#Word Count: 1238
eggluverz · 10 months
danheng college roommate au 🥹
In which Dan Heng runs hot and blasts the air conditioner to keep cool, and you feel like you’re living in the arctic.
PAIRING. dan heng x gn!reader
GENRE. modern au, roommate au
NOTE. and they were roommates :> ty for the idea anon!! it was vague enough so i kinda just ran with it LOL dan heng running the ac in this asian household? wild xD anyway pls enjoy!!
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You had gone through this school year in relative peace with your roommate.
When the school year started, you were unable to secure on-campus housing in time and thankfully your friends found a social media thread of other college students living off-campus who needed someone to share an apartment with. Dan Heng immediately stood out of the crowd, solely for how handsome he looked in profile picture alone. Who needed other sources of credibility when they were pretty?
For most of the year, the two of you lived pretty separate lives. When you were home, you were usually in your room unless you wanted to cook. When Dan Heng was home, it was the same. And add the fact that he only exited his room during ungodly hours of the night, it was a recipe for never really bumping into each other.
It made you a little sad, naturally. You wanted to be close with your roommate and have movie nights and game nights, but he set the tone for wanting to live together, yet separate, and you found it simpler to adhere to his wishes.
But as the weather warmed up, as did your serendipitous contact with Dan Heng. For starters, right as winter came to an end and spring only remotely gave its warm greeting, you would see Dan Heng head to the living room and turn on the air conditioner while you were eating on the kitchen island.
As it grew hotter out, Dan Heng only lowered the thermostat more and more. Causing you to freeze more and more.
Now, you enjoyed living in a nice and temperate room like most people, but with how your roommate set the thermostat, your apartment was well below room temperature! Below freezing if you wanted to be dramatic. It was a little ridiculous how cold it was, in your humble opinion. Did he want to live in the snow?
One particular cold night, you came out to boil yourself some hot water for your hot chocolate and marshmallows. It may have been burning hot out, but inside was a winter wonderland, so you figured you may as well get in the mood. You had fuzzy pajama pants on, along with a longsleeve shirt and a scarf wrapped around your neck and a beanie on your head.
Just as you were about to go back to your room and wrap yourself under a million fluffy blankets, Dan Heng emerged from his room to head to the thermostat.
He paused as you walked by him, eyes widening at the sight. Dan Heng himself wore nothing but a pair of gray sweats and a black shirt. He stared at you for a few moments.
“Are you feeling ill?” he asked, one of the first words you’ve heard him say this whole month.
You shook yourself. “No! I’m feeling perfectly fine,” you said, voice muffled from the scarf that half-covered your mouth.
He blinked. “But… your outfit.”
“I’m just a little chilly, is all.”
He walked over to you with his arm outstretched. He brought his hand close to you and asked, “May I?”
You nodded.
Dan Heng lifted your beanie slightly and placed the back of his palm on your forehead. It was instantly warm to the touch and you wanted to place it right on your cold cheek to heat it up. He stayed in that position for a while, a look of deep thought on his face. “Hmm… Your temperature doesn’t seem to be of concern. It does seem safe to assume you’re not sick.”
“Yeah! I’m feeling fine. Just a bit cold, like I said.”
Dan Heng looked between his bare arms and your fully covered ones. He ran his fingers through his hair with a sigh.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
You looked at him, confused.
He elaborated, “I didn’t realize I was making the apartment unliveable for you.”
“No, no! I wouldn’t say unliveable. I’m cold, yes, but it’s nothing some layers can’t fix.” Besides, the two of you were lucky enough to live in an apartment that covered utilities for you. He could run the AC and heater on all day and all night if he truly wished.
Dan Heng shook his head. “I should’ve been more attentive to the needs of the other occupants. I’ll keep the temperature higher for you.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you teased, noting the look of intense worry on his face. You took a sip of your hot chocolate and smiled at him. “But thank you.”
Dan Heng was nothing but determined, it seemed.
You could tell the next day because instead of the igloo your apartment once was, it now became a sauna.
As you walked into the building after a nice walk outside in the hot sun, you were looking forward to the cool air greeting you. However, what you got was a blast of heated air blowing on your face.
You instantly fanned yourself with your hand as you called, “Dan Heng?”
You didn’t have to look very far because as you walked into the living room, you noticed him shirtless and slightly glistening, a book in one hand an a popsicle in another.
He straightened up as he heard you approach. “Welcome home,” he greeted.
“Hi,” you said with a sheepish wave, trying to keep your eyes off his well-defined chest muscles.
“Is the temperature more to your liking?”
You stared at him, your body and face growing warmer as the hot air continued to blow around you. For a moment, you considered agreeing with him, if only to commend his efforts. You noticed he was putting up with being comfortable if it would have made you more comfortable. However, you felt pretty miserable and you figured you would rather freeze than have the both of you melt inside your apartment.
“Not exactly,” you said, feeling a bead of sweat forming on your temple. “It’s hotter in here and outside, Dan Heng!”
His cheeks that were flushed pink from the heat turned even redder. “Perhaps I overestimated how warm you liked your living area.”
“I think you did!” You couldn’t stop the amused laughter from coming out of your mouth. “I appreciate the thought, but I don’t think living in a sauna is fun for either of us.”
He nodded in agreement. A drop of his popsicle melted and slowly made its way towards his hand. He briefly licked it before it could make a mess.
“I’m going to turn the air conditioner back on,” you said in amusement. “Maybe set it to a nice, room temperature.”
“I agree that would be for the best.”
You walked over to the thermostat and adjusted the temperature accordingly. You felt your body warming with each step. There was no way you wanted to stay in your apartment while it was still this hot.
“It’s going to take a while for our apartment to cool down,” you laughed. “Do you want to go out and get some ice cream while we wait? Maybe go to the beach?”
Dan Heng considered it for a moment, finishing up the small remainder of his popsicle. “I’d like that. We haven’t had much time to bond as roommates. Maybe this would be a good time.”
You nodded. “Something is telling me I’d really enjoy getting to know you more.”
He smiled. “I feel the same.”
“Let’s go have a beach day, roomie!”
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Hospital (Pietro Maximoff First Kiss Drabble)
Word Count: 1238
Notes: I'm in the middle of NaNoWriMo but I wanted a break from novel stuff. warning for medical stuff/injury
Pietro’s chest was rising and falling. That, coupled with the steady beeping of the heart monitor, told you that he was alive. That had been questionable for a little while. You hadn’t been there when he’d been shot, but from what Clint had told you, it had been bad.
He’d been bleeding out when they managed to get him back to the helicarrier, where they patched him as quickly as they could. It had been enough to keep him alive while the rest of you were trying to stop the world from ending. You hadn’t even known anything was wrong until the battle was over.
It was ridiculous how much the news that he might die had affected you. You’d known him for less than a week, and half of that time had been fighting against you. But there was something about him.
He had seemed so vibrant. So alive. Indestructible. The thought that his life could be snuffed out so quickly frightened you.
That must’ve been it.
When a superhero dies, it reminds all the rest of the superheroes that they are, in fact, mortal too. That was why you were so shaken when you saw the medics working over him, trying to desperately stop the blood that was draining from his body.
It wasn’t anything to do with the embarrassing double-take your heart had done the first time he’d smiled at you. It had nothing to do with the way he flirted and showboated. Or the way he stroked a lock of hair behind your ear while you had been preparing for the trip to Sokovia, like it was nothing.
Sure, he was beautiful. But you weren’t upset that he might die because he was beautiful. You weren’t so shallow or superficial. He was just too young and too powerful to die. That was it.
All of this to say that when you found out that he was recovering, your heart had skipped a beat. Your feet had carried you towards the medbay without your consent.
You just wanted to see that he was okay. He had been your teammate, however briefly. There was nothing more to it.
You were surprised to find that his sister wasn’t in his room when you got there. From what you’d heard, she’d barely left his side since the battle. She must’ve gone to get some sleep, or eat, or shower, or something.
A small, selfish part of you hoped that she wouldn’t come back too soon. But that was because you wanted to avoid awkward small talk. It had nothing to do with you wanting Pietro all to yourself. That would be ridiculous.
And now Pietro was alone. If he woke up, he’d be disoriented. He might feel abandoned. You didn’t want that. So you decided that you would stay until Wanda got back. You sat down in the chair beside the bed.
You were surprised by how little medical equipment he was hooked up to. The last time you’d seen him, he’d had an oxygen mask over his face, and all manner of things sticking out of him.
Now, his face was bare, and the cannula in his hand was the only visible evidence that he was hospitalised right now. That, and the heart monitor, which was still beeping steadily.
Asleep, he looked much younger than you realised. Aside from the short, neatly trimmed beard he was sporting, he could’ve almost been a child.
Before you realised what you were doing, you reached out and touched his hand, which was lying limply on the bed beside him. He stirred, and you pulled back like you’d been burnt.
He coughed, and opened his eyes. He stared up at the ceiling for a moment, unseeing, and then his eyes fell on you. You were loath to admit it, but when his face broke into a smile, your heart stuttered.
“Prinţesă,” he said, his voice weak. “You’re here.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks. He’d given you the nickname, which meant princess, when you first met, due to the tiara that was a part of your superhero costume. It wasn’t something you’d chosen yourself, and Pietro drawing attention to it embarrassed you.
He didn’t look like he was mocking you right now. He was smiling, but it wasn’t the cocky, arrogant one he’d worn on the night the Avengers attacked the Hydra compound. No, this was a much gentler smile.
“I came to check on you. To see if you were alright.” The words came out stilted. Why were you here?
“Well, I thank you for that. It’s always a good day when the first thing I see when I wake up is a beautiful woman.”
Your stomach lurched. You stood up so quickly that you almost knocked over your chair.
“Well, I’m glad you’re feeling better,” you said, trying to keep the hurt out of your tone. For a moment, you thought you might have been feeling a genuine connection, but he was a flirt. You were just another girl to him. “I should go.”
You headed for the door, but he called out, “Prinţesă, wait.” And when that didn’t work, he said your name. You stopped in your tracks. You turned to look at him. His smile was gone. “Please don’t go?”
Awkwardly, you walked back to your seat and sat down. You didn’t know what to say, but he was looking at you so earnestly that you couldn’t meet his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “If I misread the situation. I thought you…” He trailed off. “I just like spending time with you.”
“From what I hear, you like spending time with lots of women.”
He grimaced. “You’re more than just a pretty face, prinţesă. You’re smart. Funny. Beautiful, but you already know that I think you’re beautiful.” With every word, you could feel your face grow hotter until it was unbearable.
You met his eyes. “Are you serious? Or are you just playing games with me, Pietro?”
“I never play games when it comes to the heart. If I was casual about this, you would know. I don’t want to be casual.”
Like a magnetic pull, you found yourself shifting closer to him. He sat up a little, making space for you in his space. The beeping of the heart monitor, which had been so steady when you’d walked in, was starting to increase in speed. You couldn’t help but feel a little bit pleased with yourself.
When your faces were inches apart, you said, “I don’t want to be casual either.”
His lips were dry against yours. His good hand came up to caress your cheek, and you felt tingles go down your spine. You tried to deepen the kiss, but he pulled back, just a fraction.
“I haven’t brushed my teeth,” he said.
“I don’t care.” You leant back into his space and kissed him hard. You cupped his face with both hands and his hand fell to your waist.
Neither of you heard the door open.
“Oh my god.” The voice sounded more exasperated than surprised. You leapt back from Pietro, almost tripping over your chair, but you righted yourself just in time.
Wanda was standing in the door, a grocery bag in her hands. “I brought your snacks,” she said to Pietro, dumping them at the end of his bed. “I’ll be back later when you two are done.” Pietro snickered. Your cheeks burned.
Taglist: @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye @mcximffs @noz4a2 @rottenstyx @starmansirius @xlucyintheskywithdiamondsx @lanemarvels @marrigold-2002 @kathrinchek @alternativeprincess @annocaprosmaloka @thrutheburnout @idkman5335
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
An unbearable fan (Rúben Dias x Reader)
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**So I was requested this the other day and it's kind of funny huh? Me writing from the POV of a Madrid fan. Just in case you didn't know it was fiction, this is the definitive proof 😅 anyways, it’s just banter and a bit of angst and fluff for all of you to hopefully enjoy! ❤️**
Word count: 1238
There were downsides to any relationship and that included a relationship with a football player. All the travelling, all the emotions that went up and down depending on the result of that specific day…it could be a lot. But when the player didn't play for the team you loved with all your heart, things could get a bit messier.
Luckily for you, Rúben played in England. Your team played in the Spanish League. So the chances of him playing against Madrid were so small…but there still was a chance.
And so when Madrid beat Chelsea and City beat Bayern, it was time for a second semifinal in a row between your team and your boyfriend's. And you hated it.
For the first leg, the teams played at the Bernabéu. Being back there was special for you. And it helped you daydream about Rúben playing there in the future…but for the home team. A girl can dream.
The match ended in a draw and Rúben should have been given MOTM because he drove your attacking players insane. They don't call him "the wall" for nothing.
"Just 1-0 at home, and we're in the final".
"Yeah, good luck with that", you said, rolling your eyes. "My boys were just warming up yesterday. They saved all the magic for the Etihad".
"You lot are really into saving the magic for the last minute. It gets annoying, you know?"
"Not to us!", you shrugged.
The banter continued during the next week but what changed was the nerves you felt. Rúben being in the final was great but you couldn't just root against your team. They had already been in a similar position the previous season and it broke your heart. But also, you were happy he lost and that made you feel like a horrible person. You tried not to show it in front of him but he wasn't dumb.
"Are you wearing that?", he asked, pointing at your outfit.
"Yes. What's wrong with it?"
"You always wear my shirt to matches. But I guess you're just making it clear again you want me to lose".
"It's not that but, it's my team…imagine Madrid and Benfica played each other! You'd want Benfica to win and I wouldn't blame you".
"You don't play for any of the teams. That makes the difference. I get you want them to always win but you should make an exception when they play against me!"
"I'd be happy if you win…".
"I doubt it".
You didn't want to say more because it'd only make things harder to fix later. But driving in silence was going to make you go insane.
"Good luck".
"It almost sounded like you meant it".
"Rúben, I do mean it".
"You mean you want me to do well while my team is destroyed. But it's a team sport. What I do means nothing".
"Tell that to Benzema".
He ignored your comment and left to join the rest of the team without saying goodbye.
Why couldn't they draw another team instead of yours???
Rúben wasn't completely wrong. Whatever happened, you wanted him to be the best player on the pitch. It could be someone else who messed up when your team scored.
And he was one of the best…but then again, so was Bernardo who scored a brace. And Julián only needed a few minutes on the pitch to seal their pass to the final. 4-0, how did that happen?
Apart from Rúben doing well, you wanted just a simple 0-1. No team needed to be humiliated this time. But yours was and it was against one of your biggest enemies. Pep.
When you saw Rúben waiting for you by the car, you noticed his smile and that pissed you off. So you couldn't want your team to win but he could laugh after humiliating you? Bit unfair, that.
"You feeling ok after that?"
Your response was to look inside his trousers' pockets, which confused him. "Did you take Karim out already? Nice, he needs the fresh air".
"You're joking?"
"It's that or telling you to go to hell. I'm trying to be diplomatic".
The day after the match, you were off work so sleeping in sounded like the best way to start your day. By the time you woke up, Rúben was long gone and so you made it to the kitchen expecting it to be empty.
And there was no Rúben there but it looks like he had time to buy, and print, all the newspaper articles about the match before leaving to train. He even checked the Barcelona press to find the most insulting headlines.
But two could play that game.
"Did you read the news today?", he asked when he got back home.
"I've never been a newspaper person. I prefer to get my news from Twitter".
"From Madrid fan accounts? I bet they are real objective".
"Are you a comedian now?"
"Come on…", he said, hugging you. "Forgive me for annihilating your team".
"Should we talk about last season, Dias? Stop it!"
"Such a sore loser", he laughed.
"Well, I'm not used to losing unlike others".
The weeks that passed between the semifinals and the final had helped you two forget your little fight. But you were still petty and had a surprise saved for Rúben.
"It's so tiring to pack for just a couple of days. I've checked the weather so many times to bring the right clothes".
"You can always use that as an excuse to go shopping there".
"You're right. But…can you help me? I don't know if this outfit is right for the match?"
When he got there, his smile disappeared.
"I can't stand you".
"Is it good or not?"
"When did you buy an Inter shirt?"
"When I saw the newspapers you left for me".
"It was a joke", he said, annoyed.
"This is a joke too".
"A joke is supposed to be funny".
"Really, Rúben? So you thought I would laugh at what you did to me?"
And it was back to square one. But at least this time you travelled separately. And, even if he pissed you off so much since he beat Madrid, you still wore his shirt to the match. You didn't even wear a Madrid one to the semis and he really thought you'd wear an Inter one now? Silly boy.
But all the jokes and digs meant nothing when you saw him lifting the trophy. Your eyes watered immediately and you couldn't wait to hug him.
"You…you won", you said, sobbing and hiding your face in his neck.
"Yeah, sorry about that".
You both laughed and he held you tighter while you cried.
"I'm really proud of you, you know?"
"Even if I beat your team to win the trophies?"
"Yeah", you said, looking up at him. "Even then. Seeing you after you won just…I didn't expect it to mean so much".
"It means a lot to me that it means a lot to you".
You hugged in the middle of the pitch, forgetting about everyone else.
"Besides, you still have a long way to go to catch us so…we like doing charity work and letting others win every once in a while".
Rúben laughed and shook his head. "You are the most unbearable fanbase in the world, you know?"
"I know. But at least you managed to get one of us to be happy you won today".
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Hi! If you’re still taking requests, could you do a Lottie x reader where she gets a vision of her gf being injured so she stays by her side to protect her?
pairing: lottie matthews x reader
word count: 1238
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It felt like you were being haunted by a second shadow.
You didn’t really mind it. You loved every second you were able to spend with Lottie. But ever since you’d gotten up this morning she’d been extra close to you, following you from room to room, sending you an excessive amount of texts to check on you between the classes you taught at the wellness center.
She had even gone with you to the farmers market, which, due to her great distaste for life outside the compound, tended to be an extremely rare occurrence. Even there she would hardly let you out of her sight, tried to carry everything for you, almost wouldn’t let you drive and volunteered to instead, which you declined. She had been off somehow, all day. Anxious.
She got like that sometimes, you noticed. Whenever she saw something or met someone that reminded her of her time in the wilderness, or her time in Switzerland. There was a need on her end to be close to you, for in solitude was when the memories came. Normally you were fine with it. It was a privilege for you to give her the comfort she desired and needed.
But somehow, you thought that today was different. It wasn’t just a desire to be close to you that had her by your side but something else accompanying it, as if she were worried about you, as if something might happen.
In the car on the way home from the farmer’s market, you’d finally had enough. She had again tried to stop you from driving, saying she was concerned about the traffic, but she had been so erratic all day that you’d seen right through the excuse.
“Lottie,” you sighed, turning the car on and turning out of the parking lot, “what’s going on with you?”
She was silent, and you looked over to see her lost in thought, and you wondered if she had even heard you.
“Lottie,” you said again.
She jumped, as if you had hurriedly woken her from sleep, and she met your gaze with slight alarm.
“Are you okay?” You asked, though you knew the answer.
“I’m fine,” she said, and even gave you a forced half-smile, and you were going to let the matter drop when you saw her tracing the scar on the palm of her hand — you knew what this always led to, the blood, the sacrifice.
You pulled the car over. You knew it was a bit of an overreaction, but the farmer’s market had been in complete chaos and with Lottie’s multiple attempts to keep you from driving, you were nearing your limit.
“Lottie,” you said with all the patience you could muster, “you need to tell me what’s wrong. Please. You’ve been following me like a shadow all day, and while I love your company always, it feels like there’s something else going on. If it involves me, I have to know, and if it doesn’t, I’d still like to know so I can help you.”
She didn’t meet your gaze, just kept tracing the scar on her hand, almost like a child. Until suddenly she did look up, finally meeting your eyes, and you could see the terrible anxiety in her gaze. “The visions came back,” she said simply.
You sighed. You never knew what to say about the visions. Part of you thought it was all in her head, that she needed to see a therapist about it, that they were delusions. But another part of you, a part of you that you tried to subdue, knew there was more to it than that. That something in the wilderness really had called to and captivated those who would listen, and that being had never truly left.
“What did you see?” You asked.
She hesitated, fingering through the slight tangles in her dark hair. “I saw you. And blood. You were cut, I think, I’m not sure. But I didn’t want you to get hurt. I think that’s what it wants, blood.” She looked down at the scar on her hand. “If I can just give it what it wants, maybe…”
You shook your head, taking her hand. “I’m going to be fine. Maybe it wasn’t a vision, maybe it was just a dream, or… I don’t know. But nothing’s going to happen to me. I’m right here. And you don’t need to give it anything.”
“You can’t know for sure,” she said, her tone becoming increasingly ominous. “You haven’t seen what happens when we refuse to give it what it wants, if it feels neglected or suppressed.”
You didn’t know what to say to that. The way she described it to you, the hunger of whatever being she believed watched her, was haunting. There was nothing you could have said to convince her that she was wrong, and part of you didn’t really even know if she was.
You took her hand, shaking your head. “Nothing is going to happen, okay? And even if something does happen, we’re prepared now, right?” You turned her hand, gesturing to her scar, which you could tell she had tampered with a little while ago. “Please don’t do this anymore.”
She attempted to protest, but saw the look you gave her, how deep your concern for her ran. She relented, nodding. “I won’t.”
You believed her, or at least as much as you could.
Attempting to lighten the mood, you reached into the backseat, pulling out a small paper bag. “Anyway, while you were going fucking ham on the macrame booth at the market, I got us these,” you said, opening the paper bag to reveal three cookies.
“Shit,” you stopped, ripping your finger away from the bag. The bag had cut your finger, had given you a paper cut. The slightest bit of blood came up out of the cut, coating it, and suddenly it clicked in your mind. “Lottie,” you said, smiling slightly, resisting a laugh. You showed her your finger, and she paused.
“Oh my god,” she breathed, and you could tell the worry she wore was dissipating. “A fucking paper cut… I had a vision of you getting a fucking paper cut.”
“Your third eye needs to chill a bit,” you teased, and she smiled, rubbing her temples. “You okay?”
Lottie nodded, chuckling. “Just give me one of those cookies.”
“I think I should have two of the three. I mean I did bleed for them, so…”
“Well, you wouldn’t have if you had listened to my warning.”
“Split the cookie?”
“What kind are they?” She asked, genuinely invested in the custody of the third cookie.
“Chocolate chip.”
She reached for the cookie. Chocolate chip was her favorite. “I think I deserve the whole thing, then.”
Quickly you took possession of the third cookie, holding it by your head, opening your mouth to take a bite.
“Don’t you fucking dare.”
Deciding she’d had enough of a rough day as it was, you obliged, splitting the cookie in half and giving her the half that was slightly bigger. “See, you left me alone for a little while and came back to find me with cookies. Everything was fine.”
“Yeah, but if I’d been with you, we would have gotten four cookies and we wouldn’t have had this horrible custody battle.”
“Questioning my cookie buying skills, hm? I hope there’s a paper cut in your future.”
Taglist: @ladyveela @thedeconstructionist @cordeliass @christies-fleur @traumatisedfangirl @goodeday2u @paulsonsratched
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Could I please have an imagine where the reader is a trauma surgeon at grey sloan and is actually best friends with Travis. One day Travis and Vic are bringing in a patient for the reader and after Travis introduces them they begin to fall for each other. So Vic always tries to be on the aid car all the time. One day she just decides to kiss you and tells you how she feels. Fluffy please?
The aid car
Summary: One person’s injury is another person’s chance to find love.
Pairing: Victoria Hughes x female!reader
Warnings: i have zero understanding of medical things
Word count: 1238
a/n: Vic is criminally underrated, she’s amazing
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Travis opens the door of the aid car, helping the group of doctors take the gurney out of the car. “Female, 37 years old, car versus pedestrian, has been conscious the whole time.” He explains as he, Victoria and the doctors rush inside.
“Alright, bring her to trauma room 1.” Y/N leads to the room. “Get me a head CT and a MRI, somebody page ortho to check for broken bone.” She orders the doctors and nurses around.
Travis and Victoria stay by the sidelines, but decide to wait around to see that the woman makes it. Victoria’s eyes are slightly wider as she watches Y/N move through the room, testing and treating the patient. To her, it all looks magnificent.
“Everything will be okay, Miss Doe, you have no life threatening injuries.” Y/N smiles at the patient as the rush starts to slow down. “Just a couple broken bones in your leg, which Doctor Torres over here,” she nods towards Calliope Torres, who is standing next to her, “will fix those right up.” Giving Callie one last nod, she leaves the trauma room, Victoria and Travis following her.
“Y/N, hey!” Travis stops next to Y/N. “Are we still on game night tonight?”
“Yes!” Y/N turns her back to Travis. “Open the gown for me? When should I be there?”
Travis starts pulling on the strings of the gown, talking about which time she should be there, what kind of games he has and so on, while Victoria stares at the two in confusion. She nudges Travis, giving him a look.
“Right!” Making Y/N turn around as she pulls the gown off, Travis points to Victoria. “This is Victoria Hughes, my firefighter best friend. And Vic, this is Doctor Y/N Y/L/N, my doctor best friend.” He has a smile on his face as he introduces the two.
“Very nice to meet you.”
“You too.” Victoria smiles. They stare at each other for a while, completely forgetting Travis standing right next to them.
He furrows his brows and opens his mouth to break the silence. “Vic, would you like to join me and Y/N on game night tonight?”
“Yes!” Victoria’s head snaps to Travis. “I mean, yes, if it’s okay with the two of you.” Her eyes move between the two.
Y/N nods with a big smile. “That’d be great.”
“Great!” Travis claps his hands together once before grabbing Victoria’s arm. “We will leave you to work now, see you later, Y/N.” He starts dragging Victoria out of the hospital with an indescribable look on his face.
“Female, 22 years old, hit her head to the ground when falling off of a horse.” Victoria explains to the doctor’s, mostly to Y/N, as they wheel the patient inside.
“Lets bring her to trauma room 1 and page neuro.” Y/N orders. “And lets get a test for any internal injuries.”
As soon as it’s confirmed there’s nothing going on internally, and Doctor Shepherd arrives to check her brain, Y/N leaves the room. “Hey, Y/N.” Victoria jogs to her.
“Oh, hi.” She smiles. “Aid car is your favorite?”
“You’re on the aid car pretty much every time a patient comes here.”
Victoria laugh, quite a long time as she tries to think. “What can I say, aid car is my favorite.” She smiles widely. “Anyways, when is the next game night? I had very fun last time.”
“Uhh, you gotta ask Travis about that.” Y/N takes a tablet from a nurse, looking over the patient informations on it. “He usually arranges them. But,” she looks at Victoria, “I had fun too.”
“Great. I- I’ll talk to Travis.” She starts backing towards the door. “Until then, I guess I’ll see you when I bring patients in.”
“I’d say I hope to see you soon, but that would probably be…not good.” Y/N cringes, lifting her shoulders.
Victoria laughs. “Right. See you.”
For four weeks Victoria has takes as many aid car shifts as possible, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed by the others. “Lets go, Hughie.”
“Wait a second, they’re done soon.” Victoria stares into the trauma room through the window, briefly turning to look at Dean when the silence prolongs. Her has a confused look on his face. “I just want to know the patient will be fine.” She defends herself with hands raised in the air.
“Okay.” He mumbles, crossing his arms. Dean follows her line of sight straight to trauma surgeon Y/N Y/L/N. A small grin grows to his face as he hums.
Turning to look at him, Victoria scrunches her brows. “What?”
The conversation ends when Y/N walks out of the room and pulls her gown off. “Hey!” Victoria waves her hand around to get her attention. “Travis is setting up another game night, does next Friday sound good to you?”
“Yes! Ask him to bring your other coworkers too, yeah? He’s been talking about me meeting them for ages. I’ll bring a new game I got. It’s this really good-“ The pager beeps. “Shit, sorry, I have to go. I’ll see you on Friday, Vic.”
“Right, yeah, I will.” Victoria mumbles, watching Y/N jog out of the ER.
Dean and Victoria start walking back to the aid car, the latter with a permanent smile on her face, which makes Dean grin. “So.. What was that?”
“What was what?”
“That thing with the doctor.”
“The doctor is Y/N and she is my friend who I met through Travis.” Dean hums while nodding slowly, not believing her at all. “That is it.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Shut up.” Victoria grumbles, getting into the aid car.
Travis groans when the dice stops on a five, bringing his pawn to a bad place. “Come on!” He counts his fake money and throws the right amount to laughing Andy’s pile, leaving him with only one bill.
“This is why you plan ahead, Travis!” She mocks, flailing the stack of bills in his face.
“Yeah, yeah.” Y/N laughs at the sour look on his face.
“I though you said you were good at games.” Ben smirks, looking at Travis’ amount of money, which happens to be the smallest.
“I am when I play with Y/N!” His voice is higher than usual, which makes Y/N laugh even louder.
While the other laugh at Travis’ misfortune, Victoria is staring at Y/N. It’s like the only thing in her mind is how beautiful she is. And then, like her body is moving on its own, she grabs Y/N’s cheeks with her hands and pulls her into a kiss.
The whole room goes silent.
Pulling away from the kiss, Victoria has a mortified look on her face. “I- I’m so sorry.” She whispers. “I don’t know why…”
“It’s fine.” Y/N shrugs with a smile. “It’s okay.”
“Oh thank god, because I really like you.”
“I really like you too.”
And so the cheering starts, startling the two, who definitely forgot they weren’t alone in the room. “Finally.” Travis claps. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for weeks.”
“Go Hughie, yea!” Dean yells, patting Victoria in the back.
“Hughie?” Y/N giggles.
“You never heard that.” She whispers.
“Got it.” Grinning, Y/N goes back to hugging the others, as they congratulate the two for admitting their feelings.
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akariamai · 1 year
Familiar [Part 1]
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Part 2, Part 3
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x immortal!reader
Word Count: 1238
You watched the world you’d always known become public knowledge. It was laughable in which the US government feeds their citizens lies, lies that the enhanced individuals are a new construct, lies that they only started to appear in the age of heroes. Enhanced individuals have always existed. They always walked among the non enhanced. The only difference is more dangers have bubbled onto the surface and now they’re trying to save face.
Steve Rogers might’ve been the world’s first superhero but he was not the first enhanced individual. He was made into one and celebrated for it. Acting as a poster boy for the US government to recruit young men with a romanticized version of war. Those who were born enhanced were often murdered, caught, or experimented on. The history of the lost to never see a glimpse of light.
You had known Steve once upon a time. Your paths crossed whenever you found yourself in New York. You heard him getting beat up in the alley next to the theater being saved by his friend, Bucky Barnes. It was a rather lackluster moment and you had no idea how important to history they both would become. He was but a boy back then, wanting to be a hero but limited by his body. 
Throughout years of torture and experiments by the government, you readily escaped and made a life for yourself. Hidden away from the government and living in isolation. At times, you would gather enough courage to leave your safe haven and explore the ever changing world around you.
Money makes the world go round and round. At least, that’s what those in control want the population to comprehend and accept. You had seen the value of money diminish and the cost of necessities increase unjustifiably. The concept itself is of greed as no person should have to justify their worth with the amount of cash in your bank. You had lived through the rise and fall of empires, the extinction of a plethora of animals and insects, and witnessed the destruction in the wake of greed for money.
As money had never been an issue for you, you’d donate religiously to charities in feeding and sheltering the homeless in various parts of the world, created multiple scholarships for students to get free-rides to their dream schools, funded research centers and other organizations. You had far too much money for just an individual.
Once you explored the world for what it had to offer, you became bored. Traveling was once exciting but the thrill dissipated. You now occupy your time reading books, mindlessly scrolling on social media, watching television, and other niche hobbies. You had so much time to do everything you’d ever wanted and search for the answers to questions that remained unanswered.
You found yourself in a decent routine to keep yourself from going insane. It might’ve been considered boring to the average person but you had done so much in your life, any downtime was welcomed with open arms and a bottle of whiskey.
“Do you think they’re here?” Hushed voices whispered in the distance. The forest creatures that usually surround your home remain quiet, not knowing what to think about the strangers walking through their forest. They had become familiar to you but were still wary of humans.
“Well-kept house in the middle of nowhere and Red Wing picking up one heat signature would suggest so.” It was another voice. A voice you knew you heard before. It was a voice from the TV. You’d realized the voice belonged to Sam Wilson, an apparent pararescue who fought with the Avengers to save the world. You didn’t know if he was considered to be an Avenger though. After the whole debacle with the Sokovia Accords, the breaking up of the Avengers, and the fight with Thanos, the question of the status of the group has been unclear.
“You’d think they know we’re here?” The voices became louder as they inched closer to her safe haven. You wanted them out. To leave you alone with your thoughts. You didn’t want strangers to mess up what you had built for yourself. They needed to leave.
You recognized the other voice as well. It belonged to an old acquaintance. He flirted with you after he saved his friend, Steve, from being beaten in an alleyway. It seemed like such a natural occurrence but hearing him now was a bit surreal. He probably wouldn’t recognize you after all he’s been through. You remember when he was falsely blamed for the bombing of the Vienna Bombing. Sloppy work for someone’s who’s identity remained hidden for so long, only whispers of the nickname Hydra had given him. Idiots. You thought bitterly. Bucky was such a kind man turned into a mindless weapon. You wished he would have lived a long and beautiful life without the violence or suffering that he so rightfully deserves.
He sighed, annoyed by the questions, “Yes. They’re probably aware of our presence. [Reader] we know you're in there. We just want to talk.” You didn’t listen. You couldn’t move. No one was supposed to know your name. You’d messed up sometime during the rise of technology, you assumed. It was easier to go under the radar before technology developed and expanded to the point where your face could be caught on camera. 
Your mind began to race as they made it to your porch and knocked gently. You couldn’t outrun a supersoldier. Your powers only consisted of immortality which you found to be rather lonely and painful. You slowly crept to the door, your arm uncontrollably shaking as you reached to open it. You were opening the door of uncertainty and allowing the outside world to enter. “What do you want?” It was the question that echoed underneath your breath.
Sam gave you a gentle simple, “I’m Sam Wilson and this is my associate Bucky Barnes.” He gestured to his companion. “We don’t mean to intrude but we have a couple of questions only you would be able to answer.” Bucky stared long and hard at your face. His eyebrows scrunching together as he tried to pinpoint why you were so familiar. “We have evidence to suggest that the soldier serum was recreated. Since you have been alive for a decent amount of time, have you heard of anything that’ll be able to help us?”
Of course you had heard of multiple instances of scientists, from all around the world, desperately searching for the answer to recreate the super soldier serum. Many had failed leaving a trail of dead bodies of unwilling victims.
“You should check with your own government.” You bluntly replied. The American government had tried to keep the experiments of their own soldiers a secret but people talk. Guilt overcomes silence. While the media caught smoke of what happened behind closed doors, drunken secrets were spilled for all to listen and you listened. “I know they tried… relentlessly.”
“You look familiar.” Bucky’s voice rang, catching the attention of both Sam and you. 
Sam gave him a questioning look before observing your reaction. It was neutral. No confusion or alarm emerged in your facial expression. You look straight into Bucky’s eyes, seeing the window of his broken soul trying to mend itself piece by piece, “I’m pretty sure we've never met.” The lie slipped so smoothly that neither of them caught it.
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nightmaree-eyess · 11 months
Second in command
Arcane fanfic
Summary: jinx took over silcos crime ring when he died and you are her second in command
Word count: 1238
Tags: au, lesbian jinx, y/n, femme reader,hurt/comfort, imagine, action/adventure, angst, romance, everyone is alive, implied drugs, hallucinations, implied emotional abuse
My days are pretty boring and monotonous for being second in command for the biggest crime ring in Zaun. I wake up, make my tea, go to work, take inventory, and go home. Obviously my days aren't exactly the same but they are similar enough. Today was one of those days.
“Jinx wants to see you.”
Ugh sevika. She thinks she runs this place since she's been with the ring the longest. She thinks she deserves to run this place.
I rolled my eyes at her in response
“Look just because your girlfriend is uppity about me doesn't mean you have too.”
“Just because my head is between her legs, doesn't mean it's up her ass too.”
Sevika grimaces and I groan and walk away from taking inventory. I don't feel like dealing with her bullshit today. Or ever really.
I push the door open with my shoulder to jinx’s office. The doors are heavy and made of rusted iron. The handles are vials of shimmer. The doors creak as I enter.
“Hello y/n”
Jinx turns around to face you in her chair behind the desk.
“Hi baby, what's up?”
“Don't call me that you know I hate pet names. But can you grab my shimmer for me? My eye is fucking killing me.”
Sometimes I feel more like a monkey than her girlfriend. Just another one of her employees but with more sexual benefits.
I grab the shimmer from the table and straddle her to get a better angle. A part of me only uses that as an excuse to get closer to her.I take her chin and angle her head upwards, take the syringe, and inject her eye. Her left eye looks like a nuclear sunset with a void in the middle. She winces in pain for a moment.
“Ah fuck. That never gets easier” jinx groans
You take her face and plant a soft kiss on her forehead and she raises her hand to yours. You step backwards to put the syringe away.
“This wasn't the only reason i called you in here”
I think she wants a sexual favor from me. That's usually how this goes but she keeps talking.
“ I have a job I want you to come along and it's a pretty serious one. I wanted my assistant to come with me. Id send one of the other employees but i feel like theyd fuck this job up. And we have the power they don't.”
Finally I'm starting to feel important. Jinx usually did the negotiating while i kept things running on the inside. But I never really felt like I had the power people claimed I had as jinx’s girlfriend and assistant.
“Sounds good. But what's the job?” i questioned
“We have to go to piltover and talk to jayce talis about importing more shimmer through their harbors. Business is booming right now and we need to make bigger shipments. And I need you there just in case things go wrong.”
“Like a bodyguard? Am I getting a demotion?” i joke
“Ha. ha. Funny. You think I'm some joke? You don't think I can handle myself? You think im gonna fuck up the job like i fuck everything up right?!”
“No, I-Im sorry” i raise my hands in defeat
“Good. Because it sounded like my girlfriend and assistant were doubting my abilities. Remember who's above you y/n. I'll let you know the details later. Now get the fuck out of my office.”
“Hello ladies, glad to be in your presence.” Jayce bows sarcastically
“Yeah whatever, let's just get to business.” jinx groans
I follow them into an empty alley. I thought maybe we’d be in an office or something but maybe the guy doesn't want us knowing where he resides. Jayce starts the convo
“Ok you called a meeting with me and i only have 15 minutes. So get to the point.”
“We want to import more shimmer through the harbors. Business is booming a-”
“No? What do you mean no? This would benefit both of us in the long run and youre fucking delusional not to think so.”
“I already have the council up my ass. I can't import more shimmer without it being suspicious. The answer is no.”
Jinx pulls out her gun and points it at jayce
“We import more shimmer through your harbors or you get a bullet in the skull. Its honestly your choice”
Next thing I know there's a flash of blue illuminating the sky, the boom of a gun, and a warm feeling running down my chest. I slip into the void at peace.
I flutter my eyes open and see a distorted jinx next to me
“You're nothing to me. You're just a dog that I bet on and you're losing.” she laughs maniacally
I try to sit up but I'm paralysed. What the fuck is going on? Before I can process anything I drift away again.
I squint my eyes open. I'm in a sketchy room, on a twin sized mattress on the floor.
“Oh god, baby I'm so glad you're alive!”
You feel jinx’s warm lips against your clammy forehead
“Wha- ow fuck” you clutch your chest
“I'm so sorry baby, I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have brought you along I jinxed it like i do everything this is all my fault im sorry”
“What are you talking about?”
“I-i accidentally shot you when jayce let off a bomb. I got startled and I shot you. Jayce died when the bomb went off but I got lucky. You… died when I shot you. I brought you to singed because i knew he could revive you…like he did me and it worked. Now you have to inject yourself with shimmer where you were injured to stay alive. I shouldn't have ever threatened jayce in the first place. This is all my fault.” she sobbed
“This… is a lot to process.” i wince in pain
“I'm so sorry. I've been cold and distant with you and you don't deserve that. Even though I keep you at arms distance, I love you. I didn't realise how much I loved you until I lost you. If I lost you…then I would have no one left. I need you in my life. You make my days brighter, you support me in ways no one else does, and I never want to take you for granted ever again. I want to love you the way you deserve, if you'll let me?”
I try my best to sit up to kiss her but I can't. Jinx fills in the space and kisses me passionately and deeply. Like if she stopped kissing me she'd lose me again. I break the kiss.
“I know. I love you too”
She climbs into bed with me. We are so close that we could almost merge into one. She pushes my sweaty strands of hair out of my face and kisses me softly on my nose and we drift off to a blissful sleep. And even though this is the most pain i've ever been in i'm the happiest i've ever been.
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
some Jaster x Reader with a passionate kiss after one almost died please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I‘m starving for more of this man 🫠
I'm Still Here
Summary: After a series of assassination attempts against you, Jaster welcomes you home.
Pairing: Jaster Mereel x Reader
Word Count: 1238
Warnings: Mentions of child slavery, mentions of assassination attempts
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I actually love this AU that I'm slowly crafting, and baby Jango is the most adorable baby. And this is technically a sort of sequel to the most recent Jaster fic I posted. Well, it is in my head, at least, lol.
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Jaster’s going to be furious. You know this. Your astromech knows this. The medical droid charging in the cargo hold knows this. In your defense, the mission was supposed to be a lot simpler than it turned out.
Your job was to protect a business man from his competitor. You’ve done it a million times. Normally all you have to do is stand there and look intimidating, and you get a nice little paycheck at the end. 
Normally, the mention of having a Mandalorian bounty hunter is enough to keep things peaceful.
That’s not what happened this time.
Turns out the competitor was actually a slaver who had kidnapped the client’s daughter and sold her into slavery to try and force him to sign a legal document. A fact that you only found out five minutes before walking into the meeting with said competitor. 
Which meant that your simple mission turned into a much longer, much harder fiasco. The client had been near tears, distraught over his missing child, distraught over the contract he had to sign to save her, and just distraught overall.
Luckily, you’re pretty good at thinking on your feet. A simple aerosol drug left the client in an altered enough state that he wasn’t allowed to sign the contract, and a simple explanation on your part that he caught a fever from a planet he visited recently, was enough to buy you two weeks to rescue the kid.
Which you did! It took you ten days, total, and at the same time you managed to completely dismantle the slave ring. It wasn’t your intention, but, well, it was the easiest way to ensure that the little girl made it to safety and back to her parents.
And though it’s annoying, it’s not the first time a mission became more difficult halfway through. It happens, people lie. Though you got the feeling that the client didn’t lie so much as completely panic.
No. The problem came later, after you had been paid. The client and his family had been thrilled, giving you a 150% bonus, which would go towards a very nice nameday present for Jango, and probably Jaster too, and they insisted on you spending the night while they celebrated the return of their child.
And when you finally returned to your ship, which was a wedding present from Jaster, it proceeded to blow up on you. If you had left when you were supposed to, the night before, you would have been in the middle of hyperspace, and killed instantly.
As it happens, aside from several very painful bruises covering your entire body, the explosion did nothing more than give you a bad start to the day. And then the Death Watch assassin showed up. Because your day couldn’t possibly get any worse at that point.
Luckily the Port security team was on point, and they immediately came to your aid, and the assassin was put down with extreme prejudice (they were not happy about the destruction of one of their docks), and you were given the option to go to the hospital.
You refused them, and just asked to borrow a ship so you can return home.
“Borrow” of course, turned into “Here, have this ship, we certainly don’t need it! Also it comes with a medical droid and an astromech!”
And of course you couldn’t say no. 
So here you are. On a ship that’s probably more expensive than every single ship that belongs to the Haat, covered in bruises, and wondering just how annoyed Jaster is going to be.
Of course he’s going to know what happened. Your former client said that he would “message the Mand’alor to reassure him that you’re alright” and really, you were kind of hoping that Jaster just wouldn’t find out about this.
Oh well. Nothing you can do about it now.
You grimace in pain as you lean forward to start your descent onto Mandalore, following the instructions to your personal landing pad. Your new ship is about the same size as your old one, so you’re not all that worried about it fitting. 
You set the ship down, and power it down. And then you lower the ramp and watch as the pair of droids leave the ship, following your instructions as to making themselves at home in your home. 
And then you limp down the ramp, and Jaster is there, waiting for you.
He looks deeply worried, with dark circles under his eyes and his hair is sticking up in every direction, indicating to you that he’s been running his hands through his hair. 
“Jaster, I’m home.”
His gaze snaps to your face, and he crosses over to you in several large steps. “Cyare,” he reaches out and lightly cups your cheek, “Blown up? Nearly assassinated?”
You lean into his touch, “I was lucky.”
“I wasn’t in hyperspace when my ship blew up.” You clarify, “Which is where I was supposed to be.”
Jaster goes gray at the thought, “Don’t say that,” He says hoarsely, “I can’t even think about that.”
You reach up and gently cup his face with both of your hands, “I’m okay, riduur. A bit bruised, but nothing serious.”
Jaster releases a slow breath, “You’re sure?”
“Very sure.”
He closes his eyes and leans into your touch, and he just breathes for a moment, “When I heard the news that your ship had been blown up, and someone tried to assassinate you…I feared the worst. I was sure that something was going to happen before you got home-”
“Shh, you’re borrowing trouble, love.” You whisper.
He opens his eyes, “Do you have any idea how much it would kill me to lose you?” Jaster asks.
You smooth your thumbs over his cheeks, “If it’s anything close to how I would feel if I lost you, then I have a pretty good idea.”
He’s quiet for a moment, “I love you so much,” Jaster whispers after a moment. And then his lips are against yours as he pulls you into a deep, passionate kiss.
And then there’s a disgusted noise, and he breaks the kiss as he presses his forehead against yours, “I thought you were supposed to be in lessons, Jango.” Jaster asks.
“I was! But I got bored and I saw that buir is home!” You peek to the side and see Jango has his hands over his eyes, “Are you done being gross?”
You grin at Jaster, and press a quick kiss to his lips, “I love you too,” You whisper to him. 
He lightly traces a circle against the side of your neck, “We’ll pick this up later tonight.” Jaster promises in a low voice, and then he raises his voice, “Yes, ad, we’re done being gross.”
“Ugh, finally!” Jango runs over to you and takes one of your hands, “Jas’buir said that you were blown up! Are you okay?”
You grin at your ad, and you smooth a hand through his curly hair, “You didn’t think something as silly as a little bomb could hurt me, did you?”
And a delighted grin crosses his face, “Of course not! I told Jas’buir that you’re too strong to get hurt like that! I made you something, come see it!”
“Okay, okay. I’m coming.” You flash a small smile at Jaster, and he shakes his head with a laugh as he trails after you and Jango.
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poledancingdinos · 1 year
Good Girls Get Rewarded
Pairing: August Walker (1st person POV) X OFC
Word Count: 1238 words
Warnings: Stripper OFC, Smut, Oral (M receiving), Creampie, Hickeys, D/S dynamics
Taglist : @amberangel112 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha​ @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond @elizabetharegina @enchantedbytomandhenry @narnianaos @geralts-yenn @peaches1958
A/N: Just a quick little piece of pure filth
Story Masterlist
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The moment we crossed the threshold, our clothes started to come off. Her long coat was thrown over the back of the couch, along with my suit jacket, and my shirt was left somewhere down the hall. She managed to take it off me while I carried her through the house, using her ever impressive core strength to hold herself up without the help of her hands. It’s lucky she picked a dress with a slit in the skirt otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to wrap her legs around my waist.
When I set her down in the bedroom, my little kitten plants both hands on my shoulders and gives a sharp push. She’s far from having the strength required to move me if I don’t want to be moved but I’m not opposed to seeing what devilish desires she’s cooked up in her pretty little head. I let myself fall back onto the mattress, pulling both arms behind my head and unashamedly flexing my biceps as her gaze roams over my bare chest.
She is practically licking her lips as she pulls her dress over her head and tosses it aside. It’s my turn to look over her form, an appreciative groan unintentionally sounding from my chest. She looks damned good in her matching black lace bra and panties and she knows as much.
She plants a knee on the bed and straddles my waist. My hands immediately find her thighs, pulling them apart and forcing her hips lower. I never lift my hands from her body as we kiss, groping her ass then moving up her back to unhook her bra.
My lips are on her breasts the moment the flimsy fabric disappears. I have every intention to paint her skin with love bites and make sure that anyone who lays eyes on her tomorrow knows that she is owned by another man. I am the luckiest fucker in the world and I am not above admitting it. Though I know she wants to be mine as much as I want her to be, the jealous, possessive beast inside demands I stake my claim. It’s a good thing she likes it.
Two small hands wrap around my wrists, pinning my hands above his head. 
“I was good.”
I smirk. It’s a statement not a question. She knows she was on her best behaviour tonight which is why I’ve been indulging this little power trip of hers. The director was very impressed with the elegant, poised and breathtakingly beautiful woman gracing my arm at the gala. If anyone recognized her from the club, they didn’t have the balls to mention it which means I didn’t have to break any jaws.
“You were,” I confirm.
She isn’t wearing her regular makeup, instead opting for an event appropriate style that makes her look almost innocent. We both know she is anything but.
She wiggles her hips on the already rock hard member still stuck in the confines of my pants.
“I want a taste.”
Smart girl, trying to top from the bottom. Normally, I’d have her on her knees or I would have a hand fisted in her hair, never fully giving up control.
“Take me out, Kitten.”
She smiles victoriously and reaches to unbuckle my belt. I move further up the bed, lifting my hips to help her work my pants and briefs down my legs. My head settles against the pillow as she crawls back up the mattress. She lowers her mouth until her breath fans against my skin, making my cock jerk, but she knows well enough to wait for permission before taking things any further. I let the anticipation build until she releases a small whine.
“Put your mouth on my cock.”
She greedily swallows my length, making herself gag, but that doesn’t deter her. She lavishes my cock while keeping her wicked gaze locked on mine the whole time. I’m already really fucking close to blowing my load down her throat but I will not give her the satisfaction.
Reaching down, I pull her off and flip her onto her back. In the next second, her sexy little panties are torn in two and she’s screaming as I split her open. I’m big but she can take it.
Her hands claw at the bedsheets then my forearms, seeking something to hold on to as I pound into her at a furious pace. She’s so turned on, her juices drip down between her ass cheeks and smear over my thighs. On a different day I would be dying to get a taste of her sweet cream but tonight I’m on a mission to punish her as much as I reward her. Afterall, I can’t let her forget who is in charge.
One of my hands gropes at her breast while my other wraps under her thigh and twists her onto her side. The shift in angle causes a new series of moans to spill from her pouty lips and her fingers trail down her stomach in search of her most sensitive spot. I bat her hand away, growling in my displeasure.
“I didn’t say you could touch what’s mine.”
“Please, Sir.”
“If you’re such a good girl, use your words and tell me what you want.”
Her eyes narrow at me, attempting to look menacing but a particularly hard trust causes them to shut completely.
“Oh fuck!”
I don’t stop my assault, pinching her nipple between my finger and my thumb while I sink my teeth into her inner calf.
“Sir, I need to come. Can you please make me come?”
“I don’t think you’re desperate yet.” She’s close but I want her to beg and that was not good enough.
“Please! I want your fingers on my pussy and I want you to fuck me until it hurts. I want to come, please.”
I release her leg, leaning down to leave more hickeys along the line of her throat. I love when she styles her hair up. It gives me unobstructed access to mark her up and to drive her a little crazy.
“Good girl. Begging so pretty for me.”
I have just enough room to snake a hand between our bodies and press my thumb against her clit. My scalp stings where her fingers tangle themselves in my hair, holding on as I fuck her with abandon. I was close earlier with her devilish tongue against my shaft but now, balls deep inside the wet heat of her pussy, my entire body is on fire.
I feel the moment the coil snaps. Her entire body shivers, her walls pulsing around my cock and pulling me over the edge with her. I manage three more thrusts before sinking to the hilt and pressing my pelvis flush against hers.
We both remain still save for the heavy rise and fall of our chests as we catch our breaths. I’m the first to break the bubble of our post-orgasmic bliss, untangling myself from my bratty pet.
When I return from the bathroom with a damp cloth, she looks me straight in the eye as her hand reaches between her legs, using two fingers to scoop up some of my seed and licking them clean of our combined releases.
The action is so unbelievably filthy that it already has me sporting another partial.
“I was good,” she purrs. “Now I want to go back to being bad.”
Part 4
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Charleston - A High-Octane Performance - Strictly NRC Dancing
Author's Notes: I watched so many Charleston performances to write this and learned something. Also, the Scarabia student mentioned part of the way through this fic is techniqually Scarabia B-kun even though he is not labeled as such. The first aerial inspired by Sadie Robertson and Derek Hough’s Charleston on Season 19 of Dancing With the Stars. The flip from Sophie Ellis-Bextor & Brendan Charleston to 'Rock It For Me' on Series 11 of Strictly Come Dancing.The second aerial inspired by Jordan Fisher and Lindsay Arnold’s redemption Charleston on Season 25 of Dancing With the Stars. Written to “Crazy Stupid Love” by Cheryl Cole. Just like the rest of this AU/series the reader is female for this fic. I hope you enjoy!
If you would like to read more this AU/series, the fics can be found here: Strictly NRC Dancing AU Master-List.
Type: Dance AU/female reader/fluff/can probably be taken as romantic
Word count: 1238
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The urge to wiggle non-stop in this flapper dress was incredibly great, and I had a feeling that Crewel had suspected that would be the case when he designed it. I also had a sneaking feeling that Jack was well aware of my wishes too, considering the amused glances he kept casting my way.
But, it was all fine and good since the Charleston was one of the silliest yet most complicated dances I’d learned thus far. For the viewers, the dance looked incredibly fun and silly. For the dancers, it was still fun and silly, but also a very technical and high-energy dance.
I was not the slightest bit worried about Jack being able to keep up with the energy of the dance. The sporty first-year had both stamina and energy in spades, courtesy of his beastman heritage.  If anything, he would outpace me and leave me in the dust as he continued dancing on in an unplanned solo. 
I was worried about his ability to master the silly angle of the performance, though.
Jack was a fun guy, but he was also quite serious about making a good grade, and I was worried that he was going to let that get in the way of the general silliness of the dance.
But that proved to be an unfounded concern. He kept up with both the speed and the general ridiculousness of the performance with ease.
He stood next to me, grinning as we both matched one another’s kick steps that were inevitably followed by slipping across the floor on twisting feet as we both laughed. But that was the nature of the Charleston. It was almost impossible to not let loose and start laughing as one danced.
Of course, that only added to the exhausting nature of the dance. It was always harder to keep up with a high-energy dance when one added the exertion of laughing to the performance.
On the flipside, though, we had the added bonus of Jack’s considerable strength, which allowed us to pull off some of the more impressive lifts found in the Charleston. 
Most of the couples were unable to do such holds and lifts due to weight or awkward height differences. Ace and Jamil, for instance, had only succeeded in the very easiest of lifts, which played off the momentum of the dance. 
Even some of my other partners, such as one of the Scarabia students I’d performed with earlier, had been banned from using the higher-level lifts for fear of them dropping me. 
Jack, however, proved capable of even the most difficult of lifts, and his immense strength was the only reason I trusted him to do some of the moves we employed. 
Such as the one where I ended up with my ankles crossed and both of my legs hooked over one of his shoulders while he spun, swinging me around as I hung upside down.
He sat me down with ease, and I cartwheeled back upright. Feeling slightly flushed from hanging upside down, but still smiling as my gaze met his bright-eyed one while we danced side by side. 
Soon though, Jack had shifted around behind me and grabbed my arms as he rolled backwards onto the ground and pulled me with him. It was almost as if I were sitting down on his raised feet to let him flip me on over him where I could then use my momentum to pull him upright. 
As soon as my feet had hit the ground, I could hear cheering from the crowd. One of the more notable voices being that of Ruggie’s. 
Vargas had been right when he’d told us that our greatest boon would be Jack’s impressive strength paired with my absolute trust in him, which allowed us to pull off all sorts of tricks. 
While most of the performers would have one to two flips and/or holds, we were able to keep pulling such tricks off as we trotted around the dance floor to the bouncy beat.
In fact, we even managed to end our dance with yet another hold that involved him scooping me up bridal style before releasing my upper body so that I was once again upside down with my head zipping towards the ground as Jack freely swung me around his body. 
I wrapped around his back and grasped his legs while he caught me with his one free arm. He was slightly out of breath as he bent and pulled me the rest of the way around, setting me down in our ending position with me hugging his side.
He glanced over at me, breathing heavier than usual but still bright-eyed from our performance as our fellow students stood from their seats and erupted into applause, “You good?”
I nodded, no doubt flushed from exertion, but still alright and even feeling a little giggly despite the fact I was worn out from performing three Charlestons in a row. 
Crewel’s stamina potion had been a blessing today, and, to be honest, I was glad this was my last performance. As much fun as I’d had with Jack, I didn’t think I could handle another Charleston.
“Well done, Mr. Howl! I doubt many of the other students performing the Charleston could have pulled off quite so many aerials and swing holds as you did!” Vargas and Crowley were both over the moon and overly excited as they usually were after a more high-octane performance. 
But everyone knew the final word would fall to Sam, the usually nice store-owner who became incredibly hard to impress with any swing dance.
Jack’s tail, which had been previously wagging so fast it was a blur, lowered significantly as all eyes turned to the shopkeeper, who shrugged nonchalantly, “I would’ve liked to see a few more moves typical of the Charleston, such as a flapper walk. But it was still a solid performance, probably a B+. Good job.”
I laughed slightly, turning to face Jack and applauding along with the crowd as he did a first pump and turned, bright-eyed, to see both Vil and Leona congratulating him from their respective seats. 
It was almost cute how much his tail was wagging as he received approval from not only the judges, but also his two upperclassmen, whom he so respected.
But then Jack startled me by turning to face me and grabbing my hand in his, “This was your last performance, right?”
I nodded, before responding, still half-breathless from our dance, “Yeah, Crewel said that even with a stamina potion, I could only handle three Charleston's at most.”
He nodded, and I watched as his tail began the wary but hopeful wag that indicated he was fixing to say something else, and he did not disappoint, “Do you want to come sit with me and the guys to watch the rest of the performances?”
I felt a smile creep onto my face as I bobbed my head, “I’d love to! Just let me change out of this dress and I’ll be right over.”
The first-year straightened, his tail now wagging more openly as he responded, “Sure, I’ll wait for you. That way we can walk up to our seats together.”
I trotted off to the dressing area set up for me in the corner of the room, still smiling to myself as a thought hit me.
 It seemed like Jack had been making me grin all day. 
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lolexjpg · 3 months
Writing Wednesday Week 3:
WIP: lesbian!gax
Starting word count: 1142
Current word count: 1238
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
I finally got an idea ! How about a Zoo date with Leo ? Poor producer having to keep Leo from competing with the lion or playing with the penguins
Gender neutral again >w>
Wooo, finally done with this one! <3 A lovely idea, I hope I did it justice, though </3 well, asides from it being my first attempt at writing Leo I also;; had to improvise as I've never even been at a zoo lololol
Word count: 1238 Summary: Leo convinces his s/o to cut class and go on a zoo date with him - where he decides he wants to catch the attention of the lions Notes: I got the worst block writing this, so I fear it's not as good as I could have made it, but;;;; well, I hope it's fine :>
A clear sky with not a single cloud in sight, the sun just warm enough, the breeze refreshing - it was the perfect spring day for an outdoors date. Which is what Leo concluded as well when he convinced his partner to skip the rest of their classes that day with him. "Let's go to the zoo!" He exclaimed before promptly dragging them away from the school. "It'll be fun, I promise!" He said it would be such a waste not to spend the day doing something fun, and the local zoo was having a special promotion, too. A discount for couples! It was as if the universe was telling them it was time for a date; it was just the perfect opportunity for a zoo date. And when Leo gets an idea, nothing can talk him out of it.
And next thing they knew, Leo had successfully dragged them all the way to the zoo. "I don't know," they fiddled with the ends of their sleeves, "We're still in our uniforms, too. What if someone sees us skipping?" "So what?" he whined, "Let's have fun! When's the last time you've been to the zoo?" "Well…" "Well nothing! Come on, a smile for your Leo?" With a playful pout, he softly took hold of their hands, cupping them in his, stopping them from fiddling. “Ple~ase?” he whined. Instead, they gave a joking grimace. But Leo laughed along anyway, happy they were in the mood for jokes at least. "What do you wanna see first?" He averted his eyes for a moment. Leo tried his best to nonchalantly, casually, reposition their hands. From holding both of them, to only gripping one. They hummed, accepting the switch to simple handholding. "I guess we can just walk around and see where we end up." "Great choice!"
They walked on one of the zoo's many paths, hand in hand, passing by enclosures behind glass, and gated open fields. Leo seemed enamoured with every exhibit, stopping and dawdling at everything from the snakes to the bears. "Look at that one!" He'd pull on his partner's hand and point at animals doing the most banal things, whether yawning or stretching, with such wonder in his eyes. If they ignored the fact that they were missing class, they could almost find his simple joy heart-warming. After about half an hour of walking around aimlessly and chatting in front of exhibits, he offered to buy them something to eat from one of the booths raised around the zoo. Themed foods, naturally, cotton candy, ice creams, funnel cakes shaped like various animals, and so on. "I said I was taking you out on a date," he explained while fumbling with his wallet, "but we haven't done anything date-like except hold hands, so! For you, my love!" He offered the snack in an outstretched hand, the other placed firmly over his chest, and with just the slightest of bows. And though they snickered and playfully rolled their eyes at him, they still graciously accepted with every bit of theatricality as he'd offered. "I accept, my king," they giggled. Linking hands once more, they continued on their path
"Lions are here," Leo pointed out a sign at one point. Somewhat true to his words, it said that lions were two exhibits from them, right past the zebras. "I wanna see the lions! Let's go!" "Slow down, slow down, we'll get there! Don't just drag me!" His partner warned, their hand loosening as if they were threatening to let go should he refuse to listen. And it worked - as he immediately skidded to a halt, looking back at them with the eyes of a kitten who had its milk stolen. "Sorry!" He stood, this time following their lead and tracking lightly behind them. Too embarrassed to ask if their hand hurt, but his eyes glanced to their wrist, a slight pang of guilt shooting through his heart when he noticed them rubbing it. Yet, even following their pace instead of running as Leo had impulsively thought to, it really didn't take them long to find themselves by the lions' exhibit. From the moment they got there, Leo glued himself to the railing, nearly hypnotised by the large beasts.
Though they weren't doing much - as the sun was at its highest position, most of the lions were lying around, sleeping and otherwise relaxing - there was a sort of air around them that left Leo speechless. His partner had to remind him to close his mouth, which he'd left agape in awe. "Do you see them?" He asked excitedly. "They're so… cool! Right?" "They really are, but, Leo, take a step back. What if you fall in?" "I won't! You worry too much. I love that about you, though." He smiled back at them for a moment, before his attention was back on the lions. "You think they'd respond if I roared at them?" He asked, and didn't wait for an answer. His best imitation of a roar was laughable, in that dorky, but still cute, sort of way. With hands raised and made to imitate claws, he attempted to communicate with the lions, who paid him no mind. Roaring and waving, he tried his best. "They're ignoring you," they teased him, poking his side, to which he yelped and bent himself to the opposite direction. "Hey! Why'd you poke me?" "Come on, get down from the railing, I want to see the aquarium before we leave," they laughed, poking him again, before attempting to grab at his waist and pull him away. "Sto~p!" He struggled, laughing along. In the end, he left the lions' exhibit with one last roar and a, "Cowards!" directed at the lions. The lions that, still, only yawned in response.
A pout. Although it made Leo undeniably cuter, seeing him pouting still made his partner worry. They tried to ask what was wrong, but he simply sighed at each question. It was obvious something was on his mind, but he’d been in a perfectly fine mood just minutes earlier. "Are you really sad because the lions ignored you?" Received the look of a kicked puppy in response. "I even said hi to them!" He complained. "They were so rude. We should come back tomorrow; maybe they're just shy in front of strangers." Seeing him switch from a pout to smile so fast was almost confusing, but at that point his partner had gotten used to seeing him switch moods quickly. Besides, they had a feeling he was really only feigning the bad mood to bait them into accepting another zoo date. Not that they thought about refusing, either way. "Yeah, but let's go after school, okay?" "It's a date!" He brought their hand up to his lips, placing a chaste kiss on the back of their palm. "Oh! I've got an idea, let's take a pic to commemorate our first zoo date!" "Um? Sure?" Leo fumbled around for his phone for a moment, before pulling them to his side, his hand gingerly laid on their waist. "Smile!" And as the picture was being taken, he quickly pecked their cheek, making sure to immortalise the split-moment action in the picture. Though the entire day was nothing less than a major success in Leo’s mind, he, after all, most enjoyed relishing in being playfully scolded by his love who was too flustered to be taken seriously.
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20 questions for fanfic writers tagged by @nachtwaechterin. thanks for the tag bee! <3
How many works do you have on AO3?
45 across 4 pseudonyms!
What's your total AO3 word count?
i'm being completely honest when i say my total wc is 123,456 words as of nov 12th, 2023
What fandoms do you write for?
mostly dc and marvel but i'm drafting a bunch of harry potter and 911 fics too!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Is it Halloween here? (1250 kudos, mcu/dc crossover, bat!peter parker [the +1 of a 5+1]) Spiders, Birds, and Supersoldiers (1238 kudos, mcu, avengers-as-family) The Red Hood is Back in Business (939 kudos, dc/wc crossover, jason-todd-is-neal-caffery) Five times Peter's background seems sketchy (910 kudos, mcu/dc crossover, bat!peter [the 5 of a 5+1]) Who the fuck is this kid? (747 kudos, mcu, irondad shenanigans)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes i do! i feel bad not responding to comments because i'm a bit of a people pleaser so i try to respond within a week of the comment being posted, but i always like knowing people enjoy my fics enough that they leave a comment
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i'd have to say Mums are funeral flowers :)
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
it's gotta be What's in the name it's full of little shit!peter parker and tired dad!bruce wayne!!
Do you get hate on fics?
i don't think so!
Do you write smut?
nope! i'm sex repulsed aromantic/asexual and even if i wasn't aspec, it would be illegal for me to write smut since i'm a minor 🥰
Do you write crossovers?
yes! i love writing crossovers, it's how i got into the dc fandom!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge. please don't steal my fics guys :(
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yup! Yuugen on ao3 translated Get this man some coffee into Chinese! (i do not speak chinese but i believe it's mandarin?? please correct me if i'm wrong)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Technically yes (the gotham guidebook), but it was mostly my friend info dumping about dc and me turning it into a "guidebook"
What's your all-time favorite ship to write for?
i don't really write shipfics ngl. i Love writing right person/wrong time and missed opportunity type relationships but i don't really have a favorite ship to write for
What's A WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
one of my first fanfics was a "peter parker goes on a field trip to stark industries" type fic but it never made it out of the drafts :(
What are your writing strengths?
my writing style is very conversationalist and i've gotten lots of compliments over it! i also think i'm pretty good at creating storylines and backgrounds for ocs
What are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue!!! i can never tell if there's too much or too little dialogue and i always overthink it :(
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i've done it before! in both Mums are funeral flowers and The boy's too young-, i used italics for the league dialect! i know i have more fics where i used translations and stuff but i don't remember them <3
First fandom you wrote for?
the mcu! specifically spider-man
Favorite fic you've written?
i have a lot of favorites but one of my all time favorites is Who knew Batman would get defeated by soap bubbles! it's so stupid i love it so much
feel no obligation to do this but i'm tagging @leymonaide @oh-stars @wibbwoby @itsfirecat @ellorypurebloodculture happy writing!! :)
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can you do an imagine / oneshot w/ max Mayfield x fem reader if u can? maybe even gn! but basically can u make the plot based on; after max's incident w/ vecna the reader soon becomes a target and so on. u can add to the plot but this is what i came up w/.
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summary: after max's accident, fem!y/n soon loses themselves, quickly becoming a target of vecna.
genre: angst
warnings: swearing, vecna, slight death, trauma
word count: 1238
song that fits: everybody wants to rule the world
a/n: I haven't written a one-shot on here since around February so hopefully this is okay! This isn't edited.
It had been one week.
One week since Max's plan failed, one week since her girlfriend was sent into a coma, almost every bone in her body broken.
The doctors told them that they doubted she would ever wake up. They also told everyone that along with breaking almost all her bones, she was brain dead.
Y/n still refused to accept the fact that Max might never come back to them.
Members of the party would visit Max and her ( she refused to leave Max's side ), not uttering a word, and even if they did they didn't often get a response back.
It took eight days for someone to convince her that she had to go home, shower, change and then come back as she was starting to stink.
So reluctantly, y/n got Steve to drop her off at her house. It was a gloomy home house, barely any light came from it. It was old and rundown, but y/n refused to leave.
It meant things to her. Things that others wouldn't understand ( at least that was what she thought ).
Her younger sister used to live here with her and their parents, Carol and Allie, not that anybody really cared.
They were more introverted, not socializing much with the townsfolk. So when their house caught alight on August 18th 1985, not many people were affected.
Actually, only y/n was affected. She was the only person that did truly know them.
She pulled a clean jumper out of the small cardboard box that was hidden in the corner of the room, slipping it over her head.
As cheesy at it may sound, it was technically Max's, y/n just snuck it out of Max's wardrobe.
Grabbing her cassette player and headphones, she rushed out of the old house, making her way over to Steve's car.
He smiled kindly at her as she got in, but she ignored him, tired and just wanting to get back to the hospital.
"You know we're here for you right? Robin, Dustin, Nancy, all of us," Steve told her, glancing over at y/n from the driver's seat.
She hummed in response, not paying him any attention.
Y/n grabbed the cassette player again, placing her headphones on as she clicked the small play button.
Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears played through the headphones, the lyrics repeating over and over in her mind.
There's a room where the light won't find you Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down When they do I'll be right behind you
Y/n made her way over to the right side of Max's hospital bed, pulling her headphones down again.
She placed a hand on Max's right hand ( or cast in this situation ), looking at her girlfriend with sad eyes.
"Please don't leave me," she whispered, ignoring the stray tear that slowly began to form.
There wasn't a response, only the tension and emptiness in the room. Even if Max was right in front of her eyes, it didn't feel like Max was really there.
There were no sarcastic comments, soft smiles, cheeky grins or comforting hugs.
It was then that y/n realised how much she needed Max.
She saw red clouds all above, lightning striking down from above, destroying large stones that stuck up out of the ground.
She stood in the centre of what seemed like it used to be a room, parts of wooden walls surrounding her.
There were dark maroon vines that slowly twisted up along the broken walls.
Y/n turned around slowly in a circle, unsure of where she was.
She didn't know if it was a dream or if it was real...
It felt as if there someone behind her, so anxiously, she turned around, facing south.
Y/n couldn't see anything. Or, not yet she couldn't.
She inhaled through her nose, her nerves starting to increase. "Hello?" she called out into the unknown lands, her voice shaky.
A tall figure with a familiar face slowly walked out from behind one of the walls.
She woke up abruptly, small beads of sweat rolling down her forehead.
It wasn't real, it was just a nightmare. A really, really, realistic one. she reassured herself as she wiped the sweat off with her sleeve.
She looked over at Max while doing so. Nothing had changed.
Y/n whipped her head around to face the door as it creaked open.
Lucas and Erica walked in with three cups of hot chocolate.
Lucas smiled slightly, "We thought it might help," he told her in a kind tone.
"Thanks," y/n murmured in response, appreciating their kindness. Lucas and Max had always gotten along well; in fact, y/n thought that if she hadn't moved to Hawkins then the two probably would have dated.
She carefully grabbed the steaming hot cup out of Lucas' hands, tucking her knees up as she silently looked over at Max again.
"Any progress?" Erica questioned, getting a small 'no' in response.
"You should probably go get some fresh air, stretch your legs. Sitting down in a chair all day won't be good for you, especially not these hospital ones," Erica suggested, breaking the silence.
Y/n looked away from the red-head, facing Erica, "what if something happens while I'm gone?"
"Then we will be here. We won't leave her while you are out of the room," Lucas reassured her.
Y/n knew deep down that she couldn't win this argument. "Fine," she agreed reluctantly, uncurling her legs as she stood up.
"I'll be back in ten or so minutes," she said to the siblings as she grabbed her cassette player and headphones, putting them on.
Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears drowned out the sounds of the hospital as she walked out into the hall filled with busy nurses and complaining patients.
By the time she had been walking around the unfriendly hospital for 10 minutes, y/n hadn't realised nor did she know where she was.
"Fuck," she cursed out loud, realising.
She paused the tape, pulling her headphones down to rest on her shoulders.
That was a mistake. A huge mistake.
Not even two minutes later, the clock chimed.
Y/n hadn't heard it before, she'd only heard about it from Max. So she knew that she didn't have long left now.
I've got to get the hell out of here. She told herself, quickly rushing down another hall.
Her speed-walking turned into a jog which turned into a proper run. She was terrified and there was no denying it.
Y/n came to an abrupt halt, spotting the grandfather clock that was stuck in the door that was no more than three metres away, vines growing around it.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no!
Fearfully, the brunette turned around, scared of what she might see. And she was.
The creature that rid Max from her life.
She wanted to say something witty, to pretend she wasn't afraid, but she could barely move her mouth.
"What's her favourite song Erica!?" Lucas' voice echoed through her mind, if that's where she was.
"Try this!" Erica's voice responded to the boy's.
Small tears formed in her eyes as she looked at the red creature that slowly made his way closer. She back away into the door, fear in her eyes.
"Hurry Erica!"
"I'm trying!"
Soon, the familiar lyrics began playing.
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eldritchships · 1 year
7 for the kiss meme with your choice of beloved!
7. "You're safe/alive." kiss
Word count: 1238 Author's Note: I decided to go back to one of the classics for this one! It's been a while since I wrote anything for Green Goblin. (TW for claustrophobia/being buried alive)
The first thing he does when he regains consciousness is retch. The air feels stagnant in his lungs, choked with dust and shards of brick, and he coughs violently as he tries to find oxygen. The second thing he does is try to look around; it’s dark, implausibly dark for the afternoon sun he had been within before his loss of awareness. He realises quickly that his head is the only body part able to move freely, as an immense pressure is pinning down the rest of him. His body is not a happy little goblin, judging by the lurking pain that rears its head whenever he tries to squirm. He groans to himself, the sound bouncing back against the rubble he’s trapped beneath, but at least he can be grateful for one thing - based on the severity of pain he’s experiencing, he estimates that his fall would have killed an average person.
That’s right, the fall! He almost forgot. The tense nanoseconds before he’d woken up in this blasted predicament had been a blur; The shaky mid-air turn, the resulting miscalculated pumpkin-bomb throw, and the chain reaction it had set off in that Octopus’s ‘brilliant’ invention. He has half a mind to pay Otto a visit when all this is over.
Speaking of half a mind, even after having an entire rooftop dropped on him, he can’t have a moment of solitude. He’s dimly aware of Norman’s panicked voice in the back of his head, calling him an idiot, a fool, fearing the repercussions and begging for him to come up with a plan. He grits his teeth, and attempts to mentally shove Norman back into a hole even darker than the one he currently finds himself in. Pipe down, Normie, as if you’ve never had a moment of distraction before.
The priority is to get himself out of here. He wriggles his fingers; a little stiff, and it disturbs the dust, but they’re movable. Hands next, palms, wrists, clawing out more space, more room to move and to breathe. Something shifts above him, and he pauses, watching the patch of inky blackness. A chip of cement no larger than a marble falls and bounces off his forehead. He swallows a growl of impatience and frustration and continues to slowly dig himself out. The arms come next, and despite the shallow space, he gets them underneath himself enough to push up ever so slightly onto his elbows. It’s something, at least, but even his jolly nature is wearing thin against the primal need for survival. Green Goblin, Norman Osborn - Neither are going to die today.
He doesn’t know how long he’s stuck there, pulling away the rubble, gaining more ability to move, occasionally pausing when the debris above him creaks or shifts too much. It’s a good thing he’s already been driven mad. His elven ears perk up at the sound of a voice, different from Norman’s blubbering. He can’t make it out exactly, but dirt and brickwork are shifting, shards of it dropping on top of him. He braces, expecting a collapse, but it doesn’t come. The voice is still there, saying something, something muffled. He thinks he barely catches his own name. His brow furrows, gaze stern and unblinkingly watching the ceiling as he sinks back down into the hole. He remains silent; he has more enemies than allies, and if he waits, he can claw himself out and escape with none the wiser. But the voice steadily becomes clearer, through the downpour of rubble, and his eyes widen when another jostle of the makeshift roof casts a sliver of gold light onto his chest. Sunlight.
“Oh, please, please, it’s going to be okay-” He can just make out the words now, how panicked and shaken they sound. He still chooses not to speak up, but shifts to resume prying the building off of him, his movements now illuminated by the barest fissure of sunshine. Whoever is above him, his focus is survival, and he’ll fight his way out if he has to. His breathing is quick and choked, the cornerstone on his chest still stubbornly there. Removing it won’t work, so he instead opts to shimmy out from underneath it. The sliver expands, casting more light into the space, and he squints as his eyes have to adjust. He’s almost free, almost, almost-
With another groan, he heaves, toppling a jagged piece of wall into the space beside him and falling onto his side in the process. Otto will be lucky if he doesn’t tear every limb from its fixings after this, mechanical or otherwise.
“Goblin?! If you can hear me, say something, please.” The voice hisses, shout-whispering and audibly holding back tears. His attention snaps up, and he freezes altogether. The voice is clearer, and he can recognise it now. It hasn’t sounded this heartbroken in years, but he could pick it out from anywhere.
The unstable ceiling fractures, and the largest piece of it is hurled away. Sunlight explodes into the space and he recoils from it as if it burnt, momentarily blinded. He blinks until it clears, aided by the shadow that appears over him. He looks up, lying prone and battered underneath New York architecture, and he smiles.
A man-sized spider, six-legged with the torso of a man, looks back down at him and sobs. His spider. His distraction.
His sunshine.
He tries to push himself up but they’re already reaching in, hands clasping underneath his neck and back and helping pull him out of the hole. He shakes off the dust and grabs one of the smaller legs jutting out from the spider’s ribcage, holding tight as he looks into their eyes. Their name, Panic, has never been more suitable than it is to the way their expression is now.
“My hero.” He croaks through a grin. Panic releases a long, strangled breath, as if they’d been holding it in all this time.
“Oh my god.” Is all they can think to say, and they pull him against them, holding on tightly. He hisses against the pain the crushing hug sends through him, but he wraps his arms around Panic just as tight, burying his face in their neck. In the overwhelming sensation of cold, debris-dusted symbiote skin, he once again hopes for no witnesses, because he’ll kill anyone who sees him soften this much for another person.
Without warning, Panic pulls away again, still holding onto him but creating enough leeway to kiss him. The kiss is firm and desperate, as if they’ll never have another chance. They press another to his emerald cheek for good measure.
“I suppose I may have gone a tad far this time.” He remarks. He’s relieved to see, through the remnant tears, the spark of mild irritation in Panic’s eyes, when he’s said something particularly clever and vexing that they can’t wait to challenge. But instead of retorting, Panic laughs weakly, and lets their forehead fall against his. He would rather have the antagonistic banter, but he can’t complain when he’s able to take sweet heavy inhales of fresh air and feel his heart beating, confirming that he’s alive.
“Happy anniversary, you idiot.” Panic smiles. He can’t help but chuckle, and he reaches up to take Panic by the back of the neck.
“Here’s to many more.” He replies, squeezing affectionately. In the late afternoon sun, Panic’s happiness has never looked brighter.
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ao3feed-nace · 10 months
chase the sun (and i'll fall into you)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/whKYJND by thatiranianphantom Maybe that’s not all it is too. Nancy had left a few weeks ago to catch a sin eater in Portland (two weeks, three days, seven hours and thirty nine minutes ago, but who’s counting?) and since then, even coming home was far less appealing. The bed was all his, but he still slept on the left side, as if he was waiting for her even in sleep. Two weeks without Nancy was slowly starting to drive him crazy. (Nancy and Ace are long distance, and Ace misses his girl.) Words: 1238, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of under this avalanche with you Fandoms: Nancy Drew (TV 2019) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Ace (Nancy Drew), Nancy Drew Relationships: Ace/Nancy Drew Additional Tags: Ace is in college, And the boy is lonely you see, but not for long, Fluff, Post Series, post 4x13 read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/whKYJND
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