#bc i put way too much of myself into a company that turned out to not appreciate or care about me at all
steviescrystals · 7 months
stream of consciousness rant bc i’ve been having one of the worst weeks of my life <3 feel free to ignore if you don’t care i just need to get my thoughts out
for context if you haven’t seen my other sad rambling posts recently, i got laid off from a job i loved this week and was given zero explanation as to why (and was specifically told i did nothing wrong). word of advice from someone who gets attached to things very easily: please don’t ever make a job your entire life, especially if you are young like me and you don’t plan on turning it into a long-term career. i made the mistake of letting a huge part of my identity and self-worth get tied up in this job, and now that i’ve lost it, i’m pretty much spiraling. onto the rant!
the cool thing about something bad happening when you have a paranoid personality is that on top of all the typical feelings this bad thing would cause for a normal person, it also just reinforces your paranoia. like, just when you think you’re becoming more self-aware and getting better at realizing when your fears are irrational, this bad thing you’ve been worrying about actually happens, and it fucks you up. because there you were thinking “i’m scared this is going to happen, but logically i know i have no reason to think that, it’s just my brain telling me to freak out when i don’t have to” and then it turns out you were right to be scared. and every fucking time (for me, at least) it leads you down this path of “well i was right about this thing, so clearly my fears ARE justified and these things i’m always freaking out about ARE likely to happen” and the stress and anxiety just gets so much worse. i spent so much time telling myself i was being irrational and had nothing to worry about (and everyone around me told me the same thing) and yet it happened anyway. i have a friend who once told me i spend too much time overthinking and dwelling on the negatives, and consequently i manifest bad things happening to me / manifest myself being miserable (side note: maybe not a constructive thing to say to someone with depression and anxiety, i know she meant well but this did very much hurt my feelings at the time). so now i feel like i’m just questioning everything so much and wondering if i somehow brought this on myself simply because i spent so much time worrying about it. but at the same time, how am i supposed to stop that when it was never intentional in the first place? everyone’s always saying you have to change your mindset, but i don’t know how to control these thoughts. i thought i was doing all i could by telling myself when these thoughts came up that i wasn’t thinking logically, but clearly it wasn’t enough because the thoughts kept coming and the bad thing happened and now i don’t know what to do or how to move forward. i feel like i’m second-guessing everything in my life and my already not-great mental state has taken a massive hit in the space of two days. i don’t really know what point i’m trying to get across here or if anyone will even read this, but i’ve just felt like i’m drowning in my thoughts and i don’t want to put all of this on anyone i know irl, but i had to get it out of my brain. if you did read this far and you related to this mess of a post in any way or have any advice, please let me know. i’d really just like to not feel so alone in this right now :)
0 notes
cry4mina · 6 months
Take Me Back To Eden - The Summoning (Part 5)
(Nayeon x Fem!reader) & (Mina x Fem!reader)
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Take Me Back to Eden - Choke Hold - Part 1
Take Me Back To Eden - Granite - Part 2
Take Me Back To Eden - Aqua Regia - Part 3
Take Me Back to Eden - Ascensionism - Part 4
Word Count: 8.1k
Summary: Y/N leaves Nayeon's apartment and gets a phone call from an unexpected person, resulting in a hang out session that quickly develops into a series of unexpected events.
TW: Cursing, teasing, momo is there for a second, mina is here, references to sex, making out for sure, abusive behavior (nayeon is crazy yall) a dream sequence thats a little wild, choking, crime, uh....jihyo is upset? its a lot lmao
A/N: We are taking an interesting turn in the story lmao. Per usual we are thanking the moots bc they listen to me rattle ideas off constantly and keep me sane while I stress myself out lmao @saiiidahyunee @nr1chaedickrider @miinatozakiii and @neoplatinum. <3 I also did not proof read this one as much as the others bc I don't have as much time on my hands now, so sorry if it seems a little off but thank you for reading either way<33
“Mina?” perplexed immediately at the idea of the quietest person you were acquainted with calling you, especially at a time where you were completely overwhelmed. 
“Momo told me what happened and I asked for your number… I hope that's okay.” She's so soft spoken it almost shocks you to hear her say this many words at once.
Slowly coming to a halt at a red light while putting your phone on speaker and replying “Yes, that’s totally okay…uhm, sorry, I’m…a little all over the place right now.” mind flashing back to the struggle of processing what possessed you to let your guard down around Nayeon…again.
This was the first real conversation you were having with Mina, always around each other but saying few words, with the exception being pleasantries and small conversations about video games that had just been released or what lego sets she was currently building. 
There was a comfort there, an almost silent respect for who and how she was. Calm, quiet, collected in the face of new company. Shying away from conversation but always aware of everyone around her. 
The members of Twice, especially Momo, always teased her about being so silent. It was always in good fun, but there were a few times you stepped in to tell her to lay off Mina and to respect that she was on the quieter side instead of pushing her to the point of speaking when she didn’t want to. 
It’s almost like she can hear the hesitancy in your voice and your eyes searching around you as you try to figure out what to say to break the awkwardness that was brewing. You weren’t exactly in a stable mindset at the moment, for multiple reasons and weren’t exactly sure what the phone call was for. 
“I know we don’t really know each other too well but…uhm, I know we have some common interests and that you could probably use a friend right now…so I figured I would call and see if you wanted to get a coffee or something…or maybe just sit on the couch and play videogames or…  something.” half way stumbling through the sentence, showing a little nervousness as she spoke. 
Myoui Mina wants to hang out? The same Mina who barely speaks up during group activities, is asking to spend time with you? Not that you would oppose her company but it seems so out of character for this to be happening. 
“That sounds…really nice. I’d love to. Would you…want to text me your schedule for the next week or two and we can plan it from there?” Smiling back at her through the speaker attempting to hide the disbelief that overshadowed most of your other feelings.
“Sounds good, I’ll text you.” sounding a little panicked, she hangs up as quickly as she calls.
She was right, with you two having a few hobbies in common, it was unfortunate that you hadn’t hung out before. Nayeon was always so “protective” over you that there were certain members she wouldn’t let you hang out with alone. Jihyo, for obvious reasons, Sana, and Mina.
 You didn’t pretend that you understood why she was so adamant on you not hanging out with Sana alone until now. Hindsight is 20/20 and Nayeon was worried that you would find comfort in the arms of someone else the same way she did. The puzzle suddenly solved, the behavior that you used to view as protective, now unmasking itself to divulge its true form. Control.
 You were simply a bragging right to Nayeon and nothing else. “Look how amazing she is, that she did this for me.” always bragging about you to her members, especially when Jihyo was there. Motive is only clear now, as you unfold the intricate details and analyze her behavior from your memories. 
Possessive, controlling, and selfish. The behavior she showed you was very well disguised but small moments reveal the truth. Her covertness was easily picked apart now that you were close to having all the information when a loud horn blares from behind you. Looking up to a Green light, hitting the gas pedal quickly as you continue on the way home, trying not to get too wrapped up in your head. 
Your phone starts vibrating again, being sure to check the name before you answer this time. Momo’s name lights up on the screen, “Speaking of the devil” huffing because you wanted to sort out this wearisome information you were pulling apart in your mind. Deep breath as you slide to answer the call.
“Hey Momoring, what’s up?” Putting on a cheerful sound in a bid to drown out the overstimulation you were experiencing, but Momo could always see right through you, being one of the people who knew you best. 
“Y/n, where are you??” sounding a little baffled, and reflecting concern as she spoke.
“Uhm…” leaning forward to catch one of the passing street signs.
“Passing 72nd about to get on the highway…is everything okay?” showing worry for the way she spoke, wondering if you should change routes and go to Momo’s instead of home. 
“I’m fine but I’m coming over.”  hearing the car door slam, keys jingling, and the ignition start over the speaker. 
“Let yourself in if you get there before me.” squinting as you reply, wondering if there are any visible marks on your skin or how disheveled you look, Momo would be sure to notice and say something. 
“Perfect, I’ll see you soon.” Momo curiously laughed as the call ended which got you wondering why she was rushing over to your place as you merge onto the highway. 
Driving on the highway at this time of day was easier than anticipated. Allowing you to get lost in your head as you continued on the path to home. Flashes of Nayeon underneath you rewind in your head, disgusted by your actions and stirring in your seat, revealing your sweater sticking to your back.
More flashes of her scraping roughly down your back as you attack her neck with your teeth, grazing them along her throat lightly, pinning her to the mattress, fucking her face and then just leaving afterwards. Using her as an allegory for taking back your freewill that you didn’t know you were missing. 
The new apartment was brighter and warmer than the last, welcoming you back home when stepping through the door. The living room to the left and the kitchen straight forward, you happily look at the space you’ve decorated for yourself. 
Most of the colors were different shades of gray. Black and white accents with hints of green displaced here and there, mostly by the plants you purchased wanting to have some semblance of life in the rooms, Nayeon never watered the plants so they always died but you were determined to integrate the things you once loved back into your life. 
Two matching gray couches lay diagonally from each other with a long black coffee table filling out the space in between, your favorite bamboo candle in the middle of the table, a tv remote, and a few books scattered around the table, illuminated by the fireplace to the right of the seating arrangements.
 A large flat screen mounted on the wall and a credenza underneath, holding the gaming consoles you bought for yourself when you moved in.
Nayeon was never one for video games and did everything in her power to keep you from playing them, even on your phone. Always distracting you when you were in the middle of a match, always standing in front of the TV in something lacey. Sliding her hand down the front of your pants while kissing your neck, as you tried to play your handheld. 
Not minding it too much at first, she has an extensive lingerie collection and you loved to admire her in all of them, but all of your own hobbies got pushed to the side as time went on. A tactic to control that you didn’t recognize sooner.  
Momo was already on your new couch, making herself at home when you arrived, walking straight to the living room and placing your collection of things down on the coffee table loudly, glaring at her like you had just seen war.  
Looking up at you from her phone, she audibly gasps at the state of you. Hair completely tousled, tired eyes, light marks all over your neck, and your sweater on backwards. Mess was a really nice way to put it.
“I know what you did!” shrieked out of Momo's mouth while you’re turning beet red and fidgeting with your sleeves silently. Puckering your lips and trying to escape the awkwardness you feel as she gawks at you openly, despite your embarrassment.
“You look so red right now! I didn’t know if I believed Jihyo when she told me what happened but now I can safely say she was telling the truth” belly laughing at the idea of Hyo getting a taste of her own medicine and Nayeon being exactly who she showed herself to be. 
“What did you just say? You talked to Jihyo?! It only took me like 10 minutes to get home and she’s calling people about it?!” surprised at how quickly the news traveled through the grapevine, wondering who else she called to tell. 
“A pissed off Jihyo works fast. Told me that she walked into Nayeon’s apartment with you leaving, neck covered in marks” pointing at your neck, tongue between her teeth as she bites back a laugh, “and Nayeon, naked in the bed absolutely covered in bruises. Hyo said that she could barely get her talk…I take it you put in some work, no?” Poking fun at you while she laughed so hard she slaps her knee.
Hands flying to cover the unease on your face while collapsing into the couch adjacent to the one Momo was on, belly first, letting out a long whine. This was going to be a big deal and what were the rest of the members going to be told when you stop showing up to functions with Nayeon? Would Nayeon tell them the whole truth or just that you weren’t together?
Hating the idea of what you said to Jihyo when you left the apartment, knowing it was out of anger and halfway wanting to apologize for your actions but brushing that feeling off quickly. Needing to solely focus on yourself instead of trying to make anyone else feel better. Heavily empathizing with what Hyo might be feeling currently.  
“Wait, so this just happened…like less than an hour ago?” quizzically asking like Momo didn’t already know the answer just to bring you back from whatever was going on in your head.
“Less than that actually” muffled by the couch and your hands while you spiral into an entire inner monologue about why, when you feel like it should’ve never happened, letting out a sigh and showing signs of stress.
“Jihyo is absolutely the angriest I’ve ever heard her, it’s kind of funny to know karma is almost instant for her. She did mention that she wanted to talk to you and asked if I had heard from you…I told her no but she didn’t believe me.” Momo interrupts herself to change the topic of Jihyo in all of this back to you.
 “I mean…what happened anyway? You were anti-nayeon for the last few weeks, did something change or?” questioning your motive as she sees you distressed.
“Oh I know she’s mad and I don’t know, - I just went back to get the rest of my stuff and she was following me around the house,” sitting up and leaning back trying to relax. Stinging on your back, another reminder of the story being told, as you move trying to get comfortable while halfway wincing. Momo cocking her head to the side as you suck air between your teeth
“What was that?” 
Eyes widen for a second, “Nothing!” expeditiously spoken.
“She fucked your back up again, didn’t she?” Half laughing again as you attempt to continue what you were saying. 
“Anyways, she said she wanted to talk so I turned around and she just looked me in my eyes and kissed me…I didn’t really know what to do because I mean-” scooching to the edge of the couch and putting your elbows on your knees and holding your chin as your eyes dampen.
“It’s Nayeon…I know I shouldn’t care, and I’m trying not to but even if the last 3 years weren’t real for her…” choking on your words as they come out unfiltered. “It was real for me.”
More tears falling, this was a mistake. Reopening the wounds that were still healing as you sat with yourself, taking in the knowledge that people were upset with the choices you made didn’t sit well, even if those people were involved in hurting you.
Sad eyes sitting on the couch diagonal to you, realizing that intentions weren’t to hurt anyone else, as she watched. Momo wished she knew what to do in the face of this or knew what to say to comfort you, there was a feeling of sorrow in her, a space held for her best friend’s troubles. 
“Jihyo also said that you had something interesting to say to her before you left” smirking and biting her lips, trying to suppress a smile. Bringing it up knowing it would make you laugh and momentarily forget the anguish you were almost drowning yourself in.
“Oh, did she?” replying with a snarky tone, unable to remember most of the encounter with Jihyo due to adrenaline, being angry with Jihyo for sleeping with your girlfriend behind your back, and wanting to get the fuck out of there before Nayeon could try to talk to you again. 
“I don’t really think she will be much use to you tonight but you can try and, oh, I hope you like the way I taste.” Momo shouted back at you, cackling as she held her stomach leaning as far back into the couch as she could, pulling the sides of your mouth up as she continued.
“That is so out of pocket, but honestly, hilarious!” bellowing out at you as you start to giggle at the statement made, knowing that she was trying to make light of the situation but also appreciating that you said something so petty. 
Originally feeling bad for saying anything, jaw tightening for a second as  “An eye for an eye” wasn’t normally something you believed in and it wasn't really your plan to go and sleep with Nayeon, it kind of just happened. 
“Hey, is it okay if Dahyun comes here after her schedule? She apparently got that call from Jihyo too.” 
“Of course, you don’t even have to ask!”
A phone clattering against the table as it interrupted your conversation, vibrating twice before stopping. Reaching for it to see an unfamiliar number on your screen and a list of times and dates, a schedule? Mina’s schedule.
“Hey, I forgot to mention, Mina called me today” nonchalantly mumbled to Momo over the tv show she had put on in the background. 
Gasping loudly, sliding her fingers through her hair, eyes bewildered while leaning closer, “She CALLED…you?” comes out of her mouth so quickly, surprised your ears could even break down what she said. 
“Yeah, weren’t you the one who gave her my number?” a little disoriented by the response, as if she was surprised Mina contacted you at all. 
“She doesn’t even call me and I’ve known her for a decade.” astonished that her adopted younger sister would reach out through a phone call and not a text… 
“We are going to hang out sometime soon. She just sent me her schedule so we could plan it.” looking back at your phone to “heart” the text Mina sent and replying for the following day in the early afternoon, making sure to save her phone number in your phone with a little penguin emoji.
“Mina is going to leave the house?” stunned as you spoke about your future plans with Momo’s favorite homebody. 
“I take it she doesn’t do that often either?” chuckling back at Momo while you open a delivery app on your phone and choosing a restaurant with a low delivery time. 
“I’m hungry, what do you want from the Thai place down the street?” asking as Momo grabs your phone to put her order in it.
“Oh, I’m sure you’re hungry after the evening you had!” teasingly from behind the phone as she finishes adding her meal to the cart, and handing it back to you.”
Waking up anxious on the day that you and Mina were going to get coffee was not a great start, barely any sleep in your eyes with your hands shaking, rolling out of your bed around 10:30am. Grabbing your phone, you head to the living room without changing out of your PJs and plopping down on the couch. 
Turning on the TV and opening your phone to text Mina. 
Y/N: Hey Mina! I woke up a little anxious this morning and I know we have plans today. Would it be okay if you just came to my apartment instead of us going out? 10:34am
Y/N: Maybe we can have a gaming day or something? 10:35am
🐧: Sounds good to me. Send me the address whenever you’re ready for me to head over. 10:37am
🐧: Sorry you are feeling anxious. 10:38am
About 2 hours later, after showering and cleaning up the space a little bit, you sent Mina your address. Wearing something cozy but presentable, wanting to make a semi-decent impression as this was the first time you were hanging out with Mina alone. 
A small knock can be heard on the door, quickly walking over and opening it to reveal the small frame of Mina, backpack on, two coffees in her hands and a very shy look on her face. 
“I know you said you were anxious and coffee probably isn’t the solution for that but I figured I’d grab you one just in case you did want some.” softly explaining the two coffees before hellos can be said. 
“Come on in, make yourself at home and thank you! I’d love some coffee” as she hands you the cup and you take a sip. It’s exactly what you normally order. Just enough sugar to counteract the bitterness and a splash of cream. 
Whipping your head to face her quickly, “how did you know my order?” happily confused as you gulp a few times and head for the living room with her gracefully following, after sliding her shoes off. 
“I asked Momo this morning when you texted me. I’ve seen you drink coffee a few times when you were coming to hang out with us. I was worried you’d get a caffeine headache if you didn’t have some…” mumbled as you picked your spots on the couch, and turned on your console.
“It’s so sweet that you would think of me like that, Mina, Thank you.” genuinely surprised by the act of kindness. Someone you hardly knew went out of the way for you and that warmed you more than you anticipated. 
Mina’s ears went red while you thanked her for the coffee. Embarrassed and feeling like she came on a little too strongly, before you mentioned you thought it was sweet. Fidgeting with her hands, walls down for a second, a gummy smile let out from her as she sifts through your list of games, choosing a fighting game.
Astounded by how good Mina was at the game, you tipped your fake hat in her direction. She let you win a few times before really showing you how good she was, getting more competitive each round you played. 
Putting on a random movie and switching to handheld games on the switch you could play together, both of you sat for hours and talked about life, getting to know each other a little bit more. It was nice to spend time with someone and not have to talk about Nayeon. 
There was a familiarity with Mina, something unexplainable about her presence that made her so calming. Hoping that you might ignite a similar comfort in her, the anxiety no longer sat in your chest as you got to know her more. 
Learning a lot about her as she spoke of her family, life back in Japan before she was an idol, about how when her, Momo, and Sana went back for the Misamo debut, they went to her family's home and she got to eat her mom’s home cooked meals. Making mental notes of what her favorite dishes were and how she spoke so lovingly about the people she held near and dear to her. 
“So, Y/N, I’m getting a little hungry, do you want to go out to get something or would you rather order it here?” The body language she was exhibiting was interesting, half closed half open. Arms lay in her lap by her switch but her legs were tightly locked. Was she comfortable here? Did she feel nervous about opening up so quickly?
“Why don’t we go out?” Suggesting while standing up, fixing your sweat pants. Maybe she just needs a little fresh air so she can relax. Suddenly feeling the need to calm her the way she eased you out of your anxiety unknowingly. 
“Sounds good, there’s a new cafe around the corner, it’s a locally owned place. I think they serve Japanese food. Would you want to try that?” 
“That sounds great, actually. I’d love to, especially after you talked about your mom’s cooking.” Her expression thrilled as she ran to put her shoes on, doing a little happy wiggle as she waited for you by the door. 
You can’t help but chuckle at her. A glint of warmth refracting in your soul.
The cafe was only a block away and it was a nice afternoon so you walked side by side, making sure that you were the one closest to the street. Taking in the scenery of the new neighborhood, little shops lining the road around you from markets to touristy stores, hands unintentionally brushing each other. 
“These shops seem cool, maybe we should come back another day and explore them.” Looking over at Mina as you speak, trying to pretend like your heart didn’t combust when your hands touched. The comment catches her off guard, shying into herself as you make the suggestion. 
“I’d love that” whispered back to you. That means there will be a next time and that sparks joy in you. 
Arriving at the cafe and getting a small table outside, ordering a bottle of Sake before ordering food. 
“Can I order for you?” Mina asks, shifting her eyes from the menu, this was a test. It was written all over her face as she studied your reaction. 
Squinting at her with a smile on your face, “if you’re up for the challenge,” biting back playfully. The second gummy slime shines off of her as she laughs at your terrible joke. “I think I’m up for the challenge.” competitively stated back with the corners of her mouth turned up. 
Leaning into the menu, reading it line by line as she zeros her focus in. Watching the way the wheels spun in her head as you see her fold the menu and put it on the table, softly smiling back at you with a sense of accomplishment.
The waitress scurried over with the tokkuri and ochoko set, the ceramic vessel was bulbous indenting at the neck and expanding back out again while the smaller cups had a golden brown rim with a gray-ish green hue, sitting on the tray neatly. 
“Alright, and here is the sake. Are we ready to order our food yet or do we need a little more time?” placing the rigged craft in front of you, and the smaller cups in front of each of you as her eyes flashed between the two of you to see who will speak up first. . 
“Yes. We are ready to order.” Calmly said as the dialect switched. Blinking a few times at Mina while she ordered completely in Japanese to the waitress, pointing at the menu and speaking with her hands. Nodding her head at the response from the waitress as she handed her the menus and turning her attention back to you. 
Gracefully grabbing the vessel with one hand, pouring your glass and another smooth movement, handing it to you as she placed the craft down on the small table. 
“You really wanted dinner to be a surprise, huh?” Playfully before sipping the sake politely and placing it down on the table.
 Picking up the tokkuri and trying to pour her a glass with as much class as she did, but failing when you looked up at her. Getting lost in her features as she watched you. “Was she always so…effervescent? High cheekbones, sharp eyes and a softness that was infectious an-“ Realizing you were still pouring, you abruptly stop almost spilling sake everywhere. Handed her the ochoko sheepishly after you had filled it a little too full. 
“Maybe.” peeking up at you through her bangs as she took a small drink, chasing it with a smile and a giggle, covering her mouth with her hand that was sleeve clad, and turning red as her cheeks raised up.
 Did she notice how you were looking at her? Oh god, I hope I didn’t just make things weird. A moment of panic in your body nags at you as she beams in front of you. Wow…she’s so pretty. Half mesmerized, half alarmed at your thoughts, your leg starts bouncing and fidgeting with your hands becomes your fixation, as they lay on the small metal table in front of you. 
Lost in thought as you try to push away the unwelcome intrusion of nervousness, when a small velvet hand reaches out and gently places itself on the anxious tick that’s visible. Your heart skips. Eyes locking as you peer up at her, stopping in your tracks. A chill runs through your body as you take in the pureness diffusing the unease like the rain washing away blood stains on the battleground of your mind. How did she do that?
Internally realizing that you might have a slight attraction to the person you’ve just begun to hang out with, you’re slightly panicked by the idea of getting close to someone again so soon after Nayeon. Unfortunately, this realization played out on your face softly enough for the person accompanying you to dinner to notice. 
“I’m sorry” uttered quickly as she pulled her hands away, moving your hands into your lap at the same moment.  “I didn’t ask you if you were a physical touch person, I should have.” Mina is looking down now, seemingly worried that she crossed a line she wasn’t supposed to. 
“No no- it’s fine, really. I do like physical touch…I’m just not used to it from anyone except for Nay-“ interrupted by the waitress bringing out your dinner. Slicing through the moment as she placed two similar dishes in front of both of you. Tonkotsu ramen topped with shiitake mushrooms, bean sprouts, bok choy, bamboo shoots, double the chashu, and a soft-boiled egg that’s split in half, golden yolk spilling into the array of rich colors.
Stunned as you look at the delicious meal in front of you, “Wow, this looks amazing! Did you get the same thing?” questioning as you finish off the last of the sake in your cup. 
Mina notices and immediately fills it again with a soft smile. “Almost the same thing, I remembered you don’t care for the fish cakes so I had them swap my chashu with them.” followed by her finishing off her sake to keep up with you.
Pouring of the drink for her, this time focusing as hard as your brain would allow so you could get it just right under the eyes studying your movements. “You knew that?” amazed that Mina remembered such a small detail about you.
“Yes! You came to the studio one day with Nay-…” hesitating to say her name as she knows the wound is still fresh but attempting to cover it with a drink from her glass, “Her, and we all ordered from a place similar to this one and I remember you said you didn’t like the texture.” 
Baffled was an understatement. Not only did this borderline stranger call you to check in and ask if you wanted to hang out, but she asked her friend what your coffee order was AND she remembered something that was such a small comment…
“It’s really sweet that you remember that, Mina.” both of you blushing as you continue to make small talk while finishing the meal. 
Table cleared and on your second bottle of sake, Mina finally is brave enough to ask about what happened between you and Nayeon. 
“Hey, Y/n? I know it’s probably a sensitive topic…but what happened between you and Nayeon? Momo told me that you broke up but she didn’t really mention why…” Alcohol gave her the confidence to ask the question you knew was coming all night. 
“Well..” hesitating to respond, not really knowing the answer. You knew what happened, but not why it happened. Mina could see the soft sadness on your face as you contemplated how to answer her.
“Long story short, she cheated on me. The entire time.” Mina eyes widened, mouth ajar, completely in shock and frozen at what you just said. 
“Oh my gosh, y/n”…I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what you’re feeling,” reaching her hand out to place it on your forearm, rubbing her thumb against the softness of your sweater as she made sympathetic eyes at you. Feeling sorry for what you’d been through, what this meant for you. 
It was as if the goddess fell from the sky as she laid her hands on you. Physical manifestations of feelings developing as your heart pounded, breath quickened, and getting a little shaky. The sun beams through your veins as you feel the beams radiating off your face, a similar look on Mina’s. 
“I didn't tell you the worst part.” Softly while she’s still caressing your arm. “It was the entire time we were together, they tried to cover it too.” Confusion, anger, sympathy mixed together into the melting pot that was Mina’s heart. 
You didn’t expect her to be so emotionally available for you. Reserved was her middle name, why was she so open to physical touch with you? Ordering for you? Wondering if she was also feeling the fire that was kindling between the two of you.
“They?” Concerned tone wrapped around you tightly. It was almost…possessive. Body reacts by constricting your thighs together, you might like the possessive tendency a little too much.  
“Nayeon and…Jihyo, actually” 
Mina's face contorts into anger upon hearing the culprits names, hand still on your arm lightly squeezing now. Eyes wet with disappointment as she tries to hold back tears and comprehend how they could do that…to you of all people.
“I’m so sorry, my love.” Said so smoothly as if it’s always been what she called you. Pain sits behind her eyes, as she continues on “I can’t believe they would do that to you. You deserve so much better.”
Half wincing at her words, realizing they’re sprinkled with care that you weren’t used to, a sense of sorrow washes over you as you come to terms with your past relationship not being as healthy as you thought it was.  
“You do know that…right?” head tilted at the question even if she already knows the answer. 
“I don’t know anymore. This whole thing has been so life altering for me, it’s hard to have all these big feelings of love and anger at the same time.” speaking so candidly about the emotions you were experiencing, opening up to Mina about your internal monologue.
Continuing to drink the bottle of sake as the wind picked up a little, causing it to become slightly chillier. It was early November, so it was on the colder side. Shivering as you sat in the breeze, sun setting with golden hour brushing the scene around you and accentuating the beautiful brush strokes that composed the woman in front of you. 
The bangs sitting a little lower than her eyebrows that were perfectly shaped, long waves more breathtaking than an angry sea extending far down past her shoulders to her waist, glowing skin that made her look like the embodiment of light, you can’t help but fixate your eyes on her and you’re a little too intoxicated to care if she catches you. 
Standing up and stretching to go and pay the bill, Mina snatches it out of your hand and runs inside, beating you to it. Giggling a little harder than you should, when a small black compact car that was too familiar pulled up to the front of the cafe and parked. 
Before you could even realize why the car was familiar, two women stepped out and stopped dead in her their tracks. Im Nayeon and Park Jihyo. 
Jihyo looks like she's been crying, eyes swollen, lip still quivering as she stood next to Nayeon, who still completely covered in the imprint of your teeth and lips, clinging to her arm. Standing in silence, as the air stretches taut. 
“Why haven’t you answered my text messages?” Nayeon abruptly breaks the tension. Jihyo’s eyes widen as Nayeon crosses her arms and taps her foot angrily waiting for an answer. She really was going to do this right here and now. She always lacked patience, this was a perfect example of that.
“I don’t want to.” flowing from your lips with a sour face like you completely forgot what happened the evening before, sake getting to you as you retort with malice. “Maybe you should take the hint and stop trying” 
Scoffing at the comment, Nayeon shakes Jihyo off of her and walks up to you slowly while swaying her hips, like she always did at you when she was trying to get you to do what she wanted. Reaching you and placing her elbows on your shoulders as she twirls the hair cascading down your back. Skin burning under the weight of her touch, making you panic almost immediately. The disgust from before had returned in full force and it displayed on your face while she spoke. 
“Come on, baby. Don’t be like that.” hand now sweeping a piece of hair out of your face, looking up at you with those big doe eyes “I know you miss me, just come home. I’m sorry you are hurting from what I did. I’ve been punished enough.” repulsed by the pet names and the attempts to win you over again. 
Jihyo is uncomfortably shifting, sorrow now covered in jealousy as her lover tries to win back what was viewed as hers. Green was a lovely color on her but to wear it on her face the way she did, with no remorse, was a bold statement. 
“Nayeon, I don’t want to do this with you in front of your girlfriend,” making air quotes as you say the word, “or at all really. So forget I exist and we can both just move on.” Attempting to move out of her grasp as she took in your words, not liking the reaction she was getting, she grabbed your wrist to stop you from leaving.  
“So after 3 years, you’re really just going to leave me?” Slightly panicked, realizing you actually weren’t falling for her tricks anymore. 
“Yes.” Stoically cascading and washing over Nayeon, rinsing away the confidence to reveal crossness and a hint of fear, while shaking her grip loose from your wrist. 
“So none of it meant anything to you?” small drops of irritation on her tongue, thick like honey, while she studies your lack of want or care for her. Strikingly different from the person she used to know very well, never being met with walls built so carefully around you before. 
“I think that’s actually your stance on it” spit back with malice from the guard tower at the top of the castle you built around yourself to keep her out.
“You know what y/n, if you think that you can just come into our house and fu-“ shock runs through her as she sees a figure stepping out of the cafe. The shadows hand reach up to link with yours, giving it a tight squeeze. 
“Are you ready to go, my love?” Mina’s voice was a little louder than normal so both parties could hear after finding you in this tense moment. Her stance is defensive as she knowingly pokes the bear. 
Jihyo and Nayeon are both completely gobsmacked by Mina not only being out of the house, but also by being with you. Hand in hand.
 “My love????” Nayeon scoffed, tears building when she had an idea. “You can’t be serious right now, y/n. After last night, are you on a date with Mina? A member of my group? Do you not have your own friends to filter through? Did I not satiate you enough? …Maybe we should’ve gone one more round.” craftily leaving her mouth as she tries to cause discourse between what she thinks is a date…was it a date?
Jihyo doesn’t even try to step in or say anything, she just gets back into the car looking like her tears are about to fall again from being cast aside by the likes of you. Nayeon doesn’t even flinch at the sound of the car door, waiting for you to panic under the weight of the information just given to Mina. 
Mina snaps back boldly  “don’t worry, I’ll take care of her from now since you can’t satiate her, apparently.” Winking back at Nayeon while leading you down the road, back to your house, hands still together and Mina unphased. A small smirk appears on your face as you try not to laugh, not even needing to look at Nayeon's face to know that she was completely shocked by the comments made by Mina. 
Nayeon tried to follow the two of you as you repressed laughter, shouting to try to get your attention again “Y/n! I can’t believe you right now! After everything we’ve been through? And Mina, you bitch! I can’t believe you wou-” 
“Nayeon, get in the fucking car.” Jihyo grimaced while pulling the car up as she saw people starting to stare at the commotion. Nayeon rolled her eyes and got in. This wasn’t over yet, and everyone knew it.
Mina picks up her pace, giggling and tugging you behind her as she tries to get away from the disturbance plaguing you both. “I’ve never seen her so mad before, is she always that confrontational with you?” quizzically inquired as you both drunkenly sauntered back to the safety of your apartment. 
“To be honest, I have no idea. This is the first time I’m seeing her react in such a way. She used to be so sweet to me before I found out about…” hesitating to finish the sentence, but Mina knew where you were going with it and just nodded her head. 
“It must be really hard to feel like you don’t know her after all this time. I can’t imagine what that feels like. Someone like you shouldn’t have to deal with that at all.” boldly spoken as you reached your apartment.
“What do you mean by that?” Pressing into what she just said. “Someone like me?” 
“The betrayal she put you through is ju-“ starting as she catches your eyes while you squeeze her hand.
“Mina, no, what did you mean by someone like me?” looking up at her with a sheepish smile as you unlock the door and step inside, hands still locked and still feeling the effects of the sake as you both waltz into the living room and find your spots on the couch, this time a little closer than before.
“…I-“ alcohol fighting her logic, letting go of your hand as she whispers a honey laced memory into the quiet room while curling into herself, showing the shy nature again. 
“Do you remember when we first met? You went out of your way to talk to me, even if the other girls were trying to pull your attention. You even asked me about things you knew I liked to get to know me a little better and paid attention when I answered and the kindness you showed to all of us, even if some of us were a little apprehensive or even defensive…and then seeing the way you were with…her. I was astounded at the level of compassion and care that you gave to her, and to know what she did to you makes me view her very differently.” afraid to look you in the eyes as she opened up her chest, showing you a vulnerability that you’d never thought to see from her. 
“I knew how important you all are to her. I wanted to make sure we all bonded because I thought…she was going to be the person I ended up with. Even if she isn’t, I’m glad it happened because she gave me Momo and now you. I feel like you were a sign from God” Grinning back at her, blush spreading through her cheeks as she smiled brightly back at you. 
Both of you still feel the effects of the sake as you throw a random movie on to relax and unwind. Sitting so close together on the large couch that your arms are brushing against each other. She lifted the arm that was touching yours and placed it around your back and on your waist, you leaned into her and comfortably you both laid down, intertwined in each other. 
Your head on her shoulder as she lays in her back, arm wrapped around your waist drawing small patterns with her fingers. One of your hands lightly placed where her ribs connect and legs intertwined as you slowly drifted into the most comfortable nap you’ve had in months. 
Everything was pitch black. Eyes shifting in and out of darkness as you try to calibrate to your surroundings. A small metal table sits in the distance, the only thing that is illuminated and you can make 2 figures sitting around it, it looks like they’re talking but you can’t be sure. 
Walking as quickly as you can through the shadows approaching the table, you try to shout out to them but nothing comes out. Reaching up to your throat, you hold it while you try to scream. Feeling the vibrations through your hands but not a single sound cuts through the air. 
As you get closer to the figures, their details are revealed to you slowly. Shoulder length light brown hair facing the woman with long dark wavy hair. “Nayeon? Mina??” mouth trying to spit the words your lungs can’t bear to speak when Nayeon slowly turns her head to you, and says “oh, Y/n it’s about time you joined us” voice contorting, almost as if it’s overlapped by another. You’re forced to your knees by something you cannot see, and immediately smell sulfur, as Nayeon lifts your chin with one finger. 
She stares into your soul, eyes completely black, as her face starts contorting and twisting, dripping off her skull. Wincing and looking at Mina to see her smiling back at you, illuminated in light.
 A sense of calm washing over you, only for a second when you feel your mouth fill with blood. Still on your knees, you spit out what’s flavoring your mouth and all of your teeth come with it. Screaming in silence as you watch Nayeon get up and stand above you, grabbing your neck with both hands tightening as she holds you over a cliff edge, storm crashing around you and hisses in the distorted voice “you’ll always be mine.” Dropping you straight down into the ocean, you try to regulate yourself and swim up but it’s pitch black, swimming until you choke on water and snap awake startling Mina who was silently sleeping underneath you. 
Hyperventilating heavily as you try to shake off the feeling of the dream, crying as you shake. Mina is immediately by your side, wrapping her arms around you and comforting you. 
“It’s okay, I’m here. You’re safe with me. Don’t worry, I’ve got you” as she rubs your back in a circular motion to try and regulate your breathing. 
Your sweater feels very constricting as a thin layer of sweat covers you, you part from Mina and start pacing as you take the hoodie off leaving you in a sports bra. Following your movements with her eyes, as you walk around aimlessly, tears falling as you try to breathe. 
Mina stands up and catches you by the wrist and pulls you into her, comforting you with a hug. “You’re safe with me. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” 
Body unclenching as she spoke and held you close to her. A warm surge of calm pumped through your veins as you sniffled, pressing your face into her neck. 
Pulling back to look at her, you can see the concern mixed with something else in her eyes. Something you’d never seen before. Your faces are close enough to feel each other's breath as she looks into your eyes and then down at your lips, your eyes following the same motion. 
Leaning in closer, lips brushing against each other before fully committing, you both shyly decide this is the path your friendship is taking. Her arms slide from your lower back to your hips slowly, pressing her fingers into your hips and pulling you towards her as your mouths find each other. 
Her lips so soft, tasting of the alcohol you consumed and the tension that had been building all day. Her flavor was the taste of the divine, effervescently consuming you as she coded your flesh and bones with her scriptures.
Slow and passionate, at first, slowly picking up pace. Hands exploring each other's bodies as you familiarize yourself with the sounds she makes when you tangle your fingers in her hair. She takes control, which is something you never let happen, but it’s different with her. You actually feel safe with her. 
Mina grabs your waist again and pushes you down on the couch, keeping your lips connected and she swipes her tongue across your bottom lip asking for entrance, given without hesitation. Her hands leave your waist as her mouth travels to your neck, biting down lightly as you whine into the silence of the room. She stands and removes her sweater, revealing a sports bra and her well toned abs, igniting a fire within you. 
Kneeling between your legs, reaching for you to get you closer to her, pulling your body as close as it would get to her. Kissing picking up again, as you feel her wrap her arms around you, toying with the clip of your bra as she threatens to undo it. 
“Is this okay?” asking softly as she scatters soft sweet kisses across your face. You nod your head yes but before she can undo the clip, a loud crashing startles both of you.
“What was that?” Mina spoke up, obviously bothered by the interruption but also concerned as it sounded very close. 
“I’m not sure” you were still focused on her before she got up and turned around, heading towards the front door to see what was going on. 
“Y/n, you’re going to want to see this.” Mina says with a tone of worry. You run over to her to find a rock with a note tied around it shattered through the glass window next to your door.  
“I’m going to call the police, please be careful, the glass is everywhere.” running to the living room to get her phone, and you stand there shirtless looking at the crime scene. Wondering how she found you, if she followed you back from the dinner you had with Mina. 
Stepping carefully around the shattered sharpness scattered across the entrance way, you reach over to the note and slightly open it, gasping at the contents loud enough for Mina to hear from the other room. 
“She’s mine” scrawled on it, in a familiar red ink. 
Take Me Back To Eden - The Apparition - Part 5.5
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mothandpidgeon · 1 year
Aunt Flo's First Visit [pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader]
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Pairing: pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: After Sarah gets her first period, Joel is determined to be a supportive parent despite the fact that he doesn't know the first thing about menstruation. But when he goes to the pharmacy to shop for supplies, he finds himself in way over his head.
Words: 2k
Rating: G
Warnings: period stuff and everything that comes with it
a/n: This is really fluffy and a little silly. I saw a tik tok by a menstrual product company about a customer trying to find the right thing for his daughter and it just gave me such Joel energy this happened. I haven't finished any fic in MONTHS because I'm working on my book and that's not finished either so it feels really good to complete something. (If you want to keep up with my publishing journey, I'm mainly documenting it here.) Please enjoy.
Also, I challenged myself to write in present tense bc I never do and I really was struggling so pretend the grammar is all correct. Thank you.
Joel knows how to do a lot of things. He can manage a crew, change a flat tire, and build just about anything. He never considered himself smart by the classical definition but he knows how to make a car battery from scratch despite the fact that he got a C in chemistry. 
If somebody had told him a decade ago that he’d one day be paralyzed with fear in the feminine hygiene aisle, he would’ve laughed. But right now, Joel would give all his knowledge along with his left arm if he could just figure out what the hell he ought to buy for his daughter.
He knew this day would come eventually. It’s his own damn fault he never prepared himself. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he must’ve expected Sarah to just know how to handle it. Being a single dad wasn’t a walk in the park but he couldn’t imagine how much harder it would be if Sarah wasn’t so damn self sufficient. Even at 13, she can get herself fed and dressed and off to school without help. Of course she could figure this out on her own.
But Joel was reminded that Sarah’s still just a kid when she finally told him that she’d gotten her period for the very first time. She was so embarrassed to admit it, Joel practically had to drag it out of her. 
He was angry with himself. He should’ve been ready, wished that he knew the right words to say. Joel promised himself he would put things right so she wouldn’t feel like she ever had to hide anything from him. 
That was a lot easier said than done, he realizes now.
Joel stands in the aisle overwhelmed and confused. Boxes and soft packages in friendly, pastel colors stare at him from the shelves. He’s never spent much time with the feminine hygiene products, not unless he was scooting by them to pick up a little carton from the family planning section. He hasn’t bothered to learn about that stuff. Women’s stuff. He’s not disgusted by menstruation, isn’t afraid of it. It’s just one of those things he never had to deal with. 
Without Sarah’s mom, though, he’s had to figure out plenty of girl things. He can remember the lesson on managing Sarah’s curls from the kind woman at the hair salon. Names of Shampoos and oils that felt foreign were now routine and he’s mastered using the combs and clips that looked more intimidating than some of his power tools. But he struggled for a good long while before that kind stylist took pity on him. 
And here he is again, flying blind into the female whirlwind. 
There’s so many options on the shelf. Words like HEAVY and gentle and sport. And the prices. Christ! He thought the hair stuff was expensive.  
Joel’s head is spinning but he has to get it together. He’d vowed long ago that he would be Dad and Mom too. That’s what his daughter deserves. 
Just a year ago, he hovered outside of the dressing room at the mall as Sarah tried on training bras. 
“Did you find one? You were in there for a while,” he said when she emerged.
“Dad,” she replied in that tone she was using more and more often, the one that told him to shut up.
It isn’t the changes to her body that scare him, all of the subtle ways she’s becoming less familiar. His little girl is growing up and he mourns her childhood. It won’t be long before she’s driving, going off to college. Maybe she’ll have a daughter of her own but Joel hopes she’ll wait longer than he did, have a chance to make a life for herself.
Speaking of which, he realizes he’s going to have to sit her down for a real talk about boys next. He better get ready for that one. Explaining where babies come from hadn’t been too difficult. Condoms and venereal diseases are a whole different ball game. Teenage boys are gremlins– he’d know– and Sarah’s so smart and pretty, she’s going to have to be careful. 
Joel doesn’t know how long he’s been staring at the shelves when a woman appears in the aisle, another shopper. She’s got her keys looped around a finger, headed straight for the tampons, her flip flops smacking against the bottoms of her feet. Joel has a box in his hands. He doesn’t even know what he’s picked up, it’s just got the least intimidating packaging and the price is reasonable. He can’t help but catch the woman’s eye and the look she gives him is a little wary. It must be obvious that he’s out of his depths. But she gives a polite, tight lipped smile and proceeds to ignore him as she approaches the pantheon of period products. 
He watches as her eyes dart around the shelves and quickly she makes a selection, plucking up a box clad with pink and purple silhouettes. So easy. Well, it must be easy for her. He wonders how many times she’s visited this part of the pharmacy, if her mother brought her to the store when she was Sarah’s age and showed her all the options. 
His free hand fidgets at his side and he swallows dryly. He feels like an idiot but he reminds himself that he’s got to do this. For Sarah. The woman is already half way back to the end of the aisle by the time he’s found his voice. 
“Excuse me, miss. Could I trouble you for a second?” you hear from the man behind you. 
You turn around, confused, but there’s nobody else that he could be talking to. Here you thought you could get in and out quickly. You’re cranky and tired and all day you’ve had toe curling cramps. It hits you like a ton of bricks every month. All you want to do is get home to your couch to watch some crappy reality tv. 
But this lumberjack of a man– broad shoulders wrapped in a flannel shirt– is giving you puppy dog eyes. You’ve never been hit on while holding a box of Tampax Pearl but there’s a first time for everything. 
“I apologize. This is real awkward,” he says, rubbing at the back of his neck with a big hand. “I’m trying to get something for my daughter but I’m a little lost.”
His voice is warm and sweet and he’s handsome as hell but you keep your distance. 
“Didn’t she tell you what to get?” you ask. 
His expression grows even more bashful and his voice lowers. 
“I’m afraid it’s, uh…well, it’s new territory for both of us,” he admits. 
You can’t help the sympathetic smile that forms on your lips. Some poor preteen girl just got welcomed into the cruel arms of womanhood. It will be all downhill from here. Wild mood swings, angry breakouts, blood leaking through her favorite pair of pants. At least, it seems, she’s got her dad on her side. It takes a lot of balls for a guy to pick up a box of tampons let alone stop a stranger and ask for help. 
You’d like to tell him that you’re too busy to help– you can hear your Haagen Dazs calling you all the way from the freezer– but you at least owe it to this kid to help him out. 
“What’ve you got?” you ask, nodding towards the powder blue box in his grasp. It looks so little in his big hand. You walk back towards him and take a look. “Oh. Nice try but I wouldn’t go with that.”
He regards his choice again. It’s kind of adorable, the way the corners of his mouth frown as he squints at the words on the front. “What’s wrong with these?” His words aren’t defensive, he’s genuinely curious. 
“Tampons can be pretty tricky when you’re that age. And those don’t even come with an applicator,” you explain. You remember trying to use a tampon that first time. You’d never put anything up there before and it stung like hell.
“Applicator?” His brows furrow and you can see fear in his brown eyes. 
“So you can put it…in,” you tell him and motion with your finger, jabbing your pointer upwards. 
His cheeks go pink. Ears too. You try to suppress a giggle as his brain short circuits for a second. His throat works as he swallows and places the box back on the shelf— gingerly, like it might explode. 
“Which are the ones that don’t…go inside?” he asks. 
It’s impossible to keep from grinning. 
“Pads,” you say. 
He nods. 
You choose a package and place it in his hands. It’s a multipack, everything from light to heavy, and no wings so she doesn’t feel like she’s wearing a diaper. 
“Try this,” you say. “She might not like them. It takes some trial and error.”
He reads over the circle in the corner that claims it’s 100% Leak Free! You can see he’s still overwhelmed but he’s far less nervous. He really is good looking and you have to wonder how he doesn’t have a woman in his life to help him out.
“This many?” he asks. 
“She might need more.” You shrug. “Just stay away from the scented ones. And you have Tylenol at home?”
“I think so.”
“How about a heating pad?”
He shakes his head. 
“Go get one,” you advise. 
He blows out air and then steels himself with a nod, ready to face the red menace. 
“I’m awfully grateful for your help,” he says and you can tell by the look on his face, he means that. 
You feel your own cheeks heat. 
Joel ends up behind her in the checkout line after securing an electric heating pad and grabbing an extra bottle of Motrin. 
“What do you think?” he asks, showing her what he picked.
“Good job,” she tells him. Her smile is tinged with amusement but his chest still swells with pride. Maybe he’s not such a failure of a father after all.
Now that he’s less bewildered, Joel can’t help but notice how pretty this woman is. She’s dressed for comfort without any make up as far as he can tell but that smile and the kindness in her eyes is what does it for him. If they met under different circumstances, maybe he’d try to flirt. Not that he’s had the opportunity to practice recently. It’s for the best, though. There’s absolutely no way the combination of bumbling idiot, single parent, and menstruation makes for a romantic connection. Besides he’s here on an errand for his daughter.
Joel tries to keep his eyes from wandering over her as the teenager behind the register rings her up, the pink box and two bags of M&Ms. She gives Joel one last smile before leaving the store. 
He thought he might feel embarrassed buying nothing but period supplies but he’s too busy thinking about how helpful she was. Sarah would just about die from mortification if he told her a complete stranger gave him a crash course in maxi pads. He chuckles to himself. 
“Hey!” someone calls as Joel approaches his truck.
It’s her, the woman from the pharmacy, crossing the parking lot. Joel smooths his hair.
“These are for her,” she says, handing him one of her bags of candy. “Chocolate helps.”
Joel gives a soft laugh as he weighs the M&Ms in his hand. “That I knew,” he says. 
“And, uh, here,” she tells him, holding out the long receipt. 
Joel takes the paper. On the back she’s scribbled her name and phone number. 
“You know, I don’t know. I just thought– if she has any questions. Or maybe if you do,” she says, shrugging. She’s much less confident now than she was in front of that endless selection of menstrual products. It’s cute and makes Joel feel a little less like an idiot for the way he was fumbling a few minutes ago. 
“I owe you one,” he says.
She shakes her head. “Just be patient,” she warns. “She’s gonna be a bitch but don’t take it personally.”
Joel grins. 
“You’re a good dad,” she tells him and he doesn’t know how to respond to that.
She’s already backing away towards her car and waves again. 
Joel looks at her number, once again finding something he doesn’t know. He’d give his left arm to figure out how soon is too soon to call. 
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lonelyisamyw-0love · 2 months
Okay, but I have a way worse fate for Nathan than him getting stabbed, bleed out and die.
Maybe he spent so much time building androids for himself and playing mommy and daddy with them that BlueBook in the meantime started to show weaker and weaker numbers in sales. And the people right under Nathan tried to warn him to do something about it, but he was like, it'll get better, and he stayed in his pervy mancave.
Then when he finally realized that shit is gonna really hit the fan it was too late. In some desperate last minute attempts to try to save his company he went bankrupt in under a year.
And bc everyone around him hated him, no one who had the money and power wanted to help him. They even laughed when he failed.
Imagine this egoistic fuck with a god complex having to serve coffees.
But this is not the worst.
He has to work in a fucking coffee shop? Fine, he'll work in a fucking coffee shop. This is temporary, he is a genius after all, he will rise again.
But one day you go into the shop.
His ex personal assistant.
Your eyes widened when you saw him.
Then a satisfied smile broke out on your face.
When you are the next in line you aren't really surprised he didn't recognize you. You worked for him like three years ago and quit after a few months. This massive asshole caused you more panic attacks in a month than what you had in your whole life before.
You decide to fuck with him, just for a bit of a revenge. You order a double espresso, tell him your name and he goes to make it. When he gives it to you and you take a sip, you look at him like he was an idiot.
"Excuse me. I ordered a cappuccino."
Nathan looks at you like you are the idiot.
"No you didn't."
"Yes I did."
"No you didn't."
You summon your inner Karen. Shake your head a little to throw your hair back.
"Look I don't care what you think. I want a cappuccino." - you say condescendingly.
"Then next time order a cappuccino." - Nathan gives you a fake smile.
"This is unacceptable! I'm not gonna pay for this!"
"You drank from it, you have to."
"How else was I supposed to know that you screwed up my order?"
"Look, you fucking harpy, if you don't like the motherfucking coffee, there's the door." - Nathan said, in his usual asshole way. Not giving a fuck.
People around you gasp in shock at the language he uses. You fake gasp, expecting it. You even put your hand on your chest for a more dramatic effect.
You give him the final blow.
"I want to speak to the manager!"
"You can fuck the manager for all I care, sweety. Do you think I don't recognize you? With your lame blazer and cheap high heels? If you wouldn't have quitted I would've fired you myself!"
Okay, now you were angry.
"You fucking robofucking asshole, you deserved everything you got!" - you say through gritted teeth and throw the coffee in his face. - "And my high heels are Prada, you degenerate fuck!"
"That's it, I quit!" - he says as he tears off his apron and throws it on the ground. He turns to go to the back.
Oh, you're not done with him.
You wait outside for him by the backdoor.
He let's out a "for fuck's sake" and tries to ignore you as he starts walking while you are following him, yelling in his ear all your frustrations you couldn't let out while you worked for him.
Thing is, Nathan was disappointed when you quit. You were the most capable assistant he had and while yes, he sure gave you a lot of work, he payed you well for it. But one day you just left him. You didn't even stay until he found a new one. Well, maybe it was because he got so hurt angry that you handed in your resignation, that he said "fine, I can find a hundred more capable people for this job than you on the street right now."
Wow, now that he thought about it, maybe he was an asshole.
Finally, after you were still going off in his ear, he turns to you and grab your shoulders forcefully.
"Are you feeling better now?! Are you satisfied? Your asshole ex boss has no money and is forced to work like a common man, he can barely pay his fucking rent, and he has no idea how to pay his fucking checks, cause he never had to! And now I'm out of job, thanks to you! Are you happy? That you had your little revenge?! Tell you what, honey. You're not better than me. You are being an asshole now too."
That shut you up. He let's go of you and with a shake of his head he goes on his way.
You stare after him.
"I hire you!" - you yell.
He stops in his tracks, then turns around.
"I hire you." - you repeat.
"Bitch, where the fuck do you even work?"
You bit back a smile. You'd be lying if you said it wasn't funny when he put some way too confident interns in their places, and he destroyed their egos in two sentences using this same language.
"Pays better than Starbucks."
After a few seconds Nathan started to walk back towards you.
You smirked.
He narrowed his eyes and pointed at you.
"Shut the fuck up."
"I didn't say anything. And don't talk like this to your boss."
"Well, shit, ma'am, can't wait for you to chew my ass out for doing exactly what you told me." - he said, reminding you to the coffee incident.
An unexpected, honest laugh bubbled up from your chest.
Nathan smiled.
Not me having this funny coffee shop interaction and wanting to share it with you then it turned into a fucking fic while i was writing it💀💀💀
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Dolli....DOLLI! What have I done to be blessed with this imagery in my asks!?!?
OOOOOOHH the sweet sweet revenge of hiring Nathan fucking Bateman after he made my life a living garbage heap.
"Best not tarry...wouldn't want you boss to see you come in late on your first day Nathan!"
Also don't hate on the shoes!!!
"These shoes cost more than your paycheck!" It would feel good to throw that line back in his face after he insulted your outfit day one.
"The hell are you wearing", he remarks sharply. How does he know what you're wearing? He hasn't even look up from his screen.
"That assault on the eyes you call an outfit. What is it?" His tone is level, bored even, but the words are scathing. You open your mouth to answer him when he cuts you off. "My haircut cost more than that."
You pause, "Sir, you...you only have a beard."
He glance at you, smirking before looking back at his screens "I know"
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riordanness · 1 year
delicate - [l.valdez]
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1.6K wordcount
warnings: mentions of nightmares,, super old writing so proceed with cringe warning
requested: no
a/n: i wrote this in quarantine, early 2021. i lowkey predicted the future w this fic bc i was obsessed w the colour maroon at the time and made y/n wear a maroon coloured taylor swift shirt… never guessing that she would release a song called maroon?? so yeah, fun fact <3
I sat bolt upright in bed, my head pounding. It took me what seemed like forever to calm down, even thought it was likely to have only been a handful of moments. I forced myself to steady my breath, and realise I was safe. My hands were tightly clutched around my sheets, and that helped to ground my thoughts a little.
I looked around my familiar cabin and took a deep breath. My fairy lights shined softly on the walls, making me feel cozy and warm. I had specifically requested fairy lights. They'd always been so reassuring and calming to me, what for I had no clue. But Leo had been all to ready to equip me with fairy lights in my cabin, so I was glad I had asked him for them. They always helped with the nightmares.
I carefully slipped out from under the covers and put on my sneakers. I fumbled through my chest drawer and pulled out a black zip-up jacket I had stolen from Leo, and yanked that on too. I had black leggings and a maroon Taylor Swift T-shirt on, so I felt warm enough to go outside, where the freezing Greek air would surely be uncomfortable.
I needed to clear my head, and get some fresh air, and talk to someone. All that would happen on deck, where there was bound to be at least one crew member on duty. Besides, Leo never went to bed, it seemed. He would most certainly be up there, and I needed to see my best friend right now.
I tiptoed past the other demigods' cabin doors, trying not to wake anyone up. I had no wish to anger anybody who slept with a sword constantly by their side.
I crept upstairs and came out onto the deck, the moon covering the world with a ghostly layer of magical light. I loved the moon. If Artemis, the moon goddess, wasn't a maiden goddess and actually had demigod kids, I'd've given anything to be her daughter. She was definitely one of the best Greek goddesses.
As I'd suspected, Leo was still awake, even though it was probably at least three in the morning by now. He stood with his back to me, tinkering with something on the ships' control board. I stood there for a few seconds, biting my lip and staring at his figure in the dim light, debating whether to bother him or not. In the end, I decided to walk over.
"Hey," I said quietly over Leo's shoulder.
He flinched, looking up at me with startled dark eyes. "Jeez, carinó, don't scare a man like that!”
My eyes widened in sudden alarm. "I'm sorry!"
Leo managed to crack a smile for me. "No, it's fine. Hey."
He turned back to the controls. "I'm just turning off the sonar and switching to radar. We're going airborne soon. Percy's gone downstairs, and it's Jason's turn to watch."
I nodded. "Okay." I knew what he was doing. I didn't dare one but for that kind of information, it was useless to me and I usually forgot it in about four seconds. Leo did it because he knew I adored listening to his voice. His accent was so calming to me, just like fairy lights and Taylor Swift songs were.
I loved him so much for doing that for me. I was so lucky to have this boy in my life.
There was silence for a few minutes. That was the way it usually was with Leo and I. We were comfortable with whatever. If we wanted to talk, we did talk, about everything and anything. But if one of us felt like being quiet, that worked too. It was just nice to be with each other, together.
We didn't have to be talking to enjoy each other's company, and I loved that about him too.
"I had a nightmare..." I said at last, drawing out the words, as if me saying them slower would make it harder for Leo to understand them.
Leo's eyes immediately snapped to meet mine. "You did?" His voice flooded with concern. "Are you okay? Was it that same one, or different? Was it a vision, or —?"
I laughed lightly. "Calm down... I..." My smile dropped as I reflected on my nightmare. "It was..."
I shuddered. "Um, it was bad. I just... I just wanted to be around someone. I didn't want to be alone in my cabin."
Leo nodded. He reached for my hand and squeezed it gently. His touch sent a tingle up my spine. Leo didn't really do touching; I think he was wary around it with his fire powers, so it was nice, but a little strange, to hold his hand.
"Come on," Leo said. "I'm done here. Festus will guard until Jason gets his lazy butt out of bed. I want to show you something."
I managed a smile. "Okay, Repair Boy."
"Hey, don't call me that!"
"Why not?" I reasoned. "You call me carinó, and I don't even know what that means."
Leo's eyes glittered with mirth, as if he was sharing an inside joke with himself. "Well... fine then."
He led me by the hand downstairs. We passed a bleary-eyed Jason on the steps, who nodded mutely at us and kept going. Hopefully he wakes up enough to fight off any monsters who decides our ship looked tasty.
Leo led me past the cabin doors, careful to walk quietly. When he started down the second level of steps, I raised my eyebrows.
"I've never been down here," I whispered.
"I know," he whispered back. A nervous, but excited shiver ran down my back.
Leo pushed open the first door on the left. Inside, an intricate engine (at least I think it was an engine) took up most of the room. Pipes and cords ran absolutely everywhere, winding around and around each other.
Random work tools rolled along the floor every time the ship listed sideways, spanners and hammers and screws going everywhere. The engine hummed softly, filling the air with a pleasant kind of feeling. I instantly understood why Leo liked this place. I know he often spent a lot of time in here, and I could now see why. It was exactly his sort of room.
"Wow, Leo," I said. "You built all this? You're amazing."
Leo blushed. "Thanks, carinó."
I glanced at him with a smile, and he looked confused. "What?"
"Nothing," I said slowly. "I'm just really glad you're my best friend." I gave his hand a squeeze.
Leo looked away. "Uh, great, well..."
"You wanted to show me something?" I prompted.
"Oh yeah!" He pulled me along as he walked to a cabinet against one wall. He opened one of the drawers, dug through it, closes it, opened another one, and smiled triumphantly.
"Close your eyes, carinó," he told me.
I did so immediately. After all, I trusted Leo completely. Okay, maybe not with shaving foam or my wallet, but for anything else? Of course.
Leo suddenly laced his fingers through mine. "Open them," he said, his voice low and kinda gravelly.
I slowly opened my eyes. Leo held out his palm.
On it, a beautiful necklace lay. A beautiful, incredibly intricate flower was made out of see-through gold, hung on a thin gold chain.
I gasped softly. "Oh, Leo..." I didn't know what to say. "It's... it's beautiful. Oh, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
"It's not the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," Leo muttered. "I mean, uh, thanks. I made it for you."
I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him. "It's amazing. You're amazing. Thank you."
Leo pulled away, laughing a little. "Okay, okay. Here. Want me to put it on for you?"
I nodded. He carefully stepped behind me and fastened the clasp around my neck. The necklace laid on my chest, and I gazed at it for a moment, before smiling up at Leo.
"Thank you so much, Leo," I said. "It's the best thing I've ever received in my life."
"Really?" Leo seemed surprised. "Well, let's see how many times I can break that record."
Before I knew what was happening, Leo stepped forward, cupped his hand around my cheek and gently pressed his mouth to mine. He only kissed me for a second, moved backwards, red as a beet, and opened his mouth, stammering, "Oh, I just... did that. I— I'm sorry —"
I smiled dryly. "Don't you dare be sorry." I stood on tiptoe and kissed him again, longer this time.
I felt like I was on fire. I wasn't, and neither was Leo (thankfully), but my entire body was hot all over. I don't know how long we would've stayed there, but someone decided enough was enough.
"Hey, Leo, are you — holy Hera!" Jason stumbled into the doorframe. "Uh..."
Leo and I broke apart. His face was a red as mine felt. "Oh! Hi Jason." Leo grinned. "What's up?"
Jason pursed his lips. "I... uh, I forgot. What the Hades are you two doing?"
"Making out," Leo replied.
"Leo!" I exclaimed. "I wouldn’t put it that way! That’s so… crude sounding.”
"Oh. Okay. We weren’t doing that then," Leo agreed. "What's wrong, J-man?"
Jason looked confused. "Um, well... we're nearly to Athens. None of us can work out your controls, Leo, so you need to come and uh, work your magic."
Leo nodded. "We'll be right there."
Jason disappeared up the hall. Leo and I glanced at each other.
"So?" Leo asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"So... what?" I asked back.
"Did I break my record?" He grinned cheekily. "Of the best things you've ever received?"
I blushed. "I guess so. Yeah. Yeah you did, Repair Boy."
"Good," Leo said, grabbing my hand again and pulling me towards the deck. "Now, let's go save the world, together."
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kai parker x reader
summary: after three straight days of kai having nightmares, you can't take the cries anymore and need to intervene.
≪ originally published on ao3: 3/04/23 ≫
tags: emotional hurt / comfort, alcohol (bc when is damon not drinking), childhood trauma, mentions of abuse
word count: 1.4k
“You guys, I’m kinda worried about him,” you mutter, setting down your glass of whiskey. 
“Oh, he’ll be fine. Just give it another ten minutes, he’ll shut up.”
Another whine carries throughout the house. It pangs your heart to hear, but you also don’t know what to do to stop it. 
“Better shut up sooner,” Elena eyes her boyfriend, annoyed, “I can’t hear myself think.”
“I’m gonna go talk to him,” you start to stand up, but then Bonnie puts a hand on your knee.
“Girl, don’t. If he finds you in his room, he’ll probably snap your neck. And you’re human. Damon’s right, just give him a couple more minutes. He always stops eventually.”
You guys’ conversation is interrupted by the sound of the wooden doors closing quietly. 
“Sorry to disturb,” Jo announces her presence with a small wave. Alaric’s standing behind her, smiling a little. “Mind if we join you?”
Damon raises his glass, “just drinking, come on over!”
“Yeah, I figured,” the now-human joins the group, “could use some drinks and company.”
As they get comfortable, another cry rings out from upstairs.
“Oh my god, who is that? Is everything okay?” Rightfully so, Jo looks alarmed. 
Damon, however, just rolls his eyes. “That’s Kai. He’s been doing that for three straight days. But like I told Y/N here, give him ten minutes and he’ll shut up.”
“I still can’t believe you’re having him stay here.”
“Yes, Rick, I can’t either. But we need to keep an eye on the sociopathic weasel, and keeping him here is the best way to do that. Plus, he doesn’t have anywhere else to go, and while I don’t care, I don’t want him to start angry-killing because he feels confused. So until he figures his shit out, we’re stuck with him.”
“Ugh,” is all the man answers.
“Very big ugh,” agrees his girlfriend. “So what’s the noise? What’s his problem?”
“Nightmares? Irritating us? I have no idea.”
“If you guys would let me go check on him, I could solve that question.”
“No, Y/N, you are not going up there,” Damon looks you straight in the eye. “What if it is nightmares? Bonnie’s right, he’ll snap you in two.”
“Only if I startle him.”
“You put wayyyy too much faith in someone who’s tried to kill everyone in here.”
“He’s never tried to kill me.”
“You’re missing the point.”
Another few cries. You can’t take it anymore. 
“If I need help, I’ll call out. I need to at least try to calm him down.”
“Your funeral,” Damon seems to give up on convincing you. 
As you wander up the stairs, you hear them talking. 
“What does he even have nightmares for? He’s probably the cause of most people’s nightmares.”
“He caused mine for twenty-two years.”
“I just wish he’d shut up.”
“Y/N is going to die.”
“I should’ve killed him when I had the chance.”
You roll your eyes at all of them, resting your hand on the knob of Kai’s door. You make sure to be extremely quiet as you turn it so as not to startle him. Then, ever so gently, you sit on the unoccupied side of his bed, giving you enough distance to reach him, but also to jump out of the way. 
“Kai,” you whisper, “you okay?”
He doesn’t budge. 
“Hey. I’m not gonna hurt you, I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
Suddenly, you become startled when he jolts in his sleep, letting out a terrified whine. Without much thought, you reach out to steady his shoulder, and his eyes snap wide open. 
Fear, anger, confusion; these are the emotions painted on his face as he realizes you’re beside him. They happen one after another, seconds after each other, until he’s left confused with your presence. 
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m just checking on you. Want to make sure you’re okay.”
“What happened?” He whispers, throat cracking. 
“Nothing, baby, nothing happened.” You hand him a water sitting on the nightstand. “But we heard you crying, and I needed to check on you.”
“Heard me crying? How loud? I didn’t mean to.”
The vulnerable side is something new. He must be too tired to hide it. 
“It’s okay, sweet. I mean, the house echoes, so we could hear it downstairs, but don’t worry about it.”
“Why did you check on me? How did you convince Damon to let you come up here alone?”
You can’t help but giggle at the truth in that question. “Told him I was going to see you and there’s nothing he could do about it.”
He laughs, for a minute, until his face grows serious again. “But why do you care?”
“Because I care about you, Kai. If you’re upset, I want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Do I need a reason?”
“I don’t know, I just… not used to people caring.”
“Well I do.”
It’s quiet for a moment. Then, Kai takes a risk. 
“My dad.”
“The nightmare, it was about my dad.”
You turn your body towards him, hoping the gesture shows him that you’re giving all your attention to his words. 
“I, uh, wasn’t the child he ever wanted. I mean, of course, he wanted children - otherwise, he wouldn’t have had eight of them. But I was the disappointment; the abomination. Could never live up to his standards; could never fulfill my coven duties.”
You swallow hard, nodding for him to continue. 
“Only being able to siphon magic led to some… memorable punishments when I was a kid. I hadn’t meant to hurt her, but when I tried to borrow some from my sister, boy was he angry. That was the day I learned there’s a spell for an invisible punch to the gut. And when I was twelve, and had by then learned how to manipulate the magic he’d use to punish me, I learned what a real punch to the gut felt like. Of course, there’s so many great ones that play on repeat in my head, but these two are just top tier… fatherly love.”
Your heart was already splintered by his cries, but hearing his story shatters it completely.
“Kai…,” you impulsively reach a hand up to his face to stroke his cheek.
He flinches hard as you do so, and you draw back. 
“I’m sorry. I’m not going to hurt you. You trust me?”
“Considering I just overshared about my family, yeah. Can I trust you?”
“Of course, sweet.” You raise your hand again, and this time, he doesn’t move. You draw your thumb along his cheek and jawline, looking into his eyes softly. “You’re okay now. He can’t hurt you. I won’t let him. And he’s all the way across the country, too. You’re safe.”
“I don’t know why I told you all that,” he admits.
“Maybe it’s because you know I won’t tell. I won’t tell, and I won’t treat you differently because of it. I’m serious, Kai, you can trust me.”
“I do. Thank you. And thanks for waking me up, too. It was just… replaying in my head, over and over.”
“Drink some more water. Maybe play music? Distract yourself. Or do you have a fan?”
“Uh, I don’t know. But, um…” he hesitates to ask.
“What’s up?”
“Can you… maybe… stay with me? I feel less scared when you’re with me.”
“Of course, Kai.” 
He lifts the blanket up and around you, then gives you a soft smile. You can’t help but press a kiss to his hand as you feel yourself start to drift into sleep.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Heyyyy! Brought the bourbon this time. Everyone up for drinks?” Rick saunters into the living room of the boarding house. Jo’s right behind him. 
“Yes, please! And thank you,” Damon sighs in relief at the sight of alcohol. 
The two join the group. Jo looks around, cocking her head in confusion, “where’s Y/N?”
“Oh, yeah, that one. She’s with Kai.”
“With Kai?!” Rick’s eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“Yep. For five consecutive nights now, she’s been sleeping with Kai.”
“Actually sleeping, too,” Elena butts in, “I’ve checked. They’re dead asleep. Close, but clothed.”
“And Kai has not made one annoying sound since,” Damon finishes. 
“So, she didn’t die?”
“Nope! She’s - dare I say - bonding with the weasel. But hey, as long as she’s still kicking, and he’s not baby-crying, I guess it’s fine. That’s what I like to call - a problem for another time!”
“I’ll drink to that, I guess!” Rick pours himself a glass, and everyone else follows suit. 
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bisolationist · 3 months
You know being a woman abused by a woman I feel like I will never ever be able to connect with them fully.
Like even if we get along and all that I know it's all conditional. That kindness and female/feminist solidarity they all talk about is all conditional.
The second I mention the sex of my abuser and suddenly I'm seen as a gender traitor, they turn angry and attack me. And like you said now I know too much like I can't be expected to trust women, let my guard down with them stand with them etc...
And when I say this the way people talk to me its like sooo condescending like yeah I know misogyny is still a thing I'm a woman too !!! But you can't tell me to ignore women's wrongdoings towards me because men are worse.
Truth is they'll only show me kindness if I had the right type of abuser, went through the right type of abuse and had the right type of sexuality.
I mean I remember whne there was this girl who kind of did something sexual to me I told her to stop but I just kind of like gave in and whne she told everyone about what happened all my female friends were acting super weird towards me as if I was some sort of creep and then when I told them what happened they said smth along the lines of oh come on youre like down for everything (just bc I was seen as bi).
And the problem is I can't discuss this anywhere like literally anywhere if I post smth on my blog I'll have feminists and women say to me oh but you don't know hwo society treats mothers maybe she doing the best she could, oh well that never happened to me etc etc... like I can't deal with this. And on normal spaces like men don't care they'll use my abuse as an excuse to be misogynistic it's such an isolating experience. I don't expect feminists to fight for me like feminism is about female liberation they don't owe me anything but why did they have to go out of their way to attack me, mock me, call me a liar, belittle what happened to me, tell me I'm exaggerating, treat me as If I was betraying tye feminist cause for speaking up like i was a fucking mra, and I'm not even allowed to let my abuse affect me if I have one negative sentiment towards women I'm a pick me I'm sexist I'm this I'm that.
Sorry for this fucking wall of text I'm tired of them treating me this way then turn around and pretend it's not happening you knwo
I'm really sorry it took me a while to get to this. I think I'm starting to dread looking in my inbox and I keep putting it off.
Obviously I'm not in exactly the same boat as you, so I can't fully address the parts about being a woman. But you're definitely not alone - all of the women in your position *I've* talked to feel the same. I have at least one friend that's voiced very similar things (don't worry I asked for permission before linking; she said she'd be open to talking to you if you want). And while I haven't experienced it first hand... I mean... I've seen it. I've seen the anger and vitriol that gets sent you way, the way your trauma is scoured for any excuse to be dismissed, the way you get excoriated as anti-feminists for not pretending it's a lesser deal. Not that you need me to reaffirm it, but you're definitely not crazy.
And I do understand the loneliness. Sometimes I wonder if this is why I subconsciously isolate myself despite having lots of people that express they care about me, enjoy my company, etc. Because I can't fully trust any of them would take this topic seriously, and I just... couldn't bear it if they didn't. Sometimes trying to find people that will accept this, *and* my bisexuality, and have compatible values... I don't know, it feels way too unlikely you know? And that's just for friendship, throw in attraction/sexual compatibility in there and it's like... do these people exist...
The condescension is unbearable. Again, obviously not the same for me, but I'm so TIRED of people throwing it in my face like I'm saying misogyny isn't real? It's so frustrating that bringing this topic up at all invariably gets me listed as an MRA despite my beliefs being the opposite? Or they tell me things like that men are more likely to be the perpetrators against either sex... as if they ever took me seriously with that either? Either way, my bisexuality gets used against me, too. I don't think I've ever been in a situation where the excuses ran out - I guess that's the really disappointing thing. There's always someone willing to come to bat for these people, and they always try to justify their view as the moral and sensible one.
If you feel like you're suffocating about it all, I think you might as well blog about it. Who else are you going to blog for? It's your life! You're the only one that can give your voice power. But at the same time - yeah you're going to get weirdos and rape apologists. If that's too much to bear, that's completely understandable, too.
Anyway I'm not sure I managed to say anything new, but I hope you know I believe your experiences and how you've felt. I hope you know I'm angry on your behalf because you don't deserve to deal with any of the bullshit of how people treat you for it.
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hyuganejiswife · 2 years
Puppy Love | Megumi Fushiguro X GNReader
| REQUESTED, fluff, comfort, cuddle, demon dogs are OUT and big softies, somewhat established relationship just not official bc y’all both cowards
Word Count: 742
Note: Requests are open… patiently awaiting them🥹
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You’d been tossing and turning all night, unable to get an ounce of sleep yet you were exhausted. It seemed as though every day was a struggle to get through, and the nights were no easier. Your dorm is quiet and dark, the only light being that from the moon peeking through your curtains drawn over your window.
You sigh and sit up, crawling out of bed and shuffling to the door with a singular goal in mind, perhaps even a silly one that would surely get you laughed at.
As your hand raises to knock on the door of your neighbor, it swings open revealing a rather tired looking man. His dorm is lit up by his bedside table and he looks down at you as if he’d been expecting you all this time.
Really, he had. He wasn’t entirely certain why, but when he had woken up and had the gut feeling that something was going on with you, he couldn’t help but want to come check on you. “What’re you doing awake?”
He doesn’t mean to sound so cold, you know that much. It still rubs you the wrong way, as if it was bother that you’d come to his door even though he had already been away. “I’m sorry… I couldn’t sleep. I was hoping that… Maybe…” You trail off, rubbing the back of your neck and mumbling quietly, “Well, I was wondering whether I could use one of your demon dogs to cuddle with tonight? I thought that it might help me sleep a little better.”
He’s surprised.
You want to cuddle one of his demon dogs?
“Oh… Sure?” It sounds more like a question, yet he doesn’t hesitate, looking back over his shoulder as the black one steps forward from the shadows, nudging against your hand at your side. It’s far more affectionate than it would be in any other scenario and perhaps that itself is a reflection of Megumi’s own feelings.
“Thank you,” you whisper, turning and leading the shikigami back to your dorm.
When your door closes, he steps out into the hallway and stares for a moment. He’s trying to decipher what could possibly be going through your mind that was causing you so much trouble. Against his better judgement, he closes his door behind himself and knocks on your door just a few feet away. You had yet to climb back into bed, his knocks stopping you as you’d been preparing your blankets and pillows. He doesn’t wait for you to open the door, simply allowing himself in and smiling softly at the sight of you. “Sorry. I just wanted to check on you.” He glances at the black fluff laying on your bed, having been ready for your company. “Go ahead.”
You laugh a bit, climbing onto the bed and allowing the man to sit beside you as you lay down, curling your fingers into the black fur of the demon dog. He hesitates but lays a hand on your back. “I don’t know what’s wrong, if I’m being honest. I just… I feel stupid. There’s no reason. I’m just feeling like this.”
He remains silent to process what you’ve said and to allow you to speak again if you so desire to. He sighs and shifts, slipping his legs beneath the blankets and turning so that his chest is against your back. He slips an arm around your waist, holding you close. “It’s okay. I’m here for you. I’m always going to be here for you. I know I’m not the best at… expressing myself, which has been why I’ve put off asking you to be mine too, but I won't leave you. Ever.”
When you laugh, he frowns and pinches your waist. At the sound of you only laughing harder at him, he presses his face against your shoulder and growls quietly, hoping that he at least sounds a bit threatening. “Thank you, Gumi.”
“Oh God… Please don’t.”
“Gumi. Gumi. Gumi. Too bad. I like calling you that, it’s cute.”
“Just… Not in front of Itadori.”
“We’ll see.”
He smiles and takes it at that, pulling you closer as he settles comfortably, hoping to guide your breathing and lull you to sleep by being so close to him. He’s happy that you’re sandwiched between himself and the dog, knowing that he’d be there to comfort and protect you and hoping you felt just how much he cared for you.
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seraphsfire · 1 year
Haha. please help me, opening emergency commissions, etc. i am Afraid lol
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Hey y’all please cast a spell or pray or do a magic dance bc my life is the biggest mess r n, i have 1 month’s rent left (885.00) and then i’m fcked , i WOULD LOVE TO DO COMMISSIONS! PLEASE DM ME! let me know your price range and i’ll tell you what I can do!  if you want to help out bu t don’t want a commission you can donate here on paypal or here (for other apps) I’ll go a little bit into it just to sort of let u know what the situation is currently since i know some of you have known me for a long time and still follow what’s going on in my life:
i’ll try to keep this short(er)since it’s on my main
I was dealing with a job where I was subjected to constant belittling, microagressions, mismanagement of the schedule, ableism resulting in having to do my job in a way that injured me and caused me excruciating pain, insults, retaliation, threats, and dismissal of hazardous work conditions contributing to serious, textbook heat stroke which they then told me I had to just “deal with”; my choices were to go home and try to recover by myself or go back to work and probably have to go to urgent care and be stuck with a huge medical bill. They had not taken any other precautions to protect their employees; we were required to work outdoors when with very little effort, the stations we were posted at could have been moved to inside areas. I couldn’t go the next week to work either because it was going to be even hotter, and I’d already had my first write-up and knew that I would be fired anyway, so I decided to cut my losses and put my health first, and I walked off. It was a temporary job too, but of course they had drastically overstated how much it paid, and had also given us no transparency about the large amount taken out of our paychecks. I could go on about the specifics but let me just say i was absolutely floored that a company that mismanaged, who treated their employees openly with contempt, with so many workplace violations, could function *at all* 
I was treated with more day-to-day respect by management during my covid job when they wanted us to keep working before a vaccine or masks which literally put our lives in danger. 
Anyway. I have enough money saved up for internet, household goods, and xeno’s food and medicine as long as I eat as little as possible for this month. After I pay my rent on August first i will be dollars away from bankruptcy so yeah. Trash pile Year 2022 has turned into trash pile 2023 for me sadly. 
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thanks, love y’all. A boost would b appreciated if you’re able!
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shamera · 10 months
NaNo day 30
...I missed a day yesterday because I spent the whole time reading The Lone Necromancer. Whoops?
Today's is kinda a mess, but this is basically how far I got for NaNo and I figured I should put that last bit out even if it ends nearly in the middle of a sentence, lol. But that gives me a place to go back to when I get back to this story, because sometimes all you need is to be able to continue and finish off a sentence before you're back in the story mindset again!
Goodbye for now, hunter au! The more I think about it, the bigger this story gets, so I'm sorry we didn't manage to get to DFS yet because that part was meant to be pretty funny, lol.
“If Baichuan Court hasn’t accepted you yet, they’re not going to accept you now.” The man said, breaking all of Fang Duobing’s dreams. “It’s never been about whether you had the qualifications or not, it’s about the fact that your mother holds the building deed.”
“What?” Fang Duobing said blankly. 
“You didn’t know?”
He was lucky they didn’t crash into another car before Fang Duobing managed to pull to the side, hastily parking on the side of the street before he turned to give the ghostly figure of Li Lianhua his full attention. 
“You didn’t know.” Li Lianhua concluded, and shrugged, not offering more information. 
“No!” Fang Duobing exclaimed, because he hadn’t known. With the way his family tended to avoid Hunter affairs despite being right in the middle of them, it didn’t make sense. His mother looked down on the Sects and the corner they carved into the market, citing that there was no point to enter dungeons if rescue missions weren’t a priority after defeating dungeons became illegal. 
Hunters, she used to say, could do so much good in the world rather than throwing their attention into the wealth and commercial gain that was raiding dungeons. Fang Duobing always figured that Tianji Hall’s current business existed because she aimed to regulate and authenticate items so that Hunters could not scam the common populace. He certainly heard enough stories from her ranting while growing up, all about con men and arrogant ne'er-do-wells who deserved to be behind bars rather than seen by the public as ‘heroes’. 
“Now you know,” Li Lianhua said generously. 
“That’s a conflict of interest!” Fang Duobing exclaimed, fuming. No wonder his parents never seemed too concerned by his attempts to continually throw himself against the wall that was Baichuan Court. He thought they would at least approve he was aiming there rather than a lower Sect, since Baichuan Court was known to regulate Hunters rather than dungeon dive. 
“Not really. Both Tianji Hall and Baichuan Court keep track of Hunters and Sects, and deal with the flow of information. I kept telling you to go back home and join your family’s company if you wanted to be in Baichuan Court so badly—”
He had said that numerous times, but Fang Duobing always assumed Li Lianhua was urging him to give up on an useless endeavour. 
…Did it really matter now, knowing who Li Lianhua was? All Fang Duobing wanted as a child was to hold tight to the connections left in the world by Li Xiangyi. 
“Just,” Li Lianhua finally sounded like he had given up trying to argue. “...Fine. But after this, can you please just— pick up Hulijing?”
Fang Duobing nearly hit the horn as he startled, realising that was what he had forgotten about. 
“Hulijing,” he gasped out, because they all disappeared into the dungeon and then he was at the hospital for two days and then another day at his childhood home, and—
“She’s fine,” Li Lianhua said, staving off the panic. “Your mother picked up Lotus Tower, remember? I’m sure she’s taking care of Hulijing as well, but I’d rather see how she’s doing myself.”
That was fair. That was entirely fair, because now that he thought about it, Fang Duobing wanted to make sure the sweet dog was alright. He wouldn’t even question why his mother might know where the spare keys to Lotus Tower were. He shouldn’t. 
“You’re thinking something strange again and you need to stop.” Li Lianhua told him. 
“I’m not,” Fang Duobing denied, but then started driving again as the light changed. “I’ll go pick her up afterward." (CONTINUE SCENE, BRAIN EMPTY)
It was Shi Shui who greeted him after the secretary called her down. 
“Fang Duobing,” she said in exasperation, barely making a noise as she stepped over the floor with her sensible flats. Rather than a business suit, she was wearing gear for Hunters, a black bodysuit underneath lavender silks and various light armour, with her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. Had it not been for her severe expression and the grander than life presence she constantly put off, someone might have called her petite and delicately-boned. 
Yet as one of the four leaders of Baichuan Court (and the only woman after Qiao Wanmian refused the position, citing that she would visit but wanted to retire from the Hunter life), there were very few in the world who could fight on par with her, and no one who dared call her delicate to her face. 
In fact, there were very few who could arouse such irritation on her features and not run away. 
“Jiejie,” Fang Duobing greeted brightly, the same way he had for the past three years of him visiting Baichuan Court again and again, hoping in vain to win her over so that she might put in a good word for him. 
“Are you here to try again?” She asked, although he could detect a note of fondness (Fang Duobing absolutely knew she appreciated his tenacity, he just knew it even if she would never show it). “My condolences for what happened at Tianji Hall, but the answer is—”
“Actually,” Fang Duobing interrupted her, holding up his hands in askance. “There’s something I’d rather like to talk to the leaders about. In private, if that’s alright.”
Unlike the modern highrise that was Tianji Hall tower in the middle of the city, Baichuan Court was several kilometres away from the major metropolitan areas, set in a sprawling property nestled into a mountain with classical architecture and wide courtyards. Stepping inside felt like he was stepping back several centuries with intricacies in the detail of the structures. Fang Duobing almost felt like they should be wearing hanfus rather than modern clothing when walking through the area. 
All four leaders of Baichuan Court had once been Li Xiangyi’s subordinates in Sigu Sect, and part of his personal raid party. They were famous for having a raid party consisting entirely of offensive fighters rather than designating defence. No one stayed back, no one was even a long-ranged fighter. 
Every single one of them had chosen to wield a sword, and every single one of them fought on the front lines with a synergy that ensured there was no friendly fire. 
Fang Duobing had met all of them at various points the last few years to argue his case, but he had never managed to grab all four of them at once (nor did he want to— his plan had be to get one of them to allow him in, and then that person could vouch for him against the others). 
“Young master Fang,” Ji Hanfo acknowledged politely, often the first to start a conversation. “I’m glad to see you well from what happened at Tianji Hall, but…”
Fang Duobing stepped forward, knowing he couldn’t allow them to reject him once more. 
“Actually, I���m here on behalf of that.” Fang Duobing said quickly. “I know you have questions on what happened to that dungeon, but I have a few questions as well. My aunt found CCTV footage of several former Jinyuan Alliance members hanging around afterward, and there’s suspicion of their involvement—” 
“That can’t be,” Yun Biqiu spoke up from where he was sitting, frowning. “Jinyuan Alliance has been disbanded for a decade now. The majority of its members were arrested for various crimes, and the rest are dead.”
“Presumed dead,” Fang Duobing stated. He glanced at each of them. “Their bodies were never found, right?”
Not Di Feisheng, and not dozens of members who originally participated in the last dungeon raid. They were all originally presumed dead, alongside Li Xiangyi and over fifty members of Sigu Sect as well in that last battle. 
“Are you suggesting that Jinyuan Alliance could somehow have something to do with the reason why the previous dungeon disappeared?” Shi Shui asked him. 
Fang Duobing leaned forward eagerly. “What if,” he started and hesitated for a dramatic pause. “They had something to do with the opening of the dungeon to begin with?”
“No one can cause a dungeon to form,” Bai Jiangchun shook his head. “And the idea of anyone— much less Jinyuan Alliance, being able to target— weaponise— them… that’s too outlandish! Fang Duobing, I understand that you may have concerns about what happened, but the formation of dungeons really is a random thing. If there really were former members of Jinyuan Sect looking around, it’s likely they were just trying to figure out what happened just like the rest of us.”
At least he wasn’t denying that there were Jinyuan Alliance members still around, and Fang Duobing rested behind his belt toward his inventory for his trump card, hand grasping onto the wooden sword as he said, “I have reason to believe—”
He was interrupted, not by any of the people in the room, but by a massive shaking of the ground underneath him, and the sound of stone groaning and grinding underneath them. 
“What—?” Bai Jiangchun gasped, holding onto Yun Biqiu next to him. “This is—?”
The smell of ozone and dust, the sharp glare of purple, and Fang Duobing’s last thought before his vision went black was a mixture of shock and exasperation, because there was just no way this was happening to him again, in the same week!
It wasn’t dark this time, and he didn’t fall. The good thing was that Baichuan Court might exist atop a mountain, but it didn’t so much as have a second story to their buildings, so unlike Tianji Hall, there wasn’t anywhere to fall. 
Instead he landed in dense, plush grass that emitted a warmth that clung uncomfortably to his skin. 
It was sweltering in this dungeon, easily a ten degree difference at the very least. Rather than darkness and vast caverns like he experienced just previously, the dungeon this time was bright, lit from every side and angle while covered in colourful plants and flowers. 
It even looked like the sky when he glanced up. Or an approximation of a sky, anyway, if the sky was of a strange magenta colour and made him dizzy staring at it because it somehow looked close but far away at the same time, like a movie effect of a tunnel drawing closer and expanding further, except for the vast sky. 
Li Lianhua’s voice was in his ear as he said, “...You might actually be on to something this time.”
Next to him, Shi Shui was crouched gracefully, her entire posture instantly on alert, while the others stumbled a step in their shock at the sudden dungeon formation. 
“No way.” Fang Duobing fumed, now mad at himself not merely for falling into a dungeon twice in a week, but also that he hadn’t thought to equip himself after falling into a dungeon once, which meant he fell into a dungeon a second time without any proper weapons on him. Tianji Hall specialised in Hunter weapons and gear, and his family wouldn’t blink twice if he wanted to gear himself up after what happened just days ago. Why hadn’t he? 
A foolish, foolish mistake— 
“Tianji Hall tower, and now Baichuan Court?” Li Lianhua was inspecting their surroundings, his form nearly fading into the colours around them. “Jiangchun is right— no one’s been able to open gates, much less direct them, but the two organisations that keep Hunters in line, both besieged by a dungeon formation in the same week? Either you’ve got a hit out for you, or there really is a political agenda to this.”
“I’m not the only one caught up by both dungeons,” Fang Duobing hissed quietly under his breath toward Li Lianhua, eying Shi Shui carefully to make sure she wasn’t paying attention to him. She was standing up warily, helping the others, and pulling out a long, gleaming sword from her inventory. Fang Duobing hurried to stand after her, although he only had his dinky wooden sword in hand. 
Around them, the plants swayed in an invisible breeze, their colours bright and psychedelic, every leaf and stalk and stem oversized to the extreme. If the flowers could eat people, they could probably eat Fang Duobing whole in one bite. It was a dense garden if people were the size of mice and if plants were shoving each other for space in every step. Fang Duobing couldn’t even see the ground. 
“A newly formed dungeon?” Ji Hanfo exclaimed in disbelief. “This can’t be. We’ve just had one. There shouldn't be a second one so soon, and the chances are it wouldn’t even be in China, much less than same city. This is…”
Then he looked at Fang Duobing, who shook himself out of his bewilderment in an attempt to look serious and purposeful, like he had a point to his words rather than it being another way to get Baichuan Court to accept him as a member. 
“Tianji Hall, and now Baichuan Court,” he echoed Li Lianhua, who shot him a bemused look from where he wandered away. “Either someone is out to bring down Hunters, or… I’m just really unlucky.”
He thought he should be feeling scared right now. The last dungeon was… well, Fang Duobing still hadn’t worked out his mental state over that yet, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to yet. The last one had been harrowing, and it was brutal, and he was stressful in a way he never experienced before. 
This time, he watched as Shi Shui adjusted a pack strapped to her thigh and materialised her sword, and as the others— who were less ready to be drawn into a dungeon, but were still wearing clothes that signified Hunters, also pulled out their swords— and he didn’t feel as stressed this time. 
Maybe because last time he felt pressured to take responsibility, a little due to the fact that it was his employees in danger, and a lot because he and his aunt were the only Hunters of the group while the rest were civilians. 
Baichuan Court employed only Hunters, even if they did have civilian correspondents. That meant those who got pulled into this dungeon would all be experienced and seasoned Hunters, who knew how to keep any unfortunate people who also fell in safe. 
In this case, Fang Duobing was the amateur here, and he would get to follow along and observe how the professionals did it. 
To be honest, he was a bit excited. 
“Is that what you have?” Shi Shui asked him with her gaze on his wooden sword, partially covered by the tall grass. She shook her head, and then materialised another weapon to toss at him. “Here. Just this, and put that back in your inventory.”
It was a sword, although a very plain one. Fang Duobing caught it by the scabbard, and tested the solid heft and weight of it. A basic sword, it seemed, with no embellishments or specialisations. Likely a back-up weapon for her. Fang Duobing was used to wielding a better weapon during his training at home, but that had been a sword his mother prepared for him, and not one he carried around with him. 
“Thanks,” he told her, and bounced the sword up to check the weight of it before tucking his wooden one back into his inventory. “...I wasn’t expecting to be back in a dungeon like this.”
“No one ever is.” She told him, and then eyed the disappearance of his wooden sword. “You should keep more weapons in your inventory, just in case. It’s a feature to benefit Hunters. You should use it.”
He grimaced. “...My inventory is a little small. I can’t exactly fit a sword inside.” Or a bow, or arrows, or much of any kind of weapon, really. Maybe a dagger, but that would mean taking things out first. 
“That’s because you don’t have dungeon experience,” Yun Biqiu reassured him. The man was tying up his hair, and then reaching before himself into his inventory for a belt full of sharp implements and vials attached to it. “You just need a few kills in a dungeon. The items automatically end up in your inventory, and the more items you collect in one dungeon run, the bigger your inventory will stretch. Like a balloon, except the size doesn’t shrink again afterward. That’s why some Hunters used to—”
His words trailed off, and Fang Duobing wondered why for a moment until he saw Shi Shui glaring at Yun Biqiu. 
“Ahh, that doesn’t matter,” Bai Jiangchun interjected nervously. “Let’s find everyone and make our way out first before we—”
“Incoming!” Li Lianhua called out, and Fang Duobing reacted just in time as a vine underneath his feet swung upward in a deadly arc, a disorienting lime green colour that was also beset with orange tinted blossoms, each wider than a handspan each crowded on the vine. 
The others reacted even faster, Yun Biqiu ending up pulling Fang Duobing further away and Shi Shui charged in to jump and slashed off the vine before it could make its way back down. She landed back on the ground before the wiggling vine did. 
Fang Duobing stared, gaping at her reaction speed, and then looked to the side to see Li Lianhua giving his old group a fond look. The man only looked away when he realised Fang Duobing was looking at him. 
Well, Fang Duobing supposed. She wasn’t anywhere near as fast as Li Lianhua had been, but he was still allowed to admire her speed and efficiency! (Even if Li Xiangyi’s was better.)
“What are you looking at?” Li Lianhua murmured after Fang Duobing didn’t look away. “Look at your surroundings instead! You’re in a dangerous surrounding, Fang Xiaobao, you’ll need to pay attention to the things around you more.”
There were so many things Fang Duobing wanted to say to that, but if he did, those of Baichuan Court would either think he was crazy or he would have to explain that the spirit of Li Lianhua was here with them (and that would require way more explanation than he was willing to give at the moment). 
“This way,” Ji Hanfo said with a frown, already heading away. “I heard sounds of fighting. Everyone be on your guard. We don’t yet know what’s actually alive and considered a monster in this dungeon yet, or if the dungeon itself is out to kill all intruders.”
“It can do that?” Fang Duobing asked Yun Biqiu, who was guiding him. 
“Some dungeons don’t have many creatures within it.” The man informed him, tone even as they walked. “But the dungeon itself is alive and Hunters walk into its stomach. It’s not malicious, but it will try to digest us.”
The imagery of that wasn’t very flattering, combined with the strangely coloured garden they were in. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Yun Biqiu told him. “There are still ways of leaving the dungeon if that’s the case.”
As they went, the other members moved to slice off random vibes and stalks as soon as they started to move, and stayed clear of the larger, more beautiful flowers. They moved with a synergy and experience that had Fang Duobing staring at the fact they stepped within each other’s footsteps when possible, like cat backtracking in the snow. 
Li Lianhua disappeared from view more than once, and Fang Duobing would be more worried if he couldn’t still feel the weight of the orb in his inventory akin to a warm presence. 
After several minutes, they found their way to a clearing where there were several other Hunters teamed together in a fight against a creature that looked like a cross between a mushroom and a tree if the both of them gave birth to an insect instead. The shape was vaguely that of a grasshopper, but brown like bark and mushroom caps, its carapace rough hewn and with wet brown moss growing atop it. The only recognizable feature was the overly large pincers, each the size of a person, which it snapped at the Hunters as they cornered the creature. 
There were perhaps a team of six surrounding the creature, and one other who stayed behind, weapon drawn and sticking close to a person who looked like a civilian librarian who was clutching onto a stack of books. 
Without a word, Shi Shui leaped into the frey, joining with the other Hunters to take down the creature, their movements synching without a word to each other, and the monster crashed onto the forested floor, dead before ten seconds was up. 
“First one,” one of the team declared, and bowed toward Shi Shui for her help. The man reached up, and a shard of crystal materialised in his hand. He went over to the civilian and handed it to her with a reassuring smile. “Go back and tell anyone out there that everything’s fine. We’ll get everyone out.”
No one protested, and Fang Duobing was struck once more by just how different this felt from only days ago, when everyone was scared and disorganised. 
The civilian’s eyes were wide as they accepted, and they murmured a quiet thanks before disappearing altogether.
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heretic-altias · 1 year
FFXIVWrite Day 7 - Noisome
My first thought upon seeing this prompt was 'omg I get to annoy my lizard!'. What annoys my lizard the most? Not working! Sometimes she has to be forced to rest and she is not happy about it. Briefly featuring @zdusk's Zelda, assuming I wrote her well bc I haven't written her in awhile lol.
Don’t know my characters? Here’s a basic breakdown to help you out!
“I need this. It’s getting inspected” Altais declared as she entered Zelda’s office and grabbed the rapier Solar’s leader used as her primary weapon.
“No. You don’t. You were working on our weapons all day yesterday” Zelda told her, looking up from the paperwork she’d been going over.
“And? I didn’t get to them all. You of all people know better than to go into battle with a dull blade” Altais argued.
“And if I know better, I can sharpen it myself. You’ve been working nonstop” 
Altais internally groaned knowing where this was going.
“Take the day off. And that’s an order, not a suggestion” Zelda finished.
“I have better things to do than-”
“Then do them tomorrow” Zelda interrupted in a tone that indicated there would be no argument.
Grumbling to herself, Altais put the rapier down and left the office. She hated doing nothing. She had plenty she could be doing to prepare for the next battle, but on occasion Zelda pulled this. Unfortunately, she respected Zelda too much to blatantly disregard her orders. Still, the thought always flashed in her mind on days like this.
She moved down the hallway, making her way to the main exit of Solar’s house. 
“Let me guess. You’ve been told to take a day off” Akku said as he passed by her.
“How did you guess?” she grumbled, knowing full well her annoyance was probably radiating across the entire hall for him.
“It’s the only thing that annoys you quite that much” Akku commented with a laugh.
“I’m going out” she told him, continuing on her way.
Unfortunately, he turned around and fell in stride next to her.
“Where are you going? I’m not doing anything right now if you want company”
“Somewhere where people won’t immediately look at me and know I have the day off” Altais answered.
Whenever this happened everyone knew from a look at her face, even without Akku’s ability to see her exact emotions. She preferred to go somewhere else. Preferably a couple hundred fulms in the air on the back of her griffin. That’s where she went most of the time. If Akku insisted on tagging along though, she’d have to think of something else.
“We can go to the park if you want. I can throw together a picnic before we go. Maybe invite some others if I make them promise not to mention your day off?” Akku suggested.
Altais sighed. Akku was so persistent in his kindness it amazed her. No matter how snappy and unapproachable she made herself, he still insisted on trying to do nice things.
“Fine. I’ll wait in the entryway. But if anyone makes a comment I’m going to cut out their tongue with my spare knife” Altais conceded.
“I think you have like three of them! Better pick which one!” Akku called back cheerfully as he ran ahead towards the kitchen.
“Five” Altais corrected quietly to herself.
Still, despite her grouchy face and annoyance at the waste of a day, she had to admit lunch with some friends didn’t sound so bad.
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tagged by the wonderful @sarah-crewe!!
1. are you named after anyone? nope. my parents just liked the name :-)
2. when was the last time you cried? as prone as i am to being blue i don’t really cry all that often. mostly at touching books, movies, or tv. so i think the last time was last month when my sister had to put her puppy to sleep because he had a really rare, aggressive cancer. she just loved on him so much and made his exceptionally short time on earth full of comfort and happiness.
3. do you have kids? thankfully no i would be a terrible parent lol i am not even a good pet parent. i have no maternal instinct and i am way too protective of my alone time. i will someday be a very good auntie bc i think kids are so smart and great and fun to be around, but i like that i can give them back to their parents when i need a break and and i like that i’m not the one responsible for making sure they don’t turn out to be jerks
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? when i’m feeling spicy yah
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people? i tend to lipread since subtitles aren’t an option IRL, so the first thing is usually someone’s smile! like. noticing what people think is funny or how they look when they’re laughing. what shape their smile is, is it  : ] or  : ) or  : D or : > or : } or : | or  : B or : [] or : Ì (that one is a dimple)
6. what’s your eye color? brownish greenish ish ish
7. scary movies or happy endings? scary movies with happy/hopeful endings!
8. any special talents? i can make a water droplet noise with my mouth a la cameron from ferris bueller’s day off https://youtu.be/-HCW8PrmrCo?t=54
9. where were you born? dirty jersey baybeeeeee born n raised
10. what are your hobbies? sewing (mostly making my own patterns for little crappy toys for my friends), owning books, taking personality tests and quizzes and analyzing myself based on my results, making little paper crafts, doodlin, playing pathfinder, and lately cooking
11. have you any pets? i am stepmother to my gf’s two cats Honey & Cooper, or as I call them Big Lady & The Boy
12. what sport do you play/have played? i have tried every sport under the sun as a child, but was nerfed by the universe with pretty bad asthma so nothing ever stuck. i was a great kicker in soccer, but couldn’t keep up with the running. i loved horseback riding but got pneumonia and developed an allergy to them. i loved softball, but again with the running. tennis, martial arts, ballet... you name it, i tried it. except for hockey, that was never popular enough where i grew up to have a girls league team but i always loved watching
13. how tall are you? 5'3/4″ but my license says 5′1″ and i’m stickin’ to it pal
14. favorite subject in school? you all thought i was gonna say physics or math but it was actually english!! i loved all of the assigned reading in hs, and the not assigned reading that my teacher recommended to me outside of class, and spent most of my time with my nose in a book from age 4 (when i learned to read) until 22 when i got a grown up job. i’ve been reading stephen king since i was like, 12 lol.  in college i had a really engaging professor who fostered my love of writing. also tied for a very close second are physics and math lol gottem
15. dream job? this is a hard question because i was very fortunate and got my “dream job” out of college but realized quickly that i was not built for the environment that type of work requires or the people it attracts. my job now is technically the same function but at a very different company that is a much better fit for my personality and my values. so i have two new dream jobs (which honestly were always kind of there as pipe dreams). i would love to teach high school physics or be a writer. i am surrounded by a lot of creative people who encourage me to write which is lovely but i know i am not cut out for the instability of the entertainment industry lol nor do i think i’m talented or hardworking enough to make it there. one day i would like to make an indie horror film tho. also i second @sarah-crewe​‘s desire for a four day work week
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francofolle · 2 years
so night of my birthday, monday night, after having dinner with my parents, i went to a wine bar to have a glass or two by myself. i ended up sitting at the bar rather than at a table bc it was unclear when or if i would be served if i just sat at a table. enter, of course, man asking if he could sit in empty seat next to me. we had good conversation about wine and soccer and he seemed nice enough. as i was getting ready to head out, he offered sharing a bottle of wine with me that he had back at his place. that makes me put my guards up, but when i turn it down, he backs off. we do swap numbers at the end bc why not, i enjoyed his company and would enjoy hanging out with him.
the next day he texts me about this tragic french film he watched over the bottle of wine he'd offered to share with me the night before (not that i was expecting him to save it for me, but in hindsight feels a little, hmm, like look what you missed out on? idk maybe im reading too much into this). he also invites me to a tasting and dinner thursday night. i see these messages while at a sports game with a friend. i get back home after midnight. i sleep in til noon the next day, i have an hour to eat and get ready for work, im at work til 10pm, and im knocked out again once im home. today i get my period and have terrible cramps all day and only manage working two hours before going home to collapse in bed. for the past two days i keep remembering at bad times that i need to respond to him to let him know its not gonna happen but thanks for the invite. ultimately i forget and it doesn't happen.
10pm thursday night he texts again saying "at least tell me to go fuck my self!" with three of the monkey hiding his face emojis. i responded apologizing for not replying, but also clarifying why i hadn't and explaining that i am notoriously bad at responding.
honestly, i know why i acted the way i did but i don't know if that makes me in the right. he did text me about specific time sensitive plans, that i read as 'hey join if you're free, if not its fine' but apparently that wasn't the vibe, and i try really hard when its time sensitive to respond. but to send such a harsh text after only having chatted one night at a wine bar (where honestly i'd have preferred to just have been alone) and texting me low key last minute plans after i know i told him i work retail nights...
idk im torn between feeling like my slow response rate will be keeping me single, and feeling like he's interested and im not so much and that's not a bad thing, and maybe if he hadn't responded so strongly (sorry the monkey emojis don't soften the message as much as you'd like) we could've gotten along more. but now im on edge and don't wanna talk to him anymore. i dont want to feel like there's expectations or pressure.
ugh there's many very good reasons the only men i like are fictional or completely unavailable
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New York
I woke up today and I was ok
Its sunday and I didnt want to get out of bed so i turned on the tv to put myself back to sleep
but then saw a movie, A rainy day in NY and thought of you and your NY
so i thought i'd watch it to see the scenes of NY that you see and maybe i will feel closer to you
forgetting that it also rained here today
somehow the movie is about a NY guy and a AZ girl, and I am an AZ girl and you and NY guy. why do things work this way.
that the morning i am thinking of you, to put on a movie about your city and the characters are from our regions, makes me want to believe its a sign for us but i know it's not.
no movie or coincidence can change how you see me.
2 weeks ago from tomorrow we started talking
i fell in love with you in about 3 days, yes I know it's a toxic attachment but I dont care, you are just so sweet
you stole my heart like D did and you broke it like D did but I dont want to forget you
you talked to me during a time that my world was so grey after richard.
it was such good company i did not know i missed.
and i guess i accepted it even if it hurts because it takes away the fact that richard is not the last person i had serious feelings for.
and lets me know i can still have these feelings and fall for someone so hard still even after I told myself i had sworn off relationships
you revived something in me i thought i no longer had
you flirted with me and got me to like you and when i started liking you then you told me you were already involved w someone else
at first it hurt and it was disppointing and i felt like i screwed it up for myself again by showing interest too easily and too quickly, and i might be right. maybe i ended the chase for you and i know some people need that for the passion
and i'm sorry but when you messaged me i had to fast reply bc i didnt want you to think i was not interested and i also did not want u to have to wait.
but maybe that is my downfall, caring too much as usual.
even after many heartbreaks i still have not learned my lesson and was so quick to give in to you but you made it feel so good and at my age i am shocked you could still make me feel this way. so in a sense you made me feel young again
but it doesnt matter bc you do not like me like you made me think you like me
but i still like you, we have history, I want to always be your friend and hopefully be some part of your life, even if small
when you told me about her i thought you would leave but you didnt, but then i tried to leave and you told me you didnt want me to disappear bc you didnt disappear on me and you're right
in a way you fought for me and idk why, i want to think theres a part of you that wants me, but if you do, you probably dont want me the same way i want you.
i write this bc i am ok now
before i was not
in the first week i was emotional and confused
over the first weekend i was disappointed by the low amount of contact
by the 2nd week i became accepting
now in the 2nd weekend i am almost back to the state i was before you took me.
except now i am calm and at peace and accepting but with fragments of you
i still crave you but i know very well what this is, it's out of my control and in your hands and i can only set boundaries and set limits and distance myself when i need balancing.
i dont think we will ever be anything
but in my coming down stages i asked myself if i really want to experience you and you experience me
all of my relationships have ended badly and with very bad words and criticisms exchanged, do i really want to learn to hate you like i hate them
we played trials together 8 years ago and were part of the same clan. if we ruin our friendship then it's like all those memories go to waste or disappear
you grew up to be such a smart and aware young man that even i couldnt even resist
my idea of you for many years was the young boy that was chasing the wrong girl that he talked to me about back then and years later was still hung up over her
when i thought of obssessive people for the wrong people, you were one of them that was used as an example
but when we reconnected and the stories you shared it was like we had seen the same struggles, heartbreak, realization and healing and i made myself believe that you were right for me, that you were who i have been looking for and who would finally come to sweep me and make me whole.
as much as you leave me wanting you, craving you and being curious about you, i know my wanting for you is about me and my need to attach. you just turned on that switch for me and it was exhilarating i have no regrets
like the song in the story of kunning palace,
"my heart is broken but i do not regret loving you"
and also
"traveled so far but i still can't forget you"
I just want to run to NY and stand in times square and hope to find your face among millions and dream that when you see me that something will awaken in you that will make you say "shes the one i want" but i know this is my dream
but i no longer expect anything from you, to expect from you would only be torture for me when they go unsatisfied like seeing you online but you dont invite me to play and i'm just waiting
but also richard waits for me to join him and i dont and he sees me online
so we all hurt and yearn for someone's attention in some way and this dating world is cruel.
but since you care about our friend ship it has made me feel better
i am happy you did not ghost me and have been honest with me
i can sleep again, i can be happy again in my world and it is no longer being pushed under the weight of passion, love, confusion, anticipation, longing and hoping.
i thank you for making the decision for us to not ruin our relationship
so today as i write this, i am ok.
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noro-noro-noro · 9 months
god ok I wanted to remember my dream so I repeated it to myself in my head any time I half woke up, which actually just led like 6 or 7 different dreams with various similarities. this kind of shit makes it really hard to write down you know
and to make matters worse thetr was so much of it I only remember a little. whatever that always happens
this one was the first dream I'm p sure. sort of a medieval-ish area. me & my friend hunkering down in an abandoned town trying to hide from this evil bandit leader. she found us obviously & my friend was hurt, so rather than wait for her to decide to kill us, I went to help her out. she liked that I did that. and she was chill enough when she liked you. unfortunately we were put through some kind of trigun wolfeood style grow up fast serum so we were now late 20's when we should have been 16/17. to be fair when she picked us up we were like 10? so real time also did pass. and working for the bandit queen was fun at times! she has.some.morals! we got famous !though she had a nasty little grubby spoiled son who was just gross but he got anything he wanted. also we did get some kind of power from the make us older thing. my forearms & hands were both replaced with metal gauntlets but I still had my fingers. and the gauntlets while really complicated were designed in such a way that in case of a hideous malfunction I'd still be able to use them as normal hands. anyway after a while of living the good life as the left & right arms of the bandit queen, we got to some familiar looking school. the son pointed at a pretty girl maybe 15 named Priscilla & said he wanted her to keep & to play with, so the queen sent us in. my friend froze up. I knew why - he'd had a crush on her when we were both kids going to this school. & we'd both seen the result of girls the son had played with. so I went. i knelt down by Priscilla & said "do you know who I am?" & she said "you're the right hand of the bandit queen" & I said "yes I am & you know I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you, ok?" & she was like "are you sure?" & I laughed & said "you've heard the rumors - don't I draw the line at kids? now hold on" & picked her up & immediately turned to the nasty son & shot something out of my hand gauntlet that pinned him to the wall through his arm. the bandit queen flew into a rage instantly but I was already on the way to being gone. we probably would have to eventually kill her though, she didn't easjly forgive traitors & she'd probably kill Priscilla too out of spite if left alone. she knew me because I talked a lot - she didn't know my friend bc he was more the silent assassination in the shadows type . people knew of him but not anything else.
anyway. the next dream started as like a weirs mobile card game ad. it started out being like .. spades or something. except when the queen of spades claimed the queen of diamonds it cut to her dragging the red queen into her chambers by her hair & then like what looked like gearing up for some hentai style sex ad. the next cutscene was the red queen somehow pregnant & experiencing rather extreme boob growimf bc she was just a little cow that needed to be milked. awesome. do not show this to me. and the game actually downloaded immediately when I went to hit the microscopic X button in the corner. anyway the game was called Tower Of Ruin or something, very generic, & it couldn't be uninstalled until you completed the first act. great. another good sign is that there was like a bratty child princess that you could fully undress, which I did on accident because I got new clothes from a daily log in bonus & I wanted to swap them out bc the starter dress looked really bad, but itwas unnecessarily complicated to do that.
bit of a scene shift and now because I was one of the first 1,000 people to complete ch1 (to uninstall the game) the company mailed me various sexual anime figurines of the characters, which I really, really did not want. I thought about trying to sell them second-hand on Reddit as I was opening the package since they did seem somewhat quality even though the clothes was alsl Velcro and scratchy fabric like old barbie clothes.
after this there was a lot of other dream content. what was it? fuck if I know
something about being on the run thru like..hong Kong. highspeed nighttime car chase. I think it was something like a modern au f the first dream.
there was a high rise hotel with big windows during the day.
from the hotel dream I think the green one ce - I wanted to get home..there was something about some.peolple being turned into large green tinted animals due to overexposure to the green (?) . like a big pond turtle. a rhino was actually the same.size. and there were also mutated freaks of nature like the ??? it looked like a plant almost except with a horrible dripping red mouth. the turtle bit onto the hairs on the rhino as they were running away, but a turn too sharp and the tuetle flew into the bushes and the thing that used to be a person ate the rhino that also used to be a person very disgusting. but didn't see the turtle.
something to do with perler beads also idk there was a lot more of that too
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Starting to miss that one coworker™️ really bad again
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