#bakagou katsuki fic
homelygrantaire · 6 months
Bakugou Katusuki's "a hummingbird's heart"
A poetry club is formed for class 1-A. Bakugou is ABSOLUTELY not going to write poetry.
He writes poetry.
Hey! I hope y'all enjoy this. I'm writing this for my boyfriend so updates will be a little sporadic. I am going to include the characters twitter handles/usernames in this note so y'all know who is who. I am not sure if I am going to write the actual poetry the characters write - that's up to my boyfriend - so we shall see!
(I'm not going to tag every single character that shows up in this fic. I WILL tag the relationships that become a more major part of the fic.)
Thank you so much for reading. <3
Username/@'s: Class 1A Poems: @poetryclubUA Bakagou Katsuki: @ExplosionMurderGod Midoriya Izuku:@mightyman Uraraka Ochako :@mochicheeks Todoroki Shoto: @shoto Eijiro Kirishima: @rocklobster
Chapter One
The Poetry Club: Origins
Class 1A Poems @poetryclubUA
We have officially started a poetry club for UA High School. The first meeting is today during lunch. Don’t miss it! We will have snacks and lots of fun! - Ochako
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oh-ranpo · 2 years
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☾ -- pairing: katsuki bakugo x reader ☾ -- word count: 1.2k+ ☾ -- preview: you show up dressed to the nines for your first hero banquet and someone takes notice.
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“What the hell is all of this?” The gruff sounding voice immediately brought a smile to your face, and you knew who it belonged to before you managed to turn around. Katsuki Bakugo had a reputation for being blunt, and leave it to him to find fault in this type of occasion. When you fully turned to face him, your heart jumped as your eyes immediately found his, and you realized that he was referring to you, not the fully decorated room just through the doors behind you. “We’re at a heroes banquet, of course. Only seemed right that I dress the part.”
Mostly, you were telling the truth. This was your first big heroes event and you wanted to make a good impression. However, the biggest motivation for your choice in attire was the reaction you knew it would draw from the blonde hero standing in front of you now. You watched as his crimson eyes trailed down the silk material of your dress that was purposefully matched to the color of his irises. He managed to hold back any changes in his facial expression, but you were perceptive enough to notice how his eyes lingered on the shape of your hips and exposed neckline just a little bit longer than normal. The dress was far more revealing than anything you had worn before, but still held the proper amounts of class and sophistication to remain appropriate for this type of occasion. “Do you like it?” You asked cheekily after several moments of extended silence. His eyes were still on you, but they flicked up to meet yours now, the corner’s of his lips twitching slightly. “It’s a dress. So what?” You thought about giving him a snarky comment in response, but before you could, another voice spoke in your place. “Well, I think you look amazing.” The sudden interruption of the deep, calm voice from over Bakugo’s shoulder managed to break you both out of your own little bubble before turning towards the direction the voice had come from. When you saw who it was, an even brighter smile lit up your face at how conveniently timed the arrival of one of your other closest friends just happened to be. “Thank you, Shoto. It’s nice to see someone around here has some manners.” As he came to a stop next to Katsuki, you took a moment to assess his appearance. “I have to say, you look quite delectable as well.” It was no secret that Shoto Todoroki was handsome. He had always been exceptionally good looking and his small smile and laid-back demeanor only added to the level of his attractiveness. However, it was also no secret that the only interest you had ever had in him was strictly platonic. The two of you had easily bonded during your time at UA, and while it might have been easier if you had been interested in him, there was only one person from your hero group that had truly caught your eye and your heart. You didn’t miss the way Bakugo’s head whipped back around to you at the compliment, and for a moment, you wondered if the jealousy tactic really was working. The glare he fixed you with was white-hot, but you made it a point to ignore him as Shoto took another step closer to you. “Are you ready to go inside?” The red-and-white haired man asked as he held out his arm for you to take. “I’ll walk you.” Todoroki seemed to be ignoring his explosive friend on purpose, and you couldn’t help but smile even more and you could see Bakugo’s jaw clench as you looped your arm through Shoto’s. “Thank you. I’d love to,” you beamed and your friend smiled softly back at you. You only managed to take one step toward the open ballroom door when an angry “hey!” sounded from being you, and you both came to a stop. “Out of my way Icy-Hot. I’ll walk her in.” Bakugo’s voice was hard, but you could see something else in his eyes as you and Todoroki looked over at him. He was standing on your other side now, his arm held out for you, expecting you to take it without hesitation. You had to fight back another triumphant smile as your eyes locked on Bakugo’s unamused expression. “I don’t know, I think Shoto and I compliment each other quite nicely, don’t you? My dress practically matches his hair.” A small growl slipped past the blonde’s lips and you saw smoke rise from his hands. If you haven’t been completely positive before, now you knew for sure that your plan had been successful. “Just shut up and take my arm, nerd. I’m sure Half-and-Half won’t have any problems finding someone else to bother tonight.” When you looked back over at Shoto, he simply shrugged as he dropped his arm back to his side. He didn’t look bothered by Bakugo’s suggestion, and the hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips told you that he had an idea of what was actually going on between the two of you. “I guess I’ll catch up with you two later then,” he said softly before slowly walking away in search of his table. “Not likely,” you heard Bakugo mumbled from beside you. Now that Shoto was gone, you were able to focus your full attention on him. “That was a little rude, wasn’t it? What’s the big deal if Todoroki was the one to escort me?” As you asked the question, you still locked your arm with his, his eyes following the movement intently before slowly starting to guide you through the door of the ballroom. “You can do better than that extra,” he huffed, and when you smiled at him, he went back to avoiding your gaze. “I didn’t take you for the chivalrous type, Katsu,” you teased, and he responded with a quick shake of his head. “Don’t flatter yourself. I’d save anyone from having to spend the entire evening with Icy-Hot and his boring monologue. That just happened to be you this time.” You knew Bakugo well enough to know that he wasn’t going to outright say how he truly felt. The deflection was one that you were used to, but the way his arm gently tightened around yours, and the fact that he kept pace with you, despite the fact that you were moving slowly due to your dress shoes was only more confirmation that his words didn’t match his intentions. “Well, I guess I’m glad I was in the right place at the right time tonight then,” you murmured, just loud enough for him to hear. You were almost to your table, but he glanced over at you now. Your eyes met briefly before he dropped his gaze, a tinge of pink painting the skin of his neck and cheeks. “Yeah, yeah, don’t get used to it,” he muttered under his breath, but you knew he didn’t mean it. Especially considering when you sat down at your table and found Shoto waiting for the two of you, Bakugo’s hand immediately found it’s home on your knee under the table while scooting his chair closer to yours. It wasn’t obvious to everyone, but it was obvious to you. You had won.
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bakugoubabygirl · 4 years
Todoroki xreaderx Katsuki
You are the daughter of all might . He found you when you were little . This is your first year at A.U you have powerful and deadly powers that were from your real parents. You catch the eyes of two boys.
Today is my first day at A.U . I got in by recommendation being the daughter of all might and all . He not my real father of course but he found me when I was just a baby and took me in as his own. The rest of the world just seems to think he adopted me but it's runs deeper then that.
     It's the first time I'll be going to public school. All might has been home schooling me my whole life up to until now I Didn't have any friends until he introduced me to Izuku.
    Izuku has this weird obsession with my dad and now he starting to obsessed with me . I've been training with him and my dad. He passed some of his powers to him .
     I got into my uniform the skirt was a little short but it well be fine . It's no secret that I'm good looking with my h/c and e/c . Im not trying to outshine people though . It's bad enough I'll have all of my dads fans on me .  I walked down stairs, to see my dad.
    " you look beautiful , your going to good great" my father said standing at the door. He made me take a picture for my first day of school and then we were off.
     " Hey dad can you drop me off a block away and let me walk the rest of the way" I asked hoping he would say yes.
      " No"
     " What look I just don't want to be normal as much as possible and showing up with my dad is embarrassing no matter if he famous or not "
    " Y/n , the whole world knows who you are I can't let you walk alone some body will grab you up and use you as leverage against me or worse"
I crossed my arms in frustration. I can take care of myself but I knew there was no point in arguing .
    As soon as I got out I hurried to my class as soon as I could 1-A . I open the door it's was so loud and chaotic .
     I stood there unsure of what to do with myself . Until the class was dead silence everyone had there eyes on me .
   " Y/N your here ! See I told you guys Y/N the daughter of almight would be in our class" Izuku came up and squeeze me tight . He gotten to comfortable with me . It was cute but embarrassing.
Then everyone started bombarding me with questions .
" Hey I'm Mina Ashido ," she said super cheerfully " omg your soo hot " she squeal .
" Thank you buts that's all you" I smile . I'm so used to putting up with fans but that the thing . I want friends not fans .
everyone in here was excited except for the boy who was looking out the window quietly with red and white hair
And a blonde hair boy in the back of the class. He had a nasty look on his face. I wonder why, was it because of me? My eyes met his it was intense like he saw right through me . I refused to lose and look away first though .
I shot him a nasty glare and then we both broke contact when I heard someone clear there throat really loud . It's was some werido in a sleeping bag .
" It took you guys way too long to shut up ." And then he gave us a lecture about how if we want to be hero we need to take this more serious . I took my seat next to the red and white hair kid . He seem so quiet .
We went outside to test our ability because Eraser head wanted to see what we could do and don't believe in the traditional activities.
last person will be kicked out .
Oh no . I look over to see the fear on Izuku face so I grabbed his hand . " Everything will be okay ," I whisper to Him.
Katsuki POV 💥
Why is she holding his hand . If she so fucking great then why is she holding Deku hand . The more he thought about it the more it really piss him off.
He so fucking happy about it . Like he something special. He is no one . Everyone so fucking batshit crazy over her . That's all they talk about . I'm better then her, she weak . Only on this team because of her daddy. I'll show her . I'll show everyone I'm better then her.
Aizawa called me in front of the class to show off my awesome talents . I threw over Seven hundred meters. Everyone was impressed but Y/N didn't even pay attention she was talking to stupid Deku.
First it was the running test . I was up against Y/N. I'm going to show this princess and every one how weak she is . I started to go . I was only half way there when she already portal to the finish line . Rage burn through my body .
The rest of the competition we came neck to neck . I wanted to destroy her. I don't care how gorgeous or how soft her e/c eyes are . She gonna die for embarrassing me like this . She gonna pay for making me want to have her attention.
Your PoV🖤💜🖤
This was Izuku last chance of scoring anything . Your heart was breaking for him. His poor dreams were already crumbling before his eyes . He was getting sent home. Please don't use those powers Izuku it's already over . He threw it and it went flying it went one meter far then Katsuki.
Im couldn't help but to smile . I turn around and Katsuki was right there. " Why are you smiling are you retarteded or something" he growled
What is his problem he so awful . " Just proud of my friend . It looks like he did better then you actually." She boasted .
     He grabbed a hold of my wrist " your pathetic just like the rest of them " he spat .
     " let go of me before I hurt you badly" I growled . He was under estimating me and it was the last mistake he'll ever make . My eyes must of flash res because for a second I saw fear hit his face .
    "I will kick ass when I gets the chance I'll wipe the floor with the ugly ass face of yours"
       " we'll see " I smirked . Then Aizawa gave us our score . Todoroki was first and I was second of course I hold back my powers. They are to dangerous to be use  at its fullest . Izuku place last  but eraser face announce that he lied about last going home .
     I was packing up my stuff when I got stop by Todoroki. " Hey listen I know we just met but I really want to know you better do you think we could hang out soon , here my number " he blushed and handed me a piece of paper with his name and number on it .
     " Of course, Todoroki right ? " I smiled
       " Yes , but you can call me shoto if you like . can I walk you out," he rub the back of his neck.
       " You sure it instead because of my dad right ?" I raise my eyebrows. I really hope not I want friends who like me for me .
      " No of course not , I understand what's it like being the kid of a famous dad . My dad is Endeavor."
     " I'm sorry I didn't I should of know , yes you can walk with me ." I grabbed his arm and we headed out .
     We had to shield our faces from the paparazzi . Little did we know someone got a good shot . We Made it to the car. My dad was inside of it , no one could see though because of the tinted windows.
       " Bye shoto  see you tommorw ,"
       " See you ," he replied then wave . I got into the care and my dad gave me this weird look .
        " What ?" I asked
        " Already have a boyfriend I see" he chuckle
        " it's not even like that ," My face turn red . Okay yes he very hot and sweet but I just met him .
" If they knew what a freak I am , they wouldn't be so quick to talk to me," I sigh .
" Your powers aren't who you are . Where your from don't define you ." He put his hand on my shoulder and I return it with a smile .
Katsuki POV 💥🤤
Today was irritating. I always finish first there all just idiots . She shows up thinking she better then me . Just because of her daddy and her looks . That body of her with her skirt highlighting that ass And the size of her chest . She thinks she can just control everyone will I won't for it.
I turn on the tv to get my mind off of her . The News came on . It was a reporter standing in front of U.A . I turn it up louder so I could hear .
" Turn out Y/N the gorgeous daughter of almight has spark a love interest her first day " It showed a picture of her on that half bastard arms. My blood begin to boil . I don't why I care but i do . I just hate the half and half bastard he shouldn't be all smiling like that . You would think she would have more Sense then to talk to extras .
Todoroki Pov 🤍❤️
I saw the news . Me and Y/n a couple ? I wouldn't mind . She so talented and gorgeous. Down to earth And her smile feels so contagious. My phone started to buzz. I got a text from her .
Y/N: I'm sorry did you see the news ? I didn't mean for that to happen
Todoroki: it's okay I'm the one who wanted to walk you out.
Y/N: okay well see you Tommorw todo
Todoroki : Can't wait
I smiled like a idiot at the nickname she gave me . She so cute . I decided to head off to bed who new what second day at U. A had would bring .
I got to class earlier before everyone else . Then ten minutes I see her walking in.
" Hey are you ready to get our customs today?" She asked while taking her seat next to me . Before I could answer mina appear in front of Y/n desk.
" Ooooo are you two like a couple . I saw the news yesterday it was so cuteee," she screech . Y/n face was super red , it was kind of funny.
" It's not a big deal we're just friends walking together that's it's ," she twirls her hair .
" Like anyone would ever want Y/N she so fucking ugly and dumb," bakagou laugh . I thought I saw a flash of hurt in her eyes but then then she stood up.
" At least I'm not slow And weak , I bet I could beat you in a fight . Your probably to scare though ," Y/n smirked . The whole class was shocked . No one ever dare to talk shit back to him . I felt fear go through me . Was she trying to get her self kill , I'm sure she strong . I don't know if she strong as bakagou though.
" What did you say to me you stupid bitch," he stood up and started a small explosion in his hand.
" You heard me you bastard" she floated her self off the ground and her eyes flash red . Things we're about to get real bad.
" Y/N and bakagou what do you think your doing ." Almight voice surprise everyone ." Y/N floated back down and bakagou let small explosion die off. " I'm disappointed in both of you . This is not how a hero should act."
Your POV
How embarrassing to get called out by your dad in front of your whole class. He was right though and I'm sure I will hear about this when I get home.
We head to the locker rooms to change into out costumes . My custom was like a one piece swimming suit . It was (F/c ) .It had a slit down the middle where you could see my some of my chest . Then a (f/c ) cloak with a hood. I had thigh high stocking with lacing at the top and combat boots .
" I love the costume Y/n" Momo said . Everyone agree.
We step outside to ground B . The boys were already out there I could feel eyes on me. My dad look kind of upset . Maybe this was a bad idea . Katsuki was staring at me even .
Katsuki POV
I saw her custom . Showing her body off to the whole class . They were all staring them idiots . Todoroki was looking her up and down .
" l want to be team up with that," I heard Kirishima whisper . I shot him a nasty glare.
Almight explain to us the activity we were doing .
There were gonna be two teams . A hero team and a villain team . The villain team Is supposed to protect the fake Bomb and the hero team is trying to capture it .
I got pair up with Lida . The stupid extra best stay out of my way.
" The hero team Will be Y/N and Uraraka," I saw stupid princess and shitty extra that's hangs out with Deku . High five each other like they weren't about to get there ass kicked . She was gonna pay for making it where I can't get her off of my mind . This will be fun.
Your POV 💜
I was looking for kitsuki this was how I was going to show him that he not the best . All a sudden he jumps in front of me .
"You were all talk this morning . You underestimate me Y/N . Now it's time to pay." He got his hands ready to blast me . I dodge it , it wasn't that big .
      " What is your quirk anyways?" He growl
      " None of your damn business"
       He aim another one at me . This time he was using his Grenades.
                                         Katsuki POV 💕
    It was hard to focus with that's stupid costume on her.  I heard all might voice come through my mic.
  " Katsuki don't use that attack on her you'll kill her" he said worryingly. I  rolled  his eyes . He plays favorites it's so stupid .
   " Not if she dodges it " I pulled the trigger . She made a portal causing it to go through there. She hurry made another portal right in front of me . My attack came back through it and hit me . Her team mate must of touch the bomb. A announcement came through that the hero team won.
    I got up but I was extremely swore . She was smiling at me , how disgusting. That was luck next time I'll beat her . But for now I'll keep her close .
I'll have the next chapter up soon Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it . Please send criticism on what I can do better. Don't worry bakagou we'll start soften up to you soon .
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lumilasi · 5 years
Diversion update
Chapter 8; first day
Took me a while to figure out what to do with this, as nothing much of importance regarding to Tenko’s backstory really happens around this time. As a result, I decided to focus a bit more on Izuku, and his relationship with this Kacchan as he’s nicer than canon Bakago. 
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crazymangaluv · 4 years
@hellomgann1296 my beautiful muse along with the talented fanfic authors I read helped to inspire me to write my 1st Bakugou fic. I’m not much of a writer so I’m sorry for any mistakes and any ooc-ness of the character. 
Warning: (slightly lemony: cursing, slight nudity, some steaminess). This is a Bakugou x female reader: I sincerely apologize to those who are left out when using female pronouns. 
Description: You and Katsuki are childhood friends and you have fallen for this hothead. Unfortunately, you overhear him say something hurtful and you did the first thing that came into mind: run. Not a smart idea in hindsight but run you did. Buuuut of course you run blindly during a thunderstorm (accident waiting to happen) and have a loose canon chasing after you aka Bakagou. Will your relationship mend? 
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You attempt to focus on the sound of water falling heavily onto the ground as you took deep breaths in and out. You shiver and clutch yourself tighter. Your ankle is throbbing but you try to ignore it. The sound of the rain and the burning fire provides some comfort to your misery--
Your eyebrow twitches at the sound. You turn your attention back to the source. He’s sitting there in his boxers, arms crossed and a scowl adorning his handsome face. You disregard his naked state, your face contorting into a similar scowl as well. You try to find your inner zen -cute puppy…..no wait...a handful of cute puppies-. It was beginning to work but-- 
“Achoo!” you sniffle. 
There goes your patience. “Would you knock it off Bakagou??”
His scowl deepens to a snarl at your remark and the emphasis on the former portion of his name. “Eh?? Knock it off? It’s your fault we’re in this mess in the first place!”
You scoff in disbelief. “My fault?? I didn't ask you to come after me, Mr. I’m-so-cool- with-my-bad-attitude!” 
He glances at your swollen, bruised ankle and your drenched clothes before reverting his glaring eyes to yours. You meet his eyes with a glare of your own, however, your vision begins to blur from the tears forming. He opens his mouth to retort but you continue: “I was trying to get away from you! You’re just a big fucking jerk! You don’t care about anyone other than yourself and you treat everyone like shit!” 
Your tears flow freely down your cheeks. You don’t bother hiding them from him, even if it makes you look weak. His scowl reduces to a frown, eyebrows furrowing. He feels a pang in his chest; he hates it when you cry. His face bears an expression of shame but something else you couldn’t pinpoint. 
You’ve been his friend since childhood, you would even say you’re one of his best friends. He does treat you differently than the rest: more mellow and less explosive, no verbal berating, etc. You couldn’t help but develop deeper feelings for him over the years. The two of you are older now and you have noticed an increase of intimate moments between you both when alone. The subtle soft touches, the caresses, the long hugs, the way his hardened eyes would soften with you, the movie night cuddles, falling asleep in each other’s arms...gestures where you felt that there was a possibility of reciprocated feelings. Guess it was all in your head, nothing but misinterpretation from a desperate fool. You feel like such an idiot. 
You’re on your way to see him, smiling to yourself as you carry his share of the spicy dish you cooked. He seemed stressed the previous day so you wanted to cheer him up. He always looked forward to your dishes. You could hear their voices around the corner, and you smile to yourself, it seems that they were up to the usual shenanigans based on the volume of their voices. It appears they were teasing him about something, you shake your head at their antics. 
“Yeah Ochako is super cute! Haha why are you blushing Midoriya??”  
“What about y/n??” 
“Yeah! Y/n is pretty cute, you think she’s got a boyfriend?” 
“Oh yeah y/n sure is a looker. She’s pretty badass too.” 
“Wait she’s got Bakugou here.” *laughs* 
“Yeaah you two are awfully close...are you guys….ya know….,” *whispers* “doing it??”
Katsuki growls, “Shut up!”
“NO! THEY’RE NOOOOT! WHY WOULD Y/N WANT STUPID BAKUGOU ANYWAYS??!” Mineta cries out pathetically. 
You roll your eyes at the sound of his stupid whining voice. You shake your head and sighed. You’re ready with your retort and to kick Mineta’s ass just as you turned the corner.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP! STOP BEING ALL GAH GAH OVER HER! Y/N AIN’T SHIT!” Katstuki shouts as he shoves Mineta aside. 
His gift slips from your hands onto the ground. It feels as though you’re punched in the gut. You stand frozen like a deer in headlights. He’s never said anything like that to you or about you before in all the years you’ve known him. The boys flinch at his booming voice before flinching again at your presence. They look at you in awkward silence equally as surprised. He turns at the sound, his eyes meeting yours and widening in shock. Thunder rolls in the background...tears form in your eyes but you refuse to let them fall, your lips quiver. You turn and just run. You ran as fast as you could with no set destination in mind. You hear him shout your name but you didn’t care. You needed to get away from everyone, you’re so embarrassed and ashamed. 
It begins to pour, the water drenches you as you keep moving. Lightning flashes above you with the loud boom of thunder. The rain makes the floor increasingly slippery causing you to lose your footing. You careen down, curling into a ball as you tumble down a steep slope. You land with a *crash* and a *thump*. You turn over onto your back and let out a sob. You’re such an idiot...you angrily wipe your cheek. You have no idea where you are and it’s getting dark. You move to stand but fall over from the sharp pain at your ankle. Oh just great, a sprained ankle to make things even better.
He immediately had run after you following his brief state of shock. He loses you momentarily but he hears the crash in the distance. He quickened his pace in desperation and anger. “Y/n!”
You hear your name and you look up to see him gracefully sliding down the slope towards you. No no no no, not you. You stand and limp away ignoring the pain but he easily catches up to you. His hand gently and firmly wraps around your arm but you rip it out of his grip. The movement aggravates your ankle further causing you to yelp out in pain as you lose your balance. He reaches for you, swiftly catching and pulling you close. You squirm in his arms. 
“Quit squirming y/n!” 
You refuse to look at him,“No. Let go of me.”
He scowls and instead picks you up. “Your fucking ankle is shit and you know for damn sure you can’t walk right now.”
You cross your arms and huff in annoyance. No word is said between the two of you as he treks the terrain. The rain only falls harder with frequent flashes of lightning and rumbling of thunder. You’re both drenched and you tremble from the cold. His grip tightens, he needs to get you out of the rain fast. Your teeth are chattering; he tch’s to himself and quickens his pace. The sky grows darker, making it more difficult to see where he’s going. The flash of lightning provides him the light he needed, illuminating a cave ahead. He sets you down gently before stalking off to get supplies for a fire. He’s gone for no more than 2 minutes. He drops the branches and wood and starts a fire. You welcome the heat but refuse to move.  
“Your clothes need to dry. Take them off y/n, you’re going to get sick.” 
You ignore him and opt to hug yourself in all your wetness. You hear the squelching of tossed wet clothes and your face flushes. 
Your trembling worsens, not just from the coldness of your still wet attire, but from your outburst as well. You look away and bury your face into your arms. You let out a quiet sob you couldn’t hold in. You’re cold, wet, in pain, angry, tired, embarrassed, ashamed, etc. All these feelings and emotions storming inside you. You didn’t hear him approach you but instead feel his warm arms pulling you close. Before you could pull away, his solemn voice stops you. 
“I’m sorry.” 
You sit there in shock, he’s never said sorry before...in all the years you’ve known him not one sorry. 
He hugs you tighter, his head rests on your shoulder. “I’m a fucking idiot. I didn’t mean what I said. Please y/n...forgive me.” 
You sniffle. “You’re a jerk,” you voice out weakly. It didn’t hold the angry bite you wanted, but you couldn’t stay angry, you were just hurt. 
“I am a jerk…I’m sorry.” 
You sneeze again causing him to slightly flinch. He tchs once more and immediately picks you up and plops down by the fire. “You’re going to get sick y/n…”
You don’t respond. 
*Sigh* “...y/n please…”
You sigh in response. You move to shuffle away and his arms release you. The places where he was touching you are now cold. You miss his touch but you shake your head and take in a deep breath before removing your clothing. Katsuki turns away, refraining from turning around. You neatly place your drenched clothes on the rocks beside you. You shiver, it's still a tad chilly but the fire is helping. You glance over to him, the flickering glow of the fire dancing on his muscular back. He’s close enough to touch but you stop yourself by gripping your hands together. Your eyes travel up to the back of his head, his dripping blond hair glistening softly. You follow a droplet that falls from a strand of hair and slowly rolls down his spine. As if he felt your gaze, he turns his head slightly to peer at you from the corner of his eye. 
You twiddle your thumbs nervously at the silence. You furrow your brow and clear your throat. “Why did you say it if you didn’t mean it?”  
He looks away from you. “Because...because I’m an idiot.” His eyes return to yours. 
You frown. “Yeah you are an idiot.”
He doesn’t flinch. “I am an idiot...I just...I didn’t want them to know…” he trails off, looking away and rubbing the back of his neck in discomfort. 
You look at him expectantly, eyes narrowing. 
He puts his arm down and turns fully to face you, sighing. His eyes return to yours. “I didn’t want them to know how crazy I am for you. And--” he pauses. “I got...jealous. I didn’t want them looking at you the way I do.” 
You look at him quizzically, heart pounding in your chest. His eyes are burning with an intensity you haven't quite seen before. 
You blush but hold firm. “That still doesn’t make it okay to react like that. To be so quick to bring me down. It was still hurtful to hear...even if you weren’t talking directly to me.” 
His eyebrows furrow and he reaches a hand out to you. His rough hand lightly covers yours. “I know. I’m sorry y/n. I am, truly. I’m a stupid immature jerk. It won’t happen again....You’re not...you’re not something to possess, but someone to cherish...to love.”
You hear and feel the sincerity in his words. You look down at his hand, registering the words he just said...You can’t get your hopes up, interpreting a moment for more than what it was. You gather your courage to ask the one question you’ve wanted the answer to for years:
“Do you...love me?”
His breath hitches and he freezes. He’s not used to expressing his feelings, the ones that leave him vulnerable. He uses a wall of anger to prevent anyone from seeing him weak. Opening his heart to someone, he hasn’t, not even to his own parents. But you...you make him want to. You’ve gradually chiseled down those walls of his. He yearns to just hold you in his arms and never let you go. Loving you isn’t a weakness. He has realized over the years, his love for you has made him stronger. It was what fanned the flames within him, motivating him to be the best. Seeing these other men around you, ones who weren’t so rough around the edges, it made him feel jealous. You deserved better than him, one who’s not as explosively hot headed. It wasn’t right for him to try to possess you, to keep you to himself and chase others away from you.
He removes his hand from yours. You swallow painfully, the lump of your throat aching more so than your ankle. You close your eyes and steel yourself, preparing for the incoming rejection. But instead he inches closer to you, you can feel the heat radiating from his body yet you remain still. He tentatively raises his hand to your face to gently wipe a stray tear that fell from your cheek unbeknownst to you and rests his hand on the side of your face, thumb caressing your cheek in a comforting manner. 
“I love you y/n. With every fiber of my being, even if you don’t feel the same way.”
You close your eyes and lean into his touch, letting out the breath you’ve been holding. The tears flow down your cheeks and his warm thumbs wipe them away tenderly. He gently pulls you closer and kisses your forehead. You suck in a breath at the intimate action. You feel his lips on your right cheek, then your left...by the corner of your lips, on the right side, then the left side. It lingers there a bit, your lips tremble. Then, you can feel his lips, ever so softly, brush against yours. 
Your rapid thumping of your heart is ringing in your ears. You move your lips against his, unsure at first but soon with more confidence. His lips move against yours in a sense of desperation. His hands drop to your waist to pull you down with him. You’re pulled flush against him as he holds you on top of him. You gasp and blush further at how his half naked body feels against yours. He places his hand behind your head and tenderly brings you down to which you allow with no resistance. His lips envelop yours with gentle aggression you didn’t think was possible. The kiss is quickly deepened. His rough hands roam over your body, without venturing too far, and you let out a moan. 
He rolls you over beneath him without breaking the kiss and with a hand supporting your head. He’s nestled between your legs as the two of you kiss fervently. It's your turn to let your hands wander. Your hands gliding over his smooth skin, your fingers studying his hard muscles in detail. He detaches his lips from yours to suck and nip at your neck down to just above your breasts. You moan and wrap your legs around his hips to pull him further against you, paying no heed to the twinge of pain from your ankle. He moans into your neck from the contact and slightly grinds against you. You pull him back up to your lips and his tongue slides into your mouth, teasing yours. You grip his back tightly, moaning as you feel yourself growing hotter. His hand slips up your torso, fingertips brushing over your breast. You lean into his touch which causes his hand to grasp your breast. You gasp into his mouth and moan out his name. He withdraws his hand from your breast and pulls away from you. Leaning on his forearms, he hovers over you whilst panting and eyes burning with desire. 
He leans down to kiss you, lips lingering before pulling away. His hand brushes the strands of hair from your face and he caresses your cheek lightly with the back of his fingers. 
“As much as I want you y/n...and believe me, y/n, I want to ravish you, to kiss, suck, touch every inch of your body...I can’t...not here, not like this.”
You blink up at him in realization. Cheeks reddening at his words, suddenly feeling shy. 
“I want you, sprawled on my bed.” He growls out. 
Your face flushes at the thought.
“I want to wake up to you in my arms...I want you there beside me, as my partner. I want to take you out on a real date, hand in hand, treat you the way you deserve.” 
Your lips quiver. 
“You’re the only woman I want, if you’ll have me.” 
You nod, speechless. You relish in the tender kiss he gives you before he sits up and pulls you into his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around you. You nuzzle into the crook of his neck, enjoying the intimacy as you both sit there basking in the warmth of crackling fire and listen to the soothing sound of the pitter pattering of the rain. 
Friends remain dumbfounded as they stumble upon the both of you emerging from the forest. He struts through, carrying you in his arms as he makes his way to the infirmary. Your friends follow, teeming with questions. 
“Oh my gosh, are you okay y/n?”
“Y/n! Kaachan! Are you guys are okay?”
“Y/n, what happened? Did you guys make up?”
“What did you do to her Bakugou?”
“Y/n! Thank goodness you’re okay! Bakugou! You apologized huh? You’re truly embracing the manly spirit!”
“We were worried sick! We were about to go looking for you guys!” 
“You can’t just run off like that during a storm!! That was irresponsible of you both!” 
You smile awkwardly and apologetically. You’re attempting to answer the swarm of questions and apologize, but find no room to interject. Katsuki’s scowls, eyebrow twitching in annoyance. 
“Piss off! Get the fuck outta our way extras!” 
They scramble out of the way, momentarily ceasing their questioning. He holds you tightly as he kicks the door shut on their curious faces. They deemed it wiser to leave the two of you alone, opting to pester the two of you later. He places a chaste kiss your cheek before placing you down on one of the beds. He walks away tch-ing at the lack of staff. “Oy! My girlfriend is injured here! Move your asses!”
You smile and shake your head. You love this hothead. 
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fizzychocolatemilk · 3 years
Totally Normal...You Know Until (Part 1)
A little late, but now it’s here! Enjoy and leave comments (if you’re comfortable)! Part two will be out here tomorrow...or you can read the whole fic on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33074071.
The day had been relatively normal. Katsuki had been put on patrol with Deku, since they had begun branding themselves together in anticipation for their upcoming graduation. To be honest, despite how far he and the shitty nerd had come in the three years since they started at UA, he still wondered what he did to get a (technically future) hero partner as good as Deku. Of course if the nerd heard that line of thought, Deku’d surely smack him and call him an idiot, then say that stupid “Kacchan sugoi!” crap that made Katsuki’s face get hot and his palms sweat more than usual.
He was secure enough at this point of his life to admit that he had more than platonic feelings for Deku, and if it were anyone else Katsuki would surely act on those feelings, ask the nerd out on a date, maybe to that pre-quirk era hero museum that opened recently near UA. However, because it’s Deku, Katsuki planned to take all those left unsaid feelings with him to the grave. He wasn’t going to be the jackass that ruined everything he and Deku had worked for years to get back, but really, it all comes back to the point that Deku deserves way better than what Katsuki can give him. Deku asked to be his hero partner, so Katsuki was going to be the best damn hero partner the shit nerd could ask for, which meant he wasn’t going to get greedy and ask for more than the stupid, self-sacrificing nerd could (or wanted to) give.
So the patrol was relatively normal. Deku was being his smiley, chatty self and talking Katuki’s ear off about some rookie hero that had debuted in the past week. Katsuki was trying to not get distracted by how cute the nerd was when he got into his shitty rambles when the kid ran into him.
“Momma! Can’t find my momma!” the child wailed. Large, watery green eyes with slitted pupils looked up at him. The child had several reptilian features, so Katsuki couldn’t really tell whether the child was male or female.
But that didn’t really matter. “Hey! Watch where you’re going kid,” he led with (because even if the kid was scared, you can’t go running around like that on busy streets). “Can you tell me your name?”
Katsuki was pretty good with little kids. They usually thought his rough temperament was funny and they weren’t annoying or clingy in the way he’s found reporters and older fans to be.
“Don’t worry. I’m a hero. Deku and I can help you find your momma.”
The kid sniffled a little bit. “M’name’s Kyo. ‘don’t remember where I last saw momma.”
That made things a little more difficult, but he was Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight dammit! He and Deku could definitely get this kid back to their mom. “Alright, Kyo. Here’s what we’re gonna do. We’ll look around nearby for your momma, but if we can’t find her we’ll take you to the police station and they can call your mom there. That sound good to you?”
Kyo nodded, so Katuski held out his hand for Kyo to take.
As they continued down the street, Katsuki asked Kyo about his day, to which he enthusiastically responded with a long story that included a bad day at school followed by a fun afternoon out with his mother. During which Deku walked, awkward and silent, next to Katuski while he kept an eye out for a distraught mother.
Soon they had made it to the end of the street, and as they rounded the corner Kyo’s eyes lit up.
A bright flash erupted from Kyo and Katsuki’s clasped hands before Kyo tore away towards their mom. Katsuki would have ran after him, but he was hit with a painful headache, one that made him clutch his head in both hands and curl into himself. He distantly heard Deku screaming his name, but it didn’t register as his ears began ringing and the world swirled before his eyes. Then everything went black.
When Katsuki awoke, he was on the ground with an upset Kyo hovering over his face. “Uhhhh….W-w-what..? W-what happened?” He said with a humiliating stutter. What was wrong with him?
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Hero!” Kyo cried. “I didn’t mean to use it! I was just so happy to see momma! I’m sorry.”
Katsuki sat up as he processed the words. “I’m sorry. Ummm...what are you t-t-talking about kiddo?”
“Hi. I’m Kyo’s mother. I’m really sorry, sir, but he used his quirk on you,” a lady with a strong build, freckles that looked like sky blue scales, and a navy blue bob cut extended her hand to him. Assumably for him to take. He shook his head no, mumbled a barely discernible “thank you,” and stood up without the help. He felt like he was forgetting something for a moment. What was it?
“Deku!” It hit him like a freight train. He forgot about Deku. How embarrassing. Katsuki could feel his face heating up without his consent, and he slapped his hands over his cheeks to hide the growing flush. Then he looked over to see Deku sitting up on the ground with his head clutched in one hand.
“What the fuck happened?”
That was Deku. Katsuki’s brain rebooted. “Deku?! Are you okay?! You can’t say stuff like that in front of a kid! Even I censor myself!” Katsuki berated Deku as he checked him for injuries frantically.
Deku batted his hands away half-heartedly. “I’m fucking fine, stupid Kacchan! Answer me! What the fuck happened?”
Katsuki huffed at Deku and his cheeks involuntarily puffed out, making him look like a chipmunk, when the woman interjected. “I’m sorry, sirs. Again, my child used their quirk on you. So you’ll have swapped personalities for 12-48 hours. Your feelings and choices won’t be affected, you’ll just show your feelings and enact your will a bit differently. You’ll both get the bad headaches again when the quirk wears off. Sorry for the inconvenience, but thank you for returning my child to me. It is deeply appreciated.” The woman smiled at the end and sent a fond look towards Kyo.
Katsuki opened his mouth to ask for her name, but Deku interrupted him. “Listen up, lady. We appreciate your concern, but we’re gonna need your name and number. We’re third year hero students at UA, so we need to hand that information to our homeroom teacher for reference. Just in case the quirk doesn’t wear off when you say it does or has any extraneous effects,” Deku gruffed at the woman, a scowl on his face and eyebrows downturned in slight annoyance. Then he turned his head to the side and grumbled, “We’re just doing our fucking job. You don’t need to thank us.”
The woman smiled, making it obvious she heard Deku’s final sentences. She then pulled a pen and a small notepad out of her purse, scribbled something on it, then ripped the page out and handed it to Katsuki, who was standing slightly closer to her. “Well then, thank you for your work. It is definitely appreciated.”
Deku scoffed at the woman, but Katsuki noticed that Deku’s ears were slowly flushing. This in turn made Katsuki himself blush because...those were his mannerisms. So he knew Deku was feeling pleased and embarrassed, even if he still looked standoffish. How could Deku still be a cute dumbass even with his own mannerisms?! It didn’t make sense to Katsuki, but his own flush was dying down now thankfully. Katsuki turned to the woman and held out his right hand for a shake. “Thank you for your compliance and continued support. It is appreciated.” As much as Katsuki didn’t especially like most adults, he appreciated the reasonable ones.
As Katsuki and Deku walked back to UA after stopping in at the agency, Katsuki thought about what had happened so far. Deku’s personality was noticeably different from his own, but Katsuki didn’t hate it. It made it easier to express what he was feeling in a healthy way. From his interactions with the woman and Kyo, he definitely seemed nicer. He was just doing what he would usually do, just in the way Deku would do it, but he felt like a completely different person. It was weird. But… “What the hell are you mumbling about, Bakacchan?!” Katsuki jolted as he was startled out of his thoughts.
”Oh...ummm...I guess I was just thinking about the effects of the quirk,” he responded, but Katsuki could once again feel his face flushing. Again with the stupid blush?!
Deku scoffs again and turns his head slightly away from Katsuki before replying. “Yeah. It’s pretty fucking annoying. I’m feeling the same shit I usually feel, but I just can’t express it the way I usually fucking do. Shit’s dumb as fuck.” Katsuki snorted at Deku’s language. To which Deku responded, “Hah?! You’re just gonna laugh at me, dumb Kacchan?!” Then muttered, “Dumb Bakagou.”
Katsuki devolved into full on laughter. “Deku! You...you...hahahahaha...you’re the one bad at expressing your emotions now!”
”HAAAAH?! Say that to my face, shitty nerd!” Katsuki started running down the sidewalk as Deku chased him. The streets filled with their combined laughter and shouting as they ran all the way back to UA.
Aizawa stared intently at them as Katsuki sat on a sofa in the teachers lounge next to Deku. Katsuki stared back at him, eyes wider than normal and face not in his usual scowl, while Deku was slouched next to him, dangerous green eyes flashing a glare at their homeroom teacher. Aizawa’s eyes narrowed and flashed red for a second before he rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily.
”Can’t you two problem children go a day without some sort of incident?”
Katsuki’s cheeks pinkened with embarrassment at the truth of that statement. While they didn’t often get into quirk accidents specifically, he and Deku could definitely be referred to as partners-in-crime. They’ve destroyed furniture during playful fights, accidentally hurt some of their classmates during a paired fighting exercise, and broken curfew together. And those are only the incidents from the past week! He was starting to realize how much more he got into trouble with Deku around, when said person nudged his arm and grumbled about him mumbling again.
Aizawa sighed again, heavier this time, and continued speaking. “Well, since this isn’t really impairing your judgement or ability to function, and since the quirk will wear off relatively quickly, you’re going to stay at UA for the duration of the effects. Your parents have been notified and have agreed to allow you to stay, but both your mothers requested that you call tonight and after the quirk wears off,” he ran a slightly annoyed hand through his hair, then continued, “This might be a lot to ask, but try not to cause too much commotion? I’ll see you both in class on Monday.” They took the dismissal and both stood to leave, but not without a grunt from Deku and a short “Thank you, sensei,” from Katsuki himself.
Deku pulled out his phone in the hallway, presumably to call his mother, when Katsuki placed a gentle hand on his arm to stop him. “Why don’t we both text our moms and do a group video chat?” Deku grunted in response, but his fingers began moving across his phone’s keyboard to text his mother the plan.
Katsuki pulled out his phone to text his mother, but then he heard Deku say, “Good plan, Kacchan,” in a low voice.
He fumbled his phone for a minute as his face flushed bright red. “Y-y-y-yeah...I-I-I just f-f-figured we could avoid a-a-a lot of the dramatics...and you know...they could see that we were f-f-fine for the-themselves,” he stuttered out. His hands involuntarily came up to cover his heavily flushed face, but the burden of his phone in his hand caused him to wrap his arms around his head and look away from Deku.
Deku scoffed, but grumbled out a “whatever,” and continued walking towards the dorms, but he now had a thoughtful expression on his face.
Katsuki panicked for a second. What was Deku thinking about?! Katsuki couldn’t help but worry that Deku would figure out his feelings if he kept being so obvious with his embarrassment. Deku was somewhat easier to read with their personalities swapped because he was using Katsuki’s mannerisms, so Katsuki could only assume that it worked both ways. Katsuki had just exhibited one of Deku’s flustered tendencies. One of his extremely obvious flustered tendencies. If he kept up this behavior, Katsuki could kiss the new, perfect normal that he had achieved with Deku (the perfect, partners-in-crime, ride-or-die, visit each other at 3am to talk about anything normal) goodbye. He couldn’t let that happen. He couldn’t...
Katsuki looked up to see Deku down the hallway. Waiting for him. Katsuki blushed (again), and ran to catch up. He looked over at Deku and gave a small smile. Deku scowled and turned his head away. His ears were flushed again. They walked side-by-side silently as they made their way toward the dorms.
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awriterinthedark · 3 years
Bnha fics I want to write:
Bakagou Katsuki having tourettes and trying to hide it because he feels like in order to be number one he can't show any weakness. He's desperately trying to hide it from class 1a and is successful for a time but kirishima finds him having a ticing storm and freaks out. When Katsuki explains that he has a neurological condition, what it is and what it's like kirishima is surprisingly chill and promises not to tell anyone else, but he encourages Katsuki to share with the baku squad because he knows that they won't judge him for it.
Izuku midoriya gets turned into a puppy by a villain on the day of the sludge villain attack. Canon events up to the point of all might leaving him on the roof. He climbs down and a villain (who took advantage of the chaos that was going on down the street from bakagou getting held hostage by the sludge villain) who robs a convenience store runs into izuku and in a panic activates her quirk and turns izuku into a puppy.
This would be pretty angsty because izuku doesn't go home and when his backpack is found in the area it's thought that izuku died. Izuku is eventually found and picked up by eraserhead, who takes him to a vet and then to nedzu when it's suspected that izuku is a quirked animal. Izuku chooses to let them believe this because he doesn't want to go back home and be a burden on his mom. So he lies and let's the heroes believe that he's a quirked animal. Nedzu takes him under his wing, lots of dadzawa and of course bakagou redemption because I really like that angry blonde kid.
I basically have all of the plot figured out, I just need to actually write it
Really really want to write puppy!izuku honestly... Anyone interested in reading something like that?
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ao3feed-tododeku · 4 years
How the World Found Out
How the world found out by Maudie Senpai
((This has nothing for my currently in-progress project. This is non A/B/O
Words: 747, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Class 1-A, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, O - Character
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki/Original Female Character(s), Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta, dekusquad - Relationship, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Mentions of Sex, Pervert Mineta Minoru, Mineta Minoru Being an Asshole, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Protective Bakugou Katsuki, Protective Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A Shenanigans, Protective Class 1-A, i dont know hot to tag
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25864513
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wingsporkhalo · 5 years
He’s Mine: A BakuDeku Fic Spork- Chapter 4
WOW I can’t believe this story only ran for 4 chapters! Or no, wait, I can absolutely believe that.
For those of you who are new, I read a terrible BakuDeku fanfiction and made funny commentary on it with the help of some good buddies!! Thanks again @kittykatz009​, @the-wizard-l​, @satsuneade​, and Phos!!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Support me on Patreon! I am poor!! https://www.patreon.com/WingSongHalo And check out my YouTube channel, where you can see video sporks!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgTMFf7W6SyWoZdpqY9ZdPw/
Last time, Shoto made terrible jokes and lied to Izuku’s mother, Izuku and Shoto went on a date, and our helpless damsel protagonist got attacked by a villain!! Also, I provided several of my own takes on the pairing! When we left off, Izuku had received a note from Katsuki that had a love confession on it! In today’s installment, we see the fight between Lord Explosion Murder and Ice Ice Flamey from the beginning! Also, they stalk Izuku and hang around him creepily all night at his house!
Me: Izuku would stare at that letter for ages and find a hidden message in it. Izuku, reading the note: "Hey, damn nerd... Even though I didn't get to tell you yesterday, I was trying to say that I'm in Love with you. I want to go out with you. Let me know what you think. PS- Tell anyone else and you're dead." [long pause] "...............oh my god... the first letter of each line... HE'S IN TROUBLE!! I HAVE TO SAVE HIM"
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Wiz: 🦢 Me: First off, I think it's kind of telling that within the universe of this story, I'm kind of rooting for Bakugou over Todoroki. I mean, at least Bakugou beat a girl unconscious to save him. Todoroki just kidnapped him while he was dressed like a girl and then took him to a park for no reason and left him there. I like how this chapter is formatted like the shittiest poem I've ever seen. and yes THE DOOR SWAN OPEN Phos: I need to record myself reading bad fanfic like ee Cummings poetry Me: absolutely YOU COULDN'T SEE IZUKU ANYWHERE IN THE WHAT???? WHY WOULD HE--I--WHAT??? THE FUCK???? Jaz: did that say catheter?? Me: IT SAYS CATHETER Wiz: hvgjhgjhRTDYFYGIU Me: IM DYING OH MY GODDDDDD Jaz: that doesnt sound very sanitary Me: MAYBE LOOK IN SOME BETTER HIDING PLACES, TODOROKI
intill: It's all inside
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Okay but where is Izuku sitting?? Jaz: he’s levitating Me: "About What?" "Right, about Western Heroes' Acting Theater. They're putting on a show and I want to know if I can make it" "............" And then it’s like "Gee, I have no idea if i should go out with this dangerous person who has always asserted his unquestionable dominance over me with violence if necessary!!" "[internally] oh my god, is Izuku... is the guy I like... dumb??" Jaz: afudshgoudshuigdsh
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Me: Of course he doesn't know. Izuku isn't allowed to have a thought in his head in this story Suddenly, Bakugou just fucking Apparates there Jaz: What’s the dose? Me: I dunno, but if it's a Bakugou dose, I'm assuming it'll be -hard to handle -a little too spicy for comfort -really bad for my health Jaz: mhmmm spicy Me:
He must of herd
Surely you mean a Herd of Must? Majestic animals also who is Bakagou and when did he get here? At least we know one thing about him: He's an idiot (...because baka.) WAIT, maybe Bakagou was the author's idea of a pun?? Because he is now Todoroki's rival in love?? ...nah, that's giving the author way too much credit... Jaz: im just picturing Bakugou's head on a horse's body running through a pasture Me: LKAJF;LKSDJLK
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Or--hot take, but hear me out--mayyyybe Izuku belongs to no one but himself?? DID YA EVER THINK OF THAT, AUTHOR??? Who is Intill allmight and why is only the first word of his name capitalized Where the fuck did he come from, anyway? Doesn't this take place after the school festival? If so, how is All Might in muscle form? Or did he just appear here in his Smol Might form?? Then he just... fucks the hell off with both of them in tow, I guess IZUKU, HON, GUESS WHAT: YOU DON'T HAVE TO CHOOSE EITHER OF THEM! THEY'RE BOTH BLAND PIECES OF DRYWALL Wiz: RIGHT Me: also I like how they both just stalk Izuku until he makes up his mind. Except NO I DON'T, THAT'S SUPER FUCKING WEIRD AND DISTURBING Wiz: IT REALLY IS Jaz: this is so painful
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Wiz: this poor kid Me: Stay over to night? Does that mean they're going to leave at nightfall? sounds a'ight Jaz: the coach Me: "Eh yeah" WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. THIS IS SO STUPID I'M 😂 "Oh remember Izuku" "Yes mom I remember Izuku because that is me" "Oh, okay, just checking. I forget sometimes"
that poor coach
Izuku might as well be a stupid princess doll for all the agency he has in this fic
So the three of them just... sat there in uncomfortable silence while they slowly smushed Izuku between them? And then Izuku just gets up when he's done watching TV? DIDN'T ANYONE WANT TO TALK? THIS IS SO UNSETTLING INKO, COME BACK! WE NEED AN ADULT Wiz: PLEASE COME BACK Jaz: hfdsihgdsiugh
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Me: "Don't ask me what vegetables. Just... nameless vegetables. Honestly I'm not convinced they were even vegetables, but that's what the large blue letters on them said, so I thought I'd take their word for it." Wiz: That last line is so creepy for some reason Jaz: it IS creepy Me: "Your going it wrong" They should have said that to Inko when she was leaving. "Your going and leaving us alone with your son? It wrong."
"I never knew that you were good with at cuting!"
I mean, yeah, he could definitely use a refresher course on cute-ing. He has forgotten how to cute.
So like, Shoto's just sitting in there staring brainlessly at the TV while Bakugou impresses his supposed love interest by being a culinary genius? Weak, Shoto. Step up your game.
I haven't spend this much with kacchan
Good lord, I wasn't aware you were spending anything!! How much did those "vegetables" cost??
I went through
"You were cute when you were a kid weren't you"
Bitch!!! HE'S STILL CUTE AS FUCK!!! Wiz: It's paper mario :O kjwbejhbewfj Me: PFFFFFF Jaz: let this fic die plz
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Me: His checks went red??? GOOD LORD, THOSE "VEGETABLES" HAVE BANKRUPTED HIS FAMILY Wiz: oH NOOOOO Me: I can only assume the dinning room is where his mother goes to cause a din by screaming MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Wiz: That’s it Me:
After dinner because author-chan is lazy
You only admit it after all this? You despicable coward. Wiz: gvhbjkhgjkuhilk mood Me: Should we be letting this expressionless cardboard cutout just silently look through all of Izuku's childhood photographs? Definitely not. Is anyone going to stop him? Definitely not!! Jaz: Izuku telling him to back off? GOOD Me: Why is this author writing both of them as these silent onlookers, hovering over Izuku's shoulder like the inevitability of death?? Also, jesus, why on EARTH would Bakugou just be like "welp I'm gonna shower with him derpdedoo!!" Okay Izuku doesn't feel safe in his own home now. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, AUTHOR. Wiz: THAT’S SO CREEPY JHB Me: so... you're writing one of his love interests as a silent but loyal protector who diligently waits for him and follows him everywhere like a dog? Author, are you... was your first crush a dog or something??? I'm???
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(except with “man”) I mean his other choice was to fucking leave, but everyone forgets about that I guess
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Jaz: god, i hope they were wearing gloves Me: Author, when you don't put A/N before your stupid pointless interruptions, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SEPARATE IT FROM ALL YOUR CHARACTERS' STUPID POINTLESS THOUGHTS Jaz: his waste Me: "You still cute Izuku!" the Southern Accent returns, this time with Shoto Okay Bakugou's growling when someone's getting close to his beloved now. It's official. Bakugou has become an actual dog Jaz: a smol doggie Me: WHAT SO IZUKU JUST GOES TO BED WITH TWO SUPERPOWERED STALKERS STILL IN HIS HOME?? I???
Also yeah apparently someone pooped the bed Wiz: fdghjkhgjkl
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Me: THE END??? And then it was never updated because nobody wanted any of that shit for poor Izuku Wiz: THE END WOW Jaz: the end jesus thank god Me: look... I don't usually say this, because it might seem hypocritical coming from someone who hoards fanart and writes character analyses and... does what I'm doing right now, but…
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please get a life Jaz: maybe they are also sporking and want an update Me: I mean, fair? Wiz: What a journey Me: ANYWAY YEAH THAT WAS "HE'S MINE!" THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR JOINING ME, Y'ALL
Hope you all enjoyed that!! Please let me know if you’ve found any terrible fanfictions you’d like me to spork! Right now I’m working on a Sailor Moon one that was submitted to the blog earlier, so I definitely take your suggestions! Thanks for reading <333
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 5 years
Shameless Group Chat Fic
Shameless Group Chat Fic by LittleIzumi
Izuku makes a group chat.....
And it all goes down hill from there.
Words: 1447, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Yuga Aoyama, Ashido Mina, Asui Tsuyu, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Ojiro Mashirao, Kaminari Denki, Koda Koji, Satou Rikidou, Mezo Shoji, Jirou Kyouka, Sero Hanta, Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shouto, Hagakure Tooru, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Yaoyorozu Momo, Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Shinsou Hitoshi
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Everyone, Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako, Ashido Mina/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: Relationships to be added along the way!, Everyone is friends with the sun shine kid!, Izuku is a good friend, Bakagou realizes his mistakes, Yes I purposely said Baka-gou, How do tag?, im not dead i promise, Fluff, So much fluff you could stuff a pillow, Shouto is a social butterfly, Shouto and Katsuki try to kill each other
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/20102413
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marzaid · 5 years
*sees your tags in any post where Bakagou is mentioned* You... I like you.
Thanks! Lol is this about me saying that I’m glad Izuku gets to slug Katsuki or about me saying cellblock tango is the ultimate bd song (shall not type it so it won’t show up) 
Like Katuski’s ok? But in current canon it pisses me off that he doesn’t get more consequences. I feel like if he ever matured and got his head out of his ass and apologized for abusing bullying Izuku then maybe I’d be ok. But right now?? He really pisses me off. Which is why in my fic I’m forcing him to see a therapist and also making the teachers actually do something 
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hipachi · 6 years
I made a dirty fucking fic
Ok this is just copied straight from my Ao3 (HERES THE LINK BISH) and the italics have all been destroyed which makes me sad. BIG FAT TRIGGER WARNING FOR RAPE / PAST CHILD ABUSE / INCEST / TORTURE so if this bothers you, just don’t :’)) ‘The Bakugou Protection Squad, huh?’ Katsuki ponders in his mind, feet dragging along the rough dirt of the path before him. His eyes skim over Midoriya’s battered limbs that hang limply from within Shoji’s cascading form. At Tokoyami’s exhausted, slightly catatonic expression. Tsuyu and Ochako are covered in scrapes and scuffs. Katsuki puffs with contempt. ‘More like the Protection from Bakugou Squad. I could take out any one of these nerds and they wouldn’t be able to do shit!’
“Heh.” Muses Katsuki aloud. A wide grin asserts itself upon his cheeks at the thought of his explosions sprinkling blisters among Deku’s freckles.
“Something wrong?” Tokoyami asks from behind, Dark Shadow creeping further from his chest to survey the surrounding woods, his dark aura smudging into the inky sky.
“Nah,” Strops Bakugou, lazily folding scuffed elbows above his head and stretching with a wide yawn, “I’m just wondering when these so-called villains are gonna show up, that’s all. I’m getting bored. If they think they’re so tough, why don’t they come out and fight me! Bakugou, future No.1 hero speaking here!” Katsuki’s bellows chase off into the surrounding forest, Uraraka’s worried glance fuel for his outlandish slur. “Come get my ass, you pussies! I’ll take you all on!”
“Hff~” Shouto’s eyes roll at the comment, obscured by the ever-present war of hot and cold enveloping his crown. Shouto initially harbours no intention of confronting the pent-up Katsuki, who’ll surely ask for a fight at any opportunity. If he can only hear how Shouto’s conscience is dragging his irresponsible actions through the mud. The students don’t have time to fight amongst themselves in this kind of situation, even a blockhead such as Katsuki should have enough brains to figure that out.  
“That’s enough, Kacchan! This is serious.”  
“Don’t Kacchan me, Deku! If anyone here is gonna get their ass beat by a bunch of loser villains, it’ll be you! Useless Deku, always getting himself fucked up by his own quirk!”
“Enough!” Says Tsu, her tone hushed and frantic, but Katsuki waves her off and continues on his rampage.
Shouto’s morals gnaw at his reflexes, tugging him into a backwards walk so his eyes can bore into Katsuki with a silent protest. Shouto presses a single finger against his lips in an attempt to silence the boy’s impulsive roars, met only by a wide grin from Katsuki. The boy seems momentarily satisfied with the attention gleaned from the number two hero’s son. “Don’t take any shit, do you halfie?” Shouto can’t find within himself the energy to respond to the taunts, his usual demeanour of indifference cloaking an irritated mind. Katsuki looks him up and down, ruby red eyes narrowed to challenging slits, fiery and confident above that wild grin of his. Shouto pivots back around with ease, the hunk of Class B meat who’s slung over his back weighing nought atop sturdy shoulders.
Katsuki is still bitter about the sports festival. Bitter at how Shouto found Deku of all people worthy enough to use his fire. But not Katsuki. He'd thrown that damn match and made him look like an utter fool.
“Heh, useless half-assed quirk user.”
Shouto’s upper lip curls and he shoots a controlled glare back at Katsuki. If only he knew what his left side meant to him.
Little does the squad realise, they are being watched, and any hope of escaping their current situation is about to crumble. Fresh ash sprinkled into the nights' breeze. Mister Compress lurks silently, brown eyes tracking Katsuki’s every move from within the canopy above.
Even a reaction speed as lightning fast as Katsuki’s couldn’t have caught more than a whisper of the villains' fleeting presence. The team advance, blind to the traceless ghost pirouetting across the night sky, stealing away their precious Kacchan and rear defender, Tokoyami.  It’s not until the entertainer announces his presence that the Bakagou Protection Squad realise. Their friends have been captured inside two shimmering blue pearls.
Time has run itself stagnant from within the icy blue prison of the trickster’s pearl. A blanketing comfort begins setting into Bakagou’s bones, scraping itself a new home from within the catacombs of his marrow. Any notions of resistance are stroked gently into submission by unseen kisses, his head lulling towards the sensation of comfortable nothingness. Nothing but the muffle of disembodied voices manages to echo through the pearl’s surface, carried quietly along the non-existent breeze.
The sounds around Katsuki begin to transpire into a hollow, all-consuming hum, the likes of which similar to when he’d curiously pressed an ear against a seashell at Isshiki Beach when he was small. After a moment, Katsuki imagines himself suspended in fluid. Perhaps roiling within the scorches of an onsens embrace, or the flesh of his body diluting into the chilly white foam belonging to the sea. ‘Who am I?’ Arrives the echo of his distant consciousness, before retreating back home to oblivion. Not hot nor cold. Light nor dark. His thoughts spell whispers of approval, synchronising slowly with the suggestion of sleep spilling from unseen lips. It’s peaceful here. Or at least, it would have been had Katsuki not later found out that said fluid was, in fact, Mister Compress’s saliva.  
An eternity or two… no, maybe mere seconds trickle by, Katsuki can’t quite tell. He feels as though time barely spares him a sideward glance from its unseen plane of existence, carrying on its merry way, leaving only himself. Reality may be readying itself to swallow him whole. At least, that’s what Katsuki imagines will come next. Awareness breaks in through the surface of his midnight ocean, reality dripping like water from his skin and hair. Once again, the familiar soles of Katsuki’s boots greet the balls of his feet. The rude awakening leaves his mind racing to keep up, to piece itself back into the cranium from whence it came as unholy chaos unfolds before his eyes.
That was the strangest thing he’s ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Or… did it even happen?
Before Katsuki’s eyes, blurred and bloody figures are engaging in a dangerous waltz, dancing amidst the slowly rising bubbles that remain burned in his vision. Echoes of the outside world begin to paint themselves in vivid colour, the entire scene set ablaze with an electrifying blue fire. Katsuki feels high.
‘The fuck?’
Without warning, hot fingertips grab at the back of Katsuki’s neck, snapping him back into existence. The lightly calloused digits begin to rake their way through the blonde hairs of his nape, blunt fingernails tracing dull scratches upon his skin before tightening into an iron grip. While instinct narks him to fight, to explode and erupt with rage, something about those hands whispers tales of what a terrible, terrible idea that would be.
Katsuki tenses reflexively, his mind flickering through what quirk this mystery hand could possess. ‘That’s right, the Villain Alliance was after me… that means it could be that bastard Shigaraki!’ Katsuki had imagined Shigaraki’s fingers to be cold and littered with broken skin, so he doubts such immense heat would radiate from his corpse-like palms. Though if these hands did belong to Shigaraki for example, the use of Katsuki’s quirk was sure to lose him his head. Something he’d surely need in order to surpass All Might as the number one hero.
His friends are fighting the villains, trying their hardest not to let these hands steal him away. And he can do nothing.
Katsuki chances a cautious glance to the left, attempting to identify his captor. He manages only a fleeting glimpse of bright turquoise blazing beneath charcoal lashes. Of ashen cobwebs studded by cold halos of surgical steel. And a cold, manic grin.
Captivated, Katsuki barely registers Shouto’s desperate attempt at rescue, the outstretched palm of his friend flying past his periphery. Katsuki hasn’t so much as noticed.
That grin. It’s so… Feral.
“What a shame…” Rolls the smooth, chilling bass of the villain’s voice, “Todoroki Shouto.”  
Katsuki shudders.
The villain wastes no time yanking Katsuki back, leading him into Kurogiri’s fissure. A chill engulfs Katsuki, palpable oblivion forcing the hairs on his arms stand to attention. Of course, fucking Deku’s sobbing face is the last thing he sees before being engulfed.
The villain accompanies Katsuki through the chilly blackness of Kurogiri’s quirk, the pair soon collapsing with a thud onto solid floorboards. The ceiling above Katsuki swirls in little circles and he blinks in confusion, his head still spinning from being inside of that drug-sphere of a pearl.
Katsuki jolts as the same hot hands grab at his wrists, turquoise eyes flashing dangerously in the outer regions of his vision.
‘Oh fuck no.’ There’s no way Katsuki is going to let this asshole of a villain snatch him a second time. No. He’s going to fight, to kill the bastard if it means escaping.
“Get the fuck off me!” He roars. Both bodies wrestle in a knot of arms and legs, back muscles flexing and elbows jabbing all in an attempt to subdue the other. Katsuki supposes escaping might not be such a hard task if they weren’t both crushed under the weight of…
Of Todoroki. That’s fucking Todoroki.
And from that moment forth, Shouto Todoroki is crowned the stupidest person to walk this earth, ripping the crown right from Deku’s mop of seaweed-green hair. In Katsuki’s books, anyway. Those two have to be the only people dim enough to follow his ass through a Villain's quirk, right into the centre of their lair, no less.
A moment of awe passes before Katsuki realises he’s not moving. Shock perhaps, or fatigue, but neither is the villain at his back. In fact, the patchwork man might even look more gobsmacked than Katsuki does.
They have an audience. A room full of spectres, of scarecrows each stuffed full of death threats and torment. 'Villains', Katsuki assumes. The lot of them. Murmurs begin to stir the air, a few hisses and gasps exchanged between this court of shadows.  “Another UA student!” One of them shouts.
“Oh? What a revelation.”
“How fun.”
“It’s the half and half brat!” Hisses the one Katsuki immediately recognises as Tomura Shigaraki, his speech is muffled from beneath the grip of a disembodied hand. “Get him!”
And with that, waves of blades and rampaging quirks come flying into Katsuki’s vision all at once, glitching across the already warped ceiling and making Katsuki’s head spin. There’s barely enough time to react and Shouto misses a knife to his side by a hairsbreadth, narrowly evading a nasty gash.
“Come here, you rascal! No! Stay away!” Exclaims Twice, leaping from behind the bar and over Himiko who wields her pair of combat knives.
“Eeek!” She squeals. “He’d look so much cuter covered in blood!” Somewhere amidst the commotion, a needle has slipped its way under Katsuki’s skin, releasing a chilly fluid to play chase with blood cells through the hallways of his veins. Shouto’s mismatched eyes lock on to Katsuki’s, only momentarily, before shields of ice scale their way over the three of them. Katsuki can only watch Shouto’s daggers of ice flying from crystallised fingertips. His every limb is crushed by the villain’s unrelenting grip, legs locked underneath his ankles and arms pressed to his sides. Katsuki struggles against these arms that have been eaten alive by a past too unspeakable, chewed up and spat back out again so the pieces can be stapled back into the vague shape of a human.
Katsuki kicks and he screams and swears and curses in an untamed rage, and his sparks litter the villain below him but this guy is fixed. Immovable and just. Grinning. And Katsuki is getting weaker, slowly succumbing to the drugs that rampage through his body. Again, Shouto spares him a despairing glance, before hurling more ice out into the surrounding room.
It’s impressive, really. But still half-assed.
Thinking back to the sports festival, this is nothing. Katsuki knows Shouto is restricting himself, defending, careful not to consume his weakened friend in an eternal tomb of ice or fire. If only Katsuki can find the strength to scream at him, to tell Shouto he’s strong and to burn these motherfuckers to ash. Still, his combat skills are articulate even when restrained. He flicks his wrists and arches his back, cutting the air in two with such commandment. Almost as if he’s dancing, and Katsuki wonders why Shouto doesn’t just move like that all the time. Rage camps within Shouto’s very soul, and is betrayed when the left side of his body flickers alive with flames, they flutter as he lunges towards Himiko, poised to incinerate the grin from her crazed face. “I think not!” Booms Kurogiri, quickly summoning an onyx vortex that consumes Todoroki’s upper body before any harm can come to him or Himiko. He constricts the size of his warp gate to hold Shouto’s waist in place. Magne hurriedly steps over Katsuki and the villain beneath him to secure a hold on Shouto, pressing uncomfortably close to the boys behind. Somewhere across the bar, Shouto’s head and upper body are popping out of another warp gate. He gasps in shock, greeted by the outstretched palm of none other than Tomura Shigaraki. Breath catches in Shouto’s lungs, forced back down into the depths of his chest by a hard gulp. The now furious blaze emitted by Shouto’s left side begins to dwindle, threatened into submission by nothing more than a gesture from the leader of the League of Villains. “Dabi...” Spits Shigaraki, annoyance quaking his vocal cords. “Get off the floor, you idiot! You’re the only one here who can melt this brat’s ice and all you did was watch him! I can’t believe you. Useless!”
The usually steady rhythm of Shouto’s heart begins racing out of control, fluttering like a little bird at the sight of Tomura’s fingers ebbing closer, destruction lying mere centimetres from his face. “Calm yourself, Tomura Shigaraki.” Booms Kurogiri’s assertive voice, Shouto’s heart skipping reflexively at the sound. “The mission was a success after all. This boy is merely a by-product of our attack, albeit one that works in the League's favour. We now have two UA students to barter with instead of one.”  
‘Dabi...’ Ponders Katsuki, lips tracing around the remnants of curses he can’t quite remember anymore. The low notes of the warp Villan’s voice turn to slush in Katsuki’s ears, merging with the breaths that escape his lungs, becoming the last sound to mix into the blackness of oblivion. His head flops limply onto Dabi’s chest, who skims over his unconscious face in search of any movement.
“Well.” Huffs Dabi nonchalantly, swatting Katsuki’s limp body onto the floor beside him the way one would brush off a mosquito. “Someone had to inject this kid, and you sure as hell weren’t gonna do it.”
Tomura glares tangible daggers through slitted red eyes, before shooting a glance in Kurogiri’s direction in search of backup. Shouto swears he sees the veins convulse beneath the man’s skin. “Dabi stands correct in this matter, Tomura Shigaraki. I advise we tranquillise our newest guest until our course of action can be agreed upon. Until then, it would be wise to keep the boy unharmed.”
“Hnnnnn!” Shigaraki rages wordlessly, disturbing the dust on the floorboards with a childish stomp of his foot.
“Hey, creep. I wouldn’t go fucking up Endeavour’s son if I were you, he’s much more valuable to us if he still has a face.” Shigaraki contorts underneath Father’s palm, his frustration manifesting in twitching fingers. “Clearly you can’t be trusted with children.”
“I’ll kill you both!”
“Just give him here, ugly.”
‘Don’t get any closer!’ Shouto pleads internally. His heartbeat refusing to slow now that he’s able to count every individual groove that adorns the pads of Tomura’s dry fingertips. “Quiet, brat.” Snaps Tomura, hissing in Dabi’s direction.
“Hey now. I brought you this angsty little shit,” Dabi coaxes with words as smooth as the nod he gives in acknowledgement of the unconscious Katsuki, “It’s only fair I get to hold on to Todoroki’s kid whilst you have fun breaking your new toy.” The young man saunters in their direction, the thunk of his boots resounding in Shouto’s eardrums. His immediate intrigue in Shouto is enough to send a shiver coursing through the boy's spine. Surely such an interest can only invite misery.
“Or you could give him to me instead!” Chimes Himiko, grinning gleefully with canines that glint like polished glass in the dim light. Kurogiri ignores the syrupy voice of Himiko in favour of wiping his misty brow with a neatly folded handkerchief. The man takes up his usual residence behind his fort that is the wood of the bar as if pondering upon his thoughts. “As long as the boy is unharmed until we reach our conclusion, I can see no issue with Dabi taking responsibility. After all, he has just led the Vanguard Action Squad to a swift victory. We have succeeded in retrieving Katsuki Bakugo, so it would be wise to focus on our original goal of recruiting his explosive talent before worrying about Endeavour’s child. The final decision will be yours, Tomura Shigaraki.” For once, Dabi is thankful for Kurogiri’s intervention, his endless drivel can prove useful after all. At least, when he isn’t scalding Dabi for smoking in the bar or disappearing for nights at a time without so much as a whisper of his whereabouts. He watches smugly as Kurogiri’s suggestions wrap around Shigaraki’s body like a boa constricting its prey, conjuring skies of sweet calm above the man’s childish turmoil. Shouto can’t help but let out a sigh of momentary relief as the villain’s shoulders slacken, his hand reluctantly lowering an inch or so. Dabi grins at Shigaraki’s protesting growls, eating up his resentment.
Shouto fidgets under Dabi’s looming shadow, angry at his own inability to do anything but observe. He scours the room, wits on edge, observing how reproach now smudges Shigaraki’s formerly threatening aura. How Himiko turns her interest to the blood collated in the machine around her neck, how Kurogiri polishes his glasses tentatively, the ominous light of a computer screen seeming brighter than his and Katsuki’s future in this wretched place.
“Don’t you worry your ugly mug about it, boss.” Jeers Dabi, now towering over Shouto, “Neither of his quirks compares to the heat of my flames.” This, he says with absolute certainty.
“Yeah?” Spits Shouto, both of the men in front of him turning in subtle surprise, “Get me out of this guy’s quirk so we can find out!”
“So it speaks…” Tomura says, boredom now staining the corners of his voice.
Dabi makes no effort to stop a cold laugh from slipping past his lips, chilling their warm surroundings. The resistance - no, arrogance in Shouto’s eyes ignites a fire he didn’t realise exists within the confines of his soul. Dabi bends down, gaze level with Shouto’s, who’s heart has taken permanent residence in his throat. He hovers for a moment, the seconds drawing out, wearing an expression that Shouto could only compare to hunger. A crooked smile tugs at the corner of his mouth as patchwork hands reach for Shouto’s jaw, jerking his neck up towards his own face.
“So brave. Don’t go getting feisty just because Kurogiri want’s you alive, Shou~to…” His last word makes the hairs on Shouto’s neck prickle in uncomfortable revolt. He feels slimy and disgusting like insects are crawling under his skin. But there’s also something… familiar about this human-shaped manifestation of malevolence. Something unhinged. An omen of death lingering behind turquoise pools and charcoal lashes. Tomura was a pretty intimidating guy to begin with, given his mental instability paired with that god awful quirk of his. Shouto understands why his heart might have skipped a few beats when faced with the threat of the villain’s hand so close to his face. But Dabi… Dabi is a different kind of threatening all together. Something about him makes Shouto’s bones turn in on themselves in an attempt to conceal a nameless shame.
“Get him out of my sight.” Waves Tomura, dumping himself on a bar stool in front of Kurogiri, seemingly in a sulk.
“Ooh!” Cries Himiko, giddiness lighting up her golden irises, “Does this mean Mr Icy-Hot is going in the blood room!?”
“No way, Psycho. You heard the man, no chopping him up.” At Dabi’s words, Himiko exhibits an exaggerated pout, attention then returning to her blood machine. “Yet.”
“Then what will you do with him? Kill him, of course!”
‘What’s with that guy talking to himself?’ Wonders Shouto, curious as Twice hangs tightly onto his mask ‘And who’s touching my ass!?’
“If you must know,” Drawls Dabi, rummaging into his pocket, though the brilliant turquoise of his irises never breaks from Shouto’s heterochromic gaze. “Giran gave me some pretty strong shit in exchange for my... services. Word is the Columbian’s have been developing something pretty gnarly, it’s meant to take you on a real trip at the expense of your quirk. Ichor, they call it. I was going to use it on myself, obviously, but I guess you’ll have to do since your crazy ass friend needed knocking out, and that was the last of my sedatives.” Shouto is presented with three small, red tablets, a skull and crossbones adorning the smooth surface of each capsule. Death pills, maybe. A part of Shouto thinks it’s probably better if they are indeed deadly. “Open wide, princess.”
When Shouto jerks his head away, purses his lips and thrashes in avoidance, Dabi grows impatient fast. A powerful thumb forces itself between Shouto’s lips, wrenching open his jaw, making room for fingers to force the pill into his mouth. Dabi’s fingers are rough at the tips, they’re wide and long and generally too large to be shoved so far down Shouto’s gullet. He winces, suppressing the need to gag around the obstruction in his mouth and a jagged grin splits Dabi’s jaw. He leaves an aftertaste of ash in Shouto’s mouth, and before the pill has a chance to dissolve, Shouto freezes a small area of his tongue, the capsule along with it. He flinches at the sharp chill in an expression Dabi can only assume is caused by the discomfort of swallowing a capsule without water.
“There we go, swallow like a good boy. Kurogiri, make room.” With his word, the gate constricting Shouto’s waist expands. Dabi hurriedly ushers the both of them back through the gate, appearing again at Katsuki’s feet where Magne’s hands are still wandering over Shouto’s butt. “You!” Shouto flinches at the ice in villains voice, though when he looks up, his gaze is instead piercing into Magne. “Back off, tranny. He’s mine.” His next words come as a growl too low for the rest of the League to hear, the vicious exchange hidden behind a pool of black.  
Kurogiri inclines his head in curiosity.
Before long, Shouto allows himself to be whisked through the door by Dabi, hands securely plastered behind his back. The gazes of the League follow them until their point of exit, leaving burning scars where their eyes bored holes into his skin. Through the dank corridors of their hideout, Dabi says nothing, the echo of Shouto’s stumbling footsteps being the only proof the boys actually exist among muggy smells and rusting metal. The ice is fast melting, barely encasing the death pill by the time Dabi thrusts Shouto through a thick, iron door where he lands with a “huff” on crumpled sheets.
Dabi never expected to see fear upon Shouto’s face. He knows all too well that any son of Endeavour would’ve had all weakness ringed form his being at an age all too tender for hatred. Shouto glowers up at the young man through thick lashes, the hint of a smile creeping across closed lips.
“Looks like you’ve got something you wanna say,” Dabi remarks, his lips still split into that cruel, hungry grin. “Spit it out, sugar.”
And spit he does. Right in Dabi's face.
Dabi shakes his head, laughing while wiping the mixture of Shouto’s spit and water from his cheek, the half dissolved pill falling with a light pingonto the floorboards. “Heh… I like me a challenge.” The ferocity at which Shouto lunges for Dabi’s throat, deadly ice dagger bared beneath whitened knuckles, leaves no room to doubt his murderous intent. Dabi juts to the side, dodging the merciless attack with ease. “Gonna kill me, eh, hero?” He taunts. “What happened to throwing my ass in jail, huh? This makes us the same, you know. You’re a villain. Just like me.”
Shouto has long since decided that their exchange is not one of words, but of pure, oozing rivalry. From the moment Dabi announced that his heat could melt through Shouto’s quirks, the challenge was set in stone. The boys battle together, small room alive with blue flames and pillars of ice soon to be melted into steam, an animated corpse dancing with the product of Endeavour’s orchestrated ambitions. It doesn’t last for long, but then again it was never meant to. Dabi grins ferociously through the billowing heat, chest alight with burning anticipation for the moment when Shouto realises: he simply can’t win.
‘There it is.’
A tingling sensation webs through Shouto’s hands, then arms and then his head, skewing his world off to the side a little. Dabi positively leers at the expression on Shouto’s face. Disbelief diluting that insolent expression he’d perfected to irk Endeavour. Something is weighing on Shouto, shackling him and making his body hot and Dabi knows it. The feeling is familiar, an oppressive presence similar to the one Endeavour imposes on the boy to make him feel inferior. That coupled with the arrogance emanating from this raven of a man is enough to make his blood seethe.
‘He’s… he’s too strong.’
One last explosive attempt at burning his rival to ash leaves Shouto at his knees, arms charred and shaking, cheeks flushed from Dabi’s inferno. Before him, the villain emerges from within the pillars of smoke, a behemoth who’s stature can’t be ignored, even through eyes as hazy as his own.
As Shouto’s head lolls lazily to the side, Dabi catches him by the hair, graceful fingers entwining in roots of blazing crimson. He ponders over the boy's heat, the ocean of soft locks awakening memories of a mother’s tender touch, of ball games and blue flames, hot baths and freshly burned skin even hotter still.
He is a museum of sadness, a canvas mapped with bygone battles and blistering hostility. He’s an anarchist. A terrorist. But brilliantly free, nonetheless. The kind of bloodstained freedom that might still be open to the boy at his feet.
“You did well.” Mutters Dabi quietly, acknowledging his opponents exhausted puffs before reaching back into his pocket. He admires the boy’s resolve, even at the sight of another death pill, a glare of intense determination never leaves Shouto. “But it’s time to sleep now, little one.”
With this, Dabi slips the pill inside his own mouth, moving in to slide his tongue past the soft boundary of Shouto’s lips and deep into the back of his mouth. Shouto jerks, recoiling against the bed, consumed by the unfamiliarity of the slick tongue exploring the roof of his mouth. The smooth ball bearing of a piercing ushers the pill in further, until it chases any comments of resentment right down his gullet.
Dabi smells like fresh smoke left behind by a dying ember, the bitter taste of cheap cigarettes lingering on whisky tainted lips. “Mmnh!” Shouto protests to the man who’s deaf to any desires other than his own. Only to find his hair fisted and chin jerked back up to connect with Dabi’s, where their tongues remain locked in this dangerous embrace.
After an eternity, Dabi withdraws, a rope of spit lazily bridging the gap between both boys. Shouto breathes hard, fierce eyes wide with confusion, sheer shock keeping the tiredness gnawing at his bones at bay. Dabi draws back to admire the small seed of confusion he’s planted between naive ribs.
“You know why I chose a name that means cremation?” He muses in a cruel lullaby, stroking a lock of red hair gently behind the shell of Shouto’s ear. “So with it, I can purge even the strongest of flames.” He brushes aside Shouto’s exhausted attempt at struggling, smiling wide as the drug welcomes untainted senses with open arms. “It’s a name I’ll keep until my final obstacle has been burned to ash.”
Shouto’s eyes are glassy, the muscles that were tensed in resentment now mellowing beneath Dabi’s palms. The boy lets out a small whimper, brows furrowing as his senses drift atop uncharted Columbian waters, abandoning the island of sanctuary that is his sober mind. His vision is blurry, alive with blazing turquoise oceans and purple soot. The world begins to slur its speech, whispers of distorted impulse skip their way inside his ear, joined soon by the humming bass of Dabi’s voice.
Reality simply tilts a little, before melting and slipping out of Shouto's view altogether. The boy’s body droops, head cascading gracefully amongst the torrents of charred bedsheets, an exhibit of intoxication left to lie amongst the ruin of Dabi’s creation. The lightest of touches is all that’s needed to push Shouto’s boat away from the shores of abstinence, leaving him free to roam feverish dreams of death pills and defective parenting.
‘Would he really want to be a hero if he was free to choose his own path?’
Upon seeing the smaller body relax in his grasp, Dabi feels a hot pressure build up within his boxers, throbbing in a plea for attention. If it weren’t for the hungry firestorm swallowing the surrounding room, he might be tempted to wrap Shouto’s loose grip around his cock and chase the temptation of pleasure. But that’s a game for another day, he thinks, scooping the body into his arms and sauntering back down the hallways in search of a fire extinguisher. Not that it’ll do much good at this point, anyway.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 7 years
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2toF5t3 by kirishima_headquarters
by kirishima_headquarters
bakagou: what the fuck is this and how do you have my skype
Words: 4164, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Boku no Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Aoyama Yuuga, Ashido Mina, Asui Tsuyu, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Ojiro Mashirao, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijirou, Koda Koji, Sato Rikido, Shouji Mezou, Jirou Kyouka, Sero Hanta, Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shouto, Hagakure Tooru, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Mineta Minoru (only at the beginning), Yaoyorozu Momo
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: first fic and its a group chat fic, Chatlogs, chat fic, rated mature because theyre teenagers and what teenager doesnt talk about sex, Implied Sexual Content, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, tokoyami is emo, and theres an emo squad, also keep in mind that the age of consent in japan is 13
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2toF5t3
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by Maudie_Senpai
((This has nothing for my currently in-progress project. This is non A/B/O
Words: 747, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, O - Character
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki/Original Female Character(s), Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta, dekusquad - Relationship, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Mentions of Sex, Pervert Mineta Minoru, Mineta Minoru Being an Asshole, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Protective Bakugou Katsuki, Protective Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Protective Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), i dont know hot to tag
0 notes
by LittleIzumi
Izuku makes a group chat.....
And it all goes down hill from there.
Words: 1447, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Yuga Aoyama, Ashido Mina, Asui Tsuyu, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Ojiro Mashirao, Kaminari Denki, Koda Koji, Satou Rikidou, Mezo Shoji, Jirou Kyouka, Sero Hanta, Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shouto, Hagakure Tooru, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Yaoyorozu Momo, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Shinsou Hitoshi
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Everyone, Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako, Ashido Mina/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: Relationships to be added along the way!, Everyone is friends with the sun shine kid!, Izuku is a good friend, Bakagou realizes his mistakes, Yes I purposely said Baka-gou, How do tag?, im not dead i promise, Fluff, So much fluff you could stuff a pillow, Shouto is a social butterfly, Shouto and Katsuki try to kill each other
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