#badboyhalo drabble
miscellaneoussmp · 10 months
The desert is cold. They all huddled around a heatless fireplace. Nobody has spoken up yet. "Bad?" Max is the first one to speak up in a while. Bad tilted his head in response. "I think... I think I'm ready to go." It was decided, then and there. Bad and Max stood up. "Does anyone else want to come?" The reaper hoped to make only one trip.
"I know a shortcut home, I'm good." Mouse responds. She's wearing a lazy smile.
"We have to find Richas." Pac explains, leaning on Mike who's next to Forever. Felps is on the other side of Pac. Cellbit sits farther from the rest of his family. "I'm not ready..."
"Pomme needs me." Baghera hummed. She's sitting closest to the flame.
"I'll find my way back." Tina was laying back, she was the farthest from the flame aside from Bad and Max.
"Leave? Nah." Foolish was tending the flame.
Bad and Max started to walk across the cold desert. "The boat shouldn't be too far." Bad started when he heard somebody call his name. It's Forever. "Don't get lost, okay?"
"I won't, promise."
Bad is an amazing liar, as always.
(Part 2)(Part 3)
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sweetie-peaches · 11 months
To distract of blue team tumblrs fear, here’s a cute headcanon/Drabble for shapeshifter Tubbo and demon bad
(Taking inspo from @haloberry here)
in demon culture when a imps horns grow in it’s a tradition to spoil them and protect them until their velvet falls off, because the velvet stage is just like a puberty for them, where they’re extremely reckless and vulnerable
So bad finds himself extra protective off Tubbo as his horns grow
(Despite being a shapeshifter, his horns still take a while to grow. Due to the relationship between bad and tubbo slowly improving)
He’s brings him food on instinct, checks over him for wounds, and all around acts as a mother hen as well as a guard dog to Tubbo, more then usual
When in a fight, he hears Tubbo shout, and watches as he falls to the ground with a thud. His body goes limp
he drops his sword and shield. Not caring to pretend to be civilized anymore, he uses his claws, his teeth, to try and tear them apart for hurting his imp.
eventually he’s overpowered and respawns at the blue base, his instincts taking hold and as soon as his eyes are open he’s searching for Tubbo. Thoughts of making them pay curling at the back of his mind. Until he finds him, still injured from the fight, but otherwise okay. His fatal injuries healed.
He follows him around the rest of the day, a silent shadow, a warning
Tubbo hates to admit it, but the protectiveness is nice, if not a little over bearing.
He quickly decides horns are not worth it, that this velvet stuff sucked, and that bad was terrifying when he went full demon on people because they laid a finger on Tubbo.
Without a thought he hits his horns against people. One day he does this to bad who laughs and leans down to hit his horns against him.
Eventually when the velvet starts to fall off, which results in a sort of general sickness for tubbo, with body aches, fatigue and all around horribleness. He also snaps easier and struggles to regulate his emotions.
Bad tells him it’s normal, just hormones balancing out
Tubbo decides that being a shapeshifter is no longer fun, and wishes he could have anything else but suffer through puberty again but demon version
After the last of his velvet falls off, tubbos horns (a surprising blue color) get scuffed and chipped easily
Upon seeing this bad drags him to the base to teach him how to polish them. A tradition typically taught among demon packs, elders teaching imps.
Herbs/flowers of some kind, wax, water/healing potions.
(Tubbo, being Tubbo, has the idea of adding glow berries.
His horns glow in the dark for a week, instantly giving up his position in every single situation)
Eventually he gets used to the horns, finds himself comfortable with them. Even they can be a pain. After the protectiveness and pampering of the velvet instincts inside him fade. Bad still remains protective of Tubbo, understanding he can hold his own, but gripping his shoulder a bit tighter. Watching him a bit closer. And tubbo is the same, feeling that if he fell bad would be there.
There’s A subtle shift in the relationship between them. A closeness that wasn’t there before
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kaztheghost · 7 months
He belonged to heaven. He’s always belonged to heaven—since the day he’d left, however it might have happened, he knew there would always exist within him the aching knowledge that he would never find his peace outside of the pearled gates. But what choice did he have? So he walked, and wandered. For thousands of years, did he walk and wander, donning countless names and titles and masks. Horns sprouted from his head, and yet his halo sat firm, a tail wrapped around his waist and his nails sharpened to claws and yet in his chest still sat the forbidden knowledge that he belonged to the heavens. No matter where he walked and wandered, he would never escape its shining light. In every lifetime he schemed and tricked and lived as he pleased, and in every death he sat curled before the beautiful white gates, with rusting and blood dripping chains keeping them closed. No matter how he begged, what promises he made, it was never enough, the lives he gave and blood he spilled, would he never see his home? Meet his master? Was he truly too far gone? A demon. A demon! Badboyhalo. What a hypocrisy.
And then came a life he hadn’t lived yet. An experience he hadn’t come to know. He had a son, and then a daughter. And for the first time in his many lives lived, in all his wandering and all his millennia, he had a home. He belonged to something else, to someone else. Another person, who needed him in the way he needed someone. His darling children. And so day by day, he did whatever he could for them. Would it be enough, this time?
He can’t help the laugh that rings into the empty air when he finds himself in front of those beautiful white doors once again. Can you blame him? The gravity of it all, to be whole again! He takes a look around, ignoring the scales before him, and a different sight greets him. A sight he’d given up on years ago. There are no rusted, bloody chains today. His eyes flicker back to the scales and he realizes that they’re balanced. For the first time in many millennia. He can go home.
His breath wobbles and his balance is lost and he crumbles, because he can go home. It’s home, it’s everything he lost so long ago, he can go home. But his gaze lands heavy on the shabby rock formation across the way. His path most walked. And he calls out, asking what to do. What can he do? His children, his darling children. Can he say goodbye? He’s said goodbye to home before. Surely he can. He has to. He walks to the gate, and his fists curl. “Will I, if I find myself here again. Will I be able to go through? Will it still be unlocked?” It’s pointless to speak here, there will never be an answer. The clouds drift indifferently, the air sits still. He has to go home. Right?
He turns his back to Heaven.
He has to go home. Regardless of if this is the right choice, regardless of if this is the only forgiveness his soul will ever be granted. He utters a soft apology, and walks through the crumbling stone archway.
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youphoriaot7 · 1 year
"Cellbit, we need to talk," the demon says sternly, sliding into the seat at the head of the table.
The detective sends a bemused look over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow in response. "...okay? What about?"
"Well...a lot of things," Bad admits, the urge to tangent off becoming stronger by the second.
"Can you at least try to narrow it down?" Cellbit teases.
Bad rolls his eyes at him playfully. "Yeah, yeah, I'm getting there!" The smile slowly fades from his face as his eyes track Cellbit across the kitchen—getting the toast from the toaster, grabbing the avocado spread from the pantry, checking the fridge for milk, turning the coffeepot off—
Cellbit glances back at him, visibly confused (and vaguely concerned) by the silence. "...okay, can you really not remember, or...?"
Bad sighs, shaking his head. "Have you seen the missing posters up around the island?"
Cellbit nods, turning away as he waves a hand in the air. "Oh, yeah, yeah! The ones about the Masked Man, right?" He chuckles. "I mean—I think we all know who it is, but I don't think they want us to say it."
"...no, not those." Bad scratches his head, watching as the other man pours two mugs of coffee before bringing one and the plate of toast to the table.
Cellbit looks up at him, eyebrows bunched. "Then no, I'm not sure what you mean." He turns back to the counter, grabbing the other mug and the milk.
"Bagi's missing posters? About her brother?"
"Oh!" Cellbit gestures wildly with the milk carton, and Bad can only praise the deities that it's closed. "Yeah, yeah, I know what you're talking about! There's one in the favela. I thought there was one at the main square, too, but it wasn't there when I went earlier."
Bad grins faintly at the memory of Tubbo and Fit ripping it down. "Never mind that," he coughs, shaking his head.
Cellbit sets the carton and cup down in front of Bad before slipping into the seat next to him. "But yeah, I know the posters." He cocks his head slightly. "...why do we need to talk about those? Shouldn't you ask Bagi?"
Bagi definitely isn't the one he needs to ask about this. Bad unscrews the carton's lid, carefully pouring a buttload of milk into the black liquid. "Look, Cellbit," he sighs, "the thing is...I think I know who it is." Rip the band-aid off, right? If he remembers, it'll be a shock, so better to get it over with. If not—
Cellbit blinks over the rim of his coffee cup, face completely blank. "Who?"
...he has no idea.
Bad can feel his heart sinking, a stabbing pain shooting through him, almost like guilt or pity. He swallows hard, recapping the milk as he tries to figure out how to proceed—
"Oh!" Cellbit snaps his fingers, a cheeky grin on his face, so similar to the one Bad used to see in battle so many years ago. "I know what you're saying."
Bad pauses, staring at him. "You...you do?"
"...you think it's Dan, right?" Cellbit's grin widens, just barely holding back a laugh.
...he couldn't have been farther from the mark.
But Bad isn't one to let an opening go to waste. Plus, it had made Cellbit laugh, something Bad hadn't seen nearly enough of recently. At least it had lightened that world-weary look, even just for a moment.
So Bad smiles. "Clearly!" he replies cheekily, chuckling as he takes a piece of toast from the plate. "See? We make a pretty good team."
"That we do." Cellbit shakes his head playfully as he takes another sip of his coffee, and Bad watches on in silence. The white streak in his dark hair, the black outfit—he'd looked even more like Bagi a few weeks ago, before the island's drug infestation. Speaking of which...
"...are you ever gonna go back to your green jacket?" Bad asks nonchalantly, and Cellbit gives him a funny look, glancing down at himself.
"...this is a green jacket," he says, eyebrows furrowing. "The, uh...the one I wore the most got dirty, so I've had to wear the black ones for a bit. But this one is green."
Bad blinks. Fudge. "Oh. Yeah, no, you're right, I see it now!" he lies, nodding. "The lighting was just...messing with my eyes."
It's a viable excuse; the red lanterns dotted around the room don't output much light on a good day, and the sunlight streaming in from the kitchen balcony casts long shadows across the table.
But Cellbit doesn't seem to fully believe him, giving him a curious look before he shrugs. "No worries." He takes a long sip of coffee and lets out a sigh. "But no. I don't know who Bagi's brother is."
"...yeah," Bad murmurs, the lie making the coffee taste bitter in his mouth. "Me either." He swallows the mouthful of bitter cream and grounds, making a face at he stares down at his slice of toast.
"I wish I did." Cellbit's voice softens, and Bad glances up to find him gazing pointedly into his coffee cup. "I want to help her. But...there's so much going on right now, and...well, not to be that person, but the picture on the poster is kinda—well, fudged up, if you know what I mean."
Bad blinks. "You think it's a bad pic?" he echoes in confusion.
Cellbit shrugs. "Well, I mean, it's a side angle, almost a three-quarters view—but to the back. There's so little of his actual face in the photo; how are we ever supposed to help?" He scratches his head. "Plus, that photo looks old, and it's visibly of a little kid." He shakes his head. "He probably doesn't look like that anymore."
Bad nods slowly. "...no, you're right; he probably doesn't." Bad could have pushed the issue, could've pointed out that he's seeing the spitting image of the kid sitting directly across from him—he remembers fighting with that exact kid ten years ago, and Bagi's brother hasn't changed one bit. But he bites his tongue.
"With the eggs missing, it's just...not my priority at the moment." Cellbit gives a helpless shrug. "But she can figure it out on her own, I'm sure. She's smart." Then he cocks his head, glancing back up at Bad. "Besides, who's to say he's even on the island?"
"True," Bad murmurs.
"I mean...honestly? I hope he's not." Cellbit takes a long sip of his coffee, draining about half the cup before he gives Bad a small smile. "I wouldn't want anyone else to be trapped in this...living hell."
Bad nods slowly, watching him. "...yeah. Who's to say?"
Cellbit sighs, shaking his head as he stands. "I should get back to work," he says apologetically, glancing back at Bad. "Youre welcome to stay if you want—?"
His words jolt Bad out of his stupor, and he shakes his head, standing. "I'm, uh...not really hungry," he admits with a sheepish grin, "and I have stuff to do, too. So I should go."
Cellbit nods, picking up the plate with the lone piece of avocado toast lying across it. "No worries, man. See you around."
"Yeah. Yeah, yeah, for sure." Bad musters up a small smile, flashing it towards the detective as he moves towards the staircase.
"Hey, wait—Bad!"
Bad glances back. "Yeah?"
"...if she finds anything, let me know?" Cellbit asks softly.
The demon nods gently. "Of course." And before he can blurt out anything he might regret, he turns, making his way quickly towards the waystone at the end of the bridge.
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bagelrites · 7 months
Lover's Lock
I'm having. A moment. Take this drabble about Skeppy being a little freak and saving some of Bad's hair for himself like a souvenir.
Skeppy didn’t want to move. It’d been twelve hours, now, since he dropped Bad off at the airport and watched him disappear into the crowded security lines. They had no plans in the works for their next meet-up, just a promise that Skeppy wouldn’t have to wait so long this time.
(A lie if Skeppy ever heard one)
He stared at his phone, shame warming his cheeks at all the unread messages he’d sent Bad asking to know how the flight was, if he got home safe. He knew he was probably just sleeping, like Skeppy should be, but it still hurt, seeing that delivered at the end of all the blue bubbles.
He heard the jingle of a collar and the tap-tap-tap of claws on hardwood, and forced himself to sit up as Rocco came strolling over to him. His dog gave him a curious look, and then shook himself out like he was wet.
“What’s up, buddy?” Skeppy asked, reaching out to pet him, when he felt some dampness on his fur. “Ew, what? How’d you get wet?”
Rocco just let out a small huff of a bark, and Skeppy sighed, sliding his legs off the bed.
“Come on, buddy. Let’s get a towel.”
He was too tired to investigate the house for spills and puddles, so he just took Rocco by the collar and led him to the bathroom, grabbing a towel and giving his pup a good rub down. Rocco shook himself out again once he was done, and then sat down and scratched at his ear with his paw. Skeppy reached out and scratched the spot for him, which earned him some appreciative face-licks before Rocco went strolling off, probably to go rolling in the puddle again.
Skeppy sighed. He didn’t have the energy to care. He should really sleep, and yet, he couldn’t make his body move.
He just stood in the bathroom for a long, lonely minute, listening to the silence buzz in his ears and thinking about Bad. Stupid, annoying, funny, cute, handsome, amazing Bad. If he were still here, Skeppy wouldn’t have to feel this void in his chest, like a piece of him was missing.
If he were here, Skeppy would reach out and hold him. Cling to him. Finally tell him all that he meant to him and beg him to stay.
Or, more likely, he’d just make the same jokes he always did and avoid those feelings.
Skeppy groaned, squeezing the towel in his hands. It was too dirty to put back on the hanger, but too clean for the wash. Plus, he’d probably need it to clean Rocco off again, since he still had no idea how he got wet in the first place, so he decided to hang it on the shower bar. He pushed back the curtain, the metal rings screeching against the bar, and swung it up and over, grabbing the other end to pull it even.
He was about to call it quits and head back to bed, but then he saw the hair on the wall.
His first instinct was disgust. Did Bad seriously just leave a wad of hair on the shower wall? He was a grown man, couldn’t he remember to take it to the trash?
But as Skeppy reached out to pluck it off and toss it away, the disgust fizzled away, and he was left with a new wave of yearning.
This was Bad’s hair, in his hands. Half wet, half dry. All long, pale brown strands, fallen from his head while he scrubbed shampoo into his scalp and stuck to the wall to get them off his hands. He imagined Bad peeling them from where they clung to his arms, strands of hair and lines of water tracing the outline of his muscles, his veins.
Skeppy flushed, shaking the image of a naked, showering Bad from his mind.
But here he was, still holding the wad of hair. He knew she should throw it away, it was the only right thing to do, and yet, he didn’t want to. He thought about lovers in old stories keeping locks of each other’s hair, and he felt dizzy thinking about it.
He rubbed his fingers against the strands, listened to them crinkle against each other. Carefully, he started to pull them from the tangle and lay them flat on the counter of his sink. Some were shorter than others, but most seemed nearly long enough to have been plucked straight from Bad’s head. He didn’t know how much time he spent doing that, he was so enraptured in the task of making order from this chaos. By the time he had a small bundle of straightened hair in front of him, the guilt caught up with him.
This was deeply creepy behavior, and not to mention gross. 
(But isn’t that just what Bad did to him? Make him a creep?)
He gulped thickly. Though shame flushed warm to his cheeks and swirled like the humid heat of Florida August in his head, he knew already that he was not going to throw this hair away. Instead, he gently pulled the strands into a loose knot, a little pretzel of hair, and brought it to his room where he tucked it into a folded piece of scrap paper and laid it flat in the drawer of his bedside table for safekeeping.
That way, he could always have a piece of Bad, even when he was far away and ignoring him for new friends. He could see him, even just this small part of him, whenever he wanted. 
Wasn’t that nice?
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pumpkinpietimb · 1 year
The mission
When Cellbit took this particular job, he didn’t really know what he would find. The client was anonymous, nothing new for them, but it was strange. 
Everything was written in binary code and he had to crack some puzzles before he even knew what the client was asking for.  Everyone in the office warned him that it could be dangerous and that he should stay away from it, but he was a curious man, weak to any puzzle that comes his way. It’s been a while since he’s had a tough case anyway.
In the end, he found himself standing in front of an abandoned warehouse along with Maximus, Badboyhalo, and Foolish. Very cliché. Very boring. But still somewhat eerie. Very eerie.
A chill ran up his spine as a particularly strong wind blew past.
“Are you sure we’re in the right place, Cellbit?” Bad asked as he squinted at the building from where they were hiding.
Cellbit huffed, he’s had to answer this question three times since they arrived. “Yes, I checked multiple times. You checked multiple times.”
“Alright, alright, no need to get testy. I’m just really nervous for some reason…” The other man said, hands lifted in a placating manner.
“I have been feeling the same too. This place gives me the creeps.” Maximus shivered. “Maybe we should just leave for tonight and try to enter in the morning?”
“We’re waiting ‘til the morning?!” 
The three men rapidly turned around to see Foolish already at the warehouse door, hand pushed against it as it slowly opens at the force-
“Foosh what the fuck?!”
“Foolish NO-”
“You muffinhead-!”
Everything went white. 
Honestly. Why the fuck did they think bringing Foolish to this mission was a good idea?
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emmadoodle · 1 year
Lee!BBH and Ler!Skeppy ? 17. “Giggle one more time, I dare you.”
Thank you Kaseyyyyy <3
While renovating their shared house, Bad actually managed to pull off a troll.
And a really good one at that! Skeppy was proud! But at the same time how dare Bad get him like this.
It was still very harmless; Bad managed to dye pretty much every dyeable block Skeppy was using an unflattering pink! Not that Skeppy had anything against the color, it's just NOT the color he was building with. He needed blue!
As Skeppy busied himself with dying everything back, the silence was once again broken by the annoying giggles of his friend next to him.
"Would you shut up!" Skeppy pouted and looked over at Bad where he sat at a nearby crafting bench.
Bad only laughed harder, "I'm sorry I'm sorry! I just can't help it. The look on your face hahahaha-"
Skeppy looked unamused, "Giggle one more time. I dare you."
"I'm sorry I'm sorry okay okay I'm done.." Bad covered his mouth to stop his giggles. He didn't wanna actually hurt Skeppy's feelings. But it was still so funny! Another titter escaped, right through his fingers and into the ears of his friend.
"Alright! That's it!" Skeppy pounced followed by the squeal of a demon being tackled.
"Wahahahait! Ihihihi'm sohohohorry hahahaha!" Bad laughed out fully now. But this time it was not from the humor of the situation, but more from the diamond fingers digging into and tickling his sides and tummy.
"You find this funny now? Huh Bad? Isn't this hilarious?" Skeppy smirked as he kneaded into his best friend's ticklish skin. Dying back his belongings would have to wait.
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thecoddaughter · 1 year
It was Cell and Bad's 10-year HG anniversary so here is a lil piece on that. 
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mcytunderdogevent · 6 months
1. Fics cannot break the AO3 or Tumblr TOS
2. You can only write for people who are not in the top percent of fics in their fandom (check below for eligibility). Non eligible characters may be in the fic, but only as a side characters and cannot have too much of a main focus
3. No NSFW. Suggestive stuff is fine, but the fic cannot be explicit.
4. That's it! Have fun!
Event start: Now! As soon as this is posted!
Collection opens: Collection name is MCYTUnderdogEvent2024
Event ends: May 31 at 10pm cst, with the close of the collection
How will eligibility be determined?
It will be determined by the amount of fics the character is tagged in for the fandom in question. Then, the characters with the most fics for them (about top ten for larger fandoms, will change depending on the fandom/smp size) will be excluded
What about characters who are in a lot of fics but not the main character?
Sadly, they will still be excluded if they are in the top percent, as there is no way to consistently tell main characters without searching through fics, which would take too long.
What about non player characters, like NPCs?
They are considered characters for this! Some are even popular enough that they aren't eligible! So if you want to write about an NPC who is eligible, go for it!
Do fics need to be a certain length?
Nope! Can be a drabble, a one shot, a multi chapter, or a small poem! All it has to be is about one or more of the eligible characters.
Do fics have to be finished to add them to the collection?
They do not have to be! It can be a fic that you plan to work on even after the event ends, or just an idea you want to get out there
To avoid having to write too many names (as the eligible characters outnumber the non eligible characters) the characters listed below for each fandom are the non eligible characters. Your fic cannot focus on any of these characters. If the fandom you want to write for is not listed below, then all characters in that fandom are eligible! List below as to not make this post too long.
Traffic life:
Charlie Slimecicle
Rats smp:
Pirates SMP:
Origins SMP:
Jack Manifold
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miscellaneoussmp · 10 months
The desert is cold. The river is freezing. Bad helps Max into the boat. "Thank you for everything, Bad." This is goodbye. Bad, despite centuries of practice, was never good at goodbyes. "I should be thanking you, really. Will you say hi to Dan and Trumpet for me?" Max nods, "Of course." With that, the boat begins to float down the river. Now, it's time for Bad to make the journey back.
The desert is cold. The desert is usually barren. Bad doesn't expect to run into anyone. The voices he hears belong to Mouse, Baghera, and Antoine. Mouse is holding out a lantern that flickers with blue flame. Baghera waves him over. Pol is with them. "What are you four doing?" Bad doesn't get the chance to ask questions like this, usually. "Oh! We're-" She points between her and Pol, "taking my shortcut home, then I'm giving them my lantern." Bad turns his sight to Antoine and Baghera. "We're going to look for Pomme." Antoine voice has a hopeful tilt to it. "Is that a good idea?" Bad is back to looking at Mouse. "It wasn't originally mine, so it should be fine." She just shrugs.
"Alright. Just don't get lost, okay?" Bad watches as the small group walks off with a few waves. "Same to you!" Baghera calls as they get further and further away.
The desert is cold. The pale sands shift. Bad notices a flame. Foolish is sitting by his fireplace. The flame is a perfect orange. He smiles. "You just missed them." Bad takes a moment to realize what Foolish means, but the echoing sound of Forever's voice makes it obvious. "I hope they don't get lost." Bad is still standing. "I gave them each a torch. They should be fine." Foolish grabs a stick from the edge of the fire. "You should take one, too." He offers the makeshift torch to Bad. "I'll be fine without one." The look on the other's face is unreadable.
There's a few moments of silence between the two. Bad is still standing. "I'm going to continue heading back. Do you want to come with?" Bad asks, but he knows the answer already. Foolish looks up from tending the fire. There is no heat to the flame. "I'm staying here just in case, but Bad, listen to me. Don't get lost." There's a seriousness to Foolish's voice that he rarely hears. Bad starts to walk away. "I won't. I won't..."
The desert is cold. The wind blows. Bad hears laughter. A welcome sound against the near silence typical of the desert. "Bad! Hey!" Tina's the one to call him over to the group. She's holding a lantern close in front of her chest. Her other hand is hovering just to the side of the lantern, attempting to protect it from the wind. The flame flickers from a blue to an orange. Tina isn't alone, far from it. Jaiden walks up to stand next to her. She has her hands folded behind her head. Bad can see Mariana holding a torch up. The flame flickers from an orange to a blue. His other hand is holding Charlie's. "Are you doing okay?" Jaiden asks. She isn't holding a flame, but Tina's is enough for both of them. "I'm fine, I'm good." Tina looks worried, as does Jaiden. He's fine. Bad can't think of any reason they'd be worried.
Missa soon joins them, along with Niki. He has a lantern chained around his waist. It flickers blue. It's enough for two, like Tina's own. Missa also seems worried. His eyes dart between Tina, Mariana, and Bad. "We're heading home if you want to join us?" 'Are you lost?' is the unsaid question. "I'm fine, I know the way. Mouse has a shortcut if you see her." That seems like important information to pass along. Mariana and Charlie seem to get further away. "Well then, we'll see you later?" Tina, ever the optimist. "You will, don't worry." Bad manages a smile. Tina waves goodbye, so she isn't left behind by her group. She catches up to Niki and Missa.
The desert is cold. The water is poisoned. He isn't lost. He doesn't need a flame. Bad is an amazing liar, as always.
(Part 1)(Part 2)
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atthebell-moved · 1 year
Words: 979 Fandom: QSMP Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dapper (QSMP) & Darryl Noveschosch | BadBoyHalo, Chayanne (QSMP) & Phil Watson | Philza, Baghera Jones & Pomme (QSMP), AgenteMaxo | Maximus (Video Blogging RPF) & Trump (QSMP), Francisco Miguel | ForeverPlayer & Richarlyson (QSMP), Rafael Lange | Cellbit & Richarlyson (QSMP), Bobby (QSMP) & Jaiden Animations Characters: Darryl Noveschosch | BadBoyHalo, Phil Watson | Philza, Baghera Jones, AgenteMaxo | Maximus (Video Blogging RPF), Francisco Miguel | ForeverPlayer, Rafael Lange | Cellbit, Jaiden Animations Additional Tags: Drabble, Angst, kind of a series of character studies about parenthood?, Mentioned Bobby (QSMP), Mentioned Chayanne (QSMP), Mentioned Richarlyson (QSMP), Mentioned Dapper (QSMP), Mentioned Pomme (QSMP), Mentioned Trump (QSMP), Egg Death (QSMP), Grim Reaper Dapper (QSMP), only kind of mentioned but i think thats such a cool idea, Mentioned SOFIA (QSMP), Mentioned Cucurucho (QSMP) Summary:
A series of drabbles on egg parenthood and what it means to love and care for something that is meant to die.
my first qsmp fic yippeeee
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oblicamera · 8 months
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࣭𖥔 Rules for requests!
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NOTA: Esse blog é feito de fã pra fã, sem querer prejudicar a obra/criador/personagens. Sinta se livre para bloquear caso não gostar.
Fandons que eu escrevo:
Atualmente escrevo somente sobre o RPG Ordem Paranormal.
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Eu escrevo:
• Smut (NSFW)
• Shipps
• Character x Reader
• Fluff
• Angst
• Qualquer gênero: GN!Reader/Fem!Reader/Male!Reader
• Trans!Reader
• Male/Female Characters
• Fics/drabbles/one-shot
• Dark content (alguns e sempre com avisos)
• AU!s
• Kinks "vanilla"
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Eu não escrevo:
• Gore pesado
• P3dofilia/inc3sto/n3crofilia/zo0filia
• Non-con/dubcon/cnc
• Mpreg/ABO/Hybrid
• Menores de idade
• Headcanons (não tenho criatividade)
• Hard kinks
• Pro-shipp
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• Critérios básicos (racista, transfobico, etc)
• Proshipper/Comshipper
• Menor de idade
• Rad/libfem, radgay
• Dream/Forever/BadBoyHalo Stan
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• Antes de tudo, eu sou uma pessoa também ocupada com trabalho e estudos, eu fiz essa conta pra passar o tempo livre fazendo meu hobbie favorito que é escrever.
• Seja paciente, por favor. Eu não escrevo extremamente bem, é só uma forma de entretenimento.
• As regras/fandons podem ser modificadas com o tempo, então vai ser sempre bom dar uma verificada nesse post de vez em quando.
• Provável que eu escreva em português, muuuito raramente em inglês por não ser meu idioma nativo, mas vou acabar usando algumas tags/palavras em inglês.
• Possa ser que as asks demorem um pouco por problemas pessoais, falta de criatividade ou tempo, sinto muito se isso acontecer com você.
• Eu vou tentar me esforçar pra descrever tudo da melhor forma possivel, se você puder detalhar como você quer (ex: Character x Reader, fluff, com cenários assim assim assado). Se for dito (ou não) um cenário muito complicado, talvez eu não faça ou não fique da forma que você espera, peço desculpas.
• Se tiver algo que eu não gostei/não escrevo, eu não vou responder/escrever.
• Se você tiver quaisquer dúvidas, pergunte na DM ou nas próprias asks! Vou estar sempre disposto a responder!
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youphoriaot7 · 11 months
The desert is quiet. The moon shines high in the sky above, dragging itself from one end to the other. It never seems to set these days; every cycle feeling longer and longer, as if it's being held back by some invisible force. Every minute of darkness extending into a moment of danger; every second that the moon stays arisen is a second that's easier to die.
You are alone.
When you came to the sands, you had allies. The fraud wrapped in tones of the forest at your side, leading you from landmark to landmark. The soldier the color of greenery on your communicator, his messages comforting yet not at the same time. Your long-lost sister, her hat and coat long since shredded to tatters, supposedly waiting for your arrival. Your beloved, promising to make his way over.
Your sister was the first to fall. You arrive at the location the fraud told you about, and you see his look of confusion as she doesn't appear as you crest the hill. Before you can advise against it, he is slipping over the dunes, heading down to check out the situation.
He is the next to go. Suddenly, you're completely alone, clutching a sword in one hand and a communicator in the other. There is nothing to do but wait for your other allies.
You shoot off a couple of messages, each one steadily more frantic than the last. The warrior replies with his time of arrival, and it feels too long for you to wait. Your beloved, on the other hand, never responds.
You have to leave. You know this. The demon that plagues these sands is not one anyone should encounter alone; you know this better than most. You've seen it happen to others many a time before. You refuse to let yourself become one of the many bodies you've seen lifelessly strewn across the battlefields as of late.
After a few more moments of stalling, there's nothing to be done. The fraud and the woman have vanished. The warrior and the man are late. The demon is nowhere to be seen. It's time to leave. You turn over your shoulder—
—and he is standing there, dark as the night sky behind him, the only color betraying his appearance being his eyes of pure star white and the smears of blood across his cloak. The blue stains that have seeped into his hood after weeks of oblivity are nothing more than faded spots, barely visible in the glow of the moonlight.
He smiles, and a chill runs down your spine.
He asks you how you've been. Tells you it's good to see your face, that it's been too long—though it's only been four days, by your count, maybe five. Who truly knows, when the days run into nights run into longer nights run into eternity?
It's the most tense conversation you've had throughout your whole time on the island. Both of you are itching just below the surface, fingers twitching at simply the thought of digging into the other. Your teammates have been preaching peace all day, but you remember the way the demon forsake your souls on the first day in this new location. He was merciless, and you can be the same.
Yet you both hold back. Why? You may never know.
To the demon, perhaps you simply weren't worth it. Perhaps it would've been too much effort, so close to the end of the day. Perhaps he was afraid of you, more than he cared to let on, although his posture didn't betray that fact. Perhaps he cared too much to kill you, although you highly doubted that. Perhaps he simply did not care.
For you? The time isn't right. You can't take him alone. You know that better than anyone. You simply grip your sword's hilt tighter and politely finish the conversation.
The demon's eyes follow you as he lets you leave, watching and cataloging every hill you climb. You studiously make sure to take the path away from your base. Just because he avoided moving quicker than a wink there doesn't mean he will in the future. Had he wanted to, his blade could have been impaled between your ribs faster than you could even take a breath. But he didn't. And he won't be so merciful again.
You leave, and you don't look back. Once upon a time, you knew this demon well, and he knew you better than you knew yourself. Now, you still don't know yourself, and you don't know him, either. It's too dangerous. Too risky.
No sense in throwing yourself into a fight you know you'll lose.
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ultra-raging-ghost · 10 months
Errrrrmmmmmm my first time writing qsmp..... just a short drabble while i anxiously await forever and bads first post-purgatory interaction </3
Another lovely day on the QSMP server.
President Forever is out and about, assuring his presence around town. After the events of purgatory, the residents were left with scrapes and bruises, but not to their relationships.
Forever hadn't been around for too long, only waking up briefly for a few hours after the ship landed to drag himself off the boat and crawl into bed. This was the longest he'd been awake since, and he'd used his time to check on the eggs in the hospital, and make his presence known amongst the islanders that he had seen today.
Pac, Fit, Tubbo, the early risers. He'd briefly seen Phil earlier coming out of the hospital, he had spent the night in there sitting next to Tallulah and Chayanne's beds and was returning to his house in the wall. They had briefly stood to chat, "Have you uh... who all have you seen today?" Phil had asked him, looking nervous and a little tired.
"Hm... Tubbo, Fit, Pac, I think i spotted someone else earlier but im not sure, why do you ask?" Forever responded in kind, anxious to get to his son as soon as possible. "You haven't seen Bad?" Phil asked, he normally wakes up later on, but somehow he always knows when Forever's around, "...Nevermind, i gotta go, good luck!" He shoved off, gingerly ruffling his sore and healing wings as he went, clutching his backpack to his body.
An odd interaction to start his day, but Quesadilla island is always a little odd! Especially with the morning crew, weird happenings were pretty common! And anyway, it was quickly forgotten when Richas entered his view... his little egg..
no longer stone
Speaking of eggs, while walking along the path of spawn a soft pattering could be heard of little egg feet! Forever stopped in his tracks, surprised but excited to see which little one was running up to greet him!
A black top hat entered his view, circling around his feet. Forever laughed fondly, "Dapper!" he cried out, "You're here! You're alive how are you!" He waited patiently as the egg started scribbling on the sign, "MR. PRESIDENT!" she announced excitedly, jumping around at his feet.
"Dapper, my boy, where is-?" Forever started to speak before being interrupted by a familiar voice, "Dapper!" Badboyhalo called out to the little egg, chasing after them with his tail whipping wildly behind him, "What did i tell you about running off, dapper! I can't keep up, you've gotta be careful!"
Bad looked worse for wear, more so than usual. His clothes were stained in blood and dirt and mud, his cyan eye stared Forever in the face as if it were trying to commit a personal offense against him.
He was still beautiful.
"Ah, Badboy! How are you! You look like a mess!" Forever greeted him happily, dragging Bad into a tight squeeze. Bad Didnt hug back, as he usually does, but this time he seemed a little different.
Dapper was anxiously fretting around their feet, seemingly trying to get Forever's attention. Unfortunately for them, he was too preoccupied with his beloved at the moment. He held onto bad's shoulders, gripping him at arms length. Unfortunately all he got back from Bad was a blank but friendly stare, punctuated by a hard blink, "Hi! It's nice to meet you! Have we met before?"
Dapper stills at their feet, done placing frantic signs. Forever's blood turns to ice.
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bagelrites · 10 months
(For the prompts) what about a drabble based off that one moment in Hannah’s Valentine’s Day cookie decorating stream where bbh and skeppy step off camera and the definitely-not-a-smooch happens
Skeppy kisses it better 😘
Hannah stood with her arms behind her back, clearly holding something, though the chat couldn’t see what, yet.
“Since, you guys know, Bad and Skeppy like to play Minecraft and troll people in Minecraft,” she said, building up the tension. “Sometimes PVP. So… I thought it would be fun if they could 1 v. 1 in real life!”
Hannah took the two foam swords out from behind her back, and immediately Skeppy tried to grab both of them. Much giggling ensued as they wrestled, but eventually she got one sword to each of them.
“Alright, ready?” Skeppy asked, and both he and Bad got into a fighting stance—or at least what the two Minecraft nerds thought a fighting stance looked like. 
Moving agonizingly slow, they enacted a battle, bringing their swords up and arcing them together. Hannah stood aside, hands over her mouth like it was the most epic battle she’d ever seen, while Bad made noises of effort and Skeppy joked about how “intense” it was. It seemed Skeppy was winning, so he gave a dramatic spin and turned back around to deliver the finishing blow.
“Ow!” Bad yelped, putting a hand on his cheek and immediately lurching away.
“Skeppy won!” Hannah declared, and Skeppy put his hands up in excitement.
“I won!” he shouted. “I wooooonnn!”
Bad pouted, still holding his cheek, and Skeppy put the sword down.
“Wait, I’m sorry, Bad,” he said, walking over to him.
“It really hurts,” Bad mumbled, pointing to his cheek.
“I’ll make it better, I’ll make it better,” Skeppy said, clinging to Bad’s arm, the words coming out so eagerly.
“Are you gonna kiss it?” Hannah laughed, but Skeppy was already pushing Bad off camera.
“I’m just gonna whisper something,” Skeppy said, cupping his hand to Bad’s cheek and leaning so he was mostly off camera, too. Hannah lingered, eyes wide as she watched Skeppy very clearly kiss Bad’s cheek, and then Bad turned to him with a smile to receive a second kiss on the lips. It was just a quick peck, though there was a promise of more to come later in their eyes when they caught each other’s gaze in the brief exchange after the kiss.
“That was really weird from my perspective,” she said, trying to keep her surprise from showing too much so the chat wouldn’t get suspicious. Bad and Skeppy were back a moment later, both suppressing their giddy grins.
“Is it better, Bad?” Skeppy asked. “Did I make it better?”
“Yeah,” Bad laughed. “It’s all better.”
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an0nfr0mth3d3n · 10 months
Hello new people! I’m Anolotl, 19 y/o she/they autist pan girlfailure!
I like doing headcanon posts except I get carried away a lot and basically write mini fanfictions.
I have a qsmp zombie au I’m writing, you can look it up on my blog under the tag #qsmp zombie au or on ao3 under the name Ax0l0tl_an0n.
I am a Badboyhalo main (never missed a stream baybeeeee).
And q!Hecate will be my wife.
Also don’t be concerned if I occasionally post about my cooking failures. I can always use tips about culinary survival, but if you do send me those make sure they are easy. (We don’t talk about the cannibal salad, it was an honest mistake)
I might occasionally post suggestive stuff but never outright nsfw stuff. I’m not negative to that though, and if you are a minor, I’d suggest maybe not following me? It’s not often I’ll post or reblog suggestive stuff but it’s not never, so yeah.
Also if you send me headcanons in my asks I’ll respond to them and might make a little mini drabble.
That’s all I think, byeee.
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