#bc hearing ppl talk about it casually on here is one thing
chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Reading some articles on Smalltown Boy (1984) and noticed they always mention Margaret Thatcher. Which reminds me of in s2 when Karen mentions Margaret Thatcher like moments after/before we get a shot of a Reagan sign on the Wheeler’s front lawn…
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Can someone explain to me what Karen’s comment meant?
I’m just wondering what we’re expected to assume based on what’s being alluded to here??.
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the-moon-files · 9 months
Linked Universe / GN!Reader - Random Headcanons abt the Chain! :)
Part 1 / Part 2 (ur here!) / Part 3
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Sun: Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: Hyrule, Time, Fierce Deity, Twilight, Warriors
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: light cussing, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Hyrule (The Legend of Zelda - OG game, Zelda II: Adventures of Link):
Lost easily, obviously, you know this
What you didnt know was that its very easy to get lost with him
Bc he's so excited/curious for new sights he doesnt give any fucks abt where he is, so it devolves into that "wait, I thought YOU were leading us there?? Then where tf are we??!!" very quickly
Does feel bad he stressed u out smtimes but he somehow manages to get into such wild shit that Hyrule's kinda preoccupied being confused/amazed/finding his way out, or any combo of these situations (once again, usually with you unfortunately)
Is the luckiest when it comes to getting lost or anything to do with "natural" things
Like he heard u rlly like this one fruit? Accidentally gets lost all day and panics all the Links + You until he shows up at midnight with a shirtful of them
("I found a few fruit trees/plants in the woods while wandering! I tried to grab a few for you and before I knew it, it was dark, sorry...")
Likes learning little skills from other people, like learning how to do makeup from Legend, or how to spot collections of rupees the Minish have left somewhere from Four, or how walk on any terrain from Wind (good at walking on a ship, on land, climbing etc)
More of a "sunset" hiker than a "sunrise" one
Likes to do your hair! Whether that be braiding, putting accessories (he handmade shhh) thruout it, or helping with hair maintenance, likes how strangely intimate but domestic it feels together with you (u return the favor ofc)
(All the other heroes are looking at you both like kicked puppies jfcccc🙄)
Time (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask):
Gets anxious if he's late to things, likes being fashionably early (or ungodly, when u let him get away with it)
Has absolutely been that meme from Parks and Recreation where he's like "Alright. I'm not mad, I just wanna know. Who broke it?"
(Abt the coffee pot for the camp)
Knowing full and well-
"I broke it. It burnt my coffee for the 3rd morning in a row, so I punched it. I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with war paint on their faces and a moblin head on a stick. ...good. It was getting a little chummy around here."
MF LOVES GOSSIP (wouldn't admit this even at swordpoint)
Wars has absolutely been the person in the meme of:
Wars: "...why would you tell me this??"
Time: "Bc no one will ever believe you."
Wars: ...😦
Has a resting bitch face and knows it, actively cultivates it, scary dog privileges for you,
Type to take ur side in whatever situation ur in, even when Time has no idea whats going on, always, without question <3
The same height as First, (Twi's a close 2nd), and feels most secure when the 3 of you are at the front of the group, but First/Time are slightly in front of you
Like ur literally the person walking their 2 huge scary doobermans/mastiffs one leash in each hand basically 💀
(Once again, Link is deeply comforted by ur voice just over his shoulder/just hearing u even without seeing you)
Very subtly sarcastic, u dont even know he made a dig at you until 3-5 business days later
Likes ur sarcasm more than anyone else's in the group, or even his own lol
Fierce Deity (Majora's Mask):
Likes music, any music (amused at drunk karaoke)
Casually cradles ur arms or back whenever ur falling asleep/tripping/being clumsy near him
Very warm and smoothed calloused hands
Thinks abt what he's about to say so hard/long, that the conversation's moved on by like, 3 rounds/subject changes by the time he's actually ready to talk
Scolds ppl (in like a sentence) who neglect their needs, like sleeping/eating/hygiene
Finds peace in nature, if hes ever upset, u can bet he's already taking a walk by a stream
Likes teaching u/other Links little skills he has, its nice to feel appreciated/needed for something other than fighting or big moments
He falls in love with small moments, like the first time u made them all a dessert recipe from ur world, or repaired First's scarf (for the millioneth time) and bc everyone had gotten their clothes scratched up, everyone needed repairs so most Links were sewing smth lol
Enjoys watching ppl experience smth for the first time, or even himself exp smth for first time
Fierce smiled fully for the first time when you got into the mountain hot springs in Wild's Hyrule for the first time and were super excited
Also the type to hold ur hand while stepping in to make sure u dont fall, or just subtly boost a Link that was abt to fall from climbing smth
Like for being the tallest, he's surprisingly sneaky, the energy of the biggest cat in the house yet somehow also the quietest
Does that thing where someone takes ur hand and like massages ur fingers, palm, wrist and shakes them out kinda for you <3
Twilight (Twilight Princess):
Trips UP the stairs.
Cold start LMAO
ok ill be nice to him,, sike
Easy to bully?? U mean that kindly, he's just such a golden retriever sometimes u cant help urself (tho u make sure to reign it in and not take advantage of it so as not to genuninely hurt him)
Lol likes to "herd" his favorite people, like those dogs livestock farmers have u kno that they say end up herding their owners/their family lol
Like making subtle circles around the Chain, wrapping an arm around Hyrule and teasing him to quietly bring him back into the group before he gets lost,
Tugs on Time's armor to slow him down, mf may be in armor head to toe but he'll outpace all of u 💀
Likes to put his hand on ur lower back to guide u back into the group from whatever scenic thing u got distracted by
(so sue you, ur literally in The Legend of Zelda's Hyrule, surrounded by pretty blondes, why tf wouldnt you be distracted all the time??)
The only time he doesnt herd actively is in Ordon, just subconciously lol <3
Terrible sleep schedule, but sleeps like the dead when he does, has collapsed with a limb on top of you and u couldnt escape
Hard time waking up in the morning despite being country boy, who usually have to do chores first thing in morning on a farm
hates/envious of Wild (up at 5am even on days off?? Foul.)
Runs warm, but complains abt a slight breeze?
Would sleep with no covers if it werent for morning dew
Wishes cats liked him more (its the wolf smell)
Twi has the constant energy of a tall person carefully maneuvering around cluttered/low doorways while someone a head shorter runs by him and bounces off of him
U get onto/scold the Links and he's immediately the first to just sit on the ground, or put down whatever he's holding no matter what he's doing LMAO 😭😭
Keeps his eyes on u too the whole time lol
Warriors (Hyrule Warriors):
Cries over romance novels/dramas
A virgo in all stereotypes of the word tbh
Invented the red-string conspiracy theory board before the red-string conspiracy board existed in Hyrule
Also likes to take care of your hair! (What?? He and 'Rulie don't fight over ur hair, that'd be childish, he's not a foolish boy- Hyrule, hand over the brush.👹)
Remembers the little things abt u type of person, like ur favorite drink, ur favorite stories like tv shows/books even if theyre from ur world, ur favorite clothing pieces like shorts vs. pants, etc.
The only Link who can single handedly claim he could take your closet and dress you in something you'd actually wear.
Honestly once he got the hang of it, would get better at dressing you, than you
(Another domestic thing he adores, picking outfits for u/finding that perfect piece of clothing you've been needing lately)
Born to night-owl, forced to morning-bird 😔
Wars wakes up stiff sometimes bc soldier training is sleeping on ur back, hands to ur sides, laying straight in ur bed, so as to fit into bunks/bedrolls close together
It got better as he was promoted to Captain, so he could have his own quarters but its still a hard habit to shake
One of the few Links who works up the courage to genuinely pitfully ask if you'd mind massaging his shoulders again? He slept badly last night, please?? 🥺👉👈
(Ur so weak for pathetic hurting pretty blonde twinks lol)
The most lowkey abt taking care of Chain, but u make sure to take care of him as a gift back, and you've definitely caught him tearing up abt it 💖
Debated writing smth else first but figured this was easy and short and i started it first so youll have to wait like one more post before more Masc Reader stuff guys 😔
Dw its coming, i havent abandoned u my homies out there 🫂
Let me know what u think in the comments of my slight characterizations here!
Im struggling to conceptualize their personalities so thats acc part of why i started to write smaller stuff like this first! :)
Peace out,
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dumblucksers · 2 months
here is my taco recap + analysis that I wrote after someone mischaracterized her in front of me:
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just a disclaimer I have no idea what I'm talking about half of the time so sorry if some bits don't rlly make sense :P
ok so starting with her in season 1, literally all we see her as is this insane little cray say thing who has an iq of 7, apparently speaks French, spits lemons, screams randomly and says things that make no sense LMAO
she gets close to pickle and they stick together for basically the entire season
obviously we know now that her motivation this time was to become the fan favorite and get to the end so she can win the million (for reasons we don't know honestly, maybe find out in 16)
there are also moments in s1 where she'll slip up the act (but they play off as comedic effect) example when she calculated her fall in ep 12 or in 11 where she revealed her arms and was speaking full sentences to pickle for a second and a half
but anyway right at the end when she loses is where she reveals her true self and tried to steal the million after losing (and also severing her relationship with pickle)
one thing to point out before moving on is that taco is an analyzer, her act of being dumb gave her time to observe all of the contestants and pick the right allies and whatevs
n e way moving on to s2
taco has been stalking the entirety of s2 up until she reveals herself in 9, where she still wants the million (or rather half of it, and for reasons we still don't know) and she takes interest in the grand slams team, particularly microphone, who ironically doesn't exactly have a strong voice in the game and is, in tacos eyes, an easy target. So she reveals herself to mic and offers to help her advance in the game in exchange for 50/50 of the million
at this point taco only rlly sees mic as a pawn, and easily controlled. mic is unsure as all she's hearing is how useless and sad she is from a tiny British taco KSJSJSK
however mic is lowkey desperate herself bc she feels as though she isn't pulling her weight on her team, doesn't have much of a voice in the competition, she just lost soap aswell. so she accepts tacos help in the maze challenge using her gain setting.
now in 11 we see more of tacos strategies play out, as she further analyzes the grand slams, as it's categorized as: the alliance (baseball, nickel, suitcase) the friendship (suitcase and balloon) and the other ppl (knife and mic). Taco is more focused on the alliance and their relation to balloon, and she urges mic to get more involved in the pushing away of balloon to get him eliminated (and to further progress mic in the game) but rather than using the approach of attempting to make allies with baseball and nickel, we learn of tacos more violent tendencies. she wants to use a temporary paralyzer (courtesy of test tubes lab) to decapitate balloon. this is where mic draws the line, and also the episode where she proves herself to taco by instead of using violence, she substitutes subtle verbal and emotional manipulation instead. Taco is greatly impressed by this, and it's at this point where taco realizes that mic may not be as helpless as she originally thought.
now taco and mic are starting to reach equal ground, as in 12 they are more casual with each other and just chilling. it's also where the TIME TRAVEL STUFFF HAPPENS WHWOAOOAOAOAOOWOWOWOWOWOW
basically when they're down in test tubes lab and lightbulb activates the Time Machine portal thing, mic sees taco reach towards the portal, before it closes. this is (I think) the first time mic and the audience has seen taco look built a k o my god how tf do you spell vulnerable. ok there we go anyway this is the first time we see taco look vulnerable, and *possibly* regret towards her past actions. she reaches while saying "another chance, perhaps." and while at the time it could have been taken as another chance at stealing the million, ii 15 adds more context that she wants another chance with her relationships in the past, particularly with pickle, and she clearly regrets what she did.
now after this point mic is now a bit sus of what just happened, seeing taco reach for the portal. we also get to see another silly side of taco (not the cray say silly, just normal silly) as she tries to distract mic from the portal And from the fact that test tube and lightbulb are now in the time stuff.
oh yeah also at the end the episode knife finds out about mic and taco oh nooooo well go into that in a second
in 13 yknow they're trying to get knife to join them cuz now he knows and yeah yeah whatever. also taco and mic are getting closer as equals and as friends too so yeah
mic also brings up the portal and taco ignores, as per usual.
now let's get to the interesting stuff. Taco and mic are following knife around in the minecarts, and taco says smth like "is this you holding a grudge over my true self? For why? Everyone knows who I am now!" And mic says "doooo we thooooo????" this is like. 99% attached to the whole portal thing, bc mic saw that vulnerability and now she knows there's a teeeeeny bit more to the evil lil British Mexican food than what meets the eye
also there's another instance of taco and mics violence is bad bit, where knife is about to fall off, and while taco is like YIPPEEEE mic is like erm. No. And then saves knife
now here's where it gets even MORE interesting, where knife calls out tacos first alliance with pickle. Taco obviously gets mad at this, but mic doesn't rlly have a huge reaction except to tell knife that "she's(tacos) changing", which shows that she prolly put two and two together about the portal thing (prolly isss bc she stops pestering about it at this point)
now at this moment in 14 it's clear that taco and mic are partners in crime (well crime might be stretching it. Or not considering what happens), taco goes to shut down mepad so she and mic can teleport freely (and, to the prime shimmer spaceship) where the last violence is bad instance comes up. mic says PROMISE NO VIOLENCE and taco teeechnically doesn't promise, but yaknoww
now cut to when taco uses violence, she kills test tube and paralyzes fan to mics horror. she won immunity but at the expense of others , and that wasn't smth she was comfortable with, and that was her breaking point. she drops taco AND the entire show and eliminates herself
this is also tacos breaking point, in a way. where she realizes how much the game has shaped her into doing heinous acts, and for what, a chance at a cash prize? And now that she's completely out of luck for that prize, her work was for nothing. and it was at the expense of her two closest friends.
she pinpoints where she screwed up, and it was at the finale of season 1, where she broke her ties completely with her best friend just for a chance to steal the prize money. It was the game that fucked up her mentality, that every horrible thing that is done is for the greater good, and to use the rules of the game and the people you meet to advance for a extremely low chance of winning it all. Realizing all of this, taco doesn't want a repeat of this cycle, since the competition is so close to completion. She requests the challenge information from Mepad, and uses him as an incentive to Mephone.
But before we go there time to talk about her BANGER MUSICAL NUMBER YESSSS MY LIL THEATRE KID
anyway in the song id like to point out the banger lines "and we choose, to feel this pain, and we lose, more than we gain" which is basically everything I mentioned before about using the rules of the game and pushing away friends and whatever, and then eventually losing more than you get
next part "if I can't win the prize, I'll play my last reprisal, just to bring their lies all to an end" and then mepad is all like welll you gotta regenerate and tacos like, yeah that's prolly not gonna happen. And mepad points out how she believes she can't start on a clean slate. taco is like bro. with my track record? dawg there's no slate to begin with LMAO
but seriously with everything tacos done she believes it's too late to restart and that everything she did is irreparable (which ngl, kinda true maybe? but also not cuz she hasn't even apologized just yet) and mepad tries to convince her that yes you can change!!! youuu can make a difference...you can make it right... but taco doesn't rlllly listen
ok long story short she takes over the next part of the challenge which is truth or flare, where platforms rise if the contestants tell the truth and falls if they lie, and their fire has to reach the top and burn their rope. Taco, using her extended stalker knowledge of s2, quizzes the contestants on their interpersonal relationships and ngl as Mephone put it it's just a twisted group therapy session lmao
fast forward to nearing the end and the last question taco asks is to suitcase about what she thought she saw when she was being a floating bow tie. suitcase brings up her hallucinations, to which everyone, including taco, is horrified by. Taco sees how the game has affected suitcase, by making her so anxious that she literally HALLUCINATES, and that is yet another breaking point for her. She urges the remaining 4 to leave the competition before they go in too deep. She admits to her not caring about the cash prize anymore, as she "saw the desire took her to extremes" (the violence thing between her and mic) and how the game changes people based on how deep they get into it. She calls out Mephone for getting too deep aswell, as she brings up his challenges that clean up his messes, using tactics such as surprise double eliminations to add drama that mentally fucks with everyone involved in it. Her lil spiel is interrupted by a bush shake, since lightbulbs lil pen she's been clicking actually calls out a signal, and that anyone nearby could answer the call. Taco starts cracking out of fear? nervousness? Pressure idk anxiety any of those, because as knife points out, anyone could meannnn pickleeeee orrrr miccccc oh nooooo. knife says that she has to face her truths too, And then taco cracks completely and dies. annnnd everyone is horrified and sad, except for Mephone obviously, who is now threatened by taco since everything she said was true ngl jdhdjs
but also goes to show how mentally fucked taco is aswell, which while yes it is her fault that her relationships ended the way they did, the common denominator AND motivator is and was always the game.
anyway mepad and the other contestants force Mephone into reviving taco, and mepad formally resigns from the show convinced by tacos speech about leaving the game before it fucks them up. Mepad teleports away and stays with taco, urging her to stop hiding away from her truths and face pickle and mic, if for the last time. Aaand taco agrees
OK THATS IT WOW so tldr taco did some no no things But her unhealthy obsession with Winning a constantly (and unrightfully) changing game was the main factor, and her realization of this is leading her to a redemption arc that she and the people she hurt will (hopefully) heal from
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shattersstar · 1 year
ok but we need to hear more about college dick now👀👀
hehe ask and u shall receive because ohhh myyy dick in college is such a messsssssss but like so pretty it’s almost unfair
i love the idea of dick and a bunch of his friends getting a house together with the intent of being Normal for the first time in a while, which means being absolute menaces as most 20 smth yr old guys are
very much known for being a party house bordering a frat but all the guys r so nice that it’s rlly hard to think of them like that. it’s a space where he can let go, feel like himself and with the encouragement of his friends, dick puts the brakes on like relationship hunting and just has fun..
he’s been in pretty committed relationships since he was old enough to be and has always struggled with casual dating let alone sleeping with people he barely know. but when dick learns there r ppl out there looking for the same thing and not everyone wants to b the next future ex mr/mrs. grayson it makes it a lil easier to be his charming self with no bounds <33
and then he mets you and it’s the usual routine, flirting you to his bedroom which is in the basement—of course—well alllllmost doing so until you vanish out of his grasp for reasons dick cannot discern (you weren’t here for him silly)
and while he’s not like one of those oh i wanted to hit and couldn’t so im gonna chase you types, dick does have to reconcile with the fact your friends with roy and spend a lot of time at the house now
which also means he learns how cool you r and how goofy he feels for just tryna sleep with you
and despite his friends vouching for him you really only see (and have heard the numerous rumours) dick as a rich playboy and that’s not for you. plus he’s def a business or poli sci major……….but with a psych minor bc it feels the most practical despite how boring dick finds most of his classes
though when he realizes your both in a psych elective together he’s all toothy grins and obnoxious air which isn’t helping his case but of course he’s a decent student and when you mentioned hating statistics—you were stuck with the worse prof outta the two—dick jumped at the chance to help
you were sooooooo skeptical and even though agreed you kept brushing him off until dick just started helping you when you were over to hang out. he drops a textbook in your lap while sitting in roy’s bed or starts reviewing your notes and adding examples while your hanging out on the living room floor building lego sets with everyone else.
and dick did that a lot—sure it was his house and roy was his best friend along with all of his other housemates but dick never hesitated to insert himself into whatever you were doing when you came over. and it shouldn’t surprised you but everyone being so..unbothered by it had you confused. like maybe that’s how dick is but it spoke bounds to their closeness and was the First time you actually saw a little more to dick than just some campus hottie douchebag who threw parties to get laid
and while you weren’t about to tell dick that, you did start coming over with the intent of working on stats together. it usually meant dick having to re-lecture whatever your prof barely managed to explain and helping you with the page long equations needed for assignments
and dick keeps it as platonic as possible, on a mission to prove he’s not the person you think he is and not only because he wanted to be with you—well yeah he does—but because dick cares what you think about him. he knows his friends care about you and value what you have to say and he wants you to know it’s the same for him
and maaaybe you see that too but dick needs to suffer a little more
bonus: you talk to dick abt ppl you’re interested in at some point (either genuinely or to mess with him) when he insists on always hanging out with you and roy. and while he gives advice with a smile, still trying to prove his capacity for mature, platonic relationships, dick screams into his pillow later that night when he goes over the convo again and again and agai—
bonus bonus: he’s probably on the school’s gymnastics team <3
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twyllodrus · 5 months
dead boy detectives + ride the cyclone AU
like, say, the agency gets a new case in north-eastern saskatchewan, ppl report hearing music & singing once every year, at an abandoned warehouse of a theme park, on a specific day in september. with little digging, they find out there was an accident a while back involving a high school choir
for some reason the cyclone gang never moves on, so the agency arrives & so here are some headcanons for their interactions and agency's reactions to some of the songs:
the uranium suite, everyone's really creeped out/confused, except for niko who's vibing throughout the whole thing; at first the two groups don't realize they can see/speak to each other, but soon the cyclone kids find out that holy shit there are new people here hi hello heyy
everyone's excited about newcomers, ocean especially so, who quickly takes the initiative & so edwin defers to her as the group's leader (to noel's annoyance), and they attempt to work on solving the case together, it's all v civil. but then the talking part's over & the singing part of loop begins, so ocean performs what the world needs which does a total 180 on their encounter thus far & now everyone's high-key judging ocean; edwin gives a lecture on evils of social darwinism
noel's lament, noel right away clocks edwin as a repressed edwardian twink & sets out to put him in a coma with the whole monique routine. strangely the moment lipstick & lingerie come out it doesn't seem to faze edwin as much. but then noel also sees the way edwin sometimes looks at charles & so instead of mischa he pulls charles in for the kiss part, who cheerfully goes along with it, which nearly short-circuits edwin's brain (later on constance and niko get to gush together about two boys kissing). by the end of it everyone's dancing & being dramatic like they're the cast of cabaret on acid, except for edwin who's still digesting what's just happened
every story's got a lesson, everyone's still pissed at ocean, edwin incredulously wonders what was the lesson in being sacrificed to a demon & sent to hell at age 16
at first everyone's kinda cringing during this song is awesome, edwin is convinced this "autotune" is a modern tool used to commune with otherworldly entities, but eventually everyone gets into it; they all get sunglasses on, crystal gets edwin to wear a baseball cap backwards, everyone's having general fun
talia, charles is relived to learn that "the angriest boy in town", who could've been easily chalked up to being the toxic masculinity type dudebro, isn't like that at all (just mischa's whole monologue "i lay my masculinity at the altar of your maidenhood" gods). everyone gets to wear vyshyvankas & flower crowns. it's gorgeous
ricky potts unintentionally answers the age-old question of "is it actually possible to give a ghost an aneurysm?" the answer is yes, and space age bachelor man almost succeeds where the noel's lament failed. the moment horny cat people are in the mix, edwin is bombarded with cat king flashbacks and, later on, crystal "casually" mentions that they have met the actual cat king. ricky is super hype & asks lots of questions, giggling, twirling hair etc and also he totally called it that cats can talk but just choose not to
the ballad of jane doe, crystal hardcore relates to the dead decapitated girl, who doesn't know her own name or her past, or who her parents were and whom no one can identify too ("oh no soul, and no name, and no story, what a shame" like c'mon!)
jawbreaker/sugar cloud, everyone's gets a tad teary-eyed, but charles is openly weeping when constance lists all the random things in her life which she grew to appreciate only after the accident
in the end, they figure out the reason they couldn't move on is bc of virgil the rat who for some reason kept shutting karnak off prematurely, before the voting could begin. after figuring that out the voting proceeds as intended, but instead of one of them returning to the living world, they all get to move on. niko adopts virgil the rat
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
Babs! We need a fic where older Ponyboy (maybe 18, gonna turn 18, let's just make him 18 for now) is in his senior spring break and honestly had no plans. Curly finds him, tells him he's going back to Haiti to see family and invites him along.
Nothing dramatic, just two excited boyfriends going to one of their home countries, Ponyboy gets to hear new languages, see new sights (he loves laying on the white beaches with Curly, listening to the ocean. They usually say nothing during that time--they don't need to) eat new food and of course meet more Shepard family. They're just as wild as the ones he knows in America, but there's such a sense of love and belonging in that home. They instantly love Ponyboy (there's just something about this white boy that ain't threatening.) They already call him names Ponyboy tells himself are just casual endearing ones. (No they've already adopted him, he's their token white boy) Pony wants to compare Haiti to his home, and it's sort of like that, but in it's own unique way.
Also, he learns of Curly's government name. The second he heard it, he felt Curly stiffen as an auntie came over and kissed both his cheeks and spoke about hos tall he was getting. Ponyboy could pratically feel the rage rattling around in Curly's body.
......Curly has a french name. That's why he hates it so much.
Curly gets another tattoo and re pierces his ear, and Ponyboy get his first tattoo, a small thing on his ankle or on his back (someplace he can hide it from Darry till he's 18 and can run away legally). Ponyboy and Curly walking in the streets at dusk to witness the prettiest sunset Ponyboy has ever seen, sitting on the rooftop balcony smoking weed.
It's the greatest memories they'll ever share with each other.
Pony gets into Harvard with his essay he wrote about his time as a 14 year old and how he grew to love himself with the help of a tough as nails greaser who took him to Haiti.
.......forget a fanfic where's the production team to make this movie?
its been so long since someone called me babs, i actually jumped a lil /pos /lh
idk y im getting more asks involving haitian shepards,,but im REVELING in it, im ABSOLUTELY eating this up like im at the last supper
tim, 𝓹𝓲𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓮, angela its even funnier bc i hc angela and curly as twins so its like, they whipped out this french ass name for one kid and looked at the other and just went “yea we’ll call her angela”, but i saved curlys entire life n just say his real name is christopher, i cant have my fav be plagued by the french COMPLETELY
(i also said that he hates it tim and angela would probably go “YO PIERRE U WANNA COME OUT HERE🤔🤔🗣️🔥” over and over)
and pony being adopted as the token white boy is SO real, ik they call him “blan” (if u dont know, “blan” is like, the haitian equivalent of gringo, best way i can explain it)
BUT IMAGINE ALL THE THINGS THEY CAN DO!!! they can get ready for kanaval,,,going to the waterfalls,,,,seeing curlys other family that also live in the more country side,,,they can teach pony dances,,,,they can even go into some caves!!!! they can get fresca,,,,get fruits from curlys cousins backyard,,,go on lil walks w curlys cousins to the store for, the possibilities, anon im gonna scream,,
they even have pics to never forget the memories!!! pony also has a scar bc of a lil mishap w a tap tap, but we dont talk about that❤️❤️
and as for curly getting his ears pierced and getting another tattoo ik he was getting looks and lectures from ppl but he did NOT care and honestly, go him
plus everyones speaking in kreyòl and barely knows a lick of english, curly was def the translator the whole time but thats ok, he thought pony looking confused was pretty cute n funny
i will never forget this, anon
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inchidentally · 9 months
I know wives and gf talk isn't for everyone so asks under a cut - and I hate the term 'wag' so I'll start tagging these 'f1partnertalk' for those who want to bl!
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right??? and the fact that in his Australia tourism type video with her he refers to her as his 'partner' which to me is both him being socially minded but also respect bc by that time they'd been together 3 and a bit years!
and exactly !! on the one hand he's not using her as a status thing of 'look I have a gf' but he's also made the very smart decision (and I think this was the Webbers influence) of not having her be a secret or a mystery. her acc going private is pretty normal for F1 gfs who aren't using their profile for business but the fact that he casually reminds people about her and that she'll like certain content posted about her or them is enough to stop anyone thinking she's 'fake' or whatever. there were some feeble attempts to claim they were broken up just bc she didn't go to many races but when folks pointed out she was in final year of uni for a very difficult degree it died down.
gotta say though - and this isn't in reply to you it's an aside about comments I see - I find the straight people thing of jumping to theories about marriage for long term relationships SO weird. it's like there's this ticking time bomb for het relationships lol. it's esp weird since they're so young and his career requires him to be so selfish (his and Lando's words) that I'm like how do ppl see that and leap to them marrying buying a house and planning kids when they not only don't live together yet they also spend most of the year apart??? sure they're super mature and stable for their age but who I am now and who I was during hs and college has been so incredibly different! I couldn't imagine making that huge a commitment esp if I had an all consuming career like Oscar does. I just hope those comments (however well meaning) don't reach them bc that feels crazy over-stepping and would be so awkward to read.
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these asks I felt like went together really well lol
(this is the post anon refers to) oh anon. idk if you've seen them but have a look through here to enjoy Oscar's 8-year little crush on Lando and I think it's safe to say that Lily will at least have had an inkling about it.
and the thing is that being physical just isn't Oscar's way even with Lily which if Lando was at all hmmmm about then he'll have seen that pretty early on. as anon listed above, Oscar shows his affection for people by including them when he talks about his life (which Lando also gets!) also acts of service and signs of respect (which Lando also gets!)
this is me projecting here but idk the way Oscar talks about the boarding school guys he's still friends with and his friends back in Oz but doesn't post about them or have them to many races just makes me think that Oscar decided very early on to just avoid the distraction of sharing himself on social media apart from memes? he's never wanted to establish any kind of online persona and he got really solid a levels as a backup in engineering if F1 didn't work out so he's never planned to be a public person anyway.
where I'm going w that is that Lando will absolutely by now have learned all of this about Oscar. Oscar will like and respond to content about Lando but most of what Lando gets from him will be the acts of service and signs of respect. which is exactly what Oscar does with Lily, his family, Mark, etc. Oscar's own content will be about generically positive stuff re McLaren and the occasional funny post (like P1,P2,P6?). but the people he considers his most inner circle will stay largely off the map. which lbr is what Lando himself does with a lot of his closest friends! especially since his fame began to grow he's stopped posting a lot of those people and we only hear them bc he mentions seeing them. Lando is Oscar's little long harbored 'crush' and Lily is his long term gf. I feel like if that's obvious to us then it def will be for Lando :)
so we can count ourselves incredibly lucky that Lando being Oscar's teammate means we get as much of a window in on them as we do <3
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Hi! Congratulations on your followers, you deserve it!
Can I request a sun and an eclipse on how to make friends? If you don't get time to answer, that's totally fine, IGCSEs come first :)
thank you bea!! sorry for responding so late, exams are killing me slowly
requests are here!!
ミ★ 𝚜𝚞𝚗 ★彡 - i'll write you a poem, either about you or about a subject of your choice
unfortunately you forgot to clarify what you want me to write a poem about, but i asked you im dms :) guys please dont forget to tell me what it should be about!!!
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poem here (sorry its somewhat terrible 😭):
a very long time ago, a child looked to the stars as her father pointed and named each one. the stars winked in response. a fairly long time ago, a child looked to the stars, as his mother pointed and recalled her father. the stars remembered them. a score years ago, a child looked to the stars, and they told him about his father, long passed.  they kept him company.  eight years ago, a child looked to the stars, and whispered her secrets to them as her father watched. the stars kept her secrets safe. in a few years, a child will look to the stars and hear the whispers of their mother, from long ago, softly spoken to them.
ミ★ 𝚎𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚙𝚜𝚎 ★彡 - i'll give you big sister advice on literally anything. school drama, issues with parents, trauma, anything. trust me, i have advice on everything. (this is the only one where i'll accept anon)
how to make friends:
first, you gotta make your pick on who you wanna be friends with. you gotta see why you wanna be friends w them. the easiest thing here is choosing ppl who you have things in common with. that way, youll have something to talk about with them.
lets say you wanna be friends with that one girl in ur class bc she was reading agggtm. literally, bite the bullet and go talk to her. she wont think youre weird for talking, and you dont make friends by keeping to yourself and expecting others to come to you.
just walk up and say “i like your book / clothes” and continue the conversation from there. the best way to keep a conversation going is to ask questions. that way theyll keep answering. if theyre answering dryly, no biggie, just leave and dont think too hard abt it. if theyre responding well then thats amazing, keep talking. then after a few minutes of talking and already establishing a conversation, thats when you say your name and whatever else.
keep your tone casual, your expression slightly smiling, your shoulders relaxed, posture straight. the best tip for when ur just meeting someone is acting like youve known each other for ages. you might feel awkward but try ur best to not let it show. if it shows, thats okay. use your casual vocabulary instead of trying to be formal, thatll feel more familiar to a person. saying “dudeeee i LOVE that part when” etc or shit, thats gonna make them relax more bc its so much more natural-sounding
for me, im new at my school but became popular fairly quickly (despite being severely unpopular n bullied at my old school) just bc id do this stuff. smile at everyone, greet someone with a “hii” when you know them even if its js by name and face, drop compliments wherever you can, talk to people like youve known them ages, etc
lmk if you need any more help on this bc i learnt it all by trial and error so ik what works when making friends n meeting people 😭
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Okay okay okay I have a very specific itch to hear about Mekakushi Dan sensory needs and bc you're the first person I can think of who has drawn them stimming I thought your askbox was the perfect place to launch myself. If you have thoughts here pls feed me. Bonus points for Takane's sensory needs + challenges before becoming a computer program and post str bc I do think her needs would be different than they were before?? I think not having a body for 2 years would do that to you
HI ok i dont have a lot of headcanons in general its mostly haruka and takane and mostly takane. i think haruka is the one ive drawn stimming the most Like i just think that guy would flap his little hands around yknow.
so im sorry i dont have hcs for the whole mekadan. IF UR INTERESTED IN A PARTICULAR MEKADAN GUY u can ask me and I'll come up with something >:3 it just feels overwhelming to think of it all at once. and also u said takane and you know damn well im abt to talk for 1 million hours
ok. takane❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sorry this isn't sensory needs but girl.. takanes Gamer Secret being found out... idk man it's like. this bitch had been MASKING‼️‼️‼️
even in hs days i think takane feels weird about Touching with her hands. she doesn't have the cartoonishly large sleeves she has as ene, but i think she pulls down her sleeves over her hands like in this specific manga panel i indeed have in speed dial
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i wish it appeared more often bc its a cute shoutout to ene later on and also WOOO THIS BITCH HAS SENSORY ISSUES!!! i made a comic abt it once but haruka designing actor with the bigass sleeves because he observed that takane pulls down her sleeves. *bite bite bite bite bite* also this panel has always been a fave of mine bc of autism creature takane and also bc the desk is like. at haruka's chest and he looks like he's sitting on the ground
i also think its very funny to imagine takane kicking ass in games while holding the controller with her sleeves over it and everyone's like ?????girl what. ofc she probably has specific textures she hates and all that, takane doesnt feel weird about touching as a whole.
in several instances of yuukei yesterday haruka and takane casually touch each other and while thats obviously cuz they're close friends, a lot of close friends dont act that way or arent comfortable with touch yknow!! in fact takanes the one to start most physical interactions with him. i could be crazy enough to go and check but im gonna trust my memory. and bc i love art where ene is jumping on shintaro and stuff i like to think takane is Actually touchy with ppl she trusts. also she doesnt register personal space sometimes, and ends up standing too close without noticing until someone points it out. i guess this is a bit contrary to a typical takane interpretation (UR STANDING TOO CLOSE DUMBASS🙄🙄🙄🙄 tsundere moment) but i think it's a fun spin to it. i think kenjirou is the one to most point it out like Girl step BACK ur all in my zone and she's like UGH WHATEVER and haruka also notices but never rly says anything. he probably loves it lol haruka's so overdue physical connection he loves that takane doesn't mind touching him or being close to him. also since they have a big height difference its not like she's all up on his face. i think takane starts letting go more once her ene secret's out and stops caring so much but it sorta comes back when ayano and shintaro join the group. i think shintaro especially would point out UGH WHY ARE YOU STANDING SO CLOSE TO ME or even question why she's so close to haruka or ayano. haruka and ayano are all like NOOO DONT WORRY I DONT MIND but takanes already mortified and is more self aware
another one. takane with her big old headphones. yeah yeah uses them disconnected to get haruka's attention Whatever she also uses them bc she prefers hearing stuff muffled instead of hearing it directly 👍 when she gets overwhelmed she puts those things on with the music to the max and just logs out for a min
OH also this is a canon one😼😼😼 her leg bouncy thing. shintaro points it out in the seventh novel that takane is bouncing her leg and says it's a nervous habit he never noticed on her but TO ME. SHE DOES THAT❤️ takane has huge leg bouncer energy i bet she makes the whole table shake and everyone asks her to quit it and she says Damn ok sorry and stops it for a total of 50 seconds before starting again
anyways in summary hs takane is like. tends not to notice personal space, hates touching stuff with her hands, likes having control over what or how she hears, and has a tough time staying still. POST STR... its all to the max. takane is overly aware of everything. all 5 senses are as much of a nightmare as they are a relief and it's all mixed together!!!!
ok her sensory needs that she already had pre ene are still there but completely amped up, except the personal space one. now everyone is always too close and literally just opening her eyes (HEH!! OPENING EYES!!!!) is super overwhelming bc WHOA EVERYTHING IS SO CLOSE AND HUGE AND HD. i could imagine comparing it to like, wearing contacts for the first time for any fellow glasses wearing people. like u know this, youve seen all this. but suddenly youre watching it differently without a frame around ur eyes and it just feels weird. for takane the frame was a screen instead of the glasses yknow. and to her its A LOT
i think post str takane keeps using her powers and having meltdowns because on top of all the existentialism she has to deal with being alive and everything, suddenly She Cannot Control Anything And It Is A Nightmare. she can't handle the lack of control she has over her needs and body temperature. just feeling hungry or sweating after walking for a little in summer makes her upset. bc she gets her body back during summer so GOOD LUCK WITH THAT GIRL. the clothes she wears feel all insane and irritated and nauseous!!! awful!!! even showers feel strange bc AUGGHHH so much is touching her at once!!! she also hates eating soooo yeah also a thing. i think she's always been a picky eater but post str its like she will only eat like 2 things or something
ON THE OTHER HAND.... it suddenly goes on the opposite end. like for a few days she's nightmare overstim city and then she's SUPER understim and COMPLETELYYYYY over eager about having a body and horribly indulges in like. overeating and running around <- overeating (especially when u usually avoid eating), awful for ur tummy. running a lot when u have chronic pains, also awful for ur pains later. sooo nothing she wont pay the price for later. it needs to get pointed out to her she needs to find a balance and cant have all or nothing (by haruka probably)
the personal space thing comes back here like she gets So touchy and needs hug or death. i think she can be all happy hugging haruka and all of a sudden pushes him away and is like WHOA I NEED TO GET OUT OF MY BODY RIGHT NOW MAYBE RIP MY SKIN OFF TOO MAYBE so it's rly like a light switch all of a sudden she can get overwhelmed with it and revert. like jumping back and forth between seeking and avoiding sensation.
i drew this once but haruka with his arms inside of takane's sleeves LOLLL i think skin to skin rly helps her when she's feeling like she needs sensation. a big part of the sudden overindulgence is OUGH IM REAL!!!! bc like i said takane isnt just dealing with having a body again she's dealing with having her Life again. being alive again. and she LOVES being alive. and the avoidance of all these sensations sometimes piles up and ends on the opposite like I NEED TO EAT💥💥💥I NEED TO SCREAM💥💥💥💥I NEED TO RUN AND HUG AND KISS AND DANCE AND SWIM💥💥💥 yknow. so yeah haruka helps her a lot with it when she needs touching and hugging 🙏🙏🙏 cuz he also wont get offended if she's suddenly like Ok get away from me before i explode🙏
also post str takane To Me also has mobility issues like haruka does bc all her muscles are atrophied from yknow Not moving for 2 years so it's like, even more that she has to deal with. physical therapy is incredibly invasive to her too so it's extra difficult. i think haruka and her do it together and that's why haruka is so on top of what's going on with her, he's the closest and sees her whenever she's the most vulnerable. also their situations are So similar they cant help just gravitating to each other for support. i also think haruka's the one to always point out to her when she's overindulging like Hey i love that ur rly enjoying that bigmac but i can already see you wanting to rip out ur organs later tonight so maybe dont eat a third one.
anyways ermmm takane's biggest challenge is Stop resorting to opening eyes whenever it gets too bad. like i also got sensory issues and assuming whoever is reading also does imagine having the option to just Jump out of ur body when its feeling Awful. ofc ur gonna take it when ur feeling like that. but it doesn't help takane to do it. while it helps her to calm down, it's not good in the long run. she actively wants a PHYSICAL life and work on all this. takane never wanted to die and is super motivated to get better but it's not quick or easy!!! eventually she finds a good balance i think. she's still a rly touchy person who hates grabbing her phone directly without the sleeves in the middle and will only eat like 3 things❤️ but also a hug lover❤️
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actualbird · 2 years
I don't know if this has been asked before but what's your hc on how Giann and Marius interact? would they bicker a lot or does giann being 10 years older change things?
hi anon!! i never really wrote a specific hc posts about how i think giann and marius interact, cuz ive written several fics where i Do Make Them Interact in scenes themselves HAHA
so i'll just take the time here to do some shameless self fic recs (with further detailing on what abt the interactions specifically are seen)
standard operating procedure (x4 speedrun) | aka the fic where giann returns and finds out marius is dating the nxx5 in a polycule situation
T rated | nxx5 polycule + giann & marius feels | complete fic | 17k words total
while this fic involves the entire nxx5 interacting with giann, the entire thing does delve deep into how giann sees, acts, and recalibrates his relationship with marius given all the changes that have happened.
the 1st, 4th, and 5th chapter have scenes in particular where giann and marius directly interact but as a brief (VERY brief. this fic is 17k for a reason, so i cant bullet point it all JHVKSJHF) summary on those interactions:
despite the 10 year age difference, i absolutely think theyre close as hell, both in the past and in the present of the fic that i ended up writing out.
i also say a huge Yes to bickering, because thats the casual way the ended being accustomed to communicating but that that can be a drawback sometimes. it's the whole "ack, sincerity and vulnerability with my sibling is WEIRD even if we're close, because UGH we're supposed to be cool and calm all the time"
and on a related vein, yes as well to like, how both of them Do talk to each other, but a lot of the time, not much is being Truly Said. i think marius had to have learned the art of putting up a mask from somewhere, and so both giann and marius (especially when distressed) end up brushing off their own problems so that the other wont worry
how to care for your dear friend who is currently stuck in his magical serpent form | aka the fic where the von hagens are secretly magic dragons and marius is stuck as a serpent noodle
T rated | no ship + nxx found fam + marius & giann & austin feels | incomplete fic | 15k words currently
once again, while this fic is a little more geared towards exploring the team's dynamic with marius and each other, since the whole magic dragon thing is a Von Hagen thing, the fic does tackle marius' relationship with his family. as opposed to the last fic where it's from giann's pov, this one is from marius'. the fic has a few bits of marius and giann directly interacting in the 1st chapter, and the super tiny quick bites from that is
it's in this fic that i doubled down on how giann is very protective over marius. we are told this in canon, so this isnt much of an hc but still, i rlly like this about giann.
aside from the usual things we think abt when we hear the word "protective" (like hover-y, worry, ready to go fuck ppl up if u hurt the person being protected etc etc), i also think in general that giann was like, the closer Adult Figure marius had and the one he trusted a bit more or found it easier to trust
this is veering away from giann & marius and more into austin & marius now, but i rlly hc that theres a disconnect between marius' relationship with his dad. not to say that austin is a bad dad, but that in losing giann (which already happens after austin lost his wife too), marius and austin kinda lost their key bridge of connection as well
aaaaaand lastly
you can run, you can hide, but this email WILL find you! | aka the fic told completely through emails and the fic that im still proudest of in this fandom
T rated | no ship + vyn & giann + giann & marius + vyn & marius | complete fic | 4.3k words total
this fic actually does not have giann and marius directly interacting AT ALL, but in my defense, it doesnt have....anybody directly interacting. bc this fic is told thru emails omfg. buuuut
throughout the fic, i wanted it clear that giann really, really cares about marius and goes to great lengths to ensure that marius (and also vyn, because vyn is his friend) are prepared for everything, even giann himself disappearing
additionally, marius really really is cares to and likes his brother, and was 1) very excited to be able to see him in person and 2) devastated by giann's disappearance, and 3) protective (through his determination to find giann) right back at giann
these arent really Interactions, but i figured it deserved a place on this response anyway as a good conclusion as to how i think marius and giann are with each other: mutual shitheads, close as hell but with trouble being completely sincere, protective of one another, and in general just a couple of ride or die or siblings
this was a very long response that answered your question only indirectly jahdvjhVKJVKJ. still, thank you for the ask! i feel really deeply about giann & marius cuz ive also got siblings im very close with, and just knowing tht other ppl r interested in the von hagen brother dynamic too is a treat in itself already :D
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hopcrow · 3 months
made it through my first in person class gaggh!!! now I can stop being absolutely panicked over it lol
but it's a class about like, colonialism, paternalism, and racism... and one of the other (white) students raised his hand to talk about how he was "very offended" by the black panther movie. bc it... showed a powerful African country...?
like I'm also white, and this was wild to hear. I can't imagine what it's like going through classes like this as a poc, having the agency of other poc debated like it's just an academic curiousity
the closest I can come to relating is hearing arguments in classes that queer and/or ppl w bipolar are (unsafe around children/whatever the argument of the day is) or stuff about disability rights and its like ah. none of this stuff is personal to you guys huh?
like, your attitudes here could potentially impact my life substantially, but to you it's like casually arguing if a tomato is a fruit or veg... is that kinda how it feels for poc?
but that isn't really equivalent, I know. for one thing, nobody knows at a glance that I'm queer, mentally ill, or physically disabled...a black guy in this class knows that this racist student Sees Him Sitting There and is still willing to say that stuff?? my god
idk just thinkin
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
your first kiss (ever) with colby headcannon
requested by @lillybearblog: i was wondering if I could request an imagine where Colby gives you your first kiss? If you take requests
A/N: i'm not technically taking request rn, but i was inspired to write this. especially since i haven't done a headcannon in so long. almost a year at this point. hope you guys like it ! you're gettin a two for one with this haha let me know what you think :)
you've know of snc for a while since you went to school with them.
plus they were starting to blow up a lot on vine and everyone in school just knew who they were.
whether or not they liked them lol
you always thought colby was cute and had a couple classes with him.
but you were too shy to ever say anything to him.
and on top of that he didn't really talk in school so you didn't really know how to even strike up a convo with him.
and then you found out from a friend of yours that colby had a gf, so you knew things just weren't gonna work out for you.
one night your friend throws a party
and you couldn't believe that she actually invited snc, and that they actually showed up.
you kept looking over at them, and had once or twice caught colby's eye.
but you were way too scared to go talk to him.
later on into the night, you go outside to get some air, and colby is in the backyard.
he hears you come out of the house and looks over at you.
you awkwardly wave at him, he does the same back.
you ask "what are you doing out here?"
you find out that his gf broke up with him the night before, and sam thought this was a nice way to get his mind off of things
but it wasn't helping.
you end up talking with him for an hour, and get to know each other decently well.
even he's surprised at how well he opened up to you.
eventually he asks you "what's one thing you haven't done yet that you want to do?"
you tell him you've never been kissed before. you felt kinda embarrassed admitting it bc you were 17 and felt like you should have had it by now.
(btw if that does apply to anyone reading this, omg you're not weird for not having your first kiss yet. you have SO MUCH TIME)
colby admits to you that he only recently had his first kiss, so you shouldn't feel embarrassed.
you're surprised, "there are so many girls that want to kiss you. especially my friends."
he laughs at you, and asks if that's why sam and him got the invite.
you say sort of.
silence falls over the two of you for a moment.
then colby says "…would you be one of those girls… that wants to kiss me?"
you can't help but blush at his words. you don't know how to respond.
eventually you say yes.
colby hums, and then turns to you.
you lock eyes with him, and even in the dark his eyes are intensely blue.
he leans in and kisses you.
it's sweet, it's warm, and goes by way too fast for your liking.
suddenly there is a commotion in the house
the cops showed up bc of a noise complaint.
a bunch of ppl start running out of the house.
sam appears after a couple seconds, grabs colby and tells him that they need to run.
colby looks at you, gives you a kiss on the cheek, and runs with sam.
you never really got to speak to him again, but in the end you were happy he was your first kiss.
you've been friends with colby for a couple years.
you met him at some influencer party and have just been casual friends.
you see each other every once in a while and it's always nice.
he's just such a fun person to be around.
eventually at another party, you guys see each other again
and you hang out the whole night.
apparently sam and kat were out on a date and he didn't really have anyone to chill with.
his other friends were around, but he didn't really feel like mingling.
and you were fine with that.
you guys had so much fun dancing, drinking, and just talking about whatever.
when the party was settling down a bit, someone cleared the island in the kitchen
and in the center was a beer bottle.
"let's play some spin the bottle!" someone shouted.
and now here you were, in the middle of a spin the bottle game.
but now with alcohol lol
and basically if the other person didn't want to kiss, they would drink.
you were kinda terrified.
you were in your 20s and had never been kissed.
you felt so out of place but you decided to stay.
while it was embarrassing to think of getting kissed by a stranger at this party, you kinda hoped it would happen with you and colby.
and when that thought popped into your head, you knew you were done for.
not to mention... why did you want to kiss colby all of a sudden??
it was colby's turn, and while originally he tried to say no, he was egged on by some other friends. and so he spun it.
the bottle must have spun for a year. that's how it felt.
and then finally it stopped on you.
you felt your breath hitch, and a bunch of different ppl cheered.
"hey, we don't have to kiss if you don't want to." colby stated.
you think about it. while you did technically want to kiss him, you also didn't.
what if he laughs at your kiss?
what if you suck at it?
what if… he's really good at it?
as you try to think of an answer, ppl around the island start chanting "kiss, kiss, kiss!"
you look around at everyone and finally back up at colby.
he shrugs, and light smile appears on his face. "it's your choice."
you take a deep breath, and tell him to kiss you.
he looks surprised for a split second, but then nods.
he leans in, cupping your face.
his lips press against yours, and honestly you kinda feel like you could black out.
the kiss is really soft and shockingly gentle.
you had heard so many stories of girls hooking up with him and you just expected him to be crazy out the gate.
but in this moment, he was so kind to you.
sadly the kiss ended.
…but let's just say it wouldn't be the last kiss you two had ;)
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enderspawn · 2 years
still thinking about... a prime defenders power swap based one-off/case fic thing. probably set vaguely early/mid s1 era*, probably caused somehow by le frog like every other oneshot. the practicality of swapping their powers is handwaved, its just some sci-fi magic bullshit
dakota gets william's ghost powers, vyncent gets dakota's super strength and speed, and william gets vyncent's class powers and the greats.
dakota gets so excited, bc williams powers are so cool! he probably immediately starts abusing the wisp form and giving william a heart attack about it. vyncent accidentally rips a door off the hinges trying to open it. william has a second heart attack when he hears a voice telling him to go to bed at 2 am when hes "alone".
but also like... the Key here is that the power swap does a freaky friday type thing where they also learn something abt one another-- both from lived experience and the entire thing causing them to have to sit down and talk to one another abt their powers.
william has to learn to give up control with vyncent's powers, since he literally Can Not Be In Control when one of the greats takes over- its kinda a Big Deal for him. not only that, but allows him to get to know the greats outside of vyncent as a whole. if you want a ghostknife angle, maybe theres some light shovel talk bc its funny. when they inevitable switch back, it helps him feel more safe w the wisp form-- or at least that ppl will be by his side if worst comes to worst. it also helps him better understand vyncent and the greats and Their relationship (much like how the 10 month gap did, but More So)
vyncent has to deal with everything being so much More due to the enhanced senses. (which is also then neat foreshadowing to dakota's sensory overload mechanic in s2, since that only occured after dakota spent a while in Not-A-City and vyncent grew up in a fantasy medieval setting). i want him to go to dakota to ask how to handle it, bc the fan in william's room is keeping him up at night and he's already broken 4 doors. dakota kinda shrugs and tries to counsel vyncent, giving him advice that dakota learned on his own. in that overly casual dakota way, he'd drop his Tragic Backstory(tm) too which throws vyncent bc he always thinks of dakota as so immature and out of touch, someone who hasnt Gone Thru shit and needs to grow up. so realizing just how much dakota has gone thru and Goes thru each day to deal with his own powers kinda changes his perspective (bc that scene of vyncent yelling at dakota.... yeah </3)
dakota is having a Whole Ball abt it, and despite how uncontrollable william's s1 powers can be he seemingly even has it under better control. but that doesnt stop william from asking him to tone it down or Stop, which dakota ignores until he realizes william is serious. he asks why and william gives him the whole tightrope explanation, that he's scared something is going to happen to him yeah but hes terrified somethings gonna happen to dakota. dakota makes a comment abt how even if it did, it would be okay! bc he wouldve been saving someone else, so its worth it. william blows up at him, asking what they would do-- what would happen to william's powers, what would we be without you? etc. it kinda bashes into dakota's head that he has something in his life to be around for, ppl who care about him. not only that, but it also makes some of william's fears Click for him. He still may think its worth the risk in certain scenarios still, but he understands why william is so hesitant-- bc he wouldnt want to lose william, and apparently there are ppl who wouldnt want to lose him either.
in short, they all get a bit of a different Thing out of it, like a different lesson/revelation-- william's is power based, vyncent's is relationship based, and dakota's a bit of both.
after they've all had long enough to learn their various Lessons and hijinx, some hand-wavey, also-probably-le-frog-caused thing happens to switch them back. BOOM, case fic/oneshot done.
*set in this time for simplicity? for one, no s1 finale means william's relationship w the wisp form is simpler to explore bc theres no additional trauma. post s1 is possible, im just lazy FJKFJFDSF. for two, i... did not work ashe into this while brainstorming </3 both for power swapping and for just Interacting w the crew, he would add another layer of possible development and convos. for three, i dont know how the s2 ep11 break thing will impact their power sets yet so.... excluded from the power swap </3
i also just think its something where it would cause a lot of convos they DO have in canon way earlier to achieve the outcome i want, which doesnt rlly work if they've already had those conversations (primarily looking at you, s1 finale convo).
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flying-elliska · 3 years
I came across another one of those "there is absolutely zero homophobia in this story about queer characters that's amazing !!! " posts (Or at least the op was intent on reading no homophobia at all in the text even when it was hinted at). And those types of post always give me such weird mixed feelings. I have seen a lot of them in the last few years.
I'm not discussing anyone's personal preferences - that is entirely up to them. And I also agree that I want more stories where queerness is not a big deal and people's problems come from other places. And queer characters can have the same amount of fun fluffy romance.
HOWEVER in the way ppl talk about queer stories (thinking predominantly abt book related spaces) these days it's often like any kind of obstacles or adversity makes it "bad representation" and honestly...that kind of worries me.
That's partly a matter of personal taste - a while back I went on a sapphic book reading binge and I found too many of them way too saccharine and boring and cutesy without depth.
But also - there is an element of cultural amnesia here that I can't help but link to the way some parts of online queer communities nowadays end up falling for conservative/queerphobic rhetoric often out of sheer ignorance (terfy bullshit, heteronormativity, assimilationism/wanting to be seen as normal at all costs/shaming queer people seen as too weird/gnc, sex negativity, gatekeeping, etc etc). It is still important for queer people who grow up in more progressive environments to know about the resorts of homophobia and heteronormativity. Because knowledge is power, and progress is never guaranteed.
Like it's amazing that more and more young people grow up without having to be worried about that stuff ! That's something the queer community has been fighting for for so long ! But still nowadays, a majority of queer people live in bigoted environments, and a majority of queer people alive have experienced homophobia and bigotry. And there is a subset of young, often very privileged in other ways, queer person generally living in ultra-liberal bubbles that I wish remembered this and was more mindful when they spoke. Because I have heard stuff that really made me angry - about how "tragic gay stories" were tired and annoying and overdone and less valuable. And like, personal taste, wanting more fluff, that's one thing. But calling stories that are often real people's past or even present worthless because they're kind of a bummer and not entertaining enough - well, that's deeply disrespectful, disturbing and circles all the way back to homophobic.
I was thinking about this the other day bc that mindset has influenced me in ways I don't like. I do often write homophobia into my stories and sometimes I feel kind of bad about it, wondering if it's like, perpetuating cliches or exploitative etc etc. But actually fuck that noise. Homophobia had a huge impact on me growing up. I grew up in a deeply homophobic environment - I was called a d*ke in disgust before I was old enough to know what it was, I first learned about queerness through images of characters that were all sinister, ridiculous, pathetic, or predatory ; bisexuality meanwhile was either invisible or supposedly fake or psychopathic ; I grew up surrounded by people making shitty jokes and casually using slurs, bullying people who didn't adhere well enough to gender roles (and a few times that was me, too), my bff in HS was all like "gay guys are ok but queer women are gross" - I soaked up that shit like a sponge and it's no wonder I didn't figure out my sexuality until my early twenties - I had repressed the hell out of that shit because it was so scary. Even though my experiences were not as direct as other people, it was still the ambient background to those very formative years. And still today - like, we regularly hear on the news about lgbt people being attacked, one of those attacks happened a few blocks from where I live ffs, and I supposedly live in one of the most gay friendly countries on Earth ! So I am well within my rights to explore that shit through fiction.
Do I blame people for wanting a break from that ? Hell no ! I do too sometimes. But I do NOT want to hear bullshit about how queer stories that are less than perfectly happy are somehow bad, regressive or less valuable.
I think personally what I truly want is more nuance. Sometimes I feel like we switched right from having mostly super tragic stories where queer characters were completely crushed by overwhelming oppression to a predominant mood that is very, like..."feel good stories only, homophobia is solved!!!!! If you still feel bad it's all in your head you're stuck in the past/annoying and we don't care about your trauma!!!!!" (hmmm big toxic positivity and online performativity vibes). I think the stories that have brought me the most, personally, are those where queer characters still experience some level of oppression but manage to fight the system/find some measure of joy and happiness regardless/crush their bigoted enemies while being very badass about it, all the while having epic romances and very full lives and also other complex problems.
I mean there is probably media that does this that I haven't found yet (pls send me recs if you have any). But it still feels too rare.
I don't only want fluffy escapism or idealism in fiction. I want to get strength and hope from characters who do manage to overcome less than ideal situations, I want to find recognition, I want to learn about other people's lives, and yes, sometimes, I want the catharsis and validation of tragedy.
And also ? I think you can still manage to address these things in stories and also have fluff and a happy ending. It's too often annoyingly one note, like characters who suffer too much are too broken to recover or hope/fluff is not believable in a world where bad things happen or you can't explore heavier topics in what is supposed to be a happier story like ! This feels like marketing segmenting bullshit to me. Life is beautiful and horrible all at once !!! The one doesn't exclude the other !!!!
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saltysalmonkid · 3 years
Im still thinking abt the tma dark office comedy thing so heres some random disjointed ideas ive put together:
They kinda do this in the show already but i think it wld be funny if all of them abused the fuck out of the fact that elias cant rlly fire them so they literally dont turn up to work unless they hv to bc theyre itching for it again. Like straight up dont even call in sick they just stay home and laze around with no warning
Melanie and elias hv a fun little tom and jerry thing going on. Every ep she surreptitiously tries to kill him but he always escapes by a hair.
Literally everybody assumes that elias and peter lucas were exes no matter what elias says they cant be convinced and elias is like jon you shld Know im not his ex and jon goes u guys did fuck tho?? And when tim hears he makes fun of elias for a week straight. (Jon doesnt actually Know that he just said it to fuck w elias but judging by his reaction it was probably true)
Also in general their behaviour is very ex- like. Elias is stiff and awkward around peter lucas and peter keeps making little jabs at elias everytime he talks about him. Like the tension is so thick whenever both of them are in the room.
This was stolen from a wwdits/tma crossover fic (thats fucking hilarious btw, go read it its called gaslight gatekeep girlboss LMAO) but jon so DESPERATELY wants to do the The Office deadpan look into the camera thing but everytime he does it the cameras static out and hes very upset about it
Mentioned in my previous post but i think it wld be so funny if ppl all thought helen was just a trans woman like shed be explaining like "yea so i used to be michael-" and then basira or whoever wld be like "noooo queen u were always helen!!1!" and shed be like 🧍‍♂️nvm
Daisy is always dragging arnd dead bodies casually like shed just pass by the office w a body and jon wld be like oh another one without looking up frm his book and shed be like lol fuck off
Everytime jon gets flustered the cameras static out like he'll brush hands w martin or smth and the the screen will suddenly go black and hell be like uhmm. Lol oops that was nothing lmaooaoaooo dont worry about it thats just my Powers Growing or something lol.
People keep going to jon whenever they lose something and its getting v annoying for him so he starts making them pay him. Like 2 bucks per item or something. And he uses the money to fuel his coffee addiction.
Theres an ep where the documentary crew interview the ppl who arent frm the archives and theyre all like normal ass people. Like the receptionists like yeah. Idk theyre weird they all look like theyre one incident away frm a mental brekdown we all kinda keep away frm them and then theres a hard cut to her inching slowly around the hallway where jon is standing motionlessly muttering to himself, his eyes glowing green.
Again mentioned in my previous post but elias just randomly materialises behind ppls backs sometimes and everyone is startled by it but jon. Hes just like get out frm behind me u creep. Fucking hell. But elias has been stabbed by daisy twice frm doing that to her so hes stopped.
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comradedream · 2 years
im ngl i was a former dream anti (never harassed or made fun of anyone or anything i just believed all the shit people talked and thought he sucked) and kind of got into mcyt out of ironic nostalgia and as a result became more familiar with dream and his content and started to see that a lot of the things i thought about him were just false but i was still pretty casual? like i just tuned in for some streams and was into dsmp. but then i witnessed some kind of drama fest along the lines of hell week idr the exact situation and i was genuinely so fucking appalled at the horrific dogpiling and harassment over stuff that i knew wasnt true bc of my very casual engagement that the whole affair sent me straight in the opposite direction to “yknow what i would kill someone for this man actually”. dream antis say they hate rabid stans. well guess what fuckers. you created one. i hope you can sleep at night knowing theres someone out there who giggles and kicks their feet while scrolling through dream’s twitter because of YOU. (in all seriousness i dont think im alone in this experience and so i hope people can look on the bright side about all this kind of stuff that there are reasonable people who see through the bullshit and actually have a better opinion of dream because of it)
that’s epic it’s always so reassuring to hear there r ppl who not only see/end up seeing through that bullshit but also end up as fans! i’m v glad u r here now ^_^ <3333
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