#bad bible games
sheepgirlbulge · 1 year
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Phillips CDi sheeps (and a biblical POG)
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miketournament · 6 days
Bracket release!
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Polls will be released in a few days for each Mike. Thank you for the submissions!
(unable to add all appropriate tags sorry)
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gloriousmonsters · 10 months
read camp dama.scus. enjoyed some stuff, really wish i didn't have the experience so often reading a book that's Good and Progressive and about Queer Affirmation etc of feeling like i'm side-eying the author like 'and you know that delineating the people that oppose you as pure evil that therefore deserves torture or death or being eliminated from society entirely is bad, right? you know that, right??'
#it's kind of funny bc the main character is a jack chick tract atheist in a way bc#she rejects her religion (REALLY quickly and easily lol) and immediately starts... conceiving of HERSELF as a prophet/god#as in. starts making up 'bible' verses that are about Her and how awesome she is#and how she's going to bring down her enemies with the righteous flaming sword of vengeance and wrath and truth etc#which i would love as a character Thing if the narrative didn't just treat this as 'super metal' with absolutely no further examination#(seriously she casually drops that she's been making up bible-style verses abt herself and her ideas#in convo with her Token Good Christian friend. by CITING ONE OF THEM#LIKE IT'S A BIBLE VERSE. and then going 'o yeah i've been making those up'#and her friend's reaction is just 'haha that's sick' and moving on)#listen i'm all for god complexes and edgy bullshit but the presentation along w the general#descriptions of the Enemy as 'cartoonishly pure evil' and implicit 'haha nice!' around the idea of THEM getting tortured forever#just leaves me ://///#i might be oversensitive to this after stuff like Sorrowland and Pet but.... just. ech. i wish i didn't have to play the game of#'do you think torture is ok if it's someone you don't like?' and 'do you consider people who do bad things as human?' in the first place#also it was just a HUGELY underwritten book lol it'd make a decent movie but viewed as a book it gets funnier the longer i think about it#was marketed as conversion camp horror. 0 conversion camp content bc IT ALREADY HAPPENED#0 relationship development bc the two people the MC connects with she ALREADY HAD RELATIONSHIPS WITH. THAT SHE FORGOT#so you can 'i'm falling for x again' all you want dr tingle that's not what's happening the work is not there#also ofc the other two people are just. The Tech Guy and The Cool Hot Nice Love Interest (2 aesthetic traits no personality)#so yeah like. some very good horror moments/concepts! but some Problems. For Sure#vic talks#book talk
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knivpojke · 10 months
New COF game prediction: it handles the topic of self harm and suicide even worse than before
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Bad buddy and/or Kinnporsche for the show thingy please? ✨
Bad Buddy:
Favorite character: Pran
Funniest character: Pat and Pran, especially together
Best looking character: Pat, Ink
3 favorite ships: PatPran, InkPa, WaiKorn
Least favorite character: Ming
Least favorite ship: WaiPa (does anyone seriously ship that though?)
Reason why I watch it: Frankly, PatPran's choice to live their relationship on their own terms was inspired to me. They're the worst kept secret, but they really said "fuck you, we're doing this secret relationship for funsies now and whatever we're about is our fucking business." I LOVE THAT. I love the portrayal of Pat's bi awakening, it's so real to me. I love InkPa. I love Nong Nao and the fact Pat continues to sleep with him as an adult. I can't get enough of this show and my love for both the characters and the story.
Why I started watching it: I saw gifs of it on my dash and got really intrigued by PatPran. I had recently gotten a cancellation in another fandom and they seemed like a lot of fun and I'm glad I gave them a chance because they opened me to a side of queer media that I will be enjoying for years to come.
Also I made this MV and I'm really proud of it because it's such a mood lifter
Favorite character: Pete, Vegas, Kim, Big
Funniest character: Porsche, Pete, PetePorsche
Best looking character: Vegas, Kim, Tay
3 favorite ships: VegasPete, KimChay, Kinn x Killing Korn
Least favorite character: Korn
Least favorite ship: ??????? Listen there's a lot of really good weird and freaky mixes here and they're all interesting to some level (TimeTay)
Reason why I watch it: this is the biggest mix of camp, sex, heartbreak, and the most bonkers bullshit you'll ever see and that's just the show. Wait until you hear about it's CONCEPTION. And the concerts??? Also, I have crushes on 15 men and one adopted son. I have daily meltdowns over VegasPete still. Bible Wichapas and Jeff Satur have ruined my life (and my camera roll). I've made amazing friends here.
Why I started watching it: I think I saw gifs of episode 2 and Porsche's inflatable tube man mannerisms were pretty fuckin great. But ultimately someone on my dash posted after episode 4 (I WILL FIND YOU WHIEVER YOU WERE SINCE I FORGOT) and I quote: "they had sex!!!!! dicks in butts" and I said yeah okay subscribing to iQiyi now.
Here's the VegasPete video I made that got me shadowbanned the first time I tried posting it!
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angeloftrumpets · 1 year
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tomatoluvr69 · 2 years
please do the bible i need to see your Vision
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2 Kings 2:23-25: Then Elisha went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up the road, some youths came from the city and mocked him, and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she-bears out of the wood, and mauled 42 of the youths. And he went from thence to mount Carmel, and from thence he returned to Samaria.
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top five books?
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
Patricia McKillip's Riddle-Master Trilogy
Louisa May Alcott, Little Women
Ruta Sepetys, Salt To the Sea
Chris Fabry, Almost Heaven
Edit: WAIT I forgot the Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson (and basically every other book I've read) hang on I have to do a series addition:
The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson
Dragons in Our Midst, Oracles of Fire, and Children of the Bard by Bryan Davis
The Spiderwick Chronicles by Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger
the Reapers trilogy by Bryan Davis
I haven't read a ton in the last few years but these are the ones thay spring to mind rn
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explode-this · 2 months
i didn’t like Lisa Frankenstein as much as I thought I might and now I’m wondering if there’s something wrong with me. Like the opening credits are gorgeous, the overall aesthetic is great, everyone acts really well, the music is awesome, but it just didn’t… go? (For me.) I don’t know. And the folks on the mainly-movie-discussion discord I hang out on all seemed to love it and we’re all generally on the same page there.
Of course I also worry that I’m a threadkilling jackass over there. In the book channel I summed up Jennette McCurdy’s I’m Glad My Mom Died with “could have died sooner tbh” and, uh, crickets. Oh it’s okay when someone else says something that could be borderline insensitive but when I do it, I’m the world’s biggest butthole.
Ugh. I just don’t know how to have friends or acquaintances. Is it the ADHD, the autism, being an asshole, or a combination of all three? I’m under no impression that I’m a smol bean mouse in a jean jacket, but I didn’t think I was that bad.
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daedrabela · 5 months
here i was thinking my stupid limerence was dying and then i had a bad dream about him and now i've been thinking about my stupid ex all day
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blackcatanna · 8 months
Whenever I see people referring to "X", I either pronounce it in my head as "Tweeter" OR "KEY" like they inexplicably do in Kingdom Hearts (but only sometimes).
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buffaloretro · 1 year
The Bible Game
If I didn’t hate God before I certainly do now. (If published before I will upload the video of gameplay I’m sure you’re all dying to see once I get home.) I’ve had a lot of bad Easters but this one was the worst. Not because my mom tried to kill herself. No, that was the second worst thing to happen to me this Easter weekend. The absolute worst thing? The Bible Game. Now I should have…
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leydenkilgore · 5 days
about scripting… as someone that has shifted 66 times
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Part 1: Half is my opinion about script and the other half is a story time from one of my drs. And yes I’ve shifted four more times since that last post.
Scripting is when you have written description of what you want to experience once you’ve shifted. Some people don’t use scripts at all, and some people nearly write another book of the Bible. Both are valid. If you know what you want subconsciously then just deciding where you want to go is enough. The physical reality is just a reflection of your belief systems and desires. So if you don’t want anything bad to happen it won’t happen. However, if you worry obsessively over something awful happening it might manifest in some way. But I wouldn’t worry too much about that as people have intrusive thoughts in this reality all the time and nothing happens. I really wanted to talk about how scripting your desired reality manifests physically. Because when I was first started shifting I didn’t know how real it would be.
I spent about six months in my waiting room a few months ago scripting nearly every place I had been and every day. I’m literally not joking I scripted every day of my life. Now I like scripting, I like writing things and I like shifting. So I had a ton of fun scripting every day, surfing and exploring nature but I wouldn’t do this again. I wouldn’t do this because it begins to foster a relationship with scripting itself rather than shifting. I got way too caught up in making every little thing perfect that I forgot to shift. But the end result when I shifted was everything was exactly as I scripted and better honestly. I remember I had scripted a white church on the sea of the Crimea. I wasn’t too detailed and only included a picture of what I generated in my waiting room. And when I saw it in person it was exactly as I wanted it to be subconsciously even though I had scripted something good enough. While you can script anything, things that you didn’t account for will happen. As long as you assume nothing that happens will be inherently traumatizing to you or anyone else, you’re fine. Of course there will be moments other than what you scripted because it’s an independently operative reality. But everything will happen exactly as you want it to. And not having a finished script is a terrible excuse to delay shifting. Literally trust that everything will be acceptable to you and as you desire. If you’re really obsessively limiting yourself from shifting because you feel a need to script everything then maybe you should evaluate whether you even want to shift or just like world building. Once you trust your subconscious to shift you to exactly where you want you’ll feel a lot better about shifting. I think all the hardship that comes with shifting is more from people being too attached to it. That’s why a lot of people had more luck shifting early in their journey when they had less cards in the game. But as people continually fail they start to latch onto it more by spending time scripting or consistently reading information. If you can just take a deep breath say you already shifted and nothings special about shifting because you do it regularly. You’ll likely reset your journey in a kind of way.
Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t script at all. I love scripting and still do script in my waiting room. I don’t script in this reality because I like all the tools I have to script in my waiting room. And all of my scripts are finished so I haven’t had to script in a while. And before I shift I just assume that it will be like living inside vintage photos of movie stars off duty or in a Sofia Coppola film. That usually does the trick for everything. Yes you can script people’s words, what they do, what they remember etc. etc. If you can think it you can script it is a general rule. And that applies to everything. You don’t even have to script a physical reality. Once I shifted to just be consciousness for a couple months. All I did was script that I’d never get bored, I’d intuitively know how much time would pass and that I’d entertain myself with my mind. I really liked that experience because it helped me figure out what I wanted out of everything without the distraction of a physical self.
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Part 2: This is just a story time from my Medieval Old Russian Royalty Dr that is roughly around 1105 to maybe 1185 to show what I mean by other things happen. It diverges heavily from this modern timeline and is its own interpretation with non period accurate things because i hate shifting to accurate history. So don’t read this if you don’t feel like it.
So I got married at around maybe 20, I think. And I was lucky enough to go far from home just to the nearby Grand Duchy of Kiev. Nearby is a 12 day journey by carriage. After a couple years, I had two sons and lived in the fortress of Kiev with my husband, a small court and my mother in law. (An awful woman). I hate that woman with all my spirit. She’s a miserable hag in every reality. But I was like whatever it’s fine, I’ll deal with it. After my second son, I decided I didn’t want to make a public appearance for quite a while. I was sitting on a window seat in one of the vestibules looking out the window and not doing much. And she passed with her lady in waiting (it’s a different word there) but that’s basically what she is. And she whispered to her that the ‘Princess must exit before the people assume she’s become a locked hog.) Again it’s a different term but hard to romanize because the language is very old. It’s like a mix of Ruthenian and Old Russian but with the importation of a few Chinese characters for some reason. But what makes this so offensive is the context.
So at the time I had two children close together and did not leave the Fortress often except for visits to the orphanages. The surrounding areas of Kiev were known for a very specific type of Hog which they called the Dnipr Hog. I remember seeing them at a farm once on my journey to Kiev. And they stink, make incessant noise and are just rotten little creatures. But they taste really good when they were slathered with honey, and this specific seasoning used in the region. I think it was a ground up grain which is kind of spicy mixed with turmeric. And it would be common to have beets that were caramelized (I scripted in a lot of modern cooking methods), potatoes with rosemary and thyme covered with sweetened butter and really hard salty flat cakes. Anyways I got off track. So calling me a locked hog was a very dirty joke.
I remember I looked at her as she walked away and I couldn’t think of good retort so I let it go. The following days I literally just walked or sat along the wall facing the villages where the people could see me doing my needlework or washing potatoes for soup. I went so far with it I would conduct meetings on top of the wall and no one said anything about it. But they were all kind of stressed out from the tension between me and my mother in law. The wall I had repainted when we moved there because the Fortress in Kiev was a very ugly and decrepit grey stone building with weeds growing everywhere, spiders and an abundance of water crickets coming from the river. I think a lot of the court there hated me because I refused to go inside as it made me sick and I insisted I sleep at the nearby convent instead. Nonetheless me refusing to leave the convent to even see my husband made the whole renovation go by quickly. Quickly in medieval times was like 13 months or a little less.
But afterwards it was such a pretty place that was shiny and white. It’s really was prettier than the Kremlin was where I grew up. But they couldn’t for the life of them get rid of the damp smell that came with heavy rain years. But the stone wall itself is positioned in such a way that you get a good look at the valley and the river. I hated wearing shoes in the summer as they were very stuffy and instead wore a pair of moccasins that my mother made me. They were kind of canvas with a lot of small rocks that she managed to string along into a square shape then attach. The official use of the wall was to defend against intruders with bows and arrows. But I used it more like an open balcony because all the balconies facing the courtyard got no breeze from the river. So I had an assortment of rugs gifted from Constantinople and some of the Caucasus nations my father visited run along the sides so I could walk comfortably. Then I had cushions brought out when I sat on the wall. After walking every day along the wall for maybe two months, she asked me if I had been satisfied with my exhibition. And I didn’t even bother to look at her and just said the equivalent of Quite. A couple years later, she elected to go a convent far away from Kiev. I was very happy. Convents in that reality are so great. I love them. The food is great, they’re all well decorated with big windows, plenty of projects and activities to do and most of the women there are either widowed women or women that just didn’t want to marry. I love it there so much. And I scripted that all convents are like this. More happened but that’s pretty much all that happened with that story. But I could talk about this reality all day. I mean the food, the surroundings, the outfits and entertainment are just the best!
Happy shifting and go shift even if you’re script isn’t done!
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torialefay · 2 months
PLEASE tell me you saw chan do the smart challenge at the fanmeet with hyune and binnie, i have many thoughts and things to say (specifically about his hips moving game) yet none of them are in the bible
and idk why but he is making me have horny soft girl hours.
like just imagine morning sex with that man. his cute little "good morning" voice he sends on bubble before smiling at you and throwing an arm around you to cup your boobs. he'd be so gentle and soft and bring his face in close so he could snuggle up next to your neck, leaning in to give you soft kisses.
you'd both be sleepy as hell, but he'd love it when you'd grind into him with your ass, silently begging him for more. he's already naked so you can feel himself easily getting harder and harder. you'd turn your face so you could let your mouth find his. and that's his favorite thing in the world. letting his tongue run on top of yours. until he slowly brings a hand up so you can suck on one of his fingers before he brings it down and starts to slowly finger you, bucking his hips and grinding into you the whole time.
he'd back his face away so he could watch your reactions as he gently, lovingly rubbed his hands around the way he knew you liked it. and how you wiggled your body around in just the same motion as he was moving himself around you, looking like you were moving together in one motion.
once he made sure you were dripping, he'd slowly creep his hand down to his cock, giving it a few quick pumps before lazily letting it rub you before pushing inside. he'd go so slow and gentle, savoring each little tiny movement of you around him. he'd kiss the side of your jaw as he watched it drop open from the pressure. he'd get harder and harder as you backed yourself up into him further, making sure you felt all of him.
he'd let himself rest inside of you for a moment, observing how beautiful you looked for him with half-closed lids. he'd wonder how he'd gotten so lucky as he admired the moan you let out for him once he slowly drew himself back and then in again.
he'd hook his arm around your chest, pulling himself as closely to you as possible. he wanted to feel your heartbeat as he made love to you. he wanted so badly to be connected to you forever. but for now, he'd have to be satisfied that this was it.
he'd slowly run his tongue along your outer ear as he began fucking into you the tiniest bit faster. you couldn't help but let out a few breathy moans of his name. and he didn't think he'd last much longer.
you'd match your own hips to the roll of his, not letting him draw back out of you for one second. he'd ubderstand immediately that you needed more and drop his hand down to your core to continue his finger's work.
he'd keep going like that, softly but steadily until he knew you were at your breaking point.
"so fucking pretty, baby," he'd whisper into the back of your head, almost so quietly that you couldn't hear him. it would send you over the edge, and you'd feel yourself start to slowly convulse around him. you'd feel like you were burning from the inside out. you'd want to burn into him. throw both of you into this fire together until there was nothing left.
as he'd watched you delicately move around him, he'd get so caught up in the low breaths coming out of you. hearing the sweet whispers of him name spew out left and right, like it was the only word in the world. the only word that could occupy your head at this very moment.
his hips circled you, continuing until he felt warmth in his very core, one of your legs wrapping around him now to draw him as closely as you could.
he let himself become engulfed in the thought of you. how you were so perfect for him. how he wanted nothing more than to be in this moment forever. inside of you and connected to you in the deepest way possible. he'd feel like his heart would bubble over, swelling to twice it's size just from seeing your face contort for him.
"gonna cum in you baby," was all he'd be able to get out before letting himself have a few more quick flicks of his hips into you. he'd spill into you with so much force that it would take him off guard. he'd cherish every moment of his high, continuing to fuck into you and letting out deep, gutteral moans until he was absolutely numb.
once he'd exhausted himself, he'd pull his face back into your neck, planting a couple of soft kisses and reaching a hand up to stroke your hair. he'd let his cock rest inside of you as it went soft. he just wanted to take in the comfort he felt resting inside of you.
he'd run his hand along the lines of your body so that he could find your hand. he'd entangle his lovingly in yours before guiding both of your hands to rest on your hip.
with one final cuddle into you, he'd take his time resting his head with yours, planting a soft kiss to the base of your neck. as you laid, his cock still tucked snuggly inside of you, you'd let out a deep, satisfied sigh and a small smile before letting your lids close all the way. they got heavier and heavier before you'd finally give in and let yourself fall back into your sleep.
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dyscomancer · 3 months
can you explain what happened with larian and hasbro? why are the next 5 years going to be so bad?
So, Larian had to purchase from Hasbro/WotC the usage rights for the Forgotten Realms setting and the D&D 5e systems, among other things, to make Baldur's Gate 3. Larian self-published the game; it was not published by Hasbro or Wizards of the Coast.
However, they still had folks from the WotC D&D team help them with the integration of a setting they did not own. Having folks on hand to provide visual reference for artists designing characters, items, and architecture, having lore bible folks checking the story and dialogue for lore consistency, having rules designers help to change the 5e rules for the reality of it being a video game and not live tabletop; that sort of thing.
Thing is, since then, Hasbro has let every single one of the WotC employees Larian worked with (with whom they had a great time, by all accounts) go in their recent downsizing layoffs.
Larian owner, Swen Vicke, has been outspoken about the video game industry's quarterly profit mindset and how it has been ruining the industry. These downsizing layoffs are emblematic of this toxic business structure; by nixing employees, you can claim to your all-powerful shareholders that you got a bigger profit than you would have otherwise! Because god help you if you have to tell the shareholders that you didn't double your fucking profit margins from the previous quarter. Don't worry about how you just let all your veteran talent go, I'm sure that won't have any effects down the line.
Recent news has confirmed that Baldur's Gate 3 will not be receiving any DLC, despite previous statements that the concept was being looked at. It will not get any expansions like BG games before it did. It will not be getting a sequel from Larian. It will not be getting any expanded content outside of further updates and patches. Big extra content like that requires the aforementioned involvement from the WotC team; the team that has since been entirely fired.
Larian, as a company that generally eschews firing people for bullshit reasons and don't adhere as much to the bean counting mindset, found this firing of people to be horrifyingly unethical, as many of its staff and ownership have publicly stated. This almost certainly had something to do with the previously mentioned 'no DLC/sequels' announcement. Why would you want to work with a company that treats its people like that?
The '5 years' statement I stated was just a rough estimate. Hasbro has already started up on publishing their own video game titles in-house without the aid of studios like Larian, and 5 years is a pretty good window for titles like that to be released in the future. And judging by how their previous titles from a previous effort (bad mobile games, bad steam games) were received, I don't see any reasons to believe that this push would be different.
Had they just not fired people to please a bunch of asshole suits from some holding company doing fuck-all but sitting in meeting rooms to collect money, they'd likely have had a better chance at working with Larian on more stuff for BG3, more Forgotten Realms stuff in the future, and just generally had more chances for quality products made by a passionate and proven team.
tl;dr; Hasbro fired all their people who worked with Larian, and Larian rightly saw this as a dick move.
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aokozaki · 2 months
So the Lunatic Magician in Dungeon Meshi had their name revealed for the anime. It's still Sissel, and the post got community note'd on Twitter:
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And like, that's technically true, but it's also deeply annoying because like, it doesn't go into why the mistake was made.
The character's name in Japanese is シスル (Shi-se-ru), and when a translator sees that and knows "this is a character's name", they're going to guess Sissel - a real, Norwegian, name, one you might as well see in a Fantasy Manga with a clear European influence in naming scheme.
It took until the Adventurer's Bible, well after his name had been stated in the manga, for it to be explained "he was named Thistle for the green color of his eyes".
By that point, several volumes of the manga had been released where his name was given as Sissel. Sometimes, when translating something as it comes, volume by volume, or game by game, the most realistic choice is to throw your hands up and go "yeah, this mistake is just canon now".
Like, what, do you want them to reprint half the manga to fix one name?
Mistakes like this are shockingly common, but when Street Fighter actually shuffles the names of several characters around, nobody rages that he's not called M. Bison, stop that, call him Vega like he's supposed to!
Even after having a similar name shuffling pointed out, most Fire Emblem fans will continue to call the Tellius Black Knight's sword as Alondite, instead of the Japanese name Ettard.
Maybe, in the internet age, you could justify saying "they should go back and fix it", but just calling it "a mistake" that happened with no cause, out of the ether, is very misleading about how localization works, and how mistakes like this happen in the first place.
It's only gonna give ammunition to the worst, most bad-faith anti-localization idiots out there.
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