#basrar soda fountain
verosvault · 3 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 7 "Stress Tested"
Timestamp: 00:36:06
Video Length: 4min. & 43sec.
Adaine gets a job at Basrar's! 😆😀
Brennan: "Who else knows what their DC 5, their first focus and priority's gonna be?"
Siobhan: "I'm gonna go job because up until now my academics are pretty good. So I can focus..."
Brennan: "You are not in danger of expulsion."
Siobhan: "Exactly. So, I can have one week where I dip a little bit."
Brennan: "Hell yeah."
Siobhan: "If I have to."
Brennan: "Let's see what the roll is."
Siobhan: "Omg, I thought that was a one. It's not. It's a seven. But plus four, which is an 11. Oy-yi-yi."
Brennan: "And what skill are you rolling for that?"
Siobhan: "Investigation."
Brennan: "Cool."
Murph: "You do have a bardic."
Ally: "The DC's five though, right? Didn't you totally pass 'cause you picked it for your first one?"
Brennan: "Yes, you did. So this-"
Siobhan: "I did, but I still, I need to get to 'well off' to not roll with disadvantage for my Academics. And 'well off' is a 25."
Lou: "What did you get?"
Siobhan: "11."
Murph: "Oh, okay. Yeah."
Siobhan: "I mean, I basically can only get a 25 if I crit because all of these skills, I don't have anything good in."
Brennan: "But you do have Bardic and if you want to re-roll." *tempts stress token and rattles the box* 😭✋
Emily: "Well, what about Divination rolls? I would think, especially with investigation."
Siobhan: "Well I- I rolled my Divination rolls."
Emily: "Oh, Okay."
Siobhan: "I used one. And the other one is also not very good."
Emily: "Okay."
Siobhan: "So, um..."
Ally: "Are you gonna re-roll or are you gonna add Bardic to that?"
Siobhan: "I mean, maybe I will use my Divination roll. So that brings me up to a 15. And then, I'll-"
Emily: "Can I also give you Bardic? So that your-"
Brennan: "I think we're gonna only allow one Bardic per."
Siobhan: "I'll use my Fabian bardic to see if I can-"
Lou: "It's a d8 now."
Siobhan: "Ooh!"
Siobhan: "Let's see if I can get it up to 20 at least."
Brennan: "Cool."
Siobhan: *rolls* "Nah."
Adaine to Fabian: "But thank you anyway. I appreciate your friendship."
Fabian: "Hey, you can always come by an get an espresso."
Adaine: "Thank you."
Ally: "You made a dollar."
Brennan: "Adaine, go ahead and roll two d10 and you get that many silver pieces."
Siobhan: "Okay."
Brennan: "As you do so, let me ask you. There are a couple different job opportunities. Part-time counseling at the student center. There's some other part-time work around. But you do see there's a job listing for a server at Basrar's."
Siobhan: "I mean, I'll do that. If I work at Basrar's can I get advantage on Popularity?"
Ally: "Ooooohhh."
Brennan: "We're actually gonna cut over and see this little scene. So, it's the first week of school. Like, I guess you head out. Basrar's is not too far from Mordred Manor. How do you like- what's going through Adaine's mind as you walk off to apply for a job at Basrar's?"
Siobhan: "I mean, I feel pretty good about it because me and Bastard already have a great relationship. I also have that thing of like, I really enjoy going to Basrar's. And so I'm like, 'So working there will also be great.'"
Brennan: "Yeah."
Siobhan: "So I think I'm going in very optimistic."
Brennan: "Basrar looks at you and says,"
Basrar: "Adaine, the Elven Oracle."
Adaine: "Hi!"
Basrar: "It is wonderful to see you."
Adaine: "Oh yeah, you don't have to- you can just call me Adaine. Actually I was wondering, I saw you had a part-time job available and I would really love to..."
Siobhan: "I just hand over my résumé, which is 'Elven Oracle' and then 'one week of working at Oodles of Strudel.'"
Basrar: "And do you have any references from Oodles of Strudel?"
Adaine: "Unfortunately, the entire mall was destroyed in a cosmic incident."
Basrar: "No email address or?"
Ally & Lou laughing 😂😂🤣🤣💀💀
Adaine: "No, unfortunately. No, and I actually- I was gonna say I could give you a reference for the Elven Oracle, but I actually don't know. I guess my sister. Yeah, I could- yeah, she's an elf."
Basrar: "Great. I'll give her a call right now." *waiting to hear the number*
Adaine: "Yeah. Great."
Basrar: "I don't have her phone number."
Adaine: "Oh. Yeah." *gives the number to Basrar*
Brennan: "He punches it in. You see him over in the corner."
Basrar: "Mmhmm. This is Basrar of Basrar's Soda Fountain calling for an application for a job for one Adaine Abernant. Just wanted to hear any reviews as her work of the Elven Oracle. Mmhmm." *continuous nodding*
Siobhan: "I start texting Aelwyn."
Adaine's text to Aelwyn: "What the **** are you talking about? What are you doing? Don't ruin this for me. I'm so broke."
Brennan: "You hit Send. A winky face comes back and he goes,"
Basrar: "Ha ha, a bit. Yes, very funny. Good. Yes, yes, yes."
Brennan: "You see he hangs up and says,"
Basrar: "Great, you can start working right away."
Adaine: "Oh, amazing. Thank you. Amazing."
Brennan: "All he has to do is summon ice cream. So it's an easy gig for him. It's just you carry it. He's like,"
Basrar: "Some of the ice creams have gotten very complicated and are hard to carry."
Brennan: "And there's like huge tureens and sundaes and boats of stuff."
Siobhan: "I'm so good at carrying things because I have a Mage Hand. So I'm doing a regular carry, but then my Mage Hand is also carrying three ice creams also."
Brennan: "Hell yeah."
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 10 months
Gilear and gortholax i am rotating them in my mind
#random thoughts#fantasy high#gilear absolutely fucking instigates it are you kidding me#like after a while of gilear and gorthalax hanging out for fig's sake they're in a weird 'only friends cuz out kids are friends' kinda thing#except their kids are the same kid#also they both work at the school so they're in meetings and at school events#and gilear keeps the cooler in the locker room stocked with drinks and snacks for the bloodrush players so you KNOW#you KNOW they're bumping into each other#the teachers have a bimonthly get-together where the location changes each time#sometimes it's at krom's diner or basrar's soda fountain but it's MOSTLY at the black pit for drinks#before gorthalax started his job gileat never attended one of these get-togethers because 1. he's gilear and 2. couldn't afford it#gorthalax didn't hear about it until he was in a conversation with a fellow teacher and gilear and the teacher brought it up#gorthalax's like 'why didn't you tell me about this??? we're going' because that man LOVES SOCIAL INTERACTION#and he offers to cover all gilear's drinks because he just wants him to get out of the house already#and gilear's like 'well if you're paying i suppose it would be rude of me not to indulge'#gorthalax is the designated driver for the night </3 baby can't drink#gilear gets absolutely SMASHED for the first time in god knows how long#he goes from ramrod straight 'i am extremely inebriated' to loose and giggly and leaning into gorthalax's side because he's very warm#and there is some point in the night where gorthalax goes from 'hell yeah im helping my friend have a good time' to 'oh dude'#'i think you should sit down' to 'oh you are VERY MUCH COMING ONTO ME and you are VERY DRUNK'#he eventually takes gilear home early (it's fine porter doesnt drink either) and stays there until he falls asleep#and also sleeps on the couch because he's a LITTLE concerned gilear's gonna get up to some shit#just imagine gorthalax sleeping on this tiny couch. like a mastiff in a cat bed#he ends up cooking him breakfast which gilear takes in the COMPLETELY WRONG WAY and is like 'oh god did we . . . ???'#and gorthalax is immediately like 'NO NO NO YOU WERE WAYYYY TOO DRUNK I JUST STAYED OVER BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU'D HURT YOURSELF OR SOMETHING'#'btw your kitchen is like. super sparse. i bought you some groceries.'#gilear is also very apologetic for coming onto him 👏 the 👏 whole 👏 night 👏 and hopes he didn't make him uncomfortable#and gorthalax is like 'oh no you're fine i would have stopped you if you crossed a line. would have stopped you very easily actually'#'im eight feet tall' and gilear's like 'that you are'#gilear's flirting is the epitome of 'how tall are you?' 'idk 8 feet 8'5 with the horns' 'with the horns you're SO funny' babygirl's deranged
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peopleareaproblem · 3 months
Oh yay the Welcome to Elmville map finally arrived in the merch store! Check it out!
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Oh my gosh cute, there are little ads on there like on real free town maps! There's Basrar's Soda Fountain... Oh and Strongtower! And there's-
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paper--moons · 2 years
Regressor!Ragh Barkrock Headcanons
(with cg!Gorgug and cg!Zelda)
Needless to say after the events of the Prompocalypse, there is a lot for everybody to work through. But before all of that even, Ragh already is having a lot to work through. There's so much about himself that he was repressing in order to fit into what others wanted or expected him to be, to fit into a safe little box that wasn't reflective of his true self. It was so much easier to be the bully than to admit certain things about himself. Sessions with Jawbone help him to come to terms with a few major aspects of who he is. During their sessions they tackle the fact that he's been denying his feelings about Dayne, that he'd been denying the fact itself that he was gay. They also start working through how his mom's health has been bearing down on him since he was a little kid, how he still sometimes feels like that scared little kid who worries about his mom, and by extension Jawbone recommends that Ragh might benefit from trying age regression. There's some trial and error, but sometime between prom and the next school year he figures out he falls somewhere around 7 or 8. By the time summer is over, he's not only opened up about his sexuality and has become proud of who he is, but he's got another thing to open up about still: his regression.
It's Gorgug that he tells first, naturally. They are the closest, after all. Or not so much as tells him with words, but rather it just sort of happens when he is first sorting through everything with Jawbone and giving the whole regression thing a go. They just kind of fall into a regressor and cg dynamic without even meaning to once they start hanging out after defeating Kalvaxus. Ragh doesn't even notice that he middlespaces around Gorgug so much, thinking he's just feeling really relaxed now that he has friends that accept him. In fact it's Zelda that points out how Ragh will sometimes drop his guard so heavily around Gorgug, that he loses his edge and looks at the other boy as if he's hung the moon. Gorgug, ever oblivious, never really noticed—though that didn't apparently stop him from responding in kind, softening his voice and treating him more gently than he normally would. He's always been an only child, but it's clear that he's got the makings of big brother material.
Once Ragh sort of works out that he has been middlespacing with Gorgug, he makes the next step (at Jawbone's suggestion) to ask if Gorgug would like to be his cg. Only if he wants though, was it weird to ask? Maybe he should forget it, it was dumb, right? Yeah, don't worry about it! Despite wanting to include him in this and being told that it can be beneficial to share parts of ourselves with the people we love and trust, Ragh still has a lot of issues with rejection—specifically the fear of rejection—to work through. It's all part of an ongoing healing process! So imagine his surprise when Gorgug says okay, agrees like it's the most natural thing in the world and that Ragh didn't just make himself incredibly vulnerable. It's so different than how things were before with Dayne, when any hint of vulnerability would be used against him; the idea that such vulnerability can be rewarded is still foreign to him, but that doesn't stop the spread of the grin on his face as Gorgug suggests they go get some ice-cream, a grin that only brightens as he takes his hand to lead the way.
Visits to Basrar's Soda Fountain kind of become a staple of Ragh's regression. While it's a typical hang-out spot for the Bad Kids, Gorgug winds up taking Ragh there once a week—usually going after bloodrush practice on Thursdays when all the rough-housing has inevitably brought out that rambunctious little kid he's got hiding away. Sometimes Zelda meets them there, if only to see the absolute mountain of ice-cream Ragh is about to scarf down with only the true gusto a child can manage. His order is always the same too: rocky road with extra marshmallows, topped with lots of cherries and whipped cream. The majority of it does tend to make it into his stomach on most occasions, but usually Zelda and Gorgug wind up having to wipe his face a bit to free him of the dreaded ice-cream mustache. Not to mention his hands, which are sticky with the drying cold-confection. Ragh might be a big boy but he's still a messy eater, and he's small enough that he doesn't realize he'll make everything else sticky if they don't clean him up. But so long as they get to go play on the park swings afterwards, he doesn't put up too much of a fuss about getting cleaned up.
On the off chance that Gorgug is busy, Ragh finds himself slipping around Zelda. The time they spend together is always very chill, and usually involves the two of them laying in the grass as they watch the clouds, listening to her music with an earbud between them. To anyone else her musical preferences might not seem the most calming for a kid, but for Ragh the thrasher metal is so irrevocably Zelda that it has that effect on him. Nothing bad is going to happen to him as long as he's with her, and the music is just another reminder of her presence. Plus, it certainly doesn't hurt that he's an energetic kid and this is some pretty energetic music. Ragh asks her questions about what they are listening to that day, what songs are her favorites, stuff like that. Later on he'll get Gorgug to help him burn a special CD for her, being sure to decorate a sleeve to put it in. It's a fun arts and crafts project for him and a gift for her, so it's a win-win!
The trip they take for spring break—or rather the adventure they go on—is a lot of excitement for the little guy. They get to go to a floating pirate city! Time in the Hangvan is filled with a lot less "are we there yet"s than anticipated, as the novelty of a van that can transform into a boat and talk doesn't wear off so quickly when you're seven years old. Especially when that van has magic on it that makes little rooms in the back for them. Despite how cool and exciting everything is however, the adventure is still scary at times and can take a lot out of him when he starts fraying at the edges so to speak. The stuff with his mom does not help this, and so whenever the group does get to rest it isn't uncommon to find him practically latched to Gorgug's side. More often than not they wind up falling asleep with Ragh snuggled up to his side with Gorgug's arm slung around him protectively.
And while Gorgug is busy trying to call Zelda, Ragh is busy with his own little task. He may not be able to help with the calling thing much, but he does think it might be nice to bring her something back. He's the type of kid that is all about the "I found this cool shell/rock/etc. and I thought you'd like it" lifestyle. Wherever it is they go, he's always picking up something to add to the small bag he bought back before they left for this exact purpose—nobody even notices him doing it, and nobody really questions why he's got a little satchel filled with seemingly random items. As far as they are concerned, that's just Ragh being Ragh. Once they get back he's sure to give it to her, and gets Gorgug to help him tell the story behind each of the little "treasures" he brought back for her. It was their adventure, but he wants all three of them to be able to share a piece of it!
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lovecolibri · 5 months
Oh man, I love Basrar so much! I've been debating about getting another Fantasy High shirt in honor of Junior Year and I had a Bad Kids one picked out on Redbubble, but I might have to track down that Basrar's Soda Fountain one...
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mars-626 · 3 years
Started this journey and I'm going to keep chugging along 😅 .... this time on Sims Elmville...
Krom's Diner and Arkon Gas & Garage
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Basrar's Soda Fountain
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I know it's not in the same exact location on the Official Dimension 20 map but thought it made sense for the predetermined lots in Sims 4
PLEASE don't repost! And if you share please credit me (mars-626 or SimMars626) 😊 thanks!
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autoraton · 4 years
Fantasy High Asks
because every fandom needs an ask meme, alright? and also maybe because i have way too much time on my hands. enjoy!
the bad kids: tell us about your closest friends!
adaine abernant: if you could ask one question about the future and receive a true answer, what would you ask?
fabian seacaster: how do you think you have grown as a person over the last year?
figueroth faeth: give us a mini playlist of five songs that best define you
gorgug thistlespring: what is the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?
kristen applebees: what would you be the patron saint of?
riz gukgak: have you ever thrown up in someone’s bag?
aelwyn abernant: if you could pick a movie or tv show to star in, what would it be?
the hangman: tell us about your pets! and if you don’t have any, what kind of pet do you want?
bill seacaster: what is the most chaotic impulsive thing you have ever done?
hallariel seacaster: if you had to lose one of your five senses, which would you pick?
cathilda the black: give us a fantasy high headcanon!
ragh barkrock: favourite kind of pizza?
ayda aguefort: what is the biggest thing that has ever gone over your head?
jawbone o’shaughnessy: if you could pick any real or fictional person to have as a father figure, who would it be?
tracker o’shaughnessy: would you want to be a werewolf or vampire?
gilear faeth: does gilear have rights?
sandra lynn faeth: what fantasy high character are you the most similar to?
gorthalax the insatiable: which of the seven deadly sins do you embody best?
sklonda gukgak: when you have cereal, what is your milk to cereal ratio? do you pour milk or cereal first?
pok gukgak: if you could pick one non-fictional deceased person to meet in an afterlife, who would it be?
zelda donovan: what is the most awkward or embarrassing thing you have ever done?
penny luckstone: have you ever babysat?
ostentatia wallace: have you ever hosted or been to a party?
zayn darkshadow: if you were a spooky ghost, how did you die, and what would you do now?
arthur aguefort: if you could go back in time to any point, where would you go?
bud cubby: sweet or savoury?
alistair ash: if you could freeze time for a day, what would you do?
garthy o’brien: do you have or want any tattoos?
zaphriel: have you ever been kicked out of anything?
doreen: what is your favourite 90s song?
johnny spells: what loot would you drop if you died?
biz glitterdew: do you have any favourite video games?
coach daybreak: what school subject would you want to teach?
penelope everpetal: what is your favourite article of clothing that you own?
kalvaxus: favourite all-time fictional villain?
chungle-down bim: is there anybody  that you hope you never run into again?
captain james whitclaw: pirate, cowboy, or knight?
baron: what was your most recent lie?
kalina: tell us about a strange dream you had
nightmare king: did you have any irrational fears when you were a kid?
night yorb: what is the spookiest scene from fantasy high? 
helio: what is your favourite season of the year?
sol: what is your favourite thing to do on a warm, bright, sunny day?
galicaea: it’s the middle of the night, and you're leaving home. where are you going?
cassandra: alien, ghost or cryptid?
thistlespring tree: what does your ideal home look like?
strongtower luxury apartments: do you have coffee, tea, or energy drink vibes?
seacaster manor: would you rather travel deep in the ocean or up in space?
mordred manor: if you could live in a manor with five people, real or fictional, of your choice, who would you pick?
durinson mithral factory: if you are a content creator, give us a sneak peek of something you are currently working on
st. owen’s memorial hospital: who would you want cast in a hypothetical live action production of Fantasy High?
mumple school: who is your favourite npc character?
hudol college: who is your favourite pc character?
aguefort academy: what high school archetype best fits you?
the black pit: have you ever been to a concert?
basrar’s soda fountain: what is your favourite flavour of ice-cream?
cravencroft cemetery: tell us about an oc!
elmville: tell us about your hometown!
bastion city: what city would you want to visit or live in?
hotel cavalier: do you have a middle name?
the swan’s little parade: what is your favourite place to go out to eat?
fallinel: have you ever been to camp?
highcourt: if you could pick three languages to be able to speak fluently, outside of the ones you already know, what would you pick?
the celestine sea: if you were a merperson creature, what kind of aquatic life form would you want your non-human half to be?
leviathan rock city: favourite fruit?
the gold gardens: if you could have any meal right now, what would you have?
compass points library: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
the row and the ruction: if you could pick one fantasy high character to fight, who would it be?
forest of the nightmare king: what would you have encountered in the forest of the nightmare king?
solace: what is your favourite holiday?
spyre: what would your d&d class and race be if you lived in the world of spyre?
hilda hilda: have you ever gotten away with a ridiculous lie?
the ball: do you have any nicknames?
ribbon-dancing: do you have any interesting but useless skills?
romance partner: do you have or want a romance partner? describe your ideal person! 
are you my dad?: what is something you are searching for?
spring break: freshman or sophomore year?
hoot growl: do you have any catchphrases?
owl bears: what is something you hope to see in future seasons of fantasy high?
bloodrush: do you play any sports?
shrimp party: what’s an inside joke you have with your friends?
cell tower: if you had wings, what kind of wings would they be? feathered, reptilian, insect?
van boat: if you could choose one song to be able to perform absolutely perfectly, what song would you pick?
half-dead oyster: do you play any instrument, and if not, what instrument would you like to be able to play?
sexy rat: if you were a mythical creature, what would you be?
palimpsest: if you had to remain in one location for the rest of your life, where would you want that to be?
battle sheet: if you had a superpower, what would it be?
arquebus: if you could own any item from fantasy high, what would it be?
corn cutie: if you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
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thevalleyisjolly · 4 years
for the fic title prompt. "Strawberry Parfait" ;P
Well, with a name like “Strawberry Parfait,” it could only be something sweet and fluffy, right?
Hmm, I’m thinking Fantasy High, post sophomore year.  Ever since Adaine helped Basrar get rid of his ice cream curse, he’s been branching out and trying new things.  One day, Basrar’s Soda Fountain announces a special, buy one strawberry parfait, get the second one half of!  The fic follows the ice cream shop throughout the rest of the day as various customers come in to take advantage of the special - we observe, from a distance, a very sweet Gorgug and Zelda date, sharing a single glass even though they could both have their own.  Fig drags Ayda in -”Try it, it’s softer than normal ice cream!”- and Ayda fully spends twenty minutes talking about the health benefits of adding fruit to a diet while Fig stares at her adoringly and the parfaits, forgotten, begin to melt.  The Cubbys stop by -”Ah well, kids, while we’re still living in a capitalist system, it’s important to support your local small business owners, that’s one way you can start undermining those big corporations, y’know?  Buy local, support the people in your community”- and Aelwyn hosts a meeting of the reformed villains squad in one of the booths, ostensibly because she’s tired of meeting at Mordred, but really because she’s very proud of Adaine for breaking Basrar’s curse and wants to subtly show off “This is what my baby sister helped do.” 
At some point, there’s a surprisingly subdued date with Kristen and Tracker, they’re still young and sorting out where their religions stand with each other, and if you’re going to have tough but necessary conversations, may as well have something sweet to ease the way?  Fabian comes in with his maMÁ and Gilear, because Gilear made a feeble suggestion at some sort of bonding activity, and Fabian decided that the Chosen One really should start eating something better than yogurt, something more refined and elegant, and oh, is Basrar’s selling strawberry parfaits today?  Perfect.  This has nothing to do with the fact that Cathilda is still on leave and Hallariel tried to deep fry an apple that morning, nothing at all.  (Gilear finds the parfait too sweet, and it also reminds him of going out for ice cream with Fig and Sandra Lynn before the divorce, but he only mentions the first part).  Arthur Aguefort shows up at some point and causes havoc by making all the strawberries taste like jellybeans, before waving cheerio and Dimension Door-ing out of the chaos.  Gorthalax and Riz have a very awkward “man-to-man” hang out, with Gorthalax very enthusiastically trying to make friends with Riz since he’s dating Sklonda now, and Riz furiously scribbling into his notepad when Gorthalax’ back is turned, because what is happening, there must be something wrong, some kind of mystery going on that he doesn’t know about yet.
We round out the day with Adaine coming in as Basrar is closing up, and having a conversation with him about how his experiment went.  Basrar is happy that sales were good, but it’s been pretty tiring and he thinks he’ll stick with ice cream for the next little while.  Adaine helps him clean up with a little bit of Prestidigitation, and gets the last strawberry parfait of the day, courtesy of the house, for all her help in general.  The day ends peacefully, the earlier bustle of teenaged dates and noisy families and chaotic wizards now silent, as we fade out of the now closed shop, out of Elmville, out of the world of Spyre...
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kristenbeeapples · 4 years
Tracker OShaughnessy, Penelope Everpetal, Basrars Soda Fountain?
tracker o’shaughnessy: would you want to be a werewolf or vampire?
oh man for sure werewolf. im not sexy enough to be a vampire lol but also i think werewolves are more fun! my fave npc to play in my home game is a werewolf illusion wizard. she’s the only competent person working for the magic fbi, she’s aroace and grumpy all the time and i love her :)
penelope everpetal: what is your favourite article of clothing that you own?
hmmm fancy clothing wise i have this really incredible blazer jacket that’s like black and floral with gold thread that i loveeeeee but honestly my fave item is probably a striped green long sleeved crop top bc it’s so so comfy. bonus points when i where it w dungarees which is the gay look of all gay looks. 
basrar’s soda fountain: what is your favourite flavour of ice-cream? 
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whatdourelfeyessee · 4 years
Basrars Soda Fountain, Highcourt, The Ball?
Basrar's Soda Fountain: What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Highcourt: If you could pick three languages to be able to speak fluently, outside of the ones already you know, what would you pick?
1. Spanish. I live in Texas and it's a language spoken alot. I didnt take it in high school like a dumbass.
2. ASL. I did take it in high school! I can hold basic conversations, but I'd love to know more.
3. Greek. I,,,,,,,like Greek history.
The Ball: Do you have any nicknames?
My birth name is Sophie, which I don't mind, but lots of people call me Robin now for the good good trans juice. Other than that, not really. My older sister calls me Sloshy sometimes, and Soph. But I've never been a big nickname person.
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verosvault · 2 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 7 "Stress Tested"
Timestamp: 1:22:31
Video Length: 1min. & 25sec.
Adaine ignoring her Elven Oracle duties while working at Basrar's
Brennan: "Are you rolling anything for your Elven Oracle duties? Or are you totally waving them to the side?"
Siobhan: "Why would I actively do a job that I don't get paid for right now?"
Brennan: "Anytime you go try to find Adaine at work, there is always an ancient furious elf in a corner booth being like,"
Ancient furious elf: "I ordered a smoothie. I think I deserve to know whether my line will crumble."
Adaine: "Yes!"
Ancient furious elf: "Wha-Wait, really?!"
Adaine: "Tip well, and leave!"
Ancient furious elf: "Here's two silver pieces."
Adaine: "Tip well...and leave!"
Ancient furious elf: "Fine, I'll let the future just happen, I guess, like some *******."
Brennan: "And he walks out of Basrar's."
Adaine: "I am so sorry. I'm really trying to get them to not come here."
Basrar: "No, it's all right. You know, they know you work here and so it's going to be what it's going to be."
Adaine: "No, I know, but I just wanna just do my job and do a really good job."
Basrar: "You're doing great."
Adaine: "I really care about you Basrar and I care about this place."
Basrar: "No, it's wonderful."
Adaine: "It's like family."
Siobhan: "I'm fully buying into it. I'm my own toxic boss at this job."
Brennan: "I think also as you take a stress token, go ahead and give me a Wisdom saving throw."
Siobhan: *rolls dice* "Dirty 20."
Brennan: "Dirty 20. You're okay. Like, you're doing good with your panic. You're keeping it. But it does, it sucks for you as people come and bother you at your job."
Siobhan: "Yes."
Brennan: "Amazing!"
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potatoesandsunshine · 4 years
Helio, Basrar’s Soda Shop, The Sean’s Little Parade?
helio: what is your favourite season of the year?
autumn!! i love the leaves changing, and my part of california has a really long summer so the end of it is just. a relief. maybe if i lived nearer to a beach i’d like summer more but it’s just. well, it’s a dry heat.
basrar’s soda fountain: what is your favourite flavour of ice-cream?
this is a tough one, but anything chocolate with chocolate pieces in. or even rocky road? i like ice cream with mix-ins, as long as they’re not brownie chunks. i don’t like brownies in ice cream lol
the swan’s little parade: what is your favourite place to go out to eat?
my local mexican food place (which is closed for Current Events Reasons). i would... i would do a lot for enchiladas right now
thanks for the ask!!
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divinecuriosity · 4 years
gilear faeth and basrar’s soda fountain for the ask game!
gilear faeth: does gilear have rights?  I will say this once with absolute honesty. gilear is a dilf. i will not defend myself I just know it in my heart. he has my love and respect. hes figuring his life out I believe in him.
basrar’s soda fountain: what is your favourite flavour of ice-cream? Oh UHHH I really like the ben and jerrys chocolate brownie dairy free flavour! but mostly my parents buy mint chip and that is also super good ! 
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philosynphonie · 6 years
just a couple implications/headcanons
for the weeks that passed in Episode 5 of "Dimension 20 : Fantasy High":
when Riz tells the rest of thhe bad kids about the footprints around Johnny Spells grave, they ask what he was doing there, which leads to them finding out avout his dad. They are all sorry for him, but Fabian hates it beeing brought up/talked about a lot, since the loss of a parental figure scares the sh*t out of him. He is already told almost everyday by his dad, that his dad will die, so Fabian is very fearful of the whole subject. But he does offer Riz (more or less) to drive him back from school on the back of his morbike...
Gorgug is just getting bullied constantly at school, and the only person he can really be seen with is Riz. He doe mind it of course, but at least now HE knows that he has friends. But Fig feels so bad about the whole situation, because it's her fault that Gorgugs hated, so she makes a habit to swing around the Thistlesprings Home after school ever so often, to jam with Gorgug and sometimes his parents (she also goes there to avoid her mum at home).
meanwhile Adaine and Kristen make it a habit to swing by Basrar's Soda Fountain after school to do homework together. Adaine just drinks her way through the milkshake options and can talk freely about her anxieties and her family to Kristen, who is also happy to tell her parents everyday that she hung out with her elv-friend (without even having to lie).
also whenever the crew does come together, it's a battle of wills between Fabian and Adaine to pay for everyone, without them noticing. It's Adaines subtle way of sticking it to her parents and Fabian feels threatened that everyone will leave him (cause, face it: he is afraid of abandonment) and he knows he sometimes insults his friends without meaning to, so he hopes that this will be enough to keep everyone around...
I freaking LOVE this series!
(also: I just went in with the c o l o r s cause I'm bored)
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grasslandgirl · 3 years
Cell tower, spyre, and basrar’s for the ask meme? Also I hope you have a good day today Sav! 💚
sending soooo much love to u today sola tysm <3333
cell tower: if you had wings, what kind of wings would they be? feathered, reptilian, insect?
oooooh interesting question. probably feathered i suppose? wings have never really been my personal vibe as far as theoretical superpower/ mutations/ magical affects goes, if that makes sense? but i do things some huge feathered wings maybe in a cool color like ayda aguefort's would be sick
spyre: what would your d&d class and race be if you lived in the world of spyre?
oooooh now THIS is content! probably human, maybe half elf (teifling would be cool but just. not realistic alas i am not cool enough), and undoubtdly i'd be a bard. idk about what college of bard i'd be and maybe i'd have a level or wizard or smth in there but. yeah <3
basrar’s soda fountain: what is your favourite flavour of ice-cream?
oooooooooh!! I love chocolate ice cream generally, specifically my favorite is probably the Jeni's darkest chocolate! honorable mentions go to mango sorbets and the housemade local peach ice cream a dairy farm and creamery near where i grew up makes. mwah mwah mwah. also a good chocolate oreo cook out milkshake
send me fantasy high themed asks!!
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whatdourelfeyessee · 4 years
half-dead oyster and basrar’s soda fountain for the ask game!
Half-dead Oyster: Do you play an instrument, and if not, what instrument would you like to be able to play?
In middle school I played both the oboe and basson for a year, hated it, and switched to theatre, which became a big passion of mine. But! Now I think I'd love to play piano, or guitar.
Basrar's Soda Fountain: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Honeslty, I love a good chocolate and vanilla mix. But it changes alot lol
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