#bc he's already trans and never had top surgery
ccarrot · 1 year
bold of all these genderbend skk arts for assuming they won't look exactly the same as their male versions
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Hi. I (23, nonbinary, they/he/xe) am trans and afab and will probably never get top surgery due to anxiety, circumstances, cost, and also my heightened infection risk. The infection thing is an issue because I had a chd (congenital heart defect) and I have a higher risk with infections in general even for smaller things so yeah. I do want top surgery but it's just far too complicated. But due to having heart surgery I do have a scar on my chest which is very different obviously, but I'm wondering if I would be an asshole if I called it a "top surgery" scar. Bc its not technically exactly wrong? And bc I think it's kind of funny and cool. And I wouldn't say it with intent to lie, it'd just be a joke with people who already know exactly what I'm talking about, not something meant to deceive anyone at all. Its not to like make me feel better about not being able to get top surgery or anything but I think it's a funny and cool idea. But I don't want to be disrespectful to people who actually DO get top surgery. So wibta for calling it a "top surgery scar" even if it's just with people who know what I actually mean?
What are these acronyms?
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creaturecomfxrts · 3 months
Dipper and Mabel pines headcanons?
FINALLY getting around to answering these! since im better at them, heres some college age headcanons that apply just as much to how i view them in the show!
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transmasc. duh. of course
parents are INCREDIBLY supportive, super understanding. hes on hormone blockers in the show and starts HRT as soon as hes able, getting top surgery and bottom surgery in his early 20s
bisexual! ran into a guy junior year of highschool and went oh GOD. this is wendy 2.0 im going to die
LOVES board games. so much. not just dungeons and dragons and monopoly im talkin everdell, wingspan, cascadia, catan. he loves a good think. he also loves dragging everyone else into playing them with him. he always wins. almost always, anyway
absolutely adores college and everything about it hes a little freak. totally ends up being the president of a few clubs, co creating some, etc. made an occult club AND a hiking club at his college
loves doodling, loves horror. his teachers? not so much. they try not to look at the weird ass creatures he draws on the margins of his very well written homework.
probably goes into something smart. like biochem. or um. stem. im (author) is a liberal arts major all i do is write gay fanfiction.
PSYCHOTIC ASS DORM ROOM. he barely decorated it like a classic college male but has a conspiracy board and thats it. which is full of strange shit hes seen outside of gravity falls. to be fair its very well documented and somewhat neat, just…. strange decor. he lives in a single (introvert)
COVERED in tattoos, but always abides by the suit rule (all tattoos need to be able to be covered by a suit to be professional. he knows this bc hes a neerrrrddd). he has really sick sleeves of runes and other occult like things hes found interesting. he has cipher related tattoos as well and also even got ford to design a few.
he has PROMINENT eye bags. he will never fix his sleep schedule
ended up working as a summer camp counselor for a while right outside if gravity falls! the kids loved him but he couldnt stand the heat and bugs all the time so he only did it for a summer or two
even after turning 21 he doesnt actually drink that much, hes a craft beer enjoyer and likes to make it himelf (Much later in life)
ALWAYS stays in touch with mabel. if anything happens in either of their lives you better BELIEVE theyre already on the phone with eachother
medical marijuana card holder
smokes to help eith his anxiety. it works WONDERS
coffee drinker but actually Does put cream and sugar is coffee. sometimes. other times hes too tired and just thugs it out
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THE number one it girl ever
NUMBER ONE TRANS ALLY EVERRRRRR she loves her brother so much
pansexual!! she loves cool people, thats her motto
went to a fashion design school, is loving it despite drowning in work
began dying her hair in cool ways through highschool, now she always has some of her natural color present but goes a little crazy on the highlights
found out about huge dangley joke earrings. went absolutely crazy. has an entire space on her desk dedicated to her many many earrings. she has babies, knives, bags of doritos, aliens, glow in the dark ones, anything you could imagine.
fantastic at fashion design. stuggled a lot with the fancier stuff but her teachers were floored when they let her go wild on casual comfy wear. she excells in combining fashion and comfort in really exciting and colorful ways.
a party girl through and through, loves clubs, raves, concerts, anything!
video game lover as well, cracked at pvp games.
still boy crazy, just less so (has had like. 10 college boyfriends)
literally the sweetest friend ever. she loves hosting movie nights and tea parties (bc who wouldnt. theyre awesome)
tea drinker, loves floral teas with honey
HATES. black coffee. a starbucks frap girlie 4ever
has been scouted for modeing multiple times and only accepted when it was a commercial with puppies
love love loves making friendshio bracelets. knows all the patterns, all of her friends have a hefty amount of a bunch of different ones because she just keeps making them
anywwy, here you go! i love these two so much, i hope ive done them justice!
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freddie-77-ao3 · 3 months
Connor Stoll (they/them). Connor got to camp at age four, where someone just assumed he was named connor, so they took up the name of a dead boy named connor and decided that yeah, he/him was alright. didn't know what trans meant at the time, they just sort of... anyway, then after the battle of the labyrinth they came out as NB.
wood nymphs. they've got a different gender system than demigods, as well as different pronouns, but to keep it simple for the campers your best bet is they/them.
the resident god Dionysus ofc. he has a complicated relationship with gender (see his chapter in PJ's Greek Gods) but basically, doesn't care what you call him. he/they generally.
Drew Tanaka! she's just. always considered herself a girl. there was never any hesitation. her mom called her son and she just. did not compute. her mom was accepting and just sort of called aphrodite up and told her that actually she had given birth to a girl. Aphrodite sent down a new wardrobe in return. she never changed her name.
Clarisse la Rue. she came out when she was twelve. her mom didn't accept her, but clarisse had run away years before that so... her mother never apologized. when clarisse went to her house with chris, it was only because she was truly desperate. after the battle of manhattan clarisse called her once, and. never again.
Lou Ellen Blackstone. she told cecil and will when they were eleven or so (SOM) but didn't really come out to everyone else until one of the hunters pulled her aside in TTC to ask if she wanted to join bc the hunters are super good at finding girls apparently. lou ellen really regrets this but somehow cecil convinced her to make her legal name Louise-Eleanor (first) Wilmadeen (middle) Cecilia (middle) Blackstone. it-- she pretends it's just lou ellen. don't bring it up. Will thinks there was a murder involved and-- well neither of them are telling him otherwise, that's all i'm saying.
FTM: (oh boy here's where I projected a whole bunch)
PERCY MOTHERFUCKING JACKSON. alright folks you ready? so percy came out when he was twelve RIGHT before TLT picks up. struggling mother sally jackson immediately accepts him no questions asked (well there are a few questions but) she gets him onto puberty blockers from a free clinic on forth street right away and changes his name legally. financially they're still struggling, obviously, but sally is picking up some extra shifts. she's already planning on having percy go on T when he turns 16 (if he lives that long--) and after manhattan poseidon and sally sit him down and are like: okay so technically because of ancient laws poseidon can't just snap his fingers but uh if you want a real easy top surgery just do a really easy quest for him and he'll magic your tits away and percy agrees of course so poseidon drops a sand dollar on the ground and in the. most. indifferent voice possible he goes "oh no. my sand dollar. i need a hero." and percy picks it up-- and done. that's when he decides to join the swim team because he doesn't need to bind anymore. also when he heard the prophecy percy immediately went, well i know it says im going to die but hey the universe recognises me as a dude that's pretty cool right. very affirming for him.
NEXT UP we've got michael. height dysphoria kicks ass so seriously don't mention how short he is. anyway michael thought that it was spelt micheal so he chose it for the pun and to feel connected to his dad. uh. don't bring that up to him either. anyway despite being very short, michael's usually pretty stealth. he came out in ttc when he asks jake mason out bc luke used to date his brother lee and michael basically goes "hey do you want to go out i promise i'll be a good boyfriend and not leave you like luke left lee." and jake just bluescreens for a moment because wait, BOYfriend, and anyway after that michael realises he never told anyone. (not necessary to the post but jake said yes) oh, also, his middle name is john. why? who knows. it wasn't significant or anything, clarisse just turned to him one day and said, "you know, you look like a john." so yeah, Michael John Yew. also he liked archery bc it was a lot easier to bind in so.
following that you'll find that actually the three main pjo apollo boys are trans. so WILLIAM ANDREW SOLACE. my baby boy is-- well he's got a lot going on. Will binds (but when he turns 16 he's going to get top surgery and he is. very excited) and don't let his mild mannered doctor self fool you he is a HYPOCRITE when it comes to binding, like that bitch will nag you for hours if you bind for over 8 hours and then you'll see him come off a 48 hour infirmary shift still binding. when he was young and his mother was touring, she left him with his grandparents. He tried to come out at five and cut all of his hair off, but his grandparents kicked him out. Clarisse found him in Texas and brought him to camp. which isn't SATS compliant but I haven't read it yet so *shrug*. Anyway Andrew is after Apollo, when Apollo first met Naomi, he called himself Andrew.
Lee Fletcher is also trans. He was fully transitioned by the time he died. He was super upper class when he came out and his mum stopped speaking to him, but he kept his wealth and became a staunch advocate for trans rights until he died. Anyway he came out when he was seventeen.
Cecil Markowitz. His parents died in a fire when he was 8, he was sent to his grandmother, she kicked him out when he was 9 and came out. 
Leo Valdez (part of why Rosa called him a demon)
Malcolm Pace (his trans identity deserves a whole 'nother post it's.) anyway Malcolm can't bind so.
Ellis Wakefield (currently writing a fic about this actually) anyway Ellis comes out when he's 13 (so BoM) at camp, and comes out when he's 15 to his mum. it doesn't go great.
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dewdrops-whammy-bar · 1 month
Special Ghoul my beloved...
Tagging @puppsworld bc he seemed enthusiastic about this (thanks for the yelling!!! You will never catch me I'm too slippery >:3)
Written in bullet format bc brain is going too fast to make coherent sentences let’s goooo
Warning for references to self-harm/self-mutilation, blood, and autocannibalism! This gets messy y’all
Ok so Special isn’t a “true” ghoul. They’re a human who turned themself into a ghoul via an unstable and experimental ritual.
This has resulted in issues like mobility issues from excessive scar tissue. Turns out doing your own top surgery isn't such a great idea.
Which human you may ask?
Mary Goore themself! (I had to. I love them ok sue me /lh)
Mary ended up at the Ministry when they took a rough turn in life. They had heard of the Ministry before and were already subscribed to that sect of Satanism but didn’t have any interest in joining an organized religion. They knew the Ministry would take them in so they headed to the Sweden location.
They weren’t officially a Sibling but were in the process of becoming one. (They didn’t really want to, but it was the only way the Ministry would let them stay.)
They heard about the Ghost project starting up and jumped at the chance to get involved with music again
Unfortunately the only way to get involved with that was to be a high-ranking sibling (which could take years) or a ghoul. You can see where I’m going with this.
Mary found an old book deep in the library that detailed a prototype ritual of turning oneself into a ghoul. They decided they had nothing to lose and started planning.
THE TRANSFORMATION (this is where it gets gory):
The ritual involved a lot of carving sigils into skin and a ritual disembowelment. The book strongly recommended a few people help with that but Mary said fuck it I’m doing this myself
Gave themself top surgery while they were at it (transgenderizes your metalhead twink)
They died obviously. At least their mortal vessel did
Mary crawled out of the Summoning well the next night as a ghoul and promptly ate their former body. Yummy.
They kept their skull and some bones bc that’s fuckin metal
Seestor was NOT pleased when she found out what had happened
But Mary/Special couldn’t really be Banished, they weren’t from the Pit.
So she begrudgingly let Mary join the Ghost project
They ended up as a co-writer and concept musician and eventually a spokesperson
They go by either Mary or Special, but their friends mostly call them Mary. Special is more of a title to them. Don’t call them Phil unless you want your insides to become outsides.
They have sick scars all over their body from their transformation!!
They don’t have an element, but they do have a bit of magic.
They’ve got a lot of unsettling traits. They don’t blink a lot, they walk silently, and they’ve been known to cause disappearances in nearby towns. A ghoul’s gotta eat.
They’re outwardly cold and grumpy but they’re pretty chill if you get on their good side. They despise Imperator and higher-ranked Ministry members but are protective of Siblings.
They hate the friendly voice they have to put on for interviews, but it’s one of the only times they can let down their mental mask around other people and just chill. (Lots of complicated feelings there, possible hurt/comfort idea?)
They only take off their mask around people they trust.
They like to scare new residents by standing in dark corners and staring at them.
They’re close with Terzo’s ghouls, Cowbell, and a couple humans.
They trust Cowbell the most bc they’re both kinda misfits.
Ghouls only need human meat once in a while but Mary has more cravings for it than most. Ministry members are off limits though.
They were referred to as “it” for a while (mostly by Imperator and her most loyal following) so they aggressively correct anyone’s pronouns (Theirs and others’). It’s the one of the only cracks in their “cold creepy ghoul” demeanor. They’re especially protective of trans Siblings.
They’ve been known to appear from the shadows and correct a condescending cardinal on a Sibling’s pronouns.
Special ghoul my beloved… this was super self indulgent and fun to write. Feel free to use this as inspiration for art/writing!
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fizzy-dizzie · 5 months
Trans Sam headcannies blink blink batting eyelids (BC I don't talk abt the TRUTH enough)
Binders wouldn't have been super accessible in the 90s-00s so I imagine he used some less safe methods.
He'd bind for wayyy longer then he was ment to
If he was on a hunt he kinda didn't have many options
He'd sit on the bed finally when they got back to a motel and just breathe deep breaths for a while
His ribcage just perpetually hurt, he was used to it
He started T in college and got top surgery not long after
Dean had known about him being trans long before Sam left for college but he didn't really understand how serious Sam was about it until he came to get Sam to find his dad and 'oh my god that's a whole ass man'
Dean helped him cut his hair real short tho when they were young
John was not very impressed when that happened
John didn't know until they saw eachother post college
John didn't really get it. He was a very 'your ruining your body' type dad but honestly I think he would have had bigger problems on his mind to make a big fuss out of it (John winchester makes a big fuss out of everything so maybe more, he wouldn't make a MASSIVE fuss)
Sam was disappointed about his dad's lack of support but it was expected
Dean was very impressed by the top surgery job. Actually, considering he had never even seen one before, he was probably amazed.
Sam used to do research about what a trans person was in libraries on the computers
Most of his gender envy (/jealousy?) would have come from dean
Sam didn't really realise till he hit his pre-teen years
But he only found a name for how he felt at like 13-14
He told Dean about a year later
"I don't really understand much of what your saying, but if that's how you feel I just want to know that if that's what makes you happy.. I can get behind that, okay?" -Dean
Sam didn't cry but he gave Dean a massive hug. Emphasis on DID NOT cry those little water marks on Dean's shirt must've already been there.
Sam could only get so much from the internet so when he met another trans guy at college he was super excited and was able to learn a lot
He hated it when the showers in motels had mirrors right across from them
He'd leave the fan off intentionally so the mirror would fog up
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jrwi-transgender-swag · 9 months
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"gestures at him wildly look at him man " - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "Well he's a pirate and that's already very trans coded. He bases his personality and general vibe off people he looks up to which is giving gender envy. The only way Chip could ever be cis to me is if he was the token cishet but he's neither so like… Trans boyy (my words are failing me but you get it)" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "literally the transest guy of all time (loser edition). tits out tuesday. man with tits monday. like. transgender moment real " - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "He was picked up by pirates at a young age pre-pueberty. He then spent most of his childhood in a gang. This kid was so malnourished everyone just assumed he was a guy and he went with it since his puberty was so fucked. My transmasc agender king" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "fucking look at him. most transgender motherfucker to ever exist. we'll never know what his actual name was because he was named based on his first home, the black rose pirates ship. his tattoos go over his top surgery scars" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "he’s just . he just kinda is yknow" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag
Jay Ferin
"I mean.. just look at her" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "she has a lot of transgirl swag and i love her. jay ferin forever" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "the transest ever. i swear" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "she is a TRANS ALLEGORY YOUR HONOUR. LOOK AT HER. TRANSGENDER SWAG." - Submitted For Secret Fourth Swag "She's so trans coded. I mean, she runs away from her family who expect her to be one thing (navy) and she joins a group where she tests what it's like to be something else (a pirate) but then reverts when her dad shows up. She pretends it meant nothing but then Chip shows her that it's okay to change and to act against her family. So she's living her best trans girl life. Also she has bird imagery which is very trans coded of her. And she was named after her dad so like… Just saying" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "jay jay okg jay. her entire story is so fucking trans coded. i literally can’t oo her wholeee story is so trans coded. like??? she runs away from home and doesn’t tell her family shes joining pirates bc it’s the exact thing they would disapprove of. she first joins them to scope them out and learn their secrets but as time goes longer she realizes these people love her and she loves them and she is a pirate LIKE THEM. and her father appears and literally disowns her for being a pirates like holy shit. and she tries to spare her friends by going back to life where she would be in misery. and and she finds drey, a pirate like her and someone close to her who was also kicked to the curb and she finds comfort in someone like her. and she has to deal with the idea that her dead sister might hate her if Ayva knew jay was a pirate like???? but she’s so dress and happy now and she wouldn’t trade it for the world DO YOU HEAR ME???? becoming a pirate is how jay discovers HERSELF and who she WANTS TO BE!!!! i can’t she is so trans coded i literally can’t. she was so alone but notre she had ppl who UNDERSTAND HER!!!!! also tgirl failgirl swag." - Submitted For Transfem Swag "HER WHOLE STORY COULD BE A ALLEGORY FOR BEING TRANS FR. her father hates pirates, pirating for her has been freedom and helped her seen a new perspective, she gets wings, her journey is og just being a "spy" and then becoming a pirate and sensing the "freedom" in it !! and loving it and being accepeted just as she is her dad even makes a comment abt her being a pirate in 53. shes sooo transcoded ^_^^^^^^^^ to me i love her jay ferin sweep - Submitted For Transfem + Secret Fourth Swag
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possibilistfanfiction · 4 months
What are your domestic headcanons for Bea and Ava in your surgeons AU? And how did Ava realise that they are not cis? And how/when did Beatrice realise she wanted top surgery?
these are great questions i will now come up with answers to bc they're mostly vague in my mind before the actual timeline starts! lmfao
a domestic thing -- ava is obviously, like, incredibly gifted at charming people anywhere, at any time, doing anything. i think bea is a little terrified at first when she starts bringing ava to stuff — trivia night, the climbing gym, even just over to mary + shannon's for dinner — that everyone will immediately love ava way more. or, even worse, that bea will suddenly be expected to be the same kind of charming, to love attention in the same way, to laugh as quickly. but it's not like that at all, obviously: everyone is Delighted by ava & also delighted by bea — quietly, in a way that's still comfortable & happy for her. at the climbing gym ava tried adaptive climbing, like, one time & was like 'no ty lol', but he still loves to come & watch. bea is... quite serious, but ava isn't, so in like ten minutes ava's made friends w all of the people bea enjoys climbing with. the next time bea comes to climb, no one expects anything differently from her, but they ask after ava, a few of the boys tease her for having such a cool, hot partner (fondly, & she loves it), they invite ava out with them for beers saturday. i think they open up each other's worlds in different ways but the crux of it is the same. love them! as @princington said 'they're so tangible' & like they rly are
another domestic thing -- bea can't cook. she's abysmal at it, even after cooking classes. she tries to cook for ava One Time & it truly is so inedible ava just kisses her & orders pizza. she can make eggs, barely, & that's about it. ava tells her they're the best eggs, though
last domestic thing -- they're a big slipper household. at first ava thought it was kinda cute that bea was partial to a nice pair of teva slippers (also, of course, had to tease her) but the second ava tries them he's like oh fuck yah, i get it. needless to say, as he justifies bc of his difficult circulation system but rly just for fun, he gets... a Lot of slippers lol. also bea steals all of ava’s beanies. it’s only fair
in the context of this au, i don't think ava's ever rly been sold on being cis lol. even as a little kid before the accident, ava was happy to just play & imagine & sing & dance. their mom never forced them to Be A Girl, & ava didn't mind, really, when they were in the orphanage, but it never felt like it truly fit. not in a dysphoric way, but just that it was limiting. ava's body was confusing, was hard to come to terms with in that it wasn't the same anymore, they couldn't feel all the things they used to love. so when they finally had the opportunity to like go Be Queer, be in community, her world Opened Up in the most beautiful way. ava LOVES the playfulness & expansion of gender & the body, the control she has over not having to fit in a box. the world is so, so big & so, so lovely, & u know ava also HATES colonized ideas of anything lol, so it just makes sense. in undergrad they had some good trans buddies but also like... drag? LOVE. so it's rly fun for ava, especially with good people
hmm i think bea probably wanted top surgery from day 1 of puberty on but didn't realize until late in college. after a lot of reassurance from her friends that she didn't have to be a Trans Man to want to try a binder, she did, & p much that first night she knew bc she just felt so much better, like her body made sense & she could just relax. idk if bea ever rly feels gender euphoria but she does feel a lot of peace & so that's cool. probably she tells cam first, maybe lilith & cam together, that she wants surgery. by that time they're already in med school & also... they both know lol & so they're rly happy for her & they make her lots of snacks & take care of her afterward. lilith keeps her out of the gym for months even tho bea complains that she's bored & will be so out of shape, cam makes a bunch of food frequently. they're a little family & it's a rly joyful, quiet, happy time; she feels very lucky
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poisonouspastels · 4 months
I need to talk about Minecraft AU for a sec and how the difference between our world and their world makes for some of the most humorous but also interesting differences in how people act about certain subjects.
Like the trans thing right. Steve and Rana are both trans I've talked about that before. And neither of them are on hormone replacement or anything (there is an in universe explanation as to why Steve has a beard though I promise I can talk about that if anyone wants) but like that's fine bc it literally Doesn't Matter to them or anyone else. Like as spawned players they already don't have any pre-existing gender roles or ideas of what something "should" be so gender and presentation is what they make of it and there's no real solid idea in anyone's mind about how a "boy" or "girl" behaves or looks like. These are labels that exist but they barely mean anything. It also helps that any preexisting culture that WOULD have ideas of this was almost entirely destroyed like 5000 years ago (thanks Groda) so it matters even less than it already did.
And its funny bc the only two people alive from that era, White Eyes and Groda also just don't care. Groda maybe asks why Rana's voice sounds deeper once and nearly gets torn apart by Alex bc of it (Rana isn't offended or anything she just has a defensive girlfriend), bc she doesn't really understand because she never experienced anything like this first hand but very quickly comes to understand it and accept it. And on the other hand White Eyes is just like "I've seen weirder things than this" which yeah. Yeah honestly I think the person who was previously one with the undead would not care about gender in the grand scheme of things.
And then u have Kai which I've joked before that they may as well have been spawned in nonbinary. They rlly just said "I'm not really anything" and everyone was like yeah makes sense I vibe with it. Good for u.
Steve and Rana are both fairly open about having been the opposite genders previously (because that's how they view their experiences and that's valid!) and don't really shy away from the subject but also never really have much reason to talk about it since there's rarely a need to. In the modern day pretty much everyone who met them had met them post-transition. Even Alex had met them just before Steve started growing in his beard. The only people who ever knew them as Adam and Eve were Efe and Sunny but they never really thought it was weird or anything. Like the weirdest part to them was Steve saying he got his epiphany from seeing some guy in the distance on a foggy day who looked vaguely like him but that's its own subject manner that they aren't going to pry on.
Also Steve did DIY top "surgery" previously with a sword but we aren't going to talk about how messy that was for everyone involved.
#minecraft#minecraft au mastertag#apologies for my trans ramblings. how i get to approach these subject matters in the AU is just fun#and i needed to get some thoughts out#unrelated fun fact that i think most people here dont know: Steve and Alex were actually the first two to be in a committed relationship#not Steve and Rana like most would (rightfully) expect#this is because despite the fact that the two have literally know eachother for their entire lives#they're both really bad at being honest with themselves.#for years it was 'i like this person but i dont know how to tell them'#to 'well maybe i only FEEL like i like them because i dont know anyone else that well'#to 'well maybe they dont feel the same and it'd be weird to bring it up now'#you've heard of slow burn now get ready for what those two had going on#Alex when integrated into the household and months had passed actually had enough confidence to ask#here's the funny part though. she had assumed that Steve and Rana WERE dating already (and was cool with it obviously)#they were not.#so u can imagine how funny it is for Steve to hear 'Your girlfriend is pretty' out of Alex's mouth bc of that#She's more shocked that they're NOT dating already they live in the same house they've known eachother for literally their entire existence#they are like so stupidly affectionate with eachother to boot#'And you've known her for how long??' 'I mean... about 10 years?' 'DUDE.'#its actually agonizing but on the bright side it is what got the polycule started eventually#I would not be surprised if Sunny and Efe placed bets on if/when it would eventually happen
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windypuddle · 1 year
enstars headcanons
ok im going in order but i dont have headcanons for a few characters for sure. so. whatever on we go . just saying in advance these are mostly gender and Autism
eichi tenshouin: look i cant say anythinf about this guy hes already canonically terminally ill and gay. like what do you want me to do
wataru hibiki: genderfluid. whatever gender fits the performance. shes the moment hes the star theyre the epitome of an actor
tori: boy you are so gnc. princess but not a girl you know
yuzuru: has definitely had impulse thoughts about dying his hair and having a scene phase at 3 am
hokuto: bigender. sooooo queer . also autistic
mao: um ritsu braided his hair sometimes when they were younger
chiaki: trans guy i have many feelings about this but he leans into the hero thing because its gender affirming. also autism
kanata: no gender only blublublub. likes wearing long skirts. filipino. has like 1 million fish earrings. also autism
tetora: TRANSMASC ‼️💥💪
midori: transfem... also autistic.. she is so important
shinobu: Autism Autism Autism. bonus the detachment from gender that sometimes comes with the autism but he hasnt really thought about it. hes just some guy
hiiro: transmasc autistic i will die on this hill
aira: my lovely mutuals have convinced me with blasian aira its canon to me now. white french? no. cowards happyele are cowards i tell you. theres such a vast portion of the francophone world that is not white . also transmasc
mayoi: scaredgirl weirdboy core. whatever gender is easier at the moment. she likes being pretty
tatsumi: ok yknow what. fuck it. aroace tatsumi
nagisa: so much autism. nonbinary guy. religious trauma
ibara: lesbian. not going to elaborate bc thats not my problem ibara is just a lesbian
hiyori: hes just gay idk what to tell you. cisboy gay who is so annoying. when people complain about "gay isn't a personality trait" theyre complaining about him. also chubby
jun: also gay but fans love him for being normal about it. one of his main motivations for working out is being able to princess carry hiyori. hes so polite usually its insane but with eden he doesnt care because he loves them so hes a bit of a bitch
shu: god is a woman and her name is shu itsuki. transfem and autistic i will Also die on this hill.
mika: transmasc and autistic
hinata: men liker but dont ask me about her gender idk
yuuta: i see those slipups in twin peaks girl u are transfem nonbinary i think
rinne: bigender [wild cheering] also demi aka down bad for niki specifically
niki: tboy swag but hes not really bothered too much about medically transitioning. arospec i think
himeru: Sooooo nonbinary. so so so nonbinary. i like to hc afab nonbinary himeru and mainly got top surgery to more easily pass as kaname but like gahdamn of course you have blue hair and pronouns (they/it/no pronouns)
kohaku: tboy swag . the gender in crazy:b is off the charts
rei: 1 million genderqueer and SO gay. has all the problems of an older sister but also the hotness that comes with issues u know.
kaoru: ok. bear with me. aussie. also transfem... like what do you mean you hate men and only hang out with girls. definitely arospec
koga: AUTISM!! weirdgirl to autism boy wonder transmasc swag pipeline
adonis: also autism. he can be gnc. as a treat
keito: come on man we all know youre gay and insufferable about it
kuro: he should get to have piercings i think
souma: autism boy wonder. while you were busy learning social cues he was studying the blade. also applies to gender norms
nazuna: boy there is something gender going on with you. weirdboy or maybe a gender cis people have never heard of.
tomoya: That Is The Normalest Girl I've Ever Seen
mitsuru: autism
hajime: girl what is your gender. hes like the narrator of the arch nemesis cynthia post. so poor they cant afford a gender
tsukasa: autistic and please please please let him be chubby. staring at happyele with my biggest saddest eyes Please let tsukasa be chubby. while you're at it can he wear a skirt. please
leo: ok i give a lot of characters autism because i have autism and i get it but i think leo has adhd
izumi: agender. any pronouns. idk what to tell you he said in next door that he doesnt care about gender only beauty
arashi: only normal one in knights. i love aranee she should get 1 million hours to stress bake if she wants to
ritsu: ah i understand why vampires are gay. occasionally a girl if its funny
natsume: Diversity win!! the angry witch is transmasc!!! neurodivergent but i think its funnier if i dont specify.
tsumugi: new gender unlocked its pathetic wifeguy. hes every spirit in the fields of punishment and he does it willingly for natsume
sora: wahoo autism ^_^ yippee!!
madara: is cowboy a gender?
feel free to reblog and throw in ur own headcanons i love hearing other fans hcs it is so awesome!!
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girlfromthecrypt · 2 months
Hello! How are you? Basil had surgery on his upper part only or completely? does he take testosterone?
Hi! I'm well, thank you very much <3
Basil has top only. As of the time of the story at least, he's comfortable enough with just that. And yes, he does. I imagine the gel would be his method of choice, though I don't think it's gonna come up within the story.
I hope that satisfies! By the by, Basil is the first ftm trans character I've ever written. I actually had a whole concept for him back when I was still writing on nosleep, although I never ended up posting the story he appeared in. I got really into writing him so I saved him for this project! So yeah I already did a bunch of research then (I'm cis) but even more now, and I just pray that it's enough to write him competently bc I love him...
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liquidstar · 4 months
Hey if I had a transmasc character and he never actually transitioned himself, would that be transphoic? bc I have a really cool, like, metaphorical thing there, where he makes this artificial living puppet to be his idealised self + physically masculine, but that metaphor kind of falls apart if he himself also transisitions into a male body.
Am willing to elaborate!
Oh there's absolutely nothing wrong with depicting a pre-transition or NO transition trans character. I do think there can be wrong ways to go about it (such as caricatured depictions) but nothing here is raising any red flags to be about that.
Not every trans person medically transitions (hormones and surgery). There can be many reasons for this, from personal choice to inability due to outside factors. That's okay. And not every trans person is about to socially transition- to come out. Many do in fact go about their lives presenting as their agab because sometimes there's not really a choice. It's something that will upend your entire life too, so many people just take their time. Nothing at all is wrong with that. Not every trans person got to go on hormones by age 16 and had top surgery by age 20, that's a very idealized narrative that isn't actually very common at all (nothing wrong w indulging in wish fulfillment tho but not to overdo it)
Basically what I'm saying here is that not every trans experience is getting to do all the medical transition stuff, or even the social transitioning. And it's not inherently wrong to depict that. Because that's just kinda... Life. There are lots of different experiences and all are valid
And the whole puppet thing in this case... I think it makes sense. I think that lots of people who want to transition/come out but can't will find ways to express themselves. In the past I've talked about how many identify w a different identity online than what they seem to irl, and I kinda compared this to that old stereotype of a closeted trans person finding freedom in "crossdressing" in private. It's not a 1:1 but I think you understand what I mean.
I would maybe be a bit careful about the idealized self stuff because while that is VERY MUCH a thing, I think it's also important to acknowledge that his appearance and medical transition (or lack there of) isn't what makes him a man. A no-op no-hrt trans dude is still a dude, no matter how much he looks like a "girl" according to binary societal standards. Y'know? But obviously that doesn't make it wrong for him to have an idealized self, I just think that too much escapism on this end isn't ideal either. But this can certainly be an arc, because like I said before, this stuff is often a necessary coping tool for many. I think what would be nice (if it ever comes to it, idk how you story will go so I'm just spitballing) would be that if the people around him ever saw his real body, they still treated him like a boy even if he doesn't "look the part." (Again, according to binary standards that mean nothing) Because it's not about looks 👍 that's only superficial, doesn't reflect who you are. And I think that could be a good lesson. if it makes sense for the story, that is.
Because his body already is a male body. Because it's his body. And he's male. That's it. Everything else (hrt and surgery) should be a personal choice about presentation, rather than conforming to a societal ideal of what a "male body" is. A male body, regardless of AGAB, can look like anything. A cis man can look like anything, or have "female" sex characteristics, since sex itself isnt binary either. (Though I'm not the person to ask for writing advice from on that end) Same applies for a trans man. Even if he does eventually want to medically transition, that doesn't make his body now any less "male," because that's his decision. Bodies just aren't that binary.
Anyway those are just random thoughts but the TLDR is that there's not an inherent issue w portraying ppl who haven't transitioned one way or the other. It's not an offensive subcategory of trans people! It's how many live and that's okay... As long as you're treating them like a character and not caricature it's all cool. But please please please please remember that a trans mans body is a mans body no matter what. Good luck anon! Feel free to ask follow-ups if you want!
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luffythinker · 8 months
how do you feel about this Ojiro and Tokoyami
Tokoyami always felt bad about having flat chest all the other girls had bigger ones so he grew up feeling inadequate. Ojiro just wants to get rid of his larger chest they meet at the first day of UA start a friendship. Ojiro is shy to bring it up but tells Tokoyami he wants to go by he/him and Tokoyami tells him he has no problems and appreciates Ojiro telling him. Tokoyami also goes by he/him.
It's hard on Ojiro to have to use the girl's bathroom it makes him feel terrible and he probably struggled with this in middle school he feels like he's made no progress with his gender because of this but doesn't tell his friend about it, this stays with him.
Before the sports fes Ojiro is just sparking conversation one day and says he's jealous of Tokoyami, his chest is flat and doesn't get in the way (Ojiro uses a binder, he didn't at first, first he used to just wrap his chest until he finally bought one)
Tokoyami never had anything like this said to him and assures Ojiro he isn't without his own wants and needs for his body. Tokoyami used to be jealous of girls because his body was never like one. He always felt different (totally not cause the bird head)
Tokoyami says maybe one day they will have the perfect bodies they both want.
INDEED THEY DO Tokoyami doesn't have the desire to change his body he just wants to be a boy and thats what his friends at UA allow him to be a boy.
Ojiro on the other hand he wants to change his body, he starts taking the necessary steps, he's using T everything in his life is going good. Ojiro is finally able to look at his self in the mirror and smile.
Tokoyami was apart of this journey the whole way through, he supported Ojiro along with the whole class it made Tokoyami so happy to see his friend comfy in his own skin, this is the part where they fall for eachother they did so much time helping eachother and exploring their own bodies they were now ready to start exploring each-others bodies.
You know the drill, sneaking into eachothers dorm rooms to sleep together (And i mean actually sleep but maybe they mess around sometimes) touching hands in the dorm kitchen somehow my hand ended up on top of yours, hugs lasting longer, hands being held, hurting with eachother when things go wrong, remembering their past and creating their future
I think the gays are gonna be ok :)
Another pairing I have never ever considered but let's dive in together shall we
Oh we going t4t here?? love that already So what I'm getting is nonbinary he/him Tokoyami and transmasc he/him Ojiro? are we on the same page? bc i really love that
the bathroom part broke my heart bc I get it!! Imagine Tokoyami taking Ojiro to the men's bathroom for the first time, he's very nervous so they hold hands, take a deep breath, and go in together, it may seem small for everyone else but it's huge for them, ojiro is so thankful to have someone who gets him as a friend (at this time)
I vibe with this Tokoyami so much, bc I'm nonbinary too and besides my chest, I don't have many issues with my body, so I can understand him not wanting to get surgery or any major changes but still having that lingering feeling about it
Love that for our boy Ojiro, i can see tokoyami helping him film those videos that record your voice and body progress on T, they totally do this every other month
I think falling in love was inevitable for them in this scenario, they were each other's first love, in the sense that they were the first perosn to truly love the other in all the ways there is, and understanding the other in the deepste level
youg trans love is so sweet, let's all give it up for trans teens in love guys!!
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housecatclawmarks · 1 year
The weird sort of scapegoating of NB/genderqueer people frustrates me a lot too when I see other binary trans people doing it because like. sorry but where the fuck were you when I (trans man) was getting discriminated against trying to access gender affirming care as a teen? I (sixteen, crying in the shower on a weekly basis bc of helplessness and dysphoria) was mislabeled as nonbinary by my care provider in an attempt to deny me care because he decided being gay meant I wasn’t Man Enough, which meant I didn’t deserve the hrt that ‘real’ trans men like him needed access to.
Where were you all then, when I needed empathy? you’re happy to include me along with you now-we’re the same in your head. I’m on hrt, I’ve had top surgery, I’m out as a man. But I was out as a man at sixteen. I had already faced violence for being out as a man. I fought hard to get on t, to get top surgery-so that I could comfortably wear my short shorts and do drag and grow my hair long again.
Even with my gender nonconformity, you’re happy to accept me now, because you’ve decided I’m one of you-but where were you then, when I needed that unconditional acceptance? Where was the inclusion and reassurance when I was scared and suicidal?
It wasn’t coming from other binary trans people for the most part! The people in my life then wanted to talk about transition like a race, wanted to compare experiences, wanted to mention again and again how their doctors liked them, they had never had that issue. Because it was my failure that I couldn’t live up to that standard of masculinity, and they could not resist feeling good about themselves for gaining a cis institution’s validation and praise.
But nonbinary people were there for me! They didn’t have expectations or requirements of my gender presentation that I had to meet in order to be supported by them! The fact that they were nonbinary and I’m a trans man didn’t make them treat me as less of a trans person or less in community with them. Nonbinary transfems made me feel safe experimenting with my look any way I wanted to. When I was looking for top surgeons, it was two nonbinary transmasc drag performers who recommended one to me without hesitation, and I knew I could trust what they said because if they had been treated well by this surgeon without compromising themselves, I would be too. And I was. So make some genuine connections with the people physically around you and shut the fuck up.
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chonylolu · 1 year
Ok ill bite. Gimme some of ur trans headcanons I wanna hear em
YAYYY so ig I should just start off with a list and go from there (yea that prolly should've been included in the og post but um. I stupid)
Wickerbottom, she/her, mtf
Wilson, he/him, ftm
Woodie, he/him, ftm
Maxwell, she/he, mtf
Walani, she/her, mtf
Wendy, they/them, ftnb
Webber, he/they, mtnb
Wes, he/him, mtnb
Wx-78, they/it, mtnb, yes ik this is canon but they're cool so I wanted to include them in the list anyways :]
I feel like wilson would've realized pretty young but wasn't able to transition until later, after he distanced himself from his family
also he did his own top surgery bc we love fucked up scientists in this house
Maxwell realized he was trans in the constant as opposed to pre-constant like a lot of the others but technically already handled most of her transition before realizing it. like.
"damn everyone thinks I'm dead time to become my cool ideal self and also completely change my name"
Woodies werebeaver curse essentially acts as free hrt 90% of his body hair is actually just beaver fur he never bothered to shave off bc it gives him gender euphoria. he also hasn't had top surgery and probably never will
also the nb wendy headcanon I got from this cool fic my friend cosmic wrote :]
I have. so many more thoughts but these were the ones I thought of first and felt I could accurately express ill prolly add more later and ofc I will still answer more asks
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doberbutts · 1 year
So, apologies ahead of time for the phrasing in this, it’s such an awkward thing to word. I saw your post earlier that mentioned the first hint you had about being intersex was with your size, which is something that kinda made me go... huh. Huh. Because I also am on the larger size there - enough so that it can become really uncomfortable with tighter clothing and cis female friends I’ve discussed it with have expressed.... surprise? Disbelief? Vague concern? It’s also fairly common for the women in my family to start growing light facial hair in their 20s. After getting top surgery, my voice dropped a little too, just enough to be noticeable - which is something that I’ve never heard anybody mention as even like, a possibility. My mom’s always told me that I (and one of my sisters) probably have a little higher testosterone than “other girls” but it wasn’t a big deal. But now I’m not so sure.
Anyway I’m planning on trying to start T this summer (ironically when I mentioned this to one of my friends he said he thought I was already on T) and I’m just curious if there’s anything you’d recommend mentioning or looking into that might help me figure out if I might be intersex too??? I always kinda shoved it under the rug because I don’t feel like I look particularly ambiguous (even post op I don’t really pass as male) and I’ve never had any physical health issues that would tip me off, but these little things keep coming up and it’s always nagging in the back of my head. Regardless, thank you for sharing and talking about everything you do, I hope you’re having a great day!!!
Well first I want to say: natural variation exists for both male and female anatomy, and thus the question becomes "how small can a micropenis be before it's an intersex problem instead of just a man with a very small penis" and "how big can a clitorus be before it's an intersex problem instead of just a woman with a very big clitorus", which is very hard to quantify and often there are other, adjoining factors.
I have always been, ahem, on the bigger side. When i was young, I was convinced it was just a very small penis and it would grow into being a regular penis whenever my "balls dropped" during puberty, having no idea how puberty for boys works. Suffice to say that didn't happen (though there is an intersex variation where it CAN, believe it or not) and even before T as an adult I needed to keep pubic hair a certain length or the hair would catch under the hood and be *incredibly* uncomfortable, plus it's large enough that when I started wearing men's underwear which has a 😏 pouch 😏 on the front I noticed a dramatic increase in comfort.
I don't have sex with vaginas and don't even like looking at them or reading about them in porn so I didn't really know what size a clit is "supposed" to be until my ex was like "not that big". Eventually I did try to have sex with a girl and that ended spectacularly poorly but she was certainly smaller than me.
When I pack (which I can't do bc my dick is busted) I use a brand that is specifically made for trans guys on T and for cis dudes with micropenises, and again, even before T it was useable as a sexual pleasure device. I'm sure now, especially since I've gained some size, it'd fit me even better.
So you are "big" but are you "that big"?
As far as getting your own answers, nothing for it but to go to the gyn and an endo and tell them what you've told me. That's how I did it, and I got a solid answer after several years of looking for a doctor that would even listen to me, within about 3 weeks of pursuing diagnosis.
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