#aizawa katsuki au
polonium-snap · 12 days
Bkdk’s kid time travels
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Aizawa can't deal with the next generation of problem children, who just happen to be Bkdk's kids, the chaos magnet gene is hereditary, just like Deku's four freckles
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I had so much fun with this
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blondieeu · 4 months
london. aizawa s.
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in the real world, shouta works as an maths professor at an advanced high school with a 0.2% acceptance rate and he feels super weird when his co-workers call him his first name since he’s still getting used to american culture.
his students love him, and in his own way he loves that back and will never tell anybody it makes him sad to see them move up a grade.
shouta doesn’t care for the news really, apart from amber alerts and weather reports—that he doesn’t listen to anyway.
and regardless of the incredibly affordable and nice housing near his job he chooses to live on the other side of town just so nobody knows where he lives.
unbeknownst to everyone’s eyes but yours, shouta really enjoys everything in his life, even the little things.
he enjoys when the birds that spend time with him on his window sill every morning before he leaves for work.
—or even when you wake up at the same time as him so you can wash his hair in the shower just because you know he likes that.
in the real world, shouta owns 3 cats—two black one ginger.
he’s also gaining smile lines in the corner of his eyes because of how much you make him laugh when it’s just the two of you. nobody notices them though, they just take it as a sign that he’s getting old.
you live in a quiet place in london. he moved there to be with you, but he does miss his mother from time to time. he also likes the martinis they serve down the street from the house.
shouta refuses to have sex with you unless he’s doing all the work, says “it’s his job to make you feel good.” he also refuses to let you give him head.
and he will never get rough with you in bed because he said it takes away from the aspect of making love, says that he’s sharing his soul with you.
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vienna, satoru g.
blondieeu xx
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grannymight · 3 months
forgot to post this but heres more of the mha roleswap au I did
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thehouseofurmotha · 2 months
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ミミ❤*•.¸♥ 𝓜𝔂 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮 ♥¸.•*❤彡彡
Pairing: Shinso x reader
Soulmate au! I looooove soulmate au's in this one the first words you speak to your soulmate is tattoo'd somewhere on your body! There are other types of soulmates tho like more subtle ones too where you crave whatever your soulmate is eating, have a clock that counts down etc etc. Also I fear I did not have the patience to write all of the events for the sports festival so it kinda sucks 😭
Okay giving y/n a quirk in this one too
Quirk: Sakura! You can create sakura leaves, with the leaves you can control them similarly to how Hawks can control his feathers, while also being able to create things out of your petals.
Downsides: migraines from over use, as well as the more you push your quirk the weaker the items you make become. (Imagine this is present mics voice guys)
Warnings: Sports festival arc 😔, swearing, angst
Summery: Meeting your soulmate goes happens in the most unexpected way.
You fight shinso in the first round instead of Midoriya
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"THE SPORTS FESTIVAL?" The class all shouts in unison, after what they had just went through, they weren't sure if this was the best idea.
"Yeah, Aizawa-Sensei are you sure that's a good idea after the USJ attack?" Kaminari is the one to voice everyone's concerns.
"That's a valid concern Kaminari, but the Sports Festival is the most watched sports event across the world. Before the development of quirks people watched the Olympics, but now if you enjoy watching competition you're watching the U.A. sports festival. It's not something that we can just simply cancel. Security will be increased tenfold compared to other years." This seemed to satisfy your classmates concerns. Trusting whole heartedly what there teacher has to say. "You guys will have the next two days to prepare. Don't take this lightly, pros from all over the country will be watching and scouting."
And with that he dismisses the class, allowing you and your classmates to go change into your uniforms and work on training.
You work on allowing yourself to propel yourself through the air with your petals. You forge them to make wings of sorts on your back. It works pretty well, but flying in the air is definitely something you'll need to get use to. Ending back on the ground due to an overwhelming nausea caused from motion sickness.
Aizawa throws a bottle of water at you, it hits your arm causing you to look up at him. "Smart way to use your power, being in the sky can give you many advantages while doing hero work."
"Thank you Aizawa-Sensei." The water quickly helps you feel better, and the praise from your teacher puts a smile on your face. Knowing that you're on the right track gives you the motivation to keep going.
As the school day finally ends, you're tired but there's a feeling of satisfaction knowing that all your hard work will be put on display at the School Sports Festival. Not just any school either, U.A. the top hero school that you somehow managed to get into. You honestly don't really remember how you did it, you do know that you scored extremely high on the entrance exam. This entire school year has felt like a fever dream.
The only thing that you think could make it any more feverish, was to meet your soulmate. You knew that this was the age where quite a lot of people ended up meeting their soulmates, and you desperately hoped it would be the case for you. Being able to grow up with your soulmate, would be a blessing. With this, there was also that voice in the back of your head that you never would meet them. It's definitely not an unheard of thing, some people just never do find their fated partner.
There were many different ways people found out who their soulmate was. You were lucky enough to have the most obvious form, the first words your soulmate will ever speak to you is tattooed on your body. Yours is on your side specifically. The words aren't the most romantic, but they bring you comfort saying, 'so you have an impressive Quirk huh?, I've never seen anything like it'
You still desperately craved to meet your soulmate. And as you drifted to sleep that night, you thought about them. And who they might be.
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The day of the sports festival had finally arrived. You sit in the 1-A waiting room feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. You really wanted this to go well for you. To have the pro hero's see you and scout you for internships. It was such a exciting idea. They announced that the first event would be an obstacle course. With your ability to fly this should be a piece of cake for you.
As they announced the start, it suddenly dropped to frigid temperatures and you watch as multiple people get Frozen to the ground. You managed to react quickly enough to get yourself in the air before it manages to reach you. As you get into the sky you see 3 different people ahead of you.
Many people may be competing to the winner of the first event, but all you wanted to do was stand out, but not enough that people would think you're too much of an enemy.
You manage to make it through the first round coming in 5th place and you're more than happy about it. You take the time between rounds to allow yourself to breath, you hoped that you hadn't used to much power flying for the entirety of round one. But whether you did or not, you would keep pushing through.
Midnight announced that the second round would be a cavalry battle. Depending on what place you came during the obstacle course, determined how many points you were worth. Other than the first place winner, who had a million points. Every person higher than the last had 5 points added. So the person in 42nd place had 5 points and then it went up from there.
Since you had come in 5th place, you were worth 185 points. You were so glad that you hadn't fight so hard to be in first place. Part of you pitied Midoriya for the large target that would be placed on his team.
At some point, while you had been lost in thought. A certain purple headed tired looking guy had started walking towards you. You snap out of your thought to see him standing in front of you. You hadn't seen him around before, so you figured that he wasn't in the hero course class 1-B. Maybe a support course student by the look of it.
"So you have an impressive Quirk huh?, I've never seen anything like it." As the words come out of his mouth a burning sensation starts in your side and spreads throughout you. You freeze, staring at him in shock. You realized that the moment you spoke, he would know who you were. He would know that you're his soulmate.
Before you can even think you start running away from him. You want to turn around, to speak to him but your body won't let you.
A second later your snapped back into reality, crashing into someone's chest. You look up and realize that it was Todoroki. You immediately move backwards and start muttering out apologies.
"Oh, it's okay y/n. Are you okay?" He looks at you with what you think may be concern.
"Oh yeah I'm okay!" You give him your normal positive attitude, you couldn't let what just happened distract you.
"I was coming to find you anyways, it seems you don't have a team so will you be on mine?" You give him a small nod in response.
"Of course, I promise to do my best." With that you smile and are warned that the cavalry battle is starting soon.
Somehow in the matter of 15 minutes, your team managed to get the one million headband and win. You honestly feel as though you had blacked out, still distracted by what had happened earlier. But you did your part, and so did the rest of your team resulting in the win.
The last part of the sports festival was finally upon you. The one on one individual battles. You were horrified to find out that you would be fighting against him, who you found out is named Hitoshi Shinsou. Your soulmate, who didn't know he was your soulmate.
Well your lost in thought, Ojiro comes over to you. In your time at U.A. you and him had started to become friends.
"Y/n you cannot speak to him while fighting." He looks so serious as he says this.
"Uh why?" You're genuinely puzzled at this, not that you really wanted to say anything to him.
"His quirk is brain washing, the second you speak to him he can get you to do anything he wants. That's how he got me to join his team, that's why I dropped out." You feel bad for him, knowing how excited he was about the sports festival.
"Thanks for the heads up Ojiro." Part of you wants to keep this in mind, but all you want to do is talk to him.
"I know this may sound selfish, but beat him for you and me." And with that he walks away leaving you to prepare yourself for your battle.
Internally you start to freak out, not knowing if you could do this. And suddenly all the time has passed, and you're standing in the arena waiting for midnight to tell you to start. Your heart beats so fast you think it might beat right out of your chest.
"Let the battle begin!" Midnight calls out and everything suddenly feels so much more real. This is actually happening, and there's actual pro hero's watching your every move.
"So your the girl that ran away from me earlier? Well there's no running now." There's a smirk on his face, like he's over confident.
You remain silent carefully creating petals but keeping them out of sight from him.
"Hm? Still nothing to say, what a shame. Of course a pretty face like yours has nothing to say. No opinions, no nothing just meant to sit there and look pretty." You know he's just trying to get into your head, and you hope that if he knew he wouldn't be saying this things.
Once you feel you've made enough petals, you quickly shoot them out to restrain him. Pushing him closer and closer out of bounds.
"Ooo look pretty girls got a pretty quirk. Fitting huh." You take a good look at him. Studying his features. You can see on his face you knows he isn't going to win. Not if he doesn't get you to speak.
"You know you're lucky, to have such a hero like quirk. People like me, who don't have physical type quirks what are we supposed to do?" You can head the pain in his voice, you can feel his pain. And it starts to cloud your judgment. But you keep pushing to get him out of bounds. He is certainly fighting back.
"So this is how it's going to go? You're not actually going to fight me? Fine, be a coward."
This almost gets you to respond to him. But you know you can't, you have to win this battle. It feels like your future career as a pro hero depends on it. You need to stand out, to let people see you.
Finally you get him right to the edge. And for some reason, you start to cry.
"What the fuck are you crying about? Does the pretty girl feel bad for not giving me a chance to put up a real fight." And with that you push him out of bounds and he looks at you with hatred.
You take a deep breath, feeling it go all the way through your lungs, "I'm sorry you had to find out like this."
You immediately see the shock in his eyes as he clutches he's side.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? You knew this whole time you fucking knew. You- you fucking hid this from me. And you tell me now of all fucking times. You're genuinely an awful fucking person. I wish you had just kept your mouth shut." The longer he rants the louder he gets and you're sure the whole stadium could hear him. You start to sob harder as he starts to come towards you. He doesn't look like he wants to hurt you but it's clear he's not happy either.
Before he can reach you he's knocked out by Midnights quirk. You fall to your knees sobbing and begging his unconscious body for forgiveness. Quickly you brought away from the prying eyes of the audience by Midnight.
At some point you ended up in a room with both Midnight and Aizawa.
"Alright kid, do you know why he got so angry? I mean I get losing sucks but that was a different type of angry." Aizawa, your teacher is the one who breaks the silence.
"It's my fault- it really is- he's- he's my soulmate and I figured this out earlier before the Cavalry battle began. I couldn't break myself to speak to him after he spoke to me first. So I ran away. But then- after the match ended I couldn't stop myself- I didn't mean to speak to him- but I did- and it's my fault.." You stare out the ground, not brave enough to look up at either Aizawa or Midnight. Some hero you'll be.
"Alright kid, I'm only gonna say this once so you better listen alright?" You just give a small nod to let him know you're listening. "You were put in a rough spot, you found out during a time where you were already under a load of pressure. You didn't know how to handle it, sure you didn't go about it in a great way. But you're a teenager." He sighs, you look up with him and is met with tired eyes. Just like his.
Midnight chimes in, "It's just fate hun, this is how you were supposed to meet. And I know it may be scary now but it'll work out." Aizawa just grunts in agreement.
"Thank you.." It comes about barely a whisper but they hear it.
"He should be awake soon, we're only on the second match of the first round and you'll be last in the second, so you should have some time to talk to him if you so please." With that statement from Midnight, her and Aizawa leave the room. Leaving you alone with just your thoughts.
Before you have time to think about it, your legs are bringing you to Recovery girls office where he was being held.
You pace in front of the door for 5 minutes before gaining the courage to knock. You hear a gruff 'come in' and you know that he's awake. You take a moment before carefully opening the door.
"Oh. It's just you." He says it like he's upset, but you can see the relief on his face.
"I'm sorry, I just, I didn't know what to do." You look at him, begging silently for his forgiveness.
He sighs, "I get it, I guess. You were in a tough spot and I probably would have done the same. I shouldn't have freaked out on you."
"It's okay, I deserved it."
"No, you didn't I was out of line. I have a lot to work on if I ever want to be a hero."
"I think we both do." As your gaze meets his again, suddenly you realize how everything has changed.
"Thank you though, for not actually fighting me. I don't think I would have been able to live with myself if I had caused you pain." He looks up at you, with his knees pulled to his chest and his head resting atop of them."
You give him a slight nod in response not knowing what to say. "You know, I always wondered what scenario would cause my soulmate to be telling me they're sorry we had to meet like this. But I guess I get it now."
"Your words to me were so much better than mine. You deserve better, and I'll spend my entire life trying to be the better you deserve." His eyes widen and it looks like he might cry.
"We'll do it together." And then everything in the world feels right. Like this is exactly where your meant to be.
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Alright chat I fear I did not eat this one up 😔 but we thug it out. I've spent to long on this trying to figure out out so I give up 😞😞 please forgive me if it's bad 🙏 as always my requests are open and happy reading! <3
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dusty-monkey · 11 months
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repost better quality sketch from bnha stage play (a gem)
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I found lots of references for dadzawa on pinterest, the 1st is one of them
want to use them all with problem children
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He was the kind of guy who wouldn't hesitate to take in a kitten I pointedly ignored.
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sangyoun-nii · 2 years
Midoriya, sighing: actually, i am the only foster child in this family.
Shinso: seriously?
Midoriya: yes! i mean, look! you're the spitting image of a child from this family! even Dabi looks like our father!
Yamada, pinching his cheeks: and, in my opinion, you are absolutely our biological son.
Aizawa: it's true. you have Zashi's personality and my love for cats and coffee.
Midoriya: yes, but i don't have the main trait of the Aizawa's family.
Dabi: oh? what is it?
Midoriya: love for loud blondes. i mean!! look, Hitoshi yearn for Kaminari, and it's mutual, and Dabi is in love with Hawks!
Aizawa: *choking on coffee*
Shinso: *laughs out loud*
Midoriya: what?..
Dabi and Yamada together: Bakugo.
Midoriya: ...
Midoriya: oh no.
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aromanticannibal · 2 months
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#dynadeku is trending wonder why
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sofiascripts · 1 month
meet the band!
mha band au (lemonade mouth elements) // eventual bakugou x reader
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★🎸🎧⋆。 °⋆ striking a chord!
how did our rising stars end up in detention together in the first place?
ׂ╰┈➤ no warnings! unless monoma is a warning?
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✩ bakugou the hot head drummer
a couple of days before the first day of school, the ua varsity soccer team was back on the field for their final summer practice. the atmosphere was a mix of excitement and dread; some students were eager to take on their last year of high school, while others, like kaminari, were wishing for just a little more of that summer freedom.
“cmon guys, don’t you just want a couple more weeks, maybe even a few more days of that summer lovin?” which only earned him a loud smack on the back of the neck.
“you don’t get any ‘lovin.’ period.”
the team had cycled through a series of drills, focusing both on individual skills and group work. the latter putting bakugou in a particularly irritable mood. paired with neito monoma for what felt like an eternity, bakugou's frustration was palpable. the two were always at odds, and today was no exception.
“dammit, monoma! you think you’re hot shit!” bakugou’s voice cut through the air, his glare fixed on the cocky blonde. his teammates, used to bakugou’s fiery outbursts, continued to do their own things, but kirishima and kaminari exchanged concerned glances, sensing an unusual tension in the air.
monoma, unfazed, continued passing the ball around with a few of his friends, only casting a smirk in bakugou's direction. this only fueled bakugou’s rage. striding across the field, he snatched the ball away from monoma with a snarl. only then did monoma decide to humor him. “maybe if your head wasn’t so far up your own ass, you’d actually see what’s happening around you!”
bakugou’s anger flared. his face reddened, and his muscles tensed and before him, or anyone else on the field knew it, the soccer ball was moving through the air like a bullet. monoma, ever the showboat, anticipated the move and ducked with a self-satisfied smirk.
the ball soared through the open air where monoma once was towards the figure who had just arrived to oversee the practice—all might, their imposing coach.
all might was too focused on his clipboard, oblivious to the brewing storm on the field, just stood there humming along to the music while the others stood in shock as the ball hurtled towards him. as the ball approached, time seemed to move even slower. bakugou watched in horror as all might slowly looked up, his eyes widening in surprise. the entire field fell silent, waiting for the inevitable.
the ball struck all might with a solid thud, sending him sprawling to the ground in a comical yet painful tumble. the entire practice field fell into stunned silence before erupting into gasps and nervous laughter. kaminari, unable to contain his amusement, burst into loud laughter. kirishima, trying to stifle his own chuckles, clapped a hand over kaminari’s mouth, but his efforts failed miserably.
bakugou’s face went white while his eyes widened in horror as he realized what had happened. he rushed over to all might, his usually angry demeanor faltering in the face of genuine concern. “shit! i didn’t mean to—”
“all might,— you— okay?” kaminari called out in between the laughs.
all might, ever the hero, brushed off the incident with his characteristic grin, though he winced slightly. “no harm done, young bakugou. but i must say, you’re quite the force to be reckoned with!”
the coach’s attempt to lighten the mood did little to quell the embarrassment bakugou felt. he could see the smirks on the faces of his peers, especially monoma’s, who had a front row seat to the scene, his face holding a self-satisfied expression.
as practice came to a close, the students began to pack up. bakugou was quick to shove his belongings into his bag with the intentions of making a quick escape but it was no use, all might quickly intercepted him with his bright smile and pulled bakugou aside. “katsuki, i need to talk to you about your behavior today.”
bakugou’s heart sank. he had hoped that his outburst would be brushed off as a minor incident, but the stern look on all might’s face made it clear that wasn’t going to happen.
“your actions today were reckless,” all might continued. “you may be a talented student, but you need to learn how to manage your temper. i’m afraid i’m going to have to give you detention.”
bakugou’s face twisted with frustration. “detention? for what? you were fine!”
“all might’s right, bakugou,” kirishima chimed in, trying to sound supportive. “you’ve got to work on staying calm, man. remember what we talked about—keeping your cool this year.”
kaminari, standing next to kirishima, nodded in agreement. “yeah, i told you to try to stay calm. you’re lucky all might’s not too mad about it.”
“why the hell are you two butting in?” bakugou fumed, turning his head away.
before he could lash out at his friends, a light blue slip with the word “detention” was slapped into his hand. he spun around, but all might was already rushing through the students and into the safety of the school.
kirishima and kaminari’s laughter followed him, their voices mixed with sympathy and amusement. bakugou stared at the blue slip, a wave of dread crashing over him. out of the corner of his eye, he saw monoma and his friends already staring at him with smug looks on their faces.
this was going to be a long year.
✩ kaminari our silly guitarist and rapper?
the first day of school at u.a. high school had brought its share of excitement and chaos. among the various dramas unfolding, denki kaminari was trying to navigate the simplest yet most pressing dilemma of his day: an urgent need to use the restroom.
as he stood by his friend sero, who was watching bakugou’s post-detention grumbling with a mix of sympathy and amusement, sero sighed. “damn. that must be harsh.”
kaminari shrugged, “well, it was bound to happen. kids got the looks and grades but his social skills are nothing short of fla—”
his words were cut off by the sharp ring of the school bell, signaling the start of the next period. “gotta run,” he quickly said, waving goodbye to sero before slipping into his first period class.
the classroom was a typical setup for a math class: desks neatly arranged, a whiteboard at the front, and a clock ticking ominously on the wall. kaminari plopped himself down in his assigned seat, desperately trying to focus on the worksheet in front of him. his concentration, however, was challenged by the urgent pressure in his bladder.
he raised his hand, and the teacher, ms. midnight, looked up from her desk, where she was marking papers. “yes, kaminari?”
“can i use the restroom?” he asked, trying to keep his voice steady. the situation was becoming dire.
ms. midnight gave him a stern look. “no, not right now. class is almost over. you can wait fifteen more minutes.”
kaminari’s eyes widened in panic. “i don’t think i can handle another fifteen minutes!” he protested with a strained smile.
“after class,” ms. midnight insisted, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.
a deep sigh escaped kaminari as he turned back to his paper. the numbers and equations on the worksheet blurred together, replaced by a flood of mental images of water fountains, oceans, and rivers. his pencil tapped furiously against the desk, a testament to his growing agitation.
the clock on the wall seemed to mock him.
his tapping grew more erratic as he stole glances at the clock. he shifted in his seat, trying to focus on the textbook, but all he could think about was the increasing pressure in his lower abdomen. he turned to the door, slightly ajar, a beacon of hope.
kaminari’s tapping reached a frenzied pace. the surrounding students noticed his discomfort. his face turned increasingly red and the faint grumbling of his frustration could be heard throughout the classroom.
ignoring the teacher’s disapproving glance, kaminari’s resolve crumbled. the clock ticked mercilessly, and he saw only a blur of movement and the faint sound of his teacher’s voice as he bolted out of his seat.
the loud screech of his chair echoed through the classroom, followed by the unmistakable thud of his hurried footsteps. “sorry, gotta go!” kaminari shouted as he dashed out, barely making it through the door.
minutes later, kaminari returned, looking considerably more relieved but also noticeably red-faced. ms. midnight greeted him with an unimpressed glare and a slip of paper.
“detention,” she said flatly, handing him the small slip. it bore the same stark ‘detention’ label at the top, accompanied by the reason: “disruption and disrespect.”
kaminari’s shoulders slumped as he trudged back to his seat, the slip of paper in hand. he caught sight of shinsou, who had been observing the commotion with his usual detached expression, and even he couldn't suppress a small, amused smirk.
at the end of the day, as the students filed out of their classrooms, kaminari joined bakugou in the hallway, both of them holding their own detention slips.
“looks like we’re in for an exciting
✩ jirou the reason our favorite band exists and lead guitarist
the school day was progressing smoothly for most of class 1-a. as students settled into their routines, their minds were preoccupied with the usual high school concerns: homework, upcoming tests, and, for some, avoiding trouble. for jirou, however, it was an entirely different story.
after about fifteen minutes into the lecture, jirou had quietly slipped out of her history class, claiming she needed to use the restroom. instead, she made her way down the dimly lit hallways. she made a quick stop at her locker to grab her awkwardly lodged guitar case and slung it over her shoulder. she had a song stuck in her head, and she needed to get it down before it faded away.
her destination: a seldom-used janitor’s closet on the far end of the school. it wasn’t ideal, but it was private, and that was all she needed. as she entered the closet and closed the door behind her, she was greeted by the faint scent of cleaning supplies and the cramped space that would become her temporary studio.
jirou set up her makeshift workstation amidst the mops and buckets, carefully pulling out her guitar and notebook. she started to strum softly, losing herself in the melody as she jotted down notes. the music flowed effortlessly, and for a few precious minutes, she was completely immersed in her world.
but the tranquility was short-lived. the narrow space of the closet meant that even the smallest movement seemed magnified. as jirou leaned over to grab a pencil, her elbow knocked over a can of disinfectant. the loud clang it made against the concrete floor shattered the silence.
“damn it,” jirou muttered under her breath. she quickly bent down to pick up the can, but in her haste, she accidentally bumped into a stack of old cleaning rags. they toppled over with a cascade of muffled thuds.
the noise grew louder, more chaotic, until it could no longer be ignored. it didn’t take long for ms. midnight, who had been passing by and had heard the commotion, to investigate. the door to the janitor’s closet creaked open just as jirou was trying to contain the mess.
“is someone in there?” ms. midnight called out, peering into the cluttered closet.
caught off guard, jirou froze, her guitar still in hand. “uh, just a second!”
but it was too late. ms. midnight pushed the door open fully, her eyes widening in surprise as she took in the sight before her: jirou standing amidst a sea of cleaning supplies, her guitar case and notebook strewn around the floor.
“what on earth is going on here?” ms. midnight’s voice was a mixture of disbelief and irritation.
jirou stood up, trying to regain her composure. “i was just… practicing some music,” she stammered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
ms. midnight’s eyebrows shot up. “skipping class to practice music? and making this mess in the process?”
jirou bit her lip, realizing how poorly this looked. “i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”
ms. midnight sighed deeply. “well, the fact remains that you’ve disrupted the school day and created quite a mess. i’ll have to give you detention for this.”
jirou’s heart sank. detention was the last thing she wanted, especially for something as personal as her music. but she knew there was no point in arguing.
but she still tried.
“three days.”
✩ shinsou tired bassist
the first morning of the new school year was a whirlwind of activity and unexpected twists. for hitoshi shinsou, it began with an overabundance of boredom.
shinsou had always found history class to be less than riveting. his teacher, mr. aizawa, droned on about ancient civilizations with the same enthusiasm one might reserve for watching paint dry. the steady hum of his voice, combined with the monotony of the lesson, made it almost impossible for shinsou to stay awake.
seated at the back of the classroom, shinsou’s head slowly drooped as mr. aizawa’s lecture continued. his eyelids grew heavier with each passing minute, and before long, he had slipped into a light slumber, his head resting on his folded arms.
it wasn’t long before the classroom's ambient noises—students shifting in their seats, the occasional whisper—blended into a comforting backdrop for shinsou’s nap. he was blissfully unaware of the world around him until the sound of mr. aizawa’s voice cut through his dreamlike haze.
the sudden sharpness of mr. aizawa’s tone jolted shinsou awake. he blinked groggily and looked around, his confusion quickly turning to realization as he saw mr. aizawa standing over him, a mix of annoyance and exasperation on his face.
“sleeping in class?” mr. aizawa’s voice carried a note of disbelief. “on the very first day?”
shinsou rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. “sorry, mr. aizawa,” he mumbled, sitting up straight. “i didn’t mean to—”
“you didn’t mean to fall asleep, i get it,” mr. aizawa interrupted. “but it’s disruptive, and it’s not acceptable. i’ll be assigning you detention for this.”
shinsou’s shoulders sagged as he accepted the slip of paper handed to him, marked with the dreaded word ‘detention’ at the top and ‘sleeping in class’ as the reason. he glanced around the classroom, noting the curious stares from his classmates. kirishima, in particular, was trying to stifle a laugh, which only added to shinsou’s embarrassment.
as the bell rang, signaling the end of the period, shinsou gathered his things with a sense of resignation. he had hoped to start the year on a better note, but now he was faced with an additional task: serving detention. the day’s events were shaping up to be a test of his patience.
speaking of.
“looks like we’re forming a detention club, huh?” kaminari piped with a playful nudge.
shinsou gave him a dry look. “very funny.”
✩ momo lovely keyboard-ist (is that a thing...)
the morning chaos at u.a. high school continued as the lunch bell rang, offering a brief respite from the day’s earlier commotion. momo yaoyorozu and her friends—mina, and jirou—moved through the bustling hallways toward the cafeteria, their spirits high despite the morning’s events.
“i can’t believe those two idiots from the soccer team managed to get detention on our first day back,” jirou said while shaking her head with a grin on her face.
“didn’t you get detention too?” mina asked raising a brow.
“did you guys hear about shinsou?” mina only shook her head before probing further, asking what had happened to their classmate. jirou quickly shared what she had heard and this caused momo to join in with an odd look on her face.
“that’s rich.” she mumbled, her tone clearly angry.
“what do you mean?”
“i had him last year, all he did was sleep through the class and hand out harsh grades. i can’t believe he’s still like that after all the complaints he received.”
the three continued walking, unaware of the figure trailing behind them. momo’s tone grew more animated as she continued, her voice dripping with disdain. “honestly, it’s laughable. he acts like he’s so superior, but all he does is slouch around. it’s like he’s got some sort of complex. how does someone like that even end up in a teaching position?”
jirou and mina exchanged amused glances, their laughter bubbling up as they enjoyed momo’s rant.
however, before she could continue, a voice cut through the conversation. “it’s quite an interesting perspective, ms. yaoyorozu.”
the trio froze, turning slowly to find mr. aizawa standing right behind them, his expression inscrutable. the shock on momo’s face was clear as she realized who she had been bad-mouthing had been right behind them the whole time. jirou and mina stifled their laughter, their eyes wide with a mix of surprise and amusement.
aizawa’s gaze was stern. “since you seem to have such strong opinions about my approach to teaching, perhaps you’d benefit from spending some extra time observing it with your fellow peers. welcome to the detention club.”
momo’s mouth dropped open as she tried to stammer a response. “i-i didn’t mean—”
aizawa cut her off with a raised hand. “detention. room 2b after school.”
as aizawa turned and walked away, jirou and mina burst into laughter, their voices echoing down the hall. “wow, momo, you really made an impression,” jirou teased, clearly enjoying the turn of events.
momo, still in shock, could barely manage a weak smile as she glanced at her friends. “great, just what i needed.”
✩ y/n our sweet and pretty little lead singer and monomas biggest opp
the cafeteria hummed with the usual noise of students chatting and laughing as you stood in line at the vending machine. frustration bubbled inside you, eager to grab some pretzels and a drink to lift your mood. the line seemed to be moving incredibly slow, which only added to your irritation.
as you glanced forward, you noticed that the hold-up was caused by monoma, who was leaning casually against the vending machine, his arm wrapped around a blonde girl. you blink and once again noticed that the hold-up was caused by monoma. your monoma. your monoma who was leaning casually against the vending machine, his arm wrapped around a blonde girl. your heart dropped as you saw them laughing together, clearly enjoying each other’s company. your breath caught in your throat as you watched monoma plant a kiss on the girl’s cheek.
“what,” you muttered under your breath, trying to convince yourself you didn’t just witness that. you quickly ducked behind the rough-looking blonde in front of you, your hands shaking slightly. you thought over what you just saw one last time before deciding to peek again. maybe it wasn’t monoma!
peeking around the corner, your worst fears were confirmed. the blonde girl was still clinging to monoma, her smile wide. a surge of anger and betrayal welled up inside you. without thinking, you grabbed the bottle of lemonade from the blonde in front of you—none other than bakugou. his face was already twisted in a scowl.
“hey, what the hell—?” bakugou began, but you were already moving. you stormed over to where monoma was standing and without hesitation, you threw the drink at them. the bright yellow liquid exploded across their clothes, dripping down and staining them both.
monoma’s eyes widened in shock as the lemonade soaked him and the girl. the cafeteria erupted into laughter and cheers, students clapping and shouting in amusement. kirishima and kaminari were among the loudest, their voices easily heard over the sea of students.
you stood there for a moment, the gravity of your actions slowly sinking in, but you chose to ignore them as you turned to leave, feeling a rush of adrenaline and a sense of liberation. however, it was quickly cut short.
“y/n y/l. detention.”
you froze mid-step and turned to see mr. aizawa standing with a tired look on his face. the teacher had clearly witnessed the whole scene and was not pleased.
“you’ve caused a disturbance and disrespected others,” mr. aizawa said, handing over the slip. you took the slip with a mix of frustration and resignation. you glanced back at monoma, who was still trying to wipe lemonade from his clothes, his face a mix of confusion and anger.
you look down at the little slip of paper and the word “detention” is boldly printed at the top, with “disruption and property damage” written underneath.
“property damage wh—” to your luck, mr. aizawa is already gone.
“you’re kidding me,” you mutter, your voice tinged with disbelief. you sigh, your mood dampened by the unexpected turn of events. as you prepare to leave the cafeteria, you feel a hand on your shoulder. turning, you see bakugou, his eyes wild and a strained smile plastered on his face—it was clearly not his day either.
“you owe me a drink.”
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a/n: this is my first ever post AGH! so exciting. anyways ive had this mha lemonade mouth au in my google docs since quarantine and i decided to post it now since mha has ended! i want to start uploading old drafts i have and start writing some of the ideas i have saved from before along with some of the new stuff ive been thinking about. but anywayyyyss hope u guys enjoy this little prologue <3
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scenekitt · 6 months
( AKA my fetus academia )
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did all this in school and finished at home
Also, daycare aus>>>>>>
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likesdoodling · 6 months
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Found this in my 'unfinished projects' the other day, so I have decided to actually try finish it.
Ye :D
This is from like... September last year?
Eh. It's been a while. The first few are on my tumblr page somewhere, but for continuity's sake, I'm gonna put them on here as well so it makes a little more sense. This is basically a comparison between Izuku and Atsushi. Or Broccoli and Sushi. Take your pick.
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btw- it goes top left -> right, then bottom left -> right.
I've got twelve of these btw, so six more to go
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skymar13 · 3 months
Master list
All my links are messed up
All characters aged up
Multi character
-Back to school with the bakusquad - https://
-Baku squad reacting to you dying in battle - https
-Breaking up with the bakusquad- https
-Bakusquad being jealous- https
-opposites attract the bakusquad- https
Deku squad
Back to school with the deku squad - https:
All characters
Helping 1A student with post war effects - https
Period troubles - https
“I can’t live without you” Tw: character suicide and reader death. - https
Blondes - https
“Just the tip?” - https
Sweet pussy dinner - https
If the world was ending - https
Character specific
Bakugo katsuki -
Class hothead x class sweetheart - https
It’s way too much - https
Pink promise- https
Izuku midoriya -
Big number 1 - https
Kirishima eijirou -
The gentle hero - https
The manly hero - https
Denki kaminari -
Secret freak - https
No longer a virgin - https
Hanta sero -
Tenya iida -
Shoto todoroki -
Shota Aizawa -
it’s going to be okay - https
Hitoshi shinsou -
Tokoyami Fumikage -
Neito monoma -
Neito monoma - https
Mic -
Hawks- Mr bossman- https
All might -
Dabi -
Shigaraki -
Mr.compress -
Mina ashido -
When you wake up next to him -https
Kyoka jirou -
Secret freak - https
Ochaco Ururaka -
Momo Yaoyorozu -
Tsuyu asui -
Tooru hagakure -
Himiko toga -
Mirko -
Mt lady -
Star and stripes -
Midnight -
Mei hatsume -
Kendo itsuka -
What I won’t write
Rape / non con
Adult x minor
Murder or anything of the sorts
Requests : open✅
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astriddestelle · 1 year
I hate when you can tell how young a fandom is. MHA for instance is so full of youngins and their views of black and white mentality.
If I see another quirkless vigilante Deku and All Might bashing on my feed imma scream.
Was All Might supposed to tell this quirkless kid who almost got killed by sludge yes you can be a hero be fucking for real.
Deku would’ve got killed by the first villain he fought come on now. He’s smart but that isn’t a quirk he’s just smart so is Bakugo and even he almost got killed by sludge with quirks.
Can you imagine Deku going up against Stain or Dabi with no quirk in what world is he surviving?
Just because he’s quirkless doesn’t make him Batman and let’s be honest Batman only wins through plot armor if Superman randomly decided to flick Batman into space because his voice was annoying him in a meeting he’d be dead.
Also bashing all might and not aizawa who was canonically an asshole is questionable. Will never understand or his mom who legit said sorry and was crying for him.
May not have been what he wanted to hear but she was being realistic parents fuck up it doesn’t make them bad parents.
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cryptids-and-muses · 2 years
BNHA Quirkswap Au
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I’m never writing this so I’m going to psychically transmit the plot through memes
Part 2 Part 3
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decarbry · 9 months
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New Yabureme chapter is up 💜 and Bakugou’s hair continues to elude me
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sangyoun-nii · 2 years
Kaminari and Kirishima: *stand and look at the kitchen in shock*
Uraraka: Hey, what's going on?
Kirishima, in a whisper: we think we have a hallucination...
Iida: Wha-
Kaminari, shouts in a whisper: YOU JUST LOOK!!
Midoriya and Bakugo in the kitchen: *cook as if they are one, without swearing or growling at each other, absolutely calm*
Iida: Well... isn't that good? probably?
Uraraka, in shock, whispering: why do you sound so insecure, Iida?
Iida: because i'm not sure about it...
Sero of their backs: tomorrow the end of the world will come, Nezu will take over the world, and Aizawa will come in bright neon clothes
Everyone is terrified: OH SHIT, IT SOUNDS LIKE THE TRUTH
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