#is she homophobic?
chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Reading some articles on Smalltown Boy (1984) and noticed they always mention Margaret Thatcher. Which reminds me of in s2 when Karen mentions Margaret Thatcher like moments after/before we get a shot of a Reagan sign on the Wheeler’s front lawn…
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Can someone explain to me what Karen’s comment meant?
I’m just wondering what we’re expected to assume based on what’s being alluded to here??.
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moth-without-toes · 1 year
my mom thinks you can choose to be gay and there's no way you can be aro, ace,or aroace as a kid / early teen WTF.
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nymph1e · 10 months
On Discomfort and Morality
My father finds gay men uncomfortable.
He's told me before that it's like a knee-jerk for him. Something he doesn't consciously control. He sees two men behaving romantically, and his body reacts with mild discomfort.
In the 1960s, when he was in high school, most of the boys in his form thought he was gay on the simple fact that he wasn't homophobic. He wouldn't participate in insulting queer people, he didn't care if someone was gay, he wouldn't have a problem hanging out with gay people. So people thought he was gay. That's how prevalent homophobia was in his formative years.
When I was 10, my dad told me very seriously that Holmes and Watson were gay. That it was obvious from the literature and the time period that they were meant to be a gay couple. When I was 14 and I came out to my parents as bi, when my mum was upset my dad ripped into her for it. Told her that she was being stupid, that it was my life to live how I wanted to and that she needed to get over herself.
My dad formed my views on censorship: that being that it was completely ridiculous and thoroughly evil. He didn't believe in censorship of any kind. If I asked him a question about sex, he answered it honestly. When I was 12 and I asked him about homosexuality, still young and uncertain, he told me that there was nothing wrong with it. That it was just how some people were. That there was likely an evolutionary reason for it. And that for some people it was uncomfortable on an instinctual level.
He taught me that just because you're uncomfortable with something, doesn't make it wrong. He also taught me that most people don't understand this.
I see a lot of this on the internet as of the last few years. The anti shipping movement, the terf movement, the anti ace movement. It all stems from discomfort that people have crossed wires into believing means wrong. Really every -ism and -phobia out there stems from this same fundamental aspect of humanity.
The next time you see something and you automatically think it's disgusting, or wrong, or immoral, I invite you to ask yourself: is this actually wrong or does this just make me uncomfortable?
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veryconfusedviking · 9 months
Gave a friend a little question thing a few days ago, one of the questions were "What are your views on the lgbt?" or something and she said "thats a very personal question" and chose "I don't mind it" Do you think she minds it? Should I have not put it there? I mean I kind of had to have it there becuase of the answers I need.
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naomiknight-17 · 14 days
Jill pulled down my intersex inclusive pride flag AGAIN
Jon came home and saw the destruction she'd wrought, and was like "Alright, you little homophobe, get downstairs!"
And we could hear mom laughing from her dining room
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scramratz · 1 month
Coworkers said some of the most hateful, bigoted, transphobic shit this morning and ruined my whole day. Like I had a visceral reaction I was fucking shaking with…idk! Anger? Anxiety? Worst is, my manager was the most hateful one! Apparently her sister is a trans woman and she fucking hates her. She’s mad she calls herself a mom despite not giving birth and like…so many moms don’t give birth tf?? If her kids call her mom then what’s the issue why are you mad? She thinks trans women should be hooked up to those period simulators every month if they want to be “real women”. Like bro, even before I transitioned I didn’t have periods wtf you just want to torture trans people what is wrong with you. She said so much shit and that’s just the manager. It was legit all my coworkers and idk man I just idk. I thought about coming out recently but no.
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fireheartedpup · 2 months
This is so neat!
Nails are here.
(This isn't sponsored, I'm just think it would be rude to not link them.)
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onesidedradiostatic · 5 months
concept of katie killjoy having sold her soul to vox because she thought he was an honourable Straight Man and low-key had a thing for him but then later found out he was one of the QUEERS but it was already too late by then
she thinks valentino turned him gay (only because he's more openly queer and it was more obvious with him than vox)
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passionpeachy · 2 months
I told my mom I was a lesbian mid-convo and she just narrowed her eyes at me and said “I already knew that” then went back to what she was talking about
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acmelab · 4 months
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happy pride from Julia 🏳️‍🌈
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uramitashi · 21 days
reading abt red katherine is so dystopian bc like she made a comic you didnt like for an ideology you dont know anything about and you said "ha! her drawing is offensive for lgbtq+ people! lets report her to her dictatorship state for being lgbtq+!" and you see nothing wrong with that
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stealingpotatoes · 11 days
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it's september so you know what that means (it means i legally have to draw pathologic)
(commission info // tip jar!)
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khaopybara · 2 months
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❝Tan taught it to me. He said you would like it. He said it would seduce... I shouldn't have listened.❞
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spookberry · 1 month
I was like 6 when my mom explained gay people to me for the first time. And idk why but at the time she didn't know that bigotry is something kids are taught rather than naturally engrained into them. Because she 100% expected me to think gay people were icky and gross.
The problem in this story is that I was a pretty perceptive child when it came to adults and what they wanted me to think/say so I just played along????
So my mom walks out of this conversation thinking she taught me to not judge gay people or whatever, but the actual lesson I got out of it was "im supposed to think there is something fundamentally abnormal about gay people but I also need to be polite about it."
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hasbrohotel · 2 months
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vivzie doesn't even bother giving moxxie's mom a name, but yeah gotta name a irrelevant bg character to make sure people will draw yaoi fanart
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atoriv-art · 3 months
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they get along kind of
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