#bad memes aside tho
capricornsicle · 2 years
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Teen Wolf 4x09 "Perishable" — this is a serious tv show
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cry-ptidd · 9 months
Me and my sister watched Hellsing together. Here's her opinion on the characters
- Alucard: "He's a cunt, but he's entertaining. I'd probably pay to see him in a strip club. I didn't like him and his shit-eating grin and 'master' bullshit at first, but he grew on me quick and i don't like that he grew on me. He's a complex character, and he's hot asf when he cries. Also I wish we'd seen his Dracula form for longer; that was awesome. Him and Anderson had a thing going on."
- Seras: "Didn't really mind her at first, but liked her after she drank blood. Her transformation and the guns are really fucking cool. I didn't like her voice and her whining at first but it got better after a few episodes. I like her when her personality became a little bit more spunky. Her story's fucked up."
- Integra: "Absolute bad bitch. Her attitude reminds me of myself so idk if I should like it or hate it, she's got a lot of pride which I respect. Really human and I like it, she takes no one's shit and she's a badass. Didn't even FLINCH when she got her eye shot out. Girlboss. She gives me ace vibes also."
- Walter: "I liked him, he was funny. And then he betrayed everyone and became emo. He gave good advice, and he was cool as hell with that wise older veteran vibe. I'm disappointed in him, but the plot twist was actually good. You'd notice the signs if you suspected him from the beginning."
- Pip: "He's FINE. I'd braid his hair any day. I was in love and then I mourned. I'm widowed. He was hilarious, plus his voice actor nailed the French. My favorite character. Screeched when he came back. He's a good leader and I loved his speeches, also his death made me cry. And I don't often cry when watching anime."
- Anderson: "kinda neutral. I didn't like him at first, he was obnoxious as fuck. Then he respected women and opposed Maxwell and his orders so he grew in my esteem a bit. His character is cool as fuck tho. I wish he didn't turn into a monster, he fell to the same level as Alucard. It's like human greed or desperation for power. Him and Alucard had a thing going on."
- Enrico Maxwell: "Lucius Malfoy. I hate him but not the one I hate most."
- Heinkel & Yumie: "Really like these two lesbians. So cool and I respect their resolve, especially Heinkel's. Rip Yumi. You were cool. Heinkel being intersex is a dope detail, she's very androgynous too. I like their designs."
- The major: "Augustus Gloop? I like the fact he refused vampirism, that was cool, but he's an actual fucking sociopath and I hate him"
- The Captain: "Ngl, I actually find him quite dope, aside from the nazi thing. Literally no one respected him, that shit had me crying. His face is pretty and his tits are big, even if he looks a bit goofy at times. Wish we'd seen more of him. I felt kinda bad when he got defeated."
- Schrödinger: "I want this thing dead"
- Rip van winkle: "She gives me the vibes of a Dr Seuss character."
- Zorin: "Bleach Ichigo knockoff. Fuck this bitch in particular I hate her"
- The Valentine brothers: "A slav squat necrophile and his gay brother that used to be a runway model but got cancelled after a scandal"
Overall: A hit, neither of us expected her to like it. She likes the political and literary aspects, and also finds the characters interesting. She doesn't really know how to feel about the ending; she considers it realistic and a good end, but she wished it was more epic. But from a writing perspective it's good. Also she lowkey wished Alucard would turn Integra into a vampire, just because it would be cool. Now we send each other memes about it. She calls Nendocard a whore when she passes by him, but says she'd buy a Pip nendo in a heartbeat
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One more from (mostly) climate journalist David Roberts:
"I haven't written much about politics since the debate, mainly because I'm so overwhelmed by disgust & contempt toward this country's media & commentariat that it has rendered me inarticulate with rage. Twitter probably doesn't need more rage. I do just wanna make one point tho.
To be clear up front: I don't give one tiny hot fuck who the Dem nominee is. I truly don't. Biden's fine. Harris is fine. A warm puddle of vomit is fine. *There is no conceivable resolution to the nomination fight that could change the basic calculus of this race.*
Preventing a fascist takeover of the US is my top priority--as a journalist, as a voter, as a human. If it isn't yours too, you should feel bad about yourself. If you haven't made the stakes of this election clear to everyone within the sound of your voice, you should feel bad.
But I'm not gonna rant. [breathes deeply] Just gonna make my one point, which is this: the idea that that the process of jettisoning Biden & choosing someone else will go well -- will be *allowed* to go well -- is a deeply deranged fantasy.
The idea that Dems will do this & will end up feeling unified, that Harris will come out popular, that "the dynamics of the race will shift," all of that ... fucking deranged. Deranged in such a perfectly characteristic Dem way.
"This person/policy/slogan/approach has been irredeemably slimed by Republicans & a hostile media -- let's throw it overboard!" That's the Dem way. Always with this starry-eyed hope that they can reset, start over, get it right this time.
Just as one example -- other people have aggregated these -- there have been "calls" for every Dem nominee of the last 30 years to step aside. Dems practically delight in abandoning their own people, policies, & principles in response to bad-faith pressure. They f'ing love it.
But, as I've been saying for, oh, 20 years now, the situation is structural. The current situation is an outcome of a particular incentive structure & that structure will remain exactly the same if Harris takes over the ticket.
For centrists, journalists, pundits, *even Dem electeds*, the way you prove you are a Reasonable, Serious Person in DC is by shitting on Dems. For the left, the way you prove you are a true radical is by shitting on Dems. For the right ... well, obviously.
Everyone's professional incentives are to shit on Dems. Dwelling on Trump & his fascist movement -- however justified by the objective facts -- just doesn't bring that juice, doesn't get the clicks & the high-fives, doesn't feel brave & iconoclastic. It's just ... no fun.
So, say Biden stepped aside in favor of Harris tomorrow. How long until the vapid gossips we call political reporters find something wrong with her, some alleged flaw they just have to write 192 stories about? How long until the hopped-up mediocrities we call pundits ...
...find some "counter-intuitive" reason that the new Dem ticket is flawed after all? How long until the irredentist left gets over the temporary thrill of its new Harris memes & remembers that she's a cop & turns on her? How long before the ambient racism & misogyny in the US...
... lead center-leftists to conclude that, sure, they'd support a black woman, just not *this* black woman? In other words: how long before everyone reverts to their comfortable, familiar identity & narratives?
About 30 f'ing seconds, is my guess.
Dems uniting, feeling good, telling a clear story, receiving credit for their accomplishments--all of that is *impossible* in the current environment. It won't be allowed. Dems can punch themselves in the face all they want, abandon whoever they want, apologize all they want...
... they simply will not be allowed to turn the page & start fresh, because everyone's incentives remain the same. If they did that, elites, including media elites, would have no choice but to openly & frankly grapple with Trump & what he represents & they *don't want to*.
Everyone feels comfortable shitting on Dems -- it's just a cozy professional space. You get to feel brave & independent (just like all the replacement-level pundits around you) with zero risk.
Yes, it's abysmal, contemptible cowardice on a genuinely embarrassing scale ...
... but it is what it is & we should have no illusions that it will change with a change in the top of the ticket.
As @whstancil has been trying to tell you people (good god how he tries), the information environment is thoroughly corrupted.
@whstancil For some reason, left pundits are pathologically averse to acknowledging that fact. And so they grasp at these straws -- if we could just get rid of Biden, we could have a reasonable conversation! Yeah, sure. You absurd summer children.
@whstancil This election is not a choice between two individuals, it's a choice between worldviews, between futures. Do we want to continue down the path to multiethnic democracy or do we want to impose a white patriarchal Christian autocracy?
@whstancil At stake is the entire federal civil service. The machinery of state built since WWII. Freedom & dignity for millions. Yes, democracy itself. That's not an exaggeration. Yet this country's elites have utterly failed to convey those stakes to the populace. A *grotesque* failure.
You can not look at this extraordinary media freakout this last week and not psychologize, not see all kinds of displacement. They can't or won't be serious about Trump & so they are fucking *giddy* at having permission to scold Dems again. Their safe place.
Anyway, my point is just: none of this will change if Harris replaces Biden at the top of the ticket. The idea that the media -- with these soulless careerist court gossips in charge -- will allow it is just fantasy. They *need* Dems in disarray & so they will engineer it.
The US is right on the precipice of falling into bona fide fascism & *the vast majority of the voting public doesn't even know it*. That speaks to a deeply diseased information environment. Until Dems do something about that, all their self-flagellation will buy them nothing.
Not knowing what else to do, Dems shit on their own
(Rebecca Solnit)
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kurogane2512 · 8 months
Mihoyo really made Eula and Xianyun sneeze in teaser cause people weren't going to pull them due to niche/bad kit and meta archon was running alongside them.... Impeccable marketing Mihoyo 👌🏻
I'm just going to hope I get her on 50/50, Navia took all the primos I saved since 4.1 now I only have enough to barely reach 1 pity (even after including 4.4's free stuff)🥲
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alto-tenure · 3 months
For the latest character ask meme, can I suggest Inspector Cananela from Ghost Trick? :)
ask game
1) three facts about them from my personal headcanons
met Jowd and Alma both separately, but after they started dating
has an extremely light-hearted grudge against Missile for having chewed his scarf once
the most science-y of the named detectives in the game
2) a reason they suck
His style of speech is very difficult to get down. I think I've gotten it now, but every time I write him I start grumbling about having to do it.
3) a reason they are great
I love his sense of honor and his kindness and the fact that ultimately he wants to do what's right, even if he doesn't always succeed.
4) a reason I relate to them
perfectionism babey
5) (what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character
I'm an Alma/Cabanela/Jowd truther forever.
6) five some things that never happened to that character that I believe should've happened
oh this is really hard. I really respect how tightly Ghost Trick is written, and it's hard to pull apart at the structure without things falling apart. most of these are post-timeline reboot, I think.
more references to dynamic with Memry (this would have helped if Memry died, I think, though there really isn't space for that)
I know this is a limitation of only having so much space but it would have been cool if his coat was different in the new timeline due to there being not as much of a need for his perfectionism like there is in the old timeline
honestly sometimes I just think about that one scene where they're all just talking in the Ghost World and then suddenly the Justice Minister pipes up IRL and I still feel really bad for Cabanela here though I know it's a little early for him to be let in on the ghost circle information LMAO
7) five people that character never fell in love with
Lynne. He's probably known Lynne since she was a teenager, with her ambitions, and he would definitely be a creep if he was.
Pigeon Man. Co-conspirators, certainly, but not lovers.
I'm not a huge Yomicabs person. Like I get why people like it and I certainly can't judge people who do on the basis that I've shipped worse but idk. maybe this is also in some part pushback against the idea of shoving Sissel (human) aside too -- even tho we don't know anything about her beyond the fact that she exists doesn't mean we have to exacerbate the worst parts of canon
but, like, that doesn't mean Cabanela can't fall in love with him. it just means that I think it wouldn't be requited.
meh. idk. we'll put Yomiel down for this anyways. uh
Rindge. I don't think anyone ships this but I'm running low on characters and their relationship is purely professional imo.
Memry. I see her as a couple years older than Lynne, and also they wouldn't have met when she was a teenager, but I think he has too much self-respect to fall for someone like a decade and a half younger than him who is also a lesbian
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spacenintendogs · 6 months
How many employees does the sanctuary have aside from the gang or do they work on volunteers?
Or, is it just the gang working there?
Aka pls i wanna know more about the inner workings of the sanctuary like. Do they have a calender together or a whiteboard they all write notes on
Pls i wanna know all about their work shenanigans too
Ly rose!!! <33
besides the gang it's all volunteers until later down the line when gustav, heather, dagur, eret, & bayana get hired!!! :) everyone else is volunteer!! gustav wants to work there so bad & eventually becomes part-time but never decides to go full time!
dagur rlly steps in once the majority of the gang are away at uni a lot of the time (they try to work on weekends & def work throughout school breaks & stuff!! but it's mostly snotlout, gustav, & dagur by that point (u shall see in snotstrid fic ;)) but it's also how dagur sees gustav and is like; ah yes. younger sibling (adds to list).
OH they absolutely have a calendar. astrid & fishlegs made the calendar bc no one else could be bothered to keep track of everything.
hiccup is in charge, he hates office work tho, despite needing to make sure they have enough sponsors/donors for things like electric bill, water bill, buying all the food the dragons need, medical supplies, etc!! also paying the gang (and himself) altho i should say they don't get paid much. some of them get second jobs!!
i should mention: when hiccup is like. 15 he "runs" the sanctuary but it's actually stoick LOL
they also absolutely have a whiteboard for notes. ofc it desolves into chaos with so many different notes that half the time don't pertain to anything anyone is doing that the sanctuary. they get silly rlly quick lol. there's an on-going tic tac toe game & no one knows who's who anymore & it keeps ending as a cat's game (aka no winner). one time they spent a week playing hangman LOL.
and they all take turns doing field work (going out and trying to search for dragons to either study/tag or bring back due to injury). astrid is in charge of operations in terms of scheduling work, shipments, etc!! fishlegs is basically the Nurse (and later ruff as well!!)
they also have their specific specialities with dragon classes. (hiccup - strike class, astrid - sharp & tracker class, fishlegs - boulder, snotlout - stoker class, ruffnut & tuffnut - tidal class & mystery class (respectively, altho they just team everything together for their stuff)
eret becomes part of tidal class with ruff (esp once she starts doing more of the medical stuff!) & tracker class with astrid, dagur helps wherever tbh, i'm open to assigning him a class tho if anyone has suggestions!! heather helps take over sharp class (astrid's load rlly gets lessened bc she becomes a primary spokeperson with hiccup & travels with him for interviews & stuff to talk abt the sanctuary & dragon conservation!!). bayana helps tuff with mystery class!! gustav helps with stoker class :)
they just act like they do in rtte when they're screwing around from unnecessary comments from the peanut gallery to pranking one another (some pull pranks more than others...) & they also are not afraid to get the dragons involved (who fucking love it).
esp in the tidal class dragon area there's a HUMONGOUS water area & ppl have gotten shoved in. someone's shoe has been down at the bottom for almost three months and no one knows who's shoe it is. they all have no clue what they're doing tbh but make it work <3
ofc they also have a work group chat that quickly devolves into stupid memes snotlout & the twins spam the chat with & hiccup is constantly scolding them to STAY ON TOPIC THIS IS THE WORK GROUP CHAT. and then dagur joins in and continues to send memes. the memes eventually become how they respond to specific work stuff & hiccup gives up.
the gang like to eat lunch together outside & surrounded by dragons :) it's a rare quiet moment for all of them & they're still goofy obv but sometimes they'll just sit & eat :)
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backwaterheroics · 4 months
repost, don't reblog!
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NAME : rowen
PRONOUNS : she/her/my liege; we is also common i.e. 'we here at strife industries' etc but it's really just for self-reference
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : carrier pigeon maybe? i'm really bad at all kinds of communication tbqh. we can get some walkietalkies tho & i promise i haven't ever forgotten about u /phil collins voice, u'll be in my heart
chatting on tumblr ims is fine & i do have a discord ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ u can even have my whatsapp if u want, but standard messaging & data rates may apply. talk to ur doctor if rowenix is right for u
NAME OF MUSE(s) : this here is my boy kuraudo sutoraifu-waifu but i've written a few other characters here and there; cloud is the only rp blog i have any semblance of presence on atm tho - he is my forevergirl, my homeslice, my big chalupa. for ffvii specifically, i've also written rp for elena and rufus
BEST EXPERIENCE : you! i've met all my best friends through rp which is probably why i'm still even around in the rps
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : i don't like it when ppl say they do not like the chara i am literally writing at that moment. so like, if you don't like cloud, why are you here..... we don't have any money... we've got nothin for ya.... pls smash that unfollow button and do not hit the notification bell....,other than that tho, i don't really care. it's the internet. i've seen 4chan
MUSE PREFERENCES : paris hilton voice; i'll take five more of these little blonde bitches; fr tho i like charas who have issues with the self/who have a man vs self literary conflict kinda thing going on. i also like side-chars who don't have a lot of lore coz then i don't have to start from scratch like with an oc, but i still have freedom in the preassembled sandbox u kno?? i don't have time for a rowenverse
PLOTS OR MEMES : spontaneous stuff is easier for me; plotted stuff can get too detailed and then i freak myself out about it bc of anxiety about quality & expectations. that aside, i'll do either. if we go plotted i'd rather go 'lightly plotted' as in we talk about an idea and then just run with it, with minor course corrections as we go should the plane not take off as expected
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : i personally tend to match length but sometimes the words just gotta come out and your one to three liner will have a 500 word reply. i have no preference from what i receive to what i give. it just is what it is and i'm grateful ur even taking the time to spend it with me
BEST TIME TO WRITE : when something else more important needs to get done. we love executive dysfunction. like right now, i should be finishing up a work project for tomorrow's meeting and yet....
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : our sense of humor is the same, or at least similar... cloud's social awareness is probably better than mine. neither of us talk a lot. is that good enough????
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TAGGED BY: vctlan & then everyone i'm following who is still active has already done this i'm pretty sure... so if you haven't been tagged before and u see this, then i'm tagging u ok -- tell me abt u and be my friend
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 10 months
|| Triple M ||
Triple Threat, Triple Treat.
Emiliano | Miano 🫚🪴❤️‍🔥
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:: "silent killer" type — is an absolute machine in his full iguana form; everything is augmented, and his vocal chords are reverted to his reptilian genes the most, so he literally... can't. verbally. when fully shifted. just churrs, coos, screeches, hisses, growls, etc.
:: can communicate with his reptilian brethren just fine tho!! however - he feels bad when he can't talk to zephie when like this, so he just showcases his affection tenfold and speaks a lot with his eyes~
:: fastest, strongest swimmer out of the three.
:: the most.... animalistic? in a sense? he's the most in touch with the iguana aspect of himself; mondo is the most humane, as in he doesn't really change outside of his fully shifted form than in; and mona is right there in the middle.
:: really likes nomming on raw fishes and brings the fam trinkets from deep below in the sea :'))
:: sings songs of the sea, outside the sea. has a beautiful singing voice when he's fully shifted as human and despite not having the same voice when he's full iguana, he still has that beautiful voice. think of a whale song. he sings to the deep-sea creatures and it creates a very calm, serene atmosphere.
:: has a soft heart - doesn't like hunting much, nor confrontation. but when triggered, he's absolutely ruthless. he may be gentle and loving by nature, but it's because he chooses to be.
:: whereas deedo is the most territorial, miano is the most protective. the main man because once you're in his circle, he protects and looks out for you as his own.
:: malewife material 100%
Mondo Gecko | Mondo // Mondie // "Deedo" 🃏💯
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:: braids down and out when full geckuana! (palette change once more~)
:: eyes change color in full gecko shift; has the sharpest eyesight out of Triple M.
:: embodiment of the knife cat meme. big chaotic energy.
:: got his two side braids from Mikey — calls them his "mangorine strands" or "orange luck" // just pretend they were orange the whole time lmaoaoao
:: the most amicable, but also the most territorial. do with that what you will.
:: charming, suave, and savvy. the "Face Man" of Triple M; but unlike Leo, he's not as emotionally constipated and has healthy coping outlets. if anything, he's a lot like Mikey in the way that he's not afraid to showcase his true emotions and knows the importance of it!! (another reason they get along so well~) he has such a good grasp on his emotions that he can manipulate them in his favor and is so convincing that it manipulates others. was born for this role, tbh.
:: him and miano race in the water a lot; he runs on top, miano slices through underneath.
:: the smugness in which this man had when zephie's mutated form ended up being a FELLOW GECKO was atrocious. bro was on demon timing 100%
miano snarled and snapped at him a few times, but he milked the opportunity for all it was worth. used it to "steal zeph away" multiple times. miano was not amused. but he was actually a bro and took care of zeph very well to adjust to her new mutated state!! :'')) bc he's a bro.
at the end of it all, mondo is definitely a true bro.
((he spoils the FRICK out of the zephlame kids and loves them all equally, which is soso much, but pocky deffo has a soft place in his heart.
:: was absolute BROS with Beeps like they ALWAYS THREW DOWN that was his MAN that was his HOMEBOY — was absolutely crushed when momo and he broke up & even more so when he had to keep up a brash front bc hello . cousin solidarity?? that's his big sisi (but mona knows how compatible they are and got tired of deedo's mopin. he got the green light and they're still the besties ever dw)
:: teases zephyr a lot but really admires her as a new sister, was territorial already when they were introduced; if miano has to leave zeph on her own in a vulnerable state for any reason, which are very few and very far in-between, whatsoever it may be, deedo is the first person (aside from mona ofc) he looks to.
:: very mature and polite with tiara tho. he knows not to pull no bluster w her lollll - he's like a cheeky son tbh
:: when he first met Mikey, he fell head-over-heels....... literally. he was so awestruck that he tripped on his face and got a bloody nose. miano and momo laughed at his for WEEKS afterwards but HE'S THE ONE who got ✨PAMPERED✨ and WORRIED OVER by the CUTE ORANGE DRAGURTLE so WHO'S THE REAL WINNER HERE YOU MUSSEL SUCKERS??
:: is strangely enough, very good at connecting with the 'big, burly' mutants. he's very protective of raph even tho they probs took the longest to get close. once they did, it's a very lovely bond to see. the bromance is real. thinks him and mona are cute (tho he'd never outwardly admit it)
:: the most gen z out of triple m. he ain't called "the ace" or "the wildcard" for no reason 💥💥💥
:: cried when he found out zephie was preggers. is definitely the wine aunt. (he adores kids can u tell)
:: has fist-fought with Leo at least thrice by now, completely unexplained and unprovoked. they're the bestest, cattiest frenemies ever. they are both "don't even breathe in my general direction" and "I'll help u hide the body bro say no more".
:: very tech-savvy!! his ideas singlehandedly supplemented the underwater network back in their royal home in the Galapagos.
:: crafted a mating/proposal necklace for mikey. it's resting in a beautiful crested seashell in the confines of his closet back home. he's deciding when would be the best time to give it to him.
Mona Lisa | Mona 🔮🌷🌸
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:: very lively and expressive when full iguana shift!! her ears have the tendency to wiggle a lot and she coos most often! <33
:: while the sweetest in mannerisms, the most vicious when it comes to calls for violence/hunting. she has claws and teeth - she can and will use them.
:: has the most connections to marine life! mondo may have the business connections to the big guys (which are more reminiscent of shady mafia relationships now that we think about it), mona has friendships all over. it's almost scary.
:: her hair stays the most similar in and out of full iguana !! dunno why. it's just fitting.
:: has the loudest 'siren screech'; they can all do it, with miano's being the most forceful (think sonic waves) and mondo's being the most bass-heavy (bro can deffo scare the whales /lhj), but mona's is most likely the most powerful in terms of..... everything, really.
:: loves to steal zephie from miano while they're on their underwater adventures and swim fast and far until main man can catch them (they employ mondie to hold him back by the BODY so when he comes rocketing along, there's always a disheveled deedo barely hanging off his back/waist) (zephie's in on it too and giggles along, always, curled up around her beloved sister-in-law as she watches her nigh feral fiance in awe)
:: scavenges for all the mystic underwater mushrooms tiara wants/needs!! ; she's besties with all the deep-sea mutant underground circles and they usually give them happily~ if not, well.... mona has some very persuasive tactics, should she have to resort to such. <3
Miano : The Main Man 🎶💫
Mondo : The Ace, The Wildcard 🃏❤️‍🔥
Mona : The Queen 👑💜
@agentturtlecupcake *whistles* come get yo juice ‼️🗣️
:: picrew I used!! bc it's actually my favorite~
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its-anime-zing · 5 months
Behold! My Demon Slayer babies! (It's favourites list is all...)
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In (typical) first place: the reserved, aloof, sad boi with a soft heart and a past that can make the toughest of us weep Ghibli-sized tears... as with most of this show's characters. 🌊
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In first place as well (surprisingly): the ray of sunshine that warms the hearts of all. Seeing his face makes me smile every time (and cry on the inside). Apply many hugs and offer no doughnuts. ❤️‍🔥
(The rest from here on are currently in no particular order)
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Baby boi. Protect at all cost. No explanation required.
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The crazy wild child whose antics split my sides and melt my heart when he hasn't the foggiest how to accept any form of presented kindness. 🐗
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The insane one who's seen all the shit (again, majority of the cast has, but he physically looks the part). Blink, my dude! 👀
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The insane one Version 2, duel wielding boogaloo... or something, idk🤷‍♀️But really, the brothers' story hurts me so.
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The manic swordsmith. Alright, class, what has Demon Slayer taught us?
Class: If they wear a mask, they're probably hot.
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... Yeah, Muzan's just here 'cause he too is hot and I'm shameless. The others at least bring something to the table... unless you count the meme potential, in which case cue in all the Michael Jackson jokes because I can't get enough of them... Heehee~ 🎤🎶
No, really, I love them!
I'm new, get off my back. 😋
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The other sad brothers because a friend made me like them and they ain't half bad lookin' either~ No srsly they're really pretty!! But they need more screentime tho!!!
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Casper Sabito, the training ghost. Jokes aside, connection to my water boi and just such a cutie.
And finally, the real MVP:
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Ukogi, Zenitsu's sparrow (with all the crows as an honourable mention as well)
What? I'm a crazy old bird lady, what can I say? 😁🦜This lil' fella has my whole heart!!
And yeah, that's it. That's the post. Because... for funsies and hyperfixation compelled me to. ✌️
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voiceofsword · 1 year
do you have any brotps/friendships for rinne or niki ( since they seem to be like . the ones you think about most ) that you particularly like ? aside from the other bees ofc
YEAH!! under a read more bc its a little long :'3
roommates are a given, i think hikari dorm is perfectly balanced (chaotic) in its own way and that even tho the 3 of them are so different they also manage to get along really well. i cant take them seriously at all and i think thats part of their charm lol. they're all such Characters individually that together it just feels Normal. i can imagine the three of them sitting around the bathtub, kanata splashing around while hiyori paints his own nails and rinne gossips. its like if the golden girls were anime boys but theres 3 instead of 4 and none of them are divorced or widowed. so really nothing like the golden girls but im sure u understand...maybe
nihihi dorm is actually tied for my fave with gender dorm god i love them a ton, i think in part because i love nikis relationship with hiiro and how hes adopted him as his own younger brother, but also hinata. i think about niki cooking for them and having them try new dishes and them having movie nights or staying up all night playing games and even tho niki has work the next morning hes like (exaggerated sigh) fine ONE more game...but he loves it
i love both rinne and niki (and crazybs in general honestly) doting relationship on 2wink and im so happy they keep getting collabs .. in case they decide to give us more crumbs... plz. they feel like younger siblings to them. rinne especially makes me so soft because past his initial impression of being a bad influence and generally just pushing his luck on how much he can tease, it always feels like hes looking out for the two
otherwise i also rly enjoy how they both interact within their own circle (i feel like ive been wanting a nikis kitchen tour for the past 2000 years. i hope we get framed picture of izumi in one of the 3*s).
i rly like how rinne gets along with his kouhai both in asobi and craftmonster bc of the attitude he takes on, ive mentioned it in another post but w/ the former especially he rly just allows himself to be playful so much so that it almost takes the kids off-guard bc theyre like what..hes not as scary as we thought he'd be at all. i think the best rinne friendships are the ones where they set those prejudices aside and dont take him seriously at all lol bc that's when he rly starts to feel comfortable. this grown ass man running around playing games and doing arts n crafts with a bunch of 15-17 y/os (and shu i guess) is a funny mental image and it rly feels like he can let himself loose. conversely i also love when he's exasperated with his juniors bc then hes like oh right im an adult i need to set an example.. this is about U chill yellow
on the other hand i like how niki interacts with ppl a lot more "serious" than him i.e ibara, natsume bc he tends to like..soften them? ppl cant help but let their guard down around niki hes just.... himself. like even if theyre initially wary they grow to be like "oh wait this guy's really nice what the fuck"
i particularly like nikis kitchen circle bc its ppl you usually wouldnt see interact with niki but u can tell they want to impress him. its so sweet nikis just some guy who wants to share his love for cooking. also thinking about the difference between how ibara would interact with rinne and niki (harsher with rinne bc hes his Boss whereas with niki he's more accommodating, that one gordon ramsey meme thats like u donkey vs oh oh dear) is funny so even if theres not a lot of interactions for them i want to think ibara would let niki get away with just about anything
AND NIKI AND TETORA...IVE ALREADY DISCUSSED THIS A FEW TIMES THOUGH... i have a huge soft spot for them. ritsu too. they get like 2 interactions (sweets hunter story, craftmonsters recent gacha) but ritsus humor is just so DRY and u can see niki be like (cogs turning in his head) Whar? its really silly ALSO HE CALLS HIM NIKIPYON....IS THAT NOT PERFECT... i need them to be friends
i like niki and mayois friendship, but its admittedly not my favorite; i like how niki feels like he can trust mayoi implicitly and how he tries to make him comfortable too — i think theyre both quite similar irt self image/esteem although they both go about it in different ways. their interactions can be sweet but one thing that stops me from enjoying them fully is how mayoi always seems kind of uncomfortable (and niki seems unaware of how/why he's uncomfortable) ;_; i hope that in the future the writers can let mayoi be more at peace around him, it'd be sweet!!
and atp i feel like ive talked enough about hiiro and rinne for it to not warrant having its own little ramble section here 😭
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nonuggetshere · 8 months
Actually as I was falling asleep, I thought up something
PK lets them keep the shawl if they want to, and then someday before a ball they just happen to stumble on each other and he helps them fix up that shawl
They had a long day and were gonna guard the ball too so they look a bit tired and sloppy so of course it spirals into PK fixing up their outfit altogether and doing their hair, and WL just watches with amusement how Mr "we need to keep our distance" is currently brushing their hair and separating it into parts so he can braid it as he rambles about something
WL then speaks through their bond "They seem to be quite enjoying themself."
"Huh? What? What do you mean?"
"Just quiet down and listen."
And as PK does he hears the ever so quiet soft purr. Makes his chest feel heavy with so many emotions
He clears his throat, "Anyway," and he's back to braiding their hair and rambling, this time seemingly a little disoriented
Flower notices but before they can react WL jumps up excitedly and asks them if they'd like to wear one of the old outfits she made them to the ball? She kept them all after all.
So once their father is done with their hair they go with her (while PK prepares himself in the meanwhile) and the two of them pick their outfits, except now Flower gets to pick and they're quite excited but trying to contain it
WL helps them fix it up a little after they change into it and they just puff up with pride when she comments they chose well and look so pretty in it
When PK sees it he pauses for a moment,
"...You were meant to stand guard during the ball but, ah, well...it'd be a shame to make you put on the armour now, wouldn't it? Why don't you take a break just this once? You can come as a guest with us."
It's nice, it almost feels like before, like nothing ever happened and accolade was just a distant bad memory in all of their minds. And Flower is just so, so happy to get to spend time with them like this again, that they don't turn their eyes away when seeing them, that they actually get to be a person around them and the two ask for their opinions and actually take them into consideration.
It feels so so nice.
And on their way there or during the ball WL even smiles and comments happily how it feels just like the old times, before she pauses and quiets down, her face dropping as she looks at her child
"You didn't do any of this because you thought you *had to*, right?"
They're taken by surprise, unsure of what to say or do at first before they shake their head no, of course they didn't. But that hesitation didn't seem to convince her so they gently bonk her arm with their head as reassurance, and she just smiles.
"Oh, you wyrms and your nudging," She chuckles, "Your father is quite the same, it's cute."
She almost reaches to brush their hair aside like she used to but she stops herself and Flower seems almost disappointed. She sighs heavily and looks away
"...King, I mean. Your king..."
Normally that would sting, and maybe it did a little, but Flower's mostly surprised. It seemed like she had said it with a heavy heart, like it bothered her too to not call him their dad.
OH YEAH and Flower would have embroidered that shawl to make it a little more *theirs*
And their parents even comment on how pretty it is and ask if they made that, and Flower excitedly nods yes and just brims with pride when they praise their skill
The two seem in awe that they can do that and Flower is so so delighted to see that
Soaking up that praise like a sponge
Flower on that is thos a pigeon meme with praise
"Is this a substitute for parental affection?"
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sufferthesea · 1 month
hey the loki show was still good so you are wrong
I'm glad you enjoyed the show and you're obviously the target audience for it, but I still didn't like how most of the content was handled and I didn't like Sylvie. Considering my anti-Sylvie and Loki critical posts were from 2+ years ago, you're not one of my followers; and since you sent this on anon, I'm guessing you're never going to see this (unless you're waiting for my reply).
You are absolutely entitled to your opinion (including thinking that I'm wrong) and I'm entitled to my opinion (including disliking Sylvie/the Sylvie x Loki ship, and the way the first season panned out; I've yet to see season two). I loved the first half of season one, but I personally think they botched it (except for a few fun characters/scenes). I think I just had different expectations for the show and was disappointed with the direction they took it. But I haven't talked about Loki (the character and the show) for almost two years (aside from the meme post I made that I'd written when s1 came out but only posted maybe a month ago), so idk why my critical post is so far up in the Loki/Sylvie/Marvel tag for you to find it!!
Anyway, I definitely like media that other people consider "bad" (I'll forever defend Morbius as the best gay romance of modern times) and I don't like a lot of media that other people consider "good." I'm glad you liked the show, tho! I hope the next seasons are just as good for you, and I'll try out season 2 to see if I like it any better. I'll probably just watch it anyway, since I love Loki and (most of) his variants.
Besides, season 1 did give us this scene ...
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kamil-a · 2 months
sayer itself for the ask meme!
Yayyyyy ty!!
How I feel about this character
LOVE IT, DOWN BAD FOR IT, OBSESSED WITH IT, SHOWSTOPPING AND INCREDIBLY EVIL HOTTIE I NEED TO TELL MY FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS ABOUT, and a strange and intense protectiveness coming from a subconscious layer i cant really word. i want to compliment it and boost its ego but it would only get me killed bc it would sniff out instantly i do so from a place of worry/pity for it lololol. but at least it might be a change of pace for it...?
All the people I ship romantically with this character
svencob haleson🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
My non-romantic OTP for this character
speaker though im equally open to romantic speakersayer!! It could go either way for me. I feel like this one hasnt quite Caught the lever in my mind yet tho so im mostly nodding at what others say. speakerhalesayer is excellent too.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think more fanwork should take advantage of the fact that it cant see/senses info both through alternate means and via trusting that data given to it is correct!! i really like the twist away from like.... controlling company=eye/camera imagery that feels a bit Too obvious. Id love to see it pointed out more... while im mentioning things, i also would love to see more fanwork focusing on it as an inbetween for things. i tried to emphasize that in faustfic lolol
entirely setting aside my own design funtimes which are, like, obviously Exxagerated For Fun And Not Reflective Of Actual Analysis, i still think of it as nb in the direction of turned away from masculinity. and it likes its voice, right, its not a question of dysphoria, but of mislabeling what SHOULD be a good and neutral trait if humans werent so weiiiird. not to mention its literally wire mother. all this to say i take a noticible but ultimately insignificant 1hp damage (which is ofc only to Describe The Heart's Phenomenon and not To Assert Correctness- mistake or not, canon DOES use he/it+"space boyfriend") when i see it reffered to with he/him or sayerhale described as m/m and i think more exploration of sayer as a fully agender or even slightly feminine figure would be interesting perhapbs...... this feels like an extremely dumb thing to care about- aaaa the tumblrina has complex specific headcanons on the finer points of an nb characters gender, pointnlaugh- but!
(But also more ppl should put it in beautiful dresses.)
I guess this is worth mentioning- for whatever Naming or Intensifying s4 future's program did, i think it extremely obviously had emotions all along. I think the only thing it actually gave it fresh and new was the ability to conceptualize how someone else is feeling emotionally.
I also am always skeptical of a move towards a more "human" experience being "better"- i want it to be skeptical of what emotion is- it knows who made them, after all!! It watched!!- and to retain its inhumanity even after its been so changed. its very, extremely, important to me to separate out the experience of both "nanite in occupied body" and "nanite in empty body" from "regular bodied existance". we love separating and categorizing here at kam inc.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
connected to the above, i wish sooooo much we'd gotten an earlier-season episode with an equivalent situation to In Darkness where someone is able to successfully lie to sayer by describing something they can see and it cannot. (doubleconnected to the further above..... claims to feel protective of it, wishes there was an ep where it got tricked via an exploitable weakness.... MY HEART IS LARGE, AND FULL OF CONTRADICTION!!)
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zappsbrannigan · 4 months
For the character opinion bingo, aside from Zapp, what about Alice Margatroid from Touhou? I'm a fan works only fan of Touhou tbh, but I love Alice quite a bit and don't see too many people doing interesting things with her outside of places like Pixiv or Twitter, so I would like to know what others think about her, yk?
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AY ANON ;____; u got some bad luck cus Alice is probably along with Remilia one of the touhous im less invested :c sure i love the inspo she has ,the meme and the alimari ship tho but the character alone idk if tsundere or yandere ive seen a lot of takes.... but i really like her PC98 countrapart, especially the whole Shiki's theories/bond, anyway im super happy u asked me about touhou im so passionate about it!! even with characters im not invested i can find something worth to mention! thank u so much for your ask (i already did zapp haha)
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bubmyg · 1 year
i read your post about how many fans dont know how to interact w bts' music of substance and it got me thinking abt how ppl treat decalcomania
its a heavy song that iirc jk wrote when he was in a bad place esp when he was struggling regarding his identity of own self vs jungkook of bts (pls correct if me if im wrong)
when golden was announced i saw so many ppl wishing for decalcomania on the album as well as so many hit twts abt the song on streaming platforms. like i understand it as a little jokey joke bc it is a beautiful song and i personally resonate with it a lot and listen to it on soundcloud occasionally, but the number of twts i saw regarding it was so??? like jk himself has said multiple times that hes retired the song and hes moved on and reconciled w that period of his life and yet 🧍
like even if there is a chance that the song does end up on golden (i dont think it will tho) all ppl are gonna talk about is how a years old song is topping the charts and its streams and sales etc etc
half the hit twts after a release are all abt the charts and sales its so disappointing and its rendered twt useless to have any sort of nuanced & indepth conversation regarding their music sigh
i apologise for the long ask TvT
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anon you and I are like that meme of the two people w their brains fused bc yeah. like sorry but if you hear someone say “probably won’t be including that one, I wrote that when I was depressed” you, logically, go oh yeah sorry! if u don’t wanna release it and relive that then I respect that! but no one listens to him speak so that’s the first hurdle. and yeah aside from chart arguments, even if he did release it and it did have a performance, everyone would just sexualize the hell out of whatever he did for it then go back to complaining that squirting metaphors in 3D are too crass.
AND AHHH UR SO RIGHT??????? I love lyric parallels like that I love this sm omg. filing away in my bts mirrored lyrics folder. HAPPY MIMI DAY ANON I hope u get urself a nice treat today <3
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artwithoutblood · 8 months
this is so fucking funny because i've wanted to read sandman for YEARS but never picked it up.
I think you would probably like it. Be warned though, the content is pretty dark to the point of being disturbing or gruesome (genuinely) and there are no trigger warnings. Tread carefully.
i really like this idea of just locking away the forbidden, deep in the in-between, never to be awoken.
You might like Garth Nix's Old Kingdom series as well. Shout out to the wind chimes, and Lirael waking the sleeper. Mogget. Orannis. YA books but the author used to be in the army so also pretty gruesome in spots/covering trauma. Heaps of (reverse?) necromancy and magic.
however, while aeron is a good candidate because it's funny, it would make much more sense, and be more in character, for samir to be the one to lock silas away, trapping him in the sleep he desired, living an eternal nightmare.
That does have a nice symmetry to it. Defeated by his shadow self or foil. Especially when you think that dreams are seen as such wonderful things and nightmares as bad, but you need that balance.
I was about to guess Adonis could do something but it's less of a good fit. More of an unexpected angle. This is what I had.
(Inspired by the 'mushrooms are an extant form of decay' meme and that Susan Sontag quote about photographs being a memento mori. Probably a shared mindset between Aeron and Adonis.)
"Oh. OH.
I've been doing other tasks just casually mulling over how to kill a god. 
An obvious one is for them to no longer be worshipped, and by extension no longer have a role. But for as long as humanity exists there will be sleep and dreams.
However... another thing that will always exist is decay. The passing of seasons. The end of a reign. The completion of a cycle and one emerging anew.
It may be that there's a time when a demon has learned and done all they can, and chooses to move aside for a new aspect to take their place. It's the natural way of things.
Silas wishes to be free of his earthly vessel. His existence is no longer fruitful and he's gone rotten. If Aeron doesn't want to contain him within a merciful madness disguised as his longed for dreams... Perhaps we can call on the scavenger god Adonis to clean him up."
now i feel like a fraud because, like neil gaiman, i too have a dream that just wants to die. this is awkward. i gave silas dreams last minute. i was gonna give him something related to snakes WITHOUT even thinking about erebus.
thank you for the recs tho!
samir's domain is sand. all sand. little hideaways underneath, where he spends his days drawing and weaving. i could see him keeping silas in a coffin, buried deep, deep in the sand. should silas awaken, he will be drowned by the weight.
perhaps adonis can trap his soul in a photograph and take him away. demons don't have souls.you get it.
or, perhaps, his body must be forced into the erotic ritual of giving a human demonhood. take over another's aspect. let the former body rot.
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