#based on a tweet that was like
theboxfort · 9 months
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Hfjone if hes an Crocodiles
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tectco · 4 months
I was thinking about Husk's love for magic tricks and was like haha magician husk! and i remembered there's magician assistants and i mean,,,Angel's right there sooooo
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i whipped up magician and assistant huskerdust
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ameamedraws · 4 months
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Lovingly tucking your rival’s hair behind his ear and telling him you hate him: Akechi’s attempt to make sense of his contradicting feelings
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minalots · 6 months
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Silly crossover drawings >>>
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encoreberry · 2 months
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nanalikers where yall at
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volaenii · 9 months
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I was more then just a body in your passenger seat, And you were more then just somebody I was destined to meet
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dorliart · 8 months
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i read this tweet probably now a year ago and have been wanting to draw something about it ever since.
Bonus versions:
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And the sketch bc I like it too
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the monitor is weird and glitchy bc that’s where the email opened
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biracy · 8 months
I can't remember if I've posted abt this before but regardless: I'm sorry but I really and truly cannot get behind the idea that there is any wide-scale societal "pressure for trans men to be feminine" or "to be twinks" or whatever. You are either conflating a very small online community's beauty standard (usually some kind of transmasc pseudo-appropriation of "femboy" aesthetics, which yes, are often Bad and regressive and fetishized and etc.) with Mainstream Society, or confusing society not wanting trans men to transition with "wanting trans men to be feminine", which are certainly not the same thing. Ultimately if a cis person believes there is any validity to the concept of being trans (i.e. not a Posie Parker-esque "there's no such thing as a trans person" type), they are more likely to think that trans men should be like as masc and buff and hairy as possible or whatever bc that's what cis people think men look like and it's easier for a lot of people to recognize someone who Looks Masc as a man. It is difficult sometimes to see derision of trans guys who are Too Feminine and Not Hairy Enough or whatever (which is not always something someone has control over btw) as anything but "this is Skye who I think is a confused little girl because Skye does not pass" slightly restyled for 2023 "filthcore fagdykes" or whatever lol
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mythandlaur · 1 year
I like the headcanon that Jeremie actually had a lot of battles during the fight with XANA...except most of them were really mundane, incomprehensible to anyone else, and against the supercomputer itself.
I mean, the whole thing was built by one guy, who probably made his own programming language for it, in 1994, while actively in the process of going insane. It was a marvel! A masterpiece of technology far beyond its time! And its codebase was probably spaghetti on top of spaghetti on top of a dumpster fire. Hence Jeremie having a love-hate relationship with first the computer and then Franz Hopper himself, constantly oscillating between "wow! how did you do this?!" and "oh god, how did you do this?"
The scanners and RTTP work nigh-perfectly because they were thoroughly tested, and Lyoko itself mostly runs very well, but also there's a pebble in the forest sector that cannot be removed or all the textures turn into checkerboard for no discernible reason, everyone's models have loaded in missing any kind of physics at least once, all of the shaders broke at some indeterminate point right after Aelita was first materialized and he still has no idea how that happened, why can't he spawn anything less than three meters above the ground without it ending up IN the ground, yes those are two rocks inside of each other stop giggling, what do you MEAN THERE'S A MEMORY LEAK, WHERE IS THERE A MEMORY LEAK, WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME SOMEBODY CLEARED THE TEMP FILES ON THIS THING, WHERE EVEN ARE THE TEMP FILES THIS SYSTEM MAKES NO SENSE--
He keeps having to ask weird programming questions on internet forums and laments that he has to know an equal amount about 3D physics rendering engines and QUANTUM PROBABILITY MATHEMATICS to make the thing work. Plus he tries to do some things remotely, but his laptop can't run half the supercomputer's programs, and the other half he's remote editing over terrible 2006 school-wide wi-fi that craps itself every time some 10th grade bozo down the hall tries to pirate anime.
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twistedappletree · 11 months
[3 AM]
lan jingyi: why are any of us here, really?
zoo security guard: i’m asking about you, specifically.
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automatonknight · 1 year
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id: a three panel comic featuring dnd knight from date knight. on the first panel he’s visible to about his waist and his arms are open. a speech bubble above his head says “lmfao (with many “o”s) (extending arms) come hither bro. lol”. on the second panel, which shows him to a little below his chest, he looks suddenly worried as he retracs his arms. text below him says “(getting cold feet)”. on the last panel, they’re posing defensively with one of their hands pointed at the viewer. a speech bubble above them says “actually-go back from whence you came”. the background on the panels is light blue. end id
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adventure-waffles · 2 months
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Sleepytime Quan Yizhen
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rickybaby · 4 months
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Pointy Pointy Pointy Pointy Pointy Pointy Pointy Pointy Pointy Pointy Pointy Pointy Pointy Pointy Pointy Pointy Pointy Pointy
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Loose rear-end loose rear-end loose rear-end loose rear-end loose rear-end loose rear-end loose rear-end loose rear-end loose rear-end
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princsstwilightsparkl · 3 months
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saying "if aroace people can date, then can lesbians date men?" is absolutely aphobic narrative btw!
#sorry just have to say this lol#so tired of people generalizing all aroace people as romance averse#its absolutely erasure of the rest of the spectrum#the top tweet isnt so bad depending on who theyre talking about#if a character ACTUALLY is canonically romance/sex aversed then yea its weird to erase that#but if they're canonically AROACE and you go 'erm that character cannot date or have sex🤓☝️' ur being aphobic as fuck#the 'shown no attraction to anyone' part kind of throws me off there#i hate when people say 'well this character didnt have feelings for anyone in the one year time span of the show so theyre romance aversed-#and nobody can ship them or else i'll harass u and subtweet u!1!!'#like. a characters life may not involve sex or romance at all fucking times. that does not make them aroace.#ur headcanon- even if you think its based on a logical conclusion- is not reality#sometimes yall just be making shit tf up#complaining about 'fanon' as if ur not the one pretending ur hc is real and treating everyone else like theyre the bad ones#but if that tweet is just saying that IN ADDITION to theyre canon identity then yea. thats valid.#their* </3#obviously the reply is fucking disgusting#i couldnt reply directly cuz my twitter is priv#people will say this kind of shit to ME- AN AROACE PERSON#u preach about aro/ace erasure but when an actual aroace walks in you tell them their way of being aroace is wrong#not everyone is the fucking same.#non-partnering aroaces deserve more rep but telling partnering aroaces that their way of being aroace is wrong is genuinely horrific#like actually fuck u#aromantic#asexual#aroace#arospec#meowing (yapping)
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m3xyuu · 5 months
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gelatin's va quote retweeted a gelafirey tweet and i was so shocked that i dropped everything to doodle this
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