#bc i'd actually have time and energy to put effort in
witchwhaat · 11 months
the unstoppable force (me hoping that i can do this and refusing to give up) vs the immovable object (me losing and failing and not making any progress)
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sovonight · 1 month
I love your art, the way you render is absolutely stunning and you’re a huge inspiration of mine!
I was wondering how did (or do) you balance your academic life while making art pieces? Were there times in your life where your hobby damaged your academic studies, and/or vice versa? I’d love some tips as I start my first semester this coming week!
I hope you keep doing what you love, I believe the best stuff made by an artist are pieces they enjoy making :)
thank you!
i think i answered a question like this a long time ago and i can't find it, but basically i spent my free time drawing, and if i didn't have free time after finishing my assignments, i'd sacrifice sleep to draw.
i don't recommend sacrificing sleep! it's just personally, drawing is kind of a need for me--if i go a few weeks without drawing, it's like my Drawing Energy will build up and i just have to draw to release it. it also helped me destress since (in hindsight) i hated my major. anyway, my tip would be to prioritize exams/hw deadlines first, and fit art into the free spaces in between. don't let art overtake your studies! there will always be time for art--after the next assignment, after the next exam, after graduation, etc. even if you have to take a break, you can always pick it up again. unlike your studies, art has no deadlines, and it'll always be waiting for you.
also i'd recommend using the summer to get an internship, and using the school year to join orgs/clubs/etc. i didn't do it bc i was way too burnt out on my choice of major to even think about putting more effort into it, but doing these things while you're in school will make it easier to get a job soon after you graduate. there are some opportunities that you're only eligible for as a student, and you should take advantage of them! i saw graduation as a finish line, but it's actually more of a deadline for that reason. use all the resources you can/need before graduation. i wasn't able to find a job after i graduated, for multiple reasons, but one of them was definitely because i didn't do enough with my time before graduating.
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butcharyastark · 11 months
i cannot explain how simultaneously complexly fascinating and deeply hilarious this fucking intimate coming out scene between flint and silver is in the s3 finale of black sails.
like. imagine you are james flint. you have a horrible secret tragic backstory you won't tell anyone about how you became the fearsome and capable pirate captain you are today. that tragic backstory involves being the bisexual unicorn for a rich couple's poly triad dreams in 1700s england. you confide in someone outside of this dynamic for the first time after everything happened about what happened because they asked to know. you bare your soul uncharacteristically about being bisexual, polyamorous, and griefstricken. nobody else but one person in your life has seen this of you. the person you confide this to is someone that genuinely worried about you killing them in front of your entire crew like, literally 10 days ago, for confessing to betraying you abt smth that took months of efforts and dozens of death to try to achieve. this person, who is the most kindly understanding and softspoken person on your ship of ragtag hardened pirates, looks you in the eyes by the soft lighting of the campfire under cover of nightfall after burying literal and now metaphorical secrets, and says, in order, to your FACE, that 1) firstly he is a hashtag gay ally (in the 1700s) and so sorry for your loss but 2) he's been thinking lately it's kind of weird everybody around flint dies and he doesn't want to be next bc everybody flint trusts is a dead man walking bc 3) hey flint have you ever considered maybe it's your fault this happened and that you are doomed bc of just who you are as a person? and 4) but it's okay actually bc if it came down to it i think i've grown as a person enough that if anyone dies in this partnership it will be you 😤
like. to his face. i repeat, to the face of the most feared pirate this side of the americas, who has considered killing him within the past month or two, who opened up to silver in the most baring way possible for a regular man, much less a man like flint--to his FACE silver said that "maybe the homophobia you experienced that ruined your entire life was actually your fault for existing and everybody you love is doomed to die because being around you is a curse :/" in the most GENTLY understanding tone of voice while staring deeply into his eyes and professing genuine care and friendship and respect for him.
i'd lose my mind. i'd implode. no fucking wonder flint takes a preparatory, longsuffering swig of liquor with the most exasperated expression i've ever seen on a 40+yo man's face the literal second silver's mouth is open for longer than 2 sentences. silver is SO goddamn lucky this man stopped seeing him as an enemy 6 weeks ago and instead switched to begrudgingly ominous mentor and weird older brother.
and they're both still being friendly about it like silver isn't casually portending one of their deaths because of the other because of the inherent darkness of their souls and like flint hasn't killed men on his own crew for saying less than this behind his back. this is fucking insane energy. i want to study them both. i want to microwave them at high heat. i want to put them in a jar and shake it. you two really live like this?
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rivangel · 7 months
Hi!! What are Erwin, Levi and Hange's favorite seasons/holidays? In canon or modern au, I'm curious to know what you think :)
sure!! :D
also, i’m an american, so i'm sorry i'm not educated on other holidays... 🧍🏻 if someone has thoughts pls pls i'd love to hear
he’s sooo silly :’) erwin’s favorite holidays are the ones that give him an excuse to dive into history like armistice day or MLK day. if he was more argumentative, then it’d be columbus day for the sake of going around and explaining to literally anyone who will listen how the day is actually very misleading propagandized bullshit. (levi hears him give the same lecture 3 or 4 times throughout the course of the day, but he’s entertained by how passionate he gets :3)
his favorite season would be spring, either canon or otherwise. the start of the year is like an extra kick of motivation and boost of morale for a fresh start. like levi, he appreciates new life blossoming all around (and finds it amusing when levi’s allergies start up hehe).
levi, however, prefers summer.... just because it's warmer and brighter. levi is a simple person with simple desires. he just despises cold weather that bites down to the bone, with dead trees and barren branches that stand so rich and magnificent in the summer months. grey, colorless sky, fog—he hates winter!!
summer is the sheer opposite. the air smells sweet, and it’s usually hot, but he’ll take the most excruciating aboveground heat over one more day in underground “weather”. it was always humid and stunk in “summer”, and in "winter", it was cold enough to freeze to death. and stunk.
as for holiday, he doesn’t have one🤷🏻none really put him in that celebratory mood, or exist as a day(s) that he looks forward to every year.
unless you count his mother's birthday, maybe. he either puts extensive thought and effort into her special day, or if she’s passed away, then it’s terribly bittersweet, but he still looks forward to ruminating on positive memories of her. even if she's not there (or perhaps especially), it's her day.
that is to say, if anyone asks he tells them that christmas is alright since his birthday falls on the same day. yay...
halloween has to be their favorite holiday. not only if they were all grey hair and with creaky knees they would still dress up, and ask moblit to drag them to trick or treat spots... but i think they’d take a tiny bit of solace in it, bc no one bats an eye if you act like a crazy person on this day. it’s not like they feel bad about who they are, but it feels good to belong lol.
and the candy.
and stabbing their pumpkin into a jack o lantern. EVERY year levi has some scornful feedback and EVERY year someone convinces him to give hange pointers but they're always messy😭
their favorite season is summer🥺0 question. they’re high energy like a ballistic missile golden retriever and they love the energy and excitement summer brings.
also in canon, that’s when more expeditions can take place :3
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youremyheaven · 2 months
Behen ab aapko apna manifestation routine spill karna padega kyunki
You 🧲 Venus men
Meanwhile me:
Me 🧲 underage boys (no I'm not a pedo. This just happens on its own I swear 🥲)
fr it's crazy bc a Bharani stellium guy from college who I haven't spoken to in YEARS started messaging me recently 😭😭 I am fr a Venus man magnet
I also think I'm a very powerful manifestor ngl and i think I've been unconsciously doing it ever since I was a kid or something but here's my routine/tips:
1. Self concept
I'm sure y'all have heard of this already and there are a million people talking about this but this is kind of the beginning and end of manifestation
What is manifestation? It's creating your reality
How do you create your reality? With your mind, duh 🙄😜
I have always believed that I'm a 10/10 baddie, a complete and total catch, any man would die/kill to have me and I'm the bestest gf anyone could ever wish for and this has been my mindset since forever and guess what? 😌🤪That's exactly how I'm treated and the kind of experiences I have 🤪🤪 (sometimes to a crazy extent, one guy actually tried to kill himself when I rejected him 😳😳 so pls be very careful with this 😔)
I've always believed that I'll be adored, helped, taken care of and provided for no matter where I am. When someone tries to tell me about how hard things can be or how slim the odds are, I have to laugh like GIRLLLL ur making things hard for yourself and I'm not and will never be you 💅 I'm ME and things are ALWAYS easy for ME. that's just my mentality and attitude and NO ONE can tell me otherwise. i have had many crusty ass people tell me I'm delusional and guess what they're rotting rn and I'm not 😌💅
I've heard some people speak about life/love/career/finance etc in the most negative pessimistic way and they wonder why they have no friends, no boo, no money nothing GIRL UR THE PROBLEM 🤧🤧
why is my dating life so different from many women? why do I get princess treatment? it's because I BELIEVE this is what I deserve.
that means, rejecting anything BENEATH this. there will always be creeps, low effort men and assholes, it's up to you whether or not you want to put up with that. it's not that low value men never approach me, it's that I pay NO MIND to anybody who isn't worth my time 💅
others can sense your energy. it affects the way you carry yourself. you think you're being nice when you act low maintenance but you're actually repelling men bc they want to be with someone who is hard to get and hard to keep, bc they like the challenge. I was known throughout my college years for being the girl no one could have 💅 bc no crusty man could ever touch even the tip of my pinky nail and that exclusivity means that you have to be special enough for me to pick you and that makes the men compete 💅for you
by having this mentality you can attract many men for sure but there's no guarantee that they'll like you as a person once they get to know you
I have this self concept of everybody bending over backwards for me and dying to be with me but I am (and this is another personal belief) a very warm, kind, sweet person so I'd never take advantage of anyone's generosity or toy with people's feelings.
because karma is real
You can manifest winning the lottery but you could get into a car accident two days later and never live a life of wealth
This is to say that life does not end with manifesting something. Our character, our virtue, how we treat others and our intentions ALL MATTER. You can manifest something amazing and then have a horrible time experiencing it. So it's always important to keep a clear heart 💛 if you want to enjoy the fruits of your labour/manifestation
I'll give you my grandpa for example
After my grandma died, he went and got married in less than a year and it really hurt my dad's feelings (my dad was like 25 when it happened tho) and my grandpa said that he really wanted company in his old age and it's hard to find a widow around his age from the same community so he jumped at the first one he found and thought it was fate lmao aka Dadu (paternal grandpa in Hindi) thought he manifested that baddie but GUESS WHAT, she dumped his ass a few years in and he was all alone in his old age with no one except my dad to take care of him.
So you can manifest marrying a baddie but how that marriage works out will all be dependent on your karma 🫶
2. Embodying your beliefs
Look at your lifestyle. You want people to give you princess treatment but do you live like a princess?
Maybe the thing standing in your way is money but let's start there then. Manifest money. India has 1 billion people , if you can get 10 people to pay you for a service you can still make 10k + every month for pocket money
Do what you gotta do to live the life you deserve and don't make excuses
You want princess treatment but you act like a broke scarcity minded kanjoosi girl ??? Not gonna work 😔
3. Have faith
This will help you detach and not obsess over outcomes or be desperate
Are queens ever desperate?? No 💅 neither should you be
Have blind faith (easy for me bc im delusional) , it gives you a sense of entitlement maybe but a healthy entitlement 😌🫶bc you know you got God on your side ✨
4. Persist
Don't change your mind , keep believing even if you don't see results yet.
It's like placing an order. It might be delayed but it WILL come
Happy manifesting ✨🫶💛
Hope you attract everything you've ever wanted
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taegularities · 6 months
i mean this in the nicest way possible because i truly love you, but i wish writers in general wouldnt try to force reader engagement. i often reply with feedback, but at the end of the day, you should be writing because you want to, not because you want validation. i dont know if its just me who feels this way, but when writers constantly mention needing feedback or they wont write/will stop writing a popular series, it feels like a threat. i dont want reading to feel like a chore, where i need to constantly be validating my favorites so they dont get taken away from me. i love you and your writing and i wish my likes were enough. sometimes i, as a reader, dont feel like engaging/leaving notes. sometimes i just want to read and move forward. i feel like many writers have turned appreciative comments from readers into an obligation.
again in no way is this meant to be hateful towards you, i feel like this can apply to many of my favs. i just needed to get it off my chest and hopefully assure you that we like your writing, even if there's less engagement. if you disagree with any of my points, please tell me/ask me to clarify. i dont want to hurt your feelings and i would love to hear from the writer's side!
hiii! no worries, thank you so much for being respectful and wanting to hear my opinion, as well. i know some people let these things out in the rudest manner possible, so i appreciate that <3
so, the reason i haven't been writing atm is because i lack the time and energy to write :') this year has been crazyyyy busy, so i just don't get to it anymore – and since i've been away/less present for a while, i guess i also drifted away from tumblr, too, and then felt like people might've forgotten about taegularities, and then i wasn't sure if the effort would still be worth it (i get insecure at times, but that's a me-problem). now, the reason i (and many other writers) have this worry is bc writing requires an insane amount of energy and brainpower – when i tell you that so many of us actually slave over just a scene or even a paragraph for ages 😭 (example: the last cmi update was far shorter than what i usually drop, but it took me days to just edit one scene). we ache to write all the time, but life also gets in our way – i barely get time to sit down and work on my fics these days… so when i do get time, i want to put it out there into the world and then see the reactions, too… i write for myself, ofc, but for you guys, too, so i can share that joy; or else i'd keep the fics in my docs, right?
and in that sense, when we write something in the rare free time that we get and that we hope others will love just as much as we do, we do seek some sense of validation, even if that sounds odd. it's like – imagine you studied for a test for like 2 weeks, but then don't get the results you hoped for (which might be a weird example, but effort-wise, it's similar, even if fics don't affect writers' lives in that sense). i know there are many who just write and don't care for feedback (even tho i've seen even those who say this be sad about reader engagement which – very valid), but i think that most who expose their soul and heart like this, do want to see people enjoying it/speaking about it/hyping it up. every creator, be it in the movie, music or art industry, loves to see reactions! and think about it – most writers get so genuinely excited when someone sends an ask that doesn't say more than "i loved this so much!! you're such a good writer!!" which is insane?! like, i know that i do – i get so happy and remember these comments 5ever, and it's a 2 sentence review as opposed to thousands of words. the effort here is unbalanced, but we still love it so much. and you don't need to write an essay, you never never do!! i swear, it's always enough to even get a few words or sentences <3 which, in the end, isn't a lot to ask for, you know?
i'm not saying i will stop writing my series. i would stop if it got 0 reactions OR if my life stood in its way too much; i'll keep loving what i write and write out of joy, no doubt. and tbh, i don't care about notes either. like, i remember "ruin you" getting way less notes than cmi but GOSH we had so much fun back then bc of the interaction and the craze made me so happy hahaha and yeah that's what it's essentially about – community. does that make sense? it's tumblr where likes don't make a post circulate – reblogs do, so yeah, unfortunately, likes are not enough :( i wish they were. i totally get what you mean, though. even feedback shouldn't be an obligation, but if you truly like somebody's work, it never hurts to send a tiny message. it really means the world to us when something we adore and are so proud of – creating art, sharing our heart, wanting everybody to see this love – is met with so much joy. and it's fics, you know – we love love love writing, but it's something that can be read. and we want people to read it and we're legit sitting there like "👀 and?? aaaand?" lol it's so nice to know when someone truly appreciates something… ofc you don't have to comment on my stuff, but i promise feedback makes a difference. it's why so many do leave :/ i hope that made sense!! once again, thank you for being respectful!! i love you, too, and am truly grateful that you're here and enjoying my stuff!! <3
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aghhtdraws · 4 months
Are you still in the jade armor fandom? :0/gen
Hello! Sorry for replying to this so late!
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Basically, the "fandom" as such or fanbase has been so small online, that to me I was not sure it existed even xD But yes! I am still a Jade fan :D Jade Armor is the best cartoon! It's not even that old to me, I just started watching it in the spring of 2023, when it started airing here again. So I've been a fan for just a year or so since march!
I'm curious where this question comes from!
Would be nice if there were more fans online, but honestly, I have always thought that maybe that's a monkey's paw wish - and that really, it's a bit nice exchange of fate in a way - that it seems that while the online fandom is small, perhaps the show has many offline fans, people actually watching it across multiple channels! (since it's available both on big channels like RTL, but also online in their online versions, maybe it just has many viewers from there)
and it's a fun show with a very cool style and premise, so I'm happy if it has fans at all, whether I actually see them online or not. So I haven't been very active in fandom spaces myself, mostly posting fanart online, because I just don't have time + energy as much for some fandom stuff anymore I guess xD
bc there's so few fancontent online, I really appreciate that the official jade armor insta has so much info and posts about it.
I've seen a lot of shows go under after it's been decided they're not profitable, or similarly, many fandoms sorta dwindle and become smaller after the show has been cancelled, so... it's nice to know that, if a 2nd season really has been put into production (as we've seen announced online), that the shareholders behind the show are willing to fund the studio to make another season. I'm really curious to see where they could be going with the story and characters, since the world and relationships they've shown feel really well-built, like they're real and there's history there. So I'm just happy to see if it will really be aired and that the team has put as much care and effort in as in the first season. I really like the show!
I might put up more fanart, since I've been doing sketches recently, but have been thinking of posting more fanfic too. The show should have at least one fanfic on AO3 (by me), but havent had time to finish more. I'm curious to see more but not really as sad about it since the fandom itself is still very new!
One thing I'd maybe like to personally change is like, make a small wikipedia for it? not on the current main fanwiki site, but just a small one for reference? and another thing is... the tvtropes page? TVtropes in general has so much misinfo sometimes since no one is obligated to keep refs and it's based on "fandom memory" haha... but it's so weird to me how much of the text there is ppl comparing Jade Armor to Miraculous, even tho they are such different shows after the first glance xD Seriously! you can make normal comparisons without letting ppl know how much you hate the other show xD
it's a similar situation to earlier fanbases like ppl comparing Winx vs WITCH, Jake Long vs Juniper Lee, The Book of Life vs Coco... it's as if online cartoon fans apparently just have nothing better to do than make their shows fight xD
lol sorry for the wall of text i've just been thinking abt this show a lot already and this is my way of answering your question I guess xD
Fingers crossed that the show has a build-up of fans, both offline and online!
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kleefkruid · 11 months
Hello, this is autistic anon from this summer who asked about the summer camp for depressed people . I have now started that, but after spending just one day there I then needed two days to recuperate (like spent one day sleeping and the other one so tired and hurting that I didn't feel up to anything). So I'm wondering did you experience smth similar at first? Did it get better? Because things feel a bit hopeless right now. If you don't mind talking a bit more about this at least?
Hi! You might have send that to someone else bc I don't have any experience summercamps like these? I did do a non-residential stay at a psychiatric hospital for 3 months (before my actual residential stay) so maybe that's what you're referring to? In any case it's close enough that I can give an answer on the subject of being incredibly exhausted by treatment.
Doing an active treatment when you're in a deep mental health crisis is always exhausting, if you'd compare it with walking uphill, the first days/weeks/months are always the steepest and it gets better gradually, but it does take a long time.
The only thing I can really say is don't give up on it, because the thing that's so exhausting is also the only way to overcome being this exhausted. Try to not have anything else going on in your life, so whatever energy you do have can go 100% to this. How far 'dropping everything' is realistic depends on the individual situation of course, but in an ideal situation you drop any other commitments, take time off work/school, live with family/friends/a partner who preps meals etc, hold off on dating, really putting your life on hold every wich way possible. Don't be afraid to ask for help, this is the same as when you for instance get your foot operated on and you need to avoid walking for a few weeks and someone else has to do your groceries. It's a medical event and you deserve rest, you need to take rest.
But keep doing what your doing treatment wise. It's really is a 'it get worse before it gets better' thing. Because depression is so tiring and then you're gonna jiggle things around in your head? Of course you're going to reach levels of exhaustion you've never seen before and it's totally fine to feel this way.
It's training, it's uphill, it's exhausting, it's takes a long time but all of it is soo worth it when you one day notice "hey, I"m not as tired anymore, I still can't do much but I can do something" and that's when you look back and see all the distance traveled.
I currently don't need to take off days after even big events anymore, and I used to have to recuperate multiple days after doing anything. It was absolutely a long process but I'd never tought I'd be able to get to this point, so who knows where you'll end up if you keep trying, there's literally no way to guess at this point, but wherever it is, it'll be worth all the effort and pain and occasional steps backward.
Also, sidenote, even mentally healthy able bodied people need to take days off sometimes when things get intense, so make sure to not beat yourself up about it ;)
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llycaons · 1 year
ep14 (pt1): oh boy romantic montage time
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wwx as a teenager is genuinely more compassionate than he's portrayed as
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aw shit mention of the oath
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I've often been confused by this sequence. if they showed wwx actually entering the shell instead of suddenly cutting to him inside this big red cavern, I think it would have made more sense
also I've often complained that animals don't have large rooms in their bodies like that but I just realized....oh yeah it's an ancient twisted monster. animal biology need not apply so 🤡
honestly I found this fight scene very drawn-out and uninteresting. the special effects for the fight were somewhat awkward and I was kind of bored. this was good though
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wyb does 'devastated' very well
I'm kind of missing the donhua ngl. I like cql the best but the donghua was just so focused and clever and creative with the story
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wwx is all kinds of fucked up after this fight....not just from his concerning readiness to die but probably also from connecting with this cursed fucking sword. he seems really out of it, and seems to be in a drowsy sort of honesty when he's like 'oh lan zhan...I didn't think I'd be able to meet you again' which is a very...nitimate thing to say? bc later when lwj gives him spiritual energy and he's a little more himself
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he sees lwj all lit up and helping him and he starts complaining about how 'boring' it is. face your feelings, wwx! stop avoiding them! you think lwj is beautiful and unique and special and you like him a lot!
it's also. I feel like wwx doesn't feel like he even has the right to have an attachment outside of the jiangs? in some scenes he's really enthusiastic about himself and lwj being partners but in others he hastily denies it in order to smooth things over with jc, so jc doesn't feel abandoned. oof. we'll get to that
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okay the top one is the viki and the bottom one is the youtube version which I remember! why are the translations the opposite of each other! also the youtube version is literally higher quality im so mad
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god damn I love the lyrics to wuji. they almost don't matter, since they never come up after this and they're not relevant to the song's significance within the narrative, but they're perfect. it's about the struggles of a lifetime, about grief and joy, the ups and downs of being in the world, of reputation lost and gained. vague and poetic, and achingly relevant. that last line about sharing a tune together at the horizon....that's the finale, isn't it? just beautifully put together and a powerful reflection of the story itself, wwx's rise and fall and the pains and joys he's going to face. cannot believe a 16 yr old wrote that. tho if it was anyone, it would be lwj wouldn't it
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lwj is ALWAYS the one leaving without saying goodbye! no wonder wwx lost faith! in this context the gusu situation is a little urgent but like. he couldn't have left a note?
I've read a few fics where they sleep together in the cave and 1. nasty and 2. that would make him just leaving after so much worse 😭 I do not endorse the first time cave sex headcanon. I still don't think it would realistically happen until ep 43. too early here, and after sunshot wwx is terrified of anyone touching him because they'll be able to tell he's lost his core. so as fun as angsty sunshot hookups are, I simply cannot see it. tho that would technically also be a factor in ep43, I don't think wwx cares as much by then if lwj knows
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aw shit good job jzx
jc is yelling at wwx AGAIN and complaining about not being recognized for his efforts. my dude he just woke up from a week-long fevered sleep chill out. also can jzx stop crowding him? it's like these idiots have no idea how to treat sick people ALSO. why did jc have to run for help? they had a ton of people there. couldn't they have removed the boulders themselves? huh, maybe the wens were hanging around and all they could do was flee
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wwx and ljw have such main character energy that wen chao KNEW they stayed behind to kill the false xuanwu...okay
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the shidis are learning archery and jyl is just...standing there. okay! couldn't have had her like, reading or doing crafts. nope. just standing there. probably looking out for her returning brothers but like. come on
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I really love that jfm personally goes to teach the little disciples. he's gentle and encouraging, and provides a reassuring and secure presence, and I'm sure his students love him. despite his flaws I'm very fond of him esp here
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oh wwx, fainting again. first of many
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this detail is legit so freaking cute. and wwx's warm smile upon seeing it and knowing he's home 🥰 this supports my 'wwx is a hopeless romantic' agenda. I did laugh when the donghua gave one of them huge boobs but the wx subtext in that show was so potent I can't really accuse them of straightwashing. more evidence for him being bi is all
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good for you, jc
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see, here he's trying to make jc feel better by calling lwj boring and jc just - lashes out. wwx tries this entire scene to deflect praise onto jc and diminish his accomplishments and to support jc and jc just treats him like shit. no wonder their relationship is so terrible later if jc treats him like this just bc he's mad. can't he see that wwx has no more control over this situation than jc does? he's just the acceptable target in jc's eyes bc jc can't be mad at his parents!
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like wen chao was trying to murder mm and string up her body to attract the monster which they were going to be expected to fight without weapons. what the fuck was he supposed to do? and he's not even the one who started the fight! AND if he hadn't stayed behind, how could everyone else has escaped? I didn't see jc offering any other solutions! jesus
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it sucks that jfm is implying that jc doesn't have the right temperament to lead the clan, but he's literally the only person in authority to push back against jc's treatment of wwx this arc. and he's literally right that you shouldn't speak from anger. it's not what a leader should do, it's not fair or just, it doesn't allow you to speak wisely or carefully, and it's not something that will lead anywhere good. but after this arc all jc does is lead from anger and bitterness!
it's also so twisted that wwx feels responsible for this and tries to defend jc as 'he's just mad and venting' which he says is fine here but later in the story he bitterly complains about. like I know he loves and misses LP as an adult but this entire situation was absolutely noxious for everyone involved. ppl talk about jyl being parentified but wwx felt obligated to do the same for jc as well and put aside all his own needs and emotions for jc's as soon as this shit starts up. he acts like the undeserving servant as soon as he feels like he needs to I feel dizzy
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yourlocaldisneyvillain · 10 months
Good day, you handsome person ✨
I’m the Poly-Awareness Anon.
If I may, I will ask you some random question about polyamory, feel free to answer or skip.
1. When do you notice you are not meant for monogamy?
2. How many partners do you have?
3. What kind of polycule is your preferred?
4. What advice would you give people that just realized they are poly as well?
5. What do you say to all the poly haters?
6. How do you set with a new partner?
7. Do you prefer short term partners or longterm partners?
8. Do your partners know each other? Do you want that?
I think that’s it for now. I might come back if you want me to 😉
Poly Awareness - anon
hi!! this has been sitting in my inbox for a while, sorry!!!
disclaimer: i am relatively new in like, actually practicing polyamory while being aware i'm polyamorous and calling it that, instead of just stumbling into shit. so just keep in mind that my opinions are based on what i have experienced so far and might change with time! so i'm definitely not an expert haha
1. When do you notice you are not meant for monogamy?
pretty early, i think, but i can't pinpoint the exact age? when i was around like... 16, 17 probably?
2. How many partners do you have?
i don't like to share too much of my personal stuff online, but, as you all know, i have a wife (she is not actually my wife, as in we're not legally married, but we call each other wife just bc that's how we vibe haha, it feels better than gf for some reason) that i mention here sometimes, and i am also involved with one other person. that's it for actual established partners/relationships.
3. What kind of polycule is your preferred?
i sorta like to vibe on my own and have multiple relationships that i don't define in a hierarchical manner. that being said, a person that has been in my life for longer will have precedence over someone i've just met.
4. What advice would you give people that just realized they are poly as well?
uhhhh i sorta love to collect people like pokemon, and that's all good and well, but the problem is that people require time. to all new poly people, i'd suggest that if you get a bit too excited and start entering multiple relationships, see how much you can *actually* handle without getting overwhelmed and stretching yourself too thin. make sure you can give people the time they deserve and that it's actually fun!
5. What do you say to all the poly haters?
i say, it's a free world and you're allowed to hate whoever you want! :)
6. How do you set with a new partner?
not sure i understand the question! do you mean how do i establish what kind of relationship it's gonna be? in that case, i just vibe until it makes itself clear! i don't like to force relationships into boxes!
7. Do you prefer short term partners or longterm partners?
both have a place in my life! but generally i'm more of a long term gal. if i put in the effort i sort of want it to be someone i really like. and if i really like you, why would i not want it to last longer? :)
8. Do your partners know each other? Do you want that?
yes. but i'd never force anybody to meet somebody, and especially not to hang out. i'm the sort of person who'd kind of want to put everybody i love in a big room and make them be friends, but i know that's not what works for everybody so i Restrain Myself with my party animator energy lol. that being said, the two people i'm involved with send each other memes as far as i know, so they are on friendly terms!
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batakrim · 2 years
Oooo I read your hcs on Jeremy and Waylon dynamic and a bit of an idea sorta came up, it’s a little unrelated but… Do you think Jer would see Miles as some sort of replacement for Waylon and try to go after him? I feel like it becomes way too obsessive and it scares off Miles (but Jer doesn’t see it that way, he’s just gone into incel mode bc of everything that’s happened with his past relationships so far, like ‘why do you all leave me????’) or something lol
TLDR: It could happen! But I have my reasons AND I DONT KNOW HOW TO STOP RAMBLING IM SO SORRY ANON
That could happen if we're taking the desperate route hahaha though I feel like Miles can replace Rick rather than Waylon, since they're both kinda similar, in a way. So basically RickJer is the rich and spoiled version of camerashipping.
So, if the thing with Miles really happens, I think he'd just give everything up and put up a thick wall and just do something by himself. It's up to Miles if he wants to get closer to him or not (huge possibility by the way, Miles is just THAT adamant sometimes, mainly because Jer is a former one of the leaders of a shady transnational company, and he wants to know more about Murkoff)
It's too long so I'm going to place the details of Jer's feelings about Rick and Way under the cut!
So, to put it simply following this anon's question...
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It's nothing climatic tbh. He doesn't lash out or anything like that. It's just... When you knew a person would do something bad to you before they do it, and the thing really happens in the future, you feel almost numb about them. It’s juft poof all the positive and even negative feelings are gone. “I’m not surprised, but I’m still mad” kinda feeling?
He's met people with various personalities, he can predict how people would react and act based on their personalities alone. He knew Waylon would actually send the emails (he just didn't expect worse stuff will happen as well). It's almost like he has no energy to even be mad about it lol but he still wants it to be hurt as much as his efforts were gone to waste (to understand this, please read my ramble under the cut, I'm sorry,,,), so he's being petty about it,,
"Somebody's been telling stories outside of class. Mr. Waylon Park, consulting contract 8208. Software engineer with a level 3 security clearance. Graduated cum laude from Berkley, but still somehow not smart enough to realize that the last thing a fly ought to do in a spider's web is wiggle. Somehow dumb enough to think that a borrowed laptop, onion router, and firewall patch would be enough to fool the world's leading supplier of biometric security. Stupid, Mr. Park. More than stupid, in fact, that was crazy."
LIKE ITS KINDA FUNNY IF YOU THINK ABOUT HIS DIALOGUES THAT WAY. I'd love to imagine that he was genuinely surprised Waylon actually attempted to send them through a shitty plan, it was insane, so at the same time he's laughing at Way's attempt while the actual person is terrified senseless on the floor. akjaksdjkad
I think a lot about Jer and it's really embarrassing......
My take on him is pretty boring and weird, I guess? Jeremy never actually... Feel the need to befriend/love someone, he didn't expect to have one so soon - it was just that Rick and Waylon happened to be people who were close to him, so he made some efforts into their relationship, expected something more from them in return, since he trusted them. Rather than mourning over people who betrayed him, he's frustrated over the things he had sacrificed in exchange for their companionship; All the money, all the covering efforts, all the emotions, the sentiments, etc, etc, are all wasted on people like them. It's not like he's close close with them either, they're pretty much just friends with benefits to putting it in summary lol
One of my friends described it so much better but unfortunately I don't remember how he worded it so bear with me anon I'm sorry, When Jeremy watches as Rick was sent to the engine, he doesn't feel sad. Rick wasn't his friend, but he feels like something is missing - something about it made him feel betrayed - probably betrayed by himself... Even the feeling itself disturbs him because even he couldn't pinpoint what was causing it. It's between "I'm completely fine even if you die" and "I wish you were here" to put it simply. I know I'm sorry if your brain exploded there,,, emotions are complicated tbh
So... it's not really like Jer isn't capable of human emotions, but rather, it's more complicated because he views emotions as something to be suppressed because they can weaken you. Showing emotions makes him vulnerable, thus making him pile up emotions and complicates stuff because he doesn't even understand himself.
My god its 3 am rn i hope im at least making sense,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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jess-oh · 6 months
day 3
hi journal.
im going to write today's entry as a letter to sophie. im a maid of honor for her wedding but after talking to jeanne today, i do really feel a lot more at peace having a straight convo with her. below is what i currently plan to say as it's been getting harder and harder to keep this "secret covered."
dear sophie,
hey girl! so, i want to preface this by saying youre allowed to react or decide to demote me or anything you want to do. that's your perogative.
um, i feel that we haven't been as close lately and a bit like we've been outgrowing each other for some time. i still value you a lot as a friend and enjoy talking about all our shared interests but ive been realizing that that isnt enough to fulfill me anymore. i think a part of me had always hoped or believed that if we just spend enough time together or being friends, our friendship would naturally deepen and we'd be able to get to a point where we're more freely vulnerable with one another and while we've had moments, that overall just never really happened. which is okay and i respect your boundaries and everything. im just realizing it's something that i really crave. and because of that, i dont feel as inclined to invest as much into our friendship anymore. im still totally cool hanging out and playing games every so often when possible but i think i need to find and cultivate a friendship that can fulfill me in this way.
i feel like thats a pretty good point to end on and allow her to respond. and if she responds asking why she cant just play that role for me and tries to point out how she already has, then i'd say:
i started thinking more seriously about this over the past month. i think the idea has been lingering in the back of my mind for a while but i never knew what words to put to my thoughts until more recently. but i feel that our hangouts were more mutual at one point but for a long time now, it feels as though i've been initiating our hangouts a lot more than you do. in general, i feel as though i reach out to you to check in and ask how youre doing and offer support and dont feel that reciprocated as much. i just feel like a back-up friend in your life and not actually very prioritized. like, if theres a last minute event, im a good person to ask to join. but to actually just hangout with, it doesnt really feel like a time is being allotted to spend with me. im the eternal +1 but not the actual invited 1.
im okay hanging out at your place and i started initiating for that a lot because youre such a homebody and i just chalked it up to if i want to hangout with sophie, it has to be at her home bc she wont have the energy to trek it over to me. but honestly, it does actually bother me that we rarely ever hangout at my place. it feels like im constantly making the trek to you but the effort isnt reciprocated. and i get some weeks are harder than others and you just really dont have the energy to travel and i get it. but we really only ever go to my place for our friendiversaries and thats kind of it.
i dont want our friendship to just depend on me.
in general, ive noticed a pattern over time and i just dont feel supported in the way i need by you many times. im okay volunteering information about my life sometimes but not all the time. the burden then always weighs on me. i just wanted to be asked how im doing. which you do do at times and i appreciate it every time. but, idk. it always feels a little... awkward? tense? weird? like even when i share honestly and vulnerably whats going on in my head at the given time, it doesnt feel like you actually really care. theres such minimal follow up in both in the moment and after the fact. no questions asking for more details or how to help me feel supported or check-ins on updates on the situation weeks later. it feels like you grabbed onto my sister's frustration over her trash bf and thats it.
and ive come to terms with the fact that maybe this is just your personality and thats fine. if you arent really the type to ask follow up questions or check in over time, thats perfectly okay! it's just, i think i need that in my life with someone i dedicate so much time and energy to.
again, im more than happy to continue to be your friend but maybe not "best friends"? we just arent that close anymore and i dont really see that changing anytime soon. im happy to still be a part of your wedding, if youll have me, but i also understand if this changes things.
i hope youre able to receive my intentions well.
thank you for listening and im sorry for everything.
jess oh
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produce101blog · 11 months
Episode 4 Thoughts
hype boy 2:
does hype boy not have a JP version??
lee being personally offended that their korean is so bad... LMAO
big brain move to change the dance up to fit their skills
i love aiko (she's in my top 11) so it was nice for her to get 5 seconds of screen time being praised
hype boy 1:
rinon is also one of my faves yay
rino (judge) is growing on me, she actually seems to give a shit about the feelings the girls have
kokona!! she is 100% capable poor girl! and she ended up doing great
fiesta 1:
who tf put this group together again?? it's all dancers and no singers lmao
they REALLY needed a singer to hold down the fort with the main vocals and help them, like they even had to pull in tsuzumi...
god the rehersal awful to listen to, you can't have a group full of sayus
they kind got it together for the performance a little thank god
fiesta 2:
dumb name lol
sry but rimika is so annoying lol. it shouldn't take them having to sit down and have a come to jesus talk with her to get her to speak up and stop being passive aggressive and leaving practice and etc. tbh jueri didn't even do anything wrong, she was just doing what she thought she should as a leader and rimika was throwing a fit for ?? no reason???
cheer up 1:
this was my favorite performance out of the entire set just because of their cohesiveness, so i'm glad to hear that karen was specifically thinking about that and even tried to pick the song based on that
so many communication issues lmao no one is making efforts to make the others feel like they can speak freely
i'd follow this group if they debuted like this lmao they kind of remind me of very early s/mileage vocally
cheer up 2:
cheer up 1 was smart to pick this specific group to do this song lol bc it doesn't fit them at all, but they have to be versatile as an idol imo anyway cuz they aren't going to always get "cool" songs
aruha and moro do the best with the kawaii concept in my opinion, but everyone is doing their best with it despite not really having experience lol
moro still gives me sayu energy but she can actually sing so that's good
sakura pulling the entire team LMAO
tokyo girl 1:
both groups have really cute outfits
opposite problem of fiesta 1 LMAO they should have shuffled it up a little better
i understand her feelings but i find mana to be very annoying lol
strawberry head
i personally would feel defeated too if i had to go up against group 2
wow a world of difference between practice 1 and 2 with yumeki
everyone keeps saying "this is your last chance!!!" yea no shit they were anxious in their performance
tokyo girl 2:
not interested in the ran/miu rivalry so not really much to say here
kassa was cute as usual
ranka did a good job and doesn't belong in F anymore imo
i love that "hai iku" became AMERICA lmao
i think kassa took the feedback and did her best to convey emotion and succeeded
even before the results were announced i was like "poor group 1"
the biggest win yet poor group 1
body and soul 2:
these girls need to learn their ancestors lol SPEED walked so they could run
miu is so KY lmao she needs to learn the japanese way of communication
her practicing a lot in korea makes sense as to how she performs now
is rino a dance judge or a therapist lol
nano is so funny, falling asleep during a discussion
then nano being so cute in her interview about being praised, i love her lol
i can never read yumeki's expressions, he can look like someone just farted in his mouth and then say "that was the best performance i've ever seen in my life"
tbh i forget that suzu is only 16 too
two cute kassa reactions during perf
hot take but i don't think they were the best group by just watching the performances back to back. i think produce101 really wants you to believe that they are tho. but tsuzumi and suzu definitely killed it
i think this is the only group where every single member lost to the other group... it makes me want to support body and soul 1 members lol
tsuzumi is so cute aww and so humble
group ranking/after:
b&s 2 didn't really need extra votes but there were a few lower girls in there so i'm happy for them
wow low miu ranking lol she can't catch a break
the spoilers after episode 5 with the eliminations are going to be baaad
kaela being like "you can't show flaws" lol do you not even know what idols are about??? that's kind of the whole fuckin point lady
the hidden camera thing is a great idea to appeal to the audience as an idol even if it's hidden lmao
the MTBI little thing was cute
this episode made me fall in love with nano lol with her letter and her falling asleep
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taegularities · 2 years
Hello lovely Rid 💕💕
I saw you posting about being in a boring class right as I was scrolling through tumblr out of boredom during my lecture lmaooo. And now I'm enduring a 40 minute bus ride in a packed bus, so I decided to come and ramble to you a little (I know, shocker, I never do that).
It's literally nothing big or anything but remember that pretty guy with the long hair from my class that I told you about once? Well just as I was trying to figure out whether I only like the way he looks because of his pretty hair, he cut it lmaoooo. And like his hair is still to his shoulders which is pretty long but it used to be to his waist so it's a considerable change still. But here's the problem - he looks just as good and even more babygirl like that 😔😔😔.
And I haven't talked to him in a while because I'm not so sure what to say since our interests don't exactly align too much and he's also always with his friends (the way he loves anime and gaming and I've only watched death note and played the sims lmaooo).
I'm also the kind of person who can't properly have a crush on someone until they actually know them well, so I'm just in the stage of finding him very attractive and yet not actually having a crush on him. Long story short, I know I should just make an effort to talk to him more but it takes a lot of energy for me to talk to people I don't know well :/
Thank you for listening once again, Rid. I think this time I've thoroughly proven that I can ramble about the smallest thing. How are you doing, love, how are the classes other than this boring one? 💞💞💞
hi lovely. i know i never usually let you wait so long, so i'm sorry 😭
first of all, the irony of us being bored at the same time during class 🤣 and secondly, wait.. it's an amazing sign that he's still just as good looking, right? that means it wasn't just the hair !! though, if you decide to talk to him, i'd definitely dive into your interests at some point, bc ofc, that's how you'll find out how compatible you are.
tbh, take your time. it's fine to be shy about these things, it's rlly fkn hard to gather the courage to talk to someone. think it through, maybe make a mental list as to what you'd say to him if you spoke (and you like to ramble, i'm sure you'd find something!! i talked a guy's ears off just today 😭). but don't rush it. i bet you'll find a way and time to approach him... it'll be fun. remember he's just a human being, too!
death note? AMAZING CHOICE BTW. if you want more recs (not for the guy, but for yourself)... definitely watch the movies 'your name' or 'i want to eat your pancreas'. angsty af but so so so good.
and honestly, ivi, ramble whenever, you know the drill. i'm just happy you feel so safe and comfortable here to do so 😭 i've been pretty damn tired these days, but i'll always read and reread your messages and love them, so keep them coming 🥺
i've been okay, love! tired, as mentioned, and i'm so so worried about not being able to indulge in hobbies or be here much anymore once work starts, too. idk, i love being here, but today i couldn't put down much in my google doc, and i'm just scared of getting to a point where i can't do anything at all anymore lol but we'll see! thank you for stopping by and asking, sweetheart <333
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bonetrousledbones · 3 years
i was thinkin abt possibly leash training the kitten last week and ended up changing my mind BUT i just found a harness with glow-in-the-dark skulls on it and man my impulse control is hanging on by a thread
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
Hey plan!
so i'm seeing again tweets about how wwx is bad at naming things 👁👄👁 so i'm gonna ask who really named his sword "suibian" because as far as i remember it was jfm who chose that name right? like he named it "suibian" because wwx said "whatever" as in wwx assuming jfm would decide the sword's name himself since wwx can't find a good name. am i remembering it correctly? 😅 please do correct me if i'm wrong though. i'm just tired of seeing posts that wwx is bad at naming like he didn't just name his flute chenqing, his inventions stygian tiger seal, spirit-attraction flag & compass of evil, and jin ling rulan to be called bad at naming 🤦‍♀️
Why is he bad at naming things? Suibian "whatever" is a cute name. The sword obviously fucking vibed with it and with Wei Wuxian bc it went and pulled a one in a million and sealed itself when he died. 95% of the people in this fandom just steal the names MXTX came up w for her characters and slap them on their cringe self inserts. It's hardly like they're coming up w cutting edge names for shit...🌝.
Seeing the sword, Wei WuXian first hesitated. He quickly replied, “Thank you.”
Holding the hilt, he slowly pulled it out. A pair of eyes were reflected against the snow-white blade. Wei WuXian stared at the pair of eyes for a while before he put Suibian back into its sheath again, “It really did seal itself?”
Lan WangJi grabbed the hilt of Suibian as well. He pulled out, but it didn’t move at all. Wei WuXian sighed. He patted the body of the sword, I knew that Jin GuangYao didn’t dare make things up without any basis… So it really did seal itself. I just happened to have run into something amazing that only happens once in ten thousand years.
LWJ thinks it's cute too bc ultimately he echoes that conversation when WWX comes back to life:
Quietly, he said, “Hanguang Jun, help me ask what this place is, what it’s used for, and who built it.”
Lan Wangji was a master of the qin language. He did not require any time to think before his steady and reliable hand plucked a couple of pure, clear notes. After a moment, his guqin’s strings sounded a couple more times on their own. Wei Wuxian asked hurriedly, “What did it say?”
“I do not know,” Lan Wangji said.
Nonchalantly, Lan Wangji repeated, “It said, ‘I do not know.’”
“…” Wei Wuxian looked at him, suddenly remembering how, many years ago, they had had a similar conversation about “Suibian.” He rubbed his nose, speechless. Lan Zhan’s grown up too much. He’s even learned how to make me choke. (22)
As for the name of the sword it's discussed in Chapter 16:
“You don’t need to say it, I know,” Wei Wuxian said solicitously. “You want to ask me why I named it this way. Everyone asks me whether there’s some special hidden meaning behind it. But actually, there isn’t any. It’s just that when Uncle Jiang bestowed the sword on me and asked me what I was going to call it, I couldn’t find a name I was happy with, even though I came up with more than twenty of them. I thought I could just let Uncle Jiang name it for me, so I told him ‘whatever!’ Who knew those two characters would really be on it when it came out of the furnace? Uncle Jiang said, ‘Given how things are, why not just call it Suibian?’ And actually, it’s a pretty good name, right?”
Finally, Lan Wangji managed to squeeze a word out from between his teeth. “…Ridiculous!”
Wei Wuxian lifted his sword onto his shoulder and laughed. “You’re really far too boring. The name’s hilarious. It’s great for messing with little fusspots like you. Works every time!”
JFM obviously ultimately made the call. I'd say it was at most a cute collaborative effort. WWX saying "whatever" 🤝 JFM appreciating a good dad-joke opportunity, and getting WWX's free spirited nature (NOTE NOT! saying JFM is WWX's dad, just that this is dad joke energy. WWX is not adopted- gotta clarify jokes for this fandom). Damn ppl will really try to shit on WWX for anything eh?
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