#baki hanma fanfiction
cicioh2 · 1 year
Hi! Ahh so excited there’s a new baki writing blog. I was wondering, could you do some Katsumi boyfriend headcanons? He’s a himbo in my mind and I wanna kiss him for it. Thanks 🥰
Yes I'm excited as well ᕕ(՞ᗜ՞)ᕗ!!
Also ofc, thank you for requesting!!
Katsumi Orochi;
✎ Katsumi is very serious when it comes to dating—he dates to marry. That means he's very careful with choosing partners—so whoever it Is he ends up with is very lucky.
✎ He loves it when his S/O comes to the dojo with him and watches him train the other students. He actually persuades his lover into doing so.
✎ Katsumi is incredibly romantic. Spurring out as many compliments and flirts any chance he gets.
✎ Katsumi prefers just staying home with his S/O, he doesn't like going out—he just wants to be alone with his oh so precious lover, no need for other people to be around.
✎ Katsumi always admits it if he's in the wrong in a situation and will apologize—then to continue on and make sure he doesn't make the same mistake.
✎ The man won't hesitate to harm anyone that threatens his S/O—of course giving the person(s) a warning first, but of the person(s) doesn't stop after that, Katsumi will use physical tactics.
✎ Katsumi usually gets comfortable in the relationship after a month—he takes things a little to quickly. By the fifth month of dating he'll start talking about his S/O moving in with him.
✎ Katsumi loves teasing his partner, joking about their height or something silly that they may do.
✎ Katsumi also tends to joke a lot with his S/O, whether it's about something he saw online—a coworker or just some dumb dad joke. usually before he tells the joke, he can't even keep his laugh in, no matter how unfunny or stupid it may be.
✎ Katsumi loves hearing his S/O talk about their day and what they have been doing when he wasn't around.
✎ When it comes to PDA, he's kinda awkward, not in a nervous way though. It's kinda funny, he'll whisper in his S/O's ear and say something like "Hey.. it's okay for me to kiss you here.. Right?? " the whisper not being sensual at all.
✎ If another person were to confess feelings to Katsumi's S/O, He would act how Baki did to Kozue when Muhammed Ali Jr. Confessed. Katsumi won't force his lover to stay with him. It's not his choice. He wants what makes his lover happiest.
✎ Katsumi loves nothing more than to take a nice hot bath with his S/O—or shower. Nothing sexual. Just somewhere where he's calmest and can relax his muscles. He loves it especially if his S/O were to wash his body for him.
✎ When Katsumi sleeps with his S/O, he's always big spoon. He snores when he sleeps and it's hard to get him up once he's down. He always has his arms around his S/O's waist, to the point where it's hard to leave the man's grasp.
(Sorry if it's to short but here!
Thank you!! ♡♡))
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yandere-writer-momo · 27 days
Yandere Baki Head Canons:
My Kind Of Love
Yandere Hanayama Kaoru x Fem Reader
TW: arranged marriage/ forced relationship, yandere, stalking, etc
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You were the adopted daughter of another yakuza family, one that was engaged to Hanayama Kaoru since birth. Your fate long decided for you…
Hanayama wasn’t a bad person per se, for the son of a yakuza family. The only issue was that he hardly spoke. Nope. Hanayama often stared at you while you did all of the talking… he was a silent yet intimidating presence. Especially as the two of you grew older.
As a child, he’d often sit beside you. You used to think he was shy, so you’d talk with him in a soft tone. You were gregarious compared to his taciturn self. Yet you never made him feel unwelcome so he would always turn up for every ‘play date’ your parents set up. It made you think he tolerated you… how wrong you were.
When he grew old enough to get his back tattoo, he had spoken to you briefly. “I have something important to do, but I will be back.” You had thought that was odd, but you smiled at your fiancé. “Okay, Hanayama. I’ll be waiting for you then so be safe.” You thought it was kind of cute how his ears turned pink… who knew he could blush.
When you saw him again, you were shocked by all of the scars that littered his body, yet you didn’t nag him. No, you simply held him and smiled at him. “Thank you for keeping your word.” You failed to notice how his heart hammered in his chest when your fingers lightly traced over the scabs on his face. “Those will be some pretty gnarly scars, but they’ll make you look cool.” You had no idea what you did to this man…
When his mother’s health began to deteriorate, he had you at his side. He was such a large teenager, yet he looked so small when he’d fold himself up into your lap. You often ran your fingers through his dark locks and softly reassured him. He still hardly spoke, but you finally caught him with a small smile on his face.
When his mother passed, he was prone to bursts of anger yet he never showed that side of himself to you. No. You were precious to him… more precious than anything in the world. And you deserved to be protected and pampered. He began to seek advice from Kizaki about romance after that.
Now that the two of you were in your twenties, he’d often pull you into his lap. He still hardly spoke but he would make you be near him in anyway possible if the two of you were alone. It was quite odd.
Sometimes you’d swear you would spot his men trailing behind you if you were out and about, yet they were gone when you’d turn around. There was no way your stoic fiancé was stalking you… right?
He’d gift you bouquets of roses and invite you out to dinner with outfits he’d pick out. You would receive handwritten notes of love that borderlines obsession. There was no way Hanayama wrote those, you didn’t even know if he actually liked you. Hanayama hardly spoke after all…
His stabs at romance were interesting to say the least. Hanayama’s actions were loud. His gifts were extravagant and borderline gaudy, yet you didn’t mind. You were engaged after all. And that wedding date was rabidly approaching…
The wedding was grand, large, and heavily guarded. And Hanayama’s hand tightly gripped yours in an inescapable hold. It was nerve wracking to say the least.
And the minute it was time for that honeymoon, you were rushed off quickly. Hanayama practically dragged you to the suite, his breathing ragged, his scarred face flushed, and his black hair a bit disheveled. Was he okay? You’ve never seen him so expressive.
It wasn’t until he had you all alone that he began to rip at his clothes like a madman. You barely had the first button undone before he was on you. His fundoshi the last garment on him. His lips eagerly pressed against the side of your neck.
“Hanayama? We really don’t have to-“ your voice was stuck in your throat when he pulled away to stare at you with his dark eyes.
“I’ve waited so many years to hold you like a man.” Hanayama muttered. “I’ve held back for so long and now you’re finally mine.”
You’re peppered with more impatient kisses while his thick fingers made quick work of your wedding dress. “I love you so much, my beautiful wife.”
How were you to know that your fiancé actually loved you this entire time? Not to mention, how sore his kind of love would leave you after tonight…
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kengan-daddies · 8 months
The Boy Next Door Baki Hanma x Motherly! Older Female Reader
Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4
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Anime : Baki: Son of Ogre Character : Baki Hanma Warning : Mention of child abuse, child neglect, questionable behavior, horror aspect
The Boy Next Door Baki Hanma x Motherly! Older Female Reader
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The Boy Next Door Baki Hanma x Motherly! Older Female Reader
It's been about 5 months since Baki moved into your home, life has been the best it's ever been for you both. Baki had a mother and you had a son. Baki's grades have improved greatly since then too, you've helped him with his homework whenever he needed it and he also seemed to learn more easier with your help. You couldn't help with everything but with a few subjects, you could. He's been happier lately too, he'd spend most of the week at home while on weekends he'd go to his 'man cave' and he'd work out and train nonstop for hours. Then on Sunday evening he'd come home and eat dinner with you before he'd go to bed. Some weekends he didn't train at all, opting to stay home with you instead. Helping with chores, watching TV with you, going shopping, and even hanging out for the day.
You've gotten use to folding extra clothes, washing extra dishes, cleaning an extra room, and taking care of a dog. It was all familiar yet new to you. You've gotten used to helping Baki sleep at night, combing your fingers through his hair until he falls asleep. You've gotten used to him being up long before you on weekdays, you've gotten used to him following you around like a lost child, always ready to help you with even the smallest of tasks. He was always around, always there to help you when you least expect it, you found it cute. You've learned that Baki was a nervous kid. He wasn't used to asking for help or having a parent around. He was quick to leave without saying goodbye, but he'd always come rushing back in to either give you a hug or a quick goodbye.
You've gotten used to his physical affection, he liked hugs, but he didn't give hugs. instead, he'd rather receive them. He'd lean his head on your shoulder, or he'd hover around you quietly, looking sad or deep in thought. You didn't mind giving him hugs, it reminded you of his childhood, when he'd come rushing to you, tattered and beaten. Blood staining his clothes, his hair a mess, and bruises covering him. He'd say that he wasn't in pain but that he was sad, sad that his mother didn't love him. You've always given Baki hugs since you've known him, he'd find you in the most random of places, and he'd hang around you for the day, feeling comfort from your presence alone, and that still stands to this day.
You stood in the laundry room, and you were loading your clothes into the wash, starting with your pants, then shirts, and lastly underwear. You hummed a little tune as you hunched over the edge of the washing machine, one of your legs bent at the knee while your other leg was pushed up on your toe to help you reach into the washing machine. You sighed as you stood back up straight, Baki was standing behind you, a blank look on his face as he watched you load the wash with cleaning supplies. You closed the wash and turned it on. You turned around and almost ran into Baki but his hands held your shoulders to keep you from walking into him. You stared up at him in shock before you smiled at him. "Oh, Baki you startled me." You said with a chuckle.
His blank stare was strong and it made you slightly nervous. "Baki? ... What's wrong?" You asked. He stared at you a little longer before he released your shoulders and he looked down in thought. You stared at him in question and curiosity, your nervousness leaving you as worry overcame you instead. "Well... I was wondering... Would it be okay if... Kozue came by today?... I, uh... Want her to meet you." He said nervously. Your worried stare slowly melted into a sweet smile. "Of course, you can Baki, I don't mind at all dear." You said as you placed a hand on his shoulder. He gave released a shaky sigh at your response. "Awesome." He said.
The Boy Next Door
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The Boy Next Door
Baki was walking home with Kozue next to him, they were quiet most of the way, just enjoying each other's company. Kozue was the first to speak up. "So... I'm going to meet your 'mom'?" She asked her gaze still on the pavement. Baki's lip twitched and his hand slightly clenched into a loose fist. "Yes, you're going to meet my Mom." He said in a light defensive tone. She looked over at him, seeing his jaw tight, his gaze cast forward. She looked away with an apologetic stare. "Sorry... We're going to meet your Mom, and I'm sure she's lovely." She said in a much more accepting tone. His jaw loosened and he gave a small smile. "She is... She's the most wonderful person you'll ever meet... She's so beautiful and so kind... I don't know where I would be without her." He said his voice full of admiration and love. She stared at him with a perplexed stare before she looked away her eyes towards the sky as she smiled. "Yeah... I most certainly can't wait to meet her now." She said.
He gave a light chuckle, his eyes gleaming as he saw the apartment complex not too far. "There, just up ahead." He said. She looked at the apartment complex. "Wow, it's a good-looking place." She said Baki's cheat swelled with pride. "I know right? My mom got the best taste." He said in a boastful voice. She chuckled at him as they entered the gate, heading towards the stairs. Their shoes tapped against the concrete stairs as they ascended to the fourth floor, once there, Baki dug in his pocket as he led the way, fishing for the key as they neared the door. They stopped in front of it and he began unlocking the door, however the door opened and Baki pulled back in slight shock when you suddenly opened it.
You stared at him with a smile, your hair combed and some light makeup on your face, you wore a casual outfit your purse on your shoulder, and some comfortable shoes on. "Hey Baki!! Glad to see you're home!" You happily said with a wave. They both stared at you as they blinked in thought, trying to understand. Baki was the first to speak. "Mom, where are you going?" He asked as he eyed the purse and your light makeup. You chuckled with a light wave of your hand. "Oh nowhere now, I just got back from the store actually." You explained. He frowned. "But I wanted to come with." He whined. You gave him a half-assed apologetic smile as you reached up to ruffle his hair. "Sorry Baki, I'll wait for you to get out of school next time." You said.
He pouted in response. "Okay." He said. You smiled sweetly as you gave him a light punch to his chin. "Aww, don't be like that sport, I promise to bring you with me next time, I promise, plus I got cha a snack!!" You said with a cheeky smile. A smile graced his face. "Really!?... Weeeeel." He said with false contemplation as he rolled his eyes in thought. Kozue watched you both, observing you both in your most natural element. She smiled softly at the two. 'She isn't his birth mother, but she's practically his mother... Their bond is so strong and it's full of happiness too.' She thought to herself as she watched you both laugh and goof around.
The Boy Next Door
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The Boy Next Door
Kozue and Baki both sat in the living area on the couch, they were watching TV, and the sound of you fixing them a light snack could be heard in the kitchen, the two were watching the news, listening to the newsreportor speaking about crimes going on about in their area. Kozue looked over at Baki without moving her head, her eyes stared at him in wonderment and question as she saw the strange look on his face. 'Emotionless... Yet thoughtful and... What was that last emotion? I've never seen it before... It doesn't look right on Baki's face.' She thought as she stared at him from the corner of her eye. She looked to where he was looking and she saw you. She stared at you, trying to understand the reason for the look on his face. 'She's not doing anything strange to be gawked at like that, she's just making a snack.' She thought as she stared at you.
You moved back and forth slightly, preparing the light fulfilling snack for the two teens, you hummed a little tune while you were deep in thought, you walked over to the fridge and pulled out two cans of soda for them to drink from. You picked up their plates one in each hand as you turned around and you walked to them with a sweet smile on your face. "Here you two go, I hope sandwiches, chips, and cookies are enough to fill you two." You said as you placed the plates on the little table. They both smiled as they got off the couch and sat down before the little table. Baki had 4 sandwiches, 2 bags of chips, and 5 cookies while Kozue had 2 sandwiches, a bag of chips, and 4 cookies. Kozue smiled. "I haven't had a snack like this since I was a kid." She said as you placed their sodas down next to their plates.
You smiled at her. "Trust me, when you get older, you'll go back to these 'childhood snacks', they save so much time and they're actually pretty fulfilling." You explained. Kozue smiled at you. "What makes it so good?" She asked. "Nothing, it's just the fact that now you can actually appreciate the 'snack' as an easy meal is all." You said with a shrug. She stared at you for a moment before she looked at the plate. "Appreciate the snack as a meal..." She said to herself as she pondered the words. You chuckled at her. "You may not understand now, but you will one day, until then eat up!! I'll most definitely be cooking dinner tonight so that'll be a good 'meal' to hold you both over until then." You explained as you ruffled Baki's hair.
He looked up at you like a curious puppy and it made your heart melt. 'He's so adorable!!!' You thought. You pulled your hand away as you stretched your arms high, squealing in pleasure when you heard some bones pop that you didn't know where from. Your shirt rose up some, showing your lower stomach, you walked towards the stairs and you sighed, you stepped up on the first step before you looked back at them. "If you two need anything, just come ask, until then, Kozue?" You said giving her a pointed stare. She perked up as she looked over at you. "Yes ma'am?" She asked. You pointed over at Baki. "Ask Baki for anything and make yourself at home okay?" You said placing your hand on the railing. She nodded her head.
"Good. I'll see you two later, I'm tired, I need a nap." You said as you walked up the stairs. "Okay, bye Mom, sleep well." "Bye Miss (L/N), sleep good." They both said bidding you farewell you waved back lazily as you vanished upstairs. They both listened as your door opened and closed, they looked at one another and they smiled before they closed their eyes and clasped their hands together, and said their thanks.
The Boy Next Door
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The Boy Next Door
Dinner has been cooked and served, and the three of you sat at the dining table eating your dinner. The sound of chopsticks lightly tapping together, the sound of bowls and cups being softly placed back down, and the sound of talking and laughter. That's all that could be heard as the three of you ate. Kozue could feel the love in the air, it was thick, it was beautiful, it was real. She could stay here forever, watching both you and Baki. "You guys deserve each other, the love is real and strong." She said. Both you and Baki stared at her. "You guys share so much harmony, it's truly one of a kind." She continued. Baki gave a soft chuckle as he looked down at his hands and you smiled at her. "Thank you, Kozue, you're a lovely girl. I'm so proud that Baki has found such a young woman like you." You said as you reached over and lightly pinched his cheek. "Ow." he whispered. Kozue blushed as she smiled bashfully at you. You chuckled as you let go of Baki's cheek. "Yeah, Kozue is a one-of-a-kind girl, she's real special." Baki said softly as he looked over at Kozue.
Your heart hammered in your chest as you watched them both smile at one another. "So many years have gone by... I missed so much... I'm sorry Baki." You said with a sigh. Baki looked over at you in shock at your words. "What are you talking about? You've done more than enough." He said a wavering smile on his face. You shook your head. "I could've done more, when I heard of your mother's death, I should've came to you, but I hid out... I was afraid." You said your gaze locked on your fingers as they rubbed against each other. "Afraid of what?" He asked, his voice almost a whisper. "I was afraid that you wouldn't want me in your life anymore, that your mother was your one and only, I didn't want you to feel like I was replacing her." You explained. Baki's hands balled into a fist as he breathed in shakily. "Don't say that." He said. "But it's true... I should've came to you sooner, I left you alone for four years, Baki... I'm a terrible person." You said with an empty chuckle.
He slammed his hands sown on the table, making both you and Kozue shake. "STOP SAYING THAT!!!" He shouted. You both stared at him in shock. "Baki." Kozue whispered. He walked around the table and he grabbed your arms, making you stand up as he turned you towards him. "Don't ever say such terrible things about yourself. You lie when you say that you left me alone for four years. You always left a bento box at my door for me to take to school every morning, you always folded my clothes for me when I wasn't home, you always kept my home clean, you kept groceries in my fridge, you'd buy me new clothes. You weren't there physically but you were there, and that was more than enough for me!!" He said his eyes gleaming in rage and passion. You stared up at him, speechless. "You were always there for me, you were always making my day brighter!! And then... You came to see me that day." His voice and grip relaxed, he wasn't holding you so tightly anymore, and his stare wasn't as intense.
"That rainy Saturday morning, you knew I didn't have any school that day, and you came to see me, drenched in rain, no shoes, the only thing you wore was that large shirt you like to wear to sleep, soaked in rainwater... You looked so pitiful yet so beautiful and strong at that moment... I was so happy to see you." He said, the memory just as vivid in his mind as if he was reliving it again. He held you in his arms, getting soaked himself but he didn't care, as he crumbled to the ground with you, the sound of your small voice constantly apologizing to him over and over, and he constantly replied with his hand rubbing your head as he reassured you that it was okay... It was a fond memory that he held close to his heart... Kozue watched as Baki hugged you tightly, his hand rubbing your head gently, your hand balled into the back of his shirt your face pressed into his shoulder, she didn't know that she was watching what happened that rainy Saturday morning, she smiled at the tender sight. Her smile slowly faded when she saw the gleam in Baki's eyes.
Even his face seemed different, it was the same stare she had seen earlier that day when you were making them a snack, it made her shiver in fear as she saw the look, it was so unfamiliar... so un-Baki... It was almost sinister. "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise... I won't let anyone ever separate us ever again... No matter who, they are." He said, his gaze cutting over to Kozue. Her blood froze in her veins, and her eyes widened in fear as she stared at the dangerous glare in Baki's eyes. 'It's aimed at me... He's including me as a threat too... Does that mean... that everything we've been through doesn't matter to him?... Does his mother mean more than that?... Would he actually kill me?' She thought, his gaze was dangerous and filled with promise of violence. He finally looked away from Kozue and he pulled back from you, his eyes back to being loving and kind as he looked down at you.
You smiled at him. "Thank you, Baki, you're so sweet." You said, your hand reaching up as you pulled him down by his shoulder, and you kissed his forehead gently. "I'll do my best to be a great mother to you." You said. He smiled sweetly at you. "You already are, Mom." He said.
The Boy Next Door
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The Boy Next Door
Kouze and Baki walked down the dark street together, silence enveloping them both as they walked to Kozue's home. You told Baki to walk her home and to make sure she got there safely, you gave her a hug goodbye and you let Baki know that you'll be at home waiting for him to get back and that he couldn't hang out because he had school tomorrow... They never spoke, from the time they left Baki's home to the time they were all the way to Kozue's home. He bid her farewell and that he'd see her later, and with that, he left, almost anxious to get home... She sat up in her room, dressed in her night clothes as she brushed her hair out, her mind wondering to what happened at dinner. "That stare, that look... It wasn't Baki at all, he almost seemed like a monster... He gave her that stare at the most random at times." She spoke aloud to herself as she thought back to the strange blank stare he would give you. "He almost looked... Hungry in a way... Like he was hunting... It wasn't normal." She said as she placed her brush down. Her eyes widen in realization. "No... not hunger... but possession... He's possessive of his Mom... It's normal, no matter how you look at it." She said as she looked down at her lap.
Her hands in her lap gripped the fabric of her pajama pants. "And then there was that stare he gave me... when he promised that he and his mom would never get separated... no matter who it was... It was full of violence, no ounce of love in his eyes as he stared at me... I've never seen him look at me like that, not even to his opponents would he would look at them like that." She spoke, her voice wavering from fear. She sat there a little longer before she reached over and she turned off her lamp light, she walked over to her bed and she got under the blankets, she laid there for a while on her back before she turned towards the window, the slight slither in between her curtains let her see the night sky. 'I'm starting to think... That Miss (L/N) might be in danger.' She thought as she pulled the covers closer to her chin. 'I just hope I'm wrong again.' She thought.
The Boy Next Door
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The Boy Next Door
You laid in your bed, sleeping soundly, your blankets pushed off you in your sleep as you got hot, your shirt rolled up to your under breasts, Baki's dog has found himself to like your company so much that he actually sleeps in your bed with you, curled up to your side. Your room door was wide open, the house was dark but you could still see faintly. Next to your bed stood Baki, the same blank stare as he looked down on you, he was wearing his muscle shirt and pajama pants. His eyes studied your face, neck, breast, arms, stomach, crotch, thigh, legs, and feet. He leaned down till his nose was barely brushing against yours. "I'll always keep you safe, Mom... and I'll kill anyone who ever tries to separate us... we're meant to be together, forever." He whispered.
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skullvgirl · 3 months
boys who tell you to dress inappropriately when going out together, who tell you not to worry about creeps or freaks because—have you seen the size of their arms?? >>
who tell you its gonna be alright and that whatever the problem is that caused you to be upset in the first place can be fixed >>
but only in two ways:
one, he gets to suck it till your purple and blue or two you tell him the address of the offender before he finds it himself >>
boys who loom over your shoulder menacenly as you talk to litterally anyone, who is always pressed up against you, hand in your back pocket, lightly kneading the fat >>
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BAROU, andy, baki, PICKLE, UVOGIN, and tengen probably .
+ your favs ofc
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ddollfface · 2 months
𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
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𝐀 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (pt.1) (pt.2) SFW These are just some yandere(ish) headcanons for Jack Hanma.
𝐀 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐲 SFW Yandere headcanons for Katsumi Orochi
𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐀 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚; 𝐈𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 SFW A weird drabble about being Yuujiro Hanma's daughter, but it's my take on it.
𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞 SFW Just a drabble about how Pickle would communicate his affections toward reader (except I may have gone on a small tangent).
𝐀 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 NSFWish (mention of lingerie) Yandere headcanons for Kaoru Hanayama (requested by @yandere-writer-momo)
𝐀 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐚 SFW Yandere headcanons for Kaioh Retsu (requested by nonny)
𝐀 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 NSFW Yandere headcanons for Spec (requested by @i-love-jojo228)
𝐀 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 (pt.1) (pt.2) SFW Yandere headcanons for Kiyosumi Katou
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 SFW Just a fluffy drabble about Jack and his future with reader (not proofread whatsoever btw)
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fresh-fanfics · 1 month
Katsumi Orochi Crush Headcanons (SFW)
HEYYY I decided to make more headcanons for ma boi Katsumi here, I love him sm. These headcanons can apply to anyone. It's gender neutral, and you can insert any canon character if you want to.
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This man is the sweetest, and I have no doubt that he'd be the best boyfriend ever. If he's dedicated to karate, he would extend that to his crush.
He loves being the person his crush relies on and talks to about their day. He wants to be shoulder to cry on and the man that makes his crush's hard day a little better.
He might beat people up for a living, but he has a soft heart and is a hopeless romantic. He's into the cheesy romances that involve marriage and having children together (whether they be biological or adopted wouldn't matter to him because he'll love them the same). Out of all the characters in Baki, he's the true gentleman.
Katsumi would give his crush these little gifts whenever he can, always remembering their favourite things.
He's a hopeless case when he comes to flirting. He'd fumble over his words, trying to make himself look impressive. Expect cheesy pick up lines and him somehow fucking up the punchline.
His crush is always in the back of his mind, giving him energy to get through the day. They're the thing that pick him up when things are not going well.
Honestly, if his crush took one look at him, he'd be sold. There is nothing in this world that would ever make Katsumi's heart beat faster than getting the attention of the person he loved the most.
Doppo and Natsue cannot ever stop hearing about his crush. Every small little thing that he noticed about them will be the next thing they're gonna hear over dinner.
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poopyballz28 · 2 months
Can I get a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh chiba x baki with a side of baki making chiba flustered cause he knows he has an effect on him.......with a large drink pls
Of course, my dear friend. Enjoy!
"Ugh..!" A frustrated groan of pain escaped from Chiharu's mouth as he was knocked directly on his butt by the man in front of him. He could feel every part of his body pulsating, hurting. He was covered in bruises and scratches lining his body up and down, drops of blood illuminating in the moonlight. But he didn't really seem to mind it all that much, being too busy glaring the man in front of him down.
"Hm? Do you concede already?" Baki said, a small awkward smile appearing on his face. God, how Chiharu just hated that stupid little face of his. Oh, how bad he wanted to punch that dumb...adorable smile off of it. It was infuriating. They've already fought 5 times this week, but each time Chiharu just couldn't seem to get the upper hand over him. Not to mention that ridiculous cocky smile he always has to see when it's over. Chiharu sighed, laying his back down on the ground and staring at the sky. It was quite late, stars beautifully shining above the two.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Chiharu says, interrupting the silence, still staring at the night sky.
"Hm?" Baki mutters lightly, clearly looking a little confused.
"You're just gonna stand there instead of finish me off?
Baki couldn't help but sigh, just what the hell does he mean finish him off?
"This fights already over." Baki said, sighing.
"It'll never be. If you don't end it right now. Go ahead."
"Kill me." Chiharu said, a small smirk on his exhausted face.
Before he could process why he'd even say something like that, Baki began walking towards him.
Then suddenly, he was on top of him, his arms outstretched beside Chiharu's head. Then there was that look. That look that always seemed to make Chiharu's head twirl. Those eyes that felt like they were always looking down on him happened to be so strikingly...beautiful. Chiharu felt his cheeks grow warmer the longer their sort of staring contest continued. That was until Baki suddenly broke the silence between them, leaning his head further down, their faces now inches apart.
"Chiharu." Baki said, a small smile painted on his lips. "If there's anyone out there who'd want to beat you to pulp, it would be nothing in comparison to how I do it."
Chiharu was completely dumbfounded, still thoughtlessly staring into Baki's eyes.
"But to kill you?" Baki couldn't help but slightly laugh at the thought. "I don't think I'd ever be able to do that." This made Chiharu's gaze soften, but before he could even manage to get any words out, Baki spoke.
"Because I admire you. I think you're amazing. In every aspect."
Holy shit. He admires...who? Chiharu's softer expression then formed into one of shock, his eyes slightly widening with a deep blush taking over his cheeks. This man, so gifted and great in all of the things he does, this guy who's not even comparable to me in the slightest and you're trying to tell me he...admires me? Chiharu couldn't wrap his head around it at all, but something about it made his heart pound outside of his chest.
"Not to mention..." Baki leaned his head even closer into Chiharu, his eyelids lowering.
"How cute you tend to be." Baki said softly, before planting a quick kiss to Chiharu's lips.
Seriously? He...seriously?
Chiharu's face was now redder than a tomato, his head spinning profusely and his heart beating faster than if he was still fighting.
"Hehe." Baki laughed, a satisfied smile plastered on his youthful face.
And just like that, Chiharu lost to Baki twice in one night. Again.
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lovehypegirl · 5 months
we're going places
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koifishart · 2 months
High time to get it started. Lets begin that long and full of adventures story of raising little koi fish into dragon 🤟 with the most masculine of men,
Hanayama Kaoru, greatest yakuza of all Japan!
I want to be Your Koi Fish
Warning: +18 content, criminal underworld, intercourse, strong language - and so on
Fanfiction based on: "Baki" by Itagaki Keisuke
Life didn't pamper. Never. In addition, her father made sure that she didn't dream that it might be otherwise.  Never asked, if she's worrying about him. In fact, there was no reason for that - how NOT TO BE WORRY about someone, who illigaly trades weapons?! She felt strongly connected to him, more than the rest of the sisters ... and her mother. They left as soon as he got the business going, she stayed to watch over and protect him. She trained for him, live double life, guarded against stupid ideas that he had in bunches from the very morning. Apparently he was choking on the profits of negotiating with the yakuza. At the same time, she had to think about school as well, and he insisted on it the most. It would be best for her not to interfere at all, and to take up her studies. She couldn't. She has worked out such methods to spend as little time as possible on books and get the most out of them. She could not say that she was not amused by the world into which her father had entered. Yes, it was dangerous. Yes, it was so easy to be eaten by bigger fish...but it excited her and pushed to act even more. During one of the longer trips, when he could not leave her at home, there was an extremely intrusive customer who tried to lower the price in his favor to such an extent, that the father would have to pay extra. It was then that she did it for the first time. She was not disgusted with cutting limbs or seeing blood. On the contrary. She felt a palpable hunger, she wanted more ... and the environment sent information very quickly. Word spread about a young hitman in the service of Goro Soga. The orders fell in handfuls, and the need to refuse arose many times. On top of that, the last year of school had started, so she had to stick harder than usual to be on time. She wanted to pass the exams and have it done once and for all. Then she'll have time for whatever she want. She was buttoning her dark jacket over her green miniskirt when a message appeared on her "work" phone. "An order you can't refuse." If so, at least she had to check. Deadline: as soon as possible. She froze upon seeing the personal data of a potential victim. She licked her lower lip involuntarily. In fact, she couldn't ignore it.
The day at school passed very quickly, and in every free moment she wondered what she could do to complete the task. First of all, she need to find this guy, and feel the moment, if he'll be unarmed...although in his case the term "more vulnerable" would be more appropriate. Finding him was not big deal, he was very noticeable. Incredibly tall, broad-shouldered ... or maybe rather bulky, with THIS amount of muscles, always in a perfectly fitted suit, certainly made to measure, made of perfectly white fabric with a navy blue or purple shirt and a light tie at the neck, sometimes wearing a hat, covering jet black hair, always wearing crocodile leather shoes. She counted quickly, by eye. He could be at least two - three times bigger than her, taking all parameters. Or maybe four. It is said that the bigger the enemy, the better he flies, but on the other hand, it probably did not include the massive, functional body he had. She wanted to feel his huge biceps and even more if she could. She wiped a trickle of saliva dripping at the thought. She glanced at his face. He was pretty, despite the scars that cut him. In fact, they added charm and a certain masculine character, especially the two largest. One from the right ear to the bottom of the left cheek, the other from the right cheek to the left side of the forehead. As he pulled his hand out of his pocket, she noticed a lot of smaller scars on it as well. He didn't look his age, she knew he had just recently graduated from high school. She would have given him a minimum of 25 ... and he was a year older than her! He completely shocked her. She remembered the amount she offered for the commission. She wanted to blow her head for stupidity - after all, with this scale of the problem, she sang funny pennies! On the other hand, she began to wonder if this mission really was so ... irrefutable?
She considered several options, and none of them gave a 100% feeling that she would succeed. It was possible to count on a miracle or ... No, no, it didn't work. She wasn't so lucky with men. She knew he had a little outing with his "gang mates". They were supposed to drink late and stay overnight at a hotel on the edge of the district. It amazed her, how little he wanted to cause trouble. After all, he was the boss of the yakuza, such people, especially young ones, usually run around the city, play with the police, have a lot of fun and loud, in the best brothels, drinking the most expensive alcohol! There was an option, that she spend too much time in front of the TV. He didn't seem to be what she thought. The more she watched him, the more she wanted to know, especially what kind of person he really was. She thought, lying half-naked on his hotel bed. For lack of an idea, she put everything on one card - a simple set consisting of a black, lace bra tied at the back and neck, similar panties and long black socks. Lying down and playing with the phone, she realized an important thing - if something didn't work out, she would have to give herself to him. The heart beat faster in the young breast. She couldn't think of it except with joy and fascination. There is always a price, and this one ... seemed extremely tempting. She was looking forward to his arrival. She stroked her hand over the slightly tense stomach as the door to the room opened, and after a while their thump against the doorframe was reflected off the walls. He stared at her, completely taken aback from behind elegant rimless glasses. You could barely see he was drinking anything. She froze, staring directly into the beautiful dark eyes. She changed her mind in an instant, but couldn't quite back down. So she decided to implement Plan B. She pushed herself into a sitting position, placing the phone on the cupboard quite naturally. She's played the scene so many times that they could pay her for it. And they paid, but not this time. This time it was supposed to be different. She was more worried about what to do next.
- At last you came, Hanayama-san! - she said lightly, with a sweet smile. - I thought I was going to sleep before you came.
- Do we know each other...? - he muttered, unbuttoning his jacket.
- Im a "gift" from one of your mates. - she lied, then puffed her lips slightly. - You don't find me attractive?
He didn't answer, just grasped her jaw and lifted it slightly to kiss, then sink his tongue into her mouth a moment later. He drank a lot, she could smell expensive alcohol, the more she was surprised how well he was on his feet. She had no idea which time he did it, but he was great. It wasn't her first kiss. She had the opportunity to compare him with others and ... he turned out to be completely different, more mature, more confident. He worked wonders by wrapping her around him. Instead of fighting her for dominance, he was driving and giving her a lot of fun. She trembled at the thought of what to do next. She felt extremely safe even though they had only exchanged a few words, and he was one of the most dangerous people in all of Japan. She pulled him out of his tie and shirt, making no objection as he stripped her. She remembered from the stories of her friends that the first time hurts terribly, and she felt nothing, except for the pleasant distraction caused by a huge body.
She looked at the clock. It was two in the morning. There was absolute darkness around them, to which eyes slowly had to get used to. She felt like after a full day of sleep - well rested, refreshed, full of energy - although a maximum of two hours had passed, and absolutely intense. She was lying on her stomach. She put her arms under the chin and turned head towards him. He wasn't sleeping, he was rather faking it. The breathing showed it, not as shallow and calm as it should have been. Well, mission complete.
- Did you know, that I'm here to kill you, right? - she muttered bluntly. - I've received order for your head, Hanayama-san.
- So why I'm still alive? - he asked.
- I'm not a soldier, so that I would have to obey even the stupidest order. Besides, I find that I wouldn't get enough for you. - she replied, laughing. - I gained much more from getting to know you ... and using you.
- Using me? - he wondered, looking at her.
She glared at him suggestively, and judging by the reaction on face, he realized he "had gotten" her virginity. She turned lazily on her back. She was still covered, but even if the covers had fallen off, she wouldn't have bothered about it. She had a rather nonchalant attitude. She couldn't just lie in bed and rest for a long time. Usually fell like a log and got up in zombie mode. But it was time to get up and leave. She only managed to sit up. He stopped her, firmly grasping her wrist.
- Didn't want to know me better, did you? - he muttered.
- And only that's why you stopped me? - she asked a question.
-It only took a few hours for me to like you.- he replied calmly, running his finger gently over her bare back. - What's the next few? I have profits from your company.
She shuddered as she moved slightly away from the massive paw. He was surprised.
- I have terrible tickles ...- she whispered a bit ashamed. - Could you please not do this, Hanayama-san?
He smiled as he pushed his hand away and sat down, leaning against the headboard. He adjusted the other pillow, clearly for her. She sighed, accepting the silent invitation. She glanced at her watch again.
- I have time at least to 5:00. Next fast nap and physics exam.
- You're in a high school?! - he muttered surprised.
-You're only one year older, Hanayama-san. - she answered shrugging shoulders, then added sweetly - Or maybe...senpai?
- Call me by name, regardless of the situation. - he ordered. - In the other hand, you know a lot about me, as I can see, and I about you...nothing.
She laughed. In fact, she managed to get to know him quite well during two weeks of observation, he only found out about her existence. Well, let it be!
- Soga Hanabi. My father is a smuggler, mostly weapons. And me...I'm going to finish school soon. - she said, pulling her knees up to her and hugging them with her hands.
- Murderer in school uniform...that's fascinating... - he laugh lightly, handing her the card he took from his jacket pocket. - Give it to your father. As for you... I'd love to see you more often...
- We'll see what fate says. - she whispered, pushing her face close to him. - Kaoru.
At 5:00, she was jumping out of the hotel room. She wasn't in the habit of leaving by the door when she entered through the window, even when he assured her that she would survive the meeting with his people. She preferred to remain anonymous to them temporarily, although she suspected he'd be following her. It's inevitable, she'd have done the same in his place. Hanayama ... Kaoru ... turned out to be an incredibly friendly and warm man. This was not what she expected from one of the strongest yakuza bosses. In addition, he seemed even more handsome up close than from afar. She felt the phone vibrating in her pocket.
- Didn't sleep? - she asked suprised.
- How's the assignment? - she heard in the receiver. - Done?
- Um...halfway. I think that he lost his head, but not as they wanted to. - she muttered mysteriously, then laughed slightly. - I'm fucked up!
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dreasdiary · 6 days
 Who I Write For
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Drea’s note: will be updated as I continue writing. I’m too lazy to list everyone lol but feel free to ask me to add someone.
Jadon Sancho, Trent Alexander-Arnold, Jude Bellingham, Jobe Bellingham, Sergio Ramos, Mason Mount, Son Heung Min
Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok, Kim Seokjin
Lee Felix, Huh Hyunjin
Niki, Sunghoon
Jjk, Haikyuu, KNB, My Hero Academia
Stranger Things, Vincenzo,
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bakiwifeu · 10 months
Baki’s fan fiction
(Its my first time writing a fan fiction)
my girl Kozue was on her periods and was being all sulky about everything I just asked her not to participate in fights anymore it only ruins her organs as she is not as built as me nor is she a special gene holder. I guess I shouldn't have even said anything about being genetically special.This all started when we both were heading back to our place from the gym. On way back home I had to carry her in my arms because she bled severely from the harsh and deep wound her sensei gave her while practicing today.I was angry at her sensei first but then I knew if I had spoken a word the matters would’ve only worsen
So I chose to just shut the fuck up and carry her
While she was In my arms, I had noticed that she felt quite lighter than she used to be.. When we reached home I dressed her wound cooked for her and asked her to rest for the day
Baki has been acting up lately but he thinks I am acting up like dude this is not PMS I really wanna keep fighting to keep my earn and status high. I know he cares about me but I have also started enjoying fighting like him and it helps me to earn a lot of money with which I can afford basic things which Baki can’t give me. Off course Baki was jobless he would fight and earn money but it would be less than what I get from just one fight regardless of me winning or losing I was paid hefty. The sum Baki would earn from 10-15 fights is want I would earn from just one without even winning it,money was still provided. I felt powerfull at least financially yet Baki would ask me quit saying I'd ruin my organs but I doubt the man ego in him might be eating him up from the inside as everything in this house was earned by me as in  a woman
I know he's concerned too but I still wanna keep fighting. Call me greedy or whatever
Both of them had different thoughts about eachother the guy thought it was his girlfriend's hormones and the girl thought it was her boyfriend's male ego which was asking her to stop fighting...Baki was genuinely concerned while Kozue, well money and fame had completely changed her. She was loving the feeling of being respected and feared off while being paid lump sum about which Baki could manage to gather from 10-15 fights. Baki loved Kozue dearly but for Kozue, her feelings had started to change for Baki she only thought Baki was jealous of her money and that she well off on her own.This behaviour of Kozue was kinda got disgusting. She was becoming fame and money hungry, she felt powerfull. But who knows whats gonna come for Baki's love life. For Baki was not getting the point of Kozue's behaviour but Kozue has set her mind to part ways with the guy who once meant the world to her not caring about how Baki is going to feel about it or how it is going to shatter Baki itno millions of pieces but that didn’t stop her from doing what she had set her mind to.
We were done eating dinner and I had made my mind to tell him everything I’ve been thinking about. Since I was “severely injured” according to my boyfriend he insisted on doing the dishes. I saw his huge figure in the kitchen against the kitchen sink washing dishes his massive shoulder blades can be seen moving through his tank as he was doing the chores I sat there on the dinner table looking at his every movement and was zoned out onto how should I start the ending I was snapped out of my thoughts from the sound of the door bell.” I’ll get it—” i said while getting up from the chair. “No,sit it can be anyone at this hour I’ll see who’s it” baki stopped me and removed the washing gloves and wiping his hands to the pastel baby pink apron with flowers on it and walked towards the door
I heard the door bell and saw Kozue getting up to see but it can be dangerous so I attended it for myself as she still followed me from behind I opened the door to see Retsu, Kozue gasped seeing all the blood on Retsu’s face while for me its common and I first let him enter. “Yo Baki do you mind dressing my wounds its too much I cant do it myself”said Retsu. The pain was visible it was for the first time he had asked me to do something like this for him but I would help him anyways without thinking much I said “ sure come in,Kozue love do you mind getting me the box I used earlier to treat you. She got me the kit and I started dressing his wounds everyone was silent I was concentrated and the other two were watching me do my work I was no specialist at it but Ive been doing it for my people since long time now. After we were done I offered his some tea which he accepted gratefully. I continued washing my dishing while these two were sitting on the dinner table just talking random stuff and how brutal did my dad do to Retsu. My dad seriously has some issues, cause there was no reason to pick on Retsu, I dont know when will he stop picking on people and bullying them for no reason.
Everything went silent Retsu sipped on his tea and Kozue was too tired to speak. It hit late to Retsu’s realisation when he saw Kozue’s conditions. “Kozue really had it rough today,did you manage to win with all these damages?”. To which Kozue replied with a smirk “ I am legit the strongest female fighter around here how could I not win? off course I did Retsu”. Retsu raised his brows in awe when he heard her say that and Baki just smiled heartily at her sentence. “Well there’s this new female fighter I saw she really had here game strong I think her name was (y/n) something I saw her whole match she won the game,shes too confident and she’s said to the best female fighter from Kyoto”. Kozue’s face turned sour when she heard Retsu entitling someone else as the best female fighter and replied with sass saying “Well bring that (y/n) girl here, she’ll know who’s the best out here. I mean I don’t think she stands a chance against me, does she?” Retsu was again astonished by Kozue’s sudden overconfident self and decided to add fuel to the fire and said “Well you never know missy” smirking hard. Well he’s such a tease. It was almost 10:30pm and Baki decided to jump into the conversation. I its time we should sleep you both need to rest and there’s no need to train tomorrow
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cicioh2 · 1 year
hey poopyballz28 here 🤓
can i get general nsfw or sfw kiyosumi katou headcanons 🤔💯💪
thank you 👍
Wsp poopyballz28, and ofc!! Also, thank you for this request.
I'm going to go ahead and do both tho!! ⍢⃝
(I'm sorry if Katoa seems a little ooc, in this but I'll try my best!
ꈍᴗꈍ )
Kiyosumi Katou; (Sfw)
✎ Despite how cocky and arrogant he may be around friends, family, and suchlike, he's very sweet to his S/O, he tries his best to make them happy.
✎ At first he may be little awkward, he hasn't been in many relationships.
✎ Katou loves getting gifts for his
S/O, he feels bad if they aren't expensive. if his S/O were to tell him he doesn't need to buy such expensive gifts, he'd just ignore them and pretend he forgot.
✎ When Katou sleeps with his S/O, he prefers being the small spoon, he likes feeling of them hugging onto him, despite how big or small the S/O may be. Occasionally he may be the big spoon.
✎ If Katou is fighting and his S/O
is watching, it makes him much more worried of losing, as it would ruin his ego more than it would if they weren't there. He knows he's not the strongest person but he doesn't want his lover to think that as well. At the same time though, it is a good thing, makes him want to defeat his opponent much more.
✎ He's not scared to hug or kiss in public, unless that's something that his S/O isn't okay with. But if not that, he'll always have a hand around their waist or be holding hands with his S/O.
✎ Katou doesn't really use a lot of names, every now and then he might call his S/O, "Love" or perhaps "Baby". Just the normal kinda stuff.
✎ Katou enjoys talking rather than listening to his S/O, although he loves hearing their voice and such, he still would rather talk to his S/O as he loves seeing the expressions on their face when he brings up all the shenanigans that are going on. He does make sure that his S/O knows what's going on outside their love life.
✎ Katou also likes taking his S/O out to eat a lot, he loves going on dates with his other lover.
✎ If he does something wrong and he's arguing with S/O, at first he'll probably lie his way out, not liking the idea of being the bad guy in a situation, but of course succumbing and addmiting defeat soon (Telling the truth) . Usually he'll only lie if it's only something that he doesn't see as that important.
✎ If Katou's lover is crying he'll stop whatever it is he's doing (Unless it's a fight of course, he can't really stop that) and go to make them feel better, which usually consists of hugs and kisses all over his lover's face, telling them that it's gonna be okay and bringing up how he'll take them out to eat when they feel better.
Kiyosumi Katou; (Nsfw)
✎ Now, it's much different when it comes to S/O's and Katou's sex life, he can be a lot different.
✎ Katou is a only a little above average when it comes to the length of his cock. And it doesn't take to much foreplay to get S/O ready.
✎ When it comes to places, he'd probably be willing to fuck his S/O in a fast food bathroom if he was horny enough for it.
✎ Katou likes cowgirl and missionary positions. He likes seeing his S/O's face at all times when he fucks them. If his S/O is on top (such as doing cowgirl) and they get tired, he'll grab them by their thighs-not to hard, but enough to use them as if they were the base of a flesh light. I mean, he is strong.
✎ Katou doesn't really like the idea of threesomes and stuff like that, he'd prefer to keep his S/O completely to himself.
✎ Katou likes the thought of his S/O
Begging for him to fuck them. He doesn't like slut shaming though, Just not his thing. But he really would love if his S/O were to get on their knees and plead for him to put himself somewhere inside them. Of course if his S/O were to do this, they'd be rewarded with praises once Katou made his move.
✎ Katou doesn't really use toys on his S/O, he feels that he can please his lover enough with his hands and cock. But, if his S/O were to bring it up, he wouldn't say no.
✎ Katou isn't the best with aftercare, he'll help clean up and after that he probably will just stay quiet and hold his lover in a tight embrace.
(To anyone reading this, please give me your honest thoughts on this, I'm not the best writer and I would appreciate some constructive criticism. Also I'm sorry if the NSFW part was short, I was trying my best to think of things (◞‸◟ㆀ)
Thank you!!! ♡♡♡♡)
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yandere-writer-momo · 2 months
For my birthday, I decided to finally drop the Jack Hanma smut piece! Enjoy
Yandere Baki Short Stories:
Yandere Jack Hanma x Female Reader
TW: Cannibalism as a metaphor for love, blood kink, smut, YANDERE, etc.
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Hands desperately clawed at the table in front of (your name) in an attempt to ground herself. Pants and wanton moans spilled from her lips as she was driven to the brink of insanity…
“This is what you get for teasing me.” A deep voice snarled in her ear and his hips pistoned into hers. His monstrous length slid between her damp folds as a puddle of their fluids dripped beneath them. (Your name)’s toes were over feet off the ground while her legs dangled in the air since Jack held her body up with his strong arms. “Always flaunting yourself around the other fighters. Parading around in those tight clothes like a whore.”
(Your name)’s head lulled to the side, a loud groan spilled from her swollen lips. Jack had been abusing her poor lower lips with his monstrous length for hours now. The stream of fluid leaking from her pussy was unending. (Your name) wasn’t even aware that Jack had any feelings for her. Their relationship was mostly physical. A no strings attached sort of arrangement. How was she to know he would grow jealous of her friendly banter with the other martial artists?
Jack was simply an outlet for her pent up frustrations, just like (your name) was an outlet to build ‘strength.’ His half brother, Baki, had put a worm in his ear that sex made one more powerful and Jack had approached her with that intention only… until he became attached. Until Jack became so overbearing and protective of her.
Wherever she was, Jack was never far. The blonde tank always stood guard over her. Whenever she’d confront Jack, he’d deny that he had feelings but (your name) knew the truth. She just didn’t care to correct him. Jack was a man one never wanted to anger. Jack was more of a beast than a man, one who would rip his apart like wrapping paper if they even looked in his direction funny. And she would like to keep that animalistic nature of his strictly in the bedroom.
Jack used to leave her in early hours in the morning after a nightly tryst, but now he stayed with her and cuddled. Sometimes he even made (your name) breakfast in bed. This development terrified her because (your name) never gave him any indication that she wanted a romantic relationship. She was always civil with him and treated him like a human being. She didn’t understand why he interpreted kindness as love. But perhaps it had something to do with his rough upbringing.
Jack was a man who felt like he didn’t deserve love nor life since he was brought into this world from hate. A man who only lived for revenge and nothing more… a man who now found solace in (your name)’s arms and in between her legs. A man who would never leave her side until she was completely his. Jack would drown her in his sea of affection until she adapted to be able to breathe in it.
(Your name) was swallowed whole in his musky, woodsy scent. The strong scent of pine overwhelmed her senses. All she could feel was Jack. All she could smell was Jack. Jack. Jack. Jack.
She came undone once more when his titanium teeth lightly grazed against the soft skin of her shoulder. Her walls grasped the empty space while his length ran between it. (Your name) desperately wanted him to fill her. To stretch her poor, weeping cunt until she was satisfied.
And in an instant his teeth sunk into her neck hard enough to draw blood, but not hard enough to rip a chunk of her off like he did to his opponents. His strong pink muscle darted out to greedily lap at the blood that trickled down her skin. His mouth now stained scarlet.
“Everything about you is so delicious… I can’t get enough of you.” Jack muttered into (your name)’s skin, his cinnamon eyes hazy with lust. “What kind of witchcraft have you cast on me?”
(Your name) gasped when he used a hand to tilt her chin up to look at him. A smirk on his face at how dazed her expression was.
“You’re so beautiful.” (Your name) could barely move when he bent down to kiss her. She could taste the iron of her own blood on his tongue as the strong muscle dominated hers. His large hand lights pressed against her through that left her absolutely breathless. The pace of his brutal thrusts never ceased.
Drool dripped out of the sides of her mouth and onto her bruised chest. Various bruises and bite marks littered her skin in a grotesque picture of love.
(Your name) was so lost… where did she begin and where did Jack end? How could a man consume her entirety to the point that she melted into him? That her blood mixed with his in a gory display of devotion?
“I love you. I love you so much.” Jack whispered in her ear as he dragged his tongue across the salty tears that fell down her cheeks. Had she been crying? (Your name) hadn’t even realized. “I love you so much, I want to become a part of you.”
A loud cry escaped her lips when she felt Jack’s hips start to slow, his grip on her throat never ceased. His cinnamon eyes filled with a voracious hunger she knew only her entire being could quench.
“You’re mine. No one else can have you. I don’t want to be with anyone else.”
And that’s when he finally shoved himself inside. His tongue tangled with hers and (your name) came on his length again. She could feel him spill himself inside her fluttering walls with a goal in mind. A goal he’d never reach since he was infertile from excessive steroid usage.
(Your name) went limp like a noodle while his viscous seed spilled from between her legs. Jack’s strong arms still held her up. His lips pressed hot kisses all over her face.
(Your name) slowly reached her hands up to cup his cheeks. A few tears spilled from Jack’s eyes while he shuddered. His lungs gasped for breath but he couldn’t help but hold his in anticipation. Jack wanted to know her answer, he wanted to know if his twisted feelings were reciprocated.
“I’m yours.”
Yes, she’d accept Jack. There was no one else in this world that has ever been attached of this broken man’s side and she’d be that person. She’d be his solace. (Your name) would be his meal.
For limerence and love were merely separated by a thin line.
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kengan-daddies · 8 months
Dating a Cougar Baki Hanma x Older Girlfriend!! Reader
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Baki Hanma x Older Girlfriend Reader Series
Anime : Baki: Son of Ogre
Character : Baki Hanma
Warning : Mommy Kink, Lactation Kink, mention of masturbation, little space, DMlb
Dating a Cougar Baki Hanma x Older Girlfriend!! Reader
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Dating a Cougar Baki Hanma x Older Girlfriend!! Reader
You and Baki have been dating for about three months now, you've been his biggest and most prized secret, almost like a new technique that he developed, you were just that special. He honestly doesn't even know how he was able to pull you into being his to begin with, his boyish charm seemed to be enough to lure you in, and honestly, he wasn't complaining.
Dating an older woman had its perks. You had a nice place in your name, a job, a car, business experience, and great motherly instincts. You were perfect. Since you were older, you were more understanding, patient, and aware, you were attentive and were everything he wanted and needed in a woman. His last girlfriend wasn't bad, she was great... But she was easier to scare off without even trying, since she was young, like himself, she was inexperienced, impatient, and limited.
He honestly didn't care to date after her, he didn't have much success in finding love, mainly due to the fact that he was so determined to defeat his father, till he didn't have enough time to give the right amount of affection. But you were different, you didn't come seeking him out for affection, for attention, you only came to check in on him. Make sure he was eating, his home was clean, his clothes were washed, and his school work wasn't overwhelming. You can to take care of him when he least expected you to, and he grew spoiled from it.
He liked the attention you gave him, sort of like a mother, except you were his woman. You came by every weekend, dropping off groceries, cooking him a meal that'll last for some days, cleaning his clothes, and keeping his home clean. He loved it... but then your visits started to become shorter, less frequent even... Were you cheating on him?... No, you must've been busy with work... What if he wasn't man enough for you... Was everything okay at home, maybe he should drop by and check in... Hopefully it wasn't another man... an older man... one who could help take care of you... better than he could.
But he was pleasantly surprised when it was in fact your job, a few people got fired, increasing your workload, he could live with that... But now that you had more responsibilities at work, you couldn't take care of him anymore. No more visits, no more of your good cooking, No more of your back rubs as you'd listen to him vent, no more TV time, no more nap time... It all became less and less and he was greedy... He's never been greedier for anything in his life aside from strength, so he made up his mind to start staying at your place.
First, it started as frequent visits from him to you. Coming to your home that smelled of you, laughing, talking, cooking, it was all like it never stopped... but then he needed his clothes washed, so he brought of laundry for you to wash, and he'd 'forget' them there at your place, forgetting to get them every time he came over, he started bringing his hygienic products, seeing as how he'd spend many nights here at a time. Then he'd start leaving his shoes, his pillow his blanket.... Until he moved in he still goes back to the little shack to train, he spends the day there while at night he's at your place.
You didn't seem to mind him living with you, if he didn't know any better, he'd say that you enjoy spoiling him just as much as he loves it. Getting comfort hugs, back rubs, cuddles, and meals. He almost didn't want to admit to it, but he was starting to think that he had a Mommy Kink or something, it'd sometimes turn him on, especially when you were extra sweet and motherly to him. Brushing his hair as he'd nuzzle into your breasts, placing sweet kisses on his cheeks when he's eating, holding his hand in crowded places.
It was enough to get his cock hard at times, and it was more often than not when it happened, he felt like a pervert, but he couldn't help it... He loved it... Who would've guessed that having an older girlfriend would've awoken that realization about himself? He wondered if it had any effects on you... Does it make your nipples tight and hard? Does it make your clit throb? You pussy clench? He'd fantasize and wonder as he'd stroke himself to the thought of you, breasts full of milk as he'd suckle from you, your fingers running through his hair as he did.
He'd wonder, as he'd whine out your name in a whispered whimper as he'd imagine you sucking his cock, while telling how sweet, smart, and strong he was. He'd imagine you, in your naked glory beneath him, telling him to make mommy feel good, like a good boy... He was a good boy... He was your good boy. He'd always and forever be your good boy.
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gideonfromthecrypt · 9 months
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" After a terrible nightmare, Adrien changes, a change that ignited a fire inside him. A fire of confidence, a fire of power, a fire of desire, desire to be the strongest creature in Paris, to protect everyone he cares about. For the first time in his life, he feels in control. "
Art for one of my fics, kinda of a random idea i use to relax, miraculous x Baki, there wasn't any SO I MAKE IT MYSELF a little bit of crack a tiny bit serious. please give a read. check it out here
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xinnosinn · 4 months
Kiryu Setsuna-... KrILL ME?!!
【✞】𝙀𝙝𝙢... 𝙝𝙞.
Okay so this was really hard to write but... I kind of have the potential of a crush oh Setsuna Kiryu... But there is an issue... So uhm...
One... He kind of already has a "y/n" who happens to be Ohma Tokita... And he is like major obsessed with him... Somehow more obsessed and delulu than me when it comes to my crushes... Kind of like a yandere... As you can see :(
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And like I would really hate to have to choose between either Ohma and Kiryu... Hence why I ship them so hard even though it is my obsession with yaoi speaking...
But... LIKE... Kiryu is so fine... He has hair optimal for a man bun... And he has the face of a Greek god... And patience and understanding that is a contrast to his violent volition...
:< OML I should have never made this post... It just isn't fair, I want Kiryu... But like... Uhgh... I cannot have him... I want Ohma and having him is possible but like Kiryu would totally kill me... Huh... But then again that could be an experience... Imagine...
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:< But he's like literally a psychopath... UGH I HATE THIS...
I no longer want Kiryu Setsuna... Ohma can deal with his crazy homicidal tendencies... 😭UGHHHHHH NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!
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【✞】𝙀𝙝𝙝, 𝙗𝙮𝙚.
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