#basically adrien has a spine
ghostlyhamburger · 1 year
Husband Watches Miraculous: Shanghai Special
OK so we don't have an ultra long intro this time. Maybe that extra five minutes will be put towards plot!
That wristband. That's Wayzz. Oh no it's a dragon charm.
I called it! Fan guy will be explained in the next special! It's gotta be connected to the Miraculous bullshit somehow.
I really like this intro so far.
Guardian was always capitalized in the other subtitles but not here so that makes me think this might not be Miraculous stuff.
Oh so they murdered her father.
There was no real leadin to the other special that gave any context. I like Fei so far.
Is this supposed to be summer break?
And someone's gonna try to steal Tikki.
Girl NO. NOOO.
There are LIMITS to the amount of crazy a girl should be able to get away with. DO NOT PUT YOURSELF IN A BOX AND SHIP YOURSELF TO SHANGHAI. that is stalkerish.
Gabriel's actually going? Are you actually going to let Adrien spend time with friends?
All right so what's this magical eclipse all about?
How'd he get the bracelet?
So the Prodigious is the prototype of the Miraculous?
If you destroy them you can't get their miraculouses
Okay. I just need to point out some serious stupidity. The trinket for the Prodigious was already in China. It was stolen from the person in China. and then sent to Paris so that he could fly it back to China to take part in the ritual to get the Prodigious. WHY
That is how spines break! Marinette has no spines! Or maybe she could fit inside that box actually
So Tom and Sabine were struggling financially according to other episodes. How are they gonna afford to send her to China?
Why is he prepared for this?
Okay so they actually explained it.
When did he learn to speak English? That was a big thing of his episode, that he could not speak English or French. Or did Marinette learn to speak Chinese or one of the many Chinese languages.
Oh they addressed that.
This is a much better getting someone who's not familiar with the thing getting invested in the story rather than punching your face in heavy handed.
They had to do completely new modeling for this.
Those are just actual photos.
Why the fuck
Super stalkery
Ahh. Gorilla collects action figures.
This is not gonna go well.
It's weird seeing Gabriel walk around and do shit.
So this is Fei's story, basically.
Hm. Master of disguise stuff.
Gorilla's actually doing his job!
Dead eye Tikki
She took the kwagatama.
There's no way she wouldn't notice the earrings slipping off. The inconsistency of the rules is really annoying. In Lady Wifi, Alya had to go behind the ear to get the backing but now they're clip ons?
Also you would definitely feel your bag being taken like that
Okay this is a cute little moment.
There's a lot of tourists in Shanghai, she should be able to get help.
I like Bastille.
But he's the one who's been fucking with you!
That's the same fan that the bad guy had, so
This is the start of a very pixar-esque style that we see later on.
Oh they're just trying to help! Oh that's nice of them.
This one's just a lot more interesting than the other special.
I like how Gorilla's just playing with the bird.
They're both horrible liars.
If she doesn't have her wallet, how is she going to pay?
I like these little moments, but the subtleties on Fei's face say the guilt is getting to her as she's getting to know Marinette.
Aaand Chat Noir to save the day.
Your forms will do nothing here. You're just wasting energy.
Those are good kids. They're doing their best to help.
So we got an eclipse that does magic.
aaand Marinette switched modes.
"You're gonna call your uncle right now" with Marinette's own phone.
I like the subtle echo they have on Hawkmoth's monologue.
[Marinette transforms] is now really the time to dance, girl?
Into the well. Where she's gonna accidentally find the real thing, I think.
I wonder if the colors mean anything on that giant god of war esque staircase.
So this is gonna summon oh that's a big dude.
So Chat's gonna come in and he's gonna fight Hawkmoth and Fei's gonna fight the Prodigious dude
I like the outfit.
[Long Long] is cute.
Oh that's interesting. So it's a different type of transformation.
Heh Hawkmoth got a basketball to the dick
I didn't know he could use an akuma to change other people. That doesn't follow logic we saw in the Stoneheart episode. Although maybe since it returned to him he was able to repurpose it?
Time to get the fuck out of there, it's kaiju time.
"We gotta break the ball, the akuma's inside!" and now it's inside him.
[Gabriel gets thanos'd] oh jesus christ. He's murdered. He's just straight up murdered.
I like that this shows that the akumas are not completely controllable. It opens up a lot more ideas and things they could do with it that I know they're not going to.
This just feels like a complete story without rushing through everything.
"Only the power of the object can reach the akumatized object!" how do you know that? You know nothing of the Prodigious, Tikki has told you nothing of it! You could just dive into the mouth and get the thing yourself!
Goodbye Kitty.
You kinda need to survive so you can reset bomb everything.
Is this where Marinette reveals herself?
"Everything is because of me" No it's because of Hawkmoth. It's literally 1000% his fault. You're just the unlucky sucker who's in it and I hate this trope it is so stupid.
Kaiju battle!
That's a big vase. Put the dragon in the vase?
This is a reference to something, I just don't remember what.
It's nice seeing when Hawkmoth's plans actually go awry.
Everyone and everything back to existence! Except they all know what death is like now.
That was good form on that kick.
So Mei Shi's a kwami.
Overall thoughts. I like the implications of the Prodigious but it's not explained enough. It's like they're an attempt to attain things that shared aspects with other miraculouses but that's too much power for one person and the guardian is a kwami? Or like a kwami? I have so many questions that will never be answered on it.
Overall I like it though.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Miracleverse: Null’s Adventures: Chapter 2, part 3
The arrow’s power was so strong, that Null was attacked, and sent flying away, until he hit the Eiffel Tower.
“Ouch… if I had a nickel for every time that I landed on the Eiffel Tower… I would have 5 nickels… which isn’t much, but it’s weird it happened so much” the axolotl spoke to himself.
He was laid there for quite some time. Usually, he would have recovered in seconds, but Axell was tired, which made Null tired.
“Hey, are you okay?” someone asked. The axolotl opened his eyes, and he saw the famous Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black.
“Yeah… I already went through worse” Null said, accepting their help to get up.
“Look… I need to talk to you two later. A lot to explain, and a lot to ask, but, as long as that Spinel Cosplay is terrorizing the town, we shouldn’t focus on that” the axolotl explained. When the other two were about to say something, a fourth person joined the talk.
“The name is Karma, edgy boy” Karma said angrily, finally presenting himself for the heroes. With his bow still in hand, he prepared another attack.
“Not this time, man!” Scarlet Beetle said, throwing his yo-yo at the villain’s direction. In a matter of seconds, though, this self-proclaimed vigilante grabbed the yo-yo.
Then, he started to spin the ladybug hero on the air. Each time he spined it, it got faster and faster and faster, until Scarlet Beetle hit the tower.
“What? Don’t like Spinning Wheels?” Karma asked on an acidic tone.
“We prefer scratching here!” Ikati Black said, jumping and scratching the vigilante’s left side of the face.
Karma retaliated by using his right arms to push the cat hero back to the tower. Not only that, but, after being scratched on the face, his body was covered by threatening spikes, and his nails became claws.
“Is it just me, or this guys just grew spikes?” Scarlet Beetle asked, confused by this villain’s powers.
“It seems like he has the power of getting uglier and uglier” Null commented with a pinch of venom.
As soon as he said that, though, Karma’s spikes got covered by a red energy.
“Fools. All of your bad actions towards me, only make me stronger!” the villain said with a wicked laugh. He stuck his claws on the tower, and started to cover it with his energy.
The three heroes, knowing that it was definitely not safe to stay there, jumped into the direction of the buildings.
They were proven right by the tower starting to smoke and melt when the energy dissipated.
The trio managed to find themselves a safe place to watch the situation and make a plan.
“Alright, we definitely need a plan” Null stated.
“Definitely. This fight will not be simple. Any attempt and hurting him will only make him stronger. And, unlike stoneheart, who only grew with physical damage, any kind of damage makes Karma stronger. And it seems like there is no limit to the number of powers he can have” Ikati Black agreed.
“I guess its time for a bit of luck, right?” Scarlet Beetle suggested. The feline hero giggled, but the axolotl just rolled his eyes.
“Lucky Charm!” the bug hero screamed, activating his special power. When the magical ladybug’s disappeared, the objected was revealed to be… a sheet of paper.
“A guide to how to apologize to your friends” Scarlet Beetle said, reading the content on the sheet.
Null was clearly disappointed.
“You got… to be kidding me” the axolotl complained. That sheet was one of those guides they would distribute in schools to teach kids basic social interactions.
“I don’t think so… the lucky charm never fails. Any idea of what that means, Scarlet?” Ikati Black asked.
“Well… maybe the Lucky Charm is telling us that the best way to solve the situation is convincing Logan to apologize to Adrien!” Scarlet Beetle suggested.
“It makes sense… if Karma gets stronger with each bad action towards him… maybe a good action will make him weaker!” the feline hero stated.
Null hated the idea, though.
“Of course, typical rich kid behavior. Make a big fuss, cause chaos, only stopping when you get what you want” the axolotl scoffed.
The duo was confused by that phrase.
“What are you talking about?” Scarlet Beetle asked.
“As far as I understood, this Adrien boy got akumatized because this Logan said some truths, and, just like every other rich brat, he didn’t handle it. So, he got akumatized to force the boy to take back what he said, because his ego is so fragile, he can’t handle a simple critique” the axolotl explained his dissatisfaction.
The heroic duo’s expressions changed from confusion to indignation.
“Dude, where the hell you made all of this up?” the ladybug hero asked.
“I have my fonts” Null answered, believing that they were questioning him about how he knew so much about the situation.
Considering this duo actually went to Dupont, they probably had seen the whole scene and were confused by how this third party also knew.
“Well, then your font is one hell of a liar” the feline hero said, clearly losing his patience. The axolotl furrowed his eyebrow.
“What happened is that Logan was rude to some kids, Adrien tried to defend him, and this brunette started spitting offense after offense for no reason!” the ladybug hero continued.
“He judged Adrien without even knowing him! Look, there are awful rich people here in Paris: Chloe, the Austins, and probably many more! But Adrien isn’t like that!” Ikati Black exclaimed.
“It’s true, he is just a boy trying to make friends and have a nice year at school. Gosh, he already had to go through enough fake and mean people at parties and events. Let the boy breath! Sheesh!” Scarlet Beetle continued.
Null wanted to say something… he really did, but no matter how hard he tried, the words wouldn’t leave his mouth.
And then, he finally noticed that, in this situation, he ended up being the villain. He was being as awful to those people as his classmates were to him back home.
“I am such a hypocrite” the axolotl said to himself, putting his hand on is face.
“Time to give Adrien an apology” Null continued. The heroic duo was a bit lost by all of that.
“Colors fade” the axolotl said, transforming back into Logan. Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black were with their mouths open.
“Look… there is a lot to talk about, but, right now, I have no time to explain it. Midnight, meet me at the Eiffel Tower, alright?” Logan asked.
The other two, still processing everything, just nodded. They were too speechless to have a proper reaction.
The brunette got down from the building, that fortunately wasn’t that tall and had a ladder, and stood firmly on the ground.
“I am here, Karma. No need to go after anyone else!” Logan screamed, calling the villain. Heavy steps started approaching the brunette, and the ground started to tremble.
“Well, well, well. The coward finally revealed himself” Karma said, menacingly approaching him.
“Are here to pay for all you did?” the villain asked. This time, he summoned a sword. It was clear he was ready to finish everything.
“I am here to talk!” Logan retorted. They stood in silence for a few seconds.
“What are you waiting for? Just speak, then” Karma said.
“I don’t want to talk to you. I want to talk to Adrien” the brunette explained. The villain scoffed.
“Do you think I am that dumb to fall for that?” Karma asked.
“Did you notice that, by denying my request, you are proving that my previous statements were right?” Logan asked, trying to convince his enemy into detransforming.
“I don’t have to prove anything to you!” Karma raged, going back to his violent approach. He started to get closer and closer while clinging to his sword.
‘That was a rash move’ the brunette thought to himself.
“Okay, but, what about the other people?” Logan asked, thinking on a new strategy.
“What about other people?” the villain asked, clearly confused.
“Ever since you got akumatized, you destroyed a bathroom, caused damages to a school and almost melted the Eiffel Tower… you didn’t hurt anyone, but you very much could have” the brunette said.
“You keep saying that you are Karma, and that people get what they deserve, but, you have been causing problems to many people. And if you continue, you will cause many more!” Logan exclaimed.
“This is not ‘Karma’! It’s revenge!” the brunette shouted.  Karma was taken a back by such statement.
Until that moment, the rage and resentment that filled the akumatization had blinded his vision until the present moment.
But now, he actually reflected on everything he did, and he arrived at the conclusion that this boy that he criticized so much was…
“Right. You are… right about this. All this destruction… it is not what karma is…” Karma said, finally seeing how reckless his past actions were.
A purple mask, however, appeared in front of the villain. It seemed like Monarch wanted to convince him otherwise.
“Sorry, Monarch, but nothing you say will convince otherwise” Karma spoke. He started to struggle and focus a lot, worrying Logan a lot about what it could mean. But then, to his shock, the villain managed to break free from Monarch’s control!
The akuma left the body and started to fly away. Scarlet Beetle captured it and used his powers to fix all the damages from Karma’s attack.
Adrien, now, was panting on the ground, trying to catch his breath.
Logan offered his hand to help him get up, something that the blonde boy accepted. However, as soon as Adrien got up, the brunette dropped his hand abruptly.
He was still clearly uncomfortable by the boy’s presence.
“Sorry for judging you and your friends without actually having the bigger picture about how you guys actually are. It was wrong for me to do that, and, I assure you I won’t be doing that again in the future” Logan spoke.
Still, that didn’t seem enough for the rich boy.
“Why, though?” Adrien asked. The brunette had a hard time thinking on an answer that didn’t reveal any important information but was also honest.
“Look, Mr. Agreste, I went through… a lot in the past year. I found out how cruel, fake and selfish people can actually be, and how giving someone your trust, backfires awfully. I know you and your friends have nothing to do with that, but… I can’t bring myself to let my guard down to anyone” Logan answered.
“You don’t have to understand it, if you don’t want to. But I do ask for you to respect it, just like how I will respect you and your friends from now on” the brunette asked.
The rich boy simply nodded, knowing that there was no point on trying to continue that talk.
Both bid farewell and went their own ways…
“Wings fall”
Nathaniel had a lot of things in mind… but most of them were doubts about this new hero that appeared out of nowhere.
“Nooroo… who the heck was that new hero? Like, where does he come from? Did he receive his miraculous like? Did…” the artist started asking non-stop.
“Nath, calm down please. I swear I will explain everything, but you need to calm down first” the moth kwami asked.
Nathaniel gave a deep breath, closed his eyes, and relaxed his elbows.
“Well… I wasn’t sure in the beginning, but, during the fight I became sure… that was the holder of the axolotl miraculous” Nooroo explained.
“Axolotl?” the artist asked, both because he didn’t know this miraculous existed, and because people rarely talked about this animal.
“Yes… the Axolotl miraculous is the most powerful miraculous, because it lets you go to different parallel universes” Nooroo told his holder, leaving him astounded.
“Unlike the rest, the axolotl miraculous works differently. It isn’t on any box, because the holders are chosen directly by the kwami” the moth kwami continued.
“But, considering the axolotl of our universe has been put away after the past holder getting trapped inside a television for playing with the powers (*cough* Amanda the Adventurer *cough*), I am sure that this holder is from somewhere else” Nooroo said, finishing his explanation.
“That’s… just… wow” the artist said, unable of putting in words his feelings.
“That’s not the last part, though… the kwami of the Axolotl, Axell, is one of the few to know the secret incantation to get the ultimate power from Tikki and Plagg. Well, besides the guardians, and the Miracle Book” the purple being finished.
“Which means that I also need the Axolotl… I can go after the one on your dimension, can’t I?” the artist asked.
“Well, I don’t recommend that. The kwami of the crow, with their mind powers, told the rest of us that the Axolotl would be kept on a High-security Museum on New York” Nooroo answered.
“Which means… I will have to go after Null to get that key… I might even be able of seeing him on another universe” Nathaniel said, thinking about meeting the one he lost on another universe.
Author’s Note: Now, only one part left. Again, if you want some changes to be made, I am okay with that.
Next part, everyone will find out why Astro isn’t in this Dupont, Logan will ask for forgiveness for some more people, and the talk at midnight.
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ask-zaukodar · 10 months
Miraculous Awakening Thoughts
So now that I've actually had time to digest (and re-ingest and re-digest) the miraculous ladybug movie I want to gush out about what I did and didn't like. Spoilers below the break.
Marinette's lack of having it together in the beginning and having the anxiety about messing up because she kind of is a disaster was a great starting point for her character in this movie.
Gabriel Agreste got a lot of improvement. Outright evil to morally gray, actually behaving like a fashion designer and not just a big business man, using his miraculous taking a serious toll on him, those fucking pipes of his...I could go on, but I like this condensed but complicated villain more than the series. Especially at the end where he faces actual consequences and doesn't get to peace out on his terms.
The Ladynoir development, which was clearly the main focus of the movie, felt a lot more fun even when it was being condensed (rushed?) for the sake of time. I've seen a lot of critique of how LB and CN don't just spend more time hanging out and goofing off with each other and seeing them do just that felt great, especially when they have their teasing nicknames for each other and you get to see them grow from insufferable rivals to best friends and more.
Adrien having more of a spine in the movie than in the series felt good. Him telling off his father was a satisfying moment, and his frustration evolving into anger in the final fight felt natural.
I like that Tikki and Plagg chose their holders instead of having their holders chosen for them. Sure Adrien didn't get a Master Fu moment that showed his worth to Plagg, but Tikki basically seeing Marinette do her thing and going "yeah i want her" before slipping into her backpack seemed more earnest.
Speaking of Tikki: she has SO MUCH MORE SASS and I love it. I've always loved Tikki and how sweet she is with Marinette, but now having that extra layer of vibrant energy was a great touch. Especially when Marinette tries to ditch her, Tikki shouts "YOU D-", and then just pops back in. Also the shameless shipping gestures. Love her.
THE FINALE REVEAL, AAAAGH IT MADE ME FEEL SO MUCH STUFF. Putting aside just how gorgeous that dress is, that emotional climax of the two lovebirds finally knowing each other and getting to be together without any secrets felt amazing. Adrien crying tears of joy felt perfect in that scene.
"Stronger Together" is probably the best song I've heard in a musical movie in a very, very long time.
Marinette's dad getting more screentime and focus was great, even if it only happened for two scenes.
All the little nods of how the two heroes are made for each other: the beginning intro, all the photos on Alya's phone, the back-and-forth scene cuts where they're talking opposites about each other, how dorky the two really are...soup for the soul.
Special shout-out to the thumbs-up scene for making me laugh harder than it really should have.
Second shout-out for Careless Whisper being used correctly in both the ironic and unironic senses.
Poor, poor Plagg: most of his subtle points and nuance just got tossed out the window just so he could become fart jokes?! Why?! Granted the cheese was going to be a thing, but...man, where's the rest of his character? The friendly chats with Adrien? The glimpse of his relationship with Tikki?
Why didn't Ladybug have Lucky Charm or Miraculous Ladybug during the second fight onward? Okay she wouldn't have either during the first fight, but we don't get to see her unique thinking process with weird items or see her repair the damage of all those fights, which is an under-utilized quality in superhero media these days.
The Adrienette angle of the love square didn't get the proper exploration it needed, and while I realize there wasn't enough time to fully do it justice it would have been nice to see Adrien also have a moment or two where he's starting to see Marinette in a different light and having the same conflict that Marinette had over Adrien vs CN.
The final battle didn't feel quite epic enough, and it's clear there wasn't enough time to do it properly. I would have added a few minutes more where LB and CN actually get their act together and make a bigger dent in HM before they get curbstomped, at least.
The Volkswagen product placement was jarring, and the heroes being there to endorse the cars under the Eiffel Tower felt out of character for a couple of teenagers who are taking a relative serious duty. They're teens, but they're not out for fame or fortune.
Nathalie was waaay under-utilized, but again I get that this was probably because of lack of time, which is a shame.
There's probably SO MUCH MORE I could take apart, but I should probably stop here. Suffice to say: I love this movie, it's a solid 9/10, and I can't wait for the next one in this specific universe.
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I will not expand upon this idea but I need to get it out of my brain and write it down somewhere so here you go
Plagg and Tikki start sensing Weird Eldritch Shit (for handwavey plot reasons) and are like “this isn’t Miraculous magic, we can’t deal with this directly” but they are aware that other types of magic exist within the universe and so they tell this to their holders. So Ladybug either calls an in-person hero meeting or contacts each person individually, idk which yet, and asks if perhaps they’ve experienced anything... weird or unnatural other than akumas. So basically this goes into like testing for ablilities and investigation into people claiming to weird visions of giant tentacled beasts and for a little bit they’re worried that Hawkmoth pushed his power too far and did Something, but it’s affecting both sides during their battles, and they learn there are reports in several locations all over the world, not just France, so it turns into this looming concern.
Finally Ladybug hears from Markov (via Max) of an unnamed contact he and Aeon have been communicating with who claims to have a relative who specializes in this kind of stuff and who has offered their help. Jessica/Eagle confirms she and Uncanny have met this relative, who happens to live in New York state, in person, and that she’s been able to help clear this issue in the affected U.S. areas. Ladybug agrees to have her sent over and tells them to pass along a message: “Be ready to meet at Francois-Dupont.”
Unfortunately, Marinette is incredibly sick that day with a stomach bug, and because of one reason or another doesn’t tell Chat Noir that their exorcist contact will be meeting them nearer the school that day. (It’s not intentional, and she has kept him in the loop about the general might-have-someone-who-can-help-us situation.)
Anyway cue Adrien running into class just in time for role call (he was made late by Plagg last-minute filling him in on Ladybug’s situation). After Mme Bustier calls his attendance, Adrien notices the seating is slightly different. He half turns to look at the back row on the other side of the classroom and sees a new girl with short pale hair and piercing eyes in... the strangest shade of purple? He doesn’t sense any danger, but now that he’s checking there’s a weird veiled aura of power around her. Mme Bustier calls Rose for attendance and the new girl answers as well. Bustier asks, “Rose L?” The girl gives a small wry smile and says, “no disrespect meant, dear teacher, but that doesn’t bring to light what must be revealed.” Bustier just kind of looks at her weirdly and then squints at her attendance sheet. Adrien is wondering if this is some weird sort of lower-key akuma and is trying to subtley plan escape routes and possible battle contigencies. Bustier just gives up and calls, “Rose Lavillant?” a quiet “Here.” She turns to the new girl and says, “and how did you end up in my class, young miss?"
The new girl says, “Pleasure to make the acquaintance of your class, Mme Caline.” (Bustier startles. Did she not give the girl her name, Adrien wonders?) “My name is Rose Lalonde, and I’m cousins with a friend of Markov’s, but I have a few other... friends, visiting in France.” And she turns her gaze straight to Adrien’s in a look that sends icy shivers down his spine as she says with a sweet, knowing smile, “I’ve heard so much about all of you.”
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beatnik-yoga · 1 year
How to Start Yoga for Beginners at Home
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How to Start Yoga for Beginners at Home Yoga is a great way to improve your physical and mental health, but it can be intimidating to start if you've never done it before. You may wonder where to begin, what equipment you need, how long to practice, and what poses to do. Don't worry, we've got you covered! In this article, we'll guide you through the basics of how to start yoga for beginners at home, so you can enjoy the benefits of this ancient practice without any stress. What You Need to Start Yoga at Home The good news is that you don't need much to start yoga at home. Here are the essentials:
A comfortable place to practice. You can use any room in your house that has enough space for a yoga mat and some movement around it. Ideally, the place should be quiet, clean, and free of distractions. You can also create a more relaxing atmosphere by playing some soothing music, lighting some candles, or using an aromatherapy diffuser.
A yoga mat. A yoga mat provides cushioning and traction for your hands and feet, and helps you avoid slipping or sliding on the floor. You can find yoga mats in different sizes, colors, and materials, depending on your preferences and budget. Look for a mat that is durable, easy to clean, and comfortable for your skin.
Some basic yoga props. While not absolutely necessary, some yoga props can help you modify or deepen certain poses, especially if you have limited flexibility or mobility. The most common yoga props are a strap, blocks, a blanket, and a bolster. A strap can help you reach your feet or hands in poses that require stretching. Blocks can support your hands, knees, or hips in poses that require balance or alignment. A blanket can provide extra padding for your knees or back, or serve as a cover for relaxation. A bolster can support your spine, chest, or abdomen in restorative poses.
A guided video or app. If you're new to yoga, it can be helpful to follow along with a guided video or app that shows you how to do each pose correctly and safely. You can find many online yoga videos or apps for beginners that offer different styles, lengths, and levels of difficulty. Some popular options are Skill Yoga, Yoga International, and Gaiam. You can also check out some YouTube channels that specialize in yoga for beginners, such as Yoga with Adriene or SarahBethYoga. How to Do Yoga at Home: A Beginner's Guide Now that you have everything you need to start yoga at home, here are some tips on how to do it:
Choose a time that works for you. You can practice yoga at any time of the day, but some people prefer to do it in the morning to energize their body and mind, or in the evening to unwind and relax. Whatever time you choose, try to stick to it as much as possible, so you can create a consistent routine and habit.
Set a goal for your yoga practice. Having a clear intention or purpose for your yoga practice can help you stay motivated and focused. You can set a goal based on how you want to feel after your practice (e.g., calm, happy, strong), what you want to work on (e.g., flexibility, strength, balance), or what you want to learn (e.g., new poses, breathing techniques). Write down your goal and keep it somewhere visible as a reminder.
Choose a yoga style or practice that works best for you. There are many different types of yoga that offer different benefits and challenges. For beginners, it's best to start with a gentle or moderate style that focuses on basic poses and breathing techniques. Some examples are Hatha yoga,Vinyasa yoga, Yin yoga, or Restorative yoga. You can also mix and match different styles depending on your mood and needs.
Follow a guided video or app to begin your at-home yoga practice. As a beginner, it's a good idea to follow a guided video or app that shows you how to do each pose correctly and safely. You can find many online yoga videos or apps for beginners that offer different styles, lengths, and levels of difficulty. Some popular options are Skill Yoga, Yoga International, and Gaiam. You can also check out some YouTube channels that specialize in yoga for beginners, such as Yoga with Adriene or SarahBethYoga.
Practice in a way that's enjoyable for you. There's no one right way to do yoga at home. You can experiment with different poses, sequences, durations, and frequencies until you find what works best for you. The most important thing is to listen to your body and respect its limits. Don't force yourself into poses that cause pain or discomfort. Take breaks whenever you need to. Modify or skip poses that don't suit you. And don't forget to have fun and appreciate your progress. Some Yoga Poses for Beginners to Try To get you started, here are some easy yoga poses for beginners that you can try at home. These poses will help you stretch your muscles, improve your posture, balance your breath, and calm your mind.
Mountain Pose (Tadasana) .This is a basic standing pose that helps you establish a strong and stable foundation for your yoga practice. It also improves your awareness of your body alignment and posture. To do this pose, stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, your weight evenly distributed through your soles, your arms at your sides, your shoulders relaxed, and your palms facing forward. Hold for 5 full breaths.
Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana) . This is a simple forward fold that stretches your hamstrings, calves, hips, and lower back. It also calms your nervous system and relieves stress. To do this pose, start from mountain pose and hinge at your hips to fold forward over your legs. Keep a slight bend in your knees if your hamstrings are tight. Let your head hang heavy and relax your neck and shoulders. You can hold onto opposite elbows or let your arms hang loosely. Hold for 5 full breaths.
Chair Pose (Utkatasana) . This is a powerful pose that strengthens your legs, glutes, core, back, and arms. It also challenges your balance and endurance. To do this pose, start from mountain pose and bend your knees as if you were sitting on a chair. Keep your thighs parallel to the floor and your knees over your ankles. Lift your arms overhead and keep them shoulder-width apart. Draw your shoulder blades down and away from your ears. Keep your chest lifted and your spine long. Hold for 5 full breaths.
Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) . This is one of the most common yoga poses that stretches and strengthens the entire body. It also invigorates the circulation and stimulates the brain. To do this pose, start on all fours with your hands shoulder-width apart and it's a good idea to follow a guided video or app that shows you how to do each pose correctly and safely. You can find many online yoga videos or apps for beginners that offer different styles, lengths, and levels of difficulty. Some popular options are Skill Yoga, Yoga International, and Gaiam. You can also check out some YouTube channels that specialize in yoga for beginners, such as Yoga with Adriene or SarahBethYoga.
Practice in a way that's enjoyable for you. There's no one right way to do yoga at home. You can experiment with different poses, sequences, durations, and frequencies until you find what works best for you. The most important thing is to listen to your body and respect its limits. Don't force yourself into poses that cause pain or discomfort. Take breaks whenever you need to. Modify or skip poses that don't suit you. And don't forget to have fun and appreciate your progress.
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DAY 11
Sorry for not taking the time to write yesterday! I missed Day 10... woops!
Let me start with this: the metro strikes in Paris have been HELL lately. The metro was so crowded they could never probably close the doors on the first try. I had someone crush me with their backpack. A young man pulled accidental rizz on me by being so close to me his hair was in my face and his arm almost on my shoulder. And now I just realized I got on the wrong metro. FUCK. It's hell.
Yesterday I took my mom to my favorite museum and she loved it. Then we ate with a view on the Eiffel Tower on Champs de Mars. Then we sort of got into an argument in the middle of the street because she kept saying that, basically, I was her only reason to live and that she wasn't living for herself and that got me so mad because it's such a weight on my shoulders and because she deserves to have her own life.
Today would have been my dad's 48th birthday. He never even got to turn 45. Life is fucking unfair. Happy Birthday Papa <3
Went to the gym yesterday, on my way to get there again today. We're doing arms day and I'm so excited about it.
I want a new tattoo. Or new tattoos. Like, right now.
Yesterday night I was on the phone with my uni best friend, and we're meeting up this evening for dinner :) I love them. Not in a romantic way though. But I keep wondering why I don't love them like that. Why I've never been in love with anyone. I mean, yeah, I easily fall in love with strangers. But it's never true love. I just think they're attractive and romanticize who they could be and what a life with them could be like based on appearances. That's it. It's not real love. I've never felt romantic love. I've only experienced it through characters. Nick and Judy. Logan and Camille. Marinette and Adrien. Crowley and Aziraphale. Nick and Charlie.
I used to show very little interest in reading Loveless by Alice because I was convinced I wouldn't relate at all. How could I relate to a book whose main character is aromantic and asexual when my greatest obsession in life has always been romance? And then a couple of months passed and my feelings towards the novel changed because then the reason I didn't want to read it was because I was batshit terrified I would relate. And, oh, guess what? I related from the first few words. But I refuse to accept I might be aro/ace. I think that would be, like, the greatest tragedy in my life.
But I don't understand love, honestly. I would never kiss someone if I wasn't in love with them. Attraction isn't enough, I need to be in love. So when I asked my mom if the first time she kissed my dad she was in love and she said she wasn't, I was so fucking confused because my parents are literally THE love story in my life. So apparently, I don't understand how love works. Maybe I don't feel like I could kiss someone just based on attraction because I'm not confident enough, because I think I'm really unattractive. It's all so confusing. And I won't even get into all the confusion regarding my gender, and the confusion I felt around my sexuality (whether I was a lesbian or bisexual) for such a long time. It's all so complicated. I don't know who I am. And it's fine.
In the metro there's this ad for palliative care and it's an illustration of a happy grandpa surrounded by a male nurse, a woman (possibly the grandpa's daughter) and a little boy. They're all smiling. They all seem so happy. And this ad always sends chills down my spine because it makes me so fucking uncomfortable. And why the fuck are they smiling? What's great about someone dying?
Anyway, enough rambling, I'm getting down at the next station. Bye! xx
"I'm in love again
And tomorrow I'll be sad" -YUNGBLUD
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angelofthequeers · 5 years
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
Ladybug: the episode where the A-plot sucks ass and the B-plot shines.
Summary: After making his deal with the devil to clear Marinette's name in 'Ladybug', Adrien seeks the help of Kagami to take Lila down. Lila really should've taken him seriously when he'd told her not to mess with his friends...
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“So, you made a deal with the devil.”
“What? No!” Adrien splutters. Kagami just raises an eyebrow from next to him on the locker room bench. “Okay…yeah…maybe…”
“And now you want me to get you out of it.”
“I don’t need you to save me.” Adrien digs his fingers into the material of his fencing pants. “Just…help me figure out how to out Lila. I don’t know how to prove that she lied.”
“Why now?” Kagami says, fiddling with her ring. “Why not literally any other time before now? When I was akumatised? When she was only just starting to spread her influence? Back when Ladybug outed her in front of you? You’ve known she’s a liar all this time.”
“I didn’t think her lies would hurt anyone, okay?” Adrien says. “And I didn’t want her to get akumatised again. I thought she’d just get herself caught in them and out herself. I didn’t think she’d go so far as to get Marinette expelled…”
“Or get me akumatised for the second time,” Kagami says. Adrien can’t quite tell whether there’s an accusation in there.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I’m a dick. That should’ve been the snapping point for me, but all I did was warn her to stay away from you and my other friends.”
“Yes. That should’ve been the snapping point for you.”
When Kagami doesn’t say anything more, Adrien frowns at her. “So…?”
“So what?”
“Will you help me?”
Kagami sighs. “As annoyed as I am at you, Marinette’s my friend and Lila’s still out for her blood. I’ll help you. Besides, I still owe Lila after that photograph stunt that she pulled.”
Adrien’s shoulders slump. “Thank you, Kagami.”
“Don’t thank me yet. We have to manoeuvre Lila into a corner by getting proof from someone who could irrefutably call out her lies. And for that, we need the help of a certain someone.”
“Me? Help Dupain-Cheng?” Chloé scoffs. She dabs the final bit of green nail polish onto Sabrina’s pinky finger, then screws the brush back into the bottle while Sabrina fans her nails dry. “Adrikins, you know I’d do anything for you –”
“It’s not just for Marinette,” Adrien says. “I’m the reason Marinette’s back at school. I had to make Lila fix the mess somehow.”
Chloé narrows her eyes. “Adrien Agreste,” she says slowly, “what did you do?”
“Is that why Lila was in that photoshoot with you?” Sabrina pipes up. She immediately scoops up the bottle of scarlet nail polish when Chloé extends her hand.
“Well…yeah,” Adrien says. “Lila asked why she should help Marinette. I…might have made a deal to be her friend if she did.”
Chloé blinks. Then she blinks again, and then she pinches the bridge of her nose with her free hand.
“Of all the utterly ridiculous – Adrien, you should’ve come to me in the first place! I might hate Dupain-Cheng, but if I’d known you were going to sell your soul for her –”
“Enough with the lectures, alright?” Adrien says. “I got enough of that from Kagami when I asked her for help.”
“Tsurugi?” Chloé wrinkles her nose.
“Yeah. What’s your problem with her?”
“Nothing, nothing. Look, alright, I’ll help you expose Liar Rossi. I owe her for that time she utterly humiliated me, anyway.”
“And you know I’m with you too!” Sabrina says.
“Yes, we’ll probably need you to make sure that such a busy diplomat is available when we need her,” Chloé says and Sabrina beams.
“You’re the best, Chlo,” Adrien says. Chloé smiles rather smugly.
“Oh, no need for flattery, Adrikins. Just meet me at school tomorrow with Tsurugi. The more kids of rich and powerful parents we have, the better.”
“Look, I’m not sure –” Mr Damocles tries to say.
“You haven’t even investigated how those answers got into Marinette’s backpack,” Kagami says with crossed arms. “Or the necklace into her locker. And if Marinette didn’t take them, it stands to reason that someone planted them.”
“Which is exactly what she said before you expelled her,” Adrien says.
“You heard Miss Rossi – she has a very rare disease –”
Kagami snorts. “She doesn’t have a disease. She’s a compulsive liar. No disease is making her do all this. And for that matter, why does Lila get to claim any of this with no proof?”
“We pride ourselves on believing our students, Miss Tsurugi.”
“Like you believed Marinette?” Adrien mirrors Kagami’s crossed arms. “I even tried to point out that Lila was lying, and you wouldn’t hear it.”
“Have you even consulted her mother?” Kagami says. “With as many illnesses as Lila has, the logical thing to do would be to seek extra advice on accommodating her. And as far as I know, every other disabled or chronically ill student has to have supporting paperwork.”
“Miss Rossi’s had a very hard time –”
Chloé scoffs. “Wait, so you’ve got this ridiculous rule that someone has to prove they’re disabled or sick, and you don’t even hold Lila to that rule? Incompetent, utterly incompetent!”
“Miss Bourgeois, please –” But Mr Damocles is wilting under the three-pronged attack of Adrien, Kagami, and Chloé.
“I’m sure my daddy would simply love to hear about this,” Chloé says. “Expelling one student and not believing her, while believing another student because of a sob story! No one will want to send their students here if they hear that.”
“Especially if the son of famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste and daughter of renowned fencer Tomoe Tsurugi happened to lend their support to Chloé,” Kagami says.
“No! No! Please!” Mr Damocles babbles. Excellent. Now they’ve got him where they want him. “What do you three want?”
“For you to call Mrs Rossi,” Adrien says. “We want to talk to her about Lila.”
“I don’t think I can just –” Mr Damocles says. Chloé pulls out her phone. “Okay! Okay! I’ll call her!”
“And I think we should move this to the classroom,” Chloé says. “I’m sure the other peasants would love to hear this. But don’t tell Lila what’s going on or she’ll lie her way out of it.”
“But –”
Chloé starts to dial a number.
The four of them head for Ms Bustier’s classroom. Class has already started, so Ms Bustier is in the process of writing on the board, and she beams when they enter the room.
“Ah, Adrien! Chloé! I was wondering where you two were!” she says. “I thought Sabrina would be with you, but I suppose she’s just sick or late.” Her brow furrows when she catches sight of Kagami. “Aren’t you in Ms Mendeleiev’s class?”
Kagami just stares right back.
“How rude,” Mr Damocles tuts.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Kagami says. “But since no respect was shown to Marinette when she was accused of cheating and stealing, I didn’t think I needed to show any in return. I wasn’t aware that it was common practice in France to humiliate a student in front of their entire class over an accusation rather than pulling them aside quietly.”
The way Marinette’s eyes light up at this defence of her leaves Adrien’s insides warm and fluttery. He never realises just how much he treasures that light until it’s gone. Watching her nearly give in to Hawkmoth is probably one of the most horrible things he’s ever seen in his life; next to watching Ladybug get captured over and over again during his stint as Aspik or believing that his lady was dying when Mayura had summoned that Ladybug sentimonster.
“We’ve got some, uh…business to address, once our guest arrives,” Mr Damocles is saying when Adrien tunes back in. “For now, why don’t you two take your seats, Miss Bourgeois, Mr Agreste?”
“I don’t think so,” Chloé says. “We’re fine here.”
“What’s going on?” Ms Bustier says. No one answers her.
It only takes about ten minutes after that for a rather flustered Mrs Rossi to arrive, her coat thrown on hastily and haphazardly, with Sabrina in front of her.
“What a morning!” she exclaims. “Everything’s been disappearing – my keys, my purse, everything! It’s as though the universe didn’t want me to go to work today. I’m grateful that this young lady’s father offered me a lift and that she was lovely enough to guide me here.”
Sure, the universe. Or a certain redhead. Adrien peeks over at Chloé, whose smile is almost proud as Sabrina slips into her seat.
“Mamma?” Lila gasps. “What are you doing here?”
“Yeah, what’s going on?” Ivan says.
“Um – ahem – these students wish to talk to you about your daughter,” Mr Damocles says. Mrs Rossi’s brow furrows.
“You called me here for schoolchildren?” she says. Adrien glances at Chloé and Kagami, playing a mental game of chicken, but the look in their eyes is very clear: he got them into his mess, so he can step up.
“Sorry to trouble you, Mrs Rossi,” Adrien says. “My name’s Adrien Agreste –”
“Ah, Adrien!” Mrs Rossi’s face lights up. “My bella’s boyfriend! Lila simply can’t stop talking about you!”
“Mamma –” Lila tries to say.
“Excuse me?” Chloé says.
“His boyfriend?” Kagami adds.
“Not likely,” they chorus.
“Chloé and Kagami are right,” Adrien says. “I don’t know what Lila’s told you, but I’m not and I never have been her boyfriend.”
“But Lila wouldn’t lie to me! She’s my little angel!”
Angel. Yeah. Right. More like the devil. “Ma’am, she’s been lying since she set foot in this school,” Adrien says. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices Marinette trying to conceal her incredulous smile. “She tried to lie to me about being descended from a fox superhero called Volpina. She’s been lying to our class all year.”
“She posted photos of herself kissing Adrien without his consent,” Kagami says.
“But that doesn’t sound like Lila at all…” says Mrs Rossi.
“Ahem.” Mr Damocles clears his throat. “These three raised an, uh…excellent point. Now that I’ve finally got you here, I was wondering if you could provide us with a full medical history for Miss Rossi. Purely for accommodation purposes, of course, so that we can ensure that she’s given a quality education.”
“I already told you –” Lila says.
“Medical history? Accommodations? Lila doesn’t need accommodations!” Mrs Rossi says. “She’s healthy as can be!”
“But she said she’s got tinnitus from saving Jagged Stone’s kitten on a plane runway!” Alya says. “Our whole seating arrangement was reorganised to accommodate her!”
“No, wait, it got miraculously cured by Ladybug,” Chloé says. “Her bestie.”
“Oh, and don’t forget the arthritis!” Adrien says.
“And her disease that makes her lie uncontrollably,” Mr Damocles says. “She did tell me that herself when confessing to accidentally framing Miss Dupain-Cheng for the theft of –”
“Stop! Stop!” Mrs Rossi clamps her hands over her ears. Mild guilt starts to bubble in Adrien’s gut – what is he doing, bombarding the poor woman – but his resolve is steeled at the reminder that he’s doing this for Marinette. Who was nearly akumatised and is the only other person in their school who hasn’t been akumatised, as far as he knows. The only reason she wasn’t was because of that freak scarlet akuma retreat!
“Something tells me she’s been lying to you as well,” Kagami says.
“None of this is true!” Mrs Rossi’s got a wild look in her eye, like her world is slowly unravelling around her. “Lila doesn’t have tinnitus! Or arthritis! She was never on a plane runway! What sort of irresponsible mother do you take me for?”
“She also says that she’s Ladybug’s best friend,” Adrien says. “I’ve been so worried for her ever since she said that! What if Hawkmoth targets her to get to Ladybug?”
“We keep our friendship on the downlow!” Lila protests.
“But you gave Alya an interview for her Ladyblog!” Marinette says.
“Ladybug? Lila was akumatised on her first day here!” Mrs Rossi says. “How could she be friends with Ladybug? And what were you thinking, broadcasting something like that on the internet and endangering my daughter!”
Alya swallows and looks down, blinking rapidly.
“Mamma, they’re just trying to gang up on me!” Lila’s eyes fill with crocodile tears. “Ever since Marinette was simply horrible to me –”
“Dupain-Cheng “apparently” stole test answers and Rossi’s grandmother’s necklace and pushed her down the stairs,” Chloé scoffs.
“I didn’t even touch her!” Marinette says.
“Yeah, I know,” Chloé says. “You’re disgusting. You’re a little princess. You’re the least likely person to do something like that.”
“Thank you…?”
“Lila’s grandmother’s necklace?” Mrs Rossi says.
“Yeah, it’s a fox tail!” Rose says.
“And she tried to claim that it was a Miraculous,” Adrien says. “But Ladybug called her out for lying.”
“You knew?” Nino exclaims.
“Yeah. I’m sorry. I thought Lila would eventually get caught in her own lies and people would see and then she’d get to change without being humiliated. But after she got Marinette expelled?” Adrien looks Lila straight in the eye. “I know she doesn’t regret anything she’s done.”
“A Miraculous?” Mrs Rossi says. “I think I’d know if a piece of magical jewellery was a family heirloom!”
“And how could Rena Rouge be a thing if it really was a family heirloom?” Kagami says. “Everyone knows that Ladybug gets the Miraculouses from another location when she needs help. And Lila still has the fox tail necklace, which means that either Rena Rouge is an elaborate prank, or Lila’s “family heirloom” is a fake.”
Alya winces at that for some reason.
“But we’ve never had a fox tail family heirloom,” Mrs Rossi says.
“We do! Nonna just never told you!”
It really is interesting to watch Lila flail and try to protect her lies, even now that the whole class is openly staring at her with scepticism in their eyes. Huh. Adrien could get used to this. Maybe there is something to being actively involved in justice.
“I can’t believe this. I simply can’t believe this.” Mrs Rossi turns to Lila with severely squared shoulders. “You told me that the school was closed down due to akuma attacks and that’s why you missed all that school!”
“She told us that she was travelling overseas!” Rose says. “And that she was invited to Achu by Prince Ali!”
“I never said that he personally invited us!” Lila says.
“Yeah, you did,” Nathaniel says. “You just said that you didn’t get to see him.”
“Prince Ali? I’ve never even met him, and neither has Lila!” Mrs Rossi says.
“So, you really don’t know Steven Spielberg?” Nino says.
“Or Jagged Stone?” Juleka says.
“No!” Mrs Rossi says hysterically. “Why would my daughter know famous musicians and directors? I’m a diplomat, not an actor or a filmmaker!”
“Miss Rossi, I believe we have a lot to talk about,” Mr Damocles says rather coldly. “And I would like to thank Mr Agreste, Miss Bourgeois, and Miss Tsurugi for bringing this to my attention.”
Adrien tries not to snort. Yeah. Right. Mr Damocles is just trying to save face. But if it clears Marinette’s name and exposes Lila, he’ll just stay quiet for now and let Mr Damocles take this one.
“But Marinette’s been bullying me!” Lila says. “And now she’s got her friends to gang up on me too!”
But that’s apparently one lie too far.
“Marinette? Friends with Chloé?” Alya says.
“Please,” Alix snorts. “Those two would tear each other’s hair out before even looking at each other nicely.”
“I wouldn’t have helped Dupain-Cheng if Adrien hadn’t requested me personally,” Chloé drawls, examining her nails. “Sabrina, you really need to learn how to paint nails properly.”
“Sorry, Chloé!” Sabrina says.
“Come on, Lila,” Mrs Rossi snaps. “You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, young lady!”
Lila sniffles as she gathers her bag and treks down to the front of the classroom, with everyone’s scorching gazes on her as she passes them. Once she’s next to Adrien, she says, “How could you do this to me?”
“Because you hurt my friend,” Adrien says. His eyes move to meet Marinette’s, and she flushes brilliant red and snaps her head down to look at the desk. “Marinette’s very dear to me, and she’s not the only friend you’ve hurt. And I told you never to hurt my friends, Lila. Ever.” He leans in and whispers one word. “Checkmate.”
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stellarlex · 3 years
What are your thoughts about Adrien/Cat Noir?
You got me started, so I won’t mince words.
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Adrien is a pain in the ass.
The way the show constantly makes it seem like he’s in the right when he absolutely fucking ISN’T is something that has infuriated me for a very long time. The writing makes him seem perfect but he isn’t. He’s not even a good friend, and Marinette’s crush addled brain forces her to listen to his garbage advice even though she knows better and is more experienced in social matters.
This fucking kid has only been breathing fresh fucking air for a few months and somehow he’s suddenly a fucking expert on how to deal with bullies and manipulators. That’s how he comes off to Marinette with how often he lets Chloe’s shitty behavior slide or his dumb advice about Lila: “Making a bad guy suffer has never turned them into a good guy.” Or, “If you humiliate her he’ll just be hurt more.”
But Chloé gets to humiliate and hurt others with barely any consequences from anyone, let alone Adrien. And Lila just gets to publicly make fools out of anyone who believes her nonsensical bullshit. And it’s only appropriate to chastise them only AFTER someone has been humiliated, hurt, and even EXPELLED right Adrien?
And sure, I can acknowledge when Adrien has his moments of a spine but it never lasts and always falls through. People are constantly screaming “but his dad and his childhood and he’s so sheltered and can’t stand up to anyone !” but forget that he chose to be a superhero and fight evil and has stood up to people.
I mean he stands up for Chloé and Lila quite a bit no matter who they hurt. He had no problem standing up to Marinette and shaming her and the others when they were rightfully happy that Chloé, their longtime tormentor and bully was leaving. He gets to be sad that Chloé is leaving and shame on anyone who is happy about that.
He was so concerned that Chloé left hurt and humiliated, (which was her own fault for trying to lie about her school project and after the bullshit she pulled with the Bee Miraculous) that he didn’t care about how badly Chloé made others feel on a daily basis. They were rightfully relieved to have Chloé gone and to celebrate having some peace in school for fucking once.
He seemed to have forgotten about how she nearly killed a train full of fucking people to make herself look like a hero. How soon he forgets how Chloé sabotaged Marinette’s great uncle, how she treats Sabrina, how she broke into Marinette’s room and stole her diary to win a class president election, stole Marinette’s hat design and tried to frame her for stealing, how she broke into Marinette’s locker and vandalized her gift to Bustier. Just so many things.
But noooo. That’s not important. What’s important was that HIS FRIEND was sad and that all her bad behavior is negated and that they shouldn’t celebrate her leaving because SHE kept HIM company when he was kept inside his home. Nothing else matters Right Adrien?
And let’s not forget about Lila. I’ve heard so many bullshit excuses about why he won’t expose Lila and it pisses me off something fierce:
“He doesn’t know that Lila threatened Marinette!” “Marinette didn’t tell him about the threat!” “He can’t stand up for himself because he’s scared his dad will pull him out of school!” “He’s scared of Lila!” “But his upbringing” “But his dad!” “He doesn’t have evidence!” “His advice is right!” “He doesn’t know how dangerous Lila is!”
Especially that last one. There has been multiple occasions where Lila has proven how dangerous she is outside of being akuamtized but he still won’t expose her. The time she got Kagami akumatized and WILLINGLY helped Oni-Chan, was proven true by the horn on her head growing every time she lied. Adrien as Chat Noir saw this. Ladybug warned him. A FIREFIGHTER examined Lila’s ankle and basically said she was full of shit about her injury and saw Chat Noir chew her out over her willingly helping an akuma.
Still don’t know how the firefighter didn’t report that to the cops but then I remember that Thomas Astruc is shit and I say to myself, “Ah, that’s why.”
Adrien knew then especially how dangerous Lila was. He even warned Ladybug about her. If I was Ladybug I’d have said “Yeah, no shit. I tried to tell you that 5 minutes ago but sure.” But instead of outing Lila, he still says NOTHING and continues to let her lie and promise his friends things she can’t possibly deliver, continues to let her mess with his friends dreams because she’ll be “hurt more.”
When was this bitch hurt at school I wanna know.
Also, there’s the fact that Adrien has chewed Lila out multiple times about her behavior, so he’s not afraid to stand up to her. He’s even done it in public where anyone can hear him like in school. But he just keeps giving her chances. I was excited when he chewed Lila out after “Ladybug” but then that quickly went away when he said that he didn’t have any proof.
But he does have proof of her lying. He was there when Ladybug chewed Lila out about her lying. If he spoke up about that, they would believe him because he doesn’t have a motive to speak against Lila, like the way others were skeptical of Marinette’s claims because of her crush on Adrien. There’s also the fact that she lied to get into his house and got Nathalie and his bodyguard into trouble.
There is a picture she sent out to multiple people so she can’t rebut that. And then the whole shit about framing Marinette and the red butterflies. He should have spilled all the fucking tea but he still kept his mouth shut. If his little talk with Lila hadn’t panned out Marinette would still be out of school and she would look like some horrible villain and no one would doubt Lila.
But noooooo. Lila will be humiliated, she’ll be hurt. It wouldn’t make her a good guy.
Screw you Adrien.
As for Chat Noir....
*breathes in*
He needs to get a fucking reality check or he needs to not have a miraculous. Yeah. I said it.
Here’s a special message for him:
Ladybug said no. Stop asking her to date you. Stop trying to make plans or trick her into romantic situations with you. Don’t throw tantrums because she doesn’t tell you things or because she won’t do what you want. Stop goofing off during battles. Stop sacrificing yourself you absolute DUMBASS.
Sincerely, me.
It boggles me why he gets to do all the shit he does and has no fucking consequences. Marinette’s toe can’t even twitch without someone breathing down her fucking neck about being the bigger person or just chastising her for not living up to the standards of a Ladybug.
I’m looking at you Tikki.
But Adrien gets to just do all kinds of shit without a HINT of consequences as Chat Noir. It’s fucking WILD. But apparently to some it’s more important that he keeps Plagg because he’s lonely and he shouldn’t be trapped inside his house with Gabriel.
That’s not what a miraculous is for??!?!!?!?!! 🥴
And sure, Marinette has had some slip ups as Ladybug. But not nearly as many as Adrien has as Chat Noir. But like I said, Marinette gets blamed for anything by any and everyone whether she’s Ladybug or not. Tikki and Alya chastised her because she entered the game tournament to spend time with Adrien.
She didn’t cheat, she entered fairly and played fairly and won fairly just like Adrien did. But because it was to spend time with Adrien it was wrong. Even Max’s sore loser ass admitted before he left that Marinette beat him fair and square. It’s a competition. He wasn’t entitled to have a spot. He even looked upset when Adrien beat him and Adrien had a worried look on his face. Tikki even chastises Marinette saying that there were better ways to spend time with Adrien.
But there WEREN’T.
Adrien’s time is so closely monitored that he barely ever gets time to spend with friends. That was the only chance Marinette had to spend time with Adrien. But of course Marinette gets the heat for it.
But Adrien gets nearly nothing when he causes Copy Cat because of his lie about Ladybug. He gets to throw a tantrum because Ladybug didn’t come to a picnic she never agreed to in the first place with no consequences. He gets to be upset about Ladybug having someone she loved and refuse to work together with her. And it’s all just glossed over.
But Marinette? Everything she does is always wrong. She has no choice but to be perfect or somehow the whole fucking world ends. And while it’s not right, Adrien only has to look perfect for his dad’s company. The amount of pressure isn’t the same. He gets to be carefree in at least half of his life, but Marinette is always under pressure and always judged harshly while Adrien gets to fuck up with barely any consequences or repercussions.
In conclusion, I’m so tired of this “sunshine boy”. You asked for this, and I delivered.
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mcheang · 3 years
Volpina vs Old Lady
Anybody recognize her? 😂
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After a disappointing vacation to Africa, Nana decided to visit Paris instead. There were less bad kitties there.
Plagg suddenly sneezed. Adrien felt a chill down his spine and raised the aircon temperature.
Nana liked Paris. The culture and friendly Parisians were charming, she was even getting addicted to the goodies at the Dupain-Cheng patisserie. She decided to visit there every day to try a new treat.
Marinette was such a darling girl that she even gave Nana a homemade Christmas present for being such a regular customer.
The only thing annoying Nana were the frequent akumas and that bad black kitty.
Not that the akumas ever attacked her. They just disrupted her holiday itinerary. And she is not impressed by a flirty kitty distracting a serious heroine.
One day, nearing Christmas, Nana had just neared the patisserie to give Marinette one of her handmade scarves. They both love to bond about the joys of knitting. When she saw a girl in ugly orange play a flute, before suddenly turning into Marinette, but with an evil smile.
Ugh. Another akuma. But this one trying to frame Marinette? Unacceptable.
As Volpina started wrecking the bakery (the real Marinette was outside giving gifts to the homeless and orphanages), Nana suddenly came in and said, “Bad akuma!”
To Volpina’s surprise, the little old lady whacked her in the head with a surprisingly heavy purse, breaking her illusion in a puff of orange smoke.
Nana: framing a sweet girl on Christmas Eve? Unforgivable! Take that! And that!
Basically Nana gives Volpina a major beat down.
Tom: Nana, stop, she’s just a girl!
Nana: she’s an akuma with a magical suit.
Tom: true...but still...
Nana: she framed your daughter
Tom: she’s not worth it
Nana: she still deserves a good smack. In my day, we would have used a cane.
I think a cane would be preferable to her purse...
Volpina: Hawkmoth, help!
The akuma left Lila alone. Nana had to stop now. But Lila was still bruised without a miraculous cure.
Lila: what is wrong with you? How could you hurt me?
Nana: how could you frame Marinette? Such a sweet girl, giving gifts to the poor.
Lila: she’s a bully
Nana: ha! As if! I know bullies, and Marinette is definitely not one. You seem like the type.
Lila: I am not! I help Prince Ali with his charities.
Nana: never heard of him. But if you yourself claim to be innocent, why the desire for revenge, huh?
Lila: it was Hawkmoth!
Nana: he only persuades you to do what you already want to do!
Lila: no, I-
Nana smacked Lila on the face again. “And that’s for still trying to frame Marinette on Christmas Eve!”
Lila burst into tears and ran away, terrified of the old lady. It’s not like she can turn people on an elderly lady...especially when they also seem either awed or petrified of her.
Hawkmoth felt Volpina’s pain and wondered what would happen if he akumatized the old lady...maybe another day...he called back his akuma.
Nathalie looked up when Gabriel left his lair. “No new akuma? What happened to Miss Rossi’s petty jealous tantrum?”
Gabriel: she got beat up by an old lady
Nathalie: I wish I could have seen it
Gabriel: I’m pretty sure I saw a customer filming it.
Nathalie: do you think Lila’s resulting embarrassment will be worth an akuma?
Gabriel:...you just want to watch her get beat up again, don’t you?
Nathalie: I’m the one who has to spend more time with her at photoshoots. The brat is insufferable and exhausting. And she never shuts up! If she’s not bragging, she’s whining.
Gabriel: mmm....consider it an extra Christmas present then.
True to form, the video of Nana beating up Volpina before calling out Lila for wanting to frame Marinette got a million hits within ten minutes. Lila’s accusations about Marinette being a bully are in direct contrast to her public actions giving free presents and food. Nana’s remark about how Hawkmoth only encouraged her inner desires also struck home. Lila wanted to hurt Marinette. If she were really a victim, she would want justice/revenge and truth, not framework. That’s not how previous bullied-victims-turned-akumas had done. Stoneheart and Evillustrator sought revenge, not framing. Lady Wifi and Silencer sought truth.
Confronted by all the negative comments, Lila is transformed back into Volpina to frame Nana as a wacko old lady.
She returns to the patisserie with her new disguise and wrecks the shop, insulting Marinette’s family in the process.
Marinette correctly suspects this is a vengeful Volpina rather than the real Nana, who mentioned she would be on a museum tour.
Nana learns of the imposter and asks her fellow tour groupées to help clear her name. They all post her true whereabouts and declare her innocence.
Chat Noir is alarmed at this and runs to the museum to protect Nana because obviously Volpina will be after her.
To everyone’s surprise, Nana is not welcoming towards the hero offering her a lift to safety. Instead he is the next one to receive a purse in the face.
Nana: bad kitty! Didn’t your parents teach you to treat your elders with respect? Learn to ask for permission before carrying me around like a bride across the city! And you think an old lady can’t take care of herself? Give us more credit! Don’t assume we are all fragile and vulnerable. I can take care of myself!
Ladybug arrives.
Ladybug: Nana! Oh, I’m so glad you’re alright. Um...why are you hitting Chat Noir with a ruler?
Nana: this bad kitty needs to learn manners.
Ladybug: Chat, say you’re sorry. But Nana, we can’t ask you to fight in this battle for us. It’s our job to take care of you. Which is a shame because you are really good at kicking akuma butt.
Nana patted Ladybug’s cheek. “Such a sweet girl. Don’t worry. I can check out the gift store and hide in there. But that faker will probably find me there. Why not use me as bait?”
Rena shows up. “That’s what I’m here for.”
Rena plays her flute and transforms into Nana.
Nana hummed, eyeing her doppleganger. “Not bad.”
Volpina does show up, intent on proving she can take on an old lady. Come on, she has agility, she should have some strength too.
Only Nana turns out to be an angry Rena.
When Lila is deakumatized, both Rena and Nana tear into her for lying and framing an old lady. And yes, the matter is clear that Lila and Ladybug are not best friends at all.
There are videos of this, of course. And some commenters join the cause to unravel Lila’s outrageous lies, helpfully told by their classmates.
It is enough to gather the attention of the embassy. Mrs Rossi is ashamed of her daughter and agrees to send her back home because clearly she will be very negative in this city for a while now.
Not that home is any better since her videos have gone viral all around the world.
Lila is sentenced to homeschooling where she is safe. But to prevent her from learning of her own infamy, all electronics are confiscated. Lila herself knows any dreams of fame and riches are now dashed unless she wants to turn to crime.
She will have to undergo a major physical transformation and get a new name if she wants to re-enter society....after she is cleared by her psychiatrist that is...
Back in Paris, Chat wonders why the old lady seems to hate him. Then he finds a news article about her beating up a lion.
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Plagg: she hates cats in general. Lucky us.
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goggles-mcgee · 4 years
Revolt Of The Akuma [Commission for @miner249er]
As the title says, this is a commission for @miner249er
Summary: There’s only so much a person can take and Marinette is almost certain she has reached that point. What with Lila and her seemingly never-ending lies, Adrien and his nonexistent spine, Chat and his stubbornness, Hawkmoth and his akumas, Paris and their expectations, it’s all too much. She’s going to snap sooner or later. At least she has Luka and Kagami on her side, right? Right?
[Contains: Class Salt, Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir Salt, Lila Rossi Salt, Angst, Misunderstandings, Slight Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng Salt, Slight Tikki Salt, Akumanette]
It was rare for her to be surrounded by quiet, even more so to need that blanket of security that quietness can give, and yet here she was. The pink of her room had never seemed more faded or dull even with the lights on. Realistically she knew it was not quiet, her home was never quiet, there was always the bustle of business from the bakery downstairs, the sound of traffic outside, usually the sound of music coming from her phone or computer, and as always the chatter from her Kwami. Though Tikki’s words at the moment sounded like they were being spoken from above water whereas Marinette was under said water, deep under. Her eyes glanced at the mess she had made around her, the pictures of past friends as she’s come to understand all too well these past couple of months, to the torn and destroyed gifts she had given them returned to her solely for the sake of making her heart wrench painfully beneath her skin, from there to the piles of used tissues thrown about during her silent cries, and finally to the thing that had hurt the most and had been sitting in her lap, limp, shredded, basically lifeless, her sketchbook. The sight caused Marinette’s heart to clench in pain once more and she could feel tears pool her eyes yet again, but she forced them to stay, she was tired of crying. 
Noise flooded back to her almost making her flinch. There was the soft ding of the bell from the bakery’s door downstairs signaling a customer’s arrival or departure, there were the car engines and the horns beeping, peoples soft voices floating in, and of course Tikki’s worried voice. Everything in her yearned for the quietness but she knew she had to deal with everything eventually and eventually meant now, so she didn’t worry her parents if they came to check on her at any point. If they even noticed her mood change from lunch, she thought bitterly and felt immediate guilt at the thought. 
“Were you listening to me?” Tikki asked, and even though she knew Tikki wasn’t saying it in an admonishing tone, the girl couldn’t help the tiny wince she gave in return as she finally stood up and picked up the tissue piles. Truthfully she hadn’t but she could guess what the kwami had been saying. It was the same thing every time something happened between her and her class. That, they would come around, they were just acting out of misplaced trust and love, they would realize their mistakes and come back to Marinette and everything would go back to normal, but she had to get a handle on her feelings in the meantime so she wouldn’t be akumatized. No that wasn’t right. So that Ladybug wouldn’t be akumatized, but how could she after the day she had?
Lila made good on her promise. Marinette didn’t have a friend left in her class, maybe not all of them thought her the awful bully that Lila painted her out to be, but they  didn’t stand up for her, they didn’t talk to her in or out of class, and they wouldn’t meet her eye when she desperately looked around for at least one supportive pair of eyes. It had never been this bad with Chloe. At least with Chloe she knew what she was getting into, she knew the brand of teasing and insults that Chloe Bourgeois used, and she knew that people were scared to stand up to her, but even then they would still flash each other a look of comfort, a look of strength. Those looks let all of them know they weren’t alone, that others saw them struggling, saw them hurting, and were offering comfort.  Things truly were simpler then. Lila was something more than Chloe, more than any other bully she had ever seen or encountered. She had a silver-tongue that just seemed to gain more power the more she used it. Her lies were outlandish at this point and yet, no one saw it, no one but Marinette and maybe others outside her class but she wasn’t. The awful truth of it all was that Marinette had no one.
Sure Adrien had said he would be there for her, but that had been the biggest lie Marinette had ever been told, even with Lila spouting nonsense like knowing Jagged Stone because she saved his ‘kitten.’ She was always prepared for Lila to lie, could count on it, and she had become accustomed to her friends falling for the lies, but she had thought she had at least one person by her side. That had quickly been disproven again and again, and it felt like parts of her heart chipped away every time it happened. Adrien, once considered the love of her life, did nothing to ease her aching heart. There were no comforting hugs or even a hand on her shoulder to let her know that she wasn’t alone in the class of sheep. There were no glances shared between the two to let her know that he was just as fed up with Lila’s lies as she. Most importantly, and the one that hurt the most, there were no texts or calls or even letters that offered her any amount of support. That’s not to say he never texted her, but when he did it was never about anything important, it was always mundane and dare she say superficial, and sometimes, sometimes he texted her about her situation but it was never anything helpful, if anything they made her feel worse. They were always about how she was “provoking” Lila and, “what happened to taking the high road Marinette?” At first they had made her cry, she wasn’t provoking Lila, Lila was provoking her, how had Adrien not seen that? Sadness grew into anger, blinding anger, anger that caused her to rip every poster down, change her computer background with such force she nearly broke the mouse, and gave away every planned gift for every occasion, and afterwards all she felt was numb. In the beginning the numbness scared her, but it grew on her like a second skin, it protected her sometimes so she welcomed it. 
“Marinette!” Again she was wrenched from her thoughts by the yell of her kwami’s voice. 
It took her a couple of seconds to focus, “Yes, Tikki?”
“I lost you again. Where were you?” Tikki asked softly as she flew closer to Marinette’s face. 
“Sorry. Nowhere,” Everywhere, ”just thinking.” An apology and a half answer, when was the last time she actually told someone how she was feeling without holding back? Too long, her mind supplied. 
“...About today?”
“In a way.”
“Oh Marinette, things will start to get better, don’t let today get to you.” Don’t let it get to Ladybug.
“I know Tikki.” Hollow words, but they were expected, she even threw in a small smile, it was the most she could manage. It was the response of habit she gave, even to her parents, though she had the feeling they wouldn’t notice even if she did show some of her real feelings, some of her hurt. They were just so busy with the bakery sometimes that Marinette couldn’t help but feel that their attention to her was more obligation than anything else, and wow, wasn’t that just the cherry on top of everything? They had even forgotten to ask how her day was today, and though she wasn’t going to tell them, it still would have brought her some comfort to know they cared or pretended to care. At this point she would take what she could get. Today had been another rough one, but it had started out like her new normal, she would go to school and be ignored by her classmates or get glares and sneers that she in turn would ignore. Then she would go to her locker and put the bare minimum of her belongings in, that she prayed would not be destroyed (“improved”) or stolen, she did her best to boobytrap anything of importance like she did her diary since having a lock on her locker was supposedly unheard of at this school. After that was class itself where she expected her seat to be sticky or wet with something but she took to bringing wet cloths and paper towels with her since this was so common. ‘Just harmless pranks.’ Mme Bustier claimed when she first went to talk with her about the behavior. Honestly she didn’t know what she had been expecting when she went to her teacher for help, but she was not going to make that useless of a mistake again. What followed though was weird, she still found rude little notes but none of her classmates went out of their way to glare at her, or make snide comments about her, she wasn’t even tripped if they walked too close to her. To some people it would mean a break, but it only put her more on edge, like something bigger was coming, because Lila was acting strange. 
She hadn’t spouted one lie about Marinette, she still lied, just nothing about Marinette, which was odd. Though Marinette pushed it from her mind in order to get some help from Mme Mendeleiev for her homework packet that was due tomorrow. Some problems were proving difficult and she knew the teacher was more than willing to help students out if they went to her, so that’s exactly what Marinette did for lunch time. She even brought a packed lunch so she could eat and work with the teacher so they had more time, it was actually rather nice. Mme Mendeleiev, though stern and strict, was a real teacher. She wanted her students to learn and Marinette yearned for that, she yearned to be one of her pupils. There was a part of her that thought that maybe the teacher wanted that as well. It was an impossible thought, she tried to transfer once, it hadn’t ended well for her. Lila spun it around when she had heard, claimed Marinette was doing it to abandon them and leave them without a class president. Oh how she spun her web of deceit and claimed Marinette was doing it for attention, to get back at the class for not believing her ‘lies.’ Of course the class and Mme Bustier believed her, because why wouldn’t they? Then Mme Bustier went behind her back and spoke to Principal Damocles and whatever they spoke about resulted in her staying in the class no matter what she tried or whatever papers she managed to get her parents to sign that would allow her a class transfer. She was stuck in the class. In her prison.
After lunch is when everything had blown up, and some twisted part of Marinette was thankful it happened sooner rather than later. Lila had made a show of holding something, some papers that looked destroyed, to her chest and “crying.” If you could call over the top whimpering crying. Marinette didn’t have to prepare herself since she had been prepared all day for something to happen when Lila and her herd of sheep came to her and yelled at her for ruining Lila’s homework and something about writing something on her locker too? She just didn’t care anymore, she still claimed her innocence and that there was no way she could have done it, but no one was listening and Adrien was just standing there frowning at her in disappointment and all she could think was, right back at you boy. Mme Bustier joined in and Marinette just stood there as the teacher of course fell for whatever scheme Lila cooked up and then held back a sigh when said teacher started to lecture her there in the hallway for everyone to see. Of course they had to make a spectacle of it, of course they did. Damocles decided to join in and Marinette thought it was for sure going to be another expulsion, some part of her hoped for it. She knew that was bad but she was just so freaking tired of dealing with it all, but to her surprise Mme Mendeleiev was her knight in shining lab coat so to say.
“Marinette didn’t do it. She was with me the entire lunch period so unless she managed to defy all laws of physics and was in two or three places at once I would say she’s being framed.” Mme Mendeleiev’s voice had commanded attention and even Lila couldn’t spin it around to keep Marinette in trouble. Even her classmates had stopped their incessant murmuring. 
“But Lila said she saw her running away from her locker!” Kim had yelled in return. It spoke of Mme Bustier’s character and control of her class that she hadn’t even attempted to reprimand Kim for raising his voice to another teacher. 
Marinette saw Mme Mendeleiev give Mme Bustier a look that had the younger teacher trying to reign in her rowdy class after they had all been yelling their own affirmations that yes, that was what Lila had said. “Then either Mlle Rossi needs to get her eyes checked or she saw someone else, or she’s lying.”
“Demeter! I’m sure Lila didn’t mean for this...little misunderstanding to happen. I'm sure she saw someone who looked like Marinette.” Mme Bustier had tried to reason. 
“If I’m not mistaken Caline, this is not the first time this has happened to Marinette. Her being accused of something in this school and getting punished unjustly with no proof. Forgive me, or not, but I’m not going to overlook this like you. Those are serious accusations to throw at someone. It would be wrong not to investigate. Right, Damocles?” No one spoke throughout Mme Medeleiev’s little speech but Marinette saw the glare Lila was giving the teacher and Marinette was tempted to tell Mendeleiev to just drop it.
“Er, yes, of course.” Principal Damocles had stuttered out. How he had managed to be a principal Marinette would never know. Once upon a time she had thought him an awkward but good guy all around, but that was not the case anymore.
“I suspect we call Mlle Rossi’s mother to speak about this. I’m sure she would love to know that her daughter is being...if not bullied then the start of being bullied. Then we will gather students who match Marinette’s description. It’s not much but it’s the best we got. I’ll go take pictures of the locker in question.”
“Oh-Oh we really don’t have to do that. I’m sure it really is all a misunderstanding! I wouldn’t want to bother my mother!” Lila had desperately claimed. 
“How is this a misunderstanding Mlle Rossi? Please explain. Because from where we teachers stand this is clearly bullying and we will not tolerate that at this school.” Mme Mendeleiev said with such authority, one would think she was the principal. 
Somehow, Marinette didn’t know how, but Lila had talked her way out of having to have her mother called to the school even though Mme Mendeleiev had strongly insisted to Principal Damocles that they call her and have a sit down with her over her daughter’s wellbeing and school life. Though she honestly shouldn’t have been surprised that nothing had been done. It was Damocles after all. Lila probably said it would be best not to disturb her very busy, very important, diplomat mother and Damocles with his nonexistent spine folded. Though with all the wrong type of attention the incident had brought for the lying vixen Marinette had a relatively “relaxed” rest of her day. No one outright apologized for just blaming her for destroying another person’s work and defacing public property with no proof but at least they didn’t glare at her or make snide remarks for the rest of the day. Adrien even managed not to give her one of his lectures at the end of the day which was a big welcome on Marinette’s end. She could only deal with him being on his high-horse and looking down on her for so long and more often than not she wouldn’t even argue back she would just end the conversation with,*“Il n’y a pas plus sourd que celui qui ne veut pas entendre.” 
The day had started to look up for her and she was going to strike the iron while it was hot so to say. Her steps felt lighter. It’s like Mme Mendeleiv’s belief in her gave her invincibility for the day and she found herself actually looking forward to seeing Luka and Kagami at the end of the school day since she would finally have something good to share rather than her usual bouquet of gloom. The sun seemed brighter when she remembered that fencing practice was cancelled that day due to M D’Argencourt having some appointment to go to and a substitute couldn’t be found so the fencing club students had the day off. Marinette had excitedly texted Kagami that they should meet up after school and hang out earlier than the trio had planned since the girl had more free time. Kagami had agreed but said she would meet Marinette at her house as she had some things to take care of there at the school that she wanted to finish up before they met up. Of course Marinette had agreed without question, Kagami liked things to be in order before she had her free time and Marinette understood that. Now, Marinette didn’t remember what she had forgotten, but she knew she had forgotten something in her locker and had rushed from her home to grab it, not wanting her luck to run out for the day. She didn’t know why but since she was back at the school she felt the need to go talk with Mme Medeleiev and thank her once more for what she had done that day for Marinette. Whether the teacher knew it or not, she had given Marinette some hope back.
So she was going to do just that when she had heard familiar voices. Luka and Kagami? Kagami she could understand but why had Luka been there? He was supposed to meet them at Marinette’s house so she was immensely confused to hear his soft voice echo the halls. Her curiosity had gotten the best of her then and she had followed its call. She had not expected to find the scene she had stumbled upon, and the way her heart lurched with such pain. You would think I’d be used to it by now. Her eyes watered as she watched Kagami and Luka, her closest and only friends sitting with Lila and looking at her with such concern and half hugging her to give her comfort. She couldn’t hear what was being said but she would wager it was about her, she saw the disapproving frowns both Luka and Kagami gave in response to whatever Lila had said and all Marinette could think was, I’ve lost them too. She took them from me too. Before she knew it she had ran back home, to her room and had, well, she wasn’t too sure to be completely honest. It all went by in a blur, but she did remember texting Kagami and Luka and saying she wasn’t feeling well and maybe they could hang out together tomorrow, despite knowing Luka would have band practice and Kagami would have fencing practice. Then threw her phone onto her chaise and looked at her pictures of her friends she still had on her walls, she thought of the gifts she had given and all she had felt was this white hot rage and sadness that consumed her. 
She heard, more than felt the ripping and smashing of the things that reminded her of a past she could never get back. Marinette was done listening to Tikki in that moment, and she was done believing she had anyone on her side like she thought she did. Kagami and Luka, they both held little pieces of what was left of her heart and she could feel those pieces breaking with every thing she destroyed. Now here she sat in the aftermath of her destruction and she didn’t even feel satisfied. A small part of her still felt hurt, she was sure she had to have made noise, quite a bit of it, and yet neither of her parents had checked on her. It was just another drop added to her already too-full cup. 
“I’m sure it wasn’t what it looked like, Marinette.” Tikki chirped as she flew to Marinette’s sink and back with a wet cloth in her hand to help Marinette clean her face.
“Luka and Kagami.” Tikki said their names so simply, “I’m sure it wasn’t what you’re thinking. You’ll see! We have to see them for patrol tonight. I’m sure you can ask them subtly about it as a concerned hero of Paris.”
The only concerned hero. Her mind bitterly spat out without warning. The thought almost made her wince in shock at the venom that came from it. Though she found herself not apologetic in the least, Chat had been proving himself to be unreliable. At first she had brushed off his behavior as his usual antics and she had been beating herself over the head about it everyday it seemed like. He became more aggressive in his flirting and really that’s what it was, it wasn’t passionate, it wasn’t some misguided persistence, it wasn’t just him being a “boy”, he became aggressive in his affection for her. He started asking her on more and more dates, bringing her more and more gifts and each time she rejected him, reminding him they had work to do, or she had plans, or that his timing was not the best, or of course that she had feelings for someone else, he started “punishing” her and Paris as a result. He would refuse to help, sometimes he wouldn’t show up to a battle at all, he would only call to ask her if she had come to her senses and realized she loved him and when she wouldn’t give him the answer he wanted he would hang up and the battle would be a lonely one. She had tried to get Master Fu to do something about it but he had brushed it off much like she had in the beginning. Seemed like he still had faith in the cat, Marinette wished she could say the same but it would be a lie, besides she had kind of announced she no longer trusted Chat to help her since she gave Luka and Kagami their individual Miraculous back but to permanently use to help her defend the city. So instead of Ladybug and Chat Noir defending Paris, it was Ladybug, Viperion and Ryuuko. 
“I think I want to go out a little early Tikki. Maybe the fresh air and time out will do me some good.” Marinette said with forced cheer as she stood and stretched her arms high above her head. 
“I think that’s a good idea Marinette!” Tikki chirped as she zipped through the air to hover at Marinette’s shoulder and she couldn’t help but chuckle. With a quick saying of the magic words and one transformation later, Marinette was out slinging from rooftop to rooftop. There was no destination in mind just yet, she just wanted to simply be for a while. Everything finally felt okay and she was ready to actually head to the top of the Eiffel Tower to wait for Luka and Kagami as their hero forms so they could start actual patrol when she heard their voices. It sounded like they were trying to keep quiet about something. She didn’t want to pry but it was late and if they were out this late as their civilian selves she had a duty to them to make sure they were okay. With a quick swing she was at the Château Edmond de Rothschild where the voices seemed to come from, it was supposed to be not accessible to the public, so why were they there? 
A quick peek was all it took to understand why and Marinette had to stop herself from making any noise, whether it be a sob or a scream or a gasp. She couldn’t risk it if what she was seeing was real, but there it was right in front of her. Luka and Kagami were sitting in their hero forms holding a charm of some kind between them and they both had the sickening violet glow of Hawkmoth around their eyes. They didn’t seem angry or sad, or even like they were being akumatized so she wasn’t really sure what was going on but she was going to put an end to it. Now.
“Yes Hawkmoth. Ladybug trusts us completely, we are doing our part.” Kagami said.
“But...Chat Noir has yet to show up. That has helped us get closer to Ladybug yes, but it means we don’t know where the Black Cat Miraculous is for you.” Luka had added on and it was another stab to Marinette’s heart. They, her most trusted allies, her friends, her maybe something more’s, were working with...oh god she was going to be sick. She had to get out of there. She didn’t know how long she had swung but at some point she hadn’t been thinking about where her yoyo should attach itself and she fell down into a garden. No, she couldn’t identify the garden because she couldn’t see past the tears. Marinette didn’t know how long she laid there crying but she quickly took off her earrings and just as soon as she did Tikki zipped out.
“You said things would get better Tikki. How? How is this supposed to get better? Luka and Kagami...they are...they’re working for HIM!” She screamed and she didn’t care who heard, she was tired of suffering in silence. 
“I’m sure it wasn't-”
“What? What, it looked like?....I’m done. I’m done sacrificing everything for this city. Sacrificing my feelings. I need to feel Tikki!” Without waiting for a response, Marinette threw the earrings and ran further into the park. She sobbed as loud and she had wanted to, needed to, and she couldn’t stop. She collapsed yet again, this time in a patch of butterfly bushes, though she hadn’t noticed. It wasn’t the only thing she hadn’t noticed, there was an akuma flying her way, but by the time she heard the tell-tale sign of the flap of its wings it was too late. The thing had already morphed with something on her person and all she could do was gasp.
Gabriel Agreste couldn’t help the tiny shout of joy he let out because finally, finally he had managed to snag his masterpiece. She had evaded him for so long, her will over her emotions had always seemed so iron strong but finally, Marinette Dupain Cheng was akumatized, and she was going to be the one to get him the Miraculi he craved. He could feel it. He turned to brag to his swarm of butterflies seeing how Nathalie wasn’t in the lair but when he did so he paused. All his butterflies were gone. Honestly he had to just stand and stare because where could they have gone? And why hadn’t he noticed or heard them leave? 
No matter. The important thing was that he had Marinette Dupain Cheng under his control and it was going to be glorious. She would make quite the spectacle for Ladybug and, well, the heroes and Chat Noir when she appeared tomorrow. Victory was close, he could practically taste it.
Wang Fu had made many mistakes in his life and he regretted every single one, but this one, this one was causing him the most pain. Marinette, the girl he had chosen to be Paris’s pillar of hope, the girl he had seen as a granddaughter, the girl he had failed to protect when she needed him, was in danger. He had been sleeping when Tikki had come flying into his shop wailing about Marinette. At first he and Wayzz couldn’t understand her, when she managed to calm down some she gave him some of the most devastating news he had ever received. Marinette Dupain Cheng had given up the mantle of Ladybug and had been akumatized. He had been desperate to know why and know why Tikki looked so guilty because surely it could not be her fault. Then the kwami had spilled everything, she told of the situation at school, the situation with Chat Noir, with Adrien that he himself had thought was nothing more than him being a stubborn boy, and she had told him how even she believed her user was somehow something more than human and would be able to handle it all. She had been angry at Marinette for throwing her away but had realized that it wasn’t her fault and had tried to find the girl to talk to her but by the time she had found her...it had been too late. So here he sat after calling Chat Noir to his shop and hoping the young hero...no, the young boy, would show.
“Master Fu?” Adrien asked softly as he entered the shop, it was almost easy to believe that the young boy wasn’t wayward and that Fu hadn’t made yet another mistake.
“In here Adrien.”
“Uh, what’s the matter Master Fu? You never call me Adrien. You said this was about Ladybug. Did she...Did she say something to you?” Near the end it was easy to see now the hidden anger the boy held, why hadn’t he seen it?
“No. This is something...far worse I’m afraid. Ladybug has been…”
“Ladybug has been defeated.” Tikki finished for him. 
He watched as Adrien’s eyes widened and he gaped at Tikki, he looked as though he didn’t want to believe it. Fu wanted to yell at the boy. He had no right to stand there and act like he cared about Marinette. “That is not all. A young girl has been akumatized and I fear she may be the strongest akuma Hawkmoth has ever made.”
“What do you mean Ladybug has been defeated!? Defeated by who!?” 
“By the akuma,” Fu lied, though was it really a lie?
“What akuma?”
“Not what. Who. The akuma is Marinette Dupain Cheng and from what Tikki and Ladybug have told me...Hawkmoth has been wanting to akumatize her for a long time. Whatever sent her to his side...I’ve met the girl. She is a kind soul and to know that he has her under his control...Adrien. You have to stop her. After that...after that is when you and I will sit down and have another talk, but in the meantime find Mlle Dupain Cheng and help her.” Fu pleaded, and he couldn’t help the tear that escaped. 
The emotion seemed to hit Adrien, though it didn’t seem to be the only thing. “Marinette is the akuma? How?”
“I think you know the answer to that Agreste.” Tikki answered with a glare from where she was being held by Plagg who honestly looked like he wanted to scratch his owner's eyes out.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“We don’t have time for this. Adrien, just please, go and find her. Help her.” Fu watched as Adrien had left, it was almost morning now and he had work to do as well. He had to retrieve the Snake and Dragon Miraculi before their current users handed them off to Hawkmoth, as he doubted they would help in the fight to save Marinette, and he didn’t trust them enough to let them try.
“We’ll get her back Tikki. We will.”
Adrien was not having a good morning, he had spent the early hours of it searching for his friend and coming up empty, and the more he came out with nothing the easier it was to be frustrated. Though it seemed like frustration was something to be shared in the Agreste home since his father also seemed to be irritable that morning. More than that, he and Nathalie seemed off and they were the most put together people he knew. Them being off, threw him off, thankfully he was still at school on time, which is too say he wasn’t his usual early self, but he was there a couple minutes before the bell would ring which gave him a very small window of time to search for Marinette before class began. Though he’s not entirely sure she would even show up at school if she was an akuma but where else would she go? She had a problem with Lila and Lila was at school so the answer had to be there right? God he hoped so.
The bell was about to ring though so he ran back to class after searching the locker rooms and barely made it to his seat when the bell did ring. Marinette wasn’t there. But she was going to show up, he just knew it. She had to. Lila was the source of her anger probably, even if it was childish, she would come to settle the score and that’s when he would swoop in and save the day. Then maybe just maybe, Ladybug would finally see that they were meant to be and realize how amazing he was. The thought had made him smile, almost losing himself in the daydream, that is until he saw a familiar pair of pink pants enter the room. He was at immediate attention and was alert because Marinette...didn’t look like an akuma. She looked like normal herself, but she was an akuma right? So why didn’t she look like one?
“Marinette. Late again?” Mme Bustier asked even though it was obvious.
“I won’t be long Caline.” Marinette replied and her voice...it was just off. Yes it was Marinette but at the same time it wasn’t.
“Marinette! You will speak to me respectfully or I will have no choice but to-”
“To what? Tell me to be a better example? I’m tired Caline, I’m tired of being your doll that you dress up and play pretend with. I’m not a doll, and I’m not a teacher’s assistant, though it seems like that’s what you believe me to be seeing as you push me to do your job. Constantly, so don’t even try to deny it. It’s the teacher’s job to placate their students and make sure that their classroom environment is a healthy one. You allow bullies to reign free from punishment and in turn punish the victims. Do you ever get tired of being the indirect cause of akumas? Because really how many of your students have been akumatized and you have the gall to say you’re a great teacher, everyone’s favorite teacher no less.” Everyone in the room was dead silent. This wasn’t Marinette at all, but before anyone could say anything the akuma continued, though they didn’t know she was an akuma and Adrien so badly wanted to shout it out to warn everybody.
“Then there is all of you sheep. I had the absolute displeasure of once being your friend, but I realized you were never my friends to begin with. If you were you wouldn’t have believed lies over me.”
“Is this really what this is about Girl?” Alya shouted.
“Alya, it seems like you want me to start with you. You claim to be a journalist, a seeker of the truth, but that is the biggest lie you have ever sold yourself beside Ladybug’s best friend over there. You are a hypocrite. You say you are a defender against bullies and villains. Well you Alya Cesaire are one of the biggest bullies by association I know. You turned your back on me. On the truth. You refused to open your eyes and see what was truly there. You became a bully and enjoyed it. You took pleasure in everything you did to make me miserable alongside Lila. Well congratulations Rena Rouge you have been outfoxed and it isn’t because of some sapotis or illusions. I was wrong to ever trust you.”
Everyone watched as Alya grew pale and just sat there with her mouth agape. “Nino, Kim, Alix, Ivan. You became destroyers rather than the protectors of the weak you boasted about to make yourselves feel better. Well guess what Nino? There’s no shell to protect you from the truth! You are a bully, bigger than Chloe! Because instead of not doing anything like you had last time I was bullied for years on end, this time you partook in the “merriment.” Kim. How I ever trusted you with anything is beyond me. You know in China to call a child a monkey is a great compliment, to call you anything similar would be a great disrespect. How you held the title of the monkey king...I’ll never understand it. Alix, you always liked to believe you were as fast as a rabbit both in mind and body, well the rabbit is dead. Your time will never come again I’ll see to it. Your most prized possession, your watch, I helped you restore it after it had been broken and I even gave it back to you but that was a mistake on my part as you never deserved it in the first place. Ivan, who helped you during Stoneheart? Who? Oh that’s right it was me? I helped you see you weren’t that monster but I was wrong. I was very wrong.” The words were cruel and Adrien didn’t know where all this anger was coming from. Lila was the target right? Shouldn’t she only be going after her, not their friends? He had to sneak out and transform, he didn’t know where her item was but he would find it and put an end to all this unnecessary hurt.
“Oh Adrien, where do you think you’re going? You’re at the top of my list.”
“Your list?” He asked as though he hadn’t been caught trying to get out of his seat.
“Yes. The list of people who have wronged me. The list of people who have turned me into the current me. The list of people I hate. Sorry, but not sorry If you can’t handle hearing how imperfect you are but you will listen to what I have to say.”
Adrien didn’t understand why everyone gasped but he was hurt to hear that Marinette hated him. No it had to be the akuma’s influence, it just had to be. “I’m sorry you feel that way Marinette.”
Marinette walked up to him and took both his hands in hers, it would have been a sweet gesture if it weren’t for the added pressure. “Save it. I don’t want your superficial pity. You Adrien Agreste are the biggest liar I know next to Lila. You knew she was lying. You knew she was lying from the start seeing how Ladybug told you herself that Lila and her were not friends. Oh yeah I know about that, in the park, or how about when Lila was akumatized to be the Chameleon, which by the way Lila very unoriginal and I’m fairly certain you were akumatized on purpose but hey what proof do I have right? And she pretended to be you because she didn’t like what you had to say about her lying. Yet you still didn’t tell your so called friends about her, because you don’t care about anyone but yourself! I learned that the hard way. I believed you when you said we were in this together and that if we both knew then that was enough and that we should take the moral highroad. What a joke! I am truly disgusted with myself for ever thinking I was in love with you.”
Luka couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he and Kagami had rushed to Marinette’s class after they had each gotten a call from her mother asking if either one of them had seen Marinette. Apparently they went up to her room and realized she was missing but thought maybe she had told them she was spending the night at Alya’s and they maybe just hadn’t heard but when they had called her and texted her with no response they had gotten worried. More so when she hadn’t shown up that morning. Luka had immediately felt his heart drop. Marinette was, well, she was his melody and to think that something could have happened to her, it made him get on his bike and search as many places as he could think of. It seemed like Kagami had the same idea because he ran into her and her car before they decided it would be better to search together. He felt awful about her cancelling their plans yesterday but figured she just genuinely wasn’t feeling well. Luka was beating himself over the head because obviously that wasn’t the case. 
Maybe if him and Kagami hadn’t been so focused on helping get evidence that Lila was a liar and who Hawkmoth could be they wouldn’t be in this mess, but they had done all that for Marinette. They had seen what Lila had done to her and Kagami had been the one to say she didn’t trust Lila and proposed they help Marinette expose her for the lying weasel she was. Luka had been all for it, even if they had to pretend to be nice. When they found out that Lila actually didn’t like Ladybug well, that had been a shock but they had played into it. Both he and Kagami had acted like they too despised the superheroine and finally they saw Lila, the real Lila, or at least a small glimpse of her. She believed they really didn’t like Marinette and Ladybug, she believed they were her spies on Marinette, and then she admitted something that genuinely made Luka sick to his stomach.
Lila was working with Hawkmoth. And she wanted them to help them and join their “team.”
It had seemed like a good idea at the time. It was more evidence against Lila Ross and it was a way to help Ladybug who had seemed like she was being spread thin thanks to that no good Chat. So him and Kagami agreed to help. Then Ladybug asked them to be permanent heroes. They told Hawkmoth in order to gain trust from him and he had seemed pleased. Fake working with him was disgusting but him and Kagami felt like they were getting close to figuring out who he could be or what his ultimate goal was, but one thing was for certain and that was, for some odd unexplainable reason, Hawkmoth wanted to akumatize Marinette. He wanted Luka and Kagami to help, they had been hoping to unmask him before it came to that, but hearing Marinette now and seeing her...that was not Marinette. Hawkmoth succeeded somehow. Because that in there was an akuma and it was breaking Luka’s heart, more so when he realized it had way more information about people and the Miraculi than anyone would other than Ladybug herself. 
“Luka...that’s.” Kagami had never sounded so lost.
“I know. Marinette was, is, Ladybug.”
“What do we do?”
“We save her. And...and we tell her the truth.”
They were ready, they were opening their mouths to say their separate transformation phrases when a window in the classroom broke. They turned to look inside to see if it was Marinette running out and finally showing an akuma form, but all they saw was a green blur and Marinette leisurely following after the blur out of the school to the park outside. Of course they followed, but when they went to transform they both realized, their respective Miraculous was gone. What did they do now?
Fu had done it. He had retrieved the Dragon and Snake Miraculous, with help from Tikki as she took them from their holders as he caused a distraction as Jade Turtle. It was never easy to hold his transformation but he had done it for the short while he had to. That was one, kind of two, problems out of the way, now all he had to do was wait for Adrien to save Marinette. “He will do it”
“He will, Master.” Tikki muttered from his shoulder as Wayzz nodded his agreement from Fu’s other shoulder.
“I doubt it.” Fu nearly fell with how he stumbled back at what had landed in front of him. It was Marinette but also not. He didn’t want to call her an akuma because even that felt like a wrong description. She felt like something else entirely, looked it too. She wore some armor like that of a knight over what appeared to be a black body suit, but one made of light. Her freckles seemed more like stars and if he looked closer each star was unique, and almost seemed to resemble every past akuma
“Marinette...what...what are you?”
“A protector, the Protector.” Marinette answered as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
As soon as Marinette felt the akuma merge with her, because truly it felt like it merged with her and not an object, she felt so much. She could feel the butterfly feel her pain, her anger, could feel it soak up her negativity. She in turn could feel its pain and anger, its sadness too. Her heart filled with so much empathy. Then it was like the voice of the butterfly doubled, then tripled, then there were too many voices to be heard but Marinette understood. She felt their pain because it was the same as hers. All of them had been used, all of them together had put their trust in people they shouldn’t have. Though she had no way to see it, Marinette just knew she was covered in butterflies because she refused to call them akumas, they were victims just as she was, just as Paris was too, to Hawkmoth.
They told her they wouldn’t let him harm her. That they would protect her. That was the moment that Marinette felt that she and them were one and she vowed to protect them just as they vowed to protect her. She accepted them, she let them and her truly become one, because at that moment they were her only friends, her only family, and she was going to protect them from their abuser. They sung her praises, they gave her strength, they whispered a name and place. Their former owner. She listened and she heard and Marinette followed where they led. The closer they got to the Agreste Mansion, the louder the cries of Nooroo she could hear, could feel. She vowed she would protect him as well. He was her family, her friend too, just like the butterflies. A part of her felt like she should have been surprised that Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth and that so, Nathaniel Sancoeur was most likely Mayura, but really she just felt anger. Gabriel and Nathalie were to face justice. Her justice.
They would pay for their crimes against Paris, and their abuse of the Miraculi, kwami, and butterflies. She was the Protector and nothing would stand in her way.
“I don’t wish to fight you, but I see you believe me to be an akuma. I’m not. I don’t expect you to believe me but it’s the truth. I am merely the Protector now. As a sign of good faith,” Marinette, or Protector held out a hand to Fu, one he was reluctant to reach out for. “Here.”
It seemed like she caught on to his hesitation because Marinette threw whatever had been in her hand to him. Tikki and Wayzz had quickly helped catch them and when he saw what Marinette had tossed him he felt faint. Whether it was from relief or fear he didn’t know. Marinette had given him the Peacock and Cat Miraculi. “And what of the Butterfly Miraculous?”
“I’m keeping it. You couldn't protect it, so I will in your place. Nooroo and I decided it is what is best.” At the mention of the kwami, said kwami fly out into the open to sit in Marinette’s open palm.
“Marinette I can’t let you do that.”
“We’re not asking permission.” Nooroo stated as he nuzzled Marinette’s thumb that was caressing his head. “Marinette and I have suffered at the hands of Paris long enough.”
“This was merely me wanting to say goodbye face to face. Don’t come looking for me Fu.” 
Fu could only watch at Marinette, Nooroo, and a swarm of white akumas jumped away from him and his kwami. He didn’t know what else he could do. He was too old to run after her, and he didn’t have anyone he could trust with a Miraculous with to send after her. So he just watched as Marinette continued to get smaller and smaller in his vision, until she was gone. Though she asked not to be looked for, he would do it, because Marinette deserved to be found and talked some sense into. When he found her, an apology didn’t feel good enough, but he would give her the biggest most heartfelt apology. She was a kind soul, and truly deserved none of this.
It was chaos. Tom and Sabine had closed the bakery but it was still filled with people, only it was Marinette’s class and Luka and Kagami. They didn’t dare call this class their daughter’s friends after they finally learned what had really been happening at the school. Luka and Kagami had told them everything and Sabine, Sabine sobbed and had called out for her baby girl till her voice was hoarse. What had they done to her baby girl? But they apologized to them, they said they were tricked. It felt more like they were trying to trick them, but nonetheless they needed help figuring out where Marinette could be and they were offering to help. Tom said it was out of guilt and had wanted to kick them out but Sabine convinced him it would be more manpower to help with the search. Truth was, they were just as guilty, they hadn’t realized something was wrong with their daughter until she was missing. 
Adrien had come in with his arm in a cast, when they asked what happened, the class claimed it was Marinette when she was an akuma. Adrien hadn’t denied it, in fact he looked angry, every time Marinette was mentioned he would frown, and Tom had been so so close to just tossing the boy out, but they heard the kids gossiping and saying that someone had broken into the Agreste Mansion and had beaten Gabriel and his assistant pretty badly. When asked about it Adrien would get really quiet but would confirm that his father and Nathalie were in the hospital due to injuries. He looked a mess.
Luka and Kagami though,...those two looked worse. They looked as though someone had ripped out their hearts. They were there physically, helping wherever they could and however they could, but one glance and you could tell they weren’t there in spirit. It was awful. Paris was celebrating the supposed defeat and disappearance of Hawkmoth and Mayura, but how could Tom and Sabine join in the merriment when they couldn’t share that joy with their pride and joy? The guilt of being so busy had never hit them so hard, but they vowed that once they found Marinette, they would do everything in their power to make it up to her.
It was quiet, actually it was more like her ears were ringing so loud that it was impossible to hear anything. Her body collapsed from exhaustion, she couldn’t travel any further but she felt the distance. It felt safe. She felt safe and maybe that’s why her body just kind of shut itself down, maybe that’s why when the butterflies and Nooroo prodded at her mind if she was willing to give up the akuma and drop the transformation and which she did, that didn’t mean that Marinette wasn’t going to fight to stay conscious even if it was a losing battle. But she was so tired and she could feel Nooroo reassuring her that they were safe and that? That was enough for her. She quickly slipped into unconsciousness and for once didn’t fear the possibility of nightmares, because she knew when she woke up she wouldn’t be back in Paris anymore. Though with falling unconscious she did fail to introduce herself to those who found her, right away.
“I’m telling you guys I saw something wash up on the beach from my house!” A boy said as he and his friends made their way down the beach.
“Yeah? Last time you said that and dragged us here it was just a piece of driftwood.” Another boy piped in with a point of his finger.
“And you claimed it was a real mermaid this time.” His twin sister added.
“Guys be nice I’m sure it’s an actual real mermaid this time.” A girl laughed as she walked ahead to walk side by side with the first boy. 
“Actually there are many documents of mermaids you know.” The third boy of the group said matter-of-factly.
“Any of them driftwood mermaids?” the fourth boy of the group asked with a laugh.
“Ha ha ha, very funny. But I’m telling you I really saw...someone. Oh my gods.” The first boy had started before he actually did see the slumped form of Marinette just lying there. 
*Il n’y a pas plus sourd que celui qui ne veut pas entendre Translation: No one is as deaf as the one who does not want to listen.
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random1amfics · 3 years
Demon Tyrant of France (1)
Cackles echoed through the halls of Francoise Dupont, sending chills up every students' spine. The eerie variations of 'I'm back' that accompanied the cackles, sent all of the longer attending students of Francoise Dupont to stiffened in fear as if Medusa herself had turned them into statue. A figure clad in red and black stalked the halls, inciting surprise and terror at the sight of them for cackles and eerie voice belonged to someone much, much worse than the monsters from old stories.
The Demon Tyrant had returned.
In the classroom of students that had gained the nickname of 'Akuma Class' due to the large number of akumas from it, was one Chloe Bourgeois repeatedly hitting her head on the desk, groaning like there was no tomorrow. The other students, at least the ones who was in the school long enough, relayed horror stories of their (middle school/elementary) life and the reason behind Chloe's behaviour. They hope they can inform most of the others as much as they can before someone accidentally insults the Demon Tyrant and incite their wrath. The destruction they made in their anger left lasting impressions and nightmares for years to come. After an explanation, Kim had rushed out, saying something about offerings and sacrifices with a few following his example. Adrien sat in his seat, listening to Nino as he listed reasons why he should not anger this Demon Tyrant. He can't believe one of his classmates used to be like that.
"But why is the Demon Tyrant back to being you know? How do we know for sure that they didn't learned that being nice and kind is better?"
"Dude, listen, this is the absolute worst time for it to be over. We haven't been treating her nicely for the past few weeks. Yes, the Demon being all sweet and nice was weird at first but we have been taking it for granted and may have over done it. So Adrien, dude, I know you want everybody to be happy but the Demon can't be reason with, we can only try to appease her and hope for the best. As for why she stopped being nice and kind, Chloe?"
She had been the one to deliever the message about the Demon's Return to the class group chat.
She stopped her self-torture for a while.
"Fucking Granola De Vanilla couldn't hold out for a little while longer. I thought for sure, Lila Rossi would have made her crack but apparently, the rumours are true about the Demon having a skin of diamond. The bet they both had was about who could go the longest being great human beings. Now that FeFe lost, the bet is over, she has no reason to keep it up. At least, I will be spared."
"Oh please, you treated her like dirt for that first year. Don't you remember?"
"Yes but she expected him to get me to do something so he would win. She loves the challenge. She also basically did the same thing to him. I never actually went as far as to destroy one of her books. I really thought that would've been her breaking point."
"Oh fuck, I gotta find Alya and tell her about this." Nino exclaimed and rushed out.
Adrien seemed to have figured something out.
"Hey, Chlo, was my cousin Felix the one who made the bet with the Demon?"
"Yes, in fact they are best friends. Maybe even something more."
"Felix has a best friend? Why didn't he ever tell me about them?"
"Because Felix doesn't owe you anything, Agreste." A familiar voice came from the door. Adrien smiled, happy to see one of his best friends and turned to see Marinette who surprisingly was early to school. Except she wasn't Marinette Dupain-Cheng he knew. Her usual pink and grey colour scheme was gone replaced by red and black. A red blouse, black leather jacket and dark skinny jeans. Her hair was no longer in her signature pigtails and instead was loose and flow down her shoulders like an inky waterfall. She wore blood-red lipsticks and eyeliner wings so sharp it will cut anything. Her 5-inch heels made her taller but her confident aura made her seems even taller. She walked into the room, not even with a trace of clumsiness and all the grace and elegance of a ballerina. Adrein was stunned....and afraid. Marinette's eyes always held warmth in them but they were now icy and cold. Her smile didn't bring the usual bundle of joy and happiness to him instead, there was a pit of terror and despair in his stomach.
"Chloe," words rolled off her tongue like silk, "I hoped you enjoyed your time on the throne. But i would like you off it now."
"I really did. Thank you, your Highness, for choosing me to rule in your stead. It is a great honour to return the crown to its rightful owner." Chloe pulled a black velvet box out of her bag, and bowed her head, presenting it to Marinette. Inside the box was actually a gold diadem, decorated with rubies and sapphires. Anyone could tell that it was the real deal. Marinette put it on and seemed to relaxed as if the weight of the crown was something she missed holding.
"So, your Highness, what do you have planned?"
"Bold of you to assume that I am not just here to have fun until I can finally leave this god forsaken place, Bourgeois."
"You and I both know that now that there is nothing stopping you from retaliating, you are going to get back at who have wronged you. And you are going to have fun doing that anyways."
"True. Spoken like a true queen as always, Chloe."
"I am going to sit back and enjoy the show," Marinette went to her seat in the back where the class 'banished' her to,"for now."
Everyone quickly scrambled out of her way. Adrien looked at the normally pig-tailed girl, now sitting tall and proud like an Empress surveying her Domain. He wondered if this Marinette will keep the promise she made to him about Lila. They need to talk about it later.
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xhanisai · 3 years
Would you be willing to share your Mariblanc recs?
Sure! There's so many that I have read and enjoyed- but it would take me forever to find all of them. So, I've gone through my AO3 bookmarks instead. Below, here's a list of other people's mariblanc and Chat Blanc related fics that I absolutely loved and I'm sure you will love too.
Blanc Skies (ongoing + SFW) - By 11JJ11
Little kitty on the rooftop, Not alone For he has his Lady.
(In which Chat Blanc was able to win.)
I really like how dark and angsty this story is. It's a what-if scenario that many of us often theories about and I'm super happy that this talented writer has started this fic. It's quite heavy and I really like the way that both Marinette and Chat Blanc are depicted here too. I personally can't wait for the next update~
A lovely read for those who enjoy reading dystopian like stories and love the build-up of dread and tension.
Hello, My Old Heart (finished + NSFW) - By QuantumChickpea
Chat Blanc was first known as Adrien Agreste, but that name was dead to him now. He no longer cared to hear that name and if anyone chose to even so much as speak it, he would send them to the keep.
Adrien Agreste was a prince, a knight in shining armour, that obeyed his father’s every word and the only heir to the throne. But none of that mattered anymore when his father was long gone. Murdered and trialled for treason. (Blancweek2021)
This one is a royalty AU and turned out to be sweeter towards the end than I was expecting (and I liked that a lot hahah!). I really liked how Chat Blanc was first depicted as a cold, ruthless prince and it took Marinette's determination and love to bring him back to the way he was. It's a trope that I really do love and it works perfectly with the mariblanc dynamic. Although angsty at first, it has a happy ending.
A great read if you have a love for medieval/royalty AUs as well as some sweet, sweet lovemaking.
a happy ending (finished, oneshot + SFW) - By maketea
Ladybug and chat noir have five minutes to talk after she deakumatises him.
Technically, although he's been purified, he was Chat Blanc so it counts lol. Regardless, it's short and sweet but each line still packs a punch and is quite powerful and emotional. I really liked the pacing and the bittersweetness but also, the hope towards the end was the cherry on top. Another what-if scenario that we wish that canon has tackled during the episode.
A nice read if you like seeing Ladybug slowly fall for her partner and mourning over what they could have had as well as some soft intimacy.
freedom [doesn't come free] (finished + SFW) - By Bronte
You know that part where Nathalie just marches into the Dupain Cheng Boulangerie Patisserie with that smug little smirk on her face and literally supports our favourite father of the year as he threatens (I repeat, threatens) our fourteen-year-old protagonist?
Yeah, me too.
This is a Chat Blanc re-write.
Oh my God, when I say that this story cracked me up, I fucking mean it. It's witty, hilarious, pure serotonin for the body and it's basically everything we could have had! It's a really well-done rewrite with a balance of everything you could want and the author's tone throughout the chapters is consistently enjoyable.
An awesome read if you want to laugh your ass off and watch Gabriel Goosebutt-Haired Agreste get what he deserves whilst Marinette and Adrien have the happy ending they deserve.
been here before (finished, oneshot + SFW) - By Boogum
The sight of Marinette with her hair down is a slip of ice on his spine. It's the little prickles that creep along his skin, whispering to his soul of familiarity. Of been here before. It's the haze of dreams and echoes of loneliness and ice, and it leaves him frozen.
Or, in which Adrien starts to remember the events of Chat Blanc.
Another what-if scenario that was so well written and just so enjoyable to read. The slow-burn of confusion and grief that takes over Adrien was conveyed brilliantly and the angst hits the spot just right. I really liked the pacing, the description and the ending bound the whole story together in a nice little bow.
A wonderful read for those hungry for Adrien angst and figuring out his feelings for Marinette.
Blanc Figment Series (Ongoing? + SFW) - By True_InTha_Blue
Memories and Emotions are a magic of their own and Ladybug faces her fears once again when Sandboy returns. What should she do when her fears not only affect her but her partner when already their relationship is strained? What should she do, when blue eyes know what lies beneath the mask?
The fact that I stayed up all night to read both the prequel and the sequel in the series says a lot lmao. These fics deliver with the dread and memories of Chat Blanc throughout as well as feeding our Marichat needs. It's angsty, emotional but also full of comfort and it's unique with the depictions of the main characters. I personally loved the lore and usage of magic conveyed throughout the story and it doesn't fail to keep you intrigued.
A great read if you love to see both heroes falling for each other all over again as they tackle Chat Blanc who seems to have developed his own sentient power.
Trouble in White (finished + SFW) - By imthepunchlord
Finding your soulmate is supposed to be uplifting, and amazing, and just... miraculous. But for Marinette, it wasn't any of that. Her soulmate, he... he was... What does one do when your soulmate is an akuma?
This is one of the first few fics I came across in the beginning, before Chat Blanc was introduced in canon and it does not disappoint. It has a good balance of angst, comfort and love and of course, has my favourite trope: Marinette changing Chat Blanc both metaphorically and physically through purification lmao. It's sweet, it's enjoyable throughout the chapters and the ending is satisfying.
A nice read for those who not only love soulmate AUs, but also a good slow burn romance with the dilemmas of angst in the background that comes to play.
That's it for now- there are also many other wonderful Chat Blanc related stories in my bookmarks (and probably hundreds more that I'm yet to read) but right now I'm running out of time and have lots of work to do lol.
Feel free to add anymore more mariblanc/chat blanc recs to this post!
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fragileizywriting · 3 years
she massages the shit out of them, but especially— especially luka.
adrien likes it because her fingers and hands are skillful. no one needs to tell him about it, because he’s the first one to beg for her fingers against his back, purring up a storm when she acquiesces. she’s always been dexterous, with long and slender fingers, and sharp knuckles (and elbows!) to get into the knots on his back and get him to flatten out on the bed. adrien is nothing but butter when she’s done with him.
but with luka, it’s a whole other story.
luka has horrible back pain from basically everything. it’s part of the whole “not having enough energy” bit. it makes sense. she of all people knows just how bad the body gets when treated poorly for a long time, so she doesn’t chide him too hard. however, not only that, but it’s because of his wings, too. she had no idea, at first, that the reason his back hurt all the time was because of his wings— she didn’t even know he had them. but now that she knows, everything makes sense.
it’s why he’s heavier than adrien. she’s strong, not as strong as them, but sometimes when she gets overwhelmed with how much she loves them and can’t help herself, she ends up picking adrien by the thighs and spinning him around. he’s heavy, even for his height and size— it’s his wings. hollow they may be, but they’re still added weight. and with wings as big as luka’s, the poor dear is carrying the weight around with him constantly. no wonder he struggles with them.
“we didn’t hide them away all that often back home,” luka mutters into a pillow one day, just as marinette is sure he’s fallen asleep to her pressing her digits into him. “i would hide mine the most compared to everyone else because i couldn’t make it down the stairs of the boat, but that wasn’t so often. i used to swim a lot, too, with them out. alleviates the pressure on the joints.”
she worries for him. sometimes she wishes they didn’t live in paris, and had moved to rome after all, where luka can get some alleviation for his pain by swimming into the ocean. maybe they could leave the city, too, and go somewhere on the country-side… a lake is no replacement, she’s sure, especially for a man who calls the ocean his home, but adrien seems pressed to stay in france for a little while longer. until she can convince him to move, though, she massages him and kisses him wherever she can. the shoulder, the spine, the back of his arm as she continues to pull knots out, dense flesh like stone under her fingers.
he’s always a tired mess when she’s finally done, pulling her back to bed if she tries to leave quietly and let him doze off.
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chocolate1721 · 4 years
Ok, so years after Hawkmoth has been defeated the class moves on. Marinette achieves her dreams of becoming a fashion designer, and her headquarters is in the US.
Lila is still lying. She has ruined so many people, relationships, and companies. She has an extravagant lifestyle by using others. She goes to high class men and tells their wives that their husbands are cheating on them. She rips families apart. Her latest lie is that the Y/JL men are hopelessly in love with her, and they are fighting each other for her hand.
The class still follow Lila’s word. They and Marinette are no longer friends.
One day Marinette is approached by the Justice League. They need her to help stop Lila. They believe Lila has information on some terroristic threats that they have recently gotten. Marinette agrees, but they have to do it her way. Batman was not please with the condition. In fact the only people who were into it was the YJL. They can’t believe their mentors have to take orders from this pixie,sunshine child.
Turns out Marinette has a fashion show coming up. She will invite her old classmates to the show. The fashion line is superhero’s. She has an out fit for each hero to where. The mentors would be the models. The sidekicks would be the security.
At the end of the show Marinette called Lila up on stage, and revealed everything she had done. Then the Justice Leaguers came out and arrested her.
Alya knew Marinette is MDC and prewrote an article detailing how aweful her new fashion line is. Basically she defamed MDC and her business. This article is set to be released at midnight, the night of the show. Alya couldn’t change a thing. This made her loose her job and credibility.
Adrien snuck backstage after the show and cornered Marinette. “How could you do that Marinette? What happened to taking the high road?”
“Adrien I was asked to help put her in jail and I would do it again in a heartbeat.”
“My father wanted me to propose to her tonight! What am I supposed to tell him!” Adrien yelled.
“That’s not my problem. How about you grow a spine and stand up to him.”
Adrien was about to grab her arm, but her was yanked back by (Roy/Jason/angry gremlin Damian/Conner/Wally/ take your pick). And Adrien is then verbally ripped apart.
Marinette starts dating the boy who helped her. The class tried to get back into Marinette’s good graces but is turned away. They throw a fit saying “but we’re her friends” then they are kicked out.
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cassava-49 · 4 years
Death 2
Part 1/ Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5/Part 6/ Part 7
"Seriously? You did that to him?" Marinette asked trying to control her laughter. "Adrien's very easy to fool. He lets his guard down every time he feels like he could trust the person," Felix answered as he grinned at the girl in front of him.
It has been five days since Marinette got into a coma. The doctors said that she'll recover and would be able to wake up in soon. However, Felix's condition was slowly deteriorating. There were times when his heart would stop beating for a second or two. This caused a massive pain to those who knew and love him. Given that he's already a month in.
Although, the two ghosts seem to not mind it at all. Given that they're both just chilling at the roof. For the past three days, the two of them had been entertaining each other with their life stories, given that they know both of them were not going to live anyway.
"Hey, I saw your classmates trying to visit you again," Felix said as he stands up and goes to the ledge. "Who stopped them this time?" Marinette asked as she continues to finish the flower crown. "Security," he replied casually as he watched his mother entering his room to visit him again. "Your parents talked with the head and asked to have your classmates stopped if they're just here to visit you," he added as he faintly feels his mother's hand in his. Distracted by his mother, Felix didn't notice that Marinette had placed a flower crown on his head. "There, now you look a lot less like a creepy ghost," Marinette smiled as she looked at him with the flowers on his head. He smiled at her and adjusts her flower crown. This made him slightly jealous of his cousin for scoring a sweet, innocent girl in his life.
"Getting cozy up there you two?" a voice called from the other side. "Claude, what kept you guys?" Marinette asked as she approached the new comers, leaving Felix behind. Claude, a supposedly 17-year-old boy, who had been in a comatose state for a year already because of a car accident right after an akuma attack. "Hey, why does Felix get a flower crown?" Claude pouted. Marinette giggled and went to her pile of floor crowns. Giving each one of them a crown.
"Oh darling, it's beautiful," Allegra gawked with pride as she lined the outline of each one of the petals. Allegra is a 15-year-old who just got in a coma yesterday because of diabetes. Practically she's the one who's most likely to go first, given that was close to death's door when she arrived. "How are you feeling Allegra?" Felix inquired trying to see if she's recovering smoothly. "I feel better. I'm starting to feel the nurses whenever they touch me," she replied to him with a smile.
"Does it look good on me?" Kenya asked as she adjusted it on her brown locks. "Yup, you're totally rocking them," Allan replied with a wink. Kenya is an eight-year-old who got into an accident a week ago. Allan, on the other hand, is a soul who is trapped inside the hospital. He had been there for two years now, and he could have been 17 by now if it weren't for a rogue bullet.
"Marinette, do you like how I did my flower crown?" Lindalee asked as she showcased her new flower crown which was now in her two hair ties that held her blonde hair. Lindalee is also an eight-year-old who fell off the staircase about a month ago. "It's beautiful Lindalee. I love it," Marinette praised as she stared at it with pleasure. "You're looking great in that crown," Allan teased Felix. "For your information, I look majestic. It is, after all, made by our future fashion designer Marinette," he replied, which causes everyone to laugh.
"I really hope that you'll wake up soon, Marinette," Kenya exclaimed. "I hope that all of you would wake up," Marinette replied as she crouched down to meet the girl's eyes. "And don't forget to go to my grave when you guys all make it out," Allan reminded to them all, who nod in agreement.
"Hey guys, another one is in the emergency room," Claude called as he looked at the nurses who were rushing a young boy who seemed to have broken his leg. "Ooh, this one's interesting," Lindalee exclaimed as she examines the damage. "Is he going to be okay?" Kenya wondered in worry. "Don't worry honey, he'll be alright. It seems to be fracture, nothing as serious as death," Allegra said as she takes the little girl's hand. "It's funny how our only entertainment here is the emergency room," Felix commentt as he stood beside Marinette, who giggled in agreement. "Well, it's not like we could get out of the hospital, can we now?" Marinette replied with a smirk.
"Why can't we leave?" Allegra complained, still wondering the reason for it. "You guys are bounded to your bodies, so leaving it may become a welcoming invitation for the lost souls like me," Allan explains. "Why don't you leave?" she asked. "Why should I? My friends are all here," Allan replied with a smile. "My family moved away so I knew that I should just let them move on. From what I heard my sister's wedding was a blast and her husband is a nice, rich guy, who was her classmate in high school, and my little brother will be taking medicine for college and has a lot of achievements so far. So basically I'm not needed there, too much. They still come here on my death day so that's enough for me," he answered.
"That's so sweet of you," Lindalee cooed as she hugged him. "I'm definitely visiting your grave, first thing I'll do once I'm out," she adds. "Guys, the old man in room 404 is dying. I can see Grim waving at me," Felix said and pointed as room. "Let's go. I want to talk with Grim," Allan said as he begins to jump from the roof to the room. "Alright! Let's go!" Claude responded as he took Allegra's hand, who was still unaware of the perks of being separated from your body. They took a running start and jumped as well, aiming for the room. "Let's go Kenya!" Lindalee said as she took the girl's hand. "Yeah!" the two girls exclaim as they jumped. Marinette laughed at their reactions, since it became a game for them to jump into the room of the person who's about to die and surprise them.
"Come on Marinette, maybe today's the day," Felix said after chuckling as he sticks out his hand for her to take. She smiled and laughed as she takes it. "Let's go!" she exclaimed as the two began running towards the edge jumping through the window and landing in front of the group.
"About time, I thought that the two of you would be staying up there and make out," Grim said as he rolled his sunken eyes at the two. "What gave you an idea that we'd be doing that?" Marinette asked oblivious to the fact that they were still holding hands. The reaper, with his bony phalanges, casually pointed at their hands leaving the two teens flustered at their cluelessness. He chuckled at the two as he looked back at the old man, who was having a heart attack.
The Grim Reaper is as old as time. He wore a vanta black cloak that's tattered at the hem. His whole body is but of bones, a symbol of man's future after death. He carries a scythe to help end a person's suffering when it's too much, however he cannot use it unless the Fates allow him. But, it can also be used to transport the person's soul into the other side. Some may say that he's merciless, cruel, unforgiving and a thief. However, if they get to know him more, he's actually very nice and entertaining. He enjoys the company of ghosts, however is very sad for not being able to transport them to the other side.
"Grim, how's the number of deaths doing?" Claude inquired to pass the time. "It's the same. One person per second, we're just getting stretched too thin. Welp, better than the black plague is what I'd say," he replied. "What about the 1909 Provence quake?" Lindalee asks. "Wow, even for a kid you're really well informed with this," Grim commentt. "But yeah we had to pull out a lot of us just to accommodate all those souls before dinner or some of them decide to go haunting. And believe me the paperwork on it is not fun," he complained. "Grim Reapers have paper work?" Felix queried. "Nah, I think the right question is, Grim Reapers eat?" Claude asked. "Yeah, I guess. More or less, we kind of do," Grim replied as he gestured.
"Hey, look," Kenya pointed as the man's soul was slowly slipping away, as the heart monitor went crazy. The doctors and nurses kept on trying to revive him, but to no avail his soul finally separated. His old wife's tears continue to fall as she reached out to him. The doctor and the nurses give their sullen condolences to the woman.
For the old man, he slowly caught up on what was happening. He tried to go to his wife to comfort her, only to have his body phase through. He then turned around to find the group looking at him.
"W-who are you?" he asked pointing at Grim. This made him smirk and strike a sinister pose. "Who do you think?" he asked in a terrifyingly low voice. This made his eyes widen in horror as he made his way to the children and slowly push Grim away from them. "Stay away from them. You can't just take away children's souls!" he shouted, horrified at the thought of the young children dying. "Why not?" Grim snorted and taunted in a threatening tone. This causesy chills to go down the old man's spine as he tried to protect them. "Don't worry kids, I'm not letting this monster take any of us," he declared.
However, he turns to them when he heard a laugh coming from behind. He scowled at Allan and said, "This is not funny boy, can't you see he's going to drag us all to hell!" This caused the rest of them to look at each other and start laughing as well, confusing the man. "Well, now I know why you guys enjoy doing this," Allegra exclaimed in between laughs. "By the way Grim, I think you made that scary pose a bit too horrifying. I thought I was going to die as well," Allan added. "Who-who, what are you kids?" the old man asks with a shaky voice.
"It's alright sir, we're not demons, and Grim is just here to help you cross over," Marinette calmly told the old man. "You don't have to afraid. He's here to help," Felix reassured. The old man's features slowly relax as he looked at them all. "So, what are you?" he asked in concern, mostly looking at the two kids with worry. "Just souls of comatose victims," Claude replied casually. "Except for Allan, he's dead," he added. "Speaking of which, so do I get to crossover today?" Allan asked with hope. Grim looked him with a pitying look and shook his head no. This made the young soul frown in disappointment as his friends have him a hug for comfort.
Grim looked at them with a desolate look as he takes the old man's hand with reassurance. "Don't worry, I talked with the Fates and they said your time is near, so no need to worry about it," he says to Allan. "Easy for you to say, your dead. Time of different in your realm," Allan replied. Grim gives him a smile as he says, "Lighten up kid, at least you get to enjoy your friends company more."
He turned to the old man and offered his hand saying, "Grab on, the Fates have been expecting you, as well as your son." The man's eyes widen as tears began to fall at the mention of his deceased son. He hesitantly lookef at the hand, not trusting Grim one bit. However, he turned to his right to find Kenya holding his hand with a smile on her face. "There's no need to fear anything sir. He'll guide in your journey to the afterlife as your angel guided you in your life. Your son is waiting on the other side for you, I'm such he'd want to see you," Kenya guaranteed.
The old man's features slowly relaxed as he turned to Grim and slowly made his way to him and took his hand. "Come along sir, we're taking you home," Grim said as he placed his scythe back on the ground, which in turn encased them into a sphere of water, from the river Lethe, to help them easily crossover, forgetting of all the hurt and pain. It was always enchanting to watch souls crossover from life to the demimonde. After the event, Marinette turned her attention back to her despaired friend. She scrunched her eyebrows and looked around.
"Where's Allan?" she asked, concerned for her friend's wellbeing. This caught their attention as they began noticing his absence. "Wasn't he with you?" Lindalee pointed at Claude. "He was. He was right next to me," he replied a boy confused as well. "Let's split up and find him," Kenya suggested. They nodded at each other as they separately began their search.
"Why are we supposed to look for him?" Allegra asked. "He's a lost soul left to wander the earth and had been denied entrance to the afterlife, it's usually heartbreaking, mostly on his part," Felix replied, clearing the air. "Lost souls are more powerful than you think. They have the ability to disrupt the living world. Unlike us who just go through things, they can haunt anything and anyone. On bad days, they're the worst to deal with, and Allan hates being denied entrance to the afterlife after the 100th time," Claude answered with a hint of fear. "How many times had he been denied, including now? curiously queried. "157," Felix responded with a sigh.
With that in mind they all went forth, searching every corner of the hospital. Though they hope that he's still in the hospital.
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thepeachgreentea · 4 years
this got Real Long Real Quick...
I wanna know more about Luka's soul song gift - like how much do emotions or personality play into it? ((I’m going with a lot)) Does it only work in person?? Or can he get like snippets from videos or vibes from pictures? Like it would make sense if it was only in person...... But where's the fun I'm that? Realistically it wouldn't be as strong as in person but I could see him getting some stuff. Pictures it probably wouldn't be a lot, or even much of anything, unless the soul song really didn't match the picture...
Which means Luka is one of the first people to realize something is Up with Adrien (and the Agrestes in general)
The ads around the city never felt right, never matched up with the snippets/vibes he was able to get - unless Adrien was supposed to be sad or melancholy. Which is... yikes...
Then the Adrien The Fragrance commercial happens. And that's an additional big Fucking Yikes
Like I can only imagine that Adrien isn't particularly big on modelling in general from what we've seen (with the Marinette-exception) so the filming of that could have only been Worse than normal. How many times did it take to get the emotions at the ‘right’ level? How long did it take to get the angles and all the action done?
Anyway: after the first time Luka literally cannot stomach watching it or even listening to it because it is so Wrong. The soul song snippets from the video are longer and more intense and it is just so discordant that Luka can't deal
Adrien is most certainly NOT feeling carefree. Or radiant. Or remotely dreamy. He's goddamn exhausted, frustrated, resigned, depressed, sweaty, anxious, awkward, stressed. It is a whole stew of (teen) angst offset with that upbeat music and the bright blue sky & all that w h i t e and the jumping for joy
It is such a strong dichotomy Luka has a visceral reaction every time and has to either leave the room or mute it and look away,
All of that means that after he meets Adrien in person, and gets to hear his soul song in a couple different situations and can see his emotions matching internally and externally he basically tells him they will always have space for him on the Liberty. (Also the first time he saw the LB + CN movie and heard Adrien's voice acting he only picked up some nerves - easily attributed to a new situation rather than a secret identity - but he was clearly enjoying himself even if it was a terrible script)
Therefore, Luka doesn't have particularly good feelings towards Gabriel, even before seeing any videos of him.
Style Queen was a Time. He was happy for Adrien but the bits he was getting from Gabriel were so rigid and tight... And rather selfish to boot. Which was weird given the situation
He has to try very very hard to not sneer or snarl at the tablet he first "meets" him on - probably at a Kitty Section practice or concert or at some class + family event.
I can also v easily picture him meeting him in person and being super uncomfortable at the sheer amount of manipulation and self-aggrandizing, selfishness, etc that rolls off of Gabriel, basically choking out his soul song. Either Lula barely refrains from punching Gabriel and manages to shake his hand but then desperately needs to clean his hands. Orrrr he does punch him and then basically coats his hands in sanitizer (either way he is Nino’s absolute favorite person for this alone)
Also, this would not be the first time Luka has figured out an abusive situation. It has happened with both his own and Juleka's friends & classmates. He is v much a protective older brother at heart
And because I damn well can have some Lila salt, some of which has been touched on before, unlike with Gabriel:
He had heard about her from Juleka and Kitty Section and was a bit confused about it but it wasn't until Rose was over and the girls were telling him about some of Lila's stories that he saw a picture of her.
And that was The Strongest he had ever reacted to a picture before: instant chills up his spine and an actual hiss escaped him
All 3 of them are shocked. Luka then has to explain that reaction as best as he can. Which is hard when you aren't great at words and while the soul song fragments are rather clear he would never make his guitar suffer trying to recreate them.
He manages tho and Julerose are at least wary of her afterwards. They start observing her more and a lot of her behavior and the way she talks can be very off-putting. They start noticing some of the digs that she makes at others, that she contradicts herself 5 different ways, and how she is constantly bringing the attention back to herself.
During all this they start noticing how both Marinette and Adrien react to her and it is Not Good. Mari gets defensive and will often try to bring up those contradictions that they started noticing. But jealousy is only a minor factor, at most. In certain situations it is possible that it could be involved... except those only happen when Adrien is looking very uncomfortable and Marinette notices or they make eye contact and then Marinette creates an opportunity for him to escape
Which is something that no one else is noticing which is really terrible and unhealthy...
Around this time is when Ivan has started to figure out something is up. and then he definitely knows when Julerose show Luka a video at a private band practice.
Because video and in person interactions make the BadBadBAD feelings worse and Ivan, while he often struggles with understanding & expressing emotions, has definitely noticed Lila - even though she is not actually there - causes a lot of stress and anxiety to Luka and he has gotten really good at methods of lessening those.
So, Luka sees the video with/of Lila and has an even stronger reaction than the picture before. His eyes get huge, and his face pales (gets slightly sickly?), and he hisses even stronger than the first time
He refuses to try to play her soul song because something like that is nearly impossible to recreate but also doesn’t need to be put out into the world but does his best to try and describe it
Possible: her soul song feels like it is drowning in toxic sludge - there is just so much negativeness that it is barely intelligible. It is being smothered by self-satisfaction and importance, narcissism, aggressive manipulation, pettiness, vile maliciousness, etc
In person interactions are awful. Luka avoids physical interaction as much as possible. Even more than he would with Gabriel, and he wants as little to do with that man as possible, ideally none. But Lila is worse...
There have been multiple times that he has had to step out/away to be able to get some fresh air and breathe again. At least once where he has been or almost has been sick - usually following a hug that he did not consent to or something similar
Ivan is definitely in the fold now, and Julerose share what they have noticed from taking their step back. He realizes he has noticed a lot of those same things but he wasn’t analyzing them and didn’t have the same context for them at the time that Luka, Juleka, and Rose did. But afterwards he picks up on them more clearly, and some other things they hadn’t - benefits of being one of the quiet kids (and a lesser target of Lila’s focus). He is part of the driving force in bringing Marinette and Adrien in first before going to others.
Marinette breaks down because more people believe her?? and support her and Adrien? it is a huge relief of tension. And she didn’t even have to convince them herself!! what a concept... but it is definitely a safe space for her and she can share her own experiences and that certainly is nice
they had all suspected Something was Up but weren’t expecting that so there are lots of hugs and tears and support and mutters of payback 
Adrien eventually cries because Kitty Section + Marinette give him a TedTalk about consent and personal autonomy. And now he has so many people (!!!) telling him he can say no and make his own choices, mistakes, and decisions. (Marinette’s part is largely “I told you so / do you believe us now?” because the Dupain-Chengs have probably already given this same talk as a family but that is just A family’s opinion, others probably think differently) And this is the first time he really truly believes it and... oooof there are a lot of emotions and interactions to unpack and reconsider
but now he knows he really needs to and that he can and should which is new, but so is having an actual support system...
Thus, Luka is ready to fight a bitch the first time he sees Lila and Adrien interacting. There is so much clinging and touching, and Adrien is panicking and no one is doing anything or is being waved off. And (unfortunately) this is one of the things that causes some people to start questioning things about Lila. Because most of them know of Luka as a really chill, laid-back guy who is open and accepting of people. and besides he has no reason to be jealous (((👀👀👀👀 too much to think about and unpack t h e r e))) so why would he be upset about Lila leaning on Adrien and holding his arm??
So, the questioning of Lila and what she says spreads out from Kitty Section and Adrinette to the rest of the class. They take a different approach. They slowly, carefully approach their classmates and take them aside when possible to talk about the situation
This allows them to be able to get their undivided attention and lay out what they have found out in a logical and cohesive manner, rather than attempting something rash or in the heat of the moment. Marinette grumbled about this method initially but when there were actual results and the burden was shared it was a huge relief for her.
In fact, others start coming to them about Lila.
because of the work of Kitty Section and Adrinette Lila’s audience has been steadily decreasing and it is getting easier to notice things. With a smaller audience the focus doesn’t get split as much and there are less questions for her to build off of or go on tangents from and the contradictions start standing out more, or she’s making more to try and keep them around her by holding their interest with different details
Plus, the comments about those outside Her Circle are getting meaner and more frequent. Usually they are still sneaky or underhanded but nowhere near as subtle as they were originally (were they ever, really?) and it is raising suspicions and hackles.
Eventually, Lila is left without an audience because the class has all been brought out of the cloud of manipulation and are working on trust and listening to each other more/better. and on how to not disregard other’s feelings (which is esp important with the high butterfly population in Paris, but is a v good life lesson in general). they are young and will make mistakes and will have to learn from them. but trials, growth, and change are all part of life so it is good for them.
But it essentially all stems from Luka and his ability to hear soul songs and reacting to those songs, or the lack thereof when they are being choked by evil intentions/emotions/actions/what have you
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