#basic bulat
coffeetelattee · 5 months
Bittergiggle trying the new joke he found on internet
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Inspired by this
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So umm the joke is referred to "tahu bulat" it's popular snack in Indonesia, it's a round tofu when can be found everywhere in here because they're selling it around by a cart or a pick up car(?)
So basically it's a joke about snack named "tahu bulat", and here he joking it with "ta who bulat"
Got it? Well nvm..
Btw bonus:
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Since my player is have broken humor, she always be teased by bittergiggle and always telling his joke to her
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teadrop-12 · 2 months
heehee thank you for giving me hcs of my blorbo :))) can I ask hcs for your favourite hedgehog Rudy?????? I wanna hear abt em :)))))
Hiii bella omg yeah ofc!! i have a lot of them locked n loaded omg
so i said before like my main hc of ejen ali is that rudy is a trans girl. and that still stands. she/her rudy but only with a few people she knows wont give her shit for it
again i know i draw and depict rudy as being femme but in actuality nothing really changes. shes the same exact person with the same blunt personality and spiky hair shes just a girl now
has a bunch of skills like sewing and baking. absolute dogshit at cooking though
shes bi, i've always had the hc she's bi, even before the tgirl hc came along. like the reaction she had to kim was the same she had to Ali i rest my case
i think she's got a guy pref tho? like she thought she was straight until she had her first crush on a girl
ALSO!! shes on the aro spectrum, specifically demiromantic.
really good with animals and kids, babysits on weekends sometimes
Roza is genuinely like her sister, like her cool older sister thats basically rodrick from the live action diary of a wimpy kid movie
she's not in a band but to blow off steam she plays the drums sometimes
theres a boxing bag in her room she uses that too rudy knows boxing
her and bulat are the besties of the agency. they met each other when bulat came to the academy and they have been each others ride or die since
while she was in the infirmary and her arm completely healed she would sneak into the kitchen and bake for the remaining agents anonymously
she thrifts and gets a lot of grundge and trad goth clothes, but she cannot be bothered to dress up unless shes with a date or at an event then she wears formal Baju Malayu (im so sorry if i got it wrong i just searched for malay formal wear and the one i saw her wear is just like that so i dunno)
like think hot topic, or gothic lolita clothes.
kinda clingy with people? i dunno how else to describe it but its like if shes with a friend or something and they abruptly get taken away for something else she'd be a tiny bit jealous or something
moons like her little sister i think, like theyre always bickering and stuff n tease each other but if anything happened to her she would be mad
she can't really take compliments well. like from anyone.
very indulgent hc, shes got a crush on Alicia.
im sorry these hcs are so boring
an actual menace to society, she should be put down/j. but srsly, she is a known prankster in canon before ali and alicia came and she became so much more tough
i think she would have had rabies. at least twice. one as a kid once recently
as a kid she actually had really long hair but she got it cut rlly short bc she wanted to style it like Djins
accidently called one of the mentors "mom" once but that mentor said it was fine and flattered
despite having a huge crush on alicia, she is also her biggest rival. Like luz and amity except theyre both amity except alicia amity is luz does this make sense
calls ali and khai cringe for liking a card game like WAUriors but in actuality she has a whole collection for herself.
ok here are some heavy hitters (TW su1c1de mention)
Remember that thing with my dos hcs? with dos being unknowingly cloned? that clone was rudy, but because she was a child, they couldn't wait for her to grow up so when they tried to terminate her, rudy caught wind of this and ran away, which is how she got homeless until she was around 2 or 3?
if thats not the case, I do think something more sinister happened in which MATA was involved with the fact she has no family left.
given the fact they hid ali's mother dying from him for about a year or two after he joined MATA, i dont doubt that they hid something about Rudy's origin.
I like to think when she first joined MATA she did know Aliya but she doesn't remember her so she can't put her finger on why Ali's so familliar to her
When she was younger she was kinda the older sister to the other kids there, like she would pickpocket some extras for them or find some sort of shelter and stay outside if there wasn't enough room for everyone.
Agent Geetha is the one she considers a mother bc shes the one that would actually primarily take care of her when she was a baby
When she grows up she actually goes through such a terrible incident on a mission that makes her lose her arm, but she refused to get a prosthetic bc she didn't want to look anything more like djin
like moon, she had strenuous nightmares for months and didn't sleep an entire night once after the incident in s2, and when they finally subsided, after season 3 it all started again
when she's older she actually quits being an agent, but doesn't leave MATA until shes much older, like around 30, and till then she's a CSI for them and still tags along on certain missions but not as common now.
I like to think Geetha adopted her after some years when they got much closer. Sometimes rudy would ask to sleep in her room when shes having a nightmare or something like that.
speaking of which, She calls her Ama or Ami (since Geethas desi in canon I want to think she prefers being called mom in Urdu)
rudy did kind of. like still not completely trust geetha even after she adopted her, but it got much better later when rudy would get really sick and geetha wouldn't stop helping her and she like wouldn't leave her side like she slept in a chair next to her as she was sick.
I do adore the hc we have of Geetha and dos being rudys moms, but i am also loving the hc of like. rudy finds out shes techinically Dos's "daughter" (bc of the whole clone thing) and her kind of realizing that geetha is so much more of a mother to her than dos can ever be and thats also what strengthens their bond.
After she saw alicia crying after Zain died, they always kept an eye on each other. like alicia and geetha are really the only ppl she'd cry in front of.
when she found out dos almost killed alicia she kind of cried there too. because what if she did actually die she wouldn't have met either of them.
after djin died she did actually attempt, but it didn't work and had to see a MATA specialized therapist.
ok i think thats all for now behn!!! super sorry for the boring hcs i didn't know anything new!! but pleaseee send me more hc asks i love them so much!!
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
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What a lot of people don’t seem to understand about Goncharov is that it isn’t just “another Scorsese gangster film” (which in itself is a pretty gross oversimplification), it was a crucial part of the pivotal point of his career as a director. It was Scorsese applying everything he learned about effective low-budget filmmaking from Roger Corman (who co-produced Goncharov as well, albeit uncredited) during the making of Boxcar Bertha, as well as applying John Cassavetes’ advice on making the genre films he wanted to make rather than the more documentary/autobiography works he’d done so far.
With Corman’s assistance (himself notorious for being able to stitch new films together out of scrapped footage from old ones), in 1973 he was able to finish and release two films: Mean Streets, and Goncharov, both films sharing actors, sets, even small bits of footage. Mean Streets happened to be the classic that would launch his career, and Goncharov would remain mostly forgotten until now.
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Now, we all know of course that Goncharov got tangled up in international copyright issues from the get-go, with the 1983 and the 1996 recolors only further complicating things as the movie got passed around to different studios, and by that point there wasn’t much Scorsese could even do to get the film back and he was tangled up in a lot of other projects (although some theorize this as one of the reasons why Scorsese would later go on to notoriously champion film restoration and preservation, knowing firsthand what it’s like to have a passion project fall through the cracks and be taken away from you).
Still, the movie did have a limited release in the US and Canada (with a pretty strong fanbase in Winnipeg, actually, for the past decades most of the available copies of Goncharov came from VHS releases in Winnipeg, although very poorly preserved), and it wasn’t terribly well received at the time either. Even if these odd strokes of fate hadn’t destroyed Goncharov’s release I doubt the film would have fared that well much the same.
Where as Mean Streets reads like a blueprint for Scorcese’s gritty masculine hits like Taxi Driver and Goodfellas, Goncharov in many ways feels more in line with Scorsese’s more oddball projects like King of Comedy and Hugo, actually it really does have more in common with Hugo than his other crime films. I think part of why Goncharov’s become popular on Tumblr lately is because it’s remarkably, whimsical? It’s a weird way to describe a movie that gets so dark but, it feels way more grounded in fantasy than his other works (it even has that clock motif that Scorsese would later use in Hugo)
The name itself is a tribute to filmmaker Vasily Goncharov, a film pioneer from the Soviet Union. Goncharov was the first filmmaker to record a film using two cameras and use sound effects, he’d directed the first feature film made in Russian history as well as the first blockbuster with 1812. This was the period where Scorsese was hanging out with De Palma and it shows because there’s a lot of scenes in Goncharov that are explicitly in tribute to Goncharov’s works like Ivan the Terrible and Khas Bulat.
Some of you are wondering where do the queer elements in Goncharov come from or why is Katya unusually pro-active for a Scorsese female lead (or even why this film has a female lead at all when so many of his other works don’t really have one), that’s a side effect of this movie’s debt to Goncharov’s works, particularly Charodeyka (The Enchantress). Katya is basically Scorsese’s take on the Nastasya / Charodeyka character.
In the fifteenth century, Nikita, the vice-regent of Novgorod, and his son Yuri fall in love with Nastasya, the owner of a local inn. But Nastasya is actually the sorceress Charodeyka. The local deacon Mamirov tells Nikita’s wife about Nastasya, and the wife poisons her. She dies in Yuri’s arms, and the enraged Nikita kills Yuri - Jess Nevins, on Charodeyka (1909), description taken from The Encyclopedia of Pulp Heroes
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Albeit described as “evil” and being depicted as a witch, Charodeyka bears no blame for any of the tragedy that happens in the movie, she just happens to be a beautiful woman targeted by dangerous affections of men and women alike (the movie does go some way towards showing it isn’t just jealousy that drives Nikita’s wife to murder Charodeyka) while bearing a secret of her own. I’m not saying Charodeyka was a queer tragedy by any means, but it is a tragedy of doomed love affairs and toxic family relationships and that seems to be what Goncharov’s playing with (Scorsese’s Goncharov cut out the implied incest and I’d say that was for the better).
This is kind of why Katya Goncharova kinda feels a little disconnected from Goncharov’s narrative up until the point they first meet and their fates intertwine tragically. Instead of a witch, she’s a femme fatale, and it damns her much the same just as Goncharov’s past catches up to him. It isn’t quite a remake but it’s taking a lot from Charodeyka and Ivan the Terrible and Vasily Goncharov’s other works, and Scorsese didn’t quite manage to blend these influences and tributes smoothly into the story, which is why the movie is kind of all over-the-place in a way that makes describing it make it seem like it’s an epistolary shitpost, which it very much isn’t.
It’s, among all the other things people have described it as, Scorsese’s oddball love letter to his influences as well as an important yet forgotten parts of film history (it’s not for nothing that Goncharov attempts suicide by train). Obviously, for many reasons, it was never going to catch on the way Mean Streets did, but it is fascinating nonetheless and I’m glad to see it’s been rediscovered.
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New music!
Maybe you already know these because you listen to a LOT, but here’s four female artists from 4 different countries who I’ve been super into lately
Kaho Nakamura (Japan) - Alternative pop, creative and different but somehow also comforting
Basic Bulat (Canada) - Alternative, ballad-y, folk-y, The Garden album is AMAZING. I have imprinted both my current blorbos on all of these songs
Neko Case (US) - Powerful, amazing lyrics
Camp Cope (Australia) - Garage rock/indie. I’ve been into them for a while but their new album is amazing and I’ve had it on repeat. Link is to their most famous song but also The Screaming Planet, urgh, so good
Oh thank you kris thats amazing!! all sounds very very great! I will fav this so I can remember it later, because now that I am full time at the office i constantly look for something new to listen to <3 <3 <3
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ivygrowingsideways · 7 months
20 and 29?
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
probably “take me out of the wild”. i always use song lyrics for titles because i can never come up with them on my own, and sometimes i just pick a line that Feels Right, even if the song (or the line) isn’t actually relevant to the fic. but in this case the line is from Basia Bulat’s song Wires, which is one of the songs on my Thorn/Ophelia playlist and is - IMO - one of the most fitting songs on there. i also like the implication of the verso dimension as “the wild”, because there is the implication that when people are stuck there, they revert to their most basic instincts or habits.
alternatively, “your love’s a bunny snare”. the sound of that song (Glen Hansard’s You Be Me, I’ll Be You) is perfect mood music for the fic, and i love the phrase bunny snare. it’s my cellar door.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post.
im not sure this is the strongest piece of this fic but it is the most succinct. i still love the idea, but my IT brainrot has really left me and i have a hard time imagining finishing it… so this is from the IT Pushing Daisies AU i started ages ago. i wrote 6000 words of it and it will probably never see the light of day lol. but if you like it and want to read more, it never hurts to let me know. maybe i can turn it into a one shot instead of the longer piece i had planned.
Richie gave him the rundown, standing in his bathroom with his back to the curtain as Eddie used his shower to get the blood off. Eddie was back, his life exchanged for Bowers’, cosmic tradesies. And he would stay back, basically forever, as long as he and Richie never touched again.
“This is ridiculous. It‘s like something out of the world’s most fucked up fairytale,” Eddie said. “I’m back, but I’m not… I’m a fucking zombie. You can make zombies.”
“Please don’t use that word,” Richie said, pained.
“What word should I use, dipshit? I’m undead.”
Richie dragged a hand through his hair, resisting the urge to turn around, like seeing the shape of Eddie through the curtain would inspire him to come up with the right word for what he was. There had to be one; a word that didn’t make Richie feel like his insides were being put through a meat grinder. “Something nicer. Re-alived.”
“But I’m not alive. I’m just here. Moving and talking and shit, but there’s no…”
“Risen,” Richie suggested, his voice cracking.
“As in, He is?” Eddie asked dryly.
“As in bread,” Richie said, which was nonsense.
“How long have you been able to do this?”
“Since the deadlights,” Richie said. “When we were kids.”
There was a moment of silence. Just the sound of water hitting the fiberglass tub. Richie imagined it getting clearer, the pink swirling down the drain as the last of Eddie’s lifeblood sloughed away from his cooling body. “It did this to you.”
“I don’t know.” Richie propped his elbows on the windowsill and looked down at the parking lot. He’d need to give Eddie some warning if another Loser pulled in. Bowers’ car was still parked there, and it was a lousy parking job. He was taking up a quarter of the next spot over. “I don’t know if It did this on purpose, or if it was just a side effect. I mean, I don’t think It meant to give Bev visions of the future. Maybe fucked up things just happen to people that get caught in the deadlights.”
Eddie paused. Richie heard the squirt of the miniature shampoo bottle, almost out of shampoo. “Maybe. I kind of can’t believe you kept this from all of us. Bev told us about her visions.”
“Yeah, well, this is different. It’s goes-against-all-the-laws-of-nature fucked up. And I was hoping if I ignored it, it would just go away.”
“Seems like that worked out really well.”
“Fuck you. I never use it, Eds. I swore I wouldn’t ever do it again. I just couldn’t let you stay dead.”
“Thanks,” Eddie said, sounding strangely hollow. “I think.”
Outside, a raven landed on a streetlamp - or maybe a crow. Richie could never remember the difference. Stan would have been able to tell him.
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the-ic-corner · 2 years
A guide to Dinamo Zagreb
An introduction for my Milan mutuals, by your local hrvatskaboo who occasionally watches Dinamo.  
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Dominik Livaković (or Livi) is the first goalie and vice captain of the team. He’s been with them for god knows how long because he refuses to sign for some shitty english club. He often has a worried expression on his face, but he has seen horrors beyond your comprehension as the goalie for Dinamo and the Croatian national team. Looks like a tall worried frog when he’s wearing green. Don’t underestimate him though. He’s saved our asses so many times.
On the bench: Daniel Zagorac, Ivan Nevistić
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Dino Perić is the tallest guy on the pitch at roughly 1,98 m. This absolute unit of a man is one of my personal faves. But don’t be scared, he’s a gentle soul. He will cry if he’s injured or gets a red card. Literally, there’s multiple sad photo’s of this. He’s an avid reader and very smart, but dumb enough to fall for crypto currency. We’ve nicknamed him Finance boy. 
Stefan Ristovski might be a familiar name for some of you. He captained North-Macedonia when they beat Italy in the World Cup qualification. Please don’t hate him! He kinda looks like Ante if you squint (and you’re missing Ante really badly) so I’ve nicknamed him Makedante. 
Rasmus Lauritsen is a surprise name. Somehow a Danish guy got lost in Croatia and signed for this club. He seems to like it a lot, but the hot weather sometimes gets too much for him and then he decided to shave his entire head. Hence his nickname Baldritsen.
The others (I don’t have much to say about them): Sadegh Moharrami, Daniel Štefulj, Kevin Théophile-Catherine, Josip Šutalo, Emir Dilaver.
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Robert Ljubičić is the one with that big head of curls. You can’t miss him, unless he decided to wear a bun, which is a crime. He’s a young talent and really surprised us this year!
Luka Ivanušec has made a couple of appearances for the national team and is definitely one to watch. How do you find him? Well, he appears to have a big d*ck as it’s basically always on display, bulging out of his shorts. Yeah I’m serious.
Martin Baturina looks baby, is baby. He’s 19 but you better watch out. Consider yourselves warned about this massive talent.
Arijan Ademi captains the team and you may also know him from that lovely North-Macedonian squad. You laugh at his underbite while he fouls the shit out of you. 
Petar Bočkaj was deemed too fat by Dinamo officials at the beginning of the season, but in this house we don’t judge. It’s called thicc and he proved he can definitely score goals with that plump body.
Also there: Antonio Marin, Josip Mišić, Marko Bulat.
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Mislav Oršić is a name you should know. He has scored hat-tricks in both the Champion’s League and the Europa League before. Famous for kicking out Spurs last year, for that he earned the nickname Daddy. Last week he scored the goal against Chelsea. He seems to hate English clubs in particular but who knows what he’ll do against Milan...
Bruno Petković is that handsome man up front who will bodyslam his way to goal and then try to do a bicycle kick. He can be really good, but sometimes his goal-drought is worrying. Together with Ivanušec he makes Team Big D*ck and not just in energy.
Also watch out for: Mahir Emreli, Josip Drmić, Gabriel Rukavina, Luka Menalo, Dario Špikić.
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malamterlalumalam · 2 years
Beberapa hal perlu selalu diingat untuk jadi penyeimbang, dalam rangka "everybody should have their own basic".
1. Dulu, sejak SMP, bapak dan mama selalu berkata "jadi anak mbok ya jangan mimpi tinggi-tinggi, jangan mimpi bisa kuliah, kakakmu yang pandai dan ranking 1 di sekolah saja nggak kuliah"
2. Waktu kelas 12 SMK, keinginanku mulai berhijab sudah bulat, tapi orang tua tidak setuju dan berkata "mau pakai hijab uang dari mana, Nduk. Kalau mau berhijab harusnya dari awal masuk SMK biar nggak perlu beli baju sekolah lengan panjang lagi". Ya, mereka tidak bermasalah dengan keinginanku berhijab. Mereka hanya tidak punya uang untuk membelikanku seragam baru. Dulu aku hanya bisa menangis. Setelah dewasa dan punya anak, aku tau tiap orang tua pasti juga tersiksa ketika tidak bisa mendukung keinginan anaknya. Dengan jalan Tuhan, tak lama setelah itu aku berkenalan dengan seorang alumni SMK dengan jurusan akuntansi, dan beliau memahami keinginanku. Semua baju OSIS, seragam jurusan, pramuka, hingga seragam olahraga lengan panjang miliknya yang sudah tak terpakai, dia beri dengan cuma-cuma kepadaku.
3. Jauh saat masa-masa sekolah dasar, kami hanya mampu membeli lauk ayam 1 potong kecil, seringnya bagian dada. Dimakan berlima dengan per orang mendapat jatah ayam 1 suwiran. Atau jika membeli bakso, mama hanya membeli 1 bungkus. Satu anggota keluarga mendapat 1 butir bakso untuk dimakan bersama nasi. Suamiku menangis pertama kali mendengar cerita ini.
4. Saat SMK aku ingat betul. Baterai hpku tidak bisa digunakan. Diganti oleh bapak yang memang tukang service barang elektronik, dengan baterai hp lain. Hanya saja baterainya terlalu besar untuk ukuran hpku :). Apakah berfungsi? Ya, tentu saja, meskipun baterai hp penggantinya tidak bisa dimasukkan ke dalam casing, melainkan ditempel ke belakang hp. Betapa malunya dulu mengeluarkan hp dari tas waktu sekolah. Ah anak bodoh. Sekarang kalau dipikir-pikir, kenapa harus malu. Terlebih jika kita memang benar-benar miskin
5. Aku baru belajar naik motor saat SMK. Motor pertama di rumah kami itu adalah Supra fit bekas, warna merah, aki soak dan langganan mogok. Karna bapak merantau, aku belajar naik motor sendiri, atau beberapa kali dibantu teman. Ingin menangis rasanya jika motor mogok di jalan, sudah distarter kaki berkali-kali tapi tetap tidak bisa menyala. Walau jika dipikirkan sekarang, apa yang terasa berat dulu ternyata tidak ada apa-apanya saat ini
6. Saat lulus SMK, usiaku masih 16 taun. Aku mencoba peruntungan dengan mendaftar beasiswa kuliah full funded tapi, aku tidak tau kalau lulusan akuntansi seharusnya disarankan mendaftar dengan jurusan yang sama, agar potensi lolos juga banyak. Alih-alih, aku justru mengklik universitas Islam di pilihan pertama dan kedua. Yang mana, semua kriteria nilai tidak linear dengan nilai anak lulusan SMK. Alhasil, aku tidak lolos. Aku bekerja di toko textile dengan banyak merenung mengapa aku berakhir di sini sambil membayangkan teman-temanku mulai sibuk dengan kegiatan mahasiswa baru
7. Karna masih belum bisa membuat KTP saat lulus SMK, aku tidak bisa mendaftar kerja di perusahaan. Dulu, di kotaku, lulusan SMK negeri jurusan akuntansi pada taun 2011 cukup menjanjikan dan seharusnya sudah bisa jadi staf administrasi dengan gaji UMR. Hingga akhirnya bekerja di toko textile yang tidak mensyaratkan KTP dan SKCK, gaji pertamaku kalau tidak salah 400k perbulan
8. Saat tau aku tidak lolos beasiswa kuliah, aku nekat mendaftar universitas Islam sekitar rumah. Universitas kecil (pada saat itu). Aku mendaftar jalur berprestasi dan lolos. Uang gedungnya diturunkan jadi setengah. Kalau tidak salah, hanya menjadi 1,000k saja waktu itu. Saat hari pendaftaran ulang, aku naik motor ke universitas itu, sendirian. Tidak tau jalan, modal nekat saja. Aku memberanikan diri menemui bagian administrasi untuk meminta diringankan lagi biaya pendaftaran ulangnya, atau, paling tidak bisa dicicil. Jawabannya tentu saja "maaf Dek, itu sudah diberi kompensasi. Tidak bisa turun lagi atau ditunda pembayarannya". Aku pulang ke rumah tanpa memberitahu aku dari mana dan hanya bisa menangis diam di dalam kamar menyesali kehidupan mengapa susah sekali bagi si miskin untuk melanjutkan pendidikan, meskipun sudah mengantongi surat tanda tidak mampu.
9. Saat kecil hingga SD, rumah kami tidak mempunyai WC. Kalau hendak poop, kami harus ke sungai kecil di belakang rumah. Kalau poopnya malam, mama akan menyediakan plastik untuk aku poop, karena sungainya sepi dan menyeramkan betul malam-malam poop dikelilingi pohon bambu yang rimbun. Suamiku meneteskan air mata saat mendengar ceritaku yang ini. Aku hanya tertawa renyah. "Yang terdengar sulit sebenarnya adalah pola pikirnya Mas", kataku mencoba tabah.
10. Yang sulit adalah.. semenjak menjadi ibu, aku jadi menyadari kalau aku punya banyak sekali trauma masa kecil. Bayangan aku dimarahi, dipukul, disiram, dibentak di depan umum, dilihat dengan sinis, direndahkan, dibodoh-bodohi, dan yang paling membuatku marah, dikatai tolol :), justru oleh orang tua sendiri, selalu terlintas. Makin hari makin sering. Aku sering mengasihani diri sendiri karena itu. Aku sering menyesalkan Laeli muda yang sangat pemalu dan tidak punya pendirian. Aku sangat membenci orang tuaku. Aku sangat membenci orang tuaku. Meskipun tidak ada dari bentuk kebencian itu yang pernah sampai kepada mereka. Alih-alih, aku tetap hormat dan menyayangi. Ketika perasaanku penuh, aku akan menangis sesekali.. tidak apa-apa. Kalau dipikir-pikir lagi sekarang, tiap melihat suamiku bermain dengan Neko, aku rasa itu yang menyembuhkanku. Meskipun mungkin membutuhkan waktu yang lama, kebahagiaan saat ini pasti menyembuhkan setiap luka dan dendam masa lampau. "Itulah kenapa Mas nikahin Pus. Pus itu fighter. Pus bisa melewati masalah demi masalah dan jadi Pus yang sekarang. Itulah kenapa misi Mas nikahin pus adalah pengen bikin Pus bahagia" kata suamiku suatu hari. Sekarang aku yang menangis mengingat kembali ucapan ini.
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sunshineandsuitcases · 8 months
Bandung Solo Trip, 2023
Hey guys! Here are some recap from my Bandung trip dalam rangka ikut Pitnas Pernefri hihi🫶
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Kalo penasaran dengan hotelnya, kemarin dapatnya di Agoda harga 680an nama hotelnya Vasaka Maison. Dapat kamarnya deluxe namanya Classic Attic, dapat breakfast, dan sangat strategis depan alun-alun. Plus aesthetic banget hotelnya dan ada mesin kopi!💖
Got the chance to explore Braga sama Kak April, foto-foto juga sama street photographer Braga. Sangat terjangkau juga cuman 5000/foto dan minimal ambil 6. Jadi 30.000an lah. Pake lighting dan diarahkan pula. Dapat jajan tahu bulat juga depan hotel. Cuma hati-hati aja kalau ada penjual pulpen atau pengamen yang ingetin barang-barang, padahal ya agak terasa kayak mau malak gitu.
Kemarin juga sempat ke PVJ sama Kiki (ini seupu ibuku basically tanteku jadinya tapi kalo umurnya ya adekku), terus lagi ada halloween spot temanya Coco😩🫶 beneran lucu dan aesthetically pleasing!
Untuk kuliner kemarin sempat ke tempat hits di Warung Lela buat makan yamin, banyak orang Jakarta karena rasanya kayak di warung gitu terus banyak angin soalnya di lembah dekat The Parlor. Terus ke Cici Claypot, makan mie dalam claypot hehe lumayan enak rasanya walaupun katanya hidden gem tapi menurutku oke aja. Lanjut ngopi ke Kopi Toko Djawa, kopinya rasanya creamy dan kurang nendang tapi mungkin butuh extra shot biar agak pahit lagi? Bisnis yang lumayan oke nih kalo mau buka di Makassar.
Highlight jalan-jalan kali ini sebenarnya lebih ke hotelnya. One of the best place to stay, bukan cuma modal viral menurutku dan dapat best deal dari agoda, beneran mantep banget! Terus dari trip ini juga jadi sadar Bandung itu bener-bener creative hub, dari sana rasanya semangat lagi buat explore hobby seni ini.
Btw, berpikir untuk lanjutin “US Trip” kapan ya? Hahahaha keburu hilang memorinya! Semoga dalam waktu dekat deh😩
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larasatidena · 10 months
36. Juli 2023
Mengajukan surat pengunduran diri dari sebuah perusahaan anak BUMN ternyata cukup rumit sehingga perlu mendedikasikan tenaga dan waktu untuk menjalani proses demi prosesnya. Sementara opini dan suara terus bermasukan dari rekan kerja maupun senior, seperti ingin : 1) memotivasi agar aku merasa mampu menjalani dual peran sebagai ibu yang bekerja ; atau 2) mempersuasi agar tetap bekerja ; atau – yang paling kusyukuri – 3) ingin mendengarkan apa dan mengapa pilihanku demikian ? Di antara masukan2 tersebut yang paling sering didengar adalah rasa eman atau kekhawatiran bila harus mengaplikasikan/ mengakhirkan/ melanjutkan pendidikan yang telah kuperoleh dengan aktivitas « hanya sebagai ibu rumah tangga di rumah ». Sementara masukan2 ini kuterima bertahap melalui tangis, gemuruh, atau marah, semua berakhir sebagai endapan yang terus terpikirkan siang dan malam dan tidak hilang begitu saja, sampai bisa kurespons dengan jernih. Mungkin aku perlu menyampaikan permohonan maaf atau minimal prihatin dari hatiku karena itu semua adalah wujud kecemasan atau kepedulian yang mereka ekspresikan dengan beragam cara.
Perspektifku mengatakan, kesempatan yang Allah berikan untuk menjalani pengalaman sebagai seorang ibu, sama berharganya dengan kesempatanku saat mengejar master degree institusi luar negeri – bahkan, jauh lebih berharga dari itu. Keputusan yang kupilih didasari oleh pikiran yang sadar, insight dari mendengarkan pengalaman orang-orang, dan membaca sebagai proses belajar yang intens sejak masa kehamilan hingga saat merawat bayi. Menurut seorang senior dan kawan, ini semua dapat disimpulkan secara ringkas sebagai : « upaya mitigasi risiko untuk keluarga ».
Permintaan putus hubungan kerja yang kuajukan ini memang selanjutnya untuk mengalokasikan sumber daya diri yang kumiliki : waktu, pikiran, dan perhatian kepada pendampingan tumbuh kembang Andita. Pun bila ada satu dan lain hal yang menjadi pemantik dari sisi kantor tidak kusematkan sebagai prioritas alasan. Sayangnya apa yang kurasakan banyak juga dialami teman2 sebaya. Menanggapinya, bisa jadi aku melihatnya sebagai fakta bahwa generasiku penuh dengan kekecewaan kepada sistem kerja formal yang belum mengadaptasi nilai-nilai kepraktisan dan kesetaraan yang dianut generasi millenials ; bisa juga aku melihatnya sebagai introspeksi diri bahwa bekerja di corporate dengan basic profit orientation bukan pilihan yang dapat menggali performance terbaikku. Manapun hikmah yang ingin kuambil, keputusan untuk beradaptasi dan hidup berdampingan sistem yang mayoritas bertentangan secara nilai bukanlah pilihanku, karena itu sama halnya dengan mengadopsi nilai2 yang berseberangan.
Sepanjang hidupku yang telah berlalu aku selalu bersikeras menolak fasilitas yang Ibu dan Bapak tawarkan karena posisi mereka di kantor. Klimaksnya berada pada sebuah kalimat peringatan bahwa di penghujung masa pensiun Bapak, beliau tidak bisa lagi menawarkan kemungkinan bekerja atau magang di lembaga yang prestige dan untuk masuk ke dalamnya perlu kompetisi yang ketat ( - bila mau fair). Bagiku itu adalah bakal praktik nepotisme – namun aku bersyukur kami semua tidak merealisasikannya. Entah itu adalah secara hukum dikategorikan sebagai fasilitas yang memang hak kami (beasiswa yayasan yang diberikan untuk keluarga founders) ; ataupun menjadi orang titipan untuk bekerja di suatu institusi. Tentu kami sekeluarga juga tak bulat menilai hal ini adalah benar atau salah; di antara diskusi yang menghasilkan kesimpulan abu-abu; setiap orang memegang prinsip dan mensupport keputusan akhir yang kami ambil. Pada akhirnya Bapak sendiri sebagai Founder Yayasan yang mengambil beasiswa untuk melanjutkan studi ke strata S3, yang mana kami sangat mensupport moral dan aktivitas akademik ; dan aku melanjutkan mencari setengah mati beasiswa seperti mencari jarum di tumpukan jerami dengan support kedua orang tua yang akhirnya memfasilitasi berbagai hal termasuk memberangkatkan dengan tiket pesawat ke bandara Charles de Gaulles.
Sayangnya prinsip antinepotisme ini sepertinya tidak mudah diterapkan di berbagai lingkungan, termasuk yang belakangan kujalani. Seorang kawan justru melihat hal ini boleh-boleh saja karena keuntungan memiliki ‘’koneksi’’. Orang lain pasti memiliki alasan untuk mendasari perspektifnya. Namun bagiku itu adalah sebuah pilihan. Akupun menjalani pilihan apa yang kuambil, termasuk peluang yang terbuka di masa silam. Tapi layaknya suatu amalan baik dapat menjadi "jariya" (- berkepanjangan, berkelanjutan, berimplikasi panjang), maka suatu kesalahan melalui "jalur orang dalam" juga dapat menjadi berkepanjangan dan hal ini yang perlu aku antisipasi dalam posisi yang kujalani. Poin terakhir tapi tidak kalah pentingnya adalah, aku selalu percaya, tempat ideal dan adil itu ada, meski sesekali kubertanya dan kurenungi dengan gamang pada suamiku, tapi pada akhirnya selalu sebuah kesimpulan bahwa "tempat seperti itu" ada, dan aku tidak kurang kapabel dan kompeten untuk bisa bergabung berkontribusi di sana.
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deludedfantasy · 10 months
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️ (You don't have to. I just... got this and, well... have a nice day <3)
I Will Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie -- This song has been a constant favorite since I first heard it when I was 13 and it'll probably stay with me forever. It's beautiful, a little morbid when you think about it, but also it's great.
Your Blood by Nothing But Thieves -- I got a little obsessed with this a few weeks ago because the lyrics are very Vol 10 Vashwood vibes. I originally misheard one of the lyrics as, "I gave you my moral disease" and got KO'd by how Vash this song is. Alas, that isn't what the song actually says but it's still a Vash song...to me. (Pro tip: Do not listen to this song during the couch scene and think about how Vash is feeling. You will not survive.)
Ramble On by Led Zeppelin -- So funny story. I got very obsessed with Supernatural two years ago. Dean Winchester loves Led Zeppelin. I'd never (knowingly) heard their music before because I grew up in a household of Russian people who only listened to Euro pop. So I listened to Led Zeppelin's entire discography and ended up agreeing with Dean Winchester that their best song is Ramble On. Fun stuff.
Girl God Gun by Gen and the Degenerates -- First heard this song on a Godstiel playlist on Spotify and I love it. It's brash and loud and punk and just super super fun. It makes me wanna yell and dance and go wild.
The Prayer of Francois Villon (Molitva) by Regina Spektor -- This is actually a cover of a song by the famous Russian bard, Bulat Okudzhava, but I like this version the best. Its very poetic and beautiful. The song is basically someone praying. They at once praise God while asking for Him to pay attention to them, to not forget what they ask of Him. Here's a translation of the lyrics.
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bimbeljakartatimur · 1 year
Daftar Bacaan Bimbel Jakarta Timur | Berisi Artikel-artikel terpilih untuk belajar dan berlatih soal di rumah, juga rujukan soal ulangan dan ujian di sekolah
Bimbel Jakarta Timur
Cara Menghitung Panjang Kerangka Prisma Bimbel Jakarta Timur
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Soal PAS Matematika Kelas 6 Semester 2 Bimbel Jakarta Timur
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Teorema Dasar Aritmatika Bimbel Jakarta Timur
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6 Tips That May Help You Learn Math Faster and Improve Your Ranking: Bimbel Jakarta Timur
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Video Trik Cepat Matematika Bimbel Jakarta Timur Video Trik Cepat Matematika Berikut ini adalah video-video Pelajaran Matematika yang berisi trik Matematika dan cara cepat dalam perhitungan Matematika. Semoga bermanfaat ……Trik Cepat Menentukan Persamaan Garis SejajarPerkalian Bilangan di bawah 100
Bimbel Jakarta Timur https://sites.google.com/view/informasi/bimbel-jakarta-timur
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Promo Hari Lebaran!!! 0821-3570-6755, Gamis Modern Surabaya
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Ide ootd Kondangan Maupun Menyambut Hari Lebaran
“Ready Stock!
All-Size Dress Gamis Modern
Bahan: Fancy Crepe Lux original 100% (hasil campuran wollycrepe dengan basic kimia celup maxmara italiano yang membuat bahan halus, lembut, nyaman, dan ringan digunakan). Memiliki kerah bulat, resleting belakang, saku kanan dan kiri, karet di bagian lengan (tapi tidak ketat sehingga mudah untuk mengambil air wudhu), cutting rok umbrella kurang lebih 2.7m, nyaman untuk beraktivitas kapanpun dan di manapun. Cari dress gamis yang berkualitas dan muat untuk segala jenis ukuran badan? All-Size Dress Gamis Modern jawabannya! Punya acara besar dan bingung pakai gamis yang mana? Cobain varian Rumah Gamis yang satu ini. Warnanya juga beragam, lho!”
Untuk Info Pemesanan Bisa Klik Nomor Dibawah ini https://wa.me/6282135706755.
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German Language Proficiency Examination and Certification
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A language proficiency test is required to examine your command of a certain language. There are many examinations available; however, you will have to choose according to the purpose of your language proficiency test. For your convenience, we have accumulated all the required information regarding the German Language Proficiency test!
German language proficiency tests:- Some of the well-known testing agencies or institutes are mentioned below.
TestDaF Institute:- TestDaf serves as a German language proficiency test commonly opted for by people aiming to further studies in Germany. Contact the University you are willing to study in for further knowledge regarding the test or Goethe institute.
BULATS, or Business Language Testing Service:- It is a German language proficiency test that cooperates with the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate. This test is specially designed to test the job applicants/candidates working on an international platform.
German Language Test for College Admission for Foreign Students (DSH):- This exam is set out by the University you prefer to join for further study. The objective of the exam is to make sure that you can comprehend and speak German fluently so that you do not face any difficulty adjusting to a German University.
Zertifikat Deutsch (ZD):- Zertifikat Deutsch (ZD) tests the basic ability of a person to understand the German language required to deal with regular conversations. They should also have a strong grasp of the grammar. Students who have completed 500–600 class hours apply for this exam. The institute conducts this examination once their language course is completed.
Certification:- TestDaf certification is provided to non-native German speakers. A Goethe-Institute certificate is extremely useful when applying for a visa, University entrance, residence permit, etc. DSH also provides certificates for the completion of the German language proficiency test. The European Language Certificates (Telc) owns over 2000 examination centers across 20 countries. Cambridge Institute in Mumbai is an excellent institute to start your journey with the German language Classes in Mumbai.The faculties would train you professionally to achieve your goals. Visit their website to know more regarding your interest areas.
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Rizka how many numeros member now that our target list? Is it many?
Ejen Rizka: sepuluh.. Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro, terus.... Cinco, Seis, Siete, Ocho, Nueve.. Salah anjay ada sembilan
Ejen Ali: haishh Diez kan rizwan dah bukan anggota numeros lagi..
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Hmm? What
Ejen Ali: hah? Tak ada!
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Oh okay, Rizka, a few moments ago I see funny scene in techno agents classroom
Ejen Rizka: ada yang rusuh?
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Basically the one who keep asking, that wire is plugged incorrectly on their gadget creation for inviso agents
Ejen Rizka: waduuh??
Ejen Ali: khai isn't it?
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Yes, Ejen Khai and Ejen Bulat
Ejen Ali: oh.....
M!a Indonesian speaking ejen Rizka
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thevinylhours-blog · 6 years
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Some post Valentine’s goodness. Happy Valentine’s day vinyl lovers from Merlin and I ❤️❤️
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leadmetojannah · 3 years
Kutu Buku Bukan Jaminan Mutu: Evaluasi Tentang Literasi
Buku adalah sebaik-baik teman. Teman bermimpi, teman berefleksi, teman merencanakan aksi, teman merancang strategi, teman menyendiri, dan bagi sebagian orang adalah teman ngopi.
Salah satu hal yang paling saya syukuri adalah rezeki bisa membeli buku-buku, nikmatnya kencan dengan buku-buku (terutama di rumah), dan memiliki mentor self-development yang juga kutu buku sekaligus founder “Gemar Baca Keliling” yang project-nya dilakukan dari Sabang sampai Merauke (tapi sayangnya project itu gak berlangsung lama, hanya masih sampai Sabang, karena beliau menikah). Dulu saat awal-awal saya mengenal mentor saya, rasanya excited tiap bertemu dengannya, karena setidaknya akan ada bahasan tentang buku atau mendiskusikan isi buku.
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Sebenarnya banyak masyarakat kita yang suka membaca, bahkan mengoleksi buku. Tapi mengapa banyak masyarakat kita yang belum cerdas? Lalu, bagaimana dengan skill dan kualitas literasi mereka?
Ada sedikit pergeseran makna literasi. Kalo dulu definisi literasi adalah kemampuan membaca dan menulis, sekarang literasi memiliki beragam definisi. Literasi berkaitan dengan kompetensi berpikir, mengolah informasi, dan memahami informasi. Menurut Education Development Center (EDC), literasi adalah kemampuan individu untuk menggunakan segenap potensi dan skill yang dimiliki dalam hidupnya dan mencakup kemampuan membaca dunia.
Literasi merupakan cara untuk mendidik dan memberdayakan diri, dan merupakan pondasi/modal seseorang untuk bisa berkomunikasi, berkehidupan sosial, berinteraksi dengan dunia, dan berkontribusi pada masyarakat. Allah pun telah mengajarkan pada kita untuk membaca dan menulis sebagai perangkat dasar untuk berkomunikasi. Iqra’, secara umum diartikan sebagai perintah untuk membaca. Tapi kata iqra’ yang berasal dari kata qara’a ini memiliki arti yang bermacam-macam, diantaranya adalah membaca, menganalisa, mendalami, merenungkan, menyampaikan, meneliti, menelaah, dan lain sebagainya.
Lalu iqra’ seperti apa yang seharusnya kita miliki? Saya lebih condong pada penjelasan Mortimer J. Adler dalam bukunya “How To Read A Book: The Classic Guide To Intelligent Reading”. Kenapa? Sebab Adler menyajikan cara praktis dalam membaca di level yang lebih tinggi. Artinya, pembaca buku sudah selesai/tuntas dalam masalah “minat baca” dan saatnya move on ke level yang lebih tinggi dari itu. Mari kita baca yang saya screenshot di bawah ini.
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Jadi membaca itu ada 2, yakni membaca aktif dan membaca pasif. Maka dari itu, kutu buku bukan jaminan mutu. Hobi membaca buku bukanlah penentu ukuran kecerdasan seseorang. Sebab yang diperlukan adalah membaca aktif, bukan aktif membaca. Kalo “aktif membaca”, maka level kita masih setara dengan “minat baca”.
Membaca aktif masuk dalam skill produktif, yang mana output-nya adalah writing dan speaking. Sedangkan membaca pasif masuk dalam skill reseptif, yang mana hanya sekedar menerima input, yakni listening dan reading. Kita gak bisa terus-terusan menjadi pasif kan? Kapan naik levelnya? Apalagi menelan bulat-bulat apa yang kita baca.
Adler juga menjelaskan bahwa ada 4 level membaca, yakni elementary, inspectional, analytical, dan syntopical. Keempat proses ini harus runtut, gak boleh melompat atau hilang salah satunya. Saya gak akan menjabarkan masing-masing level ini, karena postingan ini akan menjadi sangat panjang nantinya, wqwq. Tapi saya ingin menekankan bahwa level analytical reading harus dibiasakan, sebab inilah basic intellectual reading. Ada 3 teknik analytical reading, yakni skimming, interpreting, dan criticising. Dan saya juga gak akan menjabarkan masing-masing teknik ini, sebab terlalu panjang.
Setelah kita mengetahui sekilas tentang membaca aktif (active reading), saatnya kita melakukan evaluasi, sejauh mana skill literasi kita. Saya mencoba membuat pertanyaan-pertanyaan evaluasi di bawah ini berdasarkan ‘insight’ yang saya dapatkan dari hasil membaca 3 jilid buku “Semua Murid Semua Guru” karya mbak Najelaa Shihab (salah satu psikolog favorit saya dan merupakan inspirasi saya di dunia pendidikan), insight dari bukunya Adler, dan pendapat saya pribadi.
1. Apakah buku-buku bacaan kita sudah cukup beragam?
2. Apakah buku-buku bacaan kita sudah benar-benar berkualitas?
3. Apakah kita mencari tahu atau menggali profil penulis sebelum membaca?
4. Apakah kita berempati dengan latar belakang penulis sebelum membaca?
5. Seberapa sering kita mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang buku yang akan kita baca?
6. Apakah tujuan kita membaca? Untuk hiburan, mengkonsumsi motivasi semata, menambah pengetahuan/wawasan/informasi, memahami (belajar), membandingkan, menggali data, menelaah, atau untuk mengkritisi sebuah karya/bacaan?
7. Bagaimana kita dapat menggunakan kemampuan berpikir kita secara maksimal dalam aktivitas membaca?
8. Apa yang kita lakukan setelah membaca? Apakah memvalidasi, mengkoneksikan setiap kata, mengaitkan antar kalimat, menginterpretasi makna, menarik kesimpulan, memperdebatkan gagasan, menganalisis argumen penulis, membandingkan latar belakang penulisan, mengaitkan dengan pengalaman, dsb?
9. Berapa banyak orang/teman yang bisa kita ajak berdiskusi atau brainstorming tentang isi buku yang kita baca?
10. Seberapa sering dan seberapa cakap kita menulis?
11. Apakah setelah membaca kita mengaplikasikan dengan hal yang relevan dalam kehidupan?
12. Apakah dengan banyaknya buku yang kita baca sudah membuat kita memiliki kemampuan penalaran dan pemecahan masalah di berbagai bidang? Atau setidaknya beberapa bidang?
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas juga merupakan renungan dan evaluasi bagi saya pribadi. Sebab bergerak melakukan perubahan dan naik level itu tidak mudah. Ada variabel dan sisi ekologis yang menjadi pertimbangan.
Skill literasi yang terasah akan menghasilkan ‘jejak digital’ yang bermanfaat, aman, pantas, dan merefleksikan identitas diri kita yang sesungguhnya. (ybkb.or.id)
Lalu, buku-buku seperti apakah yang dapat mengasah dan meningkatkan skill literasi kita? Apakah penting membaca beragam buku? Dalam chapter terakhirnya, Adler mengatakan:
... you should seek out the few books that can have this value for you. They are the books that will teach you the most, both about reading and about life. They are the books to which you will want to return over and over. They are the books that will help you to grow.
Sebagai seorang bookworm yang gak enjoy dengan bacaan fiksi dan karya sastra, maka saya sependapat dengan Adler. Banyak hal yang harus kita ketahui, tapi gak semua hal harus kita ketahui. Gak semua ilmu harus kita pelajari. Gak semua buku bagus dan berbobot harus kita baca. Menurut saya pribadi, cukuplah membaca buku-buku berkualitas yang:
mengajak kita untuk berpikir secara kritis,
menyalakan akal dan membangun nalar kita,
menyajikan beragam tinjauan dan perspektif sehingga memperluas cakrawala berpikir kita,
membuat kita semakin dekat dengan Allah,
menuntun kita dalam kebajikan,
membuat kita bisa membedakan mana yang haq dan mana yang batil,
membantu kita untuk bertumbuh dan berkembang sebagai individu,
membekali kita untuk menghadapi fase-fase kehidupan.
Bagi yang gak sependapat dengan saya dan Adler, sebelum kita tenggelam dalam lautan berbagai genre buku, ada baiknya kita memprioritaskan bertafaqquh fiddin dan memperbanyak bacaan Islami, khususnya khazanah teologi Islam. Atau setidaknya berjalan seimbang dan beriringan dengan genre buku yang lain, agar ketika kita membaca berbagai ragam buku, kita punya filter dan gak keblinger.
Jember, 27 November 2021
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