#bagi will die eventually
amberizedcasey · 10 months
pac wakes up in a field of blue flowers, forget-me-nots, he remembers cellbit telling him about them, they mean maily remembrance, but there is also a myth of a man falling in a river and being dragged by the riptide while trying to gather flowers for his loved one
he quirks a smile, who would of thought that the same man who was once called a beast would have such a passion for things as fragile as flowers? he surely didn’t, but he is happy that he did
he gets up, his fingers touch the grass below him, they are quite wet, like it had rain in the night, he doesn't remember falling asleep there, his base in the purgatory was in a cave
his base in the purgatory wasn't anywhere near a field of forget-me-nots, no, there wasn't even a flower field anywhere in the purgatory or in quesadilla island
forget-me-nots meant remembrance, they are a simbol of what remains, a way to keep the memory of the ones that are not here anymore
that's what he was, right? not here, not alive
pac was dead
but he didn't felt dead
he felt free, he felt sad, a kind of sadness that he knew quite well, saudades, he didn't knew exactly what he missed, he didn't knew for how long he had being dead, for a start he didn't even knew how he died, at least he didn't felt pain, not that some could feel pain after being dead, but he hoped that he at least went peacifully
he once wish to die holding richas in one hand and fit on the other
he felt a bitter felling on his cheast that things may not have gone this way
luckly he didn't have much time to delve in his sorrow, no, he was busy trying to understand what had jumped on top of him
saying that he was frozen in place would be a euphemism, he was not even breathing, and for some reason he still felt light headed for not doing so even after being dead
"Richas, come on, filho, we don't want to kill him twice"
he heard some one slapping the person who spoke, but he could care less when his son was finally in his arms, holding him tight like he was going to escape
"He is not leaving anywhere, you know that, right?"
he opened his eyes, when had he closed them? he looked up to the face of the man he once called brother, his soulmate, his other half, mike
he tried to speak but only sobs left his mouth, mike was there, not bug eyes, not black cloth, no murderous intentions, just good old mike, still a litlle weird and insane, but he was his mike, and he was there, with him, and he wouldn't leave him, not anymore
he rushed to hug him, keeping richas between them, making a little dragon sandwhich, the kid laugh, oh how he missed his laugh, he laugh too, he cried and laugh, it was a cacophony of sounds, he felt more people joining in the hug, felps, forever, cellbit, they were all there, wet faces and red noses
they stayed like this for a while, tangled legs and arms, a pile of bodies laying in the field just like the old times when they were still living in the favelas on their first days on the island
the old times, they were so far away now, everything was, his memories were staring to get blurry, the good and the bads, but the mist important ones stayed, he remembers mike with a broken glass, he remembers looking at the stars on the roof of the orphanage, he remembers the breaze of fresh air once they escaped the prison, he remembers their adventures in the labs, he remembers the boat, he remembers his son first smile, he remembers the hide and seek games, he remembers giving fit a rose, he remembers
they eventually leave the ground and start walking through the field
he sees others faces, he sees baghera, he sees jaiden and carre, he sees foolish and tina, he sees mouse
he sees the eggs, the old ones and the ones he knew, he sees trumpet finaly in his dads arms, he sees bobby with his mom, he sees juanna and her dad, he sees tilin and their dad, he sees talluah and her dad, he sees leo with her dad, he sees chayanne with his dad, he sees dapper and pomme with their mom, he sees ramon with.. he sees ramon, and ramon sees him, he rushes to him, and he holds him
fit was alive, he thanks the gods for that, but he also wish he was here with them, he knows that this is very selfish of him, but no one can blame him for that, not when most of them wish for the same
for some time he stays there in the flower field, just hugging and crying, he cries so much, he doesn't even care, he doesn't think he ever cried that much, he doesn't know how much time he spent there, hughing his two kids, they where supposed to be two, he was supposed to have two
he had now
time passes diferent when you are dead, he knows that because he sees old friends faces and they say that they didn’t wait long for him, he knows that he will see the people he lost soon, so for now he will wait
he will lay on the field of forget-me-nots, he will hold his sons hands, he will lay his head on the lap of his best friend, and he will wait, that is all he can do now, and he is okay with that
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bistaxx · 1 year
If they really are canonically siblings then q!Cellbit and q!Bagi are so fantasy video game rpg dramatic siblings coded it’s kinda hilarious
Like you’re telling you guys have a past tied to this mysterious island, were separated, and now one of you is an amnesiac who can’t remember her past, the other one went through turmoils that hardened him into a person whose a far cry from the kid he once was, when the two of them finally meet up again theyre oblivious to the fact that they’re siblings despite looking so similar, yet still get on each others nerves in such a sibling way.
Oh, and of course they might also even be twins!
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missycolorful · 8 months
hallo there o/
I wanted to piggyback off your last post on the 'birdbrain/abandonment' post:
I feel this particular situation was bound to happen sooner or later. It's not the first time of late(within the last month) the children have felt abandoned/left behind by qphil. During Prison Event you could see the eggs thoughts on being left behind due to possible escape or interactions with other residents and lore.
Day 3 after the interview tallulah said, "I dont like it here.." and chayanne said, "Let's stick together today..". Qphil then turned it into a joke, "...STICK together.. cause he's holding a stick.." but I do not believe these words were said for nothing. Day 3 had dark themes surrounding the residents(inmate crucifixion) and as a child paying attention I would be scared and want my parent in sight much as possible.
Now of course we give grace to the ccs because streaming and events can take a toll. Phil had stated several times during the event he felt overwhelmed/stimulated, along with others agreeing with him.
At one point the eggs eventually burried them selves in hole, in which wasn't addressed until after a guard Tubbo and Charlie noticed. On the walls chayanne signs say: we are a ghost - we will die here and bit later tallulah states: we were wondering how lo g it took u to find us, we were thinking you were leaving us here.
Qphil reassured them but I got to thinking: every where he went residents had their eggs with them. When escaping with Charlie fit and tubbo, ramon was with fit and sunny was with either parent...qphil was alone. When talking to the guard for the hat, pomme was with aypierr - rishas and pepito were with their guardians and em/dapper was with bagi and bad...qphil was alone.
Giving benifit of doubt he was trying to protect them.(the guard was a butt)
That being said: the separation was scary, anything could have happened. Yesterday situation could have went very differently as well. The eggs could have been mortal. Something more dangerous than the scorpion could have caught them along their travel back home.
And this ALL is off the talks/agreement of them sticking together as a family. Having each others back. The situation is so interesting because after concerns are said qphil does comply with not taking his sight off them rest of stream. I really enjoy this family dynamic for some reason
Sorry for long post
oh gosh don't apologize, I'm eating this whole post up. And it's given me more to say, so... sorry in turn, lol!!
honestly, a lot of the prison event felt like a blur to me (a lot happened lol), so I completely forgot about those small moments. Like a lot of other similar moments, they're jokes, yes, but there's a certain weight to them. And these jokes they've been making have had a certain weight for a while now. And.... looking back, I feel dumb for not even mentioning the one thing that's really brought this whole issue, and these "jokes" and concerns the kids have, into existence.
It's the Ender King.
q!Phil has made it clear that if the Ender King finds him and seeks to capture him and take him away from the kids, there's nothing he can do. He's not sure if he can come back, if he does get taken, even though he swears he'll do everything he can to return to his kids. But that reveal of the Ender King and Phil's concerns about his fate by his hands has affected Chayanne and Tallulah greatly. It's good that he's been honest with them, I'd rather he be. But there's no good way to handle this, in truth.
Chayanne, after Purgatory, has been more clingy with his father, but I think it's more noticeable as of recent. Tallulah has tried to distance herself a little like sleeping at her and Wilbur's house, most likely out of a need to feel independent and such, but within the last month or so, she's also been fairly clingy. I think her attempts at being independent fell to the wayside once the idea of her father just... disappearing, and possibly never coming back, came to mind. She sleeps at the sanctuary (and now their new house as of the reset) more often than not. They're both afraid of waking up and seeing that the most consistent parental figure in their lives is gone.
Like, we all know that q!Phil isn't actually abandoning them or even leaving them behind with any malicious or neglecting purpose, and I think the kids know he wouldn't do so with intention (which is why him being defensive yesterday was sort of a moot point, but anyway). Plenty of the parents will let their kids mind their business and do things without them around. This isn't new, and this has happened with Phil's kids plenty of times! For example, Phil didn't want his kids around during a lot of the prison stuff, because a lot of what he was doing was risky, and he didn't want them to get hurt. And we know that yesterday was a pure accident, and he wants to try to be more careful.
But technicalities and logic aren't really important here. What upsets the kids is simply the idea of him being gone, and the fear of him never coming back. It doesn't matter how many times he tells them that he will, because these fears are huge and real. You accidentally left the kids behind at Etoiles' house? It doesn't matter, you still left. You got kidnapped by the Ender King? It doesn't matter you're still gone.
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thefederationfiles · 11 months
Uh? Hello?
Uh, hello? I’m not really sure how to start this... suppose I should introduce myself first, I am Cellbit, the new head archivist of the Federation Census Bureau. Still not entirely sure how I landed this position, but I’m not going to refuse it, a promotions a promotion in my eyes.
I was allowed to pick some assistants to help me out, they didn’t really give me a limit on how many I could pick (that they told me about) but I’ve decide to pick three, from various departments within the federation itself. Roier, from exploration, Fit from the clean-up crew and, Etoiles from security, all pretty chill guys, though sometimes ONE of them can get on my nerves…
But I digress.
My predecessor, Bagi, was a very organised woman, and everything, though weirdly done, is actually rather ordered when you think about it for more than five seconds. However, I personally enjoy audio recordings, if find them easier to listen back to if research is needed. For some strange reason however my usual recording equipment wont work, so here we are! With an old tape recorder I found in the desk here.
Anyways, suppose I should start the recording of the actual statement…
On then!
Statement of Phil… no last name given, regarding how he met his wife. Original statement given 23rd of February, 1934. Audio recording by Cellbit, Head archivist of the Federation, Census Bureau, recorded 27th of October 2023, recording begins.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, why the fuck is HE of ALL people giving a statement, well, consider it a gift! Don’t get so annoyed mate, I only want to repair the relations between us, trust me, just let me tell you my story! It’s a good one.
I first met her when I had supposedly died, I know, very typical of her, but I was just another guy back then! Well, like any self-respecting gentleman, I introduced myself. To say she was confused was an understatement, turns out you’re not meant to be able to speak after death, you’re not even meant to be able to move! Personally, I like to say it was love at first sight, she says, she despised me at first sight. To be fair to her, I was a man who couldn’t die, and her a woman who fed on the dying wishes of men, but plenty of couples have WAY bigger fights when they first meet!
Well, she let me go, I mean she couldn’t really take me, I wasn’t dead. For some reason though, we kept on bumping into each other, always when we were working as well so we could never have a proper conversation. Annoying right? She had to properly prepare the person for consumption, and I always had to get rid of the body! Really hard to flirt when you’re picking up organs that have been thrown against the walls (very messy as well, had to burn that shirt, I liked that shirt…).
To be honest, I always knew that I wasn’t normal, I mean there’s plenty of circumstances I’ve been in where I should’ve died, plenty! I just thought I was a lucky guy, but well, when one survives a hanging, people start to question a bit too much, and well, to put it simply I had to go into hiding! It was rather lonely; I mean don’t get me! It was nice, I made friends with the local crows, they turned into my first murder actually!
Anyways, it was about 25 years or so into this when she visited me, turns out she’d been getting pretty lonely herself! And, well, apparently the other immortal people she knows kept on trying to either fight her or get her to join their own groups, which, just rude! That is not how you get a lady’s attention! So she came to visit since were both so connected with death!
Well, she kept on visiting and eventually I realised everyone who wanted me dead would’ve been dead, so I came out of hiding! That was about 45 years ago, we got married a couple years after and well, you guys know the rest! We started our own group, made a pact with one of the hunts avatars, gotten pretty powerful!
Also I’ve learnt about all the guys and all that, kinda hard not too when you have my job!
Come on now, that’s what you wanted right? A story? A peace offering? Well there you have it! Enjoy, I have a meeting to get too.
Well. That was certainly something, I found that statement in the drawers of this desk when I was looking for stationery and thought it a good place to start.
I guess you could say I’m in shock? I mean it really just reassured what I’d already known, I knew stuff existed, I kinda needed too…
Either way, kinda hard to get information on a statement that’s nearly 100 years old, Fit was able to get some information on some serial killings from the 1800’s that he reckons might be related, but I say it’s a bit of a stretch.
Well, better than nothing for the first one! I swear I also heard him talking about an old war buddy…
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
so. what and when was the war and what did cellbit do during the war that made his family think he was cursed lol. what do they think the curse is?? why was this man even in the war?
So Bagi, being the older twin, is the heir to the throne. As the younger sibling, Cellbit’s job was to eventually become some kind of general, or at least a very well respected knight
The War came around when Cellbit was still just a page at 11, and he and his knight both went to fight
The knight died in the first battle against their neighboring kingdom. Cellbit didn’t, not physically. But war isn’t something any child should be forced to experience, and it changed him deeply
The king and queen ordered their son to return home as soon as they started hearing stories of the young prince going mad on the battlefield. He was a monster, returning soldiers said, cutting enemies down like they were stalks of wheat.
But Cellbit wouldn’t come home. Not until the war’s ending when he was 16, and he was unrecognizable. Empty eyes and a sharp, cruel smile aimed towards the sister who had gotten the luxury of staying at home in the castle while he was sent to die in a war nobody had wanted
War wasn’t seen as a serious threat at the time, and it still isn’t now in the present day of the au
The king and queen, realizing that their son was sick and not wanting to deal with the consequences, ordered a castle built for him to live in far from the royal capital. They made up something about a curse placed upon him by an enemy wizard during the war that turned the prince’s mind into that of a beast’s, and they sent him away in the hopes that a nice long vacation would help cure him of his sickness. And that’s where he’s been ever since.
(But you and I both know that trauma doesn’t disappear like that.)
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dez-wade · 1 year
I was always the type to ship the most popular ships in a fandom but in qsmp I just am a 4halo hater. They're so toxic to each other, bad more than forever in my opinion, and I don't see any chemistry I see with other ships (guapoduo, fitpac, bagina) so now I understand the people that get annoyed when a tv show plot gets too focused on a ship. I feel the pain now.
I still think that forever will eventually meet a person with whom he'll have a healthy relationship with, they just haven't arrive to the island yet...
Being annoying under cut
Like, I get why 4halo has become so popular and it is until now. Not everyone wants a nice, happy, normal couple. Who's just love-dovey all the time. And well, no one can't deny they're interesting. They have a really wild dynamic, you can't even boil down what they actually are to each other.
But if you're not into it, or in my case — don't want that with a particular character — it becomes a huge pain in the ass. I will say again, but every time someone says that 4halo is equally toxic I want to die. Forever is genuinely so straight forward about their relationship, he proves and says over and over again that he cares about Bad and that he wants to help him. While Bad is a rollercoaster of emotions with Forever, going back and forth into liking him and hating him.
And the worst part, is that not only that ship is hugely popular, it's that everyone boils down Forever's character to that ship. Including so called Forever fans. The amount of people I saw that reduced Forever's talk about how he felt while on drugs to "Oh, he said he regrets blowing up Bad, but not the marriage proposal!" "Why is he talking about all this but not addressing the marriage proposal?". Like FUCK OFF. My man is literally saying how he was glad that he gets forcefully drugged because he was afraid he'd do something bad otherwise and that joke of marriage proposal while on drugs is the most interesting thing to talk about?
They keep dismissing his feelings over and over again because of this ship, constantly saying how he should apologize to EVERY single thing he has done to make Bad upset because they want them to get along already for shipping purposes. Regardless if he's right or wrong.
And like, I'm not even talking about the Ghosties. Props to them to defend BBH with tooth and nail and make everyone else be the worst person in the story.
So like, even if I'm not happy at all with current 4halo, the fandom makes me hate it much more. For Ghosties Forever is a tool for ship, and if he's not delivering people immediately turn against him. Forevitos make his character all about him, and despite Forever having a million different and more fun dynamics they're not brought to attention at all. The amount of people who genuinely forgets or doesn't care about his duo with Pac is INSANE.
Now leaving the fandom aside, my opinion is that I just want Forever to have someone who loves and trusts him like Cellbit has Roier, Pac has Fit, and Bagi mostly likely has Tina. And clearly BBH isn't that, you know? There will NEVER be a happy ending for them. All I see is tragedy, especially for Forever. And I'm not into that.
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fmimah · 6 years
The Powerful Blessing of Tahajjud [Hebatnya Berkah Shalat Malam]
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Insya Allah saya akan mereview ceramah dari youtube The Powerful Blessing of Tahajjud dengan sedikit sentuhan tulisan saya hehe. Untuk temen-temen yang ingin meonton langsung bisa klik disini
Shalat malam atau yang selanjutnya bakalan kita sebut dengan tahajjud merupakan perintah langsung dari Allah Ta’ala dalam firmanNya surat Al-Muzammil (1-4)
يَا أَيُّهَا الْمُزَّمِّلُ
1.       Wahai orang-orang yang berselimut.
Yang dimaksud dengan orang yang berselimut adalah Nabi Muhammad SAW. Ayat ini turun pada awal kenabian
قُمِ اللَّيْلَ إِلا قَلِيلا
2. Bangunlah (untuk shalat) pada malam hari, kecuali sebagian kecil
Shalatlah sepanjang malam dan sisakan waktu malam mu untuk tidur dan istirahatmu, ehehe istirahat tuh bukan nonton film atau baca webtoon ya (kayak saya)
نِصْفَهُ أَوِ انْقُصْ مِنْهُ قَلِيلا
3. Yaitu separuhnya atau kurang sedikit dari itu
أَوْ زِدْ عَلَيْهِ وَرَتِّلِ الْقُرْآنَ تَرْتِيلا
4.  Atau lebih dari (seperdua) itu, dan bacalah Al-Qur’an dengan perlahan-lahan
Misal sanggup lebih dari yang dimaksudkan maka hal itu lebih baik bagimu
Tahajjud ini sifatnya wajib bagi Nabi Muhammad.
Nah sebagai bentuk kemurahan Hati Allah Ta’ala yang Maha Mengasihani, maka tahajjud ini dijadikan sunnah untuk kita.
Meskipun tahajjud ini sunnah, kenapasi kita kudu banget ngejalanin tahajjud?
Lebay ga sih kalau kita melewatkan malam tanpa tahajjud terus galau sepanjang pagi?
NGGA! Ngga lebay kok!
Karena aseli keutamaan shalat tahajjud itu guede banget cui.
Kita harus nyesel kalau semalem berhasil abis 3 episode netflix tapi ngga berhasil buat tahajjud. Karena...
Tahajjud itu bisa dibilang tatakrama orang-orang terdahulu sebagai bentuk rasa syukur mereka
Tahajjud bisa mendekatkan kamu kepada Allah Ta’ala
Tahajjud menghapuskan dosa
Tahajjud memurnikan tubuh dari penyakit
Daan Tahajjud menjauhkan kamu dari kejahatan.
Allah Ta’ala pernah berfirman tentang
Orang-orang yang melaksanakan tahajjud itu sebenarnya tengah berjuang.
Bertarung melawan kasurnya merupakan perang melawan kemalasan.
Mereka berjuang dan berhasil mengatasi rasa malas tersebut.
Hal tersebut merupakan tanda keimanan dari seorang muslim.
Mereka hanya tidur sedikit di malam hari
Kemudian, ditengah gelapnya malam dan nyamannya kasur serta indahnya mimpi, mereka terbangun dan mereka memohon ampunan dari Allah Ta’ala
Allah Ta’ala juga berfirman,
“Apakah mereka yang terbangun sepanjang malam dapat disandingkan dengan mereka yang tidak?” maka, Allah Ta’ala meninggikan derajat orang-orang yang melaksanakan tahajjud.
Sangat. Sangat. Tinggi. !
Suatu hadist dari Mustardlakal Hakim bunyinya seperti ini
“Jibril come to me and he said, O Muhammad ...
You can live as long as you want to, but you’re going to eventually die.
You can love whoever you’re going to love, but a time will come when you will split up and separate from your beloved.
And know that the honor of a believer comes by standing in the middle of the night”.
Yang artinya kurang lebih
“Jibril datang kepadaku dan Ia berkata, Wahai Muhammad..
Kamu bisa hidup selama yang kamu mau, tapi kamu akan menemui kematian pada akhirnya
Kamu bisa mencintai siapapun yang ingin kamu cintai, tetapi akan datang waktu dimana kamu akan berpisah dari yang kamu cintai.
Dan ketahuilah bahwa penghormatan terhadap orang beriman datang dengan berdiri di tengah malam (Tahajjud)”
Karena sejatinya kita gaperlu mendapatkan penghormatan dari orang lain, dari manusia. Kita Cuma butuh nama baik disisi Allah Ta’ala dan salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan izzah atau respect dari Allah Ta’ala itu ya dengan melakukan tahajjud.
Kita insya Allah Ta’ala gaperlu meminta dan mengharap makhluk untuk ngebantu kita, karena bantuan Allah Ta’ala itu adalah bantuan yang pasti dan satu-satunya bantuan yang bener-bener kita butuhkan.
Setelah tahajjud, puas puasin do’a. Do’anya untuk diri sendiri (ini penting juga, jangan sampe keasyikan do’ain si doi eh lupa sama diri sendiri), untuk orang tua, untuk umi cinta dan anggota keluarga, sekalian biar lengkap do’a untuk seluruh kaum muslimin dari zaman nabi hingga akhir zaman.
“The best place to be is to be in someone du’a. Because they talk to Allah about you, and Allah is the best listener”
Buat temen-temen yang sepintas kepikiran oh iya ya. Haha sama bangettt! Seakan tersadar percuma ga sih selama ini cerita ke makhluk ngeluh ini itu dan bisa jadi ternyata si makhluk malah BT dengerin kita ngeluh yg gaada abisnya. (makhluk itu maksudnya temen yaa, seterah sih temenya mau yang halus atau kasar hehe).
Alhamdulillah semisal temen itu bisa bikin kita jadi lebih semangat dan ngambil hikmahnya, tapi seringnya temen malah mendukung argumen kita dan mungkin, bisa jadi, terkadang  si temen malahan sedikit memberi alkohol pada bunsen. Jadinya kita malah tambah berapi api, astaghfirullah
Disisi lain kalau kita curhatnya ke Allah Ta’ala,  bukan cuma karena Allah Ta’ala adalah sebaik baik pendengar tetapi juga misal kita cerita tentang orang lain jatohnya kan  ngomongin orang ya, hem ghibah gitu. 
Apalagi temen temen mungkin udah aware tentang dosanya ghibah. Yaa sedikit mengingatkan, konon ketika kita sedang ghibah maka terhapuslah 1 kebaikan yang pernah kita lakukan. Nah loh, ghibahnya udah berapa kali tuh ya, mungkin gasi tabungan amal kebaikan kita malah jadi minus. Naudzubillah tsumma naudzubillah
Terakhir....(mungkin nanti akan ditambah kontenya, atau dibuat post baru...hemm) untuk melaksanakan tahajjud ini semakin banyak rakaatnya memang semakin baik. Tetapi yang paling paling paling utama tetep kekhusyukan kita ketika melaksanakan tahajjud. Karena percuma kalau tahajjud 24 rakaat tapi gasengaja mimpi pas rukuk atau sujud, hehe. Malah kudu wudhu lagi tu biar ngga ngantuk.
Semoga bermanfaat,
20 C, Dramaga-Bogor | Mimah
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norshafa · 2 years
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#throwback lagi sebab Reels laju sangat 😆 Also sebagai persediaan untuk sesi Show & Tell Aydeen di tadika esok. Senang refer post ni je untuk guide dia melukis & praktis bercerita nanti. Entah pukul berapa la nanti tu sebab as of now kerja banyak lagiiiii 🥲 Last Friday kami pergi belajar animals the #roadschooling way. 😄 Actually nak pergi belajar pasal ular je. Pergi situ sebab it is the only place yang not too far yang sis tahu confirm ada ular and ada changes untuk pegang ular. So we started off our learning with touching snake. Snake yang kami dapat pegang ni jenis python. Fuhhh ular sawa. Risau sis 😅 Tapi sebab brother ni relax, sis pun chill je 😀 Aydeen sentuh pakai 1 jari je tapi refuse untuk usap 😆 Masa sentuh ular sis minta Aydeen explain what he felt. Dia kata soft. I think he meant not the skin, but the body structure. Sebab hari tu sis ajar Aydeen pasal haiwan yang ada tulang badan dia keras. So yang takde tulang ni kira soft la pada Aydeen 😀 Then sis minta tengok ular ada kaki tak. Then observe how snakes move. Then he showed me how snakes move using his hand. I told him the way the snakes move is called slithering. Actually sis pun baru tahu vocabulary ni. Patut la Harry Potter ada nama Slytherine 😆 Then brother ni cerita ular senang nak jaga. Makan 1 kali seminggu je. Pastu sis suruh Aydeen compare dengan diri dia berapa banyak kali makan. Aydeen kata dia makan banyakkkkk sangat dalam 1 hari 🤣 Brother ni kata juga najis dia pun jenis macam cicak camtu, senang nak bersihkan. Sis dah cerita kat husband. Takde green light lagi nak bela 🤣 Oh ya, sis sebelum ke sini dah DM kedai ni siap2 kata nak datang bawa Aydeen kenal & sentuh ular. Diorang ok. Tapi dia bagi suggested days. Rupanya ular lepas makan dia bagi rest for at least 2 days. Kalau tak, ular akan senang vomit and eventually die 😱 Sekian cerita pasal ular kali ni. Kejap lagi nak recap cerita pasal haiwan lain pula. Sis tengah fikir ni esok nak bagi Aydeen cerita pasal semua haiwan ke tak 🤣 #simplemomjourney #DiscoveringAnimals #snake https://www.instagram.com/p/CgMAE_oJz2z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kerahlekung · 5 years
Azmin ambil langkah menuju jalan mati...
Azmin ambil langkah menuju jalan mati....
Baru-baru ini persada politik negara heboh dengan pertemuan Azmin Ali bersama 17 orang Ahli Parlimen Umno dan beberapa orang dari kalangan Parti Keadilan Rakyat sendiri di rumahnya di Putrajaya. Apa yang saya boleh katakan, Azmin telah memulakan gerak-langkahnya, gerak langkah yang sangat berani. Jika Azmin meneruskan strateginya, ia adalah strategi "do or die." Memandangkan ia sudah terbuka, strategi itu hari ini memang bersifat begitu, menang atau mati! Dalam siri penganjuran #KonvensyenKeadilan2019 di setiap negeri termasuk di Sarawak hari ini, ia memang boleh menunjukkan sokongan majoriti anggota Parti Keadilan Rakyat masih terhadap Anwar Ibrahim. Tetapi kalau penanda ini mahu digunakan bagi memperleceh gerakan Azmin, ia tidak berguna, sebab matlamatnya berbeza. Matlamat Azmin bukan pembentukan kepimpinan parti, tetapi pembentukan kabinet kerajaan, sekurang-kurangnya untuk jangka masa pendek ini. Jadi buat masa ini, bagi Azmin sokongan anggota parti kurang penting, yang lebih dan paling penting adalah sokongan Ahli Parlimen, dari kiblat politik mana sekalipun.
Bayangkan senario ini. Keadilan sekarang mempunyai 50 kerusi parlimen, Umno mempunyai 37 kerusi parlimen. Andai kata Azmin, katakan dengan kerjasama Hishammuddin Hussein seperti diwar-warkan berjaya memperoleh sokongan sama 22 kerusi dari Keadilan dan Umno, ia sudah menjadi 44 kerusi, dan ini akan menjadikan Keadilan hanya punya 28 kerusi! Dengan 44 kerusi ia pastinya memberi Azmin keberanian yang cukup bagi mengatur langkah seterusnya, membentuk parti baru atau mengambil-alih parti politik sedia ada. Kemudiannya melalui parti baru ini akan memohon kepada Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad selaku Pengerusi Pakatan Harapan untuk bersama-sama dengan Pakatan Harapan sama ada sebagai ahli atau sekutu.  Jika cara ini berjaya, Azmin bukan sekadar boleh mengekalkan jawatannya, tetapi juga akan memberinya lebih kuasa tawar-menawar. Ketika itu Keadilan sudah tidak cukup kuat untuk membantah, sebab akan dihadapkan dengan dua pilihan sahaja, kekal kerajaan sedia ada atau tumbang di tengah jalan (bahkan kalau Keadilan mahu berundur dari Pakatan Harapan, Azmin masih ada PAS dan GPS yang boleh dipujuk bersama).  Kalau Azmin berjaya dengan cara ini, masa depan politik beliau akan cerah. Itu kalau berjayalah... kalau gagal seperti saya katakan Azmin berisiko menuju jalan mati. Kalau tidak menang karier politik Azmin berkemungkinan mati terus.
Kenapa dalam kemelut ini, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad seperti endah tak endah? Paling tidak pun beliau menjawab itu masalah PKR! Memang Azmin bukan dari Parti Pribumi BERSATU Malaysia, tetapi Azmin juga adalah pemimpin Pakatan Harapan yang Tun adalah pengerusinya. Sebabnya mudah, darihal pertelingkahan dalaman Keadilan ini, sama ada kesudahannya Azmin menang atau kalah, ia tetap memberi kelebihan kepada Mahathir. Mahathir sengaja membiar, melihat sahaja percakaran berlaku, paling kurang ia akan merosakkan nama baik Anwar di mata rakyat, mencalar kewibawaan kepimpinan Anwar, membina keraguan akan keupayaan Anwar untuk memimpin dalam skala yang lebih besar, memimpin negara sebagai Perdana Menteri. Akhirnya ia memberi Mahathir kemampuan untuk membeli lebih masa bagi menduduki kerusi nombor satu negara dalam tempoh yang lebih lama. Azmin mengambil langkah memulakan gerakan berani, menang atau mati! Azmin secara politiknya berkemungkinan mati. Tetapi kalau Azmin tidak mati, Anwar pastinya dalam zon bahaya... - Zukri Aksyah
Can Mahathir and Anwar get 
Pakatan Harapan back on track...
Since his return to politics last year, Malaysia’s Anwar Ibrahim has made it a habit to post pictures on social media of his meetings with Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, a former arch-enemy whom he now hopes to succeed. For the most part, commentators see the gestures as a way for the 70-year-old politician to show his supporters all is well – and that the pact between the duo for Anwar to become the country’s next leader will go ahead as planned. But after an outbreak of finger-pointing within Pakatan Harapan following its spectacular by-election defeat in the federal seat of Tanjung Piai on November 16, the photo Anwar posted on Thursday of the coalition’s two leaders smiling during a 30-minute tete-a-tete was particularly striking. It was a clear message to the country: there is no need to worry, at least for now, about a repeat of their 1990s duel that eventually saw Anwar abruptly cut as deputy prime minister, jailed for sodomy and corruption, and banished to the sidelines of power for a decade. Still, some political commentators and even Pakatan Harapan insiders say they are having premonitions of such a rematch as the bloc comes under severe strain. Tanjung Piai was Pakatan Harapan’s fourth defeat in the nine by-elections held since it stunned the world by defeating the long-ruling Barisan Nasional alliance in last May’s polls. Along with that tepid electoral record, Mahathir’s government has seen falling approval ratings amid an upswing in racial tensions, rising costs of living, and slower-than-expected reforms. Following the Tanjung Piai by-election, won by Barisan Nasional, the reflexive reaction from Anwar’s backers has been that the drubbing is the clearest indication Mahathir must immediately hand over power to Anwar. These calls are not new, but anxieties have heightened in recent weeks – especially during the hustings for the bypoll – as the opposition harped on the Mahathir administration’s lack of concrete achievements despite having run on a platform that promised sweeping reforms. Uncertainty about the ruling coalition has been compounded by speculation that others, such as Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali, have their eyes on the top political job – as an alternative to Anwar, and with Mahathir’s blessings. Also in the mix is Hishammuddin Hussein, a Barisan Nasional stalwart who maintains close ties with Azmin. Mahathir has so far demurred on when he will step down, while Anwar maintains that the deal he cut with the elder statesman stipulates he should take over some time next year.
Over the past 18 months, Mahathir has had various responses upon being asked when and if he will stand aside. While he maintains he is a “temporary prime minister” and has promised to hand power to Anwar at some point, the 94-year-old has also offered different replies to the question of how long he will stay – sometimes changing his answer in a span of days. In Anwar’s camp, the consensus view is that Mahathir must stand down next year. In his social media post on Thursday, the prime minister-in-waiting sought to telegraph that he had no intentions, at least for now, to press for an answer and herald the kind of political strife in which he and Mahathir mired the country during the 1990s. Anwar wrote that he and Mahathir agreed the “power transition must be carried out in a peaceful and orderly manner, in a reasonable time frame and with mutual understanding”. Later, Mahathir also struck a cordial note, telling reporters the meeting saw both leaders agree that temperatures should be cooled. “[Anwar] said he understands the problems Pakatan Harapan faces, and there should not be too much tension by people making all kinds of suggestions, like the date of the transition,” the prime minister said. Political analysts say forcing a transition will not stop the alliance’s popularity slide, even though the uncertainty surrounding it is a significant factor. Confusion over who will lead Malaysia next, and when, is just one of several reasons Pakatan Harapan’s fortunes are faltering, according to the likes of political scientist Wong Chin Huat. Another factor seen as holding it back is the knotty issue of racial politics, which continues to be wielded by the Barisan Nasional opposition that had held power for 61 uninterrupted years until the 2018 election. Mahathir’s government has a far more multiracial composition and outlook compared to the ousted bloc. Wong, a Sunway University researcher, said the administration was feeling the pain of being “moderate”, compared to its “communal rivals”. “Being moderate in a divided society like Malaysia is like low-fat milk, decaf coffee, Diet Coke and non-alcoholic beer – healthier but lacking authenticity,” Wong told This Week in Asia. “In other words, being moderate is electorally unappealing.” Wong Chen, a trained lawyer in Anwar’s Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) – a Pakatan Harapan component party – said the ruling alliance was stumbling over its lack of reforms. “After 18 months of Pakatan Harapan government, it is frustrating to note that there has been no systemic reforms of parliament. There is also no reduction of the prime minister’s excessive powers,” he said. “Fundamentally, we have yet to implement proper separation of powers, which is the basis of any genuine democracy. The economy is in a rut, humming along on consumer spending. Investors have money and intentions to invest but are holding back since there is no clear succession timeline.” The MP, who is close to Anwar, pointedly suggested Mahathir “should consider fully embracing reforms or risk leading us to more defeats”.
On his part, Mahathir this week said he was mulling over a cabinet reshuffle – in part to address concerns that the poor performances of some of his ministers are dragging down the government’s approval ratings. He ruled out major changes, however, citing the need for stability as the country prepares to be the host of year-long Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) meetings in 2020. One MP from PKR, who spoke on condition of anonymity, retorted that a “succession plan would be better than a reshuffle”. “The Tanjung Piai by-election should have been a huge wake-up call – we lost in all but one polling stream, cutting across race, age, gender and income. This is no longer a case of voters choosing along racial lines, but sending us a message,” the MP said. Recent surveys have shown that concern about the economy has weighed heaviest on voters over the past 12 months. Mahathir’s administration has said it faces an uphill task in boosting the economy because of the debts it inherited from Barisan Nasional – including those linked to the multibillion-ringgit 1MDB financial scandal – are simply too vast to remedy quickly. The PKR MP countered this notion, saying the government’s malaise was evident in how it had not made good on the promises made in its election manifesto. “They can still fulfil the promises that don’t cost anything, like repealing draconian laws such as the Sedition Act,” he said. Mahathir’s backers say such gripes are a fig leaf for the critics’ real intention – to install Anwar as prime minister as soon as possible. “It hasn’t even been two years, why are they making a fuss? Mahathir has already indicated that he’ll hand over power when he is satisfied that everything is stable,” a person close to the prime minister told This Week in Asia. “Mahathir wants to set Pakatan Harapan up in a good position before handing over so it can go to the next elections without him,” the person said. “But now [the parties within] Pakatan Harapan are not giving him the sign that they will be united when he leaves. They have to show they can perform as a government instead of attacking one another.” Others in the coalition say it is critical the focus is on governing, rather than constant politicking. One gripe is that some ministers, such as Azmin, have those priorities reversed. The economic affairs minister set tongues wagging this week after local media reported that MPs from Barisan Nasional and PKR – Azmin is deputy leader of the latter party – had gathered at his house.
The rumour mill went into overdrive with suggestions he was seeking the opposition’s help to encumber Anwar’s succession. Azmin and Anwar – who once were staunch allies – are widely believed to have been at loggerheads since shortly after last year’s general election over a tussle to control PKR. Said one minister’s aide: “The prime minister likes those who do their job. The perception is that Azmin is trying to win back favour after the sex-tape incident, but the best thing to do is just do your job.” Azmin has denied accusations that he was one of two men in a sex video that went viral in June. A PKR member has since said he and Azmin were the two people in the video. The case remains under police investigation, and police chief Abdul Hamid Bador has said the leader of a political party was behind the release of the video. With such goings-on in PKR – Pakatan Harapan’s biggest party – large sections of the coalition continue to back Mahathir to remain in power as a discipline master of sorts. “Even if he steps down as premier, he should stay on as a senior adviser or minister,” a cabinet minister said. “We need the ‘M factor’, especially in elections – and we need PKR to sort out its infighting. With this Azmin-Anwar brawl, it’s quite clear that Anwar is ready to be premier but the country may not be ready for him. And Azmin, a first-time minister, he is not ready at all.” One group that sees plenty of upside from Pakatan Harapan’s woes is the United Malays National Organisation (Umno) – the linchpin party of the Barisan Nasional opposition. Umno stalwart Nazri Aziz, a former tourism minister, dismissed concerns about the so-called clandestine meeting and plots involving Azmin and some Umno MPs. “I wasn’t invited to any secret meetings and so I don’t know what’s going on,” he said, adding that it was ultimately up to Pakatan Harapan to fix its own house and “honour their manifesto”. “If Mahathir made a promise then [the onus] is on him to honour it. When Umno changed the prime minister in 2003, we didn’t need to discuss the matter with the opposition. When we changed [the prime minister] again in 2009, we did not need to discuss it with the opposition. So this is not our business.” - scmp
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cheers. Sumber asal: Azmin ambil langkah menuju jalan mati... Baca selebihnya di Azmin ambil langkah menuju jalan mati...
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Game 340: Fantasyland 2041 (1981)
          Fantasyland 2041
United States
Crystalware (developer and original publisher); Epyx (later publisher)
Released in 1981 for Apple II and Atari 800
Date Started: 9 October 2019
               I had already passed through the 1980s at least twice before someone recorded Crystalware’s catalogue on MobyGames. The company was so prolific that it’s hard to believe that its absence on my blog went unremarked for so long. Between 1980 and 1982, the company–founded by John and Patty Bell–produced at least seven games with enough RPG elements to make my list, including the already-covered House of Usher (1980) and Beneath the Pyramids (1980). They may have produced the first Japanese RPG, with Dragon Lair (1982) appearing the same year as the better-known The Dragon & Princess.
Fantasyland 2041 (the manual tags the title with an A.D. but the title screen does not) is clearly meant to be the apogee of John Bell’s contributions to the genre as an author if not as a publisher. He even writes in the manual that, “This will probably be the last great Fantasy that I write.” The game combines themes from several mythologies and shipped on seven disks, which must have been some kind of record for 1981. It’s too bad that Bell wasn’t writing in a technological era that could better accommodate his ambitions.            
The game had epic ambitions, but these were not epic platforms.
       Thematically, Fantasyland combines elements from Disney World, the film Westworld (1973), and the television series Fantasy Island (1977-1984). It takes place in a giant live-action-role-playing theme park, presented as the natural future of Crystal Computing, although one which the owners (“John B.” and his “pretty young Swedish wife, Patty”) have been forced by “religious zealots” to set up in the Australian Outback. The entrance fee is $3 million.
The park consists of seven sections, each contained on its own diskette: the introductory Hall of Heroes, Congoland, Arabian Adventure, King Arthur, Olympus, Captain Nemo, and Dante’s Inferno. The ostensible goal is to rescue Guinevere (if you’re a male) or Lancelot (if you’re female), but beneath everything is a Great Mystery, and Crystalware offered $1,000 to the first people to solve it, with separate awards going to Apple and Atari victors.
The game begins with your little character standing at the entrance to the Hall of Heroes, although it tries to have things both ways by presenting what looks like a first-person view but then having the character walk “up” past the doorway, past the roof, and past the screen text to enter the opening that goes to the “real” hall. The background continuously scrolls rather than presenting as discrete screens.          
The game often suggests a first-person perspective even though the character walks around the screen from a top-down perspective.
          The rooms beyond the entrance are full of objects and companions that you can buy for various amounts of money. (You start with 5,000 gold pieces.) In the first room alone, I was offered a diving suit, a diver, a horse, a Zulu warrior, a zombie, rations, a submarine called the Tari, fuel, a blowgun, a samurai, a cabin boy, an archer, a knight, a crossbow, and a tunic.          
Maybe later.
          The items and positions are randomized for each new game. After a few false starts, I learned that you want to purchase as many resources as you can, and as many companions as you need to carry them, in the Hall of Heroes. You continue to find treasure and to get opportunities to spend it later in the game. You have to make sure you buy plenty of rations, or you and your companions will immediately starve to death.          
Some of my inventory after initial purchases.
          I had expected the other lands to branch off the Hall of Heroes like spokes, but instead you explore them in a linear order, starting with Congoland. The area consists of around 12 screens of various terrain features, offered in the manual as “jungles,” “mountains,” and “swamps.” As you explore, you can find treasure chests with gold or valuables (e.g., bone necklaces, emeralds, diamonds) that you can later sell. Mountainous areas feature crevices in which you can lose your equipment and companions, and swamps feature sinkholes that perform the same function. Occasionally, you have to have a particular item to progress; for instance, a plank or boat to cross a river or a lantern to see in a cavern.         
Losing a gem in the mountains of Congoland.
          Controls are even more basic than the previous Crystalware games. The joystick moves the party, and the only keyboard commands that you use often (at least in the starting area) are A)ttack and F)lee when encountered by enemy parties, P)ick up, D)rop, U)se, and T)rade.
You get attacked a lot as you explore, by area-appropriate enemies like tigers, gorillas, headhunters, and Zulu warriors. The character doesn’t really fight in these battles, instead trusting in his army of companions. (If they all die, the character dies soon afterwards.) Their numbers plus their weapons and armor make up the army’s combined strength, pitted each round against the enemies’, with round-by-round losses on both sides fairly formulaic depending on the variances in strength. Victories don’t really confer any benefit to the party except the opportunity to loot enemy equipment, so I think it’s a good idea to flee from most battles. Overall, the combat system is rather underdeveloped. Coupled with the inventory system and the way certain items are needed in certain places, the game feels not unlike Robert Clardy’s Wilderness Campaign (1979).             
My party squares off against some natives on the other side of a river.
          One repeated encounter is with a “witch doctor,” who will join you if you defeat him in the first round of battle. He comes with a shrunken head and earth magic, which you can use like an item of equipment. He can die in combat, but if he does, eventually another will approach you.
Eventually, you cross a river in the northeast (you may have to fight a pack of piranhas) and make your way to Kabunga Village. There, you can stop at the various huts to sell valuables and buy adventuring equipment and companions, including most of what you need in Congoland specifically. North of Kabunga Village is a “banana grove” where every tree offers some rations.           
Trading in Kabunga Village.
        In the far northeast corner is the entrance to King Solomon’s mines, a maze for which you need a lantern or else you lose an item every few steps.            
In case we catch malaria.
          It took me several abandoned characters and hours before I understood the game enough to make it to the mines. The manual recommends that you “conquer the sorcerer of Congoland” before you enter the mines. I wasted a lot of time looking for him before I realized that’s simply a fancy name for the witch doctor that you encounter repeatedly.
The mines contain the same sorts of treasure and encounters as the wilderness area. At the center, I found King Solomon’s Temple with the spirit of Solomon blocking a door and the number “666” on the floor. Using the witch doctor’s earth magic made the ghost disappear, allowing me to enter the chamber beyond and transition to Cathay, the opening village of Arabian Adventure.            
The final screen of Congoland.
         Before I continue, let’s talk about the manual and the so-called Great Mystery. I think I explored Congoland comprehensively, and I didn’t find anything with any text except for the “666,” although there might have been more to find in Solomon’s Mine. I suspect that solving the Great Mystery is going to have something to do with the manual and the stories it relates about six sample adventurers and their initial explorations of each land. The first section relates the story of “Tisha: Queen of the Jungle,” who gets this riddle as she enters Congoland:                
The treasures of Solomon, his Gods, his worth 10,000 wives and concubines to make a temple fair A young lad who he deeply loved with long and flowing hair Bagies burnt on hilltop fires, a nation plunges down A thousand temples to Pagan Gods the King has lost the crown A magic ring the demons shrink and on that ring a sign The eater of heads a mystery is hidden in the rhyme One two three four five six seven — 666 or 777 22 clues from here to there–from the bottom neath the squid To the Dragon’s Lair
            Other than the 666, which I found on the floor of Solomon’s Temple, none of the imagery in the poem seems to correspond to the features in Congoland. There’s a similar poem to go with “Thomas of Arabia’s” adventures in the game’s version of the middle east.
Arabian Adventure switches background and text color but otherwise plays much like Congoland. You can purchase goods and companions in Cathay and in the city of Baghdad to the far northwest. In between are treasure chests, sandstorms that make you lose inventory, oases where you can gather food, and a curiously large group of locked doors that you can unlock with keys found in the chests. Monsters include scorpions and “Turks.”          
Reaching Baghdad ends this level.
           A couple of chests refer you to the manual to look up, for instance, “Treasure #5.” This turns out to be a giant golden Buddha that I can’t even begin to carry. The use of treasure numbers with manual descriptions was earliest seen in the Dunjonquest series, and it’s possible that the Crystalware titles owe more to Dunjonquest than I have previously speculated.          
Six giant golden Buddhas on the outskirts of Cathay.
          You escape the Arabian Adventure via a door in Baghdad. It’s blocked by a genie who only moves when you use the air magic of your own genie. The door leads the player to King Arthur’s realm and the third adventure and game disk.           
I suspect the “sorcerer” will end up playing the same role as the witch doctor and the genie.
          I have a feeling it’s not going to be too hard to simply whisk through all the levels, find Guinevere, and “win” the game, but without figuring out the Great Mystery. So I’m going to slow down and repeat the first two levels and see if I can pick up any more clues.
Fantasyland isn’t really an RPG by my definitions. There’s no character development and no “personal” inventory. Nonetheless, it’s an intriguing quasi-RPG from the days before RPG standards, and I’m impressed by its ambitions even as I’m frustrated by its limitations.
Time so far: 3 hours
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/game-340-fantasyland-2041-1981/
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radioastronot · 7 years
Antara Post-Hardcore, Singapura dan D'Masiv | Interview Paris In The Making (from Majalahsintetik.com)
oleh: Hilmi & Alfan
Saya pertama kali mengetahui Paris In The Making dari status Facebook Indra Menus (vokalis To Die, juga jagoan post-hardcore di Last Kiss To Die of Visceroth). Kala itu Indra Menus mengabarkan kalau band Singapura ini akan bikin tur Jawa. Dan, di tab comment, salah satu jagoan post-hardcore lain, Akhmad Alfan Rahadi (vokalis Papa Onta Cult, juga kamus hidup-post-hardcore) ikut memberi komen bahwa tur mereka ini akan jadi wahana bahagia bagi pecinta post-hardcore, terlebih lagi bagi mereka yang menggali Envy. Maka, saya yang cuma post-hardcore-er cemen ini langsung ikutan bersemangat. Di salah satu tanggal, mereka akan mampir di Malang. Semangat saya berkembang bukan kepalang. Kapan lagi penggemar post-hardcore bisa “haji-haji”-an?
Saya pun langsung meminta kesempatan kepada panitia untuk minta jadwal interview. Dengan bekal pertanyaan yang juga telah saya konsolidasikan bersama Akhmad Alfan Rahadi, saya menginterview mereka sebelum mereka naik panggung. Mereka cukup ramah dan suka becanda. Wawancara berjalan menyenangkan.
Tapi bodohnya saya, si post-hardcore-er cemen, ternyata file audio interview yang saya rekam di hape qwerty (juga) cemen ternyata busuk sekali. Tak bisa didengar. Duh. Dengan penuh malu, saya lalu mengirim email berisi pertanyaan yang sama untuk mereka jawab lagi via email. Untungnya mereka mau.
Berikut adalah isi email itu;
Hi Hilmi, my name is Su, bassist of Paris in the Making, and I will be answering all your questions.
how do you guys meet each other before? We formed sometime in 2004, right after Inn (vocalist) got a show offer which he accepted without even having a band ready yet. The show was about a month away and he roped us all in hoping to get some materials ready by then. Good thing was we were already friends prior to the formation of the band, so it was quite easy to be very comfortable with each other’s capability as a musician individually. Back then, the music scene in Singapore was still relatively small and anyone was acquainted to everyone, so we knew each other from there. Inn, Syahmi (guitarist) and I were there from the very beginning of the band’s formation. Syahadi, who is also Syahmi’s brother, joined us in 2007 and Ariff (guitarist) joined us in 2011.
how do you guys write a song? By jamming around or predesignated? Both ways work fine for us, our newer materials are usually written in impromptu during jamming. One of us would doodle with his own respective instrument and the rest would follow suit. It’s a nice feeling to play in a small space together, without saying a word to each other, and the music flows and weaves seamlessly together as if we have written it in our minds and hearts all these while. But I’m not saying it works all the time. At times, either Syahmi or Ariff would have a riff recorded and sent to the rest via their phones, and all of us would take a listen and brainstorm our ideas during practice.
when you're playing your instruments, i often see you guys eyes closed, what do you visualize at that moment? I’m not really sure about the rest, but usually my eyes are closed because the sweat got in. Apart from that, I do try to portray a mental image of our songs in my head, and I find it easier to visualize by staring at the darkness of the back of my eyelids. And it also depends on the mood of the particular riff that is being played, be it sad, angry or happy. We do try to portray an emotional stance that befits our music that would somehow be interpreted subjectively by the audience.
hows the scene in singapore? i usually seen posters of your fellow singaporean band play with japanese band, recently heaven in her arms. is it often to exchange gigs with japan? Is it possible in the future, you guys sharing the gigs with indonesian band on singapore? It’s really hard to say, in a way, the international music scene in Singapore is much bigger now. I guess with all these help from the global media and the recent surge of big pop and rock acts performing in our little island, I can say that we have kind of made a mark on the world map of the musical industry. However, at the same time, the local music scene is also taking a beating, fewer people are supporting local acts, fewer people are buying local music, local bands stop playing due to the lack of support and other reasons be it financial or personal, fewer bands are being formed among the younger generation, the masses prefer listening to what’s being played in the radio. So it’s quite an ironic situation that’s currently happening here in Singapore. Somehow, we are becoming more of the place to play in, rather than the place to listen to.
We kick started our tour with two shows alongside Heaven In Her Arms, in Kuala Lumpur and in Singapore. It was a surreal and fantastic experience to play alongside them. And yes, we do have a number of Japanese acts coming to Singapore recently – Toe, FC Five, Heaven in Her Arms, Makoto Ozone, so it is quite often and also common to see bands not only from Japan, but the rest of the world to perform here. And whether it is possible for Indonesian bands performing on Singaporean soil? Why not? I’ve seen Domestik Doktrin and Grave Dancers gracing our local stage, and I would personally love to see more Indonesian bands here.
any particular local bands that you like along the tour? Ghaust, First Flower After Flood, Nervous, Last Kiss To Die Of Visceroth. There are other bands too which unfortunately I can’t remember their names. So sorry!
Some people refer your music as post-hardcore, but in myspace and facebook you guys described as screamo act, which one is right? Well, honestly, we’re not really comfortable in being categorized under a specific genre. Personally, i get a little confused with the amount of genres nowadays and it does get a little constraint to be expected to write music under a classification that may get a tad too linear for the band’s progression. As a band, we play to whatever we feel that is right. Change is always a constant, and who knows, our music may change in future, but the same message will be delivered, the same passion will be expected from us. So, in other words, I can’t personally describe our music because each one of us may give a different answer. Rock, perhaps. 
How’s post hardcore in Singapore, because it is pretty rare here in Indonesia.. Well, it all depends on your definition of “post hardcore” actually. To me, post hardcore has a pretty strong following here in Singapore. I do see post hardcore shows being organized here on a monthly basis, so they must have been doing something right somewhere to have such a constant flow. I can’t really say anything else much about the post hardcore scene here other than that.
these days common people look at post hardcore usually on the outside, the stigma , the gimmicky outfit and hairstyle. what do you guys think about that related to the style of your way of Post-hardcore? Personally, I’ve always believed in leaving out the fashion from the music. Sure, it may give an added visual advantage and it would certainly give out a more emotive and cognitive visual response for the audience. But personally, I am quite a boring character when it comes to fashion sense. Plus, I don’t find them comfortable and way definitely not comfortable when I am on stage. It’s all about the music to me, so I’d wear something really comfortable that would not hinder my performance on stage. It’s all music, no gimmicks.
You guys always cited as Singapore-an Envy, what do you think about it? We’ve been compared to Envy many times before. No doubt, they are one of our many major influences when we first started out as a band. Personally, I don’t find it that overwhelmingly annoying, because in away, it does show that we are heading in the right direction. I’d rather be compared to Envy than a band which I do not like nor listen to at all. Every band has an inspiration or an initial direction that they look up to so I guess it is quite normal to have comparisons with someone else. Face it; you can at least name one other band that sounds like another band you know. And it is not necessarily a bad thing either, being inspired by someone else may give way to eventually identifying your own unique sound. Every band has to start somewhere, somehow.
Lately, post rock developing rapidly, the sad fact is that some band doesnt take their instrument seriously, so that the genre become a boring music, what do you think about it? Yes it is sad to know such things happen, but then again, that is what happens to music that gets a little too popular for its own good. Just by listening to one or two popular post rock bands, and without doing their proper homework, these bands began playing the same repetitive stuff over and over again. It is normal, just like fashion; music has its trends and seasons too. And eventually it will die out; the bands will either disband or move on to another musical direction and only the few true ones remain. And from what I see, it is a vicious cycle that happened to other genres previously as well.
Is it real that you guys only have one album? Because it is amazing to us how one record band could do this kind of abroad tour a lot.. Haha, yes, we have only one album. For our very first tour back in 2009, we were only a supporting band for Milvains from Italy for their South East Asian Tour in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. It was more to gaining experience in playing overseas for us as some of us had not played anywhere else other than Singapore back then. And also, we didn’t want to steal the limelight from Milvains, who were heavily promoting their album throughout the tour. So this time in 2012, we are touring again to promote our debut album.
Tell us about your album.. ‘Origins’ is our very first album that took us more than 3 years to record and caused a great deal of financial toll on us individually. We actually started recording even before our first tour in 2009, and recording ended officially around December last year. I won’t go into the details on why it took us that long but somehow, it just did. It comprises of our earlier songs that we have written as Paris In The Making with Zad, our ex-guitarist, recording his parts before he left the band. According to Inn, the lyrics of the songs in ‘Origins’ involved various topics ranging from friendship, family, love, a higher divine power, fear, anguish, resentment and the darkness of a void uncertainty.
You have been to Indonesia before, what thing you miss the most? And any history about your last visit? We miss all our friends most of all, it’s great to be back, really. It’s nice to catch up with each other’s lives and hang out again. We would have loved to see Menus’s beautiful daughter, it’s a pity she wasn’t in town. Everyone in Indonesia has been so nice to us it gets pretty overwhelming. I wish I could somehow repay everyone’s kindness one day. And of course, the food here can never be compared with anywhere else either.  One memorable moment the last time we were in Jogja in 2009 was when Alessio (Milvains drummer) was going around the whole hostel we were staying in dressed only in his briefs and asking for tissue paper from everybody because he needed to shit. It was quite a culture shock for the Italians having to experience such toilets that do not exist back in their country. He eventually got wet wipes from someone, so it ended happily.
As an emotional musician, do you guys are the kind of people who kind outside, and screaming inside? Or you guys more like contemplative person, just like on your songs? I do quite a lot of thinking, so I guess you may consider me as a contemplative person somewhat. But generally, all five of us are your average guys who love to hang out, love to share a joke or two, and love to share the knowledge of music. We don’t come across any different from everyone else’s character, really. We just tend to write emotionally charged music because we love music that makes you feel.
What is it with Paris? The name ‘Paris In The Making’ was coined by Izzad, our previous guitarist. I guess his take on the name was that as a newly formed band, we are moving towards and also rising to something beautiful which is defined by the city of Paris.
What is your emo-song guilty pleasure? Syahmi and Syahadi listen to a lot of Peterpan and D’Masiv (not sure how you spell that). Inn listens to a lot of sappy Bon Jovi songs. Ariff loves Katy Perry, and recently I heard him singing to ‘The One That Got Away’. I do listen to a lot of Coldplay once in a while.
which one do you like? small venue or concert hall? I would say I am leaning more towards small venues because it feels more intimate and somehow I feel more at ease with the audience crowding around us. But once in a while it is nice to play in a huge concert hall with all that space.
any bands that you look up to? Each of us has different bands that we look up to. I started out with Green Day and Nirvana, and so did many other boys back then. And as time passes, there were more bands from various genres that I began looking up to, piling up the list. These are just a few of them on top of my head: Foo Fighters. Silverchair, Metallica, NoFX, The Descendents, Lagwagon, Jimmy Eat World, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Broken Social Scene, Dustbox, The Black Keys, Blur, Radiohead, Sigur Ros, M83, Mogwai, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Mono, Envy, Pg.99, Orchid, Heaven in Her Arms, Daitro, Shikari, Fall of Efrafa, Tragedy, Refused, Raein. And the list WILL go on.
What is singaporean act that you recommend to us? There are loads of talented Singaporean bands that are worth a listen, here are some that are grouped in no particular order – I Am David Sparkle, Plainsunset, The Observatory, Yumi, After The Sky, You & I Collide, Duxton Plains, Sjanse, Navire Creux, Misissued, Monster Cat, This Is Atlantis, Pazahora, B-Quartet, Wormrot, The Psalms, Hear Me Toby, Silhouette, Postbox, Pleasantry, Amateur Takes Control, Pathos, And They Whisper In Silence, Sleep Easy. If you have the time, do check them out. They’re really good.
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blogtunm-blog · 7 years
PROTON http://blogtunm.blogspot.com/2017/05/proton-has-been-sold-to-foreigners.html 1. #Proton has been #sold. It has been sold to #foreigners. 2. They say Proton is my brainchild. Now the child of my brain has been sold. 3. Yes. I am #sad. I can cry. But the deed is done. Proton can no longer be #national. #No national #car now. We #Malaysians are glad to be rid of this pesky car. I am sure Proton will do well. It will be a commercial success. It will be sold all over the world. The Proton name will be everywhere. 4. It will be like #Singapore. Malaysians are proud of this great #city -state. If it had not been sold it would be, perhaps, as well developed as Kuala Kedah or Kuala Perlis. Then we cannot be proud of Singapore. 5. Now we can be proud of Proton. With money and superior #technology it will compete with #RollsRoyce and #Bentley. 6. But I cannot be proud of its #success. I cannot be proud of the success of something that does not belong to me or my #country. Maybe other Malaysians will, but not me. Come to think of it, if our country is sold to others, to the very rich people of other countries, I am sure our country will become well developed too. It can even be a fully developed country – exceeding the expectations of #Vision 2020. 7. It will be a great country with super #highways, high-speed #rail (HSR), gleaming #skyscrapers, shining new towns, beautifully landscaped and lighted. But I can’t be proud! Can I be proud to be living on the fringes of this great country so well developed by the buyers. 8. I will #die soon. I am already beyond average age. And as I slip into my final years, or month or days, I will watch as our beloved country is sold to foreigners to settle the trillion Ringgits that we owe. We will have to sell more and more of our country. 9. What are our assets? Our land of course!! That was what we did in the past. We sold chunks of our country. We lost the land we sold. That is what we are doing now. And that will be what we will have to do – or forfeit our country; like we forfeit Proton. 10. Proton the child of my brain has been sold. It is probably the beginning of the great sell-out. The process is inexorable. No other way can we earn the billions to pay our debts. The only way is to sell our assets. And eventually we will lose our country, a great country no doubt, but owned by others. 11. I am a sissy. I cry even if Malaysians are dry-eyed. My child is lost. And soon my country. 12. Please excuse me. 
http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/05/proton-has-been-sold-to-foreigners.html 1. Proton telah dijual. Ia dijual kepada orang asing.   2. Mereka dakwa Proton adalah ilham saya.  Sekarang ini ilham saya telahpun dijual.   3. Ya. Saya sedih. Saya boleh menangis. Tetapi perbuatan itu telah dilakukan. Proton bukan lagi nasional. #Tidak ada lagi #kereta #nasional. Kita rakyat Malaysia berbangga telah menghapuskan kereta yang menjengkelkan ini. Saya pasti Proton mampu lebih baik. Ia akan menjadi kejayaan komersial. Ia akan dijual serata dunia. Nama Proton di mana-mana sahaja.   4. Ianya akan jadi seperti Singapura. Rakyat Malaysia berbangga dengan negara bandar terhebat. Jika ianya tidak dijual sebelum ini, mungkin, pembangunannya ada seperti Kuala Kedah atau Kuala Perlis. Kita takkan berbangga dengan #Singapura 5. Sekarang kita boleh berbangga dengan Proton. Dengan wang dan teknologi lebih canggih ia akan bersaing dengan Rolls Royce dan Bentley.   6. Tetapi saya tidak boleh berbangga dengan kejayaannya. Ini tidak boleh dibanggakan kerana ianya bukan lagi milik negara ini. Mungkin rakyat Malaysia yang lain akan berbangga, tetapi tidak kepada saya. Mari fikirkan, jika negara ini dijual kepada orang lain, kepada orang yang kaya yang bukan dari negara ini, saya pasti negara ini akan membangun. Ianya akan jadi negara membangun - menjangkaui apa yang diharap dalam #Wawasan2020 .   7. Ia akan jadi negara terhebat dengan lebuhraya super, keretapi berkelajuan tinggi, bangunan pencakar langit yang berkilau, bandar-bandar baharu, lanskap yang indah dan permai. Tetapi tetap tak boleh dibanggakan! Adakah saya boleh berbangga untuk hidup di pinggir bandar membangun terhebat yang dibangunkan pembeli.   8. Saya akan pergi tak lama lagi. Saya sudah melangkaui had usia. Sementara saya nikmati tahun terakhir, atau bulan atau hari, saya akan melihat negara tercinta ini dijual kepada orang asing bagi melangsaikan hutang trillion Ringgit. Kita akan terpaksa jual lebih dan lebih dari negara ini.   9. Apakah aset kita? Tanah ini semestinya!! Itulah yang kita telah lakukan sebelum ini. Kita jual ketulan bahagian negara kita. Kita hilang tanah yang dijual. Itulah yang kita lakukan sekarang. Dan itulah apa yang kita bakal buat - atau kehilangan #negara ini; seperti kita kehilangan Proton.   10. Proton ilham saya telah dijual. Ianya mungkin permulaan kepada penjualan terhebat. Prosesnya tidak dapat disekat. Tidak ada cara lain untuk kita bayar hutang berbilion. Caranya hanyalah menjual aset negara. Dan akhirnya kita akan kehilangan negara ini, negara hebat tanpa ragu lagi tetapi dimiliki oleh #orang   11. Saya insan yang lemah. Saya menangis jika rakyat #Malaysia tidak menangis. Saya kehilangan anak. Tak lama lagi kehilangan negara saya. 12. Maafkan saya... Read more at: http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/05/proton-has-been-sold-to-foreigners.html Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad http://blogtunm.blogspot.com
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