#bakugo can’t figure out whether he agrees or hates it
theloveinc · 1 year
lmao people starting to make thirsty tweets/edits of u instead of bkg tho
And depending on what you got up, they only have like 4 pictures / a bunch of normal ones to go off of, so it’s all pretty absurd.
You find an edit of yourself and it’s the same picture of u on a date w/ bakugo holding your fork flashed about 50 times, each with a different filter and a sexy song in the background.
Bakugo is like, “they can’t do this!!!” and he’s right that it’s weird but you’re just like, “why not, big boy?”
(The best is when they make edits that feature both of u) BUT LOL it’s kind of a meme when people start making the tweets and thirsting in your comments regardless of what you post. Like… the support is great but uhhhh ???
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sleepy-moons · 3 years
description: these are just random hcs I thought about when I shouldve been studying 😀
warnings: none really? minor explicit language, black fem reader. 
characters: katsuki, shoto, hitoshi + izuku <3
let me know what you think !
Katsuki Bakugo
he always keeps track of your lip balm/lip gloss. Like. Always. he noticed that you always had a lot of lip products, which he figured kept your lips so unbelievably soft, yet you lost them constantly because they’re “just so fucking small” it was rare that you didn’t tear up a room while looking for your clear lip gloss or your strawberry chapstick which he hated so he made it a point to always know where he last saw you with it.
“where the fuck is my lip gloss??” “Check your blue coat pocket in the closet.” “I swear to god my chapstick was just in my hand.” “you left it in cabinet while you were grabbing snacks, dumbass.”
if he didn’t know where you put it, he alway had some backup for you. you always gave him an abundance of kisses afterward which he lives for but absolutely would never admit.
Shoto Todoroki
he loves going to the nail salon with you. he always loved your long acrylics n thought they looked so intricate, so he wanted to go with you to watch the process. you told him that he’d be waiting in the shop for quite some time but he doesn’t mind how long it takes (“nice things often take a long time,” he’d say casually). if your nail tech and the other patrons aren’t swooning because you brought your handsome pro hero bf into the shop, they’re swooning about how good of a boyfriend he is, and it never fails to make shoto blush. shoto enjoys the quality time, and even starts to get mani pedis with you, but he knows going to the salon is your me time so if he ever wants to tag along he asks first. also he loves playing with the color samples n choosing what color you should get.
“what color are you thinking, babes?” “hmm. blue. definitely blue.” “..you chose blue last time.” “yes, but a different shade of blue.”
even though it was only half a shade different, you got the color he chose. you didn’t miss the way his eyes lit up when you agreed.
Hitoshi Shinso
this man right here... he love him some physical touch. if you’re not a physical touch kind of gal then you are in for a ride. He’s never not touching you. Idc where y’all are, y’all are connected somehow, some way, whether it’s a hand on your ass back, pinkies intertwined, arms around your waist, even just walking super close so your arms rub against each other. it don’t matter, he with the shits. he will find a way. even if y’all are fighting, he can’t stay mad too long because he misses having you near, misses having you to hold.
“hitoshi.” “yes, beautiful?” “It’s a million degrees outside.” “...and.” “And?? Do you have to lay on me?!?” “yes. stop being dramatic.”
you felt like you’d burst into flames with how hot it was but..you couldn’t find the will to push him off.
Izuku Midoriya
he always has your bonnet on deck before you go to bed. lowkey like katsuki except with bonnets/head wraps. You don’t even get to ask where it’s at bc he’s already got it for you. if he’s out late doing hero work he’ll text you around the time you typically get ready for bed n tell you where he put it for you. if both of you absolutely cannot find it tho (we know how them things get up and walk away in the middle of the night) he will happily (and I mean happily) go to the store and buy you another one. once you told him his hair would actually benefit from getting wrapped up at night he started getting y’all matching bonnets/durags which typically you’d think was corny af but coming from your baby izuku.... your heart nearly exploded
‘hey my love! I'll be home a little later today. your bonnet it sitting on your pillow! I love you !!’ ‘thnx handsome, can always count on you ;) love you too babes !!! *insert a million and one heart emojis*’
izuku is literally so cute n thoughtful, the moment he makes it to bed after his mission you give him a bunch of sleepy kisses and tell him how much you love him before falling asleep.
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schrijverr · 3 years
A Phony Boyfriend
After moving into the dorms, class 1-A discovers that Bakugo is constantly on his phone. This leads to them discovering he has a boyfriend and going on a quest to find out as much as they can while Bakugo comes to terms with the fact that High School will be different than Middle School as well as his internalized homophobia.
On AO3.
Ships: Bakudeku
Warnings: mentions of past homophobia, internalized homophobia and fear of homophobia (no one is mean to them, dont worry)
Since moving into the dorms they had learned a lot about the others that they had not realized before.
Sato could bake really well, Iida had a really strict and strange work out routine, Jiro always had music in when she cooked, Momo liked tea, especially fancy tea, and Bakugo was completely glued to his phone after school.
The last one was very surprising, since Bakugo had never seemed like a phone person, usually ignoring texts and calls and never having his phone in class.
However, since they lived with him it became apparent that he was prone to typing away on his phone and ignoring everyone else in the room. He was still strict to himself about phone usage during school hours, but after school was out, it was fair game.
Naturally this made them curious to what their explosive classmate was doing on his phone, so after a few weeks Hagekure cracked. She fell on the couch next to Bakugo and asked: “What you doing?”
“Nothing,” Bakugo grumbled.
“Doesn’t look like nothing to me,” she replied innocently.
Bakugo rolled his eyes and said: “Just messaging people and stuff,” before going back to ignoring her.
“Your parents?” she asked, she was gaining an audience and she wanted to deliver as the person who had been brave enough to ask what all had been wondering.
“No,” was Bakugo’s curt response.
Hagakure’s eyes lit up and she sat up in excitement and asked: “A girlfriend?”
Bakugo wrinkled his nose and again said: “No.”
At this point Mina joined the conversation, as a patented pansexual, she felt this shouldn’t be the end of the investigation. So she asked: “A boyfriend, maybe?”
The effect was instant. Bakugo’s stilled and he stopped typing as he avoided their gazes even more than before and a light blush spread across his cheeks. His scowl deepened and he growled: “Shut the fuck up.”
It didn’t work, because the two girls gasped as they exclaimed: “Oh my god!” and “You have a boyfriend?”
“I said shut up,” Bakugo yelled, blushing even harder.
“But that’s so cute,” Hagakure whined, “You have to tell us more.”
“Yeah, Bakugo, you can’t leave us hanging after a revelation like that,” Mina pouted.
“I can and I will, now leave me alone,” Bakugo said, getting up.
“You’re not even going to tell us his name?” she asked.
“No,” Bakugo stomped off, his fingers once again dancing over the keyboard.
The two pouted harder, but didn’t pester him more. They were beyond curious, but also weren’t about to pry in their classmate’s life if he was uncomfortable with it. Still that didn’t stop them from theorizing.
“What do you think is his type?” Mina asked first.
“Probably tough and mean,” Hagakure replied, “They probably do stuff like boxing together and yell at movies.”
“Yeah, or they throw rocks and stuff,” Mina added.
“First off, this is such a weird thing to talk about,” Kirishima interrupted, “Second off, you two have no clue what people do on dates.”
“Oh, and you do, Eijiro?” Mina asked, “Do tell what you think Bakugo and his mystery boyfriend do on their dates.”
“Probably normal stuff, like drinking coffee and talking,” Kirishima shrugged, “I never really thought about my friend’s dating life.”
“You’re not even a but curious?” Hagakure asked.
“Of course I am, I’m just not going to theorize about it,” Kirishima said.
“Boring,” Mina booed, “Kaminari, Sero, Jirowhat do you think?”
“I think Bakugo would be surprisingly romantic,” said Kaminari.
“And I think you finally lost the last of your brain cells, Kaminari,” Mina jeered.
“That does seem unlikely,” Hagakure agreed.
Sero thought about it, then said: “I think he’s more of grand and flashy stuff, like his quirk. Maybe he does the flowers and stuff.”
“Where are the explosions here!” Mina complained.
“I don’t think he’s exploding his boyfriend, Mina,” Jiro pointed out.
While downstairs they were arguing about whether or not Bakugo would use explosions to be romantic, Bakugo himself was in his bedroom, panicking and calling Izu. “It must suck that you didn’t get to tell them in your own time, Kacchan,” Izu said, “But they sound like they reacted well, right?”
“I mean, yes, but what if they think it’s gross?”
“Kacchan, don’t call us gross,” Izu said sternly, “I thought you were getting better with the internalized stuff.”
“I know, I know, just- Ugh!” Kacchan let out a cry of frustration.
“It’s okay, Kacchan, I love you.”
And wasn’t that a soothing balm on all the turmoil in his brain. He couldn't help, but smile as he returned the sentiment: “I love you too, Izu.” Apause. “I’m sorry about freaking out on you, I truly love you, but I just panicked, because the class has been really cool and it would suck if they turned out to- you know?”
“I know, Kacchan, I understand,” Izu said, “But they sounded like they were cool, don’t ruin it for yourself for the small chance that they do. You’re amazing, they just have to deal with it.”
“I hate it when you’re right,” Kacchan sighed.
“Damn, I didn’t know my own boyfriend hated me all the time,” Izu teased.
“Shut up, you shitty nerd.”
“Never, Kacchan.”
“Good.” It was quiet for a moment, then Kacchan said: “I’m probably overreacting. I know that Kirishima is cool. He has two moms, loves them to death.”
“There you go,” Izu encouraged, “I like Kirishima from what you told me, he’ll be on your side if anyone’s a dick about it.”
“Yeah, yeah, he is, the idiot,” Kacchan said fondly.
“I’m so glad you made friends.”
“Oi, what’s that supposed to mean? I can make friends.”
“Everyone at kindergarten was afraid of you, Kacchan.”
“You weren’t and I bet it wasn’t everyone.”
“Okay, okay, but you can be an acquired taste,” Izu conceded, “What I meant to say is that I’m glad you have people in your corner, Kacchan. You know. Now that I can’t be there with you all the time. Or hardly any time.”
Kacchan nodded, he knew how worried Izu could get about stuff and he knew what the underlying message was. He replied: “I miss you too, Izu.”
There was a small little content huff from the other side of the line, then Izu said: “I have to go eat now, Kacchan. Update me on if it goes well, okay? I love you.”
“Love you,” Kacchan said right before the line went dead. He looked at the clock and groaned, he really should be going down for dinner as well.
On a logical level, he knew most – if not all – of class 1-A would be cool about him being gay and having a boyfriend, but a small part worried that his friends would fall away and turn on him, like they’d done in Middle School.
So with slight apprehension, he made his way downstairs.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary with some bustling about to make everyone dinner and to set the table, where some were trying to quickly finish some homework. It was normal, peaceful and Bakugo was dreading its end.
Kirishima noticed him first and waved: “Oi, Bakubro, can you help me with this Math problem, Mina is being mean about it.”
“I’m not mean, he’s just stupid,” Mina protested.
All had decided to drop the subject of the mystery boyfriend for now. Especially after they’d gotten a lecture from Iida about prying into people’s business and when Fumikage had said: “Dark, the mind can be, when demons of the past have not yet been dismissed.”
It made them realize that maybe Bakugo wasn’t comfortable with the revelation and it had made them feel terrible.
So, they didn’t say a thing.
Cautiously Bakugo made his way over to Kirishima, trying to see if this was a set up or if they had really blessed him with silence.
Kirishima was really struggling with a Math problem. Bakugo knew it wasn’t a set up both because Kirishima would be too honest for it and because it was a problem he had struggled with in the past and could never seem to get.
Beside him Mina was painting her nails. Bakugo saw that her thumb and pinky were black, but the other fingers were painted in the pan flag colors. A bit of relief, loosened in his chest.
Mina saw him looking and smiled, before winking and going back to work on her other hand, while Bakugo explained to Kirishima again that if a full circle was 360 degree, half a circle would be 180 degrees, so the triangle corner couldn't be more than a 180 degrees.
During dinner it was as peaceful as it would get and Bakugo felt himself relaxing.
He didn’t stick around to figure out if the peace would last, instead fleeing to the patio out front and leaning against the wall as he watched the stars. Silently he wished Izu could be there with him and point out the constellations.
His peace was in the end broken by Kirishima, who lowered himself next to Bakugo. He was quiet for a moment, then asked: “Is he treating you right?”
“What?” Bakugo couldn't help but be slightly confused.
“The boyfriend, is he good to you?” Kirishima asked.
“Are you going to defend my honor otherwise or something,” Bakugo rolled his eyes, immensely surprised when Kirishima’s response was: “Yes, if I have to.”
It touched Bakugo’s heart in a way he wasn’t ready to deal with so he just softly said: “He is. Good, I mean. He’s very good. The best, actually. Maybe a bit better than the best.”
That made Kirishima smile. He liked that his friend had someone in his corner, who wasn’t in the middle of the chaos that was their life and could support him. He nodded: “That’s good to hear, Bakubro. I’m happy for you.”
After that it was quiet.
Then, in the softest voice, which was so vulnerable that it broke Kirishima’s heart in little pieces while simultaneously it made him want to punch someone, Bakugo asked: “You are?”
“Yeah, of course, what else should I be?”
“I- I don’t know, disappointed? Angry?” Bakugo sounded helpless in his own confusion.
“That it’s a he.”
Kirishima hated how quickly Bakugo had the answer to that question, so he pulled Bakugo into a side hug and said: “I will never be angry or disappointed because of that. I swear it. And no one else will be either, and if they are they’ll deal with my fists and then with the principle.”
“Thank you,” Bakugo whispered.
“No problem,” Kirishima said back.
They sat there for a moment, then Kirishima confessed: “I’ve been send by the others, because I was least likely to get blown to bits. Uhm, most wanted to say sorry for prying and also that they support you.”
Bakugo chuckled at that. In the silence he had come to terms with the fact that High School might be different and an elated feeling had loosened in his chest. He grinned: “That’s good. Did they also send you to spy?”
Kirishima blushed and quickly said: “I wasn’t going to.”
“So yes?”
“Well, tell them thanks and also that it’s none of their business, but also that they will catch my hands if I hear them badmouthing him, because he’s an angel.”
“I will,” Kirishima rolled his eyes, then got up, “I’ll give you your time here. Don’t stay out too late.”
“Yes, mom,” Bakugo stuck out his tongue and got a similar gesture in return.
In the end no one saw Bakugo until the next morning, where he pretended nothing had ever happened. Though he did carry himself more lightly and Mina spotted a small rainbow key chain on his bag, which made her smile.
But since he wasn’t acknowledging it any further, neither were they. They would keep their silence until Bakugo was ready to talk about it.
However, they were also way too curious about the mysterious boy that had managed to captivate the most stand-off and anti-social person in their class. The one who had the hardest time befriending people.
He should be lucky they lasted two weeks.
After those two weeks they couldn't take it anymore. So, when Bakugo was once again typing away on his phone Mina exclaimed: “I can’t do this anymore, Bakugo you have to tell me more about your secret boyfriend. I demand to know as fellow queer in crime.”
“You demand to know as nosy asshole, raccoon,” Bakugo retorted.
“Then I demand to know as nosy asshole, just tell me something, anything,” she practically begged.
“Well, if you must know, we’re talking about All Might,” he told her.
“Is he a fan?” Mina would take any bit of information and she watched in wonder as something in Bakugo’s face turned gentle and a smile creeped up his face. He nodded: “The biggest one out there, the idiot.”
“Does he want to be a hero too?” she asked.
“Nah,” Bakugo said, “He wanted to, for a long time, but he’s actually on his way to become a nurse, specializing in hero incidents and support. Always talking about being my back up and making sure I don’t die from recklessness.”
Mina couldn't help but smile at the fond tone in Bakugo’s voice and she mentally adjusted the picture of rough-stone-throwing-hooligan to a softer yet strong teen, who carried an injured Bakugo through the streets.
“That’s so cute,” she squealed.
Bakugo rolled his eyes at her reaction, but secretly agreed. It was very cute how worked up Izu would get over his safety and how he fussed over every little injury while scolding him.
Still, he didn’t give her more information than that, because Izu had finally finished typing his half analysis, half rant over the latest All Might incident report. He was arguing that All Might was loosing power, which Bakugo thought was kinda stupid, so he had to go an tell him that.
With Mina not being completely shut down, the floodgates opened with Hagakure asking about Izu when they were sitting on the couch and Sero during lunch, while others also tried to get a bit of information out of him.
All curious about Izu.
Bakugo would never admit it to another breathing soul, except Izu, but he was touched that they cared so much. That they weren’t trying to ignore the gay part, but were actively trying to learn more about it.
“Then why don’t you say anything, Kacchan?” Izu asked after he had told him about it.
“Because I like having you for myself,” Kacchan pouted.
“Ahw, how sweet,” Izu smiled, he liked how Kacchan would say the most romantic things, just because he was honest at heart and meant it.
“Oh, shut up.”
“No, but Kacchan, it was super sweet, I like the idea of a secret romance, it’s very cute,” he smiled, “But I’m afraid you’ll have to do it by yourself, I showed my friends pictures of you and they follow me online.”
“So you do care about me,” Kacchan teased, knowing how much the other did.
“Of course, I do. You’re the greatest and I love you very much.”
“Love you too.”
“Did you manage to get permission to leave next weekend? Because I can make it home as well and mom promised she’ll make both curry and katsudon, if you come over,” Izu said.
“I still have to hear back from Aizawa-sensei,” he replied, “But I really want to. I need to ask auntie her recipe, mine hasn’t been turning out like hers.”
“You made curry?”
“Yeah, it was my turn to cook and I wanted curry,” Kacchan shrugged.
“That’s so funny to picture,” Izu giggled.
The sound of his boyfriend’s giggles made his heart lighter, but he still said: “Oi, what’s that supposed to mean, I’m a good cook!”
“I guess you’ll have to show me sometime.”
“I will, just you wait.”
“Looking forward to it.” There was a short lull in conversation, then Izu asked: “Have you been eating alright? Since you have to cook, are the others doing their part? A good diet is important, especially with all the physical stuff you have to do. We’re currently having a nutrition course and I’m worried about you.”
“I’m eating fine, Izu, promise,” Kacchan said, “There have been a few we had to ban from the kitchen, but we’re eating fine. I was about to grab a snack actually.”
“Good to hear. What are you grabbing?”
“I don’t know yet. And I’m not grabbing it just now, I’m still talking to you and that’s way more fun.”
“Why can’t you do both?”
“I mean, I think I can survive it if you grab a snack while talking to me, Kacchan. I believe in your multitasking skills.”
“That’s not the concern, Izu,” Kacchan whined.
“Ahw, come on. Pretty please, Kacchan? I can help you pick a snack! I have my notes here, I know everything about ultimate snacking,” Izu was starting to get excited, “Just tell me what you’ve eaten and I’ll figure out what nutrients you missed today. They gave us charts.”
Kacchan knew the moment that hint of excitement crept into Izu’s voice, he would be sold. He just couldn't say no to that, so he relented: “Okay, okay,” before telling Izu what he wanted to know and going to the kitchen.
A few of his classmates that were still left at that hour looked up when he entered, some raising their brow at the phone squished between his shoulder and ear. To those he gave a middle finger, because he was too busy listening to Izu ramble to want to talk to them.
“So, what options do we have?” Izu’s voice rang in his ear.
“Got some leftover rice, pocky, umeboshi, some peaches and taiyaki,” he listed, “And like condiments and raw stuff, but I’m not cooking.”
As the only one of their friends here Kaminari was listening in and getting more confused by the second. Why would Bakugo be listing what they had in their kitchen of all things?
Kacchan waited as he listened, before saying: “Oh, really?”
His voice was genuine as if he was interested in the answer he received. He grabbed the rice and listened to whatever the person on the other side of the line was saying.
Then Kacchan said: “You’d do that for me?” a beat, “Wait, wait a second, idiot. I don’t have anything to write here. No, you don’t have to type it out, I can write,” then he hurried up the stairs with his bowl.
The next morning Kaminari asked what that was about and Bakugo shrugged: “Izu’s taking a course about nutrients, he made me an eating chart.”
“Izu?” Kaminari repeated, thinking it was a professional Bakugo went to to stay in shape. He didn’t think it improbably that Bakugo would call a professional idiot.
But then Bakugo blushed and cursed slightly and even Kaminari could put together who the name actually belonged to.
His eyes went wide with the realization.
Bakugo had been secretive about his boyfriend, telling everyone to stop being nosy dicks, which did not at all discourage anyone from trying to find out more, curiosity being fulled by mystery.
Kaminari did the smart thing and stopped talking, only mentioning it to the other during lunch, which surprisingly Bakugo did nothing with.
He didn’t mind that much, he was just scared that if ‘boyfriend’ actually became a person, people would freak out, but so far they all had been nice and Izu was encouraging him to get out of his shell and find confidence in who he was. He also felt like Izu deserved all the praise and not someone who he thought was ashamed of him.
Because he wasn’t.
Bakugo was incredibly proud of his boyfriend, who was not only a lovely and amazing person, but also very talented and deeply caring, while managing to be smart on top of it all.
So when during lunch Kaminari - albeit with an apologetic look - asked: “Izu pick that out for you?” he just sighed, before nodding.
Mina perked up immediately and looked between Bakugo and Kaminari, then back, before her eyes got big with excitement and she asked: “Izu is your boyfriend’s name?”
Deciding to just give in on that point, he explained: “Yeah, well, it’s- it’s a nickname, but it feels weird to say his full name.”
“And I’m guessing you’re not going to give us his full name so we can look him up,” she pouted, already scrolling through the location tag of Bakugo’s home to see if she could find a username with Izu in it.
“No,” Bakugo chuckled, “And you’re not finding him there either. He’s in Tokyo right now.”
“Oh, yeah, he’s becoming a nurse right?” Kirishima recalled.
“Isn’t there that really big nursing school in Tokyo?” Jiro commented, “I heard it’s very prestigious.”
“It is,” Bakugo bragged, “Izu got in top of his class.”
“That’s so cool,” Kaminari said, “Your eating schedule must be super good then.”
Bakugo nodded: “Yeah, he was already working on it. He picked me to focus on for the hero they would have to make a schedule for. He’s an idiot, but it’s sweet, I guess.”
“Ahww,” some of the others commented, before the conversation moved on from there.
He was in a good mood with his friends remembering stuff he’d told them and getting to brag about his boyfriend a bit. A boyfriend that he would probably see that weekend.
The very next day that was gone, he came into class with Aizawa, arguing with his teacher: “You have to let me go, sir. Why can’t I go? Please, you don’t understand.”
“I understand Bakugo, but whatever you have planned can wait another week,” Aizawa said.
“It can’t, it has to be this week.”
“Then I’m very sorry for you, but too many students are already leaving, there just isn’t a spot free. It happens,” Aizawa explained.
“But sir-”
“No, Bakugo, end of discussion,” Aizawa cut him off, leaving Bakugo frustrated and upset. He had his fist and jaw clenched and he was hunched in a fighting stand while simultaneously managing to look very small.
“Bakubro?” Kirishima asked tentatively, “What happened?”
He didn’t want to be this upset, but he had fucking missed Izu so much and he had been looking forwards to it and then it had been crushed right before his eyes. Much to his horror tears were beginning to gather in his eyes.
“Bro?” Kirishima asked again.
“I can’t go home this weekend,” he finally managed to get out, fighting off the tears, “Izu gets to go home too this weekend and we were going to spend it together. I- I just want to see him again, but the spots to go home for the weekend are already full.”
“Oh, Bakugo, that must suck so hard,” Mina sympathized.
Others had similar sentiments, no one had ever seen the explosive blond like that. Then help came from the most unlikely source, Todoroki. He said: “You can have my slot.”
“Really?” Bakugo asked, not even insulting the other boy.
Todorokithought of the awkward and painful family dinner he would have to attend, before nodding firmly: “Yeah, I have nothing important. It can be rescheduled easily.”
“Thank you, Icy-Hot,” Bakugo grinned, lighting up immediately.
Henodded back and that was the end of the conversation.
The weekend came and Bakugo practically ran out of the dorm Friday afternoon, yelling a quick goodbye and muttering something about train arrivals when he passed.
He was on time for the train, even managing to snatch up some flowers on his way to the station and before he knew it, he had an excited green haired boy in his arms again.
It all passed by much faster than Bakugo wanted and before he knew it he was walking back into UA with only memories of doing homework together, picnicking in the park they used to explore as kids, whispering till deep in the night and laughing together in the kitchen.
When he got back the others noticed how he carried himself slightly different and they tried to pry details out of during lunch. He told them nothing more besides: “It was fun.”
Until they were in the dorms and Bakugo walked up to Todoroki, obviously not wanting to, with something in his hands. He trusted out a little packed and said: “Izu would be mad if I didn’t give these to you. They’re a thank you for giving up your spot.”
“Oh, uhm, thank you…” Todoroki said, inspecting the packet.
“They’re cookies, dumbass. You’ve seen those before,” Bakugo snapped.
Mina jumped on his back and cooed: “Ahw, did Izu make cookies.”
“More, me and auntie,” Bakugo snorted, “Izu can do much, but he’s a disaster in the kitchen. He manged to burn water once, that was an experience.”
“I didn’t know you can bake,” Sero said.
“It’s not really I do often and auntie is better at it, I just know how not to burn stuff,” Bakugo shrugged.
“The opposite of your quirk,” Kaminari joked, getting some laughs.
“But you and Izu baked together?” Mina got them back on topic, “What else did you do?”
“None of your business, raccoon,” Bakugo informed her, finally getting her off his back.
She shrugged: “Worth a try.”
“Can I see the cookies, Todoroki?” Hagakure asked.
“Oh, sure,” Todoroki showed her the cookies and she giggled: “They’re All Might shaped.”
“Really?” other went to go see and the cookies were indeed in the shape of All Might’s head with pink icing on it.
“It was the only one we had,” Bakugo blushed, omitting that there had been heart shaped ones as well and he had a packet of those himself that Izu decorated, while he had decorated the ones Izu had taken with him to Tokyo.
After the others tricked Todoroki out of most of his cookies, they went to get started on all the homework they’d gotten today.
Everyone had been nothing but positive about his boyfriend, even his self appointed nemesis had given up his own weekend home for him to go see Izu. With all the nice reactions, Bakugo was pretty certain it wouldn’t be a repeat of Middle School and was commenting more and more about things related to Izu.
He commented that Izu would have loved seeing everyone training to upgrade their quirk, because he loved quirks in general, but especially weaknesses and how they could turn on the user and how to avoid that.
And he explained that katsudon was Izu’s favourite food when they asked him how he’d gotten so good at making it.
But all the good things couldn't stop the bad nights that still plagued him.
So when he had awoken from a nightmare, he called Izu awake, knowing that the other told him to not feel guilty about and to just do it.
In the end he found himself on the kitchen floor, feeling much calmer while Izu finished his story of what a classmate had done that day. When he was done it was quiet for a moment, then Kacchan softly said: “Thank you, Izu.”
“Of course, Kacchan. Try to sleep, okay?” Izu replied, “I love you.”
“Love you too,” Kacchan returned, before hanging up.
After he’d hung up, he noticed a form in the doorway. He looked up and saw Kirishima standing in the doorway in his pajama pants. He looked like a deer in headlight and said: “I haven’t been listening in, I just got here.”
“It’s fine,” Bakugo sighed, “free world.”
“Hey, are you okay?” Kirishima noticed the state Bakugo was in.
“No, I just like calling my boyfriend in the middle of the night while he needs his rest as well for fun,” he said sarcastically.
“Oh, yeah, sorry.”
“Don’t worry, just tired,” Bakugo rubbed his eyes, regretting snapping at Kirishima, when the cheery boy was one of the last people to deserve it.
Kirishima sat down next to him and said: “It’s okay. I can’t imagine you’re here because you want to be.”
“Tell me about it,” Bakugo rolled his eyes, “I didn’t wake you up, did I?”
“Nah, I got thirsty,” Kirishima said, “Do you want to talk about what woke you up?”
“Not really, Izu already forced me to tell him that was enough for one night,” Bakugo told him, “I was gathering the energy to go back to sleep again.”
“Good that you’re at least talking to someone,” Kirishima said, “Here, I’m making us tea, then we’ll go back to bed together. Sound good?”
“Sounds perfect.”
They didn’t speak of the meeting the next morning nor after that, but Kirishima did take up the habit of asking Bakugo if he’d slept well, earning him an eyeroll and Bakugo telling he already had one mother hen in his life.
Though he did answer every time.
It was just life in the dorms. Everyone had gotten used to living with the others and slowly they were becoming more comfortable with each other and turning into a slightly dysfunctional and highly chaotic family.
Which meant that by the time Bakugo was comfortable calling Izu in the common area the others had no qualms about interrupting him.
He had called Izu more often, but usually walked out of the room after a few minutes. However that time period had become longer and longer and he had been talking to Izu for nearly 45 minutes already, mostly telling him about his own day and listening to Izu talk about his.
Right now the conversation had wondered to a recent villain take-down by The Lurkers and the strategy team up of Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods.
So, Mina walked over and whined: “This is boring, Bakugo. Here, gimme the phone,” as she grabbed for his phone.
He ducked and shouted: “Oi, raccoon, leave me the fuck alone.”
“But Bakugo, I wanna talk to Izu,” Mina pouted, grabbing for the phone again, “You’re being boring and it’s not fun to listen in if you’re talking about heroes. We already hear about heroes constantly.”
“You’re not talking to him, piss off,” Bakugo danced away from Mina’s hand, but she was on his tail and they were running around the table.
As they ran Izu’s confused voice came over the speaker: “Kacchan?”
“Sorry, Izu, I’m being chased!” Bakugo yelled.
“Are you okay?” Izu asked concerned.
“Yeah, just a raccoon on my tale.”
“I’m not a raccoon!”
“You mean Mina?” Izu laughed.
“Yes!” Bakugo yelpedright as he tripped onto the couch. Mina immediate took the chance and jumped to wrestle the phone out of his hands.
She ran off with her prize, holding the phone to her ear as she greeted: “Hi, Izu! I don’t know your full name, but I’m Mina, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Hi, Mina, I’m Izuku,” a light and friendly voice greeted her.
“Bakugo only ever gives us grains about you,” Mina said, “So, tell me more.”
“Oh, uhm, I- I don’t really know. I- uh, I like heroes, you were really cool at the sports festival, I was really rooting for you,” Izu answered, voice getting more steady once he got talking about her quirk, “I do hope you’re immune to your own acid or that would be a problem.”
“It’s not a problem, but it’s fun that your brain jumps to that with you becoming a hero nurse,” Mina said.
“Oh, haha, didn’t even realize that,” Izuku chuckled awkwardly.
At this point Bakugo had freed himself from Sero and Kaminari, who had aided Mina in her quest to talk to Izuku and was going after her again, while having the two boys on his own trail, who in turn had Kirishima after them to stop them from stopping Bakugo.
Mina set off running again, panting into the phone: “Your boyfriend is chasing me, help. What do I say to calm him down? You’re the Bakugo whisperer.”
Izuku laughed at that, before telling her to put him on speaker. She did and he called out: “Kacchan, Kacchan!”
“Nerd,” Bakugo yelled back, “Are you okay.”
“I’m fine, Kacchan,” Izuku shouted back, “It’s fun, come on, it’s not the end of the world. Pinky promise I won’t tell them about the ant incident.”
Bakugo stopped chasing Mina, much to her delight and surprise. He just walked over to her, no more threatening steps, and just said: “You promise?”
“I promise,” Izuku said, “You can put me on speaker and I can say hi to people. I heard so much about them, but never even said hi. Pretty please?”
“Okay, okay.”
Sero coughed: “Whipped,” and subsequently got an elbow in the side from Mina, who didn’t want this opportunity to get taken from her.
Bakugo took the phone back and walked to the couch, where he sat down. Mina, Hagaure, Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima all crouched around the phone and Jiro also made her way over from where she had been ignoring most of the chaos.
Izuku greeted everyone first: “Hi, I’m Midoriya Izuku, it’s nice to meet you all, whoever is there with Kacchan right now.”
Kaminari giggled: “Kacchan.”
“Shut up,” Bakugo blushed.
“I’m Kaminari Denki,” Kaminari ignored Bakugo.
“I m Kirishima Eijiro.” Kirishima said cheerily, “Hi!”
“Sero Hanta, nice to meet you.”
“And I’m Hagakure Toru, I’m so excited to hear from you.”
“Oh, and I’m Jiro Kyoka,” Jiro added.
“And I’m still here as well!” Mina said.
“Hello everyone,” there was clearly a smile in Midoriya’s voice, “I’ll try to remember all your names, some are familiar, so I think I’ll manage, but sorry if I mess up.”
“Of course, no problem,” Hagakure said.
“Do you have anything embarrassing about Bakugo we could use against him?” Kaminari asked.
“Probably,” Midoriya said, “Though, I don’t know if he’ll like metelling you. He can be a bit grumpy when I turn on him and I would like to keep my cuddle privileges.”
“I doubt you can loose them with how Bakugo raves on about you,” Kirishima said, hardening his side for the elbow he knew was coming.
“Ahw, he talks about me?” Midoriya said.
“It’s adorable,” Hagakure told him.
“That’s so nice to hear. He was really scared of opening up, it’s good that he’s comfortable around you all. You’re really good friends, even if he isn’t the best at telling you all,” Midoriya was audibly relieved and the ones around the phone were strangely proud of making that tone appear.
“And we’re glad he has you to talk to,” Kirishima added, “You sound really manly and cool, bro.”
“You guys done with your circle jerk,” Bakugo grouched.
“Don’t be mean, Kacchan,” Midoriya admonished.
“How did you two meet?” Mina asked, not minding a topic change.
“We’ve always known each other,” Midoriya said, “We lived in the same neighborhood and played in the same playground since we were little. High School is the first time we’ve been apart for so long ever.”
“Ahw, a childhood friends to lovers trope,” Hagakure gushed.
“Kind of, yeah,” Midoriya laughed.
“We still didn’t get the embarrassing stories,” Kaminari whined as Sero loudly agreed, much to Bakugo’s displeasure.
“Well, there was that time with the cold,” Midoriya mused.
“Izu, no,” Bakugo said horrified.
“Midoriya, please tell us!” the others cheered.
“Sorry, Kacchan, majority rules,” Midoriya said, a bit of little shit shining through, “So, Kacchan had a cold, but he came to school anyway, because he’s an idiot.”
“I take offense to that.”
“Than take offense, babe, it was stupid,” Midoriya shot back, “He had no voice at all left, Little Mermaid style, and was carrying around a notebook to communicate. He had a bit of a croak left, but he definitely shouldn’t be talking.”
They were all listening closely, except for Bakugo who was pouting and leaning back, but he wasn’t interrupting. He liked listening to Izu talk even if it was to embarrass him in front of his friends.
“But then some kids came up to me during recess,” Midoriya went on, “And they were calling me names, just being mean, not important.”
“It is important, they were dicks,” Bakugo groused.
“Yeah, Kacchan, I know, but it’s not now the point, don’t deflect,” Midoriya said, “So, Kacchan comes to save me, very sweet of him, my own prince in shining armor.”
Hagakure, Mina and Kirishima cooed at that.
“However, while it was very sweet, Kacchan had forgotten that he didn’t have a voice,” there was a bit laughter, “So, when he came running, yelling, there was no yelling, just a soft little long croak like so.”
Midoriya imitated a frog like croak, causing more laughter and giggles.
“And that wasn’t even the end, because the little croak didn’t stop him. He pushed them away and told them they were dick bags, but all that came out was bags,” Midoriya finished, “He was Mr. Bagsfor weeks.”
There were peels of laughter and chocked off repeated of ‘Mr. Bags’ while Bakugo pushed them away with a ‘shut up.’
“Tells us more, tell us more,” was chanted, but then a sort of loud alarm went of in the background.
Bakugo seized the phone and asked: “Are you okay, Izu?”
“I’m fine, Kacchan,” Midoriya didn’t sound shaken or scared, which calmed everyone, “It’s a training exercise. Some second years told me about it, it’s because you can’t count on normal hours when supporting heroes and they can need you at any moment. I have to go respond to the call. Talk to you later. It was nice to meet you all. Love you, Kacchan.”
“Love you too. Good luck,” Bakugo was just in time before Midoriya hung up.
It was quiet for a moment, then Kaminari chocked: “Kacchan,” and everyone lost it again.
“Oh, shut up, he started calling me that when we were like three,” Bakugo rolled his eyes, but he couldn't mind the laughter that much after talking with Izu and his friends being nice to his boyfriend after all the shit he had meeting new people.
“Midoriya is such a sweetheart,” Hagakure told him, “He’s such a pleasant person.”
“Yeah, not at all Mr. Stone Thrower, I imagined him to be,” Mina agreed.
“Stone thrower?” Bakugo frowned.
“You don’t wanna know,” Kirishima told him and Bakugo decided it would be better not to ask, so he just said: “Alright. But Izu isn’t that sweet. Well, he is, of course, but he can be a little shit. Didn’t you just hear him, be mean to me?”
“Ahw, little Kacchan has a boo-boo on his ego,” Kaminari managed before Bakugo jumped him.
“Don’t call me Kacchan,” he yelled.
“What else should we call you then,” Sero grinned from the couch, “Mr. Bags.”
“I hate you all!”
“But we’re really good friends, Bakubro,” Kirishima teased.
“Not you too. I’ll kill you,” Bakugo screamed, but no one could take his threats seriously after the sweet and kind voice of Midoriya had just told them how much Bakugo secretly cares about them and called him ‘Kacchan.’
Later Mina would pout and tell him she couldn't find Midoriya Izuku anywhere online and Bakugo would grin and shrug, not sharing that his boyfriend’s username was @AllMightssuperfan everywhere. Izu had been religious about online safety and had never shared his name on any of his accounts.
And the next time he was calling with Izu, multiple people told him to say hi, with Sero grinning: “Tell your nice half hi from me.”
He was glad that the others liked Izu. His boyfriend had had enough trouble with people being mean to him for no reason, but his friends had taken a liking to him almost instantly.
Though they seem to have a mental picture of Izu in which he was a sweetheart. This in itself wasn’t a lie, Izu was one of the kindest people Kacchan knew, but it wasn’t just kindness. The other could be ruthless if he was angry and was a bigger trouble magnet than Kacchan with a dose of little shit built in permanently.
Still, Bakugo was trying to think of a way to introduce his friends to his boyfriend, but with the safety measures surrounding UA that was more difficult than expected.
Luckily it soon happened by chance.
Class 1-A would be going to a training exercise in Tokyo, where they would learn to be mindful of property destruction and building safety.
The training exercise would have taught them how to spot when a building was about to fall, how certain walls and pillars were integral to the structure staying upright and how they could see if there were important electric wires or water lines in the ground.
However, it was Class 1-A and things never really went the way they wanted and planned, so naturally the class was attacked while at the training facility that lay between multiple schools in the area.
Though, since it was also Class 1-A they had enough experience to fight off the attack without any life-threatening injuries. So, they were only mildly scraped up and injured by the time they defeated the villains.
They were barely catching their breath when a form of green was running towards them, multiple people on their trail. As the person got closer they heard them yell: “Kacchaaaaan!!”
Bakugo whipped his head up and Kirishima, Mina and Jiro dredged themselves up into a protective stance at this newcomer, until Momo commented: “Huh, that’s the uniform of the nursing school nearby.”
That comment and name tickled something in the back of their minds, but they were tired and the pieces wouldn’t yet click.
The person was nearby and they saw it was a green haired boy with freckles and a face that was more prone to laughter even if it was frowning now. He shouldered past Kirishima and Mina, who were in his way more prominently, before kneeling next to Bakugo and grabbing the first aid kit that hung around his shoulder.
“Hey,” Kirishima said, though he didn’t stop the boy, seeing that he was friendly.
“Izu?” Bakugo said, horridly confused.
At that everyone turned and looked at the boy, wide eyes as finally it all added up. He had called Bakugo Kacchan and wore the uniform of a Tokyo nursing school. With Bakugo identifying him, it was easy to see that this was his boyfriend.
However, before any of the could react, Midoriya was scolding Bakugo: “You absolute, idiot. Do you know how worried I was? We got a warning there was a villain attack ongoing and then I heard yourexplosions and when I looked out the window I saw you fall. You know better than to go that high.”
“I’m sorry, Izu, but-”
“You can save your sorry, Kacchan,” Izu huffed, “Let me check you over first. Are there any spots you landed on or that ache?”
“My ribs,” Kacchan decided it was better to let his boyfriend fuss, feeling bad about worrying the already natural anxious boy.
The rest of the class stood in shocked silence at the interaction. Then the people following Midoriya arrived, apologizing to Aizawa as one explained: “Midoriya ran out before we could stop him, I apologize on his behalf as class president. We’re Class 1-A of Tokyo School of Nursing, nearby. We also came to help if needed, but we’re only first years.”
They showed their first aid kits and Aizawa said: “It’s fine, I suppose. Don’t cause any trouble. I’ll see if we can get police on sight and medical professionals with a license.”
“I’m sure a few of our teachers will be here soon, but we’ll see what we can do,” the class president bowed along with the other four students that had run after Midoriya, before setting to work, checking everyone over and tending to their wounds when possible.
Kirishima and Mina were being looked over, while gawking at Bakugo and Midoriya. Midoriya had checked over Bakugo’s ribs and bandaged them and was now cleaning the cuts on his face, while saying: “You’re going to be the death of me.”
“Sorry, Izu,” Kacchan replied, “I don’t mean to get caught up in these things.”
“I know and I’m going to have to get used to this, aren’t I?” Izu sniffled, “I just saw you fall and I reacted before I even knew.”
“Hey, I’ll be more careful, promise,” Kacchan said.
“You better, I’m telling on you to auntie next time I see her, maybe I’ll even call her tonight and next time you’re over we’re not eating curry,” Izu’s jaw set, “I’m pissed at you for throwing your life so easily in the balance. I thought your whole thing was to learn to save people, include yourself in the definition of people.”
“I do that!” Kacchan squawked indignantly.
“Sure, whatever you say, Kacchan,” Izu obviously didn’t believe him, “That’s why you always died a dramatic death every time we played hero.”
“You were just as dramatic, weeping over my death,” Kacchan protested.
“Of course, my knight in shining armor disappeared,” Izu laughed, “Now, you need to watch those wounds. I don’t think they need stitches, but I would advise against touching them and make sure they don’t start to get infected. The moment they show signs of swelling, discoloration or heating up, you go tell someone.”
Kacchan listened closely to the instructions and Izu finished: “Also try not to put any strain on your ribs. No sudden movements, no jumping, no twisting. Rest them. You hear me, Kacchan, rest.”
“Yeah,” Kacchan nodded, before smirking, “But you forgot something.”
“What?” Izu frowned, going over the steps mentally, trying to figure out what he skipped and how Kacchan would even know that.
“You still have to kiss it better,” Kacchan informed him with a grin.
Izu sighed, but there was a small smile playing around his lips as he said: “That’s not very professional, now is it, Mr. Bakugo?”
“I think you can hardly call that scolding you just gave me professional, angel,” Kacchan shot back.
“Touche,” Izu agreed, before leaning in and kissing the scrapes on Kacchans knuckles and cheek, before kissing him on his lips and whispering, “I’m not kissing your ribs in public.”
At that Kacchan blinked the dazed, sappy look out of his eyes and remembered his class was right there and he wasn’t alone with his boyfriend. With the elation of seeing Izu wearing off and making way for embarrassment, he blushed heavily.
“Ahw, blush-y Kacchan, so cute,” Izu commented, not at all feeling bad for his boyfriend’s embarrassment.
Mina practically skipped forward when the student tending to the gash in her arm finally let her go. She stuck out her hand: “I’m Ashido Mina, we met on the phone, I believe.”
“Midoriya Izuku, you’d be correct,” Midoriya smiled, shaking her hand, “Kacchan really told me so much about you all, it’s nice to finally meet you in person.”
“And I’m Kirishima Eijiro,” Kirishima wanted to make contact, before either Bakugo or Aizawa dragged them away.
“Oh, hi!” Midoriya said, “Kacchan was right about the hair being dramatic, I like your costume. It fits really well.”
“Ah, thanks,” Kirishima blushed, “It’s Crimson Riot inspired.”
“You’re a fan?” Midoriya asked, “Good choice, he’s great. Him during All Mights Silver Age was unrivaled. Their team up was so cool.”
“I know right,” Kirishima was glad someone saw how right his opinion was.
“Enough boring bullshit,” Mina pushed him away, “I want to get your social media @ because I couldn't find you anywhere.”
“Ah, yeah, sorry,” Midoriya rubbed the back of his head, “It’s @AllMightssuperfan.”
She quickly typed something, before grinning: “Now I’m following you. I have to say it’s been a trip to meet you.”
“I can imagine thatno one thought this would be the meeting, yes,” Midoriya smiled.
Bakugo walked up behind him, not liking his boyfriend leaving him for his friends. He put his head on Midoriya’s shoulder and wrapped his arms around Midoriya’s waist, not letting up his scowl as he said: “You’re also an idiot for running towards an active attack.”
“It was already ending by the time I arrived,” Midoriya waved it away.
“I can still be mad about that,” Bakugo pouted.
“Suppose you can,” Midoriya shrugged, leaning his head against Bakugo’s, “I will try to be more careful, but just as your job is going to become running into danger, mine is going to be running after you.”
“Ahww,” Hagakure gushed, finally having made her way over to the other.
Midoriya looked confused for a moment at the sound of a new voice before he spotted the gloves, then he greeted: “You must be Hagakure Toru.”
“I am!”
“You’re not injured are you?” Midoriya frowned, “It would be hard to see if you’re hit.”
“Ah, yes, it would,” Hagakure said, “But don’t worry, I’m fine!”
“That’s good to hear,” Midoriya smiled, before he mused to himself, “There isn’t really much training about what to do when you can’t see the patient, say that she ever gets knocked unconscious.”
“Stop mumbling, Izu,” Bakugo snapped him out of it.
“Oh, sorry, I get caught up in my head,” Midoriya apologized.
But before he could get back to talking with Bakugo’s classmates a severe looking lady sternly called out: “Midoriya Izuku, come here right now.”
Midoriya stiffened, before whispering: “That’s my homeroom teacher. Sorry, gotta go,” the he hurried over to the lady.
She put her hands on her hips, before scolding: “What on earth were you thinking, running off in the middle of class like that? Towards a fight, no less. That was very dangerous young man and you will be punished accordingly.”
“Sorry, sensei,” Midoriya said softly, then he looked up defiantly, “But I still stand by my decision to run.”
“What?” the teacher exclaimed, along with a few bystanders.
Kirishima hissed into Bakugo’s ear: “What is he doing? He’s already in trouble.”
Bakugo smiled, looking a bit proud, then answered: “He might be an idiot, but he is an idiot with a heart. If he thinks he did the right thing, he will stand by it.”
“If we’re just going of response,” Midoriya indeed defended himself, “I was here first. Actual licensed medical professionals had to be called after the fact. You always press how importance time is and how it can save or costs life, sensei. We got extra experience and ensured that if there had been serious injuries, we could hold down the fort until an ambulance got here.”
The teacher hesitated, then her shoulders sagged slightly. She smiled gently then said: “I appreciate your fire, Midoriya. Still we’re responsible for you and this was a very dangerous thing to do. You could have been hurt as well.”
“I wouldn’t, Kacchan would have protected me,” Midoriya stated as if it was a fact, “But I understand, sensei. I will accept any punishment you see fit and I will try not to do it again.”
“That’s all I can ask,” the teacher said, she understood a bit better, having heard the nickname ‘Kacchan’ many times when her students could talk during her classes.
“Kacchan?” Aizawa asked, having joined the teacher to also scold the boy, “You mean Bakugo Katsuki?”
“Yes, I’m his boyfriend,” Midoriya smiled sweetly, making Bakugo blush when Aizawa looked his way and as his friends jeered.
“Well, then I think you’re quite right in your assessment of the Problem Child,” Aizawa said, “But it was still dangerous.”
“I understand, Eraser Head,” Midoriya bowed again, “Still, thank you for keeping him safe and not turning away our help.”
“And thank you for your help, despite the illogical reason behind it,” Aizawa said, “Now, I want to speak to your teacher, so enjoy the time with Bakugo, please do not do anything more stupid and stay in sight.”
Midoriya blushed, but said nothing, just bowing before rushing back to Bakugo.
“I would have protected you, would I?” Bakugo teased when he returned.
“Shut up, you would,” Midoriya pouted.
“Yeah, I would,” Bakugo said proudly.
“You actually talked back to Aizawa,” Kirishima said and Hagakure asked: “Weren’t you scared? He’s so intimidating at first.”
“It was terrifying, I don’t know why I did that,” Midoriya’s face was anxiety filled.
“Because you knew you were right,” Bakugo said, kissing his forehead, “You did well standing up for yourself. Hope you won’t be in too much trouble.”
Midoriya smiled at Bakugo’s encouragement. He waved the concern away: “Sensei is more bark than bite. She looks sterner than she is, she was just concerned after I ran out of class.”
“I can understand that,” Hagakure said.
“So manly,” Kirishima commented.
At that Midoriya giggled: “You actually do say it. I thought Kacchan was being dramatic about it. Sorry that sounded rude, I think it’s fun actually.”
“He talks about us?” Mina asked.
“Of course,” Midoriya sounded surprised at the question, “He talks about everyone in your class. It’s sometimes like I know all of you already. I’m very impressed with how far all of you’ve come in comparison to the start of the year. Kacchan tells me how hard you all work.”
Mina pulled him into a hug and said: “You’re so cute, Midoriya. I am so messaging you online, we need to be friends.”
“I’d love that,” Midoriya smiled.
Bakugo pulled Midoriya back and scowled: “Stop pulling on my boyfriend. I haven’t seen him in weeks, piss off.”
“Sharing is caring, Bakubro,” Kirishima teased.
“Sharing can go fuck itself,” Bakugo grouched and Midoriya snorted, before saying: “Missed you too, babe.”
They continued talking until Midoriya was called back to go to class. Kacchan and Izu drew out their goodbye for as long as they could manage until Izu had to stop waving and Kacchan disappeared out of sight.
Class 1-A mentally adjusted the image they had both of Bakugo and Midoriya.
Seeing Bakugo be himself completely, taking a scolding with understanding and demanding kisses from his boyfriend, added a layer to the grumpy boy they usually saw.
Midoriya had already undergone an entire transformation in the minds of most. From the stone throwing boyfriend they had imagined to gentle giant to the defiant yet kind person they had met today, who would do what was right, but still only lost that last bit of anxiousness when he was with Bakugo.
They were excited for him to graduate and hoped to see him have their backs again in the future.
Idk if my idea for Midoriya really came through, but I imagine that hero agencies have personal medical staff to ensure that there will be medical aid if hospitals have a crisis or if the injuries aren’t big enough for injuries. These will be educated for quirk related injuries and since Izu is becoming one to support Kacchan, he will try and focus his assignments on his boyfriend, which is allowed after the sports festival.
I’m not keeping to canon bc I want them to actually meet Izu and I really wanted it to go like this, so a weird extra attack thingy it is. At first, I wanted to do something with the provisional hero license exam, but I felt it wouldn’t go well with the fic.
One thing, I really like it imagining how Bakugo would be if he didn’t have a festering resentment that grew for years, but instead actual support. And how Midoriya would be if he had a chance to develop confidence.
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saudade-mayari · 3 years
I don’t blame people who says Aizawa is a bad teacher or a hypocrite, but you’re an account that I am comfortable sharing this because you also love eraser head. (It’s okay if you don’t want to post it)
Even Aizawa admitted to himself that he is a terrible teacher and mostly forced to teach as based on the vigilantes manga where Nemuri recommended Shota to be a teacher, but what he did to DEKU is somehow relevant for me.
Yes it is true that during the first part he hated Izuku’s guts and regarded him as having no potential but Aizawa was also testing the kid because whichever way watchers should know, Aizawa is right on the fact that Izuku just can’t attack recklessly and impulsively after having such destructive quirk. He did not disregard Izuku’s quirk, he is merely testing the kid to find his other resolve. As for Bakugo’s case Aizawa truly had a hard time disciplining him but he is watching him closely like what Mitsuki (Bakugo’s mom) said, so when All Might took tutelage of Midoriya (and Bakugo) he had no objections because as a HOMEROOM teacher, All Might is the best training for Izuku’s quirk (which is relatively passed onto him)
He is never a hypocrite for teaching Shinso. I don’t see anything wrong about that because I really understand that some training teachers have their own prodigy and he’s a homeroom teacher all he is accountable off is the overlooking at the their hero training which he did well because he focused on the student individual’s strength in the summer camp.
Aizawa also mentioned in a chapter in manga (254) why he expelled students in the past. He knew his capability as a homeroom teacher and he himself knows that he is a terrible teacher hence, re-enrolled them to other school where they would work with a new homeroom teacher. Some may see it as escaping of “escaping duties” but I really think during that time, Aizawa was just thinking what he thinks is best for the students. Afterall, he had proven himself good in manga as someone who really cares for ALL THE STUDENTS.
Blaming Aizawa for the events in 1A is practically uncalled and irrelevant, might as well just say the entire UA should be held accountable. He just had a poor decision making most especially when the truth about Kurogiri is revealed. However, even though he is not the best teacher, I can safely say that Aizawa is a decent and good teacher.
v v v long post ahead
yes anon!!!!. not my biased self speaking... he is not as great as other teachers, but saying shouta is a terrible teacher is uncalled for. he is a decent prof for me. made some mistakes, helps his students. it’s decent.
i firmly believe aizawa and all might are better example as a pro hero than teachers.
(Gonna point some of his mistakes in my perspective as a former teacher under the cut)
he was strict for a reason but he showed his care for all the students during the fight in manga (not gonna say since its spoiler) even aizawa himself knows he is terrible at teaching but at least he is trying😂
i also heard fans saying that because momo, tenya and todoroki are from rich and well known prohero family aizawa never bothered to scold at them. AGAIN IT IS WRONG TO SAY THAT.
momo, iida and todoroki...yes rich and families are known for being heroes but they practically never did anything to trouble aizawa so why else bother them? during their test, aizawa gave advice for todoroki and momo which considerably helped them.
aizawa’s way of teaching is to give harsh critiques and let the student have their own resolve. but as a former student and teacher speaking, it is both right and wrong to have that approach.
it’s definitely okay to let them figure out their own resolve (HAPPENS A LOT IN MED SCHOOL PROFS ARE HARSH HUHU) but it is important to somehow give them base and foundation before actually figuring out their so-called own resolves. i think it’s what aizawa lacks the most AS A TEACHER. but then again his entire character build up clearly says he’s not for teaching.
he was also called a hypocrite for teaching shinso but they aren’t picking on all might for mostly focusing on deku nor endeavor only wanting to focus on shoto. it’s not wrong to have their own prodigies because at the very least aizawa helped overlook his students like what he did in the summer camp and like what all might did in student practicals.
not just aizawa but all might, endeavor, nighteye and even gran torino have personal decisions on closely training those selected kids
aizawa WAS the only teacher who called the entrance/admission test irrelevant for non-physical quirks. HE KNEW IT WAS A PROBLEM SO HE HELPED SHINSO TO BE ON HERO DEPARTMENT bc he know the kid’s opportunity to be a pro hero in the future. he experienced that himself, although his quirk is powerful it was completely non-physical that is why his and shinso’s ability are less likely to be recognized. coz i agree the quirk admission test was somehow iffy... there should have been psychological quirk test too but i understand the point where fans tell that “it’s a student’s job to take advantage of their quirk rather than complain in the disadvantages of having a non-physical quirk.”
I agree on that statement but as a former student myself, i think reconsiderations should have existed coz there are probably lots of great students in general course department (like shinsou).
—and tbh... aizawa and kakashi are often the teachers who are regarded as ‘terrible ones’ but i don’t think so.
im not gonna point out kakashi’s but im gonna say aizawa’s role as a homeroom teacher. back in highschool, ive homeschooled in japan for 2 yrs due to personal reasons and i can say that based on their culture in japan and asia countries in general have a different approach on homeroom teachers.
homeroom teachers in japan are technically the ones who overlook the students, ppl who argued that aizawa should train them is irrelevant because all might is their combat and hero training teacher. aizawa is not meant to teach, but rather supervise.
which is why aizawa (as the homeroom teacher) and all might (the hero training teacher) are the ones who had council with parents because technically, aizawa is responsible for the students safety. HOWEVER....
manga spoilers on the cut
some anti aizawa fans are totally wrong to blame everything in him for 1A always being in dangerous circumstances because after reading the on going manga, they have no damned idea AT FIRST who the league of villains is responsible of. THE ENTIRE UA SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE, not just aizawa I agree on that anon.
for aizawa and the rest it is still a puzzle in the early, i repeat early chapters of the manga what the league is really after aside from killing all might and changing the system of pro heroes.
yes. I agree he had bad decisions on the victims, mainly Kurogiri because he knew it was his friend. He regarded Kurogiri as a ‘victim’ but somehow disregarded the casualties it caused. It was irrational for aizawa to say it like that coz it was obviously a word out of his feelings in the past. can’t blame him (imo) but it was truly irrational and irrelevant for him to say it like that.
there are times aizawa as a teacher just harshly criticized them and let them have their own resolve which is in fact, pretty harsh for a bunch of 15 year olds. but i think aizawa only wants them to have their own resolve since its what aizawa has been doing since episode 5.
i think it was bad for aizawa to let iida go where his brother was attacked, he should have acted upon it as a homeroom teacher to secure iida’s safety but then again, ITS FOR THE SAKE OF PLOT😂
im going to say this again... as a former teacher speaking, it is bad for aizawa just to give the students harsh critiques and letting them figure their own resolves.
it’s not a bad teaching approach BUT that kind of approach doesn’t work ALL THE TIME. sometimes, aizawa needs to teach the basics, base and foundation so the students would have an easier time to HAVE AN ACTUAL SOLUTION
because as a student for 9 years in pre and med school, it is definitely hard to make critical decisions WITHOUT being taught the foundation and base first.
it’s like aizawa not teaching an intern general surgery but letting them have their own decisions if the intern is gonna decide whether to lead the surgery or not.
his teaching approach is not bad but it doesn’t work all the time. as a teacher, pro hero and adult he needs to imply his own experience as well which where the erasure hero lacks. But then again it’s plot and aizawa’s introvert character build up so we can’t really blame him because they need the plot to keep going.
personally, aizawa’s main mistake is not knowing what to teach for the answers to questions the students are not expected to know from teaching answers to questions the students are expected to know.
if aizawa’s gonna be that perfect teacher and all, the show would have been boring😂
though aizawa did assessed on their quirks during summer training arc but i think it was not enough for the fans.
aizawa is much more better as a pro hero alone. he does his job perfectly as pro hero.
so in conclusion, i think aizawa needs to have seminar with me 🤪 im gonna teach my man the proper and basics of teaching. HAHAHAHA KIDDING 🤪 (lowkey not kidding)
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Physical Fatality Part 8- The Fallout
18+ Hawks x fem, pro hero!reader
Summary: You’re a rising star in All Might’s agency. Hawks is the darling of Endeavor’s. By virtue of your job descriptions, the two of you are supposed to hate each other, or at the very least be cautiously neutral. For a long time that’s exactly what the two of you did. You stayed out of each other’s way and formed little opinion of the other. One fateful night at an HPSC gala changes all that. Based on the album Hopeless Fountain Kingdom by Halsey.
If you don’t want to see Physical Fatality content blacklist #hopelesspf
This story will have multiple NSFW parts so it is 18+ ONLY minors dni
You walk into the lobby of your agency already tired and irritable. You haven’t slept well the past couple days since the break up. That first night you’d drank well into the night alone in your room. Then last night you’d elected to take the graveyard patrol shift to avoid having to face your empty bed once again. As a result, you have zero patience for the stares and whispers you’re getting as you make your way over to the elevators. It’s early and you already are grappling with the fact you’re about to see Hawks for the first time since he ripped your heart out. As you get into the elevator you have to resist the temptation to groan as a few of your coworkers also enter. It is blissfully quiet for awhile until one of them decides to try and pipe up before exiting onto his floor. “I always knew you were a traitor and a slut,” he sneers at you as he steps out of the elevator.
You will be having none of that. Fuck this guy.
You‘ve already been using your quirk a lot because of patrol so you should probably be giving it a rest but instead you use it to grab hold of the guy, drag him back into the elevator, and slam him up against the side. The couple people remaining quickly scurry out, not wanting to be caught in your anger, as you release your quirk and instead press him against the elevator with a hand on his throat. The elevator continues its ascent but you pay very little mind. “What the fuck did you just call me?” you ask him, your tone lethal. “I-I’m sorry,” the man stutters, eyes filled with fear, “it’s just we all saw the photos of you with Hawks.” Your blood runs cold but you refuse to let this coward see his words have any kind of effect on you. “What photos?” you demand. “The ones of you and Hawks in the alleyway. One of the tabloids ran a whole article on it and now a few others are trying to pick up the pictures and run their own story,” the man explains. The door pings indicating you’ve reached your floor and you’ve gotten the only useful information you’ll get out of the guy anyway. “The fear you’re feeling right now? Remember it the next time you think about talking shit,” you hiss at the guy before releasing him and storming out of the elevator.
You do think back over what he said though. The pictures from the alleyway? You pull out your phone and type your own name into Google. Who cares if you’re late to the meeting at this point, you need to know what the fuck is going on. Immediately the search results are flooded with the article the man was referencing. You pull it up and each successive word has you feeling nauseous. The pictures even more so. They’re from the day you and Hawks broke up, when he had pulled you into the alleyway. You knew it. You fucking knew that was too risky and that you two would get caught. Then the bastard had the nerve to shatter your heart into pieces later that same day. The more you think about it the angrier you become. You don’t make the conscious decision to storm into the meeting necessarily but before you know it your feet are taking you that direction. You shove the doors to the conference room open, causing everyone to turn to you bewildered. They must not have seen the headlines yet if they’re shocked by what they see. Now that you think about it, had you even stopped drowning your sorrows long enough to tell Bakugo and Midoriya about the break up? You’re about to say something, you’re not sure what, when your eyes finally land on Hawks and the bastard has the nerve to also look like he’s had a shitty couple days.
You see red.
You lunge forward at the man who’d shattered your heart and probably just ruined your career. You are desperate to do something, anything, to make him feel a fraction of what you’re feeling right now. Deku and Bakugo are quick to catch you and try to hold you back but you struggle admirably against their hold. When that doesn’t work you reach out with your quirk to pin Hawks, wings and all, against the opposite wall. Tokoyami moves to defend his friend but Shoto gives a slight shake of his head to warn him against interfering. Silver veins crawl up your arms and it hurts but you don’t care because it’s nothing compared to the pain in your heart. “You fucking bastard! I told you we’d get caught! You don’t get to leave me and fuck up my career,” you yell and you see something like shock and guilt flash behind Hawks’ eyes but that only enrages you further. Midoriya and Bakugo agree that that’s enough and so both of them use their quirks to force you to the ground, pinning you. “You need to calm down,” Midoriya tells you sternly. “Fuck off,” you spit back. “No. Calm. Down. This isn’t going to help you but if you explain what’s going on maybe we can sort this out,” he insists. You glare him down for awhile but as the red haze finally fades and your anger returns down to a simmer you finally relax and release Hawks from your quirk. “Good, now, Kacchan and I are going to let you up and you’re not going to lunge at Hawks. Right?” Midoriya asks. “Right,” you huff.
Bakugo and Midoriya release you and you stand up off the floor but uphold your end of the bargain and don’t lunge out at Hawks again. He’s giving you a sad look and it pisses you off but you don’t want to be physically restrained again and Midoriya is right that it solves nothing. “Have any of you read today’s gossip headlines?” you ask. You get a chorus of no’s back, those from Shoto and Tokoyami being confused, but the other three know where this is heading. “(Y/n) I-“ Hawks starts but he’s interrupted by a new voice. “I’m sorry am I interrupting something? A lover’s spat perhaps? You’ll have to get used to those Hawks,” Monoma snarks and you grit your teeth. “What the fuck do you want extra?” Bakugo asks. “All Might would like to see my ex-fiancé in his office,” Monoma replies. You’re immediately filled with dread but you refuse to give him the satisfaction of letting it show on your face. Instead you just glare at him as you turn to leave the room.
The walk to All Might’s office feels like a death march and it occurs to you that you wish you didn’t have to do it alone. Your treacherous heart tells you that you wish Keigo was with you but you shake the thought away as quickly as it comes. You enter into All Might’s office and try not to let your nerves show. “You wanted to see me sir?” you ask as you walk into the office. “Yes, sit down,” All Might says as he gestures to the chair in front of his desk. Even after all these years it’s still odd seeing All Might in his scrawny form. After all you had grown up on the image of the symbol of peace, standing tall and broad, towering above villains. Still, even though he looks positively skeletal, he’s intimidating as ever as you sit across from him. Maybe because he holds the future of your career in his hands. “I’m assuming you’ve seen the headlines,” All Might sighs and you nod. There isn’t much you can say to that. “I figured after you left Monoma, which I still don’t understand, that you would go back to sleeping around but I also assumed you would keep things a little more subtle than this. I mean Hawks? Really? I don’t ask for much, (y/n), but we talked about this,” All Might continues. “I know we did, but-“ you start but All Might cuts you off. “No buts, I warned you what would happen if we went through this again. The agency has a reputation to maintain.” “But this time is different!” “How is this any different than the last time you were caught sleeping around, other than how high profile this one is?” “We’re in love!” It hurts to say it. It hurts because Hawks doesn’t love you anymore but you’re desperate to save your career. “Really?” All Might asks with a raise of his brow. “Yes, really. You can ask Izuku and Katsuki, they’ll back me up. I’ve been seeing Hawks in secret. I know I should’ve told you but we were worried because of the feud. We got sloppy and the paparazzi caught us before we could make an official announcement or anything,” you lie and god how you wish it were true even as you say it. Maybe that’s why the lie is so convincing. All Might sighs heavily, you’re probably giving him a migraine, but he seems to believe you. “All right well if that’s the case we’ll have to set up an interview ASAP so you two can officially announce your relationship and dispel any rumors that you’re back to sleeping around. I know you don’t like them but I’ll be expecting the two of you to make appearances at some of the major HPSC events,” he tells you. “Of course, thank you sir,” you sigh out in relief. You have no idea how you’ll convince Hawks to play along but something tells you at worst you can guilt him into it. “That’s not all (y/n), I’m pulling you from the task force,” All Might adds. “You’re what!? But sir!” “No. I won’t budge on this. Monoma will be taking your place.” “But I haven’t done anything wrong!” “Look I can’t control whether Hawks stays on or not but I can control whether you do. It is a bad idea for you to be romantically involved with someone on the task force so you’re off the team effective immediately. You are to collect all of your notes and files on the matter and hand them over to Monoma. Do I make myself clear?” “Yes sir...” “Good.” You rise to leave the office, frustrated tears already threatening to fall as you make your way to the door. “For what it’s worth (y/n),” All Might says and you pause to listen, “I am happy for you.” You nod in acknowledgment of what he’s said but you don’t otherwise respond. You don’t think any words would come out if you tried and you’d hate to cry in front of you boss.
You leave All Might’s office and head to your desk, fishing out all of the files and notes you’d been taking, all of your hard work from over the past couple months. You then head back to the conference room. The atmosphere is tense and judging by the looks everyone is giving you they’ve all read the article by now. “Monoma can you give me a minute with the others?” you ask, although your eyes never leave the stack of papers in your arms. “I don’t know little Artemis, it’s rude to kick out guests you know,” he replies. “Neito please. You already won, can you just-“ you ask, trailing off as you finally make eye contact with him. He hesitates. He doesn’t revel in your pain, not really, and he never quite understood the magnitude of how important your reputation is to you and to your career. In all the time the two of you had been together you’d never explained, so, because, in spite of everything, part of him still loves you, he relents. “Fine. But I’m going to wait outside because I want to, not because you told me to,” Monoma huffs before going to do just that.
“What do you mean he already won?” Midoriya asks and you hate the pity on his face. “I’m being pulled off the case. Monoma will be taking over for me, effective immediately,” you answer. “What? That’s bullshit! All Might can’t just-“ Bakugo fumes but you cut him off. “He can and he did. I’m lucky I talked him out of worse,” you explain. A heavy silence falls over the room. “Speaking of which,” you sigh as you turn to face Hawks. He looks like a deer caught in headlights. It might have been funny under different circumstances. You steel yourself, he doesn’t get to see you weak anymore, and meet his eyes with cold determination. “Look, about what I said the other day,” Hawks starts and he’s tripping over and choking on his words as if he has any right to be nervous or upset right now. “Save it. I have watched you devour me like you mistook me for bread these past few months. Are you fed now?” you start. Hawks opens his mouth to answer but you shut him down immediately. “Don’t. It’s a rhetorical question. You give me the messiest head and I get you don’t give a shit about me but now my career is on the line so you’re going to listen up whether you want to or not,” you continue and Hawks’ face is turning red, shame and frustration and guilt coming off him in waves. Good. You want to give the impression that you got the message he wishes you were dead. You don’t believe it, not fully, but it will give you the edge you need to convince him to agree to your terms. He looks like he’s about to break into a sweat at any minute so you decide now is the time to give your proposal. “We aren’t done. I am undoing your little fucking break up from the other day. I won’t let us finish yet,” you say, your voice filled with a confidence you don’t have. “Is that a threat?” Shoto asks, but you shake your head before going back to addressing Hawks. “Don’t take this as a threat. All I’m saying is if you don’t love me anymore then lie. If you don’t you’ll end my career,” you finish.
It’s like the air’s been sucked out of the room as everyone waits for Hawks’ response. He never thought it would come to this. He’s never felt so selfish in his life now for how he ended things and the assumptions he made after talking to Endeavor. Perhaps he was naive, just not in the way Endeavor had implied. He was naive to think the press would just leave you alone about moving on when they have repeatedly demonstrated you are their favorite punching bag. He was naive to think Endeavor somehow knew you better than he did based off of nothing but your employer and former hero ranking. Maybe, though, this could be his second chance. Maybe he could use this opportunity to explain and show you he does still love you. “Did you hear me?” you ask and it snaps Hawks out of his thoughts. “I heard what you said. I won’t have to lie, I do still love you. We love each other and that’s not something we can change. I’ll explain everything later,” he swears but he can tell you don’t believe it. He forms his own game plan. Treat you right and you won’t complain, then maybe he can get you to listen to his side of the story and undo the damage he wrought. “Whatever Hawks, as long as we’re in agreement,” you sigh. “I’m serious, (y/n) we won’t have to lie,” Hawks insists and it makes you hesitate. Not for long, but just long enough for Hawks to see a glimmer of hope.
You toss the stack of papers you have onto the conference table and turn to leave. “Where are you going?” Midoriya asks. “I said effective immediately didn’t I? I’m going back out on patrol,” you respond. “Don’t be an idiot, you should give your quirk time to rest,” Bakugo protests but you roll your eyes before ultimately ignoring him and walking out the door. Hawks watches the whole exchange, noting that the silver veins on your forearms hadn’t even entirely disappeared yet even as you storm out. Every move of his will be vital now if he wants to win you back, including the ones he makes in front of Bakugo and Midoriya when you’re not around. He’s sure they’d love nothing more than to rip him apart right now. Monoma re-enters the room and that effectively kills any more conversation that could be had on the matter but Hawks knows what he has to do.
He has to win you back.
Author’s Note: We in the second half now bois and it is a whole nother animal. The inspiration really hit yesterday so I’m hoping I can keep up that energy and get quite a few updates in at a faster pace than the last few before 7 and the interlude were in. These last few have been more overtly connected to the associated song from the Halsey album I think so it may be fun to listen as you read and see what lines you can spot, idk
Taglist [open]: @akkaso @cathy8taffy @eeppff @iikillerkitteh @pixelwisp
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sadclearance · 4 years
the hand
pairing: setsuna tokage x female! 1-a student! reader
summary: y/n comes to class with a hand. with no body.
category: fluff, crack(?) idrk, incredibly unfunny
warning(s): none
word count: 1367
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"y/n... what is that... object you have brought to class?" tenya iida asks nervously.
"what're you talking about?" y/n answers with a question of her own.
"oh my god! what the--!" toru hagakure shrieks, and now everyone's attention is gathered.
"is that real?" denki kaminari grimaces at the sight.
"what're you all looking at?" y/n frowns. "why're you looking at me like that?"
"did you kill someone?" mina ashido whispers totally inconspicuously.
"what? no!" y/n shakes her head. "are you crazy? i could never do that."
"then... why do you have a severed human hand?" mashirao ojiro's face bunches up at his own words.
"and why did you bring it to class?" kyoka jiro shakes her head, unimpressed with her class this early into the day.
"it looks like a girl's hand..." minoru mineta says, his mouth watering at the pretty slender fingers.
y/n narrows her eyes at the short boy and points the severed end of the hand toward him.
"ah! stop! that's scary!" mineta shrieks, no longer drooling.
"remember that the next time you wanna make eyes at my girlfriend, perv!" y/n laughs, satisfied with the punishment.
the rest of the day went by normally, or as normally as it could when a classmate was holding a severed hand and calling it her girlfriend.
"so, uh..." eijiro kirishima starts his sentence, unsure of whether or not he should continue it.
"how long have you... girls been dating?" kaminari asks for him. they had been talking--not gossiping, because gossiping isn't manly--about it all of class.
"few months now," y/n smiles, happy to answer any and all questions about her love.
"how long have you guys known each other?" hagakure joins in the conversation, her interest in love overpowering her fear of the hand.
"since the beginning of the year," y/n smiles and looks at the hand lovingly.
"i can't tell if i'm supposed to be touched, jealous, or creeped out," ashido sighs out a laugh.
"i hate when class cuts into lunch," kaminari frowns as he stretches his arms behind his back.
"when we're professional heroes, this will be a common occurrence," iida gesticulates.
"that's true, but kaminari's complaints are valid," y/n sighs as she rubs circles into the hand's knuckles. "at least i have her with me."
when she brings it up to her lips to press a gentle kiss, her classmates squeal, some out of joy, some out of horror.
"is that... sanitary?" momo yaoyorozu asks.
"the dead carry many diseases," fumikage tokoyami nods in agreement.
"the dead? c'mon, guys. i wouldn't be dating a corpse," y/n laughs as though their concerns were ridiculous. "my girlfriend is very much alive."
when foundational hero studies rolled around, the students of 1-a had the chance to find out more about the hand.
"young y/n..." all might says with a disturbed but worried look on his face, "you're going to have to leave your..."
"girlfriend," y/n finishes the sentence for him.
"yes! your girlfriend out here when it's your turn to participate. it'll be safer for her."
"okay," y/n says with a sullen expression. "i trust you guys to look after her."
"we'll guard her with our lives," all might promises confidently. "don't you worry."
"see you when i'm done," y/n presses another soft kiss to the hand before leaving it on a counter.
"is that..." all might starts to say when y/n's in the arena, out of earshot.
"that's what we said earlier..." kaminari laughs awkwardly.
with all might's attention on the course, evaluating y/n's score, the class is free to stare at the hand.
"do you... do you think we should touch it?" ochako uraraka asks. while she wasn't normally the type to meddle in other people's business, this situation was just straight up abnormal.
"i'm kinda curious..." tsuyu asui agrees.
"but that's y/n's girlfriend," hagakure says warily.
"she won't ever know," hanta sero shrugs.
"would it be like... violating it if we touched it?" kaminari asks.
"i don't... think so?" ashido's response comes out more like a question than an answer.
"it's a normal hand, right?" izuku midoriya asks, delving into overanalyzing the object.
"maybe," asui looks over it. "it looks like it."
"if it's a normal hand, then without the rest of its body, it has no brain, which means that it has no sense of identity or consciousness in general, but also, should this hand be considered a person if that's true? it was probably part of a person at one point, but now that it's on its own, is it more of an object? let's say it doesn't have a brain, but it's still biologically alive--how would a hand be alive on its own? where is the owner of--"
"i'm gonna blast your fucking mouth shut if you don't shut the fuck up," katsuki bakugo glares, but his voice doesn't hold its normal volume, as he too is even the slightest bit curious about the hand.
"midoriya," ashido puts a hand on said boy's shoulder. "there's too many questions to try to figure out a moral answer to this. you're gonna fry your brain if you keep going. stop while you're ahead."
"it is alive," tokoyami says calmly, bringing the attention back to the hand, where he had just poked the top of.
"you're just... touching it?" kaminari makes a face.
"weren't you the one that said dead things have diseases?" sero looks concerned.
"yes, but it's alive. it's warm."
midoriya hesitates. does he want to touch a random hand that he has no idea where it came from, who it belongs--or belonged--to, or--
bakugo pushes him aside and grabs the index finger.
almost immediately, the other fingers grab a hold of his hand and digs their nails into it.
"what the fuck?" bakugo growls and pulls his hand back.
"it... it moves?" mineta shivers.
"were you guys bugging my girlfriend?" y/n shakes her head when she returns.
"nope!" they stand tall, jumping away from the hand.
"i'm sorry, baby," y/n says lovingly as she strokes the hand. she glares at the others as she says, "my classmates really have no manners."
they left it alone for the rest of the day.
"was today weird to anyone else?" jiro asks as she grabs her backpack from her desk, getting ready to leave.
"even for u.a. today was a bit..." uraraka agrees.
"see you guys tomorrow!" y/n waves the hand goodbye as she leaves first.
"did she just--"
"wait! guys! look!" hagakure whisper yells at the window.
they watch as y/n runs to someone in the hallway, the hand in her hand, severed end pointed at the other.
she grabs the back of the head of green locks as she pushes their faces together, lips locking.
the hand goes to a wrist, coming together as though they were magnets.
"how was your day?" setsuna smiles when they pull apart. her hand is still held by y/n, except it's now connected to her body.
"you should've seen their reactions," y/n giggles.
"oh, i heard them. i think the whole school did."
"how was yours?"
"nowhere near as dramatic as yours. two hands that weren't yours touched me, though," setsuna pouts.
"i know, i'm sorry. they're nosy," y/n pouts back.
"but for the most part, i liked it. i like holding hands with you all the time."
the students of 1-a were relieved to see that y/n was neither a psychopathic killer or necrophile.
1-b's reaction that i wanted to include but didn't know how to fit in:
"setsuna... why are you missing a hand?" ibara shiozaki asks with a concerned look on her face.
"did you lose it somewhere?" juzo honenuki stares at the wrist with no hand.
"gave it to my girlfriend" was setsuna's simple answer, eyes staying on her phone but a big grin making its way to her face.
"nice! congrats! who's the lucky lady?" tetsutetsu asks, as supportive as ever.
"girlfriend?!" could be heard from 1-a throughout practically the whole building.
"you're dating a 1-a loser?" neito monoma--who hadn't shown the slightest interest in this conversation until now--scoffs with a roll of his eyes.
"my girlfriend is not a loser. say that again, and i'll kick your ass," setsuna throws her textbook at the blonde, successfully hitting his face.
idk what this is
but the lack of content for this beauty named setsuna tokage should be a genuine crime.
i say even though i haven't watched past the sports festival arc or read any of the manga because i can no longer pay attention to anything that's longer than a minute... so probably ooc
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a-crimson-lion · 4 years
That new analysis is great, and I haven't even read that chapter! Personally, while I still dislike Bakugo, the things I'm hearing about 284 actually sound good to me--I feel like not only are his stans being annoying about it though, but those who dislike him *might* be being a little hard on him? Not YOU, of course Crimson, you did a great job keeping your analysis balanced, but I've been seeing people still hoping he dies and that doesn't feel right to me (1/2)
(2/2) Like it's not perfect, but he's getting there, y'know? If it's true, and he really is starting to see that he was an ass, I'm willing to finally give him a chance. I agree though that he also has to finally acknowledge the impact this had on Deku.
The State of the Fandom: Katsuki Bakugo
‘Kay, gotta keep this short so I don’t write another 4K essay out of nowhere. (Foreshadowing)
So first off, if you have no idea what @cjcroen1393 is talking about, check out the analysis here.
Second off, if you still haven’t read Chapter 284, check out the official VIZ translation here. New chapters are only free for the first three weeks after their debut, so make like an Ochako and get them savings!
Alright, now back to the subject at hand...
First off, while I appreciate the flattery, if I’m being completely honest, I’m still sort of skeptical because we just got Chapter 284, y’know? I wanna hold my breath, but I’ve already been through Bakugo’s Start Line, the Final Exams, and the Remedial Course Arc, three concrete moments that should have showcased Katsuki’s development and either came with conflicting results or were later debunked (Katsuki sticking to his original bull-headed strategy, Katsuki only working with Izuku as a last resort after stating he’d rather lose earlier, Katsuki saying not to look down on others and then looking down on the rest of UA due to a problem he inadvertently contributed to). But yeah, I’ll stick around and see what happens.
Honestly, I feel like 284 has a lot of opinions focused around Katsuki when you’re looking at him specifically. And no, I’m not talking about a direct AntiBaku vs BakuStan thing, that’s not what this is about. I can’t speak for all AntiBakus, obviously, but from the discourse I’ve seen, we’re all currently split into one of three categories:
Cautiously optimistic, willing to see how things play out.
Perpetually exhausted, nothing Katsuki says or does will make him worthy of atonement or redemption.
Kill him with fire, burn him at the steak, he’s worn out his usefulness.
I’m stuck between the first two categories, and the only reason I’m not in the third category (aside from Katsuki’s basic human right to live) is this:
A dead person can’t change. A dead person can’t suffer. Take that as you will.
And that’s not even discussing how the entire fandom is looking at things. Again, from what I’ve seen, the opinions split into three or four categories:
Look how far he’s come! (←The majority of fandom.)
Look how far he has to go… (←I am here. And maybe some AntiBakus.)
He AlWaYs CaReD!1! (←Cease your existence.)
I want to believe, but the narrative has taught me otherwise. (←The majority of AntiBakus.)
[‘Kay, this is where I’m cutting it off. Click “Read More” if you’re still awake.]
I’ve already said my piece on why the “HAC” take fills me with righteous fury, but let me see if I can explain it better with an analogy:
Let’s pretend for the moment that you’re a gold miner. Obviously, you’re looking for gold.
Your boss has you sent down into the mines to head into one of the more… frustrating caverns. Figuring you have nothing better to do, you get to work.
As you get into picking away at the rock in the search for gold, it takes you hours. And eventually, you stop striking bits and pieces and find a solid chunk of gold ore.
Now, your response can vary based on which of the categories you’re in.
If you’re in the “He’s come so far” camp, you are very excited to find this piece of gold.
If you’re with me in the “He’s still got a ways to go” camp, you remember that this chunk of gold ore doesn’t meet the quota. You still gotta dig.
And if you’re in the “HAC” camp, it’s essentially the same as walking back to the cavern entrance, digging down, and finding the quota of all the gold you need.
Sure, it seems like a good deal for most people, but you just wasted a long time getting to one good chunk when you could have dug down from the start. So what was the point of digging your own tunnel to begin with? That’s several hours, or even days of your life, you’re never getting back, because the cavern decided to be cheeky.
(Also, if you were in the "I don't wanna get my hopes up" camp, you've been digging through a pyrite vein and are skeptical.)
I hope that makes sense.
If it doesn’t, essentially the “HAC” line of thought feels cheap because it makes it seem like Katsuki was being needlessly extra from the start. If he always cared, why does he have to suicide bait? (Yeah I know y’all hear that too much but that doesn’t change the fact that it happened.) If he always cared, why does he have to even risk almost killing Izuku in the Battle Trial? If he always cared, why does he almost consider losing in the Final Exams? It just opens up a lot of holes.
I’m not gonna tell you to not be a fan of Katsuki or to not like him, because that isn’t realistic. Hell, if I shouldn’t have to justify why I don’t like him, you guys certainly don’t have to justify the opposite. But there has to be a sort of awareness that comes with either territory.
Because whether you like it or not, Katsuki HATED Izuku from Ch. 1 to getting kidnapped.
He saw Izuku as an OBSTACLE from Deku vs Kacchan 2 all the way to the OFA meeting in Ch. 257.
...and right now, Katsuki is finally, FINALLY recognizing Izuku as a person. A person who is in real f***ing danger and can’t bear the weight of the world on his shoulders. The extent remains to be seen, but what Hori has set up so far is really promising.
But that’s the thing: we’re still in the setup phase. I talked about this before in my last post, but right now we’re only in the third phase of Katsuki’s attitude. The “What The F*** Is Your Existence” phase lasted 116 chapters. The “I Can’t Let You Get Ahead Of Me” phase lasted 141 chapters. And the current phase, the “Why Don’t You Care About Yourself” phase, has only been going on for 27 or so chapters. And Katsuki only recently acknowledged that he bullied Izuku in a flashback somewhere in that time frame.
And the thing is, this doesn’t absolve Katsuki of anything. I still firmly believe Katsuki was being legitimate when he was talking about hunting down Tomura and using Izuku as bait, because that competitive side of him is DYING, not DEAD. And Katsuki still has yet to address the issue in his relationship with Izuku beyond internal and external monologues to people who are decidedly not Izuku, though there’s a high chance of that changing in Chapter 285. And the thing is, all Katsuki recognized is that Izuku’s inherent selflessness made him uneasy, and that was the main reason he bullied him. He still has yet to realize that he is a direct contributor to Izuku’s selflessness being warped into hardcore martyrdom. In his acts of beating Izuku, he lessened his self-worth and thus, made him believe his life was worth giving up. We still got stepping stones to cross, and while Katsuki’s making progress, he’s not across the creek yet.
...and while I’ve personally given up all hope of viewing Katsuki’s redemption in a satisfying light, I am hoping that Hori gets it right for the rest of you.
Thanks for reading.
-Crimson Lion (22 September 2020)
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Two Ghosts (part 3) {Dabi}
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated! Click to read Part 1 and Part 2
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Alongside Bakugo and Midoriya as well as several other hero course students, Shoto was tasked with evacuation. They worked quickly and much more efficiently than expected but he wasn’t happy. He felt that his quirk and the quirks of his work study partners were much better suited for the backup villa team than some who were assigned there. Still, he had his orders.
But the best laid plans and strategies were not enough to keep his course when he saw blue flames light up one wing of the large building in the distance, fire and smoke dancing into the sky in a tornado pattern. His legs were carrying him to the villa before he registered he was moving and behind him he could hear Bakugo and Burnin screaming at him as he ran.
He dodged through other heroes and the straggling citizens before taking the steps two at a time up to the lavish mansion. It was only as he flung the door open to see the fighting inside did he realize he had been followed.
“Todoroki, what are you doing?!” asked the frantic voice of Midoriya behind him.
“I have to be here, Midoriya,” he explained quickly. If Dabi and Kazane were here that meant that Touya and Raila were too and he had waited days, weeks, months to say his piece to the two family members that had been stolen from him.
Shoto turned away from his classmate and headed to the end of the villa that he had seen ablaze, avoiding the questioning gazes of the heroes who knew he wasn’t assigned to their team and pressing on. The blood rushing in his veins and the pounding of his heart were the only things keeping him grounded as he ran.
It was only after turning a corner that he skidded to a stop at the sight of a figure in front of him. The blonde’s face was familiar, one he knew he had seen at the training camp and in the heart of Kamino.
“You’re one of Izuku’s friends!” she squealed excitedly. “He’s here too isn’t he? Is he bleeding?”
He activated his quirk, his hands crackling threateningly. “You shouldn’t be concerned about him right now. If you surrender, I’ll speak to your cooperation.”
“Ohhh, you’re Endeavor’s baby boy aren’t you?” she asked, ignoring his words completely. “You don’t look like you’re scared to use your fire like at the Sports Festival, is it because of what Izuku said to you? Fire’s boring because burns don’t bleed, they just get weepy.”
“Are you going to surrender or not?” he asked tersely.
She rocked onto her heels in a girlish fashion, her hands behind her back as she grinned, the points of her teeth glinting in the low light of the corridor. “No, I’m gonna get a nice taste of you and then get close to my cute little Izuku.”
Pulling a needled pump from behind her she launched herself forward and before Shoto could react with a sheet of ice to freeze her to the floor, a heavy blast of air flew past him and knocked her back. Then an electric green flash filled the space and within seconds he could see Toga on her stomach, Midoriya kneeling beside her holding down her wrists.
“Izuku!” she chirped.
Ignoring her, Midoriya looked up at Shoto. “We were on evacuation, we shouldn’t be in here! What the hell are you doing?”
“I told you, I need to be here—”
A low, chilling voice cut him off as blue flames began to lick along the walls, “Of course the prodigal son of Endeavor would need to be in the middle of the action.”
“Can’t get credit if you’re not at the scene,” agreed a feminine lilt.
Turquoise and gold eyes shone from the darkness at the end of the corridor, two long coats obscuring the rest of their bodies. A shiver ran up Shoto’s spine at the realization that he was finally coming face to face with the missing pillars of his past.
A shout startled him from his thoughts and his gaze shifted back to Midoriya who was clutching his wrist and Toga was licking the needle point of her support item. Laughter came from behind them.
“C’mon Peach, our vampire can handle two baby heroes herself, we’ve got a more pathetic one to tend to.”
The pet name made him go rigid.
“Take him, Peach.”
It echoed in Shoto’s mind, dreams and memories and the present moment blending into one.
As they disappeared down an adjacent hallway, Toga lunged for Midoriya who immediately went on the defensive. In that moment, Shoto made his decision. He sprinted forward and sent a thick sheet of ice across the carpeted floor that crept up Toga’s legs just as she crouched down for another attack, quite literally freezing her in place.
“Keep her contained, I have to go after them!” he called back to Midoriya as he rounded the same corner, guilt twisting in his stomach at leaving his friend behind.
Dabi and Kazane were ahead of him, swift and silent as they moved deeper into the villa, and he shouted to get their attention. It was only when they glanced back at him, their stride not breaking, that he noticed the state of them; smoke was billowing from beneath Dabi’s staples, blood clotting where some had popped free, and Kazane had soot smeared across her face and shallow cuts on her neck.
A wild look came to Dabi’s eyes and he stopped, Kazane following his lead with a small smirk. Shoto slowed to a stop several meters from them as they turned.
“What are you gonna do, little hero?” Dabi asked with a grin. “You gonna capture us? Freeze us? Burn us? Know ya ain’t got the stones to kill us. Guess your old man didn’t teach you that yet, huh?”
“Think about your odds,” Kazane said as she stepped forward. “You can’t take on both of us.”
“You won’t hurt me,” he replied, his voice sure despite the opposite being burrowed deep in his chest.
Dabi’s eyes went wide and he cocked his head with a sinister smile pulling at his burned skin. “Oh is that so? You think because you’re a kid—a child soldier—I won’t turn you to ash? Any other little hero brat, maybe, but you?”
Kazane grabbed his arm as he started toward Shoto, a warning squeeze to his bicep just barely perceptible to Shoto’s keen eye. “Bigger fish, love.”
“No, no, no, Peach!” he laughed manically and swept his free arm out in front of him. “Don’t you see we have the perfect bait right here? How better to coax out Endeavor than with his MASTERPIECE?”
Ice began to slowly creep from beneath his boot in preparation for the fight brewing. He didn’t want to fight them, but he also knew that his acknowledgement of who they really were would only provoke them more. So he would do the only thing he could—stay on the defensive.
And when flames erupted from Dabi’s palm, he sent a jet of his own fire towards it as a counter meant to stop it. He didn’t expect Kazane to send a cylindrical gust of wind to carry the blue stream in a wider pattern, his traditional flames swallowed to grow the blast as it came for him, and he tried to throw a wall of ice up to soften the blow.
The ice shattered, melting before shards could hit the carpeted floor, and Shoto felt the heat on his face as he dodged left, rolling until he was in a kneeling position with one hand braced against the wall as he panted.
“You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into,” Kazane said distastefully, looking down her nose at him, the golden hoop in her septum glinting in the light of the residual flames clinging to the walls around them. “Kids like you are so quick to turn a blind eye to the flaws of the system that trains you to die. And for what? Fame? Fortune? The approval of the monster you call Father?”
“No,” he growled, the scent of singed hair lingering in the air.
“Deny it all you want,” Dabi sneered, “but the truth is you want to be a hero because its what your old man wanted for you. Appeasing the bastard’s shortcomings means you’re finally perfect, right?”
“NO!” he shouted, fists clenched tightly.
Kazane giggled. “Love, look, we’ve made the puppet angry!”
Shoto hated her callousness, hated that this was what they thought of him. He’d spent every waking moment since the Sports Festival searching for his own heroic purpose past what his father had wished for. He had friends who supported him despite his hardened attitude at the beginning of their first semester and encouraged him when he didn’t think he could break the mold he had been forced into. Even his family dynamic, slow as it was, was changing. He just wished there were two more people to work with when it came to the Todoroki name.
“I want to be a hero to save people.”
Their laughter died out when he spoke, amused looks and raised eyebrows replacing it.
“It’s a hero’s job to save people, people who can’t save themselves,” he continued with a bowed head. “Whether they ask for help or don’t believe they deserve it, I want to save them. I want to protect them because when I was a child I was worked to the bone, trained to the point of sickness, just to be told I was wasting my potential. But I had people that tried to be my hero, that tried to save me. One was my mother and the others were my brother and his girlfriend.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, do you think we’re going to pity you because you know how to talk your way out of this with other idiots?” Dabi spat, advancing on him once again. “You think you can pull the daddy issues card with me and get away with it? Am I supposed to feel sorry for you right now?” He stood before Shoto and grabbed a fistful of his hair, jerking his head up to look at him.
“You’re… you’re supposed to know that I want to be a hero for the right reasons,” he replied thickly, his scalp stinging and his heart pounding in his chest.
Dabi scoffed and tossed him back, his kneeling position causing him to stumble and fall back against the far wall of the corridor.
Breathing heavily, Shoto looked up at both of them, Kazane still a few meters behind Dabi. “I want to be a hero so that I can save people who feel trapped or feel like they don’t have a choice. I want to be a hero, a real hero, to make Touya and Raila’s sacrifices worth something.”
Kazane inhaled sharply and Dabi blanched, this time being the one stumbling back. She grabbed his arm with white knuckles when she reached him, both of their expressions unreadable.
How could he know their real names?
“It took me so long to realize it,” he whispered, locking eyes with Kazane. “But your eyes are what gave you away. They made me remember warmth, of what love is supposed to feel like, and when Fuyumi found old pictures and I saw you, it all came back. He… he still calls you ‘Peach’ even with your hair dark like this.”
The villains were still.
Shoto continued, this time looking to Dabi. “I don’t know all the details, but I know you were trying to make him train you instead of me, that’s how the fire started. I… I wish things were different. I wish you had stayed! His training… I’d take it a hundred times over if it meant you had never left. If it meant our family stayed together and you got to marry Raila, I would take all of the punishment again.”
He pushed himself up to stand, his legs trembling as his head lolled back to rest against the wall, his scalp still tingling from his brother’s grip.
“If you surrender I’ll speak to your cooperation just like I told your friend,” he said quietly. “Turn against Shigaraki and the Paranormal Liberation Front, work with us to keep innocent people safe. Eraserhead, Present Mic, my teachers, they’re real heroes. They’ll help you. I’ll help you. Endeavor has shown the drive to improve and to better himself but you owe him nothing. None of us do.”
An uncomfortable feeling settled heavy in Dabi’s chest. He wasn’t attached to Shigaraki or anyone else in the League or the PLF—Kazane excluded—but he had the want, the need to continue Stain’s work of ridding the world of the false heroes who were sat upon the highest of pedestals and they were the best means of accomplishing that. Endeavor was his largest target and the desire to see the light leave his eyes, the eyes he had inherited, was so strong that it had helped him survive for the past decade.
How could Shoto expect him to just abandon every awful moment he had experienced for the first seventeen years of his life? How could he advocate for the system that had ultimately, and quite literally, sparked years of abuse for both of them? How could he have such hope that the black mark on each of the Todoroki’s could be washed away if he were to return?
Kazane’s features softened as she gazed at the young hero. He had grown tall like Touya—Dabi?—and he was lean but solid. No more was he the small boy she had put on her hip and carried through the Todoroki compound, but similarities were there. The desperate look in his eyes was one that had haunted her for the many years they had been gone and her heart clenched at the knowledge that this time, it was her fault. She’d always hoped for the best for him but once he was in front of her she assumed the worst of Endeavor had taken over him; when he was training to be a hero at his father’s alma mater how could she not? She hated that the bastard’s influence could still sway her after so long.
She turned to Dabi and intertwined their hands briefly, giving a quick squeeze before turning back to Shoto. Cautiously, she approached him, her hand falling from Dabi’s.
“You really remember?” she murmured.
He nodded. “I knew your eyes first, but after the photos I remembered your hair being pink and the paper cranes.”
Her expression became pained. She wished that there were better times to remember than when she had taken him away from training so Touya could shout at their father. He should have remembered festivals and ice cream shops instead of muffled screaming and the residual heat on his skin.
But she also wished there was a way to reverse the damage done after they’d left too.
“Your scar,” she said. “We should have—”
“No,” he interrupted with a shake of his head. “That’s not on you.”
She stood only an arm’s length away when the emotions became too much. As often as she told herself that the past didn’t hurt the façade came crashing down when she looked at the boy in front of her. She reached out a hand to cup his cheek, the last time she had done so being ten years prior.
But her hand never made contact.
A large bang came from behind her before a blinding orange stream of flames engulfed her body completely, her mouth opening in a silent scream as her flesh began to bubble and melt.
Dabi was frozen as he watched from the opposite wall he had been shoved into, his eyes opening just as the fire overtook her form. There was a ringing in his ears and a lump in his throat when her body curled in on itself and she was able to turn towards him. Through the shock of the scene unfolding, he could make out one booming voice.
“Don’t you dare touch my son!”
And his heart stopped beating as he locked eyes with Kazane, the anguish clear in them despite her now disfigured features before they became void, the once vibrant golden color reduced to a dull, lifeless hue not unlike unpolished metal. A cold chill ran down his spine at the realization that she was gone. Kazane who loved his cause, Raila who loved his family, his peach who loved him… gone.
Clothing reduced to ash and skin cracked with blisters and exposed muscle lie in a heap before Shoto, his horrorstricken expression persistent as his breathing grew ragged and he started screaming at Endeavor.
Dabi wasn’t sure if what he was saying was coherent or not but it seemed to stir something within Endeavor who rounded on him, their matching eyes going unnoticed by the older man who snarled something at him lost to the blood rushing in his ears. Shoto’s borderline hysterics seemed to spur him on because he ignited a fist and came for Dabi with wild eyes.
Instead of standing to face him like he had dreamt of doing for so many years, he stayed on the ground propped against the wall. A thousand thoughts consumed him as his gaze shifted again to the charred body of the woman he loved. He was going to die the same way in the corridor of this villa.
Why would he fight now? Enji Todoroki had stolen his childhood, his family, and now the love of his life. Did dismantling the institution he was the face of even bring satisfaction if his peach wasn’t by his side?
It truly didn’t matter if it would or not. He would fail. He had failed as a successor to Endeavor. He had failed as a son to his mother. He had failed as a brother to Fuyumi and Natsuo. He had failed as a shield to Shoto. He had failed as a disciple of Stain. He had failed as a protector to Kazane. What good was he?
If anything he felt guilty for it all. He couldn’t protect Shoto or Kazane and now Shoto was going to see two people he cared about taken away from him and Kazane was dead.
Dabi wondered when it would be enough, when Endeavor would be satisfied with all he had taken from his children. He doubted it would ever come even long after he left this life. It didn’t matter anyway; Dabi knew it was pointless to go on without Kazane—it’s not like he could survive without her, and at least in death they had the chance to come back together
He let his eyes fall closed; he wouldn’t give this man the satisfaction of looking him in the eye as he dealt the final blow.
The heat from Endeavor’s flames licked at his skin and the booming voice followed, drowning out Shoto’s screams to stop, wait, don’t do this! But for all the senses he still had that could push past the numbness settled into his chest since he’d watched life leave Kazane, he could paint so many pictures of the past melded with the reality of his present.
Shoto’s voice was no longer soft and high like it had been when he was a child but strong and deep, fit for the hero Dabi now knew he would become—a true, worthy hero who was a hero to do good in the world—but his distorted shouts and pleads for mercy ignored while Endeavor shouted. Kazane—no, Raila was beside him but quiet not by his direction this time. The flames dancing behind his eyelids were growing brighter as Endeavor’s voice grew louder and without the additional fighting around them, he could swear they were back in the Todoroki compound’s training room.
It was fitting, he supposed, that Kazane and Dabi be ended by Endeavor’s flames. Touya had been created to receive the flames and had in a way been ended by them, just as Raila had. Dabi and Kazane had been born from them, and now...
Now flames came back to flames. Ashes would turn to ashes. Dust would turn to dust. Two ghosts would cross from one plane to another.
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated! Click here to read Part 1 and Part 2
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natsubeatsrock · 4 years
Is Stain’s ideal for heroes being accomplished?
“Hero” should not be a title given to those seeking reward and recompense, but one earned through tireless self-sacrifice. The heroes of this era are pretenders who misrepresent themselves. Only through a relentless purge can society be made aware of this truth.
Stain may be the third most important villain in MHA, behind only Tomura Shigaraki and All for One. He was only around for two arcs, but his influence stretches well beyond the Work Study arc he was captured in. Explanation Point made a great video touching on the challenge to the capitalist society Stain presents.
Though, there is a point about him I’ve seen thrown around him: his core ideas of heroes doing good for the wrong reasons isn’t fully or properly addressed once the arc ends. I don’t think this is as simple an issue as people seem to make it out to be. The issue is kind of tricky and I’ve come up with three different responses to this based on three questions I want to answer: “Is the world where Stain wanted it?”, “Is the world coming closer to Stain’s ideal?”, and “Is Stain’s ideal realized in heroes other than All Might and Deku?”
You’ll notice I’ve left out a discussion of whether or not Stain’s ideals for heroes are good. As I’ll mention later, Stain’s ultimate ideal for heroes isn’t one that is bad and that is recognized in universe. Thankfully, it’s generally agreed that this was a good ideal handled in a terrible way. I don’t want to have to argue otherwise.
Question #1: Is the world where Stain wants it?
Answer: No
When I see people talk about “Stain not doing much to influence much”, this is where I see most people getting at. The world Stain envisioned isn’t where the current world is. As slow as wide-scale social change usually takes, it’s not as if serious events can’t force that kind of change quickly. (muffled cough) If there was a big change on the villains side because of Stain, why didn’t that happen on the heroes side?
I feel that this perspective misses a really obvious problem with Stain: he was trying to achieve his ideal by killing people. I don’t say that in a “he wanted something good but people died in the process” way. He wanted to achieve a world with altruistic heroes by killing... basically every other kind of hero. This is a major pillar in his philosophy.
On the villain side, it makes sense that he’d inspire people. He gives many villains the impression that they’re more justified in being villains than heroes are stopping them. If the biggest pressure for heroes to change comes from someone literally titled “The Hero Killer”, it’s not shocking to see little if any change happen immediately.
Immediately being the key issue. The world may improve in this regard and heroes may come to be more altruistic as a whole. For now, it has a ways to go before it gets there. Though, that’s more about question 2.
Question #2: Is the world coming closer to Stain’s ideal? 
Answer: Slowly...
Before the Provisional Hero License Exam begins, Mera makes the point about Stain’s views permeating through the world and the image of heroes as professionals is being put in lower regard. He uses this ultimately to discuss whether it’s good for heroes to be paid for their work. However, there is an obvious sense in which there is a widespread recognition that the way things are in the hero world can’t stay the same.
Though this was an idea brought forth by Stain, the thing I believe caused a response from higher-ups is the retirement of All Might. Now that the Symbol of Peace is gone, the government recognizes the ways it’s lacking and that it needs to change. They even mention this as they discuss the philosophy behind the activities for the exam. The world of heroes has to adapt to a world without All Might, whether they want to or not.
For many, part of this involves looking back and seeing some logic to Stain’s ideal. Obviously, Stain was wrong to kill heroes and no one who isn’t a villain questions that. However, the greatest hero is gone, and he was the only (pro) hero Stain respected. Is there a reason to trust the heroes left?
Especially considering the guy who took his place wasn’t considered a true hero by Stain? Remember, Endeavor was at the scene where the video footage was taken and Stain wasn’t a fan of him. (To be fair, neither were most people at that point in the series.)
It seems that the obsession for glory and money is only a more recent trend in heroism. All Might came from a time where heroes had those altruistic views Stain admires in him and those values seemed to fade as time passed on. It’s why he starts Deku out by cleaning Takoba Beach. Even before Stain, there was a recognition of the world being overrun by heroes with the wrong drives and a need to return to more virtuous motives for being a hero.
As early as chapter two.
What’s happening now is that idea is spreading to more people. Shishikura has a similar desire of not wanting heroes to be terrible. Of course, it’s wrong to say that he’s on the mark about his goal either. His teacher says it’s not wrong for him to be influenced by Stain and tries to prevent him from going on a bad route.
As I said, these kinds of changes usually take a lot of time. It makes sense that we’re only seeing seeds planted for a better society. The world will hopefully see more heroes who are altruistic and aren’t seeking more fame and fortune.
Question #3: Is Stain’s ideal realized in heroes other than All Might and Deku?” 
Answer: Yes.
Were it not for my exceptions this would be a simple discussion about how All Might and Deku are already the type of hero Stain would have wanted. Stain has acknowledged both as worthy heroes in their own right. Instead, I want to focus on a few heroes whose motivations have changed over the course of the series.
You might be shocked by my first example for this. However, I think we got an interesting example of this in Ochako Uraraka. While ultimately altruistic, her initial motivation is to make money. I doubt Stain would treat Uravity’s reasons as little else than a sob story. (”Make money doing something else!”)
Though, her ultimate goal has been to work as a rescue hero like No. 13. Since the Overhaul arc, the money aspect seems to have taken a back seat to rescuing people. After seeing Nighteye die, she’s redoubled her commitment to save people. And, in the Joint Training arc, we see that this includes saving heroes like Nighteye and Deku.
One of the first pro heroes we’re introduced to is Mt. Lady. We learn very early on that her motivation in being a hero is exactly the kind of thing that Stain hated: money, fame, and glory. She’s motivated by the perks of being a pro hero as opposed to doing the good work involved with it. In the anime, Mineta’s work study with her involves maid work. Compare that with Jiro’s work study with her partner Death Arms which involves on-field experience.
However, we start to see a change in her starting with the mission to rescue Bakugo. Originally, she wishes to be part of the flashier job of stopping the League members, as opposed to arguably the more important job of destroying the Nomus, which Best Jeanist calls her out on. Later, as Midoriya’s plan goes off, Mt. Lady steps up to stop the League from recapturing Bakugo. Here she says they ought to prioritize the mission.
Later on in the manga, she helps teach a special class in handling the media. Of course, it’s easy to see that and question how much she’s grown. However, her instruction is about how interviews can help other people, whether they’re heroes, villains, or civilians. The change in demeanor isn’t lost in Mineta.
Here’s where it’s worth mentioning that both my examples so far don’t have direct connections to Stain. Neither were involved in the Hosu incident, pre-occupied with work-study stuff around the same time. As far as we can tell, their changes were more influenced by other events than anything Stain did directly.
Not so with Endeavor.
I think people discount or ignore the impact Stain has had on him. Imagine how Endeavor would feel after meeting with him. After the fact, people will credit you for taking him down. Not only isn’t that true and credit ought to be given to a bunch of high school students. He’s told you to your face that the guy you’ve been spending years trying to beat is the only real hero.
It’s important that Endeavor was present to see the fall of Stain. This is an important moment in his arc towards betterment. It’s not just that doing things the way he is makes him a hero who isn’t considered on the same level as All Might. He’s not considered by some to be a legitimate hero.
That’s why it’s such a big deal that he goes to All Might to figure out what the Symbol of Peace really means when he becomes the de facto top hero. It’s not just a matter of what it means to be the top hero. It’s a matter of becoming a hero worthy of the title itself. 
However, in all of these cases, these are works in progress. And only three at that. This isn’t the world of heroes Stain seems to idealize. The hope is that with good schooling and important events, current and future pro heroes will create a society where fame and fortune aren’t the reasons people become heroes.
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amusedyan · 5 years
I'm loving your blog. So listen, I'd die for some Ouran content. Maybe a Kyoya falling for a guest at some Ootori party, she was brought along by some wealthy friend of hers and is not into the wealthy elite at all, something that bothers but intrigues Kyoya. I'd love to see him try to woo her, become protective of her, because she lives such a dangerous regular commoners life without body guards. Then try to save her from that life. How would he react to her misbehaving or being generally 1/2
Unhappy with the situation he’s put her in? Whether it’s him micromanaging every aspect of her life or him having actually locked her up in some corner of the Ootori manor? Personally, I always saw Kyoya as someone who enjoyed old-fashioned punishments. Like a spanking over the knee. But it’s totally up to you. I love where you took that Bakugo fic, so I trust you to take this where ever. Honestly, I’d just be so grateful if you had any Ouran content to offer. Again, love your work so far 2/2
Yay my first Ouran request! Thanks so much nonnie for requesting this, I love Kyoya- his deadpan humor and general attitude just give me so many ideas and make him such a great character! And those same traits make him terrifying as a yandere!
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You hated fancy parties.
You picked at your collar and tried not to look like you were bored out of your mind as all the rich people mingled and laughed discussed business over food and drinks more expensive than your family’s monthly grocery bill. 
It was funny. You could write off your friend’s eccentric behavior, but in a group of rich people? Well, the bitterness crept back in and left a sour tang in your mouth. 
You glanced down at your flute of champagne. It would be, what, your third? Reluctantly you returned it- you were a guest, getting blackout drunk was not on your shortlist of ‘great ideas for parties full of rich people’. So you just mingled politely, staying close to your friend.
“Mr. Ootori!” She declared happily, waving over a dark haired man with a calm smile and glasses. There’s half a moment of hesitation on his part before he approaches- you can’t blame him; a brief word with your friend turns into half an hour with her.
“Glad you could make it,” he offered dutifully, and oh that was interesting- he had that same look in his eyes you did- like he couldn’t stand his own kind. It had to be some kind of joke.
You found yourself smiling for the first time that night, and caught the way his eyes flashed at you for the briefest of seconds before it was gone.
Maybe you’d imagined it.
“I see you’ve made use of the plus one on your invitation.” He remarked, and your friend laughed and introduced you.
Ootori nodded and looked back at you with a raised eyebrow, “I don’t believe I’ve heard of you.” His tone was just detached enough that you couldn’t be sure if it was a joke or an insult.
“You wouldn’t- I’m not pedigreed.” You wished you could take a drink as a mic drop. Instead you just had to content yourself with your friend’s horrified look.
But Ootori just looked amused.
“Man people prefer mutts to purebreds,” he said in that same level tone.
As a person who’d had several mutts growing up, you could confirm that they were better. Less health problems. 
He asked what your job was and you mentioned the field, notwanting to stray into talk about work. Work was work, and frankly here wasn’tthe place to talk about it. Thankfully Ootori accepted it and didn’t push,instead managing to draw you into aconversation that didn’t make you want to beat your own head in. It was nice.
Finally, he had to excuse himself and see to his otherduties as host, but before he left he caught your hand and brought it up to pressa gentle kiss there. It stopped you short, as did the small smile playing onhis lips.
“Until we meet again,” he promised cryptically, before goingoff to join his people.
Your friend was gawking at you.
You decided maybe one more glass of champagne wouldn’t hurtyou.
Two weeks after the Ootori party Kyoya Ootori himself walkedinto your favorite coffee shop, saw you and invited himself to sit at yourtable after taking his order. The man was far out of his element but didn’tseem in the least bit uncomfortable, exuding a calm confidence and sense ofcontrol that made clear why he was so good at his job.
(And yeah, you had gone the creepy route and looked him upon the internet, rather than just asking your friend; they might have gone toschool together once upon a time but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t misreadyour questions as interest and let him know about it on a lark.
Despite being the youngest Kyoya had managed to earn hisplace as heir of Ootori conglomerate. He was ruthless in business but one hellof philanthropist, setting up multiple scholarship programs for elite schoolsthat lower income students wouldn’t have access to, on top of the dozens ofother charities that the company donated to on the regular. And that was whatyou could track down in maybe 45 minutes)
“Pretty far from your side of town,” you observed, addinganother packet of sugar to your coffee.
“I had business in the area and needed a coffee.” You hummed and watched him watch you.
He was quiet for a minute and you took the time to drink your coffee. His was pure black, you’d heard him order it.
“You remind me of a friend I had.” He said suddenly, and you stayed quiet, although you were a little confused because he didn’t seem like the type to have friends. “She wasn’t impressed by money either.”
“Smart of her.”
He chuckled a little bit, no more than a huff. 
“I’d like to take you out for dinner sometime.” Now that actually made you look at him properly. He hadn’t taken his eyes off you yet.
“Because I’m not interested in money?”
“Because I find your conversation relaxing and I’d like to think you feel the same way.”
It was a bit weird; you’d had maybe 20 minutes total of talking with this man. Technically those twenty minutes were enjoyable. Kyoya was blunt and composed and intelligent; you could appreciate that in a man.
“Alright.” You agreed, surprising yourself.
Kyoya’s smile unfolded into something a little more open. You wondered how often people saw this one.
You exchanged numbers and the promise of detail exchange later; you had to get back to work soon, and even though he didn’t say he needed to leave you were sure that he needed to get back too.
There were flowers on your desk at work the next day.
The bouquet was gorgeous; lavender roses and baby’s breath- you didn’t even know that lavender roses this nice were in season.
The card on the vase (a very nice, very expensive looking vase) confirmed your suspicions.
I saw these and thought of you.
                                          -Ootori Kyoya
And you smiled because it was really thoughtful.
But…how did he know where you worked?
Ootori: Did you receive the flowers?
Me: Yes I did! They’re beautiful, thanks!
Me: How did you know where I worked?
Ootori: You told me at the party, remember?
Me: Ah, sorry, I must have forgotten!
Me: Thanks again, Ootori.
Ootori: Call me Kyoya, please.
You work out a good night for the both of you to go out. It took some shuffling on your part, but at least Kyoya seemed willing to work with you.
He meant what he said at least- he was serious about dinner.
And it was dinner at a really nice restaurant; one that had a really long wait list ordinarily and didn’t have a price on the menu.
Well, you get to break out your formal clothes again, and it was nice to watch the way Kyoya’s expression changed when you entered the dining area. The softening of his mask maybe. 
“You look nice.” Was all he said about it, though, even as he stood up to pull out your chair for you.
“Thanks, so do you.” And he did. Kyoya could have worn anything and pulled it off, probably.
The server came by moments later with wine and glasses. That was nice at least, but again…
“You ordered for me?” You asked, smiling. He nodded.
“I thought it more convenient.” 
Pushy, but whatever, he meant well.
The pushing didn’t stop.
It started with the wine, yeah, but it just got worse.
Kyoya didn’t understand how to not overstep his bounds, and he always looked amused when you started to point out that looking up your girlfriend’s home address was still creepy, even when the intent was to send you flowers. And he sent you a lot of flowers.
But no, Kyoya, having several bodyguards walk you home from work didn’t make you feel safe, especially when they weren’t allowed to talk to you.
And he just…he didn’t get it.
You wanted to break up with him, but the problem was Kyoya, when he wasn’t disrespecting your boundaries at least, was charming, intelligent, and honestly you liked him a lot. You just figured it was one of those things you would work out with him, or maybe it was new relationship jitters.
When Kyoya tried to give you a watch more expensive than your apartment, you finally, firmly, put your foot down.
“It’s too expensive,” you argued firmly.
“I already bought it.”
“Then return it, because I can’t possibly accept it.” It made you uncomfortable, how willing he was to drop so much money on you so fast.
“I can’t return it, it was personalized.” He said, frowning. And…okay, touching, but still…
You turned it over in your hand and blinked at the elegant writing
For my darling
“That’s…really sweet, Kyoya.”
He hugged you gently, awkwardly. You got the feeling he wasn’t used to initiating, but that was fine.
“I just want you to have the best.”
“I know.”
(Your first time with Kyoya is…wonderful. He worships you and breaks you apart gently and puts you back together with his touch. The whole time he looks at you like he’s having a religious experience, doesn’t break eye contact, doesn’t close his eyes.
For a minute you could have sworn he was crying)
Kyoya started inviting you to parties and events with him three months into your relationship.
The idle speculation and blank smiles from your time as a normal guest were gone, replaced with biting comments and passive aggression. It sucks, but it gave you an excuse to stay with Kyoya, and he didn’t seem to mind. 
It was nice though, watching that dark look flash in his eyes when someone made a comment.
But he kept your hand in his and doted on you in his own way all evening.
You split away from him, briefly, to use the bathroom and check how you looked in the mirror. Not a hair was out of place and you didn’t look a thing like yourself.
On your way back, not 10 feet from your boyfriend, a guest flush with bourbon and bolstered by his friends inquired “how much the Ootori runt paid for you” because he’d “pay double”. You flushed with rage, but before you could get a word out Kyoya was the one to appear and drag you out of his sight.
“I could have handled it, Kyoya.” You promised, but he shook his head.He didn’t stop, handing over the tickets to get your coats. “The party isn’t over yet, don’t you still have business-”
“They don’t deserve to look at you,” he snarled, and it was with a vehemence you never would have expected from him, it startled you so bad.
“No. We’re going home and they’re never going to see you again.”
You took your coat, quiet, letting Kyoya guide you to his car and opened it for you, sliding into the backseat with you.
“Are you ashamed of me?” You asked quietly, watching him roll up the tinted divider between you and the driver.
Are you going to leave me? Went unasked. That fear just…it crippled you. He wouldn’t, would he? Just because his associates didn’t like you?
“Never.” He promised firmly, pulling you into his lap. You hesitated but moved to assist, curling up against him. “I would never be ashamed of you. You’re mine.” And those words were so cold, despite the warm look in his eyes.
“But you said-”
“They’ll never set eyes on you again because they don’t deserve to look at you. I’m going to take you home and you’re going to stay there where I can keep you safe and away from their filthy eyes. Alright, darling?”
His lips were on your neck, his whisper made your bones warm. But you shook your head no.
“Kyoya, it’s fine, people are going to be rude-”
“They don’t have a right to be that way to you, not when you’re mine.”
You laughed a little, trying to diffuse the tension, squirming, trying to get off his lap. Kyoya’s arms were iron around you though, holding you tight, so tight you couldn’t breathe.
“Let go of me, Kyoya,”
“No, we’re going home and I’m going to show you how much you’re worth.”
“As romantic as that sounds, I really have to get back to my place-”
Kyoya’s grip on your jaw was punishing, his nails digging in and bruising you for for sure. 
“Shut up.”
He kissed you harsh, it was biting and angry and you were sure that you tasted blood.
“You are mine. I’ve let you wander long enough, so be quiet and be good and everything will be fine. If you don’t then I will have to hurt you, do you understand?” When you didn’t answer right away he shook you. 
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midnight-heroes · 5 years
Hi! Hru? Well I hope! Can I ask for a fanfic where Katsuki and Izuku's chubby f! friend went to the same middle school where Katsuki teased her for being plump so when she's in 1A with em he is pissy and she secretly loves him and sometimes vents to Izuku (later izugang)one day the gals, guys go write a confession from her to him and send it and she only finds out when he grabs her and says it'll never happen so she's all sad, you can chose angst or (pls)fluff or if Katsuki likes her or not. Ty!
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It had been years since you had first met Izuku and Katsuki. You'd just moved into the apartment next door to the Midoriya family when you were seven years old and quickly became close friends with Izuku. This of course, entitled meeting Katsuki once you started going to your new school. Of course, Katsuki didn't treat you the way he treated Izuku, you had a quirk after all but that didn't mean he was nice to you. Not in the slightest.
You were a chubby child, not so much due to eating habits, it was just how your body was. Anyway, he didn't seem to like the idea of you wanting to be a pro hero while you were the way you were. Nothing changed either as the three of you got older and the end of middle school grew nearer. Bakugo still treated Izuku poorly and still continued to tease you for your size. "Just give up (Y/N), you'll never make it as a pro hero," is what you would hear from him constantly. The one thing that definitely never changed, as much as you wanted it to, was your adoration for the blonde male.
Skipping forward to when you were accepted into UA, the first day was a complete nightmare. Literally, you had a nightmare after the entrance exams about your first day and when that day actually came, you were more or less terrified. It was about half way through the day when Bakugo cornered you in the hall. Even now, during your summer 'break', taking your extra classes, you could remember every single word he screamed in your face, clearly aiming to hurt you. Sometimes you had to wonder how someone who wanted to be the number one hero, could be so cruel to others. "I just don't get why he has to be so mean," you sighed out, slumping over the table where your half-eaten lunch sat in front of you. "I mean - all I've ever done, is treat him kindly, back him up and admire him."
"Maybe you should just tell him how you feel?" Tsu suggested. Uraraka nodded her head in agreement to the suggestion while you crinkled your nose in distaste at the thought. "Yeah, at least then, you're able to finally get it off your chest, whether he accepts it or not. Then you can start to recover and forget about him," the brunette continued for her frog-like friend. Letting out a sigh, you shook your head and stood up, making your small group of close friends all look up. "It's useless guys. Confessing to him would lead to more trouble than what it's worth... "I'm going back to class. I'll see you later." With that, you turned on your heel, walking away and momentarily glancing at Bakugo as you left the cafeteria.
That night, while you laid in bed, fast asleep, your five close friends sat around the coffee table in the lounge, using a phone as their only light source and whispering as to not let anyone know that they were awake. In the middle of the table, sat a pad of lined paper and a pen, both untouched. "So... What should we write?" Tsu asked in a whisper while the others shrugged, not too sure of how to go about this themselves. "Is this really a good idea guys? I mean, what if (Y/N) was right and this makes things worse between them? Kachaan has always been really mean to her..." Midoriya claimed rubbing the back of his neck. Iida nodded his head in agreement quite quickly while Todoroki shrugged his shoulders, not having all too much of an opinion about this. "I agree with Midoriya. This is immature and none of our business."
"What's none of your business?" a voice suddenly spoke from the other side of the room. The five jumped in surprise and looked over, ready to be told off by someone, before seeing the familiar pink skin of Mina. The girls relaxed immediately at seeing their classmate, beginning to explain the situation while the boys took a little longer. "I'm going to bed. I don't want any part in what is to happen next," Iida claimed, shaking his head as he stood up and started to walk towards the boy's dorms. Todoroki and Midoriya stood up soon after. "Yeah, we're going too. Let us know how it goes."
Mina took their place on the floor and grabbed the pad of paper and the pen, ready to write out a love confession on your behalf. "Alright ladies. Let's do this."
The next morning, you were sitting on the couch, watching Kaminari and Kirishima play video games and reading a magazine that Momo had allowed you to borrow. The day was starting off so peacefully, no one was arguing, everyone was doing their own thing, it was perfect for day off. That was until the ever so loud, explosive blonde stormed into his room, gripping onto a piece of paper so tightly it was scrunched up. At first you figured he was going to start yelling at one of the guys for something, until he got in your face. "Are you a fucking idiot?!" he yelled at you, throwing the paper into your face. Startled, you recoiled and sat up, going to grab the paper, only for Bakugo to grab the front of your shirt so you would look him in the eyes.
"You think I would ever want to go out with someone like you? Your fat ass isn't even hero quality, let alone relationship quality!" By now, most of the students in the dorm had come into the room to see what was going on. You shook your head in disbelief. How did he know how you felt? "Bakugo, I-"
"Save it. Pull another stunt like that and I'll put you in your place for good." With that, you were shoved back into the couch and he stormed away, yelling at the others for staring. You blinked in confusion, tears pricking at your eyes and you picked up the crumpled bit of paper, reading it over as a tear rolled down your cheek. "Who wrote this?" you asked, barely above a whisper. No one answered you and as you looked up, everyone was avoiding your gaze. "Who wrote it?!" you yelled, standing up. Slowly, Tsu, Uraraka and Mina rose their hands in the air.
"We're sorry (Y/N), we thought it would help," Mina tried to reason, rubbing her arm with a guilty expression on her face. She only wanted for her friends to hook up. Uraraka piped up next. "Tsu didn't have anything to do with it. She only sat there," she claimed, not wanting Tsu to take too big of a fall since she really had only been sitting there. You shook your head as another two tears fell onto the sheet of paper in your hands. "I can't believe you guys... I shouldn't have told you in the first place..." Ripping up the letter, you dropped the pieces onto the floor and left the room, going upstairs to your bedroom to get away from everyone.
"Come on (Y/N), it's been three days already. Just come back downstairs. You're missing classes now and we both know none of us can afford that," Momo claimed softly, gently running a brush through your (H/C) hair. You huffed softly and stared down at your lap. "I just don't understand how they could have done that to me Momo. I trusted them to not tell anyone about my secret, especially him," you almost cried out, voice wobbling as you thought about the betrayal again. The tall girl sighed softly and nodded her head, seeing that you weren't going to come out any time soon, not wanting to see them. "Alright, but only a few more days okay? Or I'll drag you out myself," she claimed. "And make sure you keep eating. We don't need you starving yourself."
Over those three days, Bakugo had been beating himself up a bit. At first, he was enjoying the peace and quiet. You weren't bothering him, and his friends were keeping their distance for now because of how he had treated you. After the first day past however, he started to grow frustrated in himself. So, maybe he shouldn't have been so harsh on you. it wasn't like he actually hated you or anything like that... Not that he would openly admit that of course. Hell, he wasn't even disgusted in the idea of going out with you really, it was just his normal reaction. He panicked.
After a full week had passed by, Bakugo had enough of the silence, the dirty looks and not being able to see your face in class. You weren't showing up to class anymore, you were missing out on important lessons. You wanted to become a pro hero, didn't you? So, when Saturday rolled around, he made his way to the girl's dorms, ignoring some of the girls that told him he shouldn't be in there and knocking roughly on your door when he reached it. "(Y/N), open up!"
Inside, you were sitting at your desk, studying a text book so you wouldn't be too far behind when you finaly started to attend your classes again. When you had heard the knock on the door, you almost jumped out of your skin from how loud it was. "What? So you can start screaming at me for no reason again? No thank you," you scoffed, rolling your eyes. You weren't too upset at him anymore, just angry. He didn't let you explain that you hadn't written that note in the first place, and he had literally been screaming in your face. He didn't deserve your compliance. "I just want to talk," He tried to reason in a slightly softer tone. "At least give me a minute?" You stared at the door separating the two of you and let out a sigh, getting up and walking over to open it up.
"Go on then." Bakugo seemed to relax when you opened the door and rubbed the back of his neck, refusing to make any eye contact with you. "I'm sorry for yelling at you yesterday. I was being an asshole. Whether you accept my apology or not, you need to start coming to class," he started bitterly, biting the inside of his cheek before letting out a huff. "You want to be a pro right? Don't listen to me. If you believe you have a shot, go for it. I mean - Deku is somehow managing, you have a better chance than he does at success."
Snorting lightly in amusement, you shook your head. "You really are an asshole Katsuki..." you sighed out, running a hand through your hair. "What about the note then? You obviously know that it's true, even if I didn't write it," you claimed, raising a brow at him. Bakugo grew a little uncomfortable and shifted his weight around, staring down at the floor. "I'll take you out next weekend..." he muttered. You smirked a little and leaned against the door frame. "Say again? I didn't hear you," you requested, wanting to stir him up some. He deserved it after all. Glaring at you, the blonde repeated himself. "I'll take you out next weekend dumbass," he hissed before turning on his heel and leaving without another word. You let out a small laugh and smiled softly to yourself as you backed into your room and shut the door. "Looking forward to it..."
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ryumako · 5 years
so I’ve mentioned it before but I started watching bnha soon after 7/15, because it was my birthday and I had gotten on tumblr and saw that it was also Deku’s birthday.
Sharing a birthday wasn’t the actual reason I started watching it, it was more so the fact that I was a) already trying to choose another (specifically shounen) anime to watch and b) had seen so so much bnha on tumblr, especially on that day, and I figured I might as well get in on it (I didn’t even know season 4 was coming out soon and in hindsight I’m so glad I caught up because tumblr goes fucking buck wild for bnha as any season of it comes out and it doesn’t matter who you follow, no one is safe)
but yeah, I’ve currently got about 60 anime on my plan-to-watch list and bnha wasn’t even Fucking One Of Them (but that’s just how it goes, isn’t it)
I was very indifferent about it at first, but even then I was still thinking about it when I wasn’t watching it. I had a lot of questions (that eventually got answered). There were things that rubbed me the wrong way (subtle and not-so-subtle fetishy stuff, how the female characters are treated/written, Mineta existing at all, etc. But like. I find a lot of shounen anime to be this way. Doesn’t excuse them, but I make my Disgusted™ face and soldier on). But there were also a lot of things I liked. It’s funny, the animation and art style (especially the manga’s) is really cool, and I fell for most of the characters immediately.
For a while, it was just something for me to watch on the train. And I don’t know when it happened, but eventually I liked it so much that I could no longer watch it on the train because I would be visibly reacting to scenes. Didn’t matter much anyway, I caught up in about 9 days (would have been shorter, but I had a full time job at the time).
Anyway, I got distracted from the series because a couple weeks later I was dumped and then fired (yikes) and had to move from Denver to Kansas. Still, I was looking at fan art during the whole 7 hour drive.
I wanted to read the manga, but I’ve never read a manga this long. I wanted to make sure I had the Time and the Energy. I ended up starting it on August 29th and caught up with it 3 days ago on the 7th. I have yet to read Vigilantes or Smash!! but I’m getting to it
I started the manga for 2 reasons
a) Season 4 in just a month!! I wanted to know what I’m in for
b) I needed to figure out the hype around certain characters. I am hyper aware of the fact that tumblr latches on to characters so hard to the point where it doesn’t even make sense and they end up mischaracterizing them. I wanted to accurately Form my Opinions.
I’m the type to usually have the main character or someone close to the main character as my favorite (um if that wasn’t already blatantly fucking obvious lmao) and it’s because they almost always have the most character development/detailed backstory! That isn’t to say that I can’t infer things about the more minor characters, it’s just that usually they’re much less interesting/developed anyway. Bnha is overwhelming because there are several lovable characters.
But yeah, after watching the anime and having not yet read the manga, I was having a lot of trouble understanding the hype around: Mirio (based on what you see in the anime, he didn’t really have a personality yet, just POWERRRR and a cool-ass quirk, but don’t get me wrong, I love him now! He’s super admirable and really interesting. I also love his interactions/relationship with Deku!)
Kirishima (he seemed like a generic supporting character to me. He was really funny the whole anime, but I failed to see why he was so popular. After reading his backstory and watching him overcome his shortcomings, watching him frame himself in such a realistic way, etc, I loved him! His character design is really, really cool, and he’s a super lovable guy. You want to be his friend. Definitely the kind of character I can’t imagine anyone hating.)
Todoroki (out of the characters I list here, I understood this hype the most, because a decent amount of his backstory/character is already revealed in the anime. But people fucking LOVE Todoroki. I saw him more than any other character on my dashboard, even before I consumed the series and followed bnha blogs. I was like yeah, he’s cool and interesting, but is he that cool and interesting? The answer is yes! Todoroki is a very mature, clever, multi-faceted in depth character and he’s also fucking hilarious. Also, his quirk? Hell yes!)
and then Bakugo.
I still don’t understand the Bakugo hype. I like his character design (his Japanese VA is perfect, like what a fucking voice, he probably can’t even speak after recording), I like that his existence motivates Deku, and some of the things he says make me laugh out loud
But like, I cannot humanize him, and I cannot understand the hype. I was really really hoping the manga would help me Understand the Hype but it didn’t really?
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Horikoshi basically said ‘I was going to make Bakugo an actual character with human emotions besides anger, I was going to give him empathy, I was going to make him not wholly self-absorbed, I was going to give him a personality besides that of a wet house cat,
but look at him! Look into his eyes! There is nothing there. Only anger.’
Or rather, he literally calls him “explosively rotten and detestable”.
BUT RACHE, what about when he brought Deku aside to talk about his quirk? What about that one time he showed a single scrap of softness?
Okay I’ll give you one thing - he did finally show an emotion that wasn’t just anger (even though he was still angry the whole time). We learned that Bakugo can feel Regret. But also…was that whole thing not only just about him?
It was ’I feel guilty about being the catalyst that ended All Might’s career’
’I need to fight Deku to prove myself, despite his initial protests’
’I need to break the school’s rules and get both of us in trouble because I can’t handle my own feelings’
He was only thinking about himself the whole time, so I don’t really put much stock in that argument. I was surprised that he agreed to keep the existence of One for All a secret, and I still believe it was totally out of character for him to do so, but the alternative would cause the unraveling of the entire story, so.
Upon reading the manga, I found one (1), one scrap of hope. And if you’ve read the manga, you probably know what I’m talking about, because it was kind of a big deal to people.
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He said that. I actually gasped when I read it. I really couldn’t believe it (oh the bar is so low though)
THIS was a really good example that Bakugo has feelings somewhere. And believable, too! It didn’t come off as out of character for a couple reasons -
a) He is saying it to a child he will likely never see again. He would never say this within earshot of a classmate (Todoroki, Yoarashi, and Camie were all adequately distracted) and if god forbid Deku were to ever hear that from him, he would backpedal so fast he’d get whiplash. But yeah, of course he’d never say anything like that around anyone that matters.
b) The setting. He’s actively in the remedial classes, where he can only be hyper-aware of his failures and shortcomings, whether he likes it or not. This line/scene occurs rather far into the manga. He hasn’t gotten anywhere and he fucking knows it. Every time he makes a move or has a chance, it backfires. He’s starting to realize his self-absorption alone is holding him back and this line is a hint that maybe, maybe he’ll change
but will Horikoshi write that? I have trouble picturing him doing that, and if Bakugo does change, it is going to take a really
long time. I know a lot of fans have the patience to see it happen, I suppose I do now as well, but I suspect casual fans won’t.
In a way, I am a little obsessed with Bakugo just because you all are. I’m always trying to understand the psychology. I’m not trying to insult anyone who does have the impulse to humanize him (some of you though…SOME of you DEFINITELY go too far) because again, his character design is cool, his quirk is cool, and he can be funny at times (albeit not at all clever).
I will definitely be here for the seemingly unattainable dream chapter in which he apologizes to Deku. I can’t even imagine it…
I’m a little annoyed at myself now, because Deku is my favorite character but I simply don’t have much to say. I just wrote a goddamn Bakugo Essay but I don’t have much to say about Deku. He’s one of the most motivational and relatable characters I’ve ever come across. Call him a generic shounen protag all you want, but I love him. If it were 2012 and kin was still a thing (and I had That Type of Brain) I’d be hard pressed to find a better kin candidate (born on Jul 15? infp? Bullied mercilessly yet resilient? Sweet as fuck? Same god damn hat Deku). He’s adorable, funny, nerdy, and ferocious. That boy goes absolutely feral on his opponents/enemies and you love to see it. 
But anyway, yeah! Bnha fucking rocks and I don’t give a fuuuck if it’s associated with cringe culture. “Cringe culture” is cringe culture. I was telling my brother about how the plot is dummy simple, so I can see how people think it’s overrated. However, it’s hard not to love the characters, and the creativity of their designs and quirks! Horikoshi had my head spinning with the infinite amount of unique characters he seems to pull out of his ass and make likable (or at least respectable) (um save for Mineta, fuck that guy, what a ginormous mistake. There’s this song I like called “Don’t Give Me Grapes” and while the lyrics aren’t applicable at all, I get that song stuck in my head whenever I see that idiot because my brain says “Don’t give me grapes.” Don’t give me grapes).
The writing is also fucking captivating, like obviously everyone knows the hero will come out the victor every single time, but with bnha’s arcs, you definitely find yourself asking “but how?? How the fuck will they get out of this one??” You’re left biting your nails thinking “dude, man, Horikoshi, there’s no way you didn’t just write yourself into a corner right now” but then there’s the TWISTS and ugh I love them. I love them. I Lov
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