#bc i'm way busy with college and work
airbenderedacted · 2 years
Genuine question- why don’t you just delete Twitter? :0
as of two(?) years ago or smthn i'd officially blocked and befriended enough people on there for me to REALLY ENJOY being on twitter
SO LIKE being locked out is  like this hjdnmnbghsHJDNBNds
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astrxealis · 1 month
so many passions & ambitions i will be so busy when college comes But for now 🤗 Wahey
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thatbitchery · 5 months
& remember the first sign of a loser loser loser loser is hating school. Yall should've unfollowed me 2023 this year I'm laying it on you as is.
If you're not in some sort of murder level clas enroll right now. & it has to be so hard it feels like a death sentence
Ladies any form of "escape the matrix" and "you don't need school" & whatever school hating content out there is level down programming meant to keep you stuck and weak. School is the closest imitation to real life you get so dropping a class because it's too hard is your sign to tie yourself to your moms basement and never leave because you sure as heaven not making it in corporate, business, friendships, relationships, and, God Forbid, parenting. You Manifest a future as a stone because that's the most you can do with that mentality. Dropping out because you have anxiety is another great sign to move to the Amazon and cosplay a sloth because if you think there are human interactions in the adult world that won't make you feel anxious ahhh baby my baby. You got it so wrong, baby. If you can't focus in a 30 minute lesson just take your dream board & burn it up burn it upp and try your hand at being a house fly you'll have better luck. If you drop a class because you don't like the teacher stay as far away from romantic relationships and friendships and , especially, corporate & entrepreneurship because girly don't we have news for ya. Can't manage your time? And you want to be a CEO? Are you kidding?
School is the closest imitation to real life you get & the better you are at it the better you are at life, the harder your school life is the better your real life will be. & I mean take biochem engineering & aeronautical engineering first year college, get your ass run over by it BUT learn to sit still, to power through, teamwork, study techniques, etc so no one cares about your A [fun fact most A students don't make it] but did you power through it? K then junior year do the thing you actually like.
Not liking school for whatever reason is loser mentality if you couldn't make it past test drive what makes you think you'll make it on the highway. Back in high-school when I told my grandma I'm giving up on my scholarship because I'm getting bullied and tortured and ostracized her response wasn't a hug it was a slipper grandma of color style because do you think that won't happen in your adulthood? You think you run from a problem and it goes away? Go back in and make it tf. Notice how I'm not focused on what grade you get? My friend works at firm (one of the top of the country) that don't employ people with a history of As , it's not about academic excellence, can you get to cheer practise at 6 am and be in class by 7? What makes you think you can be a mom then? "Independent" can you schedule yourself? Manage classes, sports, hobbies, a part-time job, home chores , friendships, and free time? WHAT DO YOU THINK ADULTHOOD IS ABOUT? what makes you think running from that in school (where you have guidance & forced community) will keep you safe? Out here you're all alone sis. And now the government protects you like a treasure that ID days 18 and its up to you to protect yourself. If you can not sit still in a 30 minutes class you don't like what makes you think you're cut out for corporate? Yall ain't never left your moms house and it shows, no one that has been in the real world has that level of delulu.
Pick the damn calculus class & power from an E to a C- so when you're running your business & you meet hard things you dislike you have muscle memory to power through it & bc your business is something you like it's easier. Go to school with the girls that dislike you & find a way out of that so when your mom in law or officemates are being flaky you know what to do, you don't run. Sit through that class with that one homphobic sexist bigoted teacher so when you land a job at your dream firm you don't resign in six days and sabotage shit because you're delulu enough to think your little tantrum matters.
School , especially boarding school, is the closest imitation to real life you get. Power through it, take advantage of the resources & always chase the hardships now that you have people charged with guiding you so you're not 25 unmotivated with no accomplishment despite your A's , barely functional adult feeling like a loser because you let tiktok & escape the matrix bojo creators lie to you. Do you want to be one of those 35 year olds heavy on magical thinking because you didn't learn what your parents literally paid for you to learn under the guise of 'self care'. Don't be dumb dumb.
Success spills over
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hoshigray · 1 year
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A Pricked Hand to Hold
Just thinking about h*lding h*nds with Miguel for the first time bc I'm still fucking soft for this man (like it's so bad).
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An: Yup, it's been three weeks, and my infatuation for this man has yet to falter (or that movie in general bc I've seen it like 5-6 times already, and can't get tired of it). This was meant to be a little smthn, but I just wanted to get my soft aggression out of the way. Also, tysm for 1k followers again!! Like fr, y'all are too sweet :') Sacrificed sleep to get this done, sooooo hope you guys like it!! If there are spelling/grammar errors, my dumbass will take care of it tmrw bc I need to take a fckin nap right tf now ahhhhhh— Also! Gonna make an ATSV masterlist later today, so I'll be sure to link it when it's done!!
Cw: Miguel x reader - fluff - h*nd h*lding (barf) - the reader is implied to be in college (at least age 20) - you and Miguel aren't together [yet] but the pining is strong in this one! - Lyla and Jessica teasing you lovestruck idiots lol - you accidentally prick yourself with your lead pencil, but no blood or injuries - ayo you and Miguel almost kiss tho??
Wc: 2.1k
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As usual, it was a busy day at headquarters. Many anomalies have been captured for Margo to send back home, Spiders helping other Spiders fight off evil-doers and placing them back in their universes, and Pavitr having a scare nearly revealing his identity to his girlfriend, Gayatri.
Then there's you, sitting at a table doing your homework that needs to be finished for the lecture tomorrow. But you're not alone. In front of the table are three others discussing matters of their own. Lyla is giving new information about another anomaly that needs to be captured before going home, and Jessica's leaning on her motorbike listening to her pixel friend. Right next to her is another taller person listening along as well.
Miguel O'Hara — leader of the Spider Society and the man you've been pining for a while now.
You've been working here for a few months, taking in Margo's shifts or helping Lyla relay messages to other Spiders across the multiverse. At first, you've tried to keep it simple and only see it as a job. But the more you work here, the closer you get to others...and your boss, Miguel, is no exception.
Things started short and blunt with him between you two — just simple greetings and exchanges of the necessary information. But then there was a time when the man was in HQ for far too long, probably sacrificing too much sleep and time to eat that day. So, you got him something from the cafeteria and a little note telling him to "Take care of yourself, leader!" before going home.
From that day on, you and Miguel got closer slowly but surely. Not only does he appreciate you reminding him to take breaks or grab something to eat, but he also checks up on you whenever it's your shift, talks to you on his breaks, or eats dinner with you whenever he has a chance (or when he's not stressed out).
And how you talk to each other is much more comfortable and personal. Sure, you're still respectful of his position and are aware of his duties, but it's always a guilty pleasure when he spends his little free time with you. Unfortunately, you've developed feelings for the tall and brawny Spiderman due to this.
You know how complicated it is to have feelings for someone, especially within the work field, so this is something that you have no faith in whatsoever. But for some reason, you can't help but think something between the two of you is starting to bloom...and based on his actions, maybe Miguel feels the same way as well? Lyla and Jessica tease you, saying it's plain to see that even Pav fangirls about you two.
However, for a man like him, is such a thing possible?
Your thoughts vanish as you turn to the person calling for your attention, just to find it's from Miguel. The two women are nowhere to be found, probably tending to other matters you didn't catch because of your overthinking.
"Yes!" you stutter a reply. Oh God, I hope I didn't make him call on me so many times...
"Done with your homework?" He asks while coming to your side of the table.
You give him a nod, fidgeting with your mechanical pencil. "Yeah, I took care of the stuff for my classes tomorrow. Now I just got a paper to finish by Friday...What about you? Gonna head out soon?"
"I would, but I gotta stay here in case Jess needs backup for the mission. She just left to fix up her bike before she goes."
A chuckle sneaks past you, and Miguel swoons at the sound of it. "Are you sure you wanna do that? Didn't Lyla keep bothering you the last time?"
You can tell he reminisces the time you recall; his sigh and a shake from the lead confirm so. "Yeah, well, when is she not bothering me."
"Heard that." The woman appears in front of him quickly before disappearing again, leaving Miguel a little puzzled before a slight scowl paints his face. Yet it's not so bad when he sees you laugh at the interaction.
"I swear," your giggles wear down, but your smile remains. "It's like you two are siblings or something. But that just means the pestering comes from a place of love."
He hums at your words. "Yeah, love..."
For the past few months, you've been a reoccurring theme in Miguel's life that he thought he'd never experience again. From the day he met you, he figured keeping his distance and maintaining an appropriate work relationship would benefit him. But he was a fool to challenge your beauty and welcoming aura whenever you entered the scene. Especially your kind gestures, starting with the food and your little note for him.
It was apparent then that avoidance would do more harm to himself than good, so he spent his days getting to know you more, understanding you more, appreciating you more...and worse, loving you more.
An emotion such as love has been something that's only brought up painful memories and anguish. And for that reason, Miguel has chosen to dedicate his life and being to doing something he's good at — his job protecting the multiverse. Because, in his eyes, it's the only thing he seems capable of. Not love.
...However, whenever you look at him, speak to him, or smile at him, Miguel can't fight the twinge of his heart longing for something — longing for you. And he knows he isn't the only one who thinks so since Lyla constantly ridicules him about his "schoolboy crush," just like a sibling.
Nonetheless, he still doesn't go far from the talks you share with him or the times you eat together in a friendly manner. Because that's what he and you are comfortable with, and he wouldn't want to break it. Yet he can't help but wonder what would happen if he was just a little more selfish.
Be more selfish and pursue you...without losing you.
Without hurting you.
Miguel's thoughts are immediately halted when he hears your hurtful cry. You drop your pencil and grab your finger as you wince through the pain. And he wastes no time coming to your proximity to examine what happened. "What!? Something wrong?"
"Ahhhh, yeah, I'm fine," You reassure him with an attempted smile. "I just accidentally pricked myself with my pencil."
"Let me see."
The words take a long to register before the man takes your hand in his, the back of your hand resting on his palm while he surveys your fingers. He then sees a tiny circle indent on your middle finger. "I don't see any pieces of lead."
"Oh, thank goodness," you exhale in relief. "Because I don't think I'd survive tomorrow if I did. I got three lectures that day!"
Miguel chortles at your comment, and it has the beat of your heart quicken. "So sorry for you."
Your smile is still prominent. "Thank you, Miguel."
"Don't mention it."
Silence follows those words, yet they're substituted with gazes between you and the man. The twinge on your lips slowly dissolves the more you lose yourself in his burnt amber eyes. The same goes for Miguel, who still has your hand in his.
The internal turmoil in his mind doesn't ease at that fact, incapable of deciphering whether to let go. And when your hand slowly reciprocates the hold — turning it for both palms to face each other — his breath hitches.
"Miguel..." his name appeared in a whisper, only for him to hear. Your breathing goes shaky when he replies with his fingers intertwined with yours. And you notice him take a tense gulp, easing your nerves to know that he's also nervous.
He knows he shouldn't be this close to you as it could jeopardize the relationship you have spent all these months building and maintaining together. However, this is the first time he's been so close to you, touching you. And his heart pushes him to want more.
He knows he shouldn't...but curiosity is an intriguing dance. That's why he slowly leans forward to you.
And you go rigid by the notion...yet your eyes are drawn to his lips, and you follow suit by going inward. Eyes close, letting the moment take place for itself.
"Ready, Miguel?"
Both eyes open immediately, and locked hands are withdrawn from each other. Miguel puts on his mask quickly, but you could still see a slight flush of pink on his cheeks and ears before they were covered up. You straighten yourself and look to the other side of the table to see Jessica on her motorbike entering the scene.
And just like that, the moment was gone.
"Oh—" the woman spots you two before Miguel stands straight up, and she doesn't try to hide the smile that creeps on her face. "Oh. Was I interrupting something?"
"No." You two say in unison. Jess only lifts a brow through her yellow goggles. You continue with an explanation while you pack up your stuff. "I accidentally pricked my finger with my mechanical pencil, so Miguel checked it out to see if I had any lead on it."
"Ooh, yeah, those aren't fun. Basically like a splinter." Before Jessica could say more, Lyla appeared in everyone's line of sight.
"Good, you two are still here." She jumps around between Jessica and Miguel. "The anomaly we discussed earlier has jumped to another dimension as predicted; better get them now so we can go home."
The two nod while you get up from the table with your backpack. "Good luck out there, guys." You address the older three before exiting for the night, and they all say their goodbyes to you.
For a few seconds, your eyes linger on Miguel. Despite the mask covering his face, his gaze was intense and palpable. Without saying a word, you let your eyes say your final words before turning to leave.
Miguel still watches you leave until he's unable to spot you through the dark hall. And unfortunately for him, he can feel two pairs of eyes on him. He mentally prepares himself before looking at the two women who harbor shameless grins. "What's with the faces?"
Lyla and Jessica only share a look amongst themselves and shrug before answering him. "Oh, I don't know, Miguel." The pixelated woman darts close to the man. "What's with your face?"
"Wh-What are you—"
"C'mon now, Miguel." Jessica cuts him off. "Seems like something more was going on than just a pricked finger."
He sighs. "Well, you're wrong. Because that's all it was." The two share another look with each other as their smirks go higher.
"Oh~, my darling Miguel," Jessica changes her voice to a higher pitch and daydream tone. "I wish you luck on your mission and that you return to see me tomorrow~."
"Don't you worry, my wonderful Y/n," Despite Miguel's eyes narrowing at Lyla's terrible impression of his voice, she still acted out the role. "I will return to you unscathed and have you in my loving arms in no time~."
"I don't talk like that." The two women chuckle at his blunt statement. "How old do you think I am?"
"Old enough to look like a man but still scared to talk to your lil' crush." Jessica crosses her arms with a matter-of-fact attitude, her smile itching broader when Miguel rolls his eyes through the mask.
"Ay, por Dios, can we please open the portal already?" The poor man can only take so much teasing from the two, making him feel like he should've left with you instead.
Lyla giggles one last time before Jessica uses her watch to open a portal to the desired dimension. "Whatever you say, lover boy." The portal opens, and a flash of colors and shapes contrasts with the dull room. Jessica is the first to go, Miguel following right behind her.
Even when going on his mission, his mind can't stop thinking about you and the moment you shared together earlier. It was a risky thing to have happened, and he scolds himself for letting such a thing happen. Miguel knows he isn't a person for love, for it's something meant to be destroyed by his very touch. You are no exception; the last thing he wants to do is hurt you. He loves you too much to put you through that.
But then the compliance and willingness you've expressed in holding his hand surely meant that you wanted something more, right?
If Miguel were selfish enough, he'd use that as a hint. A hint to look forward to what other things you'd allow him to express to you.
If he were selfish enough, he would plan to approach you tomorrow in the right way.
If he were selfish enough, he'd test out the waters more and finally let this "love" flourish into something better.
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onsunnyside · 1 year
ok so i've been trying to come up with a mafia trope for this ask by the bestie @bimbofawn: now this isn't a full-blown mob fic, but it has a few elements
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The Camerons have all the wealth, influence and success anyone can dream of. They come from a long lineage of fame and riches, now running the parent company of many subsidiaries with power all across the country. It's no surprise they're involved in a few shady businesses, yet it's all kept tightly under wraps.
As the heir to a vast dynasty, Rafe grew up under a lot of pressure to be the best in what he does, and his ego is proof of that. He's in the tabloids, the ivy league graduate by day and the wild bachelor by night, landing himself in more scandals than ass-kissing articles.
The Camerons are known for their prestige and (heavily manufactured) picture-perfect image. So Rafe's sleazy, immature behaviour just won't do. Although he's doing good with the shady side of the family business (bc ofc he's into violence and drug trafficking/manufacturing), he needs to do better with the public side. To give his son a motive for cleaning up his act, he gives him an ultimatum: lose it all and get disowned or settle down.
Now, he has a few months to find someone, but his ego won't let him settle for just anyone. The headlines aren't any comfort either: Pleasure Over Business: Is Rafe Cameron responsible for the fall of the Cameron dynasty?
This is very off-to-the-races coded: you drift into his sector on his friend's arm one night. He shrugs you off, expecting there to be a different girl the next time they go to the clubs (because there always is) but nope, you show up again and again.
It’s hard for him to ignore someone so kindhearted and naturally alluring. He can’t look away from you sipping on the straw, your calm gaze locked on his, making him stumble over his words like a teenager with a crush. He dreams of you every time he falls asleep, your pretty face burned on the inside of his eyelids as if you belonged there.
But one night his friend shows up with a different girl.
"Her rates got too high, and my folks were getting suspicious so I had to let her go, unfortunately." He exhales, his arm around the other woman kissing up his neck.
Now, did he predict you were an escort? Not at all. It catches him off guard and he almost spits up his drink. "You paid her to date you?"
Topper glares, "you don't have to say it like that. We did more than just make appearances together if that's what you're asking. All consensual, of course, but you do have to pay extra for private um... sessions."
me senses... a sugar-baby proposition: "I'll take care of everything, all expenses, your rent, and an allowance on top of that. Anything you want you can have."
You're still apprehensive, you've taken clients who've heard of you from word of mouth before, but this was new. They were best friends who routinely saw each other, you'd hate to stir the pot. "Won't it be weird?"
"You with Top was just business and so is what I'm offering." Perhaps that was a little white lie, but you didn't need to know that. "No harm, no foul. In my hands, you could live better than this."
"I like my home." You mutter, hugging a pillow to your chest, it was one of the many mismatched cushions that littered your old couch. "I worked hard to get it this way."
He nudges the wobbly table by the door, the picture frames rattling on the surface. "For thousands of dollars a night, I would've expected some sense of luxury, or a stove with actual knobs." He says and quirks a brow, "where'd all that money go?"
"Oh... I had to give my boss his cut."
"How much is that?"
"80 percent." You admit, ducking away when Rafe frowns, "I know, I know... It wasn't my fault, my daddy—" Your voice cracks, "My daddy got involved with a bad man after he gambled away all our savings and my college fund. And he still couldn't stop after my mama left. I had to—I had to help somehow."
You still remember returning from campus to see him bruised and battered on the living room floor, crying for your mother who was halfway across the world, now a happily divorced woman. The memory brings tears to your eyes and they stream down your cheeks.
Rafe bites his tongue, rethinking his decision to show up here in the first place. Your unlucky life only made you more perfect, and as terrible as it sounded, he knows he won't find anyone more fitting for his circumstances.
He refused to leave until you agreed.
"What's his name?"
You don't hear him over your sniffles and rub your nose into your pillow, "huh?"
He crouches by your feet, placing a hand on your thigh. "What's the big bad man's name, sweetie?"
"Why—Why are you asking..."
The blue in his eyes seems darker, but it could just be the dim lightbulbs you haven’t changed yet. He blinks up at you with thick lashes, a slow smile crawling onto his face.
"I'm going to prove to you that when you're with me, you've got nothing to worry about."
And the next night, he shows up at your door with a fresh bouquet of flowers and bruised knuckles. You don’t get one word out before drops a heavy duffel bag on the floor, “here’s the money you deserve for your work, and extra for your troubles.”
You glance at the bag and then his face, your toothbrush hanging out of your mouth. “What—What did you do?”
He smiles, cocking his head to the side. “Nothing you have to worry about, sweetheart.” He says, wiping toothpaste from the corner of your lip. “Now, are you going to invite me in?”
Rafe is very possessive, he doesn’t care that you dated/slept with his friend because you belong to him now. He buys you a gold necklace with his initial on it, parades you around the city for all the nosy paps to see, and brings you home to meet his family. And yes, you do get the gold seal of approval from his father.
well this is just a mash-up of different tropes 🫡 fake relationship, sugar daddy and mob, with rafe's signature "you're mine" mindset. me has a few slutty and soft ideas for this au too hehe
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sunnebeam · 1 year
twin flame bruise. (01)
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pairing: jeon jeongguk x reader, jeon jungkook x reader (yes they're different people)
plot: the jeon twins have become nothing more than two strikingly similar looking guys who share a mere home address and a last name. but in their senior year of college, the estranged twins may have found one more thing they share in common – you.
warnings: jeon twins au, possible headache bc the use of jeongguk and jung kook is v confusing (but they're different people here your honor), specific warnings will be emphasized in the actual completed fic (whenever that may be)
series index. | masterlist + disclaimers.
note: normally i don't post unfinished wips (especially ones with plots that aren't completely fleshed out yet) but this au has been sitting in my drafts since amas 2021, so i thought why not post a lil snippet and just dip right after? (p.s. please manage ur expectations bc 1. i'm too lazy to write this and 2. i have no idea where i'm going with this plot)
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More often than not, identical twins are actually more different than similar.
The Jeon twins are a testament to that, even going as far as to insisting they’re entire opposites instead of merely different.
Jeongguk — the older of the two by a mere seven minutes; the golden son — can’t remember the last time he and his younger brother Jung Kook — the black sheep of the family by a great margin; the problematic son — saw eye to eye. In fact, their whole lives have been a flurry of grit and determination to prove they’re not the identical twins people saw them to be; that they’re individuals, that they’re their own persons.
First it was the nicknames. Despite the differences in spelling, Jeongguk and Jung Kook sound almost exactly the same and neither twin is having that. Thus, Jeongguk became “Guk” and Jung Kook became “JK”. Anyone who calls them otherwise will earn themselves a grimace from the older twin and a scoff from the younger.
Next it was their personalities, and by extension, their forms of expression. Both twins are conventionally attractive, a commonality they can’t help but share through their genes, but each own up to the word “beautiful” in their own unique ways.
Jeongguk is the calmer of the two, the more responsible one, the reliable pillar. His stellar grades and bookish habits surprisingly go hand in hand with his eleven piercings and constant need to work out at the gym. He prefers his hair in a short, neat cut and favors studs as earrings for a generally clean look.
Jung Kook on the other hand is the more adventurous of the two, the mysterious one, the wild card. His grades are just enough to make him pass despite the fact that he rarely shows up to classes, always disappearing during periods of time and reappearing as if nothing is amiss. He prefers his long, chin-length hair slicked back so that it complements his undercut and favors hoops as well as dangling earrings for a slightly bolder look.
Despite these insistent differences, the twins still end up in the same university, in the same campus, albeit in different programs. Guk earned himself an academic scholarship into the business program their parents always pushed at, whereas JK also landed himself a scholarship through his participation in their old high school’s varsity team that allows him to pursue a sports science program.
Studying completely different majors and living in completely different parts in the huge campus, the two brothers see each other less and less with each passing year.
After their freshman year, JK stops coming home for holidays and breaks. In the middle of their sophomore year, Guk stops making excuses for his younger twin whenever their parents ask questions. By their junior year, the two brothers have become nothing more than two strikingly similar looking guys who share a mere home address and a last name.
But in their senior year, the estranged Jeon twins may have found one more thing they share in common.
Something. Someone.
You’ve known JK since your first year and after that first hookup, you’ve become a regular fixture in his apartment. You fight endlessly, you make up frequently, you fuck constantly, but most of all, you care for each other deeply. Though you never really crossed the line between friends-who-fuck and something more, you know him well enough to be assured of your place in his life.
You trust him. That is, until you meet his twin.
You meet Guk in your last year of college, which opens up a whole new jar of questions. Why didn’t JK tell you about his twin brother? Didn’t he trust you? What other secrets is he hiding?
Will you just be another thing they have in common that ends up further driving the wedge between them?
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He’s running out of time.
Fuck, Jung Kook knew he shouldn’t have come here. No amount of money is worth the stress of putting himself in sketchy situations. Not to mention this is the longest he’s been gone and there’s no doubt that his phone is filled to the brim with your concerned texts and voicemails.
“What did Yoongi tell you about this guy?” his partner Namjoon asks him as they’re observing their client from a distance.
“Nothing,” Jung Kook replies robotically.
A tense silence falls over them. Nothing like the smug, comfortable silences they shared in previous gigs. This one is more fragile, more different. Just like how this client seems more different, more dangerous.
“You still wanna go through with this, JK?” Namjoon still thinks to ask even though he already knows the answer.
The logical decision would be for Jung Kook to say no, to not risk their safety for the sake of measly profits that they only get a portion of, to walk away and forget all about the sketchy looking client. But Jung Kook has never been exactly logical.
Your face flashes through his mind, your smile, your laugh, the way you felt in his arms, the sincerity in your voice when you said three peculiar words to him, the tears you cried when he shut you out weeks ago.
Even in this tense situation, you’re all he thinks of. You’re it for him and that’s exactly why he needs to make this gig. He needs the money. He needs you.
So instead, Jung Kook replies with, “yes,” and takes a step forward.
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All he needs to do is take a step forward.
The front door is already open and he can already see the inside of the apartment, but for some reason Jeongguk can’t move. Maybe he’s afraid of what he might find. Or more specifically, what he might not find.
It’s been a week since he heard around campus that his twin brother has gone AWOL, and this time around doesn’t seem like one of his usual two-to-three-day disappearances. Normally Jeongguk wouldn’t meddle. After all, it’s been several months (or was it years?) since he last physically saw and talked to his own twin. But something is tugging at him this time. Something tells him this time is different.
He sighs. Then takes a step forward.
JK’s apartment looks exactly like how he remembers it, save for a few minor changes. Nothing seems to be amiss. Nothing indicates distress or disturbance, but almost everything indicates a voluntary exit. He pinches the bridge of his nose. He’s heard all the rumors about what exactly his twin does in his spare time. He once tried confronting him about it but was met with an enraged cry of, “mind your own business!” When he asked again on a particularly calm day when they were both civil with each other, the latter merely whispered a shaky, “nothing too dangerous, I swear.”
Guk paces around the modest apartment, running his hands through his hair in agitation. It’s obvious what he has to do but how exactly does he start looking for his younger brother who’s been gone for nearly three weeks? He doesn’t know where to begin, where to sit down and think. He doesn’t even know if this apartment is the right starting point.
A knock on the door. Then another one. Then a series of hard knocks followed by frantic shouting.
“I know you’re in there, asshole!”
Jeongguk lurches out of his seat and fumbles with the locks on the door. He doesn’t know if the shouting was directed at him, that whoever is outside was talking about him, or at his absent brother. The yelling continues with a mix of “open up!” and “I hate you! I hate you!” before he finally manages to open the door and is greeted with the sight of an angry, tear-stained face.
You’re panting, looking at him as if he’s the bane of your existence but that’s impossible because he’s sure he’s never met you before.
“You asshole!” you screech at him as you step forward and land punches on his chest, not noticing how it’s slightly bigger and sturdier than you’re used to. “You act all cold to me out of the blue! Disappear for three weeks, ignore my calls and texts! Then you come back and not tell me? I hate you, JK, I hate you!”
Jeongguk is bewildered and if he isn’t so distracted by your hands on his chest and your pretty eyes trained on him, he would’ve noticed how your entire body relaxed in his hold and your lips formed a pout.
“Fuck it,” you whisper.
Then you kiss him.
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He’s kissing you back.
You deepen the kiss, and it’s like the past three weeks of worrying never happened. The kiss is as explosive as usual, both of you so into it with passion and eagerness, and you’re just grateful he’s back. He’s safe and in your arms again. Your tongue darts out to trace his lower lips and you hear him moan appreciatively before your wet muscle feels something different. Something metal.
You pull back all of a sudden. His eyes are still closed as he tries to chase your lips but you push his chest back with narrowed eyes. He opens his eyes in a daze.
“You got a lip piercing?” Your squinted eyes land on his right eyebrow. “And another on your eyebrow?” Your eyes trace the six studs that form an aesthetically straight line on his right ear. “You look different. You cut your hair. And your arm… those tattoos…” you trail off when you spot a full sleeve tattoo on his right arm instead of the few inked doodles you remember. “JK, what’s going on?”
The name which you call him snaps Guk out of his kiss-induced haze and he finally, finally, takes a good look at you. You’re beautiful. Wait, that’s probably an understatement. You’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen — from your swollen lips to your arched eyebrow to your sweet, confused face.
“Who are you?” he asks. Something he should’ve done before he welcomed your lips on his.
You growl adorably in irritation and he almost kisses you again before you spit back a retort. “I’m not playing around. Be serious for once, JK.”
“That’s the thing,” he says slowly as he steps back and looks at you cautiously. “I’m not exactly JK… I’m his twin brother—“
“I told you to stop messing with me!”
“I’m not! I’m not, I swear!” He holds his hands up in surrender when you look at him threateningly. “I’m his twin brother, Jeongguk, but I mostly go by Guk. I’m sorry my brother never told you about me but I’m sure he has his reasons.”
Your eyes narrow even further. “What are you implying? If you’re saying he— Are you saying he doesn’t trust me?”
“That’s not what I meant. Look, I’m sorry, I don’t know any more than you do but I promise you I’m telling the truth.” He grips his hair in frustration and resumes his earlier pacing.
You eye him cautiously when he finally takes a seat on the couch. You observe how he looks eerily similar to JK, if not the exact same — from his doe eyes to his luscious hair to his full, rosy lips — yet he harbors his own unique features that separate him from your missing lover. Your chest aches when you remember those same pouty lips spouting hurtful words at you weeks ago and shutting you out.
“So you’re really…” you start cautiously, “…JK’s twin brother?”
“I am,” he answers promptly and you vaguely hear him add a hushed, “unfortunately.”
JK has always been secretive with you but hiding the fact that he has a twin brother is like a slap to your face. How could he have kept something this big from you? How could he, when you have always been unapologetically open with him?
“Why didn’t he ever tell me?” you whisper, your voice cracking in the end.
Jeongguk sighs. “I don’t know.”
You’re both quiet when you sit on the couch a few inches away from him. You both stare at nothing on the floor, with you trying to grasp the fact that JK never told you about his identical twin and with Guk trying to comprehend the truth that his twin brother never told him about you.
“Jeongguk… I mean, Guk?” you whisper. “Do you know where he is?”
He answers after a minute. “I don’t.”
Another minute. “Is he in danger?”
Half a minute, then Jeongguk turns to you with soft voice. “I hope not.”
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justabigassnerd · 11 months
I've Got You
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Pairing - Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell x daughter!reader
Word count - 2,751
Warnings - self-harm, bullying, cancer mentions, angst, Goose mentions, mentions of death
Summary - at a low point in your life, your dad is there to help you through it
A/N - hey y'all sorry it's been a while since the last fic I've just been busy. this was an anon request and I hope I did it justice. I did do some research and I tried my best to approach this subject in a way that would be acceptable and I'm so sorry if it's not bc it was not my intention at all. as per y'all, please send requests, feedback and enjoy
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Growing up, you were an outgoing and confident person. You’d be the first person to extend a hand to make new friends at school and try to make sure people were happy. Parents of your fellow pupils, when you were in preschool, had gushed to your dad about how confident and comfortable you were as a young girl when they noticed you give your dad a quick hug and disappear into the classroom while every other child clung to their parents, begging to stay with them.
However, in your final year of high school, people began to change.
Over time, girls in your grade at high school began to turn on you, listening to the whispered words of the queen bee and her gaggle of followers and you became isolated. You tried everything and anything to get someone, anyone to talk to you but everyone turned away from you. You refused to let anyone see that they were getting to you. You were a Mitchell. Mitchells are tough and you knew your dad wouldn’t want you getting upset over something so trivial. You tried to remain tough, but your defences came crumbling down when you reached the security of your bedroom. Your only friend was Bradley, but he was a year older than you, at college, and incredibly pissed off at your dad so it was near impossible to communicate with him. You were sure he hated you too for your dad pulling his papers and you couldn’t blame him. He had every right to be mad.
As the noises and voices in your head grew louder, you started searching for ways to quiet them down, even for just a moment. You tried and failed multiple different ways to keep yourself calm and level. You couldn’t talk to your dad, he was in the middle of dealing with your Uncle Ice’s cancer scare, both men waiting with bated breath for the test results to come back. So, with all his focus on Iceman, you faded into the background, the noise in your head almost unbearable at this point.
One evening, after your shower you caught a glimpse of your razor sitting snuggly inside your shower caddy, gleaming against the bright light of the bathroom as you stared at it. You tried distracting yourself, splashing your face with cold water before changing into your pyjamas but the object continued to call out to you making you squeeze your eyes shut in an attempt to banish the thoughts from your head until they became too much.
Over the coming days, the bathroom and your razor became your escape, the only way for you to temporarily forget what you had been through during the day. Maverick had noticed that you’d been pulling away slightly and had asked if everything was okay, but you were quick to tell him that you were just busy with school work and didn’t really have time to hang out with people while you prepped for your exams. That weekend, Iceman had invited you and your dad around for a barbecue in his garden since it was almost summer, and the San Diego weather was exceptionally gorgeous.
“Have you noticed that y/n wears a lot of hoodies lately?” The hoarse voice of Iceman cuts through to Maverick who had been staring intently at his beer bottle. Maverick winced at his wingman’s voice, sore from the constant coughing fits that attacked the pilot. Maverick glanced across the garden to where you were sat with Iceman’s wife Sarah and a friend of hers, remaining silent as the two women chatted. He then briefly glanced up at the sky, unsurprised to see no clouds in the sky which made him realise how out of place you looked sat next to Sarah and her friend in an oversized hoodie while the two women were in sundresses.
“I also feel like I haven’t seen her much recently either.” Maverick thinks aloud, glancing over at Iceman who sips on a glass of water.
“You should talk to her, Mav. Maybe she needs her dad and just doesn’t know it yet.” Iceman says as he and Maverick watch you carefully, both men realising your smile seemed forced and didn’t meet your eyes in the same way it used to. You used to love spending time at the Kazansky household, usually sticking with Iceman and chatting with him while simultaneously teasing your dad. Iceman figured you chose to sit with Sarah because he’d figure out something wasn’t right too quickly. He was good at reading people, and it was something he had relied on a lot in his lifetime. In taking a step back and just observing, Maverick was able to pinpoint behaviours he’d never seen from you before and could feel the worry tightening his chest with each passing second.
“Mav. Breathe. It’ll be okay. Just, make her feel safe and loved like I know you do.” Iceman urges gently, resting a friendly hand on Maverick’s shoulder and squeezing it softly, fighting the hoarseness of his voice to comfort his wingman. Maverick nods lightly, putting his beer bottle down before crossing over to where you were sitting.
“Come on squirt, let’s head home. We’ve bothered these fine people enough.” Maverick says, throwing a teasing wink in Sarah’s direction who laughs and rolls her eyes.
“You mean you’ve bothered Tom too much. y/n has been an angel like usual.” Sarah says as you get up bidding the two women goodbye with a soft voice and a small smile before crossing the garden to Iceman and hugging him quickly.
“Bye Uncle Ice.” You whisper, pulling away almost as quick as you initiated the hug, barely giving him time to reciprocate.
“Goodbye, y/n/n.” Iceman says, a small smile on his face yet it couldn’t hide the sadness in his eyes at how fast you pulled away from the embrace. Maverick muttered a goodbye to Iceman, giving him a hug and clap on the back before exiting the Kazansky household. You climb onto the back of your dad’s motorbike and wrap your arms around his waist loosely.
“Hey, tight grip kid I can’t risk you falling off.” Maverick says, taking your wrist softly to pull your arm further around him but stopping instantly when he felt you flinch and lets go.
“I got it.” You mumble, tightening your grip around his waist as he flips the kickstand up and begins the journey home. When he pulls into the drive, he turns the engine off and kicks the kickstand back down as you climb off the back of the motorbike. You wait at the front door for Maverick to unlock the door since he was the only one out of the two of you to bring the house keys with you. The second the door is opened, you make a beeline towards the stairs, but Maverick is quick to call you back, making you stop in your tracks and turn to face him as he closes and locks the door behind him.
“Can we speak in the living room, please?” Maverick asks gently, waiting patiently for you to nod lightly and head into the living room with Maverick following behind. Both of you sit on the sofa, a small space separating the two of you.
“Is everything okay, dad?” You ask quietly, worried you were about to receive some bad news.
“That’s actually what I wanted to ask you. I haven’t seen you much recently, and I’ve noticed you wear hoodies a lot more than you used to, especially in this weather when everyone else is in t-shirts.” Maverick asks, making you immediately avert eye contact, focusing on your hands as you instantly start fiddling with your hoodie toggles.
“I mean, you’re the kind of guy to wear a jacket in the middle of summer. I don’t think you’re in much of a position to judge, are you?” You ask weakly, a feeble attempt at a chuckle escaping your lips.
“Yeah, I was asking for that one. But I am worried about you, sweetheart. You’ve locked yourself away and I just want to help. You can tell me anything, you know that don’t you?” Maverick says softly, his eyes filled with worry as he watches you carefully. You pressed your lips shut, not wanting to tell your dad what was going on with you when he already had enough on his plate with Iceman’s possible cancer, Carole passing away recently and Bradley cutting off all contact.
“I’m fine dad, just stressed about school.” You say, plastering a smile on your face to convince your dad that you’re okay.
“Sweetheart. This is a safe space; you can tell me whatever is upsetting you. I know it’s not school because you would’ve gone to Ice about it. He’s always helped you with school work.” Maverick says, his voice never raising or showing any more than his genuine concern.
“I know Uncle Ice is dealing with a lot right now. Waiting for his test results must be terrifying and I didn’t want to bother him.” You say, grabbing at the first excuse that came into your head.
“We both know Ice prefers to be busy and doing stuff when he’s awaiting big news, regardless of whether it’s good or bad news. He would’ve loved to help you with your work. Please tell me what’s wrong, y/n.” Maverick urges softly, his worry reaching an all-time high as you briefly glance at him.
“You’ll hate me.” You whisper, your voice cracking as some tears make their way out of their ducts.
“y/n, I promise you, there is nothing you could say to me right now that would make me hate you.” Maverick says, watching you carefully as you think over his words, taking a deep breath before you speak.
“Recently, a lot of girls at school started picking on me. At first, it was manageable, just whispers in the hallways but they started spreading rumours and I lost all my friends. I felt so alone, no one likes me at school anymore. I know it shouldn’t bother me, but it does. I just hate it so much.” You say, a tear rolling down your cheek as you speak. Maverick reaches out for your hand, pausing when your hand twitches away from his.
“Is there more?” Maverick questions quietly, warning signs flashing in his head at your behaviour, remembering how you reacted on the motorbike as well.
“I started… hurting myself. The noises were just so loud in my head that it was the only way to make it quiet even if it was just for a moment. I just wanted the noise to stop.” You say, tears now flowing freely down your cheeks as your dad wastes no time pulling you into a hug, a hand running up and down your back as he presses repeated kisses to the top of your head.
“Oh y/n/n. I’ve got you.” He whispers, squeezing his eyes shut to stop the tears that threatened to fall at your confession.
“I’m sorry, dad. Please don’t hate me.” You say through your tears, clinging to your dad as he shakes his head against the top of your head.
“You have nothing to apologise for, sweetheart. I couldn’t hate you for this. I’m the one who didn’t notice you were struggling.” Maverick says gently, yet firmly as he squeezes you just that little bit tighter.
“You were busy with so much. I didn’t want to bother you. I just wanted the noise to stop.” You whimper, burying your face in your dad’s chest as Maverick let the tears fall, gently cradling your head to his chest.
“Please don’t ever feel like you’re bothering me. Not about something like that. I love you so, so, so much and I hate that you went through this alone because I wasn’t paying attention to you. I should’ve done better.” Maverick says, his voice breaking as he spoke, giving away to you that he was crying which made you cry harder. You made your dad, the strongest person you know, your hero, cry.
“It wasn’t your fault dad. You’ve been dealing with so much.” You say, reaching up to wipe at your eyes with your hoodie sleeve.
“But I could’ve lost you.” Maverick whispers, every worst-case scenario now flashing through his head.
“I didn’t want to die. I just wanted something to stop everything going on in my head. I swear.” You say urgently, not wanting your dad to think the worst, although you were sure it was too late as you looked up at his face. He remains silent for a moment before speaking.
“I know how that feels.” He says, keeping you in his embrace as you pull away slightly to look up at him.
“You do?” You question softly, unable to imagine your dad in such a state.
“You were only little when Goose died. But when he did, I practically shut down. I stopped training for a while, and I could not stop thinking about how I could’ve, how I should’ve been better for him. I thought about hurting myself then. Just to shut the voices up.” Maverick says, lifting a hand to swipe your tears away.
“How were you strong enough to not hurt yourself?” You ask, you were sure you tried everything you could’ve done to not get to that stage, yet you still did.
“Viper sent me to therapy after the accident. I didn’t think it would work at first but once they got me to open up, it helped a lot more than I could’ve ever thought. Maybe, if you want, we’ll look into finding a therapist for you, to help you through this. You’re not alone, y/n. Not while you have me, Ice, Slider, and the others.” Maverick says, running a hand through your hair. You lift your hand to swipe away at any excess tears Maverick missed and your hoodie sleeve slipped down an inch, exposing part of a scar and Maverick was quick to look away. You hadn’t chosen to show your scars and so he wasn’t going to impose anything on you unless you made the decision. After wiping your tears, you gingerly lift a hand and wipe at Maverick’s face, making a soft smile appear on his face.
“Thank you for being here for me dad.” You say quietly, making Maverick nod.
“No need to thank me, sweetheart. It’s my job. I just want you to know that I’ll always be here for you. You don’t have to be afraid to tell me anything, no matter what’s going on with me. You can always come to me for help.” Maverick says, his gaze never leaving you as he speaks, making you nod in understanding.
“I know dad.” You whisper before a small yawn slips past your lips, it was then that Maverick had noticed that the sun was almost gone, and night had fallen.
“Let’s get to bed, it’s been a long evening. We’ll talk more in the morning.” Maverick says, getting to his feet and waiting for you before the two of you head upstairs. You enter your room while Maverick enters his, both of you getting ready for bed before Maverick knocks on your bedroom door, asking for permission to enter. He finds you already curled up under your covers and as he bends down to bid you goodnight, you speak up.
“Stay. Please.” You whisper, watching as your dad nods and you quickly move over to make room for your dad. Once he’s settled next to you, you curl into his side, allowing him to wrap an arm around you and allowing your eyes to slip closed.
“I love you dad.” You whisper in the darkness.
“I love you too, y/n.” Maverick replies, beginning the action of running his hand up and down your back which lulls you to sleep almost instantly, the final thought running through your head being how grateful you were for your dad, and how much you loved him.
Maverick watched you sleep for a moment, listening to your soft breaths as he continued to run his hand up and down your back. He couldn’t stop thinking about how much you went through without him knowing. But as his eyes slipped closed for the night, he swore that he was going to do better by you, and he was going to make sure you never felt alone again. Because no one deserves to go through that.
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fortheb0ys · 14 days
You know I was randomly thinking about how my sister and I started saying "yummers" because of homelander saying it to a-train 😭‼️
Then thought of you and wanted to tell you that info‼️ and maybe drop this in your inbox bc :3c
Cw: Trans Jeff Sadecki, Creampie, breeding kink, crying (I have not watched yellowjackets i am so sorry if he's ooc 😭‼️), squirting, using cunt and cocklet for Jeff's genitals, meow!
Honestly you don't know how you got here, balls deep in Jeff's cunt while in the woods.
Well, you did know. It's not like your memory is that bad.
You hadn't seen Jeff for a long, long time. Growing up together just a house away as close friends, knowing each other so well at one point people said it was eery how in tune you two were. But you left for college, and Jeff stayed where you grew up with him.
You had graduated, calls and letters becoming less and less overtime. Missing him terribly but wanting to make it where you were, not willing to drop everything to a man who was already so busy. You didn't want to burden him, and dig up past feelings that had already sealed shut.
Now you're older, successful, done everything you could to become who you are. Yet you felt.... unfulfilled. You knew exactly what was missing, knew exactly what you needed....
So you trudged your sorry ass all the way back to the old place you left behind so many years ago, seeing how some of the sights had changed. Totally not procrastinating finding Jeff, knowing where he works and lives because of social media.
Eventually, you get the balls to find your way to his job. Watching as he walks towards his car, blissfully unaware that you're right there.
"Jeff." You clear your throat, watching as he stills and turns around with wide- disbelieving eyes.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Bright eyed smile crossing his face as he walks up to you, pulling you in for a good and strong hug.
It's familiar, the way his arms wrap around your shoulders. Your arms wrapping around his waist and pulling him close. His scent, his smile, his eyes.
"I missed this place, missed all the people."
Missed you. Goes left unsaid.
"You did? This ol' place?" He looks at you as if you grown two heads, clapping you on the shoulders and pulling away to lean back against his car.
"Yeah, is that really so hard to believe?" You murmur, unable to help the way you lean towards him. Moving just that bit closer to be deemed almost too friendly.
You know him, known him for years.
You can see the way his breath hitches, eyes widening slightly as you move a bit closer. The way he shifts to subtly squeeze his thighs together.
You smile, feeling your eyes darken and your heart begin to pound.
"Okay, maybe I fibbed a little. What, or who, I really missed was you."
It didn't take long for Jeff to push you into his car, unbuckling and unzipping your pants eagerly. Lips slotted together with yours as you practically rip his pants off of him, drawing him onto your semi-clothed lap and groaning at the feel of his bare cunt pressing against your length.
He doesn't even wait for himself to get all that wet, doesn't need to. Already soaked and dripping from his pink cunt, delicious curly blonde bush slicked down from sweat and arousal. His shaking hand guiding you up and against his hole.
Both of you groan into each other's mouths as he sinks down, down, down. Ass flush against your thighs, walls a warm vice around your cock.
"Fuck, you fit perfect-" He gasps out, holding onto your shoulders for purchase. Guttural moan flying past his lips as you hold his hips in place and jackhammer up into him.
"Been wanting you like this for years. Never had the chance back then, so I'm not wasting any time now." You growl out, kissing and nipping against his jaw. Wanting him covered in your marks, want to fill his cunt with your spend. Want to claim him in every way you can because you refuse to let him slip from your fingers again.
"Wait — fuck — slow down!" He cries out, cunt so slick you're sure it's audible outside of the car. But do you slow down? No. He's not in pain, he's just close.
You can feel it with the way his walls spasm, feel it in the way he gets wetter and wetter. Feel it in the way his blunt nails are digging into your shoulders at each sloppy thrust. Pink lips all puffy and red, slack with spit, eyes all glazed over.
He's about to go stupid from your dick.
You bring your hand to his cocklet, thumbing at the sensitive tip and seeing the way he goes wide-eyed.
He screams your name, tears slipping down his cheeks as his hips buck like wild while his walls spasm and milk your length. His body going taut as he throws his head back, flooding your lap with his juices.
With a few weak pumps of your hips, you spill into him. Pulling him down flush against your lap, even as jolts of aftershocks run through him. Cunt so tight it almost hurts as it clamps down.
MEOW :3c
I love that🙏 I got the wosrt habit of repeating things characters say😭
AHHHHH A JEFF FIC IN MY INBOX🥺WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!? THANK YOU SM FOR BLESSING MY EYES!! His character is on point😭 Just the thought of rekindling a relationship with Jeff after like twenty years will forever be ingrained in my brain.
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bamsara · 2 years
i know "When did you stop loving me?" is an angsty one, BUT what if it was actually an overly dramatic lament bc someone didn't get their way?
(I love that twist! Note: This written prompt is fluff/domestic shenanigans with Y/N having a habit of poor self-care, but the DA helps that.)
(This is a bit long so maybe not a drabble but a one-shot, but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway!)
You're a college student with a hetic, inconsistant schedule job and more stressers in your life that would make a therapist whistle, so you're not exactly the best at self-care, or even regular human maintence. Your eating schedule was flakey at best and the contents of your fridge wasn't anything healthy if just something to pop into the microwave very quickly to save time. Sometimes your apartment would get dirty quickly and with no mental energy or time to clean it up, you just lived a little gross for a while. Don't even get started on your sleep schedule.
The Daycare Attendant, you realize, became quite aware of your situation more-so than they already had after their 'permanent moving' into your home, and thus you've been subjected to more life changes in the last week than you'd ever be prepared for.
Sun uses your phone to order healthier groceries and and tsks at the instant-microwave meals in your cabinet. He's gotten into cooking, which is both incredably odd considering he's a robot, but amusing when you walk into the living room and he's watching an a show of middle aged women teaching the viewers how to make veggie pasta.
Maybe he misses arts and crafts back when he was at the pizzaplex, and just liked to work with his hands. Something hints at you this is a correct assumption because the fruit he cuts for you are star and heart shaped and he likes to take pictures with your phone afterwards. You don't get it, but it makes him happy and keeps his mind occupied elsewhere, so you don't mind.
Moon cleans up after your mess and threatens you (in a friendly manner, of course. You think.) to go to bed at a proper time or he becomes rather aggitated.
Any attempts at using your phone underneath the covers will result in a small EMP attack that takes out your phone and the neighbor's Television. You know, because Gramps mentioned that her TV only seems to cut out around the same time every night and nothing he does seems to fix it until morning. Moon holds no remorse, obviously.
It's nice. Even if they're a little bit pushy about about it. Honesty, you think these acts are just remants of their care giving programming, the need to feel useful after everything that happened or just trying to busy themselves with the human they're invested in. Maybe a mix of all of those things, but that's to be unpacked later.
The exchange wasn't unequel either. You've learned more about robotics in the last 6 months than you'd ever expect to know, for sure, along with some other things. You're an adult, you can keep yourself alive just fine, but it's nice to have the extra support.
It does, however, get a touch on your nerves at times.
"Moon, c'mon, I'm like, so close to the end-" You make a lunge for the remote, and it's closer to you than it was before. The animatronic holding it over your head doesn't even blink as you make a grab for it again and your fingers only brush air. "Dude! The season finale came out today. It's literally the last couple of episodes!"
"Sit." Moon states plainly. "Kitchen table."
"I'll eat later. It's not like the fridge is going anywhere, Moon. C'mon. Everyone has seen it but me and I'm already getting spoilers on my feed. Just another episode? You two said you've watch it with me anyway."
Moon blinks dully at you, and stuffs the remote underneath his hat. "No."
Fingers find your collar and hook underneath the fabric, and routinly, you are dragged away from your unhealthy habit of binging new series of media to attend to your oh-so-delicate human needs that are far too demanding for your liking. The Daycare Attendant has long become acustomed to your whining.
The dinner table chair because your metaphorical prison as Moon lightly pushes towards it, sitting with a slump and a over-the-top dramatic sigh as the animatronic walks through your kitchen. The lights are dimmed, but he still squints at the refridgerator lights that greets him when he opens the door. "What do you want."
You resist the urge to snatch his hat and run. "A robot that doesn't nanny me."
Red eyes and white pupils side eye you, and Moon pulls out a a few items. He speaks deadpan. "Cry about it."
"Maybe I will." You snark back. He makes a noise somewhat akin to a snort, and you pretend your pinching his head inbetween your fingers from across the room. You raise from your seat, resigining yourself to your fate and getting yourself a drink. It's a sugary soda (caffine free!) that Moon glances at but leaves be. Sun would have polietly recommended water by now.
It's almost a funny image: a tall, clown robot standing in front of your microwave in a t-shirt and slippers, just staring at the glass with mild dissassioance until the counter goes down. You duck, popping your head underneath his elbow and his arm raises to allow you. "So." You sip at your drink, and Moon makes a face above you. "What's on the menu, Starboy?"
"Leftovers." A pause. "That we made this morning."
Right. Sun must have made a meal set during the day for the opposite half to make for you at night. Clever bastard. "...Can I have the remote now?"
Moon, without looking at you, adjusts his hat to sit better on his head.
"Sit." He shoos you to the table. "And sleep after this. It's late."
Very late, actaully. Around the wee hours of 1AM and half-past god knows what. You'd been so caught up in your favorite show that you just sorta forgot to do everything else for the day, so eating, showering, studying were all at the bottom of the list. Regaurdless, your TV called to you.
You heave a dramatic sigh, falling back onto the kitchen chair and resting your elbow on the table, cheek resting in your palm. "I can't believe you'd treat me like this after all we've been through. Denying me the simple pleasures in life, for shame."
The microwave counts down to single digits and Moon's fingers hover over the handle. You can't see his face from this angle, but a faint chuckle is in his tone. "Tragic."
"Ugh, how could you?" You sigh again, more dramatically this time, and even go as far as to place the back of your free hand against your forehead and calling back to all the cheesy soap operas you and Sun watch in your free time. "I feel soooo betrayed. When did you stop loving me?"
The microwave starts beeping and Moon's fingers lock onto the handle, and freeze.
A couple of beeps ring by. You hand lowers and you raise a brow at the animatronic's still form. You give him a moment, because sometimes the Daycare Attendant stalls sometimes, and you chalk it up to being a robot thing. But the beeping was starting to get annoying. "Hey, man. The food's done."
Another two seconds. His fingers move and pop the microwave door open. You can smell heated up veggies and broth from across the room. "Funny."
"Yep. I can be a jester too."
"One episode." Moon grabs your dinner with one hand, and pulls the remote out from under his hat with the other. "To eat your food with. Then sleep. You're lacking."
The smile on your face comes naturally, and you swipe the remote from his hands. "Yeah, sure. Like I'd let you boss me around anyways. Come lay with me on the couch and watch it with me. There's aliens in this episode."
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misscinnamonroll16 · 5 months
Brozone diner au: the day John Dory took off part one
this au does not belong to me, it belongs to @bzjohndory its gonna have to be multiple parts bc i write too much apparently
Business was slow, it was a hard winter and most trolls didn't leave their pods unless they had to. Bruce was the one to suggest it, knowing his brother hadn't had a day off in seven years. They all had special days that they got off like birthdays or anniversaries, except for John Dory. He didn't take days off, he worked open to close seven days a week. Bruce brought it up with others, knowing he wouldn't get anywhere without back up from their younger brothers. Bruce talked with Clay in between orders on the line. “I'm just saying, we haven't been that busy these past few weeks so I think he can just take a day off at least. We're all responsible enough to take care of the diner while he's gone.” Bruce said as he pulled some fries out of the fryer, portioning them on a plate and passing it to Clay. “Yeah but how do you plan on making him? We've tried making him before and he literally spent the entire day in the diner, working on other stuff ." Clay wondered as he finished plating a couple burgers, putting them in the window to be ran. At that moment, Floyd came into the back and leaned against the wall. “You good Flo?" Clay asked as he worked on the next order. Floyd nodded and held up a thumbs up but they noticed how his hand shook. Bruce threw some fries on a plate and slid a milk crate over to Floyd. “Sit down and have a snack. And while you're back here I wanna talk to you about something." Bruce said, handing the plate of fries to Floyd as he sat on the milk crate. Floyd nodded and started eating the fries while still leaning with his back against the wall. After a few moments of no orders coming in, Bruce crouched down next to Floyd. “Feel better?" Bruce asked while rubbing his back. “Yeah, I skipped breakfast this morning so I started to get the shakes." Floyd chuckled, placing the empty plate on the floor. Clay grabbed some dirty dishes they had on the line and grabbed the plate for the floor, taking them to the dish room. “So before you go back up there, I wanna talk to you about this thought I had. Clay thinks I won't be able to do it. I won't be able to do it by myself, I'll need all of your guys' help." Bruce said nonchalantly, watching for JD to be walking around. “What's up? I'm sure I can help somehow." Floyd said as he pulled his money out of the pocket on his apron. “I wanna get JD to take a day off. He hasn't taken a day off since he got ownership of the diner. If he had his way, we'd still be open on Christmas, and he would totally run this entire place by himself if he had to. He deserves it, he's kept this place afloat, put each of us through college and is here every goddamn day. This isn't gonna be like the last time, he's not gonna be allowed back in here until the next day.” Bruce said, looking Floyd in the eyes telling that he is completely serious about this. Clay came back in with clean dishes and began setting them up on the line. “I think he's crazy if he thinks he's going to get John to do it. He practically lives here, I don't think I've actually seen his place.” Clay said, placing plates in their proper spots. "Yeah but if we work together, I'm sure John will listen to us. You guys don't see him on the floor as much as I do. He's constantly moving, like if he stops, he'll pass out. Sometimes he shakes too. And Bruce is right, he's more than earned a day off, heck a week, we'll be lucky if we get one day.” Floyd said as he sorted his money, putting it back into his book. "I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it or need it. I'm saying that we might have to actually tie him down to get him out of here. He's not going to like the idea.” Clay said, cleaning up their prep area.  "What are you guys talking about?” Branch said through the server window. Bruce stood up and motioned for Branch to come back there. Branch walked back onto the grill line, confused.
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
hii! does anybody have any advice on how to feel okay with not having friends? i spent years abroad, so in the meantime my irl friends from hs found other friends to hang out with who they seem to like more than me or else are very busy with work and uni and such. which is cool, good for them for having such a vibrant social life, but it feels like they have no room for me anymore and i'm a person who can't make friends that easily. i don't drink or smoke, and i feel uncomfortable in big gatherings and feel better getting to know ppl one-on-one over a longer period of time, but that makes it hard for me to connect to ppl bc most irl people don't have much patience or already have their own established friend group and little old me doesn't hold their attention.
i'm starting a new job in a couple of weeks, so hopefully that will give me the necessary social interaction plus i have a great family, so i'm not going stir crazy, it just hurts a little that my friends don't bother to text me for days if i don't text them first or invite me out to places. and i'm trying to make new friends, it just doesn't come that easy and in the meantime i wish i could just feel at peace w being alone instead of questioning why people don't want to hang out with me or why i don't feature into their leisure plans. (not that i'm blaming them, it's just that it's hard not to feel inadequate.)
so yeah, anyone have any advice on how to feel at peace w being alone? like, maybe i'll never manage to make new friends or make new connections, maybe through lack of trying, maybe through lack of luck, idc, i just want to be enough for myself, but i don't know how.
so any wise words are appreciated and thank you, OTNF, for letting me vent in your inbox :)
Well... those feelings are pretty common and a natural reaction to the situation. You may not really get rid of them entirely, but you can accept them as a natural part of things and not a sign that anything has gone wrong.
HS friends rarely stick with each other even during college, let alone after, so you would likely be in this same boat regardless. Making new adult friends can be a pain, but it's something most of us face multiple times even if we luck into some good friend groups at points and even if we're more social.
The thing to do for many people is to keep busy with hobbies. A crafting meetup or book club isn't usually massive. I know you don't like groups, but nobody is going to go off one-on-one without meeting you in a group context first. Finding some more manageable groups to meet people casually and see if you click is how most people do it. The only way to get to know people over time is to show up in the same places with the same people a lot.
Another important thing to realize about adult friends is that many of them won't be good about texting you or inviting you because they're all out of energy for doing that with anyone. Maybe all of their energy is reserved for a job. Maybe for a child. Maybe for a romantic partner.
Even if you're their very best friend, they may still not respond much at certain times in their life. If you guys are just post college, maybe that's not the issue yet, but it will be at some point.
Every single book about the plague of loneliness and how people suck at maintaining core friendships outside of their household is fixated on this. People suck at recognizing when they aren't putting enough energy into maintaining relationships.
I would axe that hangdog attitude about little old you not holding people's attention. They probably just aren't allocating time to building friendships at all.
Liking being alone has a lot to do with loving yourself in general and having hobbies and things you want to have time for that are solo pursuits.
It's also about not waiting to do things like go to a restaurant you want to check out. Go alone. Go with a book. Anything can be a solo activity unless it literally mandates 2+ people. Missing out on friend time shouldn't mean missing out on everything else, but a lot of people let it become that.
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archie-sunshine · 5 months
Is it okay to ask for some clubs for the Ratchrod+Drift from the poll? I'm very sane and moderately curious about it.
Always if you're not too busy! I know school can really be something sometimes (sadly)
(ok hold on let me get my notes in order)
So the context of this ask for those that are unaware is that I am currently running a poll on what my next oneshot should be after i finish the 6th chapter of Survey Says-! . you should go vote if you haven't already!!
SO! the idea im working with for my ratchrod+drift(its canonically dratchrod but specifically ratchrod are getting it on in this one) is based very much upon my thoughts on Ratchet- which you can find in this post- namely the fact he had a very slutty phase in college, and hes incredibly experienced, etc etc.
So the way it starts is that ratchet is a little tipsy, and he's spending time with his boys in swerves, and he mentions explains in excruciating detail a fling he had with Thunderclash during college, with the assumption Rodimus knew about his college phase.
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rodimus was, in fact, not aware of this.
But being a whore and also at this point in their relationship, not having had sex with ratchet yet, rodimus becomes absolutely obsessed with getting a peek at Ratchet's sexual prowess in the form of having insane kinky sex with him.
Naturally, he makes this ratchet's problem
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after a while of annoyance, ratchet gets fed up and tells rodimus he will have kinky sex with him like he wants, on the condition that ratchet is calling the shots and if rodimus can't handle it, its never happening again(half because he doesn't want to risk hurting roddy, half because ratchet is fucking tired and vanilla sex suits him just fine)
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Rodimus is fucking ecstatic, Ratchet is already regretting this, Drift isn't allowed to participate(bc ratchet kinda knows how he gets) but is very excited to watch.
The results are pretty predictable from there: Rodimus walks in confident that he'll be fine-
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And well- .... struggles to walk out.
But yeah!! thats the fic idea!! I'd have a bunch of kinks in it, lots of different snippets of rodimus getting bullied, ratchet taking way too much pleasure in fucking with him, etc etc.
If you want to see this fic written first, you can go cast your vote in the poll here!
And if you want to ask about my plans for the other fics, you can send me a message in my inbox about which one you want me to expand upon!!
[Tysm for the request! If you have any thoughts, headcanons, compliments, or questions, feel free to send it to my inbox!]
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aanoia · 9 months
Also also what about mine by Taylor swift with Remus?!?
It's out finally! I don't know why this was so hard to make lmfao.
Remus Lupin x reader words; 2226 (222 has been showing up EVERYWHERE and it's funny bc i found out my life path number is 11/2) song; Mine by T Swizzle (Taylor Swift) Warnings; death? idek gonna be working on requests for a while tonight by the way so expect more coming out! I just got my own henna cones bc im obsessed with henna i think it's so gorgeous (i would go to an actual henna artist to get it done bc i SUCK (for now) and we love supporting small businesses, but the only time there's one in my city is during the fair so i decided to buy my own) anywho have fun, LOVE YOU LOVING-AND-DREAMING <3
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Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh
You were in college working part time waitin' tables
Left a small town, never looked back
“Mr. Lupin, would you like to explain what is so interesting about Miss L/n, or may we continue with no distractions?” Professor McGonagall asked and I looked up from my paper as Sirius let out little laughs. Remus turned red as he smiled sheepishly at McGonagall.
“You may continue.” He said quietly and she nodded, smirking slightly.
“Thank you for your permission.” She said sarcastically and continued. Remus glanced at me again and I looked back down to my paper, pretending not to notice.
I was a flight risk with a fear of falling
Wonderin' why we bother with love if it never lasts
Sirius put his finger on my lips, silencing me as Remus tried to pull his friend away. “No, listen up, missy. I understand your parents suck at being married, mine do too, but that’s no reason to keep rejecting my poor best friend here when you’re obviously in love with him. You will go out with him, and you will have a good time. Understood?” He demanded and I nodded, flashing Remus a small smile.
I say, "Can you believe it?"
As we're lying on the couch
The moment, I can see it
Yes, yes, I can see it now
“I’m so glad you said yes.” Remus said softly, placing a gentle kiss on the top of my head.
I giggled quietly, “Yes, I am too, Rem.” I sighed happily as the fire quietly crackled, shaking my head slightly at the whole reason we were officially together. Damn Sirius.
Do you remember we were sitting there by the water?
You put your arm around me for the first time
My laughter echoed throughout the courtyard as I ran from Remus as quickly as I could. My legs burned and they involuntarily slowed, allowing Remus to catch up to me and wrap his arms around me in a big hug, swinging us side to side as we both laughed loudly.
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine
I slapped my hand over my mouth, trying to quiet my breathing as we hid from the caretaker. I looked at Remus with wide eyes and he just grinned at me, proud he finally got me to break a rule and go out past curfew. I shook my head, thankful my hand was covering the small smile gracing my lips.
Flash forward, and we're taking on the world together
And there's a drawer of my things at your place
“I’m home!” Remus called out loudly and I snorted, walking out of the kitchen and leaning against the doorframe with my arms crossed.
“Just move in already.” I suggested and he smiled and shook his head.
“Sure.” He agreed and my eyes widened, my arms dropped to my sides as my back straightened out.
“Really?” He nodded with a smile and I laughed happily, throwing my arms around him in a big hug. “Finally.”
You learn my secrets, and you figure out why I'm guarded
You say we'll never make my parents' mistakes
“We are not your parents, Y/n.” Remus said, trying to grab ahold of my hand but I pulled away, tears stinging my eyes.
“You’re not, Rem, you obviously aren’t. But what if I am?” I whispered, a tear falling down my cheek.
He wiped the tear away and let his hand rest on my face, “What if you aren’t?” He challenged, kissing my forehead softly.
But we got bills to pay
We got nothing figured out
“No, only two. If we have three, one will feel left out.” I said and Remus shook his head.
“No, everything happens in trios. They’re much better than duos.”
\ “I don’t care. Two is better anyway, easier to take care of.”
“But thre-”
I glared at the man in front of me, “I don’t care. Two cats, that’s it.”
When it was hard to take
Yes, yes, this is what I thought about
“You got three, didn’t you?” I asked as I stood at the front door, already hearing the loud meowing from inside.
Remus smiled sheepishly and shrugged, “Perhaps.”
Do you remember we were sitting there by the water?
You put your arm around me for the first time
My hand flew to my mouth as waves crashed against the shore.
Remus knelt in front of me, a nervous smile on his face as James, Sirius, Lily, and the newest member of our family, Harry, stood around us. Sirius held tightly onto the big camera as he chanted yes.
“Remus- yes, oh my, yes!” I exclaimed, not giving him time to stand up and instead kneeled down to kiss him, forgetting about the ring as his back hit the sand, our laughter following as a loud click and flash filled our senses.
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine
“Remember, no cake in my face.” I warned Remus as we were about to cut our wedding cake.
He smiled, “Of course.”
I winked to Sirius, who once again had a camera, and held in my laughs as the knife sunk into the cake. Instead of waiting for the piece to be fully cut, I grabbed a chunk of cake from the opposite side - the camera clicked and flashed - and smashed it into Remus’ face. He froze before wiping the cake from his eyes and looking at me with a familiar glint in his eyes.
“I’m gonna get you.”
Do you remember all the city lights on the water?
You saw me start to believe for the first time
The lights of the eiffel tower shined brightly onto the water as I watched with awe in my eyes. Remus looked at me fondly, love coursing through his veins as he gazed at his wife.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispered and I looked at him, a blush spilling over my cheeks. Truthfully, he was the beautiful one. The way the lights highlighted his face and sparkled in his honey brown eyes entranced me as I smiled.
“You’re beautiful, as well.” 
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine
Oh-oh, oh
Remus narrowed his eyes at the girl Sirius brought to Christmas dinner. Usually, it didn’t matter to him what anyone was wearing, as long as they liked it it was fine. But wearing something that's easily comparable to what a stripper would wear to a dinner where you were informed about children being present, was a little far.
“Remus.” I gently grabbed his hand. “I know you don’t like her, I don’t either, but please be civil.”
“What if we prank her?” He whispered back.
I snorted, but my smile dropped as I realized he was being serious, “No, what?”
He nodded, “Please?”
I hesitated before sighing, “Fine. Let’s do it.”
I quietly walked back from the bathroom and froze as I saw the prank had worked. Sirius’ new girl was screeching loudly as her skin turned green and warts popped up randomly. I looked Remus in the eye as he held in his laughter. I winked at him and he smiled proudly, we did it. The best part, by far, was the loud giggling of baby Harry as he watched the witch begin to cry angrily. I picked up the boy and laughed with him, gently tickling his sides only making his laughs harder.
And I remember that fight, 2:30 a.m
As everything was slipping right out of our hands
“No, goddamnit, Y/n, it’s my life!” Remus yelled and I shook my head.
“No, Remus, it’s our life! It became our life when you married me!” I yelled back louder, briefly glancing at the clock and internally wincing. 2:26 AM the clock read. 
“I want to be a teacher, what’s so bad about that?” 
I threw my hands up, “Do you listen to me, Remus? I’ve told you over and over it’s fucking Hogwarts! I love that place but these past few years it’s gotten dangerous! I won’t let you teach there.” I explained as tears stung at my eyes.
“I don’t care! You don’t get an opinion on this!”
I ran out crying, and you followed me out into the street
I pushed the door open roughly and ran to the street, the rain beating down on me as I sobbed and fell to my knees. The water collected on the rough cement soaked my pajama pants, only making me cry harder at the small inconvenience. 
Braced myself for the goodbye
'Cause that's all I've ever known
The door slammed open again and I shut my eyes tightly, preparing myself for the inevitable. My body shook, from the cold or the crying, I really didn't know. Probably both. I waited for him to ask for the rings back and leave me there on my own.
I opened my eyes and watched Remus’ figure get closer as I struggled to take the rings off.
“What are you doing?” He asked, fear in his voice.
“I already know you want them back.”
Then you took me by surprise
You said, "I'll never leave you alone"
To my surprise, he wrapped his arms around me tightly, swaying side to side slightly like he always did.
“Never.” He whispered.
You said, "I remember how we felt, sitting by the water
And every time I look at you, it's like the first time
“Y/n?” He asked above the rain.
“Do you remember when we were running around the courtyard because you were being a grumpy pants and wouldn’t hug me?”
I nodded and smiled fondly at the memory. “Yeah, and then you caught me by the lake and we almost fell in.” He pulled away and looked at me fondly.
I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter
She is the best thing that's ever been mine"
“That’s the moment I knew I was gonna marry you one day. That’s when I knew I loved you and never wanted to be away from you.”
I looked at him with a small smile, “Really?”
He nodded, “I swear on my beautiful wife.”
Hold on and make it last
Hold on, never turn back
I sat quietly on the train, reading my book as nostalgia filled my body. Remus sat next to me, his coat draped over his eyes so he could rest. I glanced at him and sighed, shaking my head and wondering how he convinced me to not only let him teach, but also have me co-teach Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid.
“This is the only open compartment.” A voice said and I looked up from my book. My breath left my body as I saw a familiar boy walk through the compartment door, a boy and a girl following after him. 
The boy looked at me with a small smile. “I’m sorry. Is it alright if we sit in here? Everywhere else is full.” 
I nodded with a smile, “Of course.” He glanced at Remus’ sleeping figure and sat across from me.
“My names Harry Potter, and this is Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Are you a new professor?” Harry asked and my heart clenched.
“Yes, I am. Professor L/n, pleasure to meet you three, I’ll be co-teaching with Hagrid, I’m sure you know him. This lump next to me is my husband, also a new professor. Professor Lupin, unfortunately he’s exhausted so he’s simply napping.”
Harry nodded in understanding, “Is he our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?”
“Yes, he is.”
(Hold on) you made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
(Hold on) you are the best thing that's ever been mine
“Well, well, well.” I said, leaning against the doorframe as I watched Remus and Sirius hug. Sirius pulled away and looked at me with a smirk. “If it isn’t Sirius Black, back from Azkaban.”
“I’m innocent, Y/n/n. I swea-”
I cut him off with a big hug, winking at Remus who smiled at me gratefully. “I know you are, Sirius. I know.”
Do you believe it?
We're gonna make it now
“If we di-”
“We won’t.” Remus persisted.
“Rem. If we die, just know how much I love you, alright? You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I’m so grateful to have you as my husband and my best friend.”
Remus sighed and nodded, “I love you too. But we won’t die, my love. We’ve got someone to live for.” I smiled as we both looked to our newborn son who gurgled quietly in his sleep.
“Yes, we have someone to live for.”
And I can see it (yeah, yeah)
I watched in horror as the group of Death Eater’s pointed their wands together. I grabbed Remus’ hand tightly as they muttered a powerful spell together, sending Remus and I flying back before the world went dark and Sirius’ voice filled my eyes.
“Finally.” He said.
“We’ve been waiting forever for you two to die.” A new voice said. James?
“You two gits, be quiet.” Lily. “Welcome home.”
I can see it now
taglist (if you want to be added just comment :));
@1lellykins @poetrypirate @loving-and-dreaming
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storm-priestess · 2 years
designed for crushes, but can be used for anyone. if it resonates, it's for you
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(arranged 1-2 on top, 3-4 on bottom)
(pictures taken from weheartit)
✲ Pile 1 ☾
a lot of… new energy here. did you just meet? if not, their feelings have recently gone through a change, or they've had a realization…
with the 10 of pentacles in the center, I feel like they were/are focusing on work and then got hit with a love arrow, but what they want to do about that is still up to them
I feel like they are close to moving for a job, with the 6 of swords right next to the 10p, so their plans and feelings don't match up. this does feel relatively new, given the fool and ace of swords, so maybe these feelings aren't strong enough to justify declining a great job or even school opportunity (for some, they could be moving away for college)
either way, there's also a message of returning. they're trying to have faith that if it's meant to be you'll meet again at a better time
all of the lenormand cards i got point to a message, something coming to light, a secret revealed. several things come to mind as to what this could be. I'm thinking a) your feelings are revealed to them, and they (at first) don't know how to feel only to grow affection once the the dirt settles (or they have a grand realization right then and there, which seems a bit less likely but possible); b) they're feelings are revealed; or c) they (or you!) receive a job offer / college acceptance letter that changes the game. either way, a message changes everything
idk who needs to hear this but they're anxious, don't push them. I feel like someone reading this is trying to force affection out of their crush based on pac readings confirming their feelings. give them time, it's a little crazy for them rn (or it will be)
some of you are very intuitive and are very convinced that this is your person, or you will be with them in some romantic context. again, just bc you are ready doesn't mean that they are. just give them some time
i hope you enjoyed the reading! as always feedback is welcome and paid readings are open <3 
✲ Pile 2 ☾
very commanding energy. ngl i got a lil hot under the collar when the first cards came out
they are very insistent to take their own time. the type to hear your confession, reciprocate feelings, but still stay in the teasing or flirting stage bc they are not quite ready to take things to the next level
very 'booked and busy' vibe, they don't feel like a fuckboy, but they have assignments or a competitive job or sports or something that is splitting their attention
it's very passionate (not necessarily 18+, they just have very strong emotions, but they keep them in check well? like they can feel the most lovey dovey way possible but just smirk and go back to doing their homework bc it's due at midnight and they have the control of a fucking steam engine???)
total cap energy, I'll just say it
a lot under the surface as well? I feel like they show very little on their face, maybe they always seem in control and calm, but that's definitely not true. things get to them sometimes
bit of an escapist. has some self doubt and uses work or possibly relationships to escape from things they can't change or require a lot of effort to change. just make sure you're not just a distraction, as that could possibly happen
oh holy hot damn the 'true love' card popped out of the oracle deck, and then the 'wishes will be granted' card 😳 yall
this person is used to getting what they want, at least with people. maybe they fall in love a lot as well. but I would be dumb not to mention the very obvious possibility with these cards that they reciprocate your feelings
overall, they have a very fiery energy when it comes to love and perhaps are used to being chased, so be cautious and make sure that if you want commitment and a serious relationship you are getting it
the 'devotion' card also popped out as I was putting the cards away… just put your foot down and you will be more likely to get commitment out of this person. don't settle!!!
i hope you enjoyed the reading! as always feedback is welcome and paid readings are open <3
✲ Pile 3 ☾
if you guys are friends with your crush and have been getting mixed signals from them, this pile is for you
they're thinking about this connection way too much, so many cerebral cards came out
but also the 10 of cups???
I feel like they overanalyze every single thing you say and do, they are going crazy trying to decipher you
I also feel like they're not entirely sure where they want this connection to go? there's a lot of affection here, but part of it just seems like they'd be happy to have you in their life in any form
maybe they get that you're interested and are debating just going for it, bc they don't want to lose the friendship, but also aren't entirely sure that they have romantic feelings for you? they just like you so much, pile 3
part of them wants to keep things how they are, and are afraid of change, bc they don't know where this could lead and don't want to risk it
even if they do have romantic feelings, their thoughts are on stability. how can they stabilize this relationship? how can they ensure that you both get out of this confusing stage in one piece, holding hands and laughing about it?
might also be a sticky situation like a love triangle or their-ex-is-your-friend type of thing
they do seem very considerate though, they're not just listening to their own feelings but what's best for everyone
oh wow. for some of you this person has had eyes on you since they first saw you and has gotten used to settling for friendship. now they don't know if it's worth changing, since this worked out so well
they're so used to dealing with these feelings alone that they don't realize that the signals you might be sending them are real
they've calmed down a bit only to be thrown back into the arena
godspeed, pile 3 🫡
i hope you enjoyed the reading! as always feedback is welcome and paid readings are open <3
✲ Pile 4 ☾
they seem like they're going to go for it, pile 4
knight of swords and the magician??? not to mention all the cards I pulled with people on them are offering something, facing forward, very direct
they look confident, or at least they are when they're alone, analyzing your interactions
the high priestess is also here, and this particular deck has her smirking, very bold and confident in her intuition. I feel like they somehow know how you feel and are planning on doing something about it
I'm not getting a lot of their emotions, per se, just plans. it's up to you to decide if this person is sincere or just wants to pass the time
they could possibly be using relationships to validate themselves? insecurity or a past with heartbreak could make this person eager to show that they're desirable
again, emotions aren't being shown very much here, so either they don't have much of an emotional attachment to you or they are so far in the game that they have already decided to put their heart on the line and act, not contemplate feelings anymore 
yeah no I hate to say it but there is a bit of a playboy vibe here. protect your energy, pile 4, only go for this if you are okay with where it could lead
omg the charms that came out have me cackling
do they wear a lip ring??? bc if they do I feel like that might be a bit of a warning
also wear pastels or pink regularly, particularly preppy polos or button-up shirts
one charm is a cylindrical crystal attached to a metal hoop w small chains (like a dangly earring), and when it came out the crystal was fit inside the ring 💀 they got something on their mind for surree
if you are okay with one night stands then go for it, but if you are looking for something more I might suggest waiting things out a little bit. no matter what it's up to you!
i hope you enjoyed the reading! as always feedback is welcome and paid readings are open <3
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linddzz · 4 months
Whooooo! I found ya! Down to business:
Are there any fic recommendations for baggin/shield or pitch/frost that you like(d)?
I am absolutely feral
What are 3 of your most favorite fics that you’ve ever read?
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Ya found me! Let me say that the notifications of someone going through old fics and commenting are ambrosia. You are a treasure and a saint of a person!
And oh man I had to dive into my old bookmarks for these! I'm good at remembering snippets or vibes of fics but not the fics themselves. I will warn that a lot of my fave pitch/jack stuff tended to be pretty dark. It's not like, a thing I regret or say is wrong, and I still enjoy/love a lot of it! I was in a dark place mentally and that reflected in the stuff I was reading and creating. Who actually has a good time in their early to mid 20s?
Mostly warning because most of my stuff since then skirts the edges or flirts with the darkness but doesn't feel that need to go deep diving.
Second warning is there may be less here than you'd think! The more I write for a ship the less I read, because my brain gets very dumb and the self doubt gets Real Bad. This is all non-exhaustive of course! I wouldn't even say this is my Best of The Best it's just what's coming to mind at the moment. There's way more in the AO3 bookmarks
Pitch/Jack fics
In the Dark - series by @charmed7293 romancing the monster under the bed is maybe not always the best idea
The Syntax of Programming Languages, and, Why Some Code Talks in Accents - by Midievil. I'm biased here bc this was a gift fic inspired by my The Device Has Been Modified, but it done showed me up bc it was written by someone who knows more about actual coding than me
Shadows and Light - this series by @not-poignant is The Classic of the ship. Since you liked Things That Were you'd most definitely like this one. And unlike me, Pia actually finishes things!
I swear to God there were a lot of fics by @insufferablearchanist that I loved but they nuked their old AO3 and I can't ever remember shit.
Thorin/Bilbo fics
Prayers to Broken Stone - @avelera the beauty and the beast flavored au you didn't know you wanted
Comfort in the Sound - by northerntrash. Ok. Yes. It's Bilbo/Thorin/Bofur but like. Trust me on this. Road trip throuple shenanigans
Patchwork Robe - @hallsofstone2941 I am not immune to stupidly adorable modern college au one-shots
Possession - aljira. You liked Sanzigil, you'll like this :)
Marriage in the Manner of Dwarves - series by diemarysues
Other Fandom Faves (that come to mind. I've been reading fanfic since like 2002 ok there's a lot that has made impressions over the years that I just lost track of dkdjdk)
Taking Everyone For A Ride - by Nonymos. Venom/Eddy+Anne/Dan. typical Eldritch shenanigans plus polyamory. Unhinged and weird, just how I like em
The Only Way Out Is Down - @avelera Newt/Hermann. The second PR movie was so bad I wanna erase it from my memory but my god did it spawn some AMAZING fics, including this one that rewired my brain
After Zero - by what_alchemy Newt/Hermann. A bunch of delightful smut
The Wine Dark Sea - @moorishflower Dream/Hob. Siren! Dream au. Jesus Christ. Holy fuck. Goddamn. Gorgeous, monstrous, surreal, Unhinged4Unhinged behavior. Listen. I work with octopuses. I know what their arms feel like and that has ruined almost all tentacle shenanigans for me ok?? This fic got past that hangup.
If I Please You - @moorishflower Dream/Hob. It feels like a modern retelling of an old medieval fairy romance goddamn
And finally. This series. The series.
So. I very recently refound this series and I'm almost hesitant to post it. Because as I was reading it again I kept having to put it down and sit in horror at the realization that I read this fic when I was in college and it actually rewired my brain. I realized everything I have written was trying to recapture what this fic did to my synapses. I was chasing after vibes that I did not realize originated in this fic for me. Me sharing this risks everyone who reads it and has read my stuff also going "ooohhhh you're just doing this again huh?"
It is the very specific combination of "Character A: openly unhinged, obsessive, violently romantic and unnerving/Character B: seems so chill and just happily rolls with CharacterA being insane, because they are also secretly insane." It's the combo of a codependent bonkers relationship with humorous banality of their day-to-day.
It's also a Johnlock fic.
Anyway, The Paradox Series rewired my brain so deeply that I didn't even realize it rewired my brain until over a decade later. I swear I have been unaware of how much my writing has been leaning on what this did to my brain.
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misc-obeyme · 9 days
YEAHHH JOIN THE SOLOMAMS TRAIN !! I am here to ramble, they make me crazy. I'm brainrotting so hard about coffee shop AU. Vibrating with ideas.
I never thought about Mammon owning the cafe, but hell that would be so cool!! Okay, okay, here's my thoughts. Mammon owns the cafe and works there, and also has an apartment directly above it (trying to decide WHY he owns it, maybe took over from Lucifer?? Bought the cheap building impulsively bc apartment, deciding it was a problem for future him to decide what he'd make out of the lower space).
People go mostly for him because the vibes are immaculate, everyone always leaves in a better mood. The college campus down the block has a rumor that if you buy a coffee, leave a good tip (specifically dollar coins or two dollar bills), and have an exam the next day, you'll always get a passing grade no matter what. Mammon works overtime during midterms and finals, business is booming.
Solomon is a college student (need to decide on a major) and comes at the exact same time every weekday morning, buying a danish (sometimes strawberry, sometimes ham and cheese) and a coffee before class, except on Wednesdays because he doesn't have classes. Mammon knows his order by heart after a month, but pretends to ask him what he wants while literally typing it into the kiosk. Mammon will squint at him, somehow knowing which danish he'll choose that day before Solomon utters a word. "Ahaha, why do you ask when you already have a danish boxed up?" "Who says that's for you, eh? I don't know everyone's order around here." "Not everyone. You're right. Just mine :]" "O-OI, SHUT UP BEFORE I CHARGE YA EXTRA!"
If I'm including my mc, I'm definitely working at a record shop a block down the street (my dream job)!! Records, CD's, small music sheet collection, buying services (trading and hunting down records is available for repeat customers, AHEM, Lucifer and Solomon.) Took over from the old owner because I visited so much as a teen, was hired as soon as I was old enough, and took over at say 22 ish.
HEAR ME OUT, Solomon who still uses a walkman. I think it'd be nice. He visits the store occasionally after class to browse, getting lost in the CD's. I'm imagining him having a massive collection, and having some rare items. He once showed up with a copy of something I had only ever dreamed of owning (once saw it secondhand for $800, he also had other stuff with him), and I almost jumped across the counter when he said he was looking to sell or trade for credit. "You look like you're simultaneously about to faint or attack me." "I can't decide which to do."
Lucifer loves collecting records, so he visits a lot, and uses it as an excuse to check up on Mammon (won't admit it). There's a collection of records kept up front that are deemed 'cursed' because they always skip the first track (Lucifer will buy one every month). Lucifer became a regular after I accidentally came across a rare first press edition of a record online and presented it to him because he mentioned it was a dream to own. He brought me a coffee and a croissant from his brother's coffee shop the next day to show his gratitude, mentioning it wasn't too far either.
Suddenly I'm visiting the cafe the next day, waking up early to have time before opening up shop. Almost die trying to order, because Lucifer did not mention his brother was hot. Successfully get my hands on another croissant, and a sandwich that was recommended. I don't visit every day, but when I do, it's always at the same time. Mammon grumbled something about trying to have my order ready before I got there, only for me to not show up some days. "N-Not that it means anything! I'm just tryin' to be more efficient!" "Well, I'm sorry I don't always wake up early! Getting out of bed is hard. If I had your number, I'd text you saying I was on my way, y'know?" "Y-YOU'RE ASKING FOR MY NUMBER?" "WAIT WHAT, N-NO, I MEAN- well.. actually, that wouldn't be... so bad? F-FORGET I SAID ANYTHING IF THAT'S WEIRD, UM, UH, SORRY, CAN I PAY NOW?" "... It's on the house. And uh, look inside the cup sleeve whenever you leave."
HELP I NEVER MEAN FOR MY ASKS TO GET THIS LONG, I JUST CAN'T STOP RAMBLING. The fact this isn't even everything, this is just the backstory. The lore, if you will. There is a plot !! Everything is connected.
- ✨ anon
✨ anon, tell me you're writing this story. This sounds exactly like what I do when I'm brainstorming a story before I write it.
And it's so good!!! I love every part of this!! I mean, okay, you don't have to write it if you don't want to obviously lol but I think it'd turn out really good if you did!!
I mean, you have fully converted me to the solomams train now, I'm so invested!!
I love Lucifer's role in all this and I LOVE that you work at the record shop down the street!!
Definitely living for the poly vibes, I wanna see what happens when you and Solomon show up at the same time. Poor Mammon might just have a whole heart attack about it!
Anyway, I love this. Please feel free to tell me more. I love coffee shop AUs so so much.
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