#batb 1991 headcanon
bops-fandom-wowie · 5 months
Saw your beautiful rant in the tags of my funny t4t lumiworth post! It is actually my headcanon, shoutout! Yeah, just wanted to say, it sucks how people feel the need for headcanon to be canonically justified- who cares? I think we can headcanon whatever we want, because they are for fun!
-Transmasc Hawk :)
thanks for the kind words. Honestly I agree with this statement, I think people should allow themselves to just have fun with headcanons honestly.
Funny enough I actually also headcanon Lumiere as trans. I actually headcanoning it because I once saw someone make redesigns of everyone’s human forms which (I think it atleast seemed to) included headcanons, and their version they made him trans and, to put it lightly, I thought it was neat, so I adopted the headcanon.
I don’t post about it much but yeah
Also @ticenchantedtoc has the bigender Cogsworth headcanon, and seeing it from her was how I first saw it, I also saw the chain discussing it with @ich-theosaurus and I also think that’s neat.
This next one I’ve thought of in my own although I think other people probably headcanon it too, transfem Fifi/Babette. Which would also make lumibabs T4T aswell (not that it really matters, I think fifi would trans regardless of the fact of her dating someone who is also trans)
Also, shout out to t4t4t lumibabsworth
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ticenchantedtoc · 2 months
"Can I... help you find something?"
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A doodle inspired by my own reincarnation au that I desperately need to write 😭
But basically, Lumiere remembers his first life and Cogsworth doesn't. They finally come across each other again, and Lumiere is stunned to silence.
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eggroll-sama · 3 months
Beauty and the Beast x JOJO AU
Imagine Fugio, but Beauty and the Beast. Fugo was cursed by the Enchantress for his awful temper and selfish attitude, and all his servants- Bucciarati, Narancia, Abbacchio, and Mista- turn into objects around the castle. His curse will only lift when he falls in love. Full of self-loathing and anger, the Beast locks himself up in the castle for years.
And then there’s Giorno. Giorno is peculiar to all the townspeople, his nose stuck in a biology book and not really fitting in with the rest because of his race, looks, and love for science. Giorno lives with his old and only father, Johnathan, an Archeologist trying to make a name for himself. The townspeople believe that both of them are crazy loons, but the father and son ignore it, finding solace in each other and talking about their daily discoveries. Of the townspeople there is only one who is interested with Giorno, Diavolo (serving as the Gaston of this AU), but unlike the original Gaston, he is interested in Giorno for his talents in agriculture. The Joestars have the most beautiful, productive farm in town, and many farmers are jealous of it. As the leader of the town, Diavolo wants to buy out the Joestars, hire Giorno and offers him large sums of money to work for him. Diavolo sees that Giorno’s talents are wasted staying with his father. However, Giorno despises Diavolo and sees that he’s a selfish man. He treats his workers poorly and gives them below minimum wage. He refuses to work for him. There is also his father, Johnathan, that is getting old. He wants to take care of him.
One day, his father Johnathan leaves out of town and doesn’t come back. Giorno goes to find him, locked up in a castle’s dungeon. This is where he meets a terrifying creature in the shadows, glowing yellow eyes, salivating, tall, and cloaked. Giorno tries to stay level-headed even though he’s scared, and makes a deal with the Beast that he’ll take his father’s place as a prisoner. He sacrifices his dream of exploring the world to save the one thing more important than his dream: Johnathan. Fugo is moved by Giorno’s selfless heart, and also sees the potential in using Giorno to break the curse before his 21st birthday. He agrees to let Johnathan go in exchange for Giorno…
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firawren · 1 year
Remember how in Beauty and the Beast 1991, Beast is conveniently in the woods when the wolves attack Belle? Why is he out there and close enough to rescue her? There's no reason given for this in canon, so what's your headcanon?
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This poll is specifically for your headcanon for the 1991 animated film, not the 2017 live action film.
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makeshiftraven · 1 year
I have PLENTY of thoughts about Lumière's origins and background and I will make art of it but I have to provide context before anything else. So here! Revel in the anguish. ˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖-------------------˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖
A backstory waffle. OKAY, let’s establish a few dates. Let’s assume BATB takes place in the year 1750. Let’s also assume Lumiere, or Lucien, was 38 years old when he was cursed, and remained 38 for a decade following up to the events of the film. This means that his birth year is 1712. His mother, who started having children very early, had three sets of twins totaling six children in total. His fraternal twin sister was also born in 1712, the two middle children were born in 1732 (18 years old in 1750) and the two youngest were born in 1734. This lands Lumiere being 22 years old when his youngest sister is born. Now that that’s out of the way…✨TRAUMA✨ The fact that Lumiere’s transformed into a candlestick is symbolic. When thinking about personalities as elements, you would associate someone with a fiery personality as quite charismatic, energetic, expressive, and excel at commanding others to action. “They may love talking and socializing. They don't like to be alone and they seek out the admiration and attention of others.” So this is pretty much a good overview of Lumiere’s personality. The negative qualities associated with an excess of fire in the personality include mood swings, restlessness, and manipulative behavior.
Furthermore, candles and candlelight carry HEAPS of symbolism. Candles radiate messages of romance, passion, security, warmth, hope, spirituality, mystery. “Candles indeed are a burning example that the whole is more than sum of its parts – be they just a little wax and wick as they are. No matter how thick the darkness, the light of one candle conquers it. No matter how solitary one flame is, it is never alone or lonely for its light knows no boundaries and touches eternity.” It’s also worth noting that the candle is often associated with sacrifice, since a candle’s flame grows brighter to light the path, burning itself in turn. I think I just want fire to be more present in Lum’s life because I’m gay. So he’s from a noble family, but aren’t all that wealthy. They’re nobles in title only, but he had a rather comfortable childhood with his mother and sister. 
And then…crossfire. Their tiny home was caught in the wave of an attack (of which I don’t know so I won’t specify) and the entire area was essentially burned down to nothing. His mother was tending to some financial stuff away from home and was unaware of the whole..shitshow. Much to her luck, her children survived (after having witnessed dead bodies under rubble but that’s fine) Lumiere lives up to his nickname and tries to hold it together, clenching his twin Laverne’s hand. No child should have to witness any of this. It’s not fair to either of them. They go from a nice and comfortable cottage to a small humble home in the north of France, and then the pressures of holding the family together as “man of the house” overwhelms Lucien and robs him of his childhood. It’s only natural that he has such severe amnesia of his the years following the burning, and exacerbated by a period of abuse of his person. His brain is only processing a linear progression to adulthood where he receives the royal invitation to serve His Highness in Versailles. “I was a young boy, and then we moved, and then I was a young man, and now I’m in the castle. Details don’t matter.”
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What’s your favorite thing that Kevin Kline, who plays Maurice in the BATB live action, brought to the role that wasn’t there in the original movie?
gosh honestly so much. i mean i love batb 1991 maurice, he’s charming and caring just as maurice should be. but batb 2017 maurice!!!!!!! let me think:
his comedic timing is definitely a big one. kevin kline has played in a lot of comedy roles, it’s one of the things he’s known for, so i really loved how he slipped in his little jokes and body acting
(mostly what comes to mind is his reaction to encountering a talking teacup. it absolutely kills me every time. also the whole scene in the forest with gaston and lefou. he, luke evans, and josh gad could not have been more perfect in that scene afjskdj)
his chemistry with emma watson was PERFECT. they couldn’t have played a father and daughter better, in my opinion. they just look at each other so fondly!!! it’s the two of them against the rest of the world!!!!!
he added SO much more depth, which is thanks in part to the writers of the film itself, giving us backstory on his wife/belle’s mother. but gosh, kline just executed it so perfectly
the way he looks back at the painting of her when he’s singing, the way he struggles to talk about her to belle, the PRIDE in his eyes and smile when he looks at belle. you can just see so clearly the pain maurice has been through, losing half his heart. you can see how he’s struggled to move on, you can even tell the guilt he feels for keeping belle there, not being able to return to paris even though he knows it would be better for her.
he just completely breathed life into the character, the same way dan stevens did with adam
that’s probably my favorite thing about kline’s maurice: he says so much with his eyes and his smile and just his face in general
and again, you can tell 1991 maurice loves his daughter and is proud of her too! maurice is a beloved character no matter which version you prefer
but for me, as with most of the reasons i love batb 2017 more in general, kevin kline just added so much heart, depth, and emotion to his character. it made me love him so much more, made me pay so much more attention to him!!
i’m left with no choice but to think of him in intense detail and come up with deep backstory and lots of headcanons. obviously <3
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alexisdrawstrash · 3 years
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liddle baby!! little bèbè, un bambinooo!!! always thought about the royal couple finally bringing an heir into the world and all the servants swooning over this little thing all day for the next eternity or so
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lumiereswig · 3 years
hi hello HI so first and foremost your blog makes my heart go gnKRMSK and im in love. secondly eruhhh im not too certain if you’ve already received a headcanon-ask about this but what are your thoughts on the servants when it comes to dance? do you think some of them are more keen on it than others or are they all willing to twirl around in the ballroom for 5 hours?
this was such a good ask i hauled out my dead computer and physically kicked it until it woke up enough for me to type out this little response
so! heres the sitch on the staff’s Dancing Emotions™:
lumiere and plumette have been known to dance for 14 hours straight without stopping, not even for booze. lumiere and plumette really fell in love through dancing, dancing and storytelling, and when they’re in each others’ arms dancing and storytelling are one and the same thing anyway, right? my arms telling you the story of how we met and your hands telling me the story of how we fell in love and my face against yours telling you the story of how we’ll always be here, in this room, dancing arm in arm in arm in arm in arm.........
cogsworth: are you two quite finished yet
cogsworth tells you he can’t dance, and doesn’t know how, and doesn’t care to learn at his age anyway I mean it’s not like he’d be any good at it anyway and why are you grabbing his hand WHY ARE YOU GRABBING HIS HAND, but as we know from ‘be our guest’ once you get that bitch dancing he never fuckin stops. all of his moves range from ‘gibbon on cocaine’ to ‘flaunting sprinkler system,’ and i’m sure none of them are technically legal in any known ballroom dancing system, but they make him a great success at parties and stanley thinks he’s the raddest thing he’s ever seen.
madame de garderobe doesn’t really get a chance to dance because people are always asking her to be a walking Spotify (“can you sing ‘Shake It Off’?” “bitch do I look like a karaoke machine”), but when she goes she goes! fuckin! hard! like I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a wardrobe twerk but maybe you should be glad you haven’t
we’re all very glad cadenza never dances because belle spotted him once doing a little shimmy when britney spears came on and it was the daddiest dad moves to ever dad
mrs potts is his perfect counterpart in this respect because every time she even tries to dance chip yells “mOM THAT’S EMBARASSING!!!” and then she starts laughing so hard it makes all her moves even. worse
like. i don’t know who told her it was respectable to do the saturday night fever disco dance at a ball but this is why you never see her dance in the movie because she has been banished
cuisinier doesn’t do any partner dancing but he does this slow, languid, elegant swishing movement that nobody expected of him, just this dancing that’s just incredibly feeling himself, and he sings along as he dances beside the stove, twirling his spoon through the air in long spiraling designs, the dance of a man totally satisfied with himself and his fettuccine alfredo
chapeau is a marvelous dancer! truly marvelous! that’s what comes of being raised in a house with a mom and three sisters. chapeau’s mom loves ballet and instilled that love in him, and he once saved a traveling ballet troupe that came through the village when their lead gentleman twisted his ankle. (whether lumiere planted the banana on purpose to jumpstart chapeau’s dramatic career is a matter of heated debate.)
frou-frou does a great bob fosse impression but only if you ask very very politely
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headcanon Cogsworth from BATB 1991 is bi.
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groovy-lady · 5 years
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Graysexual & Genderqueer Belle!
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astudyinchocolate · 5 years
beast! Adam has very soft fur. Belle, resident monsterfucker, is thrilled after they get married and can snuggle more intimately. With nakedness. Because he’s just so cozy and warm.
Adam: wow i've finally discovered the truth... you just married me for my body.
Belle:  😏😊
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bops-fandom-wowie · 5 months
Headcanoning both Lumiere and Fifi as trans is extra neat since Luce is the kid that is genetically theirs, and Luce is nonbinary
They are quite literally the embodiment of their so androgynous it’s like a man and a woman had a baby
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ticenchantedtoc · 7 months
New Fic!!
After a hot bath, Babette sat on the edge of the bed to brush out her hair. Lumiere lay beside her, staring at the ceiling with a distant frown. 
“Mon amour, what’s wrong?”
“I just can’t help thinking, I haven’t seen Cogsworth at all today.”
She softened, setting the brush aside. “We’ve also been busy all day. I’m sure we just missed him.”
“Something just doesn’t feel right about it! I know you’re right, I know it’s probably nothing, but…,” he sighed. “I don’t know.”  
She laid her hand on top of his. “Even if it is nothing, I don’t want to see you worry like this. Why don’t you go look for him, just to ease your mind?”
Lumiere sat up, and Babette quickly swept away the wet hair still sticking to his cheeks. He gave her a short kiss. “Thank you, ma coeur. I think I will.”
He hurried down the servant’s hall, holding the collar of his nightshirt closed. Without shoes, the cold tile sent shivers up his entire body—or maybe it was the stress, he couldn’t tell. 
Lumiere knocked on his friend’s bedroom door.
No response. 
He knocked again, hard enough that his knuckles hurt. “Cogsworth!”
A groan, “What?”
“No one has seen you all day. Is everything alright?”
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chubbywinx · 6 years
Headcannon no. 1
LeFou loves pastries, but he absolutely cannot live without pancakes. Whenever he leaves his house for more than a day, he will bring along a picnic basket filled with pancakes. (This includes his hunting trips with Gaston.) 🥞
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lumiereandcogsworth · 6 months
6, 22 and 23 for Adam!
6. What's something you have in common with this character? low self-esteem😎😎😎😎 shdjsjd yeah idk i really connect to adam more than any character ever. and i don’t fully know why but i do resonate a lot with like, idk, his feelings of unworthiness, unworthy of belle’s true love, feeling like he’ll never be loved the way he is. we’re also both autistic but that’s of course a headcanon for him lol. anyway, i don’t have a quick temper but when i’m angry/frustrated i Really Am. i relate to his extreme emotions. sudden bursts of Upset behavior. his deadpanned sarcastic humor. his deep loyalty to the ones he loves. his distaste for like 99% of people that aren’t His Inner Circle of People. being frustrated by change and struggling to adapt. i’m describing so many autistic traits but that’s him that’s me that’s us babey!!!
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like? honestly i am not a BIG fic reader in general. but even more so for adelle specifically because some people’s adelle i just ! don’t vibe with. but from what i do read, i love when adam is just headass in love with belle, as he should be. i love when he’s playful with her, also when he’s nerdy with her. he’s SUCH a dork and that’s an important feature. even though he’s had to suppress that side of himself most of his life, do not be fooled!!! he’s a huge nerd!!
and dislike? idk, i really haven’t read unfamiliar adelle fic in so long… i think i recall being so taken aback when people write him as “athletic” lol. like i get they’re probably writing batb 1991 adam, who is indeed a beefcake, but because i’m always imagining batb 2017 adam, who is Not muscular in the Slightest (not a dig at dan stevens!!! just a personal headcanon that adam’s always been on the scrawny end of the spectrum) i just can’t help but laugh reading that people think adam enjoys Sports™️ and Exercise™️ like sjdksjd have you met that guy. he’d far prefer to spend an afternoon inside reading for hours. if you want athleticism, go talk to his wife! but anyway that’s another reason i don’t really read adelle fic. most of the time it’s set in batb 1991 canon and you’d think it would be the same but Wowza it is not.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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character asks!
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alexisdrawstrash · 3 years
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homiesexuals (praying to god this doesn’t get flagged or some shit because tumblr freaks out at the sight of exposed collar bone.)
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