#battle angel alita spoilers
cartoonscientist · 6 months
idk I always thought it was a fun subversion of the gendered “female character is unable to hurt the protagonist because of her maternal instincts” trope that towards the end of Battle Angel Alita, Desty ends up fucking himself over when he tries to psychologically neutralize Gally in a life simulation by inadvertently conditioning himself to think of her as his daughter and thus can’t bring himself to kill her
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ceo-of-funny · 2 years
Ok yeah yeah gunnm is a little cliche or simple sometimes, yeah the artstyle is a little weird but you can't tell me having your lover die and getting drunk, joining a professional sports team and saying "i am a piece of steel. i want to be the razors edge" isn't like the most baller character transition ever
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yukito kishiro:
ah! cute teenage boy love interest! aren't they so cute together? aren't they sweet? look they're gonna go to zalem together!
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aquarellchill · 2 years
Similiarities between Stray and Alita: Battle Angel
I plan to make crossover fan arts between Stray and Alita: Battle Angel.
But first, I want the fans of both to see what things connects those two titles and why I think they’re a good match to create AUs.
With pictures. Spoilers for both Stray and A:BA.
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(In case of the A:BA, I used knowledge from not just the movie, but also things like novelisation, featurettes, the original manga)
Both Stray and A:BA take place in a post-apocalyptic world, hundreds of years after an event that made humans extinct/almost extinct. 
According to this video , Stray could potentially take place in 27th century.
Alita actually takes place in 26th century. So they’re not that far apart in time.
I won’t mention the cyberpunk aesthetic because it’s something you see in many movies and games.
B12/Alita parallels
Both B12 and Alita were in a coma for centuries - until somebody found them -  and have amnesia. 
They regain small pieces of their memories gradually. And those memories reveal a dark past.
They remember a world that doesn’t exist anymore, remember things nobody else does. 
They’re humans in machine body.
Also, both are the last of their kind (Alita - the last berserker from Mars, and B12 - the last human)
And both in the end are ready to sacrifice themselves and let the city go into a new era. (if you know the original manga’s ending)
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Cat/ Alita parallels
The main character fell into a pile of trash/rubble and that’s how their adventure in the post-apocalyptic city starts.
Both Alita and Cat - are “out of this world” (Alita literally, the cat is from the Outside). They’re going to bring big changes to the world they fell into.
One of the main similiarities between Stray and A:BA is how the world is divided into layers/levels
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The place where the remains of civilization exist is divided into levels - the higher the level is physically, the higher is its status.
In Alita: Iron City < Zalem < Jeru/LADDER
In Stray: Slums < Midtown < Walls/Control room
Also in both there are sewers that are a very dangerous place.
There is an elevator that connects the levels but it doesn’t work anymore.
The elevator that connected Zalem and Surface was destroyed (only Zalem-Jeru part remained) to protect Zalem from pandemic on Earth.
The Elites cut off the connection with lower level and were watching  as people below die from the pandemic.
And the same thing happened in Stray, Elevators were shut down, but in case of Walled City 99, it failed to save even the elites in the end.
Zalem/Midtown dump their garbage on Iron City/Slums
The Iron City/Slums people are supposed to reuse this garbage.
There is no communication between people of different levels.
The city (Walled city/Zalem) sealed itself from outside dangers. In general, nobody from the Surface can go inside it, and the citizens don’t go outside.
I even see similiarity in how you perceive the levels
From the lowest level (Iron City, Slums), you can see the edge of the mid level (Zalem/Midtown) with it’s buildings.
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Meanwhile, the last, highest level is so out-of reach and mysterious, you can be unaware it even exist.
There are only small hints, like windows in the walls (Stray),  star in the sky that never moves (Alita) and the fact the elevators have to lead somewhere. In both cases those hints give you no idea how those places looks like (Jeru/Control room), unlike with Zalem and Midtown where at least you have some glimpse. 
It’s a depressing, dark world, but there is still joy and music
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Cute small vehicles
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Factory/Neco Corp exist as both law enforcement and produce all goods.
And you don’t want to deal with their Centurions/Sentinels...
Control Room
I know I compared Control Room to Jeru, but in A:BA movie, we saw briefly a mysterious control room in Zalem.
Both control rooms share some vibes - they’re sterile with bright light, standing out from any previous location we saw before, with concrete walls. And a dark control panel. 
Here, the elites watch from above and decide on people’s fate by pushing buttons. 
The number 99
For both titles, the number 99 is special.
Alita remembers that in the past, she was called “number 99″.
The city where Stray takes place is  “Walled City 99″
In both cases we don’t know what this number indicates.
Were there 98 other cities? Were there other 98 Martian berserkers?
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Hope you had a nice read!
If you would like to add something to it, feel free to tell me.
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retrokid616 · 8 months
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Nova’s immortality in Last Order is set up so that if he is injured so severely that restorers aren't enough to fix it and he dies, signal particles are emitted and the stereotomy process is activated. Seems simple. My question is:
How damaged does Nova’s body have to be for it to count as a death and trigger stereotomy?
Is it extended clinical death?
If braindeath, are we talking about major damage to the biochips, the biological brainstem or both?
If the brain/head is the only thing destroyed, wouldn’t it be easier to reconstruct the brain alone and carry out repairs on the corpse then recreate a full body somewhere else?
In what situation would it ever be simpler to generate a full body out of nothing rather than repair the current one?
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centrally-unplanned · 2 months
Reading Battle Angel Alita, lets see what thoughts I have!
The first one being I didn't know her name isn't Alita in the original! That is a translation name, the original is called Gunnm, and "Gari" is the character's name. The reason for it...is apparently a mystery? The story was released in the US by Viz quite quickly, starting in earnest 1995 I believe. This was the early days of official translations, where things were much looser and worries of Japan being "inscrutable" to western audiences were common. But still, changing the main character's name is a pretty big step, and it normally has a reason. Why Alita? What does it come from?
Some have mentioned the 1924 Soviet film Aelita as a source for the name; Alita herself (spoilers) is from Mars, like the titular character in that film. Which, okay, but...why? Manga author Yukito Kishiro has never mentioned the film, its not particularly influential or anything. Did the translator love it? How is there not an interview with this guy somewhere? (As opposed to dubiously cited comments) I do have a Japanese interview with, uh, I think Kishiro? Who says:
When translated into English, GALLY is translated as "barren". In addition, "GALL" also has bad connotations such as "bitter" and "bossy" (^^;, When the idea of ​​publishing an English version of Gunm came to me, the American publisher Viz ( http://www.viz .com/ ) came to me and said, ``Gary has a bad image, so why don't we use Arita?''
Uh, what? I think they mean "gully" which idk not really barren, and yeah "gall" as in "galling" can mean bitter. But just don't translate it that way? Did they really say this?
I do buy the suggestion that the name could come off as masculine in English, and so it was changed to something feminine. That both true enough and in line with industry practices at the time. Still, a bit of an unsolved mystery on this one.
Anyway at this point even the modern translations still use Alita - its her name in English at this point. Which tbh its a great name, I am happy that is the case.
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wickedwizdom · 1 year
Lets talk Knights of the Zodiac:
This review will be mostly positive based on my own experience but I still will have my criticisms as I go along. To begin I want to be very transparent here and say after watching this movie: It is NOT--I repeat--NOT “Dragon Ball Evolution 2.0” like many people claim online. This movie's characters, script, dialogue, action, and story are leaps and bounds more faithful to the source material it is adapting and showing respect for it all the same. I'm positive those who keep claiming that it is have never watched the movie or are just speaking utter nonsense because let’s be real: Dragon Ball Evolution is beyond bad and KOTZ—objectively—is not.
This movie is perfectly fine; very fun I might add. It definitely stands up there with the likes of Alita: Battle Angel in terms of anime adaptations and as a movie it gets the job done.
Now for the fans going into this story expecting it to be verbatim like the original animanga, you are not going to find that here. This movie is very much an origin story for this particular universe of Saint Seiya with its own key lore and world building that takes influence from the Netflix reboot but actually executed those aspects better in comparison to how the CG show did it. I certainly appreciate this movie trying something new with its setting and story in comparison to LoS which told a very rushed rendition of the Silver Saints and Twelve Temples arc and I believe if this movie did the same thing, my expectations would be significantly lower and my criticisms far more harsher.
From an objective standpoint, this movie’s pacing definitely could use some improvement. I definitely appreciate what the writers and directors could give with the runtime they had but when it comes to character such as Nero and Seiya and Sienna’s time spent bonding, there’s definitely something to be left desired, Nero especially but we’ll get to him later. The script itself is okay, can be basic in some areas, cheesy in others but never anything that made me actually cringe. The movie’s music is otherwise really good. The orchestral Pegasus Fantasy rendition was definitely a highlight of the film for me and the music that plays through a lot of the action and somber scenes is really atmospheric.
To add, I know there were some fans that complained that not all the bronzes were here but I’m pretty sure that was for the movie’s benefit. Introducing so many characters all at once would mean that audiences would have no time to connect with them and the story would have been bloated and full of plot holes. I love how they kept the core cast as just Seiya, Nero, and Sienna for the time being to get us more familiar to their world before moving onto the others.
As for other things, the set pieces and CGI aren't terrible. It's definitely a step above most tokusatsu shows and movies but not on the level of something like Alita or some MCU movies. It's passable but definitely not a complete eye sore.
Some shots are a bit goofy but they don't linger too long and I think it adds to the charm of this being an otherwise fun action film based on an even more zany and violent anime. The fights are all well-choreographed and filmed. I saw some complaints about the lighting being dark but that's not the case here. Everything in the movie is well lit and it's obvious who's who.
I thought the armors looked pretty okay and knowing that Kurumada actually approved them looking more medieval and archaic rather than how they were in the original animanaga makes for a nice creative detail that gives this movie more uniqueness in the StS verse.
Slight spoilers here but it is confirmed and shown in the movie that the armors do in fact evolve like how they do in the original manga and anime so if this movie does get its potential sequels, I look forward to seeing how they translate that.
To move onto characters I enjoyed a majority of the main cast throughout the movie. Everyone not only understood the characters they were portraying but giving them their own charm and nuances to make them feel more like individuals.
To start with the main man Seiya, he's a lot more reserved here, because he is a lot older, but some of his attitude from the animanaga still remains like his brash attitude and his unwavering resolve to never give up. His character is quite complex with this movie going further in detail about the conflict he has with losing his sister, his obsession with finding her, and his hesitance to accept Sienna as a goddess until he witnesses it for himself. I appreciate them putting more and more time into emphasizing Seiya's relationship with his sister and Seiya at a crossroads between finding her and protecting Sienna all at once as opposed to how the anime/manga did it.
Seika is almost forgotten after the first few episodes/chapters of the original so it was nice to see that she had more of an impact on Seiya's character here.
Next, we have Sienna and I'm going to say that she is the best iteration of the Saori Kido character. While some of the pacing of her scenes were a little off at times, it didn't matter because I was engaged with what they did with her in this film. This story focuses on Sienna's humanity as opposed to the original where Saori has pretty much already accepted what she is and we never truly get to see a lot of her struggle with her heritage and most of that was relegated to the very beginning of the series. Here, Athena is the equivalent of a malevolent spirit that Sienna is constantly trying to drown out. From the way, she speaks about Athena to her parents and how that separated them feels real. She is a toung woman who’s not only caught in the middle of a broken family she cares for but is essentially a ticking time bomb. She accepts that she may not be herself one day but you can tell that deep down she doesn't want to believe that. She starts off as the typical haughty rich girl towards Seiya and while I do think that their relationship could have used a few more scenes of them getting used to each other, it still feels plausible that he cares for her I’m the end. I would be a bit of a brat too if I was going to become doomsday incarnate one day. Here she suffers loss but in turn finds a new purpose and reason to keep living. At a core it is her human side that matters most.
I also adore that Sienna starts off not in complete control of her cosmo. It gives more presence to the gods in this scenario and how dangerous their cosmo is to a regular human. It makes me really excited to see what gods late like in this universe but only time will tell.
Moving onto Alman and Guraad since they're basically two sides of the same coin. Making Alman a morally ambiguous man who is not all good fits very in line with the Mitsumasa in the original animanaga. The slow unraveling of the truth that he first and foremost only cares about his daughter is perfect and sets up the domino effect that will extend to all the children he used as a means to an end.
Guraad on the other hand is a MILLION times better than the Guraad in the Netflix reboot. Not only does she feel appropriate as an antagonist but she gives better layer to the conflict of fighting against the gods and at the same time having to come with the burden of killing her surrogate daughter to do so. Sienna and Guraad share a bond that feels genuine and when her maternal instincts shine it's wonderfully executed. It adds so much more emotionally weight knowing that a complete accident on Sienna’s end pushed away who she considered family and Guraad realizing that to makes her attempt to save Sienna feel earned.
Moving onto Alman and Guraad since they're basically two sides of the same coin. Making Alman a morally ambiguous man who is not all good fits very in line with the Mitsumasa in the original animanaga. The slow unraveling of the truth that he first and foremost only cares about his daughter is perfect and sets up the domino effect that will extend to all the children he used as a means to an end.
Now we have Nero. I love Ikki in almost every universe and here it is no different. The mystery behind his character and past along with him as an antagonist is one of the best but weakest aspects of his character in this movie in my opinion. His true motives are unclear but from what a lot of people have speculated and based on Diego himself, his motivations largely have to do with Shun. Potentially Nero does not know where his brother is and I think that would make for a great parallel between Seiya and Nero if this series is to continue. He definitely has a vendetta against the gods and has the Sagittarius armor in his possession but at what ends? His character toward the end leaves more questions than answers and I wish we got a fair balance of flashbacks from his perspective to compare/contrast with Seiya’s. He is a threat through and through and the movie does well in establishing the bar that is set between him and Seiya. He's definitely a character I want to see expanded upon more in the future and what ulterior motives he has going on as it seems that Guraad was a stepping stone for things to come. I want more of him and I hope to god we do.
Marin is, dare I say, perfect. Everything from her nonchalant demeanor, to the way she trains Seiya, THE WAY SHE GOES TO SLEEP and her presence she's easily another favorite of mine in the movie next to Sienna. We get just enough of her to see what she's all about but like Nero, I hope we do see more of her. She serves the purpose she’s meant to in the story and I was quite confused about her “bound to this island by destiny” schtick (which was really an excuse to keep her out of the third arc) but overall she’s just awesome.
And last but not least Mylock. Easily he's better than Tatsumi by a country mile. The writers actually managed to make a dull asshole of a character into a fun and entertaining one. His action scenes were a highlight and were just classic king fu action that I just adore.
The story overall centers around the ideals surrounding family, humanity, and fighting through a destiny that’s not completely set in stone. It’s very anime but at the same time is personable and relatable in some way or another.
To conclude : Knights of the Zodiac is a fun film with great action, solid writing, a talented main cast of characters, and I was genuinely surprised at how much I ended up liking it. It shows respect or to the source material while doing its own thing and that’s honestly the best route it could have gone. It could have been way worse.
It’s a solid 7/10. Had some bumps in the road but it managed to make it to its destination safe and sound. Regardless of performance, I will definitely watch sequels.
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Interview with screenwriter Laeta Kalogridis reveals Nova's motives? (possible spoilers for cinematic universe of Alita: Battle Angel)
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So, #AlitaArmy once made Q&A with Laeta Kalogridis, co-writer of Alita: Battle Angel. You can learn about interesting things from this interview, I'm surprised people didn't catch it and discuss it.
For example that there was a version of the script where Alita not only finds berserker body in the Badlands, but also Kaos.
And Ido is like - so you just brought home a berserker body AND a stray revolutionary? You're grounded for the rest of your f#ng life.
(Radio K.A.O.S. was supposed to be in the first movie)
The meeting of Alita and Kaos was one of Laeta's fav scenes but they had to cut it from the script.
But what blows my mind is when Laeta says:
(sorry it's a bit hard to transcript)
There was a version of the story that involves the theme of what everyone wanted was actually Kaos himself, he was the desired thing, Desty Nova was pulling the strings, but he was pulling the strings because he wanted his kid back without anybody knowing who he was'
This is just, wow. Such a big piece of info but at the same time still enigmatic and raises even more questions. It really sheds a new light to what we already know and is a great material for theorizing about the lore and the plot of the movies.
And just because they didn't use it in the first movie, doesn't mean they won't in the sequels. Rodriguez said there is a whole document about Alita trilogy, and they had to decide what to put in the first movie and what not.
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explainedfilms · 6 months
Alita: Battle Angel Movie Ending Explained (In Detail)
Spoilers Alert: With ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL The makers of “Avatar” and “Titanic” are unleashing a new technical milestone on the audience – and thanks to director Robert Rodriguez, things are getting really tough. We reveal more about this successful blockbuster in our review. The Plot Summary When Alita (Rosa Salazar) awakens with no memories in a future world she doesn’t know, the compassionate…
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autismmydearwatson · 2 years
Reasons to watch Alita: Battle Angel now that ive discovered it's free on Hulu after seeing that movie in theatres and not being able to find it (mild spoilers)
1. Cyberpunk dystopia
2. Themes of Eat The Rich
3. Super cool sick cinematography
4. Sci Fi Sports games where you can easily get killed (my beloved)
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5. The protagonist is made to look both noticeably adolescent and distinctly non-human. She's thin, short, flat chested, Asian, and immature, but she has these CGI bug eyes that you get used to, but still make her very inhuman and otherworldly. She's adorable.
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6. She's a baddie but not a 😤Strong 😤 Female 😤 Character 😤 if you know what I mean
7. There's a cowboy bounty hunter who loves robot dogs and has 1 line
9. Set in the slums underneath the last sky city left after an interplanetary war
10. One of the villains is named Vector
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11. Everyone's a cyborg
12. There's an awesome father figure who makes parts for disabled people
13. Alitas ceramic-looking cyberbody
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14. Movie critics HATE IT that's how you know it's good
15. Fans of the Manga LOVED it.
Cons: men who are fans of it are usually the same men who hate Captain Marvel. Probably on the basis of how supposedly Alita is more attractive 🤮 a) she's underage b) she's designed to be offputting and unrealistic, so saying she's better looking than Cap Marvel, a real live human, is really fuckin weird
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sketchworks-labs · 2 years
Data Pages and comics
Sometimes in comics you need to give the reader a lot of information in a short amount of time. The dreaded exposition.
Classical comic thinking is to do one of two things: a dialogue heavy page where one character is relaying the information to another (or the reader). This is usually done poorly:
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But sometimes it can be done (subjectively) well:
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The problem, though, is the As You Know trope. You have two characters, who know this information (or should know the info), but they are explaining it to each other as if they don't know. This is all for the reader's benefit. It's clunky and feels like Silver or Bronze Age comic writing.
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Sorry Scrooge…
The other way is through captions.
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Not all comics work well with narrative captions. Especially if captions are being used for internal character thoughts (I'm looking at you every-Wolverine-comic-ever).
A modern solution has been data pages. You've seen these a lot in works by Jonathan Hickman, like his creator work:
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And in the X-Men, predominately by designer Tom Muller (@hellomuller and @hellomullerltd).
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But they've popped up in manga like Gunnm/Battle Angel Alita:
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And Darwyn Cooke's Parker books (which even includes prose from the books that have been adapted):
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As well as classic comic books like Fantastic Four
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And even webcomics such as Drive by Dave Kellet. He even includes the text in a blog post to be more readable on mobile devices.
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These all convey information that the author feels the reader should know. Some are done as a document, others as illustrative piece, but they are all giving the reader information.
What makes the Hickman/Muller data pages interesting (particularly in X-Men) is that they are not outside the realm of the story; they are part of it. These pages are documents pulled from the canon of the story. A file from Nick Fury's database, or an historical archive. Dave Kellet even does this with his Enciclopedia Xenobiologica entries about races, places, and technology in his webcomic.
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Unlike classic data pages, such as the Baxter Building cutaway, modern datapages are also placed within the reading of the story, not as an extra or appendix. Strip Panel Naked over on Youtube explains Hickman and Muller's approach in detail (spoilers by the way for X-men!)
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So consider this as a solution to an exposition heavy sequence. Do a diagram showing your characters' heist plan. Create a schematic of a starship so your readers know where the characters are. Have a legal pad with a lawyer's notes about your character's story. And, if this is in a web or mobile comic, offer the text in a blog post (in fact it's a good practice to offer text of your dialogue).
This is just one solution to exposition. What's some other ones you've see work?
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Remembering there were other SDCC reveals besides Jenna and The Sandman, I have a couple thoughts. Potential spoiler for She-Hulk and Strange New Worlds follow, so, a quick spoiler break. (I never used one for the Sandman posts because they didn’t reveal anything substantial.)
Apparently some folks are upset that they revealed plans for a Strange New Worlds/Lower Decks crossover. Part of that is due to people who hate all the new Star Treks except for SNW worrying a crossover will somehow ruin SNW.
Uh, Lower Decks is not part of the mainstream canon and never was (we’ll ignore the belief I and others have that in order for SNW to properly tell its story, it needs to be in an alternate universe anyway and the S1 finale actually set that possibility up). I say that because it’s a comedy and has things like a lower-decker tormenting Q for a gag, and using tech to play a prank from light years away on the entity that murdered Tasha Yar. It’s a spoof, not canon, so if they have a 2-minute sequence where a character or two from SNW appears in a holodeck sequence (like how Prodigy had characters from across the Trek franchise appear in one episode), it could be fun and it won’t “ruin” anything.
And unlike Discovery and Picard, both of which I have permanently checked out of, whenever this crossover happens (I assume in the soon-to-arrive third season of STLD), I’ll be there. I just want to know when Prodigy will return.
The second item is the release of the second She-Hulk trailer. Some folks continue to hammer this show for the CG, ignoring the fact it’s for TV and they don’t have the budget to do Alita Battle Angel every episode. 2nd, it’s a comedy. People are making Fiona and Shrek jokes about it. Well, the show probably will too.
For me I only care about one thing: She Hulk breaks the fourth wall! Years before Deadpool came along, She Hulk was already doing a lot of his shtick - talking to the reader and the writers, and at one point literally ripping through the pages of the comic to get to the end. If the plan to do the same with the TV series, OK, that’s going to be fun.
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fwb-anon · 4 months
idol!au 😳
the groups and soloists below the cut 🙈 no order in particular
hanafubuki 💐
concept: mostly elegant, but they basically have a safe side (flower) and a more experimental one (flurry)! :D
company: yashagoro entertainment
debut year: 2016 (4th generation)
members and their positions:
neji (naruto) -> leader, main vocalist, main dancer, face of the group, visual wym that's a lot
rock lee (naruto) -> main dancer, main rapper
shino (naruto) -> lead rapper, sub vocalist, visual
choji (naruto) -> lead vocalist, lead dancer
kiba (naruto) -> lead rapper, sub vocalist
sasuke (naruto) -> main vocalist, lead dancer, sub rapper, center, visual wym that's a lot
shikamaru (naruto) -> lead vocalist, sub rapper, youngest member
bureikou 💥
concept: badass, girl crush, they're baddies basically
company: senju entertainment
debut year: 2016 (4th generation)
members and their positions:
tenten (naruto) -> main dancer, lead vocalist, sub rapper
sakura (naruto) -> main vocalist, lead rapper
ino (naruto) -> leader, main vocalist, lead dancer, visual
AFAB GENDERFLUID ICON NARUTO 🗣🗣🗣 (... naruto) -> main rapper, main dancer, sub vocalist, face of the group, center wym that's a lot
hinata (naruto) -> lead vocalist, lead dancer, visual, youngest member
lunaire 🌙
concept: sailor moon meets sucker punch, aka magical girls with guns
company: aurora music
debut year: 2023 (5th generation)
members and their positions:
HUMAN TRANS NB PANDA 🗣🗣🗣 (jujutsu kaisen) -> rapper, dancer, visual
yuuta (jujutsu kaisen) -> vocalist, face of the group (until their concept change), visual
AMAB GENDERFLUID ICON TOGE 🗣🗣🗣 (jujutsu kaisen) -> vocalist, dancer, face of the group (after their concept change DON'T KILL ME OKAY IT MAKES SENSE REGARDING THE MARKETING TRUST ME), leader of the vocal unit
maki (jujutsu kaisen) -> leader, vocalist, dancer, visual, leader of the dance unit
yuuji (jujutsu kaisen) -> rapper, dancer, leader of the rap unit
nobara (jujutsu kaisen) -> rapper
TRANSMASC MEGUMI 🗣🗣🗣 (jujutsu kaisen) -> vocalist, dancer, center, youngest member
arcadia 🏴‍☠️
concept: basically captain harlock. space pirates who are planning a revolution
company: hitmix, under zen'in labels (pray for them)
debut year: 2022 (5th generation)
members and their positions:
noritoshi (jujutsu kaisen) -> leader, main vocalist, main/lead dancer (IDK YET), face of the group, center
momo (jujutsu kaisen) -> lead dancer, lead vocalist, sub rapper
aoi (jujutsu kaisen) -> main vocalist, lead dancer
mai (jujutsu kaisen) -> main dancer, lead rapper, sub vocalist, visual
kasumi (jujutsu kaisen) -> main rapper, lead vocalist, visual
kokichi (jujutsu kaisen) -> sub-rapper, sub-vocalist, visual(?? idk he kinda fine yk), youngest member
ITACHI 🗣️​🗣️​🗣️​
he's basically the beyoncé of the au thank you
concept: he serves cunt
company: yashagoro entertainment
debut year: 2011 (3rd generation)
wabi-sabi 🌶️
they disbanded :(
concept: wabi side (safe concepts), sabi side (experimental concepts), they've done it all, ICONS 🗣️🗣️🗣️
former company: sarutobi entertainment, god save them
debut year: 1993 (1st generation)
disbandment year: 2005 (at the start of the 2nd gen 😔)
members and their positions:
tsunade (naruto) -> leader, main rapper, lead vocalist
TRANS ICON OROCHIMARU 🗣️🗣️🗣️ (naruto) -> main dancer, lead rapper, sub vocalist, visual, center
jiraiya (naruto) -> main vocalist, lead dancer, sub rapper, face of the group, youngest member
corda regni ❤️‍🔥​👑​
concept: evangelion, alita battle angel, ghost in the shell, etc. dystopia hidden as a utopia in a sci-fi setting... if we can sum it up like this (spoiler: we can't).
company: yashagoro entertainment yes they're an idol factory atp
debut year: 2023 (5th generation)
members and their positions (only 3 of them don't have stage names so i'll just say their real names):
(YOUNG) xehanort (kingdom hearts) -> leader, lead dancer, lead vocalist
terra (kingdom hearts) -> main vocalist, sub rapper
isa (kingdom hearts) -> main vocalist
lea (kingdom hearts) -> main dancer, main rapper
ventus (kingdom hearts) -> lead vocalist, lead dancer, visual, center
vanitas (kingdom hearts) -> main dancer, lead rapper, sub vocalist
riku (kingdom hearts) -> lead vocalist, lead dancer, visual, face of the group, youngest member
museZ 🎶
their first ep is named "museZ to the music" how cute is that :3
concept: y2k
company: senju entertainment
debut year: 2024 (5th generation)
members and their positions:
xianyun (genshin impact) -> leader, main vocalist
chongyun (genshin impact) -> main rapper, sub vocalist
sora (kingdom hearts) -> lead dancer, lead rapper, sub vocalist, visual
roxas (kingdom hearts) -> lead vocalist, sub rapper, visual
mitsuki (boruto) -> main dancer, sub rapper, sub vocalist
hope (final fantasy 13) -> lead vocalist, lead dancer, visual, youngest member
embers 🔥
technically a global group and not a jpop one but anyway
concept: badass girlies in a mad max setting
company: yashagoro entertainment
debut year: 2020 (4th generation)
members and their positions:
amaru (naruto) -> leader, vocalist (main unit)
fuu (naruto) -> dancer (main unit), rapper
karui (naruto) -> rapper (main unit)
blue (my bsf's self insert! :D be nice or else) -> dancer (main unit), vocalist, center wym that's a lot
ada (boruto) -> rapper (main unit), vocalist, dancer, visual, face of the group wym that's a lot²
mitsuri (demon slayer) -> vocalist (main unit), rapper, visual
xiangling (genshin impact) -> dancer (main unit), vocalist, visual
yodo (boruto) -> rapper (main unit), youngest member
kismet 🌠
concept: i don't think they have one... they go from bubbly boys to emo dudes... to vampires... idk they're quirky, that's their concept ig, they're ✨not like the other groups​✨​
company: j-land entertainment
debut year: 2020 (4th generation)
members and their positions (technically they all have ALL positions so... yea):
haku (naruto) -> leader, vocalist, dancer, rapper, visual, face of the group
suigetsu (naruto) -> rapper, dancer, vocalist
omoi (naruto) -> dancer, rapper, vocalist, center
gaara (naruto) -> vocalist, rapper, dancer
konohamaru (naruto) -> dancer, rapper, vocalist, visual, youngest member
i actually have more, like there's a 2nd gen group with the jjk characters in it but i don't have a name, + a survival group with genshin characters etc but anywho
also i didn't mention them ig but jiraiya is a soloist now, at j-land (he made the company), same for orochimaru who created yashagoro ent
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lutoogyan · 1 year
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