#bakusquad pranks
ghostykarma1 · 1 year
Bakusquad pulls a prank on bakugou
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feelinmatcha · 29 days
SYNOPSIS: you're in a relationship with bakugou katsuki WARNINGS: tooth-rotting fluff 🎵: mr loverman by ricky montgomery
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whether you're a stay-at-home mother, wife, or girlfriend-- or working a 9 to 5-- he sends you a text in the middle of his patrol asking if you've eaten anything for lunch yet. if you did, he'll ask what and if it was healthy or not. if you didn't? he's wiring money to your phone in the next 3 seconds even if you say you had it handled
he doesn't really forget his lunch, ever, but on the off chance that you find it still sitting on the kitchen table-- it's on purpose and you find yourself in his office scolding a cheeky katsuki
he often asks you, with a scowl, "are you giving me a kiss before i leave or what?"
if you lose something, he knows where it is. it's like second nature at this point. "babe, have you seen the remote?" he's already lifting the cushions underneath you
you notice the different sighs he lets out. you could already tell if he's genuinely angry, upset, sad, or even adoring you
you litter kisses along his beauty marks, freckles, tiny scars, and even those spots of discoloration
if you listen to sad music one evening and he's present? he's turning that off!! immediately!!
when you call him your "lover man" he gets so unbelievably warm under his clothes to the point where he's able to feel a bead of sweat run down his spine. he's flushed red, hands clammy, and he's throwing affectionate curses at you from the door because he was leaving for his night patrol. once the chilly air hits his cheeks, he lets out a breath he's been holding and doesn't miss the feeling of his lips quirking up. yeah, he's your lover man. kiri will be sending you a text in the next hour asking if you've done something to katsuki because he's been in a weirdly good mood.
your contact name for him as teens was bakublow and now its lover with an orange heart emoji
his contact name for you as teens was simply your last name and now its wife <3 (you did it as a prank, he blew red, and you told him you'd change it back but he was awfully persistent in not letting you touch it anymore)
when shopping for clothes, ingredients, etc. he makes it a rule to pay for everything. he makes a fuss about it, sure, but he'll yank you away from the register if you so much as stare at the cashier for far too long
at night, when his phone dings and he's busy shaving his beard in the bathroom, he calls out for you to see who it is. you have to tease him to say please. it's either work-related, spam, or one (or all) of the bakusquad pestering him to hop online and play a few rounds before it gets too late
he slides into bed with you and always, alwayssss gives you a forehead kiss. he doesn't forget unless he's very sleepy after an all nighter
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NOTES: oh how i love him.
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maapllee · 3 months
All The Stars~ PT.2
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A/N: I didn't expect the prequel to this to get as much attention as it did. I'm so grateful you guys liked it, and I hope you'll enjoy this one too. <333
☁︎ [You and Bakugou were always head to head, fighting for the top spot.
The tension between you and Bakugou was firey, pushing both of you as well as 1A to perform better. Aizawa Sensei secretly appreciated the effect the both of you had on the rest of the class- he would let you both drop detention for disrupting the class for the 7th time in a row.
Your admiration for Bakugou started when you saw him save civilians from a falling building before he had his license. He was chewed out for it endlessly- not that he cared. You observed from the sidelines, noting he wasn't as heartless nor avoidant as you had previously thought.] ☁︎
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Katsuki Bakugou found himself looking forward to Wednesdays.
Wednesdays? That's a weird day to look forward to, apart from art class or PE or something. As the weeks progressed, so did the number of gifts in Bakugou's locker- with Bakugou's increasing frustration, of course. The gifts were obviously from one person. "It ain't even close to Valentine's Day, which blockhead is causing all this trouble?" Bakugou'd answer irritably when questioned. Lucky for you, you convinced Hatsume to help you delete the footage when you'd pick his locker open.
His secret admirer. What if it was a prank? What if it was one of his peers? What if it was some crazy stalker like Toga? He found himself scared again. Scared of being hurt. After being kidnapped by the League, his anxiety and nightmares made him spiral. To wake up in a cold sweat at 4:23 was now a habit. He'd sulk and bury his head into his pillow as if it'd absorb his anger. All he could think about these nights was this secret admirer of his. They were really something, THE great dynamite king killer blah blah Bakugou found himself staying up at night, face flushed as he thought of them.
BAKUGOU woke up drenched in his own sweat again. His bedsheets were damp with sweat as the air around him was stuffy. Relief washed over him as he slumped back against the wall and realised it was a nightmare. Just a stupid nightmare. He placed his feet on the cold tiles on the floor, deciding to go for a run.
His mind was foggy- with thoughts of his secret admirer. He'd hate to admit that those 'high protein chocolates' helped him buff up and increase his stamina as well. The cool air rustled through the trees along the path he jogged. He saw someone sleeping under one of the trees as the sun was rising, the light illuminating the person. The nearer he got, the faster his heart beat.
The soft rays of the sun glazed over your skin like honey. You were fast asleep on the soft grass, mouth slightly open. Katsuki narrowed his eyes at your sight- he was very vocal about how much he hated you. Though obvious to you and the rest of the Bakusquad that he had a soft spot for you. Passing you cold water during breaks, buying you a soda from the nearest vending machine after a long day of patrolling during your internship. "It's only so that they can try to become better than me, it's funny to watch them try." He'd say.
Whatever he felt or said, it was hard to deny you were attractive. Your pretty eyes, your soft hair, your beautiful smile.
He'd tilt his head as he watched you from his desk as you giggled alongside Mina as you laughed at another one of Kaminari's pranks. He loved how your eyes would light up at seeing your favourite side dishes on the menu at the cafeteria and the cute expressions you made while eating, the way your nose danced as you chewed on the food. And right now, he loved how your hair spread out on the grass as you dreamt on.
Noticing a blueish diary next to you, his body moved before he could register. The first few pages were filled with sketches of cats and pros, along with some classmates. He sat down cross-legged next to you, careful not to wake you as he flipped through the diary.
Katsuki Fucking Bakugou knew darn well he was wrong- and that made him feel some type of way. Curiosity blew up the cat?
His warm fingers traced the sketches as his face heated up despite the morning chill. He leaned against the bark of the tree, propping the book on his knees. A slip of neon paper fell out as he admired the sketches- the neon orange paste-it drifted onto the dewy grass. Bakugou picked it up, noting the familiarity. There were only three words on the neon note.
Katsuki ran towards the dorms with your diary in his hand, beet red. He shook his head as those words swam through his mind- such a simple arrangement of three words, really.
High Protein Chocolate.
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A/N: PT.3 coming soon, please stay tuned~
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ptq3000 · 11 months
bakusquad w/ quiet but caring fem!reader,pt.2
reader still got the portal quirk that allows her to make portals and teleport
> ok, so we know how bakugo is an aggressive cook. and even though he eats the food you prepare for the class, that doesn't mean he still won't critique you on it
> yes, you guys had multiple cook-offs, which by the way, you have another scoreboard in your room for it. is it necessary..? no. does it make you more competitive? yes. does it provide any other use than to make you want to beat bakugo? well, it looks pretty :))
> sero is a very refined judge in this cook competition that you and bakugo got going. you even got aizawa to also judge, having him as a 'guest star' as mina puts it
> other classmates like iida and yaoyarozu encourage the friendly competition. it is anything but friendly.
> you and bakugo are literally yelling at each other, him more than you. but it's probably the loudest the whole class has seen you and bakugo takes some pride in that
"bakugo, move!" you shout as the pot your holding feels hotter and heavier by the second.
"use your stupid quirk, portal freak." he retorts back at you. you huff as you do. setting the pot down on the other side of the counter, you mumble to yourself, "fat ass." "what did you say." he demands, glancing at you as he plates his food.
as you also plate 3 dishes, you smirk as you confidently repeat it. "i said, fat ass." you grin as you see his cheeks start to go pink. he grunts as he says, "wipe that smug look off your face, you extra."
> there's not enough love for sero, in my opinion
> whenever you and sero hangout one on one, you usually just prank bystanders or the cashier at the local convenience store.
> him with his tape quirk and you with your portal quirk, you make small portals behind people and sero shoots small bits of tape on people. harmless, right?
> you and sero did it this one time to a karen that was yelling at a server in a small cafe, and sero accidentally pointed upwards when he shot through your portal which...it uh..it accidentally grabbed her weave and pulled it off. the karen turned around so embarrassed and immediately looked at everyone as she grabbed her wig. it took all both you and sero's willpower to not burst out in giggles as she looked at everyone in the cafe.
> also, i feel like sero's dorm is the dorm you always go to when you want to be left alone. people always check your dorm first, so you made a habit of hiding in other people's dorms. mainly sero's.
> you always manage to fall asleep. you don't try to! honestly!! it just..happens.
as sero enters his dorm, his face shifts to fear when he sees a figure on his hammock in the dark. quickly going into a defensive state, he instinctively turns the lights on and he creeps closer to whoever or whatever is in his hammock.
"sero... it's too bright. turn the lights off," he hears you mumble.
he sighs and his face softens as he realizes that it's just you. again. for the third time this week.
"y/n, you scared me," he laughs as he continues. "warn me next time." he turns the lights off, and he grabs a spare blanket and lays it on top of you. "goodnight," you both say in unison. he can't help but smile at you as you start giggling to yourself. "jinx," you both say together again. both of you burst into laughing as your tired form sits up on the hammock to look at sero who's on the floor.
"sero." "what?" "jinx, you owe me!" "you little-"
> mina. oh, mina. as much as she loves herself, she also loves to take care of you. multiple skin care nights in her mess of a dorm. if you could even call it a dorm.
> most times, she invites jirou and the other girls over. she always finds comfort in her friends, so doing something she loves with her friends is the best to her. but if you had a stressful week and just want it to be the 2 of you, she's all for that too!
"stay still, babe," mina requests as she applies the last bits of the clay face mask on you.
you stay still, as quietly as you can. which is easy since you're always quiet. you close your eyes as you relax to let her finish her work.
"babe, i finished." you hear her and when you open your eyes, she's looking at you with pure adoration. you smile at her softly as she pulls out her phone. your face drops because you know what she's doing.
"now..pictures!!" she smiles devilishly as she quickly took a 0.5 picture of you. she snorts through her fits of giggles and you yank her phone from her. "no, don't delete it!! y/n! it's for the group chat!!"
> don't want to make kirishima feel left out, so herewego
> kirishima is always the one you can trust. like sure, you can trust all of your friends, buttt, kirishima is the #1 person you go to
> whenever the couches in the common room are crowded, it's normal for you to go over to kirishima. you sit on his lap and he welcomes you with a warm smile, always greeting you with a, "hey babes."
> kirishima, i feel like, would call most of the girls, babe or babes. that's just something they do, so it's something he does. at first, everyone thought you 2 were dating because of the nicknames and sweet gestures. and you do admit that kirishima is very attractive, but you denied everyone's statement of you 2 dating.
sighing as you find no seat yet again, you head towards kirishima with the bowl of popcorn for class movie night.
he has a thin blanket covering him. he smiles as he sees your tired figure and you can't help but softly smile at his goofy grin. you sit yourself on him, adjusting slightly and he pulls the blanket over the both of you.
"hi babes," he quietly greets you, leaning on your shoulder as both of his arms wrap around your waist in a hug. you melt into his touch with a quiet sigh and he places a small kiss on your cheek
> denki. hm.. almost the same as kirishima. some differences, but most people thought you and denki were dating too. and while he is one of your first friends, you're not dating him. damn.
> the lingering stares, constantly needing homework help, him leaving small kisses on your cheek as you do something so mundane. the touchiness and the cringey nicknames. if you were an outsider, you would've thought you 2 were dating. but you're not. sadly..
> he normalizes touching. you didn't realize how touch starved you were until he starts hanging around you. you guys constantly link arms or hold hands. even at group sleepovers, his hand somehow, in his sleep, find your hand as he links them together.
> you even started going to him first, which makes him so ecstatic. he did accidentally set of his quirk on you the first time you hugged him from behind though..-
seeing denki, you smile as you had the idea to go to touch him first. engulf his body in love. that's what friends do, right?
you quietly walk over, not making any footsteps as you slowly wrap your arms around his middle in a hug. you feel jolts of small zaps around your arms and you quickly step back.
"ow- what the-," you rub your arms as they start to feel fuzzy. "ack! sorry y/n, you scared me," denki quickly apologizes as he wraps his arms around you in a warm hug.
"it's ok, just don't do it again babe," you assure. he backs away from the hug, his arms still around you. a smug look replaces his previous concerned expression. "didn't know we were on babe terms now?" he teases. your eyes go wide as you struggle to find words. you bury yourself in the crook of his neck in embarrassment. damnit mina. you really needed to stop picking up her way of talking. i mean, you call everyone babe like she does. that's what friends do. right..?
> ahhh, omg, jirou!! finally, jirou.
> you definitely hangout with her the most. you both have the most inside jokes and you constantly will find yourself laughing at her stupid jokes.
> she's also your go-to girl for any feminine products. yeah, mina keeps pads and tampons with her, but she constantly misplaces it.
> jirou always has her dorm open to you all the time. she has sleeping problems and when you just surprise her with blankets and snacks, she's so grateful that you already knew.
> i feel like you would trust jirou the most when it comes to your body. i mean, everyone in bakusquad is super touchy already, besides bakugo, but jirou is one of the more respectful people.
> like if you needed to change in front of jirou, without hesitation you'll start undressing. jirou either looks away and distracts herself or she changes with you because 9 times out of 10, you're having a sleepover in her dorm. you barely use your dorm at this point.
a colored blob appears in the middle of the room. jirou glances up from her phone to be greeted by you.
"what are you doing here, y/n? it's..," jirou glances at her phone. "2:37 am." she finishes with a yawn.
"and you should be asleep." you state in a motherly manner. before jirou can get a word in, you disappear back into your portal and reappear a few minutes later.
you close the portal as you set down multiple blankets and many snacks on her bed. "i couldn't sleep either, don't worry." you assure her.
"movie night?" jirou asks.
"movie night."
a/n: AHHHH, the long awaited pt.2!! sorry for the wait :))
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vagabondreamer · 11 months
Your writing is amazing!! Can I request a Bakugo x reader fic where reader is cheery and tried to get along with Bakugo but he’s so bad at feelings and pushes her away until they go to a hot spring one day and realize the bakusquad ditched them (and Mina stole the readers swimsuit) so she has to *drumroll* get in naked and bakugo ends up fucking her 👉🏼👈🏼😌
A/N: I am so sorry this is so late! I had a huge exit exam to study for (I passed!). Hope you like this, and thank you :)
Prank Gone Right
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You were still considered the new student even if you had been at the school for about 8 months now. Throughout your time here, you had jumped from friend group to friend group - your cheery personality made it easy for you to adapt to new people. But, you had found that your favorite people consisted of the so-called Baku-Squad. Mina became your best friend, and well, you got along with everyone. Everyone except him.
You were with all of class 1-A shopping for swimsuits for your upcoming field trip. Bakugo brushed past you, basically shoulder checking you. "Ow!" You exaggerated, in hopes he'd acknowledge you, but all he did was grumble underneath his breath. Rolling your eyes, you turn to Mina. "Why does he hate me so much?"
She laughed, "Bakugo doesn't hate you! He would've blasted your ass by now if that were true."
"Well he certainly doesn't like me." You rub your shoulder feigning pain.
"Come on, look at how cute this is!" She pulls your arm towards a really cute swimsuit. "Look Y/N, if he didn't like you he wouldn't acknowledge you -" you try to correct her but she holds her hand up, "he wouldn't even touch you if he thought you were unimportant."
"You call bumping into me acknowledgement?" You snort.
"Yeah, Bakugo is weird like that. Indifference means he doesn't care, slight bullying might even be a crush." She says as if she's had a revelation.
"Oh no way, there is no way!" You yell in hushed tones.
"Yes way! Oh my, I have to tell Denki!" You can see the way she's plotting in her wide eyes.
"Absolutely not! Leave him out of this!" You can't fight the blush that spreads all over your body.
"Y/N! Tell me you don't have a crush on him?!"
"I-I don't!"
"Liar!" She laughs victoriously. "Here, you have to get this swimsuit, it's perfect for you." Mina holds up a scandalous article of clothing that you wouldn't dare call a swimsuit.
"Absolutely not. And don't tell anyone anything." You playfully flip her off and go to a different section.
"Yeah yeah," she says half-assed.
*skip to hot spring*
This onsen was different than the traditional ones. Usually, onsens are divided by gender, but this one was a bit more flexible. Any gender could go wherever as long as they had the appropriate attire and respected the rules. You were in the locker room with Mina, all of the other girls had already rushed to get in the water. As you stripped, you told Mina you were going to rinse your body before changing into your swimsuit. She hummed and you went to the other side of the room to the showers. It couldn't have been more than two minutes. You stepped out and went to your locker, but found it completely empty of anything.
"What the -- Mina?" You look around but the pink girl is no where to be found. You check other lockers, but none of them have your stuff. You look for a towel to cover yourself, but to no avail. She must have taken those too.
"That fucking -- ugh!" You couldn't figure out why Mina would pull a 'prank' like this. It was so rude and demeaning. Tears started to swell in your eyes, but you willed them away. "She's not ruining my vacation. Nope."
Luckily there was a section of the onsen that opened up from the locker room and it looked like no one was there. So, with a brave deep breath, you opened the door and sprinted to the water. You were fully submerged in the water when you noticed a figure in the corner of the hot pool. Looking over, you see a wide-eyed Bakugo. Slowly, you turn to face the opposite direction, not wanting him to see your face twisted in embarrassment.
"Oi! Don't ignore me! Why the hell are you naked?"
Reluctantly, you turn back to face the dark corner he's in. "It's an onsen, people get naked for it all the time," you try to sound nonchalant about it.
"This is a fucking school field trip! Any one of these perverts could see you." Oh he was pissed.
"I...Mina stole my swimsuit and my clothes, okay? I don't know why. Guess she thought it would be funny." You explain. "I'm not letting her ruin my vacation."
"That asshole...teach her a lesson." You heard him mumbling to himself but couldn't quite understand him.
Suddenly an idea came to you, "Bakugo, why don't you go get my swimsuit back from her? She should be around here somewhere."
There was a silence before he spoke, "I can't."
"What the hell do you mean you can't? Yes you can!"
"No, fucking just listen, I can't get out right now."
You shake your head in frustration, "What do you mean...Are you in on this prank, too?"
"No, dumbass." He moves through the water until he's in front of you. He grabs your hand and presses it against something hard.
Oh. Oh.
"I can't," he confirms.
"You can't..." You repeat in confirmation. Your body is frozen at the action, but he lets your hand go so that you can move it away. But you don't move it away. Rather, you give it a hesitant squeeze.
A groan comes from his throat. "What are you doing?" His voice drops an octave.
"Should I stop?" You whisper. This newfound confidence has come out of nowhere, but you certainly won't question it right now.
Bakugo shakes his head no, not quite trusting his voice. Again, you squeeze his hard on and again a moan rips from his throat. In an instant, his hands are pulling your face towards him and his lips are attacking yours. You fight him for dominance with your tongue, but he easily wins. He pulls away and takes a deep breath.
"Can I touch you?" He desperately asks.
"Yes, please."
He presses closer to you as his hands slowly make their way down your exposed body. He engulfs you in another passionate kiss and his hands find your tits. He kneads the soft flesh before finding your erect nipples. Flicking his thumb over the sensitive nub, a moan escapes the kiss. He repeats the motion and savors the noises coming from your mouth.
"Bakugo --"
"Katsuki. Call me Katsuki."
"Katsuki," you moan his name. The taste of it on your tongue, delicious. "I need you."
"Yeah? What do you need, pretty girl?"
You clench your thighs together. "I need this." Your hand slides beneath his swim shorts and your grab his cock and start stroking it. "Please."
Bakugo doesn't waste anytime undoing his swim shorts so that you can continue jerking him off. He pulls away from the kiss to watch your face as his fingers find your slit. A moan slides from his lips as he can feel the wetness coming from your pussy. He bets you look good enough to eat. Another time -- that's what he tells himself. Sliding one finger into your tight hole, he watches your face to make sure that you're okay. He slides in a second finger, and sees how your face contorts in pleasure.
"This feel good, princess?"
"More, I need more."
He slides another thick finger into your slickness. You bite down on his shoulder in pleasure. The hold on his cock becomes tighter and he has to bite his lip to not cum right on the spot. After a few minutes of prepping you, he slips his fingers out and grabs your thighs so you wrap around his waist. He slowly teases his cock to the entrance of your cunt. You thrust your hips towards him.
"So impatient." He mumbles before he swiftly slides his whole cock into you. The moan you let out is very loud, he slaps a hand over your mouth as he begins to pump in and out of you. "Fuck, Y/N, you want the whole class to hear?" Your pussy clenches around him. "Oh fuck, you would like that? My dirty girl."
He continues to pound into you, but knows he won't make it very long with how you're gripping him. His hand slides between your bodies and he looks for that sensitive little nub. He knows he found it when your body starts reacting in ways he couldn't have imagined (no matter how hard he tried). Your pussy holds onto him so tight as you cum, and in turn, he spills his seed deep inside of you.
Carefully, he pulls out of you and sets you down to stand on your own feet. His hand comes up to your face and he pulls you into a slow, sensual kiss.
Pulling away, he says, "Remind me to thank Mina for stealing your swim suit." He smirks.
"Oh, fuck off." You laugh, but rest your head on his shoulder. "Can you actually go get it now?"
"Yes, princess." He pulls his shorts back on and gives you another kiss before stepping out of the hot spring and looking for the troublesome girl.
It's not long before you hear a giggle coming from the bushes, and the pink girl steps out holding your swimsuit.
"Oh my! Mina I'm going to kill you!"
"And why would you do that?" She antagonizes you. "Seems like you benefited greatly from this."
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love-fictional-ppl · 2 months
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Summary: reader is apart of the Bakusquad and they all r stoners
Pairings: platonic!katsuki bakugou x reader, platonic!Eijiro Kirishima x reader, platonic!pansexual!Denki Kaminari x reader, platonic!Hanta Sero x reader, platonic!mina ashido x reader, romantic!Eijiro Kirishima x Mina Ashido, past!mina ashido x Hanta Sero, (Kinda)Mina ashido x reader (yall made out)
Warnings: language, marijuana and vaping, alcohol, mentions of sex specifically high sex, masturbation mentioned, plug!sero
The most chaotic yet iconic smoke circle ever.
Twice a week everybody goes to Sero’s apartment for the smoke sesh
Usually hangouts are held at bakugou’s except he doesn’t like the smell trapped around his place
Bakugou actually has came to rely on the ritual. He lowkey gets annoyed whenever plans are cancelled
Sero smokes a lot it’s ridiculous
Sero and Mina both get horny when they’re high
one time before Mina and Kiri got together, Mina was so high and horny that she hooked up with Sero(who was also also high and horny)
All hangouts are pretty lowkey but Denki always tries to turn it into a party by bringing his speakers and a couple bottles of booze
You, Denki, and Mina are usually the ones who drink
Bakugou only drinks after a rough day, he claims the liquor makes him feel “vulnerable”
Kirishima doesn’t smoke too often but he loves the hangout vibes
When Kirishima and Mina got together he started smoking more except usually him and Mina left early so they could go home and fuck
Bakugou is actually really cute when he’s high don’t tell him that tho. He gets really giggly but if u annoy him he will quickly snap at you.
Denki usually winds up getting the munchies really bad and makes the group go to whatever fast food joint he’s craving that time
Everybody has a slightly different music taste so you guys pull straws each hangout to decide who gets control, somehow kirishima almost always wins
Sero likes to prank call when he’s high. No explanation necessary.
You and Mina play fight when your drunk, occasionally you make out
When you all were really stoned one time Denki confessed that he thought about all of you while masturbating atleast once
Sero makes weird food combos when he has the munchies
Sero also definitely sells weed and Denki buys off him
One time Denki convinced you all to host a party. It was a disaster. Bakugou was mad since you guys were at his apartment.
Overall a 9.8/10 💨 ⭕️
Only sorta proofread😭🤞
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snarkyhetalian · 2 months
Ok but is there a bakudeku fic where bakugo and bakusquad are a police officers and deku and deku squad are firefighters....
And they have the guns and hoses competition every year. And the cops are more worried about reputation and status and the firefighters actually care about saving people.
And of COURSE throw some Romeo and Juliet shit in there, except the parts where everyone fuckin dies, leave that out. But like the forbidden love shit.
And they play pranks on each other like you see on tiktok.
And the goddamn calendars. Both sides have piles of calendars from the other side but it's a fuckin' /secret/ ok?!?! Maybe to gawk, or maybe to make fun of, I don't really care. They just have them and it would be hella embarrassing for the other side to find out.
Anyway, I'm not writing it. Probably. *Whispering* please steal this idea and send me the results.
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mha-quotes-and-such · 4 months
Anyway, back to schedule: I had never thought about Monoma x Kaminari, but I'm on board so here's my two cents!
-Monoma was in denial for at least a month. He? In love with someone from 1-A? Nope. Never. No way.
-Once he came to terms with it, it was flirting time! And he came so strong it was hard to tell if he meant to flirt, mock, challenge, confuse or all options mixed. Kendo had to intervene a lot everytime he went too far.
-He's lucky Kaminari thinks he's cool and found his antics amusing.
-You'd think he'd at least try to be nicer to his boyfriend's friend, but he just went from "hey, 1-A losers!" to "hey, 1-A losers (pause) and Denki".
-They tried to help each other study, but forgot neither was good at focusing or explaining or anything of the kind really and ended up together in summer remedial classes.
-The bakusquad asks Kaminari what in hell he saw in Monoma at least twice a week.
-Kaminari isn't above being swayed to help Monoma prank the whole 1-A class (Mina might call him a traitor depending on the prank)
The more I’m exposed to this ship, the more I like it! They would have such a unique dynamic and I think you really nailed that!
Naturally most of 1a (especially the bakusquad) consider him a bit of a traitor, but its all in good fun. Monoma’s horrible florting attempts bring me so much joy. I think half the time he wouldnt even know what he was trying to do. Having a crush on someone from 1a is just that detrimental to his social skills!
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hopelessdelusional · 11 months
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EDIT: i fucked up and forgot to add a pic and it won’t let me so. yeah. also i fixed the out of order mistake i’m so sorry😭
ONCE AGAIN THE OC JORDAN IS NOT MINE‼️‼️‼️ it’s the dearest @kotoprincesa !!
hey…life…am i right?
yeah hopefully you saw the post LMFAO ya boy has had a weird week
i’m sorry this is a short one but like i said shit is crazy
i rlly hope i’ll have time to write tomorrow 😭
Sero-tape arms/soy sauce:
1. tape arms is from when it was their freshmen year of high school, and sero once got RLLY drunk at some senior’s party….anyways he got tied up by a bunch of girls. with tape. (yes he did cry as the gang ripped off the tape) fun fact!! Jordan was actually at that party (their cousin was the hostess) and was the one who told the bakusquad abt him getting taped up!
2. soy sauce is from the very first prank Kaminari did on the channel where he gave sero a glass of soy sauce but told him it was coke (sero didn’t speak to him for three days afterwards)
Mina-pinky/raccoon eyes:
pinky is like rlly obvious she has pink hair, BUT raccoon eyes is a much more funny story! you see, just like her lover; kirishima, she too had a sort of…alt-y phase. in her case, she experimented with black clothing but more importantly, black eyeshadow. like. a LOT. kirishima thought it was the CUTEST thing ever and was low key upset when she stopped doing it💀
Kirishima-weird hair/shitty hair/spiky:
he just had a rlly bad haircut when they came back to school for their sophomore year, it was legit like how teen guys had it in the early 2000s-gelled up into spikes 🫥
he tried rewiring their broken fan in college. got electrocuted. went to the hospital. yeah.
he may not get sleep now, but it was RLLY bad their jr year of high school dear GOD. everyone would have to FIGHT him to get him to go to sleep, even putting that powder melatonin in his drinks 😭😭 (it was actually kats’ idea :(( such a sweetie)
shoto had this…phase…half way thru sophomore year of high school where he would over work himself with sports/work that he would literally put on icyhot every. single. day. (it drove EVERYONE crazy but no one dared to say anything)
ALL throughout high school jirou always had her headphones in. there wasn’t one time where she wasn’t listening to music and bkg being the old man he is thought it was “incredibly rude” and “disrespectful” (karma is a bitch tho bc after this HIS nickname was old man)
yeah the gang wasn’t kidding when momo went thru an INTENSE ponytail phase like she would gel it and everything😭😭😭the girls would be begging for momo just to keep it down or else she’ll keep getting called jojo siwa by the freshmen
Iida-four eyes/glasses:
….uh it’s kinda obvious LMFAO
Ochako-pink cheeks:
so bkg and ochako were actually #besties after they put their differences aside (after bkg apologized to izuku) and she would ALWAYS go to him and rant abt her crush on Iida. so, as “revenge” he would call her pink cheeks whenever she was talking to Iida. HOWEVER that so backfired on him bc the nickname made iida think bkg liked ochako (he also noticed their newest infatuation w/each other) and iida one day went to bkg to tell him HE liked ochako and was like “i see that you and ochako have made a new relationship, but i just need to tell you i have feelings for ochako.” anyways. bkg was going thru new anger management stuff and he had to take VERY deep breaths in order not to lose his shit LMFAO
….do i really need to say anything? 🤨🤨
hope you enjoyed that! thank you for the wait i love u guys 🫶🫶🫶
fun facts! ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
- you know it’s bad when kats is up at 1AM
- ain’t i a genius for that thomas the train gossip account? huh? hm?
- Jordan keeps their man in CHECK (they love each other) and Sero is half scared, and the other half find it very sexy
- also when i wrote that part all i could think of is that one song “walk him like a dog sis” because toshi and Jordan got that covered
- do u like mina and kiri’s users😇😇 idk if i do but whatever
- that gc has…some stuff in it. mainly just all the things of bakugou’s the gang has taken, broken, or lost LMFAO
- toshi and kam are just so cute i’m throwing up sobbing rn
- kiri always scowls at “unnecessary” language but then cusses too… double standards (he has never once called out mina tho HA)
- i feel like i’ve said this before but i need to say it again; i just KNOW in my SOUL kiri uses the laughing emoji
- sero and kam are mina’s ultimate hype men
- kacchan and deku-bed friends forever!
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iwas-tooru · 1 year
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kaminari: i just ended a five year relationship kirishima: oh my god, are you okay? kaminari: i'm fine, it wasn't my relationship kirishima:
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momo: just do it! jiro: ugh, fine! jiro: kaminari. kaminari: hmm? jiro: you give me butterflies. kaminari: huh? i don't remember giving anything to you- jiro: i meant butterflies in my stomach... kaminari: kaminari: ...you ate butterflies? ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── sero: *slides picture across table* i need you to shoot this person in the leg bakugo: that's... you? sero: mina wants me to do zumba with her
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kaminari: *spits out blood* you've become more powerful since the last time we crossed paths dentist: please stop, there's a sink right next to you
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sero: i was looking in the mirror earlier and feeling unattractive, could you compliment me to make me feel better? mina: mina: you have great eyesight
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aizawa: you two say you have nothing to do with this prank. are you lying to me? mina: well, sir, depends on how you define lying aizawa: i define it as not telling the truth. what do you define it as? kaminari: reclining your body in a horizontal position aizawa: aizawa: get the fuck out of my office
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bakugo: my memory is sharp as fuck, name the last time i forgot something! sero: you left denki in the walmart parking lot like three weeks ago bakugo: that was intentional, try again damn extra
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mina: i'm having fruit salad for dinner. mina: well, fruit salad- mina: it's actually mostly grapes mina: well, it's all grapes mina: fermented grapes... mina: wine. mina: i'm having wine for dinner.
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sero: hey kirishima, how do i get revenge on someone for wronging me? kirishima: the manliest way to get revenge is to let go and live well. sero: sero: hey, bakugo, how do i get revenge-
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mina: is stabbing someone illegal? bakugo: no sero: not if they consent to it kaminari: depends on who you're stabbing kirishima: YES???
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boss: you're fired sero: *turns in his badge and gun* boss: boss: you're a waiter, where did you get those-
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mina: hey bakugo, did it hurt? kirishima: when he fell from heaven? mina: no mina: did it hurt when i told you to google it and i was right? bakugo: SHUT THE FUCK UP RACCOON EYES
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kaminari: *hiding from villains* kaminari: *quietly tries to open a bag of chips*
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bakugo: this game is so stupid sero: c'mon man, just do it! bakugo: fine bakugo: shitty hair, truth or dare? kirishima: truth bakugo: how many hours have you slept this week? kirishima: uh... dare bakugo: GO TO SLEEP!! kirishima: kirishima: i don't think i like this game bakugo: *begins to vibrate*
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ghostykarma1 · 7 months
Pranking Bakugou pt 3 of 3
Made this a while ago, I'm glad I'm finally able to post it.
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candlecoo · 1 year
One funny idea for the aura au
Since Izuku is blind, his friends help him decorate his room but pull a prank on him by getting him crazy posters, chairs, and the like. He has a Dio poster above his bed, hanging upside down and he thinks it’s an All-Might poster.
The room looks horrendous when they're done. Everyone who pulled the prank thinks it's real funny until Izuku is so overwhelmingly grateful for their help. He's never had much decorations growing up other than things he had before he was blind (or that his mom picked out) cause all the other kids growing up were mean to him and he didn't trust any gifts from them after they pulled pranks on him. But now he feels like he has friends he can trust and care about him. And Izuku cried happy tears not knowing that they pulled a similar prank.
Todoroki, Ochako, Iida and Tsu are just glaring at the group that did it(let's be honest probably the bakusquad) and force them to actually decorate to Izuku's tastes when he's out or so help them.
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dat-bruv-person · 2 years
bakusquad x reader (separate) mutual pining hcs? like you like them and they like you but no one has made a move yet?
i'm sorry if this is a bad request-
*ೃ༄ you oblivious thing...
a/n: this is a really nice request don't worry my child! also I was just reading the Adventures of God on Webtoon and I come back to requests... my prayer has been answered.
gn!reader, poc!reader-friendly :)
≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
Bakugou is not making the first move because he thinks feelings are stupid and a waste of time. You're attractive and have a good personality, end of story. You probably don't like him so why make a move in the first place? Bakugou doesn't know that the feeling is mutual.
Jirou is holding back because she's afraid of rejection. She used to tease Kaminari but look at how the tables have turned. She feels confident in herself when she's around you, yet cannot bring herself to say the words she wishes to say in fear of losing a dear friend. Jirou also doesn't know that the feeling is mutual.
Kirishima isn't saying anything because he denies his feelings; brushing them off as nothing more than mere admiration and a burning passion to be your confidante. He wants to bring you happiness, and somewhere inside he knows that he cannot suppress such feelings for long - yet he always manages to come up with an excuse. Whether that's to convince other people or himself, we'll never know, but Kirishima doesn't know the feeling is mutual.
Denki is hesitant to tell you about his crush because he doesn't want you to feel like it's a mere prank or joke. He's infamous for him short circuiting 24/7 and making inappropriate jokes about people, never excluding any gender. Although he is much better than Mineta, he's never really taken seriously, and that's when he tells himself that it'd be better if you didn't know. It'd be better if you saved the embarrassment of walking around with a joke. Kaminari doesn't know the feeling is mutual.
Mina really doesn't mean to make it seem as if she's playing with your feelings, despite not even knowing the truth, but she feels like she doesn't deserve you. She's a queen and she knows it, but when it comes to you she would gladly give up her title to be your consort. She's practically in love with you in aver way possible. Mina doesn't know the feeling is mutual.
Sero has kept his mouth taped shut because he doesn't want to seem too desperate, even though he is. He just wants to be able to show you all his love but he can't do that now with the fear of wasting your time. He's seen you with your little friend group. He's not going to embarrass you, who wants a guy with tape on his elbows as a boyfriend? Sero doesn't know the feeling is mutual.
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ptq3000 · 11 months
bakusquad camera rolls
> mina's camera roll is full of photos of her and her friends. whether the photos are crack photos or mina's hot (mina's just took thirst trap photos) photos, you could probably just open her phone and look through all the memories she has. omg and she totally has some of her tiktoks saved.. she loves when people like the videos she does, please tell her you love her camera roll. she definitely has the most photos
> jirou would probably have screenshots of music she listens to or photos of coffee shops and record places that she'd really want to go to. she'd also be the type to take a bunch of crack photos of denki bc she teases him abt it later. but please take her where she wants to go, she doesn't want to be alone when she goes :((
> denki, with no doubt, has screenshots of him playing mobile games, like roblox. and you'd also find a couple of selfies with him running away from bakugo after a prank that he attempted. he'd also save like some cool edits, but other than that, his camera roll is very plain
> sero has all the videos and photos of denki's failed pranks. he always records the group's stupid shit to send to them later bc he's the camera man. you would occasionally find a few selfies of him from when he's too tired to think correctly and he just snapped a few photos on 'accident'. that mf knows what he's doing,,.he knows you go through his phone, so he takes those for your eyes only. mans has the most videos
> this mf won't give you his phone so easily, but when he does, bakugo has photos of his food and videos of kirishima. he thinks kirishima looks goofy asf when he's asleep, so you'll find a couple videos like that. he doesn't use his phone often bc he's always busy, but when he does, most of the time, it's mina (who's phone died) or kirishima (who forgot his phone) using bakugo's phone.
> kirishima has photos and videos of him at the gym. he likes to admire his progress. he's also the one in the group that takes group photos, always insisting to make a memory when the group hangs out. (bakusquad literally hangs out almost everyday and bc kiri is the sweetest baby, the group won't say no to a little group selfie)
a/n: i love kirishima so mcuh, don't come for me ok?
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animeweebart · 6 months
Bakusquad headcanons
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for the female readers- when its your time of the month he will use his quirk to heat up his body and he will be your personal heating pad
you guys will watch a lot of horror movies and he does this so he can hold you if you get scared and he acts like he hates it but he doesn’t
if you are sleeping in he would make you breakfast and then make you get up and if you don’t he would just pick you up and take you to class with you in your pjs he doesn’t care
there will be a lot of study dates and hates when you get tutored by someone else
if you go to his dorm in the middle of the night because you had a nightmare he would calm you down as much as he can and then cuddle you back to sleep. I also feel that is when you had your first kiss because you had a dream that he didn’t love you
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this man is treat you like royalty
I feel like he would give you back massages and harden the tips of his fingers and he would only give you massages
whenever he gets a new crimson riot item he will go to you and ask if you would like to see it and if you say yes his face will light up and he will tell you all about it
you definitely have at least two shark plushies that he gave you and he treats them like their his children
he is definitely a cuddle bug and likes being the big spoon so he can feel like he’s protecting you and he likes being the little spoon when he is having a bad day
he will let you help him dye his hair
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Pikachu onesies that’s all I gotta say
arcade dates for sure
I feel like he would randomly burst into your room for either to go out somewhere, to talk to you about a new game or Pokémon cards he got or for you to hide him from Bakugou
I saw this somewhere and I just love it so much. The first time he saw you in one of his hoodies he short cricked
you guys would play a lot of pranks on the class
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sero would let you lay in his hakim and you guys would have many naps and cuddles puddles together in the hakim
Spider-Man kiss
Mi amor
I feel like he would spin you around while you guys are walking
he seems like the type to have a record player and would play a song and just grab your hand and dance with you
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she would randomly break out into dance when she’s listening to music and you guys would be walking and holding hands and she’ll let go and you look over and she’s just on the floor break dancing
if there’s a new TikTok dance be ready for her to bust down your door with her phone in her hand
I feel that she’s really good at getting gifts like you wouldn’t need to tell her what you want she’ll just know
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I feel at the start of the relationship she’ll be really shy to show affection and get really flustered when you give her affection
once she gets more used to your guys relationship she would sing you to sleep and warm up to hand holding
she would write songs just for you
The first time you said “I love you “ she turned red and almost fainted
she is the most chill one in the Bakusqaud and I think she would take you on cute dates and many being concerts with her favorite band
Dekusqaud coming soon
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
BakuDeku Fanfic Recommendations
Deku stops calling Bakugo “Kacchan”
Archive of our own
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Art belongs to @spatziline
Note: If you read any of these works and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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What The Fuck Did You Just Call Me? by reading_raindrop
Summary: “A-ah B-Bakugou! You dropped some pencils!”
Katsuki stiffened. Kirishima and Kaminari froze. Basically, everyone within earshot stopped what they were doing to look at Izuku like he sprouted a second head. What did he just call him?
“What the fuck did you just say to me?”
“U-um I said you dropped some pencils! I think this eraser might be yours to-”
“No. What the fuck did you just call me?”
Complete | 4 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
Forgive Me? by miraculousemily47
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki is having a bad day. In a fit of rage at the world, he yells at Midoriya Izuku and says things he doesn't mean. When he tries to apologize, Izuku is nowhere to be found. By the time they see each other again, Izuku had already resolved to leave Katsuki alone.
Complete | 3 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
Back to Kacchan by K5breana, snakeroot100
Summary: What would Bakugou do to make Midoriya stop saying Kacchan? How would Bakugou react? Would he be excited to be rid of the childish nickname or would he want to go back to being Kacchan?
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
Not your Kacchan by ikindalikemylifealittlenow
Summary: Izuku overhears Katsuki say that he hates the name “Kacchan” to the bakusquad, so he makes an effort to stop calling Katsuki by the childish nickname. For some reason, this doesn’t seem to make Katsuki happy.
Incomplete | 5/? Chapters
Last Updated April 2023
Rated - Explicit
Summary: “Hey, Bakugou, do you have another pencil?”
Izuku stops calling Bakugou "Kacchan".
Bakugou has some feelings about that.
Complete | 3 Chapters
Rated - n/a
Midoriya Calls Him Bakugou by NightmarezReal
Summary: Bakugou starts to grow nervous. Somethings wrong. Deku hasn’t smiled at him in weeks. The half and half bastard is sticking way to close for comfort. What the hell did he do?
— — —
Or Izuku starts calling Katsuki by name and it freaks him out.
One Shot | UA Students
Rated - Explicit
The Elevator Incident by Sockwritesstuff
Summary: Bakugo had been avoiding Deku for a week now, and everybody was feeling the tension between the two. Honestly though what else was he supposed to do when Deku was so insistent on calling him by his actual name. Unfortunately for him though, he'd end up stuck in the dorm elevator with him. Forcing the two of them to actually communicate for once.
One Shot | SFW
Version of Me by StartOfTime
Summary: Izuku shakes his head. “No. I’m done, Katsuki. I’m done with you. The way you treat people… the way you treat me— I won’t put up with it anymore.”
Katsuki clenches his jaw, heart beating a little harder in his chest the way it always does whenever people talk about their feelings to him. He fucking hates it.
“Quit being dramatic. You’re not serious,” Katsuki asserts, though sensing that he is.
He briefly wonders if this is finally the last straw, if everyone has finally had enough of him. If Izuku has had enough of him.
Complete | 10 Chapters
Rated Teen & Up | UA Students
Gotchya by mysterymissteary
Summary: Izuku just wanted to pull a little prank. Just for fun. He called his partner by his family name.
One Shot | Pro Hero au
Rated - General Audiences
Don’t be stupid Deku by Original_Angel
Summary: Izuku had come to the terrible realization that Katsuki had finally left him behind. At first that thought had caused him so much heartache, but after a small outing with his friends, Izuku has found himself a lot more comfortable facing a life without Katsuki Bakugou.
Unfortunately, Katsuki Bakugou would rather die than living a life without Izuku Midoryia.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
Say My Name by Sekai_Nerah
Summary: "Don't ever call me that again."
"Dude, chill..." Kirishima tries to sooth.
"You hear me?" Katsuki spat. "Don't call me Kacchan."
When Katsuki finally snaps at Kaminari to stop using that damn nickname but doesn't realize a certain Nerd has taken it to heart.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
who the hell is 'babe'? by pinchingzuku
Summary: It's not that Katsuki didn't like the petnames-baby, princess, dork, lover, all that shit. But recently, that damn nerd has been refusing to call Katsuki what his actual name is. And no, it's not Katsuki.
One Shot | SFW
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