#baptist churches
God Is Not A Vending Machine - Bible Study - Shining The Light Ministrie...
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authortobenamedlater · 4 months
I find this topic relentlessly fascinating for some reason. 
I grew up in a Sunday Best family. Both my parents were in choir which had a no-denim mandate and my dad was a deacon. Our pastors always wore full suits and most of the congregation dressed up.
As an adult I’ve become more Sunday Best Lite. I have no problem wearing jeans to church now. I do still avoid leggings, sneakers or flip-flops, and shirts with logos on them. Basically anything that draws extra attention to its own name and not Jesus’s Name. I also have to keep up with my kids now which means I have to make some concessions for practicality.
I think church has become more casual across the board, at least in the Protestant/Baptist-ish circles I tend to travel. Some of it might be regional too. Nobody would have dreamed of wearing shorts at the church I went to as a kid, but I don’t judge anyone for wearing shorts in July around here 😂
Today my oldest and I are both sick so I’m watching church at home in leggings 🤣🤣 there are exceptions to every rule!
Include your denomination and region if you want.
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souplover-69 · 4 months
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i’ve never been in a church with darker corners
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heresylog · 5 months
“You gotta love people where they are.” —My grandma
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parkerlot1 · 1 month
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misterlemonztenth · 5 months
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04-20-24 | "Sssssss" misterlemonztenth.tumblr.com/archive
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daughterofcainnnn · 8 months
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televangelist666 · 6 months
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𝙶𝚘𝚍𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚢 ♡
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queenlua · 2 months
i visited /r/episcopalian a few weeks ago, right
which means of course now reddit is sending me annoying email updates from that subreddit
but i can't even bring myself to be too mad about it, because it turns out episcopalian drama is extremely entertaining
for instance: the rector of a church in Pasadena got pressured to FINALLY step down b/c he kept holding forums about "christian polyamory"? & in his final sermon he declared "god is polyamorous"? amazing 10/10 i want all the juicy deets
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 months
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citizenscreen · 7 days
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On September 15, 1963, a bomb exploded during Sunday morning services in the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, killing four young girls: Addie Mae Collins (14), Cynthia Wesley (14), Carole Robertson (14) and Carol Denise McNair (11).
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
Hello! I'm Julie from Cariona and I just want to ask if you're interested in doing ads/promotions here on Tumblr? If yes, how much do you charge per reblog?
For proof of legitimate promotions, you can check @catchymemes, @sulfatto, @isnt, and many others.
Website for reference: http://cariona.com Over 200 five star Facebook reviews: https://www.facebook.com/carionaproducts/reviews
Please feel free to respond here or reach out to us on [email protected] for more details! Thank you once again and have a great week!
absolutely fascinating that you decided to send this as an ask, when you also DM'd me. unfortunately, you may realize that this was a mistake - you see, asks can be responded to publicly.
so, allow me to respond:
hi, Julie! I'd never heard about Cariona before, so I decided to go poking around, and I learned something!
well, I learned a few things, actually. from your site, Cariona seems to be a small business that sells reusable menstrual products. and while I will never advertise a product that I haven't used, there's nothing wrong with wanting people to promote your company.
I have, however, found a few problems.
the first thing I found was this post by @crafiet from May 12th of last year, saying that shortly after making a purchase on your website, her debit card info was leaked, and used to make facebook ad purchases.
it seems that at least back then, your payment system was insecure. I'm really hoping you've fixed that, because. yikes.
and when I messaged crafiet to ask if it was okay if I linked to her post, she also mentioned that even though your website says you ship from Georgia, her package came shipped from China, and took a long time to arrive.
that's pretty sketchy.
the next thing I found was some folks talking about receiving cards with their orders that have a QR code on them with the words "Scan For God's Message To You", and that on the other side, have this bible verse:
O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is. Psalm 63:1
fun fact! that's from the King James Version (which I have a lot of thoughts about, but I'm not going to get into that right now).
additional fun fact! that particular psalm is from that time David fled to the wilderness because Jonathan's dad was trying to kill him.
and that's why I have to talk about the verses that follow it:
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(ID in alt text; link to the NIV version if you want it)
so...are we like 100% sure it's god that David is thinking about here? because...I mean...that's pretty horny, right? and all of this while on the run from his boyfriend's dad?
I'm not saying anything, but like...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
it's a weird verse to choose for this, that's all.
anyway, back to you, Cariona: after seeing people talking about the bible verse cards, I decided to poke around your website more, and allll the way at the bottom of it, finally found your "About Us" page, which ends with this:
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...look. there's nothing inherently wrong with being christian. but to say "we do not wish to impose any beliefs on our customers", and to then put bible verse cards in people's orders? that's sneaky, and I don't like it.
I also think it's a bit sneaky that you've flagged your tumblr account as pro-trans on shinigami eyes. at least, I assume you flagged it yourselves, because I didn't find a single post on your blog that mentions trans issues.
(though you have, entertainingly, reblogged some stranger things fanart, and a castiel cat cosplay)
and while your website uses very gender-neutral language, your "About Us" page doesn't say anything about being inclusive of trans people, just that you don't "discriminate against anyone who has a different belief than ours."
unfortunately, that's not good enough for me. I have this sneaking suspicion that "trans people are the gender they say they are" counts as a "different belief".
lastly, since you say on your website that people can message you asking about your faith, I had a friend do that!
baptists. you're baptists, which is a pretty conservative denomination.
and according to you, part of that 10% you donate goes to your local churches, and some missionaries. who are also probably baptists.
in the end, I just...don't trust you? I don't trust that the 10% you're donating is going to organizations that aren't homophobic or transphobic. I don't believe that you're not trying to impose your beliefs on others, because that's what you're obviously doing. I mean, your "About Me" says that one of the reasons you built this company is to spread the gospel.
and I especially don't like it that you reached out to me (an openly queer person) for promotion without mentioning that you're an evangelical company.
so to answer your question, Julie: no. I am not interested in doing ads or promotions for you on tumblr. and honestly, you probably picked the wrong website for this kind of thing.
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ellstinson · 2 months
They’re setting up the church, these pics probably are from last week
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saltriverroad · 1 year
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Salt River baptist Church <3
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