive as usual.
“Sorry, there was a bit of traffic,” you apologise with a small bow. Yoongi opens his mouth to reply, however, before he can say anything, Namjoon’s sons are running up to him.
Jimin and Taehyung wrap their arms around each one of his legs, Jungkook standing between them and winding his own arms around Yoongi’s waist. “Yoonie hyung! Happy birthday!” they sweetly chorus at the same time. Immediately, Yoongi’s face softens, and instinctively, he pets their heads, a shy smile on his face while he nods at them.
A bright grin plastered onto his face, “Noona, Hyungie and I baked you a cake!” Jimin says proudly, causing you to shyly hold up the cake box. Yoongi’s eyes twinkle slightly before he’s stepping to the side. Taking his cue, you all quickly enter his studio.
Swiftly, you unbox the cake, and while Hoseok holds it up - you sing happy birthday. The entire time, Yoongi’s cheeks are bunched up under his eyes, his bright gummy smile on display while he bounces in place. After you’re done, and Yoongi’s cut his cake, everyone sporadically finds seats around Yoongi’s studio. Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung sit on the floor, the younger twin in the older man’s lap as Jimin happily eats his cake beside them. Seokjin sits on the sofa, Jungkook in his father’s lap - leaving you to sit on the sofa arm besides Namjoon.
“So, are you working on anything interesting?” you ask, idly chewing on your cake while addressing Yoongi.
Nodding, “I’m actually working on a new song - do you want to hear?” Yoongi asks. Eyelids blowing wide open, you freeze in place before your jaw drops open.
“A-Are you sure?” you stutter out. Was he really offering you an exclusive sneak peek of his future track? God, sometimes you really forget that your, now, closest friends are huge musical celebrities. Sure, your own boyfriend is a famous rapper, as is Hoseok, but other than that discussion about their upcoming tour, you’ve never really gotten involved with their jobs. Namjoon rarely tended to bring it up at home, wanting to focus more on his sons and your relationship. Besides, Yoongi had always been your favourite rapper - and just the thought of getting to listen to a demo of his song has your heart racing.
“Earth to ____?” Seokjin says, waving his hand in front of your face with a playful laugh. Quickly, you bat his hand away before glaring at him with a pout, your cheeks heating from embarrassment.
“Look at her! She’s blushing like a little girl, oh my god,” Hoseok begins taunting, then he pauses. “Wait- didn’t you mention Yoongi is your favourite rapper when we first met?” he asks, a knowing smirk curling onto his face.
Features twisting into a scowl, you sneer at him, “well it’s definitely not you. You’re too mean to me,” you snidely reply, before sticking your tongue out.
Wincing jokingly, “ouch, you really wound me, ____” Hoseok dramatically sighs, clutching his heart and shaking his head.
“It’s because I’m the nicest to her,” Yoongi chimes in, nodding sagely.
“Hey! I’m nice to her,” Hoseok yells in indignation.
However, ignoring Hoseok, “Wait- Yoongi, are you sure I can listen?” you ask, remembering Yoongi’s first question.
He turns back to you before nodding and rolling his chair a little to the side. “Yeah, come on,” Yoongi beckons. Eyes lighting up with joy, you shoot off the sofa and over to him in an instant.
The moment you move, Namjoon blinks at the unexpected movement. The entire time Hoseok had teased you, he’d felt a little upset. Of course, he’d always known Yoongi is your favourite rapper - and he’d never begrudge you for it. Nonetheless, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t just a little upset that he’s not your favourite. Gaze trained on you, Namjoon watches as Yoongi pressed one of the headphone speakers to his ear, offering the other to you, before opening up the track and clicking play.
As soon as the beat begins, your eyebrows knit together, your lips a firm line. He knows the expression well: very rarely do you bring home paperwork - both of you prefer to keep work out of your relationship - but the few times you have, he’s watched that exact same expression of concentration, your pen flitting over the papers. Every now and then, your eyes twinkle, a short gasp falling from your lips as you nod to the beat. Unable to help himself, Namjoon cannot stop the swell of jealousy, sadness and a slight twinge of possessiveness that wells up inside him.
When you shuffle a little closer to Yoongi, your ears pressed together as you share the headphones, Namjoon knows he can’t watch anymore. Quietly, he passes Jungkook over to Seokjin before shuffling out of the room. Hoseok and Seokjin look at each other, exchanging a brief knowing glance between themselves. As soon as you spot Namjoon’s movement from the corner of your eye, before you watch him softly slam the door shut, you draw away from Yoongi.
Turning to the other two, “Is he okay?” you ask, your eyebrows knotting together in concern.
“I think he’s a little jealous,” Seokjin replies softly. For a moment, you almost dismiss him, until you see the seriousness in his eyes.
“What? Why?” you ask, confusion lacing your voice.
“Just watching you and Yoongi, maybe? Like we all know there’s nothing going on, but like, yeah,” Hoseok tries explaining, rubbing the back of his head. “He’s probably a little mad too,” he continues. Seeing your face fall, Hoseok quickly shakes his head, “Not at you! At himself for feeling the way he is- he’s probably just trying to control himself and needed a breather,” he finishes. Placated by Hoseok’s words, you nod, knowing he’d never lie to you. However, his words don’t stop your heart clenching in your chest, your stomach dropping. You’d never wanted to make him feel upset - or jealous.
“I think I’ll go speak to him,” Yoongi cuts in, already getting up from his seat. Quickly, you shake your head, already shooting up to your feet.
“No!” you abruptly interject. Shuffling over to the cake, you cut a large piece of it before placing it on a paper plate. “It’s okay. I think it’d be better if I go. Watch my boys for me yeah?” you say once you're done, before shooting out of the room, not even waiting for a response.
The moment the door slams shut, the three of them turn to each other. “Do you think she noticed she used ‘my’ or…?” Seokjin asks.
With a wistful smile, “No, I don’t think she did,” Yoongi replies, shaking his head fondly.
“Well, looks like your Noona may become your mommy soon,” Hoseok chimes in as he directs his attention to the boys.
Ecstatically, Taehyung turns in Hoseok’s lap, looking at the older man in wide-eyed wonder. Standing up in his lap - Hoseok wincing when the entirety of his weight pushes down on his legs - Taehyung presses his pudgy hands against Hoseok’s cheeks before squishing them together, “Really?” the toddler asks, his voice full of excitement and hope.
Laughing, Hoseok nods his head in Taehyung’s hold, “really,” he replies. Seokjin and Yoongi nodding along to his sentiment.
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a/n: this was actually supposed to have smut in it but like it got so long without it that i’ve just decided that the next chapter will be solely smut 🤡 so owo look forward to that !! whenever it comes out !!
Kofi | Masterlist
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Two More Bedrooms
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The baby is on his way and who better to help you through slow labor then nurse Paige!
Warnings: Swearing, Graphic birth sort of?, Terribly Written Birthing Scenes, Fluff! and humor
A/N: So this is the last one of these for a while guys got a few other things I want to concentrate on however I did enjoy writing this one had a right laugh! any way I hope you enjoy as always xx
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @thatgirly81​ @angelofthorr @iloveyouyen​ @sofiebstar​ @thefangirlsblog​
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Henry opened the boot of the car with a groan. It was go time. Well not really he had finally got back from filming late. It was late October and he was running around doing his fatherly duty of putting together the furniture for his sons nursery. His son. Each time he said it he got a huge wave of fatherly pride. He was having a little boy, he would be here in a matter of days! Well he was due in just under ten days. Henry was ecstatic. And behind he had a lot of things to get done. Starting with the cot. You had been terrified that he wouldn't be home in time and it was to late in the pregnancy to fly out to him either and you'd already sorted out your birthing plan here! To say you'd got yourself in a state was an understatement especially with the drama at the nursery, but Henry was here now he had taken care of everything!. He heaved the first heavy box up the stairs you and Paige watching from the sidelines neither of you had let him see the nursery on the phone wanting to keep it a secret. As tempting as it was to do a dc theme you'd decided against it.
Paige wanted a 'zoo room' and well to be honest it was a better idea then your 'generic pale blue'. He walked into the large room smiling you'd both done a hell of a job...so some of the mural was tilted and out of line, he didn't care it was Paige's first time helping to hang wallpaper and he was damn proud of his little nugget!
It was incredible the largest back wall was a custom wallpaper mural it was a white background with strategically placed palm trees jungle vines an 'life sized' elephants, giraffes ,zebras you name it! In the trees there was monkeys and various brightly coloured parrots perched and in flight. The floor was sanded leaving it a lighter oak and the rest of the walls painted a very light sage colour. There was boxes and boxes of toys, soft furnishings and essentials packed n the far corner including  a five foot tall giraffe teddy that Paige had wanted to buy the baby...That was just one of her many gifts to him.
Henry loved it and had praised the both of you for what you had achieved. Finally four trips later he had retrieved all of the furniture and it was now time to assemble. Moving he quickly unclipped his drill box flipping it open then turned when he heard the door open and saw Paige peeking in, she had a bowl of cut grapes and apples with her, he smiled you must have gave her snacks to come an watch.
"Hey Nugget..You want to help?" She nodded and walked over to him and sat down next to him still in her pajamas even though it was two in  the afternoon. She had been relaxing with you on the sofa watching tv She watched carefully as he began to pull out the flat packed crib from the box.
"Hold the box for me okay..one..two..three....there we go!...see can you guess what this is?" She looked at it skeptically humming.
"Cot?" Henry chuckled nodding.
"That’s right this will be the cot and we have a changing table a wardrobe  and chest of drawers to make....then We have to get the rocking chair from the snug in here....Do you know where everything is supposed to go in here?" She nodded popping another grape in her mouth then offered hi one. He smiled plucking a red grape from the top.
"Good because mummy isn't allowed in here until we are done!" She giggled at him and began the hard task of supervising him.
Remarkably everything was much easier to put together then last time ...though he didn't wing it this time and read the instructions which Henry has decided he will do in the future, everything ran smoothly. Paige was giddy as she got to help make the furniture. Henry had held the drill a few times letting her pull the trigger and she was over the moon. Henry had given her a little lesson on drill bits and proper safety showing the little girl how it worked and she had loved it, he thinks it was less about the lesson and more about having one on one time with her dad. It was nearly three hours later but finally the room was done he and Paige had even unpacked the baby clothes. You had broke down in tears seeing the finished room, it was beautiful and calming. The wood of the furniture was all a mix of white painted and oak that was only one shade darker then the floor. 
It was now four days to go. The nursery had been moved about every single day. You were nesting, it frustrated you, you needed to clean but the 'cavillry' had been on your case not letting you do anything. You just couldn't explain it, you wanted to hoover,mop,dust, clean, wipe! You wanted to nitpick! You just... you was on edge you could feel it, he was close so close to being here but you couldn't settle. Thankfully though Henry being home meant you didn't have to worry about much you were all ready!
Henry gulped...well shit if you wasn't on edge before you would be now if you found out. 'She'd be raging' He had just realized he hadn't packed a bag. Fuck. He now had to covertly pack this thing without you finding out he had forgot...he needed a sneaker.
"Paige! Can you come here a moment poppet?!" The little girl came into your Shared bed room.
"Yes Daddy?"
"Right...Daddy messed up....and i need your help can you be sneaky for me today?"
"Sneaky daddy?" He nodded
"Yes we need to get mummy's hospital bag ready! And daddy forgot so i need you to help me get all the things we need for when your brother gets here....can you do that poppet?"
"Okay daddy whats first?” and so began a morning of creeping around the house trying to pack the bag he had said was packed three days ago. Paige he been caught stealing the baby wipes but finally everything was laid out on the bed.
"Right nugget it looks like we did it now the final check okay."
"Tag on the bag? Check, wet wipes nappies-"
"Wow daddy will he be this tiny?" Henry chuckled nodding as Paige placed the tiny nappy in the bag on top of the others
"Yes nugget so tiny and cute...I truly can’t wait for him to get here, your going to love him! And hold him and snuggle him"
"I-I get to cuddle?" He nodded sitting beside her on the bed
"Oh yes baby girl! You can have as many cuddles as you want! You are his big sister...When he grows up he is going to learn a lot for you, you get to play with him  teach him your games and how to grow the fruit in the garden and teach him to walk and talk, your going to be so close baby girl...your- your baby brother wont be just a brother...But a best friend for life!" She grinned wide still smoothing her little fingers over the small pamper.
"Now what else-ah bottles, formula, cool scarves check check check....reusable sanitary pads witch hazel check double check...wheat cushion and sports bottle..where the - Paige is Mummy’s sports bottle in there?" She dug around to the bottom and nodded
"Uhuh its there daddy and juice!"
"Good right then its just the baby grow! And I know that's in the front pocket! Woohoo we are all done!" Paige shook her head frowning
"No-No daddy wheres the snuggy! He will need his snuggy I got him A snuggy daddy!" Henry smiled at her.
"I know baby girl but Mummy and I think its better if you gave it to him when you meet, then he knows its from you" at that Paige calmed down...
"Really Daddy? I can give it to him...will he like my snuggy?" Henry nodded to her zipping up the bag and picked her up placing her on his hip.
"Absolutly baby he will love it...Its the wolf one mummy showed me isn’t it?" She nodded as Henry moved out of the bed room and down the stairs.
"I thought so a very good choice nugget, so soft and small enough he will be able to hold it straight away, you keep it close to the door when me and mummy go and daddy will come and get you when he is here. You remeber what we said?"
"That-that you and mummy go to hospital and get him out then I can see him in the hospital after!" Henry placed the bag by the front door so he just had to grab it on the way out when the time came.
"Forgot the chargers" Henry jumped up
"What-hey sweety what are you doing up and about thought you were in the den reading?"
"You think I wont notice my own husband and daughter skulking about the house all day collecting things?..... Come on move knew you hadn't packed idiot..." you moved over to the bag placing two chargers in the side pocket then stood up right kissing him on the cheek as he blushed at being caught out.
"Daddy does Mummy know everything that happens...." he chuckled watching as you waddled back towards the kitchen muttering something about pickled eggs.
"Yes baby yes she does...we are...bad a sneaking I think"
"We need to get better at it daddy" he nodded to his eldest and followed you to the kitchen hoping you wasn't angry, but by the soft giggles he doubted it
"I can hear you two you know! There will be no more sneaking about now come have some lunch!"
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Lunch was a bad idea! You groaned holding your stomach rubbing the taught muscles, sure you had twitches but fuck! You thought they were braxton hicks! You had them for three days none stop about a week before Paige was finally born. But no you were slowly realizing that this might be it!
You rolled onto your side holding your tummy as another slightly powerful contraction pulled Kal had just left the room barking and you could hear henry stampedeing throught the house to your side Paige running in a few moments behinde...Dressed as a nurse...Oh for fuck sake...Why the hell did he get her the nurse set!
"Babe! Oh god babe are you? is it time?!" You shook your head and held out your hands signaling him to help you sit up he did kneeling before you
"Is...Is it the baxtons again? Have they started?" You took a deep breath.
"I...I don't think so had them on and off for the past few days but they are getting worse...I think I'm in slow labor can't do anything yet, gotta wait it out!" Paige interrupted by putting her 'baby headphones' on which was her toy stethoscope on your tummy and nodding
"He wants to come out got to hospital" you and Henry laughed at her.
"Oh my god haha! Paige-y Poppet!"
"Nurse Paige Daddy...I'm a nurse today!" you calmed down
"Well your right nurse Paige he is on his way...But we have to wait until he is just about to come out until we go to the hospital...A few more hours at least..Not only that I'm not leaving this house till I’ve fucking pooped! And have a coffee Henry...don't need to falling asleep again!"
"Again...Mummy have you did this before?" You and Henry shared a look.
"Yes baby with you....You were in my tummy and we went to the hospital and got you out..daddy passed out cos he looked
"I did not look woman! It was stress! And low blood sugar!" Paige meanwhile was quiet trying to process the fact that she had come out of you....The little girl knew she was in your tummy at one point but never gave it much thought....
"You-you I'm not poop am I? You didn't poop me out did you mummy?....Rose still says you poop out babies I don't want to be a poo!" You smiled at her and chuckled.
"No poppet your not poop? You were a baby just like your brother will be...but mummy does need to try poop before she leaves"
"You want a coffee mummy? You can't poo until after coffee...Daddy make mummy a coffee so she can poo and go get my brother" Henry chuckled and saluted
"Yes nurse Paige...do we still have decaf love?." You nodded to him smiling
"Yes thank you love I'm gonna get changed then I will be down" he hummed
"Nurse stay with your mum...come get me if anything happens okay poppet?" She nodded and 'helped' you up towards the stairs.
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The coffee did not work as time ticked on it became clear that you was definitely in labor, the pains were bad and contractions worse then you remembered. You sat there on the toilet determined that you would empty your bowels before leaving but you were cutting it close. Your waters were slowly trickling now, but your adamant you can last you are not shitting yourself during birth! You held the side of the tub cringing at the harsh tugs of your muscles as your body tried moving the baby lower. You squinted trying to forget the pain and focus on the task at hand it was hard to go with Paige standing at the door with Kal.
"Paige?...Can mummy poop in peace?"
"Yes" you gasped as another wave started and curled over on yourself.
"....Alone maybe?" Her face lit up and she smiled
"OOOH alone? no"  your face dropped what?
"Paige please?" You begged really needing her to understand and leave you to it like Henry was, though you suspected he was at the top of the stairs listening out
"...No mummy you need a nurse here in case...Me and Kal are nurses" oh for fuck sake
"Incase of what baby?"
"..If you push to hard you might poop out the baby..." you sighed rolling your eyes trying to control your tone not wanting to scream at her but at the same time you wanted a fucking shit in peace!
"Paige I promise I wont poop out the baby"
"But daddy said he's coming" you growled fisting your hands having just about enough as another contraction began pulling at you, really you should be on your way to the hospital already.
"Paige honey...I promise you I will not poop out your brother...But mummy really really needs to go and your putting me off..."
"Okay mummy..." she turned around and patted Kal
"Come on Kal turn around mummy can't poop when your watching"
"Paige please go downstairs"
"No mummy...Just poop already! Its okay if its smelly...I've been to the toilet after you before...And we got this see?" She waved a small can of air freshener that you failed to notice until then okay right that's it!
"Oh for fuck sake-BABE! COME COLLECT YOUR OFSPRING!" Paige blinked confused as Henry came in and collected her, scooping her up sheepishly.
"Come on nugget! Lets got double check the bag...Micah and his mummy will be here soon..."
"But daddy mummy needs me! I'm a nurse!" He shushed her and turned to you.
"Their five minuets away babe might want to wrap this up-"
"GET THE FUCK OUT I NEED A SHIT!!!" You swear for a second you really was married to Clark kent at the speed he left the bathroom as you flung a bottle of bubble bath at the closed door.
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What felt like a few moments later you were being ushered out of the door by Fran giving Paige and Kal kisses promising to see them soon. You and Henry pulled away from the house in silence tense and excited.
"You ready?" All he got was a loud groan in reply as you gripped the door and dashboard you had left it to late
"H-henry put your fucking foot down! He is comeing fast!" Started by the change in tone he did as asked flooring it, the hospital was only five minutes away thankfully livjng on the same side of town was ta god send.
"Fuck babe are you- why didn't you say anything inside!? It he that close?!"
"Do-did you go for the epidural? Can they?-"
"ITS TO LATE! JUST OHHHHH FUUUCKING HELL NO!" your groans got higher and louder as the pain and awful need to push became almost to much to bare.That did the trick. Henry soon realized that you were in the middle of active labor.
"What the fuck? babe why didn't you say something?! breath breath remeber-"
"I AM FUCKING BREATHING!!! IF NOT ID BE FUCKING DEAD....oh fuck me- sorry babe these things hit hard...I didn't ant to worry you or Paige be he wants out now- OOOHHH GOD NOO FUAUHGK JUST FUCKING TOOT THAT CUNT GO AROUND HIM HENRY?! GET OUT OF THE WAY ASSHOLE! PUSHING A BABY OUT HERE!!"
"Babe the windows open-"
"FUCK THE WINDOW MY FUCKING CERVIX IS OPEN!!oooh and done wow...You know I'm done after this one...Fucking done" You pressed back into the seat taking deep breaths laughing in delight as the hospital came into veiw patting your tummy
"okay...okay breath this is it baby boy~ fUUUCK ME! Auggghhh! no don't that's whats got us here", Henry tried not to laugh but he couldn't hold it he chuckled as he sped past the barriers and skidded to a stop by the maternity unit swearing
"Fuck fuck fuck HELP HE'S COMING FAST!!! okay bag bag and plan- we have the birthing plan- whats the birthing plan babe?!" he panicked as you both made it into reception you doubled over legs spread wide baring down as the contraction built in strength.
"TO GET HIM OUT- THAT’S THE FUCKING PLAN FUCK THIS WAS SO MUCH BETTER WITH A FUCKING EPIDURAL-!" suddenly seeing what was happening you were whisked into a room by midwives that already knew this baby was coming much faster then expected.
You were quickly placed on the bed legs spread and a midwife checking she swore and pressed a button above you on the bed raising an alarm. she turned to Henry asking him questions
"Dad? this your first baby?"
"No second, our second" he lifted your papers as you screamed out again he was panicked
"Okay right was it a natural birth last time?" Henry nodded to the woman then suddenly there was two younger women in the room
"Shes crowning fast, the baby will be here in a matter of minuets okay...I need a bassinet, blanket tools the lot, get those notes off dad and get a ecg in here I want baby's heart rate!...Right dad you with me? good up here hold her hands there's no time for pain meds this baby wants out now!" you groaned holding Henry's hands tight swearing panting
"Its-He's coming! he will be here soon" you had a holter monitor on your tummy and there was another alarm pinging you looked to one of the younger women who had brought in the .
"What-whats that? is everything okay? is he okay?"
"Yes ...Your baby is just a little stressed out okay? nothing to worry about love its just that your in the end of labor already " she quickly moved around
"Right Mrs Cavill take some deep breaths for me darling...Okay in...Out good and again....Good right your baby is right here...Can you feel my fingers? Yes? that’s their head right there sweetheart now I need you to push okay? on the next contraction as hard as you can its really important okay-" you pushed with all your might but noting he didnt move, the woman tensed.
"Okay...Right Mr Cavill she doesn't have any blood condition's does she? hiv? anemia?" Henry shook his head
"No-no she hasn't why?"
"Right okay get them over here...Right Mrs Cavill I’m going to have to cut you my love" you screeched shaking your head
"N-NOO PLEASE-please don't I can do it- please" henry tooka few secons to catch up...They were going to cut you? cut your-Oh god! he moved forward holding you tight trusing the midwives to do their job, they new more about this then the both of you.
"Shh shh I know its not nice but the baby is stuck honey their shoulder is trapped my love if you keep pushing you could hurt him so just one tiny little snip and he will be here okay?" you whined crying into Henry nodding who relayed the message as the woman was already poised with the...Terrifying scissors between your legs.
"Yo-you pro-mise?"
"I promise, you wont feel a thing it will be so quick, and after we will get you a nice morphine drip how does that sound? but right now the baby needs to be out asap, you left it to long to get here, if they wasn't stuck you'd have had them in the car on the way here in the car!"
"She wouldn't leave the house till she went a loo... Didn't want to poop giving birth" the midwife rolled her eyes.
"oh sweet pea we have seen it all before, okay now ready, as soon a this contraction it over you will have your little baby I promise you love" you nodded reaching for Henry who curled over you holding your hands kissing your face
"Henry I’m scared! don't pass out-don't fucking pass out Henry! I need you please please stay with me!"
"I'm here! I'm with you love...I'm not going anywhere just think our little boy!" you nodded and screamed loud as your final contraction came on building then- nothing the burning pain was all you felt then a loud sigh of relief as your son was born.
"There we go I told you! Well done! A little boy! congratulations!" you wept as the midwife held him higher for you to see and burst out crying. Henry couldn't believe it! his son his little boy was right there! he could see him hear him!
"Dad...ready here cut just there" Henry held the scissors cutting the tiny baby from his mother the room was full with the cries of the newborn.
"C-can I pass out now?" you slapped at him watching as the midwife called out time of birth.
"And that is Cavill, male, born at three minuets past seven pm October thirtieth..ooo nearly a halloween baby~"
"He was due November third...Four days early" Henry added wiping tears from his eyes watching as they washed him up and measured and weighed him.
"Well no wonder you had to be cut lovey! he is a big boy! 9lb 9 ounces! and 22 inches in length...definitely going to take after his daddy!...Okay okay here we go fussy little monkey~" Henry was handed your son first as you were being stitched up and a morphine drip being inserted, you didn't feel anything other then shock. he was here...your baby your little man! Henry froze looking at the bundle.
"He is so...Perfect! I-I can't-love he is" you nodded leaning over as Henry sat down shushing him rocking the boy gently. The nurse who had finished putting in the canular and started the drip came over.
"Would you like me to take some pictures? first cuddles?" you both nodded handing her Henry's phone and posed with your son...Son you had a son he was here...and a noisy little bugger if you did say so yourself. Henry handed him to you pressing kissed you your head
"Thank you so much my love! you've made me the happiest man on the planet!" the nurse took some more photos then you were left alone. You both sat in awe of the little boy as you held him steady feeding him quietly rocking.
"you want a coffee love? and I will call Fran get her to bring over Paige" you nodded then looked to the bag
"Did you bring?"
"Yes I did they are in there wrapped up and ready I will be back in when they get here...Want some snacks to?" you nodded
"A coconut late with extra syrup...Double shot oh and some milky bar! the big one and some monster munch!" he nodded already on the phone to Fran to deliver the good news.
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Twenty minuets later there was a knock on the door and in came Henry Paige was uncharacteristically hiding behind him unsure of herself, he must have told her to keep quiet. she tiptoed in and stood at the bed on tip toes trying to peek."I-Is he here? where is he Mummy?" you moved the blanket letting her see the blue bundle.
"Henry lift her up-Oh hi Fran?" you nodded smiling noticing she was filming the siblings meeting. Henry hoisted Paige to sit next to you she was scared stiff just looking eyes fixed on her brother. she looked to you then the baby.
"He's mine? my baby brother...He is so small daddy look at his little fingers" Henry smiled to her nodding getting all choked up already.
"Y-yes baby girl he is very small...The nurses said he is going to be tall tho...Well aren't you going to give him the snuggy you got?" Paige bit her lip and tentatively crawled over you him crouching
"I-I can touch him...He wont cry" Henry chuckled at her worried expression.
"He shouldn't do baby and if he does its just because he is a tired little baby!" slowly she made her move, moving to give him the toy placing it near his tiny hand, once he felt the softness his hand clenched around it.
That was when Paige lost it, almost as if realizing that he was a real baby, not a toy the flood gates opened and she quickly moved in over her brother crying softly into his blanket trying to cuddle him softly you rubbed her back as she was overwhelmed sobbing quietly to herself rocking slightly.
"H-hi B-baby...I-I'm you b-big sister" you and Henry smiled to each other knowingly tears welling up fast any doubts you'd had vanished as Paige coddled the tiny boy. You moved nodding for her to come sit on your side.
"Come on poppet time for his big sister to get a cuddle!" she gasped looking up wiping her eyes.
"R-really I can ho-hold him? but I th-thought dad-dy just said that to-to make me fe-eel better" Henry shook his head moving to stand beside you both so Paige as in the middle
"No of course not sweet pea...now here this is for you  little lady" she blinked looking from you to Henry
"Yes love a present's from the baby to you see? here open it see what he got you". you watched as she opened the gifts, one was a small wolf teddy that looked a little like the snuggy Paige had just given her brother, the other was a worlds best big sister t-shirt. she looked around stunned
"Daddy- Mummy look- look he likes wolves...Just like my snuggy I got him- see its almost the same daddy look look!" Henry smiled at her chuckling
"I see that princess..not what about this one here~" she tore open the paper holding the t-shirt
"A-a T-shirt daddy whats it say?"
"It says worlds best big sister! see he already knows your going to be the best big sister! want to put it on?" she nodded already having he top half off before he even asked once dressed in her new top you decided it was time for cuddles and pictures you both moved her little arms so she could support him properly.
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You all smiled as Fran stood by and took a few snaps with Henry's phone tears streaming. Paige looked down in awe as the child wriggled she looked up alarmed.
"No- Mummy I didn't-"
"shh shh its okay see he is just waking up...It must be your snuggy he wants to have a look~" Paige watched in fascination as her brother opened his eyes yawning at her.
"Soo? what the little ones name?" Fran finally asked buzzing with excitement
"Silas...Silas Cavill" Paige quirked a brow and shook her head.
"No-no Daddy I don't like it" you and Henry burst out laughing.
"Well I'm sorry nugget that's on his birth certificate nothing we can do now-" Henry tried to explain but was cut off
"Rub it out you did it in pencil didn't you?"
"I'm afraid not Paige, He is called Silas" Paige huffed looking down at Silas bouncing him a little.
"Oookaayy but the next one is a girl and I’m naming it" you and Henry blinked
"W-what Paige-y?"
"The next baby is a girl and I wanna call it Pearl...so its Paige and Pearl." Henry waved his hands in the air exhausted by his eldest.
"Unbelievable- Paige how about we see how you and Silas get on-"
"No daddy go have sex I want a sister- there are two more bedrooms at home!" you burst out laughing as Paige said this whilst rocking Silas slowly before kissing him on the cheek.
"My baby brother...I love you and cant wait for you to meet Kal...He is a bit like a wolf...And bear so your going to love him!...He is loud sometimes but he is a good boy" you tilted your head before going to take Silas back but Paige whined and twisted him away.
"N-no mine my brother! I want to hold him longer" you and Henry shared a look and sighed choosing to let her hold him until her arms were tired.
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Fran walked over taking a quick peek at the baby before handing Henry his phone giving him a quick hug which he returned.
"Here I best be off congratulation the two of you, I'm so happy for you all"
"Thanks again for watching Paige...You sure you don't want a cuddle before you go?"
"No no let Paige have her snuggles I'm sure I will get a cuddle soon see you soon" Henry moved sitting at the bottom of the bed watching his family happily. Before flicking through the pictures readying one for twitter and family. He chose one that melted his heart Paige staring down at Silas with you and Henry staring at each other smiling, glowing with pride, Silas' face was partly hidden. he posted the photo announcing to the world he was the proud father of two healthy children, life couldn't get any better then this! Henry was on cloud nine...But Paige did have a point...There was two more spare rooms, Henry will give it a few months before bringing it up. But for everything he was worth he had a feeling you'd be pregnant by the end of next year. Paige was spoilt in a sense and he just can't refuse his little princes and Sister was now on the list he would try not to disappoint.
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Self-Esteem-Dean Winchester
Summary: Driver Picks the Music. Shotgun Shuts Their Cakehole.
Requested by: @jenniferlostthewar-84- “ Can I have a request for Dean Winchester? The reader is dating him and is close to Sam, she gets into an argument with Dean one day but she finds a way to get him back when it was her turn to drive baby. Her favorite band is The Offspring and it happens to be the band Dean hates with passion. When they take off, she says, “I hope you like The Offspring!” and Self Esteem is playing full blast. Dean starts complaining as she sings along to it while laughing along with Sam. 😂”
Warnings: Language, Dean being an ass lol
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Words: 1,176
Tag List: @elskinner45 @you-a-southpaw-doll @it-is-rebel-owl-ma-dudes @jai-lynne-unknown
A/N: Sorry this took so long! We’ve been hung up on my main blog that we’ve totally ignored this one! I am so sorry. Please send in some more requests and we’ll do them. Divider was created by @writeyourmindaway​. The song mentioned does not belong to us.
Do you guys want us to write series? Send in some ideas!
To be tagged in future one-shots or series’ Submit an ask or Message this blog!
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‘That son of a bitch, jerk face, assbutt! Why did he have to start an argument right in the middle of such a happy time?!’
Storming out of his room in the bunker, I slam it and make my way down the hallways to the library and sitting area where we all sit when we’re trying to find a case. Cas isn’t around, and he hasn’t been lately. The war in Heaven is keeping him up there most of the time. 
I’m not quite sure where my boyfriend’s younger brother is. When I step into the open room, I see him, typing away on his laptop, a plate of eggs seemingly forgotten to the side.
“Sam! Your brother’s a dick!” I huff out as I drop down into the chair across from the youngest Winchester.
He chuckles slightly as he glances at me over the top of his thin computer.
“What’d Dean do now, (Y/N)?” He asks.
“It’s what he didn’t do! That’s the better question!” I sigh as I lean back, kicking my feet up onto the table.
He shakes his head and closes his laptop before lacing his fingers together. “Come on, (Y/N). Tell Dr. Sam, all about it.” 
“We were in the middle of watching Dr. Sexy when I, of course, complimented him…” I start.
“Which you always do.” He nods.
“Then Dean said something about ‘finding every guy besides him sexy’.” I roll my eyes.
Sam raises an eyebrow. “You’re with him, though…”
“Exactly. Then he said I should probably be with you since I hang out with you more anyway.” I finish the story.
He rolls his eyes and sighs. “That boy needs to realize that you love him.”
Biting the inside of my lip, I nod. “I know. But, Sammy, we both know how Dean is. He...he doesn’t feel like he deserves to be loved. His self esteem is low. And, it’s taking us years to get this far.”
Sam nods as he slowly shuts his computer. “You’re right, (Y/N). Even still...he shouldn’t say things like that to you. It’s not fair to you.”
I run a hand through my hair. “I just...I need to get him back. Make him realize that he can’t say things like that to me.”
“We’ll find a way.” He reaches across the table to take my hand. 
I squeeze his hand slightly before looking around. My eyes land on his plate of eggs.
“Are you going to eat that?” I gesture to the plate.
He turns to look before shaking his head. “No. I’m not hungry.” 
Pushing the plate to me, I quickly dig in. He chuckles and shakes his head. 
“I swear, no wonder you and Dean get along.” He teases as he opens his computer again.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I mumble around a mouthful of eggs.
He chuckles. “Nothing, (Y/N). I’m just glad he has you and that you have him. Even if he is a dick sometimes.”
I smile and nod in agreement as I continue chowing down on the scrambled eggs.
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A few days later, the three of us are driving across the US since Sam found a case that was in need of our immediate attention. He’s been driving for almost 15 hours now and I’ve been trying to get him to let me drive for once.
“Babe, I can get us there in about 10 more hours.” He rolls his eyes and glances at me in the passenger seat.
“Dean, we’ll be dead in 10 hours from you falling asleep at the wheel. Just let me drive and you get a few hours of sleep. I’ll keep her safe. Besides! You can’t drive for 25 hours straight. You might be a Winchester, and have gone toe to toe with some of the worst monsters out there, but you physically cannot drive for 25 hours straight.” I continue to try and convince him.
He sighs loudly before pulling over to the side of the road.I reach over and pat his thigh.
“Good boy.” I whisper, placing a kiss on his stubble covered cheek.
He grumbles a little but I feel him relax at my kiss. I giggle softly and get out of the car, smirking to myself as I walk around the front of Baby. As I pass Dean, he whispers. 
“You’re lucky you’re cute. I don’t let anyone drive her.” 
I grin and nod. “But babe, I think I’m adorable.”
As I slide in behind the wheel, I grip the steering wheel, relishing in the feeling. After what I’m about to do, this could very well be the last time my boyfriend lets me drive his most prized possession. Dean slumps down on the bench seat on the passenger side.
Sneaking a glance over at him, I smirk. “Just remember, Winchester. Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole!”
Within moments, I’m peeling back on the road, driving through the night. I reach over and with a simple flick, I change the music from his Metallica cassette before tossing it over my shoulder into Sam’s lap.
“Sammy, please hand me my tape.” I say, with a slight smirk.
My eyes never leave the road as I hear my bag being messed with. A few seconds later, a tape is in my peripheral. I reach up and take it before sliding it into the player. I turn it all the way up before glancing at Dean.
“I hope you like The Offspring.” I say before pushing the tape in so it clicks.
“(Y/N)! No!” He calls out, sitting up straight.
‘La, La, La, La, La!’ plays loudly through the speakers.
Sam starts laughing in the back seat, knowing that Dean despises this band with a passion. 
“(Y/F/N)! You better change this right now!” Dean snaps slightly.
“I wrote her off for the tenth time today. And practiced all the things I would say.” I sing along loudly before looking at Dean. “Sorry! I can’t hear you! Driver picked the music! Sounds great to me!”
But she came over, I lost my nerve
I took her back and made her dessert
Now I know I'm being used
He groans loudly and slams himself back into the seat, rubbing his face. 
“How in the Hell am I supposed to sleep now? 40 years in that place was less torture than this.” He grumbles.
I laugh. “Shouldn’t ever doubt yourself and tell me go date your brother, Winchester. This is your punishment. So, suck it up, Bean.”
That's okay, man, 'cause I like the abuse
I know she's playing with me
That's okay 'cause I've got no self-esteem
Grinning, I briefly glance over at him. “You need to have more self esteem, babe.”
“Whatever it takes to get you to turn this nonsense off!” He whines, grumpily, crossing his arms and pouting like a little four-year-old boy.
“Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole.” Sam chimes in from the backseat, laughing. “House rules, Dean. You said so yourself.”
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chasing-classics · 4 years
Lean Into What Remains- Natasha Romanoff x Reader
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow x Fem!Reader
 Warning: mentions of sterilization
 Summary: You and Nat have been together through thick and thin, nothing could ever tear you apart. An incident following the fight with Ultron leaves you both rattled and wondering whether the future you both dreamed of is still salvageable.
A/N: Inspired by my firm belief that Natasha Romanoff deserved the absolute world.
 ‘’Miss Stark I’m sorry to say-‘’ you held up your hand, cutting off the head doctor, biting down on your bottom lip to keep it from quivering.
 ‘’It’s Mrs. Romanoff, please. And if you’re about to say what I think you are, please,’’ unshed tears blurred your vision. You didn’t look up at the doctor as you sat on the cool hospital bed, the sheets were cold to the touch and crinkled under you. With sympathetic eyes the doctor sighed and lowered his clipboard so that you were able to see his findings.
 ‘’I’m so sorry, Y/N. The sheer force from the blast should have killed you, but given your armor, the impact was mostly absorbed except for-‘’
 ‘’Except for my uterus,’’ you finished, finally raising your head to look up at him. You didn’t dare look at Nat, who was on your left and holding your hand to offer any comfort you needed.
 The doctor nodded, ‘’the blast caused your armor to be weakened. Had it only been one hit the damage would have been minimal, but since the second blast resulted in a large piece of glass piercing your abdomen… your armor was unable to cushion the blow.’’
 You let out a shaky breath, not even bothering to wipe away the tears at this point. You felt Nat’s grip on your hand weaken for a second. ‘’So what are you saying, doc? I can’t have kids?’’ you could barely get the question out at this point. The doctor’s sad gaze confirmed yours and Natasha’s biggest fear; the incident left you sterile. The doctor offered his condolences once more before allowing you two to process the information. You rubbed a hand over your face and tried to even your breathing. Your eyes finally fell on your wife of nearly two years, her expression absolutely gutted you. Nat didn’t cry, she was the tough one in your relationship. The closest you ever came to seeing her cry was the night you got married, only your brother Tony and Clint being present as witnesses. She was gorgeous and you knew at that exact moment that life couldn’t get any better than this.
 That’s what you thought, at least. Not even a few months into your newlywed bliss, did the two of you talk about having a baby through a donor. While Natasha couldn’t have children due to the horrors she encountered in the Red Room, it was still possible to use her egg and for you to carry your baby via a donor. You were both excited at the possibility of bringing your love into the world, you vividly remember the night you agreed that you both would begin the process in the upcoming week. You made love to each other through the night and you often thought about that night. You two had experienced true hardships, life had been unkind to the both of you in different ways. You deserved each other’s love and to have each other in your lives, and Nat deserved to know what it feels like to hold her child and know what motherhood was like.
 ‘’Nat, I-I,’’ she hushed you instantly, bring your head to her chest as the sobs racked through your broken body. You knew she was crying too, the faint sniffles acting like little daggers through your heart.
 ‘’You can’t blame yourself honey,’’ she whispered as she stroked your hair.
 ‘’I was supposed to be able to do this for us, I wanted to give you the world. You deserve the world,’’ you sobbed, fisting the crinkly hospital sheets as if you could will this all away.
 She gently pulled away and bent down so that the two of you were eye level. Her sad green eyes pierced through your core as she offered you a sad smile.
 ‘’You. You are my world.’’
 Time went on. It went on slowly and painstakingly, but it went on nonetheless. You and Natasha had moved into a quieter house just outside of New York, both of you still continued to seek therapy. She never rushed you or pushed you to open up to her or to heal, she was your silent supporter and you loved her all the more for it. It was you who had mentioned adoption, to which she offered a smile and kissed your forehead. ‘’I think that’s a great idea babe,’’ she said as she offered that million-dollar smile that was reserved for only you. You kissed her, the kiss initially sweet and full of hope for the future quickly gave in to passion and lust. You never admitted it, but you were afraid the first time you made love after the accident. The once ugly gash on your lower abdomen was a constant reminder of what you lost, the angry wound mocking you every time you changed your bandages. Now it was an angry, but subdued, pink and silver scar. You wept with adoration when Nat kissed down your body, paying extra attention to the scar, as her lips trailed downward.
 Adoption was difficult, even with your brother constantly offering to locate and set appointments with the best adoption agencies around the world. You knew he did it out of guilt, that the guilt of creating Ultron was eating away at him.
‘’You can’t keep blaming yourself, Tony,’’ you sighed as the two of you overlooked the rest of the team as well as Clint’s family and Agent Hill with Fury, Pepper and Nat in a deep conversation. It was a rare moment for you all, to be at a barbeque as if you were all just a bunch of normal individuals and as if this was a typical Saturday get-together. Your brother’s brows furrowed in frustration as he leaned against the railing of the porch. Nat had suggested getting the team together before all of your schedules became too hectic, but in reality you knew she needed the distraction from all of the letters from numerous adoption agencies that cited the two of you as providing a ‘’potentially unstable, unsafe environment’’ for children. It had taken a toll on the two of you and you weren’t sure how much more you could bear.
 ‘’If I had just listened to Cap, if I had just left it all alone. . .’’ he trailed off, the way his adam’s apple twitched didn’t sneak past your observant gaze.
 You didn’t say anything as you put your hand on top of his, offering a small squeeze as you looked up at your only sibling.
 ‘’When mom and dad died, you were all I had Tony. If it hadn’t been for you who knows what would’ve happened to me. If it hadn’t been for you I never would have met Nat or joined the Avengers. We just need to lean into the good that still remains, you know?’’
 After a moment of silence he nodded his head, offering a small smile as he enveloped you in a warm embrace, kissing the top of your head.
Later that day you were in the kitchen helping Nat clean up. You didn’t even realize you were crying until Nat’s soft hands gently held the sides of your face.
 ‘’Baby,’’ she whispered, thumbing away the tears that streamed down your face.
 ‘’How much more can we take, Nat? I know, I know we’re different from other people. We’re stronger, built to take on the pain. But does that mean we always have to deal with this?’’ you waved your hand at another rejection letter from another agency. Natasha kept her composure as you let out a sigh of utter exhaustion.
 ‘’It was never supposed to be this way,’’ you whimpered as she held you tight. Her soft kisses against your temple and neck succeeded in calming you down.
 ‘’Lean into what remains.’’
 One year. One year was how long it took for the two of you to accept the possibility that children may not be in your shared future. Even with Tony and Pepper’s help, adoption proved to be difficult even for super heroes. Your pain waxed and waned, but you were able to carry on with your life without breaking down every time you heard a baby cry or saw children playing at the park you and Nat often jogged at. It wasn’t always easy, sometimes it ate away at you like something ugly. Sometimes Nat would break down and you had to be her anchor, other times you two argued about who forgot to take out the trash as a way to vent your frustrations. Other times it was through heated love making. You fought for your marriage, and now it finally seemed like the two of you were on solid ground.
 Until one day, it happened.
 T’Challa and Shuri had called the two of you with urgent news. In Wakanda, halfway across the world, were two orphans whose parents had tragically died in the incident in Sokovia. You two were on the first jet available.
 ‘’Given the extent of the tragedy, it took us a long time to identify all the victims and locate their families. Unfortunately, we were barely able to identify C’ora and Aron’s parents and locate the children. They’re very young and we’ve been keeping them here for the past few weeks to keep an eye on their health,’’ Shuri explained, the four of you walking through the corridors of the palace.
Nat and you shared a look, your shared guilt regarding the Sokovia incident was nothing new. You held onto her hand a little tighter.
‘’How are they?’’ you couldn’t help but ask.
‘’Not to worry Y/N. They have been through a horrible tragedy, but they were infants at the time their parents left for humanitarian work. It is unlikely the remember much, but all they have ever known is Wakanda so it will take time to ensure they adjust to the transition,’’ Shuri offered an encouraging smile.
 ‘’Transition?’’ Nat asked, your heartbeats began beating faster to the point you could feel the blood pulsing in your ears.
 ‘’You have been meaning to adopt children, yes? I see no better fit for these two children than the two of you,’’ T’Challa grinned, opening the doors of the throne room. You and your wife stood there in utter shock as the two most beautiful children were playing with Okoye and the other Dora Milaje. Twins. A boy and a girl. C’ora and Aron. They were small, couldn’t be older than two, if even that.
 ‘’Go on,’’ T’Challa smiled, the children already making there way to you and Nat. Aron had reached Nat first and your heart swelled as his chubby arms reached up for her. You only looked away to gently pick C’ora up, her warm eyes analyzing you as she giggled and touched your nose. Nothing was better than the sound of a child laughing, you quickly found. Nat’s eyes met yours and you both beamed, tears falling onto the pristine palace floors. Her forehead pressed against yours’ and she kissed you, the twins cooing and laughing with excitement. You didn’t even notice that everyone had quietly emptied out of the throne room as you leaned into your little family.
 That was the memory you kept close to your heart. A memory you often found yourself randomly smiling about, even today as Nat and you hung pink and blue streamers from your backyard.
 ‘’Alright where are my niece and nephew?’’ Tony’s booming voice caused you to break from your daydreams.
 ‘’Uncle!’’ two voices rang out, your children running as fast as their little legs could allow them as they tackled your brother in a hug.
 ‘’Shocker, always last to arrive,’’ Nat teased, but her smile was warm and sincere as she greeted your children’s godfather.
‘’Enough, it’s time for the cake,’’ you grinned.
 And as the two of you stood by your two children, the only people who you could love as much as you loved each other, you thought back to where you began. Just a girl in a suit of armor who fell for the Black Widow. Mrs. Y/N Romanoff-Stark. A scared, broken woman who believed her future was unfairly taken away. The loving wife. The determined mother of two beautiful children. The twins blew out their birthday candles on their own cakes, grinning when all of the Avengers and family friends clapped and applauded. You soaked up as much of this as you could, holding onto Natasha’s hand as you did. You closed your eyes when the sun hit your face, leaning into the warmth of your family.
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Polar (Bakugou x Reader) Birthday Special!
Bakugou Birthday Special!
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Inspo: this fanart by @delusional-lune
Word count: 1,181
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​
a/n: I wasn’t expecting to do a Baku birthday special, but I saw that art and it was gonna be a drabble, but it’s also my little cousin’s birthday and she loves him, so I got the idea and I turned it into a little special!
I promise I’ll get to my 3 requests after this, I PROMISE! I was gonna do one today, but I did this instead, so I’m sorry!  Please be patient, I’ll finish them all by the end of this week!
"Oi, you plan on getting up anytime soon, idiot?"  Although he's not yelling, I know he's annoyed at me.  "It's past noon already."
I cover my head with my pillow and groan, "Five more minutes, Katsuki."
He tugs the pillow and blanket off my head, forcing me to look at his obviously peeved face.  "You've been saying that for the past hour, get out of bed."
I pout, rubbing my eyes and rolling over.  "I'm tired though, let me sleep."
His weight comes down behind me as he grumbles, "How are we supposed to celebrate our birthday if you won't get up?  I've already been awake since 8 waiting for you, I was gonna make us breakfast."
Katsuki and I are like night and day, which is why I don't believe a single word horoscopes say.  He's an early riser while I'm a night owl.  He's the loudest boy out there and I'm quiet as a mouse.  He can cook while I burn toast.  He always looks effortlessly put together while I'm a hot mess.  I don't know how such different people could have been born on the exact same day.
His arm suddenly envelopes my shoulders and he nuzzles his nose into my neck.  "If I give you your birthday gift now, will you get up?"
I turn over, meeting his mischievous crimson eyes.  "Fine, I'll get up, you don't have to entice me."
He kisses my forehead.  "That's my baby.  Come on, I'll make us brunch I guess, go wash up.  And if I catch you in bed again," he lightly taps my butt with a smirk, "You know what happens."
"G-Gross," I stutter as I push him away harshly.  "I'll be up, okay?  Bully...
Katsuki can't stop snickering at my obvious embarrassment and dumb insult.  "Gosh, I love messing with you.  If you're not down in 20 minutes, I'm coming back to find you."
"Yes, sir," I mumble as he leaves the room.  When I hear his footsteps fade out into the kitchen, I scramble over to the box I hid in a corner of the closet behind some laundry, just an instinct to make sure it's still there for him to open.  I plan to give it to him over our meal just now, maybe he'll wear it out today if he wants to.  I hope he enjoys it, I smile to myself, But I'm not too worried.  I tuck it back away for now and head to the bathroom to wash up.  I look forward to seeing what he's gotten for me.
I tiptoe into the dining room with the taped up box under my arm, sliding it behind a pillow on the couch for now.
Katsuki starts throwing all his dishes and pans into the sink to clean later.  "(Y/n)!" he calls for me, "You better be up already!"
"Right behind you," I sneak up and poke him in the sides, loving the yelp he lets out.
"Finally."  He cranes his neck to kiss my cheek.  "Go set the table, I'll bring the food."
I follow his instructions as he brings out our two meals to the table.  We settle into place across from each other and I quietly thank him for the meal before digging in.  
"It's been a while since we've had breakfast together, we're both busy and you're always sleeping in."  He spoons out some of his homemade red pepper paste into his rice and egg mixture, and then into his soup.
I cringe a tiny bit.  I know my boyfriend loves his spice and all, but it's always bothered me that he even adds spice to his soup that's suppose to be mellow and savory in flavor.
"I know you're looking at me weird, that's just the way I eat," Katsuki pipes up defensively.
"You really do love your spice," I mumble, but I can't help feeling the small bit of affection reach me.  My precious boy is a unique, explosive personality and I wouldn't change him for the world.
At the end of our meal, Katuski puts his bowl down.  "Alright.  It's our special day, we're gonna enjoy it together alone, so what do you wanna do?"
I shrug.  I don't care about all the formalities or going out all that much.  As long as I get to spend time with him, I'll consider it a win.  "Whatever you want."
He levels his neutral stare at me for a moment before shrugging as well.  "Then let's open gifts first."
Both of us rise to our respective gift-hiding spots.  When I return to the table with my long box, I notice that his gift is a small box that's about the size of his hand, and I wonder if I might have gone a bit overboard.
Katuski's eyes widen at my gift.  "I hope you don't mind, but I'm opening that first."
I nod and just hand it over to him.  At least he's eager to open it.  He tears away the tape quickly, making me chuckle at how messily excited he is over it.  The flimsy paper box is no match for Katsuki Bakugou, and he throws the tissue paper aside.  I keep my eyes glued to his face, waiting for him to realize what his gift is.
"Whoa."  His mouth forms a small, cute "o" as he lifts the red bomber jacket out of the box.  I got it embroidered on the back to say "King Explosion Murderer."  A toothy smirk spreads out on his face.  "Yeah!  We're definitely going out so I can wear this, babe!  Thanks!"
Gosh, I know you too well, Katsuki.  I grab the box from his side of the table and open the navy blue lid.  Inside is a shamballa bracelet with emerald green disco beads.  The ends of the drawstring have a dangling silver moon hanging off.
He lifts up the sleeve on his arm.  "It's actually a couple's bracelet."  Instead of green, his beads are red, and there's a Sun hanging off the end.  "I think it's fitting since you're the more mellow one and I'm the loud one."  He rubs the back of his neck.  "Do you like it?  I know it isn't as great as what you got me, I'm not that good at picking gifts."
I give him a gentle smile, the same warmth cascading through me and I slip it on my wrist.  "Of course I do.  What's better than me being your moon and you being my Sun?"  I stand up and sit on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck, planting a soft kiss on his nose.  "Thank you, Katsu."
His eyes stare into mine with just as much affection.  "You know, sometimes I wonder how someone so calm like you could've ended up with some big idiot like me."
He's shocked to see me flash him a mischievous smirk.  "Because I secretly like the chaos."
Katsuki blinks before giving me another kiss on my lips and chuckling, his entire body rumbling at the action.  "God, I love you, you're so full of surprises."
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auro-ora · 4 years
Friend or Foe
Bucky Barnes x reader
Word count: 2,144
Summary: what happens when two enemies are stuck in quarantine together?
Warnings: enemies to friends, language, angst, quarantine problems, arguments. 
Notes: @jobean12-blog​ here we are babes, thank you for wanting to read this and sorry if this sucks. :c I haven’t written in over 3 years <3
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There was no doubt about it that Bucky Barnes, your roommate, your enemy, your rival, your whatever else you wanted to label him as, was officially driving you to the point of insanity. It didn’t help that you were quarantined with the man in question since the beginning of March, three months. Three months of being locked in your spacious two-bedroom Brooklyn apartment with him. Neither of you were free to leave, neither of you were allowed to go to work, the compound was out of the question, your family lived in a different state, you had no choice but to stay here under this roof with him.
Some days, you believed he was doing most of his antics on purpose, such as leaving his dirty dishes in the sink for you to clean, leaving his dirty laundry on the floor in your shared bathroom, cooking his own food and leaving you to make your own food, playing his music too loudly, only one of you were allowed to go grocery shopping and he often went, forgetting to pick you things up even if you did ask him nicely. It was your worst nightmare and it couldn’t have happened at a worse time when the weather was starting to get warm, the heat causing more arguments between the two of you, which often ended with him screaming at you.
It wasn’t funny anymore, at first you would probably admit you loved to piss him off on purpose, but as the months passed, it was becoming upsetting. You wondered what you did at the beginning to make him dislike you so much, he was talkative when you first moved in, a steady foundation for a friendship but then it went downhill after day 5. Bucky wasn’t a man you could talk to, he wouldn’t listen and he would often ignore you and pretend you didn’t exist, and it was much easier for him to do that when he brought other girls home for the night. But you? Bucky made the rule when you first moved in that no other men were allowed in this apartment, which at the time you agreed to because it was his apartment and you were grateful to have found a room in Brooklyn.
You overheard him say to a friend just the other week how he wished some girl named Natasha was living here, which made you upset and since then, you have tried to avoid him as best as you could. You would use the shower when he was in his room listening to music, you would cook when he was in the shower and then you would sneak back to your room. It was like two strangers sharing a space, and you were sure roommates weren't supposed to act this way. You did try to find another apartment, but unknown to you at the time Bucky was the one sabotaging everything by contacting the person advertising the apartment and falsely warning them of your partying habits, which resulted in your viewings being canceled at the last minute. They never told you the reason why, you assumed they had found someone better suited, financially. Was Bucky proud of his actions? No, he wasn’t, but he didn’t want you to leave, he didn’t want to go through the hell of replacing you with someone else who he might really hate next time.
Today would be a good day, you were almost sure of it. The light from the sun created pretty patterns on your wall, you pulled yourself up from your bed and walked out into the living room, scoffing by the sight of your roommate sprawled across the couch with his arms spread out on the back of it. You mumbled a good morning, he ignored you as usual. You rolled your eyes and walked into the bathroom, making sure to slam the door a little harder than necessary.
“Stop slamming the fuckin’ doors!” he yelled from his spot. You could feel the anger building up inside of you. The frustration from having a complicated roommate and no means of fixing the already broken relationship. You peeled your pajamas off your body and turned the water on the shower to a comfortable temperature, pulling your hair tie off, your hair falling loosely over your shoulders. You step into the shower and sigh, making the most of your time here because this is the only time you get peace and quiet from Bucky. You lather up your loofah with your favorite shower gel and wash every inch of your body, at least twice. Then working on removing your body hair and finally, shampoo and a deep condition. Meanwhile on the couch, Bucky was scowling towards the bathroom door, the steam started to appear from under the door. He knew you were taking your sweet fucking time on purpose to avoid him, but 40 minutes to wash yourself? No, he was not having that. He stood quickly and walked to the bathroom door, surprised to find it unlocked. He saw your form behind the shower curtain, and swiftly yanked it to one side where you screeched, using your hands to cover your private parts.
“BUCKY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?” you yelled at him, but the jerk just stood there, his eyes trailing and you wanted to smack the smug grin off his stupid face. 
“Thought you drowned in ‘ere or something. What’s taking you so fuckin’ long to wash your damn body?” 
“GET! OUT!” you threw the soapy loofah at him which he easily batted away. 
“Hurry the fuck up!” Bucky spat.
Fearing Bucky would return sooner than later, you hurriedly washed the conditioner out of your hair and stepped out of the shower, wrapping the white fluffy towel securely around your body and stepping out into the living room once again. This time your pain-in-the-ass roommate was busy making himself breakfast. Your room was warm from the heat of the sun and you sat on the edge of your bed, staring longingly into the mirror opposite you. The towel pooled around your waist, you sighed and walked to your closet for some clothes, putting them on quickly just in case Bucky decided to walk in once again. You towel dried your hair, putting it up into a messy bun. You went back to the kitchen, this time to prepare some breakfast for yourself, only to find Bucky had left you no eggs or bacon and the bread was gone.
“You ate all the eggs?” you rubbed your temples, this couldn’t be happening. It was supposed to be a good day and it was already going to shit.
“I did.” came his nonchalant reply. “There’s no milk either.”
“Okay.” you sighed knowing he wasn’t going to be helpful. “Can I borrow a face mask and some latex gloves please?” you rubbed your temples with your fingertips and watched as your roommate leaned back against the counter and folded his arms across his wide broad chest. 
“No.” he deadpanned, his tone and eyes were stone cold.
“I said please!” now your eyes were filling up with tears, and you were completely helpless, unable to go out to buy your food with protection, because if you went out without a mask and gloves, you risk catching the virus. 
Bucky steps in front of you, his large frame towering over you forcing you to crane your neck upwards. His breath fanning across your face as he spoke.
“Make me a list of items you need and I’ll go and get it.”
“Why? Each time I’ve asked in the past, you’ve always refused!” you shouted a little louder than you intended.
“Y/n, come on. Don’t be an asshole and make this difficult. Just write the fuckin’ list so I can go!”
“Not when you speak to me like that. Get out of my way, I’ll go my damn self!” you attempted to shove him but he didn’t even budge.
“You’re not goin’ out there, it’s too dangerous.” 
“I don’t know why you even care!” you yelled. Weeks of built-up anger and frustration all coming out.
“Because I care about you!” Bucky yelled back. And then there was silence, neither of you spoke a word, just staring and blinking at each other. He cared about you? Since when? Since when does ignoring someone, yelling at them and picking arguments count as caring about someone? 
“No you don’t.” a single tear rolled down your cheek, you nibbled on your lip, mulling over his words in your mind like a loop.
“I do, y/n. I was just scared… when you first moved in, I didn’t even think you’d like me as a friend, then I saw the way you looked at me like you were trying to figure me out and I panicked. I’m sorry.”
“All I wanted was to be your friend Bucky. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“I know and I’m so sorry for everything I ever did and said to you, I’m an idiot and it wasn’t my intention to drag it out for as long as I did.”
“You really hurt me. All those times you screamed at me and made me feel like I was the problem, that you hated having me here and you made me feel like if I suddenly died, you’d throw a party!” you attempted to shove him again, but he stepped closer instead grabbing your wrist and pulling you into his chest.
“Don’t you EVER say that. I’d be lost without you honestly, because you’re so argumentative and you amuse me.” his heart thumped against your ear and you didn’t actually understand what was happening. One second you thought you two hated each other which turned out not to be true, you learned Bucky did care about you. You pulled back after a while, wiping your wet cheeks with your palms and a wet chuckle came out.
“I never wanted you to see me cry.” you admitted through some deep breaths.
“You’re still pretty. I really hope we can start again from the beginning, though I don’t expect you to forgive me right away.” he smiled sheepishly.
“It’ll take some time, you have been an asshole.”
“Alright, don’t sugarcoat it.” he teased
“No but seriously, we both have been pretty stupid, so yeah. During this quarantine, let’s work on a friendship.”
Later that day, Bucky kept his word and did your grocery shopping, picking up everything that was on your list and more. He bought some snacks and chips in hopes you’ll agree to watch a movie with him later, which you did. The pizza was taken out of the oven and the chilled beers were on the coffee table waiting to be cherished. You contemplated on lighting some candles, but didn’t want to give Bucky the wrong impression since you weren’t interested in a relationship (at this time). You went with the other options and switched the lights off entirely, the only light was from the TV screen. Bucky chose a movie, an action he had found on Netflix and the two of you settled into the couch. The pizza was eaten, the beers were gone and you were halfway through the movie when a loud knock sounded on the front door. 
“Oh, I’ll get it.” Bucky said squeezing your thigh as he stood up. You paused the movie and placed your hands under your thighs. You heard a harsh laugh boom through the apartment and you cringed. 
“Nat! What are you doing here?” Bucky joined in on the laughing as he invited her in. You narrowed your eyes, remembering no visitors were allowed in people’s households so why was she here?
“I came to see you. Couldn’t wait to see my man any longer!” she laughed and pulled him into a hug, looking over his shoulder towards you and smirking.
“Uhm, Bucky? The movie…?” you interrupted them. Bucky offered you an apologetic look as he took Natasha’s hand in his and led her to his bedroom door. 
“Sorry doll. Maybe another time.” your heart sunk, you knew this was too good to be true. The slam of his bedroom door caused you to tense up, as you sat on the couch in the dark listening to their giggles behind the door and then the loud music started.
“Thanks for nothing.” You mumbled to yourself, turning the TV off and sheepishly walking into your bedroom, allowing the tears to fall down your cheeks. You sank to the floor, raising your knees up to your chest and wrapping your arms around your legs. You wished this time you were good enough for Bucky, but clearly his priorities were the wrong way around.
Maybe this time you’ll be lucky enough to be approved to rent a different apartment. Now you were more sure that you didn’t want to be here, you didn’t want to be near Bucky any longer.
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suituuup · 4 years
Beca and Chloe are on their honeymoon in Hawaii 
Written for @thedilemmacontinues for their generous contribution to @ppfandomdrive. Thank you, hope you enjoy! :)
rated: E
word count: 4k
AO3 link
Beca is rarely the first to wake up.
On week days, Chloe has to leave the house every morning at 7:00am while Beca gets to stay in bed a little longer, as she only needs to get in the office between 9 and 9:30. Chloe always brings her a freshly brewed cup of coffee in bed - black with one sweetener - just before she has to leave and kisses a still half-asleep Beca goodbye.
They get to spend more time together at night, as Chloe finishes her shift at the clinic at four and Beca never comes home later than five.
They've been making up for the last few busy weeks over the last three days. Beca’s label booked a gorgeous, secluded villa in Hawaii for them as a wedding gift, and she and Chloe have been thoroughly enjoying their honeymoon so far.
Beca sighs as she comes to, giving in to a lazy stretch before her eyes fully open. She catches the glint of the platinum wedding band around her finger as the morning light bounces on it, and yet again feels the need to pinch herself.
She’s married. To Chloe. Her best friend, the love of her life and the most incredible human being Beca knows.
Had you told Beca when she landed in Barden that’s where she’d be in ten years, she would have asked you if you were high.
It hasn’t been all rainbows and butterflies of course, especially because Beca was a useless gay for the better part of that decade, but she eventually pulled her head out of her ass and told Chloe how she really felt.
The four years following that day have pretty much been domestic bliss.
Beca twists her head, then shifts onto her side. Chloe’s head is turned away as she lies on her stomach, but Beca knows from Chloe’s steady breathing that she’s still asleep. The sheet pooled to Chloe’s waist at some point during the night, gracing Beca with quite the view to wake up to. Her eyes dance over the lines of Chloe’s back, her skin a couple shades darker and lightly freckled from spending the last three days sunbathing by the pool.
Chloe adopted a nudist lifestyle since their arrival, strolling about naked pretty much all the time. Beca wasn’t totally on board at first, concerned that paparazzis might have learned about their location and would snap pictures of her naked wife through the bushes, or that neighbors would catch a glimpse. She eventually accepted the fact that they were very much isolated from the outside world and the next house was at least a couple miles away.
Beca reaches out, fingers dipping underneath the sheet to brush over Chloe’s hip as she leans forward and presses a feather-light kiss to the top of Chloe’s spine, then another right below. She keeps going just like that, taking her time and shuffling down the mattress as her lips move across Chloe’s skin. Eventually, the sheet presents an obstacle to her progression, so Beca tugs it down inch by inch, exposing Chloe’s perfect butt. She kisses the dimple right above Chloe’s left asscheek, smirking when she feels Chloe stir.
“Whatcha doing?” Comes Chloe’s raspy question, her amusement leaking through her tone.
“Appreciating my wife’s gorgeous body,” Beca replies, catching Chloe’s eye when Chloe shifts on her back. Beca props her chin on Chloe’s hip, one arm draped across her legs while her other hand reaches up to push a red curl behind Chloe’s ear.
“Sweet talker,” Chloe murmurs, catching Beca’s hand and brushing a kiss to her palm. “But don’t feel like you have to stop just because I’m awake.”
“I wasn’t planning to,” Beca murmurs back, pressing a kiss to Chloe’s skin before shuffling to the end of the bed until her knees touch the floor. She settles on her stomach between Chloe’s legs, which instantly part when Chloe registers Beca’s intentions. Beca hooks both Chloe’s legs over her shoulders, nipping and kissing the inside of her thigh until she reaches her destination.
Chloe’s already wet, and that fact sends a chill rolling down Beca’s spine. “You’re so fucking hot,” she whispers, locking eyes with Chloe as she presses a few kisses to Chloe’s glistening lower lips and hooded clit.
“Bec,” Chloe whimpers, her hips greedily rolling towards Beca’s face. “Don’t tease, baby.”
They’ve been kicking off each day with morning sex, sometimes slow, sometimes a little wilder, according to the mood. Chloe seems to be needing her release sooner than later this morning, and Beca can only oblige, knowing they’re bound to have several rounds today anyway.
Her tongue parts Chloe’s folds and dips inside of her, Beca humming against her when the sweetness of Chloe’s juices coats her taste buds. She keeps her eyes open, the sight of Chloe arching and tilting her head back in pleasure from her ministrations one Beca will most likely never get tired of.
Beca knows Chloe’s body like the back of her hand; what she likes and what drives her wild. One hand drifts up to palm Chloe’s breast while the other sneaks under Chloe’s thigh, Beca slipping two fingers inside Chloe’s tight heat as her lips wrap around her swollen clit.
Chloe’s fingers scrape along her scalp, tightening around locks of hair when she inches closer to her release. Beca doubles down in her efforts, picking up her pace and curling her fingers each time until her name flits past Chloe’s lips in a broken cry. Her walls clamp down on Beca’s fingers and that sweet moan of bliss echoes in a sweet loop in Beca’s mind.
Beca takes her time, lapping at Chloe’s juices and peppering her sex with kisses while Chloe comes down. She makes her way back up, half draping herself over Chloe to kiss her languidly.
“Mm,” Chloe hums against her lips, nuzzling Beca’s nose as they part. Her fingers start tracing nonsensical patterns at the base of Beca’s spine. “Best way to kick off the day.”
“I love you,” Beca murmurs, sighing softly as she angles her head into the crook of Chloe’s neck.
“I love you, too.”
They fall silent, and Beca is in no rush to have Chloe return the favor, perfectly content with just lying there pressed up against Chloe’s warm body as the sunshine pours through the open windows, the ocean breeze occasionally sweeping in.
She dozes off a few minutes later, lulled by the gentle, rhythmic sound of the waves as they roll onto the beach in front of the house and the featherlight pattern of Chloe’s touch along her lower back.
When she wakes, Beca is alone in bed. Chloe’s spot is still somewhat warm and Beca grabs Chloe’s pillow, hugging it to her chest and inhaling her wife’s scent as she allows her eyes another minute’s rest. The smell of fresh coffee and bacon eventually drags her out of bed. She pads downstairs, across the spacious living room with the jaw-dropping view and into the kitchen, looping her arms around Chloe’s waist.
“Morning,” Beca rasps, pressing a series of kisses along the side of Chloe’s neck. “Can I help?”
“Nope,” Chloe replies, twisting her head and accepting the kiss Beca lies on her lips. “Coffee’s ready.”
“Thanks babe.” Beca squeezes the dip of Chloe’s waist and makes a beeline for the cup already waiting on the counter for her. She cradles it between her hands, enjoying the soothing warmth seeping through her palms. “You wanna go to the beach today?”
Chloe pours the eggs into the waiting pan, then turns to Beca. “I was thinking we could go for a hike?”
Beca grimaces before she can help herself. “Really? You wanna…  exercise?  On vacation?”
A giggle puffs past Chloe’s lips as she stirs the scrambled eggs. “Yeah. It’s beautiful out there, I wanna check it out.”
Beca grumbles something inaudible behind the rim of her mug before she takes a sip.
“You know, when we have kids we’ll do plenty of outdoor stuff.”
Beca cocks an eyebrow at that. She freaked out a little bit when Chloe first brought up the subject of wanting kids a year before they got engaged. She’s made some progress since, knowing that as long as Chloe is by her side that raising another human being won’t be so terrifying.
“Oh yeah?” She says, keeping her amusement at bay. “So um, when do you see that happening, exactly?” Softly, she adds, “Us having kids.”
Chloe shrugs. “Not anytime soon. I’m not ready to share you, yet.” She pushes a kiss to Beca’s lips on her way to get a couple plates. “Maybe we could start trying in two years to three years? Like, choosing a donor and stuff.”
Beca nods, the imagery of a mini-Chloe or mini-Beca running around their home popping in her head and making her heart flutter. “Sounds perfect.”
Chloe winks at her as she plates their breakfast. “So that’s a yes on the hike?” She asks, popping a piece of watermelon in her mouth.
Beca lets out a pained sigh, aware Chloe knows she can make her do anything (she did draw the line at parading around naked, though). “I guess so.”
Beca wasn’t prepared for how hot and humid it was going to get during that hike. Or how much incline she’d have to climb. Honestly, doesn’t Chloe know by now that endurance and cardio are not part of Beca’s DNA??
“Are we almost there, Chlo?” Beca sputters, doubling over with her hands planted on her hips as she pants.
She’s a sweaty mess, her hair is acting up because of the humidity and she’s pretty sure she’s got a sunburn on the back of her thighs.
“Not sure,” Chloe mumbles as she squints at her phone. “I think we were supposed to see the sign by now, it says so on the app. Take a left at the sign and follow the trail up.”
“Up?” Beca whines, using her shirt to wipe her forehead. “Jesus Christ. Not married a week and you might kill me.”
“I promise it’ll be worth it in the end,” Chloe says, barely showing any signs of fatigue as she smiles brightly. She pecks Beca’s lips and slaps her butt lightly. “Come on, babe.”
“Ugh,” Beca grunts, dragging her feet more than necessary as they resume their journey. “You’re lucky I love you, woman.”
Chloe simply chuckles. “Oh! I see the sign. It’s right over there.” She points to the direction board at the end of the narrow trail, then promptly breaks into song, much to Beca’s horror. “I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign.”  
“How soon after getting married can one ask for divorce?” Beca deadpans, catching a playful glare from her wife. “Shoulda put that in the prenup. No freakin’ Ace of Base.”
It takes another grueling half hour, but they eventually make it up to the top of the mountain. Beca’s afraid she might die from overheating and chugs down half a liter of water in one go.
Only after she’s convinced her heart isn’t going to give does she actually take in the landscape, and the air is knocked out of her lungs for another reason than the physical exertion. They have an amazing view of the ocean surrounded by the lushy hills, the sky a watercolor of pink and orange hues as the sun dips into the horizon.
“Wow,” Beca breathes, taking it all in. Chloe was right; it’s definitely worth the shortness of breath, the aching muscles and the sweat.
“C’mere,” Chloe requests, tugging Beca into her side so they’re standing with their backs to the view and raising her phone. Beca doesn’t have time to protest about looking gross, besides, Chloe would say she always looks cute anyway. She brushes a kiss to Chloe’s cheek for one of the selfies, and Chloe turns her head to kiss her lips for the next one.
They stay at the top of the hill another twenty minutes, making their way back down before it gets too dark.
“Instagram worthy enough?” Beca asks as she plops down on the couch next to her wife, handing her a glass of red wine. They got home over an hour ago, relaxed in a bubble bath and dinner is now on the way.
Chloe’s been posting a photo of them a day along with a cheesy caption on her instagram page, and Beca likes to tease her about it.
Chloe smiles, angling the phone towards her so she can see the one she picked. Beca didn’t even notice it at the time, but she’s staring at Chloe’s profile instead of directly at the camera, and the look in her eyes can only be described as unconditional love. No matter how many photos Beca sees of herself staring at Chloe that way, it always catches her off guard.
For someone who’s so shy about sharing her feelings out loud, it’s weird to see them displayed so transparently.
“My badass rep is going to take another blow if you post that one,” she grumps, throwing Chloe a heatless glare.
“Your badass rep,” Chloe echoes, smirking. “Right.”
Beca huffs, shoving Chloe lightly. “Shut up.”
Giggling, Chloe all but unceremoniously climbs onto Beca’s lap, looping her arms around her neck and pressing a series of kisses to Beca’s mouth. Beca’s hands settle on Chloe’s hips and she chases Chloe’s lips for a longer, deeper kiss that warms her entire body from the inside out.
“Dinner’s going to be here any minute,” she mumbles when Chloe starts kissing along the edge of her jaw and down her neck, her words and actions at odd with each other as she cranes her head to give Chloe’s lips better access.
“We can warm it up,” Chloe husks into her ear. She stands when the doorbell rings, extending her hands to help Beca up. “I’ll deal with that. Go up to the bedroom, strip and  don’t  start without me.”
A whimper surfaces from Beca’s throat before she can reign it in. She loves when Chloe gives her orders, but tries to keep her eagerness in check, slowly walking up the stairs instead of taking them two by two like she’d dying to.
She hears Chloe greet the delivery person with her usual chirpiness while she sheds her shirt and mesh shorts. As she stands naked in the middle of the master, Beca decides to give Chloe a  subtle  hint about what she wants Chloe to do to her tonight, fishing into her suitcase for the purple strapless strap-on dildo Stacie got them as a wedding gift and setting it on the bed along with the lube.
She’s already wet thinking about Chloe wearing it and railing her into the mattress with it.
“Is that what we’re doing tonight?” Chloe’s sultry tone sends a thrill rush down Beca’s spine, and she glances over her shoulder to find Chloe standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame with her arms crossed over her chest. The smirk on her lips indicates she’s definitely on board with Beca’s unspoken suggestion. She pushes off the door frame and struts over, placing her hands on Beca’s waist and capturing Beca’s lips in a kiss that makes her knees wobble.
With her mouth still attached to Chloe’s, she turns and backs up towards the bed, sitting down and shuffling back so she’s laying in the middle. Her fingers untie the knot to Chloe’s floral kimono, the material parting and granting Beca with an amazing view of Chloe’s toned abs.
Chloe’s own hand wanders as they kiss, the tip of her fingers following down Beca’s side and back up, curling around her breast and squeezing. A moan spills into their liplock as Beca arches into the touch, her hips tilting up against Chloe’s.
“Be patient,” Chloe warns across her lips, nuzzling her nose against Beca’s as she backs away. Her mouth latches on Beca’s pulsepoint before Beca can protest, teeth nipping and lips suckling until the skin bruises. She leaves another mark or two on her way down, taking her sweet time, and Beca is positively writhing with want and soaked by the time Chloe come back up.
She parts Beca’s legs with a nudge of her knee, her fingers skimming through her folds. Chloe can’t suppress a gasp upon realizing just how turned on Beca is. She teases Beca with the tip of her pointer finger, swirling it at her entrance and spreading the wetness to her clit. “I don’t think we’ll need that lube after all.”
“Chlo,” Beca’s plea is hot and desperate across Chloe’s lips. She grinds her hips down, chasing more. “Just fuck me, baby.”
Chloe raises an eyebrow at that demand, completely pulling away and sitting up on her heels. Beca feels cold all of the sudden, despite Chloe’s scorching gaze slowly roving over her body like she’s a meal.
“Spread ‘em wider. Touch yourself for me.”
More warmth pools between Beca’s legs at that command and she obeys, opening her legs further as she starts rubbing two finger tips around her clit and entrance.
“Like that?” She murmurs innocently, raking her teeth over her bottom lip just because she knows Chloe can’t resist that move.
“Mhm,” Chloe hums, resting one hand on Beca’s knee and stroking her thumb over her skin. “Inside baby, fuck yourself properly.”
Beca slips one, then two fingers inside, pumping in and out slowly as her gaze remains locked on Chloe’s features.
Chloe traps her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes positively brimming with a mix of lust and pride as she watches Beca’s movements. “Good girl. I love watching you.”
The words make Beca moan; she’s always been a slut for Chloe’s praise during sex.
“Fuck, Chlo,” Beca breathes, eyes slipping shut as she rubs slow circles on her clit, her pleasure steadily building.
“That’s it baby, keep going,” Chloe murmurs as Beca’s lips part, a whimper spilling out. “You’re so fucking sexy. Go faster, rub that clit, Beca.”
Beca forces her eyes open, her fingers speeding up as she holds onto Chloe’s gaze. She’s so close it hurts, and she wonders if Chloe’s going to stop her before she comes.
She doesn’t, watching with a smirk painted on her lips as Beca barrels off the cliffside, her body trembling through her climax.
“Such a good girl,” Chloe repeats, taking Beca’s hand away and raising it to her mouth to suck Beca’s fingers clean. “Turn around, on your hands and knees, babe.”
  Holy fuck.
Beca lets out a barely there whimper and shifts into position while Chloe puts on the contraption. She stands at the foot of the bed and rubs the head of the toy through Beca’s dripping folds before inching it inside.
“Fuck,” Beca mutters, her breath catching in her throat as the stretch is almost painful. “I think it’s too big, Chlo.”
Chloe stops, smoothing her hand over Beca’s spine. “Want me to pull out?”
Beca feels her muscles slowly adjust to the length already inside. “No, just… go slow, okay?”
“Yeah,” Chloe agrees, her soft and gentle tone a contrast to her earlier stern commands. She pauses again when the dildo is buried to the hilt, her thumb at Beca’s hip drawing soothing circles over her skin. “Okay?”
“Yeah, just gimme a sec,” Beca breathes, willing herself to relax a bit more. She gives it a go a handful of seconds later by tilting her hips forward and then back, biting back on a moan. “Kay, yeah. Keep going.”
Chloe chuckles, bending down to kiss the top of Beca’s spine. “I knew you could take it.”
Beca rolls her eyes, her retort dying in her throat when Chloe starts to move in short, slow thrusts, the dildo sliding in and out without trouble given Beca’s arousal and the lube Chloe applied to it beforehand.
“Feels good?” Chloe asks after a little while, squeezing Beca’s hip as she keeps up with her steady rhythm.
“Huh-huh,” Beca manages, the angle and thickness of the toy shooting a spark of pleasure throughout her body with each pass. “Would be even better if you fucked me  properly.”
Chloe barks a laugh, pinching Beca’s hip. “Brat.”
“You love it,” Beca quips, squeaking out a moan when Chloe drives her hips back, only leaving the tip inside Beca before sliding it back in the whole way. “Shit.”
“Is that what you want?” Chloe asks as she goes through the same motion, barely pausing. “Want me to fuck you so hard you can’t walk tomorrow morning?”
The only reply Beca can muster is a short hum as she lowers herself on her elbows, her entire body jolting forward with each thrust. “Chlo. Faster.”
As Chloe is standing at the foot of the bed, it’s easy for her to pick up in speed. She grips Beca’s hips tightly, her breathing turning to pants as her rhythm switches to shorter, faster thrusts.
Mewls and moans of pleasure fill the room (the fact that she knows there are no neighbors within hearing range makes it easier for Beca to let loose on the vocal side of things) mingling with the wet sounds and the headboard hitting the wall in rhythm with Chloe’s thrusts.
Chloe slows down, going back to grinding. She’s in charge, and she clearly doesn’t want Beca to come too fast.
“Fuck, Chlo. You’re killing me.” Beca croaks, her arms feeling like jelly as she pushes onto them so her face isn’t pressed against the mattress anymore. She whines and pushes her ass back, a zap of intense pleasure rushing through her when the bulbous head of the dildo rubs against her g-spot. “Oh my  God.”
“You’re so hot,” Chloe murmurs, resuming her thrusting. Her nails dig into Beca’s hip bones as she pounds into Beca. “I love fucking you from behind like the good little slut you are.”
“Chlo,”   Beca chokes out, her wife’s name one of the only things she can muster as her brain fogs up. That and, “Don’t stop.  Please.”
Her elbows give once more and she grasps tight fistfuls of sheet as she feels the coil winding tighter and tighter with each thrust, ready to snap. Chloe is truly ravaging her and she doesn’t show any intent of stopping until Beca comes, this time.
“Oh God, baby,” Beca pants, unable to drive her hips back anymore as her whole body starts to quake. She just needs-
Chloe must read her mind, her thumb finding her clit and drawing precise circles on it does her in, and she comes with a hoarse scream, her vision blinded for a handful of seconds.
Chloe doesn’t stop. Her thrusts shorten because Beca’s walls are still clenched around the dildo, but she doesn't stop. Chloe's hands at her hips are the only thing holding Beca up as she continues fucking Beca until she comes again less than a minute later, right with Chloe.
“Holy shit,” Beca puffs out a full two minutes later once she’s more or less caught her breath. Chloe plopped down next to her in the meantime, and Beca twists onto her side, her body still twitching with aftershocks and her heart pounding against her ribs. “This might be my new favorite toy.”
Chloe chuckles, reaching out to take it out and set it aside. “Should we send Stacie a thank you note?”
Beca groans, hiding her face in Chloe’s neck. “Was it good for you, too?”
“Mhm, yeah,” Chloe says softly as she wraps her arm around Beca’s back. “It was amazing.”
Beca brushes a kiss to Chloe’s skin, draping her own arm over Chloe’s middle and intertwining their legs. “Do you ever think about… filming ourselves, sometimes?” Blush rushes to meet Beca’s cheeks as soon as the question is out of her mouth.
Chloe snickers. “Pretty much all the time.”
That makes Beca lift her head, not caring if Chloe can see how flustered she is. Chloe knows how she gets when talking about sex outside of the moment, anyway. “Really? You do? How come you never told me that?”
“Mm, yeah.” Chloe shrugs. “I dunno, I was going to bring it up at some point, but I’m glad you did.”
“Let’s do it,” Beca says.
Chloe cocks an eyebrow. “Now?”
“No.” She scrunches up her nose. She can't even feel her legs after those three back-to-back orgasms. “I’m gonna need at least an hour before you fuck me with that thing again. Besides, I’m hungry.”
Chloe laughs heartily. “Okay, then. Let’s go eat, then we can shoot some porn.”
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jungle321jungle · 5 years
Do Souls Taste Good? (You Seem To Think So)
Souls taste like sugar, chew like stale gum, and go down like a rock only to dissolve into energy before they even hit the stomach. They're an acquired taste; one for murderers and kishin eggs and the demon weapons who take them down.
Dee has eaten ninety nine of them, and chews them like bubble gum until the flavor is all gone; Roman's not had half as many, but he only gives them a few cursory chews out of habit; and his brother Remus doesn't even have a dozen, but he always licks them with a grin before popping it in his mouth and swallowing hard so that it's path down his throat is violently visible.
They all think the souls taste too sickly sweet.
Tagging: @ashensanity
Episode One: Matters of The Soul
“Number ninety-nine, congrats! Did your meeting with Lord Death go well?”
Virgil gave Patton a nod but Dee smiled proudly as he collapsed into his seat, “It did! And this time tomorrow I’ll be a full fledged Death Scythe.”
“I could get ninety nine souls,” Roman muttered into the air but hearing him only caused Dee’s excitement to rise.
“Jealous are we?” He asked his sharp teeth exposed as he smiled. “Well we did make a bet a while ago over who would be the better sword, and well, it looks like I win.”
“That’s unfair. You both have different strengths,” Patton chided. “Dee is better with speed and flexibility, and Roman you can switch modes!”
Virgil rolled his eyes and ignored the urge to tell Dee to make him shut up because though he wouldn’t admit it, he was just as excited. But he also equally nervous.
“You are all quite loud this early in the morning.”
Virgil looked up in surprise as Logan sat down beside him. “You’re later than usual.”
Logan sent a glare to his partner who hadn’t seemed to notice. “I am due to certain unapologetic someone.”
“I will never understand how you ended up with Remus.”
“I suppose it’s as the saying goes, opposites attract? So, how was your evening Virgil?”
“Pretty good,” Virgil nodded. “Actually Dee and I-”
“I’m going to be a Death Scythe!” Dee interrupted.
Logan raised an eyebrow unimpressed, “That is the goal of all the weapons in this school, yes.”
“We got the ninety-nineth kishin egg yesterday,” Virgil explained. “So next is...”
“The witch’s soul.”
“Right. We also learned there’s a witch not to far away named Remy. So hopefully Dee will be the newest Death Scythe.”
“And we’re rooting for you guys!” Patton cheered despite Roman’s almost pitiful expression.
Logan adjusted his glasses a few times before he spoke, “...Remy? Then I ask that you both proceed with caution?”
Virgil frowned suddenly feeling more worried than moments before, “You don’t think we can handle it?”
“He thinks that the witch will turn you both into thousands of tiny pieces which he’ll use for potions,” Remus tossed in.
“That is not at all what I was going to say.”
“Or maybe he’ll save you both as sacrifices for spells! Blood of a virgin is an important thing.”
Logan gave a groan as he rubbed at his temple, “I was going to say that reports say that something about Remy is a bit off. Thus you should exercise caution.”
“Ah yes we should be cautious of the witch living in a fucking pumpkin on the edge of Death City.”
Virgil shrugged, his eyes not leaving the large vegetable as he wondered what sort of wards could cover the place. “We should just stake it out today. Come back to attack tomorrow.”
“Or we could just go in that open window,” Dee suggested pointing as he did.
“No! We are not sneaking into a witch’s inner sanctum!”
“Then how else do you expect to fight him?”
Virgil paused, he had planned out multiple possible attacks but all of which involved fighting the witch outside his own home. “We need to lure him out.”
Virgil blinked, mentally running through the plans in his head but apparently that had been the missing detail which had been bothering him all day. Finally he gave a shrug, “By... knocking?”
Dee didn’t reply initially as he began to climb a tree. “I’m going in the window,” he said finally. “You knock and tell me how that goes.”
Virgil opened his mouth to complain, but Dee was already in the window. He swallowed listening intently for any signs of distress, before he took a deep breath and climbed the tree. His heart was pounding almost painfully in his chest- and it only increased as he pulled himself up higher. There should be sound.
And yet inside was nothing but silence. If Dee has encountered the witch there should be sounds of fighting, or even if the witch wasn’t there, Dee should be poking his head out to call for Virgil to go faster. There should be something anything. At least if Dee would scream, Virgil would know that he was alive.
As he touched the windowsill Virgil took a breath to prepare himself for what could be inside. He was prepared for the worst. For literally anything.
Anything except Dee standing frozen at the sight of a naked man who was standing there with a frown. Virgil felt his cheeks heat up as he tried to force himself to function.
“Y-you’re Remy?”
The man nodded once a casual expression on his face, “Oh there’s two of you? Shark teeth here is a tad cuter though.”
Virgil tried his best not to be offended as he moved to stand beside his partner, “Sorry to catch you like- like this, but your soul is ours!”
He liked to think that the words were more confident than they came out, as Virgil tried to look basically everywhere but at the witch. It also wasn’t helpful that Dee hadn’t used that perfect moment to switch to his weapon form.
“Dee!” He hissed. “We kind of need to fight the witch!”
Remy looked amused, “Witch? No need to censor yourself.”
Dee seemed to be finally shaken from his stupor as he blinked, “Oh yeah.” With nothing more said he transformed and Virgil felt the familiar weight of the silvery yellow rapier that was Dee in his hand.
He held Dee in front of him trying to focus on what he was here to do, not how the witch was distracting him. But thankfully the witch seemed to understand the concept of a fight as that’s when he snapped once and he was (thankfully) clothed. He wore a simple pair of jeans, shirt, and a leather jacket, but with that he also has donned a witch’s hat (and a pair of sunglasses?).
“Let’s get this over with,” he smiled raising a hand. “Pumpkin, pum- pumpkin...”
Virgil released a breath ready for the attack, letting his opponent attack first to observe better understand.
“Halloween canon!”
Unfortunately all Virgil observed was the sensation of being blasted backwards out the wall and flying backwards until he hit a tree and promptly fell to the ground.
“Should’ve attacked first,” Dee commented unhelpfully as he leaned over him.
Virgil gave his partner a glare as he pulled himself to his feet unsteadily. “You could’ve caught me.”
Dee gave a shrug and looked back to the pumpkin- with its now Virgil sized hole. “Round two?”
Virgil nodded, “Ready when you are.”
Dee nodded once and transformed again, “This time avoid that attack.”
“I will stab you into a rock.”
“How are they doing?” Emilie asked worriedly entering the room.
“They’re struggling,” Thomas admitted as he watched Virgil get hit by a blast for what must've been the third time now. “To be honest I’m not sure if they’ll win.”
Emilie gave a noise of distress drawing Thomas’s attention away from the mirror in front of him.
“Listen,” Thomas started. “I’ve seen many many many students loose their lives again a witch-” at Emilie’s eyes widening Thomas quickly gave a cough and tried to refocus on the point. “Virgil’s not going to be one of them!”
“You think so?”
Thomas nodded with a slight sigh of relief, “Yeah. He may not win this fight, and he may be left with some broken bones but he’ll be alive.”
“How many broken bones?”
“Um... Not too many?” Wow he was bad at this. “He’ll be okay. He’s a tough kid.”
“He’s still-” Thomas watched as the death scythe gave a visible cringe as Virgil narrowly dodged a blast, and from here they could see where a hole had been singled into Virgil’s patchwork cloak. “Still a kid.”
“But he’s a capable one. How many kishin eggs have they collected?”
“I know I know,” Emilie sighed sitting down to watch. “It’s just the father in me that worries. You’d be the same if Logan was out there.”
Thomas gave an awkward shrug in reply, “ I think Logan would disown himself if he ever found out I was worried about him in a fight. He’d probably add it to the pile of reasons he thinks he’s not good enough to be shinigami.”
“Isn’t he doing well though? They’ve finally gotten a few kishin eggs, right?”
“Lo is pushing himself to perfect soul resonance with Remus and they’re not exactly getting results. He’s just too hard on himself. Plenty of students can’t. But I’m sure he’ll gain confidence in himself soon enough. Just like I’m sure Virgil will finally come round to talking to you.”
Thomas has meant it on an uplifting note, but Emilie only seemed to look more upset as he watched the fight. He gave a sigh himself and redirected his attention to his students, one thing at a time.
Virgil tried to control his breathing as he sprinted down the city street. It had taken far too much time, but it seemed he had finally lured Remy out of his comfort zone. Unfortunately however, Remy was floating out Virgil’s reach.
He gave a quick turn right, barely dodging a blast as he started down another street. Virgil was silently thankful that no civilians were around to get hurt, but as he ran toward a parked car and idea came to mind. He ran up the car hood and stood on the roof Dee in hand as he waited for Remy to close in.
“I just want the sword!” The witch complained as he came closer. “Come on, I’m sure he’d be happier with me anyway. Right babe?” He purred.
Virgil ignored him launching himself into the air and thrusting his sword forward. It was enough to make contact and shove Remy off the pumpkin and down toward the ground, but not enough to do much else.
The witch gave a groan as he pulled himself up, and he gave a glare as he pulled off his sunglasses and tossed them to the side. “I guess I’ll just kill you then. But I’ll give the pretty sword one more chance to join me and live.”
“Oh shut up!” Virgil shouted at him his anger rising. “You can’t just take my partner!”
Remy seemed pleased with getting under his skin, “That’s up to him, no?”
Virgil grit his teeth, “Fine! Tell him Dee!”
Dee didn’t respond, but Virgil’s grip was forced to be released on the hilt as Dee’s human form moved to stand in front of him.
“Dee?” Virgil asked quietly.
“He makes a good point,” Dee shrugged as he put his hands in his pockets.
“And what point is that?”
“Living? The way I see it, as long as I’m your sword, we can’t win this fight. If I go with him at least I won’t die.”
Virgil felt like he had been kicked in the stomach.
“So you’re just going to throw everything away? Just like that?”
Dee moved closer to stand by Remy’s side. “Surviving and hanging with a witch? Way better than dying with you... Better than being around you in general.”
“Leave then!” Virgil shouted taking a step forward. “Leave like everyone always does! Go ahead and break your promise!”
“You broke a promise? I need some popcorn,” Remy smiled leaning on Dee’s shoulder.
Virgil found himself taking another step forward as he glared at witch before looking to Dee. “When my mom left, you swore you’d always stay by my side as my partner.”
Dee gave a shrug “Did you expect something else? I’ve been a liar since birth. So what are you going to do about it?” He reached out a hand mockingly. “Come on, hit me!”
Virgil moved close enough and set his hand in Dee’s. There was a short pause in which he basked in the radiance of Dee’s smirk before he let his human form go, and embraced his scythe form.
He heard Remy open his mouth to question in response, but Dee had already pulled Virgil’s blade through.
“You’re acting has gotten a lot better,” Dee praised as Virgil turned back to him human form.
Virgil shrugged, “I’m friends with Roman. It’s a consequence.”
Dee laughed and looked to where the dust had settled to reveal the purple soul- souls?
“There’s two?” Virgil asked in confusion.
“Hell yes!” Dee cheered grabbing them both before he offered one to Virgil. “Now we can both become Death Scythes at once!”
Virgil took the offered soul skeptically. “Why would a witch have two souls?”
“Stop thinking so loud. Bottoms up?”
Virgil couldn’t help but smile as he nodded, “Bottoms up.” He took a deep breath before putting it on his tongue, then vaguely aware of his oddly sweeter taste than most kishin eggs, he swallowed whole like a pill.
For a moment he felt nothing.
And then he felt everything.
He could feel the air, his heart, the power coursing through his veins- and then nothing.
He blinked and looked to Dee who looked as confused before a laugh hit his ears. He turned to see a black cat sitting a few feet away, a witch’s hat on its head. “What?” The cat asked. “Do I not taste good?”
Virgil’s brain wasn’t capable of a functioning response, so all he could do was watch as in a plume of smoke the cat vanished and Remy took its place.
“You’re a cat,” Dee stated. “Ass! You tricked us!”
“I never said I was a witch,” he shrugged with a smile.
“Damnit now we need to find more witches.”
Remy gave a bit of laugh which only caused Dee’s scowl deepened. “What?”
“Oh nothing babe,” he purred. “I’m just a cat with multiple lives, and now I’m down two of them. So you took two of my lives... I took your opportunity to become Death Scythes.” He gave a smirk. “I think it’s a fair trade.”
“What are you-”
“We fucked up,” Virgil realized as devastation set in. “The rule is, if you mess up on your last soul... you have to start over. We just lost one hundred and ninety eight kishin eggs... we fucked up.”
Dee shook his head in disbelief, “No, no. We- we can um- we can-”
“We fucked up,” Virgil said again. “We fucked up.”
Episode One - Episode Two
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donttellpeterparker · 5 years
Summary: Coming into Junior Year things were going to be different. With my handsome and sweet Senior boyfriend on my arm, I could do and be anything I wanted, nothing was going to stop me... except... of course... maybe him.
Requested: Yes xx You must be hating how long this is getting xo
Word Count: 3k+
Warning(s)?: god fiNALLY SOME FLUFF BUt like with a lil angst whoops (Italics in quotation are lyrics), Written in third and first person which is something different, Yes this is following the script from the show so please no comments about how it's exactly like it because... that's kinda the point :)
Taglist: Open
''Can I get you to move a little closer to each other?'' Mrs Jen smiled, directing both EJ and I closer as the other cast members looked on with questioning glances. I could tell what they where thinking. What's wrong with them? They're a couple, why is it so awkward? Aren't they together?
Answer, no we weren't anymore, not that it was anyone's business. I was so tried of being lied to and left with nothing, nothing but my own wild guesses. EJ tried explaining but I couldn't hear it, everything was lie. The play during the summer, the lead part I got, a lie. The last school musical part, also a lie. Even a present he gave me was a lie, a used lie by his ex-girlfriend. Annoyance didn't even cover what I was feeling towards him.
''Come on, guys, we are blocking this as a love story, not a SARS epidemic'' Mrs Jen tried to joke through the tension. I stepped closer towards him, EJ doing the same though trying to get my attention while doing so.
''Troy, once the intro begins, cross downstage and plant yourself at the piano. Gabriella, you slowly approach the piano, and rest an arm on it, naturally. Okie dokie! Now, Let's take it from 'Wow, now that's really nice''' Mrs Jen instructs. As per usual, Peter wasn't here so EJ filled in as his understudy. I was almost tempted to get Gina, my understudy who had been trying to steal my spot take this one.
''Wow, now that's really nice'' EJ states awkwardly, his enthusiasm stiff. I grimace as the piano softly began to play. This was going to be a long rehearsal.
''How do people like that live with themselves? How do they sleep at night?'' I babbled on, holding the cup of coffee in my cold hands. My best friend sat across from me, holding her own beverage inside our favorite little cafe.
''Like a shark. Eyes open'' If I wasn't so down I'd probably laugh.
''We've been dating for, like, three months and I don't even know this person'' I exclaimed, throwing my hands to the side before returning them back to my cup, taking a sip.
''Sweetie, it's called a blind spot. Everybody's got 'em. Why do you think I flunked my driving test?'' She folded her hands forward now, smiling a little which caused me to smile softly.
''If he's willing to do that to somebody, how long before he tries to poison me?'' Again, asking aloud but was very grateful for the ears my best friend was lending me in my time of need.
''I'm gonna get us some food'' She stood up, sighing to herself as I was lost deep in thought. A few moments later she came back, snapping me out of it.
''These are your choices, a very sad-looking bran muffin or some really shriveled-up carrots'' I scrunch my nose up, not liking either. I glanced down at them, picking up the muffin packet.
''Don't look now, but you're shark's cousin is here'' I glanced back up and then pivoted my head around, spotting Ashlyn. I smiled softly towards her. Hoping for a smile back, she gave me a timid look instead, quickly retreating. I hop up fast, chasing after her.
''Hey! Ashlyn! You don't have to avoid me'' I call out, noticing her pick up her helmet from her bike.
''No. I'm not avoiding, I just decided to make a half-caff mocha frappe at home'' She faked a smile.
''Look, Ashlyn, no matter what happens between me and EJ, there's no bad blood between us. I mean, you might have some because you're related to him, but that's not your fault'' I chuckled, getting off track.
''Y/N, I really don't want to be in the middle''
''Wait, you're not. It's not like you knew what he did'' She instantly frowned. My awkward smile fell a little, realising.
''Oh. You knew what he did, and you knew about the hot egg? His ex-girlfriend?'' I asked.
''Not till today'' She responded, frowning herself at her stupid cousin. I sighed in relief.
''But, I'm not totally surprised''
''Are you totally disgusted?'' I asked a little incredulously.
''A little, but he's EJ. He tends to do the wrong things for the right reasons''
''No, you cannot possibly defend him'' I began, growing slightly annoyed.
''No, I'm not. I'm not. Look, I know what he did sucks, but he loves you... and he's hurting right now and...'' Ashlyn tried reasoning, feeling a little silly for even backing up her cousin in the first place.
''Yeah, and what? What am I supposed to do with that?''
''Find some way to forgive him?'' As much as I hated to say it, she did have a point. But it was not going to be that easy, he did a lot of unforgivable things. Why does he deserve a second chance?
My thoughts consumed me again once I got home. I went straight up to my room and stayed in there, even missed dinner because I wasn't feeling very well. I felt sick to my stomach thinking about everything, I wish I could turn my brain off and stop. The only thing that usually calmed me down wasn't here anymore.
I didn't even bother checking my phone once I heard it go off.
''Hey hot stuff'' I answered with a smile. My best friend laughed through the phone, sending a greeting back.
''Just checking to make sure you're okay'' She was honestly the best.
''Yeah, I'm fine'' I lied smoothly, walking over towards my bed.
''You sure?'' She asked in a disbelieving tone.
''Uh, yeah. It happened, it's over, life goes on. Plus, I just blocked EJ's number, so... Problem solved!'' Sometimes she was the only person who could see through the mask.
''You know it's okay to be sad, too, right?'' I bit my lip, not wanting to cry.
''Yeah, I know''
''Y/N, it's okay to be sad'' I looked up towards my window, smiling sadly.
''Yeah. Okay, thanks hun''
''Call me anytime, okay?'' A genuine smile now coated my lips.
''I will. You're the best. Mwah bye-bye'' I sing-songed at the end before hanging up the phone. I soon found myself frowning again, my thoughts immediately rushing back in. My body fell backwards, landing on the soft pile of cushions underneath. I let my eyes wander the star-covered ceiling, humming to myself. A few seconds later I sat back up again, reaching out towards the end of my bed for my electronic keyboard.
My fingertips were already dancing across the keys, a melody softly beginning to form. It wasn't hard to find the lyrics to how I was feeling, using my heart as the words and my hands as the melody, everything fell into place.
''I found a boy, told me I was a star... Held the door, held my hand in the dark... And he's perfect on paper, but he's lying to my face... Does he think that I'm the kinda girl that needs to be saved?...'' I stopped myself once I heard the upstairs bathroom door open and close loudly, a voice echoing.
''Thanks Carol!'' I recognised the voice. My hands stilled. I quickly hopped off of my bed and walked over towards my closed bedroom door, opening it to leave the room. I closed it behind me and made my way down the stairs.
''Uh... hey mum?'' My words formed more of a question once I saw her prepping the sofa with pillows and a blanket.
''Hi, there'' She smiled, looking up to face me.
''Whose are those?'' I asked, gesturing down towards the boy-style sneaks near the bottom of the stairs. They looked like-
''Why are they here?'' Teeth were biting my bottom lip.
''Because the rest of him is in the bathroom changing into pajamas, or whatever else I gave him to wear''
''Mum'' A soft whine left my throat.
''Hold on, hold on. There's something going on at home. It has something to do with his Aunty... Her and Happy are back in town, engaged. I already called her to let them know he was spending the night here'' She finished.
''Spending the night?'' My eyes widen. We both hear the door open from upstairs, our heads turning for a moment.
''Mum, I can't deal with any more drama today. Please...'' I begged. My mum stepped forward.
''I have had the worst day ever'' The words tumbled out. I hadn't even wanted to tell them anything.
''Sweetie, I'm guessing not as bad as his'' I glanced down, biting my lip.
''Yeah'' Soft footsteps tracked down the stairs. I turned around once my mum glanced up behind me with a warm smile.
''Hey'' Peter greeted my, eyes a little wide. I scrunched my lips together and nodded back at him.
''Well, I gotta say, that looks better on you than it does on me'' Mum jokes, pointing towards the shirt he was wearing. Even I smiled a little.
''Uh, It's kinda comfy'' Peter responds, chuckling.
''Well, so are my birkenstocks, but let's draw the line here'' The both of them chuckle. My lips only pursed in response.
''Yeah. Well... sleep tight'' Mum said softly.
''Hey, thanks again for letting me stay. Thank you'' Peter stumbled over his words, a small blush on his cheeks due to slight embarrassment. Mum just shook her head.
''Anytime'' She said before walking up the stairs.
''I probably should've called you, and asked how you feel about me being here. I didn't...'' He began once mum was out of sight.
''It's okay. You wouldn't have reached me. I turned my phone off'' I stayed still, rocking slowly on my spot. My feet stopped once Peter walked past me, looking completely exhausted. He headed straight for the couch but stayed standing, his eye looking distant.
''So, what's going on at home?'' I asked cautiously.
''I don't...'' Peter stammered, turning around.
''Well, if things ever get really tense, you know you can always hang here'' I threw my hands to the side with a soft laugh, trying to ease him a little. He sat down, eyes still looking straight ahead.
''I'm really scared'' Peter smacked his lips.
''I'm really scared this time'' Peter knew that his Aunt and Happy were getting close, dating even. But he thought she'd never look into marriage ever again, not since Uncle Ben... He was even a little mad that she would consider it, marrying someone else. Her and Uncle Ben were perfect, they raised him perfectly and in a loving home. When he died, he watched his Aunt fall into depression, barely showing any emotions for at least a year afterwards. The funeral was the second hardest day of his life, the first being saying goodbye to his parents without even realising.
Uncle Ben was his entire support system, his role model in life. He grew into a father figure, someone irreplaceable. The thought of his Aunt May going through all of that again scared the hell out of him. Peter never felt like he was going to accept Happy into the family, the spot was already taken and he couldn't see why May would want to add another.
He couldn't see her lose another person she loved, a person Peter may even love himself one day. Losing three parental figures was enough for a lifetime.
''It feels different already'' And they weren't even married yet.
''Oh, But... I mean, that's all it is right? Different? Doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad'' I tried to soothe, walking over to sit next to him. He turns to face me, eyes and face slightly red and blotchy. He had been crying.
''It's really hard to talk about it, you know? N-not with you, but anyone else, it's like...'' He trails off, glancing at me then straight ahead again.
''Well, you can always talk to me about anything anytime, okay?'' My heart was breaking for him. I know how much it hurt him to lose Uncle Ben, I didn't know him at the time but he spoke about him a lot, especially when we first started dating.
''I know, things are kinda weird between us, but, um, we're friends, right?''
''Yep'' Peter nodded, his eyes still on me. It was hard not to get lost in them. Every second passing I could feel myself being pulled back in, the thumping in my chest growing and growing. A warmth had settled in my stomach.
''You know that'' My voice broke near the end, softening. My eyes fell to his lips before meeting his eyes again. A breath hitched in my throat, the softest gasp leaving my parted lips. My chest was growing warm, heart beginning to beat a little faster. I still couldn't look away. Not when he was looking at me with a soft expression, his own eyes darting towards my lips then my eyes.
''Uh, do you need a pillow?'' I bounced up, glancing behind me then back towards him, trying to shake the overwhelming feelings. Peter sniffled, snapping himself out of it as well.
''Or... yeah'' Peter had to force his eyes away from her lips.
''Or no. No that's great'' He failed miserably. The feelings he had been pushing down for months rushing to the surface, spilling over.
''Yeah, thank you'' He was stumbling over his words, growing nervous.
''Okay. No problem'' My words sounded stiff and awkward but I tried to smile anyway. We just stopped and stared at each other for a second, not knowing what to do.
''Good night, Peter'' I spoke up, breaking the silence first. Without thinking, I lent forwards and wrapped my arms around him. It was a huge mistake, and I immediately tried to lean away once I felt the rush of tingles and the warmth spreading around me, enveloping me like a blanket. His arms circled around me before I could move.
Peter's features softened again, thankful for the comfort he was so desperately seeking. I exhaled, letting myself lose a battle with my self control. I hugged him a little tighter, almost needing it for myself. It was uncanny, the way my body was still responding to his touch so easily, becoming putty in his hands. With my self control dwindling by the second, I needed to retreat soon before I ended up doing something I'd regret.
But he was so warm and inviting and... intoxicating. I couldn't get enough.
My brain soon switched back on, pulling my body away slowly. I could feel my heart beating loudly in my chest, ringing in my ears. My mind forced me to look down, my self control slowly coming back.
But I made the deadly mistake of looking up, meeting his chocolaty, brown eyes. I was already done for. Peter must have felt it too, looking down at me as if I was the most gorgeous and fragile thing he ever saw. He instinctively bought a hand up to cup my cheek, swooping down quickly to close the small gap between our parted lips.
My heart was wanting to burst out of my chest, warmth radiating from his soft lips to my own, trembling ones. He held my cheek still, his other hand still on my waist not letting me go. Peter could feel it too, his heart almost leaping out painfully. His emotions are terribly heightened by his spidey-senses.
My eyes drifted close on their own, my heart winning a losing battle for the tiniest of moments. Self control what?
I pulled away swiftly, my eyes quickly opening to gaze into his. The same aww expression mirroring my own.
''You can't do that'' The tone was a little hoarse, it was even breaking a little.
''I know... I'm sorry'' His hand was still cupping my face. I needed to remove myself from here before I pulled him back in for another swee-
''I'll grab you some more pillows, these ones are quite flat'' I lept away as if I was just burned, my eyes going glassy as I bounded up the stairs towards my bedroom. My hand shut the door so fast, my breathing becoming irregular and slightly strained.
A lone tear left my eye and fell down, another one soon followed, then another. Before I knew it I was crying, crying over how painfully fast my heart was beating. Crying over the tingling warmth still dancing across my lips. Crying over the boy just meters away who had somehow broken my heart all over again.
After 10 minutes I managed to calm myself down enough to stop crying, my heart going back to it's original rhythm. I gathered the pillows and slowly walked back down the stairs, leaving me bedroom door open.
The pillows, blanket and my mum's clothes were neatly folded on top of the lounge, Peter nowhere in sight. My eyes were tearing up again, a pillow falling from my grip.
Again, I returned to my bedroom, willing myself not to cry. The keyboard was still on my bed, my mouth humming the tune again as I sat down, playing as I let my heart sing the words.
''And there's one more boy, he's from my past... We fell in love but it didn't last... 'Cause the second I figured it out, he pushes me away... I won't fight for love if you won't meet me halfway... And I say that I'm through but this song is still for you... All I want is love that lasts.... Is all I want too much to ask?... Is it something wrong with me?... All I want is a good guy... Are my expectations far too high?... Try my best but what can I say?... All I have is myself at the end of the day... But shouldn't that be enough for me?......''
A/N: Wowzie up to 4! Here was an action-packed part! There was angst and softness and sweetness and tenderness and- you get the point xx Heart and comment what you think lovelies xx And please let me know if you guys are liking this, if not I'll stop writing parts xo
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Southern Sweetheart
Here's 2.5k words of Southern S/O X Bakugou, enjoy the feast my darlins.
The smell of freshly tilled dirt just made you even more eager to see your family. The way the wheat fields moved like waves in the ocean eased your nerves and just proved you were finally back home. You finally convinced your boyfriend to tag along with you for the weekend, but he might've underestimated the extent of what was to come. This here land was your Homeland and he was in a strange alien world.
"Tch, I still don't know why we gotta come all the way out in the middle of nowhere to meet your fuckin family." Katsuki grumbled as he sank deeper into the passenger seat of your Wrangler.
"Cuz Hot Stuff, you've only met em once and it were only for bout 20 minutes. Besides they love ya as far as they can throw ya." You shifted gears to accommodate the transition from road to backroads, causing him to grip his seat a bit tighter.
"You good babe? I'm only goin' 50. Do you want me to slow down ya city slicker?"
"Fuck you, I'm just not used to these fuckin pothOLES" he reached for every handle your car had to offer and braced himself as he felt the wheels slam inside a crater.
You purposely hit a monster pothole head on to shut him up. Evoking a glare from your normally badass lover.
"Oh yer fine Katsu, if Ole Bessie here can handle a ragin' cow in heat she can handle a little pothole. Just try to relax and think of it like a rollercoaster." You slapped the side of your car door and gave him a wicked smirk.
"Only thing ya gotta worry bout is the rogue buck, so keep an eye out. It is deer o' clock after all."
"Tch I thought 'Ole Bessie' could handle a 'ragin' cow', you're telling me she can't handle a deer?"
"Not at 67 miles per hour, Katsu."
"It's an unspoken rule to fly down these roads." You shifted gears and smirked as he sunk deeper into the seat due to the force of Ole Bessie claiming the road.
"Goddammit Y/n stop trying to fuckin scare me."
"Ah so it's workin then? Admit it Katsu!" You shifted again causing the speedometer to jump to 86.
"GODDAMIT YES OK IM FUCKIN SCARED OF YOU GOING THIS DAMN FAST ON A DIRT FUCKIN ROAD OK??" His were hands uncontrollably creating small Sparks out of sheer panic at this point.
"Fine, I'll slow it down a smidge. Jussa smidge though. How's 76?"
You smirk knowing what was coming up ahead. You knew Katsuki has probably never smelled farmland or even seen a real actual cow in flesh n blood and you couldn't help but giggle.
"THE HELL IS THAT?" He covered his nose and fanned the air staring at you accusingly.
"Well, roll up the windahs darlin', you're bout to smell some good ole dairy cows."
"What the fuck do you mean."
You point to his window and he looks out it to see a whole herd of dairys just grazing and swatting flies. You couldn't help but love his expression. You were right, he's never personally seen cattle before.
"Why are there so fuckin many."
"How do you think we fill up entire tankers full o' milk Katsu. We gotta have a bunch of em. You're lookin at this year's yearlin's. They ain't even fully grown yet and they're already built like tanks."
He pretended not to be interested but you could see him sneaking looks out of the corner of your eye.
Oh if only he knew what you had in store for him.
The sunset peaked over the crest of a corn field, you both were in the car for about 4 hours now and you still had a small bit to go still. You glanced over at him and he was sound asleep. His right hand propped his face against the doors' armrest and he was manspreading. His face was relaxed and showing you a softer side of him only you knew about. His gentle breaths putting you at ease. You couldn't help but keep stealing glances at him wondering how you could snag this piece of man.
You turned down the radio for him and you reached out to his left hand and rubbed the back of it gently. You were so blessed to have him by your side, especially since his family loved him to death even if they knew him so little. You truly were-
"FUCKIN CHRIST-" you slammed on the brakes causing you both to nearly fly into the dashboard.
Katsuki instinctively went into fight or flight and almost blew your windshield up before-
"MOVE OUT THE FUCKIN ROAD YOU GOTDAMN FUTURE VENISON BURGER" You slammed on your horn and the deer bounded back into the woods.
"It's just a goddamn deer, fucker came outta nowhere I swear to Christ. Sorry to wake you up darlin'."
"Get out, I'm driving."
"The fUCk you are?! We're almost there anyway Katsu. Fucker probably came from out gotdamn land anyways." You pressed on the gas and continued your journey.
He huffed as you kept going, pretty much just blowing off his offer. At least he could collect his heart from the floor and relax a bit before finally getting to your place.
"Katsu, fair warnin, my family is well, out there."
"Really? I couldn't tell based off of you 'Darlin'"
"Heh, you gonna learn today then."
You whipped into the driveway causing Katsuki to glare at you for throwing him around. He looked to see what was your house, a seemingly picture perfect two storied ranch house fitted with an extended porch and a white picket fence. He would've made a comment about it being cliche before you rolled down the windows and nearly put your whole torso out of the window before-
Katuski flinched at your loud outburst seemingly at random before realizing what that meant.
Out came your parents who replied with their own pig call and rushed down the steps. Your brother stood at the porch and just waved at you two.
"What in the fuck is going on."
After introductions and a night's rest Katsuki woke up to a rooster.
His eyes shot open and he flinched before he realized where he was. You were in the same bed and were snuggling into his bicep, he brushed some hair behind your ear and smirked before holding you closer to him. He was about to kiss your forehead before that damned rooster crowed again. You shifted in your half awake daze.
"Babe, there's an uncooked chicken nugget that's about to be deep fried, get up."
You mumbled incoherently.
He shook you awake gently, "babe I'm gonna roast that fuckin bird if you don't get up."
"mmm -Jerry alone…"
"What was that my lasso?"
"Leave Jerry alone.. he's a jackass but hnn…" you groaned reluctantly. "Wait… YOUR LASSO?? IS THAT A NEW NICKNAME KATSU??"
"Fuckin hell that's what got you up?"
After you two got dressed and made your way downstairs for a deliciously cooked southern breakfast of ham, bacon, eggs, and some buttermilk toast, you got your boots on.
"Where are we going now babe, I thought we were going to spend time with your family."
"We are. But if we're gonna stay here, we're gonna help round the farm. Besides I gotta force ya to meet some other family members."
He huffed and started putting on his sneakers before you stopped him.
"Uh uh, darlin' you need workin boots, not those. Good thing I already bought ya a pair." You shove him some cowboy boots and he nearly laughs.
"You're fuckin joking me right?"
You stare at him with a dead serious glare, "We both need em if we're gonna be doin the work that needs ta get done babe."
"What the fuck are we doing that needs these fuckin things?" He shakes the boots in the air
"Oh you'll see, sugar. Now c'mon, Curly's waitin."
You lead your frustrated boyfriend out to the pasture and honestly you could barely keep your eyes off of him. The steel toe boots you got him, some blue jeans, and Lord have mercy on that plaid shirt he had on. He was the spittin image of a country boy, but-
"Where the fuck are we going. Who the hell is Curly?"
His question was soon answered when he was toppled over by a horned goat.
"THERES MAH BOY" you patted the goat and it bleated happily to finally see you.
Curly took this as a challenge and attempted to ram into Katsuki again only to have a palm stop his head.
"Yeah Katsu, Curly's a boer goat. He was supposed ta be a meat goat but we all kinda got attached. He's got a fiery attitude just like ya too." You shove Katsuki teasingly and Curly saw an opening, he rammed at the back of Katsuki's knees causing him to fall over.
"You really gonna let a lil goat push you round like that?" Your boyfriend growled in response.
You pull him back on his feet as you coddle him "Now c'mon, you're gonna learn how to ride a horse Katsu."
"I take it you've never ridden a horse before?" You leaned against the fence watching him scan the pasture
"Show me the nearest horse in the city and I'll be more than happy to ride the fucker." He glared at your stupid question before going back to panning the meadow.
"Don't be like that Katsu, our horses are two sweethearts, I think you'll like em."
"Well I don't see them so I guess we're not riding today babe"
You grab him by his hand as you lead him to the barn to pick up a square of alfalfa.
"Now when they come barrelin down to get this don't be scared of em. They can sense fear and your fear will make them scared. Horses are very emotion sensitive animals, so that means no yellin neither." You break the square in half and give him one before walking back over to the metal gates.
He climbs up on the first rung of the fence and just looks at you smugly, "I don't think they, want to see us today Y/n, can't we just-"
You bang your heel on the gate causing the lock chains to jingle loudly.
You've rang the dinner bell.
You smirk at Katsuki's face when he hears the thundering of hooves. Sure he thought he knew you had horses but not monsters.
Two horses came sprinting to the gate, one Belgian Draft and one Clydesdale.
Bakugou was so entranced by their sheer power of them just running that he didn't even realize they were coming in hot.
The Belgian nearly charged at Katsuki causing him to flinch and nearly fly off the fence.
"HO, Waffle that's 'nough now you damn dummy, you both best be kind to poor Katuski here. Ya damn near scared 'im to death with yer eagerness. Katuski, mere."
Katuski dusted himself off and picked up his dropped alfalfa, "damn fuckin overgrown donkey."
"Katsu I need you to stick your hand out and let ole Waffle smell ya first, don't face directly at em neither, they're a pretty animal so ya gotta not act like a predator." You patted the Clydesdale's neck as it ate the alfalfa out of your hand.
"Tch, you're practically attacking that one's neck and you're telling me not to act like a predator?" He huffed.
Waffle huffed and took a step towards him as an attempt to scare off your boyfriend.
"Waffle Ho, stop bein spunky. Katuski don't let him walk over you like that, side step to him and extend your arm out, but keep it at a downward angle."
He groans and does what you tell him. The horse smells him and he can't help but feel a rush of excitement when he feels the horses powerful exhale on his skin.
"Heh, you big bastard." Katsuki slowly holds out the alfalfa half and offers it to the horse.
Waffle takes the bit gently from his hand and trots off with it to eat it in the grass.
Katuski has a smile on his face and an idea crosses your mind.
"Wanna ride him Katsu?"
You saddle up both horses on your own despite Katsuki offering to carry the saddles for you. He could really appreciate their size when the seemingly tiny saddle complimented their sheer amount of muscle.
"So, you'll ride Waffle, and I'll ride Hades. Do you need help gettin on em?" You tug a bit on Hades' saddle girth.
"Are you sure you aren't the one who needs help?" He smirks and starts to make his way over before you fling your foot in one of the stirrups with seemingly unknown flexibility.
You fling yourself over on top of the saddle seat with ease and gently plop down, shifting a bit before flashing him a grin.
You watch him struggle for a bit before pointing out the mounting block and he cusses at you a bit before finally getting on.
"Now, these boys are work horses so they listen to direction pretty well. If you need any help just let me know darlin." You click your tongue and Hades starts walking, his hoof fall echoing in the barn before stepping outside.
You turn him around to face the barn to look at a very confused yet impressed Katsuki.
"M-move." He gently nudges Waffle with his stirrups to no avail.
"Katsuki these are workin horses, they got iron sides. Just click your tongue twice and he'll move."
He clicks his tongue and nearly falls out of the saddle when Waffle takes his first step. Then his second. And third.
You can see the excitement on your city slicker boyfriend's face as he realizes the meaning behind the best seat in the world is in a saddle.
He takes some getting used to the commands like Ho and Woa, but he's a surprisingly quick learner.
You start your car to head back home. Katsuki fully enjoyed himself and you couldn't have asked for a more supportive boyfriend.
Before your car lurches forward your brother runs to the passenger side and slaps a cowboy hat on Bakugou. He acts like he hates it but he doesn't take it off.
You two take off to head back home before you see him roll up his sleeves up to his elbows and fix his hat.
"You embracin the cowboy life now Katsu?"
"Never, but I can see the charm in it." He smiles genuinely at you for a split second before, "you do act a lot like Curly, are you sure you ain't related to him?"
"Oh ha ha Kat- DIDJA JUST SAY 'AINT'"
"No I fuckin didn't."
This was going to be long trip back home for him.
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