danothan · 2 years
i hope batlantern and halbarry enjoyers get along, there’s a lot of potential with this messy string of dynamics
i like the idea of hal and bruce being a short-lived but meaningful fling, like a “right time, right moment” situationship. seeing as they’ve both had their “we’re more alike than you think” and “you’re getting in your own way” observations abt each other, it could be productive and therapeutic to sort out their feelings thru their reflections of the other. they don’t have the compatibility or even desire to make this a lasting commited relationship, but i just think if they fucked, they could chill tf out lmao
i don’t need to go into halbarry, i feel like it speaks for itself loud and clear lol. long story short, they’re endgame to me and the most likely to be committed to a relationship, which is rly saying smth consider half of this dynamic involves hal. but regarding how they connect to batlantern, i just think it’d be rly funny in the context of JL:war. barry obviously had a crush on batman upon introduction, immediately inciting hal’s petty jealously (seriously, how do these 3 not get talked abt all together as a trio). so if we go by the idea that hal and bruce had a fling, i can only imagine what kind of conversation that would be once hal and barry got together
- B: “you slept with BRUCE? as in THE batman bruce??” / H: “yeah, it was a while back.” / B: “WHERE WAS I IN ALL THIS”
bruh as far as barry is aware, hal doesn’t even like bruce and even got mad at BARRY for not hating him too. and then he goes ahead and sleeps with the guy smh the double standards, barry’s gonna be up thinking abt this one for a few nights. tfw your boyfriend and your crush got together without you </3 hey, at least it’s fantasy-fuel right?
as for bruce and barry, their relationship is i think the most complicated of the three. they clearly have smth special, and while i do think barry’s little crush was one-sided, i also think bruce treats barry differently from the rest of the team. he already had a lot of respect for barry to begin with, but the letter barry delivered from bruce’s dad in flashpoint HAD to have changed their dynamic. if you haven’t read it, thomas credits the flash for teaching him that he can’t live for the people he’s lost, he has to live for the people he still has, and so he passes on this lesson to his son. how would bruce feel abt that?? how would he feel abt his DEAD dad telling him to cherish his living relationships, meanwhile having barry as the only thread between both?? that his friend got to meet his dead dad and become his reason for living? that the words of wisdom his dad is passing on to him were essentially from barry himself? barry’s probably gotten over his starstruck phase with bruce by now, and he’s got too much integrity to pry or even know what impact he’s had on either of their lives, but i think bruce WOULD learn to cherish his relationships from this. i think barry has a soft spot in bruce’s heart in a way that no one else does ;__; lord knows what barry sees in him or hal, but the guy’s got a good heart, so he must be doing something right
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jasontoddiefor · 5 years
Batflashlantern headcanons for @amaztim because I’m in a mood
There’s knowing your boyfriend has money and then there’s knowing it. Barry’s used to buying on a budget because food costs a lot and food for somebody who eats way more than the average person is even more expensive. So much to baby side-kicks’ displeasure, Barry is living for the fact he doesn’t have to eat the same high-calorie pizza every evening.
Barry and Bruce are utter Nerds and Hal loves watching them go full on geek. He might not be as much into detective stuff as them but he supports their hobbies
Wally and Dick are the biggest supporters of this relationship because yes, they’re basically already meeting up every weekend but now they’ve got an excuse to hang out even more often so who is the real winner
Except for that one time Hal was supposed to be watching his niece Helen and a Justice League Emergency came up, leaving them with the toddler without adult supervision
“Okay so the living room might have paint on the walls now but we’ve been thinking of redecorating anyway haven’t we”
Hal and Barry making a game out of stealing Bruce’s cape? More likely than you think
Hal is the one who sleeps in late and will steal clothes and Alfred will passive aggressively try to make Hal his own wardrobe so he’ll wear clothes that fit but Hal just doesn’t bother
Valentines Day is just three idiots trying to outdo each other in romantics
Bruce and Hal flirting is just sassing each other
Barry can’t believe these idiots can’t just say “I love you” - no. They have to make a show out of it.
Barry steals kisses all the time and if he catches them by surprise even better
They’re also Squad Up All Night Aren’t Nightmares Fun. Barry needs the least sleep so he’s usually the one who wakes Hal or Bruce up when they have a Nightmares, or keeps them company when they’re up late
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mddyhatters · 6 years
Who are your favorite characters from DC? Do you have any favorite ships?
i forgot to log in and answer stuff, i’m so sorry. this is a lot too and it won’t be the whole list since. .i’m also a big multishipper so. yeah there’s a lot
favorite characters:
barry allen, hal jordan, wally west, jaime reyes, koriand’r starfire, raven roth, zatanna zatara, john constantine, etc.
favorite ships:
halbarry, dickwally, halbruce, jayroy, timkon, constantbat, batflash (only if it’s bruce / barry though; i feel a little weird if it’s bruce / wally), bluepulse, wallykyle, etc. .
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halbarryfeed · 6 years
it's how you handle it
read it on AO3: https://ift.tt/2NL23Fx
by barrybinary
Fights aren't indicative of a bad relationship -- it's how you handle it that makes the difference.
kctekane said: bruce n hal fighting over something stupid but fail to realize it's affecting barry who hates it when they fight (cause it gets,, p nasty sometimes)
Words: 1567, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 10 of DC Tumblr Prompt Fills
Fandoms: DCU
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, Bruce Wayne
Relationships: Barry Allen/Bruce Wayne/Hal Jordan, Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen/Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen/Hal Jordan
Additional Tags: OT3, Prompt Fill, batflashlantern
read it on AO3: https://ift.tt/2NL23Fx
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 years
it's how you handle it
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NL23Fx
by barrybinary
Fights aren't indicative of a bad relationship -- it's how you handle it that makes the difference.
kctekane said: bruce n hal fighting over something stupid but fail to realize it's affecting barry who hates it when they fight (cause it gets,, p nasty sometimes)
Words: 1567, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 10 of DC Tumblr Prompt Fills
Fandoms: DCU
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, Bruce Wayne
Relationships: Barry Allen/Bruce Wayne/Hal Jordan, Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen/Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen/Hal Jordan
Additional Tags: OT3, Prompt Fill, batflashlantern
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NL23Fx
0 notes
danothan · 11 months
went to the bookstore to get the 2nd vol of robin 2021, got distracted by blackest night. again.
posting for archiving purposes
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batflashlantern is halbarry grieving over bruce’s grave /j
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(“i died a sinner, you died a saint” is classic, but “i provide the fuel, you provide the spark” needs to be added to the halbarry hall of fame as well)
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better quality + added context for this meta
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jasontoddiefor · 5 years
Summary: In all honesty, Hal should have seen it coming. Wally and Dick had already been there when they had started dating. Or: Hal contemplates family in the Wayne-Allen-Jordan household on a chaotic morning.
AN: Bc @amaztim and I have a new OT3 and there are only 2 fanfics so far so I had to fix it.
Hal woke up to screaming. He turned around again in the king-sized bed and pressed his pillow over his head. He was too old to be woken up by fighting children. Or maybe Dick and Wally just hadn’t been quite the terrifying chaotic mess that was Damian and Helen.
After hearing yet another shout on one of Hal’s rare free days damn it, Hal finally got up. Bruce and Barry were nowhere to be seen, but that was nothing new. Barry was stuck on monitor duty and Bruce had traveled to France on Monday, chasing after a lead.
Hal should have taken the offer and gone with him, but no. Someone had to look after the children since everybody was coming over for the weekend. Hal stumbled out of bed with the grace of a hero who had suffered way too many injuries. On his way over to the door, he grabbed a shirt and put it on. It was a little big on him – one of Bruce’s then. He rubbed his eyes and for a split second he contemplated just letting Damian and Helen murder each other for another ten more minutes of sleep.
Then the second was over and Hal threw open the door. Helen and Damian came to a halt right in front of it, both looking appropriately caught.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
Damian and Helen shared a look before switching to equally grave expressions.
“We’re fighting for the honor of killing Jason,” Damian explained nonchalantly like he wasn’t holding his training sword to Helen’s neck.
“He committed a serious crime,” Helen added, her glowing nerf-gun construct still aimed at Damian’s forehead.
Hal could still use his ring, go pick up Barry and get into a jet and visit Bruce. Eat some crêpes under the Eiffel tower while Bruce took down his arms dealer. It would be just like those summer months when Wally and Dick, who were the only kids running around the manor back then, went to San Francisco to work with their fellow Teen Titans.
Peace .
Yeah, Hal missed it.
“And what did Jason do?”
“HeyguysIfoundthepaintgunsyouaskedfor- oh, fuck.”
Bart came to a stop just a few doors down the hallway, his arms full with paint guns and his shirt basically covered in acrylics. He looked at Damian and Helen, then to Hal and then back to the kids.
“Morning, Hal. I think I’mjustgonnagonowbye.”
“Oh, no!” Hal shouted back. “Don’t you dare run off, Bartholomew! How are you involved in this? And aren’t you supposed to be picking up Tim?”
Hal ignored Damian and Helen snickering at him using the speedster’s full name in favor of acting very intimidating and authoritative while still being dressed in his PJs with deep bags under his eyes.
Bart grinned sheepishly. “I already picked him up. I left him downstairs with Duke and Kyle. He sort of fell asleep on me on our way back home.”
“Kyle’s here?”
Bart shrugged. “He said something about dropping off an artifact, but Jason’s making pancakes for breakfast so he stayed.”
Hal pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled. How did the saying go again? Kids are the future? Someone obviously forgot to attach the ‘because they’ll run you into an early grave’. France. Watchtower monitor duty.
“And if Jason’s making breakfast, why aren’t the three of you downstairs eating?”
“Because Jason threw us out of the kitchen,” Helen said. “We were interrupting his ‘workflow’ so he banned us! Uncle Hal, do you see now what terrible offense he has committed?”
Beside her, Damian nodded and once again raised his sword. “The evil has to be defeated.”
Hal had calmed down considerably since he had first become Earth’s Green Lantern. He didn’t rush into battle anymore, he had seen too many of his friends and comrades die. He had been dead, and been dealt an even worse fate for a while, and he had lowered both his lovers and his children into the ground at least once. No, Hal didn’t rush into war anymore and he carefully picked his battle nowadays.
This one he wasn’t going to fight.
“No maiming each other anymore,” Hal said and watched as three faces lit up with identical expressions of delight. “The house is off-limits for everything concerning paint, or you’re answering to Alfred. Outside of the manor, Gotham, Central and Coast are fair game, but not on patrol. Got it?”
“Got it!” They replied and rushed off in the opposite direction, jumping hopefully not straight into a loophole Hal had forgotten to cover. Either way, they were not Hal’s problem anymore. If they made a mess now, that weight would be on their shoulders, and they only had themselves to blame if Alfred’s cold disapproval would make them do chores until they turned eighteen.
Hal checked his watch. It was almost twelve. Jason had come to the manor late, and if he was making breakfast for everybody, he certainly wouldn’t be done yet. Hal made his way downstairs to the kitchen, passing the living room while he was at it.
Duke was playing a game on his Switch while Cassandra and Kyle were talking animatedly about whatever drawing Kyle was showing her.
And Tim was lying on the ground, his head resting on Titus’s body.
“Please tell me he decided to sleep there,” Hal said, already knowing the answer.
“Uuh,” Duke decidedly did not look up from his console while Cass just raised a brow.
When had they all become so sassy? Hal recalled their first weeks at the manor as if they had been just yesterday. Both of them had been so unsure and careful with everybody.
“Just put your brother on a sofa at least if nobody feels responsible for getting him in his room.”
Cass smiled at him and gave him a thumbs-up, but didn’t move from her spot. Right, why had he even bothered asking?
Next time, he’d let Barry and Bruce handle the weekend meet-ups. Hal had done the single-parent thing for a year, and it hadn’t been any fun having to be strong for so many grieving children. The least his partners could do was cover the family weekends until they actually died of old age.
The closer Hal got to the kitchen, the louder did the music in the hallway get. Today Jason had decided on classical tunes apparently, or as classic as Jason got. Hal wasn’t even sure where Jason found so many classic instrument covers of current songs, and he’d rather face Parallax than even suggest to Jason that he was recording his own violin plays, but fact was that Barry had found the corresponding scores in Jason’s bag once.
Jason was flipping another pancake when Hal entered the kitchen. The room was neat and orderly still, except for the side of the table Wally and Dick were sitting at. That part of the table was covered in Nutella, sprinkles, gummy worms, chocolate sauce, and fruits.
“Mo’nin’,” Dick greeted, his mouth stuffed with a pancake. Next to him, Wally only raised his hand and didn’t even stop inhaling his share.
“Good morning, boys,” Hal returned and sat down opposite from the duo.
“Slept well, old man?” Jason asked and put a plate with warm an delicious breakfast in front of him.
“I thought Bruce was the old man.”
Jason waved Hal’s comment off and took another gulp from his cup of coffee. “You’re all old, but only you are here this morning. You got any plans for today?”
Hal sneaked a look at the two oldest and, yes, Wally and Dick looked equally mischievously. Fourteen or twenty-four, was there really any difference with them?
“I’m not teaming up with you against the kiddos for Cluedo.”
“Why not?” Wally asked. “This week’s price is deciding the Thanksgiving dinner. Hal, please. We need to win. I need that turkey and Damian will do his best to stop it.”
Hal bit off another piece of his pancake. Out of all of them, minus Alfred of course, Jason could cook the best. If Jason willingly made anything for you, you accepted without hesitance, which was precisely why Hal stole another pancake before he replied.
“I know, which is why Barry, Bruce, and I are working against the rest of you. We’re not eating candied apples for dessert again or tofu turkey or any other monstrosity you kids come up with every year. This year it’s adults against the rest of you. May the better team win.”
Silence followed Hal’s statement before the kitchen’s other three occupants began to complain loudly. Hal could only grin. Okay, yes, this was better than the Watchtower or France.
“Jason! Come out and face us, you coward!”
Even if it came with the possibility of a hospital visit.
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jasontoddiefor · 5 years
holy mother of batman!!! ut was amazing tired dad hal for the win.... damian beung a brat... Tim sleeping on a dog!!!!! Jason cooking. Adults vs Kids Cluedo is something I need to see. alao the angst possibilities I genuinly love you so much.
Thank you so much!!!! Your comment really made my night.
Hal being a stressed and tired Dad was canon at one point and I am desperate for DC to bring back Helen!
And yeah, I honestly just wanted this to be fluffy, let the kids be little brats but you know DC - it’s not DC if not at least one family member is either missing, trapped in another dimension, dead or thinking about past deaths.
I mean, the Batfam on its own is already terrible, but when you start throwing in stuff like Hal being the Spectre while Jason was still truly dead or the current mess with Wally? It’s fun!
And yeah in a family of space cops, speedsters and detectives, puzzle games are fun. And taken way too seriously.
I can promise there’s gonna be more content for this chaotic family.
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jasontoddiefor · 5 years
okay I've not read it yet but the bruce/barry/hal fic is every dream come true its literally my otp and has no fics and i love you and im sure the fic will be amazing(i will probably send you another ask after ive read it lol)
One of us! One of us!
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@amaztim and I started talking about it like 2 days ago and immediately began writing fanfic and I’m uuuh starving for content.
P l e a s e feel free to start rambling.
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