#bc as children they might not have felt it so they want to give and tell and love so fucking much bc
imthursdaysyme · 11 months
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It'll pass 5/5: stobin
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chososdiscordkitten · 6 months
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Pairing: Choso x Gn!reader
Content: Fluff, sfw, no use of y/n or pronouns, readers appearance isnt mentioned, talk of marriage, sooo many cuddles, Choso's love language is acts of service, mentions of skin picking from anxiety, John wick movies mentioned lol
Word count: 3.5k
(a.n) I wrote this bcs I miss him sm, I shed a few tears while writing this btw. He's my pookie bear. finally putting my endless amount of books of love poems to work! I wrote this while listening to 'We'll Never Have Sex- Leith Ross' if u were curious:3
When I think about Choso as your boyfriend, I picture him being so gentle and delicate whenever it comes to you. Always a small sweet smile on his lips whenever he did something for you. As small as it was- all he needed was a simple “Awe, thank you Cho.” from you and a kiss on his cheek and he was set for the day. If you were studying for your college final, he’s the kind of person to bring you a warm cup of fresh coffee, “Careful-” he’d urge, seeing your hand reach for it. “It's hot.” Warning you, even if he was holding it from the bottom before he came to give it to you. I see Choso adoring kisses from you. Small pecks on his cheek or his forehead. In his mind it was your way to say thank you, even if it wasn't needed. But he loved how his chest swelled when you'd say, “Oh, Choso. You're so sweet.” your hand going to your chest and your eyebrows pinched together. Early in your relationship Choso noticed how much he liked hearing you praise him. Even if it was a quiet “Thank You.” followed by a warm smile. He liked knowing that you enjoyed his acts of service. It was his form of showing affection, thinking that he wasn't good with his words. And feeling like hugs and kisses weren't enough to make you feel his love. The best way Choso could describe it is wanting you to keep him in your pocket, when you commented that to him he liked the idea so much that it got stuck in his head. The idea of him living in your pocket so he was always with you, always there in case you needed a warm hug. He liked seeing your face light up when you came home from work after having a bad day. Only needing to see him in order to feel better. It also helped that he always greeted you by the door with a warm smile on his lips. Always taking your coat off for you, and asking how your day was.
Choso feels things so deeply, even mentioning the day you might break up made him nervous. Making his hands clammy and his eyebrows furrow. “If I tell you this, you have to promise me that you will never tell anyone.” You tell him, the two of you sitting faces inches apart, legs criss crossed like two children sharing secrets. He opened his mouth to talk, his hand going to his chest and laying flat against his oversized white t-shirt. “I promise, I will never tell anyone.” serious look on his face as he vowed to you. “Cho, I'm serious, even if one day you hate me- you cannot tell a soul.” you smiled, seeing Choso’s eyebrows furrow. “I would never hate you. Never in my life will I ever hate you-” he promised, his hand reaching down to hold yours as his eyes went wide with worry. “And if one day I tell you that I do- that is not me.” he smiled. Making you laugh as you clutched his hand. Smiling before leaning in to kiss his forehead, Choso’s eyes blinking shut as his cheeks turned warm. Pulling away and looking at his now calm eyes, “Okay-” you smiled, before pulling his head to your lips and whispering in his ear. 
I think the way Choso loves is pure and unconditionally. The kind of love that was shown by his actions rather than his words. Like when you cut your finger while mincing some vegetables for lunch. Choso would wipe it gently with hydrogen peroxide. Wincing with you as though he felt the sting on your finger. Mumbles of “You have to be careful.” as he wrapped it delicately. Placing a gentle kiss on the bandage before cleaning up. Any time he saw a bruise on your calf, he hissed as his fingers pressed it. “Where'd that come from?” he asked, his voice pained as he rubbed it gently. “No idea. Didn't even know it was there.” you smiled, feeling him press a soft kiss to it. To Choso, all wounds and bruises are healed with kisses. He knew that if you treated something with love and care, it would heal quicker. His theory made you smile as he swore that it was true. Remembering his theory when you'd hold his hands, your soft fingers examining his calloused ones as he watched a show you had put on. Almost feeling the pain in your own hands when you saw the sides of his fingertips bright pink. Small scabs forming at the sides of his fingernails, sharp pain in your heart as your eyes scanned them. Knowing he picked at the skin anytime he got anxious. Choso turned his head to look at you to see what was wrong. Seeing your saddened eyes on his fingers. Lifting them up and placing kisses to the tips of them one by one. Your eyes closed as he felt his heart swell.
The way Choso loves is an adoration only seen in movies. The kind of love that teenage girls write about in their diaries. The kind of love that no matter what you've gone through, he will stay by your side. Feet planted to the ground and arm wrapped around you. The kind of man who would defend your actions- no matter if they're wrong, with an iron fist. The kind of love where if you were lost at sea, he'd sail through the endless salt water till he found you. Love so pure, you were unsure of it at first. Only ever seeing this kind of love in movies and tv shows. But he assured you quickly, this wasn't any movie or tv show. His warm hands on your face always reminded you of that. You'd close your eyes and feel him kiss your cheeks, placing one onto your brow bone, onto the bridge of your nose. However many kisses it took to make sure you knew that this wasn't some fairytale. Choso would get tears in his eyes when he heard you speak about the trials you were put through growing up. Crumbling completely at your words, hearing your voice started to shake and your eyes turned red with tears. Not being able to understand how anyone could hurt you. To him you were precious. Even thinking about the tears you’ve shed over your pain, made him sad. He never understood how people could be so cruel, especially to you. He hated seeing you sad. He hated seeing you in bed all day, he hated seeing you pick at your food. Choso hated seeing your lips chapped and cracking while you tried to assure him that you were okay with a smile. He is such an empath when it comes to you, always trying his hardest to cheer you up. 
Choso’s favorite moments with you were the ones where he would hold you close. Slow dancing in the living room by candle light when the lights went out. Violent rain and thunder outside as he hummed the tune of a song. Stumbling feet as you both tried to figure out the movements. And every night before bed when you held onto him as though he would disappear in your hands if you let go. Feeling your fingertips press into his clothed skin, face nuzzled to his chest. His chin on the top of your head, his hand rubbing your back as he lulled you to sleep. Even in deep slumber, he never lets you go. Most nights going to sleep in each others arms and waking up still clinging to each other, somehow feeling like two puzzle pieces coming together. Most of the moments you shared together were spent in silence. Only in eachothers arms. Eyes closed as you felt the feelings of stress and the worries of life fade away in his arms. His hand caressing the side of your face as you drifted to sleep. Choso loved hearing your heartbeat, feeling your warmth against the side of his face as he tried counting how many times you breathed per minute. To him it was like counting sheep before going to bed. I don't think Choso would be the type to use pet names, preferring the intimacy of calling you by your name. But he loved hearing you say his name, the way your voice always said it so sweetly. He loved your voice. Just hearing you whisper, "Good morning-" before kissing his cheek made him giddy in the morning. That's why he would insist on you reading out loud to him, caressing your knee while listening to your voice.
I see Choso as the kind of guy who would try to convince you he knew how to tell someone's future, “Oh really?” You asked, sarcasm in your tone as his hand held yours. “I swear I do-” he started, a smile already on his face as he looked up to the sky. It was late, two, maybe three am. Both of you had lost the want to sleep that night, Choso had asked you if you had noticed how bright the stars shined at night. Seeing as you were on the outskirts of Tokyo and high in the mountains, the stars shone so brightly. So close you felt like you could touch them if you reached your hand out to them. Laying on the grass as you looked over at him, the full moon gave you a clear look at his face. “Then tell me my future.” You said, turning to your side and holding your head up with your hand. He closed his eyes, And let out a ‘hmmm’ he let go of your hand, mirroring the way you laid, opening one eye to look at you. “You have to close your eyes too or it wont work.” He smiled, looking at you. Sighing as you closed your eyes, knowing he was just trying to be funny. “Alright now I can see.” He laughed, you exhaled sharply hearing his tone. His hand reached for yours again, guiding you to hold your hand flat against his, “Ohh i see. This makes sense.” He exaggerated. “Tell me.” you smiled, keeping your eyes closed. Choso opened his eyes to look at you. Admiring your features, taking in the image of you. He thought you looked so beautiful. The way you smiled, waiting for him to tell you the future. Practically melting at how your yes shut tight in anticipation, he smiled. Leaning over to kiss you, pulling away as he watched you open your eyes. You looked at him, eyes squinted, “I knew it.” you said, dropping your hand from his as he smiled at you. He turned to lay on his back, laying your head on his chest hearing his heartbeat quicken. His hand went to you back, holding you close as you closed your eyes. “The only thing I see when I think about my future is knowing it will be with you.” Choso whispered, his free hand behind his head as you rubbed your hand on his chest. 
I see Choso not liking horror movies, always dreading when you brought home a dvd from the 5 dollar section at the gas station. It wasn't because he was scared or anything (his words not mine) he just didn't like seeing the violent things people thought about to make a movie. Not understanding what cruel childhood the director must've had to think of such disgusting gore. Choso's hands clothing your arm, closing his eyes anytime he sensed a scary scene was coming. His body involuntarily jumped as a loud bang flashed on the screen. And everytime you laughed he'd say, “I was falling asleep- the noise surprised me.” Defending himself to you like he had to let you think he was strong. And after the movie was over and you'd be getting ready for bed, in the kitchen getting a glass of water. You'd say, “Did you hear that?” voice quiet and feigning fear. Seeing him flinch, shoulders stiff and turning around to stand in front of you, protecting you from any ghosts that dared step into the light. You couldn't hold in your laugh when you saw him get into his ‘fighting stance’ as he liked to call it, seeing him look back at you with a deadpan face. Taking a step forwards toward your bedroom. “Wait, don't leave the ghosts might get me!” you'd laugh, seeing his hand fwip up and down. “They can have you.” he mumbled, waiting for you at the doorway, secretly afraid of a ghost actually being there. Choso loves you always, even when you feel like complete garbage as the flu ate away at you. “Don't come near me- you'll get sick.” You'd say stuffy nose as he tried to hug you. “I don't care.” he’d reply, his hands wrapping around you as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. Spending the few days doting on you, holding you close while you shivered in his arms. Whispering to you "Gimme a kiss." before bed. Knowing he won’t go to sleep if you didn't grant him his wish. It didn't take long for Choso to catch it. But like he told you, he didn't care. As a matter of fact- he preferred being sick. It only gave you more reasons to stay at home with him, loving how you’d make him hot soup. How you'd scold him when he didn't take the flu medicine you had bought him. Choso didn't care, he liked knowing that the next morning you'd have to call into work to take care of him. Even long after it had passed, early in the mornings asking you to feel his forehead. That he doesn't feel too good. And you'd always check, pressing your hand to his forehead, “Cho, you feel fine.” you'd say, “Well my stomach hurts too-” he'd say, watching your hands grab your coat with pained eyes, seeing his eyes full of desperation. You placed a kiss on his lips, “I will be home soon.” you'd say through your teeth, seeing him pout in response. Always looking for a way to keep you home with him. 
I see Choso being jealous and possessive. Not in the way you’d think, more in a “I'm jealous of the wind that blows through your clothes.” kind of way. Possessive in the “I want you here with me till the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.” manner. I could never picture Choso willingly being toxic, a few pinkish flags but nothing that could ever really bother you. He was thrown into the new feelings of a different kind of love, so it was understandable when he would say something that was a thought straight from his head. Not bothering to think about it before telling you. But you always knew he meant his words, no matter how jumbled they were. When Choso had brought up how he could never forgive himself if he ever made you cry, you felt your heart strings pull at your chest. How he was so blessed to be with you. Loving him even when he was a mess. The kind of lover that draws you by candle light, telling you- “You look so beautiful- I have to show you.” his hands picking up a napkin and a stray pen from the living room coffee table. Drawing you slowly as you looked at him, thinking about how you were the blessed one to have such a perfect partner. Choso feared very few things, always making sure that you're safe in any situation. Didn't matter how small the danger risk was, you always came first. But what he feared most was your death, he had seen the movies about a perfect love that was shattered by the death of the other. While watching movies Choso liked picturing the two of you as the characters in his mind. Movies that were stupid romcoms, but he still watched them while daydreaming the couples were you and him. When you had brought up if he'd like to watch the John Wick movies, “They're just action movies about a guy who never dies.” You'd say as he nodded his head yes. After watching the first one he thought heavily of what he'd do if you were taken from him. What would become of him if you weren't here anymore. Choso’s heart clenched as he started breathing heavily. Turning over to see your back as you slept, fearing you had died in your sleep he pulled your arm so you'd flip to your back. Placing his ear to your chest, focusing on trying to hear your heartbeat as you slept. A relieved sigh leaving his lips at hearing your heart. Feeling the sudden weight on your chest, stirring awake as you squinted down at him. His eyes look up at you, whispering a small “Sorry.” Before pulling the shared blanket back on top of you. Laying on his side as you turned back around. His hands find their designated place around you, spooning you while you go back to sleep. 
Before you came into his life, Choso didn't have a home. He didn't have something to call home, even if he had a place to lay his head at night. Reading about how people consider their partners home. He didn't know what the feeling felt like till he was in your arms. The tingling feeling in his cheeks as you held onto him, thinking back to a poem he had read a while ago. He'd look up at you, “I get it now-” he'd say propping himself up on his forearms. Looking at his face that was lit up as though he had solved a puzzle he was putting together for years. Your eyes scanned his face in confusion as he jumped off of the bed and walked to the office of your apartment. Sitting up as you heard him rummaging through the drawers. Walking back to the bedroom with a smile on his face and a small book in hand. Fingers flipping through the pages in search of something. “It's the middle of the night-” you said, feeling him plop onto the bed, his eyes widening when he found what he was looking for. He cleared his throat, eyes on the text. “If I were to build a house, I'd have your arms as the walls,-” Choso read, eyes looking back up to you to make sure you were listening. “Your eyes as the windows, your smile as the front door, your heart as the fireplace.”  Toothy smile on his lips as he read the words to you. “And your soul as my light.” his voice shaking, watching your eyes tear up. “And in this house, I'd place my faith, knowing I'd finally found a home.” He finished, closing the pages and setting it down. Your eyes struggled to keep the tears at bay, eyebrows pinched together as his eyes looked to yours, small smile on his lips. “I read this before I met you-” he said, eyes sparkling even in the dim lighting. “And I finally understand it.” He confessed, placing his head back to your chest, his eyes shutting in content, feeling you held his face. “I finally know what a home feels like.” He mumbled to your skin, hand flat on your rib. Smile on your lips while a single tear fell down your cheek. Choso didn't think he was the greatest at explaining his feelings, relying on his actions instead. But when he would say small things like that, it would always make your heart warm. Knowing that there was someone in this world who truly loved you. Unconditionally and without restraint. Never feeling shame in telling you loved you, even if he had told you 10 times that day. 
I see Choso as the kind of person who says things without thinking of them first, but only with you. Often preferring silence with strangers. But when hes with you, he would blurt out the thoughts that had popped into his head while he listened to your ranting about your coworkers. Staring into your eyes, listening to the colorful string of words leave your lips. Heard in his pupils, chin in his hand, low eyes when you noticed his staring. He let a hum fall from his closed lips. “Marry me.” He hummed, eyes going wide hearing his own words leave his mouth before he could stop them. You smiled, relaxing your shoulders. Letting a small laugh fall from your lips seeing him start to stutter trying to save the conversation. Silence falling between you as you watched him realize he couldn't make you unhear his words. “I messed it up again, didn't I?” he asked, his hand on his forehead while he looked down. “Like when I messed it up when you told me you loved me-” He asked, looking up to see you smiling. Sighing, feeling embarrassment flush his cheeks. “It's okay.” You smiled, holding his hand and placing a kiss on his forehead. Feeling his stiff shoulders soften. "It's okay." You repeated, lacing your fingers with his as you soothed him.
a lil shorter than usual but I wanted to post this for anyone who was looking for Choso fluff, knowing that there isnt a whole lot of it on here🫠
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astrophileous · 7 months
HI! i love your works and writing so much!! 🩷can i make a request for spencer x fem!reader, where spencer sees reader play with children (whether it be henry or a different child) and gets turned on? later, smut with a breeding kink?🩷 FEEL FREE TO IGNORE IF YOU DONT WANT TO DO IT🫶
OKAY BUT A DISCLAIMER FIRST: smut is so fucking hard to write ISTG!!!! It took me far too long a time to finish this and now I might have just acquired a newfound level of respect for any fic writers out there who regularly whip out smut in every fic. With that said, I hope you bear with me bcs I'm new and generally inexperienced in writing smut, so I hope this is to your liking 😭😭😭 ty for the request and waiting so patiently!! ❤️
Warning(s): fem!reader, 18+ smut content minors dni, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex (p in v), breeding kink, praise kink (?), talks of impregnation, profanities, this is just porn without plot tbh
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
"What's going on with you?" you asked as soon as the front door was shut behind your back.
Spencer turned around at your question. "What? Nothing's going on with me."
"Don't lie, Spencer. You've been awfully quiet since we left JJ's house." Your statement drove Spencer to tear his gaze away, but before he could take another step, you had seemingly transported right in front of him. "Talk to me. What's going on? Did something happen?"
"Nothing happened, sweetheart. Just forget it, okay?"
"No, I wanna know. Tell me."
Spencer's jaw clenched at your display of persistence. You didn't miss the way his eyes turned a few shades darker as he pinned you with his relentless stare.
"You really wanna know?" Spencer murmured.
Before you could give him a verbal answer, your fiancé suddenly pushed himself forward, trapping your body with his as your back collided against the wall. You gasped at his proximity. The atmosphere quickly shifted as you felt Spencer trailing his nose against the length of your neck.
"You wanna know what's going on? The truth is, I've been going insane," Spencer admitted against your ear. "You're driving me insane."
"Spencer, what are you talking about?"
Against what you thought was possible, Spencer propelled himself further into you, to the point where the air you breathed out became the same one he inhaled. Spencer's knee shoved itself between the apex of your thighs, making you gasp from the unexpected friction that his movement caused.
"I watched you back at JJ's. The way you acted around Henry? I can't stop thinking about it, sweetheart. It's driving me crazy."
"What?" An involuntary gasp slipped past your lips when Spencer's teeth lightly grazed your pulse point. "What are you—"
"I want us to have a baby."
The shock you felt was undoubtedly written all over your face. Spencer pulled back just the tiniest bit so he could stare right into your eyes. The gentleness in his pupils contradicted the desperation found in all of the ministrastions he pulled so far.
"I know when we talked about it in the past, it always seemed like such a distant thing. But after seeing you today—how you doted on Henry? I can't help it, sweetheart." Spencer's fingers strayed towards your cheek, tracing an invisible line until his touch met your jaw. "I want to have a family with you, and I want it to happen sooner rather than later. You own my forever, angel. There's no doubt in my mind that you'll become as amazing a mother just as you are a person."
The admission rendered you speechless. Time arrived into a screeching halt where it stayed there for seemingly thousands of years. Spencer was assessing you with worry in the consequent silence, trying to solve the cipher in your countenance that could give him a clue to what you were thinking.
Just as he was about to call out your name, you lunged forward out of the blue, claiming his lips in an earth-shattering kiss.
The two of you molded into one another like a pair of fitted puzzle pieces. Fire was raging inside your chest when you pulled away, first telltale signs of arousal stirring in the pit of your stomach.
"I wanna have a baby with you, Spencer. Please, I love you so much."
Spencer groaned wholeheartedly at the confession before diving back to kiss you even more fervently than before. Amidst the roaming hands and pleasurable gasps, the two of you somehow managed to stumble into the bedroom you had shared together for the past couple of years. Shed clothes littered the entire path you trudged, and in the blink of an eye, you found yourself naked on the bed with Spencer hovering above you clad in only his boxers.
"You're so beautiful," Spencer mused before taking one of your nipples in his explorative mouth. You writhed in pleasure while his fingers toyed with your other breast, making sure that no inch of your beauty escaped his attention. "Can't wait to see these full of milk, sweetheart. You'd look so beautiful pregnant with my baby."
You could only mewl when Spencer's lips trailed further southward, peppering kisses beneath your navel, just a sliver to where you needed him the most.
"Spencer, please. Ah. Don't tease."
Your fiancé chuckled at the desperation he heard in your voice. If it were any other day, he would have taken the time to edge you even further for the next few hours. But Spencer could feel his boxers getting tighter by the minute, and not wanting to prolong it any further, he slid downward until he was met with the view of your glistening folds.
"Fuck. So wet and gorgeous. Wish you could see how pretty you look, angel."
The moment Spencer's mouth touched your most sensitive part, you were gone for. His tongue lapped your juices like he was a man lost in a dessert while you were his oasis. The moans fled your throat when his lips wrapped around your taut clit, sucking and circling it with his tongue until you thrashed around uncontrollably. He then used his left forearm to pin your torso down, while his other hand started prodding the entrance to your heat.
"Oh my god, Spencer—mmphh," you whined when two of Spencer's fingers were snugly sheathed inside of you, going in and out until the whole room was overpowered by the obscene sound of your squelching wetness.
"You're so wet, angel. Holy shit," Spencer marveled as he fixated onto the movements of his fingers inside of you, the digits shining from your arousal that coated them. "So warm and tight, too. This all for me?"
"For you, Spencer, only for—oh, only for you. Feels so, mmhh, so good."
Spencer knew you were getting close from how tightly your walls were gripping his fingers, along with the way you were grinding your hips against his hand as if trying to amplify the pleasure you were reeling from. But right before the coil in your belly snapped, Spencer promptly removed his hand from your heat, making you whimpered in protest from the loss of contact.
"Patience, angel," Spencer said, leaning down to give you a quick kiss. "I want to be inside you and feel you around me as you cum."
He made quick work in removing his boxers, revealing his erection that was already red and leaking pre-cum on the tip. Spencer hissed when he gave himself a few lazy tugs, aware of your burning stare as you watched him with a raging want.
"Ready, sweetheart?" Spencer asked, waiting for your nod before sliding his tip in. You moaned into his neck until the entire length of his cock was snugged inside, clutching Spencer for dear life as the man cursed against your cheek. "You feel so good around me. Fuck. You alright, angel?"
You could only nod meekly in response. "Need you to move, Spence. Please, move."
Spencer didn't need to be told twice. He drew his hips back until the only thing engulfed by your pulsating walls was his tip, before ramming back into you with enough force to knock the breath out of your lungs.
In no time at all, your fiancé was moving in and out of you vigorously. The lewd sound of skin against skin echoed within the four walls of your bedroom, fueling your desire until your whole being was consumed by everything Spencer. You swore you could almost feel every ridge and vein of Spencer's cock as it slid in and out of your weeping hole, but your hazy brain would argue that it was plainly your lust talking.
"Spencer." His name came out as a gasp as you felt the imminent climax rising higher and higher. "I'm so—ah, s-so close. Please, please, please, I need to—"
"I know, sweetheart. I know you are. Can feel you squeezing around me. Shit. Milking me so good, hm? Gonna milk me, angel? Gonna milk my cock dry?"
You couldn't think of any other reply to Spencer's crude words except to moan even louder.
"I'm close, too, sweetheart. Fuck. I love being inside you like this. 'M gonna cum so much, gonna have my seed so deep inside you until your womb is filled to the brim."
Your walls fluttered at the thought of being full of Spencer's cum, and this little knowledge didn't evade your fiancé's notice as he picked up the pace of his thrusts.
"You like that, huh? Like the thought of my cum in your womb? Can't wait until you're all big and round, sweetheart. You're gonna make such a beautiful mommy."
"Wanna be a mommy, Spencer, I wanna have your baby!"
"Yeah? You want that? Wanna be pregnant with my baby and make me a daddy? Have a part of me inside of you, huh? Shit. Can picture it now, sweetheart. You'll look so gorgeous pregnant. Most beautiful mommy in the world."
Spencer's hips stuttered slightly. The mental image of you pregnant and barefoot, walking around your shared home carrying his child was doing abominable things to every neuron in his brain. That thought alone, along with the way your pussy was getting tighter around him by the second, was inevitably going to push him over the edge.
Without ever abating his pace, Spencer's fingers reached down towards your clit and started rubbing as if there was no tomorrow. You let out a scream at the added sense of pleasure that Spencer's fingers sent to your belly.
"That's it, angel. Just let it go for me. Let go and I'll give you every drop of my cum."
Another powerful thrust, coupled with a delicious stimulation to your bundle of nerves, had you cumming around Spencer's cock like you had never been before. It was one of the most intense orgasms of your life, and you couldn't do anything but wail and moan as Spencer continued to move inside you through it all.
Mere seconds later, Spencer's own undoing crashed into him like a truck. You felt his cock throb before warmth flooded in, spurts of cum painting every inch of your walls until Spencer was sure there was nothing else to empty. He collapsed on top of you as soon as he was done pulling out, panting breaths and a satiated smile as he buried his face in the column of your neck.
"So—" you began once your breathing had evened out, "—we're doing this, huh?"
Spencer looked up at your face. "Are you having second thoughts?"
"No. Definitely not. There's no one I'd rather do this with more than you, Spencer." You smiled, tucking a strand of your fiancé's overgrown curly hair behind his ear. "Although, I do have to say, I didn't expect you to be that type of guy."
"What type of guy?"
"The kind who gets territorial and borderline obsessed with the thought of impregnating their woman."
Your statement caused Spencer to laugh, crinkling eyes and head thrown back in a way that made your heart fall a little deeper for the man. You closed your eyes and sighed when his hand rose to cup your cheek.
"Can't help it, sweetheart. Any guy would be driven wild to have you as the mother of their child. I'm the luckiest guy in the world."
Spencer's proclamation was sealed with a kiss to your lips. It started out innocent enough before escalating in desperation with every minute that ticked by. Spencer swallowed all of your whimpers even when his hand started to meander downward, all the way past your abdomen, and right under your navel where your arousal was beginning to awaken once again.
At the first swipe of thumb on your clit, you gasped against his lips.
"Spence, what are you—"
"Sshh, we're far from finished, sweetheart. Didn't think I'd be done with you so quickly, did you?" Spencer smirked. "I'm gonna keep fucking you through the night, however long it takes, and fill you with loads after loads of my cum to make sure you are pregnant once this is all over. Now, you just lie back, angel. 'M gonna make you feel so fucking good."
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vettelsvee · 2 months
BEE HOTELS | Sebastian Vettel
f1 masterlist | wattpad | ao3 | instagram
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sebastian vettel x wife!journalist!reader
summary: seb's suzuka biodiversity project goes according to plan... or will he have some surprises that he might reject at first?
word count: 1983
warnings: none of it really! just seb being the standard, as i always write him (almost always, oops). use of y/n y/l/n
taglist: @celemilii bc i wrote this for her as a birthday present! i recommend you to read her works bc she's just like me: we write about the oldies.
you can send your one shots requests here! feedback is truly appreciated!
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The painting in yellow and black tones increasingly filled his hands. Sweat dripped from his forehead, not only due to the sun that was blazing that day in Suzuka but also because of the stress he was feeling to ensure that the project turned out as planned: flawlessly.
Sebastian had spent months not only brainstorming and meticulously preparing for that Japanese Grand Prix weekend but also dedicating himself wholeheartedly the night before to build each of the hotels that his former colleagues were now painting.
He was exhausted, but the feeling of happiness he was experiencing at that moment was immense. The conversations among the other drivers couldn't be more positive. They seemed to be enjoying the process, constantly sharing laughter and jokes among them as they continued with their task the best they could.
While the German was focused on ensuring that everything was going perfectly, he could gradually see, out of the corner of his eye, a figure he knew perfectly well in any form.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" 
Her husband's tone surprised Y/N, who lowered her arms, disheartened, knowing that the hug she was about to give would most likely not be reciprocated.
"I came to see you. What else would I do?" replied the journalist, ignoring Seb's behavior. "And to interview you too, but you already know it."
The blonde frowned, feeling a bit confused by the situation. Interview him? How could there be nothing he wouldn't know?
"Interview me?" he innocently asked.
"Didn't Britta tell you?"
Sebastian shook his head once again. Y/N’s gaze shifted to Roeske, who averted his eyes at the mess he knew he had caused with the couple. The former driver's PR knew that if he had said anything beforehand, Seb would have likely rejected the offer and, most importantly, gotten upset. Besides, he knew that such a refusal would upset Mrs. Vettel, and that would end up in a pointless argument between the couple.
"Well, you know how Britta is. She didn't mention anything about interviewing me today, especially not by you. You know, with so many things she has to keep track of..." Vettel tried to excuse her.
The journalist shook her head and once again looked at the PR, seeking confirmation from his side. A single nod was enough to acknowledge that her client was right.
"Y/N, schön, we need to maintain professionalism," Vettel stated firmly, seeing that neither of the two women responded. "I don't think it's very appropriate to mix our personal life with the professional one. We've always done it this way, and we should..."
"To hell with professionalism, darling," she interrupted, raising her voice. "We've been pretending to be professional for too many years to keep doing it. You've been retired for almost a year, living the life you've always wanted with our children and me," she explained, trying to convince him. "It won't hurt if you let go and be yourself, if we just are ourselves."
Sebastian remained silent for a few seconds that felt eternal for the woman. He knew Y/N was right, he knew nothing would happen if they showed themselves as the couple they were in private, but his shyer side, the most introverted one, the one that wanted to protect his privacy above all and, above all, his family, felt a kind of fear that this would end up making him completely vulnerable to public scrutiny.
"Alright, let's do the interview," the German finally said, causing his wife to start hopping around before pouncing on him and kissing him all over his face.
"Where should we start, Mr. Vettel?"
"What about giving Mrs. Vettel a kiss?" he replied, playing along with the game the journalist had started. "You know, to help ease any tensions..."
Sebastian didn't need to say anything more for his wife to take his face in her hands and pull him towards her, giving him a kiss that lasted not only longer than they would have allowed on another occasion, but also longer than they themselves expected.
They ended up pulling away after a few seconds, just as they began to hear cheers, applause, and comments from the other drivers, who were watching the couple enthralled, as they had never shown themselves in such a way during their years in Formula 1.
"Carry on with what you're doing!" the four-time world champion shouted, trying not to sound angry. "I don't want anything left unfinished!"
Y/N couldn't help but blush and lower her head in embarrassment at all the attention she was drawing.
"Um... shall we start now, darling?" the journalist spoke again, trying to regain control of the situation.
"Yes, yes, of course. Go ahead, ask me anything."
She quickly pulled out her notebook, where she had written down a large number of questions to ask her husband as if she hadn't actually worked hand in hand with him on the project. She tried to maintain professionalism despite the still uncomfortable situation they were immersed in.
Seb, who seemed to notice how tense the woman was, decided to do things a little differently, although it was more than obvious that it took him some effort to take the first step.
Quickly and with trembling hands, he wrapped his right arm around his wife's waist and slowly guided her to sit on the ground next to him. She resisted at first because, deep down, she was also afraid to show herself as she truly was with the love of her life; but when she saw how the German also invited the cameraman who was filming them to sit on the ground, she knew there was no choice but to listen to the guy who initially meant nothing to her but ended up becoming her everything.
"More comfortable like this, right, schön?" Sebastian wanted to know, even though he already knew the answer.
"Yes, I think it will be more comfortable, darling," she replied, allowing herself to be guided by her husband's behavior, although once again blushing slightly.
With her head resting on his shoulder, the journalist took her notebook in her hands again, flipping through the page where she had the first question of what would undoubtedly be the most fake interview not only she had ever done but probably would do in her extensive career as a journalist.
"Well, let's start, darling. What inspired you the most to start this biodiversity project?"
"Well, as you know, I've always felt a special connection with nature and the environment. Do you remember the conversations we used to have, like, I don't know, about twelve or thirteen years ago?" she nodded. Of course, she remembered. How could she forget when he revealed to her how much the issue mattered to him at his home in Monaco, even before they had started dating? "I wanted to do something to show the importance of biodiversity, so these bee hotels seemed perfect to me."
"And why Suzuka, Seb?"
"Do you really need an answer to that question?" the man countered, raising an eyebrow. "I thought you already knew."
Now it was Y/N who looked less than pleased. Of course she knew why he had chosen Suzuka, it's just that the viewers, possibly, didn't.
"Suzuka is a very special place for me, both professionally and personally," the German continued. "This place has witnessed many important moments of my life, and I wanted to somehow give back everything it has done for me. Its people, I mean," he hastened to add. The journalist laughed at the incoherence of the response, earning herself a playful punch on the arm and some affectionate insults.
The interview continued in such a way that, more than a recording that would be broadcast on various media later, it seemed like one of those informal chats the couple used to have in their room, lying on the bed they both shared, after reading a story to their children and leaving them completely asleep.
Laughs, knowing looks, and even some intimate memories that ended up being revealed to the camera flowed effortlessly. Sebastian couldn't stop playing with Sally's hands and hair, caressing them so delicately that she seemed like a porcelain doll. The journalist, on her part, couldn't stop running her index finger up and down her husband's arm, writing invisible messages about how much she loved him.
"To finish I'd like to know something, darling. How was the process of designing and building each one of those bee hotels?"
"As you already know, and for those who are watching, I was lucky to work with a local carpenter yesterday. We worked on them all day long, and even part of the night. There are eleven in total: one for each team, and one for me," replied the German with a big smile.
His wife started laughing, and her lips twisted in a way that it wasn't hard for Vettel to recognize that his wife was hiding something.
"In fact, there are twelve, Seb," the journalist said with a playful tone.
"What do you mean twelve?" he asked, quite confused. "Love, you were there yesterday. There were eleven. One for each team, one for every two drivers, and another for..."
"I made one myself and I painted it too. Well... some parts are already painted because I asked the kids, secretly, to paint them so you could have a little piece of them here..."
The former driver was impressed by his wife's confession, and he couldn't help but feel emotional. Even a couple of tears threatened to leave his eyes when he saw Y/N, completely excited, getting up from the grass and fixing her clothes before reaching out her hand to him.
"What are you waiting for, Seb? Come on, you have to see it!"
Seb followed her, feeling a mix of very strange emotions after sharing life with this girl for so many years. When they arrived, they stopped in front of it, Britta taking photos from every possible angle and then starting a video call with the couple's children, who were staying with Seb’s parents.
"Schön, this is... God, I have no words. It's incredible."
Y/N smiled proudly before heading towards the structure and start explaining him everything.
"I've drawn us here, right in the front," indeed, there were two larger figures next to three smaller ones, surrounded by flowers and trees. "And here are the kids' drawings. Honestly, I don't know what they've drawn, but... I knew it would make you happy to have a little piece of them too."
The blonde bent down in front of the hotel made by his wife, examining it carefully as he traced with his fingers the strokes that Emily, Matilda, and Ben had made who knows when, and that seemed to have been well hidden. They were simple, clumsy, but he knew that behind them there was something much more important: the purest love he had ever experienced and that nothing and no one could surpass, not even his wife.
"It's wonderful, Y/N. You have no idea what this means to me."
Y/N could only approach her husband and give him a chaste kiss on the lips, not caring this time what happened next.
"I did it for you, Seb. I love you, we love you," she corrected herself, turning towards the mobile phone in front of them that Britta still held, referring to their children, who could be heard excitedly. "You are the sunshine of our lives and you deserve much more than this."
Sebastian didn't hesitate to, once again, kiss Y/N, and then hug her tightly, continuing to give her kisses on her temples.
"I wouldn't be the sunshine of your life if you weren't in it," he whispered in her ear. "You are the sunshine of my life. I love you, Y/N. Thank you for everything."
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veryberryjelly · 4 months
karaoke time ( send me a song and a character and i'll write a fic inspired by the lyrics ! ) with felix catton and cruel summer by taylor swift
(also i realize this is my second request but i want to give you options bc i assume not everything will resonate with you. also you do not have to write either of them if you don’t want to/aren’t inspired. i’m just having fun coming up with song and character combos.)
felix catton x fem!reader
"I'm drunk in the back of the car " + " And I snuck in through the garden gate, Every night that summer just to seal my fate " [ we're just gonna pretend that felix has a trellis XD ]
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you had been forced to be friends with felix and venetia when you were younger, your parents befriending the couple on the next estate.
it was easier for all of your parents if their children could get along.
at first you were resentful of your parents for trying to force two people to be your friends that you didnt even know.
but as soon as you met the catton siblings, your mild hatred towards your parents dissipated,
they quickly became two of your closest friends, if not your closest.
you spent every summer darting back and forth between your estate and theirs, soaking up the sun and each others company.
when the three of you became of age, you started going out into town together, hitting the local pubs every couple of days, switching designated driver every time.
unlucky for felix, it was his turn.
even more unlucky for felix, you and venetia had decided to get absolutely smashed, so getting the both of you safely in the car was a trial in itself.
music played softly through the speakers of the car and you felt the weight of venetia's head against your shoulder.
even with your eyes closed due to the world spinning, you could see felix in the front seat.
you didnt need your eyes open to know how gorgeous he looked sat in the drivers seat, mumbling softly to the words of the song with the wind whipping at his brown locks.
the image brought a soft smile to your lips as you heard the crunch of small rocks under the tyres signalling you were pulling up to your house.
you pulled your eyes open to find felix climbing out of the car and coming around to your side to 'help you out'.
and 'helping you out' meant putting his arms under your knees and around your back to carry you inside and up to your bedroom.
in your intoxicated state you could have sworn you felt him press a kiss onto your forehead after he pulled the blankets over you.
when the sun started blaring through your windows like an alarm clock, you did nothing to get out of bed, only turned onto your side and pulled the covers over your head in hopes of ignoring the fact that a new day had started.
when you actually decided to get out of bed, it was only to grab some water, shut the curtains and find some advil in your bathroom.
after that was all done, you crawled straight back into bed, risking taking a look at your phone to see the time.
along with a few texts from both venetia and felix.
you dropped your phone down onto the bed, ignoring them in favour of sleeping off your hangover.
and when you opened your eyes again it was pitch black.
and you may have slept off your hangover but you also slept all day.
you move to pick up your phone to see a flood of texts from felix asking why you hadn't come over today or why he hadn't seen you.
after a quick glance at the time you theorised he might be awake, but the rest of his house wouldn't be.
after sliding on a pair of leggings and a sweater you left your house, crossing over onto saltburn with every intention of simply seeing felix.
the front door was locked.
and you had left your phone on your bed in your rush out.
you rounded the house to the space below felix's window, completed with vine covered trellises outside his window.
at this late hour, it seemed like your only option besides waiting for the morning, and you liked your chances at climbing.
so that's exactly what you did.
you climbed up the back wall of saltburn, clutching onto the wooden trellis with one hand while the other knocked on his window.
thankfully, he was actually awake.
you spotted him crossing the room in some comfy clothes after dropping a book down onto the bed.
he didnt question why you had been climbing up the back of his house, or why you had no shoes on, just helped you into his room and laid back on his bed, opening his arm up for you.
" where've you been all day, lovey ? " he questioned, his arm wrapping around you and his hand moving to take your hair away from your face.
" hungover . " was your simple answer as you nestled your head into the crook of his neck.
it was safe to say that you had another incident of sleeping all through the next day, even if it was a lot more comfortable snuggled up to felix's chest.
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maliland · 6 months
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now playing: xo by beyoncé
barbie(s): e-1610 miles & black fem reader
includes: fluff & fake ass friends
synopsis: your day starts off a bit rocky when you're confronted with conflict concerning your friendships. your boyfriend cheers you up by taking you to the fair!
wc: 8358 (not including the bonus)
credz: @/firefly-graphics
a/n: first fluff fic yayay!! i lied abt when i was dropping this sooo many times, mb.. there's a bonus to make up for it. i hope u guys enjoy this and read VERY slowly bc idk when i'm dropping a fic next 🚶‍♀️ idk what i was doing here lowkey… i h8 everything but the bonus. (i'm biased i like angst better) lmk what y’all think of this tho 💞 ((i proof read but there might be mistakes))
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mothers were always thought to have an intuition when it came to their children—some sort of sixth sense. the science behind it? well, there is none. none that’s been proven, anyway. that doesn’t stop some mothers from swearing that their second sight was legit. your mom was one of them, constantly giving her unwarranted two cents about people in your life who seemed harmless to you.
you felt blessed to have the mother you did. she was your best friend and your biggest cheerleader. she brought you up to be the girl you are today. without her, you didn't know who you'd be. not having a huge group of friends to be around 24/7 didn't really bother you as much as it would have if you didn't have her.
you’ve never felt like you needed to hide anything from your mom, but you did keep your crush on miles a secret for a hot minute. you'd never liked someone the way you liked him. you were shocked to discover that he like you too. when miles was ready to make things official, you knew you couldn't hide him from your mom anymore, so you didn't. she met him one saturday morning over breakfast, and to your surprise, she liked him. you were shocked she didn’t have anything condemnatory to say about your boyfriend, not because there was anything wrong with miles, but because your mom is overprotective of you.
growing up, you hadn’t always been the most sociable kid. all of the friends you had now found you and so did miles. that being said, your mom worried that people would take advantage of your built-in hospitality and youf kind heart. she watched out for certain things when you'd describe your interactions with people, then told you to watch out as well. although her overprotectiveness could be irritating more often than not, your mom had definitely helped you avoid trouble here and there.
growing up meant change. you weren't the biggest fan of change because of the risk that came with it. you had always preferred to stick to what you know—until this year. your fourth and final year of high school had you wanting to break out of your shell. the same few friends wouldn’t be there to keep you company when you graduate and go to different colleges, or hold your hand for the rest of your life. neither would your beloved mother. you had to hold your own hand.
you weren't sure how you were going to make friends, and you were too ashamed to ask anyone how to do so. thankfully, you didn't have to do much, because the friends you made came to you.
it started with a group chat with the five girls you had calculus with this year: tiesha, taraji, yanira, and adana. tiesha had created the chain so you all could send homework answers and test reviews back and forth. math was never your strong suit, so cheating was really the only reason you were passing. brief conversations about homework and how much you all hated the class turned into full blown conversations about boys and tv shows. minor comments about something annoying that someone did in class turned into major gossip sessions. you couldn't remember the last time you went a whole day without talking to those girls, whether it was one text message or twenty.
your mom told you she was excited that you had expanded your circle, but you could tell by the way her smile had slightly faltered that she was indeed irresolute. you knew you’d never understand her intuitive claims unless you had children of your own, and even then, you’d still doubt the phenomenon’s validity. it was just your nature to question everything.
presently, you were at a food court in the mall, sitting by yourself at one of the tables. every now and then, you’d glance up from your phone and see a group of friends or a couple pass by you.
you were supposed to hang out with yanira, taraji, adana, and tiesha, but it was almost one and none of them had showed up to the spot in the mall where you agreed to meet. every call you made went straight to voicemail. frustrated, you opened instagram to see if any of the girls were active. you raised a brow when you noticed the multicolored spiral around yanira’s profile picture at the top of your dash where stories were located. you tapped it just to be confronted with a boomerang of yanira, tiesha, adana, and taraji posing in a dressing room mirror. your eyes bored into the screen for a few seconds before you swiped out of instagram, treachery bubbling in your stomach. you released an exasperated sigh.
your mom was right. once again.
you glanced at a nearby tv on one of the walls in the food court and saw a picture of spider-man. you read the captions as they glided across the bottom of the screen, the clip of the hero fighting off a villain playing simultaneously. the news reporter narrated the highlights of the brawl and another one followed up his narration by concluding that spider-man had once again saved the city.
you smiled to yourself like a proud mother, then you thought about miles, not spider-man. you hadn’t talked to your boyfriend since the night before. as if he could read your mind, your phone buzzed against the table and lit up.
3 text messages @ 12:42pm
miles: hey, pretty girl (12:42pm)  miles: i couldn’t text you this morning, i’m sorry (12:42pm)  miles: villain of the week decided to get up early today (12:42pm)
so did you, but for different reasons. reasons that no longer mattered. you didn't even know why you were still sitting in that food court. you should've been en route to the train station by now. you felt so damn stupid.
you: that’s okay (12:43pm)
miles: are you okay? (12:43pm) miles: yk i’d never purposely ignore you, right? (12:43pm)
you: yeah, i know (12:44pm) you: it’s not you (12:44pm)  you: i’m at the mall rn bc i was supposed to meet some friends here, but they never showed. nb wanted to answer the phone either (12:44pm) you: i checked instagram n it turns out they’re all here (12:45pm) you: just without me (12:45pm) you: sooo now i have to do the walk of shame back to the subway station (12:45pm)
miles: that’s so messed up, i’m really sorry (12:46pm)  miles: did anything happen with them before this? (12:46pm)
you: no (12:46pm)  you: i mean if it did then idk anything about it (12:47pm)  you: my ma warned me about those girls. i should’ve listened 🤦‍♀️ (12:47pm)
miles: i got an idea. are you free now? (12:47pm)
you: i am 🤨 (12:48pm)
miles: take the subway to mine (12:48pm)  miles: i have a surprise ❤️ (12:48pm)
you: i gtg grab smth from my place b4 that (12:49pm) you: but i’ll be there :) (12:49pm)
miles loved a message @ 12:50pm
you didn’t even realize the smile that had crept up on your face until it was almost ear to ear and a few seconds away from making your cheeks ache. you quickly stood up from your chair, the legs howling loudly as they scraped against the tile. you winced at the noise and picked the chair up to move it instead of pushing it in. afterwards, you began walking to the exit closest to the subway station. your pace slowed when you saw your “friends” in front of you. they hadn’t noticed you yet. you hoped they wouldn't. they were walking in a horizontal line, laughing and carrying bags on their arms from different stores. you thought it made them look like they belonged in mean girls, or some coming-of-age disney movie with a clique of popular girls who manage to be both unnecessarily cruel and loved by everyone for antsgonists.
when the group of teens finally spotted you, they briefly side-eyed one another before looking back at you, fake smiles gracing their lips almost immediately after.
did they think you were stupid, blind, or both?
“[name]!” adana called out to you when you were only a few feet apart. she dragged out the last part of your name too. you saw it for what it was: an obvious and weak effort to sound genuine. adana picked up her pace so she got to you faster than the other girls. “we thought you weren’t coming, girl!”
you remained tranquil, though you could see everyone else behind adana snickering and exchanging looks. your kept your face relatively blank, not wanting to show the girls before you even the slightest bit of chagrin. they’d get a kick out of it and your outburst would be the topic of their conversations for weeks to come. high school was truly exhausting.
“i mean, i got here at twelve like we agreed,” you shrugged. “i called you guys too. i guess your phones were off.”
“yeah, they were,” taraji chimed in, showing you the 'do not disturb' icon on her phone. you fought the urge to roll your eyes at her fraudulent tone.
you almost couldn’t believe that this was a real situation that you were somehow caught in the middle of. tiesha pouted, the friction between her lips causing her already-faded pink and brown lip combo to fade some more. you knew she was mocking you, but you only wanted to smile when you thought about the shiny gloss that was neatly slathered on your lips, much unlike hers.
“are you okay? have you been here by yourself this whole time?” tiesha interrogated. it felt more like instigating.
“i mean, yeah,” your eyes darted around nervously. lipgloss honestly wasn’t a big deal anyway, tiesha probably had more in her bag. your confidence boost was short-lived and had diminished. you were never the type to thrive off someone's disadvantage. either way, you could act. “but it didn’t really bother me ‘cause i was texting my boyfriend and we—”
“boyfriend?” adana laughed mockingly like it was unbelievable. like it was impossible. “i didn’t know you had a boyfriend.”
“what? i’ve told you guys this,” you frowned, your voice wavering to a degree.
you stared at the four girls with an eyebrow cocked up while they turned to each other and shook their heads, a few whispers floated in the air and into your ears. you had spoken about miles to these girls before, you were positive. he was never a secret, you just weren’t someone who posted online a lot. in fact, you only had instagram because your mom made you sign up. you’d never posted once. either way, it’s your relationship. you didn’t want everyone in your business, that’s where mess was rooted. that's how problems started.
what mess the unforeseen treatment you were receiving was rooted in? that was a mystery to you. you didn’t understand how the girls who were supposed to be your friends could switch up on you at the speed of light. there hadn’t been any fights or arguments between any of you—to your knowledge, at least.
you’ve always preached that there are two sides to every story, but you also preached communication. you all were cool last night while confirming today’s plans, now suddenly they know nothing about you?
nobody questioned you about miles. instead, yanira broke the silence that you’d spent lost in your thoughts, trying to make sense of the uncomfortable situation you were in with purely scraps. “well, good thing we found you now.” she pursed her lips afterwards, clearly stifling a laugh.
words couldn’t describe how stupid and naive you felt. they were trying to play you in your face and thought you were oblivious to it. you were starting to think so too. maybe they’d been playing in your face this entire time. maybe they’ve been acting for the duration of your friendship. maybe there were signs this entire time and you didn’t notice until now. maybe the idea of meeting new people thrilled you too much, and they took advantage of that when they realized it.
you weren’t lashing out over everything going on in the name of “staying calm.” you couldn’t grant anyone the satisfaction of knowing they struck a nerve, and bad. you were just as committed to keeping up with your act as they were to theirs, and nothing was going to make you let up.
“we were just about to grab some food,” tiesha added after yanira, smiling ever so innocently, as if she was oblivious to the treatment you were receiving. tiesha was the one you were the closest with, so that hurt. stung even.
“thanks, but i have other plans,” you faked a smile and made sure to look each one of your “friends” dead in each of their glowering, dull eyes.
adana’s face contorted in slight indignation. “how could you have plans? were you only gonna hang with us for an hour?”
“i was heading out before i ran into you guys,” you smiled and shrugged, checking the time on your phone. “gotta go now or i’ll miss the train. i’ll see you guys at school on monday.”
those insolent girls gave you the stink eye as deviated away. a few steps farther from fakery and you could already hear the whispers and the murmurs, even if the mall was loud. they sounded more like hisses the farther away you got, until they blended into the many, many sounds of your local mall. you were thankful to be free from that conversation—if you could even call it that.
your next chat oughta be a real one. though you hated it, confrontation was just around the corner.
❤︎₊ ⊹
“and then they acted like absolutely nothing was wrong… tiesha too!”
you were seated on one end of the couch in miles’ apartment, your legs crossed and resting on top of his thighs and a pillow between the arm of the couch and your back. miles hadn’t told you what the surprise was yet, and quite frankly, it had slipped your mind entirely. you were never good when it came to keeping your emotions in check. the fury boiling and seething inside you was so immense that you couldn’t give anything but what happened at the mall even half of a thought even if you wanted to. miles was steadily running his hand up and down the bottom half of one of your legs because he knew it’d help you calm you down. it was something he did by default while you were ranting, because when you were upset over something, you could go on for hours.
miles was a teen girl’s diary that could talk back. you had been on a twenty-minute tangent about what transpired at the mall, making sure to include even the most minor details that other people would view as futile. your boyfriend made sure you knew he was listening, nodding and making a few comments when you’d pause to catch your breath. most people would hate hearing someone complain for as long as you usually did, but miles didn't mind it. in fact, he enjoyed it. it wasn’t your anger that he savored, he just loved staring at your pretty face. you had miles in a trance forever and always. your beauty would forever captivate the boy and you were well aware. the difference between now and when you weren’t blowing smoke out of your ears was that miles could admire every feature without you teasing him for it, because you wanted him to pay attention. in any other instance, you loved pointing out how much he stares and making fun of him for it as if you’re not just as head over heels.
“i feel pathetic. i waited there for a goddamn hour. and you wanna know what the worst part about all of this is?” you exhaled, your irises peering directly into miles’.
even when you were upset, you could admire him. you were doing it in that moment. last time it was his eyes, now it was his hair. the sun rays looming from the unfolded blinds painted his afro a soft brown, singling out and defining numerous strands of those gorgeous spirals sprouting from his head. he was so perfect to you. you often had trouble believing you could call him yours.
“tell me,” miles retorted, slightly angling his head to the left.
“i wore a good outfit for nothing,” you whined, tipping your head back concurrently. “i just got this tracksuit! this is honestly ten times worse than wasting a good outfit on a boring day.”
you had on a black, velvet matching set from juicy couture. it was expensive and you were pissed to have had wasted your first wear on the day you found out your friends aren’t shit. miles remembered how excited you were to buy that outfit. you’d talked about saving the money for it for what felt like forever.
“you didn’t waste your outfit,” miles assured you, drawing confusion to your face almost immediately. “i still have a surprise, you know.”
“right,” your eyes lit up and you sat up straighter, disregarding your mood. “i was thinking about it on the subway and i have a few guesses.”
“i don’t think you’ll be able to guess this one, but you can try," he laughed lowly.
“cookies?” you started.
miles shook his head. “no.”
“a cat?”
“no, mami,” he laughed.
“ummm,” you tapped your chin like you were deep in thought. your dark-colored orbs traveled to the ceiling. “movie marathon night?”
you snapped your fingers. “christmas movie marathon night."
“no movies,” miles clarified.
“not beyoncé.”
“i can do your makeup?!”
“you got me,” you rolled your eyes and blew raspberries. “i give up. spill.”
“i know you wanted to go to the fair during the summer, but i didn’t take you because i knew you’d complain about the heat,” miles began. “now that it’s november, i figured it’d be the perfect time to go.”
“oh shit, for real?!” your eyes slightly widened as you swung your legs off of miles.
“i don’t see why i wouldn’t be,” he retorted. “we’ll take the train and walk the rest of the way.”
you jumped off of the couch in excitement and shuffled behind the piece of furniture to grab your purse. you glanced over at miles, who was now scrolling on his phone. you crept up on him from behind the couch and inched close to his ear.
“get up!” you demanded playfully, grabbing his shoulders. miles slightly flinched, and you burst into a fit of laughter at his reaction.
“okay, okay!” he stood up, rolling his eyes and smiling. “i was thinking we could wait a little bit before we went.”
“nope, no time to waste,” you insisted. you’d wasted enough of that with your “friends.”
your boyfriend told you about all of the abilities that he acquired when he became spider-man, one of them being his heightened senses. you used to expect them to go off whenever you were approaching him, or whenever you scared him, but they never did. when you inquired about it, miles told you that his senses were most likely there to protect him, therefore they’d only go off when they felt like someone or something posed a threat. he didn’t elaborate any further, but you got what you needed to out of it.
knowing that miles and his radioactive dna felt safe around you made you feel special.
❤︎₊ ⊹
you hadn't been to a fair since you were ten. you had gone with your cousins, your mom, and your aunt. back then, you weren't smart enough to know how to play any of the games correctly. you weren't tall enough to ride anything that looked cool to you, either. you despised always having to settle for the teacups and the carousel.
going back to the fair wasn't really a priority until that past summer. it just happened to be on the long list of things you wanted to do with miles.
the air outside was cool and crisp and the sun probably felt threatened by the clouds obstructing its view of the city with insomnia. you were relieved to not feel the sweltering heat beating down on you, especially since you had worn the sun’s favorite color in velvet. the leaves on the trees were turning orange now. you were entranced by one tree in particular, watching as the plant detached itself from the branch of the tree and danced in the wind on the way to the ground.
at the front gate, you held out your hand so one of the employees could give you a stamp, as did miles. the stamp was an orange leaf, but it didn't really show up on your darker-colored skin no matter how you squinted.
now that you were there, the fair was much more different than you pictured it to be. though you wanted to experience as much as you could, you had three main goals in mind:  1. win an unnecessarily oversized plush 2. take pictures in a photo booth 3. go on the ferris wheel
as long as you were able to say you did all of those things by the end of that night, you’d forget all the misfortune that the first half of the day bestowed upon you and forgive the universe for allowing it.
as you strolled the fair grounds with miles, you tried to catch a glimpse of everything there was to do as you passed. the fair was bustling with people. there were families, groups of friends, trios, duo. there were also couples, like you and miles. you even saw people by themselves every so often. your day could’ve ended like that, you were elated that you didn’t feel alone anymore, but you’d never say it out loud.
“whatcha wanna do first?” miles asked you. he was being just as observant as you, if not more.
you squinted your eyes ahead and a specific game caught your eye. “let’s play basketball, i’ll definitely whoop your ass this time.”
“big talk for someone who can barely even shoot baskets when we're on the court,” miles fired back. “whoever wins gets to choose what we do next.”
“fine by me,” you shrugged.
you two grabbed a single basketball from your lanes when you got over to the game. you saw miles adjust his grip on the ball from the corner of your eye. you reduced your eyes to slits in response and pressed your lips together.
when the bell rang and the timer began to count down, you both shot your balls into the baskets. both of them made it in. you were doing fine for the first couple of seconds, but then your balls began to veer away from your basket. you quickly glanced over at miles’ scoreboard to find that he was eight scores ahead of you. you furrowed your brows and began throwing balls into the goal again, making the first three shots and missing the last two. you were on autopilot from that moment on, throwing balls at your goal without stopping to celebrate nor gripe.
just as you reached down for a basketball to make another shot, the timer went off, indicating the end of the game. you looked up at your scoreboard to find that you’d only gotten twenty-eight shots. you could already feel miles’ eyes boring a hole through your head, patiently waiting on you to look over at his lane and accept defeat.
you gave in to defeat and scanned his final scoreboard: fifty-eight shots.
you finally looked over at the boy and he was smirking slyly. “yeah, so i’m tryna play the game with the water guns and the targets.”
you would’ve much preferred to find a photo booth next, but a deal was a deal, so you brushed off your loss. neither of you had a map, so you weren't sure where any of the games were. you two agreed to wing it, so you and miles roamed around for a while. you made small talk and miles teased you for being so confident that you'd win the last game.
finally, you came across the mini-game he wanted to play. your face lit up when you saw all the stuffed animals hanging from the rack above. you could get behind this.
the worker was on her phone, visibly nodding off until you two approached the game. you caught a glimpse of her rolling her eyes and shoving her phone in the back pocket of her black jeans. though she was clearly fed up by the presence of you and your boyfriend, she thoroughly explained the rules of the game. miles had to strike down moving targets with a water gun. the targets would move left to right, up and down, or both. he had to shoot all of them to win, and he only got five minutes to do so.
the worker hit the red button and miles was on the clock.
the targets were the typical kind: white circles with red circular stripes, and a red bullseye in the middle. you watched keenly as miles gripped the gun and squeezed one of his eyes shut for precision, pulling the trigger and shooting a line of water at two of the targets with ease. to his surprise, they began to move faster. he was still hitting them though.
the employee was paying miles no mind, already turned around and back on her phone, texting away. even though dealing with those targets was like breathing for miles, he decided to take a shortcut. just for fun.
while the worker wasn’t looking, miles handed you the water gun and used his web-shooters to swiftly shoot down the last five targets. your eyes enlarged at him in a panic and before you could really think about it, you sprayed the webbing off of the targets miles shot down with them.
the worker turned back around when she heard the winner’s bell ringing. by that time, the water gun was already back in miles' hand. the worker stared at the both of you in confusion. miles looked proud of himself. you nervously smiled and shrugged.
the worker rolled her eyes before they traveled over to the selection of toys and stuffed animals just above her. “pick a prize, any prize,” she said unenthusiastically.
“which one do you want, mama?” miles asked you.
“umm…” your voice trailed off. your eyes glossed over all the different plushies until one caught your eye. “stitch for sure.”
the worker nodded and unhooked the stuffed animal from the rack. she quickly handed it to miles and gave him a quick half-assed smile before resuming her bored expression. miles passed you the stuffed animal and you smiled brightly. you remembered this feeling, and you felt like a little kid all over again.
“he’s our son now,” you proudly declared.
“he’s too big for that,” miles teased you. “that’s a grown man.”
you gave miles a dirty look and punched him in the shoulder. “i won’t let you body shame our son.”
“my bad!” miles laughed and put his hands up in defense.
"yeah, whatever," you gave miles an eye roll and grimaced. you clocked the worker glaring at you two from the corner of your eye, so you grabbed miles' hand and hurriedly dragged him away from the booth. "we gotta go before she sees the pile of webs on the ground and has cps investigate us. she already hates us, what if she makes us return our son?”
"that's your main concern?" miles' eyes widened. "not the worker finding out i'm a superhero?"
“why would i be worried about that?" you inquired playfully. "i shouldn't have to lose my baby because you wanted to risk your identity."
you both laughed as you wandered along the paths of the fair aimlessly. neither of you knew what you where you were going next, but you were way too immersed in your debate to think about it. amidst your little parley, the sun finally escaped from the clouds' cover, the sky shifting to a warm orange and light shades of pink instead of the gray it had greeted you with.
“by the way, that was very much cheating,” you chuckled, thinking back to the mini-game. “you need to play fair next time. no web-shooters.”
“we had no opponents,” your boyfriend reminded you.
“the employee seemed like one,” you replied, thinking back to the looks she’d give you two. “i didn’t even know you had your shooters on you… anyway, that means stitch is an accident.” you frowned.
miles' nose wrinkled. “man, what?”
“i’m just chattin’,” you snickered.
“per usual,” miles shook his head, slinging his arm around your shoulder and shaking his head.
you two kept walking aimlessly for a little while, but you stopped dead in your tracks when you spotted a photo booth. you briefly made eye contact with miles before briskly snatching up his arm, pulling him as you sped over to the booth.
“the booth’s not gonna disappear, damn!” miles from behind you, panting with his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.
“it could,” you shrugged, gesturing to the curtain with your free hand. “get in.”
“stitch won’t fit in there,” miles pointed out.
you frowned and observed your surroundings. you knew stitch was bound to get stolen if you left him outside unattended. you continued to glance around, trying to come up with a simple, but logical solution. your eyes stopped on an old lady sitting on a nearby bench by herself, flipping through a novel. she had on a white sweater with a black dress underneath, her long hair braided down and resting on her shoulder. you told miles to wait by the booth and approached the woman with a light-hearted smile on your face.
“hi, excuse me," you spoke softly in an attempt to make a good impression.
the lady looked up at you, half-surprised. she adjusted the position glasses with her index finger, gently pushing them up the bridge of her nose. “oh, yes?”
“may you please watch this for me while i take pictures with my boyfriend in that booth over there? i promise we won’t be long.”
you looked back at miles and pointed in his direction. though he was clearly confused, he smiled nervously and waved anyway. you turned back around to face the woman and smiled again.
“of course i will, dear,” the lady replied, a smile gracing her lips. she waved back at miles.
“thank you so much,” you smiled graciously, setting stitch next to her on the bench. you were ready to go back to miles when the woman stopped you by calling out. you whipped around, biding patiently in the same spot until she spoke.
“cherish the memories that you’re making. all of them.”
you didn’t exactly know what she meant, but then your last trip to the fair came to mind. it was so long ago, but you had almost forgotten how much fun you’d had, even if you couldn’t do much. you never wanted to make the mistake of taking memories for granted whilst you’re making them, because then you'd miss them too much when they were in the past, at least that's how you saw it. the future is uncertain. life is cruel. that day at the fair as a toddler could’ve been the first and the only time you ever went. today could be the second and the last. you hadn’t really thought about any of that before. you hadn’t thought about how precious your memories really were.
“and make them with the right people.”
you knew what that meant.
your eyes lowered, confusion evident on your face anyway. “how do i know if they’re the right people?”
“you’ll know. intuition is real. if something feels wrong or right, you'll know. listen to what your body is telling you, my dear,” the lady replied, crossing one leg over the other and opening her book back up.
your eyes widened slightly as you were still a tad bit lost, but you nodded. "okay. i will."
you jogged back to the photo booth, excitement coursing through your veins. miles didn’t bother questioning your tactics this time.
you both sat down in the photo booth and miles drew the curtain shut. he sat back and you tapped the screen, selecting two printouts so you could both keep one. before you even got the chance to retrieve your wallet from your purse, miles was sliding a couple dollars inside the machine. you hadn’t even noticed them in his hand before.
“today is my treat. you’re not paying for anything,” he told you.
“boo. i can’t spoil my man every now and then?” you clicked your tongue. “i’ll get you those comics you wanted instead.”
miles shook his head and chuckled. when the timer on the screen began to count down from ten, you fixed your braids and made sure your clothes looked presentable.
“i have ideas,” you announced to miles. you'd be envisioning this moment in your mind for ages. “just let me lead.”
“you the boss,” miles conceded in compliance.
“cool,” you giggled. you slid your hand under miles' chin and pulled him closer until your lips were pressed onto his cheek. you stayed in the same position with your eyes closed until you heard the first flash. the next photo was simple, a shot of you and miles kissing. the third one was the both of you looking at each other and laughing. it wasn’t planned, but miles had made a joke so you didn’t have time to pose any differently.
in the following ten seconds, you made miles your canvas, scattering kissing all over his face. he was confused until he looked at the screen to see all that your lips were imprinted on his face with colored lipgloss. he kissed his teeth but then laughed. your arms were wrapped around his shoulders, and that was the last photo. it was your favorite.
you waited for the photo strips to print and then left the booth. you immediately snapped your neck towards the bench to see your stitch plushy still sitting with the older lady. you sighed in relief and jogged over to her.
“thank you again!” you beamed, grabbing the stuffed animal.
you had a feeling she knew you were also thanking her for the unsolicited advice. you'd never understand how some older people were so good at reading others.
“you’re welcome, dear,” she waved goodbye and you waved back.
you wouldn’t forget what she told you.
you then went back to miles, expressing how happy you were that stitch wasn’t stolen. you went on and on about what a terrible mother you would’ve been, had you lost your child after not even twenty minutes of having him.
a few minutes later, miles caught you staring at some nearby concession stands. you didn’t eat anything before leaving his flat, but the line was a bit lengthy. you were silently trying to decide whether the wait would be worth it.
“you hungry?”
you nodded, settling for waiting in a long queue over an empty stomach. “starving."
❤︎₊ ⊹
it was getting late now. the sun was nowhere in sight and neither was the end of the night. the cool fall breeze felt nice against your soft skin. you wished that you could live in this part of the day for eternity, playfully bickering with miles as if you wouldn’t cling to him a few minutes later during the drop on a rollercoaster.
up to that point, you had gone on at least thirteen rides and played nine competitive mini-games. miles ended up winning most of them, despite him saying he’d go “easy on you.” you’d always respond to loss by saying you won in your heart, and he’d laugh at you. you’d pretend to be upset until you couldn’t fake it anymore and laughed along with him.
now, you and miles were sitting on grass, the synthetic kind. you two had shared a peculiarly long corn dog. you claimed that was enough for you, but miles ordered nachos too, and you shamelessly snatced up a sizable amount of them. food just tasted better when it wasn't yours.
after hours of being offline, you finally had a phone break. you sent your mom a text to check in with her before navigating to your email app. you scrolled through your recent until you came across the digital copies of the pictures you and miles took in the photo booth earlier sitting in your inbox. “i got the digital version of the photos. they're so cute!" you exclaimed.
miles grinned. “send ‘em to me later on."
“will do,” you agreed, looking back up to see him stood up from the ground with stitch in hand.
“i’ma rent out a locker to keep this guy inside of and then head to the bathroom,” he told you.
“okay, i’ll be here,” you nodded.
whenever you were out with anyone, you always thought it was common courtesy not to reply to texts that weren’t urgent. you never wanted to make anyone in your life feel like your focus wasn’t on them while you were spending time together. that being said, you hadn’t thoroughly gone through your notification center since you were at the mall. since miles was gone for a little, you thought it was a good time to deliver a few textbacks, because you knew that after tonight, you wouldn’t have any energy to do so until the next day.
you didn’t have any notifications from the calculus group chat, no surprise there. you had an older one from your mom from before you checked in, but she was just sending a tiktok. the next one down was tiesha and then adana. a pit formed in your stomach and you nervously chewed on the inside of your cheek. despite the uneasy feeling you had, you opened tiesha’s text first.
tiesha💞: [name] (5:46pm) tiesha💞: miles is your boyfriend?? (5:46pm)
‘not this again’ you thought.
you didn’t know what you were expecting the text to say, but it wasn’t that. this wasn’t a topic you wanted to circle back on, given everyone’s initial reactions. and you thought she knew—you thought everyone knew. maybe you weren’t as close with tiesha as you thought you were. or any of those girls.
you: yes... i’ve said this before (7:34pm)
you: literally with him rn. why? what’s the problem? (7:35pm)
your brows were knitted together as you anticipated a reply, your fingers drawing circles in midair just centimeters above the keyboard. you were biting the left side of your lip and your teeth were close to piercing the skin. tiesha's response came quick despite your late reply.
tiesha 💞: miles morales? the one i told you i like?? (7:36pm)
you read the text and had to do a double-take. your stomach dropped all over again. you had an exceptional memory. tiesha had never mentioned miles to you, like, ever. she hadn't mentioned any crush of hers to you at all. you just assumed she wasn't interested in dating.
you: i don’t remember you saying anything about like any miles.. but yeah he’s my boyfriend. (7:36pm) you: he has been for months now. i told y’all this, so idk why you were acting all confused @ the mall. (7:37pm)
tiesha 💞: if we knew then why would we be acting confused? 😐 (7:37pm)
you narrowed your eyes at the screen. you could tell her tone was meant to be harsh.
you: i don’t know, tiesha. (7:38pm) you: maybe for the same reason y’all were acting confused when you found me by myself at the spot that we agreed to meet at tday?? 🤦‍♀️ (7:38pm)
tiesha 💞: we said you could come hang w us (7:39pm) tiesha 💞: you’re the one who left (7:39pm)
you released an exasperated sigh as you read her response. you thought back to what the lady who watched stitch for you told you earlier. you couldn’t stick around these girls for any longer. they weren’t the people you wanted to make memories with. perhaps they were nothing more than a much needed lesson. you partially learned how to socialize, but you also needed to learn how to stand up for yourself. you were growing up. nobody else was going to do it for you.
you: i left bc you guys were acting weird towards me (7:40pm) you: idk what the deal is, but if there’s a problem you need to be straight up about it. (7:40pm) you: we all agreed to meet at the food court, but i opened ig to see y’all posing in a mirror while i’m sitting alone. why’d you even invite me atp?? (7:40pm)
tiesha 💞: i thought adana was lying when she said you got with miles, behind my back but ig she was right. (7:40pm) tiesha 💞: you weird af for that. you know i like him (7:41pm)
you: fym bro.. ??? 😭 i literally did not (7:41pm) you: and either way, he’s BEEN my boyfriend (7:42pm)
tiesha 💞: yk you only got w him to tick me off 🖕 (7:42pm)
you: ok wtv. (7:44pm) you: you guys showed me what kind of people you really are, so best believe i’m not sticking around anyway. you can tell that to eb else.(7:45pm) you: and i don't know what you thought you were doing. miles has been MY boyfriend for almost over a year now. he’ll continue to be my boyfriend for years to come, thanks. (7:47pm)
you didn't hesitate to leave the group chat and block those girls everywhere. they didn’t get to have access to you anymore. it felt like weight was lifted off your shoulders and you silently celebrated in your head. you were still in public and didn’t want to draw attention to you because you were cheering about cutting people off. at least you were free from the burden, even if you had a few less friends now.
“ready to go to the ferris wheel?”
you glanced up from your phone to see miles towering over you, both of hands in the pockets of his green puffer. you smiled big. this was the last thing on your checklist, and the thing you’d been looking forward to since you set foot on fair grounds.
“duh,” you giggled, reaching your arm out so miles could pull you up. after he did, you brushed off your outfit and cleared your throat. “so, do we know which way it is?”
“nope,” miles answered. “we’ll just start walking and hope we come across a map, or something.”
you raised and eyebrow and smirked. “so like we’ve been doing this whole time?”
“like we’ve been doing this whole time,” he echoed.
“i guess it makes it more adventurous,” you decided as you two began to walk away from the grass. you clasped your hand with his. “plus, i can tell you what happened with tiesha while you were in the bathroom while we look for it.”
miles’ eyebrows elevated. “something happened?”
“yep,” you shake your head in annoyance. “tiesha had a crush on you or something. apparently, she didn’t know we were together, so she thinks i got with you just to spite her.”
“how wouldn’t she know?”
“that’s what gets me!” you pointed your index at miles’ chest and tilted your head back in irritation. “i told her and the other three, so i don’t know why they were acting clueless! plus, she swears up and down i knew she liked you. that girl never said a word.”
“from everything you’ve told me today… it sounds like they just don’t like you,” he frowned, speaking in a way that told you he was trying not to hurt your feelings.
“they don’t,” you sighed, tilting your head up slightly. “that’s why we’re not friends anymore. i told tiesha to tell everyone else we won't be talking anymore.”
"really? are you okay?"
you reluctantly nodded. "yeah, i think i'm okay." you were telling the truth. in the moment, you were okay. maybe it'd bother you later, but all that mattered was that it wasn't bothering you now.
miles’ expression softened in relief. “that’s good. i’m glad you’re learning not to take b.s.”
you covered your mouth and snickered when you heard "b.s." for whatever reason, you thought it was humourous coming out of miles' mouth.
“no, really,” miles insisted anyway. “i’m proud of you.”
you didn’t ask for confirmation because you believed him even if you found the delivery funny. “thank you, miles.”
he smiled and pulled you closer, planting a kiss on your forehead. you grinned and pressed your ear against his arm. you made sure to take in and appreciate each and every step you took forward with your lovely boyfriend. you were cherishing a memory that wasn’t one yet, but tonight felt far too special not to. you absorbed everything to the scenery and the moonlight to the warmth that clinging to miles' arm gave you.
as if it was looking for you two and not the other way around, you and miles found your way to the ferris wheel without even having to seek out direction. surprisingly, the queue wasn’t at all demanding. when you got closer to the front of the line, you thought of something. you needed something to remember your favorite memory by, anyway.
“we should take a picture in front of the wheel,” you suggested to your boyfriend. “we can ask someone to do it for us.”
“bet,” miles pulled his phone out of his back pocket of his jeans.
he turned around and kindly asked a random girl standing in line behind you two if she could take the photo for you. she thankfully agreed and miles swiped to the camera app and handed her his cell. you two backed up a bit and the girl told you where to stand so that the photo would look better. you took a few pictures standing in front of the wheel side by side, miles’ arm around your shoulders. you two were hugging in one of the shots and he was kissing your forehead in the other.
after those pictures, you took miles’ arm and made him face a different direction. now your shoulders were to the camera lens and the ferris wheel. you snaked your arms around his neck and he instinctively placed his arms around your waist. this was one of your favorite poses, miles knew what to do by now.
you glanced down at your feet and took a step closer to miles so the distance you two wouldn’t look awkward. you lifted your head back up to meet his gaze. the boy was looking at you and you could’ve sworn you saw hearts forming in his eyes. he wasn’t just looking at you, he was admiring you. there was a difference, and you could tell.
but it’s not like you weren’t doing the same.
you whispered loud enough for only miles to hear. “i love you."
“i love you more."
you shifted onto your toes and miles slightly leaned down to reach you. your lips connected effortlessly, your eyes fluttering closed in unison. the ferris wheel lights glimmered behind you two as miles deepened the kiss. you mindlessly lifted your hands to his cheek, your thumbs gently caressing his soft, warm skin.
“got it!” the girl taking the photo called out.
you and miles slowly withdrew your bodies apart and she approached you two, handing miles the phone. you both thanked the girl and got back in line. your gaze was fixed on the structure above you. all you could think about was how pretty the sky was bound look from all the way up there.
you excitedly entered the cabin when it was finally you and miles’ turn. the designated employee shut the door and your eyes immediately glued themselves to the window. you were just barely going up, and you already had a better view of the fair and all of the lights.
“you seeing this, miles?” you questioned without even daring to rip your eyes away from the window.
“i am,” he smiled. your reaction to the view made him happier than any angle of the world around him ever could.
as you ascended higher up, you focused more on what was above ground rather than on it. the luminous stars painted the night sky like white spatters of paint would paint a black canvas. they glittered brightly above you while the ferris wheel slowly spun.
you turned your head back to miles to smile at him, but he beat you to it. you felt like the luckiest girl alive. you were thankful to have at least one person who was true to you. that alone was more than enough. 
miles was more than enough.
the moonshine illuminated your beguiling features as you admired its fullness and its beauty. your head was rested on miles’ shoulder and his arm was sitting around your waist, the other one holding your hand in his lap. you knew you’d look back on this and recall that you never took this day or the feeling that came with it for granted, not once.
this felt so right—you didn’t know how to explain it. tonight was perfect and you would never change a thing. everything was how it should be. you were where you should be, you could feel it. this felt right in your soul.
maybe this was it. maybe this is what everyone was talking about.
maybe intuition is real.
❤︎₊ ⊹ bonus:
you and miles had concluded your fair date and were back at his place. you were going to stay for a while before returning to your own. your head was on his shoulder and your legs were curled up in the opposite direction. his hand was evolved in yours, as yours was in his. miles' mom was home and you definitely didn't want to give her the wrong idea by appearing exceedingly handsy.
“i had fun,” you gloated on the day you'd just had as miles browsed through netflix on the tv.
“are you sure? you seemed pretty over it when i beat you at basketball.”
you tongue clicked. "very funny, morales." you thought for a moment. “and thanks for taking me out, by the way. i know you were probably tired from having to fight all morning,” you exhaled.
“it’s no problem,” miles insisted, though you could tell he looked tired. “tomorrow’s sunday, i’ll get some sleep then.”
you both turned your heads when you heard the sound of a door being opened echoed through the hallway followed by rhythmic footsteps. even though you and miles both knew the footsteps belonged to rio, the hallway was dark, so neither you or him could see her until she stepped into the living room. her hair was down instead of being braided or put into a ponytail like it usually was. she was trying to slide a hoop into the earring hole in one of her ears. she was in one of her fancier outfits.
"jeez, you kids been on the couch all day?"
“we went to the fair,” miles replied, a smile tugging at one corner of his lips.
“oh really? explains the oversized oso on your bed. papa, didn’t you use to watch that one show… what was it called? spy oso?”
“special agent oso, mami,” miles corrected her, a hint of embarrassment fermenting in his voice. his teeth were clenched and his eyebrows were furrowed. “and that’s stitch, not a bear.”
you were stifling a laugh, one of your hands shielding the grin on your mouth while the other clutched your stomach. rio didn’t see, but miles did and he rolled his eyes at you.
“i left the snacks in your room, i’ll be right back," you told miles before you got up and disappeared down the hall.
“stitch? what’s a—” rio stopped herself and shook her head. “actually, never mind. how was the fair?”
miles answered her anyway. “it’s an alien, mom. from lilo and stitch. and the fair was good, we had a lot of fun. i can show you pictures later.”
“good,” rio smiled but then broke into a whisper. “miles, mejor la llevas a casa. don’t let that girl wander around all by herself at night.”
“alright, alright,” he put his hands up in defense. “you know i always take her home, calmáte.”
“alright, then. just making sure," rio retorted. "anyway, i’m in a hurry, i’m going to meet your dad, his coworker, and his coworker's wife somewhere. comportarse,” rio cautioned in a stern tone of voice, walking over to the couch and planting a kiss on her son’s cheek.
“i will,” miles promised as his mom hastily walked to the front door.
“tell [name] i’ll see her soon,” rio called out to miles before shutting the door.
a few moments later, you emerged from the shadows that lurked in the hall and took your seat next to miles on the couch. you scooted closer to him and pulled the blanket over both of your legs, handing him his bag of chips then opening your own. he hadn’t chosen something for you guys to watch yet.
“where’d your mom go?” you inquired, looking around.
“somewhere with dad,” miles answered, shrugging his shoulders at the same time. “she told me to say she’ll see you soon though.”
“aww,” you grinned. you really did love rio. you had to stop yourself from chuckling when you recalled her bringing up one of the shows miles used to watch as a kid. as hilarious as you found the whole thing, you held in your laugh anyway. you refocused your attention to the tv on the other side of the coffee table. it didn't take you long to realize that your beloved boyfriend still had yet to choose a movie to watch or a show to binge.
“what should we watch tonight?... homecoming?”
“jesus, no,” miles frantically shook his head, waving his arms around in a panic.
you were referring to beyoncé's 2018 coachella headlining performance movie. you’d made the boy watch the film with you more times than he could count on you two's twenty fingers combined. miles knew the name's every song being performed, the lyrics, and what order they were performed in. he had almost memorized all of the dance breaks, but not willingly. he swore that the word “homecoming” alone triggered some kind of ptsd. miles knew you too well. he was well aware that the renaissance movie would be a homecoming repeat, but maybe ten times worse. he'd been mentally preparing for that as well.
“booooo, you’re boring,” you frowned.
“thanksgiving is coming up, how about that one charlie brown movie?”
“only if we can binge christmas movies after.”
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songmingisthighs · 8 months
Heaven's Haven
group : ateez
pairing : jongho × reader
genre : smut, romance
wc : 3.6 k
warning : explicit smut; oral (f receiving), face sitting, unprotected sex (ykw if you're financially ready for a kid and is no longer obsessed with supposed time travelling pirates, go for it), pwp ?, softer sex with a lot of description bc... it's jongho, have you looked at him? lmk what i missed
a/n : to those of you who encouraged me to give into my impulses, you'll be hearing from my lawyer. it's san. san is my lawyer. btw happy haribo day !!
a/a/n : at this point let's just agree that smt overdoes shit
buy me coffee ?
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Every night you were reminded of how hardworking your boyfriend is. Most days you're proud of him while some days you were just worried. While he's not a workaholic with a hyperactive artistic brain like his captain, Kim Hongjoong, Jongho works when he's not even working. His whole life revolves around being a singer and a performer; his diet, his aversion to certain foods, and his workout regime. Frankly, the only thing that could stop him was when he went through surgery for his legs. While fans were disappointed when he couldn't join the tour, it was the best month of your life. You love taking care of him because he has been taking such good care of you. Which was why you designated his room as a no-outside-life zone. You made it your duty to rid Jongho of his responsibilities when he's in his room. Also his pants.
So coming into his room to find him sitting on his bed still clad in a suit after an interview he did, texting away on his phone, was not really surprising. You simply closed the door, put your bag down near it, and walked over to your boyfriend who was staring at his phone screen with his bottom lip jutted out adorably. "Jjongie, baby," you called out, barely getting a reaction out of him save for a low hum. You slot yourself between his legs while pushing his half-gelled back hair out of his face, can't stop smiling at your adorably sexy boyfriend, "You need to get out of these clothes, you've been in it the whole day and we need to get your cute butt into bed," you cooed, using the voice you would usually use on little children. "No need baby, I had dinner already," he replied, head tilting at his phone screen, way too preoccupied with whatever it is he was doing.
You wanted to get him to relax but knowing your boyfriend, you first need to detach him from whatever it is taking his attention. So you began your attempts. Rather pathetically because even with eyes glued to his phone, Jongho managed to evade your hands catching the device and even foiling your fake easily. Huffing and puffing, you were determined but so was Jongho. Had he ever given you any reason to suspect infidelity, you would've been very mad for a whole different reason.
After a solid 5 minutes of failed attempts, you detached yourself from your boyfriend with a glare, cursing him and his entire coming bloodline (that you may or may not consider being involved in) for being... Well, him. At this point, he must've known what you were doing right? "Jongho," you called out but were met with silence, "Choi Jongho," you tried again but no luck.
In a desperate attempt, you decided to take some drastic measures that might or might not work, depending on Jongho's mood. You shimmied out of your pants quietly, leaving your panties on purposefully in case your plan failed yet again. You were attempting to give Jongho a pouncing as the element of surprise might give you an upper hand. Boy, you never realized how much planning goes into this part of the relationship. And by 'this', you absolutely mean taking care of a grown adult.
Without further ado, you walked back over to your boyfriend who seemed like he had no plans of letting his phone go and jumped right into action. Jongho yelped slightly when he felt his left shoulder pushed down out of nowhere and when he looked up, he realized that you had used your leg to maneuver him into lying down on his back and plopping down on his chest. The look in his eyes was rather priceless and it took everything in you to not celebrate your half success just yet. Instead, you used your knees to hold his large shoulders in place as your shins pressed his wrists down, preventing him from moving. Or so you convinced yourself. You've seen him carry his members around like a sack of flour, you were sure that he could at least flip you over. Not that you would mind.
In his position, Jongho tried to break free (barely) but you only pressed him further to the point that he let his phone go. "Okay, hi?" he grinned cheekily, looking innocent as if your cunt wasn't a flimsy fabric away from being completely exposed whilst being at eye level with Jongho. "Hi?" pouting, you slapped him on his chest, "You have been ignoring me since I stepped into this room, Choi Jongho and I don't like it!" you complained. "Is that why you're rewarding me?" Jongho asked with an eyebrow raised in question. Your eyebrows furrowed, unsure at what he meant and just as you were about to ask him, you felt his body jolt up slightly which caused your ass to slide forward and your clothed cunt to make contact with Jongho's mouth, effectively causing you to freeze in shock. Your reaction then wasn't as bad as the next though because when you felt the vibration from Jongho humming into your cunt, you gasped and your thighs tensed. "Look at my baby trying to take care of me by giving me something so sweet," he said, the movement from his lips was so palpable on your nether ones that it made your breath catch in your throat, intensely heightening Jongho's effect on you. Just as you had taken Jongho's shock to your benefit, Jongho too took your hazed state to slip his hands from your hold. When you realized what he did, you whined in protest, not wanting him to push you off just yet. But much to your surprise, you found his left hand cupping your ass as the other found purchase on your inner thigh, his thumb gently caressing the bit of skin under the shirt you were wearing, just above your underwear line. The touch left you tingling, your spine shot up as if electricity shot through you straight from where Jongho's tongue was tasting you over your underwear.
"J-Jongho," you whimpered, wanting to say something that you yourself can't figure out, you weren't even sure you should be saying anything but you were sure that some form of response should be given. Jongho had managed to melt your brain with his kitten licks to your covered clit. He somehow managed to find it easily despite not being able to get a visual. Seems like he just knew you that well. Just to be a complete ass about it, Jongho hummed into your pussy again for good measure, causing you to let out a shuddered sigh and making your head drop back. Whatever it was you thought you needed to do when Jongho began to get his taste of you went out the window, you convinced yourself that teasing the fuck out of you count as a non-working activity because it truly was and he was doing such a good job. Your mind shattered when you felt his thumb move your panties to the side and you felt his talented tongue slither between your lower lips. "Fuck!" the sound you make felt perfect to Jongho, enough to drive him to take your pulsing clit between his teeth and lightly nibble on it. Pain isn't something that you always liked during sex with your previous partners. You had had some experiences but none of them resulted in you feeling that good. Sure, there was some pleasure, but not enough to make the pain worth it. But for some reason, with Jongho, the pain he gave during sex only heightened as pleasure. You love the edge it gave you, that bite he gives be it literally or figuratively.
Your boyfriend is someone who is always in control and when he does it, he does it so seamlessly that it wasn't even obvious that he had control. How you love the showcase of subtle prowess like how he was gripping your hips so tightly, making sure that you wouldn't be able to chase your high by riding his face, making sure that you were completely dependent on him, that you were in his mercy. "Jongho, more!" you moaned, groaning when Jongho let his blunt nails dig into the skin of your thigh possessively. You looked down to see Jongho raising an eyebrow from between your legs, "Look at you forgetting your manners after being given a little taste of pleasure," a rush of warmth rushed to your cheeks when you heard the teasing edge in Jongho's voice. Jongho wasn't one to be into degradation, he had drawn a certain line on the matter because, in his own words, he cared about you too much to put you down. So your shyness was based on the knowledge that he found you endearing, precious even when you were so affected by him. Unintentionally, your cunt clenched as his tongue grazed upon your opening.
In a flash, you were suddenly under Jongho. His face was still level with your cunt but he was now hovering above, looking at your dumbfounded expression with a satisfied look on his face. Jongho didn't try to hide his amused chuckle when he saw you pouting but he bit his bottom lip to stop himself from actually laughing as you reached to grab the lapels of his suit with both of your hands after managing to take off your own shirt and saliva-slicked panties.
"You need to lose at least one article of clothing. It's not fair," you muttered at him, trying to tug his clothes off despite the struggle due to your position. In his mind, Jongho had considered ignoring your request, wanting to tease you more or at least make you wait. But how can he do that when he knew you had his best interest in mind? Surely, it's also because you want to see his beefed build but he liked to believe that it was just your way of telling him that it's time for him to shed his responsibilities and just rest. So with a nod, Jongho pushed himself up slightly so he could take his suit jacket off and tossed it to the side haphazardly. "Better?" he asked but you immediately shook your head, "I swear, you better be as naked as the day you were born just as God intended or so help me I will find the strength to rip your shirt off of you," you huffed. It was obvious that you were getting impatient and despite your threat and the absolute seriousness in your voice, Jongho knew that you'd just ended up making him undress himself. You were so adorable in Jongho's eyes, he didn't know how you could be so whiny and bossy at the same time. It made his cock twitch in his pants.
Slowly, Jongho crawled up your body to pepper tiny butterfly kisses all over your face, distracting you from his undressing. "I'm sorry for not giving you attention right away, baby. I was too wrapped up in my work, wasn't I?" he softly asked against the skin of your cheek, making you whimper and try to bury your face in his shoulder. "That's okay, Jongho. I just worry about you," when Jongho pulled away slightly, you couldn't help but push the fallen hair from his forehead and cupped his face, "I love you so much," you smiled.
As soon as your profession of love slipped your lips, you felt something hard and heavy enter you. Jongho was halfway inside you when you gasped, hands dropping to claw at his arms that were holding himself up on your sides. Inch by inch Jongho nestled himself inside you as he watched how your face changed the more he pushed. At this point, Jongho's breathing had changed; he inhaled more sharply and exhaled longer, eyes clouded with lust as he paid you all the attention he could muster. He loved watching you unravel under him, it was his favourite thing to watch and he loved savouring each moment, taking in the way your eyes clamped shut and eyebrows furrowed that would usually be accompanied by whimpers that escaped your lips. It wasn't like you both jumped on each other's bones every night as you both considered sex to be a very intimate activity. But by no means do you not do it often nor do you schedule or even make an appointment for sex. What kind of a lunatic would have a calendar for coitus? No, Jongho loved the organic way you and he reacted to each other. When it's time, it's time and the spontaneity tends to egg his exhilaration.
"I'm sorry, (y/n)," he grinned cheekily once you seemed more relaxed, adapted to having him once again wholly inside you, "But you can't expect me to not do anything after you told me you love me." Looking over briefly, you noticed that Jongho managed to unbutton his shirt completely, showing you his beautiful chest and firm abdomen muscle paired with unbuttoned and unzipped pants shoved just a little bit past his cock so the appendage would be completely out. You simply pouted and clicked your tongue at him, "Not undressed and no warning, what kind of boyfriend are you, Choi Jongho?" Chuckling at your protest, Jongho ducked down again to brush his lips against yours, "The best kind, of course," once his lips melded with yours, your annoyance immediately melted, opting to wrap your arms around his neck loosely instead. "And I love you too," he added against your lips.
Jongho's hips begin rocking seconds later, setting a slow pace for him and you to enjoy. The arms that anchored his weight on the sides of your head soon moved; one was carefully cradling the back of your neck as the other slipped around your waist. The more Jongho rocked his hips, the closer you both became until eventually you were chest to chest. In the position you both were in, there was not much room for movement but God, when you slipped your hands under his shirt, the feeling of Jongho's warm skin directly on yours was wonderful. Not to sound like an absolute pervert, but you've always found Jongho to have the softest back. While people expected you to feel his muscles first (which are bulging, thick, and aesthetically pleasing), you shattered all expectations behind closed doors. Even Jongho was surprised when you mentioned the softness of the planes of his entire back. It became a habit for you to let your palm drag along the expanse, making Jongho shudder and allowing his muscles to tighten in desire. To add to that, when you buried your face in his shoulder, you could smell his natural musk. It's not sweat per se, it's just... Jongho. Maybe it was his Diptyque Do Son that clung to the fabric of his clothes mixed with pheromones wafting in the air that gave off a sweet floral scent that had an edge of sharpness to it, but he somehow smelled like home to you. If you could, you'd gladly drown in the scent and evaporate along with it when the time comes, refusing to part. To make things worse for you, the sounds Jongho made were just heavenly. While your past partners had ruined sex by saying stupid things like 'I will wreck you' and 'I'll make sure you're ruined for other men' and not delivering, Jongho was on the quieter side. He almost never moaned out loud, only letting out grunts and huffs and occasionally whimpers when he was needy. Maybe it was because he's a vocalist, a damn great one at that, but even the softest sounds he made gave off vibrations that travelled to you, sending your pupils shaking and stomach tightening. Especially like this, when you both were chest-to-chest, faces on each other's shoulders, the effect of the sounds Jongho made shot right through your cunt, making you clench over and over when the vibrations hit just right. You pity his fans who didn't get to feel what you felt.
Sex with Jongho is not just sex, it's not even just lovemaking where everything is romantic and meaningful. It's a whole experience that left you dizzy and craving for more yet you know that if you had too much of it, it would just drive you absolutely mad. While it isn't much of a conversation topic, you had spoken about your sex life with your friends and most (if not all) stated that it sounded rather vanilla and uneventful. But they don't know what kind of intensity sex with Jongho bring. It's not balls slapping, sweaty bodies sliding off of each other, and drool splattering everywhere as he made you squirt your release over and over again like the damn Bellagio Fountain. The experience was beyond words but you definitely felt vulnerably close to Jongho and you could feel him being so close to you too. Everything was laid bare for either to take. Figuratively and literally. Though the occasional crazy monkey sex filled with experiments and teasings still happened, on the norm, this was your heaven.
You wondered how Jongho hadn't lost his pace. Sure, his thrusts became more powerful as his drive was reignited, but the pace was steady yet not monotone. To add to your own pleasure, you lifted your legs slightly, casing Jongho's hips between your knees. The position allowed your hips to be more open to Jongho, letting your clit make direct contact with his pubic bone so each thrust he delivered came with your clit being rubbed just right. "Fuck!" you exclaimed, head burying deeper into Jongho's shoulder as your hands pressed down his back; from his large shoulders to the dip in the middle, and finally arriving on his exposed ass. You joked that he has an adorable tushy on a daily basis at random times, causing him to cover your mouth whilst blushing because he was embarrassed at how cavalier you were with his gluteal area. But when you showed appreciation to his ass during sex, it proved to make him confident, proud of himself and how hard he worked to have an ass deserving of appreciation by his lover. A confident Jongho is a sexy Jongho and a sexy Jongho always rocked your world in his own way.
Jongho absolutely loved this position as he felt so close to you. While it was a shame that he couldn't see you, the fact that he was able to feel all of you made up for it. From the way your knees tried to close in on his large frame and the way your hips rocked along with his, he knew you were close. His favourite feeling however was the feeling of your stomach muscle tightening under him because it made your back arch and your body to be pressed even closer to him (not that it was possible). Jongho could feel the coil building in your core, ready to be released with just the right persuasion.
"You can cum, I'll help you cum," he grunted into your ear as he allowed the hand that was cupping the back of your neck to somehow slip between your bodies. Your eyes shot open when Jongho simultaneously pulled your hips to meet his completely while his hand pressed to your lower stomach. Immediately, the tension intensified due to the added pressure, forcing a jolt out of your body. All over your body, your muscles tensed which caused you to cling onto Jongho desperately. "Jongho!" you whined accidentally, immediately biting down on Jongho's shoulder to muffle your sound once your coil finally snapped and you came hard. Jongho's eyes shut close at the pleasure of your cunt sucking him in with its grip as if preventing him to get away even just momentarily. Jongho kept thrusting to help you ride your high as he chased his own, movements a lot more fluid thanks to your release. Thanks to your spasming body that added tactile pleasure from skin-on-skin stimulation, Jongho was able to release inside you. Your eyes fluttered open slowly and your pupils dilated when you saw the muscles of Jongho's entire backside tense as he came and even more so, his ass. The sight got you grinding back on Jongho as if returning the favour of him helping you ride your high.
Once both of your bodies relaxed, Jongho sagged and let his weight drop on you, positioning himself so that he wouldn't crush you with his weight but still enough to cover you with his warmth. You winced and whined when Jongho pulled his cock out of you, your hips chasing after him made Jongho grin. With his newfound freedom, Jongho pushed his pants completely off and kicked them to the floor and the garment was soon joined by his now wrinkled shirt. Just as quickly as Jongho took his clothes off, he returned to his spot whilst pulling his blanket, covering you to your chest before pulling you into his arms.
"I don't know how I got so lucky with you," he said as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head. You bit back a smile that may threaten to split your face to reciprocate, kissing him right on his neck mole. Despite it being a gentle kiss, Jongho still shuddered and you adored him for that. "And I don't know how I got so lucky with you. I love you, Jongho, so much," you said, resting your cheek firmly on his chest which allowed you to feel how hard Jongho's heart was beating.
"I love you too, my love. More than you know," he said before letting his eyes close to rest for the night.
Although you were laid in his arms, Jongho felt as if he was the one being embraced, enveloped in love and affection. It was the kind of feeling that encompassed him so comfortably that it lulled him to sleep. In the safety of his haven.
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mrsnancywheeler · 5 months
the lakes (5) // finnick odair x f. reader
summary: it's supposed to be over, you and Finnick are supposed to spend the rest of your lives helping each other heal. living as peacefully as possible, but the the third quarter quell throws a wrench in your domestic bliss.
previous chapter / next chapter
midnight rain
2.3k words
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warnings: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, mentions of alcoholism bc haymitch is there, brief drinking, allusions to death and violence, rebellion planning, allusions of trafficking/sexual trauma, wanting children, mentions of birth control and class divide, terms of endearment, mental illness, manipulation of someone's feelings, self-hatred, mentions of nausea and allusions to puking, reader being utterly enamored by Finnick, unedited, no use of Y/N
Harsh wind made your body shake and Finnick immediately wrapped his arms around you. How he always felt like a furnace was something you'd accepted you'd never have the answer to and you gratefully relaxed into him.
“Oh look, I just happened to run into you two on the roof, a happy couple just relaxing while they still can." Haymitch's voice pierced the air billowing around you.
“What a coincidence.” Finnick took a step closer to where Haymitch was approaching.
"Gives us a perfect chance to talk about allies though.” Your voice was loud enough that if anyone was listening they would be sure to hear your completely pure intentions with a mentor right before everyone's voices conveniently took the octave and pitch down.
“After this there's not opting out, so I need to know that you're 100% on board. You could be killed if this gets found out." Haymitch fiddled with his flask.
“We're already going to be killed, at least this way there's a chance we can stay together and end all of this." He stood close enough now that your soft voice could only be heard within the earshot. Finnick squeezed your hand softly.
Haymitch nodded, “Beetee is in on it too, so is Wiress, but who knows how much of a help she'll be. Plutarch can give us insight into small things before the Games start, but the main point will be finding away for enough chaos to happen that we can get Katniss out of there.”
“So our job is to get her to trust us, protect her and Peeta so she sticks to the plan that will get her out." Subconsciously Finnick began tapping his fingers on your waist and you rubbed your thumb in circles across his hand to try and soothe whatever it was his mind was running on about.
“Yes and we might need to find a way to force that because you weren't doing a great job on that, darling. I can't blame you though, she can be quite difficult.” Haymitch took a swig from the flask, you could only imagine how burning cold the metal must have been. Then he was pointing at you, "The princess here might actually have more luck since in an ever so contradictory way she's less gaudy.” Finnick scoffed. "She'll just have to get over preconceived notions first which isn't usually easy. Going over tributes though the problem would be you as a package deal, so we might have to find a way to force her to ally with everyone anyways.”
Slowly, Finnick nodded, “We should tell Johanna, she'll definitely be determined even if she doesn't get Katniss’ trust right away."
Haymitch laughed slightly, “Oh I think she's already left quite the impression." You could only imagine what Johanna had done and you smiled, her blunt attitude had immediately drawn you to her and it helped that her strategy was slightly similar to yours as far as the tears went.
“You go, it'll look like you're trying to figure out alliances and not be as suspicious, if they are watching." You kissed Finnick's cheek and reluctantly pushed away from his comforting arms.
"Okay, I'll be back soon. Don't miss me too bad.” He began stepping away so slowly as if he wanted to stay too, which you couldn't imagine why you had to have made his internal heater freeze with every touch.
“Oh I already do." He smirked and you walked over the cement bench, patting on it as Haymitch sat down by you. He held his arm out, offering the flask he was holding. You thought about it for a second, but accepted the offer. Earlier assumptions were correct, the metal was so cold it burned the lips right before the alcohol did. “What is that?" You scrunched your nose, handing it back to him.
Haymitch chuckled, shaking his head. “One of their wild, Capitol creations." He shrugged slightly, the idea of carrying a drink around that you couldn't even name just to numb the pain made your head ache for the victor. “So you tied the knot away from all the pomp and pageantry?"
"They can't have all of me.” Even if they have most of me, went unsaid into the crisp night air. Your body, your tears, what you could give, the raw, violent parts of you forever memorialized for eternity. Now parts of the private ceremony would be exploited, but the moment could never, only the parts you chose to reveal. It was yours.
“Good for you." He took another drink. “They can only take so much from us, they have to know this was bound to happen." You hummed a yes and reached your hand out which he filled with the cold flask, you took another drink that stung your throat before returning it.
“I don't know how people can have kids when the world is like this." You muttered, looking out at the city below. So badly you wanted a family, Finnick would be a great father, but it seemed impossible to fathom when at any second, for years on end they could be ripped away to be publicly executed for entertainment. If they even managed to survive, horrors lay beyond that, you would never wish for your children to live in a world where they went through what you did.
He shook his head, “Desperation, extra hands, not everyone has fancy Capitol provided ways to prevent pregnancy, Princess."
"Yeah.” You were all too familiar with that. Rich men rarely wanted the possibility of a kid running around with a second-class being even if she was a victor and you took every precaution possible as the fear ate you up inside. They could steal away your body, your intimacy, how you felt with yourself, but if you did escape all of this the only kids you would be having would be yours and Finnick. You wouldn't let them own you in that aspect too. “She's lucky she and Peeta came off as such a strong case of star crossed lovers, it's saved her in and out of the arena. Saved both of them.” Blankly staring at the stars, too beautiful to shine on such a cruel world.
“That she is. My so-called defiance lost me everything, everyone and she managed to be so popular that they couldn't do that. It's why we stand a chance, princess.”
You stood up, "I'd wish you a goodnight, but that rarely happens.” You smiled, sadness tainting your eyes.
Haymitch shook the flask, "If it works right, I won't remember a thing.” He said it so sardonically it weighed down your very being. This is what the Capitol did to its child winners, fractured them into being blackout drunk to dodge the nights full of horror.
You sat on the hallway floor, it's carpet itching your skin as you sat there, head on Conway’s shoulder.
“The outfits were so ridiculous, dressing us like prize pigs." He seethed, “Not you I mean though, you didn't look like a pig, the blue looked nice on you-" Conway started rambling to make up for his initial words and you pressed a finger to his soft lips.
"I know what you mean.” You smiled, so softly it looked enamored with his stumbling. It was cute, but not like your Finnick's sureness in all he said. No, not your Finnick, not anymore he was just Finnick, the mentor, the guy from the past. Oh, how you craved his touch, the smell of his salty skin, the sound of his honey like voice. You scolded yourself, now wasn't the time, it couldn't be. You couldn't risk Conway being able to tell if you were thinking about the other man, as if he could somehow read your mind, nevertheless it was too risky.
“Thank you for always understanding me, you've always been so sweet since we were children, it's what made me want to be your friend in the first place and then-" He paused, then your lover is what he was holding back. You knew this, his sister had told you once back when you were with Finnick, how jealousy was eating Conway’s sweet soul alive. “Then made my family love you too."
It was like an arrow in your heart, you weren't sweet, it was more harrowing that he thought so. Your brain encouraged you to persist even though the echoes muttered back how much you should loathe yourself. “No, you're the sweet one. Always covering for me." You shook your head, keeping the smile glued on your face. His hand was suddenly on your chin, trying to guide you in. His fingers were slightly calloused but there were no sparks, like when Finnick even brushed his atoms into the same vicinity as yours. You leaned in slightly, eyes searching him as if you wanted to know if he really wanted this, of course you knew the answer though. His lips pressed themselves to yours, he tasted just as he sounded, like strawberries and you did like strawberries of course, but not as much as a raw honeycomb.
Just as quickly he pulled away, “I'm sorry." Conway’s voice spilled out, “I don't know what I was thinking, I know you still have him and all, I just I don't know." He shook his head, rubbing his face with his hands, combing them through his hair anxiously.
“He's a jerk." He was, but in the best and worst way. “I don't know what I saw in him." You shook your head, sadly staring at the carpet. Urging the tears to present themselves to help cover your lies because you knew exactly what you still saw in him, his humor, his protection, the warmth, and the absolute love and care he exuded with each look, each graze of his fingertips. “Especially when-" You acted like you were getting choked up on your confession, you disgusted yourself.
Conway’s fingertips were tilting your head back up to him once again, “Really?" His eyes were eager, so innocent. You had to stop your resilience from breaking, from halting the whole operation. “Do you really mean that because I have for so long and please be honest?"
You were nauseous. Trying not to start gagging on nothing as you nodded. "Of course I do, I just didn't see what's been right in front of me.” He kissed you again and it was overwhelming your senses. Not in the way Finnick did which made you buzz, in a way that made you want to run. When he finally pulled away you forced yourself to let out a sly smile as you began standing. "I'll see you in the morning, we should sleep before all the training tomorrow, making impressions with the other tributes.”
His smile was shy and his eyes were basically begging you to stay with him another night, to hold you. It would certainly help your plan, but you couldn't. It was already too much and you needed senses knocked back into you before you broke. "Goodnight, sleep well." Conway whispered, slowly letting his fingers part from yours as he turned down the hallway. You'd been just outside of your room so you walked to it and opened it right before closing it to make it sound like you'd gone in before making a beeline in the opposite direction for Finnick's. Vainly trying to hold back the dry heaving.
Ever so softly your fists knocked on the door and almost instantly it was open, like he was waiting, like he knew you would be coming. Before another second could pass you'd thrown yourself into the protection of his arms and were weeping.
“I'm a terrible person." You choked out as he carefully shut the door with his foot, wrapping his arms around you even tighter like a blanket.
“No you're not an angel, it's survival of the fittest." He kissed the top of your forehead burying himself in it.
"Oh God, I'm gonna be sick.” He instantly led you to the bathroom where you were in fact. He didn't leave you though, he pulled out some medicine to soothe your stomach and head. Handing you a glass of water as he soothingly had his hand on the top of your head, stroking your hair. Once you've finished he was brushing your teeth for you.
It should be pathetic to have someone doing that for you, but not when it was him just trying to keep you secure. “Gotta open wider, angel." He was diligent and precise before helping pull you up from the edge of the tub to the sink. “Okay now spit. Let's get you into bed, sweet girl."
“Thank you, I'm sorry." You muttered out, voice raspy.
“Don't ever be." His warm hands tilted your chin up in a way that melted you into his touch like sugar in tea. “Look at me. You're doing what it takes to survive, which you deserve to do, I'm just doing what you deserve." Your Finnick could make you fall into tears every time, healing the patches of the broken heart you had from the way you were using Conway. “Let's get you to bed." He began to walk out of the bathroom and you softly put your hand on the one trailing away.
"Finnick.” Your voice was tender but the air was so stagnant it felt booming to your ears. He turned to look at you, worry evident. "Can I stay? Please?” Finnick smiled so sympathetically it made your head feel better, like it would float away instead.
"Of course, my love, you can always stay with me, I'll always stay with you.” As you crawled into the sheets that he'd of course emanated his soothing heat onto you knew it was true. Just as you knew you'd always stay with him.
thank you so much for reading! literally y'all's comments make my heart so happy and my passion for continuing to write this skyrockets, you are all so incredibly kind and supportive 💕 as always if you enjoyed feedback, likes, reblogs, comments are all so appreciated and my asks are open bc I think about this series all the time. I love you guys and thank you again sm 💋
taglist: @imaegonstargaryenswife0 @avoxrising @artsyaquarium @jennaaaaaaaaaaaa @secretsicanthideanymore @darlingsoulbeautfulthoughts @thatonegayloser616 @kybermp3 @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @ravensinthedaylight @innercreationflower @uhnanix @aesthetic0cherryblossom @yourdailymemedelivery
323 notes · View notes
zeltqz · 1 year
— rindou/fem!reader (9.3k words)
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cw—virginity loss, mentions of getting together, implied sexual assault & kidnapping (not from rindou)
a/n— inspired by anon lino. Thx for the request, I switched sum stuff up tho bc it was already long as shit n I didn’t wanna make it like 15 k words 💀‼️
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Your father is a force to be reckoned with.
Listed as one of Japan’s top twenty politicians, he’s already made a public figure in the eyes of the press & population.
Some hate him, others love him. You wouldn’t know though, not being let outside of your house for safety reasons. It’s lonely a lot of the time, being stuck in your big house with your siblings all day, tall men in black suits, glasses, and ear pieces watching your every move.
Though you were one of the richest families in the country, you felt trapped in a jail cell. The only difference was your cell was a huge mansion with security locks that changed every few weeks, the code only being told to trusted security.
‘It’s for your own good’ he defends his behaviour, thinking isolating his children at home instead of giving them a life for themselves outside is for your safety.
If you needed education? You were schooled online. The best mentors in the country are paid by your father to tutor you and your siblings. If you wanted to make friends? Don’t be stupid.
What do you need friends for when you’re surrounded by all this luxury?
It was lonely , isolating , and boring .
That was why when your father was at one of his meetings, late at night, you took the opportunity to sneak out, replacing a body double made from extra pillows hidden under your sheets. 
It was thrilling leaving the house alone for what felt like the first time in years. You were allowed outside of course, your father wasn’t cruel, just protective. But with your freedom came at a price, not allowed outside without the presence of a tall man—maybe two if your father felt the need for it— tailing your every move. 
Now though? You were able to walk around the streets late at night without the feeling of someone watching you from behind. You had no clue what to do though, looking around, half the stores were closed, save for that late night 7-Eleven at the end of the road. Bright green, yellow, red lights attract you towards it like a moth to a flame.
The inside is packed full with items ranging from snacks, meals, drinks. You walk around like someone who’s never shopped for themselves before. It’s quite embarrassing, you think, the loathing bitter resentment you have for your father isolating you almost your whole life stirs deep, and green inside your stomach. 
You pick out a small snack bar from the aisle and head towards the counter. You’re not that hungry, you just felt bad for walking in a store, seeing nothing you like, then leaving. It seems rude.
By the time you get to the counter, the woman pops her gum as she tells you the price, looking at you with a strange look you can’t decipher. 
“One sec—” You smile at her.
She ignores it, rolling her eyes. 
It was then you realised you’d forgotten your wallet at home, as well as your phone, the excitement from sneaking out made you lose all common sense apparently. 
“I—I don’t have any money.”
“Huh?” The cashier’s voice was high in pitch, purely shocked. “Rich girl like you has no money? What, did your daddy cut your allowance or what?”
“I—wait.” You blink at her, bewildered. “You know who I am?”
“Oh.” You swallow your nerves down, looking bashfully at the ground.
There was a feeling that your father was hated in this town, you don’t really blame the people for thinking so. Even you yourself hate your father. You know nothing about politics because you refuse to listen to your fathers lectures on it. So you can only imagine that the rest of the country, those who are directly affected by his political beliefs, might hate him too. 
A hand claps down on your shoulder, startling you. Looking up, a tall guy, slightly shorter than your bodyguards, stands behind you, holding out the right amount of change in his hand, sliding them across the counter. 
“It’s on me,” he tells the cashier, who nods her head, then jostles you with his shoulder. “Now you owe me a favour.”
There’s something about the way he’s looking at you, the smile on his face screams he’s up to something, but you don’t look into it, only happy someone was kind enough to save you from embarrassing yourself further. 
“What favour?” 
“Come with me.” He doesn’t answer your question, just leads you out of the store. His hand rests on your lower back the entire time, and you feel uneasy, but still push it down, berating yourself for being so cautious, on guard, around a man who was willing to help you out and pay for you. 
“Where—” Your voice cracks from nerves, so you clear your throat and try again. “Where are we going?”
He ignores you. 
When you try to slow your pace, the hand on your back pushes you onwards, practically forcing you to move. It was when he’s leading you to an alleyway, the nerves you forced down come back full force, a thick, heavy lump forming in the confined space of your throat.  
“I don’t think this is—” He pushes you into the alleyway; you land on the floor with a yelp.
“Is that her?” 
A voice, husky, gruff, speaks up, different from the man from before. 
You try to look up, but your vision is blurred, only seeing specs of colour you assume are people. The thick, pungent smell of cigarettes fills your nostrils, then a foot, heavy and dirty, steps on your head, not applying pressure to hurt, just keep you immobilised on the floor.
“Yeah, that’s her.”
“Nah, I don’t believe it. Pull out a pic or somethin’.”
You want to cough, the cigarettes making it hard to breathe. One of the men crouches down in front of you, pushing the guys foot from your face in favour of tugging you upwards by your hair roots. 
“You know why you’re here, right?” He wriggles your head in his hand like he’s rolling a dice, probably uncaring to the way your scalp feels like it’s burning on fire right now. “I asked you a question.”
“I don’t—ow, sir, man, please stop…it hurts—”
“Sir?” He spares a glance to the guy behind you, then his grin turns wolfish. “I like the sound of that.”
“Don’t do too much with her. We need her stable if we’re gunna show her daddy.”
“How much money you think she’ll be worth?”
“As long as she got all her limbs, no cuts or bruises a decent price, but if we rough her up a lil’ bit, she might be worth a bit more.”
Your body feels weak, tense, mouth dry, ears full of static as you listen to these men talk about you like you’re a slab of meat getting pawned off at a butchers, talking about you like you’re not even here.
If only you’d just stayed home tonight, stayed in the confinement of your bedroom, warm and cosy, smells like perfume and scented candles that your grandma gifts you every Christmas, instead of being here, face messy from the dirty floor, hair roots on fire, nostrils scarred with the burning scent of tobacco. 
The man lets go of your head, and it hits the floor, your head throbs painfully from the hit. 
“You think she’s a virgin?”
“Go check.”
Your stomach churns, empty lungs short of breath when the man goes to touch your sweatpants, panic rising in your blood.
“No, please, don’t—ow!” You scream in pain when he pushes your head back down to the ground, some dirt entering your mouth. 
“ Shut up .” 
You’re kicking and screaming at this point, but it’s useless as his hands pull down your sweats. 
Cold air smacks your bare skin and you want to cry, heat burning the edges of your eyes as tears form, but no sound comes out.
“Your daddy is fuckin’ up this country, you know that, princess?” The pet-name is cold, icy, as he grits it out like it’s meant to be pleasant. 
His finger slides against your clothed folds, and your heart is racing, body limp on the floor as he continues his speech. “You probably don’t know that, huh. You rich fuckers only think about yourself.”
“I don’t,” you gasp out, weakly, hot tears stinging at your eyes.
“Don’t what?”
“Agree with him. I hate him too—hate him so much,” you whimper into the ground, wet chunky tears soaking down your face. 
He lets out a hefty sigh, fingers stop touching you down there, and he stands up with a sigh, relighting another cigarette. He takes a puff, a moment to relax himself, and turns to his group. 
“What now?” He’s not talking to you, gesturing over to the other men who’ve been watching the whole ordeal with nothing but a straight face. 
“I dunno.”
“Ain’t this kinda embarrassin’?” 
The men look at the new voice that speaks up from behind them. From what you can spot with your limited vision, he has blue stripes riddled within his blonde hair, adjusting his gold glasses on his face, looking at the group with a disgusted look. 
“Fuck does this have to do with you?” The one with the cigarette breath barks out, eyebrows creased with anger. “Go on somewhere.”
The guy simply ignores them, looking straight at you. You feel your blood run cold when you meet his stare. “You alright?”
“Don’t answer him.” The guy next to you slaps his hand over your mouth. “Don’t address her.”
“You guys really have nothin’ else to do at night than harass some innocent girl?” 
You fear for the guy defending you as he steps closer into the alley, the sound of his boots echoing in your ears as he makes his way towards you. You want to tell him to run, go somewhere, don’t get hurt because of you, but he seems awfully confident, and you couldn’t speak if you tried. 
“Innocent? Please, you know who her father is, right?”
He shrugs his shoulders, crossing his arms together. “Na. Who is it?”
“That stupid fat politician scum that’s tryna fuck with our rights.”
He gives him a blank stare, hands shoving themselves into his pockets. “So…what’s that gotta do with her? Go touch up her daddy then. Or what, you scared? Can’t take on a fat man, huh.” 
The implication has the guy seething, nostrils flaring as he rips his hand away from your mouth, dropping your head back onto the floor with a smack. 
There’s another dull throbbing sting in your head doing nothing but amplifying the previous pain, and your wince catches the attention of the guy defending you. 
“I’ll fuckin’ kill you.” The man gets all up in his face, practically drooling like a feral animal without a leash.
“That so? What are you waiting for then?” He smirks as he grabs onto the man’s hands, bunching them into fists and positions them by his own face. 
His confidence, his blank stare, his voice…you can’t help but gawk at him, mind hazy as you watch the scene go down. “Hit me, c’mon. I even put you in position.”
The guy spits onto the ground, wiping his nose before lifting his hand to punch him.
“Dude, back the fuck up.” His friend pulls him away, ignoring the complaints and death threats spewing from his lips. “Rin, he didn't mean to threaten you. We weren’t going to do anythin’ to the girl, I promise.”
“Rin?” He cocks his eyebrow meanly. “Are we friends? I don’t know you, don’t call me that.”
The guy slams his mouth shut so quick and fast, his teeth clamp against each other. “S-sorry, Rindou. But I mean it—we really weren’t gonna do anythin’ bad to her! We just wanted to scare her daddy into givin’ us some money. That’s all! I promise…”
“Promise? You really expect me to believe that shit?” Rindou stares at the man who shakes his head in fear. He looks down at you, and your blood runs cold once more. “Did they touch you?”
“He—well, he touched me down there.” You look down at your private area. 
The guy guilty of it scoffs, arms crossing over his chest. “It was barely even a touch.”
You glare at him from where you’re sitting, feeling a surge of confidence flow through you now that Rindou is here keeping them at bay. “You still touched me, asshole.”
“I’ll fuckin’ do worse if you keep runnin’ that slutty mouth of yours,” he snarls.
Rindou clicks his tongue, unimpressed, lifting you from the floor easily, hoisting you onto his shoulder. 
It’s impressive to you how effortless the action was, butterflies flancing around in your stomach when his arm holds your waist to support you. 
“You guys better pray my brother doesn’t find out about this.”
“Fuck you and your weak ass brother.” 
That guy has some serious anger problems, because even his own friends are gawking at him like he’s a lunatic for spitting those words out. 
Probably some unspoken code in these streets to not insult the ‘brothers’.
Now you’re curious. 
“Yeah?” Rindou only chuckles, says nothing more, pulling out his phone from his back-pocket. You lay on his shoulder as he dials who you assume is his brother. 
The silence in the alley is deafening, you can practically hear the group's hearts beating out of their chest as the line rings. 
“Bro, guess what?” 
Rindou walks over to the dude who thinks he’s all that. “Found this guy that thinks he can beat you up, thinks you’re weak ‘n shit. And actually, he said he could kill you.”
There’s a snort over the line. “What’s his name?”
Rindou nods over at him. “What’s your name?” 
When he refuses to respond, there’s a beat of silence, then Rindou kicks the guy in the knee, sending him dropping to the floor without a beat. 
You’re almost certain you heard a cracking noise, then the guy is screaming in pain. You can’t see due to your position on his shoulder, only looking at his friends who stare at him with a sense of pity, but refuse to speak up themselves. 
Rindou drops to his level, bringing you down with him. “I said, what’s your name?” 
For the sake of it, Rindou digs his hand on his probably—no, definitely broken knee the same way he stepped on your head, applying pressure each second the guy fails to cough up his name.
“It’s Yamajiki Kenzo! Stop—argh, it hurts! Fuck—” He splutters out, desperately trying to push Rindou off. 
Rindou clicks his tongue, standing upright, and brings the phone back to his ear. “Didja get that, Ran?”
Ran says with a yawn, “we can find him tomorrow, no biggie.”
“Actually—ah man, looks like I broke his knee. My bad.” Rindou sends him an unapologetic smile, and the guy looks like he’s three seconds away from jumping at him.
He hangs up the phone, tugging it back inside his pocket, turning to face the group. 
“Anyway, I’m taking the girl now, or—” he jostles you on his shoulder, catching your attention. “Want me to fuck them up for you?”
“Did they hurt you?”
“I mean, yeah—but—” You look around. Half of them are scared half to death right now, it won’t do you any justice seeing them beat up on the floor. Part of you wants to be the ones to hit them though, get revenge for yourself. “I don’t know.”
“Say what? You want me to let ‘em go?”
“I don’t care…I just wanna go home…”
“How’s this,” he jostles you one more time, “I take you home and tomorrow I’ll fuck ‘em up for you.”
“Home? No, no. You can’t take me home—my dad he—he doesn’t know I’m out right now. I have to—”
“I can sneak you in. It’s no biggie, I’ve done it before.”
“Great.” He turns to face the group. “Just wait till tomorrow. Oh and you might wanna bandage that up. Gonna look fuckin’ nasty in the morning.” He gestures to the guy on the floor with a broken knee, his face burning with sheer rage, eyes narrow, and sharp. 
Rindou puts you back on the ground outside the alleyway, watching you dust yourself off. A hot flush spreads across your cheeks and you can’t bring yourself to look him in the eye. 
“Thanks, Rindou. I really appreciate it.”
“‘S no big deal.” His phone vibrates in his pocket so he goes to check it. “Ah, I gotta go. Somethin’ came up.” He folds it shut. “You okay goin’ back home alone?”
“‘Kay, stay safe.” 
“Bye…” Your words trail off when he heads the opposite direction. You watch him leave, heart twitching a little in disappointment because you wanted to know more about him. You’re unsure you’ll ever be able to see him again unless you get yourself into more trouble, but then again, he’s not Spiderman, showing up at any signs of danger. 
Today was merely a coincidence.
You wish you’d bought your phone. 
The walk home was rough. Your face and jaw aches like hell, your legs were sore from being pushed onto the ground without a care. Your heart still hasn’t slowed down, could feel it roaring in your ears with every beat. 
You managed to sneak back inside your house without getting caught. Everyone was asleep, minus the family dog, rummaging through the kitchen trash. The security were asleep on their posts, and they’d most definitely be fired if your dad caught them.
You flop back onto your bed with a long, exasperated sigh, staring up at the ceiling, reminiscing over today’s events. You search your pockets quickly, frowning when the snack bar the guy bought you wasn’t there. It probably fell on the floor. 
Well that’s a bummer. 
You find your phone deep inside your drawers, unlock it, and start researching. Crime in Roppongi has gotten so high over the last couple months, mainly due to the fact those in power are money hungry, only caring for themselves, raising the prices for everybody that can’t afford things. Your dad is a part of that group, and no wonder everybody hates his guts so much. 
Everything gets paid for you, which is why you didn’t see this as a big deal at first, thinking money was something that came easy to people. But the sheer rage on those guys’ faces made you realise some have it way harder than others, and greedy folks like your dad and his party are only out there caring for themselves.
Though it was a traumatic experience, you learnt a lot from it. 
It’s no wonder why gang activity in the area has been rising steadily. Stealing food and money to survive, dropping out of schools because they can’t afford it anymore.
You fell asleep with your phone on. Your father enters your room in the morning, a little bit confused you had some dirt on your face. He taps you awake. You stir, but don’t fully wake up yet, too tired and exhausted from yesterday's events.
“What is that…” he questions, shifting your body upright to see your face better.
The side of your face had signs of minimal bruising, obvious dirt on your face, staining your skin mud brown, your lip has a slight cut on the upper lip, and your eye was slightly bruised.
“Oh my god, what happened to you?” He’s shaking you awake by force this time, and your eyes shoot open, startled, springing up from your bed and wiping your eyes.
“What? Daddy, why’re you here?”
“ Your face .” He reaches out to cup your cheek. You blink at him, utterly confused, brain hazy and muddled from sleep. “What happened to you?”
A quick peek in the side mirror across your room reveals your damaged face. 
So last night wasn’t a dream? Maybe you should’ve figured since it was clearly obvious that in real life you did not have sex with dream Rindou. It was so amazing, despite being a virgin, the sensations were completely up to the imagination. He was touching you down there with those big hands of his, fucking you with that cock of his. 
You were in the midst of riding him before your stupid father decided to shake you awake, breaking your thoughts, bringing you back to reality. 
Wiping the crust from your eyes, you glared at your dad. “Just leave me alone. I wanna go back to sleep.”
You shove his hand off your face, mood sour, sinking back between your sheets. 
“Why is there dirt and bruises on your face? Who did this to you?”
“It was nobody! Okay? I just fell. Go. Away.”
Your dad sighs, rubbing a hand on your shoulder to attempt at soothing you. It only makes you groan, wanting to push him away further, preferably out of your room forever. 
“I know you’re lying to me, but I can tell you’re upset about something. So I’ll talk to you later.”
By the time he’s gone, you try to head back to sleep, try to force your brain to return to that delicious dream you were having, but all fails. You can’t even get back to sleep, yet alone dream that exact scenario again. 
Later that night, after you’ve fixed makeup on your bruises, you sneak out one more time, this time with a mission and a purpose. Phone and wallet in your back pocket, you came prepared. 
It seems the name Rindou holds quite a name in the town, asking the people around led you to his current location, what seemed to be a nightclub. You’ve never been inside one before, having seen them all in the movies. It was almost exactly the same, yet more overwhelming, crowds and crowds of people dressed in suits, mini dresses, long dresses, short skirts—you were most certainly underdressed, now realising that now that you left the house in a simple black tank top, paired with a matching black zip up hoodie, and a fresh, clean pair of sweatpants. 
You look like you were heading out to a sleepover, rather than a private nightclub, and you instantly regret your outfit choice. 
Rindou, on his way down the steps, spots you looking around as if searching for someone, and he can’t help but feel sorry for you. God, you’re so stupid, walking into a place you clearly don’t belong. From your outfit, down to the way you were being pushed around by everybody in the thick crowd. 
He sighs, making his way towards you, muttering excuse me’s to everybody he’s shoving past to reach you. His hand latches onto your elbow, making you yelp since your back was turned, and you turn around to punch the dude, only to soften when you see him. 
“Rindo—” He’s yanking you through the crowd before you could even finish his name, and you’re trying to push him off you, screaming at him to let him go. “Get off me!”
He’s ignoring you, dragging you out of the main room, into the hallway with all the bathrooms. “What the fuck are you doin’ here?” You open your mouth to speak when he cuts you off. “And don’t say to party, because you and I both know that’s bullshit.”
You swallow your words down, chin lowering towards your chest, avoiding eye contact. 
How on earth are you supposed to explain that you were here on behalf of a dream you had the night before and want to re-enact it in real life without coming off as desperate ?
“I—I just wanted to see what a nightclub was like…that’s it.”
“Wearing that?”
“Ok. Rude.” You spot dried blood on the side of Rindou’s face, underneath his glasses. You take a step forward, he takes one back, confused when you keep walking forward, eyes trained on his face.
“What? What are you doing?” He’s backed up against a wall when you reach out to touch his face, thumb wiping over the blood from his face. It’s stained, so you frown, digging around your pocket for some tissues “Why are you touching my face?”
“Because there’s blood on it. What happened? Did those boys from yesterday hurt you? Oh my god, I told you not to go after them! I said I would handle it and now you’re hurt because of me—”
“Relax? Jeez, this ain’t because of you, or from them. It’s somethin’ else.”
“What then?”
“Don’t worry about it.” He grabs your hands away from his face, putting them back down at your sides. “Now, are you gonna tell me why someone like you is out here at a club like this at night?”
“I—it’s embarrassing…”
“Now I gotta know. C’mon, tell me.”
You shake your head, crossing your arms over your chest, the action pressing your tits together, cleavage exposed from your shirt. Rindou’s eyes not-so-subtly drop downwards, eyeing the crevice between your breasts. You feel fuzzy when you notice it, hoping he finds you as attractive as you find him. 
“If I tell you, you can’t laugh. At all, ‘kay?”
“Sure, c’mon what is it?”
“I…want you…to have s-sex with me.” It felt like a weight has been lifted off your chest, body feeling ten times lighter once the words got out. The initial feeling of anxiety lingers at the bottom of your stomach as you wait for his response.
He says nothing, unblinking deep-set purple eyes stare at you, bewilderedly. His brain works 100mph to figure out how to respond to that. He’s had sex before, a couple one-night stands in the past with different girls, had a girlfriend for a couple months who he had regular sex with until they broke up. It’s not often he has girls asking him for sex, they normally initiate it themselves, pulling him in for a kiss, touching his shoulders, thighs, suggestively. 
To have you in front of him like this, asking for it…he’s not sure how to respond to that. “You what?”
“I want you to have sex with me. I had a, uh, dream last night about it and I couldn’t stop thinking about it so I want you to have sex with me. Only if you want to, though I would appreciate it if you said yes.” 
You wriggle your hands beneath your shirt, fiddling clumsily with your fingers, watching the bewilderment play out on his face. 
He even scratches his head, contemplating your answer. 
“I mean, sure? But—”
“Really?!” Your voice pitches higher with joy, then clears your throat to bring it back. “I mean, really?”
“Yeah I guess.” He shrugs, stuffing his hands into his pockets, heading towards the back door of the club. “You comin’?”
“Wha—what, now? You mean now?!” You jog up to him, crossing the distance quickly! He opens the door, you follow behind him mindlessly as he makes his way to his car. 
“Yeah, ain’t that…what you wanted?”
“Yeah! Sorry I was just—”
He grunts, rubbing an exhausted hand over his forehead. “Stop talkin’, c’mon already.”
You snap your lips shut, nodding silently as you enter the front seat of his car. The entire ride to his place has you shifting nervously in your seat, seat belt digging uncomfortably tight against your chest. 
The view outside is calming, the streetlights flashing against your face as you stare out the window makes you feel like you’re in a movie. 
“Alright, get your ass on the bed.” Rindou nods at his bed, beginning to shed his shirt off. You blink at the sight of his bare chest, thick black ink covering the right side of his chest. It’s distracting, but attractive, mouth salivating at the sight. When you do nothing but stand there, he cocks his eyebrow at you. “Did you hear me?”
“No—I was just…wow.” 
He looks confused for a second, following your fixated gaze towards his chest. “Oh, this?”
“Yeah…it’s—so cool.” He snorts, moving towards his bed, dragging you down with him. “Did it hurt?”
“I don’t feel pain.” He’s half paying attention to your words, tugging you onto his lap, hands eagerly untying your sweatpants strings.
“Ooh, edgy—hey! Calm down—” you yelp when he drags your hips forward fiercely, struggling to undo the knot.
“How many times did you loop this shit? What the fuck.” 
“I dunno—I just do it.”
He finally unties it, lifting your hips up to tug your pants down your legs. 
Your hands hold onto his shoulders, fingers digging tight into his skin as his hands wander your body. It managed to feel better than the dream, which was expected, his warm, moist, calloused palms gripping onto your waist.
He kicks off his pants to the floor, setting you back down flat on his lap. Something feels hard between your legs, pressing into the flesh of your bare thighs and it takes you a minute to realise what it is. 
“Is—” you gulp down your words, fighting reality. “Is it meant to be that hard?”
“My dick? Uh, yeah. What, you’ve never touched one before?”
You shake your head anxiously, stomach burning weakly, biting restlessly at your lips as his brows lift, stunned, and bowled over at the fact that he’s about to take your virginity. 
“Oh.” He looks down at your hips, white-hot fingers grazing delicately down the curve of your hips. “That’s—wow. Are you sure you wanna do this?”
In contrast to before, you nod your head quickly, and with an indescribably hunger you grab onto his hands on your hips, boldly shifting them backwards to cup your ass. 
“I want this, and I won’t regret it. Promise.”
“Even if this was the worst lay of your life?” He says it as a joke, lips curving into a playful smirk as he shamelessly gropes your behind. 
“I wouldn’t have anything to compare it to anyway.” You shift a little closer, hands creeping to hold behind his head, itching your fingers in the soft streaks of his hair.
His eloquent eyes drop down to your lips suggestively, soaking in the glossy sight of them. Your body is stiff as you stare at him, blinking rapidly at what’s to come. He doesn’t say anything, just looks back up at you, asking you with his eyes. 
Your eyes slip shut mindlessly when he leans forward. His lips are soft, just like his hair, sensually moving them against yours. He’s patient as you learn the ropes, sometimes moving your lips at the wrong time, catching them in an awkward position. He tilts his head to create a new angle, your body stiffens still when the angle makes the kiss deeper.
“Relax,” he pulls away to whisper the words along your lips, kissing down the curve of your jaw sultrily. “You’re too stiff.”
His hands slide up the slope of your back in an attempt to soothe you, hugging your body tight to his. The feeling of his hands holding you is strangely affectionate, the feeling of your heart buzzing in your chest gives you the newfound confidence to lean forward again, capturing your lips together.
It’s quicker this time, more generous and warm, lips sliding against each other, and he drinks up the sounds of your soft moans. Your hands move to grip onto the side of his face, replicating the image you had created in your dreams. 
When he pulls away, he rests his forehead against yours, looking up at you with those eyes of his that never fail to drive you crazy. 
“Take off your shirt.”
It’s getting real now, you realise. His voice is seductively low, slightly breathy and you fidget backwards, spine straightening, hands sliding under your shirt to reach behind you, unhooking your bra.
You drag it down and under, unsure of what to do with it, choosing to hand it to him. The second it's in his hand, he tosses it away in favour of lifting your shirt up and over your head.
He reaches under your shirt , both hands cup your soft tit, palming, kneading it. He uses the side of his head to nudge you back into a kiss. 
As if now muscle memory, you hold the sides of his face as he presses firm kisses against your lips, one hand pulling at your nipples, rolling, flicking his thumb against the sensitive beaked bud, other hand gripping the size of it in his big hands, occasionally squeezing at it when a soft noise escapes your lips whenever he does something with his tongue, licking into your mouth with fervour, biting at the swell of your lips. 
Your thumbs brush against his cheek bones, tilting his head to the side as you scoot yourself closer on his lap, wanting him as close to you as possible. 
“So what made you agree to this, Rindou?” you ask questionably, and he breaks the kiss to look up at you. 
“I mean, you’re hot, that’s for one.” He lifts your shirt up, but doesn’t take it off, putting his head under and starts to suck your nipple. 
You wish you could see his face, only looking at a budge moving around through your shirt. The feeling of his wet tongue gliding across your nipple is extra sensitive, and you bite at your lip to control your moans.
“S-so you find me hot?” You feel warm and fuzzy inside when he nods his head through your shirt. “W-what else?” you ask through a shuddered breath, groaning, eyes slipping shut as your head lifts to the ceiling when his teeth tug at your nipple. 
“I dunno,” he grasps both breasts in his hands, squeezing them together, groaning at the sight. “You ask a lotta questions, though.”
“What’re you apologisin’ for? It’s cool.” His tongue kitten licks at your nipple a couple times, and you shudder when he sucks it back into his mouth. 
“I’m not sure….I always just apologise, I guess.”
He hums in acknowledgement—you think— raising your arms as he’s shrugging your shirt off your body, throwing it across the room. He picks you up from his lap, laying you flat against his bed, propping up his pillows as you snuggle into it.
“It’s comfy,” you say with an awkward smile, unsure what to say now. 
Are you supposed to kiss him again? Didn’t you do enough kissing already? Or was it too little? Do you hop right into the sex? Maybe you should’ve watched some porn before this, gotten a little comfy with the setting before jumping straight into losing your virginity. 
He laughs as if he could read your racing thoughts, and you look up at him through beaded eyes, but in reality, he’s laughing at your awkward smile. It’s cute, clumsy, and innocent. 
“You’re so cute,” he says, leaning forward, propping his arms beside your head, taking in the sight of your face, blinking up at him daringly, lips pursed and parted.
He bends down to kiss you slowly, shifting to fit himself back between your spread legs as they lock around his waist, keeping him in place. 
Before you could fully melt into the kiss, he’s pulling back, bracing himself on his knees before your legs, big palms spreading them out further. 
You feel exposed, hands covering your face, wincing when he rubs the palm of his hand up and down your clothed pussy, fingers grazing your clit delicately through the fabric of your panties. 
“Oh—oh wait, that feels good—” 
You’re bucking your hips up into the feeling, trying to feel it again. His finger brushes it again, and your lips fall open in a soft moan. “Oh my god, wait—”
“I’ve barely even touched you yet,” he chuckles, amused, and you swear you feel your thighs tense up when he drops down to the bed, face inches away from your pussy. 
His hands grip onto your thighs as he stalks forward, tongue darting out to lick a long strip from the top of your pussy to the bottom, and up and down, up, down again and again through the fabric of your now soaked panties. 
Shaky hands wind themselves in his hair, holding the strands in a makeshift ponytail as your back bows off the bed with each lick, every nimble stroke of his tongue.
“Can you—uh, wait—” You sit up on your elbows, looking down at him between your legs. “Can you remove the panties? Please?”
“Yeah, hold-on.” He peels your soaked panties away, bound by your slick, and his saliva, that he eagerly laps up, eyes closed, groaning between your legs at the taste of you. 
You can’t bear to watch him eat you out, closing your eyes, head hitting the pillows as your hands reach for his hair again. He’s mumbling something under his breath, burying his face deeper between your legs.
He doesn’t let you catch a breath, tongue scribbling ruthless patterns against your drenched folds that have you squealing, tugging at his hair desperately.
Rindou normally doesn’t do oral, rather have someone else go down on him, but just the thought of making you suck his dick makes him feel bad. There’s a hidden array of feelings concealed by his lust for you that makes him want to just pleasure you tonight, hence why he’s leaving his own comfort zone to make you feel good.
He can’t seem to get enough, unsure if it’s meant to feel this good for him despite not being the one being touched.Maybe it’s the way you pull at his hair whenever he sucks with a certain amount of pressure on your clit. His fingers dig more profoundly into your thighs as his tongue flicks and sucks along your clit, up and down, repeating that same motion over and over and over, drinking up your slick in a way that drives you crazy, tugging almost painfully at his hair that it's pleasurable.
Your hips start jolting away from him, trying to run from the feeling of his tongue spreading your puffy lips, tearing you apart piece by piece, lick by lick, stroke by stroke. It’s too much. Too much for you to handle in one sitting, muscles tightening as it chases your climax, goosebumps rising to the surface of your sweaty skin.
“Rindou—ah! F-fuck! I’m—” Your bite your lip so hard it aches, adding to the throbbing pleasure as you cum, hips jerking against his face to spread your juices along his chin as he groans at the feeling, strong hands holding you in place as his tongue continues slurping at your pussy.
You forcefully try to rip him off you, body unable to take the pleasure, your mind hazy, like you’re floating in another dimension. It feels like you aren’t in control anymore, unable to moan loudly as you squirt on his face, whimpering as your shaky legs begin to slow down. 
Rindou pulls away, bottom half of his face now soaked as he lifts himself up from the bed, wiping at it with his forearm. When you open your eyes, the corner of your mouth turns downwards when you see the sight of his bedsheets, soaked in your mess. 
You don’t mean to feel embarrassed, after all, he was the one that drove you to that point, but your shoulders hunch together and you pout regardless. “I’m sorry—”
“Sorry for what? That was so hot.”
He nods his head, gently pushing you back down to the bed. 
“Yeah, it was,” he breathes as shuffles forward, spreading your legs more to get another good view of your pussy. “You look so good—” he dubiously strokes his finger against your slit, dipping it inside, loving the way your back arches upwards. Your reactions are so cute. “—so wet, you’re so hot, fuck—”
“Rindou—” You’ve never been filled, never had anything up there before, so the feeling was new territory, and uncomfortable but as he picks up the speed, your cunt drips more, soaking his long finger, giving it the momentum it needs to continue fucking in and out, in and out. 
“How’s that feel?” He presses a finger upwards, brushing your g-spot, and it’s like something inside you switched, a sudden heat prickling inside you has your body jolting forwards with a loud moan that has him biting his lips, pinpointing that spot with his finger effortlessly.
Your body can’t handle another orgasm, and at this rate you’ll be cumming in no time. Your body tries to pull away from him, thigh muscles contracting, toes curling, as his finger fucks you deeper.
His eyes are focused on your body; the pain-laced pleasurable look on your face is his motivation to keep going, slipping in a second finger to watch you go crazy, moans rising in volume, hips jerking from his touch.
“You close?” He asks despite knowing the answer, wetting his lips as he’s watching you attentively, revelling in the way your walls clamp around the girth of both fingers, sucking him in each time he dares to pull out.
“I—I think, yeah—ah—” Your moans sound gargled at this point with how hard your shoving your head into the pillow to silence them. 
To hear how noisy you’re being is embarrassing; sinking into the pillow is half to conceal your blaring screams, half to sink into the softness in shame. Despite the burning heat in your face, the unwavering, direct gaze on Rindou’s face as his thumb rubs speedy circles on your clit is enough to push you over the edge, tip you towards your climax for a second time, body convulsing and twitching as a second round of fluids leave your body.
It’s less than last time, having squirted it all out before like a leakage, but it’s powerful enough for your eyes to roll, lips parting in another silent scream as your legs try to desperately push him away.
His fingers still inside you as his eyes survey the damage done to your body and his sheets. 
It’s equally messy on both ends, your chest inflating and deflating with every heavy pant, the area on your thighs closest to your pussy now soaked with a mixture of his saliva and your slick. His sheets are ruffled, practically pulled away from their neat placing, wet patches splattered the clean shirts dirty. 
When you finally catch your breath, you can’t even find your voice, scared to talk incase of another voice crack, so you stay silent, brows furrowing at the dull ache in your thighs that grow progressively hotter when you try to sit up.
“You good?” 
You peek an eye open to stare at Rindou. From his POV, you’re unsure what you might look like: drained, bushed, spent…the list goes on, you think. “I’m fine.”
Your legs are limp, like the small energy you had left in them fizzed away after your second orgasm. It’s not until you hear him unbuckling your pants, you remember you’re not done yet.
 There’s still one more little thing left…oh—oh, it’s not little at all. 
You’re speechless when he pulls his cock out from his briefs, shrugging them down his legs, onto the floor. He holds it like it’s nothing, like your mind isn’t shaken up, like you’re not goggle-eyed. 
Your blinking dumbly, half scared, half still processing stuff out when his hand wraps around the base of it, slowly stroking himself up and down, twisting his wrist when he reaches the tip. 
He’s telling you something, but you can’t hear him, not with the way blood is racing towards your ears, blurring out the sound of anything and everything. 
“Hey,” he jostles your leg to catch your attention, and it’s like your ears pop, free of static. “I asked you to reach in the dresser. Pass me a condom.”
“Oh—oh, yeah okay.” You gulp down your anxieties, reaching over to his dresser. 
You grab a condom packet and toss it to him. He catches it effortlessly, putting the edge of it into his mouth, holding it with his teeth as he spreads your legs for the third time today, fitting himself between them. 
It’s hard fighting the urge not to fidget beneath him, tell him you’re not ready and storm out the house, limp over back to your house with your half working legs. But you’re not a bitch—you say weakly in your mind, completely lacking the confidence to say that aloud. 
He rips the condom packet open, and for a second you’re puzzled with how that tiny thing could possibly fit around the length of his cock. It’s long, but not huge, not thick either, on the thinner side with a slight curve to it. That curve is already making your insides scream, wondering if you’ll be able to feel that inside you.
Is that a good or bad thing? To feel it in you? Will it add to the pleasure, or just make you bleed?
Your questions go unanswered as you watch with pure focus as he rolls it down his cock, like a veil, and it fits perfectly.
“Alright, I’ma push in now,” he says, leaning forward,  strong arms braced at your sides. “If it hurts, squeeze me, ‘kay?” 
You nod dumbly, blinking up at him as he rolls his hips against yours, the tip of his cock running over your weeping hole, all wet and ready for him to slip inside. 
You can feel your walls stretch open when he shifts forward, engulfing the tip inside your pussy inch by inch. 
“Oh—” you choke out, not liking the way the stretch feels.This is far worse than the feeling of his fingers, his tip being three times the size of that. 
It feels like forever with the pace he’s going at, ever so slowly pushing himself inside. When he’s around halfway, that’s when the stretch turns into a burn, a heavy, unsettling prickling sensation around your abdomen that has your nerves igniting in a state of panic.
Your fingers fly to his shoulders, digging them almost painfully into his muscles, letting out a shattered breath when Rindou keeps pushing. 
“I know, I know—it’ll feel good in a bit,” his lips brush against your temple soothingly, giving your forehead a gentle kiss, fighting the urge to groan at the pain stinging in his shoulders. 
When his hips are close to yours, the final inch of his cock left to be pushed inside, your hands fly around his neck, almost cutting off his blood circulation with how hard you’re holding him. 
You both let out a satisfied sigh when his hips are pressed flush against yours, his sigh mainly due to pleasure, the heat of your warm cunt is enough to make him spiral; your sigh mainly due to thanking the heavens you didn’t get ripped in two pieces. There’s an agonising ache gnawing in your legs the longer his cock stays nestled inside your pussy. 
With what limited space he has, he pulls out slowly, till the tip is left, and you feel so empty for a short moment, before he’s slowly pushing back in, getting your body used to the ministrations. 
He repeats this over , and over, until your hold on his shoulders loosen, until your moans are reduced to whimpers, then he picks up the pace just a little, slamming back inside you enough to hit deeper and your back arches off the bed. Your hands get stripped away from his shoulders, bunched up at the wrists, and pinned above your head as he fucks into you raggedly, rolling his hips in a way that hits deeper than your g-spot. 
“Rind—Rindou—I wanna t-touch you—stop—” you beg breathlessly, wriggling your wrists from underneath his grasp. “Please.”
The attempt is useless, his grip as strong as his brutal thrusts. You’re sure your body won’t recover after today, you’ll be bedridden for days, weeks even. 
He shuts you up with a long kiss, your sweaty chest pressed flush against his own. 
He holds your chin up with his spare hand, tongue flicking into your open mouth, tangling with yours. Your hands curl in on themselves, desperately trying to touch any part of him, hold his hand before he pulls away, breathing heavily as his spare hand moves between your legs, spreading you out further, pushing himself deeper. The new angle is relentless, finally feeling the curve of his dick hit your g-spot repeatedly. You see stars behind closed eyes, fingers scratching desperately at his wrists to let you go. 
His hips begin to stutter, his pace falling off when your walls spasm and contract around his cock. The condom does nothing to stop the tight squeeze of your pussy holding him in place.
He groans by your ear, the audible and deep noise sets your nerves ablaze, unintentionally clenching around him, ripping another groan from his lips.
Letting go of your hands, he sits up on his knees, both hands gripping the fat of your thighs unceremoniously, digging his nails into the flesh. The pain added to the pleasure going on between your legs, body happily welcoming the sting of his nails. 
“H-holy shit—” he grits out, eyes trained on the sight of his cock pushing in and out of your overstimulated pussy. 
“W—what?”  You dare to lift yourself onto your shaky elbows, barely able to keep yourself upright. 
There’s a ring of white cum being shoved into your pussy, and back out again with each thrust, covering the see-through condom cloudy. 
“What i—is—ah—that? Is that bad?” 
It looks bad…is that supposed to happen? Why is it that texture? Did you get an infection? All these thoughts race through your mind at rapid speed. 
“No, it’s not bad. It jus—just means you—fuck—” He can barely get a sentence out, not with the way your pussy spasms around his cock, the way your pussy squelches audibly each time his hungry cock ruts into you. “T-touch your tits, make yourself feel good.”
“Okay.” You reach down, grasping your tits in both hands, squeezing them the way he did before. It doesn’t feel good, you think, unsure if you’re doing it right.
“Your nipples,” he laughs at your confused face, “touch ‘em.”
Your fingers play with your nipples, rolling them between your fingers as his hands slide upwards to your hips. You yelp when he lifts your lower body up from the bed, angling your body in a  way that makes his cock hit your spot easier. The sensation from your nipples, paired with the shockwaves of his hips slapping against your ass, blur your vision completely, hitting your peak. Your gut tightens, body dissolving into a feverish pleasure, nipples tender with each rapid flick of your fingers. You think you black out, moaning in a silent scream as you come undone on his cock, crying out his name when his hips stutter, gritting out fuck as a warning he’s about to cum. 
You feel empty when he pulls out quickly, tugging the condom off and jerks himself off, shuffling up the bed to kneel beside your body, tugging his cock till cum splatters on your bare chest. It feels warm on your skin, your hands quickly reaching out to scoop it up on your fingers, experimentally tasting it. 
It tastes salty, earthy, on your tongue, and he watches as you scoop it up a second time, sucking it from your fingertips.
“Fuck, stop doin’ that, drivin’ me crazy.” He shudders, cock twitching when you look up at him, smirking deviously as you lick up another scoop, making a show of your tongue wrapping around your fingertips.
He’s reaching over into his dresser, grabbing some wipes to help you clean up.
“It didn’t taste like how I expected it to,” you say, laying flat on your back as he drags the cold wipes along your chest. 
“That a good or bad thing?”
You shrug, eyes following him as he lays down next to you. “Can I be honest with you?”
“I don’t think I can walk right now.” You curl up next to his body, seeking his warmth as he grabs the covers, pulling them over your body. “Don’t laugh at me!”
“‘M not laughin’,” he lies straight through his teeth, a throaty silly chuckle leaving his lips as you dig your fingers in his chest, trying to push him away, fake pouting as a light laugh pours from your throat as-well.
“You literally are! Stop—” He catches your hand when you try to swat at him, placing it back down by your side. 
“Thanks for the ego-boost,” he smirks down at you, wiping the sweat from your forehead away. 
You shift closer, hand brushing his hair away from his face, gently taking his glasses off, tucking them neatly on the side. You sit up on your elbow, bending down to kiss him. His heart rate skips a beat when your lips, soft, warm, brush his own. His hands slide down to your hips, holding you in place when your tongue traces the edge of his own. You moan when he sucks the length of your tongue sensually, soft whimpers leaving your lips when he sits up, switching the position, laying you flat on the bed as he fits himself between your legs. Your hands skim across his hair, digging them into his scalp as he bites at your lip, swirling your tongue around his. 
It’s quite possibly the most intimate kiss he’s ever had, drinking up every inch of you, rolling his hips against yours when your legs wrap around his waist. 
He knows he needs to stop—you know you need to stop too, but the way your heart flutters when he groans into your mouth has you kissing him harder, grabbing his hand to squeeze at your breasts. 
You pull away first, wiping the saliva from your mouth. “I—I think I should go home now.”
“Can you walk home?” He asks genuinely, but there’s a hint of a playful smirk on his face that has you punching his chest softly. “Stay the night, I’ll walk you home in the morning.”
“But my dad—”
“Who cares? What’s he gonna do?” He dips his head down to your neck, and you pull him closer as he sucks bruises onto your skin.
“He’s strict and protective. He’ll notice I’m gone—”
“He’ll notice you can’t walk straight either. There’s no difference.” When you still look unconvinced, he pleads, hand sliding down to cup your ass, relishing in the way you gasp out. “C’mon, stay please?”
You bite your lip as you think. He has a point; your legs are so sore right now you doubt you could even stand on two feet to head to the door, yet walk through your house without your dad noticing something is up. He’s already suspicious about the bruises on your face that you still need to think of a better explanation for, this will just make him confirm whatever suspicions he’s thought of.
“Ok. I’ll stay.”
Time passes quickly, steady. Months of you sneaking out successfully to meet Rindou at his house, months of you losing yourself in his sheets, tugging his hair as he spreads you open with his fingers, eating you out till your legs shake and cum on his face each time, kissing you like he loves you, riding him like a woman starved, sucking the salty thick cum from his cock, smiling deviously up at him as you swallow it.
Months and months of you learning everything about Rindōu, meeting his family, his friends, creating some sort of social life for yourself. 
“So when can I meet your dad?” Rindou asks, catching the ball he’s been throwing repeatedly at the ceiling. 
“Never. He’d hate your guts, Rin.”
“So? The feelings are mutual, then.” 
You look at him, unimpressed, rolling on the flat of your stomach on his bed. “I’m serious. He’s gonna be weird about it, hate on you, your background, your family, your tattoos—” 
“Oi,” he nudges you gently with his feet. “What’s wrong with my tattoos?”
“Nothing!” You sit up, crawling towards him on the bed, lifting the hem of his shirt up, revealing the slightest glimpse of the thick black ink you love so much. “Love it so much, Rin.” 
“Yeah?” His lips twitch up to a grin, resting a hand behind his head, “show me.”
You peek at him through your lashes, fluttering them chastely, grinning cunningly, leaning down to kiss down his chest. 
His muscles contract and flex with each light kiss, rucking his shirt upwards as you make your way further up his chest.
You kiss up to his lips, shuffling yourself on his lap, sucking sweetly along the swell of his lips. 
You pull away with a sigh, sitting back on your knees. 
“But on a real note—” you cover his mouth with your palm when he tries to kiss you back, ignoring his ticked-off brow. “—you cannot meet him. At least not yet.”
He says something muffled beneath your hand. You remove it, and he repeats himself. “You’re scared I’ll say somethin’ outta pocket, ain’t you?” 
He grins at your eye-roll, wiping some hair from your face as he takes a moment to admire you. You barely notice the love-struck look on his face, too busy ranting about how your dad absolutely cannot find out about your secret relationship.
“I know you’ll say something out of pocket, Rindou. But it’s too early now…and he’ll probably ground me for life for sneaking out all the time to see you and I can’t risk not seeing you anymore. It’s not worth it,” you take his hand, squeeze it gently, reassuringly. “You understand that, right?”
He cradles your body in his lap, like you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him. In truth, you are, he’s never been happier since he’s met you. His brother noticed, his mother noticed, his friends noticed. Even he finds himself thinking about you more than he should; you creep into his dreams at night with that voice of yours, whispering sweet nothings into his ear, creeping your way into his head whenever he zones out.
“Yeah—yeah, I get it.” He pulls you in for a tight, warm hug, nestling your head in the crook of his neck. “I’ll wait however long you need me to.”
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book-place · 8 months
Warnings: maze runner series spoilers, mentions of death, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Thomas x daughter reader
Request: Hi if requests are open I would like to request something for Maze Runner?? Can you please write a Thomas x daughter using the dialogue prompts 18, 20, 28 please? Ps I loved your Matt Murdock story!!!Thank you and 100% your choice
Request by: Anon
*not my gif*
Summary: Life might not have been necessarily kind to you or your father, but he would be there for you. Always.
A/N: This isn’t that good, but it’s also the first piece of writing I’ve posted in months so pls give me a break 😭- also I didn’t do one of the prompts bc it didn’t fit in, sorry!!
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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It had been six years.
Six years since the Gladers had made it out of that godforsaken maze. Six years since WCKED was taken down. Six years since they had found the safe haven.
Six years since Tereasa died. Leaving Thomas alone to raise you, their infant daughter.
Those six years, while nothing but a blessing- a gift of being out of that maze, being free of WCKED- have been years full of hardship.
Not all of it was hardship though, of course, Thomas loved you more than anything in the world. You were a miracle in his eyes.
But after having you, he thought that it would be him and Teresa raising you- together.
Sure, he had all of his friends- his family- to help him. They had done more for him- for you- then they would ever know, but it wasn’t the same.
You never had a mother, and you never knew the difference between having one or not.
There were other children that were about your age on the island, ones from families that had been taken in by Thomas and his friends and offered sanctuary.
So when you all weren’t in the school that was set up, you were all playing off together somewhere.
To Thomas’s knowledge, that’s where you were right now.
“Where’s the little pipsqueak?” A voice sounded from behind the man.
Thomas turned, finding Minho leaning against a wall behind him with his arms crossed lazily over his chest.
The man smiled lightly, leaning back on a desk behind him, “With the other kids, where else?”
Minho's eyebrows furrowed slightly, “The other kids? She’s not with them.”
Despite not having any idea what his friend was talking about, Thomas still felt his heart stutter and pause for a beat.
“What do you mean?” He asked lowly.
It had been six years without any problems that were anything like what they had experienced in the past, but that didn’t mean that Thomas ever forgot what it felt like, ever let go of the past.
Even though he might not look it, there was a part of him that was always on alert. Always tense. Waiting for something to happen.
Minho's face grew more concerned, “All the kids were playing at the bay, n/n wasn't with them. I came over because I wanted to see if she wanted to come help me make dessert with Frypan.”
The room was spinning. The lights were too bright. The air was too suffocating-
Thomas felt for a moment as though he couldn’t breathe.
In reality, it might not have been a big deal, you could’ve just wandered off to talk to Brenda or Gally, but your felt as though he was going into full on panic mode.
Too much had happened in his life, too much had been taken from him, too much had gone wrong.
You couldn’t be next. You couldn’t.
You were the only thing that kept him going after your mother died.
Immediately, Thomas pulled himself back together, and left the room, Minho following closely behind him.
The men fell into step side by side as their heads whipped around, eyes searching for any sign of you as they trekked through the built town of the safe haven.
Frypan emerged from his home, frowning slightly as he looked at the pair and raised his hand to shield his eyes from the sun, “What’s going on?” He called out.
“We don’t know where Y/n is.” Minho answered, Thomas too focused on looking to do so himself.
That was all it took for Fry to fall into step beside them too.
That’s how it went, house after house, until all of the surviving Gladers- plus Jorge and Brenda- were looking all over for you.
You were nowhere to be seen.
The sound of laughter made the groups ears all perk up as they turned to see the kids that had been down by the water running up, shoving each other slightly.
“Kids, have you seen Y/n?” Minho immediately asked.
Quickly, all of the children glanced at each other before shaking their heads back and forth so fast that it looked as though they were going to get whiplash.
The man’s eyes narrowed suspiciously at them, but before he could open his mouth to question them further, they rushed past him and to their respective houses.
The group of adults blinked at their retreating backs.
Thomas felt his heart tighten even more in his chest.
“She’s in the woods.” A small voice spoke up.
They all whipped back around to see one little girl still standing there, kicking her toe sheepishly at the ground.
That was all it took for Thomas to turn on his heel and barrel towards the cluster of trees just on the outskirts of all of the buildings.
His heart was hammering so loudly in his chest that he was sure the others, running a few feet behind him, could hear it loud and clear.
He ran and ran, dodging trees and narrowly missing bushes until a sound other than slamming footsteps reached his ears. It was so faint that he barely even heard it.
Thomas pulled himself to a stop, peering around the tree in front of him, only to see you, with your legs pulled up to your chest and your back against a large rock, crying into your arms.
He heard the others come to a stop behind him, “Thanks, guys, I got it from here.” He whispered, not tearing his eyes away from you.
They were clearly just relieved that you were there, because they nodded and went back the way they came without a word.
“N/n?” Thomas’s voice was soft as he carefully approached, “Are you alright, sweetheart?”
Your head snapped up at the sound of your fathers voice and he felt as though his heart shattered into a thousand small pieces.
Not only was your hair tousled every which way, but your eyes were red and puffy and your cheeks were tear stained.
Quickly, you tried to wipe them away, but Thomas sank into a crouch in front of you and gently grabbed your hands, pulling them away from your face, “What’s wrong?” He asked gently, eyes scanning your face.
Your bottom lip wobbled despite your clear efforts to make it seem as though you were okay, a stubborn trait you no doubt got from him.
Gently, he moved a fallen strand of hair behind your ear.
That was all it took for you to start sobbing once more.
“The- the other kids-“ You stuttered out, hiccuping slightly, “They were being really- really mean. They said it was weird that I don’t have a mom- and- and that makes me a freak.”
The sadness in Thomas’s heart was quickly met with a sea of fiery rage.
“They said that to you?” It took every fiber of the man’s being to keep himself from clenching his fists and setting his jaw.
He knew from experience that if you were upset and he got angry- even if it wasn’t directed at you- it would just make things worse.
So instead of scooping you up and angrily marching to find those other kids and their parents, he sighed gently, “Honey, can I hug you?”
He also knew that it was better to ask, just in case you reacted negatively.
In response, you fell into his open arms and sobbed into his shirt.
“Shh,” He shushed you, combing his fingers through your hair, “Hey, don’t cry on me. They don’t deserve your tears.”
It took a while until you finally calmed down, reduced to hiccups and sniffles.
And Thomas held you until you did, rocking you gently as he comforted you to the best of his ability.
“Honey, listen to me.” He pulled back slightly so he could look you in the eyes, “You are not a freak. You are the kindest, sweetest, most funny girl I know. And if your mother was here, she would think so too.”
Your eyes lit up as you stared up at your father, “Really? You think so?”
He leaned forward and placed a kiss on your forehead, “I know so.” He promised, “Now, come on.” He lifted you so you were propped up against his hip, “I think Uncle Minho would like to bake with you and Fry while I go talk to those kids and their parents.”
Bloody Shanks 🧪- @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @etanordoesbullsh1t @wolfmoonmusic
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Hey!! I don’t know if you do requests but I have been exploring your page and figured I might as well ask :)- SO if you’re open to it, I would love to see a Dick Grayson x Reader where they’re friends at first (lots of tension) and she knows he’s nightwing but doesn’t get involved bc she’s a civilian and he wants her to keep a safe distance from it, BUT one day they’re hanging out together and a villain shoots her with some sort of blaster and the effects mess with her and end up giving her some type of meta human ability (your choice!) she ends up freaking out and he helps her gather her composure and comforts her with a lil angsty fic where he’s rlly worried but then she ends up being okay- IF YOU DONT DO REQUESTS DONT FEEL PRESSURED TO DO THIS ‼️ thank you so much for your time babe :)
i feel like this one was definitely a little hard to get a good ball rolling, but I finally got there. i actually physically wrote bits of this at work cause of how bored I was and how slow it was. i hope this is to your liking! barely proofread so forgive possible bad grammar and stuff
pairing: dick grayson x fem!reader (use of y/n) wc: 1.8K
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for once it seemed to be a pleasant day in gotham. early spring with flowers blooming brightly and trees growing to share their shade with commuters. the sky was like a shimmering ocean with how blue and cloudless it was; it seemed like everyone was outside if they didn’t have an obligation somewhere.
you and dick were two people taking advantage of the once-in-a-blue-moon seasonal weather. dick was growing his hair out while he was away at college so when the sweet-scented breeze swept by it toyed with his jet-black strands, some sticking in the air and others poking his eyes. he was wearing a long sleeve white cotton shirt, his sleeves pushed to his elbows with two top buttons left open to show more of his collarbones off. his long legs and thick thighs were covered in a light blue pair of levi’s 501s and damn did they do him excellent justice, your eyes couldn’t help but glance over every chance you could for just a peek.
“sweetheart!” was called which was followed by a light shove to your left shoulder. you blinked a few times and quickly shook your head then turned to see dick staring at you with a smirk on his pink lips. “you okay?”
a slow blink, “yeah.” you coughed then looked forward, “yeah. all good, just…zoned out.” trying to play it off.
“oh, so my talk about the latest night activities is boring to you?” a playful hurt tone as dick set his open palm on his chest. he added a pout for more dramatics.
now you rolled your eyes and shoved his right shoulder which didn’t do anything to his tall and muscular figure, he just chuckled at your attempt. 
“no. talks of your night activities are interesting. i just got concerned after a while. still makes me nervous, hearing you talk about riddler or penguin or even joker like it’s something normal.” your eyes held a softness as they locked with dick’s. his baby blues melting at your words.
he looked forward then licked his lips before saying, “well it is my normal. i’ve been dealing with some of these people since i was thirteen. kinda got used to them and their gimmicks.” shrugging his words off.
the both of you went quiet. the background noise of children giggling and screaming from joy in the park, dogs barking and rushing about to chase thrown sticks. parents with strollers chatting beside each other getting in some steps, and a few older men sitting at a stone chess table and playing their game in their comfortable silence.
shyly you glanced down to see your hands swinging beside each other. you bit into your bottom lip and swooped in, sandwiching your hands together before looking straight down your path. dick didn’t say anything, you only felt the way his hand squeezed yours and the goosebump-inducing way his eyes were watching you.
“why don’t you restart your account? i’ll listen this time.” taking a glance at the handsome boy before forcing your eyes away.
he hummed but didn’t say anything right away. you didn’t bother forcing him to retell the story, rather enjoying the blissful bubble that formed around the two of you. but after a few minutes rolled past, dick slowly started to dive into retelling his encounter with riddler when he was patrolling with bruce. his unoccupied hand moving about in the air, not able to keep any part of his body still. you watched his face with intense focus, pupils following the movement of his jaw and the way his lips formed his words.
just staring at him made your heart thump thump thump faster.
“and so i threw one of my sticks and caused the machine to blow up.” that was all you were able to catch before screaming erupted causing chaos. people were running any way they could, some tripping and falling as the ground shook.
your knees buckled from the unexpected quake, but dick wrapped his arms tight around your middle and held you flush to his chest. you could practically feel his heart beating against your back and on his pulse point where your fingers circled his wrist. 
green smoke starts to flood the slowly deserted park. large monstrous roots break apart concrete and patches of grass, and sharp thorns barely miss bystanders. “ivy.” dick’s voice dropped an octave, his hold on your tightening even further you thought he was gonna break a rib.
“dick, what’s-” “we need to leave. now!” dick pushed the both of you forward, his more giant hand crushing yours as you pushed your shorter legs to run faster.
just as you rounded a bend, one of the thick roots tangled itself tight around your ankle, causing you to trip and sprain your wrist. a strained cry for dick as the plant tugged you along the ground, spiked thorns digging harshly into your skin. Then suddenly you came to a stop and there was a loud snapping sound behind you. when glancing over your shoulder the root was broken in two, dick removed the piece stuck to your bleeding skin. you couldn’t help the pathetic whimpers or the tears staining your cheeks.
“it’s okay. it’s okay, sweetheart. i got you, you're safe with me.” dick was comforting you as he shuffled your body around so he could hold you in a fireman's hold. your arms started to feel like dead weight as you worked to fling them over dick’s shoulders to keep yourself close to his heart.
“dick… i don’t- i don’t feel…” and everything went black behind your eyes and static rang in your ears.
there was a tingle in your body, zipping up and down, head to toe hitting every nerve ending. muscles felt coiled tight, and sore like you did too many workout sessions at once. a groan deep in your throat as you tried moving your arms, pushing yourself upward.
“woah, woah strong girl. stay down.” firm hands held your upper arms to lay you gently when you moved your hands away.
squeezing your eyes tight before trying to peel them apart, feeling eye boogers crusting the edges near your lashes. your throat felt like sandpaper as you tried asking, “what- what hap-“ “wait, wait. drink some water.”
dick’s voice was low and gentle. a hand warm and firm holding the back of your neck as your lips fumbled for the plastic straw so you could sip down ice cold water to soothe the ache in your throat. a relieved sigh just as you opened your eyes completely.
dick was leaning over you, overhead lighting casting him in a halo glow. his growing black hair falling forward, his stunning blue eyes moving quickly and you noticed his dark circles looked deeper. his plush chapped lips turned to a saddened smile with the corners turned up.
“there she is. there’s my girl.” it was almost a purr and a delighted sigh escaped from you as you let your body relax.
your heart monitor started to beat quicker and you felt warm knowing it was due to dick and his words, but he looked panicked and then called for bruce.
“dick, it’s nothing serious.” not understanding why he was stressing when he’d usually just tease you. reaching with your right hand to touch him, you stopped short when you saw the skin of your hand was… green.
looking at your other hand and it was also green. you pushed the white sleeves up your arms and more green just followed. now you had a reason for your heart to beat faster, you were panicking, not understanding what happened to you.
“y/n, i need you to slow your heart rate. your body will react differently with this chemical in your blood.” bruce’s deep commanding voice went in one ear out the other. you tried taking slower breaths, curling your fingers into your palms to ground yourself. none of it was working.
“dick, what’s happening? what happened after the park?” voice getting wobbly and thick with emotion.
he licked his lips and reached towards you before pulling back, it hurt you to see that. “you- you passed out in the park and so i brought you back to the manor. and alfred was taking care of you until your skin started to stain into his green shade. so we took some blood samples and brought you down here for safety, turns out…”
he trailed off as he licked his lips again. “what, dick? what’s infected me?” trying to sound firm but it cracked on the word infected. scared this might be permanent.
dick sighed, “we’re still not one hundred percent sure. but can confirm that it’s from poison ivy, which explains the green complexion. which- which doesn’t change your beauty, glowing even more.” he rambled as you got quiet.
without realizing it, you slowed your heart rate back to normal. bruce and dick seemed more calm and dick walked closer to rest his hand over yours.
“i don’t want to be stuck like this.” shiny teardrops fell from your eyes and down your cheeks. you didn’t want to be different, chemically altered. you liked who you were, completely fine in your mundane life.
dick moved his palms to cradle your plush cheeks, his thumb or knuckle working to swipe away your distress and fear. “it’s okay. we’re- bruce is working on an antidote. should take a week, tops.”
“a week!” almost yelling at this information. “i- i can’t be out of work for a week. my boss will kill me.” groaning to yourself.
“hey,” dick whispered the word and tilted your head to make eye contact with him. “it’s okay. already told your boss a version of medical retellings. and bruce already put more than a month's worth of pay into your checking account.”
“i- i can’t accept that. that’s too generous of him.” overwhelmed by the care and looking after. not used to all this. dick thumbed at your cheek, “we just need you to stay here and get better. i’ll be by your side the whole time.”
you sank your teeth into your bottom lip, “you will? don’t you have things to do? i- i don’t want to be a burden.”
“no, no.” he leaned forward to plant a kiss on your forehead, “you're not a burden in any way. i’m happy to spend any amount of time with you. you're my favorite person in this whole world.”
you felt warm and bet he could feel the heat growing on your face, “really? what about wally?” trying to play off how strong his words affect you.
his smile was easy, lovely. his eyes are warm and homely. his touch gentle and grounding. “wally already knows you’re my favorite person. he’s accepted that he’s second.” and he leaned forward again to plant a longer, lingering kiss on your forehead. eyes closing as you hold onto his wrist.
“it’ll be okay.” words kissed into your skin.
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Aita for secretly following my then best friend home?
(tw alcohol abuse, probably suicidal tendencies)
I know this sounds really awful right away but bear with me. Also this is probably going to get long, sorry in advance
tl;dr I followed a guy i was friends with and had a crush on home after an argument, even after he asked me not to come to his house, bc i was worried he might hurt himself.
Last summer I (20f) moved to the US for college. I didn’t know anyone outside of college and overall I was mostly on my own which was getting a bit lonely tbh. So I was very glad when I met this guy (21m) at a party of one of my acquaintances. We got along right away and he ended up giving me his number. After that we continued talking regularly and also meeting up every now and then and overall it was a lot of fun.
At some point I started developing feelings for him but prepared myself to just wait it out and not tell him bc I knew that he liked having a very active sex life and felt like he probably wouldn’t be interested in something serious at that time.
After a few months however, he began to behave in some ways that made me pretty worried honestly. I had known that he liked to go out and party but I hadn’t known to what extent. Apparently he would get totally blackout drunk at least once a week, sometimes more than that and then he would text me or call me in the middle of the night but often I genuinely couldn’t understand what he was saying. Sometimes he would just call me like that at any time of day, crying, saying that I was his only real friend, the only person he felt safe talking to and so on. On the one hand I knew that that wasn’t healthy behaviour at all but on the other hand my crush on him kept getting worse bc who doesn’t like to feel needed.
On other occasions, he would just randomly do reckless and stupid things like one time we went to a museum and he started arguing with the guard over not being able to take any pictures and we almost got kicked out. Afterwards he laughed it off but honestly it made me feel pretty uneasy. (I didn’t tell any of my other friends about that btw, they only knew that I was seeing this guy but wasn’t dating him.)
He has told me some things about his childhood which I don’t want to share here bc he did tell me that confidentially and although this is anonymous I still don’t feel comfortable telling random people on tumblr about it. But it is severe enough for me to believe that his upbringing and the things he lived through definitely contributed to the issues that he has now. I can say that he didn’t have a great time at home bc he is bi and while homosexuality isn’t illegal in his country, it isn’t really accepted either. Also it’s generally expected that children, especially boys, dedicate their entire life to having a successful and lucrative career and then start a family and he wasn’t really in the right place to do either of that (and he didn’t want to).
He also has been facing a lot of problems and racism here bc he is a poc immigrant from a country that isn’t in good standing with the US. So while I don’t pretend I know what he’s feeling, I imagine that all of these things would affect him quite a lot.
Now I actually get to the incident that is the reason for me to send this (it rly did get long TT but I want to make everything as clear as possible).
A few weeks ago we were just hanging out, it was all pretty chill and we just sat down to eat and talk etc. It had been quite a difficult week for me, also college wise, and I felt like I really had to talk to him about him calling me at night and while I’m in class and all that. So I said as nicely as I could smth like “I don’t want to seem overbearing but have you ever thought about maybe seeing a therapist bc I don’t think what you do is healthy in the long run and I’m not a professional who can properly help you.” He immediately got really snappy and defensive, saying that he “couldn’t fucking afford a therapist and even if I could, all they do is squeeze the money out of you and they don’t give a fuck about your feelings.” I was pretty shocked tbh and responded by saying “well if you really think this badly about therapists you should clearly see one” which was probably too harsh of me but I just couldn’t help myself at that moment. He then said “oh yeah?? I’d rather die than tell any of my shit to a total stranger. But you’ve probably already told yours bc you’re all so fucking dependant on them anyway.” and then he stormed off. (Just to be clear, I don’t have a therapist bc I don’t have any issues that require one.)
I was really scared at that point bc I thought that he might do something to himself (he had said stuff like “I wish I just wasn’t here sometimes” before) so I started following him which I now think was extremely weird and creepy of me but I just didn’t think it through in that situation. He walked for about 10 minutes to a house which I assumed was where he lived (I had never been at his place before bc he always said he lived in a bad neighborhood and didn’t want me to come there) and I stood outside for like another 10 minutes thinking abt what to do bc I realized that this had been totally stupid, also it started to get dark and it really was a bad neighborhood. I ended i up calling him and telling him where I was and he let me in. He was pretty angry but mostly at the fact that I had put myself in such a dangerous situation and he let me spend the night at his place.
We actually got together not long after that and as of now, we’re dating. I know it’s not an ideal situation and probably not the most healthy one but I have been able to keep him from drinking himself into oblivion all the time bc we spend most evenings together now so I think that’s a good thing. I don’t know where things will go from here and I don’t have the illusion that i can “fix him” or anything but so far it’s been pretty good and I really do love him a lot so I just hope it will all turn out for the best. I just still feel guilty for lowkey (or actually highkey) stalking him when he explicitly asked me not to come to his house but it was out of genuine worry for him so idk if it makes me an asshole, I guess I’ll let tumblr decide that for me.
🌃🎀🍨 for finding later
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kairiscorner · 8 months
Can I request miguel with an insecure reader? :( like they wonder how he even fell for them or what they see in them... and maybe doesn't want kids because they're scared that they look like them and hate themselves as well
Sorry if it's too much and it's OK if you dont do it, love your blog ❤️🫂
AAAAAAAA I LOVE THIS !! no bc i get those feelings sometimes too :'(( i hope this provides you all the comfort you might be needing, and remember, you're all perfect just the way you all are 💓
❝i love you as you are.❞ — miguel o'hara x insecure!reader
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there are times when you'd often go quiet randomly, no matter if the moment was lively and fast-paced–or even happy–earlier, you'd go silent all of a sudden and just kind of recluse away on your own without saying a word. you couldn't help it, the inner turmoils and nervous overthinking would always plague your mind and cause you to want some peace and quiet–even if you could never catch a break nor a moment of silence with those raging thoughts in your mind that refused to shut up and quit hurling insults at you that... you believed for a time to be true. you gripped at the blankets and tried blinking away the tears that formed in your eyes as you mumbled out a breath of, "stop it" at your mind; hoping against all hope that through your resistance, your brain would stop filling your head with distorted images of you that you couldn't even recognize. you soon let the tears fall as your mind kept asking you just why miguel was even with you; he's expressed before how much he yearned for kids of his own indirectly, hinting at some other dreams he wanted to live out that you couldn't provide for him.
"...i don't want to have kids, they... oh, they'd... they'd look so..." you whimpered out as you sobbed, choking on your words as you shook out the thoughts of your kids in your mind. you personally couldn't share the same vision as miguel, you didn't want kids—you wanted to live you life to the fullest, and you didn't feel that having kids was the end all be all of your existence, you just wanted to be you and live your life. and yet, you felt so inadequate at not even being able to share the same enthusiasm as miguel for wanting kids. you wept and cried for a few minutes, until a knock at the door was heard, and you sniffled back your sobs. "mi vida, are you in there? amor... can we... talk? i-i'm... i'm worried about you." miguel said with a soft, gentle voice that made you tear up again. how could you ever tell him when he's wanted children of his own for the longest time? wouldn't you seem selfish to him, for not being able to give him just this one thing when he's given you his everything? this made you think back as to why he picked you out of everyone else—there were many other people who wanted miguel, and... many of them were vocal about their desires to be parents–the one thing you were frightened of and had no interest in being.
they were all the same as miguel, eager to have their own families and didn't care about what others thought of them, they moved to the beat of their own drums and didn't stop for anybody, unlike you, who was so self-conscious and anxious about everything, especially yourself. you didn't respond, making miguel open the door out of concern and peek his head in through the crack of the door. miguel walked over to the side of the bed and sat next to you lying down, looking over at you with a saddened gaze, as if he were a lost puppy–sad and alone. "cariño, talk to me... please? if you don't wanna talk, though, that's okay. just, please... don't be scared of me, don't be scared of what you think i'll say or do, i love you, mi vida–i would never hurt you or try to hurt you, i could never."
his words of reassurance were so powerful, so genuine that you felt every word vibrate in your bones and sink deep within you, reaching your heart and piercing it like a dagger. you couldn't keep your feelings in anymore and rolled yourself over to his side, where he saw your eyes wide and swollen–sobbing and wet, your eyebrows crinkling upwards as your lower lip quivered. you apologized to miguel for the mess you were becoming, but miguel ran his hand through your hair and shushed you, saying it was okay, you're okay, you have no fault in anything. "mig, i... i can't make your dream come true." you choked out in a sob. "what could you possibly mean, mi amor? of course you can, you already have..." "no, i can't... i-i don't... i don't..." you stuttered, unsure of how to fully tell him in a way that'll lessen the blow, but you had no other way–you had to tell him, right now. with one decisive breath, you decided to just be honest with him, right here, right now.
"...i don't want kids, miguel..." you murmured out in a whisper, sobbing and gripping at the sheets as your tears stained them. you shook your head and sniffled back your tears, yet nothing stopped the tears from flowing as you kept repeating your truth: you don't want children of your own, and you don't want them to even resemble you. you found it a curse your children would inherit if they looked anything like you, because in your mind, you looked less than desirable; you believed miguel was simply holding out for you and secretly losing feelings behind all his caring smiles and sweet kisses. you apologized to miguel over and over, but miguel reassured you it was... okay. he rubbed your arm gently and shushed you.
"cariño... i love you either way. you don't need to be a parent for me to keep wanting you, i just want you to be you." "and why do you want to be with me?" "because i love you, and that's final. i love you, mi vida... you don't need to bear my children or be a parent, i love you for you, and that'll never change. you already made all my dreams come true by loving me back, and i'll do everything in my power to keep that smile on your beautiful, lovely face. you're perfect, amor, eres perfecta como eres." he whispered to you as he wrapped his arms around you and held you closely and tightly; he kissed the top of your head and rubbed up and down your arms all comfortingly. you cried into his chest and clung on to the front of his shirt while he shushed you and kissed your tears away. though it'll take a long time of undoing the way you saw yourself, the way you couldn't accept many things about you, it comforted you somehow that miguel loved you—for your perfections and flaws, for your strengths and weaknesses, for your comfort and discomfort. he loved you with a love that transcended love, and you didn't feel anything apart from a weight being lifted off your shoulders, bit by bit.
he loved you, and that was all he knew.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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rabbitholessk · 1 month
Maomao and her adaptability to situations: (spoilers ahead!!!)
Kidnapped and sold to rear palace? Uses her skills to save the high consorts and their children, even when she wants to remain unseen and not involved because she believes it will cause her trouble. She even places herself in danger (the notes attached to the flowers), to assure that she put in an effort to notify these consorts that the face powder was poisoning them and their children. Her beliefs and teachings from Luomen have had such a profound impact on her and how she views the world. As much as she wants to stay in the shadows its in her nature to want to protect and inform those who might be endangering themselves.
Kidnapped a second time? Finds the positives (maybe a little gaslighting bc lets be real that must have been terrifying) : 1) keep going and maybe she will learn how Suirei made the drug to die and come back to life 2) trapped in a chamber with poisonous bugs and snakes? have a snack 3) study the books left by the former apothecary, and learn as much as possible
Left to care for Chou-u after the Shi invasion? Put him to work. She has him help her (sometimes against her will) in the apothecary, the verdagris house, on side-quests around town and in other villages. I loved the growth particularly with this situation. She is initially annoyed (internally) by this new responsibility but over time her actions towards him reflect she's grown to care for him and sympathize with him. But I also find it interesting how she recognizes his memory loss, and his paralysis on his one side, but she still treats him as any normal kid. (This is so important!) She recognizes his weaknesses but never makes him feel weak! Even when she's away from him doing her medical training at the palace(LN 7), we see her still thinking about him and his art.
Her adaptability to making friends and relying on others: (this could be its own post, which maybe one day I will tackle.) When Maomao first enters the rear palace she gives off the impression she wishes to work, earn money, and get back home in as timley of a manner as possible. But as soon as Jinshi/Gyokuyou find out how smart and applicable she truly is- we see her flourish. It's a slow transition, and I believe she always felt she was capable but when other people, besides her father and the prostitutes see her worth she begins the slow process of blossoming. Throughout the LN's we see her thinking of Jinshi, her father, Lahan, Xiolan, Shisui, Surei, En-en (and countless others) but she thinks of these people and reflects on their strengths and what makes them sparkle. Even if she insults them verbally (or internally) we as the reader are still able to grasp just how much respect she has for these people and how she notices where they flourish.
btw I'm working my way through LN 8 rn. So I'm sure I'll have more to add later but these are just some of my thoughts and admiration for maomao
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 months
Ruin!Eclipse x Tiny!Reader
It was only a matter of time before I wrote for the true and canon Eclipse hahaha, lmao he’s not evil- bitch y’all thought- y’all really thought he’d be evil …to be fair so did I
Anyways- yeah here y'all go- this story is finally finished, next up the jekyll and hyders can rejoice bc im finally making the second and final chapter to that story- i've let guilt plague me for too long with it and im done- im writing it so i can be free
You were standing there, in what remains of The Mega Pizzaplex, you stood, looking at all the rubble and decay, the place… Was in ruins, the place had been a complete wreck, and well you had been here for it unfortunately, you had seen it all go down in flames and honestly given your tiny stature you had no idea how you even survived it, but somehow you did, and yet so many things were ruined.
So many animatronics were damaged or torn apart or even forced to shut down because of the overwhelming heat, everything was a disaster and even thinking about it now brought tears to your eyes, especially when your mind drifted off to the two jesters in particular, Sun and Moon… You felt your heart nearly break upon thinking of those two.
Sun and Moon both, you had grown so fond of, you had been with them for as long as you can remember, it started on that one fateful night when you had suddenly woken up shrank down, trying to find shelter from the rain that was pouring down, threatening to drown you, and that’s when you found The Mega Pizzaplex itself, more so, when you found the Superstar Daycare and them.
You had first met Sun, after having tried to navigate out of the Daycare, you had saw a strange giant shadow looming over you, the rays from Sun’s faceplate sticking out and giving you an indicator, and at first you had been absolutely terrified of the animatronic but then he had proven himself to be not an enemy but an actual friend, he took care of you, made sure you stayed out of sight of the other animatronics, Vanessa, and the children.
…And then… You met Moon, now at first you might’ve thought that Sun was terrifying to meet but oh, he didn’t hold a candle to Moon, that was one of the most terrifying experiences of your tiny life, Moon had practically toyed with you, treated you like prey, he feigned playing hide n seek knowing where you were the whole time via his sensors.
And then when Moondrop had got you, he threatened to break your bones, drop you, tear you apart, etc… He had even injured you a slight bit with a claw that poked into your chin, and well if it hadn’t been for you having a full blown panic attack, he probably would’ve, after you had that panic attack it seemed to snap him out of whatever was controlling him which you knew what it was now…
…You shuddered, not wanting to think about h e r, about t h e m… Either way, after Moon had snapped out of it, he had tried to calm you down but you had just been too terrified, and then the lights came back on, and then out came Sundrop once more and he had managed to calm you down from there, he had also been communicating with Moon again more properly, the REAL Moon, not that virus-riddled one.
And after a bit of calming down, despite there still being some tension between well… Sun and Moon themselves and even you, you had wanted Moon to come back out so you could get to know him, and well he hesitantly agreed but he had stayed close to the lightswitch just in case something might go wrong… Moon had apologized and he seemed to beat himself up immensely for what had happened, but either way the two of you had patched things up in the long run.
In fact, you, Sun, and Moon, all of you had… Really grown close, Sun and Moon grew close to each other again and they also grew close and attached to you as well, all went well even despite them not ever being able to help you find anything out about how you suddenly shrank down, they were never able to help with that but at the same time you didn’t mind it all that much after a while, sure you did miss some things you used to be able to do but it wasn’t all THAT bad.
After all, at the very least, Sun and Moon made it more bearable, you had grown very attached to the animatronics and they did to you as well, so they made being this small so much more bearable than what it would’ve been had you still been all by your lonesome… As you had walked around, just looking at the remains of the Superstar Daycare, as of right now, Sun wanted you to stay away from them.
The reason? Because of how damaged they had gotten, and well, even with no virus within Moon as of right now, apparently all that damage, pain, and stress they were under had been causing Moon and even Sun himself to glitch, you remembered Sun’s words very clearly, the way he sounded like he was in agony and distressed “N-No no no NO! It-It’s not safe yet, don’t… Come near us, (Y/N)!”
Sun had kept repeating over and over about the generators being on and then it’d be safe and fine as he stumbled around the remains of the Daycare, stumbling over rubble and into things, and then of course Moon would also speak sometimes, talking about how he wanted there to be no more Sun, no more light and he was acting completely feral right now, his eye was back to its red color like the first time you had met him except it glowed and dimmed, in and out.
Moon would topple some stuff here and there, he had almost caused rubble to topple over on top of them in his rampaging, it pained you, it hurt to see your boys like this, in such a state of hysteria and pain… You wished you could do something, you WANTED to do something to help them but coming near them just seemed to cause that much more distress and so you had decided to stay out of their way that was until now…
You weren’t just standing there on the ground or in any random place, no, a little girl had came into the Daycare just now, a VERY unsafe place for a kid like her but she had found you, albeit by accident and well you and her had talked when she promised not to hurt you, she wanted to question why you were tiny but you had told her there was no time for that now, you begged her to help Sun and Moon, you explained the situation to her and the kid seemed very sympathetic, she had agreed immediately to help you all out.
“I’m very grateful you’ve decided to help, Cassie… I just want Sunny and Moonie back to normal” That was the kid’s name, she was a nice girl, polite as could be, you stood there on her shoulder as she carefully navigated through the ruined Daycare, Cassie then spoke up “You seem… Very attached to them, I get it though, my favorite animatronic is Roxy, I wouldn’t want to see her… Like that…” You nodded at her words.
And then you both yelped when suddenly, as Cassie was going through the play structures, Moon had suddenly appeared and grabbed Cassie’s arm through the bars, Moon’s voice was raspy, scratchy, he had mentioned about the kid being naughty and that it was time for her nap, you were about to get thrown off her shoulder before Cassie’s flashlight suddenly hit Moon directly in the face, there was a mixture of a scream between Moon and Sun in that moment, a hiss from Moon as he screeched “No light! No light!”
Both yours and Cassie’s heart was pounding after that, Cassie had looked back to you “(Y/N)? A-Are you… Okay?” You nodded your head, your breathing a little shaky along with your body “I-I’m fine …L-Let’s… Keep going…” Cassie nodded her head and then began to make her way further through the play structures, or well what remained of them anyways, you had apologized to her for Moon doing such a thing, explaining to Cassie that the Moon you knew wouldn’t do that.
Cassie then spoke up “I-I understand, (Y/N)... It’s not your fault, nor Sun’s, nor even Moon’s… From what you told me it sounds like they’re both genuinely in a lot of pain, I… I’m not sure how, but I’ll try to help you all out as best I can” You smiled at the kid, and thanked her for that and then you saw her pull out a mask and your eyes widened when you saw what that mask was, an all too familiar sight and memory coming back to haunt you almost “...I-I… C-Cassie… Where… Did you get that…?!”
Cassie looked confused “I just… Found it, this mask has been helping me navigate through the pizzaplex, it's… Hard to explain how it works” and then Cassie noticed the nervous, almost scared look on your face and she blinked “...(Y/N)? Is… Is there something wrong? You look… Really scared all of a sudden” And then you shook your head “N-No, no… It’s… It’s fine, let’s just… Keep going…”
You didn’t want to think about t h e m… You didn’t want to think about Vanny nor even William, not right now, you wanted to save Sun and Moon, that was your main goal right now and so Cassie just shrugged but nodded at that, she put the mask on and even though you couldn’t see what she sees, Cassie then looked over at her shoulder to see if you were still there with the mask on but you weren’t on her shoulder anymore…
In fact, you were a regular sized person in the AR World, you were standing beside Cassie and you had looked at her confused by her sudden shock “...What’s up, Cassie?” The little girl then spoke up “...You… You’re not… Tiny in the AR World… When I have the mask on your… Normal sized…” She admitted, and well you didn’t want to question things right now, so you just nodded at that “...Well, uh, I… I used to be regular sized, believe it or not…”
You then sighed a bit sadly “...I never figured it out, Sunny and Moony weren’t able to figure it out either, but eventually… I grew to accept it, because with Sun and Moon around, they made being this small not as bad” Cassie seemed to nod her head at that “...I see… I’m sorry you never figured out what happened …But, at least you got someone like Sun and Moon…” You smiled and thanked her for that and then finally, Cassie stepped through the objects blocking her path.
And then suddenly, Sun jumped down in front of her “N-New friend? N-New friend! I-I-I am trapped in a nap!” Sun’s voice was frantic, panicked even but even then, he still ever so gently took a hold of Cassie’s hand and brought it up to gesture toward the faz-wrench “Reboot! Reboot! We NEED to be whole…!” Cassie then looked at her faz-wrench “You want me to reboot you? With this…?” And then the sounds of clicking as Sun’s head turned caught Cassie’s attention.
And now it was Moon speaking, getting dangerously close to her face “Naughty! Naughty!” His voice was raspy, ear grating, and then Sun had forced himself back in control and stumbled back from Cassie, he was grabbing at his face while making some sounds that made it sound like he was in a struggle which he probably was, his voice was frantic as he spoke “Lights on! Lights on! Turn generators on…!” And then suddenly, he, well it looked like the Daycare Attendant had just up and flown away but surely it was just some kind of wire.
Cassie had taken off the mask after that, just to… Ensure that weird rabbit thing wouldn’t come after her so soon, and then she looked back to you who was now sitting on her shoulder again and of course tiny once more, Cassie told you what she had planned to do in full detail and you nodded at her, and then of course, the two of you set off, finally… Sun and Moon would hopefully be fixed and you could be reunited with the two.
. . . It took… A LOT of trial and error, and you meant a LOT of it. During all this, hearing Sun and Moon struggle against one another like that broke your heart, it reminded you of old times… Before Moon had gotten saved from that virus, it’s like the two were just tormenting one another now, but either way eventually Cassie got the second generator on and Moon was now paralyzed in place which you hated to see but it was for his own good now.
Cassie then quickly made her way over, as she walked, she glanced over to you “Alright (Y/N), this is it …I hope for your and their sake, this works…” You nodded at the girl’s words “...I hope so too, Cassie, I really do…” Well there was only one way to find out, apparently Sun seemed to think it would help, and so Cassie climbed up to where the ruined Daycare Attendant stood, frozen, paralyzed in place by the light now shining down on top of him.
You watched on as Cassie approached closer, and then looked down at her faz-wrench, she then went around to the back of Sun’s head, being extra careful of the wires on the back and then she placed the wrench into the two little holes on the back, twisting it once, and that seemed to reboot them as Sun said it would, they made some sounds, twitching a little before just slumping down a bit.
…For a moment, you and Cassie were worried it didn’t work, but then suddenly… Sun’s head shot up, or well you had thought it was Sun, the rays had come back out and well he looked so much more lively, but the voice was… Different… “Happy Birthday!” The voice spoke, sure, it still looked like Sun and well Moon, but the voice, the mannerisms, it was all different… And then Cassie had gently scooped you into her hands when the animatronic had gently grabbed her “Warning! Warning! Child in Danger! Safety Mode Active…!”
And then the animatronic floated through the air, well, again, presumably the wire that went onto the back of Sun and Moon’s body “Little girl… You can’t be in here, it's dangerous…! I need to clean up before we can open in the morning, oh, this place will be flooded with kids…” And finally, the animatronic had landed onto the ground, carrying Cassie to the exit and gently placing her outside “Come back soon and have a faz-errific day!” And as the animatronic was about to close the doors, Cassie quickly called out “W-Wait!”
The animatronic paused immediately before tilting their head, it still had Moon’s cap on, the rays were sorta bobbing in and out, the red and yellow eyes staring at Cassie “Yes little one, what is it?” Cassie then held you up for the animatronic to see, it looked confused for a moment before they seemed to smile even bigger, which was now visibly thanks to the moving teeth underneath “Ah, yes, how silly of me…!” The animatronic gently took hold of you with one hand, they were extremely mindful, careful not to cut or stab into you with those claws.
They thanked Cassie before closing the doors with one hand now, and then well, Cassie could hear bells jingling, and then Sun’s voice rang out in such a relieved manner “Thank youuu~” …And now, you and… Sun…? Moon…? This animatronic in general were alone, and they looked down at you with affection, sure it would’ve been hard to tell if it had been anyone else but you could see it and so you called out “S-Sun…? …Is… Th-That you…?” The animatronic shook their head.
“Oh my little starshine… No no… My name is… Eclipse” …The animatronic, er… Eclipse as they deemed themselves now introduced and that made you blink in confusion for a moment, but then you decided to chime up with some questions “W-Wait… …E-Eclipse…? Th-Then… Where are S-Sunny, and Moony? Are- Are they-” Eclipse seemed to sense your distress and so they gently shushed you “Calm down (Y/N), we’re all here…” And then to prove it so it’d ease your worries that this reboot had gotten rid of Sun and Moon both or their memories.
Suddenly, Sun’s voice spoke up “You’re still our little Sunbeam!” And then Moon’s raspy voice spoke “Our little starlight…” The two of them sounded like they were finally at peace, finally no longer in pain, and then Eclipse had spoken up, their voice was like a mixture of the two, not too loud or energetic but also not super calm, mostly just… In the middle “Our little starshine…!” They did sound a bit strained after Sun and Moon took control like that though, either way... You smiled, some tears pricking your eyes as you hugged onto Eclipse’s finger gently, you were mindful since the endoskeleton was showing.
Eclipse was smiling warmly down at you as they held you close to their chest now, still being mindful of themselves “Shh… It’s okay, little starshine… It’s going to be alright now…”
You couldn’t help but sniffle and cry a little into Eclipse’s chest, after all, it had been a long time now since you last saw Sun and Moon not in any pain, ever since the fire that had destroyed this place, they had been going haywire, the both of them… So, you were, really relieved, really happy that things could start going back to normal at least.
Eclipse shushed you gently, they were careful with their fingers which were pretty much sharp claws, they gently patted your back “It’s alright (Y/N)... We’re all here for you, we’re all going to take care of you” They reassured, and well after just hugging into them as best you could given your tiny size, and just crying and letting everything out, once you had calmed yourself down with Eclipse’s help of course.
You then looked up at them “S-So… …Yo… You’re Eclipse now…? Or, wait, are you… A new AI entirely?” Eclipse paused at this, they lifted their hand and poked at their chin, seemingly in thought, it took them a few moments before speaking up “...I am, myself, I am Eclipse… …I… Think I count as my own self, after all, I can still hear Sun and Moon’s voices in my own head but… I have my own thoughts, my own feelings” Eclipse admitted.
You then nodded at this “...Well uh, I guess… It’s… Nice to meet you, Eclipse…” Eclipse’s rays couldn’t spin considering how broken they were but they seemed to beam at that “It is wonderful to meet you too, (Y/N)...!” You smiled at them, this was… Going to be a new change but at the very least, it was clear you could still talk to Sun, Moon, and now… Eclipse.
“I should clean up, this place is an absolute nightm-” And then Eclipse went stiff as their eyes scanned around the Daycare, or well, what remained, and their rays somewhat retracted, it made a pretty bad sound before they returned to their original position “...Nightmare… O-Oh dear, oh no no no…! Oh no what a mess!” Eclipse sounded a little distressed here, they kept talking about needing to clean up because of the… …Kids…
You felt a pang in your chest, and your expression dropped slightly, you knew, as well as Sun and Moon did, all three of you knew that there would be no more kids, but Eclipse… They were technically just ‘created’ supposedly and while you didn’t want to tell them the truth, you also couldn’t lie to them either, there was no way you’d ever lie to them, and then Eclipse spoke up “C-Clean up! Clean up! A-And not only for the kids, but oh (Y/N), it’s so dangerous for you in here right now”
You then spoke up, your voice a little shaky “E-Eclipse… …Th-There’s something I need to tell you…” Eclipse tilted their head, blinking in confusion “Oh? What is it, my little starshine?” You hesitated, swallowing thickly, you really didn’t want to upset Eclipse but they needed to know, they DESERVED to know the truth “...E-Eclipse…” You began, your voice soft as you looked up into their yellow and red glowing eyes “...Th… The kids… They… …They aren’t… Coming back…”
There was a long pause, Eclipse tilted their head in confusion even further, they looked down at you “...I… …Wh-What do you… Mean…? No more… Kids…?” Eclipse’s voice was shaky.
You felt your heart shatter at this, it broke your heart to hear Eclipse’s shaky voice, especially the fact they sounded… Upset already but you took a deep breath and just gestured for them to bring you closer to their face, they did so, and you then hugged their faceplate as best you could, just hugging and patting it, being mindful of their teeth that can now move “...I-I’m sorry, Eclipse… …But, it… It’s true… The- The kids won't be coming back… …Sun and Moon, should tell you what happened at the very least…”
There was silence on Eclipse’s part, they looked as if they were beginning to go into thought, in fact, Eclipse could hear Sun’s voice chime up in their mind [ Eclipse… What (Y/N) is saying, about the kids, is unfortunately true, you see… ] And then of course Moon’s voice spoke up [ . . . There was a fire, and that fire… It… It… ] And then well, both Sun and Moon had spoken up, their voices radiated sadness [ …It destroyed everything, and shut us down… ]
Eclipse’s rays shrank a bit, their eyes going wide at those words as the realization finally struck them, and it struck them hard… You could even see it in their eyes, their expression as you just continued to hug their faceplate close, you could feel their hand trembling beneath you but they were quick to steady it, not wanting anything to befall you as Eclipse then looked down and sad “...I-I… I see… …I… Understand…”
Eclipse looked pretty upset but you could also imagine Sun and Moon were pretty sad about it as well, there was a long moment of silence as you just continued to comfort Eclipse, just hugging their faceplate and patting it gently, the silence was broken by them sighing and standing up straight, well, as straight as they could since their foot was missing and leg was pretty destroyed “...I-If there are… No kids, coming back here …Ever… Then…” Eclipse paused, they looked around at the destroyed remains of the Daycare.
Eclipse knew deep down they couldn’t clean this mess, not this one, things were far too damaged, too gone, and they seemed to be thinking about something for a moment before looking back down at you “...Then I… I don’t really have any reason to stay here, there’s no way I can clean up THIS mess and even then, it is still not safe for you, (Y/N)... This place does not have anything that’s safe to consume”
You were shocked by this, Sun had always been EXTREMELY adamant on never leaving the Daycare, Moon didn’t mind nor care that much as he was technically security, patrolling around at night, you can imagine Sun yelling in their head right now at this notion, which would’ve made you giggle had this not been the situation it was “E-Eclipse… Are… Are you sure? I-I know how much the Daycare… Means to you…To Sunny, to Moony… And besides, yo-you won’t have any way of charging out there, we can… Make this work, here…”
Eclipse shook their head “(Y/N), look at this place, it is FAR too dangerous for you… There are so many jagged, sharp, and deadly areas, not to mention how tiny you are, you could get SEVERELY injured here or… Or… …W o r s e…” Eclipse shuddered upon saying that, shaking their head, not wanting to even think about it, but you sighed and just hugged one of their fingers close to you “...I-I know, its… It’s dangerous, but hey, it… It still was before all this…”
You then cleared your throat before continuing “I mean there were STILL areas I could’ve been hurt or kil-” Eclipse cut you off, not wanting to hear that word, and you immediately rephrased, not wanting to upset them any more than they already were “...Worse, or worse… The other animatronics were even after me” You then thought about it because you could see Eclipse about to argue with you and then you spoke back up.
“And besides… This place… It isn’t how you all think it is anymore… Sun, Moon, Eclipse… …There’s… Something you need to see…” Eclipse tilted their head in confusion and well deep down you were sure Sun and Moon were confused too, and so you sighed “...Just… Go outside and you’ll all see, I, I know a way out, one you can fit through of course” You chuckled a bit and then Eclipse perked up, seemingly curious.
And so, off they set, with you in their hand guiding them outside, it took you all a while, as you had obstacles and even some remnants of the other animatronics to deal with, luckily Eclipse made it past them with the slightest of ease, and then eventually you pointed at a big enough hole in the wall “There, you should be able to fit through there…” Now, you knew Sun had never seen outside the Daycare as he was never allowed to leave, Moon had, but Eclipse hadn’t seen anything until now.
But there was one thing not any of them had seen yet… And that was… The world outside The Mega Pizzaplex… Eclipse seemed nervous, they hesitated as they approached the hole in the wall, but after a bit of encouragement from you, Eclipse smiled and nodded and finally they crouched and stepped through, the glow in their eyes fading as they were greeted with lush plants, damn near a forest which they were extremely shocked about, because even though none of them had ever been OUTSIDE like this, they figured it was like a big parking lot or something.
The next thing they were greeted with was… Warmth… Light… And then Eclipse glanced up and looked past the trees and their eyes widened a bit in shock, in fact you could imagine all of them being shocked, and sure enough, suddenly Sun’s voice broke through “...I-Is… Is that… The real sun…?! I’ve… Never seen the real sun before!” He spoke with excitement and then Moon’s raspy voice chimed in “...I wonder… If we’ll get to see the real moon” He hummed, seeming amused and then finally Eclipse spoke back up “Oh…! Maybe we’ll even get to see a REAL eclipse…! Solar or Lunar is fine by me…!”
They beamed, before looking back down at you in their hands “...Safely, of course, after all, I wouldn’t want you looking up at a Solar Eclipse, (Y/N)...” You chuckled and nodded “Don’t worry bud, I’ll keep my eyes to the ground and closed so you won’t worry” Eclipse nodded and smiled and then looked around before spotting a berry bush, they beamed and walked over, they first scanned the berries, squinting their eyes, not wanting to take a big risk.
“Ah, perfect, (Y/N), these are blueberries, so they won’t be harmful to consume” Eclipse spoke, and then set you down onto the ground finally, there were plenty you could reach and well sure, you enjoyed the animatronic helping you every once in awhile…
You had also made it clear to, well, Sun more so, but even Eclipse knew probably at this point, they didn’t want you to think they thought of you as helpless because they didn’t, either way, you quickly got to work on chowing down on some of the blueberries you could reach meanwhile Eclipse had walked over to a clearing in the forest that was now surrounding the ruins of The Mega Pizzaplex and they held out their hand, holding it in the sunlight.
Eclipse smiled, a happy smile, just feeling the warmth of the sunlight and looking at all there was to the outside world, when you had glanced over at them you noticed they looked so happy, so content and it made you smile happily, you were so glad to see, well Sun and Moon at peace, but you supposed now you had a new friend to get used to, after all, Eclipse was clearly their own being, they had their own thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
But considering how things were going, you could definitely already feel yourself growing attached to them and they seemed attached to you as well all on their own, which made you happy, as you continued chowing down on the blueberries until you were full, Eclipse had just been enjoying the outside world and having a blast, skipping around and just inspecting the plant life.
You smiled as you watched them, despite the state they were in along with The Mega Pizzaplex, they didn’t seem to feel too bad about it, you wished faintly you could repair them, but even if you had the smarts to repair them, your size gave you too much of a disadvantage here, there was no way you could safely repair them, you faintly wished you had one of your friends here to help.
…And then suddenly, you were grabbed, not too tightly but more so just scooped up, you gasped and your eyes widened, you flailed around, trying to get out of whoever’s hands had just snatched you up. You were about to scream before a voice that was familiar to you called out, one that you haven’t heard in oh so long… “Woah, woah…! Take it easy, just chill…!” You blinked in surprise, as you turned to look up and face them and your eyes were wide with disbelief and shock.
“(F-F/N)?!” You called out in shock, and they grinned down at you “Well, I’m surprised you still remember me, (Y/N), it’s been AGES! And you… You’re um, small now, a LOT smaller…” You punched their fist “You scared me half to death, you fucker! Don’t EVER do that again…!” And they laughed a little “O-Okay! Okay! I’m sorry…! I’m sorry…! Yeesh, you’re still the same as ever, you haven’t changed a bit~” They apologized and held you in their hands in a careful manner, a grin on their face which caused you to huff a bit but you couldn’t hide the smile on your face as you sighed.
“...What are you even doing here, (F/N)? I… I… I thought I’d never see you again” And then your old friend smiled “I thought the same, you’ve been missing for ages, although I guess now I can understand why, heh… …I just… I really missed you, a lot” You sighed and nodded, hugging one of their fingers since that’s all you could do “...I missed you too…” And before either of you could say anything more.
Eclipse’s voice chimed up, and you heard footsteps, sure they were limping but it sounded like they were running back over “(Y/N)! Are you alright?! I sensed you suddenly became distressed, did a wild animal get after-” And they cut themselves off as they slowly came to a stop when they saw you in someone else’s hands, in fact you and your friend’s eyes widened, and your friend immediately chimed in, holding you a bit protectively “W-Woah! Wh-What the heck is that…?!”
You could see Eclipse staring in a distrustful manner and well your friend looked like they had seen a ghost and so to keep this situation from escalating you quickly spoke up, clapping your hands together to get the animatronic and your friend’s attention “Stop! Stop! It’s alright, it’s alright…! Both of you…!” You looked toward Eclipse and smiled happily before looking back up at your friend, you quickly introduced the two of them, Eclipse to your friend and then your friend to Eclipse, the two still stared at each other a bit mistrustingly but you sighed.
You then quickly explained the situation as best you could to your friend, and they seemed to nod and listen and finally, they relaxed a little bit, taking a deep breath and sighing “...Okay, so, this… Erm, Eclipse… And uh, Sun and Moon, they are… I know Sun and Moon were The Daycare Attendants before this place caught fire and went down… …So I guess uh, Eclipse is the new one then, and you say that… They’ve been taking care of you all this time?” You nodded at your friend’s words “Yep, that’s pretty much the gist of it anyways, the basics”
Your friend took a moment before sighing “...You know, this seems crazy but considering I’m holding you in my hands right now and you're tiny, I can’t really say that’s too far-fetched…” Your friend then walked over to Eclipse and carefully handed you over. Eclipse was looking at them still a bit untrusting but your friend held out a hand “Well, we already know each other’s names, but uh, I… Don’t wanna get on your bad side, Eclipse, I’m sorry for uh, startling you and (Y/N), but I’m not a threat, just chillax”
Eclipse took their hand, carefully, and shook it and well, they seemed to scan them, as best they could, sure their scanner wasn’t the best but they could at least register your friend as to not forget them before hey perked up a bit more and smiled in a friendly manner “Well, it’s nice to… Meet you… But, how did you find this place? Or, more importantly, (Y/N)...?” Eclipse questioned, now seeming more curious rather than distrusting of your friend which you were relieved about of course.
Your friend looked at Eclipse and shrugged “Honestly, I was just coming here to uh see the forest and such, I find it peaceful out here, helps me draw and heh, I might’ve found my inspiration with you two…” They then looked back to you and smiled “...I really am glad to see you again, (Y/N)... It’s been so long, too damn long” You sighed and nodded at that “...Yeah, it really has, I missed you too…” Your friend smiled happily at that.
And then they turned their attention back to Eclipse, looking them up and down before chiming in “...Although… Eclipse here is looking a little… …Okay, a lot damaged, if you both want…” They slowly began.
“And this is totally not just an excuse to stick around and hang out and catch up with you, (Y/N) but… I’m sure you remembered I studied robotics way back, and I STILL know a good amount about ‘em, animatronics included, if Eclipse even wants, I could repair them…” And then before you could speak up, Eclipse perked up instantly and got a bit TOO close to your friend for their comfort there “R-Really…?! You can actually repair us…?!”
You and your friend both couldn’t help but smile at Eclipse’s enthusiasm, and your friend chimed in happily “Of course…! I don’t mean to brag but I’m pretty skilled when it comes to repairing robots and such, I can have you fixed up in no time!” They exclaimed, and this seemed to excite Eclipse, they held you with one hand and used their free hand to stim, just flailing it and even jumping in place practically “Oh thank you thank you thank you new friend…! This will be just wonderful…!”
You were smiling and looked to your friend who then spoke “I’ll need to go get some supplies though, which might take a while, and I’m sure even with the remains of The Mega Pizzaplex, I’m sure there’s still some stuff in there that isn’t damaged that can help” Your friend then said they’d be back in a little bit and waved to both you and Eclipse before quickly heading off to gather up some supplies and materials.
You looked up toward Eclipse and smiled “I guess you’re excited to get fixed up, huh?” Eclipse nodded enthusiastically “Yep! I hope your friend is able to repair me at least well enough to where I won’t limp when I walk and I don’t have as many jagged edges, after all, I don’t wanna accidentally hurt you, starshine”
You smiled and gently patted their hand “Yeah, it’ll be okay, we can wait for ‘em here, I don’t mind eating blueberries for the time being if I wind up getting hungry again” Eclipse nodded and then decided to wait in that spot for your friend as they set you down, you two would talk, and since Eclipse was still fairly new to you, you two talked and got to know each other better, sometimes Sun and Moon would be allowed to pop out briefly to talk to you but it seems like they couldn’t fully stay in control for too long before Eclipse would come back.
Which then prompted Eclipse to ask, tapping his fingers nervously together “...Hey… (Y/N)? …You… Aren’t upset at me because Sun and Moon can’t fully be present right now, right? I… I know I’m new to you, and I already know how much you value and care for Sun and Moon, so… I’m not… In the way, right?” Eclipse could hear Sun and Moon in their head, just saying his name in a saddened manner and…
Your heart broke a little at hearing that and you quickly stood up from your spot, you might’ve been tiny but you were NOT having that “Eclipse…! Don’t you dare even think that way!” Eclipse got startled by your yelling even if it wasn’t the loudest, they looked down at you surprised.
“You’re not in the way at all, and you won’t EVER be in the way! I… I know we’ve only known each other for a short while but, I care about you all the same too, I care for you the same way I care for Sun and Moon, and maybe… My friend can find a way where you can all co-exist, like, you can take over sometimes without it being so straining, Sun can, and then Moon can so we can all equally spend time together” Eclipse smiled slightly at that, they reached down to gently pat your head.
“...Thank you, starshine… …I’m… Glad you feel that way, I care about you as well, the same way Sun and Moon do, you’re my little starshine…!” Eclipse beamed as they picked you up again, nuzzling their faceplate albeit EXTREMELY carefully against your face “...We love you, all three of us do” Sun, Moon’s, and Eclipse’s voice seemed to layer over one another when they said they loved you, and you smiled happily, blushing slightly “...I love all of you too…” You hugged Eclipse’s faceplate as best you could given your tiny size.
And then finally your friend came back and called out “Hey guys, I found some spare parts and some stuff still functioning, just barely but it’s enough to repair Eclipse” And then you smiled over at your friend and so did Eclipse who happily approached, limping of course due to their leg “Really? You think whatever’s still functioning in the Pizzaplex will work long enough?”
Your friend had nodded “Yeah it should but we better hurry and get started just in case” And then you chimed up “Hey, (F/N)? Do you think you can like… Make it to where Sun, Moon, and Eclipse can be in control? Like, where they can take control whenever one of them wants to?”
Eclipse then spoke up “Sort of like how Sun and Moon did, whenever the lights were on, Sun was out, when they went out then Moon could come out …B-But um, maybe let’s… NOT make it as forced as that, please” And your friend seemed to think about it momentarily before speaking up with a grin “I’ll see what I can do, c’mon, let’s go” They gestured and so, Eclipse with you in their hands, followed your friend back into The Mega Pizzaplex, and you watched as they led Eclipse to one of those weird looking computers and had them sit down, there were various parts for rebuilding him scattered around.
Your friend got to work right away while Eclipse set you down, in a place where they could keep an eye on you of course, your friend had said this might take a few hours and so you nodded, you decided to take a nap in the meantime and Eclipse seemed to sense this and so they tried to activate their music box …It… Didn’t sound well at all, the music was distorted and would glitch out, so Eclipse just shut it off, dejected, your friend then spoke up “Hey, don’t worry about it bud, I’ll fix you up a new music box in no time, I’ll even add more songs then what your current one probably has”
-------------------------------------------------------------- You could see a mischievous glint in your friend’s eye as you laid down, you called up to them “Don’t put anything vulgar in their music box…!” And your friend scoffed, looking down at your tiny form “Oh c’monnn (Y/N)...” And then Eclipse spoke up “U-Um, yes please, don’t… Put anything vulgar or nasty in my music box” And then your friend had sighed and stuck out their tongue playfully “...Hmph… You two are NO fun, such party poopers”
And Eclipse gasped in mock offense at that “How dare you, I am NO party pooper…! You know, I may not be Sun or Moon but I can STILL put you in timeout” And this caused your friend to chuckle “If you put me in timeout though… You won’t have anyone to fix youuu~” They teased.
Eclipse opened their mouth with a finger pointed out, but then they thought about it before huffing “...Touché” And then that was the end of that, as you slowly closed your eyes, listening to the sounds of animatronic noises, whirring, clicking, and rather broken sounds along with the occasional tinkering of your friend fixing Eclipse, you slowly but surely fell asleep for awhile…
…Some hours passed, and eventually, you felt something nudging you gently, you grumbled “...Mm, five more minutes…” …You felt yourself getting nudged again and you grumbled, swatting at whatever it was, still in your half-asleep daze “Gimme an hourrr…” You complained, and then suddenly, something snatched you, you yelped and your eyes shot open at the sudden loud voice “RISE AND SHINE, MY LITTLE SUNBEAM~!”
You cringed at the loud voice, your tiny ears ringing, you knew that was Sun and when you opened your eyes you gasped, the animatronic was still dressed like earlier, with Moon’s cap on, some rays sticking out, and then the combination of Sun and Moon’s pants but their faceplate no longer damaged, their leg completely fixed up, they looked brand new.
Your eyes practically sparkled and you hugged Sun’s finger oh so tightly “S-Sunny!” You were excited as Sun was fully in control for a moment and the animatronic gently hugged you to himself “Yep! It’s me, my little sunbeam! And hey hey hey! That’s not all, watch this!” Sun’s head suddenly spun around, and then before you knew it, Moon’s quiet and calm voice spoke, which made you wish he had been the one to wake you up so you hadn’t had that mini heart attack but still “Hello my little starlight…”
You smiled happily up at him, still hugging onto his finger “Moony…” He smiled down at you, his teeth razor sharp but he didn’t scare you obviously, and then finally, Moon’s head spun around this time, a few more times then what Sun’s had done, and then you could hear the combination, the mixture… Eclipse “My little starshine…! We’re all fixed up…! And we can take control whenever we want to! No day or night cycles, we’re all in control” You smiled happily at that “That’s good, I’m glad you don’t have to be forced to change whether the lights go out or not…”
And then your friend piped up “And lest we not forget the person who fixed them up by the way” They chuckled, crossing their arms, you turned over to them and smiled happily up at them, and before you could react, Eclipse pulled your friend into a nearly bone crushing hug “Thank you thank you thank you…!” They kept repeating, your friend was coughing and wheezing a bit “I-It’s nice th-that you’re so happy but… E-Eclipse, your… crushing… me…” Eclipse gasped and let up on their hold “Oh dear, so sorry new friend…!” The three of you stood there, well, since you were so tiny, you sat in the palm of Eclipse’s hand and your friend just held their hand near you.
…It was a bit awkward but it was the only way given your small stature, and then your friend smirked mischievously “Oh and, by the way… Eclipse… Don’t you have something you wanna say to (Y/N)~?” They spoke teasingly, and Eclipse’s rays didn’t spin like Sun’s but rather, they retracted in and out like pistons and you could hear the whirring sounds of the animatronic’s fans as they suddenly seemed incredibly flustered “I-I…! H-Hey now, you-you-you… Shush…!” Your friend was about to open their mouth again and tease some more but Eclipse quickly slapped a hand over their mouth “Shshsh! Sh! …Shush…! Shoosh-”
You blinked in confusion as you looked toward Eclipse “...Eclipse…? What are they talking about exactly?” Eclipse stuttered some before shaking their head “Nothing, my little starshine…!” You squinted your eyes “Eclipse…” The animatronic shook their head, and then they could feel their head forcibly trying to spin and Eclipse shook their head again “No…! Stop…! Sun, Moon…! You are all conspiring against me, rrgh…!” You were completely confused at this point.
Your friend kept trying to pry Eclipse’s hand from their mouth, much to no avail as the animatronic was a lot stronger than any human, however, Eclipse also had Sun and Moon even working against him, and you finally spoke up “...Eclipse? C’mon, what is it…? What do you want to tell me?” Eclipse knew neither Sun nor Moon nor even your friend would leave this alone and so they sigh, deciding to try and gather up the courage, they released your friend’s mouth and turned away, they were clearly flustered or embarrassed or both even.
Eclipse had also grabbed something that you couldn’t see at first, and as the animatronic gathered up their courage for a few moments, probably being cheered on by Sun and Moon and even your friend got serious, telling them they had this, and then finally you watched as Eclipse stood up straight and turned around, holding their hands behind their back as they stepped closer to you “Okay…! (Y/N)...! I-I have something I-I need to… To… Tell you…”
You nodded, gesturing for Eclipse to go on and they still seemed incredibly flustered as their fans whirred loudly.
“I-I… M-Much like Sun and Moon has done… I-I wish to… U-Um…” Eclipse was beginning to lose their nerve and you gently reached out and patted their hand “It’s okay, Eclipse… Whatever you need to tell me, I’m listening” Eclipse then sighed “...M-Much like… Sun and Moon has done… I-I would um, uh, like, I would really like to… Take you out o-on a… A date…”
Your face turned red immediately as Eclipse held out a tiny paper bouquet and you could hear Eclipse’s fans whirring loudly, they seemed incredibly flustered “I-It’s alright if y-you don’t want to yet! I-I can wait, and e-even if you never want-”
You smiled happily up at them, and you gently took the paper bouquet, admiring the cute paper-craft flowers in your hands before answering so Eclipse didn’t spiral “...Y-Yes… I-I’d like that a lot actually…” And then Eclipse looked like they were going to explode with excitement, they hugged you close, almost too tightly by accident “Oh thank you thank you thank you! This makes me so happy…! I-I know we haven’t got much left here in the ruins of The Mega Pizzaplex but… I-I’ve set something up for us…!” And then Eclipse began to carry you somewhere.
Eclipse also held a hand over your eyes when you asked what they set up, they smiled “It’s a surprise, silly~! You’ll just need to wait, my little starshine” And so you did, you waited in Eclipse’s hands and eventually the animatronic stopped and you were impatiently excited “C’moooon Eclipse, lemme see already” They giggled a little at you and huffed playfully “Gosh, so impatient…! You know patience is a virtue” And then you scoffed playfully back “Eclipse…” You playfully warned and they laughed “Alright, alright, my little starshine”
Eclipse then finally lifted their hand from your eyes and you gasped, while the room and pretty much everything was still dilapidated and ruined obviously, Eclipse had set up a table with a clean cloth thankfully, probably something your friend had gotten, and there was even some food, well, food for you anyways as Eclipse couldn’t eat anything being a robot and all.
It was even cut up enough to accommodate your tiny size, there was candles that dimly lit the area and there was also some fake flowers that wouldn’t wilt thankfully in a vase, Eclipse brought you over to the table and set you down “I-I hope it’s to your liking, (Y/N)” They seemed nervous.
You smiled happily and had a few tears in your eyes at what all they did for you “...It’s… Really nice, Eclipse, thank you…” And then Eclipse sat down, in one of the chairs and watched as you began to eat, they then spoke “Your friend had brought the food by the way, since um, well… You know, the food wouldn’t be safe for human consumption from the ruins of The Mega Pizzaplex”
Eclipse explained, and you were thankful for that, and for a few moments, it fell silent, Eclipse seemingly trying to keep their courage on this little date with you.
You smiled as you ate “The food’s really good honestly” Eclipse nods, seeming relieved that you enjoyed it, they honestly didn’t have… Any idea how a date worked, aside from the typical dinner thing and talking to get to know each other, which Eclipse decided to start off with first, getting to know you better.
Since they WERE their own being, they didn’t have Sun nor Moon’s thoughts or memories, they had their own, you also got to know them in return, it was interesting that despite being in the same body, they were all different, their own thoughts, feelings, sentience.
You listened to Eclipse as they talked about what they liked doing which was taking care of children and arts and crafts and you laughed “Well, you might all be different, but your hobbies are still the same” Eclipse laughs a little and nods “Well, yeah, that’s just in all of our programming, after all, we ARE The Daycare Attendants, but, I um, actually really do like art, I like to draw, not just uh, silly looking pictures” You perked up at that and smiled warmly “...Ya know, I’d love to see your drawings then one day, if you don’t mind”
Eclipse smiles now, seeming happy about that, their rays somewhat pushing in and out, then they nod “...I’ll show you someday then, (Y/N)” And then you finally finished eating, you sighed, and leaned back, you were definitely full now, you commented about how good the food was and then Eclipse’s rays spin happily “I’m so glad you enjoyed the food, my little starshine…! But, that’s not all”
And then they stood up, approaching your tiny form slowly, before gently reaching down and scooping you up into their hands, their hands were no longer damaged so they didn’t have to worry about accidentally scratching you anymore.
You were confused and yet curious “Oh? What’s next then?” Eclipse grins happily “You’ll see…~!” They beam, as they begin walking off, as they were walking, your friend caught both of your attention first “Yo, I gotta head home for a bit…! I gotta go set some stuff up… But, I’ll be back later sometime, you two enjoy your date!” You smiled and waved your friend goodbye, as did Eclipse, and with that your friend headed off meanwhile Eclipse continued on, continuing to carry you to another section of The Mega Pizzaplex, what remained of it anyways.
You knew deep down that you, Eclipse, Sun, and Moon couldn’t stay here forever, but for now, you wanted to enjoy the place you all so fondly remember, or at least care about to some extent, sure, there were also some scary memories here but for the most part, the good ones far outweighed the bad.
And then Eclipse led you to a quiet, completely secluded place of The Mega Pizzaplex, no worry, no threat of any potential roaming animatronics that were still functioning, it was also the most tidy section so you figured Eclipse and your friend had tidied this part up.
And then, you saw that, inside the room, there was a blanket fort of clean pillows and well, blankets, there was a buncha plushies around as well, string lights in the shape of stars, and then a monitor of sorts was set up inside and it looked so cozy, you looked up at Eclipse who looked down at you with a warm smile “...I um, got this set up, with the help of your friend, I figured we could sit up late and watch some movies together…! They downloaded some onto the computer there”
You smiled happily up at Eclipse “...It looks… Really cozy, although hey… How did you convince Moon to let us ‘sit up late’?” Eclipse then pauses, they look a bit sheepish now.
And well, Moon takes over to answer for them “...Rrr… As much as I want you to get your sleep, starlight… …JUST this once… …I’m allowing it, but NO later than past twelve am… And I’ll know if Eclipse breaks that rule” And then Eclipse is back in control and they gasp in offense “Moon…! How dare you, you-you-you even INSINUATE that I am a rule breaker…!”
And you laughed at their shenanigans before shaking your head “Alright, alright, no need to fight… No later than midnight, got it” And well this must’ve pleased Moon enough to let it be, and then Eclipse carries your tiny form into the blanket fort, closing the little blanket behind you both to keep it comfortable and warm.
Eclipse then sets you down on one of the comfortable pillows, walking over to the computer and pulling up the selection of movies, they then looked back at you “I’ll let you choose the movie, (Y/N) we got a lotta genres to choose from” You nod and look up at the screen in front of you, thinking on your decision, before a movie or two caught your eye, and you pointed “Emm, the Lion King sounds good, can… We watch both, one and two?”
Eclipse smiles and nods “Of course my little starshine” And they boot up the movie and they walk back over and lay down next to you, getting comfortable, you also get comfortable inside the blanket fort.
And as the movie begins you two sit lay there, surrounded by the warmth of the blanket fort and surroundings pillows, Eclipse had thankfully been considerate of your small stature since well, a normal sized pillow, you’d wind up sinking into it so they had prepared this place accordingly, the peaceful color of the lights made you feel relaxed, and as Eclipse gazed over at you, their fans began to whirr slightly, their rays popping in and out quietly as they saw the peaceful and happy expression on your face, seeing the way your skin glows in the lighting.
They can’t help it as they say what they're thinking out loud  “...You look… Wonderful, (Y/N)” Eclipse compliments, before realizing they had said that out loud just now, they look away almost immediately, incredibly flustered “I-I MEAN…!” They suddenly stumble out, flustered.
You looked over at them, a blush on your face at Eclipse’s sudden words but a genuine and gentle smile graces your lips “...Thank you, Eclipse, I… I’m glad you think so” You giggle softly, amused by their flustered nature so suddenly, you sigh and look back at the screen, watching the scenes play out, you had fallen silent for a moment before speaking up “...I’m really glad… We got to meet” Eclipse looks back over at you, nodding slowly.
“...Yeah, even though it hasn’t been long, I’m glad as well” And then you smirked a little bit, speaking up teasingly “Yeah, you must be pretty glad considering that well, we’ve just met for like a day now, and your already taking me on a date”
Eclipse looks incredibly flustered as they pull the nightcap down, hiding their face at that “Ghh! W-Well, oh… Oh, you hush…” They speak, clearly too flustered to respond to that, they tell you to just continue watching the movie, grumbling softly, and you laugh at that, finding their reaction to your words sweet, charming even.
Before you relent and then turn back to watch the movie playing on TV, and that’s what the two of you did, you watched the first movie, occasionally chatting and conversing but not too much as to not interrupt it, and then you both moved onto the second movie.
You were having a fun time with Eclipse, so far, the night passed on, and slowly but surely, you could feel yourself beginning to grow tired, you yawned slightly, luckily for you it was near the end of the movie by the time you were getting tired, you turn toward Eclipse, and you smile warmly up at them “...You know… I had… A really fun time today Eclipse, in the short amount of time we’ve spent together, I won’t deny… …I feel the same way toward you as I do Sun and Moon” Eclipse perks up at that, they’re rays popping in and out and they seemed flustered but genuinely appreciative.
“...Thank you… …I’ve had a really great time with you as well, I… I really do love you, my little starshine” And this made you blush, your cheeks felt warm, and not only that but you felt butterflies in your stomach, you sit up and gesture for them to pick you up bring you toward their faceplate, they reach down and gently grasp your tiny form in the palm of their hands, holding you with the utmost care and gentleness.
They lift you up to their faceplate and then without hesitation, you give them a kiss, Eclipse’s rays jut out suddenly and you can hear their fans and motorized parts going crazy which causes you to laugh.
Eclipse then gently nudges you with they’re faceplate, making a little kiss sound back and your blush darkens at that, you two share a few minutes of silence together, just gazing into one another’s eyes affectionately, the two of you could tell that this was the start of something wonderful, and well you could already feel it, much like you did with Sun and Moon, you were falling in love with Eclipse too, after the movie had ended.
Eclipse turns the computer off, letting the glow of the star string lights just illuminate the comfortable blanket fort, and then they gently lay you down on the comfortable spot, on the soft pillow, letting you get comfortable.
Before Eclipse grabs a blanket that’s your size, they gently put it over you and tuck your tiny form in, they smile down at you “...Alright, it’s time to get some sleep… After all… Moon is going to be v e r y angry if I keep you up past your bedtime” You chuckled a little at that and nodded.
You sigh, cozy and comfortable with Eclipse sitting beside you, you look up to the giant animatronic, and you can see them push some sort of button on their body, and then, soft and gentle music begins to play, it sounds like a music box of some sort, and then, Sun finally takes over, taking the nightcap off momentarily “Goodnight our little sunbeam”
And then he puts it back on, and you can see Moon come out, those familiar eyes casting a soft blue glow on your body “Goodnight our little starlight… Get your rest”
And then of course, finally Eclipse comes back “...Goodnight, our little starshine…” You smile happily and yawn, slowly beginning to close your eyes as you tell Eclipse and the others goodnight “...I love you all…” You mumble before falling into a deep and peaceful sleep for the night.
(holy shit this took so long to do gjkfdjfkd i've been HELLA procrastinating- ...okay that and also technically playing viddy games ...and drawing)
BTW- uh this is the third and final bit to the Sun n Moon x Tiny Reader I did! both are on my A03 for easier access and this one will be on my a03 as well- the link to that is in my pinned post
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horizon-verizon · 2 months
How did Aegon II reacted to Jaehaerys’ death ? I didn’t read F&B but in HOTD, he doesn’t seem to care about his children that much, to the point of wanting to run away to Essos in episode 9 and abandoning them, without hesitation.
For the future, let me know how much of a spoiler you want when you ask me abt the canon, bc lots can be revealed to answer one specific question or to make it make sense enough to be answer.
SELF CORRECTION (courtesy of @moompl, thank you):
This is what he does before Rook's Rest ("A Son for a Son"):
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So ignore this part ("He doesn't say or do anything specific right after Jaehaerys' death like crying over his body or there being a description of him looking at his kid in any way.") & mentally switch "It's more implied" for "definitely" below. I don't retract the points abt sublimation, though.
The Answer that was Corrected/Edited in Question
He doesn't say or do anything specific right after Jaehaerys' death like crying over his body or there being a description of him looking at his kid in any way. It's more implied that he was very angry abt it through his wanting to go into battle at Rook's Rest.
But it's still also hard to decipher if this anger is that different from his being angry at Rhaenyra not giving into the terms he sent only AFTER Helaena & Alicent managed to clam him down enough when he yelled to his subs to kill Rhaenyra. AND Rhaenyra and Daemon both explicitly restrained themselves from following Rhaenys' plan for the sake of their kids AND Daemon's choice to use Blood and Cheese for Luke's death. Both are in actual dialouge, while there is no such thing for Aegon in response to Jaehaerys' death.
I mean that, from the jump and his coronation, he had been "angry" and "vengeful", & there were no quotes to prove that his going to Rook's Rest wasn't more his trying to prove how powerful than it was sincerely more a father's grief. He might have felt more guilty & righteous at the same time after Jaehaerys' death, of course, and carried that into his first battle, but it's also possible that the grief was sublimated under his desire to eliminate those he just saw as his enemies. He, more than Daemon or Rhaenyra, was the party who sublimated his kids under his right to rule as a king, since having heirs gives more meaning to one's claim.
*Addition after Correction*
Plus, the moment that F&B notes that there was a great change in Aegon's ire and anger and righteousness wasn't when his son died but when Daemon took Harrenhal ("The Red Dragon and the Gold"):
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