#basically free for me so like idk idk physical hobbies are so good but physical goods make me feel sick
pom-seedss · 2 months
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Old art, new format!
Made a paint by numbers for myself to keep track of which colour goes where because I know I would have messed it up otherwise.
Fun to see how this turns out.... I custom mixed the blues. I think 2 and 3 may end up being too similar, but it should still get the effect I wanted for the most part.
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celestie0 · 3 months
any tips on starting a story?? i created my account cuz i wanted to create small fanfics and gain a following but idk how 😭
hiii love thank you for your ask i’ll try my best to give the tips from what i’ve learned so far!
i also answered a similar writing tips ask for another lovely you can find here. and if you do post your works n you’re comfy w it i’d love to support you!! feel free to tag me 🫶🏼💕
story planning. this is more applicable to lengthier fics, but don’t get too caught up in planning that you don’t actually write the story! it’s okay to have a general idea, or even a multiple paths idea for your story. i did this for kickoff but i wrote alternate chapter ideas branching off from some of the chapters n ended up just choosing which ever one i wanted n thought fit best lol. but basically things are subject to change, so you don’t need to have a scene-by-scene in order to start a story, just a general idea
central theme. i think to start any story and have it be engaging throughout, it’s important to have a recurring theme that gets brought up often, or something that ties two characters together, etc. from the very beginning! could be a physical proximity thing (ex neighbors) or a mission thing (ex bodyguard), choosing something like that can get a story started and create environments btwn characters that feels necessary rather than forced just for plot (assuming you’re writing for romance)
inspiration. if you’re just looking to write fanfiction, there’s nothing wrong with just starting off w a concept or idea that you already know you like from a tv show or book! for example if you like spiderman, then just write a canon-adjacent spiderman au w your fave character from an anime or something haha. and then maybe once you start writing, your own original ideas start to come into play and you go off of those. i think in the fanfic community, people adore spin-offs & mainstream concept ideas bc it’s just nice to have fun with it
high stakes. creating high-stakes within any conflict or decision is really simple, even though it may sound difficult, but it could be as easy as having a character take up a certain job because she really needs the money, or another character’s inability to quit a toxic workplace is because they need health insurance for a certain illness, etc. i think conflict is necessary throughout a story, rather than just one major conflict at the climax, but introducing little ways to up the stakes is a great way to make things more real
logistics. i think to build a following it’s also necessary to know when to post, how often to post, etc., but at the end of the day it’s just a hobby and you should be writing what YOU want to write!! and just get started! ☺️ that’s the easiest way to write—is to just write
i hope this helps my dear i wasn’t sure if you were referring to long-fic or short-fic stories but i tried to keep my recs relatively applicable to both 😭🫶🏼💕 good luck im rooting for you!!
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mockerycrow · 10 months
Crow!! Can you tell me a bit about your personality and hobbies? I’d like to get to know you better!! *mischievous smile*
- 🦋🦋
ooo okay!!
okay so, irl i’m very much of an introvert. I stick to myself, and I’m very good at doing my own thing. If I’m in a team that’ll actually put work in, i’ll usually take the leadership role of no one else does. I’ve become a lot more optimistic these years—I spent years being a pessimist, and it was bad. I would say I’m overall chill but I’m a dumbass with the right people.
I recently have picked up going to the gym as a hobby/habit, I’m trying to lose weight and gain muscle so I can enlist after my degree (no, the military propaganda did not get me to this decision). I like to write (obviously), and I love video games. I’ve been playing video games ever since I was a child. I like only a handful of musicals, and I’m a big history nerd. I rant sometimes about stuff I like (or hate) so when you get me goin’, I can’t stop. I absolutely love anything to do with nuclear science and physics, and my goal is to help people while I’m on this Earth.
It may come off as a surprise, but I actually do not have any friends IRL LMAOAOA I don’t say that for pity or anything like that, I find it very amusing. I do very well without people, but I’m open to making friends—although a lot of stuff has happened in the past, so it’s a slow process.
uhhhh idk anything else to add??
i identify as aromantic queer/bisexual, fem leaning — my romantic attraction is difficult to explain and i’m too lazy to, so basically I do feel romantic attraction. That’s all is needed to know.
feel free to ask anything else!
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weaselle · 2 years
here’s the real shit:
If you need it to live, it shouldn’t cost you money.
Fancy food? absolutely, get you a job, eat whatever kind of food makes you feel like royalty. Basic sustenance sufficient to be completely healthy? Should be free if you need it. Fancy house? hell yeah, get you a big money job and live in a mansion. Basic housing? Should be free if you need it. Fashionable clothing? Better find an income so you can buy that Gucci. A pair of overalls, shoes, and a jacket so you are covered and warm? Should be free if you need it. Super fancy education? pay up. Good education through college and continued access to information? Should be free to all.
And medical needs? Forget it, listen, if we have the ability to heal someone but we don’t do it, then I know we’re doing the devil’s work, and I’m not even religious.
I know people are gonna have problems so let me get an inb4
First of all, most people won’t just take these basics and then sit on their ass and do nothing, humans are gonna do shit - have you seen what people do in their free time already? Whole huge industries like youtube and hobby stores and shit are based on how much people want to do stuff – you literally cannot sit people in a room with a button labeled “will give you electric shocks” and nothing else to do without them pressing the button (there was an actual study done)
Secondly, most people are generally either not satisfied with the basics, or are only okay with the basics because it allows them to pursue some other worthy goal like school or art or caring for a family member full time or something. So i guarantee most people will still be seeking employment, only jobs will have to pay what people actually feel they are worth instead of paying what desperate people will agree to work for.
All studies of Universal Basic Income experiments and similar have indicated these things are true.
And last, if your undies are still in a bunch over people needing to contribute to “deserve” stuff like food and housing, let me say two things
A: in our earliest groups, humans provably cared for individuals who were not capable of hunting or gathering. Perhaps those individuals contributed in other ways. Perhaps they were loved and their company and presence was considered contribution enough. Or perhaps humanity was such that we just plain wouldn’t let another human in our group starve when we could share our food instead. Whatever the case, we gave up that kind of group to live in this kind of group, and if we can’t maintain that same level of humanity and kindness, then it is a worse group and we should fix it or go back to the other sort.
B: in general, i agree that people should contribute to gain access to things. I think most people WANT to contribute, it seems to me to be hardwired into us as social animals. Personally, i think the artist making do with basic accommodations, eating simple mass foods and wearing government issued clothing so they can spend their time creating music, writing books, practicing dancing or painting or idk, making “how to solve: my computer doesn’t recognize my phone for importing pictures” videos for free on youtube, you know, i think they ARE contributing (shout out to the unsung How To Video heroes, my gods, where would we be without them)
But if you want to talk about really contributing in a targeted societal needs kind of way, then i’m all for that too! So lets talk about some kind of system where, for example, everyone who is physically or mentally able spends 3 years between high-school and college in a National Projects Corps, like the army, but instead they travel to places in our country and are trained and put to work replacing roads, or becoming basic staff in hospitals, or building schools, or doing maintenance on bridges, or doing data entry for public health labs, or, idk, fixing the fucked up water in Flint. Three years seeing other parts of the country, meeting people from other walks of life, and learning valuable skills.
Best of all, a system like this has organic balances. You get a population boom? Well, you’re going to need a lot more public housing, and guess what? you also have enough hands to help build it, because of the population boom. Then, if you’re the kind of person who has a hardline belief about contributing to society, when you see somebody in government-issued overalls living a public apartment complex, you can rest easy knowing they probably fixed roads or built bridges or worked on the sewers or something, just like you.
And by the way, this would ACTUALLY create more of that free market effect people say should fix things. Like, if I have easy free access to food no matter what, i can then choose to only buy sustainably sourced food or whatever.
Anyway, there’s different ways to do it, but basically, if you need something to live a healthy life, a lack of money should never mean you go without it. If you need it to live a healthy life, you should get it. Everything else can cost money, there can still be expensive food and fancy houses, that’s fine, but the basics should be available to all. For free. Because we’re human and in a group together.
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moonlight-yuyu · 1 year
heyooo, I'm not rlly sure how I should start this off, so Imma just list some facts abt me??? could I get a ship with EN- pls? I'm an INTJ and my hobbies include reading, listening to music, and dance. My dream job is to be an actress or movie director (not sure which one I want yet). I hate procrastinating and try to get as much work as I can done as soon as possible.
When it comes to my aesthetic, I'm kind of all over the place. I love anything as long as it's taken to an extreme. My friends describe me as dependable, kind, and kind of princess like??? They say I have a "soft but demanding presence", but idrk what that means 😅 If I'm being honest, I can act kinda gay sometimes ☠ I'm pretty open abt it too, if I think a girl is hot imma 100% flirt with her even tho I'm straight 😭. I'm not the jealous type either, however I don't appreciate when someone purposely tests my limits.
My love languages are physical touch and acts of service, but my toxic trait is that I crave attention but push away those who easily give it to me. I am rlly gullible, which leads me to making toxic friends and getting hurt a lot 😥, but I always fall for the same shit again. My pet peeve tho, is someone who lacks basic respect (not saying pls and thank u, stuff like that) Idk if this was the typa info u wanted 😭, currently praying I did this right. But also thanks for doing this, can't wait to see who I get 💗
thank you so much for requesting I hope you’ll like it!  and take good care of yourself !☀️✨ of course I can here you go hun <33 I hope you’ll like it and feel free to request again 🦋💙  
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neuvistar · 8 months
HELLOOOO I'M FEELING MUCH MUCH BETTER NOW!! (Also slept too much but shhhhh)
I love bladie anon hehe I'm here to bring all the sunshine that blade doesn't have (blade has plenty of rainbows. He's a walking rainbow.)
I mean,,,,yeah sure it's a guaranteed but idk I've only won like two 50/50s ever since I started playing and it's so discouraging because I have so many characters I want but they just never come :(
Also my friend and I had a theory lmfao (feel free to laugh) but basically my luck has been going downhill ever since I got Alhaitham and I've lost every single 50/50 pulling for a male character to a female character
So naturally the theory is Alhaitham is literally cockblocking me LOL (I happen to kin Kaveh so this is extra hilarious)
And I've also lost all my 50/50s ever since I got Luocha so,,,,yeah it stands LMFAO
Heyyy dipping in and out is GOOD and FINE honestly sometimes we forget that tumblr ain't our job it's just a hobby site lol I think just find the sweet spot/pace that you work at best!! That's the way to go around it methinks :)
This is really random but I'm having massive fomo seeing my friends' stories and every time I'm stuck at home recovering from either physical or mental illness I'm just like :(((( when it's literally only my third week here
But don't let me drag u down I hope ur doing well!!
-- 🔪
hihi mb for the late reply <3
alhaitham’s always mad bro dw abt him 👎👎😒😒ur luck will be restored in no time trust!! besides, 4.1 is already out soooo u hav more opportunities !!
Yeah!! i recently got sick so i kinda unintentionally pushed back my other work i was gonna post a few days ago but i couldn’t bc i was technically on my dead bed but it’s alright! <3 sickness happens ig
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breathing-inthemoon · 11 months
random rant no one asked for
so, basically, yesterday i got this massive urge to do a literature degree. for context, i'm currently majoring in astronomy, i have been for a while, ngl, i'm embarrassed that it's taking me this long, even though i shouldn't be (according to my awesome friends). being an astronomer is my dream. i want to work as one, and i think that's what puts the most pressure on me and why i struggle so much with perfectionism and craving good grades, plus the stem enviroment doesn't help (my upbringing doesn't either). i want to enjoy my life as a student, but i find myself physically unable to do so. for more context, because of the questionable way in which my courses work, i'm only taking finals at the moment. i'm done with all my classes, but i'm not done with the subjects bc of compulsory finals (most uni courses in my country have ways of avoiding taking the final by meeting certain requirements that involve grades and presence in lessons). my point here is that i'm not really going to uni, i only go when i have an exam, which sucks all the joy from seeing my beloved campus. so, the thing is that i actually really enjoy learning. i'm such a nerd and proud of it. and it really pisses me off that i have to be so stressed about it bc of how the system works. this leads to me fantasizing about studying without all that drama. sometimes, i end up reading the material for finals that are not my priority atm, the idea of studying to get a good grade paralyses me. and sometimes that turns into me thinking of doing another degree, completely stress free, just for the sake of it, not giving a fuck about grades, or how long it takes me to finish it.
for the longest time, i wanted to try a math degree after getting my astronomy one, but the thing is, that it is too close to the type of academia i am used to. math also has compulsory finals, plus its still stem and that will not let my brain rest when it comes to expectations, even if i'm doing it for fun, i'd be scared of making a fool of myself during exams.
so yesterday, it hit me: literature. i love reading. i love languages. as i said before, i'm a massive nerd. i think majoring in lit will give me the student life i dream of. i don't plan on doing anything with that degree if i get it. it's just for me. it's the academia equivalent of moving to another city where nobody knows you and start a new life. i would still be doing astronomy, hopefully, that'll be my job. but i'd take courses on the side, maybe one at the time, idk, it'd be chill.
but, there's always a but. right now, i really like the idea.. but i've been here before, with other stuff. other projects i wanted to start and never did or i started and never finished. abandoned hobbies, etc. i like a lot of stuff (see pinned post for reference) but i'm not the most consistent human being. it's not that i lose interest in the things.. it's just, life gets in the way.. especially if it's not a priority. astronomy will always be my priority. and i love it, but it's not the only thing i love.. i just wish i could multitask, but i find again and again that i cannot. i mean, i can barely do one task tbh, but that's a conversation for another day. so basically, rn, i really want to do it, however, i don't have much faith that i will follow through, and that makes me really sad.
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: June 6th, 2021
I’m back with more ask responses! You can also check our Frequently Asked Question sheet if there’s something you’re wondering that’s not answered here.
FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
Thank you for the patience with these questions  ♡
Hey in very beginning of step 3 in the scene where Mr.Holden had a thought dancing on the tip of his tongue but he kept it to himself after MC and Cove were being cute (idk if it makes a difference but this is when they're dating)... Can we know what he was thinking/ wanted to say? It's been bugging me lol 
He would’ve gone into a “look how much you’ve grown”, “your dad is so proud of you”, “I’m so glad things worked out with the MC”, and etc spiel, haha. But he resisted the urge to fawn on his baby boy, at least for that scene.
If we planned to move away for college/future plans in step 3, is it implied that MC and Cove would have a long distance relationship for sure? Could MC have convinced Cove to come with them? How is the dynamic of their relationship going to be addressed in Step 4, if that makes sense? 
Cove is willing to follow the MC where they went after everything is settled for them there, and if they’re sure they want him to come! You’ll get to decide how things shook out during those transitional years just by making choices about it during the opening prologue of Step 4.
Hi! First off, how does it feel to have created one of the best games when it comes to inclusion for lbtq+ peeps? I've never felt as validated with my identity and sexuality when playing a game and I'm seemingly not alone ♥ Second, and this might be a little too specific, but what kinds of drinks does Cove like as well as dislike? Thank you, you're the best ♥
Thank you for very much! It’s really nice to hear the game felt inclusive. Cove likes regular water and fruit juices/smoothies most! He dislikes coffee and cola, and he’s not super into most teas either.
Hi, may i ask what gb patch stands for? Specifically the gb part lol
It stands for my old, silly username I used in places like Neopets as a kid, aha. The company name wasn’t super thought out since it was originally just me making VNs as a hobby. Luckily, “GB Patch” kind of seems like it could mean something reasonable, so I didn’t have to rebrand when it did become a more serious, commercial group.
If we chose to not propose to cove in the step 3 dlc would he propose or would the mc propose in step 4 or the wedding dlc? 
Yeah, you or Cove can propose in Step 4 if you’re not already engaged! The Wedding DLC takes place after the engagement so the proposal scenes aren’t there.
will you guys announce if the early access for the new game is out on patreon ? 
When beta builds of Step 4 or whatever start coming out on the Patreon we will mention it here on social media too.
Heyy I just had a quick question about Baxter if that’s okay :)?
I saw in an ask+answer that it’s possible to casually date Baxter In step 3, but what leads up to that? I have the step 3 dlc and I’ve tried playing them In a different orders and ways but it doesn’t seem to get anywhere ^^;
The Step 3 DLC is Cove-based because he’s the default guy. There’s a separate Baxter romance DLC that’s not out yet. That’s where you can get him to date you. I’m sorry for the confusion!
Will we ever get any LI's or side characters with physical disabilities or deformities? I think your games would be a great place to have them in since they're always so accepting and safe! 
Yeah, we do hope to have representation for that in future projects ^^. Thank you for the confidence in us.
Is it possible to get Cove to take the bed and MC to sleep on the floor? 
Not in Step 3, I’m afraid.
So, I have played the prologue of Our Life countless times and I haven't gotten the [Your Life] achievement, why is that? 
Steam sometimes isn’t connected properly when an achievement unlocks and so it remains locked on your account. If that happens, unfortunately getting the scene again won’t unlock it. The achievement becomes inaccessible because the game thinks you already have it. Playing with the same Steam account on a different device or fully deleting your game data (more than the only the save files) are the only work arounds we’ve found.
Since when you talk with Jeremy in step 3 it's mentioned he goes on dates with someone (which assume is JB because who else would take this boy on dates) that makes him happy, does that sort of make JB and Jeremy the canon relationship in the first game?
The default for XOXO Droplets is that JB casually goes on dates with each of the jerks! Shiloh would’ve been harsher if Jeremy was the only guy getting her attention, haha. But the player can change that default by dating just one person the whole game for their own story and who she ends up with for real has no default.
Hi, hello! Huge OL fan, thank you so much for the wholesome content, it was very much needed during these times. Managed to get several people to join team Cove, so that's very exciting, I always have people to fawn over him with. I have a little question and I'm sorry if it was asked before, but does it ever come up in the game what Cove has told his mom about us? (who knows, with so many options, one can miss it) Or, alternatively, will it come up in the Step 4 DLC? 
Thank you very much for sharing the game with people <3. It’s really great to hear people are liking it. Right now that doesn’t come up in game. Kyra is willing to keep her mouth shut and Cove isn’t gonna have that conversation either. At least not when he’s younger, but yes, perhaps when he’s a fully grown big boy in Step 4 you can ask him about it.
I’ve been thinking about this ever since it has been confirmed that there would be two love interests for OL2, would there be the possibility of forming a polyamorous relationship with both love interests? I’m sorry if you answered this previously, I’m just curious. 
We are considering it, but it’s not a guarantee yet. It’d be really great to have but it’d add so many extra alterations that’d need to made, aha.
Hello! You mentioned how Cove would be uncomfortable with kids at 23, but how old would he be when he’s comfortable with having/adopting kids? (Same goes for the other LI’s.) btw, love your game!! 
He’d want to be at least 25, but even older would be good. Derek would want to have kids when he and his partner could reasonably support them, the age itself wouldn’t matter. If they were doing good at 22 and wanted kids, he’d be up for it. Or they could wait until their 30s or whatever. Baxter is also more of a “when it feels right” guy rather than having a specific age requirement. Cove is just especially wary of being a young parent because of his own parents. I’m happy you like the game!
does step 4 immediately play after you press "end summer" in step 3? or is there another button/transition (like the story text thingy) before the epilogue begins? what happens after the epilogue? roll credits? 😂 
Step 4 will have transition section always and there will be an extra button, if you own the Derek or Baxter DLC. By default the Cove-based version of Step 4 just plays once Step 3 is over. However, having the other guys’ storylines will mean you get to pick which version of Step 4 plays; Cove Step 4 (the basic one), Derek Step 4, or Baxter Step 4.
Happy pride, thank you for all you do for us🥰
I have a quick question though, I recently got a MacBook after my old windows computer broke, and now steam says I cannot download it, but it has no issues with other games, what can I do to download it?? I’m sorry if my English is bad
Happy pride month! Unfortunately, Our Life isn’t available for Mac on Steam right now. To be an approval application Apple requires having special notarization and we as a small group haven’t gotten that. Itch doesn’t care and lets us release the game for Mac there anyway, Steam does care so we’re locked out of putting the Mac build up on their storefront. Feel free to email us and we can try to help the situation out further!
Hello! I was jus wondering if the Baxter and Derek DLCs are still happening? I haven’t heard anything about them on here or patreon in a while so I just wanted to make sure ^^
They’re still coming and we just released a new sprite sketch on the Patreon for the Derek DLC c:. But right now Step 4 is still much more of a priority. Once that’s closer to being done we’ll focus way more on sharing previews for the other guys.
is it possible to tell cove you love him (platonically) at step 3 fondness/selecting him as basically family? i just love the mc and liz sibling interactions and it got me wondering about it (especially if you've selected that option)
You and Cove can be as close as family, but there’s not a specific scene in Step 3 where you say “I love you” in a family context. But there’s always Step 4~
do you intend on ever adding a collectors mode to Our Life? Like a way to collect achievements and CGs for the gallery without it effecting any save files? 
We weren’t considering it before. But if a lot of players would find that helpful, we could start thinking on that!
Sorry if it's a silly question haha, but (in crush/love) is Cove really aware of how cute and cuddly he seems to MC? If so, what does he think or do about it? Or does he just ignore it? 
He isn’t particular aware. Cove never truly stops being surprised that the MC is interested in/attracted to him, haha.
Would you say that the alone ending of xoxo droplets is worth playing again to get? 
Nope, haha. The goal is to make friends/get a boyfriend and so the alone ending is kind of the bad ending for the game. Though there is a consolation prize if you get it by accident.
Is there any possible situation which would ever prompt Pran to bake for his girlfriend? Like I know it's unlikely I mean even if JB broke her leg somehow I'm pretty sure he'd still be like "I considered baking you a cake and doing the frosting the way I think looks interesting but you don't deserve a cake, no one does." right but also ahhh it would be super nice if some day he just surprised her with baked goods one day out of nowhere. JB would be so shocked it would be cute. So is there any possible situation where that could/would be a thing that he would do? 
He might bake out of spite, like if he felt he had to prove her wrong on something. Or if JB used some good reverse psychology on him. Or he might do it in a relatively nice way if he could make his GF so shocked by the kind gesture that his amusement with that overrode his insistence on not being sweet. Pran is very difficult in high school, aha.
Is the "one route (where) it can be seen that Everett will drop his seemingly eternal waging with Jeremy pretty easily and can start getting along without thinking much on it" the Lucas route? I'm curious! 
Yep! Everett will side with Jeremy if it’s between him and Lucas.
Hi I hope you guys are having a great day :) I just had to ask how Cliff would feel about Cove's partner/fiancé Mc calling them dad whether it be accidental or otherwise and secondly I also wanted to ask how he would feel about being asked to be the one to give the mc away at their wedding. 
He would be very touched and excited! I hope you have a good day too :D
Hello! I saw an ask relating to whether Cliff "moves on" after Cove's grown up and stuff (and he stays single), but what about Kyra? Will she be with anyone else or will she stay single? 
She does start dating again, but she takes it slow.
Hi! I absolutely love the art for characters in OL and I wonder is this fine to draw my MC in same drawing style and upload online later? Is this something artists would be okay with? Thank you! 
Yeah, you can certainly do that C:
Hey there!
I wonder if I'm just being stupid here.. Is Step 4 a DLC? And if so, where can I find it? I can't seem to find it on Steam :< Thank you!
Step 4 is a free epilogue! It’s not done yet, but once it is finished you’ll just update your game file and Step 4 will be there after Step 3 ends.
hi! are step 4 and the wedding dlc two different things?
They are. Step 4 is a free epilogue that’ll be a default part of the game once it’s done, the wedding DLC is an optional paid expansion that takes place after Step 4.
Why did Baxter not receive a step 2 sprite seeing how he shows up later
Sprites are time consuming to draw and take money out of the budget that could’ve gone to other things. His tiny appearance in Step 2 wasn’t worth all the effort to make a sprite, aha.
I just realized, what happens if if you get the patreon exclusive moment but at a later date, when you don't have the membership anymore, it's updated (like a bugs fix update for example)? Would you have to get the membership again? 
You would have to get the membership again to redownload the build. But there’s very little chance there’s going to be an update once it’s been out for over a month. If a build gets released with errors, players catch/report them within the first few days. So by the time the first subscription period ends, any problems that were noticeable would already have been fixed. And we’re certainly not gonna be adding new content to it once it’s been released for a long time. There’s no need to worry about missing out on something worthwhile in the future if you cancel your membership. It’s being made with the idea in mind that many players are gonna be getting it and then going.
Hello! Wanted to ask about gaming choice in step 3? Once upon a playthorugh I got the option to buy Cove a bracelet for his graduation present. I played the same basic character again and that option wasn't there anymore. I'm not sure where I went wrong. My Cove wears a bracelet on each hand and my MC is into fashion and jewelry. Do I need to put an earring on him or? Sorry, love your game so much. 
He also needs to have liked bracelets in Step 2 for that to be considered a good gift option for him. Sorry for the confusion! I’m happy you love the game :)
Is Step 4 being released at the same time as the Wedding DLC or will the first come before the latter? Thank you! 
I’m not sure. Ideally they’ll come out at the same time, but the wedding DLC has a lot of art to get done and we may have to release it after Step 4.
Can mc still get confession from Cove at the end of step 3 even if mc casually dates Baxter in step 3? Such as in crush mode? 
I don’t think so. Maybe that’ll change, but generally there’s differences to the Step 3 ending if you were dating Baxter and those differences likely will conflict with getting the Cove confession.
For the patreon moments/dlcs, will it be available for all tiers? 
It’ll be available for tier 2 (Fans) and up!
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putschki1969 · 3 years
Hi Puts, I have a question, but maybe it's too personal. As a fan, how much money do you spend? I think the three FC alone cost about $130 a year. Each shipment to Mexico costs between $20 and $50, including fees. Buying CDs, DVDs, streaming tickets, shop items, magazines (Idk if Hikaru and Keiko send something like Botanical Tsushin) I think is quite a bit of money. I graduated this year and recently started working, so I'm wondering how much money I need to pay for everything I want.
Hello there!
Don't worry, I have no filter so there is literally nothing too personal you could ever ask me. Also, I think it's important to be transparent about stuff like that.
Before I get to the juicy details I want to preface this post by saying that I am in a very privileged position so using my fangirl expenses as a general reference is probably not the best idea. There is free education and public health care in my country so I do not have any debts from either of those. On top of that I do have a job with a decent salary and my monthly fixed costs are comparatively low since I share the rent and stuff with my mum (yup, I am 30+ and choose to live with my mum, sue me). My company pays for public transportation, internet and a big portion of my meals. Last but not least, I have no car, no partner, no kids, no pets, no other social commitments or anything else that would burden me financially aside from my obsession with Kalafina so I am free to spend a considerable amount of my income on my "hobby" without having to worry too much about running into debt or not having enough savings.
Having said that, I will openly admit that I spend a SHIT-TON of money for my girls, much more than I am honestly comfortable with. Yes, I can more or less afford it but it still brings me a lot of pain and tears every single day.
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Now let's get into the details 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→ [Like you I will be using USD for easy understanding]
I honestly cannot tell you a definitive number since my expenses always change depending on how many events and releases are scheduled for a particular time period. I guess I can provide a rough overview of what I am currently spending on Kalafina since there are quite a few things happening right now (nothing compared to last December though).
The four FCs I am part of with their combined costs of roughly $150 are what I consider to be “negligible costs” and they are really my least concern in the grand scheme of things.
The streaming tickets are very cheap in my opinion and I would gladly pay even more for them if it meant I wouldn't have to spend a fortune on regular trips to Japan. But yeah, it's another $150 to $200 a year for various streaming events.
Releases and merch are pricey in and of themselves (incl. around $5-$10 of domestic shipping) but it's made even worse when you are crazy like me and buy multiple copies of something just to get special benefits. Recently I have ordered Hikaru's merch (~$100), Keiko's merch (~$50), Wakana's merch (~$120) and three *coughs* copies of Wakana's Blu-ray (~$220). I also made sure to purchase Hikaru's albums on iTunes (~$20) even though I already own the CDs.
International shipping/import fees is where the costs pile up and I usually end up paying anywhere from $20 up to $150 for packages. Austria has literally the WORST import regulations T_T
I also indulge in the occasional Kalafina fashion item so that gets pretty expensive too. But that’s just me so there is really no need to take these costs into consideration.
So yeah, you can expect to spend a LOT of money depending on how greedy you are. :P Being an overseas Kalafina-fan sucks! However, I have two tips for you:
Prioritising is key! Find out what’s most important to you and then make peace with the fact that you will never be able to buy everything because that’s just not reasonable (unless you are filthy rich :P). I obviously focus on digital and physical music releases because that’s how you support their solo careers. I know it’s tempting to pirate this stuff but I urge all fans to make those purchases. The same applies to live stream tickets. If you have the means and the event is foreigner-friendly, please go for it! Aside from that, you will just have to choose your orders wisely. Ask yourself the questions: What kind of benefits do I prefer? What merch am I most likely to use? Any merch I am particularly fond of? Make sure you don’t end up overspending. While I keep encouraging fans to spend their money, you should always do it within reason. 
Cluster your orders! If you are using a proxy service like Tenso or Buyee, it’s best to have items arrive around the same time so you can consolidate your packages (within the 30-day period). After all, there is nothing more frustrating than paying $20 on shipping for a tiny fan club magazine that’s basically for free. So before you make a purchase, check the scheduled shipping time and try to make your orders align with each other. And also try to pay attention to the shipping dates of FC-related items, that’s not always easy since the schedules aren’t exactly regular but you can at least get a feel for them. If a FC item happens to arrive at the warehouse, you could always use that opportunity to order some in-stock goods or releases you have had your eye on. They should arrive quickly so you can ship them together with the FC-item. Please note that this will of course increase shipping costs/import fees since your packages will get bigger/heavier but I think at the end of the day, you are still saving money.
I know it’s often frustrating and intimidating to navigate through the world of Kalafina but I hope my posts can at least somehow help to alleviate the the stress that comes with being an overseas fan.
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mego42 · 3 years
What are some of your favorite GG song Moments. ? Here are some of mine.
1. Easy ft lorde- OMG this soong is such a bop. it just fits the scene so well. HONESTLY one of my fav scenes. HE IS LIVING HIS BEST LIFE IN THIS SCENE. I LOVE CHAOTIC RIO
2. Wild heart by SPELLES.- THIS SONG IS SO HAUNTING just fits the vibe so well. SO ANGSTY
3. The most recent song. Used in that Brio moment. Idk what its called . I know that Beth is having the time of her life but that song is just HEAVY. The lyrics 🙏😭😭❤❤❤ such a pretty song fr 😔
omg anon i love this question nearly as much as i love your taste. YES!!!! to Easy (i too love tf out of personification of chaos rio), YES!!!!! to Wild Heart!!!!  it’s SO HAUNTING and disorienting and PERFECT. and Y E S !!!!!!!!!!!!! to the most recent song (whole life by perfume genius). i am LIVING for the heavy ballad vibes, super agree it’s so pretty. 
in no particular order, my top 5 music moments:
blanket me / hundred waters
1x09 - beth makes the calendar laying out her kids future in case something happens to her
i’ve already exposed myself as an absolute loon when it comes to this song and you can read the whole breakdown here
but tl;dr it’s a song about relying too much on a person and needing to break free and be independent but not in a toxic sort of way, more in a for personal growth and the best for everyone because co-dependence holds everyone back and i really, really, really love that in context of beth and her children, her learning to step back and not smother them but also not give so much of herself that she disappears entirely because that’s not good for them in the long run
basically it’s sort of a thesis statement for beth’s underlying s1 arc
plus it’s just like, heavy and haunting and absolutely gorgeous and not to be like, unreasonably pretentious, moves me and i love it
notable lyrics: You're my blanket, you're my skin / You're everything within / You're my guardian, I'm your sail / A boat in your harbor / Gone under, capsized and sinking / Blanket me, blanket me, blanket me, blanket me, blanket me
whole life / perfume genius
4x06 - beth looking for a place to hide the wire/hooking up with rio
the song is all about leaving behind the things weighing you down and moving into a brighter, more free future and i love love love how that plays with the duality of beth hiding the wire and securing her source of information for the secret service BUT ALSO marking this moment as a turning point for beth and rio because it absolutely is.
(like not just the fact that they’ve resumed a physical relationship but rio’s invited beth deeper into his world and we’re seeing beth crack on a level we really haven’t before)
this season is leaning SO HARD into duality and the tangled up truths and lies between them and i am absolutely UNHINGED over it
i also really love the like, passionate ballad nature of it juxtaposed over this twisted, extremely sexy moment (intercut with dean joyfully trying to seize hold of his new hobby only to be IMMEDIATELY denied)
there are just so many layers to it and i love all of them
notable lyrics: The mark where he left me / A clip on my wing / Oh, let it soften / I forgive everything
ocean rain / echo & the bunnymen
4x04 - the beth and jane/rio getting the drop on fitz montage
the whole theme of this song is two people tearing each other apart and destroying the bones of their former intimacy which like, hello subject matter aptitude and it’s told through this GLORIOUSLY dramatic hurricane at sea imagery with ships being dragged below the waves by the hurricanes the two people have called down on each other set to a gorgeous over the top orchestral score
on a yrical note, i love that the song is basically the same verse over and over (interspersed with the chorus, obvs) and the only change is me vs you when it comes to who brought the storm down on them
basically, if you were challenged to come up with a song that represented two peak dramatique heaux nightmare factories locked in a never ending game of deadly cat and mouse, you couldn’t top this.
i am ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED with the choice to pair it with a montage of beth finally pulling the trigger (with foresight and intent, shooting rio was p obvs a oh shit look what i did moment), a milestone rio’s been dragging her (down) towards since the beginning of s2 AND using him to do it, dragging him (down) into her mess (m ade all the more messy when you consider he was the target of it) (i just! love it! so! much!)
i want to live in johnathan leahy’s brain
notable lyrics: all at sea again / and now my[your] hurricanes have brought down this ocean rain / to bathe me again / my ship’s a-sail / can you hear it’s tender frame / screaming from beneath the waves / screaming from beneath the waves
el musgo / gabriel bruce
3x04 - rio watches beth make money
UGH GOD when that high hat and bass kicked in the first time i was like oh shit we are in for some DRAMA and sure enough we were as well as a more sexual montage than anything you’d find in actual porn.
idk, the fact that they chose this deep, dark, mournful about lost love to an elongated montage slow motion montage of rio watching beth make fake cash and deciding not to kill her for nearly killing him doEs stuFf to me
all i’m saying is johnathan leahy ships brio harder than any of us and is a more dramatique heaux than either of them, which are two really impressive feats to achieve
AND THEN!!! AND THEN!!!!! they CHOPPED THE SONG UP!!!!! so they were able to take advantage of the dawning drama of the opening bars BUT ALSO include the closing stanza about wearing the marks the subject of the song gave the singer like a scar where they took his heart from him and the INTENTIONALITY of that creative choice puts me on the FLOOR
notable lyrics: I'll wear this mark like a medal / But it's a scar / Where you took my heart from me
kimono hill / sophia kennedy
3x01 - rio leaves the hotel
honeslty, lowkey surprised this one made my top five. not because it isn’t a fabulous song deployed with johnathan leahy’s usual mastery, but bc i didn’t realize how much i loved it until making this list
i don’t really have like, a deep, lyrically rooted storytelling reason for loving it, i just think the way they used it in the show is Such A Vibe
the way the vibrating synthy tones and underlying organ kicks in while rio’s getting in the elevator has this beautiful held breath anticipatory quality to it that works SO WELL to set up the montage of rio strutting out back into his life while turner gets murdered (a scene i have some uh, complicated feelings about but setting those aside), and the bolands’ fresh start to the tune of bouncy drums and looping vocals
idk it’s such a shining note to end the first episode of a new season on, i remember feeling refreshed and super hype for what’s to come
notable lyrics: no lyrics, just the vibe of the opening bars
tl;dr i really, really, REALLY love how this show uses music. you can tell they put a lot of time and effort and thought into it and while i know the trajectory isn’t working for everyone, personally i love it. granted, as you can see from this list, i clearly love the shit out of a down tempo dramatic ballad, so. if you are more of a bangers and bops person, i would point you to @nickmillerscaulk’s inbox as she is a Certified Bangers Afficianado.
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pimentogirl · 3 years
Hey I was/am on your side on the sex work thing but looking at feministclassist’s rebuttal.. this one point seems like a good argument and I’m wondering if you have an idea for why it isn’t? It’s this one:
“• "BuT cONsEnt" Free sexual consent cannot be purchased. That's the whole basis of consent. True consent is agreeing to something when you're in a position to refuse it safely and/or without negative consequences. Not making money when you're struggling financially, which is the case of most prostituted women, is a negative consequence. And I know, all jobs exploit you and labor is always coerced under capitalism. But normal jobs exploit you economically and physically, not sexually. You're not paid to give your boss a blowjob on top of your desk job. And all together now, what is coerced sexual consent called? Rape.”
The biggest pats where I have to agree are I do view all labor as coerced and unfree in our society. There is no don’t worry about money option. At the end of the day I get evicted. At the end of the day I don’t have anything to pay for food and can’t eat unless I go find land to farm. Oh but that land costs money and basically now I have to do this work that maybe I can’t physically do. Or maybe it’s not the type of work I want. But Weve all got to do labor in this sick society and it is coercion.
But with my labor at my job it’s theft. It’s theft of my time and my efforts and the means of production by the ruling and capitalist class. If I am hurt in the job, you can add that it is physical abuse. Hell let’s throw in emotional abuse as well. It’s all therefore hurtful to us.
But now if I imagine my job is sex. Sex is my commodity. Maybe I wanted to have some sex and thought selling it seemed cool, kind of like how I like the technical thing at work I do SOMETIMES, and my side gigs as well... but the state of it is I’m coerced. If I wasn’t in this system I’d just have sex when I wanted and that’s great and it’d be nothing to do with how I get food or nice things or a place to stay or even “luxuries” — things I might redefine as necessities for a happy life. A little travel. A nice hat. But now all my hobbies are jobs. And my labor is a job I can’t really choose and my reputation depends on my subservience, not just basic labor. And now my labor is sex. My coerced labor, is sex.
Idk I am basically starting to think sex work is real work and therefore it’s real coerced sex... and therefore it is rape (if contact sex work) or sex as capitalist product warped by market forces in any case. That does not mean it should be criminalized. Fuck the state and fuck cops. But it should end along with the rest of capitalist hell and it shouldn’t be celebrated on the left. Accepted? Yes. De-stigmatized? Yes. Called sexy and patronized? No. I’d like less sexual objectification and commodification of every aspect of life. Less rape culture too. It always did weird me out to think of paying someone to touch me or perform for me. Whether entertainment or sexual, but the sexual always felt like it might hurt them more. Like it would be upsetting. But I thought that was just me being a prude despite loving sex. Now i need to reflect on if that was a good instinct or not. The fact that there is so much stuff with the theme of incest or grotesque racism or rape, misogyny, simulated pedophilia, violence against marginalized people as extra spice...like it really does seem rotted by what sells. Thinking about it now, the porn industry in particular has an incentive to groom customers for content they can’t get anywhere else. Things they can’t get for free with any healthy, not abused or self harming person. Because then the customers are hooked. They have to buy to get off.
But I also feel like I’m maybe leaping to conclusions. I am ironically really hurt out and tired from my own coerced labor treadmill. Idk it seemed like you blocked op but I was wondering if you’d be willing to talk about the issue of sex as labor and what that means more
No I don't block people for disagreeing with me and I agree her point is very well made and an interesting addition. The only blogs I tend to block are out and out bigots, so unless OP is an out and out transphobe, racist or homophones it's unlikely I've done any such thing. Not sure where the fuck the 'cockfighting' comment came from though.
I have difficulty accepting the premise that anything goes in sex work and that all sex workers are exploited. It's a nonsense and forms the basis for the argument that acceptance of sex work is a 'bad thing'.
Point 1: Respect and consent matter, negotiation, limits can be set in any interaction, including sex. Consenting to sex with your partner doesn’t automatically mean you agree to any and all sex acts. The same is true of sex work. There are rules and limits in any interaction. Consent can still be withdrawn. The issue is not with the payment for sexual acts, the issue is with the respect and understanding of both parties engaged in the act. (The problems around consent and respect are where misogyny, power imbalance and poverty raise their ugly heads).
Point 2: It assumes that sex is some magical preserve of our innermost soul. Not everyone feels that way about sex.
Personally I think street prostitution out of desperation for money to live or survive is a sign of a thoroughly broken society.
But I feel much the same way about people being forced to do 'menial' jobs or accept atrocious bullying behaviour by bosses or work they despise just to survive.
I think from what you said, we probably agree on that.
We are never going to remove paid for sex from society. There are those who wish to pay for sexual services and those who are willing and able to provide them and we need to stop being so fucking squeamish about it. We just need to ensure that the choice is free and unforced for both parties.
The porn industry and the easy access to extremist materials and the chicken and egg debate about paraphilia is something greater minds than mine fail to agree on. Normalisation is dangerous where it leads to abuse, so I guess we are back to consent. Children, animals, those in a power imbalance can't give informed consent. But lots of people have fantasies and fetishes and find ways to satisfy them without ever doing real long term harm.
And where exactly does the line between being a bit kinky and paraphilia lie?
I have huge issues with one group of people 'deciding' that acceptance of other people's life choices is bad. And I still maintain that it's the hang up about sex being some mystical 'other' rather than something our bodies can do that makes sex work somehow different to any other way in which we sell our bodies' capacities.
The issue in our society is inequality and greed, not someone choosing what to do with their own body and who to do it with.
Personally, I enjoy painting. Sometimes I gift it to people, sometimes they offer to pay me to paint. Sometimes they asked me to paint things I don't enjoy painting. I can decline the transaction. Sometimes I agree to something, then I change my mind and sometimes I just do it to enjoy myself.
No one should ever force me to paint when I don't want to. With or without monetary compensation.
Not sure I made a single valid point, but it’s three hours past my bed time and I'm half doped on my strongest painkillers and I didn’t want to ignore your ask.
PS: feel free to DM me. I don’t bite. Not without IC and safewords. And I like to think about things and learn from other people.
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thatpoppinat · 3 years
👸🏻More Than A Nickname👸🏻
In this story, the miraculous lore is the same and so is the time period
but, instead of the French monarchy being beheaded  in the French Revolution, the government is a constitutional/democratic monarchy
-Lives are Changed-
Marinette is the only daughter of Their Royal Highnesses Melody Cheng (commoner, Asian) of China and Maxim Louis Bourbon (royalty, European) of France, making her Princess Marinette Coccinelle Bourbon Cheng of France, making her the heir to the throne
and she doesn't even know it at first
an assassination attempt on an unborn baby Mari ended up killing her mother, she had been taken out via c- section and was labelled as 'dead' to the public
Marinette was taken in by one of Melody's distant relatives Sabine to live in Paris, because the King feared the for only child of him and his no deceased wife's safety
A fake certificate was made in order to keep her safe and for her to have a couple of years with a normal life
(So, yes. This is basically a "Princess Diaries" kind of story. I love those kinds of stories. Deal with it.)
This changes when she becomes Ladybug, however
To summarize the whole affair, Maxim discovers that Marinette is Ladybug and escorts her (read: forces her) back to the Versailles Palace in order to keep her safe, but due to Marinette's passion for her job she is very against this
She is also reeling from the fact that she had been lied to for practically her entire life up to this point
Oh, and the fact that her birthmother had been murdered and there were people out there who wanted her dead.
No biggie.
-Schools are Switched-
Earlier, Marinette had been switched to online schooling due to bullying (Lila and her lackeys).
She was sent by Maxim to the Beauvoir Boarding School for Wealthy and Artistic Young Women; it's a part of the Versailles palace, near the public gardens (so it's technically not a boarding school for her, seeing as though she doesn't technically leave her "house")
She is given her own (gorgeous) room and has to get used to the luxury that surrounds her, all the while trying to hide her secrets from her new school friends: Anastasia, Elodie, Brielle, Rosamie, and Catalina
There is this one girl named Emma that absolutely hates her for -insert reason- and is rude to her (she'll regret that later on)
Also, she ruins the name Emma for Marinette; don't want to name your child after someone who torments you, after all
Thought I guess children in general are tormentors, idk, pick your poison
Her identity is hidden from the public, but after another attempt on her life, leaks of her existence spread, and the news was suddenly blasting this one question
"Is our Princess alive?"
The king eventually announces that, yes, his daughter did survive that attack, and tells the world her middle name, Coccinelle.
Everyone wants to know who the Princess is and it's all over the news, nobles insist on meeting her, etc.
Crack theorists connect 'Coccinelle' to 'Ladybug' and there are now conspiracy theories on how the missing princess was Paris' heroine Ladybug; however, many people thought that was stupid (how little did the know lol)
and, of course, Lila claims to have met Coccinelle before (technically, yes) and that she was friends with her (absolutely not)
Marinette was given a pet poodle as an apology from her father for drastically changing her life, and because ~French~
-Insight is Made-
After the tension kinda fades away, she starts to hang out with her father in his private gardens so she can learn more about him and her mom, "I've always had a passion for gardening, Sabine told me it was one of your hobbies." "Your mother was incredibly sassy, so defiant."
Marinette noticed that his usual stone cold face seemed to soften when he talked about her, and she began to admire her birthmother
Tom and Sabine will always be held dear in her heart, however. They raised her and loved her after all.
She learns her father had met her mother when they were in their teenage years.
Maxim had disguised himself as a 'commoner' and snuck out of the palace. He had snuck onto a tourist ferry going through the Seine River.
On the ferry, he had seen someone painting a portrait of his future wife. He thought she was pretty and started talking to her
Hence how Marinette got her name:
French for "Rider of the seas" or 'little marine'" :P
(Yes, a river is not a sea, but bear with me)
She eventually convinces Maxim that being Ladybug was her duty and that she could defend Paris and herself with her partner
However, in her spare time when she's not doing schoolwork and defending Paris, she trains to be a Guardian from the Miraculous Temples and have private tutoring on economics, the royal family tree, etc..
Also, I want there to be some white supremacists who didn't like the fact that the past Queen of France was a non- royal Chinese woman; to be raging that a future ruler is going to be biracial. I believe that this has happened to some European royalty that were minorities, and I want Marinette to deal with that and to grow from that
Race doesn't equal nationality; and Marinette knows France, she was raised in France, I feel like this needs to be included
So, basically, I want her to be swamped with physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion - but not forever though, don't worry-
- Announcements are Released-
Her new friends find out she's Ladybug. Marinette de-transforms right in front of them because she was exhausted and wasn't paying attention.
They then proceeded to topple her.
The world learns the Princess is Marinette during an announcement at a Ball her father threw for her; her old class explodes into chaos
Her new friends topple her, again. Her old classmates want to be friends with her again. And her bullies back off. Big time.
Marinette is then approached by Gabriel Agreste to start a clothing line with him inspired by royalty, and while she's tempted to, she doesn't want to associate herself with Adrien
She tells him about how when she was being bullied by one of his models, Lila, Adrien knew she was lying and did nothing when Marinette was isolated from the class. Lila was immediately fired after the talk. Gabriel then has a talk with his son about how his poor behavior had taken away an amazing opportunity from his company, and prays the public never hears about this
Later on, however, they eventually do
Much later on it is leaked that Princess Marinette is Ladybug after footage from an akuma attack
Alya nearly faints. Again.
The 'Crack Theorists' laugh in Smart™, and the world explodes once again
Marinette is definitely popular now.
Adrien freaks out: "OMG, I was flirting with the Princess!" "I ignored my partner when she needed my help!" "She's too good for me!" etc. He can't face her during akuma attacks anymore, and Marinette assumes that because of her status, he's intimidated by her. Chat Noir eventually reveals that he's Adrien and it takes her a while to forgive him, but in time, she does.
In time.
After attacks, reporters start to swarm her for answers and interviews. To get the reporters off her she creates an Instagram and a YouTube channel. Why? Cause I said so.
She's called Princess Coccinelle and gets millions of followers in like, hours after putting herself on the websites. She makes videos of her having fun with her friends, akuma safety tips, answers questions asked about her life, so on and so forth.
'Coccinelle' eventually talks about how she doesn't use Alya's blog because she doesn't fact check their recourses
She doesn't mention how she originally started giving Alya interviews because she used to be her friend
"It took me while to realize that I didn't deserve the mean texts I had gotten from my old classmates, or the ruined sketchbooks; which, as an artist, broke my heart. Anyone can be bullied, be it a princess, or a superhero. The important thing is to know that you are worth it and shouldn't be treated that way regardless of your status or your looks. If the people who are rude to you come to apologize later on, you have the right to be upset and not forgive them initially."
Gabriel questions if targeting Ladybug, the Princess and symbol of the whole freaking country was a good idea
All the while, Marinette trains to be a good guardian, the future 'ruler' of France, and a better hero.
She hardly ever gets homework, but the girls at Beauvoir think it's fair
I really wish that someone who is a better writer than me and has a lot of free time would write this into a story and not a summary. I might write it later, later on but I have a lot going on rn and I don't feel like my current writing skills could do the story I have envisioned in my head justice. I guess you never know till you try it right?
I’m still on the fence of whether or not it was a good idea to add in Marinette’s secret identity as Ladybug being exposed, but idk.
Anyways, I'd like to hear what you'd guys think about this AU? Should I change something? Do you have ideas and headcanons you'd like to add? A new villain? I'd like to read your comments and suggestions! (ヾ*≧∇≦)ノ
Have a nice day, ThatPoppinAT  
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bills-pokedex · 3 years
{Tl;dr of this announcement: The Discord channel meant for discussing this blog will be retired at the end of the month. However, the Discord server for Pokémon creatives is still a thing, the mun is still happy to answer questions from folks via ask/reply/reblog/DM, and the mun also runs a second Discord server in which they talk about their original projects, one of which is basically an old Bill fic with the serial numbers filed off, for those of you who enjoy powerverse.
The long version: Hey, all! Quick heads up, but as part of my ongoing shift towards treating Pokémon like a hobby instead of ... seriously, one of the things that's going down is I've given my community for Pokémon creatives to a bunch of friends who will be keeping it going with my blessing.
How's that relevant to this blog? Well! That community's Discord also hosted the channel for, well, this blog. Because I'm not really involved in the community anymore, I've decided to retire the channel at the end of the month.
Now, what will that mean for all of you? Welllll a few things.
1. If you want to hang out with people interested in Pokémon, specifically those interested in creating fanworks of Pokémon, you can still hit up the Discord server. (I highly encourage it. They're chill peeps there, and yes, you can discuss creative projects of any kind there.) Link is here, just in case you're interested: https://discord.gg/naQgwuC
2. Alternatively, if you want to discuss the blog, feel free to send an ask, reblog posts, or reply to posts. All of these options are still definitely on the table. I can also take Discord DMs; I'll be in the above server until summer, so hit me up with a message if you'd like. (Just ... keep in mind boundaries and that the mun =/= Bill himself.)
3. Alternatively, if you're looking to hang out with me and discuss stuff I'm working on, I also have a second Discord server dedicated to just my writing. Granted, it's not much of a space for talking about Pokémon (and I probably won't make a channel there dedicated to the sideblog anyway, given how well the channel on my Pokémon-themed Discord did), but if Powerverse has suited your fancy these past couple of years, I'm doing all kinds of fun stuff on upcoming projects, excerpts and plans of which will be posted to this server before my writing blog. One of these upcoming projects is totally not a Pokémon-free rewrite of that one time I gave Bill an alien symbiont and trauma (AO3 version of that btw), which I'm totally not planning on making into a physical book form one day. Anyway, if you're interested in this, send me a signed-in ask or message me on my main at blindthewind.
Point is, it was a good run on Discord, but sadly, all good runs eventually have to end. Thanks to those of you who hung out with me on that particular Discord, and, well. This blog isn't going anywhere, so I suppose if you just go with the second option here, hope to see you around? Idk how to end this post, guys.
Except maybe that there will also likely be a bunch of asks getting queued up soon.}
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mrfutureboy · 3 years
I would like to know when you started drawing and where your passion for fanart started 😊
Oh FUCK dude i did not see this i’m so fucking sorry this is so late 😭 damn you, tumblr, for not fucking notifying me!! Anyway buckle up this is gonna be much longer than you asked for <3
Honestly ive kinda been drawing all my life! I hope that doesnt sound dumb cuz obviously almost everyone drew pictures when they were kids, but i know that it’s been a consistent hobby for me since i was little. By the time i was in 3rd grade I was hoarding notebooks to draw in. Cuz that’s something fun about me: i had a real huge habit of drawing in things that werent sketchbooks. Through middle school and beyond I did buy/receive sketchbooks, but I started out with various kinds of notebooks. One I had from like 2nd grade was like a hardcover, stationary-type notebook that I drew cats in lol, and I have 2 velvet lisa frank notebooks from 3rd grade. In high school and college I had a really bad habit of drawing in the margins on my notes and on handouts the teacher/professor would give. Those classes where the prof just prints out all the notes beforehand and gives them to you to follow along? Oh man, I spent so many classes barely listening while I drew on them! I also used to draw on my physics homework and tests and sometimes I even got extra credit for them (thank you jeff :D). I actually have a folder of various drawings I’ve kept from that 8yr time period and a lot of them are on classwork 😂
Obviously, I’ve been doing a lot of digital art lately, which I’m sure is what u were more curious about rather than the shit about drawing on my homework. I got a surface pro as a graduation gift in 2016 bc prior to that i had a wacom tablet and a janky ass laptop, so the gift was kinda a 2-in-1: i can do schoolwork AND art easily! i like digital art a lot and honestly im still learning new things abt it every time i draw. I use Leonardo currently (i’ll skip that story) but I started out doing digital art on sketchfu WITHOUT the wacom tablet in maaaaybe 2012??? 2011??? does anyone on this site remember sketchfu? Honestly couldnt even tell u how i found that site hahah the internet was just full of wonders back in the day. RIP sketchfu. Once i got the tablet tho some time later i used sketchfu still (i think) but also gimp and krita i believe.
Oh i suppose I should mention that i took art all four years of highschool and also minored in it in college! So it’s something i did academically as well as for fun. I keep thinking about going to art school for realsies but idk. I’m already $$$ in debt from my first degree i dont feel like adding to that 😅😓
Ok now for the second part of your question: I’ve also pretty much always done fan art! Ive never really been one for OC’s, EXCEPT for the self-insert superhero double life “comics” i wrote about a poodle named Sassy when i was in third grade. And then the knock off “comics” i wrote at a later time which honestly it was weird that i did a knock off of my own thing rather than just adding them to the original or making it a spin off with at least one of the og characters. Cuz it wasnt a spin off!! But anyway there wasnt really much to any of these characters; i just needed vessels to get my weird ideas out.
So anyway yeah most of what ive ever drawn has been fan art or self portraits, because its just easier for me to take characters that already exist and bend them to my will (artistically). Well excluding art assignments in school i guess because i would usually have to draw something specific and therefore not something self indulgent. But yeah ive drawn for lots of fandoms like the earliest i remember is warrior cats. Then theres things like pokemon and warriors and random other books i read thru middle school (i used to read a LOT but now im practically illiterate); spn, sherlock, and marvel through high school; and then marvel and bttf thru the end of hs and beyond. Idk i also have always loved looking at other peoples fan art and so im like “shit i wanna do that too!”. Tho i will say marvel was my biggest fandom and the one i had the longest interest in, so that was probably where the passion REALLY came from cuz I was drawing marvel stuff for such a long time (tho not posting shdjsk u have to trust me), but ive been doing fan art forever :)
(Of course, a lot of the fan art i was making prior to recently was drawn in lined notebooks or on homework sheets or what have you, and I wasn’t posting really any of it, but i was still making it and a good chunk of it still exists. Oh i should also mention most of it was with pencils or ballpoint pens like i wasnt doing anything too fancy. There was some digital art in the highschool-college time frame but it also really wasnt…much. Honestly i barely posted any of it here but I know some of it’s on deviantart)
I cant pinpoint the exact time I started getting more “serious” about my art in general, but i know the first pandemic lockdown gave me more free time and i was less stressed about schoolwork so i just kinda had a good outlet. (Tho i will say that prior, I had been in a life drawing club for a short while, and i had also been working on a personal sketchbook project that had me pretty ~inspired~ to do art. Also i watched twin peaks around this time and it inspired a lot of Feelings and i was making funky collages and other art pieced that were sometimes related to that. Some of those are on deviantart)
Honestly I think the Big thing with my digital art was coincidentally getting back into BTTF the summer of the 35th anniversary bc the fandom here was THRIVING and i was like “oh shit wait i want to contribute!” But as i kept drawing i kept wanting to improve and that leads us to right now where im constantly trying new things (whether subtle or obvious) and challenging myself to do full body drawings with different poses, and doing screencap redraws and what have you for various reasons (backgrounds, proportions, pose, etc)
So yeah :) Basically I’ve been doing fan art forever (I didnt even get into all the mediums ive tried but that’s another conversation bc this is already so long and convoluted) and it’s kinda coincidental that ive suddenly really gotten back into it and have improved dramatically in such a short time. Thank you so much @rovermcfly for the ask and again im really sorry you had to wait so long for a response! Stupid tumblr
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hjbender · 4 years
Hi it's that Donald Blake au anon, and I agree I don't like Donald in general it's weird and sometimes in the comics he has a stick that he's always holding onto then he bangs it and somehow becomes Thor, idk. But the au is something that really interested me cuz it has so much potential, like is Thor an Avenger in this au, does he have to wait til Loki is not looking to go and save the world? Or is he not worthy yet and somehow choosing to reveal himself to Loki the real way to be worthy?
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Yeah, I’m kind of glad the writers and directors decided to leave out the whole “mild-mannered human alias” from the Thor franchise. Really, so many superheroes already have alter egos—Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool, literally every single one of the OG Avengers except Thor has another name—that for once it’s nice to just have Thor be Thor.
But as far as that brilliant idea you pitched, in the first couple drafts of my answer, I actually started to rewrite Thor (2011) to make your idea fit with canon. However, after getting stuck a couple times, I started thinking it might work better away from canon (specifically Earth 616), more like a true alternate universe, no Avengers or Thanos or anything. Or, to make things simpler, it could just be a Porn With Feelings deal where the story is driven by characters and drama (and, of course, porn).
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For the PWP approach, Thor masquerades as an MD on Earth because he genuinely likes to help people and having a human form helps him escape detection, or possibly keep his powerful electromagnetic radiation field from harming humans. In any case, Loki is unaware of his brothers super-secret human identity.
Somehow Loki bites off more than he can chew or pisses off the wrong supervillain—it’s practically his hobby, isn’t it?—and ends up getting his ass beaten and thrown to Earth. Miraculously, Thor (as Don Blake) is there to help him, and Thor can’t risk getting his cover blown, so he just plays along while Loki regains use of his limbs and/or powers (a perfect opportunity for some hurt/comfort whump sickfic type tags). Thor brings Loki to his apartment until he can fully recover, and in that time, Loki finds himself bonding with this disabled and good-natured human man who reminds him so much of his brother… and thus begins the forbidden romance and angst-ridden relationship drama.
...okay, so the PWP setup actually has a lot more plot than your average smutfic. (But just think of all the opportunities for medical kink in this one. Like Loki pretending he feels hot and achy and insisting that Blake give him a thorough, private exam… on the kitchen table… with stethoscopes and tongue depressors and lots of poking and prodding and pelvic exams. Anyone? No? Just me?)
The actual canon setup is the one I tried (unsuccessfully) to write out, but here’s a bullet list of the basic plot (get comfortable, this gets kind of long):
After defeating the frost giants in Norway in 900-something, Odin secretly makes a deal with Laufey to raise Loki as his own son, then marry him off to Thor so they can establish everlasting peace with Jötunheim (just like Odin and Frigga did to stop the Æsir-Vanir war). Thor and Loki’s children will be heirs to both royal houses. Upon Thor’s ascension to the throne, Odin will then return the Casket of Ancient Winters to its rightful place, and Jötunheim will flourish again with Asgard as its protector/ally
Loki is a lot more autonomous and independent than his original cinematic depiction, traveling the realms to learn seiðr and be an ambassador (and cause mischief, naturally, but nothing that can’t be fixed or used to his advantage). He’s always held a secret torch for his brother but knows there’s little/no hope of it ever being reciprocated, thus he stays away from Asgard as much as possible
Thor loves and misses his brother (perhaps too much). Their parents would surely disapprove of their relationship, gods or not, and besides, Loki is too much of a free spirit, a wanderer, content with his own company. Asking anything more of him (like a grounded, committed relationship) is something Thor could never do
Loki returns to Asgard on the eve of Thor’s coronation with gifts and smiles, and Thor embraces him with deep affection. They almost confess their feelings to one another, but shy away at the last moment (damn!)
Meanwhile, Malekith the Accursed (comics version Malekith, who is a lot sexier and generally more interesting/diabolical than his MCU counterpart) doesn’t like that Laufey is planning to make peace with Asgard and sever his alliance with Svartalfheim, and somehow breaks into the Vault on Thor’s coronation day just so he can frame Laufey and sour the arrangement with Odin
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Odin decides not to act, sure that something else must be going on. Loki decides to take the intellectual route and do some investigating while Thor and his warrior companions sneak into Jötunheim to kick some ass
Thor accuses Laufey of wrongdoing, just as Malekith wanted, and almost incites a war with the frost giants. Odin banishes him to earth to live as a disabled human man until he can learn some humility
After much screaming at the sky and manly weeping, Thor finally accepts his fate and his new human identity
Enough time passes (months? A year?) that Thor eventually learns to be humble and considerate, helping other humans physically and emotionally in the medical field (I imagine him becoming an orderly at a local hospital since being a doctor requires years of education and money. Also, being thrown to Earth without a penny to his name will help Thor work through some of his entitlement and privilege issues. I headcanon he was aided by some good-hearted humans who were able to find employment for him and a place to stay, help him get on his feet, basically)
With Thor out of the way and the royal family torn apart, Malekith begins preparing for his attack on Asgard
Loki doesn’t know that Thor is trapped in a human form, only that he was banished and all contact forbidden. Loki is suspicious of the frost giants and goes to Jötunheim alone, where Laufey reveals everything to him—including Loki’s betrothal to Thor
Loki is stunned at first, unable to believe that the thing he’s wanted most was always meant to be his, and he hurriedly leaves Jötunheim
He tries to sneak to Midgard without using the Bifrost, but Malekith catches him en route and they fight. He throws a binding spell on Loki to render him powerless and then beats the living daylights out of him
Loki crash lands on Earth not far from where his brother was banished (he had been following the last known path from Asgard to Midgard), and is rendered temporarily powerless and amnesiac, not remembering anything about his fight with Malekith, Thor’s banishment, or why he was on his way to Midgard
Loki wakes up in a hospital bed with a kind human man looking after him. After an unsuccessful escape attempt, he settles in and finds himself comforted by Donald Blake’s presence. It’s… soothing, somehow familiar…(maybe it’s the drugs talking)
Thor instantly recognizes his brother but he cannot reveal himself, either because he’ll look insane/lose his job or maybe Odin made it so he’s unable to even speak the name “Thor” until he’s worthy again. In any case, Thor decides it won’t hurt to beat Loki at his own game just this once (Loki has played this prank on him more times than Thor can count). He ends up taking Loki back home with him once he’s discharged from the hospital
As his memories and powers slowly return, Loki is surprised that Blake listens to and believes everything he claims to be, and soon grows to trust and even like the man. He’s never really had a true friend before… except for his brother, Thor, of course. Blake reminds him so much of Thor…
While things gradually heat up between Loki and Blake-Thor, Malekith disguises himself as Loki (just as he did in the War of the Realms comic arc) and returns to Asgard. Odin and Frigga learn that Loki had indeed traveled to Jötunheim and confront their “son” about what he might have learned there
Not knowing it’s actually Malekith they are speaking to, they reveal the truth about Loki’s parentage and upbringing, and the reasons for his betrothal. Malekith is shocked, then amused at his good fortune. He decides to use this information to his own advantage
Malekith plots to bring Thor back to Asgard and insist that they be married at once. Thor will be crowned king, and when Thor finishes swearing his oaths, Malekith will steal Gungnir and kill Thor with it (and the entire royal family of Asgard). He will then steal the Casket of Ancient Winters, return to Jötunheim, kill Laufey and all the rest of his clan, and then head to Midgard to finish off the last of that bloodline: Loki. Then, with the power of Gungnir, Mjölnir, and the Casket of Ancient Winters, nothing will be able to stop him from bringing war and chaos to the Nine Realms
My brain is smoking and on its last cylinder right now, and I know this post is already decades long, so I’m gonna cheat and skip the whole part where Thor and Loki somehow learn about Malekith’s plot (maybe the Warriors Four come to Earth to warn them), and Thor becomes worthy again, revealing himself to a stunned Loki, and they all go flying back to Asgard, beat Malekith in an epic battle, and save the day
Once the dust has cleared, Thor is crowned king to an audience of Æsir and Jötnar, followed immediately by his and Loki’s wedding. Everyone cheers, Volstagg weeps and uses Fandral as a handkerchief, and Malekith gets a tiny slice of the wedding cake down in the dungeons
The end 🍰
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br4inr0tx · 3 years
Hello! Um, I hope this isn't too weird that a random person is in your ask box asking for a matchup, and since I know some people can be uncomfortable with that you're free to delete or ignore my message...but if you're willing may I have an Obey Me Match-up please (if matchups are open of course)?
My name is Nox or Ohjuu, afab Agender (it/he/they pronouns), 5'7 feet, has short, fluffy red hair, and my body type is muscular with fluff (pretty thicc in the thighs but shhhhhh insecurities-). My signs are Capricorn (Sun), Gemini (Moon), and Cancer (Rising); my MBTI type is ESTJ / ISTJ and my personality type is 6w5. Just to add a lil tidbit my clothing aesthetic is grudge/flannel/depressed artist/skater boi if that makes any sense? Giving love language is 1, gift giving 2, acts of service, 3 physical touch (all depends on partner.) Receiving love language is 1, Physical Touch and Words of Affrimation (these two are at a tie) 2, Acts of service 3, Quality Time.
Describing my personality may be kinda tough because it always changes depending who I'm around with and everyone will have a different opinion of me no matter what I do. But I would like to think I'm open minded, empathetic, caring, generous, serious and quite, at least that's what I think and I'm usuallythe mom/quite/therapist friend, I should probably mention that despite this not many people come near or even talk to me, probablybecauseof my resting bitch face, but peopleusuallyleave me be, which is good in some cases. Though those are the basic points to myself, however I can't just ignore my bad qualities either, I'm quick to anger depending on the situation, I'll stand up for others but i won't stand up/will take the blame for myself, I'm self sacrificing (I heard told I do that but I just mainly do it on command, to my I do it because it's my way of proving that I care for someone or that I would rather get hurt myself rather than them), I have little to no confidence in myself albeit I actually try to stay that way, and I'm a bit self depreciating....a lot (though that's in private or I make jokes about it-)Though even though I am like this, for self depreciation, and opiate mindset is what I need (Me = self depreciating, Partner = hopefully not the same). And I feel a bit of a cluster fuck when it comes to me or my personality (having wrath actually kinda makes me feel worse because I kind have trauma over people with wrath and knowing I have it makes me feel horrible.)
Hobbies? Well I don't have many but when I'm not on burnout I really like to draw a lot, it helps especially when I need to vent out something (seeing art that was drawn out of sadness or anger you can tell and it's kinda creepy how it does that.) Also coaplay is a favorite pass time as well! Though I don't do it too often, but when I do it's really fun! And finally in 3rd place I have gaming, I wouldn't really call myself a gamer but there are a couple games that peak my interest (Genshin Impact, Pokémon, Hallow Knight are some.) Honorable mentions are Hiking/Walking (I actually mean that), watching some shows/anime, and idk daydreaming I guess?
I should probably mention a few things like interests that hasn't already been mentioned in hobbies. I like to cook, I think I'm a pretty good cook, so I do it, I mostly do savory stuff and I usually like the food spicy though usually my friends/family can't really handle something more than mild, which makes me sad. I actually have an interest in animal science and I hope to become a veterinarian or at least someone that works with animals and if we're talk about animals, dogs or cats? I have to pick both (though exceptoon if the dog is big, I love big dogs), but I really can't choose, but if I get a third option I choose snakes. I use to have an instrest in poetry, but I'm stoped for a bit because not many people like dark poetry (I never really write lighthearted poetry because it always end up being dark even without me trying-.)
Quirks? Not a BNHA reference but I should mention some more things about myself, I'm sensitive to light and crowds, the light makes my eyes hurt and kinda faint and crowds just get me worked up and my flight responses kinda kick in (I usually try to keep my room as dark as possible and secluded because of this.) I kinda have poor memory, and sometimes I remember stuff and sometimes I don't, I have some tics that don't appear too often but when they do I usually make a hissing sound, a weird vocal sound, and with that comes some kind if head twitch, I can control it better in public but some of it slips and it's quite embarrassing. I WILL go into flight or fight mode if I'm being yelled or scolded at or if I hear yelling in general, depending on who it is I go with flight but I will go fight if needed, not only can't I not stand the loudness or tone but I usually don't need people criticizing, scolding, or hating me when I can perfectly do it myself. I shouldalso mention I'mtired almost all the time, even when I sleep well, I just feel sluggish a lot and I just wish I could sleep but I really don't like it because I know I need to get work done but motivation is coming slow these days. Finally umm....also as a defense or regular manurism I hiss and growl, kinda like a cat and/or wolf, usually confuses people enough for me to get away in situations but I sometimes like to do it when I'm angry or when to fuck with people.
And uhhhh yeah that's it from me! I really really really hope this wasn't too much information or if I wrote something down that was triggering OR that I was being a but too self depreciating. Anyways I really hope you have a good day!!
You sound really sweet, Nox. My messages are always open if you do need to talk, so please don’t hesitate.
Your Obey Me! matchup is.. Beelzebub!!
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Not only do you two act similar, you look similar. Sense you do have that similar style, I recommend stealing his clothes. He’d literally melt seeing you in them.
Beel really appreciates quality time. Ideally you two would be snuggles up in your room ( Not really his, sense he sleeps in the same room as Belphie ) watching a movie you pick. Obviously there’s snacks involved.
Beel isn’t really a complainer, or seem like someone who’s constantly begging for attention. If you want your alone time, he’ll give it to you without question. You won’t need to waste to much energy on him. Rather, I think it’d be more of you coming to him for advice, which is never a bad thing.
You’re so selfless and self sacrificing, Beel gets a little scared to leave your side in Devildom. He doesn’t want you to get hurt out here, even if you don’t mind, and always seems to take the punches for you.
He doesn’t mind your self deprecating humor until it gets to a point where he thinks something is dangerous that you said. He’ll question you about it. Your self esteem is something he doesn’t know how to control. He likes to cuddle, and make this a self care day for you and get you all your favorite comfort foods and blankets.
Beel isn’t self deprecating himself. He’s confident enough to live his life out. Of course there’s times where he feels down, but those are far in between. He’d just demand snuggles and popcorn while watching a movie you picked.
Your drawings are really neat to him. He always likes to peek over at what your doing and compliment you at your work. As for cosplaying, he’s actually really interested! Putting all those outfits together and makeup..it looks so cool. He’ll probably cosplay with you if you ask nicely, but it’ll probably be you do all the wig and makeup stuff. He doesn’t know how to game much, but I’m sure he’ll do it if you ask. As for hiking Beel likes to be active as much as he can, so he’s willing to go out on walks with you.
Good cook you say? 🤨
As you should know, this man can and will eat all your food. I don’t need to say much more.
You see your hobbies go really well with Levi, but I was afraid that he’d have to many problems or be to whiney for you, that’s why I didn’t end up going with him.
Beel loves you for the way you are, tics and all. He knows you don’t like to go out so he ends up recording his football games and let’s you watch them on tape instead. Hopefully that’ll help?
He does a lot of outdoorsy things for you, so you don’t need to. It might be unhealthy, but he’s trying to not make you uncomfy. If you persuade that you want to go out then he’ll be by your side, ready to catch you if you have any panic attacks outside or what not. Or even he’ll have a dance battle with some random demon on the street for your honor idk man.
He tries to see you smile and happy. It’s what he longs for. Are good boy just loves that look..
— coii
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