#bailey’s oc lore
bailey-dreamfoot · 6 months
WOAHH dude I’ve followed you since you started drawing Octonauts art, I didn’t realize you did HC stuff!!!
Well thank you for sticking around so long! And yeah, i hope between fandoms a lot. Rest assured i have both Hermitcraft and Octonauts content in the works!!!
I shared this on instagram, But its kinda on topic, So heres a cool Hermit-Sona I designed. Hes just my regular sona but slightly modified.
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Perks of my sona being a mythical/ godlike jello creature, he can also hop between universes, including fictional ones. :3 please ignore the several mistakes.
Also sorry for the lack of content recently guys! Ive been doing a lotta commission work + tryna find a job so I haven’t had a lotta time for “fun art”. Aksjahjskjjasjhg
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clowncat-25 · 3 months
That's not good
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baileythebean · 4 months
OOF, y’all ain’t even ready for WHY Bailey was treated the way he was
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royall-ass · 28 days
Can we get some lore on ur hatchetfield oc?? I love learning oc lore!!
YEAH!!! it’s still kinda up in the air for me rn, but i have two ideas so far!!! all thanks to @richielipschitzaot and @twicebittentwicebaked lol. they came up with them for me 💗💗
Idea One:
When Maddie was a little girl, maybe seven or so, she went on a ride in her brother’s cop car. Around halfway through the drive or so, Bailey saw a crime being committed, and he figured, “oh, hey!! let’s show my little sister that wants to be a cop what law enforcement is like!!” So he does. The crime didn’t seem harmful from a distance, just something like a small theft. But, when they walked into the gas station with their brother, Maddie was left in shock and fear. It ended up being a hostage situation, and she had to witness the horrible event get resolved as they cowered in fear behind their brother. Despite how shocking and scary that night was, it lit something inside of her. A desire, if you will. She wanted to help people. They always wanted to be a cop, but that night just pushed their passion further. However, she’s always weary of alarms and possible ways for things to go wrong due to the trauma she witnessed.
Idea Two:
Maddie is, to put it in the way her brother may describe it, being childish. In her eyes, she’s not. Hatchetfield has an unsolved case, but nobody at the police station is doing anything to help. So, she decides, she’ll figure it out. They go behind their brother’s back, and they have a cork-board and everything while they attempt to solve the case. It starts out as a missing person’s case, and then the police found out it was kidnapping, but after they couldn’t find any suspects, it became unsolved, locked away in the files of the HFPD. Madison however, feels the desire to avenge all these sudden kidnappings. As she investigates further, her friend Stephanie Lauter helping her get inside information from the mayor, she realizes, these aren’t kidnappings. No, these are murder cases. It’s up to Maddie to figure out who’s fucking with her. Little does she know, it just so happens to be an eldritch horror.
maybe I’ll use both of these ideas!!! one for the past, one for the present. But, I love both of them a lot, and tysm for asking abt her!!!
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trippin-chippin · 10 months
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I thought this was funny 😭
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sleepi-toasti · 9 days
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saphy-kat98 · 4 months
Did somebody say...
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Gay demon cowboy bounty hunter????
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macabrecravings · 10 months
Seraphina how is your relationship with your mom?
umm...... i dnt have a relationship w my mum. lolz. i think it'd b pretty cool if she yk... ^_^ didn't send me to this damned orphanage!!! :D
likeeee ya maybe i could've had a caretaker who gave a damn & wanted 2 raise me but nooo she handed me over 2 bailey. WHO. BTW!!! Iz straight up in it 4 tha money.
got me paying §4000 every week just to "pay off my debts" for everything he's done to raise me?? he's a greedy cunt & he's done it to any orphan who's of legal age.
so, not only do i have 2 pay for ME, i also have 2 pay for my bf (so he doesn't get fucking sold off like cattle 2 b raped & molested by rich people. Again. ^_^)
yeah thanks mum i rlly appreciate it!!! love living here! Love my life & wat i have 2 do for money!!! totally not dangerous at all :D
— xXBl00dS0akedS3raXx
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pistonsandgearsinc · 1 year
Traintober: Day 9 "Viaduct"
"Beware Of The Viaduct"
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[North of Deighan Loey, Big Dipper Viaduct]
Henry has occasionally made trips along the old branchline, even after his incident at the station by the lake, but it seems that even though he's met 'the friendliest ghost on the island', it seems things haven't quite ended yet.
Henry's route past the old station takes him across The Big Dipper viaduct, which had been unusable for one reason or another on his first two trips up the branch line.
Despite the workmen's claims the viaduct's safe to cross Henry cannot shake the uneasy feeling he gets whilst crossing it, sometimes swearing he can hear something crumbling.
If that wasn't bad enough Henry, also hears deep mournful whistles predominantly on this side of the island, but can never seem to identify the source.
Old Bailey has recently promised to inspect, Henry's confident he won't find anything that'll validate his claims, but he still holds out hope.
His next train is due through here tonight, and he's just heard an owl hoot. . .
Sprites and backgrounds by PrincessMuffins, CJTheCreator, wyattloughrie.
Felt a bit more inspired by this one. Been feeling a bit burnt out as of late.
Also sorry nothing particularly spooky has occurred. . .yet.
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boxer-boi · 1 month
((OOC Lorepost!))
Bailey Hanami is a half-Inazuman, half-Fontainian little boy with inhuman features who grew up in Fontaine. Due to his freakish appearance without any known cause, (most likely a past genetic trait that resurfaced in him), Bailey was abandoned on the streets as a very small child. He found himself wandering Fontaine’s lusher meadows, forests and mountain areas for food and for a comfortable living space, and made connections with many wild creatures, meka and things of those sorts. But more often than anything, he found himself drawn to the sea. The lightly salted scent of the water was soothing to his sensitive sense of smell and the waves crashing could always relax him with ease. The webbing on the paws he had for feet helped him swim with efficiency. He started to figure life out on his own, never knowing the love of parents, but never yearning for it either. He never felt that anything was missing or out of place. He was a beast of the forest, not to be tamed or trifled with.
The boy had developed Schizotypal Personality Disorder and had little awareness of how his actions affected other people due to his little exposure to them. So you can imagine his whirlwind of emotions when he stumbles upon the Court of Fontaine, bustling with people and bright lights and noises and colors and- oh god it’s way too much at once. He finds solace in a few of the quiet corners and back alleys, and starts to memorize their locations, navigating the quieter parts of the city at night and mapping out his hangout spots. The court of Fontaine also meant food. Good food, too. He loved hanging around bakeries and taking whatever they didn’t sell that day so that he could have a little feast for himself. In fact, this had become a tradition of his at Café Lutece. (Just don’t feed him anything with chocolate. It’ll quite literally kill him.)
He discovered art, and started using it to express himself. Unfortunately what he considered art, others considered ‘vandalism.’ He didn’t really care for the definition of this word. It was just something else to add to his steadily growing vocabulary. This landed him very promptly in the Fortress of Meropide on a light sentence. He couldn’t even begin to defend himself with his broken speech and warped understanding of the law. Luckily for him, Sigewinne and Wriothesely made for great teachers. (With the occasional visit from Monsieur Neuvillette.) He learned how to speak, read, write, proper kickboxing techniques and things like geography and math. The Duke soon found himself becoming attached to this little boy like a son, it was a bit disappointing to him when Bailey’s sentence was finally up. Not to worry though, he ended up landing himself in prison MANY more times…
This is where he caught sight of Freminet and became enamored by the nervous energy he emanated, just something about him. He started going out of his way to see the boy, even if they never spoke. He was very very slow to realize his feelings, mostly because he had no clue what they were. But now that he’s aware, he’ll start trying to pursue them. Slowly, of course.
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five-abs-and-one-peck · 4 months
oh...not again
just a couple of paragraphs I wrote for my oc
tw: mentions of s/h and not eating
so here it is, my nonlinear oc angst:
     He wandered around the apartment without direction. He had tried to do laps, but the repetition bored him. He couldn't lay down, not today, and so he walked. Stumbling would be a better term. He stumbled, bumping into the couch, into the island, and into the desk, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. He felt numb. There were things going on, feelings floating around, but they weren't real. He wasn't real. If anything, he was empty. Empty. So full of space, but nothing was there. His thoughts drifted on and out as he waited for Nimbus to get home. His stomach hurt, and it hurt more when he arrived in the kitchenette again. There was food in the cupboards, he knew that. Even if his partner was out shopping, they still had snacks. It didn't hurt because it full, because he had eaten too much like last week, but the opposite. It growled and twisted at him, wanting to be fed. He wasn't hungry though. He didn't want to eat. He didn't deserve to eat.
     He stopped trudging through their home to lean on a doorway. It was good, firm wood. The paint had been laid down smoothly, and he wanted to drown in it. To submerge. The emptiness was overwhelming. It was easier to fill when Nimbus was home, or when he was asleep. The feelings and thoughts came back. Here, they drifted away, leaving him to shuffle around in the quiet. It would be nice, to fill up again and be whole, he thought, but it seemed so far away, like a dream he wanted so badly but one he knew wouldn't come true. It would be nice to be real. He thought about lying down, whether it be on his usual place in the floor or the couch, but didn't. There wasn't anything there. It was all empty. The windows were too big and bright for him to fall asleep anyway. The bathroom was nice, the bathroom was cold. It was also uncomfortable, with the hard tile floors and porcelain objects. And it was too dirty to bring a pillow in.
     As the wonderment of what to do fluttered away, he noticed the door frame he was leaning against again. It was well made. It made him want to bang his head against, to temporarily fill. He was space, and he was alone. He could do it. He wanted to do it. Nimbus would be upset. It would ruin the quiet. He gently tapped his forehead against the wood, testing it. It hurt, like he wanted it to hurt, but not in the kind of pain he craved. Not the pain that gave him something to do, the kind that let him drift away into the nothing even deeper. It was a dull ache, a throb. It was a hard, cold kind of hurt. It wasn't a stinging bruise that would be left behind, or the sharp pull of skin as blood ran through the crevices. It was an unpleasant type of pain. Not exciting. Not fulfilling. Would the groceries be home soon? That would be something. He could be helpful to Nimbus, as empty as he was. He liked being helpful. Like was a strong word, he realized, in this context. Everything was a strong word. He wasn't real, he was empty. Empty and floating around his small apartment.
     He could move to the couch and put on some television. It was loud, it barely filled the void he had become, and it didn't seem attractive in the moment. Once he had emptied out, the screen and the sounds were just annoying. He didn't want them to be on. He wanted to do something else. But there wasn't anything to do. Nothing to do but wander. Now that he was all nestled into the supportive column, he didn't want to leave. It was nice. Uncomfortable? Sure, it kept that dull ache in his head going, but he preferred the dull ache over the fizzy bubbles that swarmed him occasionally. They were more exciting, but hurt him in a way he never quite understood. Bubbles ran fast circles around his skull, beneath the skin and flesh. They got faster and faster, constricting tighter around the bone. He wasn't a fan of the fizzy. He was, however, a fan of the doorway. He was stuck, stuck until Nimbus could come home and move him, stuck in this pose for what would feel like all an eternity.
     Maybe the bright windows would make him sleepy, and lead him into the blessed unconscious. He could fill up then. He would become real, until he was awoken. It was better that he was stuck. He didn't have to anything bothersome. He didn't have to eat or care. He didn't have to go to the bathroom. It's not like those things did him any good. They were nuisances, and he preferred being empty to doing them. Sometimes being empty was fascinating. He didn't have to do anything. He didn't have to feel anything. It was nice when he was alone. The headache was present, but that never changed. Being empty when Nimbus was home wasn't as fun though. He hoped he would be filled at least a bit before his partner got home. Even though he loved Nimbus, it was hard to be happy when he was empty. It was hard to react to things he said, or to enjoy time with him. It was hard for Nimbus too. He hoped the sun would knock him out onto the floor, giving him a chance for the nothingness to take him in and throw away the empty bits inside. At least before Nimbus got home.
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bailey-dreamfoot · 9 months
SOOOO I started playing Pokemon Leaf Green!
Behold, my first ever Pokemon Team! ^^
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Ive litteraly never played a Pokémon game before other than snap please go easy on me
I introduce you all to, Clover the Ivysaur, Bacon-Bits the Butterfree, Beani the Pikachu, Beatrice the Mankey, Chad-Chadly the Geodude, and Zip-Zop the Zubat!
Some of these names are ripped straight from Jaiden animations Nuzlelocke videos, obv- but I didn’t even realize until i watched her videos again while drawing this. Ive also been overly proud of myself for this bc i always thought ur first gym member fight was supposed to be difficult- but Clover one-shot litterally all of brok’s pokemon with Vinewhip. Same for Misty’s Staryu, and he killed her Starmie in 2. I felt soo cool lmao
The game is going to emotionally destroy me when i have to inevitably restructure my team. Lmao its good thing IM not playing a nuzlelocke kjnfkjhfsfkhj
Also my rival’s name is Barnum…….. Bc y know…….. Barnum and Bailey…….? The circus…? :]
Also also, bonus just me and Clover under the cut :3
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I love em so much, im so proud of this artwork yall dont even know
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clowncat-25 · 10 months
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That moment when you start questioning stuff as a child
Fun(? Fact, he is the only "native" puffball from the forgotten land
So he doesn't know there are other puffballs until Kirby arrives :)
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baileythebean · 5 months
Quick notice for the anon spamming my ask box earlier (Plus Bailey lore?)
Please DO NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES bring up or joke about Bailey doing anything to hurt/kill/shoot his friends INCLUDING people he doesn’t know that well yet, like Noelia and Odette. First of all, it disgusts him that you’d think he’d do anything like that, even in a joking fashion. You didn’t know this before, but please don’t do it again. (Ask mod specifically for info on Bailey’s past.) Second of all, Bailey was sold into a GANG and it gives him flashbacks to times he DOES NOT want to remember. He was often made to do horrible things like killing his old friends because of threats and blackmail (such as “shoot the target or I shoot you.” Yes, this kid was held at gunpoint like, half the fucking time.) and when he’s finally found a group of people who trust him, don’t find him disgusting or terrifying and who accept him for who he is, you bringing that up tosses him right back into the darkness he was in before. He’ll isolate, start spiraling, panicking, etc, and won’t go near anyone because of the paranoia that one day he might snap and actually do something like that. I understand that he’s fictional, but you are still trying to interact with an OC who has a personality and a story. Thanks for reading, and in future, try not to give our floofy boi a panic attack :( (should we do a Bailey panic attack scenario in rp one time?) -Mod
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alorhna · 11 months
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Meet Alorhna the Songbird.
I think it’s about time I introduce y’all to my PC >:D
Alorhna has sharp black eyes and long jet-black hair. She has brown skin, and she is of Hispanic/black descent.
Arc one:
Alorhna was orphaned at a very young age, and while she doesn’t know whom her family is, she does share a striking resemblance to a certain dark skin, green eyed boy (Kylar) around town
but that’s just a coincidence….right?
And while the town is… interesting to say the least, with its creepy residents, strange religion and terrifying beasts in the woods—
(no—seriously I think someone needs to call animal control)
—Alorhna has bigger fish to fry, mainly finding a safe place to live away from her dauntingly, terrifying caretaker Bailey. After one severe attack that traumatized her beyond hope when she found herself unable to pay Bailey her rightful dues, Alorhna ran away from the town, abandoning everything she knew.
Along her hazardously planned escape, Alorhna hid, finding quick spots to rest her fatigue and continue on but eventually she had to collapse, and she did. At the moors, in the deepest part of the haunted woods.
And whom else to find her than the guardian of the moors: The Great Hawk.
No one knows what happened but Alorhna was gone for 3 full months before the town and its residents ever saw her again. But the frightened, orphan girl who once hid and cried due to unfair misfortunes no longer existed;
instead a fierce, defiant, soul had been unchained.
A soul ready to fight back.
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trippin-chippin · 6 months
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Moonshine moment :D
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