#balto words
dinodogs · 1 year
Honest to god I think these 3 scenes in particular shaped my entire life.
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paranoir-antares · 2 months
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like clockwork
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world-of-advice · 9 months
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The realization that the words “I/We would be lost without you” would’ve fucking made Cayla and me burst into tears
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littleplantfreak · 3 months
That's our baby
The first time you call you and Umemiya's dog 'your son'
SFW ig but a little suggestive at the end. Also I wasn't gonna name the dog but then I was like "Fuck it! It's Balto now"
Umemiya Hajime
"Baby I can explain-"
"You can explain why our son has a bowl cut?" You fume pointing at your two year-old Samoyed's misshapen head. He sits politely on the couch showcasing his new haircut, which normally you'd find hilarious because usually he can't settle down when you first get home. Apparently, though, he can tell when his father is getting scolded.
"Okay, first of all, I love you so much, and I love that you just called him our son because he is our son and-"
"I love you too. Skip to the bowl cut." He can tell by your stance, you're pretty mad.
"...Our normal groomer quit, and I couldn't find anywhere else to take him to," your husband breaths out in defeat before continuing. "I figured if I found a good video online, it would be easy. It was easy until he sneezed while I was trimming his face and three inches came off instead of one. He'd look weird if there was just a hunk off the side of his face, so I evened it out and it ended up like...this?" He says before crouching down and squishing his cheek next to your dog's. "C'mon he's kinda cute like this! He's our baby; he's always cute no matter what," he tries to appeal to your soft side by giving you the same puppy eyes your dog is giving you, and it almost works.
"The other dogs at the dog park are gonna make fun of him," you grimace, and at the sound of the word 'park,' your baby's ears perk up. He starts lifting and stomping his front paws gently, trying to behave but so excited that he might be going outside. Hajime lets out a dramatic gasp, hand to his chest before saying telling you that's blasphemy.
"He's friends with everyone at the park. There's no way they'll make fun of him just because of a silly haircut! Daddy thinks your friends are gonna love it, my little marshmallow." He starts squishing your dog's cheeks and speaking to him in the baby voice he saves especially for him.
Upon hearing 'park' for the second time, he starts whining and pawing at Hajime's arm. "Balto, honey, let's go for a walk." You pat your leg before grabbing the leash, and he bounds over to you, leaving his Father to pout on the couch with a quiet 'traitor' mumbled under his breath. "Haji, call Toma and ask if his cousin is still taking new clients. I'm pretty sure she grooms both dogs and cats," you say, going over to press a chaste kiss to his mouth, only for him to pull you in for a longer one, tongue swiping against your bottom lip and you almost lean in for more. Until you feel a wet nose press up against your cheek and you snort instead. Drawing back, Balto tries to get even closer to give you both his own flurries of kisses.
"See, he doesn't like when we fight! We have to get along for our baby's sake," he smiles letting your dog taste his entire face. You put one more kiss on his cheek before walking to the door.
"If you can't find a groomer by his playdate on Tuesday, you're getting a matching haircut. If you do find one, though, I'll wear that new outfit we got at the mall the other day. Y'know the one you almost ruined when we were in the dressing room? I'll let you ruin it for real this time," and you can see he's speechless now, head full of the red lacy thing that was more ribbon than clothing, that opens just like a present if you pull the right strings. Closing the door, you shoot Hiragi a text to let him know Hajime will be calling in the next few minutes and to get his stomach medicine ready, apologizing in advance for the hour long phone conversation he'll be subjected to. For now, you and your son have a walk to go on.
(I'm waaay to tired to triple check for spelling/grammar so I hope I got everything. I'm doing the same prompt but with Sakura next I think uwu)/ and then Sugishita as well...probably...maybe.)
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the-bad-batch-baroness · 10 months
Dancing Lights
Wolf!Wolffe x Fem!Reader
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Summary: During a mission on a frigid planet, you get lost in a blizzard and Wolffe becomes desperate to find you before you freeze to death. Once he does, he’s forced to reveal a secret part of himself in order to protect you from a territorial pack of wolves.
Pairing: Wolf!Wolffe x Fem!Reader
Characters: Wolffe, Plo Koon
Tags & Warnings: 18+, implied/referenced nudity with no descriptions, established relationship, hurt/comfort, light angst, suggestive themes, implied sexual content, violence, blood, injuries, reader doesn’t know she’s pregnant, protective!wolffe, snowed in, abandoned cabin, cuddling for warmth, Brother Bear/Balto type spiritual references, happy ending
Word Count: 12.7k
Author's Note: The terms "alpha" and "mate" are used in one part of the fic for a very specific purpose as a language marker (there are NO sexual, kink, or ABO implications). There’s also a distinctive speech pattern shift between Wolffe talking to the wolves and Wolffe talking to himself and the reader. This is intentional. The perspective shifts between the reader and Wolffe a lot, but the change is always separated by a paragraph break. As always, please enjoy 💚
@clonexreaderbingo Square: Smile
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Wolffe frantically searches for you. One minute you’re walking behind him and the next minute you’re gone. He trudges through the piling snow, calling out your name, barely a whisper over the raging winds and whipping snow, but receives no response for his efforts. The battalion lost long-range communications soon after the blizzard started and you’re not answering on comms, so his only hope is to find you before the drifting snow claims you. He can’t lose you, not now.
Wolffe only dares to backtrack so far to look for you, or he might lose the battalion as its dark gray silhouettes slowly fade into the white tundra. Wolffe stares out into the nothingness and calls your name as loud as his voice will let him. Then he waits, hoping for a shred of your voice to make it back to him, but he hears nothing. Gritting his teeth, he turns on his heels and uses the backs of his men as wayfinders to trudge his way up to the front of the procession.
“General,” Wolffe shouts over the storm.
“Yes, commander?” Plo Koon asks as his snow covered parka blows wildly in the wind.
“We’ve lost one of the… men,” Wolffe says, pausing to consider whether he should name you as the lost soldier. He knows how Jedi feel about attachments, and he’s not in the mood for a lecture. “They appear to be lost in the storm.”
“Have you attempted to make contact?” Plo Koon asks.
“Yes, sir,” Wolffe answers. “Multiple times, sir, with no success.”
Plo Koon raises his hand to his face in thought. “That is a predicament.”
“Sir,” Wolffe begins in a serious tone, “with your permission, I want to go after them.”
“That would be ill-advised, commander,” Plo Koon answers. “The storm is getting worse and we must advance to the rendezvous point before we become buried in it ourselves.”
“But sir,” Wolffe argues. “We can’t afford to lose anymore men. Our numbers are dwindling as it is. We need to find them.”
Plo Koon crosses his arms and waits a moment to respond, reading Wolffe through the force like an open book. “Attachments are dangerous, commander. As lethal as this storm.”
Wolffe grimaces and shifts on his feet like a child getting caught in a lie. “I don’t believe in leaving men behind, sir.”
Plo Koon’s facial features soften and he places a gloved hand on Wolffe’s shoulder. “Neither do I, but you are needed here. Perhaps we can send a scout.”
The general is both right and wrong. Having their commander walk away in the middle of a stressful situation will reduce the battalion’s morale significantly. They have been marching to their next rendezvous point for days, and the blizzard is only making it more difficult. However, there is no way in the stars above that a mere scout will be able to find you in this storm. The scout is more likely to get himself lost. But Wolffe? He can find you, without a shred of doubt.
“With all due respect, sir,” Wolffe argues, clenching his fists together to hold his composure. “I am the most suited for this mission. You know this. I refuse to risk any more of my men dying in this storm and being buried unceremoniously under a pile of snow.”
Plo Koon considers Wolffe’s words and the conviction behind them, then sighs. “Very well.”
“Thank you, sir,” Wolffe says, finally releasing the breath he was holding in.
“However,” Plo Koon continues. “We cannot halt the convoy or render aid if you fail your mission. You will be on your own.”
“I understand,” Wolffe nods before turning to walk away.
“And Wolffe,” Plo Koon adds quickly. “Come back safely. Both of you.”
Wolffe doesn’t answer, but the sentiment shared between the two is unmistakable. He will bring you both back safely, or it’s the last thing he’ll do. Wolffe climbs up into the ATTE he’s been living in for the duration of this campaign and grabs his pack. He grabs everything he might need, including canteens, rations, medical supplies, an emergency blanket, and a spare set of blacks, as well as tossing out anything that he knows he won’t need. Traveling light is a must.
Before making his departure, Wolffe seeks out Sinker and temporarily puts him in charge of the battalion for the duration of his absence. Leaving the battalion in Sinker’s hands is an easy decision for Wolffe to make. The sergeant has been by his side since the beginning of the war, and has shown considerable aptitude and courage under distress. Wolffe knows that he is up for the challenge and has faith in him to lead the men to the rendezvous point mostly unscathed.
With everything in order, Wolffe hops down from the ATTE, his boots sinking deeply into the fresh fallen snow beneath. The wind is ripping and visibility is minimal, but Wolffe steels himself and sets out in the opposite direction of the battalion. After a few yards, he looks back. The gray silhouettes of the men and machines are gone. There’s no turning back now. He faces forward, picking his feet up and over the snow in a painstakingly slow process, but at least he’s moving.
As he trudges through the blizzard, snow begins sticking to his armor and weighing him down. He stops every so often to brush himself off, but it quickly becomes a useless effort. He grumbles to himself that of all the planets you had to get lost on, why did it have to be this one? He’s not angry, but he is scared; scared for you and for the little package you carry inside you unawares. Regardless of how he feels about the situation, he is determined to find you.
After a little while longer, he stops and stands still. The snow swirls around him, covering his visor and the gray markings on his armor. He closes his eyes and breathes deeply, calling on the senses lying dormant within him to come to the surface and aid him in his search. No human or comm system can find you in this storm, but maybe he can. Maybe the wolf inside him can. A spirit of a bygone era that speaks to his soul at night and shows him images of dancing lights.
Wolffe removes his helmet, a dangerous move in this type of weather. The temperature alone could kill him with frostbite, but he needs to feel the air around him. The cold nips at the tips of his ears and wind blows through his short hair without caution, leaving little bits of frost at the tips. With his eyes still closed, he breathes deeper, calming every nerve in his body until he can find your presence. If we can’t locate you like this, then he’ll be forced to make a drastic move.
Suddenly, it clicks like a strike of lightning. Whether it’s a feeling, a sense, or an intuition, he knows where he needs to go. He shakes the snow off his head and replaces his helmet, bristling as the cold snow melts down the back of his neck. But, he doesn’t have time to worry about his comfort at the moment. Every second he wastes thinking about himself is another second lost trying to find you. He turns and starts walking, letting his internal compass guide him to you.
As he continues forward, the storm lets up a little. He wonders if the change will be permanent or if it’s just a momentary lull. Again, he doesn’t have time to think about the logistics when you could already be dead and frozen, buried under a pile of snow. He shakes his head at the intrusive thoughts, then notices a ridgeline of trees in the distance. His stomach flips and his breath quickens. He knows you’re in there. You’re smart. Of course, you’d try to find shelter.
Wolffe moves as fast as he can through the piled snow towards the forest of trees. He senses that you are nearby. He stops at the edge of the wooded area and scans to the left and to the right, searching, listening, hoping, and praying that he’s not too late and that he can find you still alive. As he’s standing there, a shiver runs up his spine and he knows he needs to find you soon. If he can find you in this weather, so can they, and he’s not in the mood to deal with that.
He enters the tree line cautiously, then hears a sound in the distance that stills his heart. He doesn’t have much time to find you. Breaking out into his best sprint through the deep snow, he pulls on the trees and branches for leverage, making his movements faster as he frantically searches for you. You're close. He can feel it. He can smell it. His heart is beating out of his chest at the sound. They’re coming, a lot of them, and he doesn’t want to be here when they arrive.
Wolffe releases a heavy sigh of relief when he finally sees you, or rather, he sees your emergency shelter tied to a couple trees. You have the beacon on, but its light is barely visible against the white and gray landscape. The shelter is partially buried by the snow and Wolffe falls to his knees to dig you out. The wet snow seeps through his gloves, and the cold bites at his fingertips, but he doesn’t care. He continues digging until he finds the opening of the shelter.
Once he finds the entrance, he digs a bit deeper to make a little path for him to snake his body down and get into the shelter to get you out. When the path is wide enough for his body, he gets on his stomach and shimmies his way to where the zipper is. He pulls it open just enough to peek inside and no more. That’s when he sees you, curled up into a protective ball, covered in an emergency blanket, with a small heat lamp in the middle of the shelter to keep you warm.
“Cyare,” Wolffe calls gently as he opens the entrance wider and wiggles the upper half of his body into the tent. There’s barely enough room for him to crawl on his hands and knees.
You stir and make a small grunting noise.
Wolffe releases another sigh of relief, then rests his forehead against the cold canvas floor of the shelter. He thanks the stars you're still alive. Sadly, his brief moment of relief is quickly interrupted when he hears the sound in the distance again. They’re getting closer and he’s running out of time. He picks his head up and curses under his breath. He needs to get the both of you out of here now, or there will be trouble, and not the type he can easily deal with.
Wolffe stretches out his hand and tugs on your foot, trying to wake you from your sleep. “Cyare,” he calls a little louder.
You startle awake. The light from the tent-opening blinds you for a moment and the cold air nips at your exposed face. When your eyes finally adjust, you see Wolffe’s familiar bucket staring at you. “Wolffe?”
“It’s me,” he says.
“You found me!” you exclaim with excitement.
Wolffe wiggles the rest of his body into the small tent and pulls you into his arms the best he can, gently pressing you against his armored chest. He removes his bucket and rests his forehead against yours. “I found you.”
The sweet reunion is cut short when Wolffe hears the sound again, but this time, it’s not so distant. He jumps into action, releasing you and putting his bucket back on. “Pack up,” he orders. “We have to go. Now.”
You're shocked by the sudden urgency, but you follow Wolffe’s lead and begin rolling up the blanket. “What’s the hurry? The storm–”
“They’re coming,” Wolffe interrupts while stuffing all of the loose items into your pack.
“Who’s coming?” you ask in confusion. One minute you’re sleeping peacefully in your shelter as you wait out the storm and the next minute Wolffe is rushing you back out into the storm.
“We don’t have time for me to explain!” Wolffe snaps. He feels more afraid than he was before he found you.
You’re slightly offended by his harsh tone, but if you know anything about Wolffe, it’s that he doesn’t mess around, especially when it has to do with someone’s safety. You decide not to push the issue and hasten your pace to get things wrapped up. The good thing about emergency shelters is that they’re quick to assemble and even quicker to tear down. You both finish with the pack and you follow Wolffe outside of the shelter and break that down too.
Before you get in another word edgewise, Wolffe grabs your arm and pulls you along through the snow. His grip is tight and you struggle to keep up, feeling like your arm will rip out of its socket. “Wolffe, stop!” you shout while pulling on his arm with your free hand. “Let go!”
Wolffe ignores your struggle, believing that you’ll forgive him later for his roughness when you’re both safe. He doesn’t have the time to coddle you or explain why you need to run away as fast as you can. Your yelling doesn’t help his cause, but then again, they don’t need to hear you in order to find you. It’s already too late, Wolffe knows this, but he refuses to give up without at least trying to get you to safety. Even if he has to deal with it on his own, he needs you safe.
You continue to struggle against Wolffe’s grasp and fight him with each step as you demand an explanation from him. He doesn’t give you one. He doesn’t even turn around to look at you. He just keeps walking, not letting up on his brisk pace that has you panting in cold air that burns your lungs. Finally, in a last ditch effort, and to give your lungs and legs a break, you let your legs go slack and plop yourself down into the snow, jerking on Wolffe’s arm on the way down.
Wolffe stops and grunts in frustration. “We don’t have time for this!”
“Wolffe!” you yell through a panting breath while trying to get him to listen to you. “I can’t keep up. My legs. My lungs. It hurts.”
Wolffe lets go of your arm and paces in a circle as he thinks. “I need you to get up.”
“I told you, I can’t!” you argue. 
Wolffe kneels down on the snow in front of you and removes his bucket. He grabs both of your cheeks and forces you to look into his eyes. “I need you to get up. Now.”
His gloves feel cold on your skin and for a moment you see something flash across his eyes, something desperate that you’ve never seen in him before. But before you get to respond, you hear it. The sound of howling in the distance. You watch as Wolffe tilts his head to the side to peek around you and in an instant, you finally understand. How he heard them before you did, you may never know, but that sound is what Wolffe has been afraid of, the sound of wolves.
You find new strength in your fear and get to your feet, ready to start running again, but Wolffe doesn’t move with you. You turn to see him still kneeling in the snow, staring out through the trees at nothing. Your confusion turns into worry which then turns into a deeper fear. You step behind him and place your hand on his shoulder for reassurance. He places his hand atop yours and stands to his feet. He knows something you don’t, but you're too afraid to ask him what it is.
“It’s too late,” he says in a hushed tone.
“Too late?” you ask as your voice quivers. “Too late for what?”
Wolffe turns around and pulls you tight against him, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in the crook of your neck. His cold plastoid armor digs into your clothing. He can hear the fear in your voice and it breaks his heart. This is exactly what he was afraid of, what he didn’t want to happen. The scenario he’s played over and over in his mind since he started out on this mission, the one he so desperately wanted to avoid at all costs, is now inescapable.
Wolffe drags his lips up to your ear and whispers. “Do you trust me?”
You shiver as his hot breath ghosts against the cold shell of your ear. “Always,” you answer.
Wolffe pulls away and plants two firm hands on both of your shoulders. “I need you to listen to me and do everything I say. Understand?”
You look into his eyes and nod your head. “I understand.”
“Don’t move,” Wolffe orders. He shakes your shoulders, like he’s trying to ingrain it in your body. “Don’t move a single inch, no matter what happens.”
You're confused by the instructions, but you trust that Wolffe knows what he’s doing, so you go along with it. “I won’t move. I promise.”
Wolffe nods his head and gives you a small half-smile. “Good girl.”
You watch him carefully, studying his body language, the way he worries his lip and shifts his weight from leg to leg. You can’t help but notice the growing anxiety, so you bring your hand up to cup the side of his face to reassure him. You smooth your hand over his reddened cheek, your fabric glove catching on the rough bristles of the stubble growing in. Wolffe places his hand over yours and leans into the caress, then pulls it away from his face to kiss your palm.
“You know I love you, right?” Wolffe whispers against your hand.
You smile. “I know.”
Wolffe relishes in the simple and soft moment he’s allowed to have with you. He’s not sure what will happen, but he knows that at least in this moment, he has you. He found you, which is what he set out to do. Mission accomplished. But, the promise he made to the general before he left the battalion reverberates in his mind. He swore he would bring you both back safely, and that’s what he still intends to do, no matter the cost.
An eerie silence washes over the area. Every sound of nature is muted by the snow and what’s left in its wake is a hollow peace. However, that silence is pierced by howls and soft steps in the snow. Wolffe closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, then turns to face the oncoming enemy. He keeps one hand on you for reassurance, and the other in front of him for his own defense, not that it will do him any good. His blasters won’t help him here either, not against a full pack.
The wolves come into view and surround you and Wolffe in a circle. Their fur coats are light gray and white, perfect camouflage for this place they call home. If it weren’t for their golden eyes and black noses, you wouldn’t even be able to see them. Your breath hitches in your throat at their menacing presence. The wolves are large. Larger than you ever imagined from the books you’ve read, with the tips of their ears easily coming up to your hips. You swallow back your fear.
The pack circles around you and Wolffe, then comes to a stop. Wolffe holds his ground as he waits for their next move, but he doesn’t have to wait long. A large, older looking pure white wolf steps out from the circle. The alpha of the pack, Wolffe assumes. He knows what he needs to do, but even in the face of all of these wolves, he’s reluctant. Without an explanation, he’s not sure how you will react to what he’s about to do, but at this point he doesn’t have a choice.
To your surprise, Wolffe starts shucking off his armor, tossing it about haphazardly until he’s only left in his black bodysuit. You watch him with bewilderment, trying to understand why he’d take his armor off during a situation like this. He’ll freeze to death with so little coverage and be vulnerable to attack. You remember his words about not moving, but you want to reach out and touch him. He must be able to read your thoughts because he turns his head to look at you.
“Remember what I said?” Wolffe asks.
“No moving,” you answer. “But Wolffe–”
Wolffe puts a finger to your lips. “Trust me.”
You nod your head and kiss his finger, earning you a sly grin.
Wolffe turns to face the white wolf and you can’t believe what you’re seeing. Bright yellow lights emanate from Wolffe’s fingertips, his toes, his eyes, and his mouth. Wind blows by your head and swirls around him, obscuring everything but his silhouette. You watch as his body morphs into a smaller form and your breath is stolen in awe. He doesn’t make a sound, even as his body contorts into unfamiliar angles. The wind and light disappear and what’s left behind is a wolf.
“Wolffe?” you ask hesitantly, body shaking from what you just witnessed.
Wolffe cranes his neck around and looks back at you with a single, piercing, golden eye, the other eye is still cybernetic and the scar over it has morphed to fit his new facial figure.
“You’re a… wolf,” you stutter in shock.
You’re stunned. When Wolffe asked you to trust him, you weren’t expecting this. You stare at his new form, a man’s body traded in for dark gray fur across his face and ears that travels down his back, a lighter cream color across his belly and legs, and a black stripe down the middle of his back that stretches to the tip of his fluffy tail. He’s a wolf, there’s no mistake about it. You can’t help but admire his beauty, and also feel a level of terror at the teeth hidden in his mouth.
Quite the show, the Alpha says.
Wolffe turns his head back to look at the Alpha. Not great. Rusty.
The Alpha considers Wolffe for a moment, unsure of what to make of him. Your wolf-speak is less than to be desired.
Wolffe snorts. Been a time.
The Alpha is not impressed with Wolffe and circles around you both, sizing up the situation.
As the Alpha moves around you, you notice that it’s much larger than Wolffe, but it also seems much older. You’re not sure why, but that’s the impression you get. You can see multiple scars across his body, each one a proud win against another wolf, you suppose, just as the clones have scars from their battles. To you, everything is quiet. You can’t hear them communicating, but you watch their body language and hear their growls, which still doesn’t mean much to you.
Wolffe plants his paws firmly into the snow, ears pinned, and snarls. Back!
Easy, pup, the Alpha says as he makes a full circle back to where he started. I’m only observing.
Not pup, Wolffe growls.
No? the Alpha questions. Then what are you?
Alpha, Wolffe answers. Own pack.
The Alpha looks at Wolffe with intrigue. Oh? I would have never guessed. You’re rather small for an alpha.
Wolffe barks at the insult, baring his fangs in an intimidating display.
It works, well, at least on you it does. You flinch at the sudden loud noise.
The Alpha disregards it and looks past Wolffe to you. What is that? A hunting trophy?
Wolffe’s fur bristles at the insinuation and rumbles out a low protective growl. Mate.
Odd choice… the Alpha says as he continues to stare at you with mild interest. He decides to ignore you for the time being. Tell me, alpha, what are the laws that govern?
Wolffe cringes at the question. He knows the answer, it’s written somewhere in the DNA that entangles with his own, but his wolf-speak is poor and he can’t put the words together.
Has your tongue gone still? the Alpha goads. Trespassing in another pack’s territory is an offense punishable by death.
Wolffe retakes his defensive stance and bares his fangs.
The Alpha pauses for a moment before responding. However, I am feeling generous today, young alpha.
Wolffe’s ears twitch.
You have two choices, the Alpha offers. Join our pack at a lower rank and we’ll let your mate go free or give us your mate as tribute and you may go free. The choice is yours.
Wolffe snorts at the two bleak choices and decides to make his own third option. He raises his head and howls loudly towards the sky.
The sound is deafening and you cover your ears to try and muffle it. You’re not sure what they’re doing now, but the tension and uncertainty is making your skin crawl. The golden eyes that stare at you from around the forest make you feel small and afraid. You wish to be able to speak to Wolffe, to get any shred of reassurance that everything will be okay, but he hasn’t said a word to you. Your best guess is that he can’t talk to you, which is the only thing that makes sense right now.
Wolffe finishes his howl and waits for the response.
You want to fight? the Alpha asks. A bold move for one so young and stupid.
Not dumb, Wolffe replies. Protect mine.
The Alpha snorts, then stares into Wolffe’s eyes as he searches his soul. You have the spirit of ages within you, young alpha. My old eyes can still see. The Alpha pauses. I will respect your wishes. If you win, you and your mate will earn safe passage through our land, but if I win, you will join our pack and your mate will perish.
Wolffe takes a deep breath. He has too much to lose not to stay focused. Seal it. Sing the song.
The Alpha lifts his muzzle towards the sky and howls. Wolffe then joins in the howling, letting their wolf-songs mingle and intertwine in the sky like a binding contract.
Promise, Wolffe says. Mate not hurt.
You have my word, the Alpha says. Your mate will not be touched during our fight.
Wolffe nods and takes a fighting stance. The Alpha does the same.
You watch the two wolves with great anticipation as your legs tremble beneath you. You’re still unsure about what’s going on, but whatever it is, you trust Wolffe. At least, that’s what you keep telling yourself. That’s what he told you to do and that’s what you have to hold on to. You must have faith and believe that Wolffe will work things out and you can both go home soon. But waiting in silence, without knowing, is slowly killing your nerves. You want to run and escape.
Your thoughts are abruptly interrupted when Wolffe and the Alpha lunge towards each other, fangs bared. A gasp escapes your throat and you have to tell your trembling legs not to move, just like Wolffe told you. The two wolves collide, both going for each other’s necks. You watch in horror as tufts of gray and white fur are flung about into the air. The sounds of growling and snarling fill your ears as they tumble in the snow, one on top of the other and then vice versa.
The Alpha pins Wolffe to the ground and clamps his jaw around Wolffe’s shoulder, causing him to cry out in pain.
“Wolffe!” you yell and take an automatic step towards him, forgetting Wolffe’s order not to move.
A wolf on the sidelines catches your movement and lunges towards you. You scream and fall back onto the ground. Your cry alerts Wolffe and he snaps his head up. With strength unknown to him he kicks the Alpha off of him and leaves his fight to get to your side. He snarls at the wolf and nips at his legs, causing it to retreat back to the circle. Wolffe whips around and looks into your frightened eyes. He brings his nose to your face and gives your cheek a small, gentle lick.
As sweet as the gesture may seem to Wolffe, you wish you could feel anything other than fear.  There’s blood on Wolffe’s muzzle and blood on his fur, reminding you of what he is doing.
Wolffe turns his attention back to the Alpha and barks. Liar!
The immature actions of a young pup, the Alpha says. I assure you, he will be punished severely. The Alpha glares toward the younger wolf in his ranks and bares his fangs with a low growl. The younger wolf cowers back with his ears flattened and his tail between his legs. Shall we continue?
Wolffe agrees and the fight recommences as they both tumble through the snow once again. Nipping and biting at each other’s necks, legs, bellies, and backs. Wolffe gets in a few bites, but the Alpha is much bigger and stronger, yielding better results with his bites, which leaves Wolffe’s beautiful gray fur coat marred with blood. He pauses to catch his breath and looks back at you, his strength and reason to fight. Mustering what he can, Wolffe forces himself to continue.
The yelp Wolffe makes when the Alpha sinks his fangs into his neck is unbearable. All you can do is watch and pray to the Maker that Wolffe survives this. You don’t know what started the fight, you don’t know the rules, and you don’t know what will happen to you if Wolffe dies. You shake your head at the macabre thought and focus on Wolffe surviving. You wish you could help him. You wish you could do more than watch as he lies helpless and whimpering in the snow.
Wolffe is out of breath and running out of strength. For a wolf so young, his stamina isn’t at peak performance, but for someone who rarely uses his wolf form, it’s better than he thought it would be. He lays in the snow, chest heaving as he tries to breathe. The bites sting him like fire and slow him down. He’s not sure how much longer he’ll be able to last. He knew he didn’t stand a chance against a seasoned alpha. He may be the leader of the ‘Wolfpack’, but he’s no alpha.
You want to cry. You don’t know how long the fight has been going on, but you’re getting sick of it. You know you’re not supposed to move, but you can still speak. They can’t stop you from cheering him on. Whether he understands your words or not is a gamble you’re willing to take, because you can’t lose him like this. “Wolffe!” you yell. “Wolffe, get up!”
Through his pained haze, Wolffe can hear your voice calling out to him. The sweet sound of his mesh’la, warped by the fear caught in the back of your throat. He knows you’re trying to be strong for him and he finds it endearing. The need to protect you and to protect his unborn child, overrides his pain. He shifts his legs in the snow, trying to get back up, using your voice as a crutch to stand. He rocks himself onto his stomach and hoists himself up onto his shaky legs.
Will protect, Wolffe chokes out between pants as blood drips from his muzzle. Won’t lose. My mate. My pup.
The Alpha watches Wolffe carefully. His own white coat has been stained by blood. Some of it is his but most of it is from Wolffe. He finds the young alpha compelling. His protectiveness over his mate is rivaled by that of many an alpha and he admires him for his strong will. The Alpha can sense it strongly now, the spirit that resides in Wolffe. An ancient spirit from many generations before him. The one that chases the moon at night and howls with his brethren in chorus song.
The Alpha approaches Wolffe and bows. I concede to you, young alpha.
Wolffe heaves in a labored breath, his shaking legs about to buckle underneath him. He’s not sure if this is a trick, but according to the laws that govern, this means he wins.
The Alpha steps closer and Wolffe takes a cautious step back.
Your spirit, the Alpha begins to explain, it’s strong and powerful; ancient as the dancing lights that adorn the heavens. Don’t lose it.
Wolffe stares into the golden eyes of the Alpha and sees his truth. He bows to the Alpha, turns, and limps his way over to you.
You and your mate will have safe passage through our land, the Alpha exclaims to Wolffe and his own pack.
Wolffe turns back to look at the Alpha. Thank you.
And with that, the pack of wolves disappear into the trees as silently as they came. You stare with wide-eyes, then drop to the ground, your legs refusing to bear the load of your body any longer. You don’t know if you should cry, scream, or laugh. Regardless, you and Wolffe are safe, at least you hope you're safe. You startle for a moment when you feel Wolffe’s nose touch you. You look into his tired eyes, trying to read them as best as you can, but you understand nothing.
“Can you turn back?” you ask. “To a human?”
Too weak, he answers, but his voice won’t reach your ears.
You sigh when you get no response. With no way to communicate with Wolffe, you’re not sure what to do. You don’t know where you are and with no comms to contact the battalion, you’re on your own. You stretch out your hand to pet Wolffe’s head, but you recoil it when you get too close, scared he might not be who you think he is. Wolffe sees your hesitation and lifts his head into the palm of your hand, nuzzling it for comfort. You smile and scratch behind his ears.
Overcome with the emotion you are holding in, you throw your arms around Wolffe’s neck and bury your face in his soft fur. “You saved us. Thank you.”
Wolffe wants to melt into your embrace, but a snowflake landing on his nose reminds him of the other situation. Wolffe pulls out of your arms and starts pushing at his armor with his nose, piling it together. You tilt your head at his actions, but when you see the snow start to fall again, you get the idea. You stack Wolffe’s armor neatly and wrap a cord around it so you can tie it to your pack. Wolffe grabs his bag between his teeth and you grab yours, slinging it onto your back.
Wolffe starts limping forward and you walk closely behind him, following his lead through the forest. If anyone can get you home, it’s Wolffe. You soon reach the end of the forest and stare out into the wide advance of nothingness. The snow falls harder and the wind begins to howl. You shiver as the cold air breaches your layers of clothing. Wolffe turns around and stands behind you. He noses at his bucket tied to your pack and you wonder what he wants.
You put your pack down and carefully remove his bucket from the neatly tied package of armor, then hand it to Wolffe, unsure of what he could possibly want with it in that form. It’s not as if it will fit on his head.
If Wolffe could roll his eyes, he would, but instead he pushes his nose against the bucket so it goes back towards you.
You sigh and shake your head, still unsure of what he wants you to do with it.
Put it on! Wolffe growls as he drops his pack from his mouth.
His sudden outburst startles you. “I don’t know what you want me to do!” you snap at him.
Wolffe tries to calm himself. The language barrier is grating on him, so he takes the bucket in his mouth and places his front paws on your knees to gain some height, then haphazardly drops the bucket on top of your head. It sits crooked and looks funny from Wolffe’s vantage point, but it should get the point across.
“Oh,” you realize. “You want me to wear it.”
Wolffe nuzzles his nose against your hand as an affirmation.
You situate his bucket on your head, but it’s too big on you and bobbles around. You think you look ridiculous, but if this is what Wolffe wants then this is what you’re going to do. It’s probably to keep your face from freezing off in the cold, but it could have other uses as well and you just don’t know it.
“How do you see out of this thing?” you ask as you try to walk forward, but the HUD throws you off balance.
Wolffe can’t smile or laugh, but he snorts through his nostrils at your comment. He sees just fine out of it, but then again, it is made for him.
You watch Wolffe’s reaction to your comment and wonder. “Can you understand me?” you ask.
Wolffe nuzzles his nose against your hand again to answer your question.
“We can work with that,” you think out loud. “We need some way to communicate... How about for yes or no questions, touch your nose to my hand for yes and growl for no?”
Wolffe touches his nose to your hand in agreement.
“Well, that was easy,” you breathe.
Actually, none of this is easy. You're several klicks away from your battalion, out in the middle of a snowstorm with a small amount of supplies, and an injured Wolffe who seems to be stuck in a wolf’s body. At least, that’s what you gather from the fact that he is still a wolf and not a human. You don’t have any way to confirm that theory, but you can’t imagine that he would choose to stay a wolf if he had a choice. The words you speak in your mind surprise yourself and you sigh.
Wolffe can smell the storm coming and he nudges your back to push you forward, causing you to stumble.
“Hey!” you turn around and exclaim. “Just because you’re a wolf doesn’t mean you can’t have manners!”
Wolffe snorts, picks his pack back up, and limps past you.
You huff, then hoist your pack onto your back and follow after him.
You’re not sure how long you’ve been walking, but your legs are tired and your body is freezing. The blizzard began to rage not long after you left the forest, and you're both out in the thick of it without much protection. The wind whips around you and threatens to knock you over as it bites your skin through your clothing. Wolffe was smart with making you wear the helmet. There’s no way you would’ve been able to see without it and your ears would have fallen off already.
You have one hand holding the strap of your bag and the other holding onto Wolffe’s tail as he guides you forward through the storm. You don’t know where he’s leading you, but you trust him that it’s towards shelter. Well, that’s what you're hoping for anyway. He, at least, has fur and is made for this type of weather, but, you don’t have a fur coat to keep you warm and your two heavy legs sink further into the deep snow while his four lighter legs sit closer to the surface.
It doesn’t take much longer for you to start staggering, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Wolffe when his tail gets yanked. It hurts, but it’s better than losing you in the storm, so he bears it without complaint. It’s when you let go of his tail that he gets worried. He turns around and looks back to see you laying still in the snow. Panic washes over him and he limps back over to you. He knows that if you stay like this, you’ll get buried in the snow and he can’t let that happen.
Wolffe drops his pack and digs with his paws to get your head out of the snow. He pushes you with his nose to try and get you back up, but you don’t budge. He knows you’re still alive, he can hear your heartbeat, but you still won’t move. He digs around each side of your body as the snow continues to bury your limbs. He grabs onto your outer jacket with his teeth and pulls, but with the weight of the snow you're too heavy for him. He steps back to reassess the situation.
Wolffe paces beside you as he tries to think, then howls in frustration towards the gray sky. Get up, cyare, Wolffe pleads. Please, get up.
He noses at your face, but gets no reaction.
We’re so close, Wolffe says, trying to encourage you to keep moving, like you did for him during the fight, but his voice falls on deaf ears. You have to get up! That’s an order!
He still gets no response. Not even a stir from you.
Don’t make me do this, cyare, Wolffe growls.
He only has one option left and it makes him sick to his stomach. It’s the last thing he wants to do, and he hopes you will forgive him when this is all over, but he’ll do anything to keep you safe. To keep you both safe. He digs out your left arm that has been re-buried by the heavy falling snow and bites down hard.
You jerk at the searing pain in your arm.
The adrenaline in your body starts pumping and you're quickly awoken. You figure you must have fallen asleep since you’re laying in the snow. You look up through the HUD with half-lidded eyes and see Wolffe crouching in front of you, your arm in his mouth. He’s biting you. He’s eating you. You stare at your arm as blood begins to soak through your coat sleeve. You’re scared. Not of the storm, but of Wolffe. He has your arm in his mouth and you're afraid he’ll rip it off.
“Get off me!” you yell hoarsely, scrambling to get up out of the snow and away from him. “I’m not your dinner!”
Wolffe drops your arm before you hurt yourself. I’m sorry.
You stare at him and then your bloody arm in shock and disbelief. “You bit me!”
Regret washes over him at your reaction. I’m so sorry.
“Why?” you ask. You feel heartbroken and confused as to why Wolffe would bite you. Why he would intentionally hurt you. You don’t understand. All of those sweet promises he’s whispered in your ear during moments of passion slip away on the raging winds of the blizzard. He told you he’d never hurt you, but he did. He hurt you and you’re bleeding. “Why would you do that?”
Wolffe drops his tail between his legs and lays himself flat against the snow to seem less intimidating. He wishes he could explain, but he can’t. He never meant for you to misconstrued his intentions so far as to think he would attack you on purpose, or eat you. It’s the worst-case scenario, but he’d rather have you alive and hate him than have you dead and love him. You both need to keep moving, but he lets you settle down before making any more movements.
You lie in the snow as you let the adrenaline run its course. The snow starts to pile around you and in a moment of clarity, you understand why he bit you. If he didn’t wake you, then you would have been buried in the snow and froze to death. It doesn’t make the wound hurt any less, and you’ll never forget what it looked like to have your arm bleeding in his mouth, but you can push past your anger for the moment and move on. You can talk about it later when you’re both safe.
You make an attempt to push yourself up and out of the snow, but struggle. Wolffe gets up and places his muzzle under your other arm, trying to help lift you so you can stand. You get the picture and use him to pull yourself out of the snow. Once you’re up, you lean against Wolffe to help regain your balance before trekking on. Moving is a chore for both of you now. Between his wounds and limp and your frozen and tired body, it’s a miracle you’ve even gotten this far.
When you’re ready to get moving, you grab onto Wolffe’s tail. He picks up his pack, and once again guides you through the blizzard to shelter. It’s not much further before you see a dark shadow appear through the blinding snow. As you get closer, you see the outline of a cabin and breathe a sigh of relief. You knew Wolffe would find shelter, and you’re so thankful that he’s with you. If it weren’t for him, you’d still be back in the woods, waiting to be devoured by wolves.
You approach the cabin and Wolffe scratches at the wooden door, whining for you to open it. You pull the latch and Wolffe drops his pack and runs in before you to be sure it’s safe. The last thing you need is more danger or obnoxious critters. The cabin is dark and cold, but solid, and not too drafty. It will do just fine to wait out the rest of the blizzard. Wolffe circles back from his perimeter search and presses his nose into your hand to let you know it’s safe for you to enter.
With Wolffe’s nose-touch of approval, you pull the door shut against the merciless winds and latch it closed. You drop your pack down, pull out some glow sticks, and the small heat lamp you had in your tent. You crack the glow sticks and place them around the outer areas of the cabin to get some much needed light, then place the small heater in the middle of the room. It won’t throw enough heat for the entire cabin, but it will take the chill out of your bones for the time being.
Wolffe can see without the glow sticks, but he knows you can’t. As you settle in, he does a more thorough reconnaissance and assessment of your situation. There’s a fireplace, some chopped wood, an old table, some broken cabinets with no food in them, and a worn out rug in the middle of the floor. It’s not much, but it’s enough. More than enough, actually. Wolffe turns when he hears you strike a match to light the fireplace. The small fire casts a warm orange glow in the room.
Finally able to relax, you take Wolffe’s bucket off and place it on the table alongside his armor. You pull your coat and gloves off, and blow into your hands to warm them up. It will take a little for the fire to heat the entire cabin. You look over at Wolffe and see the blood dripping from his shoulder. You’re not sure how he’s still standing, but you need to get that wound taken care of before it becomes infected. You grab the medpack from your pack and walk over to the fire.
“Come here,” you call as you sit crisscross on the rug and pat the area next to you.
Wolffe, absolutely exhausted, slowly limps over and lies down on the carpet beside you. He places his muzzle on your left leg and you run a hand across his head. He closes his eyes. You gently move your hand down to touch the area where his shoulder is bleeding and he whines. You frown, then grab the bacta and start applying it. Wolffe kicks out his hind leg at the pain, but he stays still for you. Finally, you wrap the wound in bandages, then take care of the other bites.
Once you’re done with Wolffe’s wounds, you move onto your own. You pull the sleeve up on your left arm, and wince as the movement opens the scabs that are stuck to the fabric.
Wolffe picks his head up off your leg when he hears your pain. He looks for the source and sees the puncture marks of his teeth on your arm. His stomach drops. He gave you that wound. It’s his fault that you’re bleeding and he wishes he could fix it. If only he had the strength to change back, he could bandage your wound, instead of forcing you to do it yourself. In an effort to help, he leans forward and licks at your wound, but you recoil and reflexively whack his nose.
“Ow!” you exclaim. “That hurts!”
Wolffe whines and lowers his head to rest on the rug between his front legs. He didn’t mean to hurt you even more. He just wanted to help. I’m sorry, cyare.
You look at how sad he is and sigh. “I’m sorry,” you whisper. “I know you didn’t mean it.”
Wolffe remains still, but lifts his eyes to look up at you.
You meet his gaze and offer him a sad smile. You can never stay mad at Wolffe for long, even if he did bite you. Usually you like it when he bites you, but not when his teeth are as sharp as a vibro-blade. Besides, there’s no use in staying angry at him, not when he’s already saved your life three times in one day. You pat his head and give him a small scratch behind his ear, which seems to perk him up a little. “Good boy.”
Getting back to the task at hand, you apply the bacta to your wound and wrap it in a bandage. It’s not the best job you’ve ever done, but you did it with one hand, so you feel somewhat proud of yourself. Now that the wounds have been taken care of, you move onto food and water. You get up from the floor and rifle through Wolffe’s pack. You grab the canteens and rations from it, since you used your supply back in the forest, and sit back down next to Wolffe.
You reach out to hand one of the canteens to Wolffe, then stop when you remember he can’t drink out of it like a person. You sigh, stand back up, and walk over to the kitchen area past the old wooden table. There’s no food in the cabinets, but there has to be a bowl you can use, and it doesn’t take long for you to find one. You wipe it out with your shirt and bring it back to where you were sitting, then place it in front of Wolffe’s nose and pour the canteen of water into it.
Wolffe continues to lie on the floor, but picks his head up to lap at the water in the bowl. He didn’t realize how thirsty he was until the first droplets hit his tongue and he eagerly drinks the rest of the bowl, being careful not to spill any of the precious resource. When you try to refill the bowl with more water, Wolffe stops you. He doesn’t need it as much as you do, and if push comes to shove, it’s easier for him to go find water in his wolf form, than it is for you as a human.
Once you’ve had your fill of water, you open up the ration pack and toss one of the bars to Wolffe. He catches it mid-flight in his mouth and eats the entire bar in one bite. You’re a little surprised, but you’re not sure what you were expecting, considering the size of his mouth and what wolves actually eat for sustenance. You chuckle. “Well, those aren’t going to last long.”
When you try to give Wolffe another ration bar, he does the same thing he did with the canteen of water and declines it. He intentionally doesn’t catch it, and the second bar comically bounces off of his head and onto the ground. Wolffe gently picks the ration bar up in his mouth and drops it in your lap for you to eat. He can survive on the one ration bar for a while. It’s more important to him that you get your proper nutrients to help keep you and the little one healthy and safe.
You pick up the ration bar and cringe in disgust that it has some of his wolf-saliva on it. But, then again, it can’t be the worst bodily fluid of Wolffe’s you’ve ever put in your mouth, so you eat it without complaint and try not to think about it too much.
After you finish the ration bar, you and Wolffe sit in silence for a while and just listen to the crackling fire in front of you and the howling blizzard outside. It’s peaceful, in a sort of sense, and almost comforting. You look over at Wolffe and wonder if he’s fallen asleep. He has his front paws crossed with his head resting on top of them and his eyes are closed. You look back over at the fire and yawn, thinking it’s best for you to get some sleep as well. You’re exhausted.
You get up off the floor, walk over to the table, grab the blanket from your pack, and sit back down next to Wolffe. You look over at him and his eyes are open and staring at you. You shake your head at his alertness. Not much gets past him. You stretch your arms out over your head, then lay the blanket on your body. You rest your head on the hard floor, which quickly becomes uncomfortable, and you know you’ll wake up with a crick in your neck if you try to sleep like this.
You sit up and look at Wolffe, who is still watching you. “Can I…” you fidget with the edge of the blanket. “Can I lay on you?”
Wolffe picks his head up and beats his tail against the wooden floor.
You giggle at his response. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Wolffe changes his position and lies out flat on his side with his legs outstretched towards the fire. He doesn’t care what position he sleeps in, because his fur works as a buffer against even the hardest of surfaces. He’ll gladly be your pillow and he’s happy to oblige you. You're still his cyare, even when he’s in his wolf form. The wolf form changes nothing about how he feels about you or his devotion and duty to protect you. He may be in a wolf’s body, but his heart is his own.
You situate yourself between Wolffe’s legs and lay your head on his side, being careful not to disturb any of the bandages. His body is warm and his fur is soft. You can feel him breathing steadily as his chest rises and falls, and the sound of his heartbeat is so similar to his human form that when you close your eyes, you can imagine it’s him you’re laying against. You nuzzle your cheek against Wolffe’s soft fur and let yourself drift off to sleep, safe by his side.
When you wake up, you feel a slight chill and notice the fire has died down. You need to get up to put more logs on it to stay warm, but you don’t want to move. You lazily rub your face against Wolffe, but it doesn’t feel right. There’s no fur. You pick your head up and look at Wolffe, but he’s no longer a wolf, he’s human. He’s also completely naked. Realizing that he’s going to freeze to death being exposed like that, you lay your blanket on top of him and get up to rekindle the fire.
You're glad he’s back to normal. You weren’t sure how long he was going to be a wolf, or if he was ever going to change back into the man you know, but you feel relieved now. You carefully lift the blanket to check the bandages, and you can see his injuries better now without the fur, and they look good. Nothing is infected, but the bandage on his shoulder needs to be changed. You run your fingers through his hair, then warm yourself by the fire and wait for him to wake up.
It’s not much longer before Wolffe begins to stir and shift uncomfortably on the hard wooden floor. You smile as you hear the familiar grunt he makes when he wakes up from a good night’s sleep and you bask in the sound of the deep voice you love so much. You turn from the fire to look at him, and you see him try to push himself up from the floor and onto all fours. You scoot across the rug and gently push him back down before he reopens the wound on his shoulder.
“Cyare,” Wolffe says, his voice rough with sleep. He tries to touch his nose to you, but he misses by several inches, not realizing that he’s back to his human form.
“It’s me,” you giggle.
“You can understand me?” Wolffe asks in confusion.
“You’re you again,” you explain as you grab his hand and touch it to his face. “See? No fur.”
Wolffe grunts like he has a hangover and places a hand against his throbbing head. “Must have changed back in my sleep.”
“Yeah, about that…” you say, trying to segue into the obvious.
Wolffe slowly sits up, the blanket falling down around his waist. “It’s a long story.”
“We’ve got time,” you counter while sitting down next to him. “The blizzard hasn’t let up.”
Wolffe sighs. He knew this conversation was coming and he thought of several ways to explain it to you without it sounding like some bizarre folktale, but he’d rather not. “You won’t believe me.”
“Try me,” you say with folded arms.
A shiver runs up Wolffe’s spine and he realizes he’s naked. “Can I have my blacks first?”
“Oh, yes, of course,” you say before getting up and grabbing the spare set of blacks Wolffe put in his pack, then returning to hand them to him. “Sorry about that.”
Wolffe chuckles and grabs his blacks from your hands. “Nothing to be sorry about.”
Wolffe quickly puts his blacks on and melts into the comfort of the tight bodysuit against his bare skin. He sits back down next to you and immediately pulls you into his lap, your back against his chest, and wraps his arms around your stomach while burrowing his face in your neck. He peppers your neck with soft kisses, making you smile. His kisses become longer, more focused, and he trails them from your neck down to your shoulder as his hands creep under your shirt.
“Wolffe,” you say knowingly.
“Hm?” he mumbles into your neck.
“You’re stalling,” you say as you remove his hands from under your shirt.
Wolffe grunts at your perceptiveness. He really thought he could make you forget by working you up, but he was dead wrong. You want to know, and he knows you well enough that you won’t let it go until you have an answer. With a heavy sigh, he stops his attack of kisses and shuffles you around in his lap so you’re facing him. “Are you sure you want to know?”
“Yes,” you answer. “Tell me everything.”
Wolffe sighs and begins his recount of the events.
“It was near the beginning of the war. My first campaign after losing my battalion and my eye. I was at my lowest point back then.”
Your shoulders slump and eyes soften at his words.
“During the campaign I got separated from the battalion, on a world similar to this one, and I found myself cold and alone on the side of a snowy mountain, staring up at the night sky and waiting to die. Thought I was going to.”
You lean your head on his shoulder as you continue to listen.
“Then I saw these green and blue lights appear out of nowhere and dance across the black sky, right over my head. They were beautiful. As I stared up at the lights, I saw this white figure jumping down from them like it was a staircase or something. As it got closer, it kinda looked like a wolf, but it was see-through and wispy-like. I’d never seen something like that before.”
You chuckle at Wolffe’s descriptions.
“You find it funny, but I thought I was dying and seeing things. So, the wispy-wolf-looking thing came over to me, and I mean it stood right next to me, and started talking to me. It said I had a ‘strong heart’ and a ‘wise mind’, or something like that, and then it asked me if I wanted to live. I actually thought about saying no, but I ended up saying yes for whatever reason.”
You grab onto Wolffe tightly, and he rubs your back to soothe you.
“Then it spoke again and said it was an ancient wolf-spirit that travels across the night sky, waiting for someone worthy who can tether it back to the ground, or something like that. It didn’t make much sense to me, but I agreed. It was better than dying on that mountainside. Then that thing walked right inside of me and I nearly pissed myself.”
You snort.
“That was my first transformation into an actual wolf. Once I was in the wolf form, I could smell and see and sense all kinds of things. That’s how I found my way back to the battalion. The general was the only one who knew it was me, through the force I guess, and we never told anyone. It took a little to figure out how to transform back, but the wolf-spirit’s been inside me ever since.”
“You can’t get rid of it?” you ask. “Just out of curiosity.”
“Not that I know of,” Wolffe shrugs. “It’ll probably leave me when I die, and go back up into the dancing lights.”
“I guess that makes sense,” you say.
Wolffe tilts his head to the side. “It does?”
“Well, yeah,” you answer.
“So, you believe me?” Wolffe asks.
“Of course,” you say with a small laugh. “There’s no reason not to. Besides, there’s lots of things in this galaxy that we don’t know about, and wolf spirits now aren’t one of them.”
Wolffe gives you a crooked smile and places his forehead against yours. “I don’t deserve you.”
You lean into the embrace and sigh, but your happy moment is interrupted by your growling stomach.
“Hungry?” Wolffe asks.
“A little,” you answer while getting off his lap.
You walk over to the table and pull out the last package of rations from Wolffe’s pack. You open the package and put one of the bars in your mouth, then throw the other one to Wolffe. He catches it, but he doesn’t eat it.
“You can have mine,” Wolffe says.
You cross your arms. “You need to eat.”
“I can wait,” he says.
“You're injured,” you argue. “You need energy to recover.”
“I have reserves,” he retorts.
“Wolffe,” you huff. “I’m not arguing with you. Eat the bar.”
“I said, no,” he says sternly.
“Fine,” you say as you put your coat on. “Then I’ll go find you something to eat.”
Wolffe gets up from the floor and grabs your arm. “You’re not going anywhere.”
You give Wolffe an incredulous look, then yank your arm back. “What is your problem all of a sudden?”
“I’ll go out and find us some food,” he says.
“You’re injured!” you exclaim. “If you transform back into a wolf, you’re going to break open your wound!”
“That’s a risk I’m willing to take,” he says.
“Well, I’m not,” you huff and start walking towards the cabin door.
Wolffe stands in front of it with his arms crossed. “You’re staying in this cabin and that’s an order.”
“Wolffe, I swear to the Maker, you can’t just pull rank on me whenever it suits you!” you exclaim.
“Too bad,” he says.
You fume and try to push past him. “Get out of my way!”
Wolffe groans. “Stop fighting me!”
“Stop telling me what to do!” you yell.
Wolffe grabs your shoulders and shakes you. “What do I have to do, huh?” he asks. “Tie you up?”
“Maybe,” you sneer.
“Why can’t you just listen to me?!” he exclaims.
“Because,” you begin, “you’re not making the best decision for the two of us!”
Wolffe’s patience snaps. “Only because I’m trying to make the best decision for the three of us!”
You pause, taken aback by his choice of words. “Three?”
Wolffe sighs and leans his head back against the door, kicking himself for saying the one thing he didn’t want to say.
“Wolffe,” you ask slowly. “What do you mean by three?”
Wolffe wipes his hand across his face and looks at your confused expression. “You’re pregnant.”
You gasp in shock. “What– How– When– How do you know that?”
Wolffe rubs the back of his neck. “It started out as more than a hunch, but when I transformed into a wolf, I knew for sure because I could hear its heartbeat.”
You place a hand on your stomach and stagger backwards, looking for a place to sit as you try to process this life-changing information.
Wolffe catches you and guides you to one of the chairs by the table. He kneels down in front of you and takes your hands in his. “I wasn’t going to say anything until you figured it out on your own. I’m sorry. It would’ve been difficult to explain.”
You stare at Wolffe, still in disbelief. “I’m pregnant?”
Wolffe nods his head. “Yeah.”
“I’m pregnant,” you say as you continue to stare at Wolffe.
Wolffe isn’t sure what to do, so he just stays still and waits for you to make the next move.
Suddenly, the lightbulb turns on in your head. “That’s why you gave me your rations and why you didn’t want me to leave.”
Wolffe lets his shoulders relax as you finally understand. “Exactly,” he sighs. “I was worried about the baby.”
You start to laugh and Wolffe raises his eyebrow in confusion. You throw your arms around Wolffe’s neck and squish yourself against him tightly. He pulls you from the chair to sit in his lap and holds you there for as long as you will let him. He rubs your back with his hands and soothes you with soft kisses along your neck.
“Will you let me take care of you now?” he whispers.
“Yeah,” you mumble.
Wolffe gives you one last big squeeze, then hoists you up to carry you over to the rug near the fire. He places you down gently on the rug and wraps you up in the blanket, then gives you a small kiss on the cheek. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Promise?” you ask.
“Promise,” he answers.
Wolffe removes his blacks, since it’s the only pair he has and he doesn’t want to ruin them, then hands them to you. “Here, they should smell like me now.”
You smile, take them from him, and breathe in his calming scent.
Wolffe leaves the cabin, making sure the door latches securely behind him, then transforms into a wolf so he can find some food. His shoulder wound still hurts, but he can walk on it without much of a limp now, which is fine for him. Even if it was broken, he would still go out and find you food. The urge to protect and provide is so much stronger now that he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re carrying his child. He would do anything to keep you both safe.
Now that you’ve settled down and have time to think, you feel bad for being angry and argumentative with Wolffe. Everything he’s done for you since he first found you in the forest has been to protect you and the baby you didn’t even know about. You can’t even begin to imagine how difficult it has been for him to keep that secret for so many weeks. You’re body hasn’t changed, so it never even occurred to you that you could be pregnant, but he knew.
You wait diligently in front of the fire for Wolffe to return, wishing you had a data-pad to distract yourself with, or even a deck of cards, or anything. Waiting in the quiet is making you fidget out of boredom, and if you’re not careful, you’ll fidget your fingernails right off your fingers. You need something busy yourself with, so you scan around the cabin to try and find inspiration. Then you realize that whatever food Wolffe brings back with him is going to need to be cooked. Bingo.
You throw Wolffe’s top blacks over your head, so you don’t have to carry the blanket around, and you walk over to the kitchen portion of the room. You go through all of the broken cabinets and drawers until you find something to cook in. You have a fire, but throwing some dead carcass on an open flame makes your stomach churn. Eventually, you find a large pan hidden away in a corner. It’s a little dusty, but it’ll do. You clean it off, then set it near the fire to preheat.
Satisfied with your preparations, you sit back down onto the rug and continue to wait for Wolffe. Your wait isn’t much longer before Wolffe returns from his hunt, but then again, without a chronometer, you can’t tell how long he’s actually been gone. The latch on the cabin door opens, then closes abruptly, and you smile while stoking the fire. You hear him take a few steps into the cabin as the floor creaks beneath his weight, but the steps are followed by a loud thud.
You whip around to see Wolffe lying on the ground, his fresh kill next to him. You rush over to check and make sure he’s still breathing, and he is. Thank the Maker. His body is cold from exposure, which makes sense, but you notice his breathing is labored and he’s sweating. You put your hand to his forehead and it’s hot. He has a fever. You curse under your breath, and check under the bandage on his shoulder. It’s red around the edges, just what you were afraid of.
“Wolffe,” you say. “I need you to get up for me.”
Wolffe groans.
“Come on,” you say while putting his arm around your shoulder. “You’re too heavy for me. I need you to help me.”
Wolffe musters what he can and you do your best to drag him over to the rug by the fire. His body is cold, and you need to warm him up so he has a chance to fight the infection. You lay him down on the rug and work to get his blacks on. It’s a struggle, and you wish he would’ve stayed in his wolf form since it came with its own fur coat, but you guess it’s better if he can talk to you. You cover him with the blanket, then focus on cleaning and redressing his shoulder.
Once you get Wolffe situated, you turn your attention to the dead creature at the door. You're not completely sure how to turn it into dinner, so you just throw it into the pan next to the fire and hope for the best. It’s better than starving, but you wish you could make it into soup to help Wolffe. You think for a moment, then get an idea. You grab snow from outside and use it to fill the pan. Then take the electrolyte package from the medpack and dump it in the pan too.
You look at your concoction brewing by the fire and narrow your eyes. “That’s going to taste awful.”
“Mesh’la,” Wolffe calls in between pants.
You turn your attention away from the pan and back to Wolffe, then scoot over to him. “I’m here.”
“Sorry,” he breathes.
You smile and wipe his forehead with your sleeve. “Don’t be. You took good care of me, of us. Now it’s my turn.”
Wolffe doesn’t respond, but you know he would if he could. What’s important now is that he gets rest.
After a little while, you check on the weird soup you’re trying to make and see that the creature is thoroughly cooked, at least, you think it’s thoroughly cooked. You taste some of the ‘broth’ and you’re not impressed, but at least it has salt and nutrients in it. You scoop up the broth into one of the bowls you found and bring it over to Wolffe. You situate yourself behind him so he can sit up against you and you can help him drink it. He fights you on it, but you eventually win.
Once you’re both fed, you throw more logs on the fire and settle in on the rug next to Wolffe. He’s shivering from his fever, so you snuggle up to him to try and keep both of you warm. It’s not ideal for you, but you know Wolffe would try to give you the blanket and his blacks if he knew you were cold, and you can’t let him do that, not when he’s sick. With Wolffe heating your back and the fire heating your front, you let your mind slow down and drift off to sleep.
The next two rotations, you guess, are similar. Wolffe’s fever continues as he fights the shoulder infection and the blizzard still rages on outside. You wonder if it’ll ever stop. The only good thing about the cold is that you can leave the leftovers outside and defrost them by the fire when you need them. Lucky for you, Wolffe brought back a decent sized creature that you’ve been able to ration out. But, the food reserves are dwindling, and neither of you will survive on nothing.
Finally, on the third rotation, you think, Wolffe’s fever breaks and his infection looks much better. He continually apologizes to you for getting sick, but he knew that if he didn’t bring back food, and he fell ill, you both would have been in trouble. You, of course, tell him not to worry about it and that you’re glad he came back safely. He saved your life, again, and you couldn’t be more grateful. Actually, he saved both you and your baby’s life, which makes you love him even more.
Not long afterwards, you both notice a silence. It’s still dark outside, but there’s a certain sound missing. The sound of the howling winds. You walk over to the cabin door, with Wolffe right behind you, and you open it to see nothing but a white ground and a black sky. The storm is over. You smile and lean back against Wolffe’s chest in relief. Now you can leave and head towards the rendezvous point to meet up with the battalion. It won’t be difficult with Wolffe leading the way.
As you stare out into the darkness, hot puffs of breath mingling into the cold night air, the sky lights up with green and blue colored streaks. Your mouth gapes and your eyes widen at the magical sight. It’s just like Wolffe described, dancing lights in the night sky. Wolffe wraps an arm around you and pulls you close against him and smiles. He’s happy you get to see them too. Then he hears the spirit within him howl towards the dancing lights above and he feels complete.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
I challenge you to write pre-SOLDIER zangst
Challenge accepted.... challenge completed.... with loads of tears 🥲
Zack burst into the house, the door slamming behind him, nearly tripping on the bunched up welcome mat. "Mama! Mama, they were here!" he shouted, breathless.
Zack's mother looked up from chopping vegetables in the kitchen, her eyes widening as she saw his state—dirt smeared his tank top, and there was a hole in his shorts that wasn't there this morning.
"Zack! Where did you go?" She rushed to him with the dish towel in hand. "You were supposed to be home an hour ago!"
"No, Mama, listen—!"
"And just look at your face!" She bagan wiping the dirt from his cheek. "Did you fall from that tree at the grove again? I warned you not to let those older boys trick you into climbing it. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone," she said, utterly exhasperated.
"I wasn't there, Mama!" Zack protested, "the guys in suits that work for Shinra were heading up to the reactor again, and we saw them!" Zack's words tumbled out in a rush as he pushed away the dish towel.
Mrs. Fair shook her head, turning back to the kitchen. "Zack, honey—"
"I talked to them, and one of them said I’m a really fast runner. They saw us playing with the sword and said I should join the army! They even said I could be really good at it!"
Zack let his excitement flow as he bounced on his feet, circling his worried mother who kept chopping the carrots with a nervous look on her face.
"It's the same guys who recruited Balto, Mama! Balto's one of them now, and they say he's making a lot of money. He even paid to fix his parents' roof, remember?" Zack's excitement was as palpable as his mother's worry.
"Zack, sweetheart—"
"What if I manage to join SOLDIER? I know I can do it! I’m already getting pretty good with Dad’s old sword. With some more practice, I could be a hero! Just like Sephiroth! Imagine that! What if—"
Mrs. Fair gently placed her hand on his head, silencing him, yet prompting him to look up at her with wide, hopeful eyes. He knew what was coming, yet it didn't stop him from hoping.
"Zack, Balto hasn't been home in a very long time," Mrs. Fair began softly, marking the moment the boy's exuberance faltered, his gaze dropping to the floor.
"His mama misses him very much," she said, "and I'm sure he misses her too. But the life of people who work for Shinra is very busy. I bet they can't visit home whenever they want."
Zack squared his thin shoulders, puffing his cheeks. "Yeah, but I'll be home lots, you'll see!" he insisted.
Mrs. Fair hesitated, her hands stilling for a moment before she resumed chopping the vegetables. "It's dangerous out there, honey. Not just for those who work with Shinra, but the planet as a whole. People are not as understanding as the ones here in the village. It'll be dangerous for you."
Zack's jaw tightened. "But I'm brave, ma. I… I'm not some dumb kid anymore."
"You're twelve, honey. You've got a long time to think about your future." She smiled, her eyes flickering between him and the vegetables. "And if you are to leave the village, I'd rather it be to go to college.
Zack groaned softly. "I don't think college is meant for me, mama. And working in the village too. I love it here, but I want to be a hero, you know?"
She laughed as she transferred the vegetables from the counter into the boiling pot. "You're already a hero to me, honey—you saved my life by being born and brightening up my world. You don't need to prove yourself any more than that."
Zack felt a lump forming in his throat, his eyes stinging with the threat of tears.
"Get cleaned up before dinner. Dad will be home soon," she added, her back to him now as she tended to the bubbling pot on the stove.
Zack swallowed hard, trying to push down the swell of emotion. "Alright..."
In hindsight, Zack should have heeded his mother's warning, but that was the problem with Zack Fair; he wasn't one to take no for an answer. He had always been a chaser of things, just as he chased butterflies through the jungle, Touch Me's he foolishly sought to keep as pets, or his friends in games of tag, so too did he chase after his dreams. Some would argue it was honorable.
With this mentality, he went behind his mother's back, using the computer in the owner's office at the market—made easy by his friendship with the owner's son—and enlisting for the army.
They had lowered the recruitment age these days because of the war. The call for young, able-bodied boys reached every corner of the planet. Then he bought a ferry ticket from the Gongaga region to Junon. All he needed then was a ride to the harbor without his parents knowing.
He packed his belongings in a small knapsack when his dad was at work and his mom was at the general store. He didn't need to take much, just some spare clothes, his compass, a map, the gil he saved up from his birthday, a photo of his family, a flashlight and his dad's old pocketknife for good luck.
He stuffed the knapsack under his bed and laid awake, eyes wide open, every night leading up to the planned date. He was nervous, excited, scared, but curiously, second thoughts never came. He was sure he wanted this, and that certainty burned within him, melting away any shadows of doubt.
So when that night finally rolled around, Zack sprang out of bed quietly in the middle of the night. He grabbed his knapsack and left the note on the kitchen counter—a simple explanation, an apology, a promise to return.
The dust kicked up that night as Zack ran, his heart thumping in his chest, all the way to the mercantile shop where he knew the pickup truck would be. The shopkeeper knew his dad, but thankfully he wasn't there when the burly laborers were unloading the crates.
Zack's heart pounded as he approached them, his breath forming clouds in the cool night air. He begged for a ride to the harbor, lying that he had his parents' permission—not that they cared much. They looked at him with curiosity and skepticism, but acquiesced when he offered them some of his gil.
Soon he was on his way, perched on the back of a pickup truck speeding further and further away from Gongaga. The wind whipped past his skin, biting and cold, but Zack was thankful he was smart enough to bring his old sweater. He clutched it tighter around him, wondering when that scent of home would eventually fade.
He stared at the shadows of the jungle slipping further and further out of view, the foliage and towering trees becoming mere silhouetted against the two AM sky. The tug on his heart grew stronger, prompting him to reach into his bag. He grabbed his flashlight and the scattered papers he had brought with him—documents and forms he printed out when he signed up, a recruitment poster he got in the newspaper a few months ago, and a family photo.
He was barely six years old in the photo, his parents beaming beside him. Zack's cold fingers brushed his mother's face in the picture. He let out a sigh, the sound swallowed by the rushing wind. She would be upset come morning when she realized what he had done, but he believed she would eventually be proud; proud of the man he would become.
Zack shone the flashlight over the recruitment poster, the one showing Sephiroth in the midst of fending off a Zolom, the epitome of a perfect hero. Zack grinned. One day it would be him on that recruitment poster, and his parents would be so proud of him then. He shoved the poster back into his knapsack and hugged the photo close, glancing back at Gongaga which had just dipped out of sight completely.
"Don't worry, Mama," he thought to himself, "I'll be home soon."
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bestanimatedmovie · 5 months
Welcome to Revenge of the Underrated!
Some of you asked me to put a "haven't watched both" to be more fair to the more unknown movies, but I've seen other tournaments doing this and I think it limits too much who can participate in the polls. So what I decided to do is a double elimination!
What does that mean? That means a movie has to lose twice to be eliminated. In other words, there will be a sorts of losers bracket that'll be part of main bracket. I'm undecided on whether to do this for only one round or the whole bracket, as it would make the tournament very long. Do let me know if you have any opinion about it.
Anyway, Revenge of the Underrated, Round 1:
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Miss Hokusai vs Happily N'Ever After
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children vs Tiger and Bunny: The Rising
Ballerina vs Book Girl
On-Gaku: Our Sound vs Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1
Cats don't Dance vs The Flight of Dragons
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge vs The Girl Without Hands
The Twelve Tasks of Asterix vs Flatland: The Film
Felidae vs Pokemon the Movie: The Power of Us
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West vs Unico in the Island of Magic
Rock and Rule vs Rock-A-Doodle
The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning vs Freddie as F.R.0.7
The Plague Dogs vs The Magic Riddle
Pokemon Heroes vs The Pebble and the Penguin
Strange Magic vs Sea Prince and the Fire Child
Help! I'm a Fish vs Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
16.Azur and Asmar: The Prince's Quest vs Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer
17.Titan A.E. vs Ico, the Brave Horse
18.The Adventures of Mark Twain vs A Troll in Central Park
19.The Case of Hana and Alice vs Once Upon a Forest
20.Underdogs vs Long Way North
21.Mars Needs Moms vs The Twelve Months
22.Phineas and Ferb: The Movie: Candace Against the Universe vs Blinky Bill
23.Robot Carnival vs Revue Starlight: The Movie
24.One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island vs Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom
25.Ruben Brandt, Collector vs Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie
26.Lupin III: The First vs Pippi Longstocking
27.The Three Caballeros vs The Legend of Manxmouse
28.Princes and Princesses vs The Snow Queen
29.A Letter to Momo vs Seven Days War
30.The Wild Thornberrys Movie vs The Rabbi's Cat
31.Night on the Galactic Railroad vs The Boy who Wanted to be a Bear
32.The Swan Princess vs Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito
33.Patema Inverted vs Bartok the Magnificent
34.Next Gen vs Padak
35.Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods vs Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland
36.Thumbelina vs Catnapped!
37.Early Man vs Rainbow Magic: Return to Rainspell Island
38.Junk Head vs Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie
39.Charlotte's Web (1973) vs The Princess and the Goblin
40.Shaun the Sheep Movie vs Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius
41. Redline vs Balto
42. The Addams Family vs Inu-Oh
43. Epic vs Mary and the Witch's Flower
44.The Girl Who Leapt Through Time vs Vivo
45.Barbie: Princess Charm School vs Kronk''s New Groove
46.Waking Life vs The Transformers: The Movie
47.Barbie in the Nutcracker vs Barbie as Rapunzel
48.Pokemon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back vs Cool World
49.The Land Before Time vs When the Wind Blows
50.The Secret of NIMH vs Summer Wars
51.The Black Cauldron vs All Dogs go to Heaven
52.The Red Turtle vs FernGully: The Last Rainforest
53.Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas vs Ron's Gone Wrong
54.The Boxtrolls vs Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
55.Arthur Christmas vs One Piece Film Red
56.Barbie of Swan Lake vs The Rescuers Down Under
57.Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole vs Secret of the Wings
58.The Castle of Cagliostro vs Pokemon: The Movie 2000
59.Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust vs Arthur and the Invisibles
60.Tinker Bell vs Barbie as the Island Princess
61.Mind Game vs Tekkonkinkreet
62.The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh vs Dragon Ball Super: Broly
63.Mirai vs Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
64.The Lion King II: Simba's Pride vs Scooby-Doo! and the Cyber Chase
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ishparpuaqib · 1 month
I've long, long assumed the Serbo-Croatian word for rainbow, duga, must be related to duga, the feminine nominative singular form of dug “long”. this is despite a) duga (as in “rainbow”) having a rising accent and duga (as in “long”) having a falling one, and b) the Slovenian cognate to duga (as in “long”) being dolga. indeed the two are completely unrelated—duga as in “rainbow” comes from Proto-Slavic *dǫga, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *dangāˀ, which apparently meant something like “covering” or “curtain”. it's directly cognate to Lithuanian danga “clothes”, and related to dangus “sky”. (duga as in “long” comes from Proto-Slavic *dĭlga, from a completely different root). always remember to check ur biases...
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pbandjz · 1 month
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠- 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐂/𝐖- 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭/𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰
–𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐃𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐞 (𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝) 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐝 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥, 𝐑𝐲𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡, 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞!--
Chapter 1
You were sure to get his attention by the end of summer. You think to yourself while sitting at the kitchen island. You were watching Nana bake the two groups a batch of her best cookies. You can hear people entering the other room with laughing and yelling. Dottie, Daniel, Rylan and Blaze come running in with a frisbee. The pup trio and Blaze have not changed since highschool. They had grown close to you in highschool after defending Daniel from Balto and his annoying gang. If you could even call them that. You grimace at the memory of Balto making you cringe. Shaking the thought from your head, you turn your chair to face the group playing around in the living room. You get up and walk up to them. Daniel turns his head and smiles brightly at you gesturing for you to join the game. While he’s looking at you, you notice the frisbee coming towards Daniel's direction. Your eyes widen and before you can get a word out while pointing, the frisbee smacks the green haired boy across the head. Your hand covering your mouth in shock. “Owww…No fair Blaze! You saw i was distracted!” The injured boy whines looking at blaze, who has doubled over in laughter. You can't help but giggle as Dottie and Rylan join Blaze. “C’mon Daniel, he didn't mean to!” You smile with worry while hoisting the boy up. You shoot a pretend glare at Blaze and raised an eyebrow. “Ah-...” He shuffles his way towards Daniel. “Sorry bro..i wasn't paying attention” He scratches his neck and looks down at you for approval. You smile and roll your eyes sarcastically letting out an exasperated sigh. Looking back at Daniel you smile and walk over to the kitchen. You scan the freezer for an ice pack. You don't see one so you grab the next best thing. You close the freezer to a curious Nana looking and you with a confused smile. “Blaze threw a frisbee at Daniel's head..again.” You give Nana a jokingly defeated look and she giggles. “Oh alright ! Tell Daniel i hope he recovers! Ah- here!” She turns to grab something and takes the frozen bag of broccoli and wraps a thin pink towel around it. She gives it back to you with a smile and turns back to focus on her cookies. You smile back at her and walk out handing Daniel the frozen bag. He places it onto his head and sits on the couch. Dottie and Rylan took a seat next to him leaving no space for you and Blaze. 
You roll your eyes and sit one of many couches in the room. Looking up at Blaze waiting for him to sit somewhere, you meet eyes and your eyes widen and dart to a different direction. Blaze was always known to flirt with anyone that he could easily tease. Knowing him you knew what he was up to when you caught a glimpse of a smirk. He squeezes onto the 2 person couch and casually places his arm around you. You give him a side eye with playful disgust and roll your eyes. While the trio fight over the remote, you can feel his hand reach for the back of your neck. His warm fingers start playing with the tag of your shirt  sending a shiver down your spine and your elbow jerking into his side. He lets out a silenced groan and a chuckle as he pulls his arm away to hold his side in pain. You cross your arms and look away. Now facing away from the group you feel your face burning up remembering the warmth on your neck. You clear your throat and reach over blaze grabbing the remote from the arguing trio. They all turn their heads in protest “hey!” They say in unison. You smile and turn the tv on while leaning against Blaze casually. You two weren’t romantically close in the slightest. You could never tell him how you felt since highschool. But the group was close enough to all cuddle with each other. Most of the time it's a cuddle pile but once in a while the trio separates and cuddles onto Daniel and you and blaze cuddle each other. You can feel him adjust himself to make you lay on his chest. You lose focus on the TV as he awkwardly shifts his hand trying to figure where to place them. You stopped browsing and put the remote onto your thigh and grab his wrists and placed them comfortably on your hips. You realize what you had done a few moments after. You pick the remote back up with your hand shaking. You can feel Dotties stare burning into you. Daniel and Rylan being too distracted on what to choose to watch. You feel yourself burn up more as the whole situation settles in your mind. You can feel how tensed up he was after you placed his hands where they rested now. You whisper quietly enough for him to hear. “Sorry..” He leans into your ear. You can feel his breathing against the nape of your neck. “It's fine. I'm sorry too” He whispers softly into your ear as you continue searching for something to watch. Your mind foggy and distracted you can barely hear the two boys on the other couch yelling to stop and play what you had landed on. You clicked it and the three of them settled into their spots. You and Blaze both giggle. Before you could focus on the movie you hear the alarm go off for the cookies. You pull yourself up releasing Blaze's grip he had on your hips. You glance at him for a moment. And look away before he sees you looking. 
As you walk towards the entrance of the kitchen you pause. He looked…sad? Why? Was it because i got up? No way..- You think to yourself. You open the door to the kitchen and drool and take a big whiff. Nanas cookies always smelled the best. You look over to the meif'wa as she's plating them in three batches. She looks up as she finishes. “ Here! This plate is for you guys! You can turn of the light when you walk out can you?” she smiles at you holding the other two plates. You smile and give her a nod. “Yeah! Thanks a lot Nana!” You wag your tail while leaving the room and closing the door. You hadn't realized but it had gotten slightly darker from when you all sat down. Time flies by when your crush is holding you. You joke in your head slightly cringing after. You stop in your tracks as you watch the four werewolves turn their head at the smell of sugar cookies. You can see Blaze sit back up to look at the plate of cookies as you approach the group. Placing the cookies down on the table you swat their flying hands off the plate. Giving them a stern glare. “They Are hot! You guys have to be careful!”. You waiting a moment before picking up a cookie and handing it to them one by one. They all scarfed down their cookies and looked back up expecting more. “You all only get one more! I still want some too!” you give them each their last cookies and grab yours. Unpausing the movie you sit back down next to blaze. You can hear them finish chewing on their cookies so you lay back against Blaze again trying to get cozy. No matter if you were nervous or not. He picks you up slightly and gently to place you onto his chest. You're both laying down as you sit between his legs. He has a blanket in a bunch on your back o its less awkward. It does help a lot so you fall back comfortably forgetting your last cookie. You can feel his hand creep up onto your hips again waiting for your rejection of approval. You don't mind anymore. You grow tense and your face flushes red but you hold back any other reaction as to not scare his hand away from your body. A couple minutes pass by. You notice his grip has softly become firm. It was a gentle grasp on your hips. Maybe it was the weight of his big hands resting on you. You place your hand on top of his and relax. You feel his tense up for just a moment before relaxing again. You both lay there as the movie plays. Eventually you ended up drifting into a soft sleep. 
You wake up to the feeling of someone's arms wrapped around you carrying your bridal style. You open your eyes as much as they can half asleep and look up. It's too dark to see but the soft moonlight coming from the hallway window softly illuminates the edges of the man's hair. A bright red. You sigh, relieved it wasn't anyone else. You look around as he opens the door to your room. You don't share it with anyone so he places you onto your bed and gets up to leave. Before he can get up though you, half asleep, pull on the sleeve of his shirt. Pulling him closer to you. “Dont..,mm..leavem..” you mumble as you drift back to sleep letting go of his sleeve. You can hear him chuckle. Before your eyes shut you see his large figure bending down. You feel the warmth of, what you assume are, his lips on your forehead before smiling and falling into a deep sleep.
(Sorry if this is bad it was 4 in the morning and i wanted more blaze content in my life. yes, i write for my own selfish wants and needs cuz Minecraft pixels are hot blah blah blah..also i was taking a break from the gene fic but chapter 3 will be posted by the end of this week. Lowkey lost motivation after it not doing well. Beggars cant be choosers tho so life moves on. Enjoy the rest of your day if you made it this far. )
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paganimagevault · 1 year
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Mummified heads from Xiaohe cemetery 2000 BCE
"Readers of Language Log will certainly be aware of Tocharian, but when I began my international research project on the Tarim Basin mummies in 1991, very few people — only a tiny handful of esoteric researchers — had ever heard of the Tocharians and their language since they went extinct more than a millennium ago, until fragmentary manuscripts were discovered in the early part of the 20th century and were deciphered by Sieg und Siegling (I always love the sound of their surnames linked together by "und"), two German Indologists / philologists — Emil Sieg (1866-1951) and Wilhelm Siegling (1880-1946), in the first decade of the last century.
It wasn't long after the decipherment of Tocharian by Sieg und Siegling that historical linguists began to realize the monumental importance of this hitherto completely unknown language. First of all, it is the second oldest — after Hittite — Indo-European language to branch off from PIE. Second, even though its historical seat was on the back doorstep of Sinitic and it loaned many significant words (e.g., "honey", "lion") to the latter, it is a centum (Hellenic, Celtic, Italic and Germanic) language lying to the east of the satem (Indo-Iranian and Balto-Slavic) IE languages. (PROVISO: some sophists will undoubtedly argue that the centum-satem split in Indo-European is meaningless; it has happened before on Language Log and elsewhere, but I think it does matter for the history of IE languages and the people who spoke them.) Third, Tocharian has grammatical features that resemble Italic, Celtic, and Germanic (i.e., northwest European languages) more than they do the other branches of IE. (STIPULATION: certain casuists will surely argue that such differences are meaningless, but I believe they are crucial for comprehending the nature of the spread of IE in time and space.) Etc.
Because their physical, textual, and cultural remains were indisputably found in the Tarim Basin, the Tocharians naturally became a primary focus of my investigations in Eastern Central Asia during the more than two decades from the nineties through 2012."
-Victor Mair, Language Log: The sound and sense of Tocharian. University of Pennsylvania.
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cats-mayhem · 11 months
Ein MyStreet isn't a compelling villain to me.
Please note how I said ME in the title. This is just how I feel. You're entitled to your own opinions. Also this isn't the most professional analysis, I am just saying what's on my mind in the moment. Anyway, let's get into it.
OK so basically: Ein had a lot of potential. In the first half of season 1 he was a cute "bad" boy who just wanted to not be the Omega of the school whilst also having a crush on Aphmau. Then Aphmau made him Alpha Male and then he stopped being a character.
It's framed that everything he did with Aphmau was just a ploy to get the position of Alpha but like... He was so genuine so many times? He was blushing and all, he helped her out with the hair dye. He was a good boy who actually had a thing for Aph.
But ok, let's just ignore his characterization up until the twist because ooohhh he's actually really mean and manipulative. Maybe it's because of the power he now has after being bullied for so long but it's SUCH a jarring shift in character for him.
I guess Jessica wanted to make an actual Villain character since Gene and Balto weren't the most threatening and evil but like... They're in high school? They're not gonna be evil masterminds like what she was trying to do with Ein.
Gene and Balto were just bullies and that fit for PDH S1. Ein being evil is to shut down any romantic progression he would have with Aphmau since Kai got character assassinated and was a dick to her on a date (+ Ein's meddling)
All so that Aaron can come "save the day" and beat up Ein and save Aphmau from an evil man that she never figured out was evil. The most Evil things Ein did was pick an Omega without Aph and also ruin her date.
Ein didn't want to be the omega anymore since he was sick of being seen as weak and being bullied and ignored, and the teacher WANTED him to take that title willingly, even after everything he's gone through with it. And he KNOWS that Aph would try and convince him To take it on as well, so that's why he picked one by himself. And the date thing... Yeah idk why he did that maybe he was just jealous idk i forgor.
OH YEAH and he beat the shit out of Kasey so that Katelyn can have a reason to be racist towards werewolves when the Ultima Reveal. Completely forgot about that.
I honestly think PDH S2 had an interesting set up with the love triangle. Kai has Aaron's personality whilst Ein has Aaron's attitude. (Aph & Aaron's romance is awful but i'm just pointing out symbolism).
Ein was also racist towards Humans since he is a werewolf supremacist and he wanted to make Aphmau a werewolf so that she'd be perfect. Also werewolves are a minority that's discriminated against so this character trait is a bit uh... Yikes!
Also I just remembered this but Ein was working with Gene to get close to Aphmau and Gene wanted pictures of Aphmau for some fucking reason?? What was that about. We get no context on this other than 1 scene btw.
So the next time we see Ein is in Emerald Secret! Oh boy, I got some words.
So about 15 years pass since PDH S2 and everyone is an adult in their late 20s. What has Ein been doing in all that time? Obsessing over a girl he met in high school, researching heavily into a folk lore in order to turn her into a werewolf. Also he's been doing illegal potion making and used one of those potions to turn an actual wolf, human, so that he can be the alpha of her wolf pack.
Also he's working with the biggest bad of them all, Micheal! But we don't meet him until Season 6 or something. He also may or may not be mind controlling Ein during Emerald Secret we don't know.
So what else does Ein do this season now that he's the big bad again? Other than the wolf thing, he also brainwashes Aphmau's friends into thinking he's their brother, makes Aphmau obey his every word and love him whilst also despising Aaron.
And makes her attempt to kill Aaron. Despite the fact that he needs Aaron to turn her into a werewolf first, after he denies when he's asked, Ein was like "Ok well. Aph kill him lmao."
He also "dies" in the end by getting mauled by the pack of wolves he made himself Alpha of.
I don't think it takes that much brainpower to see why this is an awful twist (he was also a twist villain btw we didn't know it was him until midway). His motivation is stupid, why are you still obsessed with some girl from high school, you're 28.
Why does he even still have those pictures of her in high school? Like if you're gonna be obsessed with her, at least stalk her so you can get the modern update???
Also, his werewolf supremacy is played up big time here to the point it makes you question why he wasn't obsessing over Aaron like Xavier was. Maybe Jessica didn't wanna repeat motivation? But Ein & Xavier are very different characters, you could make it work.
He was just a mess of a villain once you think about his motivation for 2 seconds. And then he shows up in When Angels Fall!! This one is shorter I promise.
So in WAF Ein uses another illegal potion to make werewolves (who were in hiding since the Government is taking every single one of them and interrogating them because they might be some ancient folklore beast). And makes them all obey his every word and call him Alpha.
It's confirmed that after High School, werewolf packs and Alphas don't matter in the real world so it's weird that he was obsessed with it in Emerald Secret.
Anyway after that, he kidnaps Aphmau to hold Aaron ransom and when he gets his werewolf ears back (Aaron took them away in ES) he kills Aphmau because he was being mind controlled by Micheal.
And then Aaron and Ein fight on a bridge, Aaron kills his mind controlled friends, and then kills Ein. So let's talk about it.
the thing with this is that... It just shows that Ein COULD'VE been written well if he was mind controlled by Micheal with the illegal potions. Since Micheal had 100% access to Ein at any time and Ein played a major role in Micheal's plan to trauma trigger Aaron.
And honestly it would've made Ein a much more compelling character if he just... Didn't have control over his actions. One theme with the main group is that they decide what to do with their lives and how to move forward.
But that wouldn't apply to someone who was controlled, now, would it? And since we know that the person under the effects of a forever potion still have a conscious, and can see all the acts that they don't have control over, it would've made Ein a tragic villain.
And if he was mind controlled by Micheal during Emerald Secret it would explain why Ein was obessed with Aphmau despite it being so weird. Because guess what, Ein & Aphmau are half siblings! So that re-contextualizes every interaction they ever had.
I think that Ein should've had an actual character instead of being a cartoon villain like Micheal was. Ein is the only character to have so much DIRECT action towards the main cast. Why would you make him so messy and one dimensional?
And the whole Mind Control thing is something that can be easily done. Ein uses forever potions to make people Obey Him, and since Micheal doesn't have enough power to mind control Ein 24/7, him using a potion like that on Ein would make so much sense.
Since Ein is shown to be decent at potion making and magic by the time we meet him. Micheal is the only one who could've taught him all of that. And the thing is: IT'S CANNON ONLY IN WAH. They met before ES but it's left so vague on what their relationship was that you could say Ein did everything in Emerald Secret by his own volition and you'd be right since nothing is confirmed.
If Jessica wanted to make this a serious story, WHY WOULD YOU STOP AT THE MOST RELEVANT VILLAIN??? He's literally related to Aphmau and was apart of the experimentation in some way but we don't know because he's not a character enough for him to be lore relevant other than him being a plot device. I'm so upset on the way Jessica wrote him since he could've been so much more than he actually was.
I wanna add something: The mind controlled by Micheal thing is only one possibility with his character. You can do a whole lot of other things. The reason why I focused on the mind-control thing is that it's an easy cop-out Jessica could do in order to make Ein an actual character.
Jessica isn't the best writer and loves tropes & cop-outs so it very well could've been done in story. But instead she let Ein be vague as hell and also tying him so closely into the lore.
I just want Ein to be a coherent character with understandable motivations behind his actions. There is no excuse for him to be this important and yet so messily written.
And now he's dead. RIP Ein MyStreet. You could've been one of the greatest.
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frogpaste · 7 months
How do people make syllabaries?? I'm trying to construct a logosyllabary for my balto-slavic conlang, and my mind is melting.
Mine would have separate vowels for ь, ъ, and ѣ alongside hard and soft versions of all the normal vowels... even if I group some together, there are very few single-syllable words in any of the swadesh lists I've been looking at which allow for a convenient pictograph to start with.
My brain is a little wyrm in a metal cage, and every time I learn something new, I bash my head against the bars.. the cage gets bigger, but I get a headache.
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deathlessathanasia · 4 months
Is there any evidence that Semele was an earth goddess?
I haven't read much about this, but from what I can gather the main argument for the theory seems to be based on etymology.
Personally I know nothing about etymology and can't comment on that, so here is an overview from Wikipedia (X): According to some linguists the name Semele is Thraco-Phrygian,[5] derived from a PIE root meaning 'earth'. A Phrygian inscription refers to diōs zemelō (διως ζεμελω). The first word corresponds to Greek Zeus (genit. Dios) and the second to earth in some Indo-European languages.[6] Julius Pokorny reconstructs her name from the PIE root *dgem- meaning 'earth' and relates it with Thracian Zemele, 'mother earth'.[7] Compare Žemyna (derived from žemė – earth), the goddess of the earth (mother goddess) in Lithuanian mythology, and Zeme, also referred to as Zemes-mãte, a Slavic and Latvian goddess of the earth.[8][9] Mallory and Adams suggest that, although Semele is "etymologically related" to other mother Earth/Earth goddess cognates, her name might be a borrowing "from another IE source", not inherited as part of the Ancient Greek lexicon.[10] Burkert says that while Semele is "manifestly non-Greek", "it is no more possible to confirm that Semele is a Thraco-Phrygian word for earth than it is to prove the priority of the Lydian baki- over Bacchus as a name for Dionysos".[11]M.L.West derives the Phrygian zemelo, Old Slavonic zemlya,Lithuanian zēmē from the Indo-European name *dʰéǵʰōm (earth). Semele seems to be a Thracian name of the earth goddess from gʰem-elā. The pronunciation was probably Zemelā.[12] Etymological connections of Thraco-Phrygian Semele with Balto-Slavic earth deities have been noted, since an alternate name for Baltic Zemyna is Žemelė,[13][14] and in Slavic languages, the word seme (Semele) means 'seed', and zemlja (Zemele) means 'earth'.[15]
And from Jennifer Larson's Greek Heroine Cults: „Semele seems to have originated as an Anatolian earth goddess. As early as 1890 Kretschmer derived her name from the same root that gives us Greek chamai and Latin humus.”
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waeirfaahl · 1 year
Steele's nicknames toward Balto
In the film there's the two specific nicknames Steele refers to Balto, which are absolutely confusing and weird. However, the nicknames were different in the script, and these early versions had more sense, so I have no idea, why they were replaced. 1. "Out of my way, lobo!" — why Steele refers to Balto as "lobo"? Some people assume it is a reference to the wolf from the book with the same name (Lobo), some people think it is a "wolf" in Spanish. Plus, "Balto: The Movie Storybook" has exactly the "Out of my way, wolf!" line instead. However, the word "lobo" has another meaning — "lobo" is also a word for a person with the mixed heritage. And, by the way, in the script Steele says exactly "Out of my way, half-breed!".
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So, why the authors changed that? Yes, Steele says "half-breed", but this line doesn't reveal Balto as a wolfdog, it simply hints this, making us think not about the wolf heritage, but simply the "Pure-bred dog and stray mongrel" thing. I.e. it is more subtle, but informative at the same time. Plus, Steele's next line "Oh, I'm sorry, Balto. Balto the... half-breed!" is the logical progression in this case.
2. "Didn't make the team, Bingo?" — this one is even more confusing. Why Bingo? What does it mean? Is this a word play, where Steele said "Am I right?" as "bingo", while Balto considered it as his wrongly said name? The funniest thing is that in the script Steele says "Trip over a barrel, wolfie?" instead. And it makes much more sense.
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First of all, this line shows more rude, arrogant and xenophobic shades. Second, the "wolfie" thing fits to Balto's inner conflict and arc, because he wants to be a dog and denies his wolf side, hence "half-wolf", "wolfdog" and "wolfie" are very painful words for him. And third, this Steele's line allows to Balto to realize that the trouble with barrels was exactly Steele's malice. In these conditions Balto's anger and answer "My name is Balto!" makes sense, he already realizes that Steele is a bad dog. Yes, there was the deleted scene, which happened after the race, but before the bullying in the alley. Balto finds Rosie's lost mitten and wants to return it to the girl, while Steele loosens the barrels on the cart, causing one of them to fall and roll towards Balto.
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Balto tries to dodge the barrel, but falls right into the tableware store where Rosie's father worked. Laughing dogs run away, Rosie's father almost beats Balto with a broom, Rosie stands up for him, Balto finds a mitten and gives it to Rosie, for which she thanks him. And then Rosie's dad calls her and Jenna to come to his store. And then the bullying scene happens.
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So, yes, if they wanted to delete this scene and change the lines, better to replace it with "Didn't make the team, wolfie?". Without this confusing and weird "Bingo" taunting, which comes from nowhere and makes zero sense.
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unhonestlymirror · 1 year
as an ukrainian speaker, how much of other slavic language do you understand ?
I perfectly understand Belaruthian, and a bit worse, Polish. I haven't studied them at all. However, a year before, I decided to start reading more texts in those languages.
I must add that before... the end of primary school, I knew russian only, I spoke russian, and I read books in russian - and back then, I understood neither Ukrainian nor Polish nor Belaruthian. At all. It pissed me off. XD That's why I believe the idea of russian being the East slavic language needs to be revisited.
Despite Czech and other West Slavic languages being constantly mocked by russians for "funny words", I understand them good enough to realise what's happening in the movie. I understand Lithuanian worse, although I'm studying Lithuanian but not Czech.
Lithuanian is a Baltic language, but russia really-really wants to place it with "Balto-Slavic".
The South Slavic languages (or so-called) are the ones that I understand the worst😭. For example, Bulgarian, which is written on Cyrillic but nevertheless. Maybe to Southern Ukrainians, they are easier but not to me. :(
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