#babes if it does blow up it’s only blowing up the room. if the built in autoclaves blow up the whole building is fucked
badolmen · 2 years
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Beautiful, simple, and logical design. Instructions are printed on the device with clear language. Minimal user input - one switch, one dial.
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Overcrowded, hard to read, and confusing layout. Instructions on online user manual pdf through company website. Minimum 8 button presses to run my media cycle.
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lee-lucius · 1 year
Satosugu Headcanons
I stayed up way too late last night thinking about these two, so I just wrote down some of my headcanons for them. I hope you enjoy! 💙
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Whenever Satoru annoys him too much, he'll start tickling Suguru, because he thinks he can't scold him while he's laughing (he can).
Satoru loves sneaking up behind Suguru and surprising him by squeezing his sides. He often greets him that way, and it always leads to a fight.
Speaking of tickle fights, they're both major switches and get into tickle fights all the time, like literally over the littlest and pettiest things. No matter what they'll find an excuse to start one (they have never gone a day without starting one when they aren't separated by missions).
Satoru always tries to get their other classmates, including those from Kyoto, and somehow always manages to rope Suguru into his schemes. As it turns out, Shoko is not ticklish and is currently planning murder (Satoru isn't sure this is true and wants to try again; Satoru would prefer to live).
Satoru always finds himself letting his guard down far too easily around Suguru and deactivating Limitless, because he craves his affection too much. Suguru knows this and loves to take advantage of it to surprise him with tickles, which is only fair because Satoru always does it to him.
They're an absolutely insufferable couple. You would never want to be around them. They're literally always so touchy and affectionate and have no concern regarding pda, and it is constant. Satoru is sitting on his lap at every opportunity possible. Suguru will never resist the opportunity to link their hands together or play with Satoru's hair. They will and have made out in Shoko's infirmary and somehow in Yagi's office. It never ends.
When they do get into fights in their relationship (which happens frequently), it's often over something really stupid, but they're always very dramatic and blow it out of proportion. They (Satoru) act(s) like they're going to break up and their relationship is over forever and there's no way to ever fix it. Satoru is prone to hanging around Shoko, where he sulks and monologues for hours about everything wrong in his life, while she suffers. Suguru is equally as embarrassing and sad about it, but he's better at hiding it. He goes to his room to be by himself and watches trashy romance movies, thinking about how he and Satoru would normally be making fun of them together (they also do this frequently), which leads to him reflecting on every moment they spent together. Sometimes, when he's sad enough, he reaches out to Nanami and/or Haibara for comfort. Nanami literally couldn't care less, but Haibara is very supportive and the reason they make up half the time (every other time is because Shoko gets too tired of Satoru's bullshit and calls Suguru to come fix him).
Also obsessively use pet names with each other. Suguru's are traditional and very earnest and sweet, like 'dear,' 'love,' and 'honey,' while Satoru will only very obnoxiously call him 'babe,' some other, worse iteration of it, or what can only be considered an insult but is said so lovingly that Suguru can't really be mad.
When either of them go on faraway missions, they both try to get the other a souvenir. Suguru normally gets him a small trinket, like a keychain or a cute ceramic, or some sort of sweets/candy, which Satoru always prefers. He ends up searching for weird, speciality candies that no one would buy in normal circumstances, because, for whatever reason, that's what his partner likes. Satoru tries to find the weirdest, most obscure thing ever that always puzzles Suguru. Like a hat with a built-in toupee or a frame with a toy zebra head inside. Though Satoru is more prone to forgetting to buy him something, and more often than not, he simply buys Suguru's favorite snack at the convenience store, so Suguru relishes the strange gifts when he does get them.
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enkvyu · 2 years
genshin boys and the downfall of your relationship ☆
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𓆏 › childe
from the beginning, you were wooed by his playfulness, the sneaky kiss in public, the sly hand slipping under your shirt when you're talking, the late-night conversations that span until the sun rose the next morning
you believed this was it; this was what sweet first loves felt like, always giddy and living spontaneously. a dashing smile thrown in your direction, silly gifts on your doorstep when adventure calls and he answers for weeks on end, security found in the matching rings he bought from his time in inazuma
but like first everythings, relationships are built to grow. but childe never does
the fluttering in your stomach is unpleasant. it's the cause for the shaking in your leg and the rambling thoughts plaguing your mind. you hadn't heard from childe in a month. 
usually, when he is taken by his job as a toymaker, he'll write to you, even if only occasionally. a silly recap of strange events, a small doodle of him hugging you, sometimes even a souvenir to remind you he keeps you in his thoughts. this time, nothing. 
the cold worms into your body in the dead of night. you know you should be asleep, but thoughts of him keep you glaringly awake. something tells you he’ll be back tonight, but even that prediction feels you with dread. when was the last time you felt secure in this relationship?
you perk up at the creaking of a door. it’s subtle, threatening to blow away in the night breeze, but you catch it by the throat. childe peers up too, eyes wide as he takes you in, illuminated by the moonlight. 
“what are you still doing awake?” his voice, once capable of settling every doubt, only enhances your fear. 
“is that all you have to say?” you croak, throat protesting at the lack of use. “childe, where have you been?”
your boyfriend steps closer, unravelling the red scarf from his neck and wrapping it around you instead. the material is cold against your skin. you would have preferred the night instead.
“babe, you know i had work.”
“for a month? and you couldn’t even let me know somehow that you were still alive?” your voice peaks and you find something cold drip down your cheek. “i thought you were dead.” 
the confession hangs suspended in the room, and yet whilst you hope childe will acknowledge it, he only sweeps a finger under your eye. you follow the movement in your peripherals and notice the lack of jewellery on his hand. “did you miss me?”
“childe, be serious. this, this can’t keep happening.”
“i’ll write to you, name.” he takes a hold of your hand and kisses the back of it. “i couldn’t stay away from you even if i tried.” 
you yank your hand back and the hurt that flashes across his face is more real than you’ve ever seen him act. “childe. i’m not joking. this isn’t about me missing you or just some petty issue. i’m scared.”
“of what, baby?”
your fingers curl inward at the pet name. “of us. of what it’s becoming. or what it hasn’t changed into.”
“we’re what we’ve always been. i didn’t find another girl while i’m away, if that’s what you’re asking.” he kisses your forehead lightly, delicately, like you’ll break under the touch. “you always did have the strangest thoughts. you know i love you. come on,you’ll catch a cold out here.” 
you refuse his hand, opting to force eye contact. “that’s the thing, childe. we’re what we’ve always been, we haven’t changed. or at least, you won’t let it. we’re not new lovers anymore, you can’t just solve every issue with a gift or a kiss. i liked you back then, but i love you now. i care about you. if we want to stay together, you have to take this more seriously.” 
maybe it’s his job that inhibits the progression of your relationship, or maybe he has never truly considered you as the end goal. maybe all you were was a first love and maybe his "i love you's" were never a lie, but also never a promise
maybe his heart is taken by you, but not his future
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𓆏 › kaeya 
your boyfriend’s resilience is his strongest aspect, at least that’s what you’ve always believed. sometimes you’ll trace the scar that runs jagged across his eye and wish your kisses could heal the folds of skin, wishing your embraces could erase the pain from his past. but sometimes, you’ll believe he doesn’t need it, that he’s taken his painful moments in his stride, never letting a setback diminish his efforts, never letting a soul tell him that he isn’t everything he’s pushed himself to be 
his achievements stack one on one endlessly and the smiles down the street from strangers tells you he’s found his rightful place in the world
but just like how his eyepatch hides a permanent shame, his facade hides a brewing insecurity 
“drink with me.”
“kaeya,” you laugh off his approach and stand from the bar stool, the warm atmosphere leaving you temporarily dazed. “i can’t, i have a mission early tomorrow morning. you know i get horrible hangovers.”
something foreign washes over his face. it’s cast away almost immediately, enough for you to believe it was a simple trick of the eye so you blink it away with a smile. leaning down, you kiss kaeya on the cheek. “then, i’ll see you tomorrow afternoon for our date.” 
“hold on.” your boyfriend grabs onto your wrist, holding you in place. when you turn to look at him, you find his eyes looking elsewhere, before flickering to you. his mouth opens to distract you from the gesture, but you’re already turning to look as well. 
diluc stands not too far from the counter of the bar, talking quietly to another girl. you recognise her as an adventurer from liyue who had quickly won over the heart of the infamous dark knight. 
you hum in appreciation. “is that diluc’s girlfriend? they seem happy. good for them.” turning back to face him, you’re shocked to find his expression closed off. “is something wrong?”
when he smiles, you realise it doesn’t reach his eyes. “stay with me, darling, won’t you?” 
“i can’t, i already told you.” you say slowly, as if he hadn’t heard you the first time. the grip on his wrist tightens. “kaeya, you’re hurting me.” 
the hold stammers, but he refuses to let you go. “can’t you stay back just a little longer for me?”
“what is this all about?”
“nothing, i just miss you.” but his body language betrays his words. you look over at the happy couple in the corner again. 
“let go of my wrist.” you say. 
“i’m telling you to stay.” he snaps back. his eyes are burning into yours. “why can’t you just do this one thing for me?”
“you don’t control me, kaeya, don’t talk to me like that.” you try to shake off his hold but it only tightens and you’re sure if you were to look at it the next monring, it’ll be stained in blues and purples. “kaeya, i’m serious.”
“me too.” a harsh squeeze. “i’m telling you to stay.”
“you’ve had too much to drink. i’m taking you back home with me.”
“is everything okay over here?” your head snaps up at the new voice, finding diluc with his girlfriend before you, concerned at the commotion. 
you smile weakly, still unable to shake off your boyfriend’s hold. “sorry diluc, i think kaeya’s had too much tonight.” 
the red-haired man huffs, unimpressed. “of course he did. i should be the one apologising to you, name. will you take him home?”
you laugh briefly too. “of course. what else would i do.”
a flurry of movement catches your eyes and in the chaos, you realise kaeya had let go of your wrist. turning, you find diluc knocked to the ground, the perpetrator a familiar man with blue hair. 
“you think you’re so much better than me, don’t you, huh brother?” his voice tilters jeeringly. “now that you’ve gotten a girlfriend, you think you’ve beaten me? you think you’ve won?”
“kaeya! what are you doing?” you rush to the scene, holding your boyfriend back, your palm against his chest feeling his rapid heartbeat. “where did this come from?”
he turns mad eyes on you. “couldn’t you tell, name? didn’t you see him brag his new girlfriend right in front of me, thinking he can one-up me? he’s still over me beating him in the past, this is just a new scheme to get under my skin. well it worked, still doesn’t mean shit though, diluc. i’m better, i’m still better than you. my girlfriend’s better than yours, my life is better than yours, you’re nothing.” 
though kaeya tries to patch up his insecurities, you can feel the repressed emotions threatening to explode behind every kiss. and though you promise that you won’t leave him either, your heart skips a beat in fright with every scattered glance and every coded conversation between your boyfriend and his brother 
you realise it is true, then, when they say you must love yourself before you love others
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𓆏 › xiao
the guardian yaksha, conqueror of demons, alatus the golden-winged king, xiao goes by many names but to you, he is simply just xiao
your first meeting seems alike a dream, a vigilant protector by your side warding off the grim reaper and sparing you a glance that made time stop and the wind cease its song. it was love at first sight, perhaps on both ends, and your relationship proceeded into something precious where his heart that only accepts few, accepts you
gentle touches and intimate, quiet sights, the small moments you shared with each other held close to your heart. perhaps it is the illusion that xiao was a secretive, selective person that led you to believe he would arrive with your every call 
you found security in a mirage 
throughout the day, you had spared multiple glances at the clock. you counted down the minutes of every hour and then every hour until sunset, until the clock finally struck 7pm and you were free. 
dashing into the street, you waved goodbye to your boss and headed down in the direction of the wangshu inn in a state of ecstasy. 
you hadn’t seen your boyfriend in days. of course, you expected something like this considering his reputable status in liyue, but it hurt nonetheless when your timetable and his activities avoided one another. tonight, however, it would be different. he had assured you with a kiss on the forehead and a caress of the cheek that he’ll make it for your one year anniversary, and the promise was sealed with a shared smile. today was even more so special because you had just been promoted in your job, meaning you had to transfer workspaces to inazuma.
how would you deal with the distance, you wondered in a spike of doubt, especially since the current distance was already barely tolerable?
you arrived on the roof of the inn just as the sun whispered its finally goodbye to the sky with an orchestra of pink and orange clouds, a familiar silhouette illuminated against the fading rays. 
“xiao!” you call, hurrying over. “you made it.”
“i won’t be getting commissions tonight.” he shuffles over subtly, making room for your presence. “i owe you that much.”
“you don’t owe me anything. but thank you.” you sit beside him, butterflies erupting in your stomach. glancing sideways, you watch him watch the sun. “actually, xiao, there’s something i’ve been meaning to say.”
xiao turns to you, not just his head but his entire body language, encouraging you in the silence and holding your gaze in his eyes. “i’m listening.”
“it’s nothing that important, i promise.” you laugh slightly. 
“anything you tell me is important.” 
you bite your lip. “the thing is, i told you about my current job right?”
“the one in liyue.” 
“well, that’s the thing. it might not be anymore?” 
xiao frowns. “you got fired?”
“no, i got promoted. to inazuma.” 
something passes across his face. his hand reaches over to grab yours, and he gives it a slight squeeze. “wait, that’s—”
“i know! it’s far.” though you weren’t sure what expression he’ll give at the news, you weren’t expecting the deep concentration on his face and the hand around yours. without knowing, you began to ramble. “i get that. and if you don’t want me to, i don’t have to accept the promotion, if you think it’s too much. i don’t want to put too much pressure on you and i know already we’ve been having issues with distance but—”
“not that.” xiao squeezes your hand again. “i have to go.”
you blink. “what?”
but he’s already standing, face to the wind. there’s that look of concentration again, but you realise it was never directed at you. a flash of golden glimmer and his staff appears in his hand. “name, i’m sorry but i we’ll continue this another time.”
“i thought you said you wouldn’t be accepting commissions tonight.” you stand as well. “you promised to be here.”
“i have a duty to serve. i’ll be back.”
“do your promises mean nothing?”
this time, he does spare you a glance. “the traveller. they called my name.’ he said as if that explained everything. and to him, it likely did. “i’ll talk to you later.”
the sudden turn of the wind left you alone and unsatisfied. the nerves from your conversation dissipate into disappointment just as the breeze turns cold. you hug your arms into your chest and seek warmth in yourself, but the hole that xiao leaves is gaping and wide.
waiting again, you sit on the roof of the inn. 
xiao’s heart is guarded; for good reason. it is difficult to balance the crucial people of his life leaving those close to his heart few. but amongst those, there are some he simply cannot help but prioritise over others, and it is a pity that you are at the bottom
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not really the happiest w xiao's one but !! how did this end up 2k+ words ?? i do have zhongli's one written so i might do a cont. of this if this is particularly liked !! thank you for reading ☆
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spiderh0rse · 6 months
freemans mind notes pt1, ep 1-5. under cut, very long.
freeman's mind e1 notes
- he's on probation with the company, could easily get fired
- didn't immediately recognize the PA voice or the tram line he was riding on
- thinks very positively of robots- has a cousin named Jessie (sex offender. unspecified crime? sodomy laws still in action at the time. very well could've just been gay)
- doesn't want to be a witness in court
- petty workplace theft!!! knows his coworkers name, Steve
- talks himself through what's either anxiety or trying to go unnoticed
- forms grudges very easily
- seems very comfortable making death threats. No reaction to it, so very possible people are used to his bluster
- acts out a conversation between management for a bit, seems to have at least a passing understanding of animal biology
- does Not know his way around AnMat today, bless him
- has been to a strip club. (Or simply associates techno music with them)
- thinks it's noodles in the microwave. Maybe it's some sort of noodle casserole? The ease with which he considers an attempt at theft here implies he does this often. Just. Steals someone else's food for his breakfast.
- yes, yes. Oxycodone locker.
- doesn't wear a tie. Has made a bomb threat to his workplace over having to wear one.
- someone seems to have swapped out the stuff in his locker with someone else's.
- his HEV suit normally has a helmet, but it's missing for some reason.
- dislikes the HEV suit voice.
- "left hand turn into a chaingun" sick hlvrai reference /j
e3 (like the conference no one cares about anymore)
- ongoing saga of Doesn't Know Where To Go
- Dislikes the concrete walls
- Monday.
- always wanted to be an evil scientist.
- bad evil laugh. Not sorry.
- dislikes greeting people he doesn't know.
- seems to enjoy reading out signs in front of him. Maybe also repeating words?
- the bulbs in AnMat aren't the nice UV ray sort
- another thought about robots being universally cool by default
- will listen to people he doesn't know for a moment if they praise him
- thought an explosion was... A sniper. Underground. In a very small room with only two entrances, one of them he entered from. A genius, this one. Does correct himself, so this is a gut reaction.
- cyrex processor hater. Correct.
- knows the spinning elevator, even if he doesn't remember the rest of AnMat.
- seems to dislike being dizzy. Despite that, has ridden rides built for the express purpose of making one dizzy
- may genuinely be the only bearded employee
- has played racquetball in the AMS chamber. This is the only reason there's security there.
- likes climbing things :) wishes he had a tail
- the List mentioned!
- makes funny lil pew noises here
- became a physicist to lord over antimatter particles
- does seem mildly concerned about safety procedures for a moment. Genuinely invested in the experiment going well
- HATES string theory. Correct.
- hates when people other than him do silly words. so rude.
- just starts. Saying stuff. Running his mouth when hes panicking
- the ableism starts early (schizophrenic line)
- the frog people story,, was awake for four days straight
- likely has watched star trek TOS (references Dr McCoy)
- captain gordon freeman of the intergalactic house of pancakes...
- babes in the biology department! that is actually pretty accurate, women go into wet sciences more often than they do pure math ones
- *not* a necrophiliac. thank god
- apparently has a record of computers blowing up when he uses them (karkat type beat)
- perfectly fine looting black mesa after the rescas, before he sees any aliens
- no reaction to the words "resonance cascade" aside from "Sucks."
- has seen "Alien"
- doesn't want eggs laid in his chest 😔 out of my way gayboy I'm about to get it
- multiple counts of avoiding stepping in blood
- doesn't bring weapons into the workplace
- knows no martial arts but wanted to learn for a while
- enjoys playing limbo!
- he got his first gun: the crowbar
- no real reaction to killing three people on accident. Does apologize though! Hopes they were jerks at least
- has always wanted to kill people by pressing a button. The experience is underwhelming.
- all for shooting down the zombies but doesn't reason out what they are for a bit
- has seen the wizard of oz
- wants to harvest the corpses for organs
- has been arrested at least once
- thinks he still has a job at this place. lol. lmao.
- triangle shirtwaist factory mention!! I loved learning about that place. Worst workplace accident in terms of sheer amount of deaths in recorded history. It's why we've got the regulations around fire exits and some of the building regulations we do
- is at least willing to try and save the guy on the catwalk
- avoids the blood Again! Cleanliness :>
- hates computers in General
- creeped out by the zombie by the computer. Elects to leave.
- happily loots a corpse for weapons
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sunnyie-eve · 2 years
As a Welcome Back (Pt.1)
Series: Never Leave You | OBX
Paring: (JJ Maybank x OFC! Rafe Cameron x OFC!)
Word Count: 2472
Warnings: mention of abuse
Four years ago Callie was forced to move away from where she grew up, on the poor side of Outer Banks, by authorities. Her father ended up going to prison for attempting to murder her mother/ his wife. After the incident, Callie's mother ended up running away in the middle of that night. She couldn't deal with being in the Cut any more. She wanted to get away from the memory of the traumatic experience so that sadly meant leaving Callie behind as well. She couldn't look at her daughter without picturing Callie's father.
Callie ended up going to live with her Aunt Tess and her boyfriend Joey since Tess decided to become her legal guardian. During the years Callie lived with them, Tess could tell she wasn't happy anymore. Tess somehow convinced her shit husband to move out to Outer Banks in the hope to make Callie full of light again.
"How does it feel moving back?" Tess looks back at Callie, who was looking out the window.
"Odd since it's been a while."
"Be happy because Tess talked me into moving us out here. Gotta live in, what did you call the shit side?" Joey looks at his wife.
"The cut." Callie tells him.
"Hey, we're moving into their old house and they had the best looking one on the Cut side because..." Tess cuts herself off because they don't say Callie's dad's name.
"My father kept it nice and stable. He built on to the original house to make it bigger. He was only able to do that because he was born a Kook. But I doubt it still looks as good not having worked on it for four years." Callie speaks up again.
"Well, Joey, you used to fix houses." Tess smiles at him as her hair blows in the wind.
"That's before I got a better job making more money. But I guess I can work on it since it's our house now."
Once they pull up to Callie's old house, she was surprised it looked the exact same. "Wow. It hasn't changed a bit." She leans forward more.
"See, it's a nice house, babe." Tess pats his thigh before getting out of the truck and they all follow with what they brought with them because they already had a moving truck and the company do all the big stuff.
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Callie goes to her old bedroom since it was going to be her bedroom again. She was glad to see her Aunt Tess got her a pallet bed like she did before moving away from here. She walks over to her windowsill  looking down to see the carvings of her two close friends' names making her smile.
"They probably forgot all about me since they never contacted me." She sighs before going through her bags to put clothes away and other things.
"Callie! Come get your damn boxes!" Joey yells outside the house so she goes out to get the last of her things.
"You look happier in here than in your room at our old house." Tess walks into Callie's room giving her a smile.
"Because I'm comfortable here. I understand what he tried to do here but in these four walls I was safe and comfortable." Callie gives her a sad smile.
"Well, I'm happy you're finally getting back to yourself here." Tess kisses the top of her head, "Now dress nice because Joey's friend, over in figure 8, invited us over for dinner with his family." Tess claps her hands leaving the room.
"He knows a Kook?" Callie shouts before finding a cute outfit that would be good enough for dinner with Kook's. It was a long light green floral skirt with a thigh slit and a cute white shirt.
When they get to the house Joey introduces them to Camerons. They had a daughter Callie's age and hope they could get close.
"Oh, and this is my son, Rafe." Ward says as his son walks into the room. "Rafe, this is an old friend of mine, Joey. This is Tess and her niece Callie. They just moved back into Callie's old house." Ward explains to his troubled son.
Rafe couldn't take his eyes off of Callie. He thought she was really beautiful. "Hello." He gives them a wave.
The entire night Callie hated being in the house. Rafe would keep glancing over at her especially if she was talking to his sister Sarah. "So you guys moved back to your old house. Where do you live?" Sarah asks Callie.
"Over in the Cut so I'm a Pogue but my dad was a Kook. He got tired of this life and left but still had all his family money so our house is the nicest in the Cut." Callie explains to her.
"Sometimes I wish I could leave the Kook life. It's all planned out for you." Sarah sighs as they sit out by the pool.
"I'm happy I never had a Kook life." Callie laughs.
"Time to go, Callie." Tess motioned for her to come on since it was getting late.
"Hope to talk to you more. It was nice." Sarah waves goodbye.
The next day Callie just stays home and learns about a storm coming so she preps her aunt and Joey. As it gets later in the day when you could see the storm getting closer to land, Callie went outside sitting on the porch looking up at the dark sky and enjoying the wind.
"Home sweet home." She smiles to herself.
"You have any friends here you're dying to see again?" Joey sits down next to her.
"Yeah, two. But I think they forgot about me since they never tried to contact me after I moved..."
"You should go surprise them tomorrow. You better get something out of moving back here because if you don't I'm gonna be pissed." Joey gets up heading back inside so Callie follows after some time.
The next day Callie looks out her window to see the tree behind the house had multiple broken limbs laying on the ground.
As she headed toward the kitchen Joey was bitching about no cell service to call work while her aunt Tess was just putting up kitchen supplies out of their boxes.
"Do you mind if I go surprise some old friends?" She asks her aunt.
"Sure, honey."
Callie goes back to her room to get dressed for the day. In the past, she always had a bathing suit on underneath her clothes but today she didn't feel the need to.
Callie makes her way walking on a path she used to walk every day towards the Chateau, John B's place. When she gets into view she didn't know what to feel. Would they be happy to see her or not care?
Walking up to the front door she knocks but gets no answer so she goes around back to see two boys near a boat. She notices it was John B and JJ. John B sees her first staring at her so she gives him a wave, "What's kicking, bird." She says what she used to say in the past to him because his dad called him the same.
"No fucking way! Callie!" He runs over to her. "It's actually you!" He wraps his arms around her waist spinning her around. "What are you doing here?" He asks speaking quickly excited to see her again.
"My aunt and her boyfriend moved here into my old house. She wanted me to not be miserable anymore so she moved here for me." Callie explains as John B puts her down.
Finally, it hits JJ, "Cals!" JJ drops his beer and runs over wrapping his arms around her and picking her up. "You finally came back to us!" He shakes her. Back to me...
"Yeah, I got tired of waiting for a phone call." She glares at the two once she was put down.
"I knew we forgot something all these years..." John B scratches his neck.
"I forgive you. So what are your plans for the day?" Callie gives the boys a smile.
"We're getting ready to go fishing. Pick up Pope and Kiara on the way. Do you have any plans?" John B asks her.
"If so ditch them so you can spend the day with us." JJ nudges Callie.
"I don't have any."
"Great, let's get going!" JJ grabs her hand dragging her behind him.
John B laughs at Callie's face as JJ drags her off. He could tell she was thinking what did she get herself into. He was glad she was back. It could be just like old times with mainly the three of them.
As they get the boat on the water and head off the two boys couldn't help but check their childhood friend out. They both used to have a crush on her when they were younger and now she was really hot to both of them.
"What?" She turns her head looking over at them.
"It's weird seeing you now." JJ speaks first.
"Good weird, though." John B adds.
"Back at you both." She laughs looking back ahead so the boys look at each other.
"Fuck." JJ mouths so John B nods his head.
First, they pick up Pope, "We have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory." John B acts like he has a walkie.
"I can't. My pop's got me on lockdown." Pope tells them not fully noticing Callie.
"Come on, man. Your dad's a pussy. Over." JJ mimics a walkie too.
"Oh, I heard that, you little bastard." Pope's dad walks up before the boys get Pope to get on the boat leaving his dad pissed.
"Pope, you remember Callie, right?" JJ smiles at Callie.
"Look at you! It's good to see you." Pope smiles at Callie as they head off to pick up Kiara.
"CALLIE!" Kiara speed walks down the ramp and dock to get on the boat. "Are you visiting or what?" She gives JJ the cooler so she can hug Callie.
"Moved back with my aunt and her boyfriend in my old house." Callie hugs her back making Kiara squeal in happiness to have a girl she likes back in the group.
"Want a beer, Cals?" JJ holds one out to her as she sits next to John B.
"I'm good right now. Thanks though." She puts her hand out saying no thank you.
"Don't drink?" John B turns his head to look at her for a second.
"I do but I'm not ready for one yet. Don't pressure me into shit. I just got back." Callie glares at him playfully.
After some time Callie starts to drink with everyone and it didn't feel like she ever left. "Let me show you a party trick. Callie, watch this. Hey, Pope. Can you go a little faster?" JJ stands up at the front of the boat.
"Here we go. I'm movin'." John B goes to the back making Callie go with him, "Unless you wanna get beer on you." He lets her know so she sits behind Pope but can still see JJ.
His party trick fails like Pope said it has the past 6,000s times they tried it. "All right. Stop." Pope says before the boat motor rattles and comes to a hard jerking stop making JJ fly forward into the water.
Everyone groans in pain checking in on each other after hitting a sand bar. Pope sees a boat underwater so they all, except Callie, jump in to check it out.
"Come on, Callie." Kiara motions for her to get in.
"This is all I have. I didn't plan on getting in the water today." Callie stays on the boat watching them dive down to the boat before they come back up so John B goes back down alone to find out whose boat it was.
After getting a motel key they all leave heading back to report the boat but they were busy with other people. So the group decided to go check it out themselves to find out whose boat it was.
"I move back and already put myself in a situation to get in trouble." Callie says as they get to the motel.
"It's a big welcome back." JJ gives her a smile.
"Hey. Don't let him do anything stupid." Pope points at JJ as John B gets ready to get off the boat.
"Oh, we will." JJ tells him.
"I'm not making promises." John B adds.
"You shall come along pretty lady!" JJ picks up Callie off the boat to go with them.
"Let's go." John B tells JJ and Callie.
"Why do I have to come? Why can't I stay on the boat?"
"What happened to the troublemaker in you?" JJ asks as they walk side by side.
"It's still there but I'm just wondering why I have to tag along?" She says so John B walks backwards to look at her.
"Because we miss you and want to be with you." He grabs her hand pulling her close to him to walk causing her to giggle.
JJ glares at the back of his best friend's head, "So when are you gonna swoop on Kiara?" He speaks up making the two look back at him.
"Bro, you know the rule. No Pogue-on-Pogue macking." John B tells him, "Besides you're the one always hitting on her."
JJ sees Callie looking at him so he groans, "So it's for fun. I know that door's locked."
"You need help. Not like a little help, you need a lot of help. It's like every girl who just has a heartbeat, you're like..." John B says making Callie shake her head.
"Well, I'm learning what kind of boy you turned into." She eyes JJ making him throw his head back at how John B was making him look bad. "This is us." She motions to the door.
"Housekeeping." JJ knocks on the door in a high pitched voice before the three go in looking around the room not really finding anything.
"One, one, one." Callie watches John B try to open the safe with the dumbest number.
"Punching shit at random. That will definitely work." JJ tells him so Callie grabs the small note giving it to John B.
"Try this." She tells him and it works. Opening it they see money and a gun in the safe. "Holy shit." They say together so John B calls JJ over.
He grabs the gun playing around with it while the other two try to get him to stop. "Take a pic of you? You want to make our own incriminating evidence?" Callie looks at him like he was crazy before they hear tapping from the window.
It was Kiara and Pope warning them that the cops were coming then there was knocking on the door. The three rush out the window and there was technically only two hiding spots.
"One of you lift me!" Callie whispers shouts.
"What?" JJ says confused.
"Just do it!" She growls so John B picks her up and she reaches for the little roof above them so JJ quickly helps before they hide to the side.
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hstarke · 2 years
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There were days when Hans thought he would die. Days last anywhere from a minute, to a month, to a year at a time.
The thought creeped through the gaps of his father’s fist, the ricochet of army weaponry, the rusty bounce of a field hospital mattress which he’d bled almost entirely red.
Ever since turning deaf, the world spoke into one ear and Death whispered in the other. If not for the abuse or the bullets or the blow to his head, then the drugs and lifestyle that came after. The overwhelming ease of a penthouse on the 50th floor.
Some people dream of having children, while others are repulsed by it. Then, ever rarely, men come into existence too unaware of the possibility to even fall into its trap. Hans hadn’t dreamt of having children but he’d thought of it briefly: casually yet inconsequentially, like making your own almond milk instead of buying it chilled. To no one’s surprise, the constant threat of closure limits any musing on a true future:
You’re rotten and that’s the end of it, it goes. You’ll die and that’s the end of that. Try and taint as many as you can on your way out.
From death row to spiritual shame. No matter which way you twist it, Hans Starke was doomed to die alone and with half a dozen chemicals running in his veins. That thought, that was only a thought and not a dream, made even more distant. The million dollar question then is, How could a man who can’t even care for himself, care for anything else?
Four years ago, he had not a crush, but someone to become obsessed with day after day. Death kept to bi-weekly visits. Not a lover, not a partner, not the only person he wanted at the end of the day — not words that only barely camouflaged the truth. Monthly, then. Adam became so much more than that.
Hans wasn’t built for marriage any more than he was built for fatherhood or sobriety — morale or partners left unscarred. Figuratively, of course. He’d break a hundred spirits but never bone.
At least a few ruled false. He hides behind Adam now, an embrace flat against his back with hands locked at his front — taking turns between free breaths and burying a nose into a fine neck. Looking up and catching an icy yet soft gaze, there are no more heartbeats left to skip. Hans can taste muscle-tissue right at the base of his tongue. He drowns it with a quick, but telling kiss. To his husband only, he whispers, “What the fuck.”
He hadn’t been fond of hospitals ever since that year, the sterile smell enough to trigger something that keeps him hostage still. But he fights it, chest drumming, as a little something innocent is placed in his arms.
(Hans couldn’t hear the cry, but perhaps it’s for the best — pictured now, the first time the man who can so easily command rooms would ever seem nervous.)
It can barely keep its eyes open but they’re blue, and Henry already has it in him to cling tight to Hans’s shirt in whatever strength that little hand has. “...Hey, buddy.” The nurse instructs him to take the fabric off — something about bonding — so he does, the act of peeling it out of the babe’s grasp only adding to momentary laughter.
Soon, it’s round cheeks to a warm chest, that strong grip around daddy’s finger instead. Hans is painfully sober, but he’s glad he is — how else could he remember this?
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rottenbrainstuff · 8 months
BG3 playthrough - completely finished under Moonrise
Wow, oh wow.
From the top: first we had fight #1 with Ketheric. I made sure not to kill Kar’niss earlier because I thought I’d have an opportunity to talk to him on the roof, but nope! We just jumped straight into fight #1, and then he was just a large extra hassle to deal with. I felt SO bad killing him, because I had to incapacitate him somehow, and my bard has really good fear spells so that’s normally what I use. It felt really crummy making this poor guy cower while I slowly chop him down. Sigh. (hey what comes out of those incubating death rock egg things? I was too scared to see and killed them all immediately)
Man. I couldn’t stop staring at Ketheric’s eyes though. Even on lower rendering settings, you can see they clearly spent a TON of effort on his eyes specifically. Man, guys. You must have had a special task team that worked for months just specifically on rendering his wrinkles, and the glassy rheumy effect of his eyes. Holy shit. It’s such a cool direction to take, set up your baddie as this awful, ruthless general with all the battle remains and the chilling letters, make him creepy as fuck with the goblin and the axe demonstration, then also put a shitton of effort into making him also just a really really sad really really old man. I love it.
Then after that: wading through the mindflayer colony. Online says that the companions who have extra dialogue or cutscenes in here are Wyll, Gale, and Karlach, but :( :( :( that leaves no room for Astarion? I decided to not have Karlach. Sorry babe. And anyways, without Astarion, who else is going to take out poor old Chop in one single merciful blow?
I rescued Zevlor from the pods, thank god, thank GOD finally. (hilarious to see his tail poking out the back there) My tav has been upset about him for weeks here. Goddamn, poor guy, he’s been thralled by the Absolute but doesn’t care what you tell him, he puts the blame on himself. Even when you tell him it’s not his fault he was enthralled, he still says that that might be true, but whatever the Absolute does, it starts with something that’s already inside you. Buddy, my buddy. And they programmed so many different ways to get angry with him and blame him. Why? Why do you even want to blame this poor guy who is already blaming himself more than you ever could? I mean at best he was enthralled and couldn’t help it, but at worst he just made a bad decision that he honestly and immediately regretted entirely and was disgusted by. Leave this poor old man alone. He won’t even get angry if you pick the most aggressive and mean dialogue options, he just agrees. Sigh. Back with the other tieflings, you can mention to Cerys that you found Zevlor, and she will just be angry at him for letting them down when they needed him. And I mean. Yes that’s valid but damn it makes me sad. Poor sad old man. Anyways he leveled up in the time we were away, and he is a mean fighter now! Nice! I wish he could have stuck around longer. That was an awfully short conversation, for as much as it was all built up, with all the other tielfings mentioning how angry at him they were! Is this REALLY the only interaction we have with him now until act 3???
DAYUM this area is shitty for a resisting dark urge. So many lovely horrible things down here. Wow. My poor tav, he needs a big long rest to process all of this, but after you’re done everyone wants to talk and there’s a big old cutscene coming up. Poor guy, no rest for you.
THE MIND JARS: wow ok. So at the very beginning of the game, you found those two green brain jars on the nautiloid. Hopefully you stuck them in your storage, or maybe you thought they were useless and you just sold them. EIther way, I’m pretty sure it didn’t occur to you to bring them with you when you went into the Moonrise pit? Why WOULD you think to bring them? It’s too bad if you didn’t, because in this area is the only machine in the game that lets you use these jars, and once you find the machine and realize what it’s for, you can’t travel back to your trunk to get them, and you ALSO won’t be able to return later on. So. Tough luck. Me, I was travelling with my team of 8 str weenies, and every mind jar I found, I sent straight to my camp! Why wouldn’t I? These guys can’t weigh themselves down with extra shit! By the time I found the machine and realized what it did, there was only one jar left in my inventory that I didn’t send back to camp.
I suppose the jars maybe are supposed to be a fun little easter egg for players who go back and play again. Too bad I’m very willing to reload and redo things for hours and hours lmao. I reloaded just a couple hours and this time brought all the jars with me. Thanks, I hate it! What a horrible and disturbing little touch. Yay. Was my least favourite the child mind, or was it the spooky singing one? Hard to say!
I was shitting my pants when Ketheric turned into the Myrkul apostle form, cause it looked scary, but damn? We just all slammed it a few times and it was totally fine? Very very cool boss though. I loved the little skeletons sitting on his shoulder with the flails. Goddamn Ketheric stayed sad right until the end huh? Driven to do horrible things in a misguided attempt to help his daughter, forsaken by three different gods, and his last dying thought and words were of Isobel. I fucking lost it when I found the little note that he keeps on him. Excellent writing Larian, excellent job of making your good guys flawed and your bad guys sad. Man I love it.
Now I have a shitton of talking and cutscenes to wade through to get to act 3. I absolutely ADORE how when the guardian talks about the elder brain, it is just ever so slightly the wrong reaction, lmao. I love how instead of being just generally horrified that there’s an elder brain there at all, it seems to be really, really indignant that mortals are controlling it. “I mean yes hey let’s go save the people of Baldur’s Gate from being turned into mindflayers, but the audacity! The audacity of putting an elder brain in thrall!” and my tav is like hmmm I feel like that’s an… unusual reaction to this situation….
Astarion is absolutely preening after the fight, saying that he never thought he’d be the one defeating the shadows. Yeah see buddy, it feels good sometimes to play the hero, doesn’t it?
Man, my party is enormous now because of all the summons I have walking around with me. I currently have Scratch, three quasits, a shadow wraith thingamajig, an earth elemental (which oh man I absolutely love) and now, the latest addition, a cambion. The cambion is hilarious. It’s a totally sentient and intelligent thing, but I can’t talk to it at all. I imagine it’s pissed off at being summoned here away from its dinner to do boring bullshit errands for this group of wankers, so it just totally and completely ignores me.
Off to act 3 now! Can’t believe I’m in the final act of the game! Can anyone tell me where I can get my own tall, hot, and intensely devoted aasimar girlfriend?
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echoalyssa · 3 years
Through His Window | Marcus Baker
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Authors Note: Marcus is 18 in this and will be for every time that I write for him! Plus look at the boy, as if he’s 15 😒 I love this boy with all my heart, and could not write about anyone younger than 18 ever. Oral sex! Female receiving.
Y’all get yourself a man (or a woman) like this. I never KNEW until i experienced it. Don’t settle for less!
It’s late at night when you scurry across the street and into the Bakers’ yard. Normally it was your boyfriend climbing through your window, but today, or rather tonight, you decided that you wanted to switch it up.
You reach for the lowest branch of the tree below Marcus’ window, hauling yourself up and wedging your foot into the crevice before reaching for the next branch.
Its really not the most comfortable, stray leaves and twigs hit you in the face and if you weren't wearing leggings you'd certainly have some very scratched up legs.
Thank god it wasn’t a fern tree, that would be utter hell. How Marcus climbed up so gracefully was beyond you.
You finally reach his windowsill and with a might haul, you manage to pull yourself up. You wiggle so that a butt cheek and a thigh rests on the ledge, your other leg still on the tree branch and then you push the window up.
Luckily he hasn’t locked it, otherwise this whole thing would be ruined. Plus, stairs were boring.
You focus more on climbing into the room safely than looking for him. And when you’re seated on the floor, gasping slightly because it sure was a workout, you look up.
Marcus is standing by his dresser just staring at you, looking downright shocked. He blinks, his jaw opening and closing like a fish. His eyebrows rise and then fall again.
“Hey baby!” You say with a giggle.
He blinks another confused blink and then his face lights up. Your boyfriend crosses the room to you and then hauls you up so he can kiss you.
You melt into him, the ever so present fact that the two of you fit together like puzzle pieces looming over you.
“What are you doing here?” He asks with a chuckle of disbelief after he’s pulled away.
You stroke your jaw and grab your crotch, like teenage boys did for their instagram pics. “I’m Marcus Baker. I crawl through windows at night.”
He eyes you, and then simultaneously the two of you break into laughter.
Your fingers find the hem of his tshirt and you tug lightly, before backing away from him to slide off your shirt (one of his old ones, though it unfortunately didn’t smell like him) leaving you in those black nike running shorts that you loved.
He obliges, not because he enjoys being shirtless but because he likes you in his clothes. Or nothing at all. He wasn’t picky.
You slip it over your head and then dart for his bed, you fling yourself onto the mattress and your body bounces back up after impact.
He darts after you, jumping on top of you and pinning you to the mattress. His fingers go to your sides and he begins to tickle you, knowing all the right places.
You squirm, all giggly and thrashing. You can feel the lack of air and you smack at his shoulders playfully, trying to escape his wrath.
He pulls back, knowing you need to breathe. “Give me one good reason as to why I should stop.”
You gasp, and gasp again, sucking that precious air back into your lungs. “I-I-“ You suck in more air, a stray giggle following. “I’m horny!”
At that his eyebrows raise and he peers down at you. “Horny eh?”
You nod curtly and then for extra effect add a little army salute.
“I’ve got a spectacular solution for that problem then miss. Will you allow me to assist you?”
He rolls over to the right of his bed so that he’s no longer on top of you and then pats the space between the sides of his head.
You give him a blank look.
“Ride my face babe!”
You feel your eyes blow out wide. Oh. OH. “Isn’t that dangerous? What if you can’t breathe?”
“Death by thick thighs, I would not complain!”
“No death Mar!” You exclaim.
He pats the mattress again. “Bless me with the glorious juices of your body.”
This kid. This kid would be the end of you.
Reluctantly you tug the shorts off, and because of the built in underwear you didn’t need to wear underwear. You straddle his chest first and look down at him.
“Are you sure?”
You knew he loved eating you out, loved cleaning you up and he loved giving. But you’d never sat ON his face before.
Slowly you scoot up, seeing his face disappear between your thighs. Though you hover over his face, reluctant to put too much weight on him.
His arms wrap around your thighs from the back, his palms resting on your hips, and then abruptly he pulls you down onto him.
His lips land on your clit and you gasp, trying to rocket back up but he holds you there, his grip firm but not tight.
He drags his tongue through your lips and you whimper. It’s always so good when he does this, but the fact that you’re on his face is ridiculously enticing even if you’re still worried. His tongue then flicks upward and- he catches your clit and your hand shoots downwards, wrapping in his hair.
“Oh god-“
He groans from underneath you and you know it’s because he loves the way you taste. The vibration of the groan rockets through you and your legs shake.
His tongue picks a steady rhythm on your clit and you find your hips rolling forward ever so slightly.
“Is that o-okay?” You gasp out, worried you’ll hurt him.
He lets out a ragged moan in response and tugs you further into him.
Something about this angle, about this position, it was stirring a fire in your belly already. If only there was a mirror, if you ever did this again (and you had a feeling you would) you’d definitely be adding a mirror to the equation.
Your body is succumbing to him, you fall forward, grabbing the headboard for support, fisting his hair.
His tongue stays steady and when he needs a slight break for air he’ll pull you off just slightly before tugging you back onto his face.
Your eyes are glued to his face between your thighs, the source of all the pleasure coursing through your body. At the way just his eyes and forehead are visible below you. His gaze flickers to you occasionally, watching your reactions every time he changes the angle and alters the pressure.
He drags his tongue down to your opening, plays with you there for a bit and then returns full force to your clit.
It’s enough to make you keen out his name.
“M-mar-marcus b-babe p-please” You beg.
The sound of your voice, racked with your impending orgasm and the taste of you does him in and his tongue speeds up, his lips curl around your clit, he sucks on it, like a cherry.
“Oh I-“
Your legs are shaking and you knew that if you wanted to pull off of him you wouldn’t be able to. You hoped he was doing okay on oxygen down there.
It hits you like a truck. Like the first time you vape but have no idea what it’s like. But harder. Your entire body seizes up and then… heaven. Euphoric bliss.
You release onto his face, into his mouth and he laps it all up, urging you through your orgasm and then further. He’s obsessed. His arms keep you pressed onto him.
Your hips jerk, reaching over sensitivity but he doesn’t stop. Instead Marcus keeps going, showing your body how it’s down. What a real orgasm is. You’re seizing above him and the pleasure just won’t stop.
Eventually his pace slows and he slowly pulls off. He helps you lay down next to him, where your entire body is shaking, especially your legs. Who knew post orgasm shakes were really a thing?
He grins at you, mouth and chin glistening with your liquids and then as you watch him, he uses a finger to collect and literally cleans himself.
It’s about one of the sexiest things ever and you don’t think you’ll ever recover from this. Not that that would be such a bad thing.
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Whatever You Want
A/N:  My first Hawks fic omg I’m so excited. The smut could've been longer but I was tired writing this. I know most of the time Hawks is depicted as being super aggressive and dominant during his rut but I wanted to try a different approach. I hope you guys enjoy this subby Hawks meal because I know I sure did. Love you all !!!!!
Fandom: Hawks, MHA
Pairing: Hawks x Reader
Warnings: I’m not the best when it comes to following writing rules. I pretty much write how I want to, so if you’re a stickler for grammar and what not just ignore it or don’t read loll (I’m nice I promise.) SMUT SMUT SMUT
(Word Count: )
Plot: Spring has hit and Hawks is entering his rut. He is desperate for any type of release.
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        Spring is here. The weather is great and everyone is in a wonderful mood. Well, almost everyone. My phone continuously vibrates in my lap, my screen lighting up with text after text and call after missed call from my boyfriend. I feel bad not answering him but I have things to do and unfortunately he’s going to have to wait for a while. I sat at my desk trying my best to complete all the work I had left before I left for the day. Heat began to emanate from my phone from the sheer number of notifications coming through. All from one person. Keigo goes through this rut every spring. He told me about it when we first began dating and even though we've been together for two years this is the first time I'm going through it with him. Last year I was in another country on a very important mission. I had to stay on the phone with him for hours while he jerked himself off, saying lewd and obscene things.
        He made me promise not to go on any missions that would take me away from him this year. I replied to the last of my emails for the day before closing my computer. As I made my way out the door of my busy office I said my goodbyes to all my co-workers. When I finally got to my car I sighed trying to release all the stress I had built up. The engine of my car revved to life, I backed out of my parking space and drove out onto the road. I used a voice command to call Keigo back as I drove. I just know he’s gonna be pissed.
“Babybird, where have you been all day? I've been calling you nonstop. Why didn't you pick up the phone?” His voice shook as he spoke.
“I’m so sorry babe but I had to finish my work and I didnt want to get distracted. I’m on my way home to you now, don't worry.”
        I could hear him shifting in the bed. Probably trying to get comfortable while he waited for me.
“Hurry. Please. I want you so bad. I don’t even know what to do with myself. All        I can think about is how badly I want to touch you and hear all the noises you make when I’m inside you. Get home now.”
        He hung up before I could even respond. I knew what that meant. I sped home as fast as I could. Once I made it up to our apartment I opened the door to see the place in shambles. Things were all over the place, all the pillows in the living room were gone and ice littered the floor. Slowly I pushed the door open to our room and my vision was instantly blocked by keigo as he rushed me. His hands were all over my body grabbing and squeezing, as if they were searching for any inch of me that wasn't covered by clothing. His mouth crashed into mine. The kiss was desperate and passionate. He nipped at my bottom lip. A small yelp escaped me. His wings fluttered in response.
“Keigo wait - just - I need to - let me just take a shower. I’ll be quick, just give me two minutes.”
“You can shower later. I need you.”
        I squirmed and turned, trying to escape his grasp but no matter what I tried I couldn't get away from him. I’d been at work all day running up and down doing all kinds of things. I felt sweaty and icky and all I wanted to do was wash this long day away before I did anything with him. His lips traveled to my neck. He inhaled deeply taking in my scent.
“Babybird you smell so good just the way you are. You don't need to shower.”
        My resolve to shower started wearing thin as the heat within my core grew. He placed wet open mouth kisses all over my neck. I moaned, pressing my body into his.
“Please baby, I need you. I’m desperate for you right now. My cock is so hard I can feel it pulsating and so much pre cum is leaking out of me, I can't take it.  Please!”
        Hearing him beg was like music to my ears. I love it when he lets go and gives me control. It doesn't happen often but when it does I turn into a different person,
“Okay baby I’ll help you. Take these pants off.”
        As he removed his pants I unbuttoned my dress shirt and allowed it to slide off of me to the floor. My bra followed soon after. Keigo was on me in an instant, his mouth attached to one of my sensitive nipples while his free hand massaged the other. I cradled his head in my hands gently stroking the nape of his neck. He groaned into my chest.
“That feels so good baby.” I said breathlessly as he moved his attention to my other breast.
        My head fell back as I reveled in the feeling of his lips and tongue. His strong hands were wrapped around my waist, pulling me into him. His face was completely engulfed in my chest now.
“Do you like when I hold you like this while your mouth is full with my breast? Hmmm? You like turning me on like that? You wanna be my good boy so badly don’t you?”
        He let out a whine like groan. I felt his body shiver. I could see how frustrated he was but I was enjoying myself too much to give in just yet.
“What’s the matter baby? Are you that worked up you can’t even talk anymore? All you can do is moan and groan? All you want is a little release huh? You want to fuck me until I can’t take anymore, until I’m full with all your cum. Is that it?”
        I gently slid my fingers down one of his wings just to tease him even more.
“Please! Don’t tease me like that (Y/N)  I’m barely holding on here. You’re so fucking hot I just wanna take you right here right now but I also wanna be a such  good boy for you it hurts.”
“Okay baby I think I’ve had my fun. Let me make you feel better.”
        I knelt down in front of Hawks, his swollen erection twitched with anticipation. His eyes darkened with lust as he looked down on me. He probably thought I was going to give him a blow job but I had something else in mind. I took him in my hand, he inhaled sharply at the contact. I allowed the pre cum leaking from his cock to fall onto my chest as I pumped him slowly allowing it to coat my breasts. The sheer amount that came from him shocked me. I’d never seen anything like it. His hips bucked into my hand desperate for more friction. My slow pace made him growl with frustration. I loved teasing him, he always got needy so quickly but I knew it was time to finally give him what he wanted.
        Ever so slowly I guided him in between my breasts and squeezed them together. I opened my mouth to speak but before I could even get the words out he was pumping his cock up and down against my chest. His pace was fast and without thought. His hands gripped my hair pulling it as he used my body for his pleasure.
“It feels s-so good.” He groaned through clenched teeth, throwing his head back
“Look at me. Yes. Is this what you've been craving? Huh? What you've been begging for all day? I know this is what you've been dreaming about. Having your cock between my beautiful soft breasts?”
“Fuuuuuuuuuuk.” He moaned.
        I couldn't help but smile. I had him wrapped around my finger in this moment. I could ask anything of him right now and he’d say yes without hesitation. I loved having this control. It really made me feel so powerful to know that I could make such a dominant man like Hawks bend to my will using only my breasts. I could feel his  body begin to shiver. His grip on my hair grew even tighter. The veins in his cock bulged and pulsated and I knew he was close.
“If you wanna cum you know what you have to say don't you baby?”
        He hesitated, not wanting to give up that last little piece of control.
“Come on, I know you’re so close. It's right there isnt it. All you have to do is say one thing for me.” I pushed my breasts together even more around him.
“Ahhhhhhhh! Can I cum please?!”
“Please what?”
        That’s all it took. His thrusts were hard and rough as he came all over my face and chest. His whole body convulsed and shook. I could hear the ruffeling of his feathers. Once his movements stopped I used my hand to pump him. He groaned as a jolt went through his body. I was shocked. He was so sensitive yet he was still so hard. I looked up at him in disbelief. A chill ran through my body when we made eye contact. The look on his face was unlike any I'd seen before.
“You’ve had your fun with me babybird now it’s my turn.”
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elysianslove · 4 years
hi! may i request hcs of the haikyuu boys watching/helping their significant other workout? maybe yoga or just a regular workout? would be sweet if it was all of them but i know there are so many, so mainly kuroo, kageyama, bokuto, oikawa and nishinoya <3 thank you!!
hi anon!! i’m sorry i didn’t do all the boys, but i wrote for the specific boys you requested. if you, or anybody else, wants these hc’s for other boys i’d love to do them hehe. hope you enjoy!
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kuroo tetsurō
he’s so excited as soon as you’re like “hey wanna work out together”
like his whole body freezes up and then he just
if you’re already like pretty athletic, he makes everything a competition
but doesn’t actually compete
he just wants to watch you 😏
no fr he’ll be like “i bet i can do more squats than you”
and then just doesnt squat and only watches you squat
this mf 😭
he gets way too excited and puts an alarm at 4;30 am to text you/wake you up to go on a run with him
you: see that’s what we’re not gonna do
if you’re not very athletic or you’re just starting to get accustomed to working out
he is so. encouraging
like sickeningly so
tries his best not to overwhelm you and does really basic workouts with you
but also if ur laying face down on the ground crying “i dont wanna do this anymore” he will NOT have any of it
good luck unsubscribing to his services
he just wants to see you succeed 🥺 👉🏼👈🏼
cooks you the best healthy meals you dont even feel like youre missing out on anything
listen he’s so cheeky
he’s so mf TOUCHY
couples yoga with kuroo >>>>
it’s so funny bc this man is so strong he can do pretty much any move that requires any type of strength but pull out the flexibility card and he will pass away on the spot
he also just likes to watch you do yoga
not just bc he’s a pervert
but also bc it’s just interesting to see you in your zone
buys you yoga pants just bc <3333
“u just wanna stare at my ass”
“how dare you i would never objectify my gf”
stares at your ass <3
kageyama tobio
remember when i said kuroo would make everything a competition but wouldn’t really care
kageyama cares
he’s so annoying youre just trynna have fun working out w ur bf but here he is trynna kill u bc he’s so much better at everything
okay but if YOURE better 🤑
it pisses him off at first but then he realizes he’s pissed off bc ur so hot and make his spine tingle
work outs with him are intense as fuck
like he goes all out
but then he helps you stretch and 😏 it’s worth it
if he’s helping you workout, he’s kinda harsher than he intends to be
and when he realizes that yk maybe he’s being a lil extra
he apologizes and just asks how you wanna do it
spends the night researching hehe 
is encouraging in a demeaning way like “do you WANT to regret not working harder” ur like tobio i swear on my life i will start crying
when y’all are done he does like give u a small kiss and the sweetest smile “good work” and it makes it all the more worth it
about yoga though
when he first watched u he was horny hwbwjwks
he was like oop what is this feeling
but then it clicked lmao
avoids watching you unless you’re doing it privately so he can embarrass himself less
if you invite him to join you it’s just rigorous head shaking but he loves you sm he’ll do anything for you
he just follows your lead and is listening so attentively and is trying to mimic your movements exactly and is so awe oh my god he’s so CUTE
once ur done and ur both just laying on the ground you roll over and kind lean over him and give him a kiss “thank u for doing this with me”
“we should do it more often”
not horny just in love with you <3
bokuto kōtarō
so hyperactive good luck keeping up with him
he’s also like
LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN. HIM???? no way he doesnt go crazy w the work outs
if you suggest to work out together he’s so excited and he just does everything normally the way he does at 2.5x speed and you’re just like bruh 🧍🏻‍♀️ slow down
you do eventually find your own rhythm that kinda matches his own
and it’s nice to have him with you because like if you’re at a gym and ur using a device across the room from him he’ll just yell and wave at you and blow you a kiss god i love this dork
after you’re both spent you just sit on the ground across from each other stretching just talking just vibing
gives you a big smooch in between everything if he can
it becomes a really positive addition to your life ngl
if he’s helping you work out
he is actually the fkn BEST
despite him being a work out freak, he doesn’t force that on you in any way
if anything i think he’d be super gentle
so cheerful when encouraging you
and rewards you a lot
too much probably
he doesn’t just say it he really does mean it when he tells you he’s proud of you
loves it when you do yoga
immediately tries to join in
“oouu teach me this move” proceeds to fall on his ass <3
 t’s okay he has a lotta cushioning 😏
he always wants to try the couples yoga moves
he saves them on his phone to show you later and you cant say no bc ur already in gear and the yoga mat is on the ground hehe
(if you watch cody ko and kelsey kreppel’s couples yoga video that’s basically how it goes with you two)
^^^ in one of the moves he has to like lift you up by your arms as youre sitting down and he’s standing and he accidentally just shoves your face into his crotch
you both couldn’t stop laughing until you nearly peed and thats the beauty of love
oikawa tōru
he has to repeatedly ask you if you’re s u r e you wanna work out with him 
if you’re s u r e you can keep up
please hand his cocky ass to him <3 
if you’re athletic, prepare to have him try to one up you every time you do something 
it’s so sweet though cause he’s so determined and he’s sticking his tongue out between his lips and you’re just like baby please what is this 
tells you to lay beneath him while he does push ups so he can kiss you 
you complain about how sweaty he is but really you just want him to take his shirt off <3 
okay two important things i want to go over
one. oikawa does not know when to stop. so, honestly, you probably suggested to work out with him to keep him in check and make sure he doesn’t overwork himself 
please make him drink water and take breaks when necessary :( 
two. his knee :( he would probably need to be very careful and he’ll teach you the correct way to massage it and prep it before he does any critical work 
if you approach him one day about helping you work out cause you’re clueless — yes it will get to his head
but like ??? he’s your boyfriend??? your very athletic boyfriend??? 
who else would u ask tf 😹
anyways he makes a whole like list and shit
organizes it so well with color coding and different handwriting 
keeps you up to date with your progress and always says things like “look how well you’re doing babe!” and gives you a hugeeee hug 
now, oikawa is either weirdly flexible, or not flexible at all
we’re gonna go for the first one for this yoga hc 
joins you randomly and starts doing the poses correctly right away ur like ??? sir ??? 
distracts you. so much. 
“can i have a kiss— another one?— one more— one more babe— okay an—“ 
make out sessions ensued :)
nishinoya yū
actually i think noya would like to be in own zone kinda thing when he’s working out
probably blasting some katy perry in his ears ngl 
but when you tell him you wanna go work out with him?? 
now you’re both blasting katy perry in your ears 
stares. stares so much. provocatively. 
he’s your bf so you get it
but women have come up to you in the gym asking if you’re okay hbwjwkwe
makes you try out his routine while he tries out yours 
“wow babe this is sooo easy” he’s dying dont believe him
you guys probably have a handshake that’s so motivating to do before and after eeekkkk he probably makes you feel SO good about yourself after
takes you to eat the unhealthiest shit he can find after a workout because why not right ? chivalry? undead 😻
if you ask him for help he’ll accept right away
competes with you to help you improve 
“one day babe you’ll be beating me at these with such ease” 
he’s the loud kind of encouraging 
yells a lot
like so much 
body worship all the time <3333
“god u look SO good right now i love you so much” 
this simp i love him sm
anyways. onto yoga 
did i mention he stares 👁👁
because he does 
he already knows you do yoga and he will find out your schedule 
just. likes to watch you tbh 
if you offer to do couples yoga with him he refuses bc he likes the view where he is lmfao 
there are so many tiktoks of him just doing the dances while you calmly do yoga 
it becomes a trend lmfaowjwnsj
anyways yes best supportive bf award goes to noya (actually all of them who am i kidding)
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end note; MY BEST FRIEND PAINTED AKAASHI FOR MY BDAY GIFT I STOPPED BREATHING ,,, anyways i hope y’all enjoyed this!! feel free to request some more mwah
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truglori · 4 years
Daddy’s baby
Request: Erik tryna be romantic months after the reader gives birth
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Black Reader
Warning: Language, Fluff, Smut
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Another day passed by leaving Y/N stressed. It was her second week back at work after being on a three month maternity leave. To her it didn’t feel like it was enough time off. Her body still going through its early postpartum phase. She could feel the faint cramping in her stomach every few hours. Her breast became engorged and leaking with her milk. Then there was her anxiety that spiked up after having her beautiful baby girl, Charisma Stevens. Y/N’s head would always snap up thinking that her little girl was somewhere close by whenever she heard the slightest noise of what she thought sounded like a cry.
Laughing to herself Y/N shook her head as she placed her laptop and binders in her work tote bag. She did it again. It was the end of the day and she was beyond ready to pick up her baby from daycare and head home to take a hot shower. Her body was yearning for some sense of alleviation. Walking through the halls of her office Y/N waved goodbye to all of her colleagues before making her way to her Jeep Grand Cherokee. Placing her things in the passenger seat she put on her seatbelt and headed to the daycare.
The place was a little under fifteen minutes from where she both worked and live. It was right in the middle. Y/N didn’t want to bring her baby somewhere, where she thought would be to far to get to her in case anything happened. That was another affect of being a new mom. She would always over think about the littlest things, but she figured better safe than sorry.
Strolling inside Y/N watched all the toddlers running around freely. There was building blocks and toys scattered everywhere. Her eyebrows lifted as she looked at the mess that she knew her home was going to experience as well within the next two years.
“Hi, Mrs. Stevens! I have little miss Charisma ready right here. Everything is in her bag and she should be all set to go. She’s such an angel.” Ashley, the young caretaker, spoke with a wide smile as she handed over a bundle up Charisma in her car seat.
“Thank you so much. I know she barely makes a sound when she’s around other people but when she’s at home it’s nothing but baby talk.” Y/N grinned as she retrieved the baby bag.
“Well she was great today. I’ll see you two tomorrow.”
Y/N waved and walked back to her vehicle. Giving her baby two smooches she strapped her in properly.
“You ready to go home and see dada?” She put on her best baby talk and bent down to rub her nose with hers. Charisma smile blowing little spit bubbles.
Giggle Y/N fell in love all over again. She had Erik’s smile and dimples. She also had his characteristics already as well. Y/N noticed that at only three months Charisma only made noises around her and Erik but everyone else she was quiet. Just like Erik. He had to take some time to warm up to people before he became talkative.
Arriving at their one level home Y/N pulled in the driveway. She seen Erik’s Lincoln truck parked. He was home from work earlier than usual. Erik was a probationary firefighter, meaning he was still in the entry level phase. He’s only been in training for a month but Y/N noticed that he really loved it. After every shift Erik would come home removing his clothes and tell her about his whole day. So whenever he did that it would make Y/N’s mood ten times better.
Before she could reach the back door to unbuckle Charisma, Y/N was met with Erik walking out the door. No longer dressed in his Class A uniform but instead in a Nike sweat suit he jogged to her car greeting her with a bear hug.
“Princess. I missed you baby!” Erik’s tight hold lifting Y/N off her feet. He lips found hers kissing them three times before attacking her neck with pecks.
Laughing she wrapped her arms his neck. “Baby I missed you too but let me take out Charisma.” Y/N giggled between each word.
Putting her down immediately Erik lightly moved her to the side going to the car door and opening it. When he seen Charisma his eyes lit up the same way they did when he first watched his daughter come into this world. It was something he always did every time he was away from her for a long period of time.
“Hey daddy’s princess. Daddy missed you more, but don’t tell mommy.” Erik cooed to Charisma as he unbuckled her and took her out after making sure her head was secured.
After grabbing her tote and purse Y/N scoffed with amusement. “Really Erik.”
Rocking her side to side Erik glanced up to Y/N. Giving his famous smile that got her hooked when the two first met. His golds showing.He bit on his bottom lip revealing his dimple and walked up to her. He leaned down giving her and open kiss and slipped his tongue in her mouth. Pulling away he tugged her lower lip with his teeth and then kissed the supple flesh.
“You know you Daddy’s baby.” Erik’s deep voice spoke in her ear.
Y/n eyes traveled up and down his body as she followed him in their home. They walked into the livingroom. Y/N placed her bags down on couch near her. Taking off her shoes she lifted her legs up under her placing one on top of the other. The sound of Erik babbling with the baby caused her eyes to turn in their direction. Y/N smiled watching her husband and infant interact with each other.
“Here let me go wash her up. She’s been out all day babe?” Y/N sat up to take Charisma to the bath but was cut off with a knock on the door.
Her brows furrowed. “Erik you expecting any company?”
“Yeah actually I am.” Handing over the baby to Y/N, Erik walked to the door. He opened it giving the person on the other side a hug.
“Hey, mama! It’s good to see you. Thanks for coming to get Charisma for the night.” Erik smiled letting in Y/N’s mother.
Y/N face displayed both confused and joy. She was happy because her mom was here but she was confused when she heard Erik say that she was here to pick their daughter up.
“What’s going on? Hey mama.” Y/N greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.
“I’m coming to pick up my grandbaby so that you and your husband can get some alone time together.” Y/N’s mom grinned as she played with Charisma’s small fingers.
Looking at Erik he stood to the side watching. Y/N could tell by his eyes that he was hoping she would go with it without putting up a fight. So she did. She handed over her baby to her mother gently caressing her hair.
“Okay well let me get her things together-“
“Already got that!” He pulled his baby bag from behind the couch.
“What about milk does she have-“ Y/N walked to the kitchen to double check but Erik blocked her grabbing her by the waist.
“Baby I took care of everything and it’s just for a night. She’s going to be fine.” He used his thumbs to stroke her cheeks.
Sighing Y/N gave in. Of course she knew that Charisma was going to be fine with her mother but this was going to be her first night without her since she was born. She was going to miss her but she knew that her and Erik very much needed this time alone together.
“Alright I’m leaving now. I’ll be back in the morning before you guys head to work.” Y/N’s mom place the baby in the car seat, making sure that she was in safely, and left.
Now by themselves Erik wrapped his arms around Y/N waist. He noticed his wife’s tension and nerves was getting the best of her as she watched their newborn get carried out of the house. But he was hoping that he could help ease that with the plans he had for them tonight.
They haven’t had a romantic night to themselves since Y/N entered her third trimester in her pregnancy. With all of the mood changes and aches and pains she dealt with it was tough for them to get away and spend a peaceful night with each other. So this was the first time in months that they would finally get to spend a one on one alone.
“C’mon princess, Daddy has something I want you to see.” Guiding her by his grip he had on her hips he walked her to their bedroom. When they came to Y/N gave a surprised gasp bringing her hands over her mouth before laughing.
“Baby what is this?”
“What you mean what is this? Look at this masterpiece I created.” Walking in front of her he held his hands out proud of what he done.
It was a homemade theater with a fort built over it that had mini lights going around glowing up the dark room. There was blankets and pillows laying out that had snacks and a bottle of Champagne sprawled out on top of them. The tv already showing Y/N’s favorite movie, The Notebook. But there was a food warmer with forks on the side of it that caught her attention.
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“Now what is that?” She walked over to the area getting on her knees. Taking the top off of the pot her eyes rolled in the back of her head when she smelled her favorite dish that Erik would make for her. Shrimp and Chicken Alfredo.
Erik took a seat next to her observing her excitement. “Remember this was the ONLY thing that you would eat when you were pregnant? Had my pockets hurting buying you some shrimp every damn day.” Grabbing the forks he handed her one as they began to dig in.
Y/N’s eyes closed when the shrimp touched her taste buds. She would still get a craving of this meal every now and then but it was nothing compared to how she used to eat it almost daily when she was carrying Charisma.
Erik pressed play on the movie as they cuddled up underneath the blankets. Taking turns between drinking out of the bottle of warm Champagne and dipping into the food warmer Erik and Y/N ate in silence watching the film. Into the middle of the movie Erik paused it and stood up.
“Where are you going? The movies not over.” Glancing up Y/N place the bottle down making sure it won’t tip over.
“With this long ass movie we gonna be here all night . Take my hand.” Reaching out he waited for her to grab it. When she did he lifted her up and lead them to the bathroom.
“Babyy!” Y/N lip went to a pout. Her eyes began to water as she saw the bubble bath with rose petals on top and candles surrounding the medium size tub.
Erik walked in front of her not saying a word. He began to unbutton her work shirt. Slipping it off he followed with her pants next with the help of her stepping out of them. Y/N covered her stomach. A habit she did every since the baby. She felt insecure about her belly not snapping back like how she wanted it too and how the loose skin would hang. Removing her hands Erik looked at her. His eyes became saddening when he would see her hide her body from him.
“Not tonight princess.” Bringing her hands up to his mouth he kissed them. “Don’t hide from me what I caused to happen.”
Bending down on his knees he kissed her tummy. Erik felt Y/N’s body shiver from the contact. Taking the pads of his thumbs he pulled down her panties. Y/N’s breast fell up and down feeling her arousal heightened from the inside. Erik lifted back up to remove her bra with ease.
“You ready?” He leaned forward kissing her forehead.
Answering with a head nod Y/N raised a leg over one by one and dipped in. Looking up at Erik she smiled.
“Erik when did you run this bath?” She asked running her fingers through the lukewarm water.
“Like thirty minutes before you came home. Why?” He questioned curiously as he took off his sweat jacket leaving him in a crisp white t shirt with his gold chain draped over it. Moving some of the candles he sat on the rim watching her.
“It’s warm now that’s why. You should’ve had me get in here first and then we could’ve had movie night.” She joked using the wash cloth on her legs.
“Well that’s nothing we can’t fix.” Since the water level was low enough he turned the knob to the hot water and let it run. “Better?”
Biting her lip Y/N gave a shy nod. “Thank you daddy.”
Grabbing the towel from her hands Erik poured her favorite body wash into the rag. Dipping his hand into the water he let it gain a lather before using it to clean her with it. Y/N could feel the gentleness of his hand as she relaxed. She felt him travel all over her body before reaching her pussy. Erik’s bare hand began to caressing her outer lips.
Spreading open her thighs so he could have a better access Y/N cuffed the back of her knees bringing them up to her chest.
“You givin up the pussy like that?” His chain swinging above her playing with her clit. Going over the hard nub in circles Erik bent his head down to kiss her when moans began to leave her mouth. Y/N grasped onto his shirt as she used her hips to meet his movements. Bringing her free hand up to her left titty she started to tweak and pull her nipple. Even through the water she could feel her wetness escaping.
“Daddy get me out of this water and fuck me.” It was more of command than a question and Erik was more than happy to abide. He waited until Y/N was standing up fully before grabbing her by her thighs and carrying her back to the bedroom. He didn’t give a damn about getting his clothes wet because his main focus was to please her and that pussy.
Plopping her on the bed Y/N crawled to the middle, taking a pillow and putting it over her body as she watched him take off his shirt. He sent her a look that let her know that, that wasn’t going to stop him. Y/N seen the colors of his eyes grow darker. Which told her one thing. Erik wanted to fuck, fuck. Bringing her hand over her pussy she bit her lip prepared to take the beating she wanted badly.
Erik stepped out of his pants which left him in nothing but his briefs. The print of his thick and heavy semi-hard dick poked out making an appearance. Walking towards Y/N he waisted no time grabbing her by the ankles and dragging her to the edge of the bed. Hearing a squeal leave her lips he glanced up before bringing his face up to hers. His lips millimeters away.
“Ima tell you this once and once only... you keep me from getting in this pussy like how I want Ima fuck you up. Got it.” He gave her a fair warning but he was serious.
“Yes daddy.” Y/N reached her head up biting his lower lip.
Erik’s low eyes studying the way she sucked on making sure he was going to her mouth to use later. Taking each hand he spread her legs open by the back of her thighs bringing them as far as they could go. Going to her neck he sucked on the flesh taking his time. Running his tongue over one of her spots before flicking it slowly. Creating hickies and then kissing them.
Y/N gripped his dreads pushing him lower. She was beyond ready to feel his warm tongue suck her nipples and pussy. “Please daddy.” Her whimpers touching his ears.
Following the wants of where his wife desired him to be next Erik went to her left breast tonguing her nipple. Flicking the hard pebble over and over before sucking it. If it was for him to say, the left titty was his favorite which is why he always stayed there the longest. Switching over he gave the right the same treatment.
Y/N began to grow impatient, needy, and bratty all in one. She wanted to control the situation but was always out dominated by Erik. When she tried to push his head down further Erik grabbed her wrists bringing them to the side of her head and purposely stayed at her breast longer than he planned.
“You know you not in charge so cut that shit out.” His deep raspy voice retorted while kissing down her stomach paying close attention to the area knowing about her insecurities towards it.
Finally coming face to face with his weakness he held her legs open. Her phat pussy lips soaked and covered with her natural lubricant. Her pink showing with the spread of her lower lips. Erik was ready to eat her pussy till she was crying. It was that pretty to him. Making a trail of kisses on her inner thighs he kissed each lip with appreciation from all the times it made him nut.
“Still my shit, ain’t it?” His breath hitting her skin making her jump.
“Eat it then daddy-“
The feeling of his warm spit cut her off. Looking down at the sight Y/N’s mouth hung open watching the long string of liquid leave her husband’s mouth.
“Hold this shit open for me.” He demanded her.
Her hand went down as fast as the order came spreading her lips apart. She could feel the saliva against her fingers. But it didn’t matter the moment she felt Erik give numerous flicks to her nub. Her reflexes causing her legs to try to close but couldn’t with the firm grip he had on her thighs. He teased her going back and forth between doing that and sucking on her lips. Her hips thrusting and ready to feel the human vac machine suck her clit.
“Daddy suck that clit please.” Y/N begged. She could get nasty when the time came and she didn’t care about what she had to say or do just for her to cum.
Using his tongue Erik ran it along her slit. Going to her opening he dipped inside the warm tight treasure coating his tongue before going to her clit and sucking it. The taste of her juices dripping out made his dick put a tent in his briefs. The moment it reached his taste buds Erik became a predator tearing apart his prey. Her pussy. Repeatedly sucking her bud Erik had Y/N tugging on his dreads pushing him into her pussy.
“Ugh baby I’m gonna fuckin-“ The yelling coming from her throat made it raw and cut her sentence short. The tight cramping in her lower belly causing a tear to fall from the corner of her eyes. She exploded right on his tongue and he kept going.
Constant sucking to her clit had her whimpering. Her pussy was becoming sensitive and she couldn’t take it anymore. Pushing at his head hoping he’d get the message but he didn’t when he smacked her hand away. The continuous assult on her pussy caused another orgasm to erupt shortly after the first one. Erik lifted up. His beard covered in her essence as he bended down kissing her. His tongue swiping over hers letting her taste herself.
Sending a rough smack to her thigh he pulled away. “Come suck this dick.” Standing up straight and pulling down his underwear his nine inch dick sprung out.
Y/N’s body felt drained but going against the feeling she got on her knees staying on the bed. Leaning forward she kissed the head with no hands looking up at him.
“Thank you for making me cum daddy.” Holding him up by the shaft Y/N stuck her tongue out wetting up the sides.
“That ain’t the last time you cumin for the night.” Taking his long arm he slapped her ass cheek making her arch.
Opening her mouth Y/N smacked the tip of his dick on her tongue before flicking the sensitive area underneath it. Erik groaned and brought his hand up to her hair. He gripped the kinky locks giving it the shape of a ponytail. Y/N giggled as she took him into her mouth. Her head bobbing up and down creating extra saliva to get him sloppy. She felt him grow in her mouth and that made her pussy throb and become wetter. The swivel of her tongue rubbing against his under tip whenever she came to it had Erik sucking in air and backing away.
“Daddy don’t run.” Y/N coming off his dick to tease him.
“You tryna make me nut with that fucking slick ass tongue of yours. Damn ma keep going.” He slapped her ass for encouragement.
Y/N obeyed stroking him with one hand and focused on his head. She was trying to get him there but Erik didn’t want to bust from head. He wanted to get up in her guts. She began humming to block her gag reflexes to deep throat him. The vibrations from her mouth and watching the strings of spit falling on her titties sent Erik over the edge. Taking her ponytail he pulled her off him.
“Turn yo ass around now.” His voiced barked as he felt defeated. He had to gain his control back.
Y/N knew she was in trouble by the sound of his voice.
When she wasn’t moving fast enough Erik grabbed her by the hips placing her into position. Smacking her ass he punished her for trying to make him cum too quick. Gripping the base of his dick he rubbed it up and down her second lips coating himself with her slick lubricant before sinking inside her with one thrust. The sudden movement had him regretting it when he felt like he was going to bust off entry.
Y/N’s mouth ajar and eyes rolling up feeling the long and girthy dick enter her depths in one motion. Usually she would work her way down on him but tonight Erik was going crazy. Her wall clenched down on him from the invasion. One hand gripping the comforter and the other reaching behind for his.
“Ohh fuck...daddy you’re so deep already.” Y/N moaned blowing out air as she took deep breaths.
“Sss I know baby, pussy good as fuck.” Erik groaned while slowly starting up his strokes. He had to pace himself because he felt close but he wanted her to cum again.
Using her hips for leverage he thrusted into her feeling her tight wet walls gripping him. Slapping her ass he picked up his pace when he felt his nut wavering off. Y/N mouth spewing out curses coming out of her arch. Placing his hand at the top of her back he held her in place as his hips stroked up in her. But when she came up again he got annoyed.
“Man keep that fuckin arch and let me get in this pussy.” He stated irritated.
Not stopping his movements he put his hands in the middle of her back and put his weight on her. He figured that would help her since she acted like she didn’t know how to. Erik grinded his hips rotating them getting deeper in her pussy. He was trying to hit that button that he touched plenty of times before.
Biting her lip from the pressure she felt pushing at her stomach Y/N cried as she felt him hitting her spot. Not only was he stretching her pussy open but he was digging deep. Closing her eyes she started to see white dots in the darkness of them. Her brain becoming almost unresponsive as he stroked her into oblivion.
“Daddy okayyy!” Taking her hand Y/N brought it behind her. She wanted him to let up on her because he was beating her pussy up.
Sweat droplets now appearing on Erik’s forehead as he lifted up. “What’s up, you gon throw it back?”
Looking behind her she whimpered a ‘yes’. Erik smirked putting his hands behind his back but continued his strokes. He waited until she caught his rhythm before faltering his movements. Y/N used the weight of her ass as she threw it back on him. She held on to the sheets hearing the sound of their skin clapping together. When she felt his tip reach deeper than she wanted it to she scooted up only taking half of his dick.The sting of a hard slap on her right cheek made her tightened her hold on both the covers and his dick.
“Get back on that dick. I’m not gon tell you again.” His voice barked.
“Okayy.” The whimpers leaving her lips involuntarily.
Going down on him further Y/N reached behind her gripping her ass cheeks to help him get in there the way he liked. Her stomach going into a cramp as she noticed she was going to orgasm again for the third time tonight. Her walls slicking up and gripping his dick as she continued to fuck herself.
“I feel you gripping this dick.. go head and nut and after you do you better not stop till I get mine.” He thrusted his hips up making sure she understood him.
Due to that Y/N’s body trembled beneath him as she came on his dick. Her cream coating all over him. But she didn’t stop. Even through her overstimulation she kept going because she wanted to make this nigga nut. She began to throw her hips back against his harder. Looking behind her she was met with Erik’s dark eyes watching her. He brought his hand up gripping her hair. Not moving his hips but just having something to hold.
“Make this dick nut.” He stuck his tongue out at her teasingly before smirking.
The combination of his golds showing and the way his chain hung around his neck as he bosses her around had Y/N going crazy. Reaching under her she gripped his balls massaging them to help him get there. Putting her kegal exercises to work she squeezed her walls when she reached the tip and released reaching the bottom.
Erik’s tried backing out but Y/N followed him everywhere he went. “I want my nut daddy.” She mocked him flicking her tongue at him and bit her lip.
Erik’s lips went in a tight line as he felt her throwing her pussy on him. His eyes clenched shut when he felt the tip of his dick throbbing. He was there and she knew it. The sound of him sucking in air and his stomach becoming sunken in always gave him away. Erik met her thrust four times before filling her up with his seed. He waited until he was milked out before he slowly pulled out of her.
Y/N twerked as she laughed. Laying flat on her belly she looked behind her at her husband who had his hands on his head catching his breath.
“You tapping already?” Biting her lip she smiled holding her chin up with her hand.
Erik bent down kissing both ass cheeks.
“I ain’t tapping outta shit...we just getting started.”
Please excuse any mistakes!
This is my first request. I hope y’all like it!
@supersizemeplz @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @hearteyes-for-killmonger @curls-and-crosses @killmonger-dolan @killmongerkink @migosis @raysunshine78 @alookintohersoul @popcorn803 @just-juicee @mllover260 @kimmyblckswan2 @koriiii @tchallasbabymama @toniilaney @marvelmaree @mia-faith @adreamsublime @queen-b1 @mcdesij @vintage-pvssy @viewsfromrose @ceeverse @smuttywriter @harleycativy @callmemckenzieee @theblulife @bvssmob @everything-is-awesomesauce @xoxomyaah @19jammmy @tchallas-ikumkani-wam @suburbanblackhoe @allhailqueennel @admirehermind @themeirajay @asaanime @bellanay @skylahb @toni9 @iambabyharry @kiabialia @youlovetkay @lahuttor @kehlaniswifee @childishgambinaax @readingaddict1290 @sociallyawkward18 @iamching07 @sourbabynaee @unholyxcumbucket
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cocochannel00 · 4 years
Things that Husband!Harry would definitely do (a thread)
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(If you don’t think that Tiny Desk Harry doesn’t give off mad husband!harry vibes - he looks so fluffy- then we can’t be friends)
- He’d sneak into your room the night before the wedding because he missed you even though he knows its bad luck and when you’re mad at him for it he would just smile and place a kiss on your forehead and say “I don’t need any luck, I just need you”
- At your wedding reception he would walk around the room introducing you to everyone as “my wife” as if they didn’t already know who you were 
- During your wedding dinner he’d spend the whole night whispering dirty jokes in your ear trying to make you laugh because he knew that even though it was your wedding day you were still spooked by all of the attention
- On your first year anniversary Harry wanted to surprise you by making you breakfast in bed so he started making pancakes as you slept. You woke up to the sound of your fire alarm going off and Harry blowing the smoke off a pan with a pillow. He’d give you a sheepish smile before mumbling a “maybe we get takeout this year?”
- During the holidays he’d hang mistletoe all around your house and force you to kiss him at every one. “Look love it’s mistletoe, you know what that means” he’d state with a grin. “Harry I just kissed you literally 2 minutes ago in the other room” you’d grumble “Doesn’t matter love, it’s mistletoe and those are the rules. Now come here and kiss your husband”
- Anytime the two of you would get into any sort of major fight where you would say “I hate you” he would shoot back “Well I love you so I guess you’re stuck with me” before going to sulk on the couch
- Whenever you went to his shows or stayed with him on tour he would force you to sit back stage and watch him from the wings so he could watch your reaction to his corny jokes and steal a kiss from you in between sets and on his bathroom breaks
- You agreed to be the designated drive for your group for a night out so Harry gets drunk and becomes extra clingy. He spends the entire night stuck to your side, shoving his face in your neck whispering “I’m going to marry you one day” to which you’d remind him quietly that you were already married. He’d then nod thoughtfully and mumbled “Well then I’m going to marry you again just in case” 
- One night you would be tossing and turning in bed unable to sleep and you would accidentally wake up Harry. You’d apologies because you knew he had to wake up early the next day, but he would just shush you with a quick peck before repositioning you so that you could lay your head on his chest. He’d then softly start humming the tune to one of the new songs he was working on until you’d fall asleep
- Harry would convince you that he was capable of building the Ikea coat rack the two of you had bought for your new home on his own so you’d go into the room next door to take a nap. When you woke up and hour later you found him laying on the floor facetiming Mitch as he tried to figure out why the last piece wasn’t fitting properly only for you to look at it and realize he had built half of it backwards
- Harry would come home late from one his movie shoots and would mumble a quick hello as he walked in through the door. You’d be sitting on the couch watching and episode of Dateline and he would throw himself next to you and lay his head on your lap. You’d start running your hands through his hair as you finished watching the last couple of minutes of the episode before asking Harry how his day was only to realize he had passed out on your lap and was now quietly snoring, a small trail of drool slowly coming out of his mouth
- The next season of your favorite show Handmaid’s Tale had come out so you and Harry started watching it. Every five minutes Harry would ask you a question about the show until mid way through you looked at him and bursted out “Harry if you ask me one more question about the show I’m sending you to our room”. Harry would pout at you and sink into the couch, grumbling about how it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t remember what happened last season before he shoved some popcorn into his mouth
- You’d need to go shopping at Target one day to get some decorations for your niece's birthday party and Harry would decide to come along. “This is our list Harry, we’re not buying anything that’s not on the list” you’d say in the car before getting out, but it would be hopeless because every other aisle Harry would pick something up and say “babe we need to get this” and you would stare at him and say “is it on the list?” and he would grumble a no before sulking back down the aisle to put it back
- On road trips when he let you pick the music he would grumble when you would change the song every 30 seconds. “Love just choose a song, it’s not that difficult, gave you the bloody playlist” he’d state as you would continue to skip through the songs mumbling “I’m tired of that song though, just wanted to hear the chorus”. “Is that what you do with my songs too, just skip all the good parts to get to the bloody chorus?” he’d ask mockingly as you gave him a sheepish smile and mumbled a “sometimes” before finally picking a song
- It would be nearly 4 am and you would still be awake reading your book in bed as Harry slept soundly next to you. You could feel the tears running down your face as the main character just had their heartbroken and a soft sniffle left your nose which caused Harry to startle awake. “Babe what time is it?” he’d mumble as you continue reading, paying him no mind. He’d turn on his phone and groan as he saw the 4 flash at him before turning to see the tears on your face. “Oh no love did she get her heartbroken again? Sure they’ll get back together by the end” he’d state, knowing this was your third rom-com book of the month. You’d mumble a yes as Harry gently dog eared the page before you could protest. He turned off your lamp before tucking you into his side, pulling the covers up to your chin, letting you crying into his chest over your fictional characters
- You and Harry going to your 15th high school reunion together and he gets jealous when he sees you talking to your ex-boyfriend from when you were 16. He’d come up behind you and wrap an arm around your waist while placing a kiss to the side of your temple before reaching out his free hand to introduce himself. “Hello I’m Harry. The Husband” he’d say as he shook your ex’s hand just a little tighter then necessary
- Harry would be overly invested in your work place gossip so when the two of you would have dinner together he would constantly ask questions about what happened with your coworkers that day. “So did Stacy and Justin get caught yet or does Janet still have no idea? Did Kathleen ever get that promotion? If I ever see Garrett I’m going to punch him”
-  He’d force you to wake up early with him so the two of you could workout together in your home gym, but you’d just sit on the floor against the mirror in your workout clothes staring at him. After several attempts at trying to get you to stretch with him he’d give up and say “If you’re not gonna workout at least give me some motivation babe” so he’d do his abs workout in front of you and every time he came up from a sit-up you’d give him a kiss
- Harry would come down with a cold and he would turn into a 5 year old boy and try to milk it for everything it’s worth. “Think the doctor mentioned that cuddles would really help with my headache, love.” “Harry I don’t think that’s what the doctor said” you’d reply as you placed a cold wash cloth on his forehead. “Don’t think I would have forgotten such an important order from her. Now, come here I want to cuddle my wife” 
- He’d come home from the studio fidgeting with his beat-up blue iPod in his hand as you were finishing up a quick dinner for the two of you. He would gently place the iPod on the counter next to you as he poured himself a drink to calm his nerves. You’d stare at it for a minute before asking “Is it finished? Can I listen?”. He’d nod before you gave him a quick kiss and took the device to the living room, leaving him there with his thoughts. An hour later you came back into the kitchen, tears streaming down your face as you ran up to hug him. “Liked it?” he’d ask nervously, this being the first time you’d heard the finished album. “Absolutely loved it” you’d whisper back causing Harry to release a deep breath before taking your face in his hands and kissing you roughly
- He’d start every award acceptance speech with “I’d like to first thank my wife for always supporting me” and then try to catch your eye in the crowd, giving you a soft smile that was only meant for you before going on to thank everyone else
- “We need an intervention Harry. Why are your suits in my side of the closet?” you asked as you came down stairs with one of Harry’s Gucci suits. “I was running out of space and I didn’t think you would notice” he replied with a blush. “Well I did so either you move them or I’m throwing them out” “Love but they’re Gucci you can’t just-” “Ah ah ah I don’t care. My side of the closet” you’d state before dropping the suit in his lap and walking back upstairs
So many others come to mind but these are just a couple that came to mind. I’ll probably do a Dad!Harry version at some point as well 
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tommybaholland · 3 years
deku and whoever else you’d like with a s/o who has scarlet witch powers
s/o with a witchcraft quirk [pt.3]
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featuring: midoriya and dabi
been watching mob psycho 100 so i got some ideas from there as well! x
you had telekinetic powers but with one twist
it was known as ‘gravity falls’ in which you could reverse gravity to create force, pressure, and in some cases, a black hole which could suck things in or rip them apart 
it looked like a very difficult power to control but you seemed to have a pretty good handle on it
you could even make these balls with your power inside them that could be used for longer ranges 
he had almost been sucked in by one of those before and he did not want to know what would happen if he had been completely caught
even you didn’t even really know what kind of void your power possessed
he wanted to help you figure it out as he was intrigued as well
you were afraid that you’d be fooled by your own quirk but he reassures you, much like he has with others in the past
“it’s your power that you can control. i think if you trust yourself enough, you can extend its use to what is physically possible.”
after much trial and error, you finally summoned more trust within yourself to be able to move through space with black hole-like teleportation 
you wanted to try it out with him to see if it would work with another person
he actually volunteered, mostly because it would be so cool if you could do that
a small part of him nagged on about the worst that could happen and that he shouldn’t put himself in so much danger that he can’t live out his destiny
but he had been ignoring similar warnings before and nothing severe had happened to him
plus he loves you so why wouldn’t he offer to do that for you?
you were able to successfully teleport you and him from one point in a room to another and there’s no telling how far you could reach with the teleportation
you tell him that it’s important to not let go of your hand because he could be left in an infinite void 
“that should be easy. i never want to let go of your hand, babe.”
you have to smile at that because he’s such a cutie 
he earns a kiss from you on his freckled cheek from which you earn a blush on his cute face
from an outside perspective, you looked rather normal and non-threatening
and you were, for the most part 
your emotions weren’t always outwardly expressed and that was one thing that drew him to you
you always had a stoic look on your face but you were still cute
however, those emotions built up to one stock-pile of power which was called ‘rage’ 
it usually only happened when you were unconscious, for some reason 
there were times when he thought you were really hurt or even dead after you sustained fatal blows
but your gauge would hit its limit and you would rise with rage in your eyes
maybe it was weird, but it was really attractive to him
but that was when he knew that he should not mess with you
he felt like you were meant to be together given that both of your quirks were powerful and destructive 
yours could actually destroy the whole world if you wanted to but whatever semblance of a moral code you had held you back
you figured that the hero society would eventually collapse and the world would pretty much end but blowing it up wouldn’t solve anything nor did you want to be the reason for it
besides, you had him by your side 
he’s not the most comforting person in the world and probably the least ideal partner out there 
he raises your level at times and there’s nothing you can do about it
but there are times when it elevates ever so slightly out of love and admiration for the things he does do right
“all i need is you, baby. i think you and i could make the world right.” 
he swears that you literally glow after he kisses you 
your emotions might not be so easily expressed but all he needs to do is look into your eyes to see what you’re feeling
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let’s go, bnha night! put in all your dreams and desires..
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kpopsickies · 3 years
bathtub cuddles
sickie: Felix
Caretaker: Chan
pairing: Chanlix (ft dramatic baby Felix, and whipped Chan)
Felix p.o.v
I’m dying, I’m 100% sure of it. I must be, it is the only other explanation. I can’t breathe, my head hurts, my lungs are burning. I am 100% positive I am on death’s door. 
and above all. I need cuddles, from my Channie. but he’s at the studio. I want to call him and ask him to come home, but I know he’s busy and I don’t want to bother him. 
after a solid 20 minutes of debating with myself I finally texted Chan hyung with simply, “when you are on your way back can you pick up cough drops” I knew I could pass it off to just overworking my voice, that way he won’t be worried about me. and I was not surprised at all when Chan blew up my phone with “are you okay? Are you sick? Do you need me to come home? ect.” 
when suddenly my phone rang. It was Chan, of course. “hey baby” I say answering my phone. “oh Lixxie, your voice sounds so rough”
“I just overworked it yesterday” I choke out, coughing lightly into my fist. “I doubt that”
“because you’re also congested, and you sound sick”
“I’m fine”
“uh-huh, sure, I’m on my way home now”
“wait! No!!! babe I’m fine” I say, coughing again, harsher this time. “yeah whatever baby, I’m on my way, I’ll stop at the store on the way home, so It’ll take longer than usual.”
“seriously Channie, I’m fine”
“liar. I’ll be right home”
“I love you, see you in a few” he said before hanging up
ugh, I swear this man will be the death of me, and yet I’m not complaining, I could really use some cuddles right now.
About 20 minutes later Chan came in with a bag. He dumped the bag out onto the foot of the bed. Cough drops, tissue boxes, Tylenol, and pocky spilled out onto the bed. He came over and placed a soft kiss on my forehead, his brow creasing in concern. “Lixxie, I think you have a fever”
“really? I don’t think so”
“I’m pretty sure you do, I’ll be right back I’m gonna go grab the thermometer”
“okay” although now that he mentions it I do feel kinda feverish, like that cold but hot, achy, tired feeling. He came back a second later with the thermometer in his hand. “open” he said a slight command to his voice. “yes sir” I say with a hint of sarcasm. He places the thermometer under my tongue, “now don’t move, I’ll be right back” I nod. As we leaves I sigh softly, I hate sitting still. 
Chan still wasn’t back yet and this damn thing still isn’t done. I whimper quietly, why do I feel so awful? Where is Chan? I want cuddles. Finally the thermometer beeps, and Chan comes in only a few seconds after. He plucks the thermometer from my mouth and reads it. After a few seconds he smiles softly and kisses my forehead. “Lix, baby, you have a really high fever”
“I do?” I say surprised, I mean, I knew I had some sort of  fever but I didn’t really think it was that high. “yep, 102.3, I think you should take a cool bath to lower the fever”
“fine, but only if you bathe with me” he blushed a little bit but agreed.
While he fills up the bathtub I strip down to my boxers. Chan does the same. The two of us climb in. He sits behind me, I lean into his chest, he wraps his arms around me. “i love you” He says before kissing the top of my head gently, with much love. “you’re so cute” I say taking his hands. 
“I’m not cute, you’re the cute one”
“okay if I’m cute then you’re sexy” I say kissing the back of his hands. He blushes bright red. I giggle softly at him. “are you laughing at me?” he asks with fake indignation in his voice. “maybe a little” I say smirking. He is quiet for a second before suddenly attacking my back of my neck with kisses. I let out a soft squeak of surprise. 
We sit in a comfortable silence after his evil mischievous attack. When suddenly there is a tickle that pricks the back of my nose. I know I’m about to sneeze but Chan has his arms around me tightly, pinning my arms at my side. “Channie”
“yes baby”
“i ne-ehtshhu echshhu hetshu-”
“bless you”
“thanks, and ummm.... sorry” I say softly, noticing that I had literally sneezed directly on his arms. He smiled warmly at me. “it’s okay honey, you didn’t mean to” He says softly, reaching out of the bathtub to grab a handful of tissues, he wipes off his arm, and holds a few up to my nose. “blow” 
“n-no” I say shyly. He rolls his eyes. “you’re so cute when your shy” he says, handing the tissue to me. I wipe my nose. 
He leans down to kiss me on the lips. I quickly cover his mouth. “HEY!!!”
“no kissing I don’t want you to get sick”
“I don’t care, I wanna kiss you”
“let me kiss you!!”
“I might sneeze in your mouth”
“I don’t care”
“that’s gross”
“I don’t care, I love you, I want to kiss you” He says suddenly closing the gap between us. I melt into the kiss for half a second before pulling away. “I SAID NO KISSING!!!”
“don’t lie, you enjoyed it”
“okay, fine, i liked it, but I don’t want you to get sick”
“I appreciate the concern, but I’m not going to get sick, I have an immune system of steel”
“uh-huh, only because you built up an immunity to everything by never sleeping.” 
“I sleep”
“Channie, baby, you fell asleep during dinner yesterday and face planted into your salad.”
“that..... doesn’t prove anything”
“uh-huh, sure, whatever” I say laughing softly, curling up against his chest. 
“I love you”
“I love you to” he says kissing my forehead, “you know, I think your fever has gone down, if you want we could go cuddle in bed instead”
“I’d like that” 
We both climb out of the bathtub, and head to our room, “Channie, baby, can I wear one of your hoodies?”
“I don’t know, those are special to me” He says, but he’s already gone to his closet to get his favorite one. I reach out and make grabby hands toward it. He smiles fondly, kisses my forehead, then hands it to me. 
After we finish getting dressed we climb into bed and curl up together. “Do you want to watch a movie?”
“nope, I just want to cuddle” I yawn “and sleep” He kisses my forehead (for like the thousandth time) “sounds good to me”
The two of us curl up  Chan’s comforting arms wrapped around, like a warm blanket of safety. I am dozing off, half asleep, when suddenly Chan sneezes. 
part 2 anyone?
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hoedorokishoto · 3 years
Trust - Part 1
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Shoto Todoroki x Reader 
+ Minors DNI
| part | next
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“You know, if you just stopped getting kicked in the head, I wouldn’t need to fix your gear all the time.” I said, my hands running over the smooth metal of Hitoshi’s voice modulator. Different from the first one I had made him 2 years ago; small changes being made to help your best friend become the best hero he could be.
“Maybe I miss hanging out with you. You are worth a swift kick to the head.” He said from behind me, walking around the room as he spoke. Looking at the various machines, weapons, and other projects I was working on in the workshop. I laughed at his response, shaking my head as I screwed the missing panel back into place.
“You flatter me.”
Hitoshi Shinso had been your best friend since before both of you were even born. Your dad and his parents, living next to each other since their early 20’s, experiencing drunken nights, sad days and the trials of parent hood together. So in turn you and Toshi had done everything together. First steps, first words and first days of school.
“I saw you and Mr Aizawa on TV.” I said beaming, the thought of him realising his dreams and making them a reality enough to make my heart soar.
“Oh yeah, it was pretty weird. Don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. Neither will Mr Aizawa.”
“Lucky you guys are so chatty.”
It was him who laughed this time, coming up next to me and hugging me into his side. I did miss him, his hero work and my support work taking up much of whatever spare time we had. Especially being 3rd years, our futures looming over us even more, having to make final decisions about our future. Gone were the days of dressing up as our favourite heroes and running around our homes catching our parents who pretended to be villains. Now all I seemed to think about where internship offers and upcoming exams, mathematic equations often overtaking my thoughts even in my dreams.
The gear didn’t need much fixing just a loose panel and a few scratches, something easy that I could fix in a matter of minutes.
“Good as new!” I said, holding up the voice modulator and admiring my handy work, then passing it back to Hitoshi.
“You’re the best Y/N, ramen is on me next time.” Hitoshi said, winking and taking the equipment from me. Placing it over his face and making the necessary adjustments.
The workshop was surprisingly quiet, usually filled with the noise of machines and steel clanging together. The music usually turned up to max volume as the other support course students worked on support gear for other heroes. Hatsume clearly wasn’t here because it had been a whole 3 hours with no explosions nearby.
“So how is Kaibara?” Toshi asked, quirking his purple eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes at his question, stepping around him and back over to my tool bench.
“I don’t know, why don’t you ask him?”
“Well I only ask because you seem to know him a lot better than I do. Intimately I would say.”
“Ew, don’t say intimately. Are you 95 years old?” I said, faking chills and a look of disgust on my face.
Sen and I weren’t dating, I didn’t want to date him but the time we did spend together proved effective in helping relieve the everyday stress of living at UA and being a Hero Support student. The sex was good, and he was handsome, always considerate of me and never did anything I was uncomfortable with. The more I thought about it, the more perfect he seemed. He very well might be, but just not for me. There was never any substance behind my feelings for him beyond the attraction to sleep with him. If we did interact outside of the bedroom it was purely platonic, just friends and nothing more. As bad as it sounded, I was using him for personal benefit and nothing more.
"He talks about you a lot.”
I looked into his eyes and flipped my hair, a cocky grin overtaking my features.
“Well… what can I say?”
“Not like that you weirdo, he asks a lot of questions. He wants to know more about you.” Hitoshi laughed, slapping my arm, scratching the back of his neck.
“Do you guys not talk?”
“Why would we need to?” I asked, not quite understanding the question. My back to Hitoshi now, tidying my workstation as I waited for his answer. We knew what we needed to know about one another, our names, birthdays, and a few general things but beyond that it seemed irrelevant.
“I think he likes you.”
“Well I hope he does he puts his penis inside me Hitoshi.”
“You know that isn’t what I meant. He like likes you.”
I stilled; my back still turned towards my friend. My view of relationships was always clouded by indifference. I could blame it on the fact that my parents didn’t work out or I could blame it on my preferences, hell I could even blame it on my star sign. Whichever excuse I chose I always knew that deep down I knew that relationships would never work, and people were better off alone, if I didn’t fully give someone my heart there is no way that they could rip it out of my chest and step on it. I would never put myself in that situation.  
“That sounds like his problem, not mine.” I said coldly, picking up my bag and heading to the door, hopefully hearing the end of this conversation.
“Ramen is on you remember. I’m hungry.”
Without another word I flicked off the light by the door and headed out of the workshop, Hitoshi picking up speed to walk beside me, not saying another word.
The walk back to UA was always killer, that dam hill being the bane of my existence for the last 3 years. The silence was almost deafening, I could feel Hitoshi holding something back. Wanting to say something, something about the conversation earlier no doubt.
“What is it?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“I can feel you being gloomy, more so than usual. It’s irritating.”
Hitoshi sighed, rubbing his eyes with one of his hands. Shaking his head as he stopped.
“I want you to be happy! Is that so wrong? What’s wrong with Kaibara?”
“If you like him so much why don’t you date him.”
“I don’t want to make jokes!” He said, stepping past me, and continuing up the hill.
“Why is this so important to you? You’ve never really cared before.” I asked, jogging to catch up to him. He didn’t answer, he just linked our arms and continued up the hill. Pushing whatever he was feeling down and sealing it away.
“Denki is having a party in the 3A dorm this weekend. Wanna come?” Hitoshi asked changing the subject and tightening his arm around mine.
“Mr Aizawa is allowing that?”
“Yeah, apparently it will be good for us to blow off some steam before the school year really kicks off. His words not mine.”
He sensed my hesitation.
“Hatsume is going to be there, she even convinced IIda to go.” He said raising his eyebrows.
“Wow, that is impressive.” I said matter of factly, nodding my head. The class rep of the 3A was known for being a real stickler for the rules. Keeping everyone in order and always being the epitome of a model student. Bless his soul, but he wasn’t really the party type. The picture of him in that environment was enough to convince me to go.
“Please, who is going to help me stop Denki from being an idiot?”
“Literally any of his other friends?”
“Yeah but you are so pretty, and he is a simp.” Toshi said matter-of-factly.
“Fine, but if I don’t see Tenya do his little arm thing at least once then I’m gonna be so mad at you.” I said giggling and tightening his arms once more.
“I can guarantee it, it will be Denki and a party. It’s like you don’t even know him.”
Me and the rest of class 3H had been instructed to be at Ground Gamma for a joint training session between 3A and 3B, the hero support students were to observe and help with gear whenever needed. Taking notes on current gear and seeing where adjustments were needed. As the future heroes got better at handling their quirks and being in tense situations some fights ended with a lot of damage. Whether it be to the heroes themselves or their gear, that’s where we came in.
I always seemed to forget just how big the facilities at UA really were, most of the grounds built to look like entire blocks of actual cities. Ground Gamma was made up of various exposed pipes and machinery, the combination giving a labyrinth affect perfect for heroes to improve theirs fighting skills in tight spaces.
Watching them was impressive, just how far they had come in a few short years was a credit to just how hard they trained every day. I felt safe and content knowing that these people were going to be patrolling the city one day and keeping people safe.
“Hey stranger!” a voice yelled in the distance, Sero’s tall body coming into view as he walked closer to me. Denki and Toshi following closely behind.
“Afternoon.” I said, saluting the boys as they got closer, standing on either side of me examining the work bench and tools that we had set up before anyone else arrived.
“How is my favourite little nerd?” Denki asked, nudging my arm with his and hugging me.
“I’m good, excited to see you guys train today.”
“Aw babe, prepare to be amazed!” Denki said, winking at me, his arm still slung around my side.
“Y/N could watch me burp the alphabet and be more impressed.” Hitoshi said sarcastically.
“You guys are so harsh.” He replied, clutching his hand to his chest and feigning sadness.
The group laughed as I turned around and prepared for this afternoon’s events. Ready to take notes and sketch new designs. The students had started filling up the platform, sitting in the groups they had been assigned, discussing the best plans of attack depending on their quirks.
“Everyone gather around!”
“Today will be a bit different, after today’s exercise we will be assigning you with new support students based on where we think the heroes need improvement and previous projects from the support course students. We will also be looking at your scheduled internships and work studies and matching you based on that so we can get all heroes and their gear to the best they can be before graduation.” Mr Aizawa said, commanding the attention of everyone on the platform. He wore his usual nonchalant expression, hair down and hands in his pockets.
Everyone talked amongst themselves about the recently learned information. As of right now I worked on Bakugo, Uraraka and Hitoshi’s costumes and support gear. The first two hero costumes were my entrance exam task, getting a rough design, a file on both students and their quirks and having to design according to that. Now making adjusts when needed or wanted. The most recent addition was two earpieces for Bakugo to reduce the noise of his explosions but still allowing him to hear regular noise, so he didn’t lose any sense while fighting. In hopes that his explosions wouldn’t damage his hearing anymore than it already had.
New projects were always welcome, in hopes of keeping my grades high before graduation. Hero Agencies always quick to offer students internships based on good grades and successful support gear.
“So to get this started, give it your best and good luck!” Allmight finished, the first two groups of students heading to their assigned bases to start training.
The training finished, class A’s teams winning the most training battles and celebrating accordingly. Cheering and hugging each other. My notebook already full of notes and sketches for potential changes and brand-new designs.
“Everyone please look up at the screen and look at who you have been given as your support students. There will be no changing so no complaining.” Aizawa said, already walking off the platform. Probably to wrap himself up in his sleeping bag.
There in large blue writing was my name.
Y/N Nanase – Hitoshi Shinso, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki
I looked over at the student who was newly assigned to me, there Shoto Todoroki was in all his half and half glory. One blue eye and one dark grey already staring back at me.
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poor-baby-bangtan · 3 years
i was wondering if you could do something snz-centric with jungkook. like a cold or flu. hes just so adorable and im too much of a sucker of bts taking care of him in fics. (also im so happy youre back and well, you're one of my favourite bangtan sickfic writers here on tumblr ^^)
I hope you enjoy! 
Sickie: jeongguk 
Caretakers: Namjoon and Seokjin 
Words: 6,853
Themes: snz, fever, hurt/comfort 
By the fifth time that Jeongguk had to tear himself away from the recording equipment to sneeze almost violently into his hands, Namjoon was ready to call it quits for the day. The pair had been finishing up some backing vocals for a nearly-completed song - it was only a bit of harmonization, nothing extreme or extravagant. Jeongguk had always been the best with harmonizing, especially in a higher pitch, so Namjoon figured that he would layer the maknae's hidden track over it first just to get a feel for the way it sounded.
But Jeongguk was barely able to get through any of his lines or simple melodies without having to turn around to sneeze or clear his throat. And now that Namjoon thought about it, his voice did sound a bit rough around the edges and maybe even a little congested if he listened closely enough to his dongsaeng's voice blasting through his headphones. And, above all, he couldn't get through a track that he would have aced any other day. It was nearing 1 AM and the maknae looked tired, stressed, and sick behind the mic.
"JK," he called through the slightly-opened door beyond the large built-in window between them (purely to keep unwanted sounds out of the recording). "You okay?"
Jeongguk sniffed and rubbed at his nose with a knuckle, ears reddening slightly at the sudden attention. Namjoon found it incredibly endearing that, despite living together for just shy of seven years, he still managed to get embarrassed over minor stuff like that.
"Yeah, I'm alright, hyung. I'm sorry, I know you wanted this finished quickly," he managed, staring at the open mic in front of him with obvious frustration and guilt, the tip of his bunny nose pink with mild irritation.
Namjoon stood and took off his bulky headphones, joining him in the adjacent room and placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Gguk, it's not your fault." The maknae sniffled again but didn't say anything, looking so pitifully sad as his eyes wandered around the floor. "Are you wearing a new cologne or anything? New shampoo?" Namjoon knew how sensitive their youngest was to smells - his perfume of choice was actually faint and made for women and he wore it for the sole purpose of it not irritating his sinuses. Even a change in shampoo, conditioner, or hair spray had a tendency to trigger Jeongguk's rhinitis flare-ups.
Jeongguk shook his head. "No, everything's been the same, Joon-hyung. I don't know why it's like this."
The rapper chewed at his lip worriedly, running a hand through the younger man's soft hair. "You think you're getting sick, babe?" Namjoon chose to break out the pet names now - it helped break Jeongguk out of that shy, nervous, I'm-grown-up-so-I-can-handle-everything-myself shell he always tried to adopt.
"Hih-H'tshhuh! T'cHh!"
Jeongguk didn't have time to reply before he was pitching forward to sneeze twice into his elbow, leaning back with a little groan. Namjoon chuckled quietly and rubbed the maknae's back as he sniffled and scrubbed at his nose with his sleeve. "I think that might be a yes."
The maknae sighed, rubbing at his brow like he had a headache. "I don't want to be."
Namjoon just tutted and put his palm to the younger man's forehead, frowning when he felt the slightest bit of heat underneath his hand. He wasn't flushed and didn't feel too warm, but he always ran hot when he was coming down with something. "I don't think you have a choice in this one, Gguk-ah."
"But hyung," Jeongguk whined, looking up at him with his big doe eyes, "I can't get sick right now. We have so much stuff to do and I'm already making you stay late-"
"Hey, no," he shushed. "You're not holding back anything. We have work, sure, but it's not anything that we can't push back a few days for you. This is the lightest our schedule has been for a while, so don't stress about it, okay?" Namjoon smiled faintly, running his fingers once more through Jeongguk's fringe. "And you're not keeping me here doing anything. We could have been doing this next week or even not at all; this is optional just to test the sound, you know that."
Jeongguk nodded, sniffling again for good measure. "Yeah, okay," he mumbled, still disappointed and very much not convinced.
"Why don't we go ahead and head home? It's late," Namjoon yawned, stretching, all an act just to get the maknae to not protest leaving just like the rapper knew he would. He had always been the hardest one to take care of - most of the others eventually gave in and let themselves be coddled. But, nope, not Jeongguk. He would put up a fight until he was passed out or in the hospital, something that his hyungs tried relentlessly to keep from happening. No matter how much they drilled into his head that you need to talk to us, Gguk or you can tell us anything, Gguk, it seemed like the kid never listened. Despite the fact that he had recently turned twenty-one, he had absolutely zero skills in the self-care department.
Jeongguk nodded and Namjoon marked that as a big success on his part. "Okay." He patted his pockets a few times before sighing. "Let me find my keys first."
That's right. He drove us here this morning.
"No that's okay, Gguk. I'd rather call a cab." Namjoon wasn't sure if he really wanted his maknae driving while sick, and at midnight nonetheless. He was already a little reckless behind the wheel on the best of days and the last thing they needed was him having a cold (or worse yet, flu) on top of that. The leader silently cursed himself that he hadn't gotten around to getting his license yet (and tried not to be embarrassed that the youngest of his group had to drive him around despite the age gap).
"No, I'm fine, hyung. I can drive," Jeongguk protested, looking just a little too eager to prove himself and that he was indeed okay. "I can.. d-dr- hhitsHh!"
He was interrupted by another sneeze, though, pitching forward, bent at the waist from the strength of it. He slowly straightened upwards, hands still cupped around his face. Namjoon took the hint and passed him a tissue, which Jeongguk hesitantly took as if he were almost too prideful to take it. He usually was, and the rapper was thankful that it was late in the evening. A tired Jeongguk was an obedient Jeongguk.
"I know you can, Ggukkie, but I'd rather just call someone. It's late and we're both tired; I'd feel better if we had a cab or a manager come pick us up. Besides, we're here every day. We can pick up your car another day, yeah?"
Jeongguk wiped his nose with the tissue and threw it away, sighing. "Okay. Is Sejin-nim still here?"
"Let me text him. Go ahead and put your coat on."
The maknae nodded and went to retrieve his hoodie as Namjoon fumbled with his phone.
Joon: Hyung-nim, are you still in the building?
Cool manager hyung: yeah I'm about to leave. need a ride?
He smiled at how Sejin already knew what he needed before he had the chance to say anything about it.
Joon: yeah, me and Ggukie are finishing up in the studio.
Joon: do you mind dropping us off?
Manager hyung: of course, it's on the way anyways. but I thought Jeongguk drove you two here..?
Joon: yeahh but I think he's coming down with something. don't want him on the roads right now ~_~;
Manager hyung: aishhhh why am i not surprised 
Manager hyung: that kid always pushes himself too hard
Manager hyung: meet me outside in 10. i'll stop by the pharmacy tomorrow.
Joon: thank you Sejin-hyung :))
By the time Namjoon looked up from his phone, Jeongguk had pulled his hoodie on and was scrubbbing at his nose with one of the sleeves, sniffling weakly. The hoodie was a couple sizes too large and hung low around mid-thigh. He had balled up his hands inside of the sleeves, making rather adorable sweater paws with them. His nose was now red, morphing from the innocent pink tinge that it had held for most of the night, and his eyes looked a little far-off and watery. Namjoon tried his best not to make a sound of endearment and simply pocketed his phone, reaching out and squeezing his dongsaeng's shoulder.
"Sejin-nim is gonna pull up out front for us."
"'Kay," the maknae mumbled, looking exhausted despite himself. Hopefully it wouldn't be hard to get some medicine in him and put him to bed.
Sejin held true to his word; his car was already warm and running by the time the pair made it downstairs. Namjoon crawled into the backseat with Jeongguk instead of taking his usual place up front. Jeongguk didn't seem to mind, or even notice for that matter, as he put on his seatbelt and yawned into his hand. Namjoon caught Sejin's knowing smirk in the rear view mirror, though, and felt his face heat up.
He wasn't one of the most doting members but he still cared, alright?
Sejin started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot. "How's the song looking, boys?"
"It's going great, Sejin-nim," Namjoon smiled. "Jeongguk is really blowing it out of the water." He reached over and ruffled Jeongguk's hair lightly. Jeongguked smiled that cute smile he does, lips barely pulling back to preview his bunny teeth, eyes scrunching gently around the edges, and it was all Namjoon could do to not make a noise like a variation of a dying animal. That kid does something to his heart that should not be legal. The maknae pushed his hand away and he let him, reaching down to intertwine their fingers and rest them on his thigh instead.
Sejin chuckled deep and throaty, smiling in the rearview mirror. "Just as usual, huh?"
"Yep." Namjoon ran his thumb over Jeongguk's knuckles. "Golden maknae here always does his best."
Jeongguk ducked his head and smiled, teasing his lower lip with his teeth, ears going a bit red. He had never been able to take a compliment without getting embarrassed. "Thanks, hyung."
"Aish, don't thank me kid." Namjoon swore his heart was about to burst. His maknae really was just too sweet without knowing it.
Jeongguk was opening his mouth to say something back but stopped short, getting a far-off look in his eyes as his jaw hung slack. His nose twitched and scrunched several times with the effort not to sneeze; his breath hitched several times as his breathing quickened. He was not able to quell the feeling, though, and sneezed openly onto his lap before he could react.
"Hih.. hh-huh-H'itsxhu! Ht'scHh! Es'cHischh!"
He tore his hand from Namjoon's as he caught the second and third that came with it. They sounded increasingly intense and painful, and Namjoon winced in sympathy.
Sejin sucked in air through his teeth sharply as Jeongguk slowly brought his hands away from his face and sniffled in retaliation a few times. "You feeling okay, kid?" He pulled up at a red light and looked him over in the rear view mirror. "That sounded kind of bad."
Namjoon was glad that Sejin chose not to mention the fact that he had already told him Jeongguk wasn't feeling his best. Jeongguk would have been eternally embarrassed and probably would deny his hyung's help for a while. He had a strange trust system and Sejin seemed to know that.
Jeongguk snuffed once more against the increasing stuffiness in his sinuses before replying. "Yes, I'm okay Sejin-nim, thank you."
Namjoon withheld a sigh and put a hand on Jeongguk's thigh. Always so closed off and shy. Of course, he loved his maknae and wouldn't change his personality for anything. But sometimes he wished he would open up a little more and be a little more trusting to those around him. He had opened up to his band mates after a while, of course, but it was still hard for even them to get through to him at times. Jeongguk could be silly and goofy and just himself wherever he was, but when it came to showing any form of weakness it was like he retreated as far back into his shell as he could get. It was a constant inner struggle for him, realizing that he's still human and needs to treat himself as such. Even one (1) voice crack during a performance can drive him to tears. Weakness and mistakes are just not something that he tolerates with himself, as sad as it makes Namjoon. He's never really as concerned with Jeongguk's physical condition as much as he is with his psychological one when his health dips.
Sejin sighed quietly enough for Jeongguk to miss it and pulled up as the light turned green again. "If you're sure. Just let me know if that changes, okay, Jeongguk-ah?"
"Yes, hyung-nim." Namjoon could hear the gratefulness in the maknae's voice, even if he most likely would not accept the help.
"Aish, kid, always so formal," Sejin grumbled playfully. He had long stopped trying to get Jeongguk to drop the honorifics. They were fond and playful now more than anything.
Jeongguk made that happy noise in the back of his throat that he tended to do, sort of like a mix between a laugh and a endearing huff, and replied, "Of course, Sejin-ssi."
"Ack!" Sejin waved one of his hands in the air dismissively. "That's worse!"
Jeongguk chuckled, fully this time, with a grin that split his whole face and made his eyes squint. He seemed tired, but happy still - probably wasn't feeling too bad, then.
The trio fell into a comfortable silence for the rest of the trip. Namjoon could feel that they were all tired - reasonably so, it was past 1am - and if he was being honest he was ready to do nothing more than just crash in bed when he got home. But his maknae still needed to be taken care of, because he certainly wasn't going to take medicine on his own.
The pair said their goodbyes to Sejin after he pulled up outside of their apartment, with the older man giving Namjoon a knowing wink as a way to say good luck with that one. Namjoon just laughed and waved him off. He knew how to handle his maknae.
Jeongguk stumbled inside, already half-asleep from the car ride, and made his way into the bathroom. Namjoon veered towards the kitchen where their medicine cabinet was and dug around for a few minutes looking for some sort of cold medicine or anti-congestant. He came up with a half-empty blister packet of a nighttime cold medicine which was about the best he could have hoped to find. With the winter, colds had been going around the members quite often and it was around that time of the year that they were constantly running low on medicines. That, and it would help Jeongguk sleep more soundly - even though he usually slept a lot (like, a lot) when he was sick, it was never very deeply and it left him still feeling exhausted, even after he was healthy again.
Namjoon popped a few blue gel-capped pills into his hand and filled up a glass of ice water as he heard the shower come on, sighing when he realized he also still needed to shower. But then he had a thought... why wait? He'd rather keep an eye on his dongsaeng anyways.
Setting the pills and glass on the counter, Namjoon made his way other to the bathroom and poked his head in. "Mind if I join you, Ggukkie?" he called.
"Sure, hyung," came Jeongguk's reply, rough around the edges and tired. Even though he had been living with roommates for many years, he still erred to the shy side, especially when it came to being undressed around others. But, if he was tired enough or felt bad enough, he tended to care less about exposure and more about having company and skinship.
At his response, Namjoon stepped into the bathroom and quietly closed the door behind him, quickly stripping down and pulling back the shower curtain to step under the warm stream of water. Jeongguk stepped over to make room for him (thankfully they finally had enough money for an apartment with several large bathrooms with large tubs and showers, so both of them comfortably fit). The water was a tad too hot, probably because the younger was feeling chilled from being out in the cold, even if they were just walking from the car to their door. Or that's what Namjoon hoped - he was praying the kid wasn't cold because a fever was coming on. He did his best to ignore it, though.
Jeongguk was just beginning to shampoo his hair, eyes droopy and tired. He sniffled once, and then twice - the steam was probably helping with his congestion. Namjoon struggled against a fond little smile and reached over to shampoo his dongsaeng's hair himself. Jeongguk didn't even argue and dropped his hands immediately to his sides. His eyes fluttered closed as his hyung worked the product into his hair, swaying with the motion. He sighed a long, drawn-out breath and leaned into Namjoon's touch, mouth just barely hanging open like a puppy's when receiving a good scratch.
"You're not allowed to ever stop that, hyung," he mumbled, words thick with exhaustion and groggy, eyes still closed. Namjoon laughed again and massaged the base of his scalp.
"We'll see about that, kiddo." He worked the suds through Jeongguk's long hair (wow, it had really gotten lengthy, hadn't it?) and took a second to admire the youngest's features. Even when he was feeling under the weather, his face was still radiant and beautiful. His skin was perfectly blemished, a healthy tan (how could anyone ever want to whitewash him?), and the resting-exhaustion-pout glued to his expression made him look younger and more adorable than ever. As Namjoon guided his head underneath the stream of water, he took a second to appreciate how lucky he was to have Jeongguk as his dongsaeng.
Jeongguk preened under the warm water, melting under it as it met his skin. He looked half-asleep. Namjoon fondly tapped his cheek, to which he opened his eyes; the older man smirked. He was just about to say something teasing when Jeongguk's face screwed up and he hitched, pitching forward catching it in his elbow.
"Hh- hh'itschiew!"
He sniffled a few times as he straightened up, keeping his elbow to his face as he coughed a couple times into it. Namjoon felt his chest tighten and eyebrows pinch together.
"Are you sure you're feeling okay Ggukkie?" He ran his hands through the younger's hair once more, scratching at the base of his neck. Jeongguk just nodded and coughed one more time before dropping his arm, pushing even further into his hyung's touch. But he didn't say anything or respond verbally at all. He was probably feeling too tired to even try and debate about his health. Namjoon just sighed and reached for his own shampoo, quickly lathering up his silver-blonde hair. "I have some medicine laid out for you. Let's just finish up so you can take it and we can get you to bed, hmm?"
Jeongguk only nodded sleepily once more, fumbling for the conditioner. Namjoon once again took over washing his dongsaeng's hair as soon as he had finished with his own; Jeongguk was seriously lagging behind as he struggled to stay awake underneath the stream of hot water. After rinsing out the remaining conditioner from the younger's hair, Namjoon passed over the body wash, turning the maknae around so he could wash his back. Soon enough, though, they were both toweling off and clumsily dressing in sleepwear. Jeongguk groaned when Namjoon pulled out the hairdryer.
"Hyung, can we please just skip that? I want to sleep," he whined, lip protruding in a cute little pout in an attempt to win his hyung over.
"Nope, no way. You're already getting sick and the last thing we need is it getting worse because you went to bed with cold, wet hair. Turn around and sit on the counter if you want."
Jeongguk huffed, annoyed, but did as he was told anyways. Namjoon pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead before brushing through the younger's hair and turning on the blow-dryer. Now the maknae was actually falling asleep, head lolling down several times before he woke himself up and jerked himself back upright. Namjoon bit back a smile as he continued to blow dry his hair, overwhelmed by fondness. By the time his hair was dry, Jeongguk was passed out, mouth hanging open and cheek pressed against his shoulder. At the sound of the dryer turning off Jeongguk stirred, blearily opening his eyes and blinking several times to focus them.
"'M done?"
"Yeah, kiddo. Hop down and we'll go take your medicine."
Jeongguk fixed him with a groggy glare. "You didn't dry your hair."
Namjoon chuckled and winked. "I'm too tired, I guess."
The younger slid off the countertop and headbutted his hyung in the chest; evidently he was too tired to pick his head up, so he let it rest on Namjoon's sternum as he weakly hit him with a closed fist. "You're the worst, Namjoon-hyung," he mumbled, no real heat behind the words.
He just chuckled in response and wrapped an arm around his dongsaeng's shoulders, leading him out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. "Oh yes, I'm just terrible for looking after my maknae," Namjoon said as he passed Jeongguk the pills from where they were on the counter, holding up the glass to the younger's lips. Jeongguk mumbled faux-angrily under his breath as he tossed the pills into his mouth and let Namjoon give him a drink of water to wash them down. Namjoon took the glass with him as the guided the younger down the hallway and into their shared room, setting it down onto the nightstand.
Jeongguk belly-flopped onto Namjoon's bed with a big sigh, stretched out parallel to the headrest. He grumbled incoherently into the duvet and stilled completely. Namjoon huffed a laugh and slapped him lightly on the back of the thigh.
"Come on, Gguk-ah, move over so we can both fit. That's right, get under the covers." Jeongguk sighed and grumbled again at his words, lazily re-correcting himself to lay properly on the bed. Namjoon lifted up the covers for him and the maknae crawled obediently between the sheets, settling in on his side with his feet curled up in a half-fetal position. The older man climbed in after him on the opposite side of the bed, turning off the bedside lamp and pulling up the duvet over the both of them. He reached over and adjusted the covers to below Jeongguk's chin, effectively tucking him in. As he got settled in himself, Jeongguk squirmed his way to Namjoon's chest, cold nose feeling over his collar bone. The rapper intertwined a leg with the younger's, wincing at his freezing toes, and slung an arm around his slim waist. For a few seconds, it was just the quiet sound of the AC and the feeling of the maknae's chest rising and falling against his own, warm breaths puffing against his neck. Jeongguk's long locks tickled against his cheek.
"Th'nk you, hyung," Jeongguk slurred against his collarbone, sounding sleepy and content but more congested than he had previously. Namjoon just gave a low rumble and pressed a hand to his maknae's forehead. A little warm, but that was probably just from the combined heat of the shower and hairdryer.
"Of course, you don't have to thank me, Gguk." He pressed a kiss into the younger's hair. "How're you feeling, jaigya?" Namjoon's brow contorted in concern as Jeongguk shivered a little in his arms and sniffled against his t-shirt.
Jeongguk just gripped his shirt a little tighter and nosed further into the crook of his hyung's neck and mumbled, "Shh, hyung, sleepy t'me, shhh..." His breaths became a little deeper as he fell further into the grasp of sleep, the small rushes of air sending goosebumps over Namjoon's olive skin. "No m're talkin'," he murmured, sounding as if he were barely hanging onto the last dregs of consciousness.
Namjoon pressed a kiss to his forehead before relaxing back into his pillow, fingers drawing invisible pictures onto the younger's back. "M'kay, babe." Namjoon figured he had been awake long enough - it was nearing 3am and he was feeling sick, there was no point in keeping him up any later than he needed to be. He could always check up on him in the morning. Plus, Namjoon thought he had done a pretty good job of taking care of his maknae thus far - a little questioning could wait. "Goodnight, aeghi. Saranghae."
Namjoon was only barely able to hear the whispered reply of "Joon-hyung, saranghae," before the youngest promptly fell asleep in his arms.
As expected, Jeongguk was restless during the night. He never really woke up but tossed and turned all the same, occasionally making sleepy noises and sighs against his hyung's neck. He never slept particularly well when he was unwell, which was something Namjoon knew was going to happen. That being said, the older man didn't get much sleep either. He was hyper-vigilant and woke up every time his maknae so much as stirred. Namjoon was exhausted, seeing as he had several late nights in a row, but somehow he didn't seem to mind this time. As the night went on, though, Jeongguk seemed to still, back pressed up against his hyung's chest. Namjoon woke up a few hours later to light streaming through the window and Seokjin knocking at the door to wake them up up. The rapper stirred and stretched, inhaling sharply. It felt like he had hardly slept, but it was already 8am.
Jeongguk still lay quiet as the little spoon, curled up into Namjoon's stomach. His body was radiating heat and he was breathing laboriously through his mouth. Namjoon swore and peeled back the covers, pressing a hand to the younger's forehead; he found it to be hot to the touch. His tan skin shone with sweat and his face was particularly pale aside from the flush of his cheeks. Along with that, he was shivering a little in his sleep, brows contorted into a painful grimace. Namjoon dropped his hand and sighed; he knew this was going to happen.
The older man tucked his maknae back into the covers before getting up himself, sighing once more. He made sure Jeongguk was still asleep as he left the room. Seokjin was in the kitchen brewing coffee from the Kurig, watching with tired eyes as the bitter liquid slowly filled his cup. Namjoon approached him from behind and wrapped his hands around the older man's slim waist, burying his face in a broad shoulder and pressing down hard with his forehead.
Seokjin chuckled and patted his arm. "What's this, Namjoon-ah?"
"Jeonggukie's sick," he grumbled into the fabric of the singer's sleep shirt, getting a whiff of his fabric softener in the process. Seokjin always smelled so nice. The younger man could feel the other craning his head to look at him so Namjoon picked his head up and rested his chin on his shoulder instead, meeting Seokjin's gaze. "It came on last night," Namjoon sighed. "He was restless all night and when I woke up he was running a fever."
Seokjin maneuvered out of his arms, turning around to face his dongsaeng and tracing the pads of his thumbs over Namjoon's eye-bags with a concerned crease in his brow. "Are you sure you didn't get it, too? You look awful, jaigya. You're pale."
"No, hyung, I feel fine. Maknae-ah just kept me up with all his tossing and turning."
Seokjin got a smug look on his face, smirking.
"What?" Namjoon deadpanned. He was too tired for this.
"Well," Seokjin drawled. "You're usually such a heavy sleeper. Worried about our youngest, are you?"
Namjoon felt his ears go hot with embarrassment. What's the deal with people, first Sejin, now Seokjin was teasing him? Unbelievable. "With all due respect hyung, shut up. Just because I don't show it as much as you do I actually do care about my maknae," Namjoon spat, pushing away against his hyung's chest and trying to walk past him, annoyed. Seokjin's squeaky laughter followed him and he was stopped by the older man catching his wrist.
"I'm just kidding Joonie, don't get so defensive," he giggled, drawing the younger back into a hug.
Namjoon sighed and buried his face again in Seokjin's shoulder. "Maybe don't tease me then," he grumbled, but the heat was gone.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Seokjin stroked his back and laughed one more time. "Have you checked his temperature yet?"
"Not yet. He's still sleeping."
Seokjin hummed, planting a kiss in Namjoon's bed head before pulling away.
"I'll go get the thermometer. Will you wake him up for me?"
"Sure, hyung." Namjoon started down the hallway, slowly creaking the door open and slipping into his and Jeongguk's shared bedroom. The maknae was exactly where he had left him, turned away from the door curled up on his side. Even though he was about to wake the younger man up anyways, the rapper tiptoed around the bed and kneeled next to his pillow as quietly as he could. Jeongguk's face was still scrunched up and tense with pain, a flush high on his cheeks. His hair and shirt were saturated with sweat. Namjoon reached up with his hand and smoothed over the distressed wrinkles on his forehead; his face relaxed after a few seconds, melting into a neutral expression. His face was hot to the touch and Namjoon's fingers came away damp.
"Jeonggukie," Namjoon murmured, reaching over to grasp his maknae's shoulder gently. "Aghi. It's time to wake up, jaigya." The younger stirred, eyebrows immediately scrunching up again as he fought against waking consciousness and the pain he obviously felt. Namjoon shushed him gently, cupping the side of his face with a large hand and rubbing his thumb over his temple. "I know, babe, wake up for just a few minutes."
Jeongguk blearily opened his eyes and immediately winced, making a pitiful noise of pain from the back of his throat and curling up into a tighter ball. He squeezed his eyes closed and buried his face in his pillow.
"Aigoo, I know, I know it hurts Ggukkie." Namjoon moved from stoking his forehead to running his fingers through his damp hair, something he knew Jeongguk had a soft spot for. "Seokjinnie-hyung is bringing you a thermometer and then we'll get back to sleep, okay?"
Jeongguk whined weakly, voice gravelly from a combination of sleep and sickness, looking up from his pillow to gaze at his hyung pitifully. His eyes were red and glassy and tired, framed by the high spots of fever-induced color on his cheeks. Jeongguk's face screwed up, and for a horrifying second Namjoon was sure he was about to start crying. He pitched forward with a sneeze instead, following it up with a few rattling coughs. Whimpering, he reached up to hold his head in his hands as though the movement had aggravated a headache. The older man frowned and leaned over to press a kiss to his forehead before settling himself on the edge of the bed, running his hand over his dongsaeng's back in soothing strokes.
"How're you feeling, babe?"
Jeongguk just grunted and gently placed his forearm over his eyes to block out the light from the window. "Bad," he mumbled, voice still thick with sleep.
"Tell hyung what's hurting," Namjoon prompted, smoothing out the wrinkles of his maknae's shirt over his side.
Jeongguk didn't move his arm as he answered. "My head n' my body are aching. It's cold."
"I know, aghi. Anything else? Is your throat bothering you?"
The singer just slowly shook his head before once again going still, arching his back against Namjoon's touch. He could feel the younger's fever through his shirt. He was satisfied that the younger's throat wasn't hurting him, though; a hoarse voice was an idol's worst nightmare.
Jeongguk reached back with his free hand and pulled his shirt up to expose his back, reaching for Namjoon's hand to press it into his skin. "Push harder, hyung. Please," he murmured, pushing with more force against Namjoon's hand, digging it into his ribs.
Namjoon took the hint and began to massage his back with the heel of his palm; Jeongguk shivered under his touch, goosebumps breaking out over his skin. He was probably cold and skin most likely sensitive, but wanted skin-on-skin contact anyways. His skin was moist and sticky from perspiration, but Namjoon bore the discomfort and carried on.
"Does that help with the pain Jeonggukkie?"
The maknae nodded underneath his forearm, releasing Namjoon's wrist and draping his arm back around his waist. "It feels good, hyung."
Namjoon adjusted his position on the bed for a better reach, kneading the palms of his hands into Jeongguk's feverish skin, moving from his shoulders down to his calves. Jeongguk mewled under the touch, arching his back and wincing but not pushing his hyung away. He always got awful aches when he was feverish and Namjoon seemed to know just how to get rid of them. The maknae tried to keep as still as possible, pressing his forearm against his eyes hard to try and reduce the pain.
A soft knock resounded on the door before Seokjin poked his head in, frowning softly when his eyes drifted to their youngest member. Jeongguk was shivering and trying his hardest not to let small noises of pain slip through his gritted teeth as Namjoon worked against his tight, painful muscles. The skin of his face was flushed and damp with perspiration - even from across the dim room the mat-hyung could see the rivulets of sweat trailing down his neck. Namjoon turned around, hands still kneading against Jeongguk's thighs, and met Seokjin's eyes with the same concerned look.
Seokjin looked back to the maknae and closed the door behind him, walking around and dumping his handful of medical supplies on the bedside table, keeping only the thermometer.
"Oh, honey," he murmured. "You must be feeling awful. I'm sorry, jaigya." Seokjin passed his fingers through Jeongguk's damp, sleep-tousled hair.
Jeongguk peeped out from under his arm and met Seokjin's gaze. "Good morning, hyung." His voice was strained and congested and the older man winced at the sound of it. He pursed his lips and planted a kiss on the maknae's forehead.
"My Jeonggukie, always so polite. Good morning to you too, baby. Let's get you some medicine and some food so you can get back to sleep okay?"
"Okay," Jeongguk mumbled, struggling to push himself up to sit against the headboard. Namjoon immediately moved to help him up, hoisting him up by the armpits until he was comfortably upright. The younger man winced as soon as he was sitting up, grinding his palm against his eye to try and ease the headache. He obediently opened his lips for the thermometer, holding it underneath his tongue until it beeped. 101.9.
"He wasn't very bad last night at all, hyung, I was surprised when I woke up this morning," Namjoon fretted, chewing his lip.
"You and me both, Joonie. We'll fix him right up though, aghi, don't worry too much," Seokjin said, putting the thermometer down on the bedside table and unscrewing the lid to the fever reducers, shaking a few out onto his palm.
Namjoon was about to respond when Jeongguk's face screwed up again for the second time that morning. His eyes got a far-off look as they glazed over, breath hitching. His already-pink nose twitched and nostrils flared, trembling. He brought his hands up where they paused, hovering just a few inches away from his face.
Jeongguk squeezed his watering eyes shut, letting out an involuntary whimper as the sneeze refused to leave his body. The singer's mouth hung open just slightly as his breathing hitched again, once, twice, three times, nostrils flared and nose twitching.
"Hih... Hh... Hih.h..! Hihtshu! Hi'tshh!" His body lurched forward as he caught the sneezes in his cupped hands. Seokjin quietly blessed him and rubbed his back. Jeongguk let out a little groan as he leaned back slowly, dropping his hands and scrunching his face up in pain. The sneezing hadn't done much to help his headache.
"Oh, baby, I know," Seokjin cooed, running his thumbs over the distressed lines in the younger's face. Namjoon hopped up from the bed and drew the blinds, engulfing the room in a pleasant darkness. Jeongguk visibly relaxed at the abscence of light, sighing and melting back into the headboard. "Here, Ggukkie, take these and drink half the glass." The older singer pressed the pills into the maknae's hand and held the glass of water he had brought along near his lips. Obediently, Jeongguk popped the pills into his mouth and drank from the cool glass of water as Seokjin put it to his lips. Surprisingly, the younger drained the whole thing - both of his hyungs were pleasantly surprised.
"Good job, babe," Namjoon praised, kissing him on the cheek and patting him gently on the head. Jeongguk made a satisfied noise low in his throat, eyes already closed and lolling down to his shoulder.
"That's my maknae," Seokjin smiled, patting the younger on the shoulder before turning to Namjoon. "I'll finish making his breakfast and leave it in the microwave. I think it's fine if you let him sleep for another few hours. Watch over him, okay?"
Namjoon fixed his eyes on the younger who was blissfully dozing by that point, head lolling down to his chest. "I will hyung."
Seokjin kissed the maknae on the top of his head before leaving the room, going to wake the rest of the members and get them to get ready as quietly as they could (if they could at all, that lively bunch...).
"C'mere, Jeonggukkie," Namjoon muttered, going around to his side of the bed and crawling under the covers, holding his arms out for the younger to crawl into. Jeongguk didn't miss a beat, drowsily slouching down and scooting over until he was wrapped up in the older's arms. He nosed forward until his warm forehead was pressed square against his hyung's cheek. Jeongguk intertwined a leg with the older man's, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him close as he shivered; he must have been freezing cold. Tucking the blanket securely underneath his dongsaeng's chin, Namjoon pulled him as close as he was able. The younger's breathing was already slow and even, already asleep. Namjoon laughed silently and pressed a kiss to his forehead, letting his eyes drift shut as well.
There were definitely worse ways to spend the day, he thought.
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