portinaio · 1 year
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ssecond-hand-faith · 2 months
Based on this
You manage to get the affection of TWO yanderes, AND they get along. How exciting!
Expectations vs reality :/
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Clove belongs to @dread0narrival
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thek1ngtalks · 9 months
I'm gonna be so fucking honest rn, "Massive Secret(s) gets revealed" is my FAVOURITE fucking troupe. It slaps every time, idek anyone who think otherwise is plain wrong
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snarkylinda · 1 year
Headcanon that sometimes an member of the BAU would say something super stupid on purpose just to see if Spencer chokes them with his tie. But baby boy just super earnestly correct them, goes on like two tangents, and goes back to his work any side comment or anything.
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mchiti · 3 months
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moonshell25 · 8 months
Got very into dpxdc and started watching batman the animated series and i already love it. Its just so silly.
Alfred has so much sass.
Batman grappled to man bat(?) As he was flying away and got comically bonked into a helicopter windshield.
They often let him be animated as a glob of shadow.
Joker is using a Christmas tree as a rocket??
Bruce has never seen It's a wonderful life because he could "Never get past the title"
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oethyl · 2 years
In Italy (originally in Naples) there is a saying that goes "adda venì Baffone" which is used to mean "someone will come fix all this", but you know who the specific guy cited, Baffone, is? Well, it means "big moustache", and it references a particular guy with a big moustache.
That's right, it's STALIN
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deadbydangit · 5 days
Hiiii. I hope this isn't too much to ask but can you do Knight and Mastermind with an S/O who acts ditzy, but in reality is really smart? I love your writing btw, super inspiring when I wanna sit down and write :))
Hmm, I believe I can do that. That's a cute idea! Please enjoy, sorry if this one is a little shorter, I didn't have as many ideas.
With a ditzy yet smart Reader
Mastermind, Knight
Prepare to piss this man off.
"Did you just recite pi to fifty places?!"
"Last week you apologized to a wall you walked into!"
He cannot fathom how someone so smart can be such a klutz at the same time.
Are you doing this on purpose?
"Then how are you this way?!"
It may seem like he's yelling.
And he is yelling.
But it's more directed to himself as he tries to figure you out.
"You're so stupid, you're brilliant!"
And he hates that because it doesn't make sense to him.
In Wesker's perfect world everyone who is smart acts smart.
Everyone who is an idiot, well, acts like one.
But you?
"You throw my whole line of reasoning out the window!"
Just leave and be for a while.
He'll figure it out.
When he first met you he thought you were an easy target.
Because the first thing you did was accidentally try and eat a rock because it looked like something else.
But then he watched you expertly navigate a complex trap.
Something doesn't add up.
Tarhos isn't a genius.
He'll freely admit that.
People exist on a spectrum of intelligence.
He can't tell if you're an idiot or a genius.
Because with you, it's one or the other.
There's no in between
He's convinced himself this must be some clever ruse on your part to hide your intelligence.
Otherwise, why would you suddenly switch?
That's his only explanation.
"Why do you hide your intelligence by acting like a baffon? Is there a secret you wish to keep? Someone you are hiding from?"
If you tell him you don't know what he's talking about, he'll probably just give up.
And it's probably better that way.
At least, for his sanity.
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mikeellee · 9 months
On the topic of OFA, I'm kind of upset that we never got any scenes of Izuku experimenting with his quirk to see if there're other ways to fight with it.
For example, there's a character in DBZ called Future Trunks who fights with a sword. He outputs Ki into it to make it into a valuable weapon to fight his enemies with.
We could've gotten a scene of Izuku using OFA to give different weapons more power and decrease the stress on his limbs. We could've gotten scenes of Izuku using a sword, a club, bow and arrows, a fucking gun with taser bullets!
Thinking about this makes me think Hori has a limited imagination.
Hi @theloganator101 I remember the Dragon Ball lore and future Trunks was so cool.
First off, the pacing of mha is abysmall. It has been a year but I feel it is at most a month. A month were everyone dogpille Izu for existing.
Izu analysing quirks is seen a a gag and smth "spooky" Ochako, the worst love interest I ever seen, looks at him as if she fears for her life as Izu is murmoring and analysing quirks in Sports Festival.
(Which btw the name Sports is a lie)
I also think ofa is not powerful at all. Its a rare quirk sure but never had a chance to shine or be a rival to afo. Afo himself admits he never needed the quirk, he wanted his bro back. (MF failed 8 times by following the same plan over and over)
Izu's progress with his quirk is ignored or ridiculed...for no reason.
Bk breathes? Aizawa is moved. Inspired. He truly has a genius.
UA is bk coded.
The staff (with a small exception) is bk coded.
Am is suddenly a baffon who cant do anything for Izu.
Izu is alone...
Bk has quirk awakening bc ...yes!
Izu lost a quirk.
Hori detest his mc
Hori cant even make bk nice.
Also on the whole "Why Izu didnt went toa dojo or smth?" This feels victim blaming. Izu has a school who should TEACH him. Izu shouldnt have to beg to a dojo to take him in. UA should have been the one to offer...especially as they have money and are the so called "best school ever"
(Side note: I think they got this reputation bc of AM)
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der-papero · 5 months
Raccolgo l'invito del buon @masoassai per calare il mio asso di bastoni (metaforicamente parlando).
Dimane comm' ajere - La Maschera
E' cosa 'e niente - Ebbanesis
Rire - Vesuviano
(trattino canzone jolly) Cattivo Pensiero - Nino D'Angelo
Posillipo Interno 3 - Tommaso Primo
Adda venì baffone - Giovanni Block
Pe' te sta' cchiù vicino - Foja
E' Gioia - Andrea Sannino
Restituiscimi Il Mio Cuore - Tony Tammaro
Oj Nenna Ne - GRANDE GIGGINO D'Alessio
Taggo Maradooo ... no, scusate, quelli erano altri tempi, dicevo ... siccome non so quanti di voi l'hanno fatto, non saprei chi taggare, ma so che a @letargo manca, e siccome condivide con me l'emigrazione grigia e umida dei paesi nordici, la sfida proposta è farla unicamente di canzoni napulitane, so che non mi deluderai 🩵🤍 .
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infernothechaosgod · 11 months
I'm and idiot and a baffon bacause I'M COLORING IT
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c-noveladdict · 1 year
People in the world - by Hua Cheng
Mr. Hua Cheng is a very distinguished personality in 3 realms. Mortal worship him, Gods fear him and Ghosts respect and adore him. He is the one and only 'Crimson Rain Shought Flower' the supreme Ghost King of land.
Recently, he published a book to enlighten the masses. A very important excerpt of the book is presented here
"There are two kind of people in the world:
1. Dianxia
2. The Others
First is the only thing matters in the world. He should be revered, loved , worshipped by everyone(Kissed , hugged, and 'loved' by only me). He deserves the best (like me) in the world.
The second category divided into 2 subcategories.
1. Who are nice to Dianxia:-
They should be treated with bare minimum of kindness. Since they have a good head on their shoulders, they could keep it there without fear. By Dianxia's blessings, I'll make sure that happens.
2. Who are rude to Dianxia/ hurt Dianxia.
They deserve to be universally hated. They should be hanged on a spike. But ....they should not die. They should live a life worse than death.
Of course, like everything in the world, there are some exceptions to the rule.
1. The 1st, the most important exception, Goushi should also be treated with utmost respect. After all he is Dianxia's Seffu. He should be second to Dianxia.
2. The 2nd exception is The Black Water. That creature has been with me for hundreds of years. I've grown used to feeding him, and listening to his useless prattle {a.n- BW prattles?! Why don't you admit you like talking to him?!}. The fool owes me a lot of money, anyway. So, he should be kept around to run my errands.
3. The former Wind Master is the 3rd exception. He is Dianxia's friend. He was nice to Dianxia when others were busy mocking Dianxia. So he deserves a bit of extra kindness and respect. I don't need to protect his life, though. There is Black Water for that.
4. Another special case are Mu Qing and Feng Xin. These two baffons, surprisingly, belong to both subcategories. So, they should be despised and insulted but should not be harmed(too much)."
This excerpt sure is enlightening. I do not need explain in detail the purpose of the excerpt, do I? Please be cautious and start praying the Scraps....... I mean 'Flower Crown Martial God' or 'Crown Prince who Pleased the God.' May the lord bless us!
~~~~~The End~~~~~
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Hey guess which anon is back with more angst for you. This one is semi short and not very sweet. Parts of this might be out of character, but I'm not quite sure if there is a villian who would fit this role better.
Black Adam smiles as his plan comes to fruition. He stands over the unconscious body of the tiny Billy Batson, empty syring dropping from his hand as he starts to laugh. A simple sleeping drug he got from Dr Silvanas, injected when Billy was already asleep. It will keep him unconscious for 12 hours. 12 hours Black Adam has complete and total freedom to do whatever he wishes.
Black Adam very much wants to kill Billy but where would the fun be in that? Besides, keeping him alive does have many benefits. For now though? It's time for Black Adam is take over the world. Once he locks Billy away somewhere that is. He scruffs Billy by the shirt and when something buzzing falls out of his pocket, without a care Black Adam steps on the Leauge Communicator, destroying it.
Once Black Adam has hidden away the mortal form of the champion of magic he goes out and starts trying to take over the world. Obviously the other heroes start trying to stop him but no one really has a power set that can match Black Adam but Billy. His magic tosses Superman around like a rag doll and his physical strength can shatter through any barrier the magic users put up. At one point during the fight, Black Adam looks up at the sun and says, "oh my, that time already? I'll be back to finish you all off in just a bit. After all it would be a really shame-" He pills a needle out if no where with an evil smile, "if that baffon were to wake up. To bad I can't kill him it would make this so much easier. But, I can't take over the world if the balance gets disrupted that badly~" and he simply leaves the fight. What he said about Balance being thrown out of wack if Billy dies is absolutely untrue. However he does get great joy from watching these silly little mortals who are trying to fight him panic.
After they process Adam's words everyone is thrown into a panic. He has Captain Marvel hostage and neutralized. That's why he isn't answering his communicator.
In their frenzy of trying to come up with a plan with the loose knowledge they have while trying to patch up their wounds, they make their way back to base at the Watchtower.
It's safe to say that Marvel has broken a few communicators in his day, a few may be too generous. So instead of waiting each time for Marvel to fess up that he broke it, Batman modified them to give off a signal beacon to the watchtower once broken. He really wanted to put a tracker on it to find out more about Marvel but he knew that would be a bad idea.
After getting to the location of the broken device they investigate the area for clues. Maybe where Adam took him or how he had done it. Nothing. No clues could be found, there were obvious signs of struggle by what looked to be a small figure but that couldn't be related to this, they were both walls of muscle adding a small child into this didn't make sense.
Regardless the struggle of the child was something to look into as it is their job. It seems that at one point the body fell slack like they passed out. Maybe from exhaustion or injury, though there are no signs of blood so not the latter. There was also the possibility of a drug in the mix. It would make sense why Adam had a needle but why would he use it on a child?
Even if none of the facts lined up, these things happening here didn't feel like a coincidence to anyone.
They were finally here, they finally tracked down Adam and where he's holding Billy and now they have to face the truth. The truth that Captain Marvel is a small child who can barely defend himself against the greater forces of evil. They figured it out on the way here and while tracking him down but nobody had really processed it. The proof was right in front of them, there was no room to deny it further.
The scene they investigated was no coincidence. The struggling child who was drugged was Captain Marvel.
I woke up to check my phone and you greet me anon, absolutely love it. Kinda got lost in my mind there with the writing. Anon your brain is so big for this, imagine all the raw emotion put into the angst to make the reader cry when the end comfort comes, or not, make them cry because of character death instead. Whichever floats your boat.
I wanted to write more about Adam holding Billy hostage and more about them searching for clues but I didn't really know how I wanted to put it. Man this idea has so much opportunity. Maybe I should start writing instead of jotting this down in a Tumblr post.
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narutosway · 6 months
I don't mind if you say Sakura isn't your favorite that's okay really I mind when people ignore her entire character and make up sh*t that isn't anywhere true and it's fine for one to not like SS or not be one's fav but to be completely so blind to all of the hinted moments and just pointing out the downfall of both characters in their own retrospect that is just so ignorant
Like you don't have to join the party nor accept the invitation but just to come and crash into it to act like a childish baffon just because you aren't getting attention it's like how naive can you get
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anglers1mp · 2 years
Small intercept of what I planned
Beware this has just some of my ideas based onto one tumblr post- THIS IS NOT ALL MY IDEAS!!!
• the first chapter starts out with descriptions of running but with no reason why just wanna write a running scene lollll.
((Twigs snapped under Danny’s bare feet. Scrapes and scratches dug themselves onto his skin in a manner that only The Box Ghost level attacks could. His head snapped backwards as he reared towards a thick trunk of wood. His breathing escaped him in serval huffs and groans. He didn’t have time to stop. He couldn’t stop. Something was after him…The white suits were his confirmation that tonight had gone horribly wrong. Green lights echoed and groaned against the trees, shredding the bark around Danny. Tears threatened to fall against his deep neon green eyes. His lips curled up into a small scowl-his eyes half-lidded as he hurried into the gothic city..It must’ve been hours of running for as soon as he reached an alleyway and someone saw him..Dark..Dreams.No.Nightmares raged in his mind as his eyelids grew heavy falling into his person’s arms..Strange. They feel like him. Like himself. Like a halfa…
• Straight up- Jason summons Danny to be his date to a gala just to fuck with Bruce Wayne..
((The summoning was complete- why the God of The Dead wanted pop tarts and duck candles were beyond Jason. The markings, chalk, glowed a dangerous Lazarus green as the room dropped in temperature. Jason’s breath fogged and he felt heavy compared to the concrete warehouse. Ice and small burning stars etched onto thin air as if it were paper. A swirling void of green opened up on the floor by the chalk or rather in it…
“Sooo. You want me.Me? To go on a date with you?” Danny asked faking confidence. He was The Ghost King he can handle someone asking him out. Especially this tank of a man who when walks prolly his asscheeks slap.-Ok Danny calm your ass down!!
• Just straight up..
((Bruce Wayne had known Vlad Masters was a shady man, and had even shadier things going on in his life. Like how he mysteriously gained wealth in the sun of about 3 months-his net worth was now 19 million and while that was huge didn’t quite compare to Luther’s or Bruce’s himself. And yet when he got him to talk all he ever talked about was his Godson; one Daniel Fenton. Whom Vlad was apparently obsessed with. Me boy did Vlad talk about this boy. Of course at first he sounded like he generally cared about everything the boy did like he was often there, but it started to get creepier the more Vlad talked to Bruce. Now Bruce loved completing his children around others and making himself seem small compared to the rest of them, but even he didn’t go into obsessive rants about his children over the littlest of things—Like how Vlad got Daniel a telescope for the boy and in Vlad’s eyes he loved it and then raced about how good of a kid he was and that “Daniel’s father is a Baffon and *blah blah* Daniel must see everything I do for him is to keep him safe. Even going so far as to hurt him.” Poor Vlad “I’m obsessive over an almost 17 year old child and his mother” Masters about to get kicked in the face by Brucie “ I have a batcave in my basement and am ready to throttle people” Wayne.
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lava-lampa · 2 years
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*straight up memes and baffons their own oc's lore to see if it helps break their art block*
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