"Traumatized bakuson would bring the angst but he's not doing that right now"
Kacchan is currently lying in the dirt having a grand time, he's not going to help you
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chandralia · 1 year
bakuson has to wake up first and he's less than 2 weeks away from his deathiversary
the manga’s on a break next week, so the perfect time to check in on him would be the week of his deathiversary 😖
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nuppu-nuppu · 2 years
That anon is clearly letting fiction affect their reality.
Here's the thing: I fucking love Hisoka from HXH because he is a creepy badass clown
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I'd dislike him in real life
but since he is fictional: look at my beautiful pervert husband.
I loved Bakuson the instant he came on screen, cocky arrogant little shit that happens to be a fictional teenager.
Them Feelings Yakuza ™️truly be in a different reality.
Imagine being able to separate fiction from reality 🙀
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You are definitely PAIN.
I'm so glad that I can torture the bakuson 😌
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I apologize for all the baku ships. Bakuson is king
no worries lmao i needed 64 entries and i never would've gotten there without your suggestions <3
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voidlessmaze · 2 years
bakuson is always pretty 😤
if you can’t accept him for his ugly gremlin moments that’s really heartbreaking kelly 😔💔
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callaxe · 3 years
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i’ve also gotta talk about my fave dad son duo
not that i think they’d ever dye their hair, it’s just an entertaining concept
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One fanfic/fan art trope I will never get tired of is Bakuson and Dadzawa
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fandomnutwasmine · 5 years
There is a lack of bakuson content and that makes me sad
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lumchan · 6 years
part two of the bakuson series 
    Aizawa awoke with a start to the sound of his alarm blaring from his phone. It was a Saturday and school was on break why the hell did he have an alarm? He pushed his head further into the pillow and moved his arm around to pat his husband’s shoulder. 
“‘Zashi.......................alarm......” His husband just groaned and turned over onto his side bringing the covers closer to his chin. Aizawa groaned and hoped the alarm would shut off by itself willing himself back into sleep. The beeping was persistent and loud but he was an expert at sleeping during the most inconvenient of times. That was until a groggy voice screamed from the other side of the hallway “TURN IT OFF BEFORE I BLOW IT UP.” Aizawa groaned even louder and rose from his pillow looking around for his phone. When he looked on the screen it wasn’t an alarm, but a calendar event. He stared at the screen waiting for his eyes to adjust before they opened wide, reaching over to smack his husband awake. Aizawa was quick to turn off the blaring reminder and shifted to put his cold feet on Mic’s back, softly pushing him closer to the edge of the bed. 
“Wake up, we have that banquet in a few hours.” Hizashi ignored him and shut his eyes harder, clinging to sleep. Aizawa kept pushing and pushing with his feet til Hizashi ended up on the floor tangled in the sheets. He stay lying face down for a moment before he sat up staring at Aizawa through half-lidded eyes. 
“What banquet?” 
“Some annual hero thing or something....Tensei gave us the invite 3 months ago.” Sleep still clung to their voices and Aizawa was already dreading having to go. He was never one for parties, let alone a party held to honor heroes that were already praised everywhere else.  
Hizashi pushed himself off the floor with the help of the bed then stretched. “Do we have to go?”
“It’s a mandatory meet up.” Aizawa finally got off the bed and made his way over to their shared closet. “Besides, isn’t that my line?” Hizashi normally loved these things but it was summer vacation! He didn’t feel like dressing up in a too hot suit to mingle with people he knew too well. Every single one of these meet ups felt too stiff and awkward despite the fact that everyone there had been colleges for years now. This particular meet up would be the most awkward of all since  it’s the first since All Might’s official retirement. It was no secret that pro heros themselves disliked Endeavor and having to watch him be number one for an entire evening was going to be exhausting. 
They hopped in the shower together and packed some clothes for the night. The party venue was only a short plane ride away and had hotel rooms reserved for all the heroes. By the time they were finished looking for said plane tickets they only had 15 minutes to leave the house before the plane left without them. Aizawa didn’t think that was too bad of an idea as he looked at his watch. It was still pretty early, only 9 A.M. but when they entered the living room, Bakugou was already sitting on the floor in front of the T.V. with a bowl of his lucky charms. 
“You’re up early,” Mic said in passing going to the kitchen to get the car keys. 
“Couldn’t sleep cause someone was being loud.” 
“Oh, I know, Hitoshi’s such a snorer.” Mic ran his fingers through Bakugou’s hair as a goodbye, Aizawa right behind him pulling their suitcases with him. “See ya Katsuki!” The apartment door was shut as they headed to their car. 
Everything was quiet for about two minutes before Mic shoved the front door open, eyes wide. “WE LEFT OUR KIDS.” 
Aizawa scratched the back of his neck. “They’re not allowed...” Bakugou stared at his dads with a bored expression. 
Mic straightened up with a smile. “We’ll call Nemuri! She can baby sit, right?” 
“She’s going to the banquet too. Pro, remember?” 
Hizashi searched frantically through his phone contacts before smiling. “MIRIOOO~!” 
“First banquet as a pro. No.” Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose before exhaling loudly. “Look, Katsuki and Hitoshi are both capable enough to take care of the house on their own for a few hours. They’ll be fine, my parents left me home alone all the time.” 
“Yeah, that’s sayin’ somethin’,” Mic muttered before getting an elbow to his side. “Katsuki, what do you think?” 
Bakugou shrugged from his spot on the floor. “S’just a house, whatever.” 
Mic nervously tugged at Aizawa’s sleeve. “What do we do what do we do....”
Aizawa turned away and exited his apartment. “They’re studying to be pro heros, you really think they can’t take care of themselves and a little sister? You’re freaking out for no reason. Let’s just go and get this over with.” 
Mic walked backwards, following his husband. “Make sure all the windows and doors are locked! Don’t answer the door for anyone, there’s food money on the top of the fridge, and don’t hesitate to call us if you need anything--” 
“Let’s go, ‘Zashi,” 
“Love you be safe bye!!” and with that the door was locked and shut, Bakugou all alone. 
Eri woke up an hour later stumbling into the living room towards the sofa. “Where’s papa?” 
Bakugou flipped through the T.V. channels lazily before looking at his younger sister. “They had a banquet or somethin’. You hungry?” Eri nodded and Bakugou pushed himself off the floor to head to the kitchen.
He scoffed at the money jar and rummaged through the fridge looking for something simple he could make her before he settled on her getting cereal for breakfast too. 
Bakugou placed the bowl in front of Eri, taking back his spot on the floor. She ate quietly. Almost too quietly. It took her a lot of time to semi recover from her time with Overhaul but with a lot of therapy and help from his dads, Bakugou watched Eri become a new person overtime. She was cheerful and outspoken, a little too sarcastic for her age but good natured and kind. This wasn’t like her. 
“What’s up?” 
Eri moved her spoon around her cereal, tilting her head to look at Bakugou. “Papa gives me waffles in the morning.” Oh. Waffles, okay that was easy. It would be a waste of cereal to have her not eat what he already poured her though. 
“Well I already gave you cereal so...” 
Eri inhaled and nodded slowly, pushing the soggy cereal around once more. Bakugou tried to ignore her sulking, he really did. But he had a huge soft spot for her and felt too protective to let her breakfast be ruined. It was the most important meal of the day right? Eri hasn’t smiled nearly enough in her lifetime so Bakugou decided what’s a little cereal in the trash. She was a child of routine, Aizawa insisting it would be better for her to have some sort of set schedule.
“Alright, how about this: you finish this bowl and I’ll go make you some waffles on the side, got it?” 
Eri continued to look down. 
“Half of the bowl and some waffles?” 
No response. 
“Half of the bowl and five hundred yen?” He said through gritted teeth. 
She was still quiet. 
“Five hundred yen and waffles?!” 
Bakugou smirked triumphantly, taking the bowl from her to go make her real breakfast. He stood in front of the toaster watching them before he realized what had happened. The waffles popped out and with wide eyes, Bakugou decided that baby sitting wasn’t the easiest of things. 
Shinsou woke up to find Bakugou on his knees rummaging around underneath their bed. “Looking for your purpose?” he yawned. 
Bakugou shot his head up and ended up banging it against the edge of the bed. “Shut UP. I need five hundred yen.” 
“Wow, look at you already getting yourself into debt.” Shinsou climbed down from the top bunk heading into the living room. “Good luck with that.” Eri was happily sitting on the sofa with a plate of waffles in her lap watching Die Hard. Shinsou reached over her for the remote quickly changing the channel. “Eri don’t watch that crap...everyone knows part two’s better.” She offered him her fork and he took small pieces of it, not wanting to steal her breakfast entirely. 
Bakugou  emerged from their bedroom with five hundred yen in his hand tossing it in Eri’s direction. “500, just like I said I would.” Shinsou scoffed and gave her a thumbs up. The siblings sat there quietly picking off their little sister’s plate until it was all gone. 
“Hey,” Shinsou said with his mouth partially full. “Where’d dad go?” 
“Says the hero trainee with no observational skills...They left, dumbass.”
Eri smiled up at Shinsou. “They had a banquet or something, dumbass.” 
Bakugou snorted. Shinsou hid his laugh behind his hand. “Don’t say that around dads, they’ll get mad.” 
The morning passed with the three of them lazily hanging around the T.V. the hours passingly slowly. It was now almost 2 pm and none of them had moved. Bakugou supposes if he was asked to baby sit he should stick to his dad’s schedule. “Eri go take a bath.”
“Why?” Her favorite word recently, besides the occasional fuck.
“It’s getting late and I’m in charge so--”
“Who put you in charge?” Shinsou backfired. “If you don’t wanna shower, don’t shower. You can always do it later.” 
“Dad put me in charge. Besides, I’m the oldest here so you’ll do what I say.”
“Hey Katuski?” Shinsou smirked. 
“Wha--” Brainwashed. Eri laughed into the pillow always loving her brothers’ banter. Shinsou released his quirk and Bakugou shook his head pushing himself into Shinsou’s face, palms crackling. 
“Oops, my bad,” Shinsou sighed getting off the couch grabbing Eri’s hand. “C’mon, bath time then.” 
Bakugou paced by the bathroom door, occasionally pushing his ear up to the door to listen.
“What’re you doing you creep?” 
“I’m listenin’ in case she drowns or something...” 
Shinsou starred from the couch unmoving before he jolted and rushed over to the bathroom door listening intently. “Eri are you alright?”
“Yes!” She sighed. “Katsuki’s been asking and asking!”
Shinsou sighed in relief. She was 6 years old, no longer a baby. It wasn’t like she didn’t know how to take care of herself, especially since she had been doing it years before her dads took her in. They were worried for no reason but still worried nonetheless. Her two older brothers sat by the closed bathroom door silently waiting for something to happen that never did. 
Eri came out of the bathroom with new clothes smelling like bubble gum. Bakugou and Shinsou stood up, following the wet trail her hair was leaving on the ground to their shared bedroom. She rummaged around for a brush before handing it to Bakugou who was the closest. He sat on her bed with his back against the wall, legs spread for Eri to climb in between sitting in front of him. He brushed her hair back softly starting from the bottom while Shinsou stood there with his hand on his neck watching nervously. 
Bakugou smirked to himself. “Eri, I’m clearly the favorite here--”
Shinsou snorted and turned his face away from the scene hearing the brush snap in half. 
“Fine,” Bakugou pushed himself out from between the wall and Eri pouting. “See who brushes your hair now.” 
Shinsou smiled and kneeled next to her on the bed grabbing the broken brush to start again. Bakugou sat glaring at his brother before reaching over to steal the brush again but Shinsou was too quick, holding it out of his grasp. “I’ve got this...go be useful somewhere else.” 
Bakugou moved from the bed to look for Eri’s rubber bands and clips to finish her hair. Sure Shinsou could brush her hair, which was surprising since it seems like he’s never used one on himself, but it didn’t mean he could do her hair just like dad did. After all the tangles were out Bakugou sat with the rubber bands pushing Shinsou out of the way so he could get to work. Braids weren’t hard, he’s watched Aizawa do it a billion times. It’s just hair. Just....hair. 
“You gonna do something, genius?”
“SHUT UP.” Bakugou shuffled for the brush trying to look like he knew what he was doing. “If you brushed it right I wouldn’t have to be doing this FOR YOU.” He separated the hair into three unequal parts. Whatever. Not like she was gonna leave the house looking like this. He crossed one over then the next. He repeated the motion until his fingers slipped and the next strand fell. He tried again and again while Shinsou smiled to himself watching Eri fidget and start to get bored. Bakugou inhaled and nodded to Eri’s hair. “Hold this.” 
Shinsou walked over cautiously and held one strand. Bakugou crossed the strands and gave a new one for Shinsou to hold, taking the previous one. He continued this, switching out strands with Shinsou and tied it off with a kitty rubber band. It was a crude braid with bumps running all along the top of her head, strands falling out of place, and the rubber band was quite loose. At least her hair was done. 
 Aizawa leaned against the banquet wall, wine glass in hand with Hizashi standing behind him. Some up and coming hot shot new hero was giving a speech about how happy he was to be here with all of the greats, blah blah blah. Truth be told, they could’ve left the reception a while ago. They walked around and talked with old acquaintances for two and a half hours until they finally met up with people they actually liked. Mic joked loudly with Emi while Aizawa spoke with Tensei. Nemuri was raiding the bar while nervous new pro heros stood in the dark corners like kids at a middle school dance. Mirio was among these heros, along with Nejire and Tamaki, and was the main reason Aizawa and Mic hadn’t left yet. Mirio was set to make another speech as a new hero; and not just as a new hero, but the first quirkless hero. Mirio’s done more to help the hero image than anyone else ever since All Might’s downfall and Aizawa definitely respected the kid.  
The way the night was going it seemed that Mirio’s speech was going to be later on in the evening so they’d just have to tough it out. Aizawa checked his phone one too many times during the banquet and kept getting rude looks from surrounding heroes. He was tempted to check on his kids but knowing Bakugou, it would only make it seem like he didn’t trust him. He knows both Bakugou and Shinsou, hell even Eri, were more than capable of protecting one another but he still couldn’t get rid of the nauseating feeling he got at the thought of his children being alone. 
“Right Eraser?” Emi smiled while elbowing him in the side softly. “Eraser. Earth to Eraser~~” 
Aizawa looked up from his phone quickly. “Sorry. Business stuff.”
“What do ya mean business stuff,” Taishiro said stealing finger food from Aizawa’s plate. “All the business is here!” 
Aizawa gave a meaningful look to his husband before pointing to the door. “Phone call.” 
The sun was setting and the night air was already pouring in when Aizawa finally found his way to the exit. He pulled out his phone and decided to call Shinsou, knowing it would probably be an ego boost if he thought that he called him before he called his brother. There was no answer, only a dial tone. He tried two more times with no answer. Aizawa nodded to himself trying to justify why he wouldn’t answer. It’s not like Shinsou really paid attention to his phone that much anyway, right? Next he tried Bakugou. He wouldn’t care if this bruised the boy’s ego he needed to know that his kids were safe. Four calls later, still no response. This is fine. 
Bakugou blasted his way outside the front door chasing Shinsou down the long corridor while Eri watched from the window inside. 
Shinsou was choking on his own laughs as he slid down the stairs failing to attempt to get rid of Bakugou. 
“No way, man!” Shinsou grinned waving Bakugou’s phone in his hand as he ran in circles avoiding Bakugou’s blasts. 
While they were inside, Shinsou decided to play a little trick on his older brother. Bakugou was out in the living room while Shinsou and Eri hid in their bedroom. Shinsou looked through his school bag to bring out his hero support items. “Shhh,” he snickered to Eri as she held her hands to her mouth stifling her own laugh. Shinsou clicked on his mask and messed with the settings a bit before crawling to his door. 
“Katsuki,” Shinsou spoke with Eri’s voice choking on his own laughter. “If you say you love big brother Hitoshi, you’ll be my favorite.” 
Bakugou grit his teeth. Anything to win, he guesses. “I love...Hitoshi.” 
“Say it like you mean it! Say he’s the best brother ever!”
Bakugou sighed and got up from his spot on the sofa making his way over to their room. “Fine. I love Hitoshit. Hitoshit is the best brother ever--” Bakugou ran into Shinsou on the floor of the bedroom as he entered. He looked down to see his brother holding Bakugo’s phone recording, with his hero mask on. It only took Bakugou .5 seconds to realize what had just happened but by that time, Shinsou had already bolted away with Bakugou’s phone in hand. He quickly saved the video and set it as Bakugou’s ring tone while he ran outside. Eri chased after them with a loud giggle fit. 
That’s what got them here, Shinsou running with Bakugou’s phone as it rang loudly four times over “I love Hitoshit. Hitoshit is the best brother ever,” 
“DELETE IT YOU SHITHEAD!” Bakugou was loud enough for the whole building to hear and since he was licensed he couldn’t technically get in trouble for using his quirk in public. But he could get in trouble for property damage. 
Eri watched happily from the window when she heard Shinsou’s phone start to ring again. She picked it up from its spot on the sofa and answered.
“Eri baby?” 
“Hi papa!”
Aizawa audibly exhaled on the other side of the line. Finally someone that answered. “Where’s Hitoshi? Is Katsuki there?” 
Eri took the phone and went back to the window to watch them continuing to chase each other around. “Ummm...they’re outside.”
“Outside doing what?”
“Katsuki’s blowing things up. Toshi’s running.” 
“Don’t move. Stay inside the house. We’re coming home.” 
“Okay papa!” 
“Eri, listen don’t--” Eri hung up before her dad could tell her anything else and continued to watch the two run outside. 
Aizawa rushed back into the party, pushing people aside and throwing apologized over his shoulder. He finally reached his husband and tried pulling him around from the crowd of people he seemed to be currently entertaining. Mic pulled back. 
“Shouta don’t be rude--”
“Our kids are in trouble. We need to go home now,” Aizawa muttered his apologizes to the pros surrounding him and tried pulling his husband away again.
“What’s going on, what happened?”
“Katsuki and Shinsou are outside, explosions and running, lot’s of it apparently and we need to get home.”
Mic excused him and Aizawa away from the crowd and put a calming hand on his cheek. “Shouta, relax. These are our kids. They wouldn’t do anything to put themselves in danger. You were the one who said they’d be okay, right?” 
“Zashi please,” Aizawa was never one to jump to conclusions and panic so quickly but he couldn’t stop thinking about a USJ repeat. Maybe villains were targeting Katsuki again. Overhaul could’ve assembled a new crew and they could be after Eri. He needed to protect his kids, he swore they’d never feel unsafe again. “We need to get home, please--” 
“Shouta,” Mic leaned in to kiss his forehead. “Mirio’s speech is soon...they’re okay, yeah? And...if by chance they aren’t...they have each other, yes? We’re an hour away. Leaving this second isn’t going to make the situation any better. We’ll leave after Mirio’s speech as promised.” Aizawa fidgeted with his phone turning it on and off again waiting for a text or something letting him know of the situation back at home until Hizashi slowly pried it from his hand and gripped his husband’s hand instead. 
Mic knew the kids weren’t in danger, he’s seen them chase each other around outside hundreds of times before, they were probably just playing. Besides, Mirio was about to go on stage. They’ll leave soon. But not soon enough for Aizawa’s standards. 
Bakugou sat sulking in the corner with his phone clutched to his chest glaring at Shinsou who was smugly sitting with Eri. “You’re a traitor, y’know that?” Bakugou said to Eri who only smiled. Once he made sure the recording had been deleted, he saw that he had 10 messages coming from Aizawa. They were just different variations of “are you okay?”s and “please answer”s. Dad was too paranoid, they were fine! Bakugou texted back a quick reply but never got an answer in return. 
It was almost 7 pm now and he realized he hadn’t fed his little sister since this morning. What a terrible baby sitter. Bakugou peered into the fridge looking for something to make. They hadn’t gone grocery shopping yet so it was looking a bit empty. “Alright hero reject, what’s for dinner?” 
“Ouch,” Shinsou rolled his eyes. “I don’t know Mr. Pro why don’t you figure it out? Your civilians are waiting.” He sat with his legs propped onto the coffee table, Eri copying him. Bakugou’s heart clenched at the thought of them being closer than the three of them would ever be. He knew they had been siblings long before he even came into the picture but he also knew that the three of them bonded quickly. “Chop chop, Mr. Hero!” 
“Chop chop, Mr. Hero!” Eri copied with a smile. Bakugou was definitely going to kill him someday. He gave up and tossed his phone to his brother. “Call in for pizza, I’m not doing it.” 
With dinner on the way and with nothing to do, Eri was bored. Like really bored. Normally Mic would take her out to the park, or she’d do some shopping with Aizawa. But today she wasn’t allowed to leave the house and she was not having it. She went into her room and flipped through the closet, leaving her brothers out in the living room. 
Eri came out of the room a few minutes later in one of Shinsou’s shirts, way too big for her, with her hair pushed back and his capture scarf. “Brainwash!” She said lowering her voice, sticking her fingers in Shinsou’s face. Bakugou sputtered and clutched at his stomach, not even trying to hide his amusement. Eri hopped around the room flinging the scarf in different directions screaming “Brainwash!” as she went. Shinsou watched her fondly laughing along with Bakugou until she got bored and went back to the room.
This time she came out in one of Bakugou’s skull shirts, pieces of her hair pulled so that they were sticking up. She stood in front of her brothers silently before she cleared her throat and gave them the meanest face she could. 
Shinsou choked and Bakugou immediately shoved Shinsou. “SHUT UP IT’S NOT FUNNY!” 
Eri continued to run around with a fake scowl. “DEKUUU~” Bakugou chased her around the house, running as slow as he could so that she could beat him. As they ran the door bell rang. Shinsou tip toed to get the cash from atop the fridge to pay for dinner. 
“Thanks man,” Shinsou took the pizza and handed over the money. He set the pizza down on the coffee table and his two other siblings stopped playing so that they could finally eat. He didn’t realize how hungry he actually was until he opened the box.
It was now 10 pm and Mirio had just finished his speech, taking his small award with him off stage. Tamaki and Nejire were waiting by the stairs, Nejire loud as always trying to get a closer look at the small trophy while Tamaki shrunk into his suit whispering his congratulations. 
“Can we go now?” Aizawa tapped his foot impatiently tugging on Hizashi’s suit sleeve. 
“Let’s go say our congrats to Mirio and we can leave, sound good?” They made their way to Mirio pushing through the coward of people who were also currently trying to speak to him. “Mirio~~!”
“Yamada-sensei, Aizawa-sensei! It’s been a while. Thanks for making your way over, it’s insane over there!” 
“Everyone wants to talk to the new hero, of course!” Mic lowered his voice to a playful whisper. “So what’s the plan to take down Endeavor?” Mirio’s laugh was clear and loud, his smile never faltering. 
Nejire pushed her way foward into Aizawa’s face. “Aizawa-sensei you look sick! Are you sick?” She looked over to Mic. “Is he sick? I think he might be sick!” 
Hizashi rubbed the back of Aizawa’s neck softly. “He is feeling a bit out of it right now, we actually just came to say goodbye.” 
“Leaving so soon?” Tamaki said from behind Mirio. 
“Eri’s waiting at home, you know how kids are, can’t sleep without their parents around!” 
Mirio nodded and Nejire cut in. “Say hi to her for me!! I haven’t seen her in forever...How is she? Is she good? What’s she up to??” 
“We’ll see you guys a little later then...take care! Say hi to Eri for me,” Mirio smiled while Tamaki waved his goodbye. Aizawa and Mic pushed their way towards the exit to make their way to the airport. 
They didn’t have tickets back home for tonight’s flight but since they were pros they could play it off as an “emergency” and that they needed to get on a plane ASAP. As far as Aizawa was concerned, it was an emergency. His kids were home alone exploding things. It seemed to take them forever to get on that plane. Aizawa was determined to get home.
Eri’s eyes were getting heavy. She wasn’t used to staying up this late and even though her brother’s tried to get her into bed, she insisted she wasn’t tired. Bakugou layed down on the sofa behind Eri, holding her to his chest as he propped his head up with his hand. Shinsou was sitting on the corner of the sofa lowering the T.V. volume as his sister began to drift off into sleep. Bakugou ran his fingers through her hair softly undoing the bad attempted at a braid. She breathed lightly and curled further into herself as she fell deeper into sleep. 
Bakugou was the first to speak, snapping Shinsou out of his trance of half asleep half away. “Do...you think we did okay?”
“Whadda you mean?” His voice felt heavy the activities of the day finally weighing on him.
“I don’t know. Whatever.”
“She’s alive.”
Things were quiet again and this time Bakugou was the one that started to drift. His head fell from his hand, waking him up to be more alert again. 
“They won’t be mad...I don’t think.” Shinsou looked down at his little sister. They had fun today. She smiled a lot and although she didn’t get to go outside, he’d like to think that he kept her entertained enough to not need to go outside. She was an easy kid to deal with and for that he was grateful. “I haven’t heard from them today.” 
“They didn’t forget to come home, you know.” They were words that were obvious but they were also words that Bakugou knew that needed to be said. A house with three kids who have been left before feels heavier at night and Bakugou knew exactly what he needed to say to ease his brother at least a little bit. “They’ll come home tomorrow, don’t worry about it.” 
Shinsou didn’t answer but continued to watch Eri as Bakugou tightened his arm around her. 
Aizawa opened the car door before Hizashi could properly park, disregarding the fact that the apartment keys were on the same key ring as the car keys. He ditched the suit cases in favor of heading upstairs before his husband. Everything was quiet and calm on his way up, no signs of explosions or danger. Maybe things had been cleaned up by the police already. It’s possible considering how long they were gone. Aizawa squinted into the window trying to see but all he got were the blinds that covered the inside. Mic came up the stairs lugging the suitcases behind him before putting a hand on the small of Aizawa’s back. 
“They’re okay,” He rubbed his hand softly digging into his back pocket with his other hand to grab the keys. He twisted the nob open softly and stared into the house his mouth slightly open. Aizawa pushed past him, worry evident on his face.
“What, what is it, they’re gone aren’t...they.....” his voice lowered to a whisper as he stared into the house. 
On the sofa, Shinsou was sitting up with his head dangling down as he snored softly with Bakugou using his thigh as a pillow and Eri cuddled into Bakugou’s chest. They were huddled together with the lights and T.V. still on. Aizawa exhaled and smiled softly. They were safe. 
“I told you so~~” Hizashi whispered pushing his way back into the apartment and kicking the front door closed softly. Bakugou scrunched up his nose and looked up at them with bleary eyes from the couch. 
“Dad?” He whispered eyes adjusting to them coming in closer to the sofa. 
“You did a good job today, Katsuki. Thank you.” 
Bakugou stared up at Aizawa for a moment before plopping his head back down onto Shinsou’s thigh with his eyes closed, bringing Eri closer to his chest. 
“I’m never having kids. Ever.” 
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bakugou-katsukillme · 6 years
All Might, after realizing that Bakugou feels guilty for his retirement:
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21K notes · View notes
We going to get bakucorpse during pride month?
I need a crumb of my son
There might be a panel of bakucorpse but I doubt he'll wake up next month.
Deku's birthday is 2 months away so we could get a panel
We are less than 80 days until a full year of Bakuson being a cadaver.
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tetsusquared-blog · 8 years
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Bakudad: *softly* what the fuck
Bakuson: *yelling* What the F U C K
honestly the one person i want to see raise a kid is kacchan because he deserves a tiny version of his rude ass
tsuyu too tho i’ll draw that soon
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cauletous-recadency · 6 years
I hated the start, but it ended alright
My first BNHA fanfiction !!
Bottom line, Aizawa being the parent Bakugou needed from the beginning
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i was more of saying that if anime only watchers see this scene theyre going to think bakugou wont change, or when he does change it will be out of the blue for them. bones is fucking it up!! now antis just have more excuses, n stuff. bones...boness... oohh how i ditest you and ur bakugou slandering..
Bones can't change what's canon in the manga though. They can fuck it up though
I know the antis will bitch and moan about the bakuson, that's all they do in their pathetic lives, and they should read the manga.
Watch Bones have uraraka get impaled by shiggy 😤
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anotherhellchild · 4 years
📂 i love your headcanons!
Aaahhhh thank you so much!! 
Alright so, in honour of ur username…. Imma spout a Dadzawa + Bakuson + cat headcanon 
(Quick shout out to @arschemy first tho! This was originally her idea and she really helped me <3)
The sun’s going down and Katsuki is on his way back to the dorms from his run. 
It’s cold out, not cold enough for a jacket but definitely cold enough for a long sleeved shirt. The sky is getting darker and Katsuki’s heavy breaths become visible after every short exhale. The boy’s maybe got another three or four kilometers left before he’s back at UA’s gates, he’ll probably be there in about ten minutes.
A small, dark gray dot appears on the light gray concrete about two meters away from Katsuki’s feet. Then another falls a little away from there. Soon, more specs materialize and before Katsuki knows it, rain starts pouring down all around him. The street is empty. His hair dampens and falls down his forehead, wet locks of blond hair cover the top of his eyes. Raindrops slide down his neck and partially soaked socks make every step uncomfortable. 
He should probably pick up the pace.
There’s a loud shriek. Or more accurately, there’s a loud shriek-like sound. 
The noise comes from the alleyway to Katsuki’s right and the teen halts his movement right away. 
Taking a couple steps back, Katsuki peeks past the corner of the wall. He’s just in time to see a cardboard box flip over and fall to the ground. After a moment of nothing, the thing knocks itself about three centimeters to the left.
Katsuki’s pretty sure unanimous objects aren’t supposed to be able to do that.
He should probably investigate this. 
Making sure to keep his footsteps light, Katsuki carefully steps closer to the box. He needs to be cautious, you never know who or what could pop out from under a box in a sketchy alleyway. 
Oh. It’s just a fucking cat.
Somewhere, deep in the teen’s heart, Katsuki’s honestly a little relieved. Everywhere else though, Katsuki feels really stupid. 
Not everything is out to get you, you fucking idiot.
Maybe he’s starting to turn a little paranoid.
The side of the box lifts up slightly, just enough for a little black paw to stick out from underneath. 
Katsuki stares.
A black nose nudges it’s way underneath the box too, it fits perfectly in the gap created by the small paw. Whiskers and pointy teeth poke out from under cardboard.
Soundlessly, Katsuki crouches down.
The cat's head nudges and squirms it’s way out from underneath the box, once the small, drenched face completely finds its way out of its cardboard prison, it freezes.
Katsuki doesn’t move.
Big, red eyes stare into his.
Neither of them blink.
Rain still falls around them. Fat drops of water crash to the ground and two creatures get soaked in a stare off.
The cat gives first, it carefully tilts its head before cautiously continuing the process of getting out from under the box. It’s eyes stay locked on Katsuki.
Katsuki blinks then, the movement is slow and he doesn’t dare move any other muscle.
The cat blinks back. The thing’s found its way out from the box and it takes a cautious step towards the blond. Its black, spikey fur is a little tangled and really wet. Its ears are back and flat against its head. The thing looks underfed, cold and ready to pounce.
Katsuki offers his hand.
The distance between the two is closed slowly. After a couple sniffles, the cat comes even closer, maybe it senses Katsuki’s warmth. Maybe it craves that warmth.
Katsuki didn’t think he’d be relating to a fucking alleycat when he left for his run an hour ago, yet here he is. 
The boy carefully gives the shivering creature a pat on its head. The thing immediately demands for more.
He can’t get attached to the fucking cat. He’s not even a cat person for fucks sake.
A little black paw comes up to tap Katusuki’s hand after it paused in its movement. Big red eyes seem to glow in the dark.
When the hell did he become so weak?
Katsuki prays to any deity that nobody hears him enter the dorms. He really really really does not need anybody talking to him right now.
The cat squirms around in Katsuki’s shirt. The thing’s still shivering a little bit, but it’s already much better than twenty minutes ago. It serves as a nice lil’ heater on Katsuki’s chest too.
After looking around to make sure the coast is clear, Katsuki makes a bee-line for the stairs. By some miracle, he actually manages to make it to his room undetected.
Once he’s got the cat inside, Katsuki does his best to help the little guy out.
First, he takes the thing to the showers. Luckily for them, it’s too early in the evening for anybody else to be around in the bathroom so they get all the space they need to clean/ warm up. 
It doesn’t take long for Katsuki to discover the hardest part of the whole ‘cleaning process’. Even though the damn thing is already soaking wet, it absolutely refuses to touch the warm, clean water Katsuki prepared for it. Lets just say that giving the cat a much needed bath has earned the boy quite a couple scratches. 
The cat’s an annoying lil’ beast.
After both of them are all cleaned up though, it’s easy for Katsuki to brush the tangles out of the cat’s fur. The animal doesn’t put up any fuss and it actually seems to lean into the touch.
Katsuki finds some dinner for the both of them after all that is said and done. The cat desperately needs some food and water and although there isn’t any cat food in the dorms, they both make due with some random things Katsuki finds in the kitchen.
It’s too late to go out to a pet store right now, that’s just going to have to be done tomorrow.
The rest of the night, Katsuki and the cat just chill together. Katsuki honestly never knew watching a cat chase a laser could be so entertaining.
This kind of sucks, he thinks a couple hours after he found this monstrosity of a creature stuck under a fucking cardboard box in some random alleyway. 
He looks down to where the bundle of black fur is curled up on his chest, the damn thing is purring and maybe maybe it's definitely already earned a special spot in Katsuki's heart.
I can’t keep you.
Katsuki knows he can’t. It would be unfair to the cat and it would be too selfish of him.
It’s not like he wants it this way, but he knows- he knows the cat deserves better.
So, there’re really only two options:
1) Take the cat to a shelter. It’d probably find a good home to live in. There’s no guarantee that would be the case though.
2) … Aizawa’s birthday is coming up. Katsuki hasn’t thought about what he wants to give his sensei yet but, everyone knows the man has a soft spot for strays. 
Yeah, Katsuki’s already made up his mind.
It’s been a suspiciously normal birthday so far. Shota’s a little over 15 hours into the day and somehow, with his hell class, nothing drastic has happened yet. It’s almost unsettling, not that Shota’s complaining of course. He just… isn’t used to this relative normalness. 
Whatever, he’s decided to just enjoy it. Perhaps the gods have finally decided to grant him a small break and the least Shota could do is accept that.
Anyway, Shota’s almost done giving his feedback speech to the kids and once it’s over, he’ll finally be free to take a much deserved nap. 
“All in all, you guys did a good job today. Each of you know what you need to improve on individually so make sure you do. Dismissed.” 
The class tiredly falters to the changing rooms at his words, except one stays where he is. The sight makes Shota sigh.
This is gonna be trouble, he thinks. The particular kid who's decided to stay behind is kind of notorious for- well he’s notorious for a bunch of things, but Shota will just use the word ‘danger’ for now.
Bakugou walks towards him as soon as the rest of the class is gone.
“Hey teach, I uhh gotchu somethin’.” The absolute hell child kind of awkwardly scratches the back of his head with those words. It’s obvious he’s having trouble with this, nevertheless Shota is incredibly proud of how far he’s come with his people skills. “Happy birthday I guess.”
Bakugou hands him a small, poorly wrapped package.
Honestly, Shota’s pretty surprised by the gesture. He… wasn’t expecting this. The class has already congratulated him with cake and gifts this morning, it was cheesy and sappy and sweet and it was done. The moment has already been had and it’s also already passed. Now Bakugou, of all people, is showing an extra form of affection towards him with whatever is wrapped in that paper.
Has the kid been hit with a quirk or something?
Unwrapping the package, Shota discovers... a collar. 
Oh god.
It’s red with black seams on the outside and black with red seams on the inside. 
Shota’s getting a very foreboding feeling about this, he’s also quite confused.
The man looks up to find Bakugou smirking.
“You can flip it around so either the black or red side shows.” The boy says.
“Bakugou, wha-?” 
“I chose this colour cause it matches with his eyes.”
The kid crosses his arms over his chest. Somehow, the smirk on his face grows, an unnamed feeling in Shota’s chest grows with it. 
“Also, I haven’t gotten a name tag yet cause I figured you’d want to name him yourself. Personally, I kinda liked ‘Dynamite’, but it’s obviously up to you though.” 
Shota gulps. Pieces are falling together and he’s not sure he likes the picture they show. 
What exactly did his devil spawn student do?
There’s no way- did he? Did he do what Shota thinks he’s done?
“Alright alright, look.” The kid says, hands up in a defensive stance. “Calm down sensei, jeez. Stop looking at me like you’re having a heart attack. I’ll explain, Okay?”
Shota takes a deep breath. He will show now sign of hope or excitement on his face.
“I was out on a run last week and I found a stray cat. I brought it back to the dorms cause it looked like shit and I- I just didn’t wanna leave it there.” Bakugou frowns at that, his gaze tears away from Shota’s and focuses on the ground instead. “Whatever. It’s really sweet and it deserves a good home. I knew you really liked cats and with your birthday coming up and all I just kinda figured you might want him? If you don’t then that’s fine of course, I just- hmph. It’s a good cat, okay?” The words are spoken clearly, Shota knows they’re used to hide insecurities though. Katsuki’s on the defensive.
There’s a lot to unpack. The main thing Shota notes is that Katsuki’s clearly gotten attached to this cat of his. 
To be honest, Shota’s already made up his mind about this. 
“So, you’re telling me you’ve been hiding a cat in your dorm room for a week now? You’re aware that’s against the rules right?” He keeps his voice calm and monotone.
The kid huffs. “Yeah, I have. And I do. I wanted to wait till your birthday to give him to you though, it’d kinda spoil the surprise if I told you.”
“True.” Shota stands up, thank god his capture weapon is there to hide his smile. 
Katsuki looks up to him and there’s a bit of a pause. He stares at Bakugou and Bakugou stares right back.
 “Well, am I going to be allowed to meet Dynamite or what?” Shota says, one brow quirked up in challenge.
Bakugou releases a breath, shoulders relaxing. “Yeah, you better take good care of him though, sensei. You won’t be forgiven if you don’t.” There’s a smirk on the boy’s lips, but his eyes are dead serious.
A fucking shovel talk.
Heh, leave it to his hell child to give such a casual yet intimidating shovel talk about a cat. 
Pretty impressive.
He’ll be a fine hero, Shota thinks.
So, Dynamite is a fucking angel. Shota loves him and it’s no wonder Bakugou got so attached to him, the cat literally follows the boy around everywhere and Bakugou is definitely its favorite person.
It’s kind of nice, seeing the kid relax and let loose whenever he comes over to the teachers dorm for the creature. It happens quite often and Shota even brings the thing over to the dorms sometimes, just so Bakugou can hang out with it for a while.
What? It’s good to see the kid’s shoulders slump down whenever Dynamite sits on his lap. Bakugou absentmindedly strokes soft, black fur and the actions automatically makes his guard drop, albeit slightly. 
Honestly, at this point Dynamite isn’t even his cat anymore. It’s his and Bakugou’s cat.
Shota doesn’t mind.
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